#knife-wielding-tentacle headcanons
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speaker-of-the-void-cats · 6 months ago
Chique and CHIM in the Hellmouth
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Wanted to share my new Elder Scrolls Online main: Eris Morn, Forgotten Blade. She's an arcanist dark elf who dual wields daggers of Hircine, Huntsman of Princes and father of Lycanthropy, and uses a lightning staff of Sithis on the back bar.
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More pics and details below
Eris looks into her eyes and sees all the ghostly occupants of a haunted house. Her nightmares peer out through the green gleam into a world that will not meet her gaze. She reaches up and touches her face. Darkness coils around her fingertips and seeps back into her bare skin. Her hairline, her brow, the scars, the unctuous tears that slide eternally down her cheeks. But they are not tears. She does not weep for her condition. That condition had saved her life. It had granted her strength, access, and time. She'd torn it all from the Hive and turned it against them. Eris does not see pain. She sees triumph and survival. She sees a future. She sees power.
The build currently uses the staff to ensnare with webs/grubs and cause DOT lightning storms which explode. Then on the front bar DW daggers you can summon tentacles from Apocrypha to weaken, call on a veil of knives to protect, summon runes from the Abyss which seek and then explode, a hidden blade for finishers and interrupts, and the ability to spend built up Crux on Pragmatic Fatecarver, the book beam, for the grand finale. The ult is the Tide King's Gaze.
She's also a max level crafter working on her research and a big fan of Tales of Tribute (crows and tentacles every time baybeeee). I want to get more into endgame than I ever have, but I also really just want to vibe and craft and trade. Also you can kinda see the tattoo on her arm, it's the Horrors Within :)
Here's some pics of the gear and the theme inspirations/headcanon lore reasons
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Do not be afraid. Witness my sublimation.
My favorite detail... the staff whispers. Shh. Listen to the river. Follow the babbling brook.
Volume warning: Prepare for the lion's roar in 28 seconds
I separate the true from the dead. I am the many-mouthed hunger. I am the knife-edged truth. I devour the free. I conspire with my vengeance. I will take what I need. The words in my throat are the weapons in my fist. Aiat. Aiat. Aait.
So it goes.
Do you know what the Hive say when they want to express the inevitability of a thing? When they want to say, it is this way because it could be no other way? Aiat.
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turkeyinnovember · 2 years ago
recreyo god au
Curt Richy – God of the Insignificant 
this is mostly based on how he’s always able to get himself into places. He’s a teacher at multiple anime academies, an b-class in the scp foundation, a government member in the mandala catalog, etc. 
the abnormalities i headcanoned for him are also more unnoticeable, only showing when he lose emotional stability (?)
Ivan Animated –  Deity of Reason
his god form is kinda just.. um.. empty matter? he basically just evaporates into nothing and expands his presence to sense things. im not sure why he’s the deity of reason, perhaps because he’s pretty reasonable at times and i wanna have it connect to cause-and-effect and stuff
Cypher Den – God of Chaos 
she inherited her godhood by defeating and consuming the previous chaos god, so she's not... unkillable. You just need someone strong enough to defeat and consume her... Unlikely. 
while she has full control over her tentacles and can wield them to her hearts content, she actually prefers physical combat like she would before godhood. so, what to do with her "extra-limbs" while she's stabbing people? that's where the "stolen souls" come into play. 
the previous chaos god was notorious for stealing souls to extend his own life. when he was defeated, den absorbed what was left of him. the souls now resided in her mind, forming a community and… somethings of political parties? den speaks to them, more often accidently rather than on purpose, her hyperattentive brain broadcasting her thoughts to the stolen souls, supplying topics for the parties to debate about. they are currently discussing whether water is wet or not as we speak. 
amongst the abnormalities that signaled her godhood, a large yin-yang symbol was found on her back, rotated sideways so the two dots are on one horizontal line, where her tentacles would sprout. the souls on the two sides of the argument each take a side, diverging and splitting into more tentacles as their opinions and reasonings differ. this way, the souls with the most similar ideas would be controlling the same tentacle collectively, without much conflict. in addition, if under any case, den would required usage of her tentacles, she has full abilities to override the souls and take over. 
Chilly Panda – God of Reptiles 
a descendant of ancient beast tamers, a small group under the title of the kimono clan (ivan wtf). her mother has been absent throughout her life (mummy episode reference lmao), she was raised by dad (recreyo’s dad in the death note episode) with to no clue about her powers, other than the lizards that tend to pause and stare as she passed by. 
until a trip to a luxury resort island with her friends. accidents occurred and she found herself suffering the loss of a right forearm and an extra impractical eye on her forehead. 
when the raptors bowed down to her, they submitted themselves as her followers, awakening her powers. had the incident not ascend her to a demi-god state, perhaps she would have lived and died as a mortal. almost like a certificate for her abilities, her third eye allowed her to summon raptor companions, sadly only along with a ritual pattern. 
first time she called them to her aid, it was regarding the issue of her severed arm. chilly requested them to source her a limb as replacement, but perhaps she wasn’t clear enough, they watched as one of them ripped off it’s arm and offered it to the demigod. shrugging, chilly handed it to ivan, who was forced by den’s knife to complete the process of sewing the raptor claw onto chilly. it was his fault after everything. 
Frugal Aesthetic – Deity of flame
he didn’t know how it happened. one day he was doing his job of a freelance therapist, and another day passed and he was hearing people whisper their troubles. actually no. that was a joke, the first sentence. the last one in his spot retired, and suppose they found he the most worthy in the blood line. 
now he’s gotta listen to random people’s troubles. at least he’s immortal now, wielding fire is also pretty lit. 
(this is basically connected dr.ake with the fact that a lot of people whisper their troubles to candles before blowing them out to symbolize blowing their troubles away
prolly didn’t make sense but i can’t think of anything. he’s pretty much just a minor god that listen to people vent and can wield fire)
Kristine Fel – God of Deceit
you’d think being a god of deceit would make her good at lying. or maybe she is. although, how was she to know when the lies overflow and come back to confuse the liar? the world is constructed on lies. so hard to find honesty woven in between everything. 
(as god of deceit, kristine can shapeshift into anything. her true form- or is it another lie she tole? is a twig of two sakura flowers)
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itsthwippingtime · 6 years ago
what if peter was captured by thaddeus ross (bc ross is a dick) and sent to the raft, and they did experiments on him to try and recreate wanda's powers in him?? also. dehumanization. yeet
my kink you guys always insist on hurting my babe and i’m not really sure why
assuming this is separate from WS Peter
The Avengers & Co go awf on Ross. ofc they have no proof cause Ross is a dick but he’s not stupid; he knows how to cover his tracks, who to pay off, all that bullshit. but they know it’s him. so they go. awf. Tony leading them and they all march to wherever he is and it has the same energy as “i’m not looking for forgiveness and i’m way past asking for permission” (or whatever the quote is) but more, bigger BDE like ugh
and it’s painful. it’s excruciatingly painful for peter. sure the enhanced senses help a little but they don’t really and his spidey sense keeps going off so he’s constantly on edge, on the verge of a panic attack if not currently having one
and he doesn’t want to give up hope. he doesn’t. Tony will find him. they’ll all find him. but he can’t see the sun, he’s been drifting in and out of consciousness, he doesn’t know how many days it’s been; maybe a week, maybe four. he doesn’t know and he’s not sure if he wants to know. he doesn’t know where he is, he doesn’t know if Tony even believes he’s still alive. he doesn’t know what’s happening, if he’ll escape, what happens when they’re done expirnenting, he’s not even sure who captured him.
he doesn’t know where his spidey suit is but, judging by the way the people around him work, they deactivated the tracker before they even started transporting peter to his current location.
he hasn’t spoken to anyone in days; they don’t even look at him. they don’t acknowledge his pressence or existence at all. it’s disheartening, he wants to give up he really does. he wishes they’d just kill him already, end the suffering.
he’s strapped to the same chair for who knows how long, before they finally take him to a different room. theirs a mirror on one wall - peter believes to be a two way mirror - a table in the middle of the room, and a “bed” in the corner. the walls are white and the flourescant light instantly gives peter a headache. there’s no windows.
energy - no that’s not the right word, but he doesn’t know what the right word is - courses through his body. he can feel it all the way from his toes to his finger tips.
they chain his ankle to one of the bed legs, with just enough room on the chain to make it to the chair on one side of the table. it’s absolutely humiliating, being chained up like a dog. peter wants to fight, to scream and yell and rip off the chain and fight his way out. buts he’s just so fucking tired
peter wakes up to a man opening the door and walking in. he’s never seen this man before; he’s wearing a suit and carrying a file. he sits on one side of the table. peter stands, the man gestures to the seat in front of him, indicating that he wishes peter to sit as well. when he doesn’t, the man sighs and begins to speak anyways.
he doesn’t offer a greeting or an introduction, he doesn’t give peter an explanation as to where he is or what’s happening. he begins reading off names. it starts off light. names peter recognizes as teachers, kids from school, Mr. Delmar, Flash. but then it’s heavy. Tony. May. MJ, Ned, Happy, Pepper. All the people peter loves and cares about and it shouldn’t bother him the way it did but imprisonment for an unknown about of days and painful torture do things to a mans brain. he screams, begs the man to stop and he doesn’t.
he leaves peter, a broken image of the man he used to be, sobbing on the floor.
the next day he lists off places. coney island. germany. titan. peter reacts the same way, almost as if it’s against his will. he’s left the same way as the day before.
this happens for multiple days, names and places and triggers listed off with no explanation, no reasoning. just the same man with the same file. they’re trying to break him, peter knows. they’re succeeding, if they haven’t already.
the energy courses through his body, stronger than ever now that the man with the file hasn’t returned in multiple days, leaving peter an anxious worried mess, dreading every minute of his existence.
the next time the man comes in, he starts the same way as always. peter begs him to stop. pleads for mercy. peter slams his fist on the table and it seems like everything exploded. peter is knocked against the wall, the man with the file against the opposite. the man looks shocked but pleased, quickly leaves the room, and peters knows he gave them exactly what they wanted.
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adobe-outdesign · 6 years ago
tbh i headcanon that a pipe once blew up right in front of wally and he went half blind bc of all the shrapnel that went everywhere. it's partially the reason why he's so clumsy. thomas found him practically half dead when the pipe burst, and became p protective of wally afterwards, though he'd rather die than admit it. idk why i headcanon this, i just thought it'd make sense since the entire fucking studio is a workplace hazard
that makes that tape with him and Thomas. considerably less funny
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waruihoshi · 6 years ago
headcanon that sammy is the most stubborn asshole in the world. he'll get his hand stuck in a vending machine because the item he bought got stuck, and you bet your ass he's gonna get that item
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rattlung · 5 years ago
i was in the middle of smth and my third eye blasted open and threw out some cryptage headcanons that are rlly random and kind of domestic??? idk my long distance prompt suddenly turned into smth very slice-of-life-y and i’m just rolling with it
+ crypto and mirage are both incredible engineers but crypto is the one who would create a fully functioning pokemon fire red game in minecraft whereas mirage is the one who would make the knife wielding tentacle, both done because they were bored
+ i feel also like one of crypto’s favorite things about mirage is his laugh too. like i think it’d be the reason he realizes he kinda likes the guy. once he said smth like some dry remark and mirage did his cute little snort snicker thing and that was just IT. so for the longest time crypto would just keep doing the same shit, saying the same type of shit but specifically to get mirage to laugh rather than to amuse himself and he’d do it without really wondering why until he’s finally like “oh you know what?? shit.” 
+ on the other hand, one of mirage’s favorite things about crypto - besides his surprisingly similar sense of humor - is his long fuckin legs. like the second he saw crypto in something akin to the hired gun skin??? dude
+ crypto holds his liquor VERY well, and mirage spent more of his time making drinks rather than actually drinking them. he’s not too much of a lightweight, but he still does the typical recoil at particularly hard stuff. he does think that crypto being able to pound some shit like malort back without flinching is one of the hottest things tho 
+ mirage’s hobby is cooking. it’s one way he felt less lonely, making his own apartment or drop ship dorms’ kitchen smell like home by throwing together things he and his mom used to make. that and he likes impressing crypto, who probably lived off of takeout and easy recipes that were cheap and quick. so, in other words, not too hard to please but mirage still tries
i could probably go on for pages but imma head out 
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adobe-outdesign · 6 years ago
what kind of resting face do you think the jds crew has?
Resting bitch face: Sammy, Susie, Thomas, Shawn, Bertrum
Unreadable: Joey, Allison, Norman, Lacie
Looks happy even when they’re not: Jack, Wally
Tired(TM): Henry, Grant
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adobe-outdesign · 6 years ago
what are some random talents you think the batim cast would have?
Henry: Ambidextrous
Joey: Can draw perfect circles freehandedly like this
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Sammy: Knows what a piece will sound like just by reading the notes
Jack: Insanely good at coming up with puns on the spot
Susie: Can basically hit any note between soprano and alto
Allison: Can do a full split
Wally: Claims he can do a perfect handstand, but he always falls on his ass every time he tries so
Norman: Speed-reading
Thomas: Can fall asleep in any position, anywhere
Shawn: Can make literally anything taste amazing
Grant: Give him any math problem with numbers under 5000 and he can instantly tell you the result
Bertrum: Can identify the type, make, and year of a ride just by hearing the noise the engine makes
Lacie: is freakishly good at telling if someone is lying
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adobe-outdesign · 6 years ago
how would each of the jds cast react to a really, really cute cat??
Ignore it: Norman, Thomas, Shawn, Lacie
Pet it: Henry, Jack, Allison, Grant, Bertrum
Talk nonsense to it: Susie, Wally
My cat now: Joey,Sammy
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adobe-outdesign · 6 years ago
what are the batim crew like when they're really, really angry? like "holy shit i'm going to break every bone in your body" angry
Henry: Yelling, then usually goes off somewhere on his own to calm down and apologize. Does a lot of thinking about it afterward and tries to make amends if the person deserves it.
Joey: Ungodly loud screaming and a lot of death threats. Screaming can be heard from down the hall. Akin to if someone shook around a honey badger and let it loose in your room
Sammy: Cold anger type of person - holding himself together enough to tell you to get out of his office or that you’re fired. Little things can cause him to snap and he may lash out at others over minor things.
Jack: He’s hard to make mad, so if you manage to you dun fucked up. Goes off on his own until he feels better, usually tries to see the other person’s POV
Susie: Screaming mostly, possibly crying at the same time. Likes burying herself in her bed to calm down/screaming in pillows
Allison: Spends way too long thinking about it, then rants about it later in private to whoever will listen
Wally: Yelling, mostly. Goes outside and runs around for a bit to cool off or hangs out with his dog
Norman: Your ass is getting lectured. Afterwards he’ll usually go outside and smoke for a bit.
Thomas: Insults that quickly break out into a fight. Also smokes to calm down
Shawn: Swears a lot, usually in Irish so he doesn’t get fired for it. May punch something soft a few times
Grant: Quick, snappy arguments. Anger fizzles out quickly and he usually seeks out the other person to apologize
Bertrum: Gets all huffy and even more pretentious, though he tries to hide how upset he actually is so no one realizes they got to him. Usually gives a lecture after he’s calmed down
Lacie: Usually drinks, which only tends to make her crabbier. Stay clear unless you want an ass-kicking
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waruihoshi · 6 years ago
family headcanon for wally!! i'm on a laptop so i can't type emoji's lmao
Family headcanon :He’s the youngest of a big family, still living at his parents, and under that roof only the father decides. And that father is a dick : always clashing him, saying him he’s a failure and clumsy and forgetful and all ... He just lets it go, so does his mom, because talking back would be dangerous. Eventually, in some timelines (timeline 1 included) his father kicks him out. That’s when Sammy takes him under his wing.
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adobe-outdesign · 6 years ago
i feel like i'm the only one who can see wally having a panic/anxiety attack? like,, yea he's a pretty happy guy, but we all have our breaking points. i imagine it'd be rare though, and it'd be over something like,, maybe he didn't have time to clean something, or forgot something, and realizes that and panics over it. i mean,, joey and other people are DEFINITELY hard on him. idk man, it's prolly just me since i see myself in wally landslnj
Yeah, I could see it. It would probably have to be over a pretty serious situation, like he Majorly Fucked Up and is freaking out about it
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adobe-outdesign · 6 years ago
if the JDS crew had a sort of,, i dunno, 'creature' or smth that was entirely based off of their own demons and fears and all that, what would the creatures be/look like? (like, creatures that look like them but represent everything bad about them. this isn't based off of anything btw)
Henry: Some type of glowing creature that makes you forgot everything that’s been bothering you. Everything.
Joey: The Ink Demon, more or less.
Sammy: Makes way too much noise from way too many mouths and makes you loose all of your talents.
Jack: It looks exactly like him, just younger and thinner. Certainly doesn’t act like him though.
Susie: Eldritch Biblical-style “angel” that insults her appearance and keeps reminding her that she’ll never be good enough.
Allison: An abstract... thing that attacks everyone else while she can only stand by to watch.
Wally: It looks vaguely like a dog, and it takes away your ability to understand.
Norman: A lich-type creature that hides in the dark and kills everything it touches.
Thomas: Looks like it’s made out of dark water and pipes. Drowns people.
Shawn: It looks like a person, but if definitely isn’t. Goes after your loved ones instead of yourself.
Grant: Something with way too many legs that constantly reminds you of all your failures and takes away all your energy.
Bertrum: Some sort of large creature with no face that is constantly surrounded by smoke/fog. It drags you off, never to be seen again.
Lacie: Shapeshifter that takes the place of everyone you know, then insults and attacks you personally
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adobe-outdesign · 6 years ago
how do you think the batim cast would react to wally passing out from exhaustion? (he totally has,,, also sorry for the abundance of random asks that come from me, i just. get so many ideas and ur cool so)
Henry: Sends him home for the day to get some rest
Joey: Time is money, Wally! DON’T WASTE IT
Sammy: lord give him strength
Jack: Are you like.... okay???? you sure?
Susie: Probably reports it to Sammy so he can deal with him
Allison: Gently shakes him awake and checks to make sure he’s okay
Norman: Wakes him up before Joey finds him and tells him to go to the infirmary to rest
Thomas: Yells at him for his sheer incompetence
Shawn: Either moves him so he can sleep on the big plushies or wakes him up depending on the situation
Grant: same
Bertrum: Pathetic.Take some pride in your work.
Lacie: just kind of moves him out of her way without waking him and goes back to what she was doing
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adobe-outdesign · 6 years ago
if the batim cast looked into the mirror of erised from harry potter (if you don't know what that is, you look into the mirror and see your desires. erised is desire beackwards lol), what do you think they would individually see?
Henry: Himself on a podium, giving a speech loudly and confidently, speaking his mind. Linda cheers him on from the crowd with their kids.
Joey: Henry and him, laughing and drawing cartoons like in the good old days.
Sammy: Himself, conducting a huge orchestra.
Jack: Himself, but considerably younger with more hair, considerably different features, etc. If it was a few years earlier he’d probably look thinner too.
Susie: A perfect Alice.
Norman: Both of his parents (they both died before he reached his 20s).
Allison: Herself getting married to Thomas.
Thomas: Himself in a wedding tux, petting his old dog that died years ago.
Shawn: Him and Wally, asleep on the couch together. They both have rings on.
Wally: Himself in a tux with Shawn holding his hand.
Grant: Himself, but clearly looking much healthier and less tired (IE him but without the chronic depression).
Bertrum: Himself standing in front of the gates to Bendy Land, rides disappearing into the sky above him.
Lacie: Her parents, arms wrapped around her, clearly glad to see her. Lacie herself has a more traditional “feminine” appearance.
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adobe-outdesign · 6 years ago
adhd wally headcanons: wally gets distracted super easily, mostly by things that interest him. he sometimes just spaces out for a while. his mind is everywhere which is why he's so damn forgetful. small noises, like tapping, not only distracts the hell out of him, but bug him so badly that he'll cry out of pure frustration if someone doesn't stop tapping. hates mouth sounds too because he def has sensitive ears (i'm basing him off of myself lmao)
“his mind is everywhere which is why he's so damn forgetful“
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