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Wołowe klopse we arōmatycznyj zōłzie ze mascarpōne (Pulpety wołowe w aromatycznym sosie)
Na handlu kupiōłech richtich1 fajne wołowe miyso i już mie korciōło, żeby co powynŏkwiać2. Mascarpōne bōło we lodōwce, roztomajte3 ziela na balkōnie i resztka suszōnych grzibōw we krauzie4… i tak żech prziszoł do tego receptu5 🙂 Co potrza? 800-1000 g pomelanego6 miysa wołowego 250 g mascarpōne 100 g pokrōnyj7 we kostka wyndzōnki8 2 zōmbki czosku sōl i pieprz łeżeczka majerōnku (choć jŏ…
#boczek wędzony#borowik#byzuch#fajer#klopse#majerenek#majerōnek#mascarpone#mięta#miynta#miyso#miysowołowe#obiad#ôbiŏd#prawdziwki#proste#pulpety#rozmaryjōn#rozmaryn#sos#wieczerzŏ#wołowina#wyndzōnka#zōłza#bazylia
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Klöße aus Brotsorten/Knödel
Für alle Knödel, egal aus welchem Brot, gilt ein Grundrezept. Dabei wird etwas Intuition und Feingefühl gefordert. Je mehr Ei Sie verwenden, desto fester wird Ihr Knödel. Bei frischem Brot möchten Sie den Knödelteig locker umrühren und etwas warten, bis das Brot die Flüssigkeit aufnimmt. Auch das Rollen oder Abstechen sollte ohne großen Druck erfolgen. Wir reden vom zarten Formen des Knödels. Bei…

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Königsberger Klopse
#food#recipe#dinner#meatballs#konigsberger klopse#veal#beef#anchovies#fish#rice#panko#capers#parsley#creme fraiche#lemon#onions#german
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"In general I have a huge liking for fish and other seafood, having lived a big part of my life near the sea. But I've also taken a liking to dishes local to Berlin and Brandenburg since moving here! The entire family looks forward the the annual asparagus harvest every year, it's an annual highlight, that's for sure!"
additional hc: beer is the lightest of gilbert's favorite drinks, he prefers sipping on something stronger like a brandy or a cognac. he'll indulge in wine, preferring reds to whites!
#answered#ask19thcenturydoctorgilbert#hws prussia#aph prussia#gilbert beilschmidt#he still will never outdrink erzsi though#get them doing pálinka shots by a lake#but back to food klopse is a big comfort food for him#if he was an sdv bachelor these foods would be his loved gifts
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2 janvier : en Afrique du Sud, le Second nouvel An du Cap
Les festivités liées au changement d’année, qui ont lieu au cœur de l’été austral, durent plusieurs jours au Cap, en Afrique du Sud. Depuis plus de deux siècles un Second Nouvel An (Tweede Nuwe Jaar) est célébré le 2 janvier. Avec la fin de l’apartheid et des restrictions aux festivités organisées par les Noirs et les Métis, la fête a pris l’allure d’un véritable carnaval emblématique de la culture de la ville, le Cape Town Minstrel Carnival qui cette année se terminera par la grande parade du 4 janvier 2025. De nombreuses rues du centre-ville seront fermées jusqu’au 5 janvier 2025 à minuit.
Ce second Nouvel An est un héritage de l’époque de l’esclavage (aboli en 1834) et d’une société ségrégationniste qui a persisté jusqu’en 1994. Les populations d’origine européenne célébraient la nouvelle année le 1er janvier avec une grande fête. Le lendemain, il était d’usage de laisser leur journée libre aux esclaves. Ces derniers avaient pris l’habitude de fêter leur propre Jour de l’An en organisant chaque 2 janvier, une fête très colorée, toute en musique. Les Blancs désignaient l’évènement comme le Coon Carnival (« Carnaval noir »), une appellation méprisante qui n’a plus court aujourd’hui pour le Cape Town Minstrel Carnival (« Carnaval des ménestrels du Cap »). À l’origine, la fête débutait dans le quartier malais de Signal Hill (Boo-Kaap) avec les chants des chœurs malais et des tambours ghoema. Peu à peu la fête s’est institutionnalisée, des troupes de chanteurs et musiciens (les klopses) de sont formées. Si bien que la fête est aussi connue familièrement sous le nom de Kaapse Klopse ou simplement de Klopse.
À l’époque de l’apartheid, les lois sur la circulation et sur les « rassemblements illégaux » étaient utilisées pour imposer des obstacles aux organisateurs du festival des ménestrels qui était cantonné à certains quartiers et finalement confiné au stade Athlone, celui qui était utilisé pour les spectateurs « non blancs ». Pas question à l’époque de traverser le District Six, celui d’où ont été expulsés 60 000 Coloureds en vue d’en faire un quartier réservé aux Blancs.
La fête a repris de son importance avec la chute de la dictature et l’abolition de l’apartheid en 1994. Elle débute l’après-midi du 1er janvier, les chorales malaises du Cap (nagtroepe) commencent leur parade qui se poursuit le 2 janvier et le samedi qui suit. Ensuite, la compétition entre troupes de ménestrels a lieu les cinq samedis de suite (cette année jusqu’au 1er février).
Des milliers de personnes en uniformes scintillants, le visage peint, des chapeaux et des ombrelles défilent dans les rues de la ville, jouant leur musique ghoema caractéristique sur des banjos, des trompettes et des tambours. Les troupes sont espacées de manière que chaque représentation se déroule séparément, ce qui permet aux spectateurs d'entendre chaque troupe. Chaque troupe a également sa propre structure, avec des membres non-instrumentistes appelés voorlopertjies qui ouvrent la voie avec des mouvements de danse extravagants tandis que le groupe fournit la bande sonore de fond.
La parade attire chaque année une foule de 80 000 à 100 000 spectateurs, désireux de découvrir plus de 18 troupes de ménestrels et 20 000 artistes. Elle commencera sur Hanover Street au cœur du District Six, les équipes étant déposées près de Russell Street. Le cortège officiel débutera à Sir Lowry Road et Hanover Street. Après la prière du jeudi (midi), la première troupe lancera les festivités à 13h15. Ce 4 janvier 2025, les 20 troupes défileront sur l'ensemble du parcours, en commençant par Darling Street, en passant par le Hollywoodbets Purple Mile et en continuant sur Adderley Street. Le défil�� remontera ensuite Wale Street, passera devant les jardins de la Compagnie et traversera Buitengracht Street avant d'entrer dans le quartier historique de Bo-Kaap (Schotsche Kloof). Le parcours se terminera sur Rose Street.
Un article de l'Almanach international des éditions BiblioMonde, 1er janvier 2025
#Minstrel Carnival#Kaapse Klopse#Coon Carnival#ghoema#Boo-Kaap#canaval#Nouvel An#Le Cap#Cap Town#Afrique du Sud#2 janvier
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Hetalia characters with dishes typical for their country - part 2 (part 1 here)

Spain: Paella de marisco (seafood paella) -> A surprisingly easy to make dish consisting of saffron infused rice with seafood. Other versions can also be made with meat from livestock (like the paella valenciana with chicken and rabbit) or be made vegetarian. The word "paella" is Valencian/Catalan and translates to "frying pan", the name of the dish originating from how it is traditionally cooked in a wide, shallow pan.

Prussia: Königsberger Klopse (königsberger dumplings) -> Named after the capital of East Prussia, these dumplings are made from minced vail, pork, or beef mixed with onions, eggs, and soaked white bread and cooked in saltwater. Some of the brewing water is then thickened into a sauce using roux, egg yolk and cream. It is traditionally served with boiled or mashed potatoes. Back then in Königsberg itself, the dish was known as Saure Klopse (sour dumplings).

South Italy: Pizza Margherita -> This flatbread made from leavened yeast dough topped with crushed tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and basil leaves. It is said to have earned it's name from appealing greatly to the Italian Queen Margherita when she tried the Neapolitan speciality, though newer reseach suggests that the name Margherita wasn't used until 40-50 years after the alleged incident.

Finland: Mustikkapiirakka (blueberry cake) -> Berries play a very important part in Finnish food culture, especially hand picked forest blueberries which are often turned into pastries and pies. A particularly popular pie is made with the pie crust eased into the tart tin with floured hands (not rolled out), then the blueberries and a custard filling are added and the cake baked until the top becomes golden-brown.

Sweden: Kannelbulle (cinnamon roll) -> Despite other Nordic countries claiming the invention of the sweet roll, very year on 4 October Sweden celebrates "Cinnamon Roll Day". A sheet of dough is covered in butter, sugar, and cinnamon, then rolled up and cut into the characteristic pieces. The are traditionlly baked in muffin wrappers and only dusted with sugar, they are lighter and less sweet than American cinnamon buns with icing.

Denmark: Flødeboller (cream puff) -> The fluffy, foamy inside of this treat is made from beaten egg whites mixed with sugar, dressed on a wafer and covered in chocolate. Often they are topped with coconut flakes, shredded almonds, or colourful sprinkles, making them a popular little "cake" for danish children to have for someone's birthday at school. They were first invented around 1800 in Denmark, but quickly became popular in France and Germany as well.

Norway: Kvæfjordkake (Kvæfjord cake) -> This sponge cake baked with meringue with almonds on top and then layered with vanilla or rum custard (sometimes mixed with whipped cream), is also dubbed the best cake in the world - Verdens beste. The name is based on the region it's inventer originates from. Starting in the 1930s as a variation of the kongekake ("king cake") with less almonds, as they were quite expensive, it is now a popular dessert for special celebrations.

Iceland: Rjómabollur (profiterole) -> A little sweet treat made from choux pastry filled with jam and whipped cream, the top dipped in chocolate and decorated with sprinkles. Traditionally, they are eaten on "Bun Day", the Monday before Ash Wednesday. Kids wake their parent up by smacking them with paper wands and every smack on the parent's bottom before their feet touch the ground translates into one bun which the parent owes to the child.
#aph iceland#hws iceland#aph norway#hws norway#aph denmark#hws denmark#aph sweden#hws sweden#aph finland#hws finland#aph spain#hws spain#aph prussia#hws prussia#aph romano#aph south italy#hws romano#hws south italy#hetalia#riva.edit#source in the source#full disclaimer I tried my VERY best to find everything but if I made a mistake pls let me know (politely)
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warte warte warte nochmal spezifischer:

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TT: What scars do you still carry from that time?
BK: Oh, I definitely have quite a few. A psychologist would surely have a few things to say about my dating life. I have never had a public relationship and never found a partner who dared to face that. I always pick the wrong men. Additionally, I have a bit of social phobia – especially in large groups, 15-year-old Bill’s fears resurface. I find it difficult to stay calm or speak up in those situations.
TT: Through the podcast and the reality show, your fans feel like they know everything about you, forming a parasocial relationship with you. How does it feel when you now meet strangers who know so much about you and your life?
BK: That’s something I’m still getting used to. Especially since the show came out, I’ve noticed that there are often situations where strangers feel the need to involve themselves in my conversations. For example, I might be having a private conversation with a friend and someone doing my hair or serving coffee chimes in with their opinion. Many people feel the urge to give me advice or share their views, whether they agreed with me or Tom in a discussion, or what kind of man would be right for me. That can be charming at times, but sometimes it’s just a bit much. I try to ignore it. Still, I do notice that people feel like they really are part of my life somehow, which is quite amusing.
TT: What dreams would you still like to fulfil?
BK: I think a beautiful wedding in Venice would be lovely. It would be a dream if it happened with the right partner, but if it doesn’t happen, then I’m fine with that. I wouldn’t marry just for the sake of getting married.
Another dream is to open a restaurant. I enjoy hosting and love good food and cocktails, so I think that’d be great fun. I’m picturing a restaurant with fantastic German cuisine that turns into a bar later at night. I’d offer German dishes like Königsberger Klopse (veal meatballs in a creamy sauce with capers) and delicious bratwurst, so that your mouth waters as soon as you walk through the door.
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I had always known about and seen the Kaapse Klopse festival on television and it was a pleasure to witness the outfits, colours and music.
It's important to remember the history of it all which originated in the early 1800s as the celebration of New Year by Slaves in Cape Town.
04 January 2025.

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Please tag EVERYTHING ttownhw24.
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Gingerbread heart decorating
Flunkyball - German drinking game
Learn popular Oktoberfest dances
Kegelbahn - 9 pin bowling
Schnauzer Strut Dog Parade
Masskrugstemmen – stein holding contest
Hammerschlagen – hammer striking game
Log sawing – lumberjack competition
Keg rolling/throwing
Stein racing
Pretzel-eating contest
Oktoberfest trivia game
German spelling bee
Bucketball - Giant beer pong
The Chicken Dance
Indy Polkamotion
The German Band
Final Say
Underground Prophets
The Gift and Souvenir Shop
Souvenir kiosk in the middle of the festival.
German gifts, souvenir T-shirts, flowered headbands, and authentic German-made beer steins available.
Frikadellen (German-style Hamburger patty) with Mashed Potatoes, Jaeger Sauce, German Baked Beans & Cabbage Salad
Stuffed Cabbage Roll with Spaetzle, Jaeger Sauce, Red Cabbage & Sauerkraut
Kassler (Smoked Pork Chop) with German Potato Salad, German Baked Beans & Cabbage Salad
Goulash with Pasta, Red Cabbage & Sauerkraut
Pork Schnitzel with (or without) Jaeger sauce
3 sausage plate with choice of Bratwurst, Knackwurst, and/or Weisswurst
German Meatloaf with rich Mushroom gravy
Königsberger Klopse (German version of Swedish meatballs in a creamy sauce)
*All entrées will be served with mashed potatoes, and our traditional red cabbage and sauerkraut. As well as bread and butter.
IMBISS (Snack Booth)
Bratwurst or Weisswurst on pretzel bun
Kielbasa on a Stick
French Fries
Chicken Tenders
Corn Nuggets
Smoked Chicken plate
Half Rack of Baby Back Ribs
Blackforest Cake
German Chocolate Cake
Apple Strudel
Caramel Apple Pie
Pumkin Pie
Pumpkin Cheesecake
Ayinger Bavarian Pilsner – 5.3% ABV
Ayinger Celebrator – Doppelbock, 6.7%
Bitburger – German Pilsner, 4.8%
Hacker-Pschorr Original Oktoberfest – Märzen, 5.8%
König Ludwig Weissbier Hell – Bavarian Wheat, 5.1%
Köstriger Schwarzbier – Black lager, 4.8%
Paulaner Hefe-Weizen – Wheat, 5.5%
Paulaner Oktoberfest – Märzen, 5.0%
Spaten Franziskaner Hefe-Weissbier – Golden wheat, 5.0%
Spaten Lager – Munich helles lager, 5.2%
Spaten Oktoberfest – Märzen, 5.9%
Warsteiner Dunkel – Dark lager, 4.9%
Warsteiner Premium Verum – German pilsner, 4.8%
Stiegl Goldbräu – Golden lager, 5.0%
Stiegl Radler – mixed with grapefruit juice, 2.5%
Faubourg Brewing LeidenSteiner – Märzen, 5.5% ABV
Notch Holy Roller – Hazy IPA, 6.3%
Notch Oktoberfest – Märzen, 6.5%
East Regiment Paradise Park – American lager, 4.5%
Bent Water Raspberry Berliner Weisse Sour – Wheat with raspberry, 4.5%
Bent Water Who Dat Golden Ale – 5.0%
Budweiser Light – American light lager, 4.2%
Sierra Nevada Oktoberfest (collaboration with Bitburger) – Märzen, 4.6%
Yuengling Oktoberfest – Märzen, 5.4%
St. Pauli’s
Fritz Zimmer Maestro Riesling – Germany
Schmitt Söhne Liebfraumilch – Germany
Villa Wolf Pinot Gris – Germany
Chateau St. Michelle Gewürztraminer – Washington, USA
Decoy Chardonnay – California, USA
Villa Wolf Donfelder – Germany
Villa Wolf Pinot Noir – Germany
Lenz Moser Blaufränkisch –Austria
Joel Gott Cabernet Sauvignon – California, USA
Dr. Loosen Sparkling Riesling – Germany
Schonauer Apfel (Apple)
Echte Kroatzbeere Blackberry Liqueur
Kleiner Feigling (Fig)
Kammer Obstler (Fruits)
Schladerer Kirschwasser Cherry Brandy
Schladerer Edel-Kirsch Cherry Liqueur
Schladerer Himbeer Raspberry Liqueur
Schladerer Himbeergeist Raspberry Brandy
Schladerer Williams-Birne Pear Brandy
Silvovica (Plum)
Goldwasser Herbal Liqueur
Bärenjäger Honey and Bourbon
Bärenjäger Honey Liqueur
Bismarck Vodka
Gold Bar Chocolate
Rum Chata
Taaka Coconut
Van Gogh Chocolate Vodka
Diet Code
Barq’s Root Beer
Large, soft Bavarian-style Pretzels, warm from the oven
Flammkuchen (German variation of pizza with white, creamy sauce)
German cheeses from St. James Cheese Company
Decorated Oktoberfest Cookies
Ice Cream
Bavarian Roasted Nuts
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Good day, hast du schon Königsberger Klopse probiert? Sie sind sehr... lecker. Nein? I’ll send some to the dungeon, mein Trost.
hello!! i have not… are you making it yourself? i will try it for you…
#asks!#the ‘…’ before ‘lecker’ has me suspicious..#you are a king in this castle sending poisoned food to lil captive me…
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Authentic Königsberger Klopse (German meatballs in caper sauce)
Königsberger Klopse, a traditional East German dish, made of boiled meatballs in a white sauce with capers eggs, cream and anchovies. The creamy white sauce has a distinct savory yet tangy taste that makes this dish so popular. The unique flavor combination of capers and anchovies is not typical German food, but in this case, totally delicious!
For this recipe, please go to:
For hundreds more delicious recipes and mouthwatering food images, please go to:
#beef#veal#por#potatoes#German#meatballs#capers#onions#Marjoram#sage#heavy cream#anchovies#lunch#brunch#dinner#main course#Ocktoberfest
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[🏖 First Spring Dip]
cym as german foods!
Ok ok, this is going to make me hungry
@foreveralbon your are Rouladen (coupled with the Rotkohl my mom makes for the Christmas holidays)
@disneyprincemuke you are Mischgemüse with meatballs
@localwhoore you are Schnitzel with salad and fries
@aviscarrentals you are pasta in tomato sauce with Jägerschnitzel
@scuderia-piastri you are potatoe soup
And @charles-leclerizz you are Königsberger Klopse
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Stuff about me
Tagged by @gleamingsilence and @definitely-not-iorveth, thank you both 💙
Relationship status: single (and too shy to mingle)
Favorite color: blue and green
Stuck in my head: my Iorveth/Isengrim fic I've been trying to finish since last week 😩
Last song I listened to: Village Green Preservation Society by the Kinks
Favorite food: I'll go with Königsberger Klopse, since it was the only food I really missed when I became a vegetarian.
Dream trip: Hard to say, there are a lot of places I'd like to visit someday. New Zealand is pretty high on that list though.
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