#klaus is stan's favorite uncle
klaus: you use humor to deflect your trauma.
stan: awww, thanks-
klaus: that’s not a good thing.
stan: all i'm hearing is that you think i’m funny.
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haylijahtilldeath · 4 months
What are your top 5s in anything TVDU related? (Characters, ships, friendships, familial bonds, episodes, etc.)
Ooh, my first question. Thank you for asking!
Even though I've watched tvd first, but I prefer the originals to it. So, my answer is going to be mostly about them.
I'm going to do the characters separately.
First, characters from T.O
Elijah Mikaelson (because he was the calm before the storm, I don't know how to describe him, he was just so resilient and holding onto his brother when the entire world could only see a monster in him, and for all his complex layers.) and Hayley Marshall (because she was a BAMF, the best mother you could have) fighting for first place, but none of them can win.
Camille O'Connell because she was such a ray of sunshine. (Caroline stans do not come at me, this is about two characters who have literally never met.)
Freya Mikaelson was such a badass.
Klaus Mikaelson because he had the best retorts and sarcasm.
Gia because she was so down to earth about everything. (Putting her after Klaus feels so wrong lmao.)
Now, Tvd characters. I can't conjure any explanation for them.
Caroline Forbes
Enzo St. John
Stefan Salvatore
Rayna Cruz
Rose from S2
Haylijah, because have you seen them? The chemistry, the compatibility, the love and all the respect. (S5 never happened.)
Bonenzo because they were so good together, and Enzo actually loved Bonnie and didn't spend his time using her.
Klamille, because Camille could see beyond 'evil Klaus' and understood him like no one else ever did, and Klaus saw so much light in her, and he cared about her.
Steroline because they were also good together.
Gialijah because they had so much chemistry and there was just something about them
Caroline & Enzo, because he stepped up for her and they had something special about them.
Camille & Vincent, because they related to one another after all damage they got because of the Mikaelson family, and they made something good out of it.
Freya & Hayley because they spent years together raising Hope, and they bonded so well.
Stefan and Lexi because they do supportive besties better than anyone.
Bonnie and Damon because they have managed to go from sworn enemies to best friends.
Familial bonds.
Hayley and Hope. No one does mother and daughter better than them.
Elijah and Rebekah. We saw so many times how Elijah cared for her and how she looked up to him. I believe he was her favorite brother, even if the show wanted to make us believe it was Klaus.
Marcel & Davina. They're not family by blood, but the way he was her family more than her real family and tried to protect her meant so much.
Elijah and Hope. We did not get much of them, but they had so much potential. If the show didn't completely destroy Elijah to redeem Klaus, we might have seen him be the best uncle out there.
Freya/ Rebekah and Hope. These aunt/niece relationships were so good. Rebekah cared for her for months, and kept her safe, and Freya raised her with Hayley and taught her so much.
Finding episodes that I genuinely love from beginning to end is difficult.
TO S2E9: The Map of Moments. We had family, we had bickering and we had love.
TVD S3E14: Dangerous Liaisons. We had a ball straight out from a fantasy, do I need to say more?
TO S1E20: A Closer Walk with Thee. It was not a happy episode, but we had our first Haylijah kiss, and it's good enough to be in my top 5.
TO S5E8 : The Kindness of Strangers. As much as I hated S5, but this episode was so good. We saw the Mikaelson family reunited, and every time I watch Elijah break down after remembering Hayley's death, I can't help but cry.
TO S1E1: Always and Forever. This feels like such a basic answer, but I love this episode. It was the beginning of an epic tv show, and it's just so nostalgic.
These are the ones you mentioned, and I can't for the life of me think about anything else to rank. Anyway, I am awkward most of the time, and it includes this answer. So, don't judge me too harshly!
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uniasus · 2 years
How is Five as an uncle in the make me your bomb verse? Does he bond with Claire, Harlan, and Diego & Lila’s child? Do they like him? Does he blink around sometimes just to amuse them? :)))
So, eventually there are many cousins. (I should just share my notes as an ao3 chapter I swear)
Allison has Claire, but also a second daughter with Ray they name Ada.
Diego and Lila have Stan. Stanford vs Stanley, but still, Stan.
Luther and Sloane end up having three kids, but much later. Ada is five by the time Sloane has her first.
Five is the grumpy uncle, and actually the least favorite. Diego and Luther help each other a lot, they're not a far drive, and Klaus&Dave are favorite babysitters. (Klaus is the type to ignore bedtimes, while Dave announces breakfast for dinner). The kids like the farm, but only go a few times a year and so have limited exposure to Viktor. (Who Stan loves, because he picks on Diego). Ben is also great with the kids, though Harlan is a little scared of him at first. The Horror came out too soon for that kid.
While not the uncle they see the least, Five is just...not a kid person and they pick up on that. Part of it comes from little interaction and exposure to kids (apocalypse trauma) and also a wrong expectation of their capabilities. He figured out the equation to time travel at 13, and Claire can't balance a chemical equation? Children frustrate him, but he's not mean. Just aloof.
He's also usually the one to blink around to round them up for any activity that's not a game, so there's that.
Five's better with Luther&Sloane's kids, but again, that's years later so he's had time to adjust. It helps that they get Sloane's smarts. Five can relate to them more and is always down for a science experiment.
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manyfandomsonelog · 2 years
Dbskdmdneidne whdjsndmdfsjdbemfbemfbdmshsjdndmdbsmdndmdbdb you guys don’t understand how much I loved all the different family dynamics in season 3. Lila and Five as enemies forced to work together. Ben and Klaus as trying very hard not to like each other but eventually failing. Lila and Diego as somehow married and divorced at the same time. Five and Klaus family road trip. Five @ Viktor like “listen you’re my favorite sibling but I SWEAR TO GOD-“ Klaus as a stoner uncle to Stan. Diego as the worst father ever but he’s trying his best? Maybe?? Anyways I loved it
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shvroyism · 2 years
Just Klaus being Stan’s favorite uncle
Tumblr media
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filmmarvel · 2 years
The Umbrella Academy Duos I Loved This Season
Five + Lila- I absolutely loved their arc from enemies to friends, they have fantastic banter and were delightful to watch together.
Lila + Diego- I’ve always loved their relationship, they have great chemistry, and are always super entertaining.
Diego + Luther- They’re just idiots and it’s fun.
Diego + Stanley- They had a great father/son dynamic, providing both heartwarming scenes, comedic relief, and some great character depth/development from Diego. I seriously hope Stanley returns for season 4 (I want Diego and Lila to adopt him). I also think the Umbrellas having to care for a child in general is hilarious (as we saw this season) and I want him to interact more with Five.
Stanley + Klaus- Yes, I realize they only had like 4 scenes together (two of which Stan spent accidentally murdering Klaus and wrapping his body in a carpet) but I really enjoyed seeing Klaus as the ‘fun uncle’ to Stanley’s rebellious nephew, even though it was brief.
Klaus + Five- I adore both of them so much! Hearing Five yell “No Ball of Twine no birth mother” was a delightful experience.
Klaus + Reggie- Up until a certain point at least. But what can I say, Colin Feore plays the uptight dad figure perfectly, and he and Klaus gave us some truly great scenes, despite being tarnished in retrospect. Seriously though poor Klaus, when is he gonna get a break?? Imagine the trauma of finally attempting to move on from the past only to be betrayed, manipulated, and traumatized YET AGAIN?
Huh I wonder who my favorite characters are🤷🏼‍♀️
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phalliwellz · 3 years
A small rant on Forwood (and why I don’t like it as both a Tyler and Caroline stan.)
(Before I start I should say I very much like Tyler more than Caroline, so it honestly might show in this rant. Regardless, it’s not an attack on her character, more so how poor writing makes Caroline worse than she actually is. Anywho.) 
I legitimately cannot say one good thing about forwood. Except what @/hizziemikaelson actually made me realize was that it was Caroline’s best ship, but Tyler’s worst. Since the show likes to portray Caroline as everyone’s emotional savior, they very much knew what they were doing with getting them together. Ty was the patient, Care was the therapist. ‘Tyler has ‘anger issues’? perfect! Caroline will now be his entire rock because that’s her job and we don’t know how to write this character without EVERYONE falling in love with her in someway because we’re WEIRD!’ Like. lmao what? They made Caroline get so carried away with that shit that it turned manipulative. She subconsciously wanted him to be so dependent on her because someone wanting her for once? So unrealistic! (I say that sarcastically because it’s bullshit, but this is a forwood rant, not a Caroline rant.) and you best believe she used that to her advantage till the very end. She wanted Tyler to be nothing without her. And in the show’s eyes for a very great while, he was. Everything Ty did from s2 to s5 was ‘cause Caroline influenced it or wanted him to, unless it was related to his pack and even then he had to fight to be able to do that on his own. (Remember when she didn’t give two shits that his pack member died? (Inherently cause of Elena and Caroline wanted him to help her save her, might I add.) they made his happiness rely on her. Like I said, he was nothing without Caroline Forbes. Literally. Who swooped in when he was going through his father passing away? Caroline. Who was there when he found out his uncle died? Caroline. Who was DEFINITELY there when his mother died? Caroline. Which isn’t necessarily a TERRIBLE thing, but in this context it’s not cute/healthy, it’s dehumanizing. Because instead Tyler’s grief turns into her grief. We can only focus on Tyler if Caroline is mentioned/in the shot. It’s so fucking annoying, especially as such an extreme Tyler stan. I want to know about Tyler Lockwood, not Caroline Forbes and her werewolf boyfriend. But that’s what they did. That’s what they made forwood. They turned it into in the relationship only Caroline can excel at. He loved and cared for her and at most all she did was like his body and like the fact that he cared about her. I mentioned this before in a rant of mine but Caroline only started dating him because he actually listened to her yap all the time and showed her more attention than Matt ever did. (Without a fight atleast.) other than that, what else did they have? Vampire and werewolf, we’re to believe they despise each other and Caroline and Tyler are mystic fall’s answer to Romeo & Juliet? Fuck outta here. I know Caroline never cared about that boy because instead of actually being furious at Damon for killing him, it was, ‘He was my first love. *Conflicted but ready to get this over with frowny sad face*’ and my favorite ignorant bullshit line that she told KLAUS, ‘You were never the villain in my story.’ Oh, we know. We figured that out when you fucked him in the woods while you were supposed to love Tyler but you know, semantics :). 
It’s fucked because I could see the appeal? Like genuinely. Especially as someone who wanted THE BOTH OF THEM to be happy, it could’ve been the relationship where both of them shined, not just Tyler being Caroline’s boy toy and Caroline being propped up as ‘a soft uwu baby next to a bad boy with a mean temper and she has to calm him down all the time despite not being his registered therapist.’ They also wanted forwood to be the one good unrequited ship on the show and Caroline’s first great ship but that’s the problem, it was hers, not Tyler’s. Basically it was Caroline’s world, Tyler was simply living in it.
I feel like nothing defines forwood more than the scene where Tyler finds out Caroline slept with Klaus because everything from that is just them in a nutshell. Tyler trying to calm himself down/diffuse the situation because he doesn’t want to blow up, he knows it’ll hurt Caroline by doing so but he’s hurting, he needs an outlet. Caroline, who’s used to always being his outlet, is instantly threatened and actually doesn’t feel like she should be in the wrong for fucking Klaus, so suddenly she’s nervous and now she’s even more nervous because she can’t calm him down this time. Stefan, with his fat headed ass, instantly only sees Caroline being threatened and can’t even process being mad at her, he tries to defend Care, almost gaslighting Tyler into feeling like he’s the one that should be either apologizing or not taking it so hard. It was such a mess of a situation and such a pivotal moment I don't know how they even survived after that. It showed that forwood was so one-sided. No sex/grief scenes or declaration of love could’ve changed that. He fell in love with Caroline because she was all he had. She fell in ‘love’ with him because she was horny and needed a lap dog to heal her insecurities/wounds. No other reason. 
Personally I think they could’ve been more than what they were and could’ve been a great way to show Tyler’s development, Caroline’s development and even that julie & co. actually can make good relationships/have good writing. But unfortunately, none of those things happened except showcasing that Tyler Lockwood never mattered to anyone in the tvdu long before his death and Caroline Forbes is figuratively and literally the golden girl of tvd, despite them trying so hard to make her seem like she’s not. Tyler never stood a chance in that relationship.
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slidewhistlebj · 3 years
Klaus stans are some of the funniest people to watch because they just so crucially don’t understand some things about his character and the family as a whole to make their points. There are dozens of examples of one moment in the season being blown out of proportion by the fandom as a “sign that the family is bullying klaus!1!1!!!1” but I think my favorite is honestly his drug use. For anyone who doesn’t have a drug addict in the family, it’s really easy to sit there and say “omg they don’t care him when he was complaining!!1! What if he was hurt in the dinner scene?!? Ahhh neglect because Diego wouldn’t drive his estranged brother to a random dinner at 2am!!” That’s just what addict family members are like, babey! My uncle broke out of rehab, stole a car, and told us he’s gonna start selling crack and vaccums door to door again. You just don’t have the capacity to give a shit about every little thing they do, it’s nonsense. Add in superpowers, family trama, and bad interpersonal relationships and I honestly think TUA did a good job portraying how much you just tune out what they’re saying 90% of the time. Posts breaking down all of those moments down are amazing because they are 70% smug judgement and 30% assumptions served as the truth that it’s clearly on Diego and the rest of the family to give a shit about Klaus’s rambles for 17 years straight ❤️ it’s incredible, never change
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bffsoobin · 4 years
extra long tag game (a guide to all unnecessary knowledge of me)
tagged by: @txtdiaries (ily lana)
tagging: @pxppinstars @txtdream @lavenderlattaes @soobindipity (feel free to ignore if you’ve already done this or just can’t be bothered)
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
Um okay so I’ll go with explaining BTS and TXT I guess, haha. For BTS it was DNA! That was the first mv I ever saw by them and I was instantly obsessed with everything about it. For TXT, it was obviously Crown since I was keeping an eye on them as soon as BH announced a new group haha. But I initially loved the super bright and happy concept from Crown and they totally got me hooked by their personalities and other music!!
rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
what’s your unrealistic goal for life?
married by 23, kids by 25...I’m 19 and I’ve never even had a boyfriend so I would be shocked if I actually got this lmao
if you had known that we would be in a global pandemic, what’s one thing that you would’ve done before things shut down (if they have for you)?
Honestly, I can’t think of anything other than spending more time with my roommate who I miss so so much. 
what’s an unconventional thing that you carry around with you when you go out?
I wouldn’t usually call this unconventional but right now I’d say my student ID since it’s useless as I’m not going back to campus
favourite type of plushies and why?
I love teddy bears. I have two that I sleep with every night! One is a gift I got for preschool graduation (eloquently named Teddy) and the other is my iron man build a bear that my uncle bought me to cope with Endgame. 
favourite song right now?
I am notoriously bad at answering this question so I’ll just say that at the moment I’ve been listening to Red Desert by 5sos a lot.
something that you’ve always wanted to learn?
I’ve always wanted to learn how to play drums and any language other than English haha
tell a funny story about yourself (or just something that you’ve witnessed)
This took way more digging in my mind than I would like to admit but when I saw 5sos live in 2016 my best friend and I had soundcheck, so we got to sit in the venue early and ask them questions and hear a few extra songs. At the time I had beef with Luke Hemmings (because the girl he was dating at the time was one of the most toxic people on earth) and he wouldn’t break up with her. So the girl sitting next to me at soundcheck raised her hand to ask Luke a question so of course he was looking basically right at me. We were like maybe 8 rows back from the stage and at this point in my life I had bright pink hair, so there was no missing me. So this girl is asking her innocent question, and naturally Luke looks around a bit and we make eye contact and instead of fangirling like a normal person, my anger at him boiled over and I ended up flipping him off. The whole band noticed and had to pretend they weren’t laughing at the oddly aggressive 9th grader who flipped off their lead singer. I still feel bad about it to this day lmao but all my friends think it’s hilarious and it’s definitely my go to party story.
headphones or speakers? why?
headphones all the way. Speakers only if I’m showering.
craving any food right now? what are you craving?
Surprisingly I’m not craving anything but that’s because I just ate dinner 10 minutes ago
which music streaming platform do you prefer? why?
Spotify all the way
ten questions (by lana, answered)
1. what is your favorite movie of all time?
This is such a hard question for me. I’m so bad at picking favorites. But I’d have to say it’s sort of a tie between Heathers, Brave and Iron Man 2
2. describe your childhood in three words
Disney, animals, comforting
3. Favorite holiday?
Halloween forever and always
4. Favorite vacation spot?
Disney World! 5.What do you think of the education system? Are you a fellow slave to the GPA?
The US education system has massive holes. I was lucky enough to attend a pretty good highschool and take good classes so I don’t feel like I was as robbed as other people, but there are curriculum gaps and misinformation everywhere you go. As far as college goes, I think it is wayyyy too expensive. Despite that, I still signed myself up for 8 years of debt so yes, I am a slave to the GPA. Gotta go hard for the dream job. 
6. What is your hair color? Very light blonde now, normally dirty blonde
7. What talent do you wish you had?
I wish I could draw or paint well so bad. I am so envious of artists.
8. What is your major and why? (If you’re in highschool, what do you plan on majoring in?)
I’m a biology major because I want to become a veterinarian! 
9.Do you like kids or do you merely tolerate them? I love most kids. There will always be some awful ones but as a general rule I love being around kids and I definitely want some of my own!
10. Any pets?
Yep, I have five cats!
ten questions from me to you:
who is your favorite non kpop artist?
do you prefer to be warm or cool?
dream job, if you have one?
favorite TV show?
top three celebrities you would sell your soul to meet?
do you believe in ghosts?
cookies or brownies?
do you like where you live?
do you know your personality type? If so, what is it?
do you prefer floral scents or neutral scents?
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
name: sara
nickname: sadams
birthday: April 16th, 2001
zodiac: Aries hehe
nationality: sadly, american
languages: only english 
gender: female
sexuality: straight
height: 5'2 or 3 I don’t know for sure
inspiration for muse: obviously txt but I pull inspiration from my life, music, TV/movies and other stories!
meaning behind my url: I heavily believe in the idea of alternate universes and I think there’s one where Soobin and I are best friends so that’s what I made my url!
blog established: May of 2020
followers: 568 (how??)
favourite animals: cats, snakes, raccoons
favourite books: Looking For Alaska by John Green
favourite colour: black, light purple, forest green, deep blue
favourite fictional characters: Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds), Andy Dwyer (Parks and Rec), Leslie Knope (Parks and Rec), Klaus and Ben (Umbrella Academy), Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes. For some reason I’m blanking on book characters so here are all of my movie/tv faves
favourite flower: Forget me nots
favourite scent: fresh laundry, anything tropical or ocean smelling, basil
favourite season: fall!
average hours of sleep: 7 or 8 usually 
cats or dogs: cats
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: hot chocolate 
current time: 6:41 pm
dream trip: Australia or SK
dream job: Veterinarian 
hobbies: writing, watching tv/movies, shopping, going for walks
hogwarts house: slytherin
last movie watched: 68 Kill (do not watch if you’re under 18 or sensitive, lmao)
last song listened to: Sarah Smiles by Panic! at the Disco
no. of blankets you sleep with: right now two
random fact(s): I love dinosaurs, I have low iron, I’m allergic to dogs even though I work at a doggy daycare
10 things I can’t stop listening to 
stay gold- bts
20 cm- txt
catch fire- 5sos
self- khalid
f2020- avenue beat
nyla- blackbear
everywhere- niall horan
heather- conan gray 
red desert- 5sos
eight- iu, suga
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awesome-bamon · 6 years
I’m proud to be a JP Stan and her flop shows TVD spin off, at least she has a career that all haters like you will never have.
Well, not surprising since you dismiss Bonnie fans valid feelings on how she mistreated Bonnie and treated her like crap for 8 years.  Just like her as long as the white characters and white ships are getting catered to, it is fine for the black woman on the show to be treated like second class.  Fine for her to be the magical negro  for your white faves.
You like Julie Plec think that the writing for Bonnie was perfectly okay for 8 seasons and that there was nothing wrong with it.  Think that black and POC fans of TVD/Bonnie should praise and embrace the character dying for the white characters, embrace her suffering and being in constant pain as some sort of positive, honorable, character trait that Plec decided to write in Bonnie.
You have the same mentality of white feminists Julie Plec and TV fandoms in general when it comes to how we express our displeasure for how black women are treated by both the writers of these shows and by the fandoms (especially white) who follow these shows.   You want to police how we feel about the treatment of black characters, want to silence us/shut us down.  Try to gaslight us into believing that there is no racism within the writing towards black women or no racism within the venom/hatred aimed at black women characters within fandoms.
You are in your feelings because someone called out Julie Plec for the white feminist, racist, fake woke write that she is.  Who goes on twitter to act like she is woke on feminist issues such as abuse or rape that women goes through, yet she constantly green lights and writes for the women characters to be violently attacked/abused by the male characters of the show.  Then excuses it off on it being a vampire show.
How her and Carina said that they broke up Elijah and Hayley because the relationship was abusive/toxic yet has Caroline turn around and say “You’re not the villain in my story.”  Erasing all that Klaus did to Caroline.
Or how she acts woke on race issues or social racial injustice issues.  Yet, heads a show where black witches are written as slaves/servants to the white characters.  Including building in a history of Bennett witches being servants/slavesl”hand maidens”  to the Petrova/Gilbert blood line.   Everyone from Emily,Abby, to Bonnie. Made to serve and sacrifice for the white women Katherine and Elena.
She makes the one black Bennett witch on the show the sacrificial lamb to the white characters.  Always making sure that Bonnie was willingly,gladly, and happily giving up her life and well being for theirs.  Seeing Bonnie as nothing but the magical negro to bring out when one of the whites needed saving (especially Elena)
And besides Bonnie when has Julie Plec made an effort to establish another long term POC or black character on the show and turn them into a regular?  She can find ways to keep useless white male characters like Jeremy,Matt,Enzo, and Alaric around.   She can created a whole spin off based around a white family with Klaus, Elijah etc…..
Is creating a whole other spin off in Legacies with a majority of a white cast, yet never in the 8 seasons of TVD has she tried to bring on a new black character as regular.  Yet, used Bonnie to make sure to give Enzo a story and keep him around after he overstayed his welcome in season 5.
Julie Plec acts woke on certain issues and has a platform. Yet, writes stories opposite of what she acts so woke on. Willing to throw both feminist and race issues to the side to shipbait and cater to her favorite white shipping fandoms.
So, of course you don’t see  Bonnie being a plot device to bring Jeremy back to life.  Just like Julie Plec you think that it is fine for Bonnie to be written in such a way.
Also, your fake woke feminist hires Matt Davis who is a open Trump Supporter and who talks about how Alaric Elena’s father figure/teacher/Uncle has “sexual tension” with Elena and how he is surprised that Alaric didn’t slip into her bed already.
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