fictional-boyfriend · 5 years
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happy second anniversary @kiwiesweetie !!!!!!
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giranswife · 6 years
Stephen’s cape holds a mistletoe over your head, leads you all the way over to Stephen where he chuckles and eagerly smooches you~
AAAAAA ALANAKANAKAMAKAMKA OMG HOW CUTE!!! I’ll give him all the smooches he wants omg😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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kinsbin · 6 years
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Finished commission for @kiwiesweetie of their platonic selfship with Shuri and Peter from Avengers! Super fun to draw they are such a cute sibling group and all my adopted chILDREN NOW. 
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alotta-lovin · 6 years
All of you, what are your favorite things about Sunny?
🚬 - oh– wait i think we answered something like this before?
🚬 -  Yeah– yeah we did, you can read about that here 
👑 - But we’re still gonna answer some things or add onto it
🚬 - the way she gets lost in her own world and will start dancing and singing in the kitchen or if we are out in one of the fields we chill in or the place we do fire pit nights…
👑 - The way she’s in a sense a wonderfully chaotic, perfectly put together mess.
👑 - She always tries her best to make sure someone is smiling and happy so they aren’t feeling the way she does.. or worse the way she does on her worst days.
🚬 - Her ability to some how try and find the positive in nearly every situation–
🚬 - her free bird spirit.. she doesn’t want to stay in one place, she wants to travel and go and she gets so happy and radiant when she thinks about traveling with myself, Steve, Dean or Cronus.
👑 - everyone and such has told her this and we’re gonna say it again. she’s a literal ball of warmth, love and positive energy. she seems to always bring comfort to myself and the other three by simply holding one of our hands.
🚬 - her ability to some how get me to do things i normally wouldn’t.. like dancing, or singing out loud. but if its with her i have no issue with it..
🚬 - her nurturing, empathetic, loving, sweet, warm and positive personality even if she has her dark days she’s still so… positive? or tries to be at least.
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👑 - oof that became very mushy real quick… u h i hope this answered your question @kiwiesweetie
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shiroe-is-my-baby · 6 years
You tend to like cool and collected characters, ones that clearly have a lot of knowledge about what they’re passionate about. Also, glasses 💖
Mmhmm this is correct!! Very correct indeed!!! I love my faves smart and passionate and serious 😂😂😂 and yes the glasses definitely ahahaha 💕💕💕💕
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nnoitraliker69 · 6 years
Rowdy Irish boys hm? You might like Cassidy from preacher then!
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self-shipping-angel · 6 years
I personally see you liking characters with strong values, or ones that are good at what they do. Hopefully that’s not too vague 💕
Not too vague!! It’s true, I’m drawn to consistency. My faves may not have the same morals and such but all of them are very consistent in their values. And consistency lends to stability. And I definitely agree on the ones who are good at what they do, it shows dedication and that they’re hard workers in my opinion. For example, we see characters saying that everything special about Steve came out of a bottle and yet we also are more likely to see Steve working out and training than sitting around on his ass doing nothing. Sure he went through Project Rebirth and came out super human, but he never sat back and said “cool I don’t have to work to be awesome.”
(Sorry I went kinda analytical there. I’ve been doing a lot of retrospecting about my past relationships lately and comparing that to my f/os has shed a lot of light on things.)
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fictional-boyfriend · 6 years
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commission for @kiwiesweetie happy anniversary!! (on sunday) :)
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valentinesparda · 6 years
kiwiesweetie replied to your post the red dead character art is so gorgeous and i...
Didn’t mean to end that in a period so have a heart spam instead ������������������
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kinsbin · 6 years
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Some doodles for @kiwiesweetie and @bad-blue-moon-rising as thanks for donating to my Ko-Fi! It helped me out so much, I was able to afford my transportation for this week for work <33
Interested in a chibi or quick doodle? Or just helping me out? Here’s my ko-fi page!
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shadowmayorshizue · 6 years
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This one is a gift for @kiwiesweetie! I really liked the design for her new self-insert who she ships with Haruko from FLCL so I wanted to try drawing them. 
I... have never drawn any animals besides Isabelle before, so when I decided that Haruko would be an uchi wolf, I had also made things a lot more challenging for myself. ^^;
I hope everybody likes this--especially the one this gift is meant for! 
I gotta go run some errands, but after that I’ll be back to do a couple more of these I hope. ;D
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self-shipping-angel · 6 years
Hermione! What kind of things do you and Sayeko do for fun?
“Evening, Lila! Let’s see we like shopping for books together and Sayeko will often invite me over to help out when she’s working on a new potion. I like to drag her outside for a picnic away from headquarters from time to time. She spends most of her days either assisting Levi with paperwork or overseeing training exercises, I think it’s only healthy to get her away from work for a bit, even if just for lunch. If I can’t manage to pry her away from the castle, I can usually get her to come out at least to the training fields under the guise of helping me with horseback riding.”
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valentinesparda · 6 years
kiwiesweetie replied to your post the red dead character art is so gorgeous and i...
O m g this is fantastic I love the colors your s/i is so coooooool.
thank you i had way too much fun with drawing this including the text
cowboy hell my home this is where i shall stay
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lacyred · 6 years
1-10 for the bi questions
thank you !
1. vanilla coke bi or cherry coke bi?
i’m not a fan of coke but if i had to pick . .... cherry maybe
2. smoky eye bi or sharp eyeliner bi?
aaaa sharp eyeliner i think
3. gold bi or silver bi?
4. moon bi or sun bi?
hmm moon
5. walk in the forest bi or walk on the beach bi?
walk on the beach !
6. milkshake bi or smoothie bi?
milkshake i think
7. pastel bi or neon bi?
8. PwP (plot without porn) bi or PwP (porn without plot) bi?
plot w/out porn
9. pun loving bi or pun hating bi?
pun loving ofc
10. strong bi-fi game bi or weak bi-fi game bi?
idk what bi-fi games are ): prob weak tho
✩ bi ask meme ✩
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shibasparklez · 5 years
I don’t post here anymore
This place isn’t healthy, so I left. I would go into why but it’s not worth the effort. Follow me on Instagram or AO3 with the same url that’s on here (Kiwiesweetie is my name on most things. Don’t go to my AO3 if you’re a minor). My discord is 💖Love and Thunder🌩#9789 if you would like to talk to me through there. Oh and maybe we can be friends on Minecraft or pocket camp? My gamertag is also kiwiesweetie.
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myrainydayloves · 5 years
30 Letters
Okay so I’ve written 30 or so letters so I’m gonna tag who I’ve sent them too and a keyword that will tell you it’s mine. If you didn’t get it, please tell me and I will resend! I saw some of you got yours so I won’t tag ya’ll
@lovelyescapist214 Keywords: Doctor’s orders
@realqueenyoshi Keyword: Poetry (From Alois)
@dragongambler Keyword: Bathtub(from Lovecraft)
@dugeunqx Keyword: Useful(from Goro)
@haileyotakubeebe Keyword: Raspberries(from Daza)
@neko-shinigxmi Keyword: Vacation To Me (From hj)
@selfinsertheaven Keyword: Purity and Moon (From Yusuke)
@yamiselfships Keyword: Korean Barbeque (from Chuuya)
@lovedandsafe Keyword: Soak up warmth (from Poe)
@nanasinserts Keyword: Keep the bed warm (From Kunikida)
@dreamy-skies-station Keyword: Summer (from T’Challa)
@kiwiesweetie Keyword: Cat (From Thor)
@mantis-selfships Keyword: Snacks (From Reigen)
@corvid-shipping Keyword: Outfit (from Ann)
@self-ship-on-main Keyword: Kung-fu (From Chie)
@angelicship Keyword: Bunny (from kanji)
@getitfrenchship Keyword: Protect (from Iwai)
@dokiquents Keyword: Miles (From Ryuji)
@selfinsertdreamland Keyword: Sho (from Sho)
@cookieswaggie Keyword: Cuuuuuutie (From Yosuke)
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