#kius hi rise
kiutb · 1 year
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Kept you waiting, huh? This is HI-RISE, one of my Rain World AUs inspired quite heavily by the likes of Splatoon and Phighting (play both) and will be one of the primary focuses of my blog.
I'll post every character's fullbody together when they're all completed. Can you guess the design inspirations?
World summary below
The city home to friendly conflict, battles and the playground of those looking to make a name for themselves. Battle is a way of life for the citizens of this world, where squads of five duke it out in controlled environments for fame and power.
A group of 5 slugcats - the Hunter, the Saint, the Rivulet, the Spearmaster, and the Artificer find themselves crossing paths and forging new bonds - attempting to leave their mark on the world they live in... though underneath the surface, not everyone's intentions are as clearcut as it seems.
This is a story forged by the bonds they have built, and a testament to their faith in one another.
Welcome to Ascent.
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thefamily · 4 years
“Who did this to you.” Interlude
This was inspired by this this! Thank you @whumpster-dumpster for letting me use it.
Jack’s P.O.V.
        I was stumbling through the forest, my vision slightly blurry, my cheek still ringing and my body hurting, whether it was from the emptiness or the fall down the stairs. I don’t know probably both to be honest. I wander aimlessly through the forest not focusing on anything, wanting nothing more than to be with Liru right now. I can feel myself getting dizzier the more I walked, until I come across a clearing with a bunch of trees that had all fallen over outward from the center of them. But I don’t have to think about that. I fall to my knee’s coughing like mad and almost instantly I can see splotches of blood on the grass.
        ‘Oh. That's not good.’
        Once I stop coughing, there is a small stain of blood in the grass. I don’t even acknowledge it as I pull myself up onto a fallen tree and sit on it. I hug myself, leaning over letting blood drip from my mouth, trying not to breathe it in. I choke back a sob, not wanting to make the pain worse as I think about what Mrs. Blanchfield did. I can’t stop the feeling of the hand hitting across my face, the force from it was enough to knock me down the stairs. Without even thinking, I ran out the door as fast I could ignoring the pain shooting through my entire body.
        I feel her presence before I see her and my heart begins to pound, ‘Nonononono please don’t let her see me like this.’
        ‘Shit.’ I slowly look up at her and I feel my heart flutter ever so slightly when I see her face, which has a look of confusion written all over it before it quickly changes to one of surprise then fury before falling emotionless. I quickly look back down at the ground as I hear the dead grass crunching beneath her bare feet as she stops right in front of me.
        “Jack,” I flinch slightly curling in on myself a bit. “look at me.” Her tone leaves no room for argument. I take a deep shaking breath, wincing in pain as I do, wiping the blood from my mouth away, before I look up at her. She immediately puts a knuckle under my chin tilting my head up more as she examines it and I can feel blood begin to drip down my chin again as she does. Her eyes flick down to the blood and she gently wipes away the blood before bringing it up to her face, saying nothing as she examines it.
        After a second or two, I feel my heart skip a nervous beat as she looks me dead in the eyes. Her voice is quiet and tense, her anger barely restrained as clouds begin to circle overhead.
        “W͟h̕o̢ did̢ th̡is̶ tò ͞you̡?”
        I swallow nervously, not sure if I should tell her, eyeing the blade of her scythe that strapped to her back, despite the very being of my soul screaming at me to tell her, but the thing in my head was screeching at me not to.
        “Mrs. Blanchfield.” The words tumble out of before I can even process the tone in her voice, a promise of pain and hellfire.
        “And who exactly is this… w̛oman?” My heart speeds up a bit as she spits out the word like it was poison. I swallow nervously wincing a bit, trying not to gag as the coppery blood runs down my throat.
        “S-She’s the o-orphanage caret-taker.” I flinch slightly at a low growl that seems to shake the world around us. Before I could begin to look around it she grabbed my hand, pulled me up and began pulling me away from the field. At her touch I can feel just how chaotic her mind is, the fury that's causing it reminding much of the time Henrik became enraged.
        “W-Where are we going?” I quietly curse myself for stuttering as she continues to pull me along, although I’m more following her than anything.
        “Home, I’m not letting you go back to those monsters.” Her words almost immediately calm me down.
        “Oh, okay.” The thought of being around her everyday, never having to go back to that hellhole, it brought a comfort I haven’t felt since before Henrik left. Before his promise rang through my head causing panic to grip my very being.
Liru’s P.O.V.
        I stopped in my tracks at his shout, his mind cold from whose ever voice that rang through it. I feel myself grow cold at the thought of him wanting to go back.
        ‘No. Please no, it’s not safe, please.’
        “I-I have to go back.” His voice is small and quiet as he speaks, and I can feel my shoulders drop as my stomach falls. ‘No…’
        “Jack…” My voice cracks as I whisper, not wanting to turn to him.
        “Please Liru, I need to go back.” His voice desperate as I forced myself to look at him. He was swaying in his spot slightly, his free arm wrapped tightly around his stomach, hand gripping his now blood stained shirt, bruises beginning to form already, especially the still welted hand print of the side of his face. I can feel a primal anger rise in me at the sight of it wanting nothing more than to tear apart the women responsible for it.
        “After what that monster did to you?” My voice is shaking with barely contained rage as I look him in the eyes, one of them bloodshot. He flinches at the sound of anger and it quickly melts away into sadness and ignored rejection.
        “You’re covered in bruises and blood, Jack. You’re not safe there.” I can’t keep the begging from my voice, it cracking like a glass jar thrown against a rock.
        “You look like you were thrown down the stairs!” I’m fighting back tears now, the desperation growing with every breath.
        “I-I’m fine, I just fell when I was leaving.” He looks me dead in the eye, pleading look never disappearing.
        “Please… I need to go back.” His are filled with unshed tears and I can feel my resolve break. I grab his hand gently pulling him to me as I step closer to him. He stumbles a little as he does and he has a confused and almost hopeful look that I can’t look at. Looking at the ground, I use my other hand to reach up and cup the back of his head, my entire body slouched in defeat and melancholy.
        “Liru?” He asks, confusion and worry clear in his voice. I don’t reply whispering,
        “Sopor.” Under my breath. And just like that, he falls limp against me as he sleeps. I quickly wrap my arms under his as I gently as I can, sliding down to my knees as I lay him against the grass. As I lay him against the grass the trees around us open their eyes, revealing glowing white sap as the faint smell of discarded flesh lingers in the air. They don’t say anything but I know they’re watching us.
        I run a hand of Jack, muttering a diagnostic spell under my breath as I do. It takes every ounce of control I have not to lose my temper right then and there. I look at his face and even asleep he looks like he’s in pain. I put a hand on his cheek rubbing my mark gently before beginning to sing.
“Flower gleam and glow.”
        I can’t heal him too much. I don’t want him to get suspicious. I can’t lose him too.
“Let your power shine.”
        I feel relief floods me as I watch as pieces of the cosmos flow through him, the collage of colors making him look like a young god as the forest floor beneath him begins to grow at a rapid pace, grass and flowers growing up and lightly wrapping around him.
“Make the clock reverse.”
        The collectors around us are creaking, speaking to each other curiosity radiating from them as they stare at the two of us, and I understand why. With Jack laid on the grass with me hunched over him with a hand on his cheek healing him.
“Bring back what was mine.”
        I force myself to not continue but thankfully he’s healed enough where he’s only kinda bruised and no longer bleeding internally. How he managed to get all the way out here without dying is beyond me. It’s at least a six hour walk but… I didn’t sense him until he was in the field… I quickly shake any of those thoughts away. 
        ‘I can deal with it later. Right now I need to take him back.’ I go to pick him up before I freeze, realizing it’s not a good idea for me not to take him. If I went to that village right now I’d burn it to the ground. I look back at Jack knowing I only have one choice for help right now. I take deep breath before shouting,
        “Σπαθί!!!” Within seconds the shadow creature is next to me on all fours.
        “Saluton, saluton, saluton. Ho! Kio estas tio?” The creature, roughly the size of a human man crawling on all fours with both arms and legs bent more like a horse’s than a humans, is staring down at both Jack and I.
        “Ĉu ĉi tio estas la malgranda homo, kiu ŝtelis la koron de la malgranda reĝino?” It leans over to sniff him but I quickly smack him on his side.
        “Cut that out I need help.” 
        “Ho?” Now I definitely have it’s attention.
        “Yes. I need help I know, weird right?” Sarcasm is dripping from my voice before I take a deep breath.
        “Look, I just need help getting him back to the village. And if I go there now, I’m going to l͟ęv̕el ̧it.” I wince a little at the way my voice changes, loathing it when it does that. It’s too much like a void demon’s. 
        “Tiam faru ĝin.” The malicious joy radiating from it nearly makes me cave to satisfy my own blood lust.
        “I can’t. Not yet. Not until he finally gives that place up.” It gives off the same energy of someone rolling its eyes before it looks down at Jack.
        “Can you take him back?” It’s head snaps to me, shock over taking it for a second before it throws its head back, letting out a blood curdling laugh, sounding more like a dying hell-hound than anything. When it finally stops I can hear what I assume is it’s mouth form into a toothy grin before stretching one arm out straight and it’s arm lets out a sick cracking sound as it’s ‘bones’ flipping around. I cringe at the sound and it scoops up Jack in it’s arm cradling him to it’s chest.
        “Kaj tiel la eta reĝo iras hejmen.”
        “It’s not his home. He’s made that very clear.” My voice is nothing more than a whisper as I push myself up, the grass curling around my fingers before I pull them away, standing up.
        “For mi iras.” And just like that they were gone. Once they were gone the Collectors began to talk amongst themselves again. I hadn’t even realized they stopped. I look around one last time before closing my eyes and focusing on my home?
        ‘Is it home without him?’
        When I open my eyes again, I’m thankfully in my room but also completely drained of any energy I might have had left after today. I flop on my bed, too exhausted to keep everything hidden, my wings sprawling out around me on the round bed, my tail joining them as it curls around me, making a small rattling sound as it moves. I’m laying face down as my horns come out weighing down my head a little, and finally my scales and eyes change the gold and red scales uncomfortable under the clothes I’m too tired to remove.
        I’m so close to dozing off when the door is lightly pushed open. Moving my head so I can look to see what entered my room, I’m almost immediately greeted by Izzy hopping onto the bed, a squeaky meow leaving her as she tries to move past my wings without stepping on them. I drag them out of the way in which she goes over to my throat and paws at the part around my neck until it comes undone and she slides underneath it on my back, knocking the scythe to the floor.
        I laugh lightly, closing my eyes again and yawning, muttering under my breath,
        “Please be okay Jack.” Not noticing Riptide’s head poking through the door as Izzy purrs me to sleep.
Yes Riptide ate her hand. Also no judging for the song I had no better idea's.
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@thegamerbook Thank you for beta reading the first few pages!
Saluton, saluton, saluton. Ho! Kio estas tio?? = Hello, hello hello. Oh! What's this?
Ĉu ĉi tio estas la malgranda homo, kiu ŝtelis la koron de la malgranda reĝino. = Is this the little human that's stolen the little queen's heart?
Tiam faru ĝin. = Then do it.
Kaj tiel la eta reĝo iras hejmen. = And so the little king goes home.
For mi iras. = Off I go.
Spade is Σπαθί
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dedalvs · 8 years
Conlang Dialogue, Episode 109, Emerald City
Quite a bit here...
SPI You are Trespass. Pagískua si’o.
SPI Kill. Hi wi’ka.
OJO This fight is mine. Disperse. Toni ni stavuri. La hi barú gaha.
OJO ...Rest and find your strength. We have all the time in the world. ...hi doa hi ‘in ambruri. Ios kou an niu pamiran pa hin.
NAHARA Who is this? Hibí ni?
OJO Interloper. Hi pagískua.
OJO She wants the Stone Giants. Lanú oiru Gunda Juru.
NAHARA I have no words to waste on the mistake that got me here. Nombu tun an hioi an ga ubauri angu niruri an-d-lihuzri tun niu.
NAHARA Does Glinda rise against the Wizard? Kuvon Glinda puli Wízada?
NAHARA Then I return to a world better than the one I left. Lanú diwa suchi tun pa ‘ozu marí puli ‘ozu an mia anjuri tun pa lia.
NAHARA Magic has existed as long as Oz. You don’t stop magic. You stop the person fighting the magic. Mia koa niu vozoku an jalindri an Oza. La inju si’o limiran vozoku. Lanú limiran chala an go stavuri vozoku.
NAHARA Did I choose right with the girl? Mia mon niu tun ki vunduri angu risa?
OJO There are no mistakes. Let me carry you from here. Inju niruri koa. Hi lirazdu tun hi si’o an niu.
NAHARA Here is good. Stay with me. Marí niu. La hi pas a’a tun.
NAHARA Tell me about our son. Hi hio tun angu boku an hini.
OJO He’s twenty and always right. Lia nurischi lanú vundu pamiran.
NAHARA Your looks or mine? Uli an-d-za’oi an doni monala?
OJO Yours. An-d-za’oi.
NAHARA Thank the moon goddess. Kiminda pa hadi olu.
OJO He plans to have a child. Jano lia pa londri zali.
NAHARA Someday? Tani gaha?
OJO Any day. Tani a’a.
NAHARA Ojo. Can there be joy with what’s to come? Hi Ojo. Ga ios kiu soliri ki kougán?
NAHARA What of this man... Can you help him? Von ni dizu... La ambro si’o tanú lia?
SURVIVORS A prick of pain unsettled debt her cries our retribution... Mora hatisatie velzeza ebaatie denna hoalatie inhava lozezatie...
SURVIVORS ...betrayed her sisters wicked tongue contorted and disfigured. ...denna aanenau kozhovun, diina bel iosa leiraarat.
WITCHES Nothing but base magic. Base magic. Ohnun giova ahninalar. Giova ahninalar.
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a-white-crayon · 7 years
Before the Sun Rises
note: this is a feature story assignment for my journalism course
The sun had not yet risen, but his day had begun. Under the West Kowloon Corridor and along the Tung Chau Street Temporary Market in Sham Shui Po, Ah Shing dragged his bag of treasures to his spot – the corner around the third column. With trembling hands, he carefully placed the goods onto the tattered green rag. MD players, white trainers that had gone yellow, vinyl discs, chipped crockery, you name it. Those items hardly held any value anyway. It was a couple minutes past five a.m., long before breakfast time.
Yet what would be on his breakfast plate was never Ah Shing’s concern, he didn’t have the privilege to think about that. He was like everybody else here in Sham Shui Po, pockets empty, living off Comprehensive Social Security Assitance (CSSA), and living in public rental housing.
Ah Ho was already there, when Ah Shing had yet reached his usual spot. Her goods were neatly laid out on top of the blue and white striped canvas, which was often used in construction sites. There were bomber jackets, faux leather handbags, blankets, worn out trainers… “It’s all good stuff,” she claimed.
 “Come and take a look,” Ah Ho called at the passers-by. “If the stuff isn’t good I won’t sell it.” She was sitting on a tiny plastic stool, a child’s chair, surrounded by rice cookers, tin plates, teapots, and electric kettles. A few plastic food jars were lying around, the ones with flowers drawn on them. They were popular in the 70s.
“You like that plate? It’s only five dollars.” She was referring to an enamel plate, with the classic blue rim and a red chrysanthemum painted in the middle. It was chipped here and there, but it was decent looking, it would work after a much-needed scrub.
Before the daybreak, there are bazaars in various areas in Hong Kong, selling low-cost, often used wares. Selling goods at grassroot bazaars could provide a supplementary source of money for the poor. Financial assistance such as Old Age Living Allowance, Old Age Allowance, and CSSA from the government could not support their living.
The vendors are usually elderlies, or retired middle-aged people. A lot of them were too old to be in the labour market, they were not as able as young workers and they were seldom hired. Up to 2014, 50.7% of the poor population are elderlies. 97200 out of 366000 people live below the poverty line, making the poverty rate in Sham Shui Po 26.6%. The median of monthly household income was merely $2500.
In April, the Daytime Market Concern Group, Support Grassroot Bazaars Alliance, and Concerning CSSA & Low Income Alliance proposed the operation of trial holiday bazaars at the junction of Sham Shui Po’s Kiu Kang Street and Hai Tan Street. The three organisations had conducted a survey on this subject. Out of 201 people who completed the questionnaire, 168 supported the grassroot bazaars. 104 agreed grassroot bazaars could help the poor vendors to make a living.
Ah Ho is one of the regular vendors, she lives alone in an apartment in a tong lau building nearby. “I have been here for two years,” she said. “No one comes around anymore, and when there is people, they are stingy old bums.”
“What are you looking for? I have everything,” she mumbles whilst staring into the empty space, eyes lacking a focus.
An old man came by, rummaging through the things Ah Ho was selling. “What a nice teddy!” He delightedly opened the box of plush toys. “Of course it’s in good quality, I am selling it for fifty dollars.”
The man hesitated for a moment, worried about the price. “I’m not getting it - unless it’s forty (dollars).”
“This is brand new, I don’t sell brand new toys for forty dollars,” Ah Ho shook her hands, “the best I could offer was forty-eight dollars, deal?”
“Stingy old bum,” She muttered under her breath after the man left with his new purchase, stuffing the money into her hip pack. “People nowadays are always sticking out their hands, asking for more and more, but none is willing to do anything for it!”
“CSSA is not enough! Inflation is so serious, prices aren’t going down,” Ah Ho sighed as she picked at a slightly dented can of sardines.
The grass-root bazaars have existed for more than two decades, yet they had not aroused public interest until the recent years. It had also come to the public’s concern that hawker licenses have not yet been granted to any vendors at grassroot bazaars.
Lee Kwok-kuen, a community organsier at Concerning CSSA & Low Income Alliance, agreed that granting hawker licenses to bazaar vendors would benefit the grass-roots in Sham Shui Po. “More and more young people come to these flea markets to look for vintage treasures. This is a good sign.”
At grassroot bazaars, vendors could do business and shoppers to purchase things they need with a low cost. Licensing allows sustainable development of the hawkers, preserving this unique culture.
The street sleepers had woken. Ten of them gathered in a circle and watched two men play chess. The Vietnamese were up too, chattering in their mother tongue, a foreign language to our ears. Their voices were soft, and coarse due to the years of smoking.
A lantern was placed in the middle of a blue tent, lighting up the tiny space. A short-haired woman squatted outside the tent, bare feet, injecting God-knows-what into her swollen ankle with a syringe that did not look it had been properly cleaned.
The sun had not yet risen.
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randomaj-aferoj · 5 years
Lesson XLVI - Exercises
Arĥimedo kaj la krono
Archimedes and the crown
Once a well-known king, named Hiero, used to live in a big city in Sicilia, which is to the Southwest of Italy. He suspected that sometimes the crownmakers, who made crowns for him, did not use all the gold given to them by the king, but forged it by using some other material. Nonetheless, Hiero could not by himself find out if the gold was regularly forged.
For that reason, he made a Greek learned man, whose name was Archimedes, come and tell him his fear about the forged gold. Archimedes assured him that he would somehow indeed find out about the forgery, and help the king against the forgers, who were so indifferent to honesty. Everyday he much contemplated on the thing, but the longer he contemplated, the less successful his attempts were, until one day, when he accidentally made an interesting finding. He had just bathed himself, and suddenly noticed that while he himself stayed under the water, for some reason there seemed to be slightly more water than before in the bath. At once he understood that his body had pushed some of the water out of its place. He understood that as much water was pushed out, as there was before in that place where he himself was.
Such a rising of the water with his body gave him a wise idea, and he took in his hand two or three golden crowns. He threw them one after the other into the bath, and carefully noticed to what height all of them raised the water. Then he pulled them out, and introduced the crown about which Hiero was the most suspicious. He noticed that this one did not raise the water so high, so he was sure that the gold in it was falsified to a big extent.
It is said that when he found out this method to show the forgery of the dishonest crownmakers, he jumped out in joy and cried out “eureka,” which is the Greek word for “I have found.” This same word is still much used now in the English language.
Sentences for translation
Antaŭ kelkaj jarcentoj, riĉa kaj multpova reĝo, nomita Hierono, loĝadis en Sikelio.
Iam li estis suspektema pri la kronfarintoj kiuj faris kronojn por li, el la oro, kiun li mem donis al ili.
Li miris ĉu ĉi tiuj viroj estis honestaj.
Li suspektis ke eble ili ne uzas ĉiom de la oro kiu estas donita al ili, sed tenis iom por si.
Li ne povis, per si mem, eltrovi ĉu ili estis falsantaj la oron en liaj kronoj, tial li alvokis saĝan viron el Grekujo.
Al ĉi tiu klerulo, kies nomo estis Arĥimedo, li klarigis siajn timojn.
Arĥimedo certigas la reĝon, ke li iel eltrovos pri la afero.
Li pensadis kelkajn horojn ĉiutage, kaj penis eltrovi kontentigan metodon, sed ial li ne sukcesis.
Tamen unu tagon, kiam li estis sin bananta, li rimarkis ke ŝajnis esti iomege pli akvo en la banujo kiam li mem estis en ĝi, ol antaŭe.
La levo de la akvo donis ideon al li.
Li ĵetis la kronojn unu post la alia en la akvon, kaj rimarkis kiom da akvo ĉiu el ili levis.
Tiamaniere li komprenis kiom ĉiu estis falsita de la lokaj kronfarintoj, kiujn Hierono baldaŭ ĵetis en la malliberejon.
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25 Year Old’s View on Parenting
Although children may be raised with the same fundamentals; no two children will be parented exactly the same. A parent may feel as though they are raising two siblings exactly the same but these two people are two different personalities and how they take to this parent are completely different. A parent might raise two children the same and one may become very successful and independent whereas the other may be in and out of jail. There is such a crucial point in a child’s life where they absolutely need their parents and how a parent’s choice to do so is incredibly important. There’s nothing more terrifying than to see one’s own child make terrible decisions when they have come to the age of independence and that is why it is a parent’s duty to try everything humanly possible to make decisions to help raise them be able to solve, cope, and get over anything that may be thrown at one in one’s life.
Psychologist Diana Baumrind suggests that there are three types of parenting methods: authoritarian, permissive, and authoritative. The authoritarian parent is one whom almost raises their child as a prisoner; the child has strict rules, no voice, and must do as the parent says without any other options. Whereas the permissive parent does the exact opposite; the child makes their own rules, let’s the child be the boss, and the parent expects the child to make the right decision on their own without having any respect given to them. Then finally the perfect yin and yang balance of both methods is the authoritative. This last method the parents give the children enough room to make mistakes in order to learn from, these parents are respected by their children enough to be listened to, and learn how to become self-reliant.
In an online journal, the bad influences of authoritarian methods are hypothesized to later cause anxiety “The basic and general hypotheses are that a young person's career unreadiness, indecision or myth, sustains anxiety and stems from his or her authoritarian upbringing.”(Cheung & Wu, 20154) This journal outlines that children from a young age have this pressure that is overwhelming enough to cause anxiety in specifically the workplace. Thus this article reveals how authoritarian parenting does not help a child grow into a confident and sure adult, rather an adult whom actively fears failure enough to invoke anxiety.
In another online journal, the connection between permissive parenting and aberrant behavior is outlined, “The available literature suggests that permissive parenting predicts deviant peer affiliation which, in turn, predicts delinquent behaviors.” (Erath, Tu, & Sheikh, 2016). Furthermore, this article suggests that these friends that the children of permissive parent’s make influence them more than their own parents. Therefore, these children are more prone to make bad decisions leading to getting them in trouble.
Lastly, the happy medium of both parenting styles, the authoritative style, “Children of authoritative parents display high self-esteem and tend to be self-reliant, self-controlled, secure, popular and inquisitive” (Hesari, & Hejaz, 2011). With all these adjectives a child can’t seemingly be anything other than successful. Although this style isn’t perfect, it seems as though this style would help the most through all the phases a child goes through. In depth, if a child feels as though they can connect and talk through their problems with their parent it makes the child actually capable of working through their problem. This is not possible with the other parenting styles because the authoritarian scares a child from voicing their opinion, and the permissive parent leaves the child to blame when an adult should have interfered.
 A family that displaces all these types of parenting can be seen with while watching the fictional series Arrested Development with the Bluth family. When the head of the family was around he was the authoritarian parent. Whereas his children decided to raise their own children very differently. Michael Bluth decided to raise his son, George-Michael, with the authoritative method. Whereas Michael’s sister, Lindsay, decided to raise her daughter, Maeby, with the permissive parent method. With both Michael and Lindsay being the same age their diverse way of parenting is made very obvious.
 Personally I think l never took any parenting classes or did any research while I was pregnant because I thought it would shut down my natural instinct to parent my child. As an adult, your understanding of right and wrong should have fully matured so as a parent it is your duty to teach this to your child. It’s too easy to let your children run your life, and it’s way too easy to only have it your way and control them. I’m not sure at what age the transition is from your parent’s mistakes turn into your mistakes;  but at some point the responsibility needs to be taken. Although some people go their whole entire life not taking responsibility and blaming other for their shortcomings. In the long run though, without realizing the wrongs that your parent’s have taken the likability of you making the same mistakes rises exponentially.
  Cheung, Chau-Kiu, Cheung, Hoi Yan, & Wu, Joseph. (2014). Career unreadiness in relation to anxiety and
authoritarian parenting among undergraduates. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth,
19(3), 336-349.
Hesari, & Hejazi. (2011). The Mediating Role of Self Esteem in the Relationship Between
the Authoritative Parenting Style and Aggression. Procedia - Social and Behavioral
Sciences,30, 1724-1730.
Hinnant, J., Erath, B., Tu, S., & El-Sheikh, A. (2016). Permissive Parenting, Deviant Peer
Affiliations, and Delinquent Behavior in Adolescence: The Moderating Role of
Sympathetic Nervous System Reactivity. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 44(6), 1071-1081.
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hongkongdramas · 6 years
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Lord of Shanghai
It was a huge cast and everyone gave such an amazing performance in this drama. I was impressed with all the actors and how they delivered such great acting in the drama. The three tycoons especially was perfect. 
Kiu Ngo Tin was such a sweet talker and he was so clever in dealing with everyone he was associated with. I really admire his way of doing business and how he used his ability to sweet talk and get close to important people to rise to power. He was devoted to his country and wife and really cherishes friendship and loyalty. Anthony Wong was superb that is why he is such a great actor. But what i dislike is when Kenneth Ma acted as Kiu Ngo Tin’s younger self. Kenneth Ma did a great job but i think he could not pull off the Shanghai accent in which the character is supposed to have so his voice was dubbed in. I was super annoyed by that.... And also the fact that why all the actors that acted in the younger past remained the same in the current era while only Kiu Ngo Tin had to change actors between Kenneth Ma and Anthony Wong??? Wayne Lau, Myolie Wu, Natalie Tong, Louisa So all remained why not Kiu Ngo Tin’s character??
I do not recognize the actor who portrayed Chak Kam Tong but i think Chak Kam Tong’s character is just a poop. LOL Well i said that because he treated Kwai Seng so badly that he deserved to be named poop.. 
Not much for me to review because i cant seem to remember much since i took such a long time to finish. But all in all i really like this drama given the pace and story plot. Actors were amazing and it was really entertaining for me to watch. Great job.
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kiutb · 1 year
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eats concrete and loves women
original below (and some extra comments)
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HI-RISE artificer and hunter are very very good friends and are normally always seen talking or doing stuff together
neither actually have any romantical interest in one another, they're just really good friends and help eachother reach their goals, whether it be relationship stuff or just helping one another through rough times
hunter is interested in saint and rivulet arti is interested in spearmaster
theyre just Homies:tm:
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kiutb · 1 year
oo i dont have anthro designs or a good idea for outfits for my scugs just yet but! i shall send question
how did hunter and saint meet in hi rise? how did they get to know each other?
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SoS isn't dead, but she has gone missing, hence Hunter and Saint growing a much deeper bond in Squad 7 than they did with SoS around - it became much more "raw" and less forced to Saint... that, and she felt a particular urge to see where Hunter's journey would lead him.
They didn't immediately hit it off. But they grew a deeper bond over the course of their time with SoS and as Squad 7, which inevitably ended up dragging Rivulet into the ordeal too - creating the RGB Hi-Rise timeline we have now.
As an added note, Saint fights using Arcana, so that they can actually participate in the story.
Oh, and if you do end up giving me outfit designs I can attempt to make my own spin on yours, if you ever choose to do so!
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kiutb · 1 year
does this au hunter have rot
like can she turn into HLL and eat someone
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"The 'HLL' state's scary. Even to me. It's terrifying to think of, and I don't want to think about it... though I guess you gotta know your own enemy."
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kiutb · 1 year
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heres a slightly outdated hirise saint since i dont believe ive posted this yet.
only real outdated thing is more details + longer hair, lashes.
she's a mage/uses arcana. not much else to explain
also, older art
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kiutb · 1 year
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"Your time is also mine."
hi-rise rivulet. fast, knives and time manipulation? where have i heard THAT before?
a little sneak at what hi-rise actually is its very fashionable scugs the AU
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thefamily · 4 years
“Who did this to you.” Interlude
This was inspired by this this! Thank you @whumpster-dumpster​ for letting me use it.
A/N: Edited and a minor change or two.
(Word Count:2137)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Jack was stumbling through the forest, his vision slightly blurry with his cheek still ringing and his body hurting, whether it was from the emptiness or the fall down the stairs. He doesn’t know, probably both to be honest. He wanders aimlessly through the forest not focusing on anything, wanting nothing more than to be with Liru right now. He can feel himself getting dizzier the more he walks, until he comes across a clearing with a bunch of trees that had all fallen over outward from the center of them. But he doesn't think about that. He falls to his knee’s coughing like mad and almost instantly he can see splotches of blood on the grass.
‘Oh. That's not good.’
Once he stops coughing, there is a small stain of blood in the grass. He doesn't even acknowledge it as he pulls himself up onto a fallen tree and sits on it. He hugs himself, leaning over letting blood drip from his mouth, trying not to breathe it in. He chokes back a sob, not wanting to make the pain worse as he thinks about what Mrs. Blanchfield did. He can’t stop the feeling of the hand hitting across his face, the force from it was enough to knock him down the stairs. Without even thinking, he ran out the door as fast he could ignoring the pain shooting through his entire body.
He feels Liru’s presence before he sees her and his heart begins to pound, ‘Nonononono please don’t let her see me like this.’
‘Shit.’ He slowly looks up at her and he feels his heart flutter ever so slightly when he sees her face, which has a look of confusion written all over it which quickly changes to one of surprise then fury before falling emotionless. He quickly looks back down at the ground, the dead grass crunching beneath her bare feet as she stops right in front of him.
“Jack,” He flinches slightly, curling in on himself a bit “look at me.” Her tone leaves no room for argument. He takes a deep shaky breath, wincing in pain as he does, wipes the blood from his mouth and looks up at her. She immediately puts a knuckle under his chin tilting his head up more as she examines it and he can feel blood begin to drip down his chin again as she does. Her eyes flick down to the blood and she gently wipes it away before bringing it up to her face, saying nothing as she examines it.
After a second or two, he feels his heart skip a nervous beat as she looks him dead in the eyes. Her voice is quiet and tense, her anger barely restrained as clouds begin to circle overhead.
“W͟h̕o̢ did̢ th̡is̶ tò ͞you̡?”
He swallows nervously, not sure if he should tell her. He eyes the blade of her scythe that's strapped to her back, despite the very being of his soul screaming at him to tell her, but the thing in my head was screeching at him not to.
“Mrs. Blanchfield.” The words tumble out of before he can even process the tone in her voice, a promise of pain and hellfire.
“And who exactly is this… w̛oman?” His heart speeds up a bit as she spits out the word like it was poison. He swallows nervously wincing a bit, trying not to gag as the coppery blood runs down his throat.
“S-She’s the o-orphanage caret-taker.” He flinches slightly at a low growl that seems to shake the world around them. Before he could begin to look around she grabbed his hand, pulled him up and began pulling him away from the field. At her touch he can feel just how chaotic her mind is, the fury that's causing it reminding much of the time Henrik became enraged.
“W-Where are we going?” He quietly curses himself for stuttering as she continues to pull him along, although he’s more following her than anything.
“Home, I’m not letting you go back to those monsters.” Her words almost immediately calm him down.
“Oh, okay.” The thought of being around her everyday, never having to go back to that hellhole, it brought a comfort he hasn't felt since before Henrik left. Before Henrik's promise rang through his head causing panic to grip his very being.
Liru stops in her tracks at his shout, his mind cold from whose ever voice that rang through it. She feels herself grow cold at the thought of him wanting to go back.
‘No. Please no, it’s not safe, please.’
“I-I have to go back.” His voice is small and quiet as he speaks, and her shoulders drop as her stomach falls. ‘No…’
“Jack…” My voice cracks as I whisper, not wanting to turn to him.
“Please Liru, I need to go back.” His voice desperate as she forces herself to look at him. He was swaying in his spot slightly, his free arm wrapped tightly around his stomach, hand gripping his now blood stained shirt, bruises beginning to form already, especially the still welted hand print of the side of his face. A primal anger rises in her at the sight of it wanting nothing more than to tear apart the woman responsible for it.
“After what that monster did to you?” Her voice is shaking with barely contained rage as she looks him in the eyes, one of them bloodshot. He flinches at the sound of anger making it quickly melt away into sadness and ignored rejection.
“You’re covered in bruises and blood, Jack. You’re not safe there.” She can’t keep the begging from her voice, it cracks like a glass jar thrown against a rock.
“You look like you were thrown down the stairs!” She’s fighting back tears now, the desperation growing with every breath.
“I-I’m fine, I just fell when I was leaving.” He looks her dead in the eye, pleading look never disappearing.
“Please… I need to go back.” His eyes are filled with unshed tears and her resolve breaks. She grabs his hand gently pulling him to her as she steps closer to him. He stumbles a little as he does and he has a confused and almost hopeful look that she can’t look at. Looking at the ground, she uses her other hand to reach up and cup the back of his head, her entire body slouched in defeat and melancholy.
“Liru?” He asks with confusion and worry clear in his voice. She don’t reply whispering,
“Sopor.” Under her breath. And just like that, he falls limp against her as he sleeps. She quickly wraps her arms under his and as gently as she can, sliding down to her knees as she lays him against the grass. As she lays him down, the trees around them open their eyes, revealing glowing white sap as the faint smell of discarded flesh lingers in the air. They don’t say anything but she knows they’re watching them.
She runs a hand over Jack, muttering a diagnostic spell under her breath as she does. It takes every ounce of control she has not to lose her temper right then and there. She looks at his face and even asleep he looks like he’s in pain. She puts a hand on his cheek rubbing her mark gently before beginning to sing.
“Flower gleam and glow.”
She can’t heal him too much. She doesn't want him to get suspicious. She can’t lose him too.
“Let your power shine.”
She feels relief wash over her as she watches as pieces of the cosmos flow through him, the collage of colors making him look like a young Divine as the forest floor beneath him begins to grow at a rapid pace, grass and flowers growing up and lightly wrapping around him.
“Make the clock reverse.”
The collectors around them are creaking, speaking to each other curiosity radiating from them as they stare at the human and Divine, and she understands why. With Jack laid on the grass and with her hunched over him with a hand on his cheek healing him. It must be quite a sight to see her interacting with a person from a race she despises.
“Bring back what was mine.”
She forces herself to not continue but thankfully he’s healed enough where he’s only kinda bruised and no longer bleeding internally. How he managed to get all the way out here without dying is beyond her. It’s at least a six hour walk but… he didn’t sense him until he was in the field… she quickly shakes any of those thoughts away. 
‘I can deal with it later. Right now I need to take him back.’ Liru goes to pick him up before she freezes, realizing it’s not a good idea for her not to take him. If she went to that village right now she’d burn it to the ground. She looks back at Jack knowing she only has one choice for help right now. She takes a deep breath before shouting,
“Σπαθί!!!” Within seconds the shadow creature is next to her on all fours.
“Saluton, saluton, saluton. Ho! Kio estas tio?” The creature, roughly the size of a human man crawling on all fours with both arms and legs bent more like a horse’s than a humans, is staring down at both Jack and her.
“Ĉu ĉi tio estas la malgranda homo, kiu ŝtelis la koron de la malgranda reĝino?” It leans over to sniff him but she quickly smacks him on his side.
“Cut that out I need help.” 
“Ho?” Now she definitely has its attention.
“Yes. I need help I know, weird right?” Sarcasm is dripping from her voice before she takes a deep breath.
“Look, I just need help getting him back to the village. And if I go there now, I’m going to l͟ęv̕el ̧it.” She winces a little at the way her voice changes, loathing it when it does that. It’s too much like a void demon’s.
“Tiam faru ĝin.” The malicious joy radiating from it nearly makes her cave to satisfy her own blood lust.
“I can’t. Not yet. Not until he finally gives that place up.” It gives off the same energy of someone rolling its eyes before it looks down at Jack.
“Can you take him back?” It’s head snaps to her, shock over taking it for a second before it throws its head back, letting out a blood curdling laugh, sounding more like a dying hell-hound than anything. When it finally stops she can hear what she assumes is it’s mouth, form into a toothy grin before stretching one arm out straight and it’s arm lets out a sick cracking sound as it’s ‘bones’ flipping around. She cringes at the sound and it scoops up Jack in it’s arm cradling him to it’s chest.
“Kaj tiel la eta reĝo iras hejmen.”
“It’s not his home. He’s made that very clear.” Her voice is nothing more than a whisper as she pushes herself up, the grass curling around her fingers before she pulls them away, standing up.
“For mi iras.” And just like that they were gone. Once they were gone the Collectors began to talk amongst themselves again. She hadn’t even realized they stopped. She looks around one last time before closing her eyes and focusing on her… home?
‘Is it home without him?’
When Liru opens her eyes again, she’s thankfully in her room but completely drained of any energy she might have had left after today. She flops onto her bed, too exhausted to keep everything hidden. Her wings sprawl out around her on the round bed, her tail joining them as it curls around her making a small rattling sound as it moves. She’s laying face down as her horns come out weighing down her head a little, and finally her scales come out and her eyes change the gold and red scales uncomfortable under the clothes she’s too tired to remove.
She's so close to dozing off when the door is lightly pushed open. Moving her head so she can look to see what entered her room, she’s almost immediately greeted by Izzy hopping onto the bed, a squeaky meow leaving her as she tries to move past Liru’s wings without stepping on them. She drags them out of the way in which the puffball goes over to her throat and paws at the part of her cloak around her neck until it comes undone and Izzy slides underneath it on her back, knocking the scythe to the floor.
Liru laughs lightly, closing her eyes again and yawning, muttering under her breath,
“Please be okay Jack.” Not noticing Riptide’s head poking through the door as Izzy purrs her to sleep.
Sopor = Sleep
Saluton, saluton, saluton. Ho! Kio estas tio?? = Hello, hello hello. Oh! What's this?
Ĉu ĉi tio estas la malgranda homo, kiu ŝtelis la koron de la malgranda reĝino. = Is this the little human that's stolen the little queen's heart?
Tiam faru ĝin. = Then do it.
Kaj tiel la eta reĝo iras hejmen. = And so the little king goes home.
For mi iras. = Off I go.
Spade is Σπαθί
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