belindaofthesnakes · 7 months
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0806cafe · 1 year
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ratdeath · 1 year
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#Illbleed #Woodpuppets #Mana #Ki #KitsumeOc #PoodleArtMyArt
I like how the creator of Illbleed looked at those wooden art mannequins and made them into enemies called woodpuppets.
I even made a cursed oc based off one called Mana.
She's a pretty old oc but is my longest paired oc.
Kityoume are shifters that have been cursed by a unknown or know force to become a mannequin then when love has reached a certain point they break out their cursed bodies to reveal their true form mixed with a little bit of the other person's look that freed them.
Mana is a Kityoume.
Kityoume's can be male, female, multigendered, and genderless. Not all Kityoume's are kitsune like.
I had a dream about this today. (6/9/2023)
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metmuseum · 2 months
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Two Girls Play the Finger Game of Kitsume Ken. 1725–1770. Credit line: Henry L. Phillips Collection, Bequest of Henry L. Phillips, 1939 https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/57030
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nx42 · 2 months
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Stolas Suit
How did I get here? I bet Blitzo stood me up AGAIN. For kitsume
Posted using PostyBirb
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wereraven-arts · 2 months
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EVEN MORE ArtFight attacks & revenges!
In order: Manakete (Revenge), Phirlsich (Attack), LunarPatch (Revenge), Furea-Kitsume (Revenge), Kakiranne (Revenge), Dark-L27 (Revenge), PillowPoke (Attack)
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whirlwindflux · 1 year
Kitsume Nova: "Hey Flux, did you know that it's nearly impossible to get dye out of white fur?" :)
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Flux: Not just white fur… I guess this is staying around for a while! Blue is a great color to be!
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pocketseizure · 1 year
Best Wells in Tears of the Kingdom #2
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The Haran Lakefront Well lies a short distance from the Highland Stable in the Faron Grasslands. Link discovers this location after Penn reports that people visiting the stable have claimed to hear “an eerie voice” echoing across the field to the west during the night.  
Many of the strange rumors Penn asks Link to investigate involve Yiga Clan shenanigans, and it initially seems as though this rumor is no different. Other wells in the general region are used by Yiga footsoldiers trying out their moves on Link-shaped combat dummies, so I thought I knew exactly what would be waiting for me at the bottom of the Haran Lakefront Well.
What I found instead was a woman named Sagessa, who enjoys how the underground acoustics transform her voice as she sings. The people at the Highland Stable, who believe they have a ghost on their hands, have thrown weapons into the well to pacify the spirit. These weapons have been fused with mid-level monster parts, and they serve as a handy arsenal cache that regenerates with every Blood Moon.
It’s good that Sagessa doesn’t try to kill you, of course, but her song is still a little spooky. In Japanese, it’s easy to misinterpret the lyrics, which contain a number of unsettling puns. For example, the last line of the song is “kitsune ga ibaru,” which means “the fox brags [that it’s not cold].” This is misheard as “kitsume ni shibaru,” which means “I’ll tie you up tight [if you don’t throw down your weapon].”  
Personally, I strongly suspect that Sagessa is indeed a member of the Yiga Clan, but that’s okay. Even Yiga footsoldiers need a break every once in a while. They work hard, and they’ve earned it.  
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rotm-channel · 21 days
RotM:Chapter III-The Hidden Truth
Since Ancient times there have been sightings and recordings of strange manifestations in the sky.
It was always speculated on the possibilities of….visitors from another world
Today from the skies of California!
The fields of Kansas!
The Freezing Wastelands of the Poles!
The Rice Patties of the Orient!
The Atlantic Ocean!
The Airlanes of the world!
…come persistent reports of UFOs Unidentified flying objects which we have come to know as…flying saucers,something had to be done!
In Dayton Ohio the Air Intelligence Command gathers in search data from all corners of the globe 95 percent of the objects prove to be of natural origin.While 5 percent remain still listed as unknown.
The Air Force is aware of the widely held belief that some of these could be flying saucers from another planet,while there is nothing conclusive in the evidence.The probing and digesting the probing information about UFOs continues unceasingly!
As a result headquarters of the hemispheric defense command in Colorado Springs issued an order:
Any military installations are to fire on sight at any flying objects unidentifiable.
But even as they did this the military wondered if their know-how and best weapons would be effective in any battle of
“Ahhh that's so scary!”Bob said
“Aw come on Bob it's only a movie”Beastman comforted him
“How about a Roger Corman film?Or better yet a documentary.”The Cockroach man suggested.
“Why not a beach film I love those” Link was saying remembering the good old days of rampage and women.
I didn't really pay much attention to that movie they were putting on,besides I was so big I could hardly tell what was going on. The set was so tiny. Sigh…time sure does pass here at a snail's pace.I met some other inmates like Beastman he was quite nice and cultured but we could only see him only at daytime because at night no matter where he was he would lose control of his instincts and be completely feral and dangerous.
Then there was Jaromir the Vodyanoy(or water spirit) who went as far as to flood a village for not leaving his lake alone ,while he went on the run afterward through lakes heading towards the sea,it ended with a showdown with the WASPs(Worldwide Aquatic Security Patrol)after which he was captured and was used as an example to other water spirits to be wary of the consequences of their actions.
Then he was a japanese Yokai Shapeshifter he was a mysterious robber and stole from many jewelry collections he was called the invisible striker as he would take the form of any guard or official,while it was hard to catch him they eventually did and locked him up here .Its true form was Kitsume which meant fox.
And many,many more.
“Even among misfits I'm a misfit”I said to myself
Meanwhile Bob changed the channel and was watching static
“Woah did you get that?CCSSSSHHH!Now that is quality tv!”He said mimicking the static
“Bob, it's on static change the channel!”Beastman said in reply
“Yeah, put on something cool and tropical, ''Link suggested. Hopefully he thought of himself as being very cool especially after being in ice for millennia and he loved the warmth and atmosphere of it.It was a convenient truth that the planet had left the Ice age that froze him.
“You mean like ... .Monster Beach?”The dim-witted Blob said
“Oh No not that again”Link said annoyed
I was looking over the oatmeal and reminiscing of the good old days,days which were not long ago,I just lost almost any taste for food, my life was without any flavor. My life is just dull, gray,monotonous and uncomfortable with enough food to keep me going yet not have any taste to give me an appetite.I had been here for two weeks and It was hard for me to be familiarized with this weird life .It felt like a fever dream .As if I had gone insane and was locked up and put on medications…and yet it was so real.
“Well…at least with this gunk I won't have any weight woes”After this gunk isn't very tempting I said
“Yeah at least I won't gain any weight!”I said aloud trying to stay optimistic.
“But you've already gained Tons of weight” Bob said brainlessly and unintentionally insensitively
“THANKS BOB!”I said I was angered by his remark,He most likely didn't mean it of course. but i couldn't help it.Im not the type to be sarcastic but this was just so…well…different.
Suddenly a large helicopter appeared and it was towing a light,the light which guided Grubzilla back to his cell where he would slumber, meaning it was time for him and us to go to sleep.
“Oh well it's time to go to sleep, good night!”Cockroach said
“Sleep well Amazonia!”Link said
“Have a nice night Ginormica!”Bob said
“Her name is actually Titanica!”Beastman said
“No Its Susan”I said
While I chose the name Titanica it was against my will i just found it to be the best of a bad lot. My,I wish they would just shut up and stop calling me that!I am not Titanica,I am Susan!
In the cell I was deep in thought and then I saw the kitten “Hang in there”Poster and said to myself“Okay,Susan Murphy Hang in there and face the facts.You're in Jail unfairly imprisoned and none of my friends know where I am,but they know I'm missing, Derek might know some powerful people,Mom and Dad will also do there best,and everyone present at the wedding saw it happen and will…….. “EUREKA!That's it!”I shouted loudly and happily.
But then I remembered I was under 24 hour surveillance by the personell observing me. So I thought to myself“Some of my friends and family were filming and taking photos at my wedding,and would still be filming and taking photos when I turned to a giantess.That's excellent proof!Like who wouldn't want to take a photo of something as weird as that…The Government can't keep me a secret anymore!They must know I've been kidnapped.The Government can't keep me with that out and about!They just can't!"After that I calmed down from my elation and went to sleep.
I had a strange dream that night,that I was a celebrity and that bilions watched videos of me growing up to giant size on televisions and at meets and well just frankly everywhere.And that I was a phenomenon known as “Bridezilla!”. I felt odd and embarrassed,then again many are most likely seeing the video while I was still dreaming.Oh well I couldn't be that bad!
The next morning as I woke up I went into the day with new hopes.
Suddenly a beeping sound came.The beeping sound that announced the meals we were to get.The other inmates noticed it as well.
“Oh Boy!It's eat time” Link said happily as he and the gang raced up to the table.
Link dished up his favorite meal,raw fish!He happily dug into it in his primitive manner.
“That is thoroughly repulsive” Doc said
Then he was dished up his food,trash.
“Oh look, a lovely slipper” he said and started to devour it,Bob tried to reach out to take some ,but Doc noticed and promptly pushed him away.
“Sorry but this is my rubbish pile”he said to the blob
He happily indulged in it,When I first saw Doc eat trash I wondered how could someone like eating trash but then I remembered that he said he fused himself with genes of a cockroach and that it not only affected him physically but also mentally,It was like from that book Metamorphosis where that guy got turned into a bug and found how much he loved rotten things.
Then again i must admit Doc has been doing a pretty good job of disregarding his bug instincts and has been acting very kind and civil .In fact I bet he's the nicest person i met since…the day…As for Bob seeing as he's such a simpleton…well such a thing wouldn't really have much taste or completely bizzare taste at that.
“Doc!DOC!DOC!DOOOOOCCCC!!!” Bob screamed in terror
“I forgot to breathe. What will I do?How can I breathe help me Doc!”The brainless blob screamed in terror!
“Bob,you are a Blob and you do not need to breathe”Cockroach deadpanned,this wasn't the first time this week Bob had that type of problem.
“WOW!THANKS DOC YOU'RE A LIFESAVER!”Bob said happily and I saw him shaking the hands with Doc
Some time later I layed down alone,when suddenly I felt a scurrying up my legs. I used my hand to scrape it off. It was Jacques and he went flying all the way to the wall and hit it with a thud his hands were twitching.
"OH!Im so sorry!"I said realizing I accidentally crushed him,how emberassing!
“No no my dear it is my fault entirely I should have asked before i climbed on you at times the bug part of me takes control and I don't notice”Jacques-Yves said
“Anyway I have something to tell you”He said while he scurried over in front of me.
“My examinations of you have proven most intriguing,Susan.I have no Idea what could have caused it.Do the scientist from the examination know anything about it?”He asked me curiously
“The scientists just call it Chemical X”I said “They don't know much about it,in fact they are not even sure if it was an element,it could have been anything really.
“Well ,maybe we should give it a name then”Jacques said
“Titanium?No wait that's already been taken".Cockroach mused
Susanium?He said,I blushed, it was nice but kinda unfitting.
“Cockroachium?”I said,Doc smiled back.
“I don't know,I have been running checks on you,whatever it is it affect you completely right down to your quantum levels”Doc was deep in thought
“Hmmm,Quantonium?It seems fitting.”He said
“Yeah,I think that's just a fine name for it,if it even is an element.”I said Doc's name was okay for now.
“Well for all I know and the scientist too, what happened to you could have been anything like just a magic trick that changed you,but that would be daft!”he said jokingly
“Yeah”Was all I said,he was right and it made me think,maybe it wasn't some kind of element or radiation or all that jazz.Maybe it could be something beyond our comprehension…then again maybe I was just overthinking,I looked back at Jacques.
I liked him. He was so nice to me and so understanding,maybe because he was at one point a normal human being too and he was rather intelligent in addition to being accustomed to all sorts of beasts
“Doc, this place is like Alcatraz for the supernatural” I said to the tiny bug headed white cloth scientist.
His large cockroach eyes looked at me and then thought about something and then he said
“More like Tartarus!”
“What?”I answered,like what's this tartar something?
“Its from Greek mythology Doc swiftly replied It was used to imprison Demons,Titans and certain humans as a prison,you know interesting story the titans who were giants led by Cronus were banished there as punishment It was said to have been a prison built by the gods.Odd how there are such strange parallels between the real and the mythical…then again you're mythical giantess and you real,I guess it's just a coincidence”The seemingly tiny doctor told me
I was amazed by his knowledge and kinda embarased by my ignorance,so then left to the side for awhile
Monger arrived inside and again a helicopter used its light to direct Grubzilla away,I was disgusted by the way he treated him as if he was just an object
“Monger,I need to have a word with you” I said trying to look serious,I was waiting for this all day…at least i thought it was day,Deep down i was nervous however.
“Sure thing”He answered and the flew to me
“What about..visits?When will I see anyone from my family again?”I said
“No visits to any monsters ,sorry but that's just the way it is can't bring just anybody here for any reason we gotta keep this place and you secret”Monger said
“How long will I have to be here?" I demanded “How long will you keep this little game of yours up?Another day?week?Month or a year?”I said desperately as tried to come to terms with his previous sentence
“Forever” Monger said cooly and calmly and landed his jetpack and turned it off and walked towards me
“After all the military is expert at covering up and creating misinformations to fill in the gaps…If it is necessary that is…after all most think the Easter Bunny is a fable.”He explained
“So…I'm just gonna rot here for always and always and always, for doing nothing wrong?”I said “In fact a lot of these other creatures are too!And they arent all that bad”
“Well,I wouldn't say so”!Monger said
“But they're innocent!”I told Monger in a defiant tone!
“Innocent eh?”Monger said
“Actually most if not all are guilty. Each of them went on a rampage,caused destruction,were a danger to society and possibly even killed people intentionally or not!Grubzilla has the highest damage and death count by far and while he didnt mean to destroy part of Tokyo ,he is still a hazard and a big one at that!Link went on a rampage and kidnapped many innocent women and killed a several men who were trying to stop him from getting the girl.”
"And Beastman killed several people too,no wonder he gave himself up as he realized he couldn't control himself at night in the slightest.And wisely saw this as the correct choice"
"And that Blob, while he can only eat inorganic matter he still eat through a few city blocks caused property damage several people were injured and he imperiled many innocent lives!If You are in any doubt we have the M-Files for it and even if not convinced then we even have footage of there rampages!"
“But I didn't go on a rampage!”I protested,I WAS IN THE RIGHT!I didn't Kill anyone,I didn't intentionally become a giantess,or intentionally cause any trouble .Im Innocent .I'm supposed to be free!
“True!But you must understand that you did cause some havoc though unintentionally as well as being well…a giantess,I'm sorry but you were just too dangerous to be around,that and we need to keep myths hidden and Giants aren't exactly easy to hide or cover up.And If you would be free many would panic and possibly even try to kill you. And also we have agreements for cover-ups for a reason you know for your benefit and societies at large”Monger said
“How did you even think you'll cover me up?And all these creatures and their actions as well?”I said trying to get him off his arguments though he did plant a seed of doubt in my head with his proclamations
“Well Link was actually “revealed” to be an actor in a suit who was part of a movie production and the whole thing including the footage was brushed off as a publicity stunt.The Wolf-man was just a gag of several teeagers who had a suit and scared people with it.”
“Bob was just called a lab explosion which caused the damage and some of the gasses escaping from it ,caused people to hallucinate.”
He finished his long speech with “I Could go on but you get the point.”
“But you can't just expect people to unsee me!There were many by me and I wouldn't be surprised if photos or videos were taken of it!You just can't tell them to unsee that!And you can't just do as if I never existed!”I said to try and fight against all of his statements.
“True,but we can give “explanations” and “reveal the truth to the public”.As for those who saw you we just advised them to not talk about it,besides no one would believe them.And those Photos were destroyed and while a video of it was leaked by someone at the wedding and shown on a Mystery channel we quickly disavowed its legitimacy.We said that it was actually done as a parody of monster movie made by some students in Modesto and sent there actually to promote their film efforts”
So…I really was alone asking if my parents or friends would visit would obviously be fruitless so I asked for the last remaining thing
“Can I at the very least call my parents or write to them?”I said holding on to a last string of hope for some,any contact
“That is not an option,there is a risk of an information leak”Monger continued in a stoic voice cutting off the last thread of hope
“EVEN A SERIAL KILLER HAS THE RIGHT TO THAT!”I screamed in rage,I was infuriated,I screamed so loud that some glass from some of the observatories cracked and broke.
Monger gave me a disapproving look which then turned into one which looked more like disappointment.
“I am sorry”He said
And with that he walked away…
So I contemplated the whole situation while some know the videos are taken as fake and anyone in Modesto who saw me would be discouraged and my parents couldn't do anything.I was…On my own.
I sat down and cuddled myself into a ball into one corner.I could feel tears slowly forming in my eyes.
“Cmon Susan”I said to myself “Get up and face it.It aint all bad!”I had to push through it.No more crying now!I thought that maybe what he told me were lies…fat chance!
So here I am in my dimly lit room,not long after the lights went out and the room plunged into darkness.I went down and started to cry again,I curled up into a ball and eventually stopped crying.I tried to make myself happy.
I tried to still dream about the happy days, the days of being NORMAL!Those days have to be back.
Then I thought about the test they conducted on me and those surveys of my body.There still is hope!The scientists were working out to find out what happened to me,and if they did they could cure me and everything could be just Honky Dory again…
“But…if they're trying to figure me out ,there must be more to it”I thought to myself.If they figured out how I work,what would stop them from making their own giants?I thought to myself. So I have two outcomes…and both bad…and even if they cure me, who knows how long…will Derek still be waiting for me?
That night I had a nightmare, giants destroying city blocks crushing innocent people causing war,death,famine and plagues…well ok maybe not plagues but still…..all this…and then I saw myself being pointed at by the victims in what was left of Modesto“You……you did this”One said “No wait I didn't mean to I”I tried to defend myself and those victims...they were my friends and "choke"family! “You…did this to us”Another one said. “This was all your fault,If it were not for you we wouldn't have lost everyone we knew,our homes and suffered greatly under all of this”
“MONSTER!MONSTER!MONSTER!”My former bes friends chanted while pointing at me in the ruins of my hometown."Wait Im sorry!I never wanted this.
Then I saw that they brought to me Derek…he was dead and they said “He Died because of you,”I looked at Derek…his starry eyes still looking outward as if searching for me,never to see me again in this barren wasteland.
“DEREK?DEREK!DEREK!”I cried out,Clutching his body,we would be forever separated husband and wife.Then I cried out “NOOOOO!!!!!”
With a shock I woke up and looked around just to make sure I was still here.
“Oh,It was only a bad dream”I said in relief, resting myself and giving a large sigh of relief,everything calmed down and was quite save for my breathing,I then thought back to the experiments,what happened in the dream could become maybe one day a sad reality.
I really have to get out of here.
Firstly the end was done as a nightmare (So if it doesn't make sense or have contrivances i did it intentionally to boil it down to her worst fears and pains coming to get her,after all dreams(and nightmares) have no limitations and can really show us thing we cant see)
The Next Parts will be different:There lenghts may vary due to what part of the story thell  tell and I will change the POV character too to give us more insight and characterisation of these characters(I am working on several chapters at once to make better connections between the stories and to plan ahead so sorry for the delays im working on it still)
I made this fake-out opening just because i thought that the monsters should watch something in there spare time(also yes Earth vs the Flying Saucers is a real film I had on dvd and though quoting it would make the opening more interesting…and those 5 percent are most likely the guardians and other such magical beings)
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theburgessobserver · 5 months
Pt.3 The Hidden Truth
Since Ancient times there have been sightings and recordings of strange manifestations in the sky.
It was always speculated on the possibilities of….visitors from another world
Today from the skies of California!
The fields of Kansas!
The Freezing Wastelands of the Poles!
The Rice Patties of the Orient!
The Atlantic Ocean!
The Airlanes of the world!
…come persistent reports of UFOs Unidentified flying objects which we have come to know as…flying saucers,something had to be done!
In Dayton Ohio the Air Intelligence Command gathers in search data from all corners of the globe 95 percent of the objects prove to be of natural origin.While 5 percent remain still listed as unknown.
The Air Force is aware of the widely held belief that some of these could be flying saucers from another planet,while there is nothing conclusive in the evidence.The probing and digesting the probing information about UFOs continues unceasingly!
As a result headquarters of the hemispheric defense command in Colorado Springs issued an order:
Any military installations are to fire on sight at any flying objects unidentifiable.
But even as they did this the military wondered if their know-how and best weapons would be effective in any battle of
“Ahhh that's so scary!”Bob said
“Aw come on Bob it's only a movie”Beastman comforted him
“How about a Roger Corman film?Or better yet a documentary.”The Cockroach man suggested.
“Why not a beach film I love those” Link was saying remembering the good old days of rampage and women.
I didn't really pay much attention to that movie they were putting on,besides I was so big I could hardly tell what was going on. The set was so tiny. Sigh…time sure does pass here at a snail's pace.I met some other inmates like Beastman he was quite nice and cultured but we could only see him only at daytime because at night no matter where he was he would lose control of his instincts and be completely feral and dangerous.
Then there was Jaromir the Vodyanoy(or water spirit) who went as far as to flood a village for not leaving his lake alone ,while he went on the run afterward through lakes heading towards the sea,it ended with a showdown with the WASPs(World Aquanaut Security Patrol)after which he was captured and was used as an example to other water spirits to be wary of the consequences of their actions.
Then he was a japanese Yokai Shapeshifter he was a mysterious robber and stole from many jewelry collections he was called the invisible striker as he would take the form of any guard or official,while it was hard to catch him they eventually did and locked him up here .Its rue form was Kitsume which meant fox.
Then there was the Goblin Queen.She is from what I heard from Doc the queen and warrior champion of her subterranean hidden kingdom.But that was not enough for her,when the treaty was signed she was against all the way through and disregarded it many times.In the end she was taken here to prevent her from causing real trouble,unlike others she had many perks like looser rules,far better quarters etc. mainly due to her background and power and to keep her happy again to prevent trouble from her domain.
“Even among misfits I'm a misfit”I said to myself
Meanwhile Bob changed the channel and was watching static
“Woah did you get that?CCSSSSHHH!Now that is quality tv!”He said mimicking the static
“Bob, it's on static change the channel!”Beastman said in reply
“Yeah, put on something cool and tropical, ''Link suggested. Hopefully he thought of himself as being very cool especially after being in ice for millennia and he loved the warmth and atmosphere of it.It was a convenient truth that the planet had left the Ice age that froze him.
“You mean like ... .Monster Beach?”The dim-witted Blob said
“Oh No not that again”Link said annoyed
I was looking over the oatmeal and reminiscing of the good old days,days which were not long ago,I just lost almost any taste for food, my life was without any flavor. My life is just dull, gray,monotonous and uncomfortable with enough food to keep me going yet not have any taste to give me an appetite.I had been here for two weeks and It was hard for me to be familiarized with this weird life .It felt like a fever dream .As if I had gone insane and was locked up and put on medications…and yet it was so real.
“Well…at least with this gunk I won't have any weight woes”After this gunk isn't very tempting I said
“Yeah at least I won't gain any weight!”I said aloud trying to stay optimistic.
“But you've already gained Tons of weight” Bob said brainlessly and unintentionally insensitively
“THANKS BOB!”I said I was angered by his remark,He most likely didn't mean it of course. but i couldn't help it.Im not the type to be sarcastic but this was just so…well…different.
Suddenly a large helicopter appeared and it was towing a light,the light which guided Grubzilla back to his cell where he would slumber, meaning it was time for him and us to go to sleep.
“Oh well it's time to go to sleep, good night!”Cockroach said
“Sleep well Amazonia!”Link said
“Have a nice night Ginormica!”Bob said
“Her name is actually Titanica!”Beastman said
“No Its Susan”I said
While I chose the name Titanica it was against my will i just found it to be the best of a bad lot. My,I wish they would just shut up and stop calling me that!I am not Titanica,I am Susan!
In the cell I was deep in thought and then I saw the kitten “Hang in there”Poster and said to myself“Okay,Susan Murphy Hang in there and face the facts.You're in Jail unfairly imprisoned and none of my friends know where I am,but they know I'm missing, Derek might know some powerful people,Mom and Dad will also do there best,and everyone present at the wedding saw it happen and will…….. “EUREKA!That's it!”I shouted loudly and happily.
But then I remembered I was under 24 hour surveillance by the personell observing me. So I thought to myself“Some of my friends and family were filming and taking photos at my wedding,and would still be filming and taking photos when I turned to a giantess.That's excellent proof!Like who wouldn't want to take a photo of something as weird as that…The Government can't keep me a secret anymore!They must know I've been kidnapped.The Government can't keep me with that out and about!They just can't!"After that I calmed down from my elation and went to sleep.
I had a strange dream that night,that I was a celebrity and that bilions watched videos of me growing up to giant size on televisions and at meets and well just frankly everywhere.And that I was a phenomenon known as “Bridezilla!”. I felt odd and embarrassed,then again many are most likely seeing the video while I was still dreaming.Oh well I couldn't be that bad!
The next morning as I woke up I went into the day with new hopes.
Suddenly a beeping sound came.The beeping sound that announced the meals we were to get.The other inmates noticed it as well.
“Oh Boy!It's eat time” Link said happily as he and the gang raced up to the table.
Link dished up his favorite meal,raw fish!He happily dug into it in his primitive manner.
“That is thoroughly repulsive” Doc said
Then he was dished up his food,trash.
“Oh look, a lovely slipper” he said and started to devour it,Bob tried to reach out to take some ,but Doc noticed and promptly pushed him away.
“Sorry but this is my rubbish pile”he said to the blob
He happily indulged in it,When I first saw Doc eat trash I wondered how could someone like eating trash but then I remembered that he said he fused himself with genes of a cockroach and that it not only affected him physically but also mentally,It was like from that book Metamorphosis where that guy got turned into a bug and found how much he loved rotten things.
Then again i must admit Doc has been doing a pretty good job of disregarding his bug instincts and has been acting very kind and civil .In fact I bet he's the nicest person i met since…the day…As for Bob seeing as he's such a simpleton…well such a thing wouldn't really have much taste or completely bizzare taste at that.
“Doc!DOC!DOC!DOOOOOCCCC!!!” Bob screamed in terror
“I forgot to breathe. What will I do?How can I breathe help me Doc!”The brainless blob screamed in terror!
“Bob,you are a Blob and you do not need to breathe”Cockroach deadpanned,this wasn't the first time this week Bob had that type of problem.
“WOW!THANKS DOC YOU'RE A LIFESAVER!”Bob said happily and I saw him shaking the hands with Doc
Some time later I layed down alone,when suddenly I felt a scurrying up my legs. I used my hand to scrape it off. It was Jacques and he went flying all the way to the wall and hit it with a thud his hands were twitching.
"OH!Im so sorry!"I said realizing I accidentally crushed him,how emberassing!
“No no my dear it is my fault entirely I should have asked before i climbed on you at times the bug part of me takes control and I don't notice”Jacques-Yves said
“Anyway I have something to tell you”He said while he scurried over in front of me.
“My examinations of you have proven most intriguing,Susan.I have no Idea what could have caused it.Do the scientist from the examination know anything about it?”He asked me curiously
“The scientists just call it Chemical X”I said “They don't know much about it,in fact they are not even sure if it was an element,it could have been anything really.
“Well ,maybe we should give it a name then”Jacques said
“Titanium?No wait that's already been taken".Cockroach mused
Susanium?He said,I blushed, it was nice but kinda unfitting.
“Cockroachium?”I said,Doc smiled back.
“I don't know,I have been running checks on you,whatever it is it affect you completely right down to your quantum levels”Doc was deep in thought
“Hmmm,Quantonium?It seems fitting.”He said
“Yeah,I think that's just a fine name for it,if it even is an element.”I said Doc's name was okay for now.
“Well for all I know and the scientist too, what happened to you could have been anything like just a magic trick that changed you,but that would be daft!”he said jokingly
“Yeah”Was all I said,he was right and it made me think,maybe it wasn't some kind of element or radiation or all that jazz.Maybe it could be something beyond our comprehension…then again maybe I was just overthinking,I looked back at Jacques.
I liked him. He was so nice to me and so understanding,maybe because he was at one point a normal human being too and he was rather intelligent in addition to being accustomed to all sorts of beasts
“Doc, this place is like Alcatraz for the supernatural” I said to the tiny bug headed white cloth scientist.
His large cockroach eyes looked at me and then thought about something and then he said
“More like Tartarus!”
“What?”I answered,like what's this tartar something?
“Its from Greek mythology Doc swiftly replied It was used to imprison Demons,Titans and certain humans as a prison,you know interesting story the titans who were giants led by Cronus were banished there as punishment It was said to have been a prison built by the gods.Odd how there are such strange parallels between the real and the mythical…then again you're mythical giantess and you real,I guess it's just a coincidence”The seemingly tiny doctor told me
I was amazed by his knowledge and kinda embarased by my ignorance,so then left to the side for awhile
Monger arrived inside and again a helicopter used its light to direct Grubzilla away,I was disgusted by the way he treated him as if he was just an object
“Monger,I need to have a word with you” I said trying to look serious,I was waiting for this all day…at least i thought it was day,Deep down i was nervous however.
“Sure thing”He answered and the flew to me
“What about..visits?When will I see anyone from my family again?”I said
“No visits to any monsters ,sorry but that's just the way it is can't bring just anybody here for any reason we gotta keep this place and you secret”Monger said
“How long will I have to be here?" I demanded “How long will you keep this little game of yours up?Another day?week?Month or a year?”I said desperately as tried to come to terms with his previous sentence
“Forever” Monger said cooly and calmly and landed his jetpack and turned it off and walked towards me
“After all the military is expert at covering up and creating misinformations to fill in the gaps…If it is necessary that is…after all most think the Easter Bunny is a fable.”He explained
“So…I'm just gonna rot here for always and always and always, for doing nothing wrong?”I said “In fact a lot of these other creatures are too!And they arent all that bad”
“Well,I wouldn't say so”!Monger said
“But they're innocent!”I told Monger in a defiant tone!
“Innocent eh?”Monger said
“Actually most if not all are guilty. Each of them went on a rampage,caused destruction,were a danger to society and possibly even killed people intentionally or not!Grubzilla has the highest damage and death count by far and while he didnt mean to destroy part of Tokyo ,he is still a hazard and a big one at that!Link went on a rampage and kidnapped many innocent women and killed a several men who were trying to stop him from getting the girl.”
"And Beastman killed several people too,no wonder he gave himself up as he realized he couldn't control himself at night in the slightest.And wisely saw this as the correct choice"
"And that Blob, while he can only eat inorganic matter he still eat through a few city blocks caused property damage several people were injured and he imperiled many innocent lives!If You are in any doubt we have the M-Files for it and even if not convinced then we even have footage of there rampages!"
“But I didn't go on a rampage!”I protested,I WAS IN THE RIGHT!I didn't Kill anyone,I didn't intentionally become a giantess,or intentionally cause any trouble .Im Innocent .I'm supposed to be free!
“True!But you must understand that you did cause some havoc though unintentionally as well as being well…a giantess,I'm sorry but you were just too dangerous to be around,that and we need to keep myths hidden and Giants aren't exactly easy to hide or cover up.And If you would be free many would panic and possibly even try to kill you. And also we have agreements for cover-ups for a reason you know for your benefit and societies at large”Monger said
“How did you even think you'll cover me up?And all these creatures and their actions as well?”I said trying to get him off his arguments though he did plant a seed of doubt in my head with his proclamations
“Well Link was actually “revealed” to be an actor in a suit who was part of a movie production and the whole thing including the footage was brushed off as a publicity stunt.The Wolf-man was just a gag of several teeagers who had a suit and scared people with it.”
“Bob was just called a lab explosion which caused the damage and some of the gasses escaping from it ,caused people to hallucinate.”
He finished his long speech with “I Could go on but you get the point.”
“But you can't just expect people to unsee me!There were many by me and I wouldn't be surprised if photos or videos were taken of it!You just can't tell them to unsee that!And you can't just do as if I never existed!”I said to try and fight against all of his statements.
“True,but we can give “explanations” and “reveal the truth to the public”.As for those who saw you we just advised them to not talk about it,besides no one would believe them.And those Photos were destroyed and while a video of it was leaked by someone at the wedding and shown on a Mystery channel we quickly disavowed its legitimacy.We said that it was actually done as a parody of monster movie made by some students in Modesto and sent there actually to promote their film efforts”
So…I really was alone asking if my parents or friends would visit would obviously be fruitless so I asked for the last remaining thing
“Can I at the very least call my parents or write to them?”I said holding on to a last string of hope for some,any contact
“That is not an option,there is a risk of an information leak”Monger continued in a stoic voice cutting off the last thread of hope
“EVEN A SERIAL KILLER HAS THE RIGHT TO THAT!”I screamed in rage,I was infuriated,I screamed so loud that some glass from some of the observatories cracked and broke.
Monger gave me a disapproving look which then turned into one which looked more like disappointment.
“I am sorry”He said
And with that he walked away…
So I contemplated the whole situation while some know the videos are taken as fake and anyone in Modesto who saw me would be discouraged and my parents couldn't do anything.I was…On my own.
I sat down and cuddled myself into a ball into one corner.I could feel tears slowly forming in my eyes.
“Cmon Susan”I said to myself “Get up and face it.It aint all bad!”I had to push through it.No more crying now!I thought that maybe what he told me were lies…fat chance!
So here I am in my dimly lit room,not long after the lights went out and the room plunged into darkness.I went down and started to cry again,I curled up into a ball and eventually stopped crying.I tried to make myself happy.
I tried to still dream about the happy days, the days of being NORMAL!Those days have to be back.
Then I thought about the test they conducted on me and those surveys of my body.There still is hope!The scientists were working out to find out what happened to me,and if they did they could cure me and everything could be just Honky Dory again…
“But…if they're trying to figure me out ,there must be more to it”I thought to myself.If they figured out how I work,what would stop them from making their own giants?I thought to myself. So I have two outcomes…and both bad…and even if they cure me, who knows how long…will Derek still be waiting for me?
That night I had a nightmare, giants destroying city blocks crushing innocent people causing war,death,famine and plagues…well ok maybe not plagues but still…..all this…and then I saw myself being pointed at by the victims in what was left of Modesto“You……you did this”One said “No wait I didn't mean to I”I tried to defend myself and those victims...they were my friends and "choke"family! “You…did this to us”Another one said. “This was all your fault,If it were not for you we wouldn't have lost everyone we knew,our homes and suffered greatly under all of this”
“MONSTER!MONSTER!MONSTER!”My former bes friends chanted while pointing at me in the ruins of my hometown."Wait Im sorry!I never wanted this.
Then I saw that they brought to me Derek…he was dead and they said “He Died because of you,”I looked at Derek…his starry eyes still looking outward as if searching for me,never to see me again in this barren wasteland.
“DEREK?DEREK!DEREK!”I cried out,Clutching his body,we would be forever separated husband and wife.Then I cried out “NOOOOO!!!!!”
With a shock I woke up and looked around just to make sure I was still here.
“Oh,It was only a bad dream”I said in relief, resting myself and giving a large sigh of relief,everything calmed down and was quite save for my breathing,I then thought back to the experiments,what happened in the dream could become maybe one day a sad reality.
I really have to get out of here.
Firstly the end was done as a nightmare (So if it doesn't make sense or have contrivances i did it intentionally to boil it down to her worst fears and pains coming to get her,after all dreams(and nightmares) have no limitations and can really show us thing we cant see)
The Next Parts will be different:There lenghts may vary due to what part of the story thell tell and I will change the POV character too to give us more insight and characterisation of these characters(I am working on several chapters at once to make better connections between the stories and to plan ahead so sorry for the delays im working on it still)
I made this fake-out opening just because i thought that the monsters should watch something in there spare time(also yes Earth vs the Flying Saucers is a real film I had on dvd and though quoting it would make the opening more interesting…and those 5 percent are most likely the guardians and other such magical beings)
The Reason Wasps found Jaromir was because some babyteeth in the area were sent to look for him and managed to know exactly where he was heading and then telling tooth who told Wasp who were ready and waiting for him.
She is human like in body and size,but with some difference like her scaly-green skin,her pointy ears(not to cartoonish proportions tough still)she also has violet hair and two of her teeth can be retractable between normal and sharp. It is stated in mythology are ruled by the smartest and strongest of them.Like she is motivated by greed.There are several breeds some may be nearly elf like and only live a few decades while others like herself are humanoid and are far more powerful and itelligent.For she can be stabbed right through and only have it as a slight flesh wound.She also has some weaponry like a flying broomstick like thingy.Like all she has the ability to see in darkness.While many say shes crazy its just one of her ploys to incite fear to her enemies.
While in myth they were all seen the same, some types(like hers)are considerably intelligent,despite being almost always portrayed as being ugly and dimwitted.
Fun Fact
The Guardians had to assemble to take her down,while she threatend to attack the world above.
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Is the flash cannon still going on? If so can i request Mitsuhide + Tengu
Hi Anon...
It wasn't still going on, but I'm about to do a new different flash canon soon after I post this, so I thought I would come back to finish it. To refresh the memory, flash canon means I have only ten minutes to write whatever I can come up with for the prompt...
Generally Mitsuhide's attitude toward Tengu is "live and let live."
The demi-god Tengu might be more powerful than the kitsune, though a kitsume might be able to trick one (Mitsuhide has never needed to put this to the test, and he's rather not).
One day, however, while Mai is delivering a package to Mitsuhide, a local daimyo barges in with a sad story to tell. It seems his fiance Hana is missing, and the man is convinced that she's been abducted by a tengu.
Of course, Mitsuhide is not a detective, and he has plenty of work of his own to do, but Mai is overcome with sympathy for the man... and it is Mai who will...
Probably go off in search of the Tengu herself if Mitsuhide doesn't step in.
So he agrees to talk to the Tengu, although he has a private theory about what has happened.
After getting all of the details of the missing girl, Mitsuhide has Masamune pack him some food, and he sets off for the mountain where Hana was last seen.
Eventually, he comes to Tengu's mountain territory, and sets out the offering of food and a bottle of sake.
Then he sits nearby to wait.
Soon enough the tengu flies down and accepts the offering.
Mitsuhide respectfully greets the Tengu, and says, "would you be willing to answer a few questions?"
Normally, the Tengu would have nothing to do with a kitsune, but the Tengu is pleased with the offering of food (because of course, Masamune made a most excellent meal). He tells Mitsuhide that if he willing to entertain him while he eats, he will answer three questions after that.
So Mitsuhide brings out his flute and plays it for the Tengu.
After finishing the meal the Tengu says, "You may ask three questions, but they must all be yes or no."
Mitsuhide bows. He knows he must not anger the Tengu with the questions, even though the creature did promise to answer them.
So he tells the Tengu the story of the daimyo and his missing fiancee. "Do you know where Hana is?"
"Is she happy where she is?"
"Are you protecting her from the daimyo?"
Because Mitsuhide's perceptive questions pleased the Tengu, it adds that Hana came to him willingly, because she did not wish to marry the daimyo.
"I thought that was the case," Mitsuhide tells the tengu. "Tell Hana that if she wishes to stay where she is, the Oda will make sure the daimyo doesn't come after her, and if she wishes to return to Azuchi, we will make sure she is protected."
The tengu nods and states he will make sure Hana knows her options.
Then the tengu says that if Mitsuhide wishes to play the flute some more, he will be pleased to offer him a boon.
Knowing that a future favor from the Tengu would be quite useful, Mitsuhide nods and plays another tune on the flute.
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fluzzard24-archive · 2 years
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Dilf Keaton and Kitsume Ryoma
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amvmusicart · 2 years
Digimon ghost game makuake amv by karma kitsume
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humaneevee2874 · 10 months
qsmp/ friendship forever au lore.
happy ending for everyone. For now...
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[characters used]
Paul The Kitsume Ninetales. And petscops great grandpa.
Quincy The Dragon. Paul's wife. And the eggs mother.
Nim The Tree Spirit. Paul's other wife. And Dream and Nightmares mom.
[Character credit]
Quincy and Paul belong to @humaneevee2874 .
Nim belongs to @jokublog .
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matchavevo · 2 years
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