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miuji · 8 months ago
✿  haechan/mark   usernames
hyklee   dollechan  amorechan
haecafe   mahyuckie  minhyugs
kitmark  webmark  markholi
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ru-titley-knives · 5 years ago
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Fett inspired Vecro backed Poker chips .
Classic bounty hunter OD green and red G-10 blaster armour with Kirinite Starlight GITD cores and cyflect Glint &Glow fronts .
Mythosaur patch by @packconfig
 Custom knives , sheaths and gear from [email protected]
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heretherebedork · 3 years ago
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This genuinely is adorable... but the context kind of ruins it, honestly. I don't know how to feel about this. I'm very, very torn. Because it's darling. They're both so sweet and so cute. But it's so POINTLESS. It feels so unneeded. Why is Kit still so set on this separation? I fully understand Mark but didn't Kit just talk about treasuring all his moments with Mark!? So why are they still apart?!!?
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geekygirl24 · 3 years ago
Prompt from Infernalus: GenY won't let me go. Tell me the story Mark/Kit, please. Kit refuses Mark's doubt his affection. He makes mistakes: he's ready to sleep with a stranger and never see him again. happy ending or a drama - to the discretion of the authors. And I would like to evil violent moment for Mark (from a stranger, Mark was drunk). 
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kaoearthohmfluke · 4 years ago
If you like these GIFs, please, like this post or reblog it♡
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thequeenofqueerlove · 4 years ago
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Mark being in love with Kit's dimples
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Kit's exasperated affection for Mark has stolen my heart away
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saranghae-hoe · 4 years ago
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Wait ‘til that damn mark disappears, then I’ll tell you
But P’Kit! It’ll take a while to go away!
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rey-ra08 · 4 years ago
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well, Episode 7 was harsh to you Markyyy babyy but Episode 8 was so damn nice! hihihi
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reservethesun · 4 years ago
so i’m loving gen y so far but kit has me so annoyed. like i want to understand where he’s coming from but at the same time i just... don’t? you’re a grown ass adult. whining about mark not letting you talk when he never stopped you?? bro you could have just used your voice. the whole time had been mark running after kit and i respect him finally saying that he hadn’t showed that he returns his feelings so it’s not time to date yet but like YOU COULD HAVE TOLD HIM THAT instead of getting mad that he was hurt and tired of chasing after you while feeling that it was one sided. and then getting annoyed for him “not following his promise” about not following him around anymore ??? like dude he was there because his best friend was sick. it’s not his fault you were the one at the tent. pls chill.
that being said, the scene in kit’s apartment was cute, and then when mark set up all the candles. loved that a lot. i’m excited to see where things go from here.
(also yu deserves better and nothing pha can say will be a good enough excuse for this. and padbok just makes me hate him more and more each episode - and i don’t like that we STILL don’t know what thanu did that was so bad. like i need to know if padbok is just blowing things outta proportion or if thanu should really not be trusted)
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raeality · 2 years ago
Not me being a little salty about the order of the names in the event I just reblogged.
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ru-titley-knives · 5 years ago
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Now in stock at HH ,Mk4 Titanium Ru Titley cog beads exclusive to @heinniehaynes.
The smaller 16mm are Grade 5 alloy Titanium with outers of Kirinite Starlight  via @gpsagenciesltd and classic Heinnies red G-10 .
 The larger 18mm ones are Grade 2 Pure Titantium with the same material set up as above  and both have a full stonewashed finish .
All beads ship with a true paracord 550 lanyard by @packconfig.
 Custom knives , sheaths and gear from [email protected]
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heretherebedork · 3 years ago
The problem with Mark and Kit right now is that their conflict is entirely one-sided and that just isn't working for me.
Kit's logic of 'Mark said he wanted to support me in this thing I don't want and so I'm going to hold him to that until he breaks and admits he can't handle it' is just going to backfire because Mark is going to break and I don't think Kit truly understands that.
This isn't just Mark feeling lonely or sad. This is Mark putting himself in the most fragile place he's ever been to try and support his boyfriend, to try and support the man he loves, by letting them be separated and to try to exist apart despite the loneliness he's drowning in and the ache he can't shake.
Kit has Phai. Kit can go to Mark's room. Kit gets to watch Mark walk away.
Mark has none of that.
Mark is absolutely alone; thinking he's doing the right thing and struggling to hang onto that. He's just doing everything he can to do what he thinks Kit wants.
And the problem is that leaves Kit with all the power... but Kit trying to pretend that Mark has the power. Kit asks Mark to tell him to give up this thing and Mark refuses because he thinks this is what Kit wants and Kit refuses to tell him it isn't.
That's not an equal fight.
Mark cannot win this. When Mark finally breaks, it's not going to be him coming back to Kit. It's going to be him giving up. He's going to give up and accept that he's truly not good enough for Kit and where is Kit gonna go from there?
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thequeenofqueerlove · 4 years ago
Just saw the Gen Y finale, and I have five main thoughts:
1. Pha can 100% fuck off. He doesn't get to wait for Wayu to finally open his heart up to someone else and then come back and turn his life upside down. As far as I'm concerned he should have stayed gone.
2. Phai is a very decent person.
3. I can't tell if Sandee is supposed to be a villain or not. He got all that dark music over him slipping the picture under Wayu's door but like, I 100% think he's into Phai and while doing that will hurt Wayu in the short term, ultimately Sandee is sacrificing his love so the person he has feelings for can be happy. I also can't figure out if Sandee planned for Pok to get beaten up. It mostly seemed to me like he wanted to ruin Tong's chances with Pok as revenge, which, tbh, I can't entirely blame him for, given what Tong did. Thoughts?
3. Wayu deserves better.
4. Pok and Tong have a very weird and extremely intense vibe and my feelings about them are deeply mixed. Their sex scene felt like it kept skirting the edge of non con, given how aggressive Pok was being, but every time he stopped Tong egged him on, actively shutting the door when Pok told him to leave, like he enjoyed the rough treatment. It was somehow uncomfortable and hot at the same time.
5. There was not NEARLY enough MarkKit, and I'm salty about it. However, the bits we did get were adorable. I stfg my heart sang when they were doing that blindfolded touch thing, and I died at the cute little smile on Mark's face when he realized he was touching Kit. I melted, I'm trash for them, and it's bullshit that our time is being wasted watching Wayu's story(he's sweet but his plot line is frustrating and sad and I'm not into it).
So yeah, I do look forward to season 2, but this show is a very mixed bag thus far.
Side note, why is this show called Gen Y when the characters are part of Gen Z? It doesn't make sense.
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rey-ra08 · 4 years ago
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the way they look at each other makes me smile :)
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boyslovebibimbap · 4 years ago
MarkKit ➡ KitMark 😳
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ru-titley-knives · 5 years ago
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Cyflect wraps , now stocking @packconfig.
These kit markers can attach to any 1 inch webbing pack straps using the removable loop Velcro wrap system and will both glint &glow for safety and piece of mind out on your next adventure .
 Custom knives , sheaths and gear from [email protected]
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