#kissing you on the mouth for the timcass anon
necrotic-nephilim · 14 days
TimCass - "What is this 'mercy' you speak of?"
(not cassie)
send a ship and a quote and i'll write a short fic!
TimCass my beloved. this is 1.5k of just. mostly emotional whump with brainwashing involved. very inspired by that time in canon where Cass was working with Slade, but. done my way bc that arc was a shitshow. enjoy <3
Two months, three weeks, and five days.
That was how long they’d been looking for Cass since she vanished with no trace.
And now that Tim had found her, he was almost starting to regret it.
Any fight with Cass was a losing one, but Tim swore she was even more brutal than before. It wasn't like fighting a human. She was a living weapon, throwing knives at Tim and dodging every blow he tried to land on her.
He wasn't fighting to win. He was fighting to just stay alive.
“Cass-” Tim tried to say, dodging a slash from one of her katanas. She was duel wielding with perfect precision. Moves Tim didn't know normal humans were capable of. “Cass, it's me!” His bo staff stopped another attack. “You know me, it's Tim!”
If she recognized him, she didn't let on. The blankness of her stare made Tim guess she didn't. It twisted knots in his stomach, trying to figure out where the hell she had been.
Who had gotten to her.
Cass didn't say a word. Nothing Tim said could get so much of a reaction out of her. It was as if she didn't hear him at all.
He should've brought backup. Tim didn't think this lead would pan out, after so many false starts. And now, he paid for it. Backed in a corner, deep in the woods that surrounded Gotham where his tracker had no signal.
Tim was pretty sure this was a trap he’d walked right into.
Cass swung with a katana again, but this time, it was just a distraction. She kicked out Tim’s feet. The moment Tim’s back hit the ground and the wind got knocked out of him, a katana plunged into his shoulder. It went straight through to nail him to the ground, like a pinned butterfly.
Tim wasn't ashamed of his scream. The pain was indescribable. Blindly distracting. He had to force himself to not panic. Cass already had a knife in her hand.
“You’re not a killer, Cass,” Tim begged, trying anything to get through to her. “I want to help you. Please don't do this.” He tried to reach up to her. Cass threw her knife and Tim’s hand got pinned to the ground too, the blade slicing through his skin and muscles like paper.
This time, he managed to not scream.
Cass stared down at him with nothing in her eyes. She lifted her other katana.
“Mercy!” Tim was desperate. “Cass, mercy, please. Just let me talk, I swear.”
She paused.
Her face remained blank, but she paused. Tim held his breath, waiting for the katana to come down on his neck.
Cass opened her mouth. “What…” She was talking. Tim prayed that was a good sign. Just the sound of her voice made him want to cry. “What is… this… mercy you speak of?” She struggled on every word. Finally, her faced changed. Eyebrows knit together and mouth formed into the smallest of frowns.
It didn't sound like a mocking question. Her confusion was so genuine Tim wished he could reach up and touch her. Hold her face and tell her it was going to be okay. Cass’ eyes searched Tim’s face for an answer.
“You,” Tim said, blinking back tears. “You’re what mercy is. You don't kill, Cass. You believe everyone deserves to live. That's mercy.”
Cass shook her head. She looked angry for a second, then confused again. Every emotion seemed to be fighting against her for control.
“Weapon.” Cass pointed to herself. “Not mercy.”
“No.” Tim’s voice broke. “You aren't- whoever told you that is lying. You're the kindest person I know. You’re not a weapon.”
Cass was gripping the hilt of her katana so tightly her hand was beginning to shake. “Kind?”
“Yes.” Tim nodded emphatically.
“I don't… know you,” she sounded regretful. There was anger to it, but she seemed angry at herself now instead of Tim.
“Take my mask off,” Tim offered. He couldn't reach up to her, no matter how badly he wanted to. Both his hands were useless with how she pinned him.
There was hesitation. For a second, Tim was convinced she was going to peel his mask off his corpse.
But then Cass slowly knelt next to Tim, knees crunching against the leaves and pine needles on bare ground. She kept her katana in one hand, but her other one reached for Tim’s face. His mask was carefully peeled off, gentle fingers brushing against his skin.
Cass stared at him for a long time. Tim was vaguely aware he was going to bleed out soon, but all he could think about was his reflection in Cass’ sad eyes.
“Don't know you,” Cass repeated softly. He fingers traced over Tim’s face though, and he held perfectly still. “But…”
“But?” Tim proded when she paused for too long.
“I…” Cass pressed her lips together. It was all too familiar, the exact face she always made when she was trying to find her words. “Think I love you.”
Tim was crying now. Tears falling down his cheeks without an ounce of shame.
“Love you too, Cass,” Tim promised. He gave her the strongest smile he could manage. “Let me help you.”
The softness vanished from her face. She violently shook her head, leaning away from Tim.
“No,” Cass’ voice was strong and firm. “You can't.” She yanked her hand off of Tim’s face, as if his skin had burned her.
“If you love me, then trust me,” Tim begged. He wanted to hold her more than he’d ever wanted something in his life.
Cass shook her head. “Weapon. Will hurt you.” Her eyes drifted to Tim's shoulder and hand that were still pouring blood. “Hurt you,” she whispered, eyes going wide.
“I’m okay,” Tim tried to insist. He was lightheaded and fighting to hold onto consciousness. There was no hiding that from her, but Tim wouldn't let Cass blame herself. “You didn't do this. But you have to tell me who you’re working with. They did this, not you, okay?”
“Can’t.” Tears were starting to fall down Cass’ face too. “Orders.”
“They won't hurt you.” Tim blinked hard. He remembered every tactic Bruce taught him for staying conscious. “I’ll keep you safe, I swear on my life.”
Cass’ fingers twitched toward Tim. Unsure and unsteady. “Safe?”
Tim smiled at her as best he could. “Yes. We’ll both be-”
“If you caught something, you better have killed it by now!” A new voice shouted from a short distance. Followed by heavy footsteps.
Cass snatched her hand away from Tim. Her eyes went wide with unmistakable fear. Then her face went completely blank.
When Tim came to, it was on a medical gurney. He snapped awake with a gasp, trying to sit up. Too many machines were hooked up to him.
That voice. Tim knew that voice. If he just stayed conscious long enough to figure out who it was, he could-
“Careful!” Strong, familiar hands gently pushed Tim back down. “You’re going to tear your stitches.” Dick’s face came into focus as Tim blinked, adjusting to the light.
Tim’s head was spinning. He tried to think, grasping for any recent memories. “What happened?”
“We’re hoping you can tell us,” Dick said softly, concern in his eyes. Behind him, Alfred was cleaning up bloody bandages. “Alfred found you bleeding out in the cave. We… christ, Tim. We thought you weren't gonna make it for a second.”
Tim reached for the bandage wrapping his shoulder. Feeling where Cass’ blade had been.
“No one else was here?” Tim asked.
Dick’s frown deepened and he shook his head. “The cameras only picked up on you unconscious at the mouth of the cave.”
“It was Cass,” Tim realized. His heart was stuck in his throat. “I found Cass and- she must've brought me here.”
“The cameras would’ve-”
“She would know how to avoid them,” Tim insisted. “I couldn't have gotten here on my own, Dick. I was already half dead.”
Dick’s face just twisted with more concern. Tim could see the hope he was trying hide, though. “Because of Cass?”
“Someone's manipulating her.” Tim couldn’t get the look on her face out of his head.
“Do you know who?”
Tim thought for a moment. That voice. He definitely knew that voice. He nodded. Tim sat up again, slower this time, already thinking of a plan to get Cass back. He promised her.
He loved her.
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