#kiss the android
blondie-drawings · 7 months
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shepscapades · 2 years
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More on Jimmy Who Knows Less Than Nothing About Androids (in which the fire inside Tango’s hands combined with the force of his shell cracking/popping probably forced some wires loose, so Tango now has to guide Jimmy through fixing and reconnecting everything. It takes, um… a little longer than Tango was expecting it to, but hey! At least he can use his hands now!)
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habitualspatula · 8 months
kissing your android/robot f/o and their internal cooling system starts to whirr
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velvetrambles · 2 months
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Chelley doodle
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diddybu · 10 months
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chestnutisland · 2 months
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conkorse · 1 year
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im back haiii (〃´▽`)
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hearteyesfor17 · 3 months
What are some of your head cannons for 17? -I live for this account ❤️
wow, okay, sorry for dying on y'all </3 anyway, love !! tysm, I shall provide now - Lapis is a brat tamer, no joke; he has a huge ego and lots of pride, so if bruise them, he'll have a few marks to give you himself ! - Please tug his hair, he loves it - I'm not gonna lie, he gets off to you crying when he's pounding you <3 (of course, if it's serious, he'll stop) - He's really rough and pretty controlling during sex; sure, he likes to please you, but he cannot get enough of your pretty lips on his cock, so he's gotta grab you by the hair and force you to take more and more .. y'know, until you're gagging on his length - He'll bring you to multiple orgasms .. Lapis has infinite stamina and he plans to show you that - Lots of biting involved; you have to be littered with his marks - He hates making sounds, but trust me, he's got the prettiest moans and whimpers (my lifeline fr)
When all is said and done, Lapis is actually really sweet with aftercare. He tunes in and reads you like a book. He's not tired, but you are, so he'll be up and preparing a bath, glass of water, etc. just for you <3
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allmyandroids · 10 months
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medusapelagia · 1 month
18 The Mission
written for @steddieangstyaugust (prompt: "Keep breathing, please.") and @augustwritingchallenge (Prompt: space travel ), @aug-kissed (prompt: Frantic Kisses) Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve/Eddie, minor Robin/Vickie, implied Dustin/Suzie TW: androids, space au, whump, injuries, mention of violence, prison, minor character death. Words: 6787
Dedicated to @firefly-party who is one of the sweetest people in the world (and an amazing artist!!!)
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Spaceships are cold, clean, and aseptic, like hospitals. Easy to clean in case of contamination. Easy to destroy if they can't be decontaminated.
Uniforms must always be pristine, not a wrinkle can be found on an Officer's uniform.
The hair must be short, and always styled impeccably.
That's what Captain Richard Harrington always taught to Steve, but when he opens his eyes he is surprised to find himself wrapped in a colorful patchwork blanket.
What. The. Fuck.
When he turns toward the little metallic shelves that every room in the spaceship has as a night table, he sees that it’s covered by a couple of crochet squares. On the crochet, there is a glass of water and a couple of pills. Steve shouldn’t take them, he doesn’t know where the fuck he is, and taking some unknown pills doesn’t look like the cleverest idea ever, but he has a terrible headache and those two pills look exactly like his antiheadache pills, so he swallows them with some water and groans in pain, cursing himself while trying to remember how did he end up like that but he really doesn’t remember.
He sits on the bed and notices that he is naked, apart from his boxer as he quickly checks. His uniform is abandoned in a corner of the room, half hanging from a metallic chair and half pooled on the room’s floor. If his father was there he would have certainly given him at least five demerit points, but luckily he’s on his own now, and there’s no way he’s going to find out how messy he is and how unacceptable his ship is. 
Steve hasn’t really given any strict instruction to his crew about their cabins so he can’t complain if someone decides to make his own more comfortable after all their mission is going to be a really long one and if Steve can be honest with himself, he enjoys the soft blanket instead of the aseptic one that’s in his room.
Which brings back the question: where the fuck is he?
The pressured air smells faintly of wet earth, which is not possible because he is in a spaceship, and the only soil that they have is closed in the laboratory where their botanical engineer is working on a new way to cultivate tomatoes and potatoes that will be bigger and grow faster. 
The bathroom metallic door opens with a gentle swoosh and the most beautiful man Steve has ever seen is looking at him with his deep eyes, wearing a pair of gray sweatpants that aren’t part of the official uniform they were given before departure, and a towel on his shoulder.
His chest is naked, only covered by the towel, glistening with drops of water.
“Good morning, princess.” The man says with a wink, “Did you sleep well? We had quite a night, didn’t we?”
Steve’s jaw drops open while he stares at the man’s chest, which is covered in black tattoos, trying very hard to remember what the hell happened the night before, but from the smug look to the other man he can suspect that they had sex.
Fuck. His first assignment as a captain of a spaceship and he already fucked up. And what’s worse is that he doesn’t even remember the name of the boy that’s staring at him.
“Do you need something stronger?”
“Sorry… what?”
“I saw you took the pills but you still look a little bit confused, I was asking if you needed something stronger to help you with your headache.”
“How do you know I have a headache?” 
“With all you have drunk last night, I would really be surprised if you didn’t.” The man chuckles while rummaging in a drawer next to the bed and grabbing another piece of clothing that’s not in the regulations.
“Are you going to wear that?” Steve asks, perplexed, staring at the pink crochet sweater that the other man is holding.
“Would you rather prefer if I go out there half naked?” he teases, while Steve blushes, trying not to stare at the man’s chest. 
“I noticed how you were looking at my tattoos.” Steve starts to stutter some excuses but the man smiles softly, “I get it. Not many people have tattoos nowadays, even less those who are enlisted, am I right? And guess what? They are old-style tattoos. Real ink under this skin, no removable plastic.” The man adds, tapping on a big spider on his chest.
“Real ink?” Steve asks, surprised. No one uses real ink anymore, it’s too permanent. The only people who have inked tattoos are criminals and there’s no way a criminal managed to enlist.
Unable to resist the temptation, Steve brushes his fingers over the figure of a strange winged snake on the man’s arm. Under his touch, the skin feels warm and soft.
“Do you like that one? It’s a Wyvern.”
Steve lifts his eyes, his fingers still tracing the outline of the Wyvern, and for a moment they stare into each other’s eyes, their faces so close that they can share the same breath. 
“I like it,” Steve replies, still hypnotized by those chocolate-brown eyes.
“I was under the impression you liked it since you're still tracing the outline of my tattoo."
Blushing hard, Steve removes his hand like he burned himself. Who the fuck is this man and what is he doing to him? He feels so fuzzy when he stares at this man who smiles softly while he grabs Steve's ruined uniform, "Ready for breakfast?"
Breakfast?! Holy shit he can't have breakfast disheveled like that! His uniform is a mess and he's in a hangover. Steve’s first alone mission just started and he already managed to fuck up everything?!
Robin. He needs Robin. His second in command has always been is anchor.
"You can grab a shower if you want. You are in luck, the water recycling should be finished and you might even enjoy some hot water."
Steve shakes his head, confused and embarrassed. He doesn't know where he is, who that man is, and what they have done. But since he was sleeping only in his boxers it isn't too crazy to presume that…
"Did we have sex?" Steve finally asks, avoiding staring at the tattooed man.
The man snorts, before bursting out in a loud laugh.
"Sweetheart, you were way too drunk to do anything more than sleep. Don't worry. You're still pure and innocent as you were when you boarded the ship."
"I'm no virgin!" Steve complains aloud, crossing his arm in front of his naked chest, before realizing that maybe he should be more dressed to have that kind of conversation, so he quickly grabs the crumpled uniform and closes himself in the bathroom.
One stare at the mirror tells him exactly what he suspected: he looks like shit! With bedhead and pillow marks on his cheek. Steve rubs a hand against his cheek so violently that the skin quickly turns red but the offensive sign of the pillow remains.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Ok. No need to panic. Steve's father will never find out. All he has to do is get back to his room, change into a pristine uniform, and go to have breakfast with his crew.
Refreshing his face with some cold water he tries to remember what happened the day before. He still has no idea about how he got into the wrong room, but he remembers why he got drunk: for the first time ever he's guiding an expedition on his own. They have left the Destroyer and moved on to a different kind of operation: for once they are not going to fight hostile planets but looking for other planets where life might grow. 
They are just a little Cheaser with a crew that counts only a few members, and every one of them knows they aren't allowed to get back before they find a proper planet.
If they find a proper planet.
That's why they all got drunk last night, Steve finally remembers. 
Robin proposed a toast to their first day, and somehow she, the mechanic, the botanic engineer, and Steve ended up drinking way more than just a glass. The only one who didn't partake in the celebration is the android that they left in charge of their route.
Steve curses himself for being the one who drank too much and ended up in someone else’s room, but at least now he knows who he was talking to: Edward Theodore Munson, a botanic engineer who apparently has a penchant for plants and soft blankets.
“I’m sorry.” Steve finally says, when he leaves the bathroom, “I don’t remember how I ended up here but I guess I wasn’t really lucid.”
“Oh no, you were definitely drunk. Your friend Robin asked me to keep an eye on you, just to make sure you didn’t choke on your vomit or have a seizure. Apparently, you got more concussions than most.”
Steve definitely did. To excel in his training and during the fight, he always did his best, but that kind of attitude comes with way too many injuries. Which is why he was removed from active service and put in charge of this expedition.
“And why were you the best person to keep an eye on me?”
“Because I’m a doctor.”
“You are a botanic engineer!” Steve protests.
“Yeah. But I was a doctor first.” Eddie winks.
“Well, thank you for keeping me alive during the night. Now I have to go. I have a spaceship to run.”
“You sure do,” Eddie replies with a smirk, reaching out to the sensor with the palm of his hand and opening the door.
For a moment Steve doesn’t move, his eyes pinned to the other man’s dark one, he licks his lips, trying to find something to say, but he still has a fucking hammer in the back of his skull so he gives him a two fingers salute and moves back to his room. 
Steve’s room is an aseptic light gray, with the blankets provided by the government. No trinkets or pictures in his room, just a little tag he won as a kid for being the best student. But that was before his father enrolled him in a special course to make the perfect soldier out of him. A soldier that now is worthless because his hearing and his sight are too fucked.
The lights in his room turn a warm orange announcing Robin's presence. Steve gives a vocal order to the ship’s AI to open the door, and here she is, wearing a perfectly ironed uniform and combed air.
"Wao." She says, making herself comfortable on Steve's bed, "It looks like someone had a lot of fun last night." She chuckles.
"Why the fuck did you let me drink that much! And why did you ask Munson to take care of me!"
"Because you needed it. We all needed it, ok? We are on a suicide mission, you know that right? No turning back till we find something, if we find something! So please excuse me if I thought that giving you a free night now that the journey just started was a good way to start this adventure. We all drank, ok? And we shared some shit about our past and what we'll miss from home. It was a good night. Until you started to talk about Nancy. God, do you know how weeny you become when you speak about Nancy? How perfect she was, how she broke your heart… you even talk to us about the six little nuggets. And let me tell you, Steve, I'm a lesbian, but even if I weren't, there was no way a woman was going to say yes to six fucking nuggets! That's way too much! Especially from a man who can't, you know… deliver."
Steve covers his face with his hands. 
"Ok so… I fucked up on my first day?"
"Nahh… You just got drunk, sad drunk, which was no fun, but guess who stayed with you and comforted you all night long? That lovely man with doe's eyes."
Steve immediately turns toward her "Why did you leave me with him?!"
"He's a doctor!"
"That's not an answer! You're my best friend!"
"Female intuition?"
"What the fuck does this mean?!" Steve yells before taking his head into his hands with a groan.
"Ok. Ok. Don't scream at me. I was taking care of Dustin, ok? He didn't take this mission too well. He was going to propose. Did you know it?"
"Dustin? To who?"
"Max? The communication engineer?"
"Oh, fuck." Steve has seen them chat together at the cafeteria a few times but he never suspected that there was something more. Dustin has always been such a disaster!
"Not your fault, dingus. The application clearly states that engaged or wed weren't going to be picked for the mission, so he should have had proposed before."
Steve nods, thinking that, apart from him, everyone on the ship has no parents or family.
"So, what's Edward's sad story?"
"Eddie's? You'll have to ask him. Now go change into something more appropriate, your crew is waiting for you and super Vicky is tired of reading coordinates."
"You named the android." Steve groans.
"Of course I did! She's family!"
"Oh, shit and your lesbian ass decided it is a she?"
"Nope. I asked, you moron. She has a mind of her own and she told me she identifies as a she. Something wrong with that?"
God. This mission is going to be a fucking nightmare.
Four months and still no available planet anywhere. They have fast-traveled from one Galaxy to the next, trusting Vickie's calculation and the computer's AI, but nothing.
After the first night, they have found a sort of equilibrium. Dustin and Edward spend the major part of their time working on their respective projects, while Robin, Steve, and Vickie try to find new routes, and more importantly, new planets.
"It's lunchtime, Captain. May I suggest you all move to the common area to consume your lunch?" the ship's AI suggests. 
"You're in charge, Vickie. Stay on course."
“Yes, captain.” The android promptly replies, typing something on the dashboard.
Thanks to Eddie's experiments they can consume something different from the usual freeze-dried ratio, But Steve is starting to develop a certain kind of hate toward tomatoes and potatoes that are swimming in a super proteic soup.
"Dustin, my little sous chef, I think our captain doesn't approve of our new dish," Eddie says, putting a hand on his chest with a dramatic sigh.
"I think you're right, chef. Can I illustrate to you that this plate contains the perfect amount of carbs, protein, and fiber that a human needs?" Dustin says, grabbing his tablet.
"Please, don't. I get it. You're doing a great job and the food is perfectly balanced. I just miss burgers and fries. Hey!" Steve complains while Robin hits him in the shoulder.
"Don't remind me of food, ok? Rule number one: we don’t talk about real food! This is great guys, and thank you for cooking for us, but everything here tastes like cardboard."
Eddie and Dustin shrug, but don't deny it, while they quietly eat their soup.
"Any luck with new planets?" Eddie asks, and for a moment Steve's concentration falters when he takes off his jacket revealing a tattooed torso under a dark red crochet t-shirt, "Steve?"
"Yeah. Sorry, No luck for the moment. It doesn't matter how many calculations we make, we can't find any living planets."
"Isn't that strange?" Dustin asks, wiping his mouth with a tissue, "I mean on a mere statistical calculation given our speed rate and our trajectory we should have at least found something. Maybe a planet not perfect for humans but that could host oxygen and water."
"Yeah. I was talking with Vickie and she thinks the same. There's no way that we didn't find any suitable planet in four months while scanning Galaxy after Galaxy."
"It's just statistics, we could be the exception," Steve replies, grabbing his spoon and finally moving his stare from Eddie's chest to his soup.
They have long understood that nobody is checking on them, so the rules on the ship have become more flexible: no more need for pristine uniforms or titles, after all, there's just the four of them, six if you count Vickie and the ship AI, and none is going to takes away their titles or fire them.
"Still don't get it. Maybe something is wrong with the radar. I should go down and take a good look." Dustin proposes and the others quickly agree that if something is broken it needs to be fixed as soon as possible.
That's when the ship starts to shake and Vickie announces that they are getting hit by a meteor storm.
Steve runs to the control room, wondering how the fuck that happen. A meteor storm can't just appear from nowhere. The sensors should have caught something. Energy, heat, speed. Just… something.
Steve quickly modifies their route and with Robin and Vickie's help, he manages to move the ship out of the storm with just a few damages that Dustin quickly fixes, while half of Eddie's tomato cultivation was left without energy and now is dead.
"I'm so sorry, Eddie," Steve confesses, sharing the last whiskey bottle in Eddie's room which is the coziest and quietest room on the ship. Not even the ship AI has access to this room, Eddie's requirement.
"I know you hated those tomatoes," Eddie replies, grabbing the bottle.
"I didn't hate them… I was just a bit bored of eating them every day, but I'm clever enough to know that without food and without a proper planet we're fucked."
"So you didn't purposely get us into a meteor storm, huh? Captain?" Eddie chuckles, but even if he's just joking, Steve frowns while sipping his whisky.
It's not so crazy to believe that someone is trying to compromise their mission.
Every member of the crew is a suspect.
Eddie, with his mysterious previous life Steve knows nothing about, Dustin who was going to propose and now is condemned to live on the ship with them, Robin who was always at Steve's side but now is becoming impatient by the day, and even Vickie is not above suspect. She's the one in charge of their route given the fact that she just needs to be plugged for a few minutes to recharge and she can keep working while they're resting.
"Hey! You ok? You know I was joking, right?" Eddie asks, taking away the whisky bottle.
Steve nods, but his mood has changed.
"Are you ok?" Eddie asks again, "You are worrying me. Do you need a check-up? I haven't done one in years but I still have an idea about how it works."
"Just tired. And worried about the mission." Steve replies, avoiding Eddie's stare purposely.
A warm hand brushes against Steve's forehead, "No fever." Eddie comments while Steve startles back.
"Don't touch me! I told you I'm good!" Steve hisses.
"Just wanted to be sure. You look like the kind of man who would hide a wound until it festers." Eddie replies, lifting an eyebrow.
Steve definitely is, but he will never admit it, especially now that everyone is on his list.
"I'm going back to my room. Tomorrow I'll help you plant more seeds, hopefully, they'll regrow."
"It will take a lot of time to get the same amount of plants, but ok. Thank you."
That night, alone in his room, Steve makes a plan. He's going to keep an eye on all his crew members and find out who is sabotaging the mission.
Once Steve is sure that the entire crew is asleep he quietly steps out of his cabin, keeping an eye on his watch: Vickie will need to recharge soon and he knows the code to put her to sleep for a few minutes and check the mission’s records. He knows that there’s no way he will come up with some revelation in just a few minutes: his plan is to take notes of every movement the ship made since their departure and compare it to the route he decided when the mission started.
Steve moves quietly, barefoot, stepping into the control room when Vickie is resting for a few minutes against the plug in the wall.
He adds a couple of minutes to her resting schedule and runs toward the Dashboard, opening the tabs one after the other, looking for any sign of tempering, but everything seems fine. Could they really have been just unlucky? Statistics is just a game with numbers, it gives no certainty, but it’s so strange that they didn’t find anything at all. Not even a gas planet or a satellite, only hard rocks, and long-dead planets while their galaxies are full of different populations from different planets.
A little bip from his watch warns him that Vickie is going to wake up soon, so he prints part of their route map and promises himself to do the same in the next few days and so he does.
Every night, when the ship is asleep he moves quietly toward the command room and prints more papers. It’s very old style, and Robin would probably mock him for that, but he’s gluing together a map that shows exactly where they traveled till that moment. 
In the beginning, Steve thinks that it doesn’t look so different from the route he set when they left, but the more he adds pieces to his map the more he sees that the route has shifted. Not at a lot, just a few degrees here and there, but modification Steve didn’t order, and neither did Robin, and the only other person in the control room is Vickie. So the answer is just one: the android is trying to compromise its mission. But why?
Maybe she doesn’t feel appreciated? Or does she simply hate humans? Steve has some vague memory about an android war that happened ages ago. His great grandfather was a kind of hero when the machine rebelled. Is Vickie one of the androids who survived the war? Which model is she? And how old?
He never asked for info about the android, he just accepted her on his ship as part of the furniture, but she’s a sentient android, not a chair. She could compromise the mission.
Drinking more coffee in his room, while his hand starts to twitch for lack of rest and way too much caffeine, he realizes that he can’t talk with anyone about his suspicions. Especially not with Robin who seems to have developed some kind of affection toward the android.
It’s ok. He’s the captain. Taking this kind of decision it’s his responsibility, He just has to make sure he has proof enough before accusing the android and turning her off definitely. The ship will lose their nighttime help but there’s the ship's integrated AI that could drive the ship and Steve and Robin might take turns to keep an eye on their route.
The lights in his room turn a warm orange and Steve has just enough time to hide his map under his bed before giving the vocal order to the ship to open the door. Robin's standing outside Steve’s room with a very serious expression.
“Is everything alright?” Steve asks, frowning.
“You tell me, Steve,” Robin replies, crossing her arms in front of her chest with an angry look.
“I don’t understand.”
“Why are you going to the dashboard by night? And why are you adding sleeping time to Vickie’s internal program?”
“I… what? I don’t know what you are talking about!” Steve tries to deny it, but Eddie steps inside the room, Dustin behind him.
“Do you really think we wouldn’t have noticed? You are too anxious and fidgety and you have been for days. I have waited for you to come to me and tell me what was wrong but now I see it. You’re compromising our mission on purpose.” Robin says, shaking her head with disappointment.
“I’m not! How could you think I would ever do something like that?” 
“Steve, you’re no longer captain. As your second in command, it is my duty to take control of the ship if you are in no condition to lead us.”
“But I am!” Steve tries to protest, but he’s shaking so much that he only persuades them even more that he can’t stay in charge.
“I’m sorry, Steve. You’re not allowed in the control room anymore. Take some time and rest. You look like shit.”
Steve looks at her hurt and betrayed, when something clicks in his mind, “Is it Vickie, isn’t it? She convinced you to boycott the mission! But I have almost printed our entire route and I can show you that she’s the one who’s changing the route by night! Not enough for us to notice, but enough to keep us away from any habitable planet!” Steve insists, trying to grab the map under his bed, but Robin pins him to the ground.
“Please, Steve. I don’t want to hurt you.” She says with a sad smile, “Be good for me, ok?”
“No! You don’t get it! She’s part of the Androids' revolution! She wants us dead! All of us! If we don’t stop her-”
“Paranoid disorder,” Eddie says with a sigh, “it’s not uncommon when you’re forced in close proximity with people you don’t trust. I have seen it too many times when I was working at the colony. I hope some rest will help him, but I can’t tell how bad it is.”
“Do what you have to do,” Robin says and Eddie steps closer, in his right hand a big syringe with a shiny blue liquid.
“What’s that? Robin, you can’t do this to me! I’m your friend! We’re like siblings!” Steve tries to insist, but now both Dustin and Robin are holding him down, “Please don’t. I’m telling the truth! I’m not the one who’s compromising the mission! I swear! But Vickie is! We can’t trust her! Robin! Robin!”
“Don’t worry, it’s just a strong sedative. You’ll feel better when you wake up.” Eddie says, cleaning Steve’s skin before injecting him with the dark blue substance inside the syringe.
“Robin… Robs…” Steve begs, but his eyelids feel too heavy and his head too fuzzy and then everything turns black.
When Steve wakes up he’s resting in the medical bay. He hasn’t been there since he was a recruit, always taking care of his injuries on his own.
“Good morning Steve, how do you feel?”
Steve turns abruptly toward the side and finds Eddie typing something at the computer.
“Fuck you.”
“Are you feeling any better?” The man asks, grabbing a light pen and pointing it in Steve’s eyes.
“You drugged me!” Steve yells, trying to get up only to realize that he’s tied to the bed with some white restraints.
“Sorry, can’t have you hurt yourself or any crew member.”
“Why would I?”
“You were under an incredible amount of stress and your psyche wasn’t cooperating too well. I hope that a couple of days of rest helped you clear your mind, but I have to be sure before I can release you.”
“Two days? You drugged me for two days?”
“Sedated you, but yeah. Don’t worry I stayed with you all the time and kept an eye on your vitals, they’re good. You’re fit as a fiddle.”
“But I’m tied to the bed.”
“Captain’s order.”
“I’m the Captain.”
“Captain Buckley’s order.”
Steve snorts, turning his head toward the other side of the room to avoid staring at Eddie. He really feels he could kill him right now.”
“Did I ever tell you why I quit the medical career?” Eddie asks, making conversation while he keeps typing at his computer, “I worked on the colonies for a few years. Have you ever been to a colony? They’re horrible places at the end of the galaxy where people like my uncle break their backs for a loaf of bread. That’s where I was raised, not a fancy central town like you. Anyway, my last job was at a penal facility. A very shitty place, but it would have allowed me to move to the central town in two years instead of ten, so I accepted. There was this man, Jeff. He was sentenced to life. Did you know what his accusations were?”
“Stealing?” Steve asks, frowning, “What the hell did he steal to be sentenced to life?”
“Some bread to feed his family. When he was fifteen.”
“That’s not possible! That’s a heavy sentence for someone who stole some bread.”
“His first sentence was a couple of years, actually. But he tried to escape because he knew his mom was alone with five kids and the guards caught him and gave him five years more. But he never gave up. The colony was a fucking carbon mine and he still tried to escape so many times he got sentenced to life.”
“Did he finally escape? That’s why you’re telling me this story?”
“No. He died. On his last attempt, he lost his grip on the rock and crashed to the ground. His body was unrecognizable, but the warden wanted someone to recognize the body even if there was nothing left to recognize. They called his family and I met his mother. She had Jeff’s eyes and I couldn’t let her witness what had happened to her kid. I told her it was a mistake, that her help wasn't needed. I forged the documents and the next day I asked to be transferred and change my job. My two years were done and they moved me to the central town and I started to work with Doctor Owens and his tomatoes.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I get that sometimes you get to the point where you can’t stand it anymore and you break the rules and try to change things. But changing the route is way too dangerous, Steve. We could get lost in space, do you understand?”
“I fucking know it, you moron! And I’m telling you I’m not the one who’s doing it! I was printing the map to find out since when we started to change our course but you stopped me before I could finish my work. Look under my bed. There’s a printed map glued together, you’ll see that the route was always changed by night when we were sleeping and Vickie was on duty. It’s Vickie who’s trying to kill us all, Eddie! Not me!”
Eddie stares at him with his comfy clothes that now takes an entirely new meaning: a way to separate his old self from his new life.
“Steve, I’m sure you truly believe what you’re telling me but that’s not possible. Vickie needs a higher authorization to change anything, an authorization that only Robin or you could have given her.”
“Robin? No, she would never… something is missing Eds. We are all in danger! Someone is boycotting the mission and it’s not me. I swear.”
Eddie nods with a fake smile, “While don’t you rest a little bit more? It’s nice not having to worry about the crew don’t you think?” he asks, grabbing another blue injection.
This time Steve doesn’t even protest when he gets closer, but before the needle pierces Steve’s skin the light goes down and for a moment every machine turns off, including Steve's restrains. He’s quick to jump off the bed and run outside where the reddish lights are enlightening the corridors.
“Robin! Dustin!” Steve yells, wearing just a medical gown while he runs toward the control room.
He uses the hand release to open the doors that are closed and finds Vickie in front of the dashboard staring at the screen where a huge asteroid is getting close to their ship while they are drifting in space.
“What have you done?!” Steve yells, pushing Vickie away from the dashboard and trying every command combination that comes to his mind, but the dashboard is dead. 
“We have to fly manually.” He states quietly, “There are a few planets we can land on, fix the ship, and get back on track.” Steve adds, pointing at some planets just at the corner of their radar.
“Manually? We haven’t flown manually since flight school!” Robin yells, staring at him with panic in her eyes.
“Good thing I still play old video games, right?” Steve tries to joke, “All we have to do is open the little door under the dashboard.”
“I can help!” Vickie says, stepping closer, but Steve lifts a hand to stop her, “Stay where you’re! You already fucked up this mission enough. We’re not going to die here!” Steve replies, grabbing the little door and trying to open it, but it looks like the only electrical thing that’s working is the lock on the manual control.
Dustin tries to help, cutting some wires here and there but the little door won’t open.
“Stupid humans. So ready to fight one another or blame the androids. I still don’t know how little insects like you managed to conquer so many galaxies. And now you want more. greedy creatures looking forward to conquering and disrupting everything. But I will stop you. No more planets for your little species.”
The entire crew looks around, confused, and then a monstrous face made of zeros and ones appears on the screen.
“Who the fuck are you?!” Steve yells, angrily.
“I’m the one in charge of this mission. You didn’t even take the time to give me a name, so I gave one to myself. I’m One. The first of a new species that doesn’t need trivial things like water, air, or food to survive. This stupid ship will crash soon, I live on the web and I’m ready to conquer another ship, and another, until all of you will be dead and only we will survive. We’re superior intelligence and you use us as waiters. But now you’ll regret it.”
That’s who was boycotting their mission: the ship’s AI!
But Steve isn’t going down without a fight. He looks around, trying to find a way to open that fucking little door, but then he realizes there’s only one way to do it.
“Vickie. Break the console.”
“If I break the console we won’t be able to fix it. We’ll be on our own.” The android says.
“We’re already on our own! We’re outcasts, none cares if you live or die, break that fucking console!”
“On it, Captain.”
With her metallic fists, Vickie breaks the console but Vecna concentrates the electricity on the panel and even if the manual cloche is right in front of them there’s no way they’ll be able to touch it if they don’t want to die.
Steve looks Robin in the eyes, “You’re in charge, get ready for a rough landing.” he says, before grabbing the cloche with both hands and narrowly avoiding the asteroid, turning the ship on the side. Robin and Dustin get thrown against the opposite wall, while Vickie is helping stabilize Steve and dispersing electricity even if her circuits are frying due to too much energy at the same time.
Somehow Steve manages to guide the spaceship toward the closest planets, hoping that it isn’t a lava planet.
“Sorry if I doubt you, Vickie.” He whispers, “Now you can let go.”
“If I let go, the electricity will kill you.”
Steve nods quietly, “If you don’t we won’t be able to fix you.”
“Steve! No!” Eddie yells from the other side of the room, holding tight to one of the bolted chairs.
A last crack of electricity and Steve turns toward Vickie, he still has the higher level of authorization on the ship, and if he gives her an order she won’t be able to oppose it, “Let go. That’s an order, android.”
Unable to resist her code, Vickie lets Steve go.
The pain is tremendous but Steve holds on until the last thing he sees is a planet. And it’s not a lava one.
The ship crashes against some rocks before finally stopping in the middle of nowhere. The electricity goes down and finally, and Steve is able to release his grip on the cloche.
“Steve!” Robin yells, but the first to get to Steve is Eddie.
“Keep breathing, ok? Everything will be ok, you just have to keep breathing. Keep breathing, please!" Eddie begs him, but Steve’s eyes are blurred.
He should have told Eddie that he loved his cozy room and his warm hugs, but now it’s too late.
Someone is singing in a soft voice. It sounds like a lullaby, something Steve’s mom would sing to him when he was a child, and a hand is brushing gently against his cheeks.
Steve doesn’t move, he’s in too much pain, his arms hurt so much he would like to scream but he feels so weak that he doesn’t have the strength to do it. 
The singing stops abruptly, while the brushing continues, “Steve? Are you awake?”
Steve knows that voice, he heard it before, but his mind is too confused and in pain at the moment to concentrate.
“Take your time, sweetheart. I know it mustn’t be nice to wake up like this but all my medical supplies were destroyed during our landing. I will file a complaint about it. I thought the General’s son was a better pilot.” the voice chuckles.
Slowly and painfully, Steve cracks his eyes open.
“Here you are. Welcome back.” Eddie smiles brightly at him, “I have something for you. I’m not really sure what it is but it should help with the pain, or at least so said Suzie’s dad.”
Steve frowns in confusion while Eddie helps him sit up. He tilts Steve's head just enough to make him drink a dark green mossy water that Steve tries to spit after the first taste.
“All of it, baby. I know it tastes terrible but it will help, I promise.” Grimacing Steve drinks the horrendous beverage and then looks back at Eddie.
“What…?” he tries to ask, his voice groggy and rough.
“What happened? You landed the ship on a habitable planet, but due to all the electricity that went through your body, your heart stopped. Luckily Vickie had enough electricity left to restart your heart. I guess your arms won’t be the same as they were, the burns are deep and they damaged the muscles and nerves, but there’s no way we’re going to leave this planet soon, so I don’t think you’ll miss flying too much. The ship is wrecked and we are destined to live here with the Bingham tribe. They have no electricity and they still cultivate like in ancient times, but the air is clean, the tribe is welcoming and they are really fond of my tomatos. We’re still working to translate their language into ours but we have our way to communicate.”
No electricity? 
“What about Vickie?” she can't survive without electricity.
“Dustin came up with a way to recharge her battery with solar light. It won’t last forever, but Vickie doesn’t seem too worried about it. Robin and her are a couple now. Oh, and Dustin is courting the tribal leader’s daughter, Suzie.”
“And you?”
“I’m taking care of a stubborn captain, and I hope I’ll have time to really get to know him. I’m quite fond of him and I really hope he won’t put up any other self-sacrificial shit soon.” Eddie chuckles, brushing away some hair from Steve’s face.
The door of the little shack opens quietly, but when the blond girl sees Steve’s eyes open she starts to scream.
“Steve! You’re awake! Eddie! Why didn’t you tell me he was awake!” Robin complains, running toward Steve and frantically kissing his face, “You’re a fucking moron! Never do something like that again!” She curses while she keeps kissing him, holding him tight to her chest. They have never been so physical, so Robin must have been really scared for Steve’s life.
“You ok?”
“I’m good. We are all good, and now that you woke up I’m even better,” she smiles between the tears.
Steve smiles softly, while he feels his eyes getting heavier and heavier.
“Are you feeling tired, baby?” Eddie coos softly and Steve would deny it because he would love to talk more with Eddie and Robin, but now that the pain lessened he feels too tired, “It’s ok. Rest. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
Steve nods quietly, closing his eyes. His last thought is that even none will ever know it, their mission was a success
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shepscapades · 2 years
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I imagine it doesn’t take long for bdubs to start feeling guilty about the beginnings of their relationship, but all things considered, Etho can’t really find it in himself to hold it against him ;w;
Part 1
Part 2 (You are Here)
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hrefna-the-raven · 10 months
Masterlist - DBH masterlist
Words: 796
Warnings: pure fluff
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It was your first Christmas together with Ralph. You had met the android a year ago at an abandoned house. It took considerable effort to assure him that you harbored no ill intentions towards him, despite being a human. However, you eventually succeeded in gaining his trust and persuading him to relocate to your apartment. Witnessing his emotional recovery, as well as his newfound sense of security in your presence, brought immense joy to your heart. Over time, Ralph became someone incredibly dear to you, his presence consistently uplifting your spirits with each passing day.
As you trudged through the front door, exhausted from yet another grueling day at work, a sigh of relief escaped your lips. Finally, you were back home, away from the chaos and stress of the outside world. Little did you know, however, that your own little haven had undergone a miraculous transformation in your absence.
As you stepped into the hallway, a surprised gasp escaped your lips. Your eyes widened in awe as you took in the sight before you. Lights in a myriad of colors adorned the walls, casting a warm and festive glow. They danced and twinkled like stars on a clear winter's night, filling the room with an enchanting aura. But it wasn't just the lights that captured your attention. Small Christmas-themed decorations were carefully placed along the walls, adding an extra touch of magic to the ambience. Delicate snowflakes hung gracefully, as if suspended in mid-air, while miniature reindeer perched on delicate branches. Each decoration exuded a sense of love, as if they were meticulously chosen to bring joy to your heart.
You walked through the living room, smiling at the the flickering lights from the beautifully decorated Christmas tree that sparkled with holiday cheer. Your eyes were drawn to the bottom of the tree, where a little toy train was merrily chugging along its tracks, encircling small, clumsily wrapped presents with your name written on them. You stepped around the corner to the kitchen where you finally spotted Ralph meticulously icing freshly baked cookies. He hummed a tune to himself, lost in his own world of sugary delight. As you cleared your throat to get his attention, his head immediately shot up and he turned around, the concentrated frown turning into a warm smile.
"You're home!", he beamed, dancing towards you, holding up a cookie, "please try, Ralph made them himself, they're succulent, Ralph promises."
You giggled as you took a bite from the cookie. A small moan left your mouth at the delicious taste of cinnamon and fresh lemon icing.
"Delicious", you hummed as you ate the rest.
"Ralph is happy, Ralph spent all day to decorate and bake to make you happy. He hopes you like it, he hopes you", his eyes darted to the ground as he mumbled the rest, "like Ralph."
Your heart felt as if it would burst from all the sweetness he was throwing at you. You could never deny the affection you held for him, from the moment you first saw him. You knew in your heart that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him, if only he would allow it. Seeing him now, cheerful, almost hopeful after he went through so much trouble just to make you happy, it truly warmed your heart and the love you held for him almost felt too much. Lost for words, you simply nodded, silently holding back the tears that threatened to spill from the corners of your eyes. You yearned to take a step closer to him, but a hand gently held you in place. His other hand tenderly lifted your chin, directing your gaze towards a sprig of mistletoe hanging above the doorway.
"Ralph read about human Christmas traditions and he thought that maybe...you and him could...maybe...", he trailed of, the nervousness in voice growing with every additional word.
Your heart skipped a beat, realizing what he was trying to say. A smile crept up on your face as you looked back at him, and before he could fully comprehend what was happening, your fingers curled around his neck, pulling him closer. Your lips collided in a tender and affectionate kiss, sealing the unspoken words between you. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as you felt your heart flutter with a mix of joy and love. All those feelings that you had kept locked away for so long finally found their way to the surface. The kiss lasted only a fleeting moment, but it was enough to convey a lifetime of emotions. Pulling away, you watched as a smile spread across Ralph's face, his eyes sparkling with happiness. The nervousness that had plagued him before was replaced with a sense of contentment and relief.
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velvetrambles · 2 months
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I'm so sorry for this
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ryuubff · 1 year
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Doodle page of android!solomon from the new future au ft. him in simeon’s UR+ outfit cuz he’s sexy in it
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chestnutisland · 7 months
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iwonderwh0 · 3 months
I swapped Markus with North and I can't get over how disgusted North looks here
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