#kiryuu fuyumi (oc)
asknarashikari · 8 months
What are the things that Shoutaro usually hears from the animals that he's tasked to find?
which brings me to
What are the things that Shoutaro usually hears from the RyuSen's daughter's bunny? (forgot the name of the daughter and her bunny, iirc she's also Eiji's sister right?)
Shoutaro mostly hears complaints about naps being interrupted and protests about being brought back to overbearing humans lmao
As for Tosuke, Fuyumi's pet rabbit, he's a quiet bunny so Shoutaro doesn't really hear much from him, except maybe warnings that Sento's about to make something go boom again.
(And Fuyumi isn't Eiji's sister, that would be Akane, Yumi's younger adoptive sister. Yumi is RyuSen's biological kid along with her twin, Fuyuki/Yuki)
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asknarashikari · 10 months
Sento seeing Tosuke popping out of nowhere and leading an entire fucking army of rabbits wielding screwdrivers and chisels and riding on toy-like tanks when he about to do another stupid with the science squad
He looks around for his daughter, only to see her glaring at him with all the exasperation and frustration that anyone can feel for having a mad scientist for a father... and realizes he has to start running for his life
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asknarashikari · 11 months
Shinnosuke: *staring at a mess* Kiriko: WTF DID YOU TWO GET INTO!!! Gou and Eiji: hehehehe... Chase: *begins to explain how the two idiots nearly wrecked a section of the aquarium into pieces* Shinnosuke: Son... I am not helping you on this one. Nor am I helping you to, Gou. Both of you are in deep shit and will be facing her wrath. I'm not gonna ask how much property damage you two caused because I'm gonna call a very handy god to help pay for that shit. Gou: Kouta? Ace? Touma? Chase: He means the horny one with multiple malewives. Gou: May I get a parole? Eiji: *silent at the moment* Kiriko: *begins to rage and rant at them both*
The Special Investigation Unit and Krim's reactions?
In my own hcs, if Tomari Eiji ever did something that monumentally foolish, it wouldn't be his parents he'd be most scared of.
It would be his wife... who happens to be the daughter and successor of Kamen Rider Build. And has quite the temper on her- so much so that even her dad can't get away with his shenanigans on her watch.
Needless to say, even the SIU's a little scared for Eiji's sake when Kiryuu Fuyumi catches wind of Eiji's tomfoolery. No god can save him now...
(And yes, he still loves her dearly)
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asknarashikari · 2 years
who could make Sento immediately cover himself up after he was walked in on nekkid?
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His fave daughter Fuyumi, who stares at him with judgemental eyes and saying, "Are you and Dad doing the nasty again? Because if you did that in the shower, I'll burn the house down"
(She was previously traumatized by RyuSen when she walked in on them doing the do in the living room when she was getting a glass of water in the middle of the night)
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Riders react to one of them knocking out some sense into Sento like...
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In this case, the other rabbit is, in actuality, the second generation Kamen Rider Build... who also happens to be Sento's eldest daughter. She really has no tolerance for some of her own father's BS, and may or may not try to literally punch some sense into her mad scientist Papa.
Needless to say they're all terrified of crossing her lol
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Fuyumi and Fuyuki parading Tosuke around for the Lunar New Year
They dress Tosuke up in an accurate shogun costume complete with all the trimmings and regalia... and, of course, an actual Flemish-Giant-bunny-sized katana. Which, of course, terrified pretty much every adult the twins know when Yumi gave the command and Tosuke started stabbing the furniture with his sword.
(They may have convinced Tetsuo to make one for them for... scientific purpose. And Tetsuo is pretty amused by the idea of a rabbit that was taught to swordfight by a child)
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asknarashikari · 3 months
Love the new profile, Pic. Quick question, has Yumi ever been dragged out to clubs/bars for nights out by her friend/brother/husband or is she the type to work super hard and be all serious during work but enjoy cutting loose after work when out with friends.
I think Fuyumi would be willing to grab a drink or two at the pub after work if her siblings or friends invite her, if she isn't on call and she doesn't have any pressing work to do. Once she and Eiji marry they like winding down for the weekend by having a drink at home after dinner. But good luck convincing her to partake in the Japanese tradition of forcing coworkers to go to drinking parties.
Thing is though, she and Yuki inherited their dad's Blood clan genes, and their metabolisms are a bit enhanced because of it. Yumi's healing abilities keep her from getting drunk fast, and if she does get drunk she doesn't suffer from a hangover the day after. So she'd have to actually try very hard to get smashed.
However, she doesn't actually like the taste of alcohol, so she's pretty satisfied with a drink or two. She usually has shochu highballs with fruity flavors (which happens to be my drink of choice as well).
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asknarashikari · 2 years
In the future, multiple friends of the rider kids sing Stacy's Mom or Stacy's Dad to the next gen's parents.
How would the next gen react?
(FYI Stacy's Mom is a song about the singer wanting to bang their friend's mom and Stacy's Dad is the dad version of the song.)
Honestly, I think they'll just be amused that their friend thinks they stand a chance with their parent. They're so constantly exposed to lovey-dovey acts of affection between them (innocent and not-so-innocent) that even a blind person could see that nothing could get in the way of those people.
I mean, we have poor Yumi's innocence being tainted by her fathers going at it like one of their namesake animals, Ise being well aware of how his parents simp for each other (and being teased for it by their friends), Kentaro knowing that the whole city bet on his dads getting together... and heck, in canon we have Eiji's doppelganger knowing about Shinnosuke being in love with Kiriko. It's not even the kid himself anymore but someone impersonating him!
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asknarashikari · 2 years
pffft, "I'll be the one who has to deal with her" pfffft I just can't lol!!!!
Well... mostly it's Eiji (his son) who has to deal with Yumi, but yeah
Yumi is a very no-nonsense sort and she has absolutely no patience for the shenanigans that the OG Riders are known for. And while she isn't the type to make things go boom like her dear Papa, she does have a swordfighting pet rabbit the size of a small child who can and will stab people in some uncomfy places when commanded by his mistress.
tldr everyone is just a tiny bit scared of Yumi. Or a lot scared, in the case of her father-in-law. Lol rip
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asknarashikari · 3 years
Minific of Christmas with the Ryusen family?
Christmas dinners sure are fun with the in-laws, right Eiji?
*cue explosion*
"Dear, about tonight's dinner..." Eiji began reluctantly.
Fuyumi looked up from her tablet, tilting her head at her husband. "Yeah, what about it?"
"Um... do I have to put the bomb squad on standby?" he asked, pointing at his cellphone.
"Bomb squad? What for-" Fuyumi blinked at him, baffled for a moment, before she caught sight of a photograph from last year's dinner. "Ah. Papa," she supposed.
Eiji hummed. The photograph was just proof how much of a mad scientist the elder Build was- he allegedly mistook firecrackers for birthday candles (like Eiji was going to believe that), and when he lit them up after putting them on the Christmas cake-
Well. They were lucky the Fuuto fire department mercifully didn't ask questions when they came and saw the Kiryuu family and their two sons-in-law covered in strawberries and cream and the house on fire on Boxing Day. Then again, maybe not, since it just showed that they entirely used to such occurrences...
"Papa should be pretty behaved this year," Fuyumi commented. "Yuki is bringing Ise around, too. It's his first time bringing anyone around for dinner like this."
"Is he now?" Eiji asked, relaxing a little. Surely, having the son of the notoriously protective former swordsmen Riders- and the fairly new boyfriend of his own son- over for dinner would mean he would be less prone to blowing things up. Right?
"Well, at least, I hope he'll be behaved," Fuyumi admitted, sounding dubious of herself. "For Yuki's sake, at least. "It's not like Ise isn't aware of... how Papa could be, sometimes." Her fist clenched. "But still... I won't forgive him if he ruins this for Yuki."
Eiji pouted at his wife. "Why is your Papa so..." He made a gesture near his head.
"Hell if I know..." She sighed. "By the way, we have to go pick up the cake for later."
Eiji groaned, looking at the photograph with dismay. "I just hope we get to eat it instead of wear it, this year."
"Well... that was a relatively successful dinner, considering." Ise said, looking rather chipper, considering the circumstances.
"...Ise, my father-in-law almost gave us all vinegar to drink, and my wife just knocked her own father out cold." Eiji pointed out, eyeing the sour bottle of wine the scientist had apparently made himself.
"Yeah, but at least the house isn't on fire this time!" Ise said cheerily.
"...I hate that you're right on that."
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asknarashikari · 3 years
Sento reacts to: Tosuke chasing a Rider with a screwdriver
Sento is horrified.
His daughter, however, is supremely pleased.
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asknarashikari · 3 years
Build Minific of Ryuuga, Kazumi, and Hokuto Trio go on a panty raid to only found out they were Sento's.
You mean to say... Ryuuga... broke into his own house... to steal his husband’s underpants... 
Alright then
“Oi, Bakazumin, where the hell are you going? Get back here,” Ryuuga said as the other Rider jumped the fence, his three sidekicks following suit after him. “What if we get caught?”
“Aw, c’mon Banjou, live a little! Besides, we won’t get caught, as long as we’re careful!” Kazumi said with a challenging grin. “You’ve become boring ever since those little ones of yours came along...”
Ryuuga scoffed. “Because I’m a fucking dad who needs to be a role model for their kid!” he replied, rolling his eyes. 
He watched as Kazumi got on top of Akaba’s shoulders, easily reaching the second-story window. “Bakazumin, that’s breaking and entering,” he said disapprovingly. 
“No... this is breaking.” Kazumin punched a hole into the glass windowpane. He reached his hand into it and flicked the latch keeping it locked, before wriggling the whole window up. “And this is entering,” he said as he pushed himself through the windowsill.
“For the love of Gaim...” Ryuuga sighed as Aoba and Kiba got onto Akaba’s shoulders in turn, before being pulled through the window by Kazumi. 
“Are you gonna stay down there like a chicken, or what?” Kazumi called from the window.
“Fine, fine, I’m coming- but only to make sure you don’t get murdered or something.” Ryuuga climbed up onto Akaba’s shoulders, and Kazumi pulled him into a dark, mercifully empty bedroom.
After he pulled Akaba up as well, Kazumi went over to the dresser standing in a corner of the room and started opening the drawers, evidently looking for something. The Three Crows went into the walk-in closet and soon Ryuuga heard the rustling of fabric coming from there too. “What the hell are you doing rifling through someone else’s clothes, Bakazumin?”
“Looking for kinky shit, of course,” Kazumi said, as though it were obvious. “Lingerie, sexy panties, that sort of thing.”
“...You broke into someone’s house to look for people’s underwear?” Ryuuga asked, his brows furrowed. “Are you actually shitting me right now?”
“Nope.” Kazumi said, smacking his lips. He opened the last drawer he hadn’t investigated. “Bingo! Here’s the jackpot!” he said as he brought out a still-packaged, very tiny and lacy bra and panty set. “Ho ho ho! The lady of the house must be pretty feisty to own such a thing!”
Ryuuga, however, frowned as a nagging feeling hit him. Why did that thing look... familiar?
Suddenly they heard a thump-thump-thump coming from the door. “What was that?” Kazumi asked, as the sound grew louder and more insistent.
He put the lingerie down on top of the dresser, going to the door to see what was making the sound. He opened it, just enough to peer into the hallway, and frowned. “There’s no one around though... ah!”
Kazumi stepped back as a grey-furred, rather large rabbit pushed its way through the small gap Kazumi made, hopping inside. It glanced at Kazumi, its ears twitching, but when it turned its head towards Ryuuga, it perked up and happily bounded towards him, rubbing his head on his pants.
“What- Tosuke?”
“Tosuke? Isn’t that your kid’s rabbit?” Kazumi asked, confused.
Ryuuga knew he wasn’t the brightest bulb in the room, but this was simple enough for him to put together- the recognizable lingerie, his own fucking pet... and now that he had a good look around, the room was familiar too...
Because it was the one he slept in every single night. 
“Bakazumin... this house you broke into... is my house. And this bedroom is mine and Sento’s.”
“What?” Kazumin asked, his face a mask of horror. “So... that thing is...” 
Kazumi turned pale, and he turned to the Three Crows who were just as white as he was. “You said you didn’t know who lived in this house!”
“We didn’t!” Akaba said. “If we knew this was Banjou-san’s house...!” He turned to the other man. “Besides, why didn’t he recognize it was his own house?!”
“All the houses on this street look alike from the back!” Ryuuga said defensively. “And it was dark out!”
“Tou-chan? What’s going on? And why are Kazumin and the Crows here?”
All four men froze as they turned to the door to see Ryuuga’s ten-year-old daughter, rubbing her eyes sleepily as she stood there in her little W onesie and a stuffed Cross-ZBuild in her arms. Her pet rabbit hopped to her side as she looked up at her father and uncles, expecting an answer.
“It’s... a bit of a long story...”
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asknarashikari · 3 years
Funny/cute idea: Ise visits the Kiryuu household after he starts seeing Fuyuki but he notices Tosuke looking at him like he wants to stab him with a screwdriver….
I think Ise would be more nervous about Tosuke’s master smiling at him sweetly while “cleaning/maintaining” all her transformation trinkets and weapons in front of him and telling him all about the different ways they can maim him if he ever hurts her dearest twin brother
The potentially-murderous rabbit is the least of his problems
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asknarashikari · 3 years
….Somehow Tosuke steals one of Sento’s coat for Fuyumi
Yumi of course would never take her Papa’s favorite coat for herself, but she would look at it longingly.
Tosuke probably figured that Yumi liked it, as he is quite in tune with his mistress. And he, being a rather clever bun, somehow got it off the hook at the front door where it hung and brought it to her. Yumi found him sitting on her bed with the coat on it, looking quite pleased with himself.
How he got all the way up to Yumi’s attic bedroom with the coat, no one is quite sure. He is trained to manage the stairs and even the ladder up to her room so he can get around the house just fine... but how he did that while dragging along a heavy coat (for a rabbit, anyway) and somehow managing to evade detection is a mystery.
But Sento was so impressed by it that he convinced Yumi to keep the coat and to praise Tosuke despite him technically stealing it. Yumi’s been wearing the coat ever since. (And for those who aren’t in the know- the pfp is actually Yumi, and the coat she’s wearing is the one Tosuke “stole” for her.)
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asknarashikari · 3 years
A minific of a villain kidnapping the Riders kids but not realizing the group includes two super computers, scientists with ranging degrees of madness, an actual dragon, and a kid with sentient mini cars.
I didn’t quite have the time to fit in all the kids, but I hope you still like it!
The fact that the kids were so quiet was almost as disconcerting as the boss’ thunderous face when he put the phone down. “I can’t believe it,” the boss growled. “They’re not going to pay the ransom.”
“W-What? But don’t they want their kids back?” he asked, surprised. 
“They don’t negotiate with terrorists, they said,” the boss stated in a mocking tone, rolling his eyes. “For superheroes, they don’t seem to give a damn about their own kids.” He looked at his hostages. “Did you hear that? Your folks aren’t coming for you.”
The eldest of the kids- the son of the cop, Drive- merely glared at the boss in defiance. Build’s daughter had the audacity to look bored, as if her being kidnapped was just a waste of time and not the harrowing situation that it was.
What were with these kids? he wondered. Not one of them showed a sign of any fear, not even during the whole conversation the boss had on speaker phone, as he tried to negotiate their release for a fair sum of money.
It was like they had expected their parents not to pay the ransom... and were fine with it.
It seemed like the boss had run out of patience because he walked over to where the kids were tied up on the floor. He crouched in front of them, his eyes hard. “Do you understand what kind of situation you’re in?” he asked. 
Build’s daughter returned his glare. “We should be asking you that question.” She finally spoke, a small smile playing on her lips.
“What-” The girl kicked out her legs, and the boss fell to his knees as she hit him in the balls. “Son of a bi-!”
“H-hey!” He surged forward, his taser in hand, “What did you do to the boss?!” he demanded.
“Stay back if you know what’s good for you,” said one of the other boys, his eyes glowing golden, his white hair standing on end. He froze, looking between the tiny electric spark his taser produced and the arches of lightning surrounding him. 
“Looks like they’re finally here,” Tomari Junior said, as the distant wails of sirens became audible. He eyed them with contempt. “If you even bothered to search us earlier, you would’ve known that I had a Shift Car on me when you caught us. All I had to do was send it out and it lead our parents straight to you,” he said. He smirked a little. “Just be thankful that we didn’t have to resort to Plan B and blew the place up. Fuyumi was a bit too enthusiastic about that.”
“And be really glad we didn’t set the dragon loose on you.” Fuyumi put in. “That was Plan C.”
The kidnapper gaped. “So... this whole time...”
“Yeah, we were faking, sorry not sorry,” the girl shrugged. “We’re not very good at the whole damsel in distress thing.”
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asknarashikari · 3 years
You wrote that adorable little moment with Fuyumi and Sento at her wedding... I couldn't help but wonder, what would the wedding be like from Fuyuki's perspective?
And then I just had an idea. Snapshots of the different weddings from Yuki's perspective. Takeru and Akari, Yumi and Eiji, Akane and Hana, whoever.
Oh boy this got long haha. Also, RIP to Yuki in the end XD
The first “wedding” Fuyuki remembers wasn’t much of a wedding at all.
He was six or seven years old at the time when Japan finally joined the growing list of countries that recognized same-sex unions legally. Of course, his fathers had considered themselves married long before that- the law be damned- but having the legal recognition still had its benefits, or so they had said. 
However, neither had seen the point in going about it with much fanfare, the wedding they had years ago being enough of a celebration for them. So, they didn’t even bother to dress up to drag the whole family out to city hall to submit out the paperwork.
All he remembered about it was how mind-numbingly boring it’d been, waiting for his dads to get called by the clerks, then watching them fill out the paperwork and giving it back, then having to wait even more while it was being processed. If it weren’t for him being made to watch over his rowdy younger siblings, he probably would’ve fallen asleep right there in the middle of city hall.
And he remembered how... anticlimactic it had ended up being. After all that waiting, the city clerk just called his parents, handed back the processed paperwork, and told them congratulations on their marriage. 
That was it? he had thought. Weren’t they supposed to kiss or something? Not that he wanted to see such a disgustingly sappy thing, but still... he had expected something... more to it?
Well, at least they had dinner at that nice family restaurant. Those lamb chops were awesome.
“So. How does it feel like to be Tomari Fuyumi?”
Fuyumi rolled her eyes at her twin as he joined her at the head table. Her new husband was with his parents, trying to soothe his bawling mother and teary father. “Well... those guys are my parents now, too. Now I understand why Eiji can get so embarrassed by them.”
Fuyuki chuckled, undoing the button on his suit, loosening his tie and messing up his hair by running his fingers through it. Most of the formalities had been done with, and most of the guests either were too tipsy to care about what the bride’s twin would look like, or were too busy tearing up the dance floor to notice. Fuyumi didn’t even bother to admonish his lack of graces.
“Seriously though... how does it feel, Yumi?” he asked, looking at his twin. 
Yumi’s eyes were fixed on Eiji, who was awkwardly hugging his parents as they cried all over him. He turned in their direction and caught Yumi’s gaze, mouthing help as his mother’s wailing grew louder. Yumi just giggled at her husband’s plight, shaking her head, and he groaned, Yuki seeing him roll his eyes even from their position on the stage. 
Even so, the Chief still had the widest, happiest smile he had ever seen on the man- an expression matched by his radiant twin sister sitting beside him.
“I’m happy, Yuki.” Yumi said simply, her smile more brilliant than the two rings adorning her fingers. “I’ve never been happier than I am right now, and it’s all because of him.”
Fuyuki chuckled. “And to think, last night you were about to kick his ass for time-jumping without permission again.”
Fuyumi snorted. “If he thinks us being married means he can get away with pulling that kind of shit, he’s got another thing coming.”
Now this wedding had been a long time coming. 
When Chiho and Kentaro had announced that they were getting married, everyone had thrown their hands in the air and yelled “FINALLY!” in exasperation, before congratulating the couple on their upcoming nuptials (and cursing Gentaro, who somehow won the betting pool on those two guys, which had reached a mind-boggling figure in the ensuing years). 
As if in retaliation for all the grief everyone had given them for taking so long, the couple decided on a Shinto ceremony for their wedding- meaning only immediate family members were allowed to attend. Although, they had insisted on one exception- that their childhood friend, Fukamiya Ise, be allowed to attend as well.
Ise stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the detectives and scientists in the wedding party. From his striking snow-white hair, to the regal Swords of Logos coat he had worn instead of the kimonos everyone else had donned, and of course, the Seiken he inherited from his father hanging from his hip. 
“Oi, Yuki-nii, close your mouth or you’ll start catching flies,” teased his sister as she came up to him. “Does Chi-chi know you’re ogling her best friend? ‘Coz I think that should be something she knows.”
“Shut up, Akane,” Fuyuki growled, tearing his gaze away from the younger man. “As for Chiho... I think she’s a little distracted right now.”
“Hmm.” Akane hummed as they watched Chiho and Kentaro walking under the maple leaves, Kentaro holding a parasol over himself and his bride. The couple were smiling at each other, lost in their own little world, probably speaking to each other through the mental link they shared. “I know we all said this a lot but... it really was about time, huh?”
Fuyuki couldn’t help the grin on his lips as Kentaro and Chiho drew together, like the destined partners they were as the two-in-one Kamen Rider. “Yeah... it really was.” 
“Fuyuki? May I join you for a drink?”
Fuyuki looked over his shoulder to see who had called out to him. “Ise?” He stared at the swordsman as he took the seat beside him and ordered a drink. “What brings you over here? Shouldn’t you be with my sister and Kentaro?”
Ise chuckled. “I love my best friends, really, I do, but I really can’t stand being their third wheel,” he explained. “Besides... I wanted to talk to you.” 
He thanked the bartender and held his cocktail out for a toast, which Fuyuki awkwardly returned. Ise took a sip of drink as he eyed the older man. “I saw how you were looking at me earlier.”
Fuyuki choked and sputtered on his drink, his cheeks pinking in mortification. “What do you mean-”
“I didn’t mind it,” Ise told him, with a sultry grin that made Fuyuki sputter all the more. “Just so you know.”
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