#kiril famous
shalpilot · 3 months
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ARR elidibus is funny 2 me
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hollenka99 · 2 months
Something something Freddie being the reason Kiril's childhood innocence was taken from him early in the form of learning about the fratricide tradition but Freddie also being one of Kiril's anchors/reasons to keep going when everything falls apart following the purge.
Like what if you knew your only ally who could ever understand things the way you do was your fellow survivor? And what if he doesn't actually fully have the same perspective as you because he is a child? What if you wanted to give him the world as compensation but in the end, it only corrupted you until one of you died because of it? What if you left him to fend for himself because of your mistakes? Or maybe those mistakes haunt you both figuratively and literally until they drag you down, one brother pushing the other underwater while frantically attempting to keep their head above the surface.
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xoxoskai · 10 months
Before anything else, I want to make it abundantly clear that these are all speculations.
I have taken whatever I could from the books and little hints and crumbs and come up with this theory and in no way does it reflect what will really be in the book.
Before I present my theory as to who the White Mask is, I want to cover who it isn't.
1. Vaughn Morozov
For everyone who doesn't know who Vaughn is, he's Kirill and Sasha's son and was, until recently, prime suspect #1 but Rina confirmed he will not be a part of Legacy of Gods so that essentially votes him out of this immediately.
2. Remington Astor
Before I started reading this series and had only heard of the White Mask, my first immediate guess went to the most unsuspecting person, Remi. Simply because no one would expect that from him and also because chances were that my man had more demons in his closet than he was letting on (like his Dad). However, he is not getting a book and the White Mask mystery is too good to not be revealed in a book which made me rule him out (sorrows and prayers, RemiAri you will always be famous)
3. Eli King
First of all, why would a 26 y/o participate in a passtime game of tag with college students? He's preparing to inherit an entire kingdom and I can't see him chasing people around for shits and giggles or for a more bloodthirsty reason. He simply does not have the time for it. Besides, even if he's not part of the Elites, he's dedicated to the entire united front that the Kings love to showcase which he won't betray just to satisfy his bloodlust (he might have other methods for it that does not require him to join the Heathens).
Which brings me to my prime suspect,
Ava Nash
Over the course of the first three books (Legacy of; Malice, Pain and Wrath), there were a lot of things that were said about Ava or in connection to her that hinted on something far more than simply words tossed to the wind.
(I will be referencing all of them and going forward will refer to the White Mask as WM)
I think the first, most obvious conclusion most people made was that the White Masked Heathen could be a girl. While the four known Heathens are all described as tall and muscular, it was specifically mentioned that WM was leaner.
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(God of Wrath, Chapter 1, pg. 10)
Comes and goes as they please.
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(God of Malice, Chapter 19, pg. 1)
Cherry could seduce the guards but not WM.
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(God of Malice, Chapter 38, pg. 13)
Choice of weapon: Chains.
I always found this the most interesting because Killian, Jeremy and Nikolai rely on their strengths to wield their weapons whether it's a bat or a golf club or bare fists. It takes a considerable amount of power to swing those and inflict enough damage and pain.
But chains are easier to maneuver if you do not possess the actual strength to physically overpower your opponent. They can be swung at someone, used to disarm them or trip people or effectively cut air supply without exerting too much energy.
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(God of Wrath, Chapter 1, pg. 9; God of Malice, Chapter 16, pg. 2)
Yes, I hear you. All of this is nice and good and obvious but where does Ava fit in?
Remember when Ava Nash took a shot for having done illegal things but not elaborating? There is so much more to her than what meets the eye.
Time and again, Ava has displayed tendencies that depict that violence does not bother that. That she finds it fun.
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God of Malice, Chapter 7, pg. 2; God of Wrath, Chapter 4, pg. 8; God of Pain, Chapter 5, pg. 3; God of Wrath, Epilogue 2, pg. 1; God of Wrath, Chapter 25, pg. 2 God of Wrath, Chapter 25, pg. 2
Most Heathens: Jeremy, Killian and Nikolai partake in the brutal initiation to satiate their bloodlust of some sort. While Ava might not necessarily have the same level of thirst for violence as them, she is definitely a rule-breaker, loves treading the line between what is allowed and what isn't and has the most inside knowledge about the Heathens, something I will discuss in more detail soon.
If it's not obvious enough still,
Rina Kent does not like going with the obvious. She loves surprises and plot twists and I love getting surprised and having my mind blown.
Ava finds the entire concept of the initiation "fun" when mostly everyone outside of the Heathens has expressed distaste.
The reason I brought up WM's weapon of choice is because it was fascinating to me how Rina didn't go the conventional way of making Ava a pianist or a violinist which are usually what music majors in fiction pursue. She's a cellist. So, she probably has experience lugging her instrument to and from places. It speaks of considerable strength that she probably has carrying an instrument that weighs roughly 5-7 pounds around the campus daily, for years.
Every LoG book so far has been a Heathen X REU pairing.
Killian Carson X Glyndon King
Annika Volkov X Creighton King
Jeremy Volkov X Cecily Knight
Mia Sokolov X Landon King
Nikolai Sokolov X Brandon King
And lastly, Ava Nash X Eli King.
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pwlanier · 8 days
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Theorist of the early Russian avant-garde
Le Dantu Mikhail Vasilyevich (1891–1917) "Bridge". Mid-1910s.
Paper, gouache, 27×42 cm.
No signature. On the back of the mount there is an inscription with a ballpoint pen: "Mikhail Le Dantu / From the album kept / at Kirill Zdanevich", as well as exhibition labels.
Origin: collection of the famous art collector, film director Solomon Abramovich Shuster (1934-1995).
Publication: "Solomon Shuster. Profession Collector", Moscow, Shamrock, 2005, p. 38.
Avant-garde artist, theorist of the early Russian avant-garde. In January 1912, Le-Dantu left the Academy of Arts and went to Moscow, where together with M.F. Larionov, N.S. Goncharova, A.V. Shevchenko, S.M. Romanovich participated in the preparation of the outrageous exhibition "Donkey Tail". His work was greatly influenced by a six-month trip to Tbilisi in 1912, to the house of his friend Kirill Zdanevich's parents. In the fall of 1915 at the apartment of V.M. Ermolaeva organized the first and only lifetime exhibition of Le-Dantu's works. That same fall, he was mobilized for military service, and after several months of training at the Vladimir Infantry School, Ensign Le-Dantu was sent to the front of the First World War. Returning home on vacation, on July 25, 1917, while trying to stop fellow deserters near Proskurov, Mikhail Le-Dantu was thrown between the cars and crushed by the train.
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russiawave · 2 years
My tender and affectionate beast or A hunting incident  is a 1978 Soviet romantic drama directed by Emil Loteanu. It was entered into the 1978 Cannes Film Festival. It is adapted from Anton Chekhov's The Shooting Party. 
The film is set in the end of the 19th century and takes place at an aristocratic estate in the forests of central Russia. The daughter of a forester, Olga Skvortsova (Galina Belyayeva) is a beautiful nineteen-year-old woman. Three middle-aged men who live in the manor and the surrounding area fall in love with her: a 50-year-old gloomy widower Urbenin (Leonid Markov), an even more senior in age but youthful and lighthearted Count Karneev (Kirill Lavrov) and the stately, handsome, 40-year-old court investigator Kamyshev (Oleg Yankovsky).
The wedding waltz composed for the film by Eugen Doga became famous worldwide. Ronald Reagan called it "the waltz of the century" when he visited Moscow.American figure skater Sasha Cohen skated to the waltz in her short program at the 2002 Winter Olympics.The music was used at the opening ceremony of the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi. In 2014, the waltz was chosen by UNESCO as the fourth musical masterpiece of the 20th century.
english subtitles.
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mariacallous · 1 month
Stay and fight, future clients!
Journalists at Agentstvo Media have learned that the man who appears in a recent selfie video promoted by Z-bloggers urging men in the Kursk region to stay and fight the Ukrainian military is actually the owner of a tombstone and funeral business in St. Petersburg. Four years ago, Kirill Vlasikov changed his name to Suvorov (apparently to boost his tombstone business that bears the Suvorov name — which means "severe" in Russian and is the name of a famous 18th-century Russian general and military theorist). Besides tombstones, Suvorov’s business offers cremation, burial, and transportation services specifically for soldiers killed in combat. He told Agentstvo directly that he believes men living in Kursk should stay and help resist the Ukrainians and said he sends humanitarian aid to Russian troops in Ukraine. He declined to answer when asked if he plans to enlist with Russia’s armed forces.
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duchesssoflennox · 1 year
Is there any royal family that you dislike you can name more than 1 ;)
Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich's family 😒
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Of all the royals I've ever known, grand duke Vladimir Alexandrovich (paternal uncle of Tsar Nicholas II) and his family have always been my least favorite.☹️
They are my least favorite for the following reasons:
Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich and his wife Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna were hostile and disloyal to Emperor Nicholas II, who was Vladimir's nephew and Maria's cousin. They held a rival court at their palace in Saint Petersburg and spread malicious gossip about the Emperor and his wife Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.
Maria Pavlovna was ambitious and greedy, and used her influence to obtain money, jewels, and estates from the Tsar and other wealthy people. She also exploited her position as the president of the Russian Red Cross to embezzle funds and supplies for her personal use
She was arrogant and snobbish, and looked down on other members of the Imperial Family, especially those who married below their rank or were not of Russian origin. She also despised the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, whom she considered a German spy and a bad influence on the Tsar
Kirill Vladimirovich, son of Vladimir Alexandrovich and Maria Pavlovna, is best known for his scandalous affair with his married first cousin, Princess Victoria Melita of Edinburgh.
Kirill and Victoria Melita got married years later, after Victoria Melita divorced her first husband. Their marriage was considered incestuous and morganatic by the Russian Orthodox Church and the Imperial Family, and caused a scandal in the Royal Courts of Europe and Great Britain
Kirill betrayed Emperor Nicholas II during the February Revolution of 1917, when he marched to the Tauride Palace wearing a red armband to show his support for the Provisional Government. He also renounced his rights to the Russian throne in 1917, but later claimed them back in 1924, proclaiming himself as the head of the House of Romanov and the rightful heir to the throne, despite the existence of other senior claimants.
Boris Vladimirovich is known for his scandalous affair with his married first cousin Queen Marie of Romania! Boris Vladimirovich was a notorious playboy and gambler, who spent lavishly on women, cars, and parties. He had numerous affairs and illegitimate children, and was involved in several scandals with actresses, dancers, and socialites. He was disloyal to his cousin, Emperor Nicholas II, and supported the February Revolution of 1917 that overthrew the monarchy. He also collaborated with the Bolsheviks and accepted their protection after the October Revolution, while most of his relatives fled or were killed. He was selfish and greedy, and used his influence to obtain money, jewels, and property from the Soviet government. He also sold some of his family's treasures and artworks to foreign collectors and museums.
Elena Vladimirovna was considered snobbish and vain by some people, including her mother's social rival, Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna. She also allegedly refused to greet her sister-in-law Princess Marie Bonaparte and drew back her skirts as if not to be touched by her...
Andrei Vladimirovich had an affair with the famous ballerina Mathilde Kschessinska, who was also the former mistress of Nicholas II and two other grand dukes. He married her in 1921 and recognized her son as his, even though the boy's paternity was uncertain.
Thanks for Asking 🥰🫶
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December 18-19, 2009
A ceremony to launch the new Arctic shuttle tanker Kirill Lavrov named after the famous Russian actor took place at the Admiralty Shipyard in St Petersburg. The ship was consecrated by the dean of the St Nicholas Epiphany Cathedral, Father Bogdan, and actress Alisa Freindlikh, Kirill Lavrov’s colleague. After that, Vladimir Putin visited the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theatre. He reassured the artists that the theatre building would be renovated soon. He then went to the Russian Geographical Society’s headquarters. Vladimir Putin was elected head of the Russian Geographical Society’s Board of Trustees in November 2009. In the evening, the Prime Minister had a workout at the School of Athletic Excellence. Vladimir Putin returned to Moscow from St Petersburg onboard a Sapsan train. A new high-speed train started regular service between the two cities on December 18 with speeds reaching up to 300 kilometers per hour.
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joselito28-1 · 1 year
La politique homophobe, toujours plus dure, de l'État russe dirigé par Vladimir Poutine, frappe tous azimuts. Accusé de "propagande LGBT", le ballet de Kirill Serebrennikov retraçant la vie du célèbre danseur Rudolf Noureev vient d'être interdit au théâtre Bolchoï de Moscou en raison de l'homosexualité du danseur disparu il y a trente ans.
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The ever harsher homophobic policy of the Russian state led by Vladimir Putin is striking in all directions. Accused of "LGBT propaganda", Kirill Serebrennikov's ballet retracing the life of the famous Rudolf Nureyev has just been banned from the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow because of the homosexuality of the dancer who disappeared thirty years ago.
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ggebba · 8 days
Hi there, just out of curiosity is it true that the top figure skaters in the same age group as Andrei and Pyotr usually exist in the same social circles as them (KHL/NHL russian players)? I noticed that Alina Zagitova and Andrei used to follow each other which makes sense considering her dad was the junior coach for Akbars + she used to date Dima Voronkov. Theres also this standing rumor that Stasya Konstantinova was Pyotr’s on-off ex for a couple of years. I know they were both sighted at zenit games a couple of times in the past & that he was with her during her birthday. But how common is it for skaters and players to share a bunch of mutual friends?
Hi 👋 Hockey and figure skating in Russia are closely related. More often than not, hockey players and figure skaters still came face to face at international competitions. Especially I want to note the Olympic Games. For example, after the 2018 Olympics, there were rumors that Kirill Kaprizov and Alina Zagitova started dating. But Alina, at that time, was underage and this topic was simply tried not to be mentioned.
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Btw, now Kirill Kaprizov is in a relationship with the daughter of a famous Russian singer 🤫
There were a lot of rumors about who Alina was allegedly dating. Honestly, I don't know anything and most of them were just ridiculous rumors.
If we're talking about Andrei Svechnikov, he liked the singer Klava Koka better. That's what I saw information about in Russian publicks, that Andrei likes all her posts in social networks. But Klava has a boyfriend, so...
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Klava Koka ⬆️
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I've also read all sorts of things about Pyotr and Stasya. I only know about one of his ex-girlfriends, Dasha, because they often posted photos together and Pyotr mentioned her in interviews. Rumors, in fact, there were a lot of rumors. I can write about what was confirmed, but many rumors that I read about hockey players and Pyotr in particular are nothing more than fiction and conjecture 🤷‍♀️
But here's how I summarize it. A lot of Russian hockey players date/marry girls from gymnastics or from modeling. Here are a few examples:
Alex Romanov and Sofia (hockey player and gymnast)
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Alexander Nikishin and Varvara Subbotina (hockey player and synchronized swimmer)
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Artemi Panarin and Alisa Znarok (hockey player and model)
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I hope I answered your question ♥️
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girlfriendline · 2 years
was he "wrong" on that call, sure. but do i enjoy that whoever the comms are saw a 97 and went 'must be kirill kaprizov' over y'know, the really famous guy. absolutely.
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shalpilot · 4 months
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also do not eat anything
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juststayquiete · 1 year
Tag people you want to get to know better
Tagged by dear @quaddmgd kith kith kith
Favorite Color: Purple! Yeah, the same Normal Amount tm as the other people who love purple........
Currently Reading: K that's been a while..... I don't even read fics lately, but I DO have a dozen of books that are waiting for me for ages lmao rn I really want to reread the Clockwork Orange....
Last Song: God why this question came up when I'm in my ru rap era I'm so ashamed skjdfkafkasjksd it's Jamik - Авторитеты
Last Movie: The Thing 1982. I liked it!!! The last 20 min were so intense!!! And the ending was cool!!!
Last Series: I don't watch series but I'm currently rewatching anime Double Decker Doug and Kirill. The second hand embarassment is real BUT I love it nonetheless
Sweet, Savory, or Spicy: I'm a picky eater so Idk it depends on the food......
Craving: I'm full rn and crave nothing skldjfksf
Tea or Coffee: Tea!!! My people are famous for drinking tea (yeah like the british lol) so I'm as a proud daughter of my ancestors usually drink like 4-6 cups of black tea with milk :3
Currently Working On: Nothing 💀💀💀 I'm really busy with my job rn and also I got sick so no, lich rally nothing *cries*
Tagging @hydrasshole @escelymir @fly-amanitaa @another-corpo-rat @civilization-illstayrighthere and whoever want to paricipate no pressure ofc <3333333
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thenuclearmallard · 2 years
I fled Putin’s Russia for Canada. It opened my eyes.
Canada showed me the importance of Indigenous rights. Now I want the same for Indigenous people in Russia.
Nikolay ZyuzevJanuary 3, 2023
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Inspired by Canada's reckoning with its colonial past, Nikola Zyuzev is developing projects to support Russia's Indigenous communities targeted by the Putin regime (Photo courtesy semnasem.org)
I decided to leave Vladimir Putin’s Russia—the first time—in 2006. And though it’s almost impossible to imagine now, people at home and around the world that year were applauding the Russian president’s successes. Russia had just hosted a G8 summit and signed a deal with the U.S. which eventually allowed it to join the World Trade Organization. Oil and gas profits were up, the economy was booming and Russians were enjoying middle-class luxuries—cafés, restaurants, vacations—that people in the West take for granted. 
But as a social and political philosopher, it’s my job to look beyond the glittery surface, and it wasn’t hard to see signs of rot. Russia’s state-controlled gas monopoly, Gazprom, had cut off supplies to Ukraine over price disagreements, demonstrating the Kremlin’s willingness to use energy as a geopolitical weapon. Tensions with Georgia were rising as the former Soviet Republic butted heads with Putin by developing closer ties with the West. 
And Putin and his supporters were growing bolder and less tolerant of dissent at home. In October, the brutal assassination of journalist Anna Politkovskaya was a chilling warning to whose who dared to criticize the regime. Politkovskaya had become famous for criticism of Putin, and for her sympathetic reporting from Chechnya, which during the Soviet era had existed as an autonomous ethnic republic within the Soviet Union. After the fall of the USSR, Chechens demanded their freedom, sparking years of brutal conflict with Russia.
Politkovskaya’s murder was a warning to dissidents, and the crushing of the Chechen uprising was a warning to members of Russia’s Indigenous and ethnic minorities. I was both. I’m from the Komi minority, a Finno-Ugric people whose own republic, with a population of nearly one million, lies 1,000 kilometres northwest of Moscow. The Komi people have a distinct language and culture dating back at least two millennia, but under Putin’s rule, we face cultural and linguistic extinction. Like all of Russia’s nearly two dozen republics and four autonomous districts, the Komi Republic is supposed to have some degree of autonomy; in practice, it has none.
I didn’t want to live in a nation tumbling headlong toward fascism—and I definitely didn’t want my daughter growing up in one. I applied to Canada for permanent residency, and in July 2009, I left for Toronto. In 2015, I became a Canadian citizen.
During those years, I watched from a distance as all my worst fears about my homeland materialized. Just months before I left Russia, a radical priest named Kirill—a Putin ally—became patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church. Likely under Putin’s orders, he began delivering sermons glorifying the “Russian World,” an idealized ethnic Russian homeland populated by true Christians fighting an onslaught of Western decadence. It goes without saying that this worldview left no room for communities like mine to exist with any degree of self-determination—instead, they were to be assimilated into Putin’s monolithic vision of Russia.
In Canada, these developments hit unusually close to my new home. When I arrived, Canada was struggling with its own relationship to its colonial past, and the crimes committed against Indigenous people in this country. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission was hard at work investigating the residential school system, which bore striking similarities to an attempt in Russia to erase the Nenets people in the country’s far north between the 1950s and 1970s: children were forcibly removed from their families to be “re-educated” in Soviet schools, where they were abused and many died. Russians don’t talk about that past anymore—any mention of it would almost certainly mean imprisonment. Canada, by contrast, had struck up a national conversation about redressing these evils, and I was amazed by the willingness of so many Canadians to confront this dark past with honesty. 
My experiences in Canada planted a seed. Would it be possible for ethnic Russians to wake up to their imperialist past and own up to the damage done to Indigenous peoples who lived on the lands they now occupied? Was reconciliation possible within the so-called Russian World? It if was, could I help make it happen? 
In 2015, I was asked to lead a new research centreat the Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University—right in my hometown of Syktyvkar, the capital of the Komi Republic.
How could I say no? My daughter had grown into a remarkable teenager who excelled in her new Canadian life, but my marriage had unravelled, and I was having no luck breaking into Canada’s tough academic job market. Despite my reservations about what was happening in Russia, I couldn’t pass up a chance get back into the classroom with students and reinvigorate my scholarly career. The research centre’s mandate involved forging new relationships with scholars in Europe, North America and elsewhere. It felt like a way to push back against Putin’s parochial vision of Russia’s future. 
But soon after arriving back in Russia in July 2015I realized just how unbearable things had become—and it was the attitude to Indigenous and other ethnic communities that was most disturbing. Rather than moving closer to the Canadian model of engagement and conversation that had inspired such optimism in me, things had gone in the opposite direction. People accepted official propaganda almost unquestioningly. Most cheered on Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea, in southern Ukraine, as a legitimate exercise of power, to bring back to Russia what belonged to it. And animosity toward the Western world had grown—increasingly, people were convinced that the West wanted to destroy Russia. It was impossible to debate any of these claims; even university colleagues would simply claim I’d been “fooled” by American propaganda.
The idea of making an impact as a scholar looked remote. I still found solace in the classroom—most of my students were immune to official propaganda and interested in my firsthand experience in the west. They were my main moral support throughout that seven-year stint in Syktyvkar. But the oppressive weight of Putin’s Potemkin nation eventually became too much to bear. 
So in the fall of 2021, I approached two friends—one a sociologist and retired politician, the other a linguist studying the Komi language—and brought to them a radical new idea: to establish an online Finno-Ugric University. It would offer high-quality social sciences education to Komi youth, help them think more critically and, importantly, raise awareness about the injustices suffered by the Komi people.
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Courtesy semnasem.org
While we were trying to find funding, Leonid Zilberg, a Jewish businessman and advocate of minority rights in Russia, suggested that we collaborate with his online magazine, 7×7, and expand the project to include all of Russia’s minority groups. Zilberg had fought against rising antisemitism for years in Russia, and he founded 7×7in 2010 to tell the stories of Russia’s minorities. 
Our project got an extra boost of urgency after the invasion of Ukraine last year. Leonid and his staff at 7×7were forced to relocate to Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital, after Putin announced a new law punishing anyone who questioned the war with up to 15 years in jail. It was already obvious to me and my colleagues that launching the project inside Russia was impossible—we’d never get a licence for it, and if by some miracle we did, we would instantly be labelled a “separatist” organization and jailed. 
Putin’s newest crackdowns made it even more obvious that self-imposed exile was the only option, so in May of 2022, I boarded a flight to Istanbul, one of the few cities still accepting air travel from Russia. From there I headed to Vilnius, joining Leonid and his team.
Since then, Leonid and I have been travelling throughout Europe raising awareness—and money—for what we’re tentatively calling the Indigenous Russia Information and Education Center. We sense an opportunity in the aftermath of Putin’s disastrous invasion of Ukraine: Indigenous peoples have been disproportionately affected by the war, both on the battlefield and as conscripts to Russia’s army. Minority groups in the republics are waking anew to the threat the Kremlin poses. Our hope is that demands for decolonization will become stronger, and the Kremlin will lose its grip on the republics. There may be a rare window of opportunity now to change the conversation in Russia—one we can’t waste.
I know that in Canada, the fight for Indigenous rights is far from over, and abuses and racism are still part of daily life for many Indigenous people. But the scope of legal rights Indigenous peoples have achieved—governing their ancestral lands, compensation for natural resources, financial support from the government, official apologies for past injustices—is simply unthinkable in Russia. I look at the resurgence of Indigenous peoples in Canada and wonder what might be possible at home. And I look at my daughter, who has completed a master’s degree and now works for the Canada Revenue Agency. What would her life be if we hadn’t left?
She was lucky, and so was I. But millions of people belonging to ethnic and Indigenous groups in my homeland are suffering. Their languages and cultures are being wiped out by a regime that believes diversity is a threat, that it must absorb and assimilate anything that’s different. In less than two decades I’ve watched my country throw away a seemingly bright future to become a warmongering global pariah. The only way to course-correct now is to repudiate Putin’s vision, and to embrace the diversity and vitality of its many peoples. 
—As told to Adnan Khan
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pwlanier · 8 days
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Zdanevich Kirill Mikhailovich (1892–1969) "Abstract composition". 1914.
Paper, graphite pencil, ink, pen
No signature. On the back of the mount there is an inscription with a ballpoint pen: "Kirill Zdanevich / 1914 / From the artist's family".
Origin: collection of the famous art collector, film director Solomon Abramovich Shuster (1934-1995), from the artist's archive.
Painter, graphic artist, set designer, art critic. One of the greatest masters of the Russian artistic avant-garde. In his work, he combined the features of Cubism, Futurism, Non-Mitivism, Folk Art. Older brother of the poet and artist Ilya Zdanevich (Ilyazda). In the 1900s - early 1910s, he attended the School of Painting and Sculpture of the Caucasian Society for the Promotion of Fine Arts in Tiflis. In 1912, he entered the Higher Art School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture at the IAH (did not graduate from the course). In the same years, he became close to many representatives of the artistic avant-garde: M.V. Le Dantu, M.F. Larionov, N.S. Goncharova. Participated in the exhibitions "Donkey Tail" (1912), "Target" (1913), "№ 4" (1914) in Moscow. In 1913, he signed the manifesto "The Radiants and Futures". He took an active part in the activities of Georgian futurists. The artist's works are in many museum collections, including the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin.
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ilyasorokinn · 9 months
misc. masterlist, part 2 (western conference)
this masterlist is basically just blurbs, and maybe some fics, that i'm not proud of (but don't want to delete) or players i no longer write for. just because they are on this list doesn't mean i don't write for them. this list will probably grow as time goes on, i don't know.
key: name = do write for currently name = no longer write for *= from a prompt list
arizona coyotes,
✷ 3+1 (travis dermott) - y/n tells travis some very exciting news.
colorado avalanche,
✷ cute babies (bowen byram) - y/n tells bowen they make cute babies and wants to have another one.
✷ post-roadie cuddles (ross colton) - ross comes home after a roadie and all he wants is to cuddle. *
✷ hair transformations (cale makar) - y/n and cale have a youtube channel together, and y/n surprises scale with a hair transformation.
chicago blackhawks,
✷ make it better (anthony beauvillier) - Anthony had caught word that y/n has a bad day, so being the good boyfriend he is, he takes care of her and helps turn her bad day into a semi-good one. *
dallas stars,
✷ bubs the pup (roope hintz) - y/n finds a dog and brings it home with her.
✷ beach braids (roope hintz) - y/n and roope braid each other's hair on the beach. *
✷ wired autocomplete interview (tyler seguin) - y/n and tyler do a wired autocomplete interview.
✷ couples account (tyler seguin) - y/n and tyler pull tiktok pranks on each other (and the dogs).
✷ slow swayin' in the kitchen (tyler seguin) - the only rosie can fall asleep is if someone is holding her and swaying. *
edmonton oilers,
✷ an old married couple (dylan halloway) - y/n and dylan are kind of like the old married couple of their friend group, so everyone always goes to them for advice. *
los angeles kings,
✷ cuddle (erik portillo) - movie nights are erik's favorite. why? cuddling.
✷ there for him (erik portillo) - y/n's there for erik after the loss.
✷ safe in these arms (alex turcotte) - alex had a pretty bad day, but knows the second you wrap your arms around him, he'll be okay. *
✷ proud of you (alex turcotte) - y/n and alex are talking about their future, and talking about how proud they are of each other. *
minnesota wild,
✷ hat trick (matt boldy) - y/n's with matt when he scores his first hat trick.
✷ matt boldy's imfamous cheese quesadillas (matt boldy) - y/n has a bad day, so matt makes her his world-famous dish. *
✷ sweet dreams (matt boldy) - matt wakes up after a bad dream. luckily y/n's there to help him fall back asleep.
✷ kirill night (kirill kaprizov) - after. aloss, y/n spends the night comforting kirill. *
nashville predators,
✷ new job - (juuse saros) y/n works with kids, so she gets sick at least once a year, but luckily juuse’s always there to take care of her. *
st. louis blues,
✷ time to go (colton parayko) - colton drags y/ out after a long day of work where they fall alseep, mid party. *
vancouver canucks,
✷ job opportunities (brock boeser) - y/n gets a call, while hanging out with family, that she got the job she wanted. *
✷ daddy's girl (conor garland) - stella garland is a daddy's girl, especially when she gets hurt.
vegas golden knights,
✷ red, taylor's version (brendan brisson) - y/n finds out brendan is (secretly) a swiftie.
✷ post college anxiety (brendaon brisson) - y/n's been getting lots of job opportunities for after school, and brendan's getting stressed.
misc. players,
✷ britney and the astronaut (ethan edwards) - y/n and ethan's halloween costume is iconic.
✷ proud of you (ethan edwards) - y/n is there for than after the loss.
✷ sore (mark estapa) - after a hard game, mark's sore everywhere, so y/n gives him a massage.
✷ looking a little low (mark estapa) - mark comes back from the bathroom to see a guy getting a little too close.
✷ root beer floats (jimmy lambert) - y/n has a tradition of whenever she watches harry potter, she makes root beer floats. jimmy knows this, and ditches the guys to join her.
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