#kirei kotomine x reader
spitdrunken · 2 years
i have been watching fate/zero after finishing stay night, and i have been having thoughts abt gilgamesh helping kirei awaken his sadism further lmao, so have a small messy ramble abt it.
notes: noncon, biting, choking, heavily implied character (reader) death. not a fun time for reader, essentially
gilgamesh plucking you, the first somewhat attractive person he can find wandering the streets at night, and taking you to the church’s basement. he hits you over the head hard enough to make you pass out instantly, and you most definitely have a concussion, but he really doesn’t care. where you’re going, you won’t have much use for your brains, after all. (what little capacity of though they might have had would likely not have been much use, regardless. to walk around, all alone, during a chain of disappearances and killing is plain stupid.)
you later wake up in a dark, cold, and dusty room with a splitting headache and blurry vision. your ears are ringing. though your brain is still struggling to catch up with the situation, you instinctively know that something is very, very wrong. you’re sprawled out on the floor in front of a man in dark clothes, with a golden cross dangling from his neck. as soon as you look up into his eyes, however, you know that this man of god cannot be your saviour. 
there is nothing that feels for you in them. he looks at your crumpled, shaking form like you are merely a stranger passing him on the street, forgotten within a glance. there is no concern, or pity, or even disgust- there is nothing. 
king of heroes, the general populace is not supposed to be involved in the war. the man in front of you says. 
this has nothing to do with the holy grail, a voice comes from behind you. but if you never want them to speak of this again, you simply have to kill them. 
his eyes lower to look upon you. ...moreover, as a man of god, i cannot kill someone who pleads for their life.
your heart skips a beat. you open your mouth, and p- something hard and heavy and distinctly metal hits the back of your head, and then rests on your back. the world is spinning, and you’re desperately heaving in breaths, but unable to breathe. 
well? you didn’t hear them beg, did you? 
the headache throbbing through your skull, and when you regain your consciousness, something is lodged firmly down your throat. no matter how much you gag and how much your throat spasms, it only leaves temporarily to be thrust back inside as far as his cock can go. 
you scratch and claw at the nearest body part you can reach, but this only makes him groan. the stranger’s own hands wrap around your throat while he’s still fucking you, squeezing it shut as if to make your insides even tighter. your eyes feel like they’re about to pop out of your skull, and foam forms at the corners of your mouth.
you look up at the man hunched over you, holding your life in his hands, and he smiles down at you.
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freya-fallen · 2 years
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Yandere Kirei Kotomine and darling using she/her pronouns
CWs: obsessive thoughts, violent thoughts, creepy Kotomine, enabling Gilgamesh, religious iconography, sacriligious thoughts
Word count: 378
Yandere Kotomine is nothing like his servant/King Gilgamesh, despite the close bond the two share.
He delights not in the treasures of the world, but in destruction of all that is beautiful and good.
And you are the purest, most beautiful thing he has ever seen.
You come to his church one morning in a spotless white sundress. The sun behind you is a halo to your silhouette that nearly blinds him in its radiance. He sees a shapely outline and is immediately hungry for more. When the doors shut, your visage becomes apparent.
You're lovely. Your skin looks softer than rose petals and mouth is lusher than the wine used for communion at the Vatican.
His dark eyes flit over you throughout the sermon despite constant reminders he must not give himself away to the sheep. When the time comes, he longs to shove the cracker down her throat and make her choke around his fingers.
He does not give into temptation; Kirei is a man of great patience and self-control.
Over the next few weeks he learns much about her. Her confessions, even as she becomes more comfortable, are pathetic sins. She feels such guilt for unkind thoughts, and for her heavy past.
She finally unburdens herself to him, and he reads in her all that is lovely to him: cruelty that has scored to her soul, crushing violence, sorrow. Her spirit is porcelain, fragile and smooth and perfect.
"Do you want her, Kirei?" whispers the insidious voice at his ear. He faces crimson eyes that flit between him and the precious thing you are. "You should take her."
He hums thoughtfully and gazes at her again. She stands, smoothing her hands over her skirt. "Father Kotomine," she murmurs to get the attention that has been hers from the moment she stepped into his church. The use of his title in her voice never fails to stir him.
How would it sound while she sobs? While she's begging for mercy?
And how quickly could she repair herself after that? Would she be able to? Would she cover her soul in golden lines? Or would she remain shattered at his feet?
Either way, he intended to destroy her until she returned to the dust of creation.
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swordlux · 4 months
The Command | Cú Chulainn x Reader
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A romantic reimagining of the scene from EP 19 of Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works, "Idealism's End", with you in place of Tohsaka.
Major spoilers ahead for the anime.
To Lancer with love <33
I could feel the loyalty in his stance—and it made my heart break. I knew Lancer would do all he could to resist the order, but even he wouldn’t be able to disobey a command written in his soul. It was like the cruel hands of fate had wrapped around both our necks.
*** The Command
The ropes bit into my skin. I turned my head away from Shinji’s taunting face, doing my best not to show my distress. Anger flooded me from the tips of my toes; how I wanted so badly to punch this young fool. I bit my lip instead, near snarling as his uncouth hands explored my thighs.
“I love a girl with nice legs,” he said, running his hands further up my thigh.
That comment and the fact that he was practically drooling were enough to push me past my limit.
I pulled against my restraints, ready to snap.
Then, all of a sudden, as if my thoughts made it appear, an invisible fist flew into the air and smashed into the side of Shinji’s face.
I watched my long-time rival’s cheekbone cave as the rest of his body caught up with him, and he went flying across the room.
For a second the only explanation I could think of was that I had tapped into some undiscovered talent, or that the air itself had adjusted to my will.
That was when he appeared—the tall, bright, handsome blue form attached to that fist.
“Lancer!” I cried.
Lancer’s expression was that of smug disinterest when he punched Shinji, but he turned now to me with concern flickering in his red eyes. “Are you alright?” he said.
“I am now.” It was the truth. Seeing Lancer standing there brought such relief to my limbs. I didn’t even notice the bounds around me anymore. It also brought up a deeper feeling that had been stirring in my chest every time I saw the man as of late. I wanted to throw my arms around his strong waist. The sight of him there confirmed all the feelings that remained unspoken in the air between us. It was clear he was stepping out of orders being here.
“Quite the situation you’ve got yourself in there,” he said, smirking now. “If I didn’t know you better, I’d say the look suits you. Allow me—” He reached his spear for my binds, about to release me from captivity when a deep voice rang out in the dim chamber.
“Hold up, Lancer.”
The voice stopped us cold.
A man appeared in the shadows behind Lancer—a man whose sight would’ve made me feel sick on a normal day, and in this situation, it made me feel as if I was about to fall off the edge of a roller coaster.
He stepped into the light. The sight of the gold cross hanging on the front of his chest nearly made me hurl.
Kirei Kotomine. Lancer’s master.
I looked at Lancer with panic. He tried to reassure me, but I could see fear mirrored in his beautiful rubies.
He turned to Kirei. “What are you doing here?”
“I should be asking you that,” Kirei said, never breaking his composure. “I don’t remember ordering you to come to this young maiden’s rescue.”
“I don’t need an order to do something any honest knight would do.”
“Oh, is that what this is?” Kirei looked between us with amused curiosity. “You’re telling me you have no personal feelings here?”
Lancer bit down on his tongue. It was taking everything for him not to reveal the truth.
Kirei continued. “It’s true I ordered you to cooperate with them, but I never ordered you to get emotionally invested.” The love of my life’s master closed his eyes and sighed. When he opened them, I saw nothing but malice in those bottomless pits, and I knew exactly what would come next. “Well, seeing that it’s too late, there’s only one thing to do now.” Kirei turned and looked me straight in the eye. “Kill her,” he said.
Lancer’s face turned white at the order. In it, I saw an absolute dread that must’ve been mirrored in mine. My stomach sank. Just as we’d reunited, just as I was sure we’d get to explore more of whatever this was between us. Our time was cut short by the knowledge that what would happen next was inevitable.
I looked into Lancer’s eyes—those deep, passionate, loving eyes—and knew this was a fate I could accept. I had to accept. No matter how painful, if I was going to die, at least it would be at the hands of one I loved.
I knew it would wreck Lancer, so I tried to show my acceptance in my gaze. Go ahead, don’t get yourself in trouble because of me. I’ll love you always.
But Lancer had already made his decision. His resolution was apparent in the strength of his warm voice. “I refuse,” he said. “If you want me to, you’re going to have to use a command seal.”
I could feel the loyalty in his stance, and it made my heart break. I knew Lancer would do all he could to resist the order, but even he wouldn’t be able to disobey a command written in his soul. It was like the cruel hands of fate had wrapped around both our necks.
“Lancer,” I pleaded.
“Very well,” Kirei’s words rang out, trumping my pleas, and the chamber grew colder with their resonance.
And then came the words I never saw coming—the words that struck me right in my core and made me feel as if the sun had fallen out of the universe—
“Kill yourself, Lancer.”
“No–!!!” My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach. The order seemed to shake the walls—every part of my being resisted this dreadful fate.
My death, I could accept. But this…
Lancer resisted the order as best he could, but even his strong hands couldn’t slow the turning of the spear toward his own heart.
I screamed and pulled against my bounds, but the rope held me in place. And so I reached for Lancer the only way I knew how.
I reached for him with the whole of my being, with my will, with my desire to keep him alive so strong it could burn all of me. I screamed his name with every fibre of my being—every ounce of my soul. I felt at the red tips of his existence. I reached for him through the darkness, ignoring all worldly restraints, so his spirit would have no choice but to feel mine.
And then the chant spilled out of my lips, smooth as a summer song, as if I’d been rehearsing it for this moment. And through the words I bled all of the passion I felt inside me.
“My fate shall be your sword… If you will submit to this will and this reason, then answer!”
I could feel the moment Lancer caught on. The force that was tied around him loosened.
I pulled him closer, both of us now working to fight the order that still tore at his soul. We fought together. I sang the enchantment until my throat was sore.
And then–
I felt it break. Kirei’s hold on him snapped.
With a violent backswing, Lancer's spirit tumbled toward mine.
I caught him, the force knocking all the air out of my lungs.
The red marks of allegiance on Kirei’s arm shattered and disappeared as if they were always as delicate as glass.
The same marks appeared on my arm now, but they felt strong and burned with red life and passion.
Lancer was mine.
I looked down at the new command seal with a strange feeling of completion. The connection between us glowed like a warm amber in the air. It was the feeling of reaching nirvana. A connection so wonderful it seemed too good to be true.
I locked eyes with Lancer.
Lancer was mine, and I was his, but more than that, he was saved from that awful fate.
Before the emotions of joy overwhelmed me, I reached for Lancer’s spear—the one that almost killed him—and turned it on the one thing that could threaten that joy.
Kirei was still looking at his arm in shock as I approached him.
It was at the last moment that he looked up. He only had a second for recognition to dawn before I pierced the spear into his heart.
The man who was once Lancer's master fell to his knees.
I pulled the spear out and watched him choke out his last few breaths in confusion.
"Sorry, but some fates are meant to be twisted." 
I turned back to Lancer and threw my arms around him.
He returned my tight grip, and for a second, I thought we were going to squeeze the life out of each other.
“I can’t believe you just did that,” he said. He pulled away and tilted my chin up to him. “Be mine, forever.”
He kissed me. The kiss was deep and hot, combined now with the sensation of our connected souls. I felt it tingling in the center of my forehead.
“I love you, Lancer.”
“I love you too.” He laughed. “I guess I should call you my master now.”
“Master, partner, whatever you need me to be”—I grabbed both his hands—“I’m yours. And I’m sorry. I used your spear without asking.”
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discodreaming · 11 months
HELLO! i've now opened my inbox for my followers/mutuals to talk to their favorite character!
you can send in random sentences, inbox prompts that you see on my blog or even confess your love!
please be sure to be respectful and kind to not only me but the muses.
this will be very much like roleplaying. to continue communication you can send in more inboxes or you can even link the inbox to a conversation to communicate with your beau/family/friend!
please do not request any minors/anthropomorphic in romantic or sexual ways, I'm begging you. i will only reply to the platonic/familial ones.
you may talk to at least 2 muses at once in one message, all to prevent being overwhelmed. this may change once i get comfortable enough to handle more.
all romantic and nsft inboxes or starters towards muses will require slow burn
all ships are multishipped but can be single shipped if you guys can build up their romance meter!
this will only be reader x character, oc x character i will put on either another blog or a different post.
* note: i will accept 5 oc x character in this post for the time being: 1/5
however for certain events i can bend these rules for you to get a romantic scene with your crushes!
or even just hanging out with your friends!
characters i will write for right now:
note: this list will change every now and then as i advance further into the shows or a character is requested more!
if you don't see a character you like here and would like to see me try my hand at playing them, don't be shy to tell me!
bold = characters I've played before
one piece! ( pre timeskip )
romantic options: nico robin, nami, sanji, zoro, usopp, buggy, sir crocodile, dracule mihawk, shanks, portgas d. ace
platonic options: chopper, franky ( may change ), luffy ( im currently on the pretimeskip )
up to debate: please ask !
rwby ! ( all season 9 ages )
romantic options: weiss schnee, blake belladonna, yang xiao long, jaune arc, taiyang xiao long, raven branwen, qrow branwen, emerald sustari, sun wukong, neptune vasillias, james ironwood, winter schnee, mercury black
platonic options: ruby rose, nora valkyrie, lie ren, pyrrha nikos, penny polendina, professor ozpin, oscar pine, neopolitan
up to debate: salem, cinder fall
fruits basket !
romantic options: shigure sohma, hatori soma, ayame soma
platonic options: tohru honda, yuki sohma, kyo sohma
castlevania animated !
romantic options: trevor belmont, adrian 'alucard' tepes, sypha belnades
edens zero !
romantic options: rebecca bluegarden, weisz steiner, homura kogetsu, kris rutherford, shiki granbell, labilla christy
platonic: happy, witch regret, sister ivry, hermit mio, valkyrie yuna, elise crimson, justice
d.gray man !
romantic options: yu kanda, lavi, tyki mikk, howard link, cross marian
platonic: allen walker, lenalee lee, nea d. campbell, wisely kamelot
psycho pass !
romantic options: akane tsuneori, shinya kogami, nobuchika ginoza, shuusei kagari, yayoi kunizuka, shion karanomori, shogo makishima
platonic: tomomoi masaoka
owari no seraph
romantic options: guren ichinose, ferid bathory, kureto hiiragi, shinya hiragi, seishiro hiiragi, crowley eusford
platonic: yuichiro hyakuya, mikaela hyakuya, shinoa hiiragi, yoichi saotome, shiho kimizuki, mitsuba sangu, krul tepes
yuukou no moriarty
romantic options: william james moriarty, albert james moriarty, louis james moiarty, sherlock holmes, fred porlock, sebastian moran, mycroft holmes, james bond
fate/ ( /zero & /stay night)
romantic options: saber, kirei kotomine, gilgamesh, cu chulainn
platonic: shirou emiya, rin tohsaka, waver velvet
up to debate: kiritsugu emiya, irisviel von einzbern, archer emiya, tokiomi tohsaka, diamuid ua duibhne
please don't: shinji matou, ryuunosuke uryu
fairy tail
romantic options: lucy heartfilia, gray fullbuster, erza scarlet, mirajane strauss, laxus dreyar, gildarts clive, loke, elfman strauss, juvia lockser, fried justine, evergreen, bickslow, rogue cheney, sting eucliffe, kagura mikazuchi, aguria yukino, natsu dragneel, mystogan, cana alberona, gajeel redfox, erik, jellal fernandes
platonic: wendy marvell
record of ragnarok
romantic options: adam, jack the ripper, kojiro sasaki, qin shi huang, hades, beelzebub, hermes
platonic: souji okita
up to debate: the valkyries, nikolas tepes, thor, poseidon, apollo,
obey me
romantic options: lucifer, mammon, levianthan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor,diavolo, barbatos, simeon, raphael, solomon,
platonic: luke
up to debate: thirteen, mephistopheles
kingdom hearts ( kingdom hearts iii )
romantic options: terra, aqua, xemnas, zexion, saix, axel, demyx,
platonic: sora, kairi, riku, roxas, namine, xion, ventus, vanitas, ephemer, skuld, brain
genshin impact
romantic options: wriothesley, albedo, alhaitham, ayaka, ayato, baizhu, ajax, cyno, dehya, diluc, eula, ganyu, itto, jean, kazuha, kokomi, xiao, heizou, shenhe, kaeya, rosaria, yae miko, beidou, lisa, kaveh, zhongli, nigguang, neuvillette, yela, candace, thoma, yanfei
platonic: hu tao, venti, faruzan, sucrose, chongyun, freminet, layla, mika, fischl, collei, noelle, yun jin, barbara, xingqiu, amber, bennette, xinyan
up to debate: keqing, lyney, aether, lumine, wanderer, lynette, kuki shinobu, sara, kiara, gorou, mona, nilou, yoimiya, charlotte
please don't: klee, sayu, qiqi, diona, dori, nahida, yaoyao
final fantasy
romantic options: cloud strife, tifa lockhart, aerith gainsborough, zack fair, reno, rude, genesis rhapsodos, reeve tuesti, angel hewley, sephiroth, vincent valentine.
platonic: barret wallace, yuffie kisaragi
detroit become human
romantic options: connor, markus, gavin
platonic: kara, hank
devil may cry
romantic options: dante, nero, vergil
platonic: trish, nico, lady, v
jojo's bizarre adventure
romantic options: dio brando, joseph joestar ( part 2 & 3 ), caesar anthonio zeppeli, jotaro kujo ( 4-6 only ), rohan kishibe, bruno bucciarati, leone abbachio, narciso anasui, johnny joestar, gyro zeppeli, diego brando
debating: jonathan joestar, jolyne cujoh, weather report
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demialwrites · 5 years
NSFW HCs for Fate UBW Kirei & Gilgamesh
Kirei Kotomine
Kirei only wants a playtoy to manipulate and satisfy his lust when it becomes distracting
As long as you amuse him, he will do anything to manipulate you and others to make sure he has access to you, as long as it doesn't get he himself exposed as the sinner he is, although occasionally he'll get sloppy and have to kill someone who knows too much
Seeing the pain in your eyes is his main goal
At first, it's from the knowledge that you're a weak slut who allowed herself to be manipulated by a priest into casual sex with him. He makes sure you cum each time to make you keep coming back. He can see the guilt and the shame afterwards and it brings him joy
Pretty soon, you don't feel the shame anymore or it isn't enough for him. He must find some other way to torture you
He learns from Gilgamesh, who has been doing research (research = sampling the entertainment of the modern world) about how to treat a submissive woman. But he doesn't just want obedience, he wants to hear you beg just to say no after edging you
Expect to be tied down and toyed with, with Kirei trying out all sorts of items on you, from a feather to a cat o' nine tails. He ends up favouring the harsher ones, giving you all sorts of marks that you can hide under your clothes
He also experiments with chastity, first making you just agree to not touch yourself without his permission. Second, he locks you into one of those awful modern female chastity belts. You hate that one and so he loves it. Third, he slips a bullet vibe inside you during sermons and seats you in the front row. If you've cum and are overstimulated by the time he needs his turn with you, he will take you, anyway
Gilgamesh also considers you a toy but unlike Kirei, who wouldn't care if Gilgamesh walked in on the two of you or even participated a little, Gilgamesh wants you all for himself. He does not share his treasures and he does not share his toys
Gilgamesh is like a child who is rough with their dolls until they break. He may not pull your head off like a barbie doll but you'll definitely feel jerked around and even end up with bruises and other minor injuries. Just because he felt like it
The sex is rough, and while it also feels fantastic, it always leaves you sore and feeling well-used
This Gilgamesh is very into petplay because he wants you to know your place at all times. If you're a really good pet, he'll buy you a fine collar. Soft, strong, and studded with so many diamonds or gems that it's tacky
Kirei may tie you up and leave you to stew because he wants to see the resulting pleading in your eyes but Gilgamesh does it because it pleases him. He wants to see the straps, rope or cuffs against your skin. If you resist a little, it's fun getting you to submit, but he's most pleased when you do whatever he wishes when commanded
He likes you best bound, on your knees, and sucking on his cock
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demialwrites · 5 years
Bless Me Father, For We Have Sinned
Commission for Anonymous - 1400 words
You moved to Fuyuki with your family. They weren't terribly religious but enough that they wanted to try out the local church. The sermons were fine. Boring, as you expected. The priest's gently wavering voice washed over you and just about put you to sleep. After a few Masses, you met the man. Kirei Kotomine.
His energy was different up close and personal compared to during his sermons. Looking into his eyes while he spoke was like staring into a black hole that took everything in, then radiated a lulling heat. You really should have run the other way.
The first meeting was normal, uneventful. You decided to push your strange attraction by attending confession. You hung around until everyone else had their chance first. The box looked like it had been built when the church was, an ungodly amount of time ago. But it was clean, shiny, and didn't give you a horror movie vibe, so you went inside. You sat on the built-in wooden bench, hoping to God that Kirei recognized you. What you were hoping for beyond that, you didn't know.
"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned," you recited. "It has been...a long time since my last confession."
You heard a dry chuckle on the other side of the screen at that. "Go on."
You gave some run-of-the-mill sins. Nothing too sinful. But you leaned heavily on the impure thoughts portion of it.
The silence on the other side of the screen was worrying. Could he tell you lied? Did you displease him?
"Father? My penance?"
"Your penance? Oh, right."
You didn't expect the fumbling answer, like he hadn't been listening at all. Then a creak. And another, longer creak sounding like a door opening. Another door opened, the one leading to your side of the confessional.
He didn't tell you what your penance was but, rather, showed you. You were to satisfy that annoying itch his body had for sex. Aside from a few surprised noises, you let him have his way. He pulled your bottoms and panties down and bent your legs up. Some rustling and he gathered his robe up to take his cock out. Because he was blocking all the light, you didn't see anything. You just heard him breathing deeply.
Him entering you hurt without prep but he didn't stop. Kirei put his hand over your mouth to silence your pained cries and continued to thrust deeper. Then he fucked you against the back wall of the confessional. If anyone was left inside the church, they would hear rhythmic thumping against the wood that sped up over time. He panted down at your face, thrusting at the heart of you.
Your hands slapped against the wood to anchor yourself as he stifled your loud moans, too. Even if you wouldn't finish with him, you wouldn't be far behind. This was everything you hoped for, minus the pain. You couldn't help but think you deserved that, though.
Strangely, he kept going until you began to clamp down on his cock and whine into his palm. It seemed oddly considerate to wait until you finished, too. He pulled out, leaving behind soreness in your core and regret deeply etched into your face. He stood back from the open door to the confessional, already looking presentable. You lay there, dripping cunt on display, terrified of the idea that someone might walk by and see you, let alone hear what just happened. You wouldn't be able to look your parents in the eye tonight.
Kirei smiled.
He left your sight. You managed to put yourself back together and make it home without anyone else laying eyes on you. Still, what you did was stupid. You weren't going to do it again.
Thing was, you couldn't just skip out on Mass without your parents being suspicious. If you left with your family afterwards, you'd never be alone with the priest. So you thought.
During Mass, Kirei swept his arms and gaze over the people sitting in the pews. His gaze stopped on you, of course. How did someone with nothing in his eyes see so much in you? That's what it felt like. And so he had you, without even trying.
You stuck around after Mass for confession. Your body thrummed with anticipation and also that your conscience warred with the rest of you. A tiny voice of reason that you were deaf to. You gave your confession, leaning on impure thoughts again. This time, to your disappointment, he gave you a regular penance. Hail Marys, Our Fathers, etc. You felt a little rejected but you went to kneel in front of the alter to start. It was uncomfortable on the stone floor but you planned to race through it.
You heard footsteps on the stone floor, going around you.
"Good," praised Kirei.
His shoe scruffed the floor and a moment later, his hands were on you. Rather, on the hem of your shirt. Panic flared within he pulled your shirt up. Had everyone else left? You didn't check this time. He was pulling your bra up, now. Just as your skin was pimpling from the cold air, the priest started tugging down your pants. Next, your underwear, his fingers drawing lines down your thighs as he did so. Your heart pounded with fear, you were frozen, but you couldn't find it in yourself to resist him. You could have had an audience behind you in the church but your heart would have pounded from excitement as well as fear.
There was a warmth on your back as he approached you and guided you forward until your hands rested on the stone. You forgot how the prayers went when cloth rustled behind you. He put his hands on your hips and you tilted them up, offering yourself.
He plunged into you immediately and forcefully. Harder than the first time, thrusting, hammering, until your walls gave way to his cock. Pulling your hips back to meet his thrusts and using your body to scratch his itch. He had no need for lust. He saw getting off as a chore to be done. You just made it more enjoyable.
You tried to crawl forward and away. With surprising strength, he stopped you, dragging your hips back again, and continued like it was nothing.
"Please, Father, it hurts!"
"Good. That is your real penance."
He pushed you to your first peak in under a minute and again, he didn't stop. This time, you were privy to short, low moans from the priest. Not loud enough to drown out your own, which were shrill with pain. Your fingers curled against the stone like a kneading cat. It was disgusting, disgusting, that you were letting a priest use you as a cocksleeve in front of the altar.
Kirei was very happy with having you as a playtoy at the moment. Perhaps he would tire of you later and dispose of you. For now, you even made Mass more interesting. You had no idea the emotions that displayed openly on your face when he made sure to concentrate on you. Like in cartoons when a character squirms under a spotlight. He need only glance at you and you were suddenly engrossed in the sermon. Or wondering what his next move was and how you could get into his pants. So easy to read and take advantage of.
"Nice little arrangement you have here."
Kirei gasped as you tensed up all over your body and around his cock, then he smirked. Gilgamesh stood just to the side of Kirei's vision, one hand in his pocket and a maddening grin on his face. Kirei's Servant was very amused by this. Gilgamesh bent down at the waist to get a better look at your face. "Ahhh, your pet does not seem to be enjoying herself."
Kirei hummed thoughtfully, imagining the discomfort on your face. He had seen you like that before; he knew exactly what your expression was. Add in some absolute horror that you had been caught and your trembling, his body warmed with the joy that normally he was denied in his everyday life. Before you could try to get away again, he used the hardened muscles hidden under his cassock to lift you up and hold you in a way that put you on display for his Servant.  You couldn't move. He kept you locked against him with one arm across your chest. With the other hand, he pressed on your clit and rubbed hard. You bent back against his body from the sheer pleasure, your tongue bulging from your lips with each pant. Like you wanted to vomit from the situation but couldn't. Gilgamesh's grin widened.
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demialwrites · 6 years
You were done when the King of Heroes decided you were done. Gilgamesh purred with contentment, lowering his hips and giving room for his softening cock to slip out of you. You were spent and remained with your back plastered to his front, legs spread and held open by his hands under your knees. You shivered from the drying sweat. He proceeded to lick that sweat, which he caused, from the side of your neck. "What an amusing toy. You are lucky I found you." He placed a strangely tender kiss to your shoulder.
A wooden click signalled the door to the room opening. You tensed, more aware of your naked state in comparison to Gilgamesh, who only bothered to unzip his pants when things started getting heavy. "Ah. Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I'll return another time." It was that creepy man, Kirei Kotomine with the dead eyes. You glared at him from your position, intensely uncomfortable. "You may stay." You tensed further at Gilgamesh's suggestion. But it wasn't a suggestion. Not when he said it. Kirei remained standing across the room, holding his hands behind his back. "Relax," Gilgamesh said. "You look like you could use some pleasure." He gave Kirei a knowing grin and shifted beneath you, pulling your legs open a bit more. Mewling, you pulled back. Too far; it hurt. Gilgamesh's fingers dug into your flesh, holding you open for the other man's dead eyes to crawl down your body. He cleared his throat awkwardly, eyes wide, like he'd never heard of sex in his life. That couldn't have been true, of course. Gilgamesh merely waited, enjoying the tug-of-war behind Kirei's empty gaze. He announced his decision with a hum, walking towards the two of you. You whined and struggled. "Be still," Gilgamesh growled in your ear. His tone reminded you who was the mere possession, the mere toy, and who was in charge here. You relaxed but kept the creepy man advancing on you square in your sights. Gilgamesh began sucking a trail of tiny hickies down your neck, adding some teeth in there to make you cry out shrilly for his amusement. His hands caressed your inner thighs, gliding back and forth. Your tense muscles melted, and you sank into his embrace, content to be his. A strange cock pressing at your cunt reminded you rudely that there was a third person in the room. You gritted your teeth and squeezed down on the intruding appendage but Gilgamesh had left you stretched too wide. Without looking you in the face, Kirei pushed all the way inside. You hissed, sore. You squirmed and he exhaled audibly at the panicked quivering of your warm, silken walls around him. "I must thank you for sharing," he said to the other man over your shoulder when he collected himself. "Enjoy it while you can," Gilgamesh replied offhandedly. He let go of your thigh to diddle your clit to get your cunt to flutter around Kirei's thrusting cock. He also nipped at your ear. The dull slap of Kirei's hips against yours and your occasional high moan disturbed the uncomfortable silence.
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