#kirby meta
giantchasm · 8 months
Y’know… I was thinking about the “previously nice people who fucked around, found out, went various degrees of insane, and started being not so nice to their once beloved underlings, who still refused to give up on them” quartet last night (as per usual) and I came to an interesting realization.
I’ve…. Always portrayed Sectonia and Leon specifically as parallels, then Haltmann and Hyness specifically as parallels because of the type of relationship they once had with their underlings, but giving it some further thought…
Once you toss out the father & daughter(s) element, and the ruler & loyal servant element for a moment……..
It’s. Actually kind of Sectonia and Hyness, and Haltmann and Leon who have more similarities in some ways?
Sectonia and Hyness:
-Were seemingly actively cruel, if not outright abusive to their beguiled underlings
-Went mad because of something presumably related to Dark Matter in a game themed around magic
-Didn’t really have a single puppetmaster pulling the strings. They were more corrupted by conceptual forces seemingly than individual people
In contrast, Haltmann and Leon:
-Uh….. weren’t actually that mean to their underlings? At least not in comparison. The worst thing we saw Haltmann do was tell Susie to stand down, then we didn’t see Leon interact with Carol or the others at all. Their damage to their underlings was more a form of emotional neglect than outright mistreatment
-Went mad because of something seemingly related to Dream magic in a game themed around tech
-Had specific individuals pulling the strings behind their descent into cruelty— Star Dream in Haltmann’s case, Forgo in Leon’s
Although thinking about it even further this morning, I did realize one way Sectonia and Leon, and Haltmann and Hyness are similar to one another specifically other than the type of relationship they once had with their mistreated underlings:
Their relationship with their madness.
Recently, my cool mutual @/fecto-forgo made a post about how it seems, to a certain extent, Hyness was aware he was descending into madness, but instead of accepting a peaceful life with his daughters, he continued to seek revenge anyways. And I agree with that assessment! There’s a Star Allies pause screen featuring dialogue from him where he apologizes for forgetting Zan’s name, then starts to reflect on how it seems his “heart is going crazy,” before shaking the thought. This, to me, implies a certain awareness of him losing his grip on reality.
Similarly, it’s implied Haltmann knew he was losing himself. In a pause screen of his, he describes “not even knowing why he reactivated that terrible machine,” before remembering it was all a desperate attempt to see Susanna again.
Meanwhile, I get the impression… Sectonia and Leon had little to no idea they were losing it? Leon seems to think his plan is his own and that Fecto Forgo is just an asset he’s willingly serving for his own benefit. And while in the Soul of Sectonia fight pause screen Sectonia begs for death, there’s no implication she understood what was happening to her as it was happening. Instead, she was consumed by egomania.
I… do think it’s interesting the way their motives contrast each other, too. It’s most obvious with Haltmann and Hyness, who take a different approach when it comes to the importance of their children. Hyness quite literally allows himself to lose it even knowing it may hurt his daughters, whereas Haltmann loses it in an attempt just to see his daughter again.
It’s… less obvious with Sectonia and Leon, but I do think there’s something interesting to be said about the way Leon’s goal seems to be for all of the Beast Pack to thrive in the new world whereas Sectonia, obviously, is only concerned with herself, rather than her people. There’s an element of selflessness vs selfishness there, too.
I’m not quite sure what to actually DO with any of this analysis, but it’s at least an interesting thought to chew on when it comes to setting the four of them, as well as the people they’ve hurt, up as parallels.
It potentially gives their underlings the ability to empathize with each other in different ways, and I think that’s Neat. Susie and the Mage Sisters can bond over their fathers going mad, while Taranza and The Mage Sisters can bond over getting thrown under the bus, and so on and so on! Lots of interesting angles to explore there.
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thedevilscarnival · 2 years
meta knight and susies’ dynamic fascinates me for several reasons, but the biggest one is how susie’s one-sided fascination with him can serve as an exploration of susie’s entrapment in the cycle of abuse.
like, in canon, susie is clearly infatuated with meta knight (though if it’s romantic is completely up to interpretation). she admires his ability to charge head on into something he believes is right yet knows will end horribly. she admires it so much that she tries to mass produce it. her mechanization and exploitation of him is not done out of maliciousness, but respect, admiration. maybe even envy. a very, very warped admiration because her concept of "love" has been warped in the exact same way.
her father loved her, woke up a wish machine that broke, and caused her to be swept into an alternate dimension for years. he then pours everything into getting that wish machine back working, creating a massive, interplanetary megacorporation in the process. he even manages to wish her back, but doing so has completely destroyed his memory that he no longer recognizes her. her only way to get a scrap of the love she was robbed of was to become her own father's fucking secretary. she's his fucking daughter and he treats her like a commodity. something to be used and exploited and whose love is conditional on the amount of tangible benefits she can bring.
no wonder her affection for meta knight manifested as turning him into an amalgamation of meat and metal. its the only kind of love she knows.
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anistarrae · 4 months
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