#kirby eating king's sword right in front of him
nevert-the-guy · 11 months
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The Great Cave Story Offensive
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Kirby: Meta Knight and the Knight of Hades (Chapter 10)
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Morpho Knight swung his sword down the slope, releasing a powerful shock wave. The crescent-shaped waves hit Meta Knight in quick succession.
Meta Knight flew left and right, but his arm was hurt and he groaned in pain. Morpho Knight didn’t even look tired.
Meta Knight remembered what happened in the underworld. In that world, he couldn’t feel tired, hungry, or pain at all. The red knight might not feel any of those feelings no matter how much he fights because of the power of the butterfly of Hades.
If so, does Meta Knight have no chance of winning…?
(No, it can’t be...) Meta Knight gripped his sword and thought. (Those who do not feel tired do not understand the breath of battle. Those who do not feel pain cannot read the movement of their enemy.)
Behind Meta Knight were King Dedede, Kirby, and Blade Knight. Both the great king and Kirby fought desperately, but they had finally lost their strength.
Only Meta Knight was standing. He didn’t know if he could get through this mess. Already, just breathing was painful and his whole body hurt.
(Good. I feel tired and painful because I am alive!)
Meta Knight gathered his strength and jumped up, slashing at Morpho Knight.
However, he repelled it easily.
Morpho Knight slashed violently at Meta Knight’s landing.
Due to his tiredness, Meta Knight, who had been struck before, couldn’t move. He held his sword over his body and guarded desperately, but the damage was great.
His head was fluttering. His eyes were hazy, and his feet were swaying.
(Will I… will I go to the underworld again? This time, forever?) When such an ominous idea came to him, something happened.
“Meta Kniiiiight!”
He heard a loud voice. Waddle Dee’s voice.
Meta Knight raised his face.
Waddle Dee overcame a broken pillar holding something.
“Don’t come any closer!” Meta Knight shouted out.
Waddle Dee turned around, gained momentum, and threw what he was holding in his hand.
“Meta Knight! Here…!”
Something flew through the air. Meta Knight quickly reached out and took it.
Immediately, Meta Knight’s whole body shook. His fatigue and pain disappeared as they were swept away. He felt the power in his hand.
“My treasured sword… the Galaxia!”
It’s unmistakable and genuine. Meta Knight held the Galaxia high. A bright light spilled from the tip of the sword.
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Morpho Knight attacked. Meta Knight lightly dodged, shook up and jumped high.
“Spinning Knight!”
While spinning in the air, he slashed at Morpho Knight.
Morpho Knight flinched and was struck down.
Then, immediately, he held his sword horizontally and drill slashed!
Morpho Knight was blown off and struck against a collapsing wall.
Meta Knight had completely regained his power. The Galaxia gave him strength. And the Galaxia was also strengthened by returning to the hands of its true owner. The sword fighter and the sword, united for increased power!
However, Morpho Knight wasn’t finished.
When he stood up, he swung his sword down and sent crescent shock waves one after another. They flew with tremendous speed, but Meta Knight didn’t give up, dodging one after another, getting closer to him.
“Take this-!” Meta Knight swung after Morpho Knight. 
Morpho Knight disappeared suddenly. He escaped with teleportation in an instant. Morpho Knight materialized above and behind Meta Knight.
Meta Knight looked back, feeling sick.
Morpho Knight slid in and rushed through the air.
It was tremendous speed. Meta Knight couldn’t dodge it.
“Kah…!” He was moving before he realized.
He grabbed the Galaxia, held it in front of him, and took a strong stance.
At the moment of attack…
“Galactic Counter!”
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A deadly mystery that uses the enemy’s attack power against them!
There was no delay, the timing was perfect.
“...ts!” Morpho Knight stiffened his whole body and his attacks were slow.
The game was on. Meta Knight quietly stared at the enemy.
A streak of light spilled out of Morpho Knight. The lights gradually increased, two, three, and the brightness increased. His mask, his sword, and his wings on his back were swallowed by the white light. The knight turned into a ball of light and disappeared with a burst.
After the knight disappeared, countless red butterflies were dancing. The butterflies flew turbulently, fading little by little, and eventually disappeared as if melting away.
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“Meta Knight…”
Meta Knight, staring at the disappeared butterflies, was called and turned around.
It was Kirby. He had been injured in the fight, but seemed to regain some energy.
“Did you win?”
“Meta Knight really is strong! I couldn’t do it at all.” Kirby looked a little sick.
Behind him, King Dedede stood up slowly. “Uh… Uugh…!”
The king, leaning on his hammer, managed to support his body and said with envy. “I was supposed to do it… I could’ve mustered the strength…!”
“Didn’t you turn and run?”
“I didn’t run off! I was getting a better vantage point!”
Blade Knight also stood up, in tears. “Meta Knight, sir, wow, you’re safe!”
“Yes. No need to worry about me.”
“But what happened? I could have sworn you were on the battleship Halberd…”
Waddle Dee rushed in before Meta Knight answered. “Meta Knight! You won!”
“Waddle Dee.” Meta Knight turned to Waddle Dee.
“I’m grateful you returned my strength with the Galaxia. Thank you.”
“I just carried it. It was the Galaxia that strengthened you…”
Waddle Dee jumped up. “Wait, we still need your help! Your knights are in a hole!”
“A hole?”
“This way!”
Meta Knight followed Waddle Dee to the knights.
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The rescued knights were quiet, even surrounding Meta Knight. Everyone’s hearts were so full that no words came out.
Meta Knight opened his mouth. “It was foolish of me to worry, everyone fought so well.”
“Meta Knight, sir…!”
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The Meta Knights wept as if the thread of tension had broken.
Sword Knight said. “You’re the real Meta Knight, aren’t you”
“Do I look like a fake?”
“No! You’re definitely real! There’s a big difference!”
Sword Knight saw Beryl crouching down.
Mace Knight snuck behind and grabbed Beryl’s head.
Axe Knight asked, “Let’s punish him for what he’s done. What do you think?”
“Hm…” Meta Knight thought about it.
Beryl was shaking, rattling. 
Javelin Knight spoke. “Let’s tie him to the bow of the battleship and let him enjoy space travel.”
Trident Knight replied, “Why don’t we send him to Castle Dedede? Let the Waddle Dees take a break and let him do all the castle work alone!”
Axe Knight added, “No, let’s send him to all the towns he destroyed and make him fix them back up again! First, Dreamland!”
Meta Knight spoke. “That’s still too kind. Let’s tie him up so he can’t move and have Kirby perform a song for him.”
“Eh!?” Kirby was surprised. “Why do I have to sing for this guy!? What a waste…!”
“...No, trust me.” Meta Knight told Kirby. “Persuade him with your wonderful singing that he should never do anything wrong again.”
“...Eh? Persuade him?”
“Listening to a wonderful song can change someone’s mind.”
“Oh yeah… songs have the power to move hearts. I see!” Kirby was determined and nodded. “I will sing! It’ll be a moving song that will gentle the heart of any villain!”
“While you’re at it, would you like to serve your home cooking as well? You should make a special dish that will make him cry with excitement.”
“Okay! Looks like Meta Knight is kind to his enemies.”
“Waddle Dee.”
Waddle Dee, who was swaying and listening to the story, jumped up when Meta Knight called out. 
“I’ll leave it to you. Hold Kirby a concert and set up a special seat for Beryl. Don’t forget to serve Kirby’s special dishes. Have Beryl eat until he is full.”
“Uh… uh… uh, yes…!” Waddle Dee imagined it and nodded in tears of fear.
(Me, Meta Knight…! What a terrifying thing! Kirby’s song is so terrible it could crack the walls of Castle Dedede, and Kirby’s food is so bad he could lose his appetite for the rest of his life…!)
Kirby said with a smile. “Heh, I’ll do my best! Let’s work together, Waddle Dee!”
“Ah… okay…”
“What should I sing? I have to sing with all my heart so Beryl doesn’t do bad things again… of course, I’ll do my best to cook too… Wow, I’m excited! Hey Beryl, I hope you’re looking forward to it!”
“Oh, oh. I’m sure I’ll change my mind.” Beryl was relieved and grinned.
The Meta Knights and King Dedede whispered in the shadow.
“Beryl’s acting like he’s saved.”
“How stupid, he doesn’t know the horror of Kirby.”
“Meta Knight is too cruel. No matter what he did, I’m sorry for Beryl.”
“How could sir make such a proposal…”
“Wow, he’s not kidding around! Good luck, Beryl!”
Meta Knight turned over his cloak and started walking. “Well then, let’s go back to the battleship Halberd.”
“Yes sir!” His subordinates saluted in unison and lined up.
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Captain Vul and the Meta Knights were enjoying tea time leisurely for the first time in a long while.
Meta Knight wasn’t there. It seems he had something to do, so he went out without telling them where he was going.
Captain Vul was talking about, of course, Meta Knight.
Axe Knight said. “Even so, it’s strange. Why did Meta Knight, who had been unconscious on the Halberd, appear in the ancient temple?”
Captain Vul replied. “I have an idea, but I can’t quite explain it. I think…”
Captain Vul took a sip of his tea and continued.
“At that time, Meta Knight’s body and mind were disjointed. His body was in a bed in the Halberd here, but his mind was wandering somewhere else.”
“Usually, the wandering heart returns to the body. However, Meta Knight is a very strong person, so I think this time his body was called to his heart.”
Blade Knight said. “Meta Knight has a strong body, though.”
“...Well, that is correct. However, if anything, his heart is stronger!”
“Persuasive, if not…” Sword Knight muttered.
“At that time, Galacta Knight took a big hit. Moreover, he was combined with the red butterfly to become even more powerful.”
“Yeah, but what about it?”
“I think I’ve got it. Meta Knight’s desire to fight a strong opponent called to his body.”
“I see, then I understand.”
The Meta Knights nodded.
“Meta Knight’s enthusiasm to fight can be a bit overkill.”
“Hold your tongue. Meta Knight doesn’t like fighting. He likes to make himself stronger.
“Regardless, his desire to fight a strong enemy caused a miracle.”
“As expected from our master!”
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Around the time when the peaceful tea party was held on the Halberd, Kirby’s special dinner concert was being held in the basement of the Castle Dedede.
Meta Knight was standing alone in a flower garden of Dreamland.
A pleasant breeze blew and the colorful flowers swayed.
Meta Knight picked up a yellow flower and took a deep breath. It had a refreshing smell.
“It has a nice scent. Pink was… too sweet, wasn’t it?”
Meta Knight couldn’t forget Papi’s happy voice. The whole time he was trying to stop Meta Knight from returning to the original world… At the very end, he was desperate to save Meta Knight. Without Papi, Meta Knight wouldn’t have been able to return to this world.
He wondered, what was Papi doing now? Was he fluttering around looking for someone to talk to?
At that moment, a white butterfly flew by and perched on a yellow flower. It was slowly drinking from the flowers.
Meta Knight muttered in a small voice. “If one day you go to that world, let me know.”
The butterfly stopped moving, as if it had heard Meta Knight’s words.
“I’d like to thank that talkative butterfly with light blue wings. Papi was a good guide… no, a good friend.”
The butterfly fluttered away, and began to fly from flower to flower.
Meta Knight quietly watched until the butterfly disappeared.
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(Chapter 9 - Table of Contents)
(The end, thank you so much for reading and all of your support!)
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Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee arrived at the tower. On the way, Kirby inhaled a lots of big peaches, so he was full.
"Huhh ... I ate too much. My stomach is satisfied for a little while, but there’s an all-you-can-eat party soon, too."
"It's not an all-you-can-eat party, Kirby. King Dedede and Meta Knight are waiting for you at the top of this tower."
"The top of this tower? Oh yeah, I’ll get hungry if we head to the top. Then, King Dedede’s kind heart is really doing its job well!" Kirby jumped up energetically. "Let's go! We'll be hungry right away if we climb such a tall tower!"
"H-hmm ... " Kirby’s misunderstanding was pretty unlikely to be cleared up. Bandana Waddle Dee was troubled, but he tried to enter the tower with Kirby anyway, when suddenly—a pair stood in front of the two and quickly blocked their path.
King Dedede and Meta Knight.
Bandana Waddle Dee was stunned. "Huh? His Majesty King Dedede and Sir Meta Knight ... those two, aren’t they in the tower?"
"There was a change of plans!" King Dedede said, seemingly distinguished. 
However ... his voice was strange, somehow. It was higher-pitched than the Great King’s usual voice and felt cute, in a way.
King Dedede continued, becoming increasingly arrogant, "Let us teach you the rules of the tower before we start fighting all out!"
"That's why we were waiting for you here!" Meta Knight said. Him too, his voice was a little cute.
"Um, excuse me ... are you two really real?" Bandana Waddle Dee said in doubt.
"Your voices are different than usual ... "
King Dedede and Meta Knight flapped their arms in a kerfuffle. 
"W-w-what did you say, Bandana Sir ... err, Waddle Dee!"
"Of course we’re real! You see, I also have the treasured sword, Galaxia!" Meta Knight pulled out his sword.
"Hmm ... the shine of the blade, it’s like aluminum foil has been stuck on it ... " Bandana Waddle Dee said, increasingly suspicious.
"N-noisy! Let’s do this!" Meta Knight thrusted at them with his sword.
"Wah!" Bandana Waddle Dee panicked, but Meta Knight staggered and lost his balance.
Next, King Dedede raised his hammer. "Such insolence! Take this!" Kirby jumped with joy as King Dedede attacked him.
"It's an exercise to make me hungry! Thank you, King Dedede!" 
Kirby skipped and hopped around. King Dedede couldn't keep up with his movements and immediately sat down, out of breath.
“Hah ... Hah ... Kirby ... is a scary guy!" Bandana Waddle Dee snuck up behind the slumped King Dedede and pulled on his robe as hard as he could.  
"Waah! What are you doing!" The robe came off.
No, not just the robe, but the costume of King Dedede was taken off as well. What appeared—was a Waddle Dee.
"After all! I thought it was strange!" Bandana Waddle Dee shouted as he pulled on Meta Knight’s mask.
"Waah! Stop it, stop it~!" Meta Knight struggled and uttered in a pitiful voice. The mask came off. After all, its contents were Waddle Dee. Kirby blinked in surprise.
"What! I thought you guys were too weak for those two! Where are the real ones?"
"Maybe they’re at the tower’s summit." Bandana Waddle Dee turned to the two Waddle Dees with a slightly angry look. "Why did you pull such a prank! As the leader of the Waddle Dee Corps, I’m ashamed!"
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"We’re sorry, Bandana Sir."
“But it wasn't a prank."
The two Waddle Dees apologized, downhearted. "We were waiting here to explain the rules of this tower to Kirby."
"Yes, this tower is the Buddy Fighters Tower. Buddy, as in a partner, that is. If you don't have one, you can't enter!"
"His Majesty King Dedede is preparing various gimmicks in this tower! You can't proceed unless you make it past us!"
The two Waddle Dees seemed to be here to explain the rules.
"I appreciate you two explaining the rules to us, but why were you disguised?" Bandana Waddle Dee asked.
"Well ... " The two Waddle Dees struck a gallant pose. "Because it looked strong, because it was cool ... Grrrrr!" they shouted.
" ... I see."
Everyone was getting aggressive because of the shooting star’s influence on this place. They were sorely itching for a fight. The Waddle Dees longed to be strong, so that was probably why they disguised themselves so boldly. Bandana Waddle Dee looked back at Kirby.
"Sorry, Kirby. I didn’t explain it to you properly. To enter the tower, you need to have a buddy. Let's go find you a buddy." 
"A buddy? Oh, you mean a partner? Because you dance at a party, and it's more fun to dance with a partner!"
"Err ... well ... It's not really like that ... "
"Then, I like you, Waddle Dee!" Kirby shouted, his voice full of energy.
"I’m no good," Bandana Waddle Dee said in a hurry. 
"Why not?"
"Because I can’t fight ... " 
"Ehh? But it'll be more fun with you, Waddle Dee!" 
"This tower is full of danger. You need to team up with a strong buddy to reach the top floor ... "
"Oh yeah, King Dedede challenged me to a battle to make me hungry, but it’s okay!" Kirby did a somersault. "If any enemies come out, I'll beat ’em up!"
"But ... "
"Let's go early! The party will start!" Kirby rushed into the tower. 
"Oh, wait, Kirby!" Bandana Waddle Dee had no choice but to chase after him. 
Kirby finally stepped into the tower and began looking around restlessly. Inside was like the halls of Castle Dedede. The floor sparkled and many elegant pillars stood proudly. Already, it looked like it was ready for a dance party.
"Will we have a party here, I wonder? But there's no feast or music."
"Be careful, Kirby," Bandana Waddle Dee said on high alert. "His Majesty King Dedede is definitely supposed to be making a gimmick to catch you off guard ... " 
"There is no gimmick! Let's go upstairs!" Kirby found the stairs and tried to run up them, however, two enemies appeared before he could.
"T-that’s!? Kirby!?" Bandana Waddle Dee shouted involuntarily.
Two warriors blocked Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee’s path. Their faces and bodies looked just like the real Kirby’s, but their colors were different. One was light blue and carried a long whip, while the other was yellow and carried a bomb. Kirby’s eyes widened as he looked them over.
"Just like me ...!? Oh, are these guys Waddle Dees in disguise too?"
Bandana Waddle Dee nodded. "Looks like that for sure. Hey, both of you, drop your disguises and lower your weapons ... " But the enemy attacked without a word. The light blue fighter lashed out his whip and tried to strike Bandana Waddle Dee. "Ah! What are you doing!" 
Kirby jumped out and protected Bandana Waddle Dee, taking a direct hit to the head while doing so. Bandana Waddle Dee raised his voice.
"Kirby!? Are you alright!?" he shouted.
"Totally! I’m not worried at all!" Kirby grabbed hold of the whip. The light blue warrior staggered as he snatched it away.
"Eyaah!" The two warriors, light blue and yellow, were thrown into each other. Their eyes spun as they toppled over. Already, it seemed they didn’t have the strength to get back up. Bandana Waddle Dee approached the two and pulled on their faces.
"Huh? It doesn’t seem like these Kirby’s are a disguise."
"Really? Then, who are they?" Kirby looked at the two lying on the floor. "Hey, who are you guys? Why are you just like me?" he asked. No reply.
"Maybe these two are the gimmick made by King Dedede," Bandana Waddle Dee said.
"He made warriors that look exactly like you to fight the real you." 
"Hmm ... I wonder how, too. I wonder if he used the Kirby Printer ... but that machine should’ve been broken ... " Bandana Waddle Dee and Kirby thought about it, but had no clue.
"It’d be a big mistake if this is the idea that ​​King Dedede came up with. They’re really weak," Kirby said.
"Yeah ... but that’s because this is still the first floor," Waddle Dee said anxiously as he looked up at the ceiling. "The higher you climb, the stronger the enemies that appear will be."
"No matter what kind of guys come out, they’ll be no problem, no problem at all! I'll beat them all with a great big whomp!" Kirby climbed the stairs enthusiastically.
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makerofmadness · 3 years
Kirby: Deciding Match! Battle Royale!! Chapter ☆6: A Fierce Flagball Fight!
King Dedede’s face was dyed with anger. Tron curled himself up at wits’ end.
“ONCE. A. GAIN. Once again, they’ve lost! What the heck is up with that Kirby army!?”
“I-It’s quite strange. It seems that somehow they aren’t doing so well-”
“Yeah, duh, they’re not doing well, and that’s really driving me up the wall!!! And on top of that, those two little runts, of all the things they could do, just jumped onto the Dedede Express and ran off!! We’ve gotta get them back over here and give them a good scolding!!”
“I-Indeed. How unbelieva-”
“And I just can't believe you right now, you numbskull!! The tournament is cancelled, CANCELLED!!”
King Dedede paced around in a fit of rage, unable to settle down. Tron finally looked up.
“We mustn’t do that. Dedede’s Cake Royale is a great tournament bearing your mighty name. Stopping halfway would certainly only damage your reputation.”
“Ugh… this is really getting on my nerves!!”
King Dedede reclined in his throne with a sullen look.
There, a Waddle Dee (not Bandana Waddle Dee, but one of the Waddle Dee copies) approached.
“Great King, the next opponents for Team Kirby & Waddle Dee have been decided, but-”
“Hmph! Whatever, lemme guess, just another team of those good-for-nothing Kirby copies? I don’t expect anything from them!”
“No, that’s not it. Their next opponents are-”
Kirby and Waddle Dee were excitedly chatting with each other in front of the reception desk.
“We’re doing awesome! We can win this, I know we can!”
Waddle Dee had a stiff look.
“Our enemies are getting stronger and stronger. The next battle won’t be anything like the last, I’m sure of it.”
“Oh, it’ll be fiiiiiine! No matter what kinds of copies they throw at us, as long as we work together, there’s no way we’re gonna lose!”
Kirby held his sword up high, full of enthusiasm… when…
“-Sorry, but I’m afraid you will not be facing any Kirby copies as your next opponents… you will be facing me.”
The voice came from behind. Kirby and Waddle Dee turned around.
“Sir Meta Knight?!”
The duo were so surprised they nearly keeled over on the spot.
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Standing in the reception hall was the galaxy-famous swordsman Meta Knight. Standing respectfully behind him were his subordinates, Blade Knight and the Meta-Knights.
“Meta Knight, you’re competing in the Cake Royale too?!” Kirby shouted.
“Aye. None of the fights I’ve faced here so far have been anywhere near challenging. It seems that I will be taking the two of you on in the next battle.”
“Ohhhh, I get it! You wanna eat the Deluxe Mountain Cake too!”
Kirby’s eyes sparkled.
“Wow, I never knew you liked cake, Meta Knight. But guess what? We are not gonna lose! The Deluxe Mountain Cake is ours!”
“...I’m not here for the cake. I joined this tournament to test my strength.”
Meta Knight spoke in a serious voice.
“I had heard news of King Dedede holding a tournament, and sent my subordinate Sword Knight to gather information. However…”
Suddenly, he turned his face away.
“He never came back. I never would’ve thought Sword Knight would make a detour, but-”
“Huh? What happened?”
Kirby had completely forgotten that he had sucked up Sword Knight.
Waddle Dee started to seem uneasy.
“Uh… um… Sir Meta Knight…”
“He may have gotten dragged into trouble of some kind.”
“G-Gotten dragged into trouble…  or gotten sucked up… uh-”
“Hmm? What is it, Waddle Dee? Do you happen to know anything?”
Uh… ummm…. w-well-”
“Oh well. Anyway, since Sword Knight didn’t come back, I got impatient and decided to come to the stadium. However, the fights I’ve been in here so far have not been enough to satisfy me. My opponents so far have been nothing but pathetic copies. I want the real deal.”
Meta Knight looked at Kirby uncharacteristically excitedly.
“I have only one wish: Show me your strength, pink one.”
Meta Knight turned his back and walked away with his subordinates.
“Wow, Meta Knight’s so cool,” Kirby said.
“This isn’t the time to admire how cool he is,” Waddle Dee said, “how are we gonna be able to fight Sir Meta Knight? Can we even win?-”
“Relax, it’ll be fine! C’mon, you know we make an unstoppable team!”
Kirby, having gotten a steady streak of victories so far, said this with complete confidence.
The stands were overcrowded to the point where people were pushing up against each other. Walky’s voice echoed throughout the arena.
“Looks like the excitement’s getting to the point where it can’t be contained, ay? So let’s get to it then! Next battle’s a showdown you aren’t gonna wanna miss! Now, which teams are gonna be competing this time?? This round’s match is Team Pink Kirby & Bandana Waddle Dee versus Team Meta Knight & Axe Knight!”
From the fully seated stands came an eruption of cheers and applause, loud as a storm.
“Finally, it’s the showdown we’ve all been dreaming of!”
“Who will win?! Will it be Meta Knight, the best, most notable swordsman in the galaxy?!”
“No way, you can’t just underestimate Kirby and his friend. Everyone thought Waddle Dee was just gonna weigh him down, but he’s actually doing pretty well out there.”
“Anyways, this is gonna be fun to watch! It’s got me psyched!~”
Walky’s voice cut right through the passionate chit-chat from the audience.
“Settle down, everyone! Allow me to explain the rules here! This round’s battle is gonna be a nice little game of FLAGBALL! You’ll have to snag the ball and throw it toward your team’s flag to score. The blue flag is for Kirby’s team and the red flag is for Meta Knight’s team. This match requires speed, control and… team… work…”
Walky’s voice grew softer and softer. Meta Knight’s fighting spirit was much too intense. With his treasured sword Galaxia in his hand, he prepared himself with a couple deep breaths.
He was filled with so much bloodlust that he couldn’t say a word to anyone.
“...Uh- You are allowed to attack the enemy team,” Walky said in a haste, “but doing that won’t add to the score by itself. You’ll have to throw the ball and hit the flag-”
“-I have no interest in ‘ball-throwing.”
Meta Knight, with his eyes hidden behind his mask, glared at Kirby.
“Show me your strength, pink one!”
“Uh… umm… o-okie dokie. We won’t lose!” Kirby said back, starting to feel overwhelmed.
“This is the moment I’ve been waiting for. A battle against the real Kirby!!”
Meta Knight’s desire to fight only grew in intensity.
“Anyway,” his teammate Axe Knight said quietly, “let’s have a good fight, you two.”
“Now,” Walky announced, “let’s get this battle started. Is everybody ready? Well then… FIGHT!”
As soon as the signal was given, a ball was thrown in the middle of the arena.
“Here we go!”
First to jump at the ball was Kirby. The audience was getting pumped up.
“Classic Kirby!”
“No, just taking the ball isn’t gonna cut it. He’s gotta shoot it!”
Kirby lifted the ball up high and ran toward the blue flag.
However, suddenly-
“Now is the time to fight!”
Meta Knight nimbly swooped down and drew his weapon. Kirby tried to change direction, but Meta Knight went around, brandishing his sword.
“Come and face me, Kirby!”
“Uh- umm… No, Meta Knight, please get out of the way. I’ve gotta throw this ball at the blue flag-”
“I don’t care about any of this ‘ball-throwing’ nonsense! Fight me!”
Meta Knight slashed at Kirby with immense speed.
Kirby, caught off guard, fell over on his back and dropped the ball.
“Oh, why thank you!”
Without a moment’s delay, Axe Knight snatched up the ball and ran off, toward his own team’s red flag.
Sitting in the front row of the stands, the Meta-Knights, Blade Knight, and Captain Vul clapped their hands and cheered.
“Attaboy, Axe Knight!”
“Keep going, you can do it!~”
“Now they’ll all know the power of Meta Knight!”
Axe Knight ran as fast as he could, aimed at the red flag, and threw.
However, right at the same time, Waddle Dee jumped onto the red flag.
“Oh no, the flag has fallen! The ball is rolling away! That’s quite the nice play from Waddle Dee!”
Waddle Dee picked up the escaped ball and ran. However, Axe Knight was tailing him!
“Give me the ball, you twerp!”
“N-No. Ahh, help me out!!” Waddle Dee screamed at Kirby.
“Waddle Dee, pass the ball over here!” Kirby shouted while dodging Meta Knight’s attacks.
“Got it!”
Waddle Dee made a long pass to Kirby!
However, there, Meta Knight attacked.
“Kirby, fight!”
Meta Knight slashed at the flying ball, thinking of it as only a distraction. The ball hit Galaxia and was sent flying directly to the red flag.
“Gooooaaaallll!!” Walky shouted. “That was a nice shot from Meta Knight! And it didn’t even seem to be intentional!”
The Meta-Knights in the audience were overjoyed.
“I knew Lord Meta Knight would be able to do it!”
“He made the shot and hit the flag without even looking!”
Waddle Dee quickly picked the ball up and ran for the blue flag. Meta Knight flew through the air and dodged the rushing Waddle Dee.
“Wha-? Why are you avoiding him, sir!? Please, Lord Meta Knight, stop Waddle Dee!”
“Kirby, fight me!”
Meta Knight had his sights set on Kirby and Kirby alone.
“Axe Knight, don’t depend on Lord Meta Knight here!” Captain Vul shouted from the stands. “Try to imagine you’re the only person fighting!”
“N-No way!~”
Taking the opportunity, Waddle Dee ran past him, up to the blue flag, and made the shot all in one go!
“Oh boy, that settles it! It’s a tie!~”
Meanwhile, Meta Knight and Kirby…  were running the wide arena left and right.
“Kirby, don’t run away! Battle me!”
“I’m not running away, I’m chasing the ball! You should be playing the game too, y’know!””
“I did not come here for any of this ‘ball-throwing’ nonsense!”
Although Kirby tried to chase the ball, due to Meta Knight’s interference, he could not run in the most optimal way.
“Ugh!! Meta Knight, please stop getting in the way!!”
“I’m not in the way. All I want is a real battle!”
“And all I want is to eat the Deluxe Mountain Cake!!”
With Meta Knight interfering over and over again, finally, Kirby’s anger boiled over.
“Well, fine then, if you really wanna stop me from getting to eat that cake, I’ll just have to get serious then!!”
Brandishing his sword, Kirby started slashing at Meta Knight. Meta Knight stopped the blow with his sword.
“It seems you finally have the will to face me!”
“Let’s fight! For the Deluxe Mountain Cake!”
“Wow, it looks like Kirby’s finally got the urge to fight!” Walky reported. “Moving off of them, though, and as you all can see, Bandana Waddle Dee and Axe Knight are stuck fighting one-on-one!”
The fierce fight continued. Axe Knight excelled in power, but when it came to speed there was no beating Waddle Dee. Whenever one got a point, the other would win the next. The match continued with them still neck and neck.
“We’re finally at the final point! The next shot decides it all! Who’s gonna win?!”
With many cheers from the audience, Waddle Dee and Axe Knight scrambled for the ball.
Meta Knight and Kirby, meanwhile, continued fighting with no end in sight.
Meta Knight, pursuing strength, and Kirby, pursuing cake.
Both had adequate spirit.
“Hiyah!! DRILL STAB!!!”
Kirby unleashed a strong attack.
Meta Knight staggered, having received wounds to his hands. Kirby seemed ready to finish this.
“The Deluxe Mountain Cake will not be yours, Meta Knight!! Prepare yourself!!”
Kirby was about to deliver the final blow… when suddenly, the ball lightly rolled into Kirby’s line of sight.
Kirby suddenly stopped. He finally remembered the rules of Flagball.
“Oh right, this wasn’t supposed to be about fighting. If I throw this ball at our flag, we win!”
Kirby jumped at the ball. Meta Knight readjusted his stance, and gripped his sword Galaxia tightly. Kirby avoided Meta Knight and ran right toward the blue flag.
“Hmm? Don’t turn your back on me, Kirby!”
Meta Knight charged at Kirby while spinning extremely fast.
“He’s giving him the KNIGHT SPIN!” Captain Vul shouted from the stands. “It’s a powerful technique, where he attacks his enemies by spinning at incredible speeds! No one has ever been able to get back up after being hit by it before!”
Kirby ran as fast as he could, but he couldn’t beat the speed Meta Knight was spinning at. Having been attacked from behind with such intensity, he was sent flying.
Kirby flew through the air, letting out a long, long scream.
The audience made a stir.
“Oh no, Kirby’s finally been taken out!”
“Not even Kirby can endure a hit like that!”
“Of course, Meta Knight proved to be stronger!!!”
“No, wait!” one of the audience members shouted upon noticing. “Waddle Dee’s running with the flag! Right to where Kirby’s falling!!”
Waddle Dee, with a tight grip, was sliding the blue flag right to where Kirby was going to land!
Tumblr media
Tightly holding onto the ball, Kirby crashed on top of Waddle Dee!
“Aaaaand that’s a wrap!” Walky announced. “Team Pink Kirby & Bandana Waddle Dee have achieved an amazing victory!”
“Woo! Congrats, Kirby and Waddle Dee!”
The audience clamored. The only silent people in the stands were Meta Knight’s subordinates.
“Did… Did they just lose? No way, not Lord Meta Knight…” Blade Knight muttered feebly.
“Lord Meta Knight is way too strong. Look, see? Kirby and Waddle Dee are all tuckered out.”
“He won the fight, but lost the match,” Captain Vul said, hanging his head, “Lord Meta Knight's desire for strength was to the detriment of the game…”
However, Meta Knight himself didn’t seem bothered at all by his defeat. Of course, it was impossible to tell what his expression was behind his mask, but his attitude as he walked up to Kirby’s team was as dignified as it usually was.
Meta Knight gave Kirby a helping hand.
“Just as I had thought, the real Kirby was much different from any copy. For the first time in a while, I had a truly intense battle. I would like to thank you, Kirby.”
“...I think he’s unconscious,” Axe Knight whispered, but Meta Knight continued cheerfully.
“I may have lost, but I feel content. I’ll be watching both of your efforts from the stands. I wish you two good luck. Farewell.”
Meta Knight turned his back to the unconscious Kirby and Waddle Dee and left the arena, where the excitement lingered on.
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escargoon-sandwich · 4 years
marx attempts to ruin a chatfic - scrapped chapter
there is a reason why this isn’t going on ao3. simply put, i’m not satisfied with it.
11:50 pm
Zan Parthenon: @everyone
Zan Parthenon: HELP
Big D: I’m already on my way.
Zan Parthenon:  please tell me you’re bringing kirby
Gryll pressed their back to Zan’s, sucking their breath in. “Man, this sucks! Big time!” 
“Understatement of the year, my friend.” Zan stated flatly as she charged her drums. Gryll had managed to build up a small wall to hide behind, but the blocks they’d made crumbled easily - it wouldn’t hold off the Skull Gang forever. 
Something glittering hovered above their heads, and Gryll glanced up to see Marx barely clearing the wall. “Yo Zan! Mind lighting me up?”
“Sure. Just stand in front of me.” Zan ordered as she jumped up to the top.
“Oh come on, that’s gonna suck…” Marx whined.
“Think of it as payback for when you sprayed me with febreeze earlier.”
“Okay but you asked for that-”
The inane argument was interrupted by a particularly large skully barreling through the wall, showering Gryll in brick fragments. Gryll cried out and swung their broom forward, borrowing some techniques they’d seen some Broom Hatters do. The skully tumbled away, just in time for Marx to body slam it. “Hey, Gryll!” he shouted, twirling on his toetip. “Go find Dedede and Kirby!”
“I - okay!” Gryll hopped on their broom and booked it out of there, weaving through the trees. Beneath them, they felt the broom sort of sputter - which was to be expected. The enchantment was beginning to wear thin - they probably should have refreshed it before coming to the islands.
As the sound of battle faded behind them, Gryll bit their lip. They really, really wanted to help, but they were more of a hedgewitch - someone who did spells meant for everyday life, not for the battlefield. 
Whatever. Finding Kirby was helping too.
The broom fell suddenly, about five feet - it couldn’t last much longer. Gryll groaned, knowing they’d have to continue their search on foot. Quietly, they landed and leaned against a large tree, trying to listen to their surroundings…
Okay, there was the fight going on, and that kind of drowned things out. Oh, how Gryll longed to have nice big ears like Daroach, then maybe they would have better hearing! Above them, the branches rustled, and then something dropped on them - Oh, Lord.
They swung their broom wildly, batting at whatever had chomped down onto their face. They sucked in air, choking on the downright rancid breath, then filled their lungs again. “LET! GO!” they howled at the top of their lungs. “I’LL TASTE AWFUL, SO LET -”
Suddenly they were free, and they gasped for air. The thing was now howling in pain, and Gryll cautiously looked over to see something brown and furry mauling their attacker - a skull gang member. They’d been followed! “Shit…” they breathed. “I gotta find the others quick…”
“Wait!” The furry thing turned, and - oh lord, if that wasn’t the cutest thing Gryll had ever seen! Kirby was wearing some sort of animal costume - it was probably a copy ability! “Gryll, it’s me!”
“Yeah, I can see that now. Sorry, I thought you were like… some sort of raccoon…” they muttered. “Where’s Dedede?”
“Over here!” The king crashed through a bush and faceplanted in the dirt. He scrambled to his feet quickly, just in time for Escargoon to slam into his back, with Gooey close behind him. He stumbled forward, but caught himself before he could body-slam Kirby. “Okay. Okay, I’m good. Um.” He smiled sheepishly at Gryll. “Where’s the circus?”
“The circus? Oh, you mean Marx!” A crack of thunder roared through the forest, and Gryll pointed in that direction. “I’d say they’re over there.”
“Thanks.” Without missing a beat, Dedede charged forward. “Escargoon, you stay with Gryll!”
“But Sire -”
“No buts! I don’t want those freaks anywhere near you!” Dedede turned away and disappeared through the brush, and Kirby and Gooey soon vanished after him.
“No, wait!” Gryll cried, only to be drowned out by another crack of thunder. “... Damn. Okay.” They turned to Escargoon, who was tugging at his beard. “We can’t stay here. I don’t care what Dedede said, it’s not safe. There might be more of those guys around.”
“Are you kidding me? Why didn’t you say so earlier?” Escargoon growled, waving his arms in the air.
“I would have, but they ran off before I could - wait.” Gryll’s eyes narrowed as they heard more rustling in the branches above. “... Hey. Weird question. If you were surrounded by, say… five or six dudes who wanted you dead, how likely do you think you’d be able to survive?”
Escargoon was peering at the canopy now, quivering. “H-honestly? I’d give it like, a twenty percent chance?”
“Okay then. Let’s run.” 
12:39 AM
Kirby: you know i’m glad those guys don’t get stronger at midnight
Big D: @Marx did you find Gryll and Escargoon yet? Or DMK?
Marx: i found the first two and got a broom shaped bruise on my face
Kirby: ouch, did gryll get you? they hit pretty hard sometimes…
Marx: no it was escargoon lol
Marx: gryll got one of those tears to the face, so i think goonie grabbed the broom to defend himself
Big D: Shit, are they hurt?
Marx: nah, they’re in pretty good shape
Marx: gryll is now under a bunch of leaves, we made them a little blanket so they could stay worm
Marx: … i meant to say warm but you know
Marx: i guess that fits too? since they’re under some leaves
Marx: anyway dedede come get yo mans
Big D: I have absolutely no idea what that means, Marx.
Marx: oh, you know
Marx: ;dauhnjffff
Kirby: MARX????
Marx: You know that massive downed tree? We’re near that.
Kirby: yeah i do know it, but what happened?
Marx: A stupid clown nearly played a nasty prank.
Zan Parthenon: Who is this?
Marx: This is Escargoon. I grabbed Marx’s phone before he could do something dumb.
Zan Parthenon: He was going to send the winky face, wasn’t he?
Gryll: nooo, that’s our inside jooooke
Kirby: oh hey, welcome back gryll!
Gryll: right i need to debrief everyone, maybe in the morning? i need access to my dream journal even though this wasn’t really a dream it’s a good idea to write it down
Zan Parthenon: I got it, and I’ll bring it over.
Gryll: thanks
8:14 AM
Gryll: alright, i wrote down what i saw in the doc you guys have going for that sort of thing
Daddyroach: Alright, I’ll take a look.
Gryll: the good news is that i did find a good tree, finally, while i was writing everything down
Gryll: so i’ll be re-enchanting my broom and making a new one
Gryll: … actually, wait
Gryll: @Escargoon do you want to borrow one?
Big D: He’s still sleeping.
Gryll: oh, okay
Gryll: i’ll try later then
Big D: Any reason why you want to give him one?
Gryll: because last night, i lent him it
Gryll: well, he took it from me actually, and he was like, “if you want to get rid of a pest you sweep like THIS” and then did the windy thing
Big D: The windy thing?
Gryll: kirby knows the windy thing! the thing the broom hatters do
Big D: ooooh, i get it
Gryll: but he seemed to like it, he was cackling
Daddyroach: Okay so, uh.
Daddyroach: My dad got sacrificed to Necrodeus. 
Gryll: the guy who was PROBABLY your dad
Daddyroach: Most likely my dad.
Daddyroach: Considering that you said my mom confessed to being pregnant at the time.
Gryll: well no necrodouche kind of forced the confession out of her because he grabbed her and…
Gryll: uhm.
Gryll: he tried ripping you and your siblings out of her
Gryll: i think he wanted to eat you
Daddyroach: … thank god dedede’s dad was there.
Gryll: yeah
Kirby: we still haven’t found any sign of DMK anywhere…
Taranza: Come back to the hotel, Kirby. Ribbon, Adeleine and I are gonna go look next.
Kirby: okay
Borb: Do you need me there?
Big D: You know, not to sound rude, but I’d rather you be at the castle right now.
Big D: If we have a group of people back at the castle, it’s… something. 
Big D: In case something bad happens.
Borb: … I see.
B. Dee: I’ll do my best, your majesty!
Big D: Thank you.
Tiff: something happened
Big D: Tiff? Are you okay?
Tiff: no
Tiff: dmk came back here and took my mom
Tiff: she went out to the balcony and he grabbed her
Gryll: oh shit, oh SHIT
Daddyroach: This lines up too well.
Daddyroach:  I’m going to try to find her.
Tiff: she’s where you guys are?
Daddyroach: Yeah, and she’s in immediate danger.
Normally, Daroach would be happy to have a target that broadcast its location. When that target was a woman who was five months pregnant, though, things got intense.
Lady Like was kicking up one hell of a fuss, though, and it made tracking her down easy. "Yo! Marx!"
The jester crashed out of the canopy, faceplanting into a puddle. He coughed out some mud and grinned at Daroach. "I meant to do that."
"Sure you did. Now listen." Daroach pointed in the direction of the screaming. "Go up ahead for me, okay? We'll try a pincer attack."
"Oh, good idea!" Marx took to the air, then visually screeched to a halt. "Did you tell Kirby and Adeline too?"
"Yeah." Daroach readied the Triple Star, listening for the sounds of struggle. "We're close. Just a little farther…"
"Right. See ya!" Marx flew off, and Daroach zoned in on where he heard the fighting. He soon found himself in a small clearing, where he caught Dark Meta Knight getting a square kick to the face, delivered by one Lady Like.
Daroach couldn't help it. He laughed and clapped as he made his presence known. "Good job, idiot, you're getting your ass handed to you by a pregnant woman."
"A woman with a black belt," Lady Like corrected, pouting.
 Dark Meta whirled and drew his sword, brandishing it towards his poor victim. "Listen here, both of you!" he growled. "I don't have time for this horseshit, nor the patience." He was shaking slightly. "All I want is for one thing to go right for me!"
"Yeah, and I'd like some goddamn peace and quiet. But life isn't fair and we don't always get what we want." Daroach shrugged. "You'd think you'd have learned that by now."
"Bold words from a thief." Dark Meta hissed, prodding Lady Like's belly with the tip of his sword. "Now. I have a gift to deliver to my master, and I'm willing to rip it out of her if need be."
Daroach felt like his stomach was turning to ice, and he lowered the brim of his hat to hide his panic. "... Master, huh? You rebounded kinda fast, huh?" 
Dark Meta's wings twitched, as Daroach heard rustling in the nearby undergrowth. "What do you mean, rebound?"
"I'm just saying… you hopped on the Necrodeus train pretty damn quick." Out of the corner of his eye, Daroach saw Kirby peek out of some tall grass. He wished he had a way to signal to him to wait. "You got a thing for toxic men, don't you?"
Oooh, the sword tip was wavering now, and it was quickly pointed in Daroach's direction. "I hope you realize what you are implying."
"'Course I do." Daroach flicked the brim of his hat up and grinned. "You, my friend, are a slut."
Dark Meta Knight roared and flung himself towards Daroach, who gasped as he felt the serrated blade sink into his gut. Lady Like stumbled away from the two, and Daroach saw a waiting Adeline reach for her hand and drag her out of the area. “You do not get to impose that judgement on me!”
Daroach smirked, then coughed up blood. “Well. At least I set out what I meant to do here,” he muttered as he pressed the Triple Star against Dark Meta’s mask, and blasted him away. “Go and run back to your new sugar daddy!”
There, he fell to the ground, where he wrapped his cloak around himself as his opponent scanned the treeline. One of Daroach’s ears twitched as he heard Marx yelling hysterically - he must have found the two escapees. 
“Hmph. The child’s not worth getting in a fight with the jester over.” Dark Meta sheathed his sword and turned, leaving Daroach in the dirt. “My master will be back soon anyway.” With that, the sound of shattering glass filled the air as he teleported away, and Kirby darted out from the bushes. 
“Are you okay?” Kirby squealed, while pressing a few leaves into Daroach’s wound. Daroach yelled in pain, and Kirby almost looked a little sick. “Ooh, guess not…”
12:12 pm
Daddyroach: Alright, so maybe calling him a slut wasn’t the best idea.
Kirby: !!!! you’re up!!!
Tiff: is my mom okay?
Kirby: yeah!!! she kicked him a lot!!!
Adeleine: I’m pretty sure I saw some dents in that mask, your mom’s a straight-up badass. 
Adeleine: Are you okay though, dad?
Daddyroach: No.
Daddyroach: He got me bad, but Doc’s taking care of the stab wound.
Adeleine: i should have stayed?
Daddyroach: Absolutely not. You could have gotten stabbed.
Adeleine: … yeah, you’re right.
Gooey: tiiiiiiiiff
Gooey: yourmoooomisssniccccce
Marx: so uh daroach
Marx: why’d you call him a slut?
Tiff: what’s that word mean?
Marx: you’ll find out when you’re older.
Tiff: what if i want to know now, marx?
Marx: i’d have to say too bad because your mom would probably kill me
Tiff: oh it’s a swear word?
Marx: yeah lol
Escargoon: Speaking of your mom, Tiff…
Escargoon: Should I go talk to her?
Tiff: is there a reason why you think you shouldn’t?
Escargoon: We weren’t always on good terms.
Escargoon: Scratch that, we were never on good terms, up until I left.
Tiff: i think she knows you’re trying to change for the better
Tiff: i don’t think it’ll hurt to see her
Dedede: Can you like, keep her company while I’m out dealing with some shenanigans?
Dedede: There’s something going on to the north, and I’m going to go investigate.
Escargoon: I can do that.
Escargoon stared at the door handle way longer then he probably should have. One of the Waddle Dees that worked for the hotel was giving him a curious look. He knew the worst things Lady Like could do - he’d seen her beat the shit out of those guys who’d stalked her daughter. If she didn’t want to see him, well… he probably deserved whatever she dished out.
He finally decided to just knock. “Oh, who is it?” Lady Like’s voice rang out loud and clear, and Escargoon swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat.
“It’s, um. It’s me.” There was a brief pause, and he added. “Can I come in?”
“Yes. Yes you may.” Oh boy, that response was rather terse...
Escargoon took a deep breath and entered the room. Technically, it was the one in his name, but with the… thing with Dedede, that was up in the air. Lady Like was here, now, nestled in a pile of pillows, one hand resting on her belly while the other one picked at a piece of bread. She looked like she’d been woken up in the middle of the night - in fact, she probably had been. “So! I’d ask you how things have been, but. Yeah.”
Like gave him a look so sour it could curdle milk. " I have had one of the worst mornings of my life. Are you certain you are happier here?"
"Huh?" Escargoon blinked in confusion. "Of course I am! Why, instead of getting hit all the time, I get hit on -" Lady Like had instantly raised an eyebrow. "Oops."
Well, her mood seemed to have improved. "Escargoon," she said with a conspiratorial smirk, "I have the inkling that you have a thing with the king!"
Escargoon felt his cheeks heat up, and he turned away. "What gave you that idea?" 
“Well…” Like tilted her head and winked. “I heard you were sleeping with him...”
“T-that was only last night!” he spluttered. “A-and it was platonic, okay. No shenanigans happened!”
“Yes, and I only married my husband platonically.”
“Look, he hasn’t even kissed me yet, okay?” Escargoon crossed his arms. “And I doubt it counts as a thing if he hasn’t even asked me out yet.”
“But there is a potential of a thing, yes?” Like smirked at him. “I’m sure your mother will be happy to know her little snail has a sweetie!”
“Oh, no, no, you are NOT telling her before I do!” He began to pace a bit. “Great, now I forgot what I even came here for in the first -”
Escargoon was interrupted by a wet “thump” on the balcony, and he jumped and whirled to face the sliding glass door, now plastered with Gooey’s face. He sighed in relief as he went to open it, but as Gooey rolled in, he realized that the little slimeball did not seem happy at all. “Hey little guy, what’s up?” Gooey wiggled around, a look of distress on his face. “Listen, Gooey, I know you’re upset, but you’re going to have to use your words, okay?”
Gooey paused for a moment, then opened his mouth and shouted one word. “FUCK!”
Lady Like gasped in horror. "Was this where Tiff learned that word?"
"Nah, that was probably Marx." After a look of confusion from Like, he continued. "Y'know, little jester guy, kicked Dedede in the junk?"
"Ah, him." She rose from the bed, smoothing her hand over her stomach. "Oh, my! Escargoon, look!"
"Huh?" A massive thundercloud was beginning to form on the horizon, but something was off. Mainly, it seemed like it was pouring out of the ocean. "That's not good..."
Gooey was beginning to buzz loudly. "Is he supposed to be doing that?" Lady Like asked, then cringed in disgust as Gooey spat out his phone. "Oh…"
Escargoon, however, noticed something else. Something that looked like a shockwave of sorts… and it was heading towards them, fast. He shoved Lady Like aside, away from the glass door, then grabbed Gooey and ducked into his shell.
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gigis-ff-blog · 4 years
Hey might as well.
A Little Slice Dreams: The Meta Knights Play a Fun Game of Uno
What could go wrong? Those poor knights asked themselves this question as if nothing could.
But Everything. Everything could, will, would, and did absoluteley go wrong.
They sat around a giant round table in the lounge of the Halberd, soaring at least 200 feet above sea level. The night was cold, crisp, and dark. Sword, Blade, Captain Vul, and Sailor Dee sat on one end of the table. Across from them were the four main Meta knights: Axe, Javelin, Mace, and Trident.
Sailor and Mace were determined in their craft. It was down to one of them in their anxious, sweat driving game. The winner would receive a delectable frozen trophy. The looser would have to watch in tears as the winner took the glory.
It was down to two cards for each player. But it was Sailor's turn. The fee slammed down a turn skip card And gave a sickening grin at Javelin.
"No...NO!" Mace shivered in his seat.
Sailor started cackling as they held up their last remaining card.
"I hope you have good cards looser!" Shouted Sword, while Blade babbled in an incomprehensible accent, basicly stating the same thing.
"This is too much! I think im gonna drop dead!" Axe flailed around the table.
"I think you and Mace gonna have simultaneous strokes after this." Javelin said in their robotic tone.
Yeah your screwed, signed Trident.
"I'll be right back I'm gonna go get the reward for Sailor." Vul stated in an almost certain tone.
Sailor ceased their cackling and drew a deadly glare at Mace. As if their eyes shot daggers through Mace's soul.
Sailor slammed a draw four on the table, prompting Mace to dramaticly scream "no" and cry, slamming his fists on the table.
"I-I was so c-c-close...WAAHHHH!"
"You challenged Sailor in uno. You knew what grave you were digging yourself into," Axe said, "and speaking of digging into things!"
Vul brought out Sailor's reward. An ice cream parfait stacked a mile high, dripping with fudge and marshmallow coating. The frozen Vanilla custard sat delicately above the hot brownies under it, and under that, the crunchy crumbs of canoli crust. Chocolate decoration perched itself on top of the display like a fine peice of jewelry. The reward was perfect in every way. Fitting for a satisfyingly sweet victory in an uno game.
Mace continued to cry as Vul handed Sailor the ice cream. As the glass was handed to them, Sailor's eyes lit up.
"Thank ye Captain!" They elongated every vowel in appreciation for their edible trophy.
"I'd say you earned it, 'Sir Uno champion Sailor Waddle Dee.'" Vul spoke to Sailor but looked at Mace as he continued to weap at his loss.
Blade and Sword cheared on Sailor as they scarfed down the whole desert like Kirby inhales a whole feast, while Tident, and Axe sighed in second hand defeat and consulted Mace as he sobbed. Javelin cheared on Sailor as well.
"H-H-Hey! Y-Your supposed to be rooting for m-m-me. Sniff."
"You didn't win."
As Sailor finished the dish. They realized they left the chocolate decorations for last. They thought that this would be such a great time to rub it in Mace's face that he lost with the chocolate.
"Hey Mace."
Mace thought he knew what was going on. "YOU WERE THE NICE ONE DON'T TOURTURE ME LIKE THIS!"
"Here." Sailor gave the knight a chocolate decoration. "For you, because ye played good."
Mace's eyes lit up. "R-really?" He stifled a sniff. "For me?"
"Yeah. For you."
"Oh your too kind. I..."
As Mace took the chocolate, a hint of fear went into his eyes. The symbol on it sent a chill down his spine.
"Yes Mace?"
"Which freezer did you get this ice cream out of."
"Why the one in the lounge of course"
"The mini blue freezer or the big silver freezer?"
"The mini blue one with all of bosses ice creEAAM OH SWEET NECRODEUS WHAT HAVE I DONE?"
Blade turned sharp to Vul and panicked, falling backwards into an incomprehensible blabber.
"You stole Meta Knight's ice cream?" Cried Javelin.
Trident signed an oh no in shaking paws.
"We're all gonna be dead by dawn in our stone graves! And the writings gonna say we died cold and chocolatey!" Axe shouted.
"He's gonna kill me the most I ate the damn thing!" Sailor squealed and almost started to cry. They sweated up a storm in their anxiety.
Vul attempted to be reassuring. "He will not kill us for one mess up." The captain wasn't to sure of this. "I'm sure everything is going to be-"
A door slammed open to reveal an enraged pair of golden-red eyes and a maskless, meta knight wearing them, and pink bunny slippers and a fluffy robe.
"Oh no."
The shout sent echoes through the room. Cracks formed on the floors, walls and cealing. Some of them went tumbling into the hallway, others flew out of their seats. The glass that contained the ice cream hit the floor and shattered into a million pieces like a golden glass mirror.
Sword, like everyone else, was horrified of consequence. He jumped up on the table, cupped his hands over his mouth and yelled "SCATTER!" As though it were some kind of party with alcohol and the police just got there.
Everyone ran in different directions. Sword and Blade searched for hiding places, Mace and Javelin jumped to the ceiling. Trident and Axe tried to break a window so that they could fall into the orange watters below. Vul and Sailor darted into the hallways, not looking back to the flapping sounds that echoed through the battleship.
Sailor took a sharp left and shakingly pulled out a phone from their hat. They searched through their contacts to find people that could save them from whatever punishment they would face.
Kirby was unavailable, probably sleeping. Bandee was also probably sleeping. Or training at three am like an insane person for that smash bros invitation. Dedede was the only person that picked up. In the background you could hear some trash comedy in the most of a clear crunching of popcorn.
Sailor spoke in a hushed yet anxious tone. "Sir, ye gotta get over here and help I think we're gonna die!"
"Did you steal his ice cream?" A crunch was heard clearly.
"It was an accident we were just-"
Vul's scream came blasting through the halls.
Sailor had a mild panic attack. "OH SHIT! CAPTAIN!"
The phone dropped to the floor and rattled. Dedede, on his end, looked at the phone with utter confusion and hung up.
Vul was backed into a corner by the furious borb, spoon in one paw.
"Do you know how long it took me to make that? THREE DAYS!"
Vul took hold of a nearby pipe and found to it for dear life. Eyes wide fearing death.
"I was saving that for today specificly! I was going to watch Mama Mia!
"Oh God sir I'm sorry!"
"Sorry doesn't give me back my ice cream Vul!"
Sailor came running out of the halls and in front of Vul to protect him.
"It was an accident sir. We were just playin a game and he grabbed the wrong ice cream. Don't hurt em!"
"Why... would I hurt anyone...I'm just angry."
"You look like you're gonna f%#king kill someone!"
Vul stepped out of his "gripping onto the pole for dear life" position just to scold Sailor for swearing. "Hey! What did we talk about?"
"Oops. Sorry." They turned back to Meta Knight.
"I... apologise if I seem a little harsh. It's wrong to terrify someone in the middle of the night over something so minuscule." Meta knight held his paw out for Vul to shake."Is all forgiven?"
Vul was more than relieved. "Absoluteley sir!"
Meta knight looked at the bird andd produced a laugh, but in the middle of it they stated most seriously that "You owe me another bowl." This didn't ease the captain's fear.
"We still have the ice cream we didn't eat in oyur fridge," Sailor stated, "you can have that."
Meta Knight turned. "What flavor is it?"
"Vanilla with chocolate and marshmallow swirl."
"I'll take it...but..."
Sailor was confused. "But what?"
"Due to my outburst I would find it fair that I would have to earn the desert, rather than just taking it. Besides, I'm DVRing the movie so I can watch it later."
"Wait wait wait. Earn it how?" The captain let go of Meta's hand and looked down at the small, Kirby esque orb.
"I'm thinking...Uno?"
Sailor's eyes sparkled. "Now that's a chalanged! You're on!"
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writesology · 5 years
Our favorite sword-wielding, armored borb is 27 today, and it’s the 27th anniversary of Kirby’s Adventure, the first game MK appeared in. And since we all know a certain orb absolutely loves sweets, here’s a drabble to celebrate! Happy birthday, Meta Knight!
“Today’s Meta’s birthday, ya’ll! We gotta do somethin’ for ‘im,” Dedede proclaimed, Bandanna Dee and Kirby in the kitchen with him. It was still very early in the morning, and both Dee and puff were sleepy. 
“Wha..? Great King, why are we up this early…” Bandanna asked, one paw rubbing his half-asleep eyes. 
“Didn’t ya hear me? It’s Meta’s birthday today! We hafta make a cake for ‘im!”
Kirby, despite how sleepy he was before, perked up immediately. “Yeah! Meta’s our friend,” Kirby chirped, happy to do anything for his friends. “And Meta deserves a happy birthday!”
“No one knows what kind of cake he likes though,” the Dee, nervous. “And I don’t want to upset him by making the wrong kind…”
“Pfft, that’s easy. Meta loves chocolate cake! Ya ever seen him in a room full o’ chocolate? He goes crazy!”
Kirby was ecstatic, jumping for joy. “Chocolate cake is easy! Let's start making that cake then!”
“Any of ya’ll know how to bake?” All of them were silent, realizing that while the intentions were there, not one of them had the skills to make it a reality. 
“How about this!” Bandanna exclaimed, lighting up with an idea. “How about we try to make the cake ourselves, and if worse comes to worse, we’ll use Kirby’s Cook ability and make a cake so good that Sir Meta Knight will want more!”
“That’s a perfect idea! Dee, get the ingredients, an’ Kirby an’ I’ll prep the kitchen!” Dedede picked Kirby up and started running around the kitchen, preheating the oven, and gathering various materials. The Dee quickly darted to the pantry, soon coming back with milk, flour, sugar, chocolate, and other ingredients to make the cake. 
“Alright, ya’ll. Let’s get crackin’.”
Meta Knight yawned, stretching happily as he listened to the birds tweet. He had woken up awfully late, but Dedede had let him take the day off today so as such, he was obligated to sleep in. The puff smiled softly and fell right back into his bed, snuggling into the blankets. There was an explosion from the direction of the kitchen, and lots of loud yelling. The knight blinked, and while he really didn’t want to, he hurriedly put his armor on and dashed out the door, unfurling his wings and soaring through the hallways. 
In a matter of seconds, he reached the kitchen; not waiting for anyone to open the door, he drew Galaxia and sliced the door open, where he was greeted with a very unusual sight. Bandanna Dee was stuck cowering on top of the fridge, his face hidden in his bandanna, Kirby was sitting on the counter happily scooping frosting into his mouth, and Dedede was lifting a cake out of a half-destroyed oven. 
All three were covered in soot, and smoke was rising from the blackened parts of the oven. 
“An’ just when I thought this oven’d last fer more than a year,” Dedede grumbled, setting the cake down next to Kirby. “Don’t ya eat that, m’kay, Kirby? That’s fer Meta!” The child, his mouth full of frosting, pointed to the door, where Meta Knight was standing with a very bewildered expression. The king whirled around, saw the knight there, and immediately leapt to cover the large chocolate cake. 
“Mety Knighty!” Dedede exclaimed, a nervous smile on his face. “Did I wake ya? Sorry! The explosion was uh… kinda loud!”
The knight glanced at each individual, not knowing what was going on. “What in the name of Nova are you three doing?”
“Uh…” Kirby looked at Dedede for a long while. “Cake?”
“See, we tried to make ya a cake,” the king admitted, stepping back. “I didn’t know we weren’t supposed to put cold glass in a preheated oven…”
“It’s ok, though, because I made another one!” The child quickly inhaled a pan, gaining the Cook ability, and whipped up another cake before they all had the time to blink. “Here you go, Meta!”
Meta Knight was taken aback, but he soon smiled and took the offered cake. “Thank you all. I do appreciate you putting in so much effort just for me. And do get Bandanna off the fridge before he’s stuck up there forever.” Dedede ran over to the fridge and tried to help the Dee off his high perch as the knight put the new cake on the table. 
Kirby watched as the warrior lifted his mask, produced a fork from the folds of his cape, and stuck it into the cake that the king had taken out of the oven. He hummed in delight, then snuck a bite of the one the child had made. Meta Knight drew Galaxia with a soft hum and cut the new cake into slices. Kirby squealed as he was given a slice, and the knight balanced two plates on his hands.
“Meta,” Dedede huffed as soon as he came near, “Bandanna refuses to get off the fridge, an’- yer givin’ us some o’ yer cake? Aww, thanks, Meta!”
The warrior flew to the top of the fridge and slipped the plate in front of the Dee, and within seconds, Bandanna was safely sitting on the counter next to Kirby, joyfully eating their cake.
“A’right, now we gotta say it all together! Ready, Kirby, Bandee?” Kirby and Bandanna nodded, and they counted to three as Meta Knight watched them, plate of cake in hand.
“One! Two! Three!!”
“Happy birthday, Meta Knight!”
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applekitty · 6 years
Rewrite The Anime Challenge
so i’ve seen a lot of people in the kirby tag talk about a remade anime, or a rewritten anime, or a whatever sort of anime. one in where all their desires are fulfilled and what not. which is moreso a reimagining, though it wasn’t stated to be. but coolieos, great, radical. 
but i was in the shower just now and i was thinking ‘those same people were also saying the anime was bad and they could write it better alongside the things they said they wanted.. yet they haven’t done any writing or put much thought into their concept outside of stating what they wanted.’. so, i got out of the shower and i’m writing this post.
here is my challenge to you: for those who want a new anime, one in which you designed, lets do it with a critical eye. because saying you could ‘rewrite it’ or ‘reboot it’ is interesting to me. a rewrite or a reboot of merit requires a writer to take the original concept, look at it critically to analyze its specific failings, then to make the concept better than it previous was whilst keeping the most important parts of it intact. so, allow me to issue you a challenge of various difficulties which would allow you to use your critical thought.
general rules
@ me if you do this challenge.
recognize there is no prize from this other than the fruit of your own creative design.
a ‘game character’ is something that comes from the games, and nowhere else from the games, recognize i’ll be using that terminology. kirby may be a game character but he’s also an anime character, and for the sake of this he wont be called a ‘game character’
general layout
your response, should you make it, is recommended to look like so
Kirby Right Back At Ya synopsis
date of airing: 2001
The anime follows Kirby, a pink, spherical, childlike creature who does not speak in coherent words but possesses the ability to take on new magical powers temporarily by sucking up their owners. Kirby arrives on a planet called Popstar, near the village of Cappy Town, when his spaceship crashes there. He quickly befriends two yellow-skinned siblings named Tiff and Tuff and their friends Fololo and Falala. Over the course of the series, Kirby and his friends evade King Dedede and his assistant Escargoon, who try to get rid of Kirby using numerous monsters provided by NME.
Thousands of years ago, a being known as Nightmare appeared and created a company called Night Mare Enterprises, often abbreviated as N.M.E. (Holy Nightmare in the Japanese version). It was in truth a front for his great armies of monsters, which he used to take over much of the universe. They devastated countless planets using this massive army of creatures of all origins. But there were those who stood to combat his evil, in the form of the Star Warriors and the Galaxy Soldier Army. They fought for many thousands of years, but Nightmare's monsters outnumbered them, and killed most, forcing the survivors to retreat to parts unknown. However, everyone is quite surprised when Kirby's ship crashes close to Cappy Town (Pupupu Village in the Japanese sub) on the planet Popstar. They find he is tiny, round, and pink, unlike Tiff's now rejected desire of a strong knight she perceived to be the "Star Warrior". Despite his hardly warrior-like characteristics, he is quick to save anyone who is in danger, almost if by instinct. He is soon befriended by the siblings Tiff and Tuff, along with their servants Fololo and Falala. Together, the kids face off against Dream Land's tyrannical ruler and his brigade of brutes.
The ruler of Dream Land, King Dedede, is jealous and suspicious of Kirby from the start. He and his right-hand man Escargoon constantly try to get rid of Kirby with monsters provided by the company for a high fee, and ultimately, their plans always backfire when Kirby interferes. Just as in the games, Kirby can inhale enemies and temporarily gain their powers, transforming into forms such as Fire Kirby with the ability to spit flames, or Sword Kirby to literally slice foes into pieces.
Kirby grows and becomes stronger before his final battle with Nightmare. In the end when Kirby and Tiff face Nightmare, which is in a dream, Tiff throws the Warp Star at Kirby, who swallows it and becomes Star Rod Kirby. Star Rod Kirby has the Star Rod which is Nightmare's sole weakness, allowing Kirby to defeat him.
Episode 1
The episode starts out as a night on Planet Popstar and all of the sheep are sleeping peacefully. However, a giant octopus named Octacon appears and eats them all in just a matter of seconds. The sheep farmer hears the ruckus and runs outside, shocked at the sight of the herd's bones being flung at him. The massive octopus then flies away and into King Dedede's castle.
After the introduction, the scene switches to space, where a Warp Star starship is flying by. Inside of it is the young Kirby, sleeping soundly. However, the Warp Star detects the presence of a monster on Planet Popstar and goes to "Warp" mode, alarming our pink hero. Kirby awakens and wonders what is going on, just as the starship automatically encloses him within the cockpit, preparing to jump into hyperspace. The star then warps into the abyss of space at light speed towards the Popstar star system. When it comes to a stop Kirby sees a strange light; the glow of the fabled planet, much to Kirby's amazement.
now, of the things i’ve listed there the ‘date of airing’ probably seems rather strange, right. well, here’s the thing; you can have the theoretical date of airing of your anime be.. any realistic year. since we’re just saying “what if it just suddenly existed”.
The True Challenge Ranks
think of these as levels of difficulty in terms of rewriting something. we’re going from easiest to hardest.
Meta Knight Level
Do a synopsis, plot and nothing else, also have none of the other anime characters (i.e tiff, tuff, silica), only game characters, do not have dedede be the antagonist, do not have meta knight be the antagonist. essentially just trash the entire anime and start new.
Sheep Level
Do a synopsis, plot, a first episode, and have none of the other anime characters (i.e tiff, tuff, silica), only game characters, do not have dedede be the antagonist, do not have meta knight be the antagonist.  essentially just trash the entire anime and start new.
Cappy Level
Do a synopsis, plot, a first episode, a finale episode, and have some other anime characters as well as game characters, maybe have dedede be the antagonist, maybe have meta knight be irresponsible.
Waddle Dee Level
Do a synopsis, plot, a first episode, a normal (think midseason) episode, a finale episode, and have some other anime characters as well as game characters, have dedede be the antagonist, have meta knight be irresponsible
Waddle Doo Level
Do a synopsis, plot, a first episode, two normal (think midseason) episodes, a finale episode, and have some more anime characters / original creations than game characters, have dedede be the antagonist, have meta knight be irresponsible
Tuff Level
Do a synopsis, plot, a first episode, three normal (think midseason) episodes, a finale episode, and have some more anime characters / original creations than game characters, have dedede be the antagonist, have meta knight be irresponsible as generally have the original plot with tweaks
Tiff Level
Do a synopsis, plot, a first episode, four normal (think midseason) episodes, a finale episode, and have more anime characters / original creations than game characters, have dedede be the antagonist, have meta knight be irresponsible,   generally have the original plot with tweaks
Kirby Level
Do a synopsis, plot, a first episode, five normal (think midseason) episodes, a finale episode, and have no game characters. Keep the set roles Tweak the plot and personalities where seen fit in characters, but only so that way they can work as a better version of themselves, critically.
the chance of anyone taking me up on this challenge? 0, lol, but i thought i might as well put it out there anyways. if you say you want to make an anime that you could make better than the original, then do so and @ me about it
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Kirby: Meta Knight and the Knight of Hades (Chapter 2)
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Dreamland is sleepy and cheerful.
Kirby and Waddle Dee, as usual, were playing in the field.
Colorful flowers were blooming around and a beautiful butterfly was fluttering. It was a peaceful afternoon.
Waddle Dee said with a smile, “Butterflies are so nice. Oh, it seems like so much fun to fly around from flower to flower.”
“Yeah it’s fun!” Kirby nodded loudly.
“I was a butterfly once, so I know. It was a lot of fun.”
Kirby’s words surprised Waddle Dee.
“What? What do you mean?”
“I became a butterfly and flew around the flowers. It was a lot of fun… but I had a big problem.”
“Eh… eh… uh…?” Waddle Dee was surprised.
Kirby said with all his might, “Butterflies can only eat flower nectar! No matter how delicious it is, nectar alone will not fill your stomach.”
“So, I flew all the way to Chef Kawasaki’s restaurant, and then fluttered from hamburger to curry rice, ramen to korotsuke, katsudon to wallide potatoes…”
“Wait a minute, Kirby. What are you talking about?” Waddle Dee shook Kirby who was about to drool.
“What? I’m talking about when I became a butterfly.”
“A butterfly… Oh, maybe he’s talking about a copy ability…?”
Kirby has a special ability. He can copy the power of people he inhales.
“So Kirby, you inhaled the butterfly right!? So, you had the copy ability of the butterfly…!?”
“Eh!? No!” Kirby started laughing. “It was a dream. I had a dream of becoming a butterfly.”
“...Ah, that makes sense!” Finally understanding the meaning of the story, Waddle Dee laughed. “That totally surprised me.”
“Surprised? I thought you would have caught on.”
“I’m surprised because… I thought you had copied something, you know?”
“Huh… I wonder if I can become a butterfly if I inhale it?”
As soon as Kirby said that, the butterfly fluttered away, as if it felt threatened.
“Oh, it left…”
“Well no wonder Kirby, you talked about inhaling it.”
“I didn’t really want to! And it’s not like it understood my words.”
“But that butterfly, it was if it knew what you said. How mysterious.”
The two looked at each other and laughed.
Suddenly, they heard a loud, loud voice that smashed the idyllic mood.
“It’s horrible! Someone, somebody!”
“...Eh!?” Kirby stood up in amazement.
Waddle Dee also jumped up and shouted, “Knuckle Joe! What’s wrong!?”
Knuckle Joe, a resident of Dreamland, was running with a blood curdling scream. It looked like it was trying to escape from something.
He ran to Kirby when he noticed him. “Kirby! Oh sweet, it’s you!”
“What’s wrong!?”
“There’s been a huge incident! Meta Knight… Meta Knight…!”
“Eh? What happened to Meta Knight?”
“He’s rampaging around!” Knuckle Joe shouted, out of breath.
Kirby and Waddle Dee’s eyes widened.
“Rampaging…? Meta Knight? Why?”
“I don’t know. I saw Meta Knight walking and I called out to him!”
“Hello! Are you off to see Kirby or King Dedede?” Knuckle Joe casually greeted.
Then, Meta Knight suddenly drew out his sword.
“What happened next shocked me! This Meta Knight guy suddenly came after me like crazy!”
“No way…”
Both Kirby and Waddle Dee were stunned.
“Thanks to my nerves of steel, I managed to dodge him! If it wasn’t for my skills I’d be in two!”
“Oh, that’s…”
“Please, Kirby! You have to stop Meta Knight!”
Kirby couldn’t believe a thing while looking at Knuckle Joe’s serious face.
“That… Meta Knight would never do that!” Kirby ran off.
Waddle Dee chased after him. “Wait, Kirby!”
“I can’t wait! There’s something wrong with Meta Knight!”
Kirby headed for the square at full speed.
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“Someone, someone! It’s M-Meta Knight! AH!”
The square outside the restaurant was in a fuss.
Residents were screaming and running away.
Meta Knight was on the rampage.
With the legendary Galaxia in hand, he chased after frightened inhabitants.
“Stop, Meta Knight!”
Kirby wildly shouted and launched an air bullet at Meta Knight.
He staggered for a moment, but soon turned his sword back.
Kirby stood in front of Meta Knight and raised his voice.
“What’s wrong, Meta Knight!? Why are you doing such a terrible thing!?”
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Meta Knight said nothing and swung his sword toward Kirby.
“Meta Knight! What’s going on!?” Kirby quickly evaded the attack and shouted.
“Calm down! Why is this happening…!”
However, this swordsman did not hear Kirby’s words.
Swinging around his Galaxia, he attacked.
Kirby flew right and left to dodge the attacks. 
The Galaxia’s slash is powerful. Just one blow could hurt you.
“Meta Knight…! Why!?” Kirby couldn’t believe it.
Meta Knight would never do such a terrible thing. Is someone tampering with his heart? If so, he had to get his sanity back somehow.
Knuckle Joe shouted, “Kirby! Inhale me!”
Normally, Knuckle Joe didn’t like being inhaled by Kirby, but he knew it was an emergency. He decided to let Kirby use his power.
“Thank you, Knuckle Joe!” Kirby opened his mouth wide and took a deep breath.
Knuckle Joe flew through the air and right into Kirby’s mouth.
Immediately, Kirby’s appearance changed.
Wrap a red band around your head and you’ll be full of energy. This is the copy ability “fighter”!
Meta Knight jumped down, looking surprised at Kirby’s changes.
Kirby pulled his hands together and charged energy. “Eeeeiiiiihhhh…”
Meta Knight picked up his sword and slashed at Kirby. 
At that moment, a huge energy bullet was released from Kirby’s hand.
“How about a giga power shot!?”
The beam of energy hit Meta Knight directly!
He turned over and dropped his sword.
Kirby jumped high and kicked.
“Sky kick!”
Meta Knight was knocked over with the strong attack.
The game is over. Kirby somersaulted and lost his copy ability.
“Meta Knight, are you okay?”
Meta Knight staggered and picked up his sword.
However, it seemed that he was ready to fight. While staring at Kirby, he took two or three steps back.
Kirby said, “What happened? Meta Knight, is someone tampering with you?”
The knight refused to answer and turned around and ran away.
“Ah, wait…!”
Kirby tried to chase after him, but Meta Knight ran fast. He swung around his sword while ducking through the residents.
While Kirby was taken aback, Meta Knight disappeared.
Knuckle Joe happily shouted. “The day is saved! Kirby!”
Residents cheered and surrounded Kirby.
“Thank you Kirby, thank you!”
“I was so scared~!”
“Look, the flowers are messed up. What a terrible thing Meta Knight did!”
“Wait, wait, everyone,” Kirby said in a hurry. “It’s not his fault. I’m sure it was someone else.”
“I don’t know…”
Looking at Kirby, whose face had dropped, Waddle Dee said, “Kirby, I’m worried about something.”
“Was that really Meta Knight?”
“...Eh?” Kirby was surprised.
Waddle Dee said, “Don’t you think it was strange? He was so weak.”
“Huh…” That was strange, Kirby thought.
The Meta Knight they just faced was too weak. No matter how much his heart was tampered with, Meta Knight would still be able to fight.
“And he knows about your copy abilities too, Kirby.”
Waddle Dee’s words struck Kirby.
“When I used the ‘fighter’ ability against Meta Knight…”
“He was really surprised! It was like he saw it for the first time!” Kirby realized. That swordsman certainly was weird.
“No matter where I aimed the power shot, he wasn’t guarding at all. Meta Knight would know what kind of attack I was doing just by looking at my post.”
“Maybe it was a fake.”
“But that’s impossible. He looked like Meta Knight from every angle.”
Bit by bit, the mystery grew.
Waddle Dee said, “Let’s go to the castle, Kirby.”
“What? Castle Dedede?”
“Yeah, I have to report to the king. Besides, Castle Dedede has communications equipment. We might be able to use it to contact the battleship Halberd and find something out.”
Kirby nodded and headed for Castle Dedede with Waddle Dee.
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“Is Meta Knight suddenly rampaging?”
King Dedede, who heard the story, turned back to Kirby and Waddle Dee.
“What’s so wrong with that? Sounds like his usual self. Once he draws his sword, he always gets out of hand.”
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“That’s right!” Kirby jumped and said. “But that’s only when he’s fighting a strong opponent, right? That wasn’t the case with Meta Knight this time.”
“...Hmm.” King Dedede folded his arms and looked up at the ceiling. “Sure, I guess… is someone messing with his heart?”
“I don’t know. Maybe it wasn’t a real Meta Knight.”
“They were too weak to be Meta Knight.”
Kirby explained the battle.
King Dedede roared, “Well that’s weird. Alright, let’s contact the battleship Halberd.”
The king stood up and headed for the communication room.
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At that time, Meta Knight and his men were visiting the weapons shop.
However, there was no sign on the store and the window curtains were closed.
Captain Vul was angry, “Look at this! The weapons show owner stole the Galaxia and ran away!”
“...Is that so?” 
Meta Knight tried to touch the doorknob.
The door opened with a loud noise.
Captain Vul was surprised. “What, it’s unlocked… Did they leave in a hurry?”
Meta Knight and his subordinates traveled into the shop.
The shop was empty. The customers’ counter table had a small layer of dust.
“It looks like no one has been in here for a while.”
“Like I said, the weapons shop owner has already run away…”
“Wait.” Meta Knight heard a faint voice from the back of the store.
It sounded like a weak moaning.
“That voice…”
“It’s from the back room.”
Meta Knight opened the door leading to the back.
There was an unexpected sight there.
The weapons shop owner was tied up with rope and lying on the floor.
Captain Vul screamed in a flutter, “What!? What’s going on here!?”
The shop owner desperately gasped. “Meta… Knight… sir… he… help…”
“Come!” Meta Knight rushed to the shop owner.
Sword Knight swung his sword and cut off the rope.
“Oh… it was… it was… it was…!” The shop owner stood up and started crying.
Captain Vul looked into his face and screeched, “What happened!? Who did such a terrible thing!?”
“It was…”
The shop owner collapsed. 
Could he not answer? Captain Vul was numb. When the shop owner tried to yell, he hesitated.
“It was Meta Knight.”
“Wh-what are you talking about!?”
“No no… to be precise, it was a creepy man who was masquerading as Meta Knight…”
The weapons shop owner was very cautious, and first-time customers cannot simply enter the shop.
Because his job is to take care of such important weapons, it is a big deal should one be stolen. 
Even if he locks the door and the doorbell rings, he can’t open it right away. He can only decide to open it after checking through the peephole.
The incident happened the day after Meta Knight dropped off his treasured Galaxia. The doorbell rang and he saw Meta Knight standing there.
The weapons shop owner was surprised and said, “Meta Knight? What’s wrong? The Galaxia isn’t ready yet. I told you it would take about three days…”
“So you told me, but it’s an emergency. Can you open the door?” The calm voice sounded like Meta Knight himself.
The shop owner opened the door without any doubt.
Meta Knight entered the store and suddenly struck him, knocking him out cold.
“When I came to, my legs were tied down. The imposter Meta Knight terrified me. I was ordered to make a replica of the legendary Galaxia…”
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“Replica… so you made a copy.” 
While Captain Vul confirmed, the weapons shop owner nodded.
“Yes, of course. I tried to tell you, but I was so scared and I couldn’t help it. I had no choice but to do what he said…”
“Wait a minute, that’s odd!” Captain Vul interrupted him. “On the promised date and time, Meta Knight came to pick up the Galaxia. I remember well because I accompanied him. You didn’t even mention that there was such an incident. All was as usual, wasn’t it? Why didn’t you talk then?”
“Because it wasn’t me!” the shop owner groaned in a sad voice. “It was the imposter disguised as me.”
“The enemy is a master of disguise. He kept me in this room, masqueraded as me, and gave Meta Knight a replica of his treasured sword with a straight face.”
“Oh, that’s…” Captain Vul was fuming. “You were the same in appearance and voice! That was a disguise…!?”
“He was so terrifying. He took the Galaxia and ran away. I was wrapped around in rope so I couldn’t go out… ohhh…” 
The shop owner started crying again.
“I couldn’t escape, I couldn’t call for help… I thought I would let Meta Knight know early, but I didn’t have a way to contact him.”
Blade Knight said, “Is that so? Then, the broken Galaxia…”
“It’s the replica I made.”
When Meta Knight responded, Captain Vul shouted.
“I couldn’t tell the difference from the real thing! It’s because you did such a good job making a replica that looks exactly like it!”
“Oh… oh thank you very much.”
“Such skill!”
Captain Vul turned to Meta Knight. “What does the criminal want with the Galaxia? I hope he isn’t abusing it.”
“...Hm. Let’s continue with the investigation.”
The Meta Knights and their leader returned to the battleship Halberd.
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Meta Knight and his men talked about the table.
Captain Vul said, “The enemy is a master of disguise. He may have been doing bad things as you without us knowing.”
Meta Knight nodded. “If that’s the case, I’d like to know more about it. Who would have the heart…”
At that time, an alerting sound signaled incoming communications.
Everyone was on edge.
“No way, you don’t think it’s the criminal…!?”
Axe Knight ran over to the seat and hit a switch to answer the call.
King Dedede’s face was projected on the big screen.
Axe Knight answered impatiently. “What, King Dedede? What do you want?”
The king snapped back at Axe Knight’s bad mood. “Rude! The great ruler of Dreamland is contacting you. You should be treating me with respect!”
“It’s not like that, we’re in the middle of a big situation!”
“Yeah, no kidding! A big situation happened because of Meta Knight but now I’m not going to tell you about it!”
“...What!?” Axe Knight was surprised and shouted, “Because of Meta Knight? What do you mean?”
“Hmph. Fine, I’ll tell you.”
King Dedede moved to speak but Kirby broke in from the side and blurted.
“Hey! Meta Knight came to Dreamland and rampaged. He was swinging the Galaxia around and messing up the town!”
“What…!?” Meta Knight said on behalf of Axe Knight. “That wasn’t me. I wasn’t in Dreamland.”
“Really!? Then, that was a fake after all.”
“I want to hear more details. I will head to Dreamland now. I expect you to tell me everything, Kirby.”
“Yep, okay!”
Then, King Dedede, towering over him, interrupted Kirby. “It’s such a stupid incident. Do you really need us, Meta Knight?”
“...Oh, please cooperate with us, your majesty.”
“Fuhaha! Alright, if you can’t help it. I don’t want to help, but if you really need me, I’ll be here.”
Meta Knight cut off communication with Dreamland and turned to his men.
“The enemy seems to have disguised himself as me again and terrorized Dreamland. He has my Galaxia,” he said with tremendous anger. “I will not forgive him. Catch him and make sure you see pain in his eyes.”
His men, listening to their master’s furious voice, stretched tall and shouted together.
“...Yes sir!”
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(Chapter 1 - Table of Contents - Chapter 3)
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Kirby: Meta Knight and the Knight of Hades (Chapter 7)
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Planet Charm.
It was a prosperous star long ago. However, now it is falling apart. There were collapsed buildings left here and there.
“It looks like this place used to be well-developed,” Sword Knight said as he walked through the torn down city.
Blade Knight nodded. “Oh, that’s right. You can see it by looking at the back of the buildings. These seem to be good structures.”
“Why do you think they’re abandoned now?”
“Hm, maybe because of a war or because of a disaster…”
“What happened to the inhabitants?”
“Who knows, they’re not here now.”
The two were sullen, but the break refreshed them and they turned around at the same time.
Of course, Kirby and King Dedede were refreshed.
“Listen, listen! I made a great discovery! If you have orange juice in your right hand and apple juice in your left hand and drink them both at the same time, it’s really delicious~!”
“Haha, nice, Kirby. I’ve known that for a long time now. My latest big discovery was a fish cake on a rice cake and…”
“...Hey!” Sword Knight called out to them with a loud voice. “Come on, snack time is over.”
“No more! You guys keep eating all the time!”
King Dedede replied, stroking his round tummy. “It’s not just eating. We’re preparing for a fight. If you’re hungry, fighting isn’t going to happen.”
Kirby also spoke with a serious look. “Snacks give me strength! Snacks are my most important companion. I was deepening the bond with my companion!”
“Tch… one track minds those guys.” Sword Knight suddenly lowered his voice and whispered. “This is already enemy territory. Beryl may be hiding somewhere and watching us.”
“Where do you think?” King Dedede raised his voice. “Hey Beryl! If you’re nearby, don’t mess around! Come on out now!”
Both Sword Knight and Blade Knight pulled out their swords and got up.
However, there was no sign of him anywhere.
King Dedede said, “It seems we’ve got no choice but to go to an ancient temple.”
“Temple… where is it?”
The party looked around.
Waddle Dee shouted, “Oh, there it is! You can see a strange building.”
There was a large building in the direction that Waddle Dee pointed to. It’s dilapidated, but it seems it used to be a great building. The atmosphere there was different from the other ones.
“That looks like it,” King Dedede began to walk with great momentum.
At that time, the sky suddenly became dark.
Kirby looked up and shouted. “Oh, it’s the Halberd!”
Sword Knight’s communication device started ringing. 
It’s a call from Captain Vul. His voice began to flow from the speaker. “We’re above you. Did you find Beryl?”
“Not yet. We are heading to the ancient temple.”
“The four Meta Knights here will join you. I want you all to fight together.”
“Captain… how is Meta Knight doing…?”
Captain Vul replied with a heavy voice. “He still isn’t awake.”
“...Is that so.”
“But it’s okay!” Vul’s voice was powerful. “The doctors say there is a good chance he’ll recover.”
“A good chance?”
“A really good chance!” It sounded like Captain Vul didn’t believe it. “Anyway, defeat Beryl and regain the Galaxia. That’s all we can do.”
“Yes, sir!”
Kirby and the others looked at each other.
“Let’s go!”
With Kirby’s voice as a signal, the party started walking towards the temple.
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With the addition of the Meta Knights who descended from the battleship Halberd, the group of nine arrived at the ancient temple.
The temple was a large stone building, but collapsed in various parts and hardly retained its original shape.
Blade Knight said, being alert and vigilant, “It seems the damage is more severe here than other buildings.”
Sword Knight muttered, “Beryl you monster… what kind of trap are you planning here…?”
It was then, a voice ran from the back of the temple.
“You actually came here? Stupid people.” It sounded just like Meta Knight.
The nine were furious.
King Dedede screamed, “So you finally showed up, Beryl! We know your trap, we know you’re here!”
“Fufufu… that memo wasn’t a trap, it was more of a calculation.”
“For my plan, you guys had to come here to catch me. That note did exactly what it was supposed to.”
King Dedede’s face was enraged. “Beryl. You sound just like Meta Knight, even that pretentious way of talking. It’s annoying!”
The knight cried out.
“What do you want?”
“You hurt our master!”
“Meta Knight isn’t a fake!”
“How can you be so smug!”
Sword Knight said in a hurry. “Hey, we should split up, the enemy is…” He pointed his sword at the temple. “Over there! There he is, Beryl!”
“Fufufu…” From the darkness, Beryl slowly began to walk. He looked just like Meta Knight. In his hand, of course, he was holding the Galaxia.
“Rah…” King Dedede tried to run straight at him. 
But Beryl quickly shouted, “Oh I won’t be fighting you. Your opponent is… this guy!”
Beryl swung up the Galaxia and slammed it on the stone floor. The floor cracked with a loud noise and a pure, white light burst out.
Kirby and his friends all closed their eyes from the glare.
Blade Knight shouted with horror. “This light… no… no way…!?”
“Hahahahaha!” Sounding like his swordsman disguise, Beryl burst into laughter.
The light diminished and Kirby and his friends were finally able to open their eyes. Standing in front of them was a masked warrior with pure, white wings. In his right hand, a huge lance. In his left, he held a shield with the coat of arms of a cross.
Sword Knight shouted, freezing up. “Ga… Galacta Knight!”
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“Fufufu… that’s right.” Beryl acted like he was victorious.
A legendary warrior who is said to have been sealed off for his power in ancient times. That is Galacta Knight.
Once upon a time, Meta Knight broke the seal and challenged Galacta Knight. After a fierce battle, Galacta Knight should have been sealed against and sent back to another dimension. Why is the strongest warrior here…?
Blade Knight quivered. “This is the trap he prepared…!”
Sword Knight nodded. “This temple has a gate that leads to another dimension. Beryl knew it and used it!”
“Oh, that’s…!”
The Meta Knights began to shake.
“What are we going to do!?”
“Even Meta Knight, a legendary warrior, struggled to fight him!”
“We-we can’t defeat him!”
“We need to run away…!”
But it was too late. Galacta Knight used his lance to knock a large rock. Its sharp tip was pointed downhill.
Kirby and the others rolled in different directions and managed to avoid the blow.
King Dedede screamed, “Waddle Dee, I’m going to throw you out of here!”
The king grabbed Waddle Dee and threw him as far as he could.
“Waaaaa!” Waddle Dee flew high and was thrown into a safe place.
Kirby opened his hand and shouted desperately. “Wait, Galacta Knight! We don’t want to fight! It’s not Meta Knight who broke the seal, he’s a fake!”
However, Galacta Knight was gaining momentum and attacking.
King Dedede roared, flying around and dodging attacks. “Give it up, Kirby! He’s not someone you can just talk to!”
“If we don’t deal with this, everyone will be killed!”
It was exactly what King Dedede said. At this rate, everyone would be annihilated.
Kirby nodded. “...Okay. I have no other choice but to fight. Let’s go!”
“Oh, oh!” The Meta Knights, while fleeing, picked up their weapons.
Galacta Knight held his lance high. From its tip, beams of light were fired in quick succession. 
“Aaaahhhh-!” The knights were all dodging.
King Dedede shouted, “Yeah, no talking. Leave it to me!”
The king slammed his hammer down at Galacta Knight. However, the knight turned his lance around and rejected the attack. It was a tremendous power. King Dedede staggered and was about to turn over.
The huge lance attacked!
“Look out, King Dedede!” Kirby jumped out and pushed the king. The lance cut the sky, barely missing the king’s tummy.
“D...damn! Thanks, Kirby!”
Galacta Knight’s attacks persist. King Dedede and Kirby flew left and right to dodge his sharp lance. A crack grew in the ground where he last hit. 
Trident Knight shouted in a quivering voice. “What power…! They have no chance…!”
Javelin Knight spoke up. “Kirby needs a copy ability! Yeah, that’s right!” He ran out in front of Kirby. “Inhale me, Kirby!”
“Copy my power!”
Upon hearing this, the Meta Knights screamed one after another.
“No, me!”
“Use my power!”
The four squeezed into Kirby, as if fighting.
Blade Knight screamed. “You guys are making too much fuss! If you want to help Kirby, go one at a time…!”
However, Kirby’s voice was joyful.. “Thank you everyone! If I have a copy ability, I won’t lose!”
Kirby opened his mouth wide and inhaled with all his might.
“WAAAAAAA!?” Blade Knight fluttered his hands and flew into the air.
Immediately, Kirby’s appearance changed. A green pointed hat on his head, a shining sword in his hand, this is the copy ability “sword” that can cut with a blade!
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Everyone cheered.
“He did it!”
“If he has a copy ability, Kirby won’t lose!”
“Go for it, Kirby!”
Sword Knight shouted, “We’ll catch Beryl! Everyone, follow me!”
Beryl turned over his cloak and was about to escape to the depths of the temple. 
Sword Knight started running after Beryl.
Before he could get to him, Galacta Knight stood in his way. A crescent-shaped shock wave popped out of his shield.
“Look out!” Kirby slipped in and protected Sword Knight in a guard position. 
King Dedede shouted. “Leave it to me and Kirby here! You guys must catch Beryl!”
“Okay, I’m having fun! Let’s go!”
Sword Knight and the other knights chased after Beryl.
Beryl’s escape was fast. However, something about it was strange.
Pretending to escape to the back of the temple, he turned around while overcoming collapsing walls and pillars. He was deliberately attracting his followers by leaning or slipping his legs to get over the debris. 
As Sword Knight ran after him, he realized something was off. “Everyone, be careful. He’s planning something!” He called out to his friends.
Beryl’s laughter ran out. “Fufufu! You’re doing a good job. But you’re too late!” He stepped on the bulge of the stone at his feet.
The floor under Sword Knight cracked. “AHHH!?” He screamed and fell into a square hole in the floor.
Beryl stood at the edge of the hole, looked down, and ridiculed him. “Fufufu! I’m sorry, but I couldn’t prepare a hell hole like the one that dropped your master. This one is just a normal hole, but why don’t you wait here for a bit!”
“Beryl! Damn you!”
“This trap is said to have been made long ago to ward off sinners. Fufufu, I guess that makes you one since you went against the great Beryl.”
A small shadow sneaked behind Beryl in his pretentious speech. Unaware, he keeps talking. Until, behind him…
“Waddle Dee is here to save the day!” Waddle Dee’s power was weak, but Beryl was caught off guard and lost his balance.
“DOHAAA!?” Beryl raised a pitiful voice and swung his arms around.
“Taaahhh!” Waddle Dee slammed against him in the final blow.
Beryl fell to the bottom of the hole. “Nooo….” Beryl was about to get up but was stuck, surrounded by five enemies. Where was his bossy, confident attitude now?
Beryl began to ratte. “Ah, uh… w-wait, no way, all five of you…? P-please!”
“We don’t want to hear anything from you!” Sword Knight thrust his sword at Beryl.
“Hey…! Don’t try anything, okay?”
“First of all, take off that disguise! I can’t forgive a guy who imitates Meta Knight!”
“Yes, yes! I’m sorry!” Beryl took off his mask and fluttered. What appeared was a tiny creature with a flat face.
The Meta Knights all buzzed.
“Why, this is what Beryl really looked like!”
“Unforgivable! Such a weak guy disguised himself as Meta Knight!”
“Only the talent of his disguise will be recognized.”
“If he’s such a talented person, he should have used it for something better.”
Sword Knight extended one hand. “Now, return the Galaxia!”
“Uh… uh… yes… I’m sorry…” Beryl handed over the sword.
Sword Knight took it with care and looked up. “The day was saved, all thanks to Waddle Dee!”
“I’m glad I was useful!” Waddle Dee looked into the hole and said.
He had been in a safe place, but he was worried about everyone and watched from behind the pillars. Then, he noticed the evil of Beryl and gently snuck up behind him.
Sword Knight said, “Now, we need to fight Galacta Knight… and…” There was a considerable height up to the edge of the hole. He couldn’t reach it just by jumping and he didn’t have a foothold to climb.
“Waddle Dee! Is there any way to get up there?”
“Eh… let me see…” Waddle Dee was wandering around, but there was no convenient way to get him out. “I… don’t see one.”
“Hmm…” They all thought about the depth of the hole. 
Sword Knight said, “Waddle Dee, what’s going on in the fight?”
Waddle Dee looked up and turned towards Kirby and the fight.
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The battle was about to reach its climax.
Kirby, King Dedede, and Galacta Knight had each suffered considerable damage. Still, the three do not let down their attacks. No, the battle heats up more and more, breathtakingly.
“Eh! Drill Sword!”
“Kyaa! Dedede Hammer!”
Kirby and King Dedede are pushing out deadly tricks one after another.
Galacta Knight wielded his lance and brilliantly evaded the attacks. Energy bursts from the tip of his weapon. A thunder-like pillar appeared on the stone floor, making a loud noise.
Kirby and King Dedede gazed for a moment, moving around quickly and dodging.
Usually they are just fighting for delicious food, but when they confront a strong enemy, their breathing is perfectly in sync. Even if they didn’t exchange words, they could understand each other's thoughts just by glancing at each other.
- If we attack him separately, he’ll just evade our attacks!
- Hm! Hold your breath and attack at the same time!
Galacta Knight raised his lance. 
Following that momentary blow, Kirby and King Dedede fired at the same time.
“Sky Energy Sword!”
“Giant Dedede Swing!”
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Their specialty is a clean hit on Galacta Knight!
As expected, Galacta Knight couldn’t dodge both of the attacks and fell down on the stone floor.
Immediately, Kirby struck a deadly blow.
“Meteor Strike!”
Galacta Knight was blown away and fell on his back.
“Hooray!” Kirby blew his voice.
King Dedede lifted his hammer over his shoulder, breathing wildly.
“Haahaahaa… Galacta Knight… is like if… you talk to me… before my morning meal… wow…!”
However, Galacta Knight was about to wield his last power. He raised his body, clinging to his lance, and slowly spread his pure, white wings. 
King Dedede shouted in a flutter. “What…!? Hey, are you still fighting!?”
However, Galacta Knight no longer had the power to lift his lance. 
A legendary warrior who was once sealed because he was too strong. He is now about to be sealed in another dimension again.
The falling knight made a low moan. His voice gradually became louder and shook the temple. It was the agonizing death scream of a legendary warrior.
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(Chapter 6 - Table of Contents - Chapter 8)
116 notes · View notes
Kirby Star Allies: The Universe is in a Big Pinch!? (Chapter 5)
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Flamberge’s sword swung down and struck the earth, burning a line of fire.
Kirby and Burning Leo rolled away.
"It's no use! You can't run from my sword forever!"
Flamberge's attacks were increasing in strength.
Burning Leo staggered and stood up. "If it's a game of heat you want… I… won’t lose!" He blew fire with all of his strength. However, it was nothing compared to Flamberge's flames. It was like holding a candle to the sun.
"Ahahaa! Don't make me laugh!" Flamberge thrust towards him.
"Woaaah!" Burning Leo was blown away and fainted.
Waddle Dee, Jammerjab, and now Burning Leo were unable to fight at the front line.
Only Kirby was left.
Kirby staggered and tried to approach the fallen Burning Leo. Without a copy ability, he couldn't protect himself, let alone fight for the others.
However, Flamberge saw through Kirby's idea. "I won't let you do that! Fireball Circus!" Numerous fireballs rippled out of her sword.
Although he was able to jump down and avoid the direct hit, the heat of the fireball inflicted serious damage on the weakened Kirby.
He couldn't stand straight anymore. He could barely keep his eyes open. Still, Kirby didn't give up.
"I can't lose here… I can't…" Kirby's mind wandered. "Waddle Dee… I have to… help him…!" Thinking of Waddle Dee, alone and weak, he couldn't fall now.
"Sorry pink stubby guy! It's over, give up. Like I promised, I'll destroy you!" Flamberge, sure of her victory, held up her sword. "This is the end! Berge finish…!"
At the moment she cried out her attack, someone jumped out from the cliff.
"…Eh?" Flamberge blinked her eyes. She stopped her attack.
King Dedede and Waddle Dee appeared in front of her!
"Hm? Is she a problem?" King Dedede asked with his hammer in hand.
Bandana Waddle Dee immediately replied. "That's right! She's one of the Three Mage Sisters, she fights with fire…"
"Details don't matter. You're telling me I can clobber this guy?"
"Yeah, go for it!"
"Alright!" King Dedede swung his hammer up and strutted up to Flamberge.
Flamberge faltered at the unexpected appearance of a new enemy. "Wh-wh-what, you?! Who do you think I am…!"
"I don't caaaare!" King Dedede swung to his heart's content! The hammer made a clean blow against Flamberge!
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"Kyaaa!" Flamberge was blown away and dropped her sword as she collapsed.
"Just what I expected from my king!" Waddle Dee was thrilled and applauded.
King Dedede, pleased, approached the fallen Flamberge. "I'm not finished with you! I'll make sure you never come back and mess with us again! Eat this-!"
However, Flamberge jumped up before the final blow. "H-hnn! I'll withdraw now! Jambuhbye!" Flamberge disappeared in the blink of an eye.
"Hmph. She made a quick escape." King Dedede said bluntly.
Kirby, holding his breath while watching, finally raised his voice. "King Dedede!? What are you doing here…!?"
"Hmph, did I surprise you? I was summoned by the power of a mysterious palace so I could strike evil." King Dedede said, but Kirby had no idea what that meant.
"Huh, okay. I guess…" Kirby jumped on Waddle Dee. "Waddle Dee! Thank goodness! You're safe!"
"Yeah. King Dedede rescued me."
"Why is the king here? And where'd you get that bandana and spear?"
"Oh that's…" Waddle Dee talked about what happened in the mysterious palace.
Kirby looked into his eyes and asked. "King Dedede came from Dedede Castle to this planet in the blink of an eye? Because you called for him?"
"That's right. That palace must have the power to instantly call someone from far away."
"Awesome!" Kirby's eyes were shining.
"Let's go back and call for Chef Kawasaki right now!"
"Why Chef Kawasaki…?"
"I'm dying to eat. He could make us something!"
King Dedede said to the carefree Kirby. "Even if Chef Kawasaki were here, he can't cook without the right ingredients. Instead, we need to chase after the Three Mage Sisters before they escape!" King Dedede swung his arm around. "From here on out I'm at the peak of my strength! Let's go!"
Kirby looked up at the motivated king and said, "King Dedede, are you going to help us?"
"Nope!" The king laughed invincibly. "You're helping me. I'm the leader."
"…It doesn't really matter who's the leader. Anyways, let's fight together."
Kirby called out to Burning Leo and Jammerjab, who had fainted earlier. The two regained consciousness and got up.
"Oh, is that…? Why is King Dedede here…?"
Explaining the situation gave the two a chance to rest up.
After listening to the story, Burning Leo spoke. "Heh… well that sure is strange. Anyways, I'm glad King Dedede is with us. I'm sorry, but I can't fight anymore." Burning Leo had been hurt and was in a weak state.
Kirby nodded. "Yeah, you should take a rest. Thank you for fighting with us so far. We'll continue to do our best."
"Kirby, me too, I…" Jammerjab said. "I don't think I can go on. I can't move my body anymore."
"Jammerjab…" Kirby hugged the wounded Jammerjab tightly. "It's okay. Take a rest, Jammerjab."
"But…" Waddle Dee said. "Without Jammerjab, how will we know where to go? We don't have any directions…"
"I've got it." Jammerjab said with determined eyes. "Kirby, inhale me."
"I don't have the power to fight anymore, but you can use my copy ability. Surely if I can lend you my power…"
"Okay!" Kirby jumped up. "Jammerjab's copy ability can help us get there. Then let’s get to it!"
King Dedede said. "If you're going to inhale him, get on it with it already. We need to get to the enemy's base!"
"Wait a moment, your majesty." Waddle Dee cried out. "The enemy is extremely strong. Maybe we could ask one more person to help us?"
"Help us? I don't want any help. All I need is…"
King Dedede snickered but Kirby spoke up. "Yeah, let's call Meta Knight! If we have him, nothing will scare us!"
"Meta Knight? I don't want him here…" King Dedede looked unpleasant, but he knew Meta Knight's strength well. He pretended to be reluctant but continued. "Well, he is a big fan of fighting so he'd be angry if we left him out. I don't want him in a bad mood, I guess we can call him in."
"Then let's go to the palace!"
The party went down the mountain to the mysterious palace.
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No one was at the palace. The rogue who attacked Waddle Dee must have escaped.
"It was around here, I was about to be beaten by a rogue and I desperately called out for the king. Then, he suddenly appeared."
Kirby nodded when he heard Waddle Dee's explanation. "Alright, then I'll try calling him. Meta Knight! Come here, come here, Meta Kniiiight!"
Burning Leo was dumbfounded and said. "You can't just call him that way. You have to call him with all your heart…"
But at that moment, Meta Knight suddenly appeared in front of everyone. He was wearing his usual mask and cloak while holding a large mug. Apparently, it was tea time.
"Woah, he's here, he's here! Meta Knight!" Kirby was flying around with glee.
Meta Knight was frozen with the cup still held towards his mouth. Even the lone swordsman seemed confused in this situation.
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"Yahoo, Meta Knight! You may be surprised, but this is a mysterious palace. You can call for anyone just by shouting their name. We just called out yours!" Kirby explained this with enthusiasm of course, but regardless of how he said it, it was barely understandable.
Meta Knight stood up without words.
King Dedede said. "You don't look like you understand. Well I don't blame you, neither do I. By the way, you were looking for Kirby. Satisfied?"
"Oh yeah. I just remembered!" Kirby burst out.
"Meta Knight, you bought too much ice cream, right? Do you want my help eating it? I'll do it! I was busy trying to fight the Three Mage Sisters but if Meta Knight really needs me…"
"…Kirby." It seemed he finally got adjusted to his surroundings while watching Kirby ramble. Meta Knight finally opened his mouth. "If this is no dream, do you mean I was instantly moved from the battleship Halberd to here…?
"Yeah! That's it!"
"I don't quite understand it, but it's a terrifying power."
"Yeah! Anyways, let's get to eating that ice cream. Rest assured, I can eat as much as I want…"
"Where are we? Please explain everything in detail." Meta Knight once again ignored the ice cream topic. He knew if he let Kirby start talking about food, they would never get back on topic.
Waddle Dee replied. "This is Sizzlai Moon. We were chasing after the Three Mage Sisters to help a kidnapped friend and we ended up here. The Three Mage Sisters are powerful foes, we were hoping you would help us fight them…"
After hearing Waddle Dee's story, Meta Knight finally understood. He spoke up. "Is that so? Good, I was also looking for Kirby."
"There is no ice cream." Meta Knight stressed each word. "The Three Mage Sisters may have destroyed the Fortress of Shadows, Jambastion, and fled Popstar, but their evil is not over yet. Rather, the real battle starts from here on out. That is why I decided we need Kirby's power."
Meta Knight continued to drink from his mug. "Kirby, in your testimony, the Three Mage Sisters seem to be following someone's orders."
"Yeah. Par, uh, Parmi, er, Parmesan Cheese said so."
"…Ms Zan Partizanne." Jammerjab interrupted.
When Meta Knight asked "Who are you?" Jammerjab hesitated to answer. "I'm Jammerjab. I used to work for the Three Mage Sisters."
"But now we're friends." Kirby said. 
Meta Knight nodded. "I see. It's reassuring to have someone who knows the enemy. I've been trying to find out more about our opponent, and I don't think this will end without defeating the one behind the Three Mage Sisters. Jammerjab, tell me what you know. Who is the mastermind? What do they want?"
"Well…" Jammerjab replied in a dark voice. "I was a low ranking soldier, so I don't know much. But the one we were serving… he's a great mage priest."
"A mage priest?" Kirby and his friends looked at him as if this was the first time they'd ever heard those words. "The Three Mage Sisters, they work for him?"
"Yes. At the command of the mage priest, we were collecting the Jamba Hearts that were scattered across the galaxy. We were told we needed them for a ritual."
"Ritual? What ritual?"
"I don't know… I just heard that it was a sacred ritual the mage priest was performing, but the details are…"
King Dedede was frustrated and spoke. "We could reach the mastermind before we get to the end of this story. Let's just go to the enemy's base already!"
"Yes. Jammerjab, tell us where this mage priest is." When Meta Knight spoke up, Jammerjab looked down and replied in a soft voice.
"…The Divine Terminus…"
"The Divine…?"
"It's a celestial body at the edge of the galaxy built by the mage priest. There is a sacred altar there, that's where the mage priest is performing the ritual… that's what I was told."
"Let's go there!" King Dedede raised his hammer with enthusiasm. "Then, I'll get in there and crush that altar. I'll stop the mage priest and everybody so that they'll never mess with us again!"
"Hm. This is useful information. Thank you, Jammerjab." 
As Meta Knight spoke, Jammerjab looked up thoughtfully. "Be careful. The mage priest is terrifying."
"It's okay! If we work together, nothing can scare us!" Kirby replied, full of confidence.
Jammerjab couldn't help but worry as he spoke. "…Yeah, I know how strong you and your friends are, Kirby. But, there was a rumor whispered among our soldiers."
"A rumor?"
"If the mage priest succeeds in his ritual, tremendous things will happen…" Jammerjab shook. "No one knows exactly what it is, but all the soldiers were excited. I'm sure they thought it was something awesome that would make everyone happy. But…"
Jammerjab fully believed in the Three Mage Sisters and the mage priest without the shadow of a doubt, but now, his heart was changing. He made friends for the first time in his life and his hard heart was beginning to open up little by little.
Was the mage priest really right? Would the ritual that required everyone to collect the Jamba hearts, which made everyone evil, really bring happiness?
In Jammerjab's heart, the doubt was growing bigger and bigger.
Meta Knight watched Jammerjab's pained eyes and spoke. "We will keep your advice in mind. We will check on the mage priest's scheme, and if it is evil, put a stop to it."
"…Okay." Jammerjab nodded firmly and turned to Kirby. "Alright then, inhale me, Kirby."
"Yup!" Kirby opened his mouth and took in a deep breath.
Jammerjab flew into Kirby's mouth. Immediately, he gained the copy ability staff. A red hat with a gold ring appeared on his head and he held a long stick in his hand. 
Kirby held his staff up and ran out of the palace. "Come here, Warp Star-!"
In response to his voice, a yellow star flew through the sky.
Meta Knight took out a small communicator and spoke. "Before we leave, I need to tell my men about the situation. Burning Leo, I'll tell them to bring the battleship Halberd here to take you to Dreamland."
"Oh, really? Thank you!" Burning Leo smiled. "I was worried I'd get stuck here until you guys come back, I'm sick of this place. I'll be back in Dreamland before you know it… but first."
Burning Leo spoke to Kirby. "I'll give your staff my fire power."
"Yeah! Please do, Burning Leo."
Burning Leo blew a flame on Kirby's staff. The stick was embraced with a bright light and blew up in flames on both ends.
"Sizzle Staff!" Kirby shouted as he swung around the stick.
Meta Knight said. "Two copy abilities combined…? Kirby, can you do that?"
"Yeah, it's a friend ability. The staff and the fire combined are powered up. Meta Knight and King Dedede, you should try it."
"Can you add the power of fire to my sword?" Meta Knight half-heartedly pulled out his treasure sword, the Galaxia.
"Let's do it!"
Burning Leo blew a vigorous flame. The Galaxia shone with a dazzling light and sprinkled flames.
"Wow… this is amazing. I feel Galaxia's power getting stronger."
When he heard this, King Dedede shoved the hammer in his hand towards Burning Leo. "Mine too!"
"You got it!" Burning Leo blew out fire again.
The king's hammer was also surrounded by flames, increasing its attack power!
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King Dedede shook his hammer lightly and a smile creeped onto his face. "Hmm, this is nice. This shine, this heat! It suits me."
Burning Leo also called out to Waddle Dee, behind the king.
"Waddle Dee. You didn't have that weapon before, did you?"
"Eh? Oh, this spear…" Waddle Dee clumsily showed off the weapon he didn't know how to use. "I was attacked in the palace earlier, he went after me with this."
"Hey, not bad. I'll add my fire power to the spear too!"
"Eh!? Uh, no, I'm okay. I barely know how to use it. If you give it fire, I'll just get burned."
Bandana Waddle Dee confessed honestly, but Burning Leo laughed.
"Ah, so sloppy! Why not just go with me back to Dreamland? Isn't it useless to follow them around?"
King Dedede interrupted before Waddle Dee could answer. "Don't listen to this guy. Waddle Dee, you work for me. It's your job to follow me wherever I go."
"Ah, yes!" Waddle Dee nodded sharply.
Even though the rough king threw an occasional tantrum, Waddle Dee respected him more than anyone else. He loved being able to support the king.
Kirby and his friends finally boarded the Warp Star.
"Then, let's go! See ya!"
"Do your best! I'm supporting you-!" Burning Leo waved.
The Warp Star, carrying four people, left Sizzlai Moon and finally set out for the end of the galaxy.
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(Chapter 4 - Table of Contents - Chapter 6)
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