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spockvarietyhour · 1 year ago
🦇 🎃 Trick or treat? 🦇 🎃
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Green Tea kitkats!
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raurquiz · 1 year ago
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#arboldenavidad🎄 #christmastree🎄 #transfomers #beastwars #optimusprimal #optimusprime #arcee #chromia #startrek #kirk #picard #riker #troi #7of9 #borg #kiranerys #sisko #ussenterprise #starwars #kyloren #atat #actionfigures #christmas #Navidad #xmas2023 @startrek @startrekonpplus @starwars @transformersofficial @hasbro
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onetragicalnerd709 · 1 year ago
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Keeping with my DS9 and Trekkie streak I created a Kira Nerys × Jadzia Dax Spotify Playlist with headcannon songs that I've both personally found to be representative of their relationship as well as tunes I found with related Tik toks, Reels or YouTube edits.
The lineart is self-drawn and stenciled from my favorite Kira Dax promo shot 💙❤️
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Boldly go and check it out!
Playlist Cover art- Drawn by your's truly
The songs are listed as followed
1. "Make me like you"- Gwen Stefani
2. "Star Maps"- Aly & AJ
Inspiration/Credit: tiktok- @jiminyjulia
3. "Call you Mine"- The Chainsmokers/Bebe Rexa
Inspiration/Credit: The title says it all...it screams lesbian/ bisexual vibes
4. The Things You Do- Wildson, Frida Winsth
Inspiration/Credit: Honestly the upbeat jazzy feel makes me think of them lounging about on a Rizan beach or dancing together in a Jazz club. Kira keeps tripping on Jadzia's feet, Jadzia takes this as a reason to wrap her arms tighter around her.
5. "Poster Girl"- Zara Larsson
6. "I want to be your Girlfriend"- Girl in Red
Inspiration/ Credit: Need I say more.. Dax's girl in red= KIRA
7. "Heaven is a place" - Amber Run
Inspiration/Credit: In Kira's terms, the "Celestial Temple" is a place...
8. "Sweet Nothing" - Taylor Swift
Inspiration/Credit: Sweet and gentle, These two are so Taylor Swift coded .
9. "You may not like her" - Maddie Zahm
Inspiration/Credit: This song is perhaps the most important addition to this playlist as it ties in with my own sexual orientation journey during the past 2 years, of which these two characters played and continue to play a pivotal role in inspiration and confidence building.
10. " Habits" - Genevieve Strokes
Inspiration/Credit: Jadzia has plenty of "Habits" However her favorite "habit" is "something" she won't ever break
11. "Babydoll Speed"
Inspriation/Credit: Tiktok @maayaedits
12. "Girls"- Girl In Red
Inspiration/Credit- I honestly think this is the word that dominates the Major's conscience any time she sees Dax or any other powerful female presence in proximity to her.
13. "Maroon" -Taylor Swift
Inspiration/Credit: The lyrics "Carnations you had thought were roses, that's us , I feel you no matter what" Despite Kira being the beautiful red-thorned rose next to the soft petaled carnation Dax, I'd think Jadzia wouldn't mind the roughness of those sharp edges if it meant she could soften them.
14. "Sparks" - Coldplay
Inspiration/Credit: It was obvious there were sparks flying between these two....
15. " Die For You"- The Weekend, Ariana Grande
Inspiration/Credit: It's Spicy time
16. " In The Middle " - Dodie
Inspiration/ Credit: This selection is the Kira/Dax/Lenara special mix, I've seen throuple femslashes with them before and definitely know that in my headcanon universe, they all would have hooked up.
17. "Cool about it" - Boygenius
Inspiration/Credit: Tiktok @briaredits
18. "Pretty Lips" - WINEHOUSE
Inspiration/Credit: "If you change your mind, I'm not hard to find" Makes me think of Kira's POV when Jadzia is in a relationship with Worf. In my headcanon, Worf and Dax do eventually break it off and in turn, Dax rekindles the flame with Kira.
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zaftigcyclist · 1 year ago
Oh yeah I have to clarify my dogshit communication: the Maquis fucking rock. I love that Ro Laren went to join them and I think Kira Nerys being willing to fight them is a rare misstep in DS9 (at least without more durm and strang about it).
My issue with Voyager is that they don’t really explore the Maquis and Starfleet officer differences. You have the occasional “Chakotay punches a dude” but mostly they slot right into federation values after they rebelled against them for very good reason.
There is so much potential for conflict, which drives stories, and the comparison of ideologies, which is what some of the best trek looks at, that they just never delve into for no apparent reason. Some of my favorite parts of DS9 are when characters express disagreement and explain different world views. I can’t think of a time that happened on Voyager.
I think it’s intellectually lazy and I’d bet a bar of gold pressed platinum at least some of that laziness originated with Berman.
To be fair re: Voyager, a lot of the questions it poses on are less “what’s the most ethical option in this scenario?” and more “what ethically dubious actions will people justify for their own survival?”
I think that interpretation could work BUT they don’t portray the crew as ethically dubious. They portray them as upstanding starfleet officers (even the ones who were maquis).
I think the writers and actors had lots of ideas that could have been cooler than the end product. Rick Berman was a huge issue they couldn’t do them! And the politics of the show are a lot more regressive (in my mind) than other Star Trek.
They had a lot of opportunities to do cool shit and missed so many of them. Kate Mulgrew is an incredibly charismatic actress and they tied both hands behind her back.
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catsharkie-old · 1 year ago
what if ds9 had tumble
the wormhole :) 
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i-identify-starships-in-posts follow
klingon bird of prey, cloaked.
(2373 notes)
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skrainfanboy5997notdukat follow
Gul Dukat did nothing wrong.
(9208 notes)
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I thought I had work today, but no, the time loop.
(0 notes)
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If another thing breaks on this station i swear to the prophets
the replicator just sent someone to the infirmary. our doctor is running on negative 60 hours of sleep at least
i just want a raktajino
@miles-edward-obrien get your ass in here
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come to quarks, quarks is fun, come right now, don’t walk, run!
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I thought I had work today, but no, the time loop.
(0 notes)
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no sleep for 55 hours and counting!
56 hours and counting!
57 hours!
where is miles
julian please
(7 notes)
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ah yes. me. my bestie. and his 50k word fanfic draft.
YOU asked ME if you could beta
its funnier if i blame you
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no sleep for 55 hours and counting!
56 hours and counting!
57 hours!
where is miles
(7 notes)
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I thought I had work today, but no, the time loop.
(0 notes)
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So many accusations in my inbox! You people certainly are creative.
I know you’ve killed before. You’ve barely tried to hide it
Oh? You hate me and my whimsy?
I’m going to make a callout document on you.
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if the voles had subspace i think it would look like this
i love being in conduits undisturbed
pittering-pattering follow
(201 tiny notes)
the scuttler
easy website
(10032 tiny notes)
the station is under attack stop vole blogging
do you think skittering-002 and pittering-pattering were in love
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Apologies for the high pitched whining! Our shields are activated, we are currently under attack. There is also an ion storm passing through.
If I get stuck in a time vortex again I swear to god
(203 notes)
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Apologies for the high pitched whining! Our shields are activated, we are currently under attack. There is also an ion storm passing through.
If I get stuck in a time vortex again I swear to god
(203 notes)
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if the voles had subspace i think it would look like this
i love being in conduits undisturbed
pittering-pattering follow
(201 tiny notes)
the scuttler
easy website
(10032 tiny notes)
(38 notes)
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i really wish women were real
(1348 notes)
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guldukat follow
(1024766 notes)
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historical-fashion-polls · 6 months ago
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submitted by @commander-kiranerys 💙🤎
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jstor · 2 years ago
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The Gay Coloring Book (undated), another gem from Cornell University's Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections on JSTOR.
You'll have to visit the university library to see the inside of the book, though. But fret not, with more than 11,000 additional images in the collection, there's plenty to keep you busy—and they are all free and open for everyone!
UPDATE: @commander-kiranerys just shared a link to the full scan! https://www.houstonlgbthistory.org/Houston80s/Assorted%20Pubs/gay%20coloring%20book.pdf
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kiranerys · 6 months ago
Your fave tumblr couple @kiranerys and @spockvarietyhour coming at you with their Frasier (2023) S2 review!!!
Shit’s bad.
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banemmanan · 1 year ago
U.N.C.L.E. statistics graphs
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Part 2 of 3
[part 1] * [part 3]
All Man from U.N.C.L.E. data was compiled by @commander-kiranerys :
Series 1 * Series 2 * Series 3 * Series 4
Girl from U.N.C.L.E. data was compiled by myself and my sister:
* GFU *
Original graphs created by commander-kiranerys:
* :1: * :2: * :3: * :4: *
(more info and analysis under the cut)
As you can see from the data attributes, the mfu and gfu stats have been compiled by two different people. As such, results should be taken with a grain of salt as our views on what exactly constitutes 'torture' or a 'failed escape' may vary.
A word on graphs:
I felt that having compiling the separate info in one place in the form of bar charts was ideal for visual comparisons of the data, rather than jumping between posts. However, I cannot recommend enough commander-kiranerys's original graphs enough due to them being in the form of line graphs, thus giving a good view of change over time for the individual results of her statistics. This was not possible here due to gfu being part of a separate show.
Tied up: so if you're into bondage then MFU Season 3 is for you. Specifically Illya... (I see you Season 3 writers, I see you). As you can see from these graphs and the next two, the GFU villains weren't really very kinky. A shame tbh (who said that?).
Chained or handcuffed: I had combined these two separate categories into just the one in my data set and so I added together commander-kiranerys' results to create some compatible data. The MFU stats here remain very consistent before that good ol' Season 4 drop, they didn't get that same significant increase that being tied up saw.
Tortured: sad to see that Napoleon and Illya have never been tortured together. As the old saying goes, partners who get tortured together, stay together. Very tragic.
Drugged: a lot of the cynics out there will say that it's no surprise at all that GFU was on the most drugs of the series. But to that I say, just look at that MFU Season 3 stat! The least by a long shot!
Knocked out: the most impressive thing here is that if you removed all of April's stats, GFU would still be leading on getting knocked out. I'm more than a little worried about Mark; has anyone checked him for post-concussion syndrome?
Shot: my findings? Bullet wound Mark is an outlier and should not be counted. He is one gunshot away in his single series from equalling Illya in the entire run of MFU. The consistency of those MFU results is very satisfying to me, and then Mark has to ruin it! Someone get this man a touriquet or smth idc. Also April is bullet proof, aparently.
Wet: although I was too British and prude to tally-up instances of partial nudity (idk why I found that too embarrassing ok), I am not imune to fanservice and was more than happy to count instances of getting wet. Now, if you like your agents soaking wet, then aparently GFU is the show for you (yes this is a propaganda post). Though on average it ties with MFU Season 4; in terms of raw numbers it cannot be beat. Interestingly though, Season 1 Napoleon is tied with Mark for soggiest individual character.
I will freely admit that the analysis here is strongly skewed towards comparing the GFU results with the MFU results. Mainly due to commander-kiranerys having already created a set of graphs and gone over the MFU data there. I didn't want these posts to replace those in any way and instead to add to them. Please check out those posts (linked above) for a more MFU-oriented approach!
I hope you found this data useful or at least interesting! I would love to have discussions about these!
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hecoxthirst · 1 year ago
Thank you so much @punk-gremlin for the tag. For those who don't know how this works, you post the first and last lines of your ten most recent fics (if you have that many fics) 1. Can I guess who kissed me? Ian Hecox/Anthony Padilla (Smosh) "Courtney was the one to bring up the idea for the first time." and "This is the happiest he’s ever been."
2. Alone doesn't suit you Ian Hecox/Anthony Padilla (Smosh) "Ian has been stressing about today since Anthony agreed to meet." and "Anthony nods and places a kiss to Ian’s temple." 3. Sharing bed like little kids Ian Hecox/Anthony Padilla (Smosh) "Sharing a bed with an older version of Anthony feels so odd." and "He wouldn’t want to belong to anyone else." 4. Ivy and forget-me-nots Ian Hecox/Anthony Padilla (Smosh) "Everyone in the world is born with a little bud drawn on their inner wrist." and "Without having to think about it too much, he just does the most natural thing he could do. He kisses his soulmate." 5. Careful what you wish for Ian Hecox/Anthony Padilla (Smosh) "Anthony gradually wakes up." and "Turns out he can get adult Anthony flustered too, after all." 6. No thoughts, head full (of cum) Eddie Clayton/Charlie Ross (Ghostmates) "Charlie is quietly focusing on his work, doing some line art on his new tablet." and "He... has a feeling he’s going to be thinking about this experience for a long time." 7. Good girl Ian Hecox/Anthony Padilla (Smosh) "Ian feels like he’s perfected the fifties housewife look at this point." and "He leans in and connects their lips." 8. Oh let me use you baby, I love you Ian Hecox/Anthony Padilla (Smosh) "Anthony’s on his bed, hand in his pants, trying to picture touching his girlfriend." and "Whatever is going to happen, he knows they’ll get through it together." 9. A part of me that will never be mine Ian Hecox/Anthony Padilla (Smosh) "There’s something familiar about this scene." and "So then, why does he desperately wish he could wake up?" 10. What if you closed your eyes Ian Hecox/Anthony Padilla (Smosh) "It’s a quiet afternoon, Ian sits on his couch listening to Anthony recount what was going through his mind when they shot the Who Slapped Me video." and "To have Anthony like this, the way he has him now? He’d endure all that and more." I don't know how many people I'm supposed to tag, or who to tag for the matter. I don't know who in this fandom has already done this, but I assume everyone 'cos everyone is just tagging each other lol So I'm gonna throw in a bunch of my friends from my older fandoms! @zeldahime @prewar-james @khazadspoon @feral-teeth @blondeforyou @commander-kiranerys If any of you have already done this or have no interest in doing this feel free to ignore <333 ily guys
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decadent-hag · 9 months ago
@commander-kiranerys I AM going to answer your ask it....uh....just kind of turned into Something Bigger
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year ago
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raurquiz · 4 months ago
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#diadelamusica #musicday #startrek #spock #uhura #thenextgeneration #picard #riker #data #q #deepspacenine #kiranerys #odo #vicfontaine #voyager #kim #lowerdecks #mariner #tendi #boimler #strangenewworlds #subspacerhapsody #ds930 #startrek58 @TrekCore @StarTrek
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miralparis · 2 years ago
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
tagged by @astro-gnome !!
ok ok best guesses for faves but also using last.fm to see what i truly listen to on repeat for the last few years lol
everytime - britney spears
i’m with you - avril lavigne
dead hearts- stars
elephant in the room - richard walters
dreaming - jasmine thompson
and tagging if y’all want to do it!!! nbd if no obviously
@ericbogosbian @hopefearlovefaith @ettadunham @oh-bonerline @spockvarietyhour @kiranerys @theydjarin @isalabells @karlcagathon @pannabags
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maliwart · 4 years ago
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My wife put the thought of graying KiraDax in my head and now here we are.
The true fix AU I crave
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historical-fashion-polls · 6 months ago
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submitted by @commander-kiranerys 💛❤️🤍
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