#kira asks
malavera · 2 years
If you could be their controversially young partner, who would you choose? 👀
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reblog and choose 👀
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ashintheairlikesnow · 18 hours
Hi, I was reading through Bones in the Ocean again and discovered there was a chapter not included in the masterpost doc: Salvation a Scream Away. Turns out that's an important chapter lol
Anyway, love your work and thanks for sharing it with us!
Aw, dang it. Thanks for letting me know! Obviously I need to go fix that ASAP.
Also, thank you for reading and for liking what I do ❤️ every single nice thing anyone says about my writing is fully and entirely branded on my soul
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crownleys · 11 months
Do you have a Kira/Nat playlist? 👉👈
Also, what would Kira's theme song be? 👀
I do have a Kira/Nat playlist! It's over here on Spotify (and if needed I can post a tracklist later(I probably will anyways tbh)). I'm constantly picking at it so you may see it shifting around, but!
And for Kira's theme song, I think it'd probably be Fighter by Jack Stabuer's Micropop!
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medikits · 9 months
Ask Game - Dorky Edition
Send the following emojis or words to recieve the following from my muse:
🌻 [SUNFLOWER] - Recieve an inspirational message.
🌼 [DAISY] - Recieve a corny joke.
🌷 [TULIP] - Recieve a poem.
⚘️ [ROSE] - Recieve a cheesy pick up line.
🌱 [SPROUT] - Recieve a haiku.
🪴 [PLANT] - My muse will say which plant your muse reminds them of.
🌺 [HIBISCUS] - My muse will compliment your muse.
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doubleaabat · 2 months
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Reach for me baby, hold my hand
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hellsitegenetics · 8 months
My name is Yoshikage Kira. I’m 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don’t smoke, but I occasionally drink. I’m in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning.
I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I’m trying to explain that I’m a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn’t lose to anyone.
String identified:
a ag a. ’ 33 a . t tat ct , a t a a, a a t a. a a t a att t, a gt a 8 at t att. ’t , t ccaa . ’ 11 , a a gt gt , att at. At ag a ga a a g at tt t ttc gg t , a a g t g. t a a, a tt a atg t t g.
a t t at at cc-. ’ tg t a tat ’ a t a t . ta ca t t t t a , g a g, tat ca t at gt. Tat a t ct, a tat at g a. Atg, t gt ’t t a.
Closest match: Noctua janthe genome assembly, chromosome: 16 Common name: Lesser broad-bordered yellow underwing moth
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numbuh424 · 9 months
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the 2nd half of death note should've just gone full comedy complete with a laugh track and had these two dissing each other the whole time
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ponury-grajek · 7 months
AAAAAAH, I'M SO SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT! Both of those fandoms make me really happy and I love drawing Death Note stuff and now JoJo too~!
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writergeekrhw · 1 year
Why did Kira keep getting hooked up with random men when she was clearly a lesbian?
Real talk? It was the '90s. Paramount wasn't ready for LGBTQ+ Kira.
If you want an in-universe explanation, remember that Kira's pretty conservative religiously and socially, and probably more than a little repressed.
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browniesnivy · 1 year
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Morioh reacts to Josuke coming out.
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malavera · 2 years
I really gotta ask how big really is this Tom Cruise fandom
👀 lets find out by help the girl out by reblogging 🫣
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ashintheairlikesnow · 5 months
1/ 2I need to talk about the perfect tragedy that is Atabei. Atabei who met this little boy that wouldn't kill the piglets! Who embraced the black girl with her magic and superstitions! And then _wouldn't _realize until it was too late that boy had changed. It didn't matter if it was the privation he'd experienced, or if there was this seed of awfulness always in him, didn't even matter if some part of him was guilty about it. She loved him so much for who he was before and what they'd shared
2/3 that love—one of the strongest forces for good—blinded her into doing great evil and I'm verklempt. I have no idea if the "ghosts" Ford mentions will play a role, or even if we'll learn *why* Eliza eventually "fell" (though I hope like hell some of Sirene's descendants play a role because her eight-year-old put-down of Guilford was the best fucking line so far I adore that child to pieces) Sure, she'd done some questionable shit—though considering abusive husband of Eliza I approve--,
3/3 and it would've been so easy to make her as resentful as Guilford, but that the hamartia of her doom was wrongly bestowed kindness is visceral and raw and perfect. God, sorry that got so long my epitaph will be 'thought nothing worth penning were it not verbose'
First off, sorry I didn't answer this right away. I have been mentally rereading and kicking my feet and giggling.
NEVER feel bad about sending long asks about Bones in the Ocean. Or any asks! That story, its world, its concepts and the types of magic, the rules... it's all taken over my brain and I am almost always desperate to just ramble endlessly about the characters and histories, especially the aspects that aren't part of the main storyline but are instead the added context around the edges of it.
Gilly always had a seed of potential awful in him, but Atabei was actually a good influence on his willingness to empathize with nonhuman creatures, because SHE did. Atabei's empathy did not extend overmuch to actual human beings, though. Even less so when it came to her love Eliza's abusive husband, who stood between the two of them and happiness and kept Eliza in a life of constant fear for herself and her daughter.
Decades later, Eliza gets far enough away from Gilly and the siren to remember herself, and to remember the daughter she left behind - she assumes to die, alone and unloved - and she 'falls' over the side of the ship. It's polite language. Everyone knows, deep down, what really happened. Especially Atabei, who never fully forgot herself, and went more than a little mad as a result of the guilt and shame and fear that overwhelmed her when Eliza was gone.
Atabei's tragedy is in aiding and abetting the evil that would ruin her life, turn her love Eliza into someone else entirely, and leave her knowing what had been done but utterly unable to speak of it, to do anything at all to stem the tide of Gilly's ambition. She used her magic when commanded, to paint the marks again, to rebuild the bars of her own cage, really.
I have thoughts on that time period, those years of her watching Gilly's children with Eliza growing up. I think she probably visited the siren, on occasion. She and Areyto probably came, at some point, to a sort of bitter understanding with each other. Each of them trapped, each of them captive and caged and knowing it, each of them used as a tool in Gilly's plans.
If this story were a video game, there would be diaries or half-erased letters stained with tears throughout the house, Atabei telling the story of her own long, dreary life, the bright spots with Eliza, the darkness that was so much stronger.
Watching her childhood friend grow into a more violent man with age and power - especially with the corruption of his slowly growing power. Watching him murder his own eldest son to take his place.
Watching the cycle start anew with the next generation, knowing even her death would not end this, as she aged but Gilly didn't.
She gave a man she cared deeply for functional immortality and far too much power.
But - know this - Sirene is instrumental, too, to the eventual end of Gilly's grand ambitions.
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klaipeda-witness · 4 months
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WIP for an idea that basically came to me in a vision where it's like a platformer game but with Kira jumping off the Empok Nor balcony onto Dukat's head like she does in S7 E9 Covenant and the pills he gave everyone spill out of him like when you lose all your rings in sonic
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crownleys · 8 months
For Kira/Nat: 34 (I think) Who's the better story teller?
Who's the better story teller?
I feel like that has to be Nat. Kira doesn't really have the same kind of experience, I think, as most of the presentations/speaking aloud she's used to is presentations for school or work. Nat has this flair that Kira's so impressed by and wishes she could replicate. She loves listening to Nat's rich, deep voice too.
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Your recent Kira stuff just made me realize how horrible Hayato’s situation was…
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People don’t give Hayato enough credit, not only was his dad replaced by a killer, and his mother loves them more, but Hayato can’t even see stands. Dude was on a uphill battle and he’s like 11
His situation is chilling, and I think that’s why him and his story really interests me
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lchariott · 1 year
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