crownleys · 10 months
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pov your temperature-sensitive vampire girlfriend keeps insisting on joining you for a walk in the winter weather you love
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delucadarlingwriting · 4 months
Ask for a Kiss!
Here's part 2 of the response to that kiss ask meme I reblogged a few days ago! I know it's taken some time to get these out lately, but works been INSANE, so now that it's slowed down I'm hoping to get the next few done much more quickly.
I can't say it's been hard writing this though. Kira/Nat really gets me <3
Part 1
Poor Nat. Kira feels a little bad for forgetting just how sensitive the vampires can be to temperature. For her part, hiking in the summer heat has Kira eager to cool down. She braces herself as she wades in under the water laps around her thighs, then leans forward and slips beneath the surface. 
Slender, cool fingers run along her bare skin as she swims down into the depths. It reminds her of all the times she’s done this before, back before she graduated from the police academy. As a teenager, this felt like such a treat. Boston is cold most of the year. There’s a very narrow window of time in the summer that swimming outside is even possible without turning purple from the cold. 
Kira stretches, twists, then kicks her way back up and takes a breath. The shore is distant now, and it is also empty.
Blinking, Kira looks around, but sees nothing but rocks and trees. A moment later something brushes her ankle, startling a squeak out of her as she looks down. The surface of the water is moving too much to get a clear look, but she recognizes the touch of Nat’s hand wrapping around her ankle, skimming up the back of her calf and continuing on until she breaks the surface with just her eyes out to try and hide that she’s amused herself. 
“Come up here,” Kira demands. Nat does, and at least she has the decency to look slightly abashed.
“I didn’t mean to scare you,” she demures. Kira shakes her head and splashes at her.
“You snuck up on me, how else was I supposed to react?” Kira laughs. Though her blood pressure may have spiked for a moment, she can’t help the fondness that floods her as she gazes into Nat’s eyes. For once, they’re actually perfectly at eye level. She likes getting this angle on Nat. 
Nat takes Kira’s hand and presses a kiss to her wrist, murmuring, “I only meant to touch you. You’re so gorgeous that I can hardly help myself sometimes. You’ll forgive me for it, won’t you?”
With those big, brown eyes framed by the thickest, darkest eyelashes Kira’s ever seen? Yeah, she’d forgive Nat for anything. She sees an opportunity to negotiate though, and she takes it. 
“Only if you swim with me,” Kira says. Nat chuckles and gestures between them.
“What are we doing now?”
“I mean again,” Kira explains. She tucks her chin. “I sort of tricked you into it this time. Maybe next time we can just plan for it.”
“We’d certainly be able to pack appropriate clothing in that case,” Nat says, grinning. “Though I imagine not knowing to do so has worked to your favor.”
“Very much so,” Kira says, indulging herself in a little bit of ogling. It will never not blow her mind that she’s managed to get the most wonderful, beautiful woman in the entirety of the world to fall in love with her. 
“And I wouldn’t mind coming back here at all,” Nat continues. She looks around them, a smile pushing up the corners of her eyes. Tilting her body and spreading her arms, Nat floats on her back and stares up at the tree framed sky. Kira frog kicks over closer to her head to watch the reflection of the clouds in her eyes. 
“Even if we have to hike to do it?” Kira asks. Nat glances at her. 
“Even then.” Nat chuckles. “I can only imagine I’ll have to get used to it, spending eternity in love with you.”
Kira’s heart skips a beat, and Nat’s expression falls, worry creasing her brow. She sits up, a sudden awkwardness settling around her shoulders.
“Only if you want that, of course,” Nat says hurriedly. “And it’s nothing we have to even talk about now.”
Kira can’t find the words to express what she thinks of that. In fact, she goes so limp with love that she nearly tips below the surface of the water. Nat catches one of her elbows immediately and buoys her up.
“Careful,” Nat says, eyes dipping down to Kira’s mouth. They move closer and closer until Kira’s chest brushes Nat’s. She leans forward, lips parted. Nat doesn’t waste a moment, surging in to kiss Kira. 
Kira’s arms wrap around Nat’s shoulders as she’s done a hundred times now, maybe more, while Nat cradles Kira’s skull with one elegant hand. She presses into the kiss like she needs it, like she needs Kira. The feeling of being desired like this is still so overwhelming and addictive that Kira chases Nat’s kiss, unwilling to let it stop. Kira loses herself to the sensation of Nat’s mouth, tongue, her hands and the form of her body against Kira’s that she doesn’t even know when it started to rain. All she knows is when they part, eyes and mouths shining, they’re in the middle of a torrential downpour. 
Looking up, Kira grins. “Isn’t that something?”
A soft kiss against her neck has her sucking in a breath. Nat smiles against her skin.
“I think it might be a good reason for us to abandon our swim, before our clothes are washed away,” Nat says, gesturing back to the shore where their clothes are already drenched.
“That’ll be a treat to put on,” Kira says, shaking her head. As Nat starts to pull back, Kira catches her hand. With a curious expression, Nat pauses and looks back to her. Kira’s heart stutters at the sight of her, the weight of her gaze, and it takes her a moment to regain her senses. “Forever with you…I’d like that.”
Nat’s eyes widen. “Truly?”
“More than anything,” Kira replies, squeezing her hand. 
Ducking her chin, Nat’s expression breaks into a giddy smile. It’s not the rain that has her eyes so wet when Kira tilts her face back up so she can kiss her again. And again. And once more, until lightning splits the sky and they’re forced to head for the shore. 
Giggling and leaning on one another, they struggle into their soaked, clinging clothes. Their teeth chatter, but it doesn’t stop them from delaying their dressing with kisses and holding one another so close Kira could almost imagine them melding together. 
Forever just like this is all Kira could ever want.
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targaryenluvs · 9 months
yo, so i saw ur post thingy ( sorry im new to this place ) abt writing clarisse smut. sum ppl told me not to write clarisse smut and i just want advice on whether or not i should :)
first of all hello and welcome to the world of writing!
second of all, your blog you post what you want, but again i wouldn’t, it’s just not worth the backlash. if you’re willing to put up with it than go ahead but just keep in mind the ages, and honestly i do get why people find it weird. i’d say no.
(clarisse is 13-14 tlt book & in the show maybe only a little older?? it’s not specified but i think dior was around 15-16 filming so yeah)
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ghoulipedia · 1 year
Round 1/8 of the professors/staff for my superhero comic :)
Kira Hsieh (she/her), Lorrie Beau (he/him), Natalie Ways (she/her)
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keokyoko · 10 months
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Happy 1st birthday to my IZ oc Nat!
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➡️ Previous username was megasilly ⬅️
Tags for original posts, unintuitive curated content, and OCs are listed here.
The most self-indulgent one is #nod games, which is literally just screenshots of whatever video game I’m playing currently.
Also #cr spoilers isn’t listed here since it’s mostly reblogs, but I tend to spam that tag on Thursday evenings.
Filter as desired :)
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blindfated · 2 years
“it’s too late for heroes”
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his  inquisitive  nature  aids  his  unnatural  senses  honing  in  to  read  the  other  with  utmost  care.        a  scan  against  the  brume  of  her  breath,        careful  strokes  of  monochrome  attacking  the  gently  moving  tresses  of  her.       
doubt  dwells  in  Matt’s  mind.        he  suspects  a        LIE,        but  he  feels  her  soft  sigh  drawing  entropy.        there’s  fire  to  her  words.        all  he  can  do  is  ask.       
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❝      do  you  really  mean  that      ?      ❞
defenders ep. 1 sentence starters ✞ | accepting mutuals only !
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mrsstruggle · 1 year
The Lost Child - Epilogue // Teen Wolf x Marvel AU
Summary: Y/N Stark was taken from her family when she was three years old. It's fifteen years later and her family believes she is dead. Then how is she living in Beacon Hills?
Warnings: Language, Mentions of Death/Injury/Grief/Torture, Possible Grammar Mistakes (please let me know if there is anything else)
Pairings: Derek Hale x Reader, Steve Rodgers x Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner x Natasha Romanoff, Vision x Wanda Maximoff
Previous Pairings: Tony Stark x Pepper Potts, Scott McCall x Allison Argent
Words: 5.8k
Note: There is only an epilogue left and that should be posted tomorrow!
Additional Note: While this is a Teen Wolf x Marvel AU, not everything is true to the shows/movies/comics. I had to change things for the story.
One Last Note: Y/N was adopted by Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. I did this so more people can see themselves in this story.
***I do not own Teen Wolf or Marvel or any related characters. This is a work of fanfiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only.***
The Lost Child Masterlist
Previous Chapter
One Year Later
Y/N hums to the song playing in her car as she drives up to the newly renovated Hale house—technically it's Derek's and her house, but she likes just calling the Hale house. Derek planned on renovating the house himself with a few of the other pack members, but he ended up renovating with pack members and the Avengers.
Tony wanted to use his money to pay a team to renovate the house as quickly as possible, but Derek wanted to be a part of the renovation considering it was his house. He also didn't feel comfortable with Tony paying for everything. They ended up compromising by letting Tony pay for half, but they had to renovate it themselves.
Derek was surprised the first day Tony showed up with a few more Avengers in tow. He couldn't say he was very pleased seeing them either. He was hoping to renovate the house in peace with the occasional forced conversation between himself and Tony or ordering the pack to do a few things. He was even more surprised when he didn't hate them being there. It was a pretty good way to get to know Y/N's other family.
It was also a good way for Y/N to get to know her Avengers family. Although Tony built another Avenger's headquarters just outside of Beacon Hills to be closer to her, she still had a job she had to go to and they weren't her only family. Tony offered her jobs with the Avengers multiple times, but she turned them down every time. He even offered her a position to be a part of the Avengers, but she wanted to work on controlling her powers before she potentially used them to save people from aliens or whatever else they fight.
Three times a week Y/N would drive up to the house to help—well, her version of helping. She let Derek and Tony handle all electrical and plumbing details while she sat to the side and talked about her day or gossiped about people from work. She also helped Steve, Bucky, and Sam make a few furniture pieces by watching them do all the hard work and then adding any details she wanted on them, such as paint or accessories.
Pack members would also come by to help tear things down or build things up. None of them knew what they were doing, but Derek would teach them, and everything turned out okay. Stiles was like Y/N and didn't do much to help but he would be there. He and Peter grew closer as Y/N's brothers and found out they have a lot in common. It took them a few weeks, but they eventually stopped being passive-aggressive to each other and became friends—but they still bicker like an old married couple.
Once rooms were built, she, Lydia, Kira, Wanda, and Nat would paint the rooms and go out and buy things for them. They've definitely come back from a shopping trip or two with too many things, but Derek can't complain when he sees how happy Y/N is.
He also can't complain when his business is thriving, so money is not an issue. It wasn't an issue before—thanks to the money he inherited from his family—but now he doesn't think it will ever be an issue. Since he's dating 'the Y/N Stark,' people like to drive out of their way just to bring their cars to Hale Garage in hopes of possibly meeting him or getting a glimpse of Y/N.
He also started restoring old cars and motorcycles and selling them. It started with a few motorcycles someone abandoned in front of the garage and now he's selling vintage cars in big shows all over the state.
He has also somehow gotten a little fandom of his own. He has no idea how because he doesn't have any social media, nor does he willingly put himself in the public eye. He can always tell if someone specifically requests for him at the garage if they're doing it because of his relationship with Y/N or if it's just because of him.
If it's because of him, there is typically a nervous client, possible flirting, giddy giggles, and conversations with their friends when they think he can't hear them. Someone even asked him out once, but he shot that down very quickly. That client won't be coming back anytime soon—especially since Malia overheard the whole thing and started laughing so hard she almost fell out of her chair.
On days that Y/N wasn't at the Hale house, she liked to spend her time with her other dad—the sheriff. She knows he wishes he could've also contributed to the rebuilding of the house. He just didn't have the means financially nor the time to help. On top of his regular sheriff duties, there was a lot of paperwork and stress that came after the big fight against Kate and the Hunters.
On nights that he worked late, she'd bring him dinner and talk about their days. On nights he wasn't working, he'd go by the loft to have dinner with her, Derek, and Stiles. Tony and Peter would sometimes join but they didn't want to intrude too much. Tony could tell that he made the sheriff a bit uncomfortable due to who he was, but he never said anything to him. They got along but they weren't going to be best friends any time soon.
She's spoken to some of the other Avengers, like Clint and Thor, but she doesn't see them very much. She's only met Clint a handful of times because he likes to keep to himself on his farm. The most time she's spent with him was when she and Derek stayed at his farm for a weekend as a little get-to-know-you thing. They had a lot of fun, and they text now and then, but it's nothing too serious.
She also doesn't see Thor much since he spends most of his time on Asgard—she's also pretty sure he avoids her as much as possible. He still blames himself for the night she was 'taken' by Hydra even though she has told him multiple times that it's not his fault—Pepper would've still done what she did whether he took her to bed or not.
As Y/N drives past the new gates at the front of the property, she can see several cars parked outside of the Hale House. She smiles a bit to herself as she realizes what's going on. Pulling in front of the house and getting out of the car, she can hear people on the other side of the house. Walking through the house and to the backyard, she steps back outside to all her friends and family setting up tables and birthday decorations.
"Spider-boy, lift the right side of the banner a bit while you're up there! It's a bit unev–hey! Happy Birthday!" Stiles awkwardly shouts as he notices her. Everyone turns to Stiles before shouting 'Happy birthday' at the sight of Y/N standing near the backdoor.
"Why are you home so early?" Derek asks, walking up to Y/N and trying to block her from looking at the scene behind him.
"I'm happy to see you too, babe," Y/N playfully rolls her eyes before giving Derek a quick peck on the lips. "My boss let me leave early since it's my birthday. Well, second birthday, but she understood."
"I still don't understand why you didn't just take the day off."
"That's because I used up my vacation days putting in time off for our little vacation in about a week. I'd much rather take time off to spend two weeks naked on the private island we're going to then have a few free hours this morning." She can hear some of the people behind Derek pretending to gag letting her know that they're listening in on their conversation.
She squeals and laughs as Derek bends down and throws her over his shoulder. Walking into the house, Derek lightly slaps her ass as he walks her up to their bedroom. Entering their shared bedroom, he throws her onto the bed before hovering over her and staring lovingly into her eyes.
"Why are you throwing me another birthday party? You already threw me one on my April birthday." Y/N questions. Not only did she gain another family, but she also gained another birthday. She has the birthday she celebrates which marks the day she arrived at the Stilinskis and now the birthday she was with the Avengers.
"I'm not the one who planned this. This is all on Tony. I also think this might be more for them than it is for you since it's the first time they get to celebrate today with you." Derek says. The only thing Derek did was reel Tony in. Tony wanted to throw a massive party and invite as many people as possible, but he knew that would be way too much for Y/N. He knew she'd like something at home with her friends and family. "Now, I need you to change out of your work clothes and I'm going to go back downstairs and see why in a group of superhumans and wolves, no one heard you get here."
"You didn't hear me either," She teases.
"That's because I was trying to be a good son-in-law and listen to your dad tell me about a new case he's working on. He wanted my advice."
"Mhm, now get dressed and try to act surprised when you come back downstairs," He leans down to press a kiss on her cheek before standing and walking toward their bedroom door.
"I'll try!" She yells as he walks out of the room.
Y/N gets up from the bed and walks to her closet. Stripping out of her work clothes, she changes into something a little nicer. Walking out of the closet, she touches up her hair and makeup before walking downstairs toward the party.
Opening the backdoor, her family and friends all turn to her and yell, "Happy Birthday!"
"Oh my god! I had no idea!" She feigns shock.
"Shut up," Lydia rolls her eyes before pulling Y/N into a hug. "Happy Birthday and make sure to open my present first."
One by one Y/N goes around greeting everyone and thanking them for the party. She's not sure whose idea it was but she'll ask Derek after everyone leaves.
"Nice to see you two again. What has it been? A week?" Y/N teases, walking up to Steve and Bucky.
"A week too long," Bucky teases back, pulling her into a hug.
"And you leave in a week too," Steve says, pulling her out of Bucky's arms and into his own.
"Yes, well then we'll have to have another game night before we leave," She smiles up at him. After they got to know each other a bit while working on the house, she and Derek would invite Steve and Bucky over once a week for a game night. Sometimes they don't even play games, sometimes they'll just work on a puzzle and talk.
It's helped her a lot speaking to someone who has also had personal experience with Hydra. While she can't remember everything that happened to her there, she sometimes gets dreams—no, nightmares—that seem more like memories.
It's also helped her become a lot closer to them, as well as them becoming closer to Derek. She knows that they sometimes meet up with some of the other wolves to go for runs through the forest. They've even been to a few car shows with him.
"We're holding you to that," Bucky says.
"Well, Uncle Bucky, Uncle Steve, thank you for being here but I've got more people to go around and thank so I will talk with you some more later," Steve and Bucky's smiles get impossibly wider at her calling them her uncles. It's something that started two months ago and they get happier every time she says it.
Walking over to Scott and Liam, she pulls them both into a tight group hug, "Thank you both for being here. I'm sure you have better things to do with your day."
"Not really," Liam groans, pushing Y/N away from him.
"Do you really think Stiles would let us not be here?" Scott asks, pulling away from Y/N.
"I feel so loved," Y/N pushes Scott in a teasing manner. "Now I'm going to talk to some more people and if I look over here that means I need you to rescue me."
She pats them both on the back before moving over to Natasha, Wanda, Bruce, and Sam.
"Happy birthday future falcon," Sam says, pulling Y/N into a hug.
"Future falcon?"
"Yeah, we just need to get you a pair of wings and you can be just like your favorite uncle!"
"I don't think getting me a pair of wings will make me just like Bucky," Y/N teases, smirking at the look of shock on Sam's face.
"You take that back."
"I'm going to pretend that you just said my name instead," Bruce says.
"Even if you were her favorite uncle, why would she want to be like you when she could be like her favorite aunt?" Natasha smirks, pointing to herself.
"And you think that's you?" Wanda asks.
"Who else would it be?"
The smile on Y/N's face never leaves as she watches them bicker back and forth about who's her favorite aunt and uncle. Honestly, she doesn't have a favorite. She's closer to some than others, but she could never tell you who she'd consider her favorite.
Natasha has been teaching her some more hand-to-hand combat as well as how to use a gun. She can't say that using a gun is her favorite thing to do—especially since she's been shot several times by them—but it's nice to know if she ever needs to use one as a last resort.
Wanda has been helping her learn how to control her powers—even though Wanda isn't in the most control either. She's also been working with Stiles to awaken the magic within him. He can't do a lot just yet, but Wanda thinks he could be really powerful one day.
With Sam, he helped a lot with the renovations, and he likes to bring Y/N lunch at work at least twice a week—he even brings Melissa lunch from time to time. He will bring her lunch and they'll talk about what's going on in their lives or get into heated debates about their favorite shows. They once spent her entire lunch arguing about who's the better Winchester brother.
Y/N's probably the least close to Bruce—he's closer to Lydia than her. The work that he does really fascinates Lydia and she ended up getting an internship with the Avengers to work with him. Y/N will sometimes tag along when they are working on things outside of things for the Avengers, like hospitals. She doesn't understand everything like they do but it's nice to at least spend time with them.
"Right Y/N?" Sam's voice pulls her out of her head.
"Um...right?" Y/N looks between them with a confused look on her face.
"Were you even listening?" Natasha asks.
"Um, what's that? I think someone's calling for me." Y/N turns around and quickly walks away from them before they can say anything.
"Y/N, will you tell Stiles that there is no such thing as mermaids?!" Y/N looks over to where Peter is calling for her. He's standing next to Stiles while Derek is sitting on a wooden table next to them with his feet propped up on a chair and an annoyed look on his face.
"Y/N, will you please tell Spidey-boy here that mermaids exist?! If werewolves and aliens exist, then so do mermaids!" Stiles yells.
Y/N walks over to them and sits on the table next to Derek, "Why are we fighting about mermaids?"
"They started talking about vampires and somehow the conversation turned into this," Derek says.
"What do you think Derek? Mermaids, real or not?" Stiles asks, annoyed that Peter thinks he knows supernatural creatures better than him.
"Why don't you go to the ocean and find out?"
"I'd like to believe there are," Y/N says.
"Not you too," Peter groans.
"What? After watching H2O as a kid, my biggest dream was to become a mermaid. You're not a scary monster if you're a mermaid."
"Damn, now I feel bad for saying they don't exist."
"I don't think you're a scary monster," Derek nudges her with his shoulder.
"I don't think you're a scary monster either," Y/N smiles, leaning in to press a kiss on Derek's lips while Stiles and Peter groan in disgust at their affection. "So, where's the other Peter?"
"He's at the garage. He should be closing up soon."
Y/N looks around at the other people in the yard and sighs, "Okay, I guess I should go say hello to the others, but I'll be right back."
"I'll be here waiting," Derek smiles at her as she gets up and walks away.
After saying hello and thank you to Kira, Mason, Thor, Clint, and Loki, she walks over to Melissa and the sheriff, "Are you two having fun?"
"So much fun," Melissa says, pulling Y/N into a hug.
"I'm surprised you were able to get the night off, Dad. I thought you had a big case you're working on?"
"I do, but it's your second birthday so I took the night off. They should be able to survive one night without me." Sheriff Stilinski says.
"I don't know. This is Beacon Hills, so you never know." Y/N teases.
"Well, then let's hope they can at least last a few hours without me."
"Is Chris coming?" Y/N looks over at Melissa.
"He said he and Isaac were busy with something, so they won't be making it," Melissa says.
"Good. We can finally get through one dinner without Scott and Isaac being completely oblivious to each other."
The sheriff snorts out a laugh at her comment, "Instead we just have to deal with you and Derek."
"You love Derek!" Y/N yells in defense.
"Yes, but I don't love watching him feel up my daughter."
Melissa looks at something past Y/N before looking back at her, "I think you have one more person you have yet to speak to."
Y/N looks over her shoulder to see Tony looking at her before quickly looking away when he notices her looking back at him.
"Go, we can talk more later," Sheriff Stilinski says.
"Okay," Y/N wraps her arms around the sheriff and hugs him tight, "I love you, Dad."
He hugs her back just as tight, "I love you too."
She unwraps her arms from around him and makes her way over to Tony who's sitting by himself at one of the tables, "Mind if I join you?"
"Not at all," Tony pulls out the seat next to him for her to sit in. "Are you having fun?"
"I get two birthdays, of course, I'm having fun!"
"Good, I'm glad you don't mind us doing this."
"You're also my family and you celebrate my birthday today so we will also celebrate today," Y/N says, not noticing that the smile on Tony's face gets bigger when she calls him family. "Have you spoken to Morgan recently?"
After a few deep conversations with Tony, Y/N convinced him to try to mend his relationship with Morgan. He wasn't a very present father to her since he resented Pepper getting pregnant after Y/N was 'taken.'" Morgan isn't his biggest fan and was very close to her mother until the truth about her came out. Tony was quite shocked when she reached out to him and said she wanted to get to know him more—Y/N thinks she feels responsible for something that is not her fault nor was it ever.
Morgan hasn't spoken to Y/N yet, but Y/N's grateful that she hasn't. While Pepper is the only person to blame in the situation, there are a few thoughts in the very back of her mind that make her resent Morgan just a little. Y/N hates that those thoughts are there but it's natural for her to have those after everything Hydra put her through. She tries to tell herself that without Hydra, she wouldn't be where she is today, but she thinks it's stupid that she had to go through something so traumatizing just to end up where she is. If Pepper didn't want her, she could have adopted her out to the Stilinskis with no trauma necessary.
"Not recently, but while you're on vacation, Peter and I are going to go to New York and spend some time with her," Tony replies.
"Thank you for giving us the vacation by the way."
"You say that as if you don't thank me every time you see me."
"That's because I'm really grateful for it." Y/N smiles back at him.
Tony rolls his eyes at her, "Just make sure when you come back, I'm not a grandpa."
"Trust me, that is not going to happen," Y/N laughs a little at the thought.
"Good. I'm way too young for that."
"Aren't you lik–"
"I'm too young!" Tony cuts her off quickly.
"Got it," Y/N laughs lightly at his antics. "Thank you for the birthday party...Dad."
Tony can feel tears well up in his eyes hearing her call him dad for the first time since they've reunited, "Anything for you." He throws his arm around her shoulders and pulls her into a hug, "Happy birthday, Petal."
Might write a bonus smut chapter...let me know what you think!
@vicmc624 @mrspetxrs @freyathehuntress @fheresm @taketimeandappreciate @youralphawolf72 @shedsblood @ts1mp0ne @beautifulgrungekid @emily-roberts @itmejado @iv3t @james-bucky-barnes-bitch @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @darkenwolfie @inyourmomsworld @lokiandbuckywife @xx-narcissa @elite4cekalyma @thecrazytealady @ladyjenjay @misshale21 @cevans-winchester @fayhay14 @wtfcas @spencerreidsbookclub @hinata7346 @randomhoex @mirakeul @n1ght5h4d3-24 @pepelachanel @dark-night-sky-99 @missnyxsblog @xoxoloverb @ilearnedthatfromethepizzaman @kingshitonly @isnt-itstrange @twsssmlmaa @navs-bhat @zealouspostwitch @saahmi @distantsighs @jayxxace @a--1--1--3 @cutelittlepurplesouls @mermaid--dreamer-blog @maliagurl @kneelforloki @teenybean @small-town-wayward-daughter @labellapeaky @dabria14 @geeksareunique @emma-is-a-nerd @burn1ngw00d @esposadomd @natashamea18 @alexandralibbre @wonderland2425 @natashamea18
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skyesdaisys · 11 months
character's i write for
welcome to my list of characters where i have many of them from many fandoms that i write for
requests: temporarily closed
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bolded names are ones i really wanna write for
yellowjackets (shauna shipman, jackie taylor, lottie matthews, taissa turner, van palmer, nat scatorccio, laura lee, callie sadecki)
dc titans (dick grayson, jason todd, kory anders, gar logan, donna troy, dawn granger, hank hall)
fear street (deena johnson, sam fraser, ziggy berman, cindy berman, kate schmidt, alice hart, simon kalivoda, tommy slater, young!nick goode)
teen wolf (scott mccall, stiles stilinski, isaac lahey, malia tate, kira yukimura, lydia martin, liam dunbar)
american horror story (violet harmon, kit walker, lana winters, zoe benson, madison montgomery, kyle spencer, misty day, cordelia goode, jimmy darling, tristan duffy, ally mayfair-richards, kai anderson, winter anderson, mallory, brooke thompson, montana duke)
the summer I turned pretty (jeremiah fisher, belly conklin, taylor jewel, shayla wang, conrad fisher)
miscellaneous: maeve rojas (one of us is lying), leighton murray (the sex lives of college girls), miguel diaz (cobra kai), brooke davis (one tree hill), maeve wiley & ruby matthews (sex education), kate bishop (hawkeye), roronoa zoro (one piece live action), daisy johnson (agents of shield), zach dempsey (13 reasons why), nate archibald (gossip girl)
another thing i'd like to add, i wouldn't mind writing poly ships x reader like dickkory, jackieshauna, stalia, sameena, lottienat, jaygar, etc. (or a poly ship with crossover characters like dick grayson & kate bishop for example)
i will write for fluff, angst, and maybe smut (there's only so much i am comfortable with though) if you ask nicely. and i only write for fem & gn readers
and as a reminder, you guys can request for the following fandoms for oneshots, headcanons, or just sending your fluffy or horny thoughts in my inbox (i don't judge)
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leventar · 19 days
it's hard to say because i don't necessarily have otps from a writing standpoint, they kind of evolve depending on the pairing and who i'm writing with, and sometimes my otps become notps depending on the dynamic / plot. tl;dr i just don't default - ship. i write waaaaay too many muses to list them all but from a die - hard, canon brainrot perspective, most of my otps include: naksu / jang uk, katherine / stefan, chuuya / dazai, gojo / geto, katara / zuko, juliette / roma, orion / rosalind, zoya / nikolai, inej / kaz, zero two / hiro, raven / bellamy, catra / adora, malia / stiles, harrowhark / gideon.
i think i'm down for most things so long as it isn't obviously something that's atrocious ( adult / minor ) or like, a poorly executed oppressor / oppressed. i genuinely like exploring toxic dynamics when it's detached from a romanticized lens, and it's for that reason why i ensure it's a topic i can trust my wps with. this may be an unpopular opinion, but i'm fine with writing cheating. i'm fine with writing unequal distributions of power ( to a certain extent ), i'm fine exploring variations of abuse. it's just that if it's toxic, i tend to keep it toxic. if it veers into actual abuse ( best example i can think of is alina / darkling, i don't write nor ship it but sklsdkldskldskl ), it's not so much a ship but just a subset of an complex one, and won't be resolved to a point of genuine romanticism.
uhhhhhhh, if they're under 18, i think two years? the age gap widens the older the muses are in a bracket, but i'm generally not an age - gap fan. + / - five - 10 years feels accurate? maximum five if it's like, a muse that's under 25. immortal muses are different and vary based on circumstances.
yeaaaahhhh. yeah. i usually figure out through writing or plotting if there's chemistry to even think about shipping, and i tend to ship with my circle of friends / exclusive shipping partners just because it's always been easier that way. doesn't mean i'm not open! just very chemistry - oriented. we could plot the best thing but if we're not vibing as writing partners when we chat, it won't work.
anything past like a full make - out session or questionable touching. i don't smut on dash across any of my blogs, and if i do venture into that territory, it's always suggestive and with my utmost closest wp. but as it stands, i typically don't write anything further than making out or allusions.
refer to the first question, but i really like cross - fandom shipping. i think it's fun and forces people to think outside of the box. i also looooove oc / canon. i'll use this opportunity to say i'm always intrigued with these dynamics: chuuya / yosano, atsushi / lucy, yosano / dazai, lottie / nat, gin / higuchi, malia / kira, nobara / megumi, nobara / yuuji, higuchi / akutagawa. there's more but i'm blanking.
yes and no! sometimes it happens naturally, but you can alwayyyyysssss ask to ship. just need to approach with an open mind and understand that i will likely ask that we write first or sus out vibes! if we chat a lot or obviously get along, that makes it a little easier for me to envision a romantic ship!
yes! unless stated otherwise, i'm multi - ship by default.
ship more - or - less by default sdlkfjgsdlgkdskl. with my partner and close friends, i tend to be more ship - obsessed because we rot more consistently. but i don't really look to ship romantically at first! i've become more preferential to non - romantic dynamics over the years just because i feel like they get pushed aside or under - appreciated in favor of romantic shipping.
for canons, it's naksu / jang uk, chuuya / dazai, gojo / geto, juliette / roma, orion / rosalind, yosano / dazai, gin / tachihara. for ocs, it's less favoritism but just what occupies my brain currently, fallon / noemi, ushi / mizaru, fumi / seiko, tommy / jay.
you need to be insane <3
tagging. @qismet , @memuntos , @ephamerel , @starspurn , @omonzuru , @ownlore , @rottedfigs , @ategod , @fatedriven , @yaburnae , and whoeverrrrrrr wants to <3
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crownleys · 8 months
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Quick lil Valentine's icon <3
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delucadarlingwriting · 4 months
16 - A kiss in the rain For Kira & Nat pleeeeease
Ask for a Kiss!
I'm chopping this one in half, because it ran away from me a bit and I wanted to post at least part of it tonight. I really only meant to make these responses between 250-500 words. Nat and Kira just make me 💞
Part 2
“Is it much farther, ya rouhi?” 
The forests surrounding Wayhaven are protected areas. There are many, many designated trails that wind through and around, all leading past gorgeous scenes of nature. What Kira knows after a lifetime of living in the not-so-sleepy small town though is that those trails don’t show every beautiful thing the forest has to offer. 
“Almost there!” Kira promises, trotting ahead in her hiking boots to hold a branch up and back. While there’s no ‘trail’ here, Kira knows the way well, and has been doing her ample best to make the hike more bearable for Nat. She’s been putting on a brave face ever since accepting Kira’s invitation to have a date in one of Kira’s favorite spots in Wayhaven. That brave face is starting to falter now an hour into their trek. It seems despite having a vampire’s stamina, Nat just isn’t cut out for this kind of activity.
Nat musters a grateful smile as she passes Kira, who lets the branch go as soon as her girlfriend is clear. She bounds after her, feeling perfectly energized, especially when Nat offers up her hand. Twining their fingers together, Kira says, “It will be very worth it, I promise.”
“I trust you,” Nat says, giving her hand a squeeze. “Any time spent with you alone is well worth whatever effort goes into it.”
Kira giggles. “Don’t sound so tortured!”
“I don’t!” Nat protests with a pout. Her big, beautiful brown eyes practically glimmer despite the low lighting under the thick, leafy canopy above them. “I am having a very good time.”
“Of course, I’m sorry,” Kira says, pressing her lips together to hold back a smile.
“Kiss me to prove it,” Nat demands. And so she does, tiptoeing up and bracing her free hand against Nat’s collarbone. Her reward is a soft, plush mouth on her and hand ever so gently cradling her skull. 
The hours she could spend with this woman, doing nothing more than this…And the days she could spend doing quite a lot more.
Before she can get too worked up, Kira drops her feet flat to look up at Nat, just a little dizzy. Nat smiles, bursting with sunshine. She walks her long, elegant fingers up Kira’s arm, moving her other arm to cup Kira’s hip and pull her in close. 
“Mm, if only we were somewhere with a bed,” Nat teases. “The things I would do to you…”
Kira flushes up and shivers. “A lack of beds has never stopped you before.”
Nat opens her mouth to protest, stops a moment, then thinks better of whatever she was going to say and sighs instead. 
“Well, then I have plans for when we do have a bed.”
Kira reaches up to pinch Nat’s chin gently between her fingers. “And I look forward to that. For now, we really are almost there. Just a little farther?”
“Very well, a little farther,” Nat agrees.
It only takes a minute before Nat perks up. “Oh, I think I hear where we’re going.”
“I bet you do!” Kira replies, practically bouncing her way along. Now Nat also quickens her pace, intrigue wiping away any weariness from before. 
Eventually a low roar reaches Kira’s ears, growing louder and louder as they go until finally the trees thin out and reveal their destination. The ground juts up sharply ahead of them, lined with rocks and moss and scraggly tree roots, framing a gorgeous (if small) waterfall. The water rushes down, crashing into the pool below it and sending out a fine mist that obfuscates the area near it. The pool is small, just a short offshoot of the creek that carries on past them. While that water gallops along, the pool is mostly calm.
“It’s beautiful,” Nat says, though it’s clear she’s wondering why this waterfall. Many of the easier, more accessible trails in Wayhaven have sights like it, some even bigger and more impressive.
“It’s private,” Kira says, peering up to get a read on Nat’s reaction. “I used to swim here a lot. No one’s ever bothered me.”
Nat smiles and brings her hands up to the buttons of her shirt. “I see.”
They strip down with mostly polite hands, and Kira goes ahead to the pebbled shore to begin wading in. The icy water makes her shiver and gasp.
“It’s a bit cold,” Kira warns Nat over her shoulder. Nat, tall and beautiful and very naked, follows Kira without trepidation.
“I’m sure it’s fine—Oh dear,” Nat yelps the minute she’s ankle deep. She jumps right back onto the shore, arms flying around herself, eyes wide. “Kira, that is inhumane.”
“You don’t have to get in if you don’t want to,” Kira says, toying with the end of her braid. “I really did just want to bring you here to swim, but we can also get dressed and just enjoy a little time together.”
Nat sniffs delicately. “No, I will be fine. Just give me a moment, you go ahead.”
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neallo · 3 months
Thinking about bury us both & specifically about names. Spoilers through chapter 11 under the cut. Sorry for waxing poetic about my own fanfiction, it may well happen again.
Mello is the one to have helped Near pick out her name when she came to Wammy's. She's the one to have created this rivalry that defined Near's adolescence, too, and the one to have left Near on her own to inherit the role of L. Obviously this is not Mello's actual fault because she was a child, but I think she actually does feel some level of guilt over having "trapped" Near into this role, especially as she watches Near slowly fade into the title over the years. I think she feels responsible for having created Near (in the sense of having turned her into the person she is, since Mello's actions directly led to many of the things that have shaped Near's fate).
In that vein, Near is only really herself around Mello; her employees refer to her as Near or as L, but Near as an alias doesn't hold the same weight in their mouths as it does in Mello's. Mello is also the only person to ever refer to Near as Nat or Nathalie, which are these little tethers back to Near's childhood and who she might have been if things had gone differently.
It goes both ways, though! Mello has been working under various aliases to carry out her contract killings for the last seven or so years; in that time, I imagine Near is the only one to have called her Mello. You'll notice if you look that Near never calls Mello Mihaela or Miha before chapter 10; this is, I imagine, because she has previously been asked not to use these names [though the request may have been made as long ago as the Kira investigation]. This is the result of a mixed attempt to keep Near at arm's length and an attempt to truly sever herself from her past (massive failure, 0/10). By the time we reach chapter 10, something has obviously shifted in her attitude towards Near and their relationship, which is reflected in a number of different ways, one of those being this little exchange:
“Mello?” “Miha,” Mello says. “You— you still call me Miha.” It is what Near called her when they were small, before the rivalry took that and everything else from the both of them. “Miha,” Near amends.
The next morning, as Mello is preparing to leave, we have this exchange, too:
“Don’t,” she says, voice sharp as a blade, gaze sharper still. “Promise me.” Near swallows. She does not break eye contact. “Why should I?” “Nathalie.” Narrowing her eyes, Near answers lowly: “Miha.” Mello exhales as if struck. “Please… please. I’m begging you. When I— when I come back, I’ll do whatever you want.”
which I think both shows the change in their relationship-- the fact that Mello is willing to plead with her-- and the impact that Near using that nickname has on Mello <3
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thatsparrow · 1 year
post-honor among thieves thoughts
a delight!!
truly, a fun fantasy film with all the right blends of serious stakes and goofy missteps that is so emblematic of playing dnd
one of the things I was most curious about going into it was—given that so much of dnd is a) collaborative storytelling and b) ultimately determined by dice rolls, how would those elements of unpredictability translate to a scripted story? (which I suppose is not new to dnd-based media, there have been novels and the 80s show, but those aren't things that I've consumed.) and like. yes the story was pretty predictable overall, but I did like that there were moments of abject failure scattered throughout that really captured the vibe of rolling a nat 1 (it was also very fun to half-watch it through a lens of, oh, this person would be rolling a deception check right now. this person is succeeding then failing on a bunch of acrobatics checks, etc.)
it is. so very fun to me that bards are categorically also spellcasters, and yet they did not let chris pine do one damn magical thing, that lute was a melee weapon only
michelle rodriguez barbarian my beloved (also like, in terms of balancing references to the game with still making the movie accessible, part of me was expecting/hoping to see some visual indication of her going into a rage, but I did like that they didn't tip the hand quite that much while still making clear during fight scenes that, oh, she definitely has some rage-fueled strength right now that is allowing her to yeet a dude across a courtyard)
seeing all the spells and wildshaping was incredibly fucking cool!! that may have been the bit I was most excited about, and it did not disappoint—doric's whole infiltration and then escape of the castle was so good. the displacer beasts. the mimics!
sir that's just a portal gun
the comp het was so funny. look, I really loved both justice smith and sophia lillis but cmon guys. there was nothing there
although speaking of, edgin and holga as determinedly platonic best friends raising a child together was an absolute delight—the bit when edgin says to kira like 'I'm not trying to bring back your mom but my wife' bc yeah!! kira's mom is already right there!!
halfling bradley cooper having a clear type of 'women twice my size who could break me in half' is so valid
god paladin regé-jean page be still my heart (although yeah, the paladin as a straight-laced LG humorless type is not the only way to interpret the class, but I thought it did make for a nice contrast w the rest of the party)
but also his armor! I thought the costumers did a great job of giving them all designs/looks that spoke to their classes. truly, the visuals of the whole movie were so cool—not just in terms of the aesthetics, but the framing and movement of the shots, too. very dynamic, very fun to watch
overall, a genuinely good time!!
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ghoulipedia · 2 years
11/04/2022 eyed balls !
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delucadarling · 9 months
Hi! Can I ask about Lockpick? 👀
Absolutely! So, my detective Barbara "Barbie" Robertson is bi, but I've had a lot of fun playing with the idea of her not knowing she's queer until her early 30s. She thinks she's straight, not the least because she's mostly attracted to masculinity.
Lockpick is an Ava/Barbie fic where Barbie is just entirely oblivious to the fact that she's desperately attracted to Ava and that Ava's in love with her. She doesn't know why she's so drawn to Ava, and she doesn't really question it either.
Then she goes out one night with Nat and Kira (@crownleys' detective, as usual), dancing, drinking, having a great time...and she meets this hot butch named Kel, who looks remarkably like Ava if she was darker haired and painted with a cowboy paintbrush. Barbie ends up spending some time in the back of Kel's truck, which leads to them going on a few dates, and Barbie really figuring out her sexuality along the way.
Ava hates this, natch.
(nsfw text)
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