#kingohger episode 30
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choco-bloop · 1 year ago
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dk why it took me so long to remember to post this here too but >:) I literally couldn't stop myself after watching the preview of 30 (and crying my eyes out for 30 minutes over that HimeRita hug)
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meganechan05 · 7 months ago
Himeno: So it's very Taselles Mirullia da'Pago
Rita: What?
Himeno: An old Ishabanan saying. Something like "It doesn't matter if I go to Hell as long as I take this one with me"
Rita: Taselles Mirullia da’Pago...
*Rita then proceeds to say it at every given chance while learning other Old Ishabanan curse words and phrases*
Final frame:
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outofcontexttokusatsu · 1 year ago
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angel-roon · 6 months ago
kamen rider agito liveblog thread (doing it in batches of 3 episodes at a time)
episode 1-3: not entirely sure what it is that charms me about this show that Kuuga didn't have but I'm really enjoying it so far. Shouichi is a wonderful dude, and G3's design absolutely fucks (even if sadly it is a cop 😔). looking forward to seeing what happens
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kabutoraiger · 1 year ago
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jeramie rubbing his little hands together excitedly when he thinks there might be a kingly romance brewing
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maswartz · 2 years ago
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Such METAL villain lines.
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the-writer-mao · 1 year ago
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je refuse :(( i absolutely cannot let go of this cast yet 😭😭
After 10 years, since Toqger in 2014, KingOhger is the FIRST sentai i have watched every episode until now.
Don’t get me wrong, i still liked and appreciate 2015-2022 Sentai, but it was the first time i felt kind of disconnected with majority of the seasons.
Kingohger has many flaws, as it is a very ambitious experimental season, but I’d say for the most part, the execution and goal was set up and achieved incredibly.
I adore the story and its characters. And I’m not ready to say goodbye yet.
I am FURIOUS that the vs DonBrothers film is rumoured to be 30 minutes- that it not nearly enough time for the fans and the entire cast.
I also hope KingOhger has a spinoff movie??? Like all Sentai seasons have summer films and typically two vs. Films, but they usually also have a film set in post victory, like Kyoryuger’s 100 years after, and Toqger, Ninninger, etc. it’s strange cause normally we’d hear news of a spinoff film by now.
Don’t hate me but i have not watched a single episode of Zenkaiger or DonBrothers, so idk if they had post season films, let me know in the comments.
Anyways, KingOhger has relit my love for Sentai- a very much needed comfort series as I’m now 20.
I look very forward to Boomboonger- i was slightly concerned that the aesthetics might throw me off, but after seeing the cast, I’m excited to see some classic Sentai roots after a very ambitious season.
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faketokufan · 1 year ago
Man... I'ma just be real with y'all. I don't give a shit about Palworld. It's all Ive funken heard about the past week or so and I just... I just don't care! On one side of the Halo 1 ass team death match y'all are in the trenches of you have the overly zealous Pokemon fans who will needle the game to death over the slightest shortcomings and similarities. Buddy, pal, friend... GameFreak will be fine. They're gunna be ok ...
But equally bad are the ones who will take any criticism of their new personality defining game as an attack on the sanctity of their marriage or something. I'm sorry guys, the game looks painfully boring, if it didn't look like pokemon with guns you wouldn't be playing it.
But this isn't why I'm tired... If that was all I had to say about this issue I wouldn't have made a post about it on what is supposed to be a tokusatsu blog... Shit this is supposed to be a toku blog... What episode of Kingohger are we on?... We're in the 40s!?...... Man I let that one get away from me... okay!!! Not the point, not the point, we'll deal with that later. The point is! We already HAD Pokemon with guns and murder and even more obvious furry bait.
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Look at em...
Y'all wanted a more mature Pokemon? Man we've had that since the 90s! We already have Palworld at home! We are not stopping and spending more money on edgy monsters when you barely play with the ones I got you last week! You want guns? You want your cute scrunkle squinkle toodle pops to have guns?
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Do Gargomon and his funny little pants mean nothing to you?! Fucken ... This one is just a gun!
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Gundramon is just 30 guns in a trench coat...
Death?... Ya want death and mature themes? Some real stakes and some real consequences for our sins and transgressions? Ya want to Nuzlocke and pop your way though a story where Fido can die if you forget to give him his ear medication?
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Eat my ENTIRE ass.
Slavery? You want... Wait y'all want actually want that?... Like the whole putting y'all's dog on the assembly line to build Mitsubishi Outlanders thing has been in a LOT of the back and forth... I'm not sure what y'all are talking about.... Yeah...
Anyway yeah Digimon... Digital monsters. Digimon are the champions here. Play Palworld if you want, I haven't seen anything that indicates it's actually funding anything uncouth... And hate pal world if you want! I always advocate for more hate in the world. Hating things is fun!... Just... I don't care. I just don't care about monsuno for men. Bakugan for big boys. Telefang for taxpayers... Uh... Monster rancher for retirees....
...are we really in the 40s with Kingohger?...
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cina-full-moon-xanadium · 11 months ago
this is so painful to admit especially since it's about the Racles episodes but these last couple Kingohger episodes have actually been amazing and I'm enjoying the show again. the preceding like 30 episodes have just been absolutely crap but suddenly it's got some of the most compelling character drama and intricate storytelling in toku since Build. what the hell HAPPENED
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choco-bloop · 1 year ago
I was supposed to finish this yesterday but I got caught up watching a Jdrama instead.
anyway, *aggressively throws you fluff* take this OT3 fic because DAMMIT RITA AND HIMENO DESERVE THE WORLD AFTER TODAYS EPISODE
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meganechan05 · 7 months ago
KingOh What-If:
Grodie was (somehow) Rita's biological father. (Episode 38 Edition)
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After reclaiming Gokkan:
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Note: Rita did not know Grodie was their bio dad until a week before his debut nor did their bio mom. Dugded kept insisting on them to call Grodie "Papa" or "Daddy" after the reveal but Rita would rather eat rusty nails than do that. They only did so for undercover work and Himeno had to bring them a fck ton of cake bc the sweetness could offset the disgusting aftertaste.
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bobcatmoran · 1 year ago
Stupid Kingohger making me cry this episode. Man, they're not even up to episode 30 yet.
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year ago
You may have noticed that this watchthrough of King-Ohger has been dead for... months. There's a multitude of reasons for this. Mainly that I keep forgetting or I've been too focused on other things or some game came out, or... I fell off big time.
That is why starting today, I will be rectifying that extensively!
A three-part adventure! Spiders Jeremy allegedly betrays his closest friends! Rita meets their predecessor! We meet Jeramie's hot spider mom! All this and more on Spoilers I guess!
So uh... Spoilers, I guess...
-Oh yeah, I left on this cliffhanger, huh?
-"How dare you..."
-Everyone is dead.
-Everybody is comatose in the intro, Jesus fuck
-Evil bug ladies have a tendency to be distressingly hot, so Hilbil frightens me
-"Well, now~! It was you, hmmm?" Jeramie says, barely holding his rage.
-Ohhhhhhhh, straight up holding him back.
-Goddamn Jesters.
-Jingoist Ignition.
-The Lady Leech strikes.
-...I wonder if she's meant to evoke a succubus?
-Jesus this is messed up
-Misapplied patriotism.
-Sooooo, Jeramie... whaddya doin' up there?
-He loves that planet.
-"Wanna help me out~?"
-The clock strikes high noon in the kingdom of Shugoddam. In the dungeon, Gira steps forth to Captain Douga's cell, placing a lantern just in front of the bars.
-"We NEED you!"
-"...oops? Oh well, you can handle it. I know you can :)"
-Their qualifications left on their chairs.
-"Ohsama Sentai Kingohger..."
-"I am Jeramie Idmonaarok Ne Brasieri, last of my great line, son of a hero and a gentle-hearted woman, King of the Bognaarok, and the greatest of the Ohsama Sentai! And you can all suck it!"
-What the hell is your game here, Jeramie?
-"Okay, no you just gotta execute me, feed the bugs I shoved into Rita's basement, and make sure that all the humans are happy and we're set :)"
-Jeramie... You're really going back to square one just for this? There were better ways than this, surely.
-Oh I see now.
-A long due big hand for Jeramie Brasieri.
-For Spiders Jeremy.
-Ohhhhh, that's great to hear again.
-"So uh... what's the matter here?"
-Get her ass!
-Insert WOOOO
-That leech has way too much movement.
-Ohger Finiiiiish~!
-Well damn. Got away, did she?
-Seems Dagdaddy took poorly to his in-flight entertainment.
-"I've already waited 2000 years. What's like... two more, really?"
-Oh my god, they have their own Spiders Jeremy.
-Episode 30, okay
-Jeramie refers to himself in the third person.
-That's spelled close enough to "karass", which in Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle is a Bokononist term referring to a group of people who share a significant connection or higher purpose. This is opposed to "granfalloon", which refers to people who think they're connection is special but really means about as much as two people both being Hoosiers.
-Fairly appropriate, given this is a chief justice.
-Oh come now Rita, you can spare a second for tea, right~?
-"That is my schtick, but to be honest I'm way more worried about you."
-Ohhhhhh, the Sanagim!
-You guys are super adorable, I'm glad you guys are... seemingly kinda okay, given the circumstances.
-Down the lake they go.
-Daaaaaang, you sip so closely.
-She liiiiiikes yoooooou~!
-Awwww, Himeno...
-"Bite my head off, why don't you..."
-Ohhhhhh, language?????
-Taselles mirullia da'pago!
-Hiiiii, boss.
-There's that eye of theirs again.
-Chief Justice???
-"Spill it, Rita."
-Freezing a kid's eye for power...
-Jesus Christ, Karras-
-That must be our Grodie then, eh?
-"A hospital..."
-Okay, it's a little hard for me to tell past the make-up and glasses, but that's Kousei Amano! That's Sakuya Tachibana!
-His murder fetish has become.
-They're all dead!
-Grodie Leucodium.
-"Who dat?"
-"Oh~! You forgot, didn't you~? Oh well, don't worry, I took care of it long ago~!"
-"Oh no, no, no~! It's genocide we're doing today, you see~!"
-I see... an enemy with no control.
-Himeno and Rita.
-Cool, he's immortal too.
-Stop talking about your death boner, please.
-"Stupid life-livers..."
-Use of extremely lethal force.
-Taselles mirullia da'pago.
-"We will kill his ass. Together."
-Oh hi there
-Oh sure you do.
-Hello, Mrs. Nephila.
-Oh hi, Dogdad.
-"Instant genocide, it's gonna be Off Da Chain~!"
-Jeramie's fucking hammock
-Kaguragi's beyond impressed.
-Holy shit, Nephila just
-Wiped him the fuck out
-I think I'm in love
-United by one purpose
-"Count me out of this one, please."
-Poor Jeramie.
-I suspect the severity of the situation calls for Yanma's... direct approach.
-Play a sick game.
-"Rita! Ref time."
-You're a lucky gal, getting cuffed by Rita like that.
-"We're going to beg like little bitches because the absolute last thing we should be having right now is pride!"
-Fotsuka Fortune.....
-That's bribery Rita!
-Into the cage they go.
-"Ugh screw this, who cares, let's do it."
-Just when they were starting to have fun...
-"That's not happening, man."
-"Screw this, we're doing this ourselves!"
-Giant Spider Milf.
-...this is truly dangerous territory we've entered.
-"Sorry you lost, by the way. <3"
-"Laugh, boy!"
-No Giant Spider MILF then?
-Dugded Dujarden, you have been played.
-"Nobody lied to you. Nobody told you."
-The salt in that water bear.
-Ms. Nephila...
-Farewell, ma'am...
-The worst place imaginable.
-Yeah the Kyoryuger crossover~! That'll come later today though. And it will be later today, because today's Kyoryuger's 10th anniversary!
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meandmyechoes · 2 years ago
Kingohger ep24
LOTS happened IRL and I'm near my fking limit. dpeending on kingoh to keep me going at this point
big big shame the kyoto event is cancelled because of the typhoon😭😭 but at least 14/8 Kyushuu is safe so we'll still find out if they let Rita have short hair
--- episode ----
Gira awakened the giant robot "with the people" 😭😭
kamejim still lives huh. a split in opinion in the villains... destroy the earth vs. rule the earth 🤔🤔
wait this is the same global warming plot as g-rosso 😂😐 /jk
is there deeper meaning zooming in on Gokkan…? (like where exactly IS the bugnarok base and how that lead to 27-30?)
Gerojim following up with each sentence after Jeramie cuuute
Jeramie my dear, if you keep up with the "protecting the young is the duty of the elders" I'm gonna be really afraid for you near the 40s
(edit: glad I misheard this: he said "disciplining the young" ok boomer)
busy man fighting and narrating for the show
ohhh he changed the narration "the story of Hell's King and another who'd become king" it's entirely about him now
he's even taken over his teammates' OP shots
the kings asking gira to validate their treaty and. rita. rita-sama. how does moffun marathon help with the melting of your glaciers
dead stare rita 💜
OI does Caucasus Kabuto-jou even HAVE a security if a nine-year-old can get in or is the orphanage some kind of ninja academy instead
ah… Boon... Gira can you just adopt him otherwise the first policy you make as king should've been improving the orphange's welfare huh 😢 but yes more personal vs. duty conflict
it hurts them both for Gira to say "the evil king is not your nii-chan" 🥺
Yanma looking sideways when in fact the other kings are in front of him in his phone
Yanma你嫁過去啦好無😂 賢內���
Rita: "If one cannot disperse thier dissatisfaction, they will explode." perfect. 100% what someone who screams random would say
AHHHH Geroujim-chan helping!! Good boy! Jeramie defending him!! Geroujim refuse to leave him alone!!
Takada Masahi being the busiest person running both A & B plot this ep 😂😂
stopping mid-fight to talk... what a jeramie thing to do
ah they really are a shooting stand told you Yanma looks like a scammer lol. Why are the prizes his personal merch...
New Fry Noodle dance just dropped
as a person i'm fulfilled. to be able to hear Rita singing* Moffun's Song on record
what privledge to have the Sovereign/Chief Justice make you shaved ice…
the ice machine making chibi moffun chirps
"chimidoro" + red syrup 😂
Takada-san has a close-up too!
lamp post… smol. helpless. the evil king.
Speaking of which these three aren't royal blood (rita quantum as always but)
The team care about Gira as a person before he is king 😭
this may not be the best storytelling or my fan filter is too heavy at this point but. i really love how the team has this unsaid understanding and respect of each other's position on the (equal!) ground that they are both leaders of their country and had to face the same struggle of duty vs. self
and that kizuna is often reflected in action (instead of words)!
taking Jeramie's speech about "what's written in the past cannot be changed, but the present and the future is still in my hand" with Gira's conversation with Rainoir… the theme of creating your own future ne.
Like, I feel like this episode is Jeramie's movie (where his character exploration was sacrificed for screentime in the actual one)
the cameras! can you be more obvious! the eventual Red-Sixth heart-to-heart is gonna kill me
Gira repeating his philosophy of "I protect the people, the people protect those around them" as echoes to his brother (ep18) and movie's "living in this world is hell (re:ep23)" huh
Jeramie kneeling down below his sight line when Boon is all offenseive 😭😭
Boon, you're both Ohsama Sentai 😭
Jeramie is "The Prophet" not because he actually has prophetic power but the current animosity/ignorance is created by his stories and choice of words 😭😭
Jeramie thinking his wordings is just a statment of fact while others interpret it as an opinion is peak autistic behaviour
his disillusionment *heart hurts* Masahi's acting and also the cameras closing in + replicating 11's angles. He put his bug hand over his face like the spider mask that he stayed behind all those years. the mask that was a gift from his parents. maybe as if to hide, maybe as now he truly understands the bugnarok. whyyy is jerami's character so tragic!! (talk about being named after greek myth characters)!
ah Gira immediately covering Boon!
exclusive full team transform!
ooh Boon held onto his cape!
the gattai took too long and the monster ran away 😂 (FALSE)
minatures my love!!
red gira i missed you
minatures my love!!
ahh high five!!
history repeats itself...
formation fights formation fights!!
Souchou are you flying with tonbo wings !?!
the b&w shippers!
(but Kaguragi's movie scene about betrayal!)
His middle name is Idomonarak?? (namesake)
(edit: with Himeno having one as well, are the kings' middle name gonna be a story? or had a story but not included to save screentime?)
I'm really glad they kept Jeramie's weakness in family matters (not as much a "lack of strength" but something that can easily persuade him since he values it) because i'm also very weak in family matters… that's one of the reason i grew a liking to him
i objected to yanma at the same time as gira. thank you gira 😭
"I'll do it all by myself. Only then can I be the King who Rules Over All." STOP YOU'RE IN A SENTAI S.E.N.T.A.I we join forces and have NAKAMA didn't we went through with this whole arc with rita (at least in my head) 😭
but that's a very Sixth thing to do. um *nods*.
Eighth-chan!!! NOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOO there's no way back once you go giant!
I salute you. You are a good villain.
Jeramie reaching out with his bug hand
"Akarui" any connection to Deathnarok's comment looking into Gira's eyes in ep10?
bro I love this episode but I didn't expect it would be because of the main plot part and not the silly matsuri part?!?
they are furthering the angle that everyone involved in ep20's relief operation is a member of the Taskforce 😭
totally forgot to take note of earcuff-chan. too distracted by plot and expecting tomorrow
+ if they have the whole supporting cast here is this is probably what they shot on Yuhei-san's birthday (19 July)
KABE... KABE... KABEDON??!?!!?!?!?!?!
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alpona · 2 years ago
Kingohger 1st impressions :
(spoilers only for episode 1 )
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Cousin : what's this? What am I watching, is this episode 1, or ep 20-30 ?
Me : hehe, perfect for someone who used to start a season with episode 28! (Yes I'm strange)
*10 mins later*
Me: wow, this type of emotional acting from red is episode 25 material indeed!
So, king sentai kingking-ger is here! (I like to use this funny translation, but after watching Episode 1, it's so good, I probably won't be using this name, lol)
And wow, the scale seemed massive just from the trailers, and indeed it is. The world building, the lore, strong characters with personality and initial clashing - a lot is going on right from the start, and that's how I prefer my Toku hehehe!
I'm actually enjoying the heavy CGI use for now. The vibe is quite different from usual sentai though... The monarchs assistants seemed like they jumped right out of an anime.
And I'm already finding Red's acting n character to be intriguing, that's great.
Well well, very interesting start and I'm excited for this season!
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mo-ok · 2 years ago
I have yet to watch Kyuranger and I'm happy we're getting cosmic fury but yeah comparing both suits, kyuranger slaps. Not saying the ones for CF aren't bad it's just...somewhat bland.
Like if I could add to it I'd put maybe one of those galaxy cosmic fades in the suits maybe. And the orbs on one of the shoulders(with a cape dangling, kinda like Kingohger.) I might sketch up a idea but overall yeah I wish we got these suits, but hey Amelia is red 😌
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Though I do wonder how they are going to get 11 rangers in(but again Ninja Steel didn't adapt the green ranger 🤷🏾‍♂️)
Who know they might have more than 10 episodes. 3 batches and each have 10, get a 30 episode season👀
Kyuranger was the first sentai I ever watched its got a VERY big place in my heart and I love the suit designs so much.
The kyuranger suits have such an eyecatching and iconic chest piece and viewing them next to what they shat out for cosmic fury, it just makes the new suits look even more lacking and frankly just boring???
Red amelia is hype tho i'm so happy for her 😭😭
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