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encouragemyheart 3 years ago
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Oh so true! Like oil and water... just know it's a spiritual thing! Pray for them! #EncourageMyHeart #BiblicalAffirmations #Christianity #RiseUpSonsAndDaughtersOfTheMostHigh聽 #TakeBackGodsKingdom #TakingBackSurrenderedGround聽 #GodsProvision #SonsandDaughtersoftheMostHighKing #TradingsatansterritoryforGodsKingdom #ImAKingdomCitizen #SonsofGod #JesusSonofGod #DaughtersofGod #FellowshipWithGod #MoreThanJustRelationshipWithGodItsFellowship #SonsAndDaughtersOfGod #KingdomIdentity #KingdomFocus #NoLongerOrphans #NoLongerOrphansButSonsAndDaughters Connect with Encourage My Heart on: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EncourageMyHeart Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/encouragemyheartupliftingwords/ YouTube - https://youtu.be/wCPKFvz0-tw Twitter - Twitter at https://twitter.com/EncourageMy https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ7w-zDFETx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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That empty space in your bed is better than the wrong spirits beside you. #KingdomLiving #KingdomDiscipleship #KingdomFriendships #KingdomRelationships #KingdomPurpose #KingdomFocus #KingdomSingles #KingdomCouples #KingdomCourtship #KingdomMarriages #KingdomFamilies #KingdomBuilding Stormy Faye The Christian Runaway #FaithForTheJourney @stormy_faye StormyFaye.com Use this link when you shop: https://stormy-faye-llc.myshopify.com/collections/all Do you enjoy the daily encouraging messages? Please 馃憤馃従Like 馃棧 Comment 馃挰 Share 馃摮 https://stormyfayethechristianrunaway.tumblr.com/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/708592369301103/?ref=share #StormyFayeTheChristianRunaway #November10th2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CHZv0YZJE7Y/?igshid=gw5yzj7brlxi
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cjharrisone 7 years ago
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Father in Jesus Name - Spark a revival! There are times that we need a revival to bring in new believers. Then there are times that we need revival among those who are already believers Father, do BOTH! In Jesus name - -Where believers are lethargic in serving you, fire us up -Where believers are slow in living for you, shore us up -Where believers are slow in speaking for you and sharing the gospel, help us to talk up -Where believers have you out of priority, help us to fix it up -Where churches are stuck, shake us up -Where the Kingdom is not being sought, reveal yourself Thank you Lord for a REVIVAL! In Jesus' name! #Go2Church #GoToChurch #GodDeservesOurWorship #WeNeedAWord #Kingdom #KingdomFocus #ChristianLiving #ChristianLifestyle http://ift.tt/2gurooc
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encouragemyheart 5 years ago
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Absolutely, no joke! If you were to die tonight, do you know where you would go? Do you know where you will spend eternity? We are never guaranteed our next breath! Even if you don't believe in God...What have you got to lose? If He's real, ask Him to prove Himself to you...and watch what happens!!! Do it...I DARE YOU!!! #EncourageMyHeart #BiblicalAffirmations #Christianity #GodsWord #BibleBeliever #PropheticChurch #EncourageMyHeartUpliftingWords #Salvation #JesusDied4U #encouragemyheartconsulting #TradingsatansterritoryforGodsKingdom #ImAKingdomCitizen #SonsofGod #JesusSonofGod #DaughtersofGod #FellowshipWithGod #MoreThanJustRelationshipWithGodItsFellowship #SonsAndDaughtersOfGod #KingdomIdentity #KingdomFocus #NoLongerOrphans #NoLongerOrphansButSonsAndDaughters Connect with Encourage My Heart on: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EncourageMyHeart Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/encouragemyheartupliftingwords/ YouTube - https://youtu.be/wCPKFvz0-tw Twitter - Twitter at https://twitter.com/EncourageMy https://www.instagram.com/p/CDfcQHEFFJr/?igshid=1nt9x4bgtytn3
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encouragemyheart 5 years ago
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Contrary to popular belief...Our life is not our own! God created us and has a purpose and plan that only we can fulfill, it's written in our books in Heaven! Ps. 139. Ask God what is His plan for your life! #EncourageMyHeart #BiblicalAffirmations #PropheticAffirmations #Christianity #GodsWord #BibleBeliever #PropheticChurch #EncourageMyHeartUpliftingWords #encouragemyheartconsulting #SonsandDaughtersoftheMostHighKing #TradingsatansterritoryforGodsKingdom #ImAKingdomCitizen #SonsofGod #JesusSonofGod #DaughtersofGod #FellowshipWithGod #MoreThanJustRelationshipWithGodItsFellowship #SonsAndDaughtersOfGod #KingdomIdentity #KingdomFocus #NoLongerOrphans #NoLongerOrphansButSonsAndDaughters #ShineGodsLight #ShineTheLightOfChrist #ReflectGodsLove #ReflectGodsLight #BeAReflectionOfGod #GodShineThroughMe Connect with Encourage My Heart on: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EncourageMyHeart Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/encouragemyheartupliftingwords/ YouTube - https://youtu.be/wCPKFvz0-tw Twitter - Twitter at https://twitter.com/EncourageMy https://www.instagram.com/p/CBL7vlKFmz8/?igshid=9fxkzn0j8gbd
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encouragemyheart 5 years ago
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The 3 "T's"...Time, Talk, and Trust! This is what builds relationship, and that's what God wants from us, to have Relationship not Religion! Actually, He wants Fellowship, that closeness and intimacy with Him. He wants to Walk with us and Talk with us, to Teach us His ways, to give us Revelation, Dreams and Visions! When we spend time with God, His Word comes alive like never before. He's calling each one of us to come up higher and meet with Him. He's calling YOU...Won't you meet with Him today? Just say the name... #EncourageMyHeart #BiblicalAffirmations #PropheticAffirmations #Christianity #GodsWord #BibleBeliever #PropheticChurch #EncourageMyHeartUpliftingWords #encouragemyheartconsulting #SonsandDaughtersoftheMostHighKing #TradingsatansterritoryforGodsKingdom #ImAKingdomCitizen #SonsofGod #JesusSonofGod #DaughtersofGod #FellowshipWithGod #MoreThanJustRelationshipWithGodItsFellowship #SonsAndDaughtersOfGod #KingdomIdentity #KingdomFocus #NoLongerOrphans #NoLongerOrphansButSonsAndDaughters #NoBetterTeacherThanHolySpirit #HesAGoodGoodFather Connect with Encourage My Heart on: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EncourageMyHeart Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/encouragemyheartupliftingwords/ YouTube - https://youtu.be/wCPKFvz0-tw Twitter - Twitter at https://twitter.com/EncourageMy https://www.instagram.com/p/CA9Px0AFMAy/?igshid=18cfdqe830dic
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encouragemyheart 5 years ago
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Somebody Needs To Hear This Right Now! God has promised to take care of us, to provide for us! Many of us speak it, but we don't truly believe it. I know I've been there, saying God will provide, but then the next second later I'm saying, Oh God, what am I going to do! It's head knowledge, not heart knowledge. That is being double minded and God can't bless that kind of thinking! We cancel out His provision because we are operating out of an Orphan heart and mindset. We haven't come out of satan's territory and traded it for being a Son and Daughter of the Most High King! We haven't transferred our citizenship to God's Kingdom! When we KNOW that we are Sons and Daughters, we won't even get into that fear, worry, or concern! It comes with spending Time with God and having Fellowship with Him! Send me a message so I can pray with you if you're struggling with this. I'm happy to pray for you and send you some resources by email. Blessings my Family! #EncourageMyHeart #BiblicalAffirmations #PropheticAffirmations #Christianity #GodsWord #BibleBeliever #PropheticChurch #EncourageMyHeartUpliftingWords #encouragemyheartconsulting #SonsandDaughtersoftheMostHighKing #TradingsatansterritoryforGodsKingdom #ImAKingdomCitizen #SonsofGod #JesusSonofGod #DaughtersofGod #FellowshipWithGod #MoreThanJustRelationshipWithGodItsFellowship #SonsAndDaughtersOfGod #KingdomIdentity #KingdomFocus #NoLongerOrphans #NoLongerOrphansButSonsAndDaughters Connect with Encourage My Heart on: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EncourageMyHeart Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/encouragemyheartupliftingwords/ YouTube - https://youtu.be/wCPKFvz0-tw Twitter - Twitter at https://twitter.com/EncourageMy https://www.instagram.com/p/CAtT74gFWB8/?igshid=6hhbvifavrn8
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encouragemyheart 5 years ago
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That's right! We stand firm on the Word of God and His promises! It's not our feelings, emotions or hope that will get us through, it's the Truth of God's Word that sets us free! God has already given us His measure of Faith so we don't have to muster it up from the depths of our being, it's already there! Stand and Be still! 1 Samuel 12:16 (NIV) "Now then, stand still and see this great thing the Lord is about to do before your eyes!" Amen! #EncourageMyHeart #BiblicalAffirmations #Christianity #GodsWord #BibleBeliever #PropheticChurch #EncourageMyHeartUpliftingWords #encouragemyheartconsulting #MoreThanJustSurvivors #Thrivers #ThriversNotSurvivors #Waymaker #PromiseKeeper #MiracleWorker #ThatIsWhoMyGodIs #GodsPromises #GodsProvision #SonsandDaughtersoftheMostHighKing #TradingsatansterritoryforGodsKingdom #ImAKingdomCitizen #SonsofGod #JesusSonofGod #DaughtersofGod #FellowshipWithGod #MoreThanJustRelationshipWithGodItsFellowship #SonsAndDaughtersOfGod #KingdomIdentity #KingdomFocus #NoLongerOrphans #NoLongerOrphansButSonsAndDaughters Connect with Encourage My Heart on: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EncourageMyHeart Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/encouragemyheartupliftingwords/ YouTube - https://youtu.be/wCPKFvz0-tw Twitter - Twitter at https://twitter.com/EncourageMy https://www.instagram.com/p/CDhF1HulHKg/?igshid=1epk4ncshd1tb
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encouragemyheart 4 years ago
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It's not about what man says about us, but it is All about what God says about us! We don't need to be "people" pleasers, but "God" pleasers! Our lives are about fulfilling our destinies that have been written in our books before the beginning of time. Papa God says that we are made in His image, and we have all that we need to accomplish His plans! We are Overcomers, we are Victorious, we are Healed and Whole, and on and on! Thank you God! Declare and Decree WHO God says you are...a Son and Daughter of the Most High King! #EncourageMyHeart #BiblicalAffirmations #PropheticAffirmations #HolySpirit #ForSuchATimeAsThis #HeKnowsThePlansHeHasForMe #GodsTimingNotMine #GodWillFulfillHisPlans #GreaterIsHeInMe #HolySpiritRevelation #HolySpiritLed #Christianity #GodsWord #BibleBeliever #PropheticChurch #EncourageMyHeartUpliftingWords #encouragemyheartconsulting #SonsandDaughtersoftheMostHighKing #TradingsatansterritoryforGodsKingdom #ImAKingdomCitizen #SonsofGod #JesusSonofGod #DaughtersofGod #FellowshipWithGod #MoreThanJustRelationshipWithGodItsFellowship #SonsAndDaughtersOfGod #KingdomIdentity #KingdomFocus. #NoLongerOrphans #NoLongerOrphansButSonsAndDaughters Connect with Encourage My Heart on: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EncourageMyHeart Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/encouragemyheartupliftingwords/ YouTube - https://youtu.be/wCPKFvz0-tw Twitter - Twitter at https://twitter.com/EncourageMy https://www.instagram.com/p/CF83TEHl9QB/?igshid=io08ymrslfh7
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encouragemyheart 5 years ago
Don't Be Anxious About Your Life...Someone Needs to Hear This Right Now!!! Feel free to share! #EncourageMyHeart #BiblicalAffirmations #PropheticAffirmations #Christianity #GodsWord #BibleBeliever #PropheticChurch #EncourageMyHeartUpliftingWords #encouragemyheartconsulting #SonsandDaughtersoftheMostHighKing #TradingsatansterritoryforGodsKingdom #ImAKingdomCitizen #SonsofGod #JesusSonofGod #DaughtersofGod #FellowshipWithGod #MoreThanJustRelationshipWithGodItsFellowship #SonsAndDaughtersOfGod #KingdomIdentity #KingdomFocus #NoLongerOrphans #NoLongerOrphansButSonsAndDaughters Connect with Encourage My Heart on: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EncourageMyHeart Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/encouragemyheartupliftingwords/ YouTube - https://youtu.be/wCPKFvz0-tw Twitter - Twitter at https://twitter.com/EncourageMy https://www.instagram.com/p/CA9RAsEFuo5/?igshid=4cizj3rtfhlf
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encouragemyheart 3 years ago
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Oh how I love this! Integrity is everything! It is character, even when no one else is looking! I want to be a woman of my word! What about you? Be who you say you are, believe who God says you are! Declare and Decree it over yourself! Start today! #EncourageMyHeart #BiblicalAffirmations #Christianity #GodsWord #BibleBeliever #PropheticChurch #EncourageMyHeartUpliftingWords #encouragemyheartconsulting #MoreThanJustSurvivors #Thrivers #RiseUpSonsAndDaughtersOfTheMostHigh聽 #ThriversNotSurvivors #Waymaker #PromiseKeeper #MiracleWorker #ThatIsWhoMyGodIs聽 #GodsPromises聽 #RiseUpSonsAndDaughtersOfTheMostHigh聽 #TakeBackGodsKingdom #TakingBackSurrenderedGround聽 #GodsProvision #SonsandDaughtersoftheMostHighKing #TradingsatansterritoryforGodsKingdom #ImAKingdomCitizen #SonsofGod #KingdomIdentity #KingdomFocus #NoLongerOrphansButSonsAndDaughters Connect with Encourage My Heart on: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EncourageMyHeart Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/encouragemyheartupliftingwords/ YouTube - https://youtu.be/wCPKFvz0-tw Twitter - Twitter at https://twitter.com/EncourageMy https://www.instagram.com/p/CWQ8kBDFzFo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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encouragemyheart 4 years ago
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Praying in the Spirit is a powerful and effective weapon against the enemy. It takes US out of the situation and causes us to concentrate on the solution. When the enemy comes in like a flood with accusations, repent quickly before our Righteous Judge (God), repent for any agreement from us and our family line so that the enemy doesn't have any legal authority anymore. Our enemy is a legalist and looks all around to see who he can destroy. Repentance is actually our warfare! Let's TAKE BACK surrendered ground! #EncourageMyHeart #BiblicalAffirmations #Christianity #GodsWord #EncourageMyHeartUpliftingWords #encouragemyheartconsulting #MoreThanJustSurvivors #Thrivers #RiseUpSonsAndDaughtersOfTheMostHigh聽 #ThriversNotSurvivors #ThatIsWhoMyGodIs聽 #GodsPromises聽 #RiseUpSonsAndDaughtersOfTheMostHigh聽 #TakeBackGodsKingdom #TakingBackSurrenderedGround聽 #GodsProvision #SonsandDaughtersoftheMostHighKing #TradingsatansterritoryforGodsKingdom #ImAKingdomCitizen #SonsofGod #JesusSonofGod #DaughtersofGod #FellowshipWithGod #MoreThanJustRelationshipWithGodItsFellowship #SonsAndDaughtersOfGod #KingdomIdentity #KingdomFocus #NoLongerOrphans #NoLongerOrphansButSonsAndDaughters Connect with Encourage My Heart on: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EncourageMyHeart Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/encouragemyheartupliftingwords/ YouTube - https://youtu.be/wCPKFvz0-tw Twitter - Twitter at https://twitter.com/EncourageMy https://www.instagram.com/p/CSA49I9LoGW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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encouragemyheart 4 years ago
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I'm no longer a slave to Fear! I am a child of God! Some reminders of our Identity in Christ! We are Sons and Daughters of the Most High King! God has plans and purposes for each one of us! We have a destiny to fulfill... For such a time as this! #EncourageMyHeart #BiblicalAffirmations #PropheticAffirmations #HolySpirit #ForSuchATimeAsThis #HeKnowsThePlansHeHasForMe #GodsTimingNotMine #GodWillFulfillHisPlans #GreaterIsHeInMe #HolySpiritRevelation #HolySpiritLed #Christianity #GodsWord #BibleBeliever #PropheticChurch #EncourageMyHeartUpliftingWords #encouragemyheartconsulting #SonsandDaughtersoftheMostHighKing #TradingsatansterritoryforGodsKingdom #ImAKingdomCitizen #SonsofGod #JesusSonofGod #DaughtersofGod #FellowshipWithGod #MoreThanJustRelationshipWithGodItsFellowship #SonsAndDaughtersOfGod #KingdomIdentity #KingdomFocus. #NoLongerOrphans #NoLongerOrphansButSonsAndDaughters Connect with Encourage My Heart on: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EncourageMyHeart Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/encouragemyheartupliftingwords/ YouTube - https://youtu.be/wCPKFvz0-tw Twitter - Twitter at https://twitter.com/EncourageMy https://www.instagram.com/p/CGYug6JFjq9/?igshid=135vy42t39ck1
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encouragemyheart 4 years ago
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How awesome it is to know that there are thousands of God's Promises to His people! His Word, the Bible, is a Love Letter to us! When we know that we are Sons & Daughters, we can walk in this life knowing that we are taken care of and provided for! We are no longer Orphans, we are part of the King's family! And guess what? We have an inheritance! Yep, our Papa God has so much for us! The 1st step is to believe it, and receive it! #EncourageMyHeart #BiblicalAffirmations #PropheticAffirmations #HolySpirit #ForSuchATimeAsThis #HeKnowsThePlansHeHasForMe #GodsTimingNotMine #GodWillFulfillHisPlans #GreaterIsHeInMe #HolySpiritRevelation #HolySpiritLed #Christianity #GodsWord #BibleBeliever #PropheticChurch #EncourageMyHeartUpliftingWords #encouragemyheartconsulting #SonsandDaughtersoftheMostHighKing #TradingsatansterritoryforGodsKingdom #ImAKingdomCitizen #SonsofGod #JesusSonofGod #DaughtersofGod #FellowshipWithGod #MoreThanJustRelationshipWithGodItsFellowship #SonsAndDaughtersOfGod #KingdomIdentity #KingdomFocus #NoLongerOrphans #NoLongerOrphansButSonsAndDaughters Connect with Encourage My Heart on: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EncourageMyHeart Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/encouragemyheartupliftingwords/ YouTube - https://youtu.be/wCPKFvz0-tw Twitter - Twitter at https://twitter.com/EncourageMy https://www.instagram.com/p/CFpmsCKlRmY/?igshid=tgsj89kbrgc3
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encouragemyheart 4 years ago
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Papa God ALWAYS has Perfect timing! Us...Not so much! We don't see the whole picture! We don't see the beginning to the end. But He does! God knows every plan and purpose for not only our lives, but all of Creation! He says, "To everything there is a Season, a time for every purpose under Heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1 #EncourageMyHeart #BiblicalAffirmations #PropheticAffirmations #HolySpirit #ForSuchATimeAsThis #HeKnowsThePlansHeHasForMe #GodsTimingNotMine #GodWillFulfillHisPlans #GreaterIsHeInMe #HolySpiritRevelation #HolySpiritLed #Christianity #GodsWord #BibleBeliever #PropheticChurch #EncourageMyHeartUpliftingWords #encouragemyheartconsulting #SonsandDaughtersoftheMostHighKing #TradingsatansterritoryforGodsKingdom #ImAKingdomCitizen #SonsofGod #JesusSonofGod #DaughtersofGod #FellowshipWithGod #MoreThanJustRelationshipWithGodItsFellowship #SonsAndDaughtersOfGod #KingdomIdentity #KingdomFocus #NoLongerOrphans #NoLongerOrphansButSonsAndDaughters Connect with Encourage My Heart on: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EncourageMyHeart Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/encouragemyheartupliftingwords/ YouTube - https://youtu.be/wCPKFvz0-tw Twitter - Twitter at https://twitter.com/EncourageMy https://www.instagram.com/p/CE8fcUAlqQE/?igshid=1eaordozkyr69
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encouragemyheart 5 years ago
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We "have been called to fulfill His designed purpose" for our lives! It's for our Destiny and to further the Kingdom of God! Satan will do ANYTHING to keep us from knowing and understanding that we are Kingdom Sons and Daughters! The world is waiting on us to rise up and take back our rightful place! RISE UP SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF THE MOST HIGH KING!!! #EncourageMyHeart #BiblicalAffirmations #Christianity #GodsWord #BibleBeliever #PropheticChurch #EncourageMyHeartUpliftingWords #encouragemyheartconsulting #RiseUpSonsAndDaughtersOfTheMostHigh #ThatIsWhoMyGodIs #GodsPromises #TakeBackGodsKingdom #TakingBackSurrenderedGround #GodsProvision #SonsandDaughtersoftheMostHighKing #TradingsatansterritoryforGodsKingdom #ImAKingdomCitizen #SonsofGod #JesusSonofGod #DaughtersofGod #FellowshipWithGod #MoreThanJustRelationshipWithGodItsFellowship #SonsAndDaughtersOfGod #KingdomIdentity #KingdomFocus #NoLongerOrphans #NoLongerOrphansButSonsAndDaughters Connect with Encourage My Heart on: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EncourageMyHeart Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/encouragemyheartupliftingwords/ YouTube - https://youtu.be/wCPKFvz0-tw Twitter - Twitter at https://twitter.com/EncourageMy https://www.instagram.com/p/CEcZ4yOFvb9/?igshid=ctijoryeaoeh
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