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“When you are deciding on next steps, next jobs, next careers, further education, you should rather find purpose than a job or a career. Purpose crosses disciplines. Purpose is an essential element of you.” — Chadwick Boseman
#QOTD #ChadwickBoseman
🗣🙋🏾‍♀️👥 Stormy Faye The Christian Runaway
Please consider subscribing to @stormyfaye and @stormy_faye or visiting my bio link (https://linktr.ee/stormyfaye).
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#KingdomPurpose #KingdomLiving #KingdomDiscipleship
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kingdomwomen · 8 years ago
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Dear Friend,
If you find yourself sharing your gift in places and with people, that do not seem to want it, don't continue to beat your head up against the wall. Release them. Let them have their own journey. Life is too short to convince people to be aware of who you are and the value that you bring. Love yourself enough to remove yourself from any situation where you are constantly making someone a priority who has made you an option. The lips of the wise are sealed to those who refuse to hear and are comfortable being ignorant. Begin to carve out a place for yourself in life to do the work that you are called to do, for those who are ready to receive it. Your gifts and time are precious. Take care to nurture and develop them. Only in this way can you live a life that is purposeful, meaningful and free of frustration. You are a gift to the world. You deserve to be recognized for who you are. You have Greatness within you! - Les Brown
Shalom, Kristi Estrada
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kingdomdiscipleship · 8 years ago
Providence Ranch, Prescott AZ
        We hope this email finds you enjoying your day! On August 19th we began a journey to open a retreat center. Many wild and unimaginable things have happened. To date we have booked 6 retreats for spring 2017, are in discussion for a wedding and are in conversations with how to provide affordable counseling services through art and animal therapy and this is just a few of the highlights. Champions from near and far have asked how to help to make this dream become a reality. What the Lord keeps revealing to us is 'many hands make light work' and ideas from a capital campaign, hosting bi-weekly tours, street corner campaigns and more have been discussed and considered. We have offers to assist us in rehabbing the buildings, furnishings that will enable us to get up and running quickly and more animals than we can count have been donated. The excitement has been infectious, the dreaming has been fabulous and the connections with others is priceless.                
      For us others is the key word and it is for them we are doing this. We are not in a position to accomplish this alone. We have spoken with lenders and do qualify for a portion of the asking price, but we have to sell our home and move onto the property and that is not what we feel we are supposed to do. We do know of who could help us manage it and make it successful, so there are no worries where that is concerned. We have met investors who have offered the money to us, but again the requirements are greater than we feel is wise to take on. For a couple of weeks we took the time to revisit this dream and seek out counsel and consider the 'cost' for everything. In fact, recently were thinking this wasn't the property for us, but definitely the vision and asked the Lord for a sign. Guess what, he produced. Those retreats we mentioned about earlier, two of them were booked just this last weekend. A random donation came in, several requests for tour dates were emailed and a gentle horse was donated for the children who will be coming for therapy and retreats. Our hearts are alive with dreams of, "what needs to happen to fund this", "how can we make this work" and so much more. We are asking that you would please consider joining us in this adventure to sooth the wounded hearts who come knocking for healing and relief of what has broken their spirit and heart.                 For those of you who know us personally or through the ministry you know parts of our story, please allow us to give a deeper history to you and also those who do not know us as well. We both were born to families and had experiences that turn most hearts angry and bitter towards people and God. When we said "I do" to each other, almost 15 years ago, we were struggling in our identities due to both of us having a previous failed marriage and fears that haunted us from our childhoods. It was facing our issues, fears and doubts that built the foundation for our ministry and it has turned into a deep passion for serving those in need for many years.                
       We have learned that loving others during the hardest seasons of their life is what we are called to do. Whether this be through sharing in discipleship, being there in a time of pain and suffering, or just being those friends that allow people to be themselves. We like to be the family to those without one, and the friend for those who need one. This is what God has called us to do.                        Again, our ministry didn't exactly start in the most glamorous of ways. Two people hurting in ways words could not describe, brokenness all around us and identities wrapped up in grief and shame. But through the grace and guidance of God, we learned to love and be loved. We first started out as discipleship, then mentoring and coaching, then counseling teens, adults, and marriages, and now our ministry has grown into retreats for both men and women to get away and heal, because in order to move on, healing and forgiveness is always needed.               
     Though we were abandoned as children and society stated that through either nature or nurture, we would do the same to our own children and to others around us, we didn't end up the same. God used people in mighty ways to turn two very broken and lost people into two very gracious and loving people. Though muddy and messy and deep in the wounds and trouble that surround them, we have striven to accept people in the season they are in. We do not assume to have all the answers but we know the one who does. That's the exciting part of walking through another person's Journey to being healed and whole through Christ Jesus.                
             The property that we have been talking about for the last month and a half allows us to expand his vision of helping a few to helping many. This property also allows us bring many different types of programs onsite and offer an array of services that will benefit countless more than that then we already are.                              Thank you for allowing us to share our journey with you. If you would like further information about the property or us please contact us. If you would like to make a tax free donation you can by clicking here. Your continued prayers, words of encouragement and requests for update are deeply appreciated. We cannot wait to one day host a retreat for you, have a picnic next to the pond, take a long horseback ride, or watch the sun set while sitting around a camp fire.   Thank you for being there for us and allowing us to be there for you, Kristi and Erik Estrada
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kingdommenminutes · 9 years ago
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Liquid Gold For God's Glory
But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.
When I stop running,
knowing I can not hide
anywhere from Him  .  .  .
When I turn back to Him
with open vulnerabilities,
with a true heart for Him  .  .  . 
When my spiritual development
has been tried by the world
and tested by God with victory .  .  .
Then I shall come out as gold. 
Do you want to be a golden representative for God?
Yes, I do. 
Later Days,
Stormy Faye The Christian Runaway
Stormy Faye The Christian Runaway
Follow @stormyfaye for more.
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#LiquidGold #GodsGlory #HisGlory #ChristianRunaway #TravelPath #TheWay #StormTested #LordGod #SpiritualBattle #SpiritualGrowth #SpiritualDevelopment #KingdomBuilding #KingdomDiscipleship #KingdomLiving #KingdomFriend #KingdomPurpose #Fanbase #stormyfaye #GramFam #FYP #Reposted
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What about your friends?
What about?
What about your friends?
What about, what about?
As the timeless classic @tlc said
"What About Your Friends?"
#WhatAboutYourFriends #TLC #90sSongLyrics #90sMusic
#Proverbs18Vs24 #KingdomFriendships #KingdomFriends #KingdomLiving #KingdomDiscipleship
🗣🙋🏾‍♀️👥 @stormyfaye
Stormy Faye The Christian Runaway
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That empty space in your bed is better than the wrong spirits beside you. #KingdomLiving #KingdomDiscipleship #KingdomFriendships #KingdomRelationships #KingdomPurpose #KingdomFocus #KingdomSingles #KingdomCouples #KingdomCourtship #KingdomMarriages #KingdomFamilies #KingdomBuilding Stormy Faye The Christian Runaway #FaithForTheJourney @stormy_faye StormyFaye.com Use this link when you shop: https://stormy-faye-llc.myshopify.com/collections/all Do you enjoy the daily encouraging messages? Please 👍🏾Like 🗣 Comment 💬 Share 📳 https://stormyfayethechristianrunaway.tumblr.com/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/708592369301103/?ref=share #StormyFayeTheChristianRunaway #November10th2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CHZv0YZJE7Y/?igshid=gw5yzj7brlxi
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Liquid Gold For God's Glory But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold. https://bible.com/bible/59/job.23.10.ESV When I stop running, knowing I can not hide anywhere from Him  .  .  . When I turn back to Him with open vulnerabilities, with a true heart for Him  .  .  .  When my spiritual development has been tried by the world and tested by God with victory .  .  . Then I shall come out as gold.  Do you want to be a golden representative for God? Yes, I do.  Later Days, Stormy Faye The Christian Runaway #ChristianRunaway #Running #Journey #TravelPath #TheWay #StormTested #LordGod #BattledSpirit #SpiritualDevelopment #LiquidGold #KingdomRepresentative #HisGlory #SpiritualGrowth #KingdomDiscipleship #LifeBalance #KingdomLiving #SpiritualGrowth #KingdomFriends #KingdomBuilding #KingdomPurpose #KingdomLiving Stormy Faye The Christian Runaway  #FaithForTheJourney @stormy_faye    StormyFaye.com Use this link when you shop: https://stormy-faye-llc.myshopify.com/collections/all https://www.facebook.com/groups/708592369301103/?ref=share #StormyFayeTheChristianRunaway #October18th2020 (at Dallas, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGgh62XppdA/?igshid=dfuudgy74ahw
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kingdomwomen · 9 years ago
Bravery Is Taking One Step, Then Another, And Another
Be brave. Fight for what you believe in, and make your dreams a reality. You are the only one who can. We are who we are, based on the choices that we make.
What is the difference between leaving something that doesn't serve you and running away? I think it is several things. The realization that there is nothing that you can do to change the situation. You can only change yourself, and if the situation doesn't change when you do, then it is time to ask yourself "why am I still here?"
Many of us stay in bad relationships - with our employment, our family, our spouse, our friends. We tell ourselves that we have no choice but to stay. But we always have choices. Our happiness starts with us, and how we not only treat ourselves, but how we give permission to others to treat us. 
A job, the relationships with friends and family, this is not what makes us happy or unhappy. It is how we treat ourselves with our inner voice inside our heads. The way we talk to and about ourselves, is how we give unconscious permission for others to treat us. Words like, "you are so sensitive, can't you take a joke?", or "how stupid can I be?" or, "how naive and gullible you are", or "You are making things worse, this is all your fault". "I am always that last choice, never good enough." You have to believe that when you leave the wrong people or situations in your life, that the right things will start happening. The only way to get that kind of trust, is to just leap in faith that it will work out. It is like the chicken or the egg scenario, they both happen at the same time.
Paulo Coelho said, "If you're brave to say "good bye", life will reward you with a new "hello". He also said, "You are what you believe yourself to be." If that is true, why not believe yourself to be brave? Be the person that you are afraid to be, the one that doesn't fit in, the misfit, the strange one. The words to the song, "Renegades" "long live the pioneers, rebels and mutineers, go forth and have no fears."
The only way to discover what you are truly capable of, is to take leaps of faith across the chasms and up into the heights of trees. It is what is necessary to push out the boundaries of your comfort zone, or to decrease the size of your tolerance zone, as the case may be.Refuse to be confined in accepting a mere existence for a life. Existence isn't real security, but is instead an cage. May your heart be brave, your mind be fierce, and your spirit be free.                                                                                - Adapted in part from Lemonade Makers 
Kristi Estrada
Disciple. Wife. Mother. Servant Leader. Disciple-Maker. Visionary. Counselor. Life Purpose Coach. 
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kingdomdiscipleship · 9 years ago
It hurts, doesn't it? The disappointment. The death of dreams.
It hurts, doesn't it? The disappointment. The death of dreams. The end of something beautiful. The misunderstandings. The hurtful truths and unspoken words. The loss. The change that comes in like a storm when you weren't ready for it. It's so tempting to run from the realness of it all. "Its part of your journey. Trust it," they say. It's so much easier said than done, isn't it? It really is here to teach you something, but damn it to hell, I know it doesn't feel good. Stand. Be strong, wild one. Stand and let that storm rage around you. You are being stretched, refined and strengthened for a purpose. You are loved and you are NOT alone.
-Brooke Hampton
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kingdomdiscipleship · 9 years ago
Check Us Out and Join Us in Loving Others!
We would like to invite you to check out our website and learn about our passion for others!!
The mission of Kingdom Discipleship is to be a Christ centered organization providing weekly meetings, retreats and reduced or free counseling and coaching services for men, women, teenagers, couples and families struggling through painful life situations and crisis. Our programs Kingdom Men, Kingdom Women, Oneness, Unleashed Intensive Retreats (men) and Restoration Intensive Retreats (women) are centered around one goal: to know Jesus Christ deeper and to make Him known to others! Imagine a group of people sharing real fellowship, exciting growth, genuine sharing, prayer and heartfelt love with one another. Imagine a place where no one stands alone, struggles alone, serves alone, develops alone, seeks alone, or grows up alone. Imagine yourself in such a caring, committed community – Welcome to Kingdom Discipleship! Our Story   Eight years ago Kingdom Discipleship began, when a group of men and women gathered to create what is now a community of diverse people from different Christian denominations. Each person seeking one common goal to “know Him more and to bring our hearts into alignment with His.” Scripturally based and transparent in nature, the programs of Kingdom Men and Kingdom Women mission is: “to call His sons and daughters back to His heart,” by pointing them to Jesus. The core values of Kingdom Men are to equip and challenge a man, through discipleship and sanctify himself….as a Man of God. We equip and challenge him to be a faithful husband, a dedicated father and a reliable brother in Christ-all to glorify God. With these core values, we send men out to fulfill the “Great Commission” by teaching others to do the same. Likewise, the core values of Kingdom Women are to create a place or atmosphere where no woman stands alone, struggles alone, serves alone, develops alone, seeks alone, or grows up alone. Kingdom Women designs their mission around Proverbs 14:1 which says: “A wise woman builds up her home, but a foolish one tears it down”. We strive in teaching women their identities in Christ and their foundation as daughters of the King.     During this journey each person has the opportunity to examine what is in their heart and mind. With the insight of the Holy Spirit through their mentor’s, leaders, and their own heart; they can see their gifts and learn the truths spoken about them in God’s Word.     Hope arises as they see that the healing of their brokenness is not only possible, but starting to take place as her heart goes from deception to truth, shame to hope, and death to life. Jesus reaches out to them, and as they grasp His hand they are gently pulled up and out of their faulty thinking and wounds so deep, that they hadn’t acknowledged they existed. Jesus reshapes their identity and vision to right thinking, healing, and a freedom that they have never known.
Smiling and serving in Christ,
Erik and Kristi Estrada and the Kingdom Discipleship Team
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kingdomwomen · 9 years ago
Kingdom Women Minute: Wandering but Much Loved Sheep
Wandering but Much Loved SheepSeeing Jesus as our Shepherd/Savior Many of us feel we have to be better Christians to grow in our relationship with Him, but He wants us to stop "doing" and see Him as our Shepherd and Savior.      
We don't always like to be sheep, because we have heard bad things about sheep, like: they are dumb, wander off and follow other sheep blindly, (We would never do any of these things right?! - well maybe!)  As we read Luke 15:3-7 Jesus is telling us a parable about the value of sheep.      
Jesus talks about caring enough to find the one sheep who wanders off. He talks about when He finds the sheep, He joyfully puts it on his shoulders and carries the sheep home. Then the Shepherd is so happy he calls his neighbors over to celebrate. So in summary:
The sheep wanders off, from the one who wants to care for it.The sheep is so highly valued that the Shepherd leaves the others and goes off to find it. He is joyful when he finds the sheep (not mad because the sheep wandered off) He lovingly lifts the sheep up on His shoulders and carries the sheep home. Then He tells his friends and celebrates the wandering, but much loved sheep. Often as Christians we think that when we do something wrong - like wander off doing our own thing and not what the Lord has asked us to do, we need to beat ourselves up, crawl back to Jesus begging for the forgiveness he has already given us and then try harder do more, or be better but what was the part of the sheep in Jesus illustration? What did the sheep do? The sheep pretty much wandered off doing her own thing, taking herself out of the presence of her shepherd. When the sheep was found - all the sheep did was "let herself" be: found, loved, carried home and celebrated and she "believed" the Shepherd would take care of her in that moment. Jesus didn't say the sheep had to try harder, be perfect from here on out or comply with any new rules to be loved and celebrated. Jesus was joyful to find the sheep just the way she was. The sheep just needed to understand that she could believe that her Shepherd & Savior "wanted to" and then "allow Him" to love her, care for her and rejoice over her. As our Savior, Jesus did all the work for us - all He wants us to do is believe and receive His love, care, the gifts of our salvation (forgiveness, peace, joy, the Holy Spirit, provision, health, wholeness and His righteousness). He wants us to believe that He loves us so much even when we see ourselves as disobedient wandering sheep, he has already found us and we can rest safely on His shoulders and enjoy His love and protection. Now what does this have to do with Judging? Everything! You know how when someone you trust and you know loves you has an affection for another person, you instantly have a connection with that person too? It's easy to give that person the benefit of the doubt because they have been validated by the one you trust and you know loves you.  Like someone (perhaps a teacher) who shows genuine love for your child. Now take that a step further and understand that Jesus loves each of us as if we are the only person in the room and the only person He loves. When you know how much He loves you as your Shepherd and Savior, you realize you could never earn this kind of love. You will start to see the other people you know he also loves "differently." You become more humble by the realization of such a magnificent unwarranted love.  You are not so bothered by the wandering and misdeeds of other sheep. Your perspective changes. Now these sheep or people have more value in your eyes, because of Him. You give them the benefit of the doubt more often and instead of thinking - wow - they really blew in by God's standards, you understand He loves them just the way they are, so you can too.
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kingdomwomen · 9 years ago
Soul Wounds What is Your Story?
There are common generalities of a wounded soul. Yes, there are unique differences in each one of us based on our experiences and how God created us; but, a wounded soul will answer yes to several of these questions:
Can you personally relate to feeling the need to please others and win their approval that leads to love?
Do you have deep longings to be loved that never seem to feel satisfied?
Do you use perfectionism as a defense?
Do you view criticism as disapproval from those important to you?
Do you fear punishment for moral guilt or do you feel you need to be punished for your sins?
Do you fear being abandoned?
Personal Reflection Can you identify with any of these questions? If so, write out what happened and why the question impacts you. Spend sometime talking with the Lord about your thoughts, feelings and needs, He is very interested in healing those places in your heart and soul that are wounded.
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kingdomdiscipleship · 9 years ago
Please, consider partnering with us with your time, talent and treasure to continue to accomplish the goal of healing hearts in 2016
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     We pray your holiday season has been refreshing and that you are looking forward to what 2016 beholds for all of us. For us here at Kingdom Discipleship, 2016 is poised to be an exciting year and we would like to ask you to partner with us with your time, talent and treasure!
    The mission of Kingdom Discipleship is to be a Christ centered organization providing weekly meetings, retreats and reduced or free counseling and coaching services for men, women, teenagers, couples and families struggling through painful life situations and crisis.
    Our programs Kingdom Men, Kingdom Women, Oneness, Unleashed Intensive Retreats (men) and Restoration Intensive Retreats (women) are centered around one goal: to know Jesus Christ deeper and to make Him known to others!
    Imagine a group of people sharing real fellowship, exciting growth, genuine sharing, prayer and heartfelt love with one another. Imagine a place where no one stands alone, struggles alone, serves alone, develops alone, seeks alone, or grows up alone. Imagine yourself in such a caring, committed community - Welcome to Kingdom Discipleship!
Our Story
     Eight years ago Kingdom Discipleship began, when a group of men and women gathered to create what is now a community of diverse people from different Christian denominations. Each person seeking one common goal to "know Him more and to bring our hearts into alignment with His." Scripturally based and transparent in nature, the programs of Kingdom Men and Kingdom Women mission is: "to call His sons and daughters back to His heart," by pointing them to Jesus.
    The core values of Kingdom Men are to equip and challenge a man, through discipleship and sanctify himself....as a Man of God. We equip and challenge him to be a faithful husband, a dedicated father and a reliable brother in Christ-all to glorify God. With these core values, we send men out to fulfill the "Great Commission" by teaching others to do the same.
    Likewise, the core values of Kingdom Women are to create a place or atmosphere where no woman stands alone, struggles alone, serves alone, develops alone, seeks alone, or grows up alone. Kingdom Women designs their mission around Proverbs 14:1 which says: "A wise woman builds up her home, but a foolish one tears it down". We strive in teaching women their identities in Christ and their foundation as daughters of the King.
    During this journey each person has the opportunity to examine what is in their heart and mind. With the insight of the Holy Spirit through their mentor's, leaders, and their own heart; they can see their gifts and learn the truths spoken about them in God's Word.
    Hope arises as they see that the healing of their brokenness is not only possible, but starting to take place as her heart goes from deception to truth, shame to hope, and death to life. Jesus reaches out to them, and as they grasp His hand they are gently pulled up and out of their faulty thinking and wounds so deep, that they hadn't acknowledged they existed. Jesus reshapes their identity and vision to right thinking, healing, and a freedom that they have never known.
2016 Goals
Quarterly retreat for men, women and couples - average attendance 8 - 15 people
Annual conference - You Make Me Brave and the topic is a women's forgiveness journey and how to begin to heal and help heal those around her.
Marketing materials to partner with smaller churches and host more small group events.
     We thank you for partnering with our dream of living a life as Christ lived. No greater service is it for a person than to live life with the dust of Jesus' sandals on their feet. It is a journey of examination, reflection, authenticity, transparency, growth, unveiling, tears, revelation, healing, restoration, love, freedom, and so much joy!  
Warmest Regards,  
Erik and Kristi Estrada 
Servant Leaders
Kingdom Discipleship
PO BOX 31288
Phoenix, AZ 85046
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kingdomdiscipleship · 9 years ago
A Couple taking a Faith Walk Together
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It seems that Matthew may be telling the nativity story from Joseph’s perspective whereas Luke tells Mary’s story. Matthew alone records the angel’s appearance to Joseph four times, whereas in Luke only Mary is visited by an angel. In Matthew Mary’s virginity and honor are defended, something done by a loyal and loving husband. Though no words of Joseph are recorded in Matthew it does tell us his thoughts and his quick submission and obedience to the will of God. Mary’s submission and obedience to God is not mentioned in Matthew, but is clearly recorded in Luke where it is her words and thoughts that are expressed.
One could easily conclude that Luke spent a considerable time with Mary, interviewing her about the miraculous birth and surrounding events. He relays many details that Mary had “treasured and pondered in her heart”, things only Mary would have known. It is Luke who records the words of the angel, Mary’s response, and the glorious Magnificat. He even begins the story with an account of Elizabeth, Mary’s relative. And whereas the genealogy provided by Matthew relates to Joseph’s ancestry, some have considered the genealogy recorded in Luke to be Mary’s family tree.
But despite the variety of information provided, these texts inspired by the Holy Spirit of God himself clearly proclaim the birth of Christ as a miraculous watershed event in human history. He is the Son of Man and Son of God miraculously born of a virgin by the power of the Holy Spirit in a cave-stable in Bethlehem and cared for by his legal, adoptive father Joseph.
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kingdommenminutes · 9 years ago
Commissioning December 2015
Kingdom Men Discipleship
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Recently, a group of men gathered together to close out a year of intense training. Training that can only be describe as…well intense! What they’ve accomplished individually and as a band of brothers will impact their generations for years. The years’ work completed, battles fought through valiantly and the reward is great…freedom and comradery. These men…from many different churches, different backgrounds, all come searching for more. What was discovered changed the lives of these men. One of the hardest truths is understanding and advancing in “whose” they are and what the power behind that. Once this truth is realized and accepted there’s no stopping what a man of God can accomplish in His name for his King. This drastically alters the path as a mans life is redirected…led by his Father in Heaven – more on that later.
It was cold and cloudy. It was clear all week no chance of rain, no fire restrictions it was looking to be chili but a great night…then it happened…rain…lots of rain on and off all day!! It poured heavily threatening to take away from the night…then an hour before men and their families arrived…it stopped! It was…awesome! The potentially hostile, unpredictable weather added excitement, mystery to the atmosphere of this extraordinary night…and oh was it glorious!!
18 men were honored for their achievement for this year’s training. Some received the Ring of Brotherhood and will take on the next quest to embrace the Shield of Honor. Others have taken their Shield of Honor and are eagerly advancing to the next battlefield for the Sword. The men who took their sword this night…battled for three years in taking down strongholds that binded them, discovering who they are in Christ and for a while now, have even been on the offensive and taking these truths to other men – training – challenging - equipping…multiplication!! Building an army of men faithfully following and learning and knowing our King Jesus. All from men who once began from a place of devastation and brokenness…wow…ONLY from Father God.
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I meet new men all the time, getting them involved to take on their true identity, transforming their kingdom, as they learn to influence those in their sphere of influence and protect those in their care. I met some of these men many years ago and walked…battled alongside them during some of the toughest times of their life. Where they’re at now leaves me amazed at Father God…I say Father because our King…yes and also our “brother” Jesus taught us that Almighty God wants us to refer to him as Father. Father…wow…yes FATHER! He’s been our Father from the beginning…but to be known as…a son…? Well that’s taken some hard work and what a difficult blessing to receive for so many men. To be sure though…I’ve witnessed how Father God guides and protects, I’ve witnessed the results of Jesus healing these brokenhearted men, I’ve witnessed the Holy Spirit counsel and bring us to what was once considered dangerous places of our hurts and pains…and FREE US!!
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Isaiah 61 speaks of Jesus healing the broken hearted and setting the captives free, freeing from the prisons we are bound in. To hear this soothes the soul…to witness this fires up the flames of the warrior class and motivates to conquer more and bring down the Kingdom of Heaven…as sons!!
Some additional thoughts, if I may, from the vantage point that I’ve had as their friend, brother and leader in these meetings. Every week was different, bringing its own set of challenges and as much as possible driven by the Holy Spirit…and thank God literally because there were some difficult teachings, things men struggled with in a huge ways and would only accept the pure truth to resolve. Many times we would take a subject from the lesson and dive deep in the heart of masculinity and discover some amazing truths…and barriers!! Men need this! The topic was discussed, men were stirred, unsure of how to approach at times the topic…but never fail, we were never alone…Father was with us. Holy Spirit was the counsel and Jesus was the solid unwavering word that gave us the strength to resolve most difficult topics and challenges and leave us…stronger…more assured and resolved. Men are warriors, we’re built for war…the toughest war is the spiritual war…and in the end it’s all spiritual. I’ve witnessed men go from no confidence, timid, angry in full denial and have had the pleasure on many occasions to that same man, my brother, stand…tall, strong, unwavering about who he is, his purpose and how he’s been equipped to succeed as he’s being called forth, awakened and UNLEASHED!!
Final thoughts from this year’s commissioning. The offer from the training is brotherhood, awakening the powerful masculine spirit for Fathers glory! Our brother and Lord…Jesus, Lord of the Angel Armies has paved the way for us to be made pure and powerful with a strong voice in this world for Christ’s kingdom being his warriors. Really looking forward to beginning again after this well-earned couple weeks rest and initiate this new season again January 5th. As you go about your day through this next year and remember these meetings we ask that you pray for us…the difficult battles that have debilitated men for years will be faced, prayers are a most powerful weapon against the enemy and will provide much needed encouragement and spiritual strength throughout this time.
Thank you all for your support, prayers and encouragement. An army of men is being gathered and trained for the spiritual war we face every day. Pray for the men that will begin and those continuing this quest in January. In giving thanks to Father God, Holy Spirit and King Jesus for the work accomplished in 2015 and the victories coming 2016…Ho!!
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