#kingdom of the planet of the apes imagines
cursedvida · 3 months
Noa is the one who falls first, but Mae falls harder. Noa is the first to realize his feelings and, no matter how strange, conflicted, or dangerous they may seem, he ends up accepting them easily and assuming the risks they entail. Mae, on the other hand, is capable of denying them above all else, of deceiving herself to the very end. Mae doesn’t even want to think about what that knot in her stomach means when they're together because it means facing a terrifying truth that could make her question her entire code of values. It means admitting that she has become a traitor, that she will have no place among her people, that they will treat her worse than a pariah, and that she will end up completely alone once again. So, it’s also important not to take her bad attitude too seriously because this girl is suffering internally more than anyone else.
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the-monkeies-girl · 3 months
Idk just thinkin about our ape men and you being on the back of their horses with them would be like
Caesar would be so secure and assuring to you in his body language. He can sense you’re not the most comfortable riding, and he does what he can to assure. Grasping your thigh occasionally, Caesar lets you know it’s okay by looking at you from his peripheral vision.
Noa would be a bundle of nerves feeling your heart beat against his back. His shoulders would be absolutely riddled with tensions as you draw your head into the crook of his neck so you could see in front of you. The small talk you give drives Noa up the wall, your words in his ear.
Blue Eyes would be incredibly oblivious until he feels the tightening of your arms around his waist and he goes straight into soft panic mode realizing no one had actually been this affectionately close to him ( because that’s totally how it feels. ) He looks back at you but you have your face in his fur, taking in his smell.
Koba ( realistically ) would kick you off and make you walk but Caesar said that was not allowed so he’s walking, leading the horse and you’re riding. He’s grumbling to himself but can’t stop looking back when the sun hits you just right. The way it plays against your skin and the soft smiles you give the passing flower bushes? Vile.
Anaya is very much like Blue Eyes given he is pretty oblivious at times, until he feels you using his shoulder as a pillow, smooshing your face tenderly into his shoulder blade. A small gasp leaves his lips and Anaya feels confident enough to touch your hands around his waist and let you know you could hold tighter if you wanted.
Ash would be spitting jokes the entire ride, enjoying how your grasps tightens on him and you throw your head back in a laugh. The softer moments between you two are noted from Blue Eyes riding separately beside you, noting how Ash kept looking back at you to make sure you were okay and comfortable.
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wonkasz · 4 months
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Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes / Daylight by David Kushner / Edgar Allan Po
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ohwaitimthewriter · 2 months
Listen. Noa w/ a human, mate or friend, that's scared of the dark
Bad: Scared. He doesn't ever want them to be scared, or feel unsafe. He'd beat up the concept of darkness if he could. They can't see in the dark so they might end up stumbling over stuff or injuring themselves in other ways
Good: They cling to him while they sleep. They hold his hand in dark areas. They're doing it scared (he's proud of them)
Omg I love!! I might write something about it if you guys want to but in the meantime:
Just think about the first time it happened, Noa would be so confused because you manage to hide it quite well (by never staying late at the communal bonfire or always coming back to the village when out at the right time before dark) and I think he would even be on alert himself because why are you scared? Why are you clinging on to him like this? You might have seen a predator or something that could threaten both of your lives!
And you are SHAKING omg and you curl up on yourself a little bit and 😭 Bet Noa would wrap you in his arms and he would tighten his grip on you to stop your shaking, resting his head above yours and WHY NOT CRADLING YOU OMG I HAVE THOUGHTS, he’d be so soft with you and even if your fingers are gripping at his fur so tightly he can feel your nails digging into his skin, he will lead you out of the forest and if you can’t walk, he’d carry you either on his back or in his arms, drawing some soothing patterns on your arm around his neck or wherever his hand is holding you (might be your back or the side of your ribcage if you’re in his arms). The warmth of his hand would keep you grounded and I can easily picture him not using words to try to calm you down because he doesn’t really understand why you’re so scared of the dark but if Noa doesn’t trust his voice, he trusts his actions, he knows his body can and will support you! So lean on him, hold him tight, even hide your face in his fur if needed, he will be here for you!
Also, you’ll end up with a trail of torches from the communal bonfire to your hut (if you’re friend) or to your shared nest (if you’re mated) to light up your way at night and you’ll ALWAYS find a fire in your hut/nest to welcome you, Noa is making sure of that!
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inkmonster21 · 15 days
I re read your Noa story like all the time. It's soo good. 😌 But I was wondering if I can request something, I hope it makes sense to...
Where reader and Noa have like mated but an attack happened on the village and they got separated for some time, and after like maybe a year later Thier CHILD comes wondering across their new buit village and then leads Noa to his mumma. Where they reunited and Noa's like 'ima father?'
I pretty sure the baby apes grow quickly, but I don't know how fast.
Thank you so so much! We’re getting close to wrapping it up so I’m so glad I’m getting some requests in! I hope I met your expectations! Enjoy!
The Lost is Found
The early months of life with Noa were a period of bliss. You were warmly accepted into the clan, and your place by Noa's side felt natural and purposeful. Dar, in her role as the clan's mother, took you under her wing, teaching you the ways and traditions of their community. You blossomed under her wisdom, and she was immensely proud of how you embraced your role as Noa's mate and the clan's emerging mother.
Noa trudges in after a long hunt with the young apes, exhaustion clear on his face. His horse carries three of them, while Noa walks alongside, his steps weary yet determined. Despite the exhaustion, a weary smile graces his features, evidence of a successful and fulfilling hunt.
As you watch Noa and the young apes return from the hunt, a warm sense of joy fills your heart. You can't help but imagine the future and the children that you and Noa will have someday. The sight of the young apes learning and growing under Noa's guidance is both a comforting and hopeful image, a vision of the future you and Noa would build together.
Noa proved himself to be an exceptional leader amongst the Eagle Clan, and you did not doubt that he would also be an incredible father. His strength, wisdom, and compassion would undoubtedly translate into his role as a parent. You envisioned him nurturing and guiding your future children with love and patience.
Noa leans his head against yours, taking a deep breath and inhaling your scent. "I have… missed you," he says, using your own words and making you laugh with the echo of your term. The genuine affection and longing in his voice are evident, as he communicates his feelings in his unique way.
"I missed you too," you reply, the words coming effortlessly and filled with genuine affection. There's something special about the simple exchange between the two of you, a subtle reassurance and connection that deepens the bond you share.
Noa's eyes soften at your words, a sense of comfort and contentment settling within him at the sound of your voice. He wraps his arms around you, wanting to be close and to hold you tight after spending the day away. "I've been thinking… about you all day," he confesses, his voice filled with a mixture of tiredness and affection.
“Well, here I am.” You smile. Noa's lips curve into a warm smile at your words. "Here you are," he agrees, pulling you even closer. The simple statement carries a sense of relief and contentment as if your presence alone is enough to soothe his weary soul.
“Noa…. Come on… show us how to skin!” Noa glances towards the young apes, a flicker of amusement in his eyes as they excitedly holler for him to come and show them how to skin the kill. He sighs, a mixture of weary and fondness on his face. "Alright, alright," he responds with a hint of humor, reluctantly untangling himself from your embrace.
You stand back and watch with a smile as Noa begins to show the young apes how to skin the animal. There's a sense of contentment and satisfaction in your heart, knowing that life is good and that you are truly happy. Watching Noa engage with the younger ones, passing on his skills and wisdom, fills you with pride and contentment.
Night has fallen, and the world outside is quiet. Wrapped in each other’s arms, you find comfort and safety in Noa’s embrace. Your breath is steady and even, having been completely drained of energy by Noa’s previous activities. In the quiet of the night, he gently traces your body with his calloused fingers, an intimate and soothing gesture.
Exhaustion finally takes over, and both of you drift off to sleep in each other's arms. Noa's breath is slow and steady, his body relaxed as he dozes off. The peacefulness of the moment washes over you, and the weariness of the day fades as you both surrender to sleep.
Noa is awakened by the frenzied shaking and whispered words of Anaya. With a groggy and disoriented expression, he rubs his eyes and sits up. The urgency in Anaya's voice immediately captures his attention, and he listens intently, trying to make sense of the hurried words. "under attack," Noa quickly turns to you, his voice urgent as he gently shakes you awake. "Wake up, my love… wake up," he repeats, his hands cupping your face tenderly. The worry and concern in his eyes mirror the seriousness of the situation.
As you slowly open your eyes and see the worried expression in Noa's eyes, your focus sharpens in an instant. Concern mixes with adrenaline, and you instantly understand the seriousness of the situation. Your heart begins to race, your mind clearing and readying for whatever challenges you may face.
Noa stands quickly, his movements purposeful and determined. "Go with Mother," he instructs. "Gather the young... find somewhere safe." The mysterious threat hangs in the air, a constant tension that demands immediate action. Noa's voice is firm and resolute as he readies his battle weapons, preparing to face the unknown danger.
Noa pulls you close, pressing your body against his as he claims your lips in a searing kiss. The heat and intensity of the moment convey both his passion and his worry. The kiss is filled with a sense of urgency and possession as if he's expressing his love and protectiveness in a single gesture.
You look into his eyes, your voice firm and unwavering. "Come back to me," you say, the words carrying a mix of love and worry. There's a silent plea in your gaze, a silent entreaty for him to return safely. Noa's eyes soften, and he takes your face in his hands, his touch gentle yet strong. "I will," he promises, his voice filled with determination and love.
With Dar by your side, you lead a group of young apes through the dense woods, seeking a safe hiding spot from the mysterious threat. The females form a protective circle, huddling together with worried expressions on their faces. You can feel the tension in the air, the fear and uncertainty palpable in the young apes' quiet hoots. As you press forward, the only thing on your mind is ensuring the safety of the young ones in your care and finding a secure place to hide.
The sound of Noa's yell pierces through the night, freezing the blood in your veins. "Noa," you gasp, your voice filled with worry. Without hesitation, you turn to go back, intent on reaching Noa. However, Dar attempts to grab your arm, trying to hold you back. But your determination is strong, and you quickly shake off her grip, turning to run back in the direction of Noa's voice.
Running through the dark forest, driven by your worry and instinct to reach Noa, you trip and stumble down a hill. Unarmed and vulnerable, you roll several feet before finally coming to a stop, the impact knocking you unconscious. The sound of your fall echoes faintly through the forest, swallowed by the silence of the night.
The once-thriving Eagle Clan lies in ruins, reduced to ashes and charred remains. Noa, Anaya, and the other members of the clan had put up a fierce battle, but the threat had left nothing behind, leaving only destruction in its wake. The sight of your home reduced to rubble and ash fills your heart with a mix of anger, grief, and emptiness.
Noa and the remaining survivors of the Eagle Clan gather together, their faces grim and determined. They begin to scour the area, searching for any signs of their lost friends and family, hoping to find anyone who may have escaped the wrath of the attack. The silence is deafening, the only sounds coming from the shuffling of feet and the occasional call of an ape as they look through the rubble.
The surviving members of the Eagle Clan have gathered in a cave away from the ruined settlement. The apes huddle together, seeking comfort and safety in each other's presence. The tension is high, a mix of fear and uncertainty in the air. They hope for the best, but the recent attack has left scars on each of them, and their future is uncertain.
Noa enters the cave, a weary yet relieved smile on his face. He had searched through every inch for you, his heart heavy with worry until he caught sight of your figure in the cave. Dar's eyes soften when she sees him, her expression filled with both relief and sorrow. She understands the gravity of the situation and the devastation the attack has brought upon the clan.
Noa's voice is soft and trembling with worry as he asks, "Where is she?" There's a mixture of fear and hope in his eyes as he scans the faces of the apes surrounding him, searching for any sign of you. The other apes look at each other, their expressions a mix of worry and uncertainty. They know the truth, but the news is difficult to share.
Soona speaks up, his voice is soft and regretful as he informs Noa, "She went after you... We couldn't find her." The words hang in the air, confirming Noa's worst fears. A wave of worry and despair washes over his face, his heart clenching in his chest.
"No." Noa mutters, more to himself than to the others. The mere thought of you being lost tears at his heart. Without another word, he turns urgently to leave, determined to go back and search for you. With the first light of dawn, Noa continues his relentless search, combing through every inch of the burned settlement. But despite his fervent efforts, he finds no trace of you. The hours pass and the sun rises higher in the sky, but Noa persists in his search, his determination fueling him forward.
You slowly awaken, the warmth of the sun gently coaxing you back into consciousness. Groggily, you lift your head, blinking as your senses slowly come back to you. Looking up, you get a glimpse of the steep drop you had fallen from, and the realization of your fall sends a wave of shock through you. It's a miracle that you are alive.
Your heart sinks as you climb back up to the top, finding the once-vibrant Eagle Clan now reduced to ashes and empty land. Smoke still rises from some of the structures, a bitter reminder of the destruction that has taken place. The silence is heavy, a stark contrast to the usual noise and activity that filled the settlement before.
You call out for Noa, desperation and hope in your voice, but your calls are met with only silence. No reply comes, no signs of life or movement. The settlement remains eerily quiet, devoid of any presence. The absence of Noa and the other members of the clan, as well as the missing eagles, leaves a heavy sense of emptiness and uncertainty in the air.
Tears stream down your cheeks as you search the area with increasing desperation, your heart heavy with worry and grief. Every step you take, every direction you turn, seems to bring only more emptiness and despair. The hopelessness of the situation weighs heavily on your heart, but you continue to search, refusing to give up until you find some sign of Noa or the rest of the clan.
The realization of your solitude sinks in, settling heavily in your chest like a cold, hard stone. You are alone, the once-boisterous commotion and laughter of the clan silenced. The only sound is the wind rustling through the trees, and the only company you have is your fear and uncertainty.
Sitting amidst the ruins, you give in to the grief and sadness that overwhelm you. Your tears fall freely, mingling with the ash and debris of the once-mighty Eagle Clan. The pain is raw and heavy in your chest, as you mourn the loss of Noa and the clan that was your home. The world seems to have turned cold and cruel, and the future feels uncertain and bleak.
Despite the overwhelming despair and loss, you found a spark of resilience within. One day, the realization came to you that there was a life growing inside you. A flicker of hope ignited in your heart, and determination filled your being. You knew that you couldn't let your circumstances break you completely. You were carrying a precious new life, a symbol of hope and a chance to rebuild.
As your hand drifted to your stomach, you made a silent vow. If you couldn't have Noa by your side, you would do everything in your power to raise his child. You would honor his traditions, keep his memory alive, and give your child the strength and wisdom he would have passed on.
With each passing day, a cave became your sanctuary. You diligently worked to make it a haven, carving out a space for yourself within the stone walls. The cold of the winter months added an extra layer of difficulty to your solitary existence. Sustaining your own life was a constant challenge, especially while dealing with the physical and emotional demands of pregnancy.
Despite the hardship, you channeled your determination and resilience. You foraged for food, carefully avoiding the attention of predators and other dangers in the wilderness. As your belly grew, you felt a sense of purpose in looking after the life growing inside of you, a purpose that kept you going despite the odds.
The pains of labor came upon you like a storm, and you were painfully aware of the fact that you were alone. The thought of dying during childbirth filled you with terror and dread. There was no one to help you, no one to offer comfort or guidance. The loneliness of the moment weighs heavily on your soul, as you brace yourself for the struggle ahead.
Despite the terror and uncertainty, your body demonstrated a strength you never knew it had. Like the opening of a dam, your birth canal opened, and with a final push, you gave birth to your son. The pain and exertion washed over you like a wave, but the moment your son was born, a flood of relief and joy surged through your being.
With each passing day, your son grew stronger and more vibrant, and the role of motherhood became your entire world. Every moment was spent caring for, nurturing, and bonding with your child. The solitary life you had built for yourself slowly faded into the background as motherhood consumed your existence.
A full year had passed since your son's birth, and time had flown by in a blur of love and dedication. You could see the resemblance to Noa in your son, but there were also distinct human-like traits that undoubtedly came from you. As you watched him grow and develop, you couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions - pride, love, and a bittersweet sense of longing for Noa.
"Not too far!" you call out as your son swings from tree to tree in an elaborate game of monkey business. As you tend to the laundry, you can't help but keep a watchful eye on him, making sure he doesn't venture too far or put himself in danger. The combination of pride in his agility and worry for his well-being fills your heart in equal measure.
Despite your best efforts to keep him nearby, your son's natural curiosity and adventurous spirit led him to stray a bit too far. In his eagerness to explore the world around him, he unintentionally wandered further away from you than you would have liked, without even realizing the distance he had covered.
Your heart races in a panic when you realize your son is out of sight, vanished into the foliage. Without a moment's hesitation, you drop what you're doing and start running in the direction he had gone, calling out his name urgently. The fear and worry in your voice are palpable.
You huff and shake your head, a mix of worry and frustration on your face. "You can't ever listen," you chide gently, knowing that you should have been watching him better. Despite the sternness in your tone, you understand that his curious nature is simply part of who he is.
Your son drops from the trees, his small voice calling out timidly, "Mother." He looks around, searching for your familiar face, his expression a mix of curiosity and a hint of guilt for straying too far. As soon as he realizes the gravity of his actions, a flash of fear flickers across his face. He knows he's done something he shouldn't have, and the realization fills him with guilt and worry. He stands there, staring at you with wide eyes, waiting for your reaction.
"Mother!" he calls out again, his voice trembling with worry and fear. But his call is met only with the sounds of nature, the rustle of leaves, and the occasional bird chirp. The silence is deafening, and the realization that you are not within earshot sinks in.
Three young teenage apes amble across the path and come to a halt as they spot the lost child. Their faces contort into expressions of confusion and surprise at the sight of him. They have never encountered a being quite like him before. The child is a strange hybrid, a mix of ape and human traits, which piques the curiosity of the teenagers.
The female ape crouches down to his level, her voice dripping with kindness and concern. "Are you... lost, little one?" She speaks slowly and softly, trying to communicate with him in a way that he might understand. The other two male apes hang back, observing the interaction with mild interest and confusion.
Despite the kindness in the female ape's voice, the child is still frightened and unfamiliar with the presence of others. He nods timidly, confirming that he is indeed lost. In response to her question, he points to himself and repeats, "Lost." The child looks around anxiously, searching for his mother, the only companion he has ever known.
The female ape glances at her companions, a silent agreement passing between them. "We have to help him," she declares, her voice firm and gentle. Extending a hand towards the child, she smiles reassuringly. "Our leader will help you, little one." The other apes nod in agreement, their initial confusion giving way to a sense of responsibility and protectiveness.
The three young apes carefully lift the child, supporting him as they make their way toward the newly constructed village of the Clan. They walk quietly, their eyes constantly scanning the surroundings for any potential threats. The fact that the settlement is hidden from view indicates that the Clan has learned the hard way to stay out of sight.
The three young apes enter the Eagle tower and find Noa working diligently on nests, preparing for the coming season of the eagles. Noa's presence radiates strength and leadership, and it's clear that his attention is focused on the task at hand. There seems to be an air of expectation and excitement in the air, as the transition to adulthood and bonding ceremonies approach for the young apes in the Clan.
Since your loss, Noa has dedicated himself to his duties, single-mindedly focusing on the tasks at hand. Koro, the former leader, would surely be proud of the way Noa had stepped up and taken charge. However, Dar, the wise and maternal figure within the Clan, was worried. Noa's dedication to the work was impressive, but it came at the expense of his well-being, and she knew that he was stretching himself thin.
Noa looks up from his work as he hears the young ape address him as "Master." His face is marked by a flicker of recognition, and he sets down the materials he is working on, giving the young ape his full attention.
Noa moves towards the young ape, his demeanor calm and composed. There's a flicker of recognition in his eyes, but his expression remains neutral, showing no hint of emotion. "Yes?" He questions, his voice steady and even.
The ape's tone is uncertain as he relays the news to Noa. "We found a young… child?" Noa's eyes widen slightly at the unexpected information, and his expression becomes guarded. "A child?" He repeats, his voice barely above a whisper, his attention fully focused on the young ape. Noa's voice takes on a more direct tone as he clarifies, "A human child?" The thought seems to spark a mixture of surprise and curiosity within him. He glances at the young apes, silently questioning the validity of their claim.
The young ape's response is uncertain, adding to Noa's growing curiosity and confusion. "No... we… don't know." Noa's brows furrow as he tries to make sense of the information. "What do you mean, you don't know?" His voice betrays a hint of skepticism.
The young ape steps aside to reveal the young child, and Noa's eyes widen in surprise as he takes in the sight before him. The child was unmistakably a mix of human and ape, challenging the notions of what Noa believed to be possible. The revelation stirs a mix of curiosity and disbelief within him, and he approaches the child, studying him intently.
Looking at the child, Noa felt a pang in his heart. The possibility of what could have been with you and him weighed heavily on his mind. The mixture of human and ape features in the child served as a reminder of the connection he had lost and the potential that had been stolen away.
Without wasting a moment, Noa approaches the child and asks softly, "Where is your clan, young one?" His tone is gentle, but there's an undercurrent of curiosity and wonder. Noa's eyes never leave the child, studying his features and trying to piece together the circumstances that led him to be alone in the wilderness.
The child's voice is soft and hesitant, but the words “mother” and “lost” are clear. A pang of empathy and concern washes over Noa as he absorbs the child's reply. He understands the depths of loss all too well.
Noa lets out a soft sigh and lowers himself to the child's height, maintaining eye contact with him. With a gentle yet firm tone, he asks, "Do you know what direction your mother is?" Noa's gaze holds a mixture of compassion and a hint of hope that the child might have some clue as to his mother's location.
The young ape chimes in, adding to the conversation. "We found him near the river," he mentions. Noa turns his attention to the young ape, his mind processing the new information. The river could be a valuable clue, a starting point to search for the child's mother.
Noa's mind is set on finding the child's mother, and his hand instinctively reaches out, gently grasping the child, feeling a powerful connection to him. With determination etched on his face, Noa declares, "Let us find her." His decision is unwavering, driven by a protective Instinct that has been ignited within him.
Noa mounts a horse and rides off into the forest, the young child securely held in his arms. The forest path stretches before them, and Noa's heart races with a mixture of hope and determination. He scans the surroundings, his eyes searching for any signs of the child's mother.
Noa gently sets the child down from the horse, and the child dashes forward, scaling up the terrain towards a nearby cave. "Mother!" The child's voice echoes through the area, calling out fervently. Noa watches intently, his heart racing as he wonders if the child's mother might be inside the cave.
As if on cue, Noa found himself ambushed, tackled powerfully to the ground. His world spins for a moment as he struggles to right himself, only to find a spear pointed directly at his face. Noa's heart races, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he assesses the situation.
Suddenly, Noa's eyes widen as he gazes up at his assailant, a mix of disbelief and recognition filling his mind. His voice barely above a whisper, he utters your name, the sound of it bringing back a flood of memories.
As you toss the spear aside, your voice trembles as you call out, "Noa!" Your heart skips a beat as you lay eyes on him, your thoughts racing. You had believed him to be dead, and now here he was before you, very much alive. Relief washes over you, overpowering the shock of the unexpected reunion.
Your son's voice echoes through the air, "Mother!" as he rushes into your embrace. You gather him in your arms, holding him tightly against you, the mixture of emotions coursing through you. Seeing Noa alive has made your heart both race and yearn for explanations.
Noa observes the heartfelt reunion between you and your son, his eyes widening as the truth becomes evident before him. Noa's mind races as he absorbs the implications. You had a child... he hadn't seen you pregnant. His emotions tangle within him.
His eyes flickered between you and the child in your arms, a myriad of emotions passing over his face. Finally, he found his voice and posed the question that weighed heavily on his mind. "Is he... mine?" Noa's voice was a mix of confusion, hope, and a hint of possessiveness.
You meet his gaze and nod, the love in your eyes telling more than words ever could. Your voice quivers as you speak. "I thought I lost you," you say, tears welling up in your eyes. The weight of your words hangs in the air, conveying the depth of the loss you had felt. The reunion with him has brought a sense of wholeness, filling your heart with an overwhelming sense of joy and relief.
Noa couldn't believe his eyes. You were alive and well, and the child in your arms was his. Overwhelmed with emotion, he wrapped his arms around you and the child, pulling you both into an embrace. The feeling of your body against his filled him with a sense of profound relief and love.
With a gentle squeeze, Noa breaks the embrace and gazes into your eyes, his voice filled with a mix of determination and tenderness. "Come... we are going home." The words held a promise of protection and a longing to return to a place where they could be together, as a family.
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succubaibri · 4 months
Trophy Hunter || Noa x Human!Reader
Your encounter with Anaya, Soona and Noa originated from when you were all brought to Proximus Caesar.
Noa had recognized you as the theif with the wolf from many nights ago when he first discovered you were stealing fish. The dark-greyish wolf beside you was no older than a year, it too trying to survive along side you. Noa was still skeptical about you, so was his friends. He'd keep an eye on you.
Anaya and Soona were lost. Humans weren't known to be ones who had wolves as pets, yet alone companions. From what they witnessed, humans only stuck together in groups. They had no form of animal companions, they were too scared of their safety to do so. But you managed to do so. How so? They were curious.
Noa could already sense the questions that his partners wanted to ask, yet they both were hesitant on asking, unsure of how you would respond. Noa on the other hand could more so care less. He had no interest in your background, yet somehow Anaya and Soona were curious about you. They wanted to try and get to understand you.
You were a lot kinder and tolerable than Mae. Noa had to admit. You were alarmed at first, yet you didn't run away. Not like you could go far anyways. You knew what apes were capable and that you could loose your life at any second. It kept you in reality, but yet you showed no fear. Anaya and Soona sat across from you, at a distance that wasn't too far or too close to invade your personal space.
Noa stared at you, trying to read your expression while he stayed silent. Anaya and Soona exchanged looks, both deciding on who would ask what first. Soona nudges Anaya to go first, her mouth formed into a faint smile that wasn't all that noticeable.
"May we..."Anaya gestures towards the pup gnawing on a bone, while laid down on its stomach."...Touch...?"They seemed to be intrigued by your companion. It wasn't often they seen one without a pack, especially one at its age.
"You can touch him."You assure them."He doesn't bite."
"Are you three always together?" You asked one night, your eyes glued onto the three in front of you. Your curiousity about the trio only grew the more you hung around them. The orange flames casted out parts of your faces so you knew where they sat.
"Yes. Since we were younglings."Soona answers kindly through sign, her hand petting against the coat of your furry friend as it slept comfortably in the middle."Could never separate us. We are inseparable as the elders say."
"Ah." It was cute. You wouldn't have ever guessed, considering how close and protective they are over one another. The vibes said it all. Yet you could tell that they were all more than friends.
Though that wasn't any of your business. Your eyes moved to Noa who stayed silent the entire time. His mind was in complete thought, and his eyes for some reason still didn't leave you. He didn't not seem to welcome your presence. It was clear through his stares.
Your eyebrows furrowed, wondering on why he was glaring at you like that. Soona nudges you very gently with her arm, beating you to speak before you did.
"Noa will warm up to you I'm sure." She tells you, smile as warm as the fire burning."He's just needs time to think....time to trust you..."
You hoped so.
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yesttoheaven · 5 months
together, we form a necessary paradox; not a senseless contradiction.
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allbluemin · 4 months
Recently the noamae ship appeared in the Planet of the Apes fandom and with that, people who problematize the pair. This survey is being carried out to get an idea of ​​how many support or oppose this relationship.
The community that consumes content with monster/human relationships was mentioned in some discussions so I thought it would be interesting to expand the discussion a little further outside the fandom and bring these people to comment on their opinions as well.
Sorry if something doesn't make sense, english is not my first language...
If you want, you can comment on your answer in the comments or tags.
This form has more questions and options for answers, if you can answer... it is done anonymously
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fandomnerd9602 · 5 months
I got a request male deadpool reader x freya allan where he lands in the real world
Y/N, a Deadpool, approaches Freya Allan…
Y/N: hey there Ciri. I hear you’re great with swords
Freya: is this some sort of joke set up? Cause I can call security
Y/N: no. I’m just such a fan of your work
Freya: oh…thank you
Y/N: and so is @fandomnerd9602! Oh my gosh like total celebrity crush territory
Freya: who is this fandomnerd?
Y/N: oh fandomnerd’s real name is-
Y/N is immediately deleted…
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A/N: yeah I’m still in charge.
Y/N: guess who? Like a toon I never truly disappear.
A/N: ugh…
Y/N: celebrity crush! Like so hard. It’s the accent she has isn’t it?
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goddamnitlopori · 4 months
Bringing this blog back from the dead for one reason, KotPoTA headcanons. (Well, more of an AU in this case?)
Not all male orangutans grow flanges (cheek pads), if a flanged male is in the area, other males will have theirs suppressed.
If you've been paying attention, you'll notice that Raka does not have flanges, what he does have is an implied male orangutan partner. Who was killed by Proximus's army.
What if his partner had cheek pads when they met so he never grew any? Also imagine that Raka got out of the events of Kingdom unscathed (one can dream! T^T) In the immediate few months after his partner is killed, he starts noticing his face getting wider, his neck getting fuller. He has mixed feelings about this. He is reaching his full physical potential which is a proud moment in any male orang's life, but it only took the loss of his lover to achieve it. When he catches his reflection from time to time, he sees his village looking back. His new body is a reminder of what happened and what he lost.
I like to think he gets used to it enough to meet someone new, though! I don't want bro foreveralone.
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blastoqueen · 2 months
Chapter 5
Rating: Teen and Up
Relationships: Noa x Mae (Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes)
Content warnings: None
Comments: English is not my first language. I recommend you to watch the deleted scene where Noa and Mae talk about dreams and the telescope, it's not too important but it gives a tiny little bit of context for a short paragraph in the story. Enjoy!
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Anaya woke up in the morning with more energy than usual and went to the main tower to look for his best friend, hoping they could do some climbing later, maybe he could convince Noa to go beyond the valley and explore a little more the ancient Echoes civilizations. However, when he arrived at Noa´s room, he found nothing but his empty litter and Dar, who was just waking up.
“Dar!” Anaya said, feeling a little invasive “Good morning. Noa?”
The female ape yawned deeply and scratch her belly.
“Oh, Anaya, I don´t know” she said uninterested, yet calm; getting up to start her day.
“You… not worried?”
“Why would I? Noa… old enough. Not a baby. Probably… out”
Anaya left the tower, feeling a little worried. Ever since the kidnapping, he started to feel uneasy, like he should be alert and ready to fight. When he couldn’t find his friends, he felt this tight in his stomach.
“It´s called anxiety” Noa explain when they were settling their home again. Anaya was brave enough to express his feelings to his leader, hoping he could give him a peace of mind “Raka… told me so”
Soon enough, that word had spread like a quick virus among the apes. Everyone was using it. Noa wondered if they were truly anxious from what happened, or if they were just interested in using a new word.
Walking through the village, Anaya found his best friend sleeping next to the horses, with a blanket over his head, covering him from the sun.
“Noa! What are you… doing?”
The leader woke up and rapidly sat. He looked around him and spotted Anaya looking down on him like he was crazy. Maybe he was.
“Why are you here?”
“Oh, not reason” Noa answered, feeling shy and oddly embarrassed. His friend gave him a look “Okey, I was out… all night. When I came back… to tired to go up. Sleep here”
Anaya looked confused.
“Uh… to the lighting dancers’ field”
“What?!” Anaya screamed with excitement, Noa hushed him with his hand and took him to a more private place, just a few meters away from the village.
“Who is… the lucky one?” the eldest asked.
“You know”
“I do not”
“Noa. Romantic place. Take girlfriend” Anaya was too excited at this point, giggling and jumping around his friend, happy to be the first to know the details of how the date had gone.
“No, Anaya, it wasn´t… like that” Noa sighed mildly annoyed. Kind of disappointed.
It had been just a sweet moment between Mae and him, it wasn´t a mating ritual, nor a proposal. It was just a night out with a girl he cared about and wanted to show her something nice and pretty.
He didn’t want anybody to think he was trying to marry Mae (´cause he was not). That would be weird. An ape and an animal, getting together? Now way. That was just unnatural, wasn´t it? It would be like marrying a horse. “Except it would not be like that, and you know it” Noa thought. “She has the same features as you. Apes and human… we are not that different” Except they kind of were “But she is smart. She is not like those animals”
“It was just a nice walk”
Anaya snorted at his answer, like it was an obvious lie.
“With… who?”
Noa wondered if he could trust his friend, in a normal situation he would, but Anaya had imagined a whole scenario about a mate and a proposal, he didn’t want him to get his ideas twisted.
The ape stood in silence. The leader couldn’t figure out his expression. It was a mix between shock and something else, maybe fear?
“But I told you… it wasn’t like that” Noa tried to explain, his voice sounded nervous, and he knew that it seemed like he was lying “Really. The Echo never saw the dancers before”
The silence was getting unbearable, he needed to get out of there soon. Acting annoyed and angry, Noa pushed lightly Anaya to the side and started to walk towards the village.
“Wait” Anaya said, “Did she… like the lights?”
Noa turn around and looked at his friend, a kind smile was growing in his face. Noa tried to give him the same gesture, but the anxiety was just too strong.
“Yes, she liked the lights”
“Enjoyed the night? Both”
“Yes, it was nice”
Anaya walked towards his best friend, with open arms and a sympathetic smile, ready to hug the other ape.
“Then… that is all… that matters”
It was a chilly night, not cold, but Mae felt the need to get a blanket to covered herself from the wind. She was getting goosebumps and a slightly runny nose.
She was with a group of apes, sitting in a circle and just telling stories and legends, some were made up and some were real things that happened in the village a while ago. The human was sitting next to Soona and Case, listening to a semi old male ape talking about the time he saw a creature bigger than a horse, with big paws and very fat. He said it attacked his wife, but fortunately they made it to the village and loose the animal on the way. The other apes were making fun of his story, saying he was probably making all up.
Mae supposed the beast he was talking about was a bear, but she stayed silent. She didn’t know exactly why she felt so scared revealing more stuff about the world to the apes. Except she did know.
She was terrified of them sometimes. She could see how they were improving their speech, at least Noa. Mae tried to fake an ape way of speaking, but it was very difficult to pretend and not let difficult words come out of her mouth. It was easier to stay silent. And the reason? She felt like she was teaching them human ways. And that felt like a nightmare came true. Mae saw the evolution among the apes. Spreading.
She learned to be around them, to joke and live a simple life surrounded by the apes. But she felt like crossing a line when it came to “teach” them.
They learned fast. Noa was the fastest. She remembered their conversation at the fire camp when they were after Proximus, how the ape asked about what they saw inside the telescope. She lied and said she didn’t know. Because she was too scared to talk about things only humans on earth knew about.
That same night, she observed Noa, fixing the electric weapon. She was terrified.
“Cold?” said a male voice behind her. It was Noa, holding a blanket in his hands.
“Yeah, a little” Mae answered. The ape sat beside her, squishing between her and Case.
The female ape rolled her eyes and move next to Soona so Noa wouldn’t suffocate her.
Instead of giving Mae the blanket, the male wrapped it around her shoulders. The human girl stood still.
“What are they talking about?” the leader asked in a quiet voice, so he doesn’t interrupt the story telling.
“About everything” Mae said “That old ape saw a beast one time. Nobody believes him”
“Oh, the big paws monster?” Noa snorted.
“Have you heard his story?”
“Yes, he tells it all the time” Noa took a peach from his little bag and started to eat it. Mae noticed how he only eats with his mouth close now. Something he must have learn from the human girl.
“Do you not believe him?” Mae inquired with a rise eyebrow.
“Nobody does”
“Maybe we could—” the girl was interrupted by a different ape, pointing direct at her.
“Okey everyone! Maybe it´s… time… for the Echo… to tell a… story”
Some apes were exciting to hear what the human had to say, while others stayed silent, cautious.
“Oh, I… I don´t really have a story”
“Everyone has a story” Noa said with a grin, he was enjoying watching Mae get embarrassed.
“Can it be made up?”
“Of course”
“Well, uh… there is this story” Mae started “It was very popular in my home. Every kid knew about it. It´s about a princess, well, she wasn´t really one—”
“What is a… princess?” an ape asked from the opposite side of the circle.
“Uh… they used to rule kingdoms—”
Everyone started to murmur, scared, fresh memories of Proximus and the kidnapping.
“But they were nice kingdoms, they were gentle and kind, and showed mercy” That was a lie “Anyway, she was not really a princess, she was just a girl who worked really hard to get what she wanted. On the other hand, there was this boy, who was actually a prince. So, this prince gets turned into a frog by an evil man, and only a true love kiss could turn him back into a human. Then, this girl, found the frog and became very fond of him, they kissed, and the prince turned back into a human, they were happy after that”
There was a moment of complete silence, Mae held her beath, not knowing what to do or expect. Then, a whole lot of questions were asked, all at the same time, the girl tried to answer all of them, without revealing too much or making them confused. That wasn’t the whole story, she skipped a lot of details, but she knew the apes wouldn’t understand the concept of magic or human customs.
“How were… the princess?”
“They were beautiful girls with castles”
“The frog… talked? Like you?”
“Yes, he did. That is how they got to know each other”
After a whole bunch of questions, Noa noticed Mae getting overwhelmed, so he called it a night and send everyone to sleep.
He accompanied the Echo to her room, stopping at the door.
“Goodnight Mae. That was a good story” he said with a smile.
“Thank you”
“Sleep, princess”
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cursedvida · 5 months
One thing Mae and Noa have in common is that they are both absolutely inexperienced in matters of the heart. They have never had a partner, let alone sex with anyone, so basically, they can only go with their instincts. But their instincts are different because they are of different species, so both are more than terrified and fascinated at the same time the first time. Noa revels in that smooth, hairless, delicate, and fine skin. He loves the small hands and the fingers that seem so fragile tangling in his fur, but at the same time, he is terrified of hurting her. He is bigger, much stronger, and rougher. She is not an ape; he knows apes are made to endure it, but what about Mae? What if he hurts her? What if he breaks something? He couldn't bear it, so he holds back, although the animal inside him feels caged and furious, eager to let it all out. Mae feels an absolute fascination for his strong, rough limbs, which ironically contrast with his warm and calm demeanor. She loves how he holds her with that brutal force, how he is capable of making her do whatever he wants but still chooses to treat her with extreme delicacy, as if she were a fragile figure he fears breaking between his fingers. And yet, the idea of betraying all her principles consumes her, of surrendering to someone she should hate but only desires more with each passing moment, of thinking that she is betraying herself and her own. And yet neither of them says stop because without fully understanding it, they find no better place to lose themselves than in each other's arms.
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the-monkeies-girl · 3 months
Greetings of the Day. ( Planet of the Apes Imagines. )
We are soft here don't look @ me them greeting you for the first time that day kill me Characters Included Below: Caesar, Noa, Blue Eyes, Anaya, Koba. Warnings: Sexual implications below. If you are not comfortable with that, please do not read. It is not full on NSFW but there are mentions of Ape Mating/Nudity. Thank you.
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Caesar always saved you a spot for the communal meals he partook in with the Colony. High above the rest, it towered like a bird's nest; the perch where he was waiting for you. It was important, the aspect of eating together, it was important that the Apes saw him, it was a great responsibility that his confidence aired at the state his people were in. Free, imbued with purpose beyond cages and building themselves the lives they deserved after the Simian Flu ravaged and gave them incredible intellect while killing most of the Human Population.
Most... Caesar watched with bated interest as you came into view, your gait shy and feet placing them carefully against the slick rock as a bid to get your balance to not fail you. Amusement rested in the diaphragm of the Ape as you greeted with a small smile first, always was the case and it was so ingrained in Caesar that he at times forgot that it was an innate and affectionate human aspect you carried towards him. He liked it regardless, returning to you a small huff of happiness at your arrival.
Always, a smile and always shoulders tugging into themselves as it usually was around the Chimp but even more so as he had been quick out of the nest this morning and felt a shatter of guilt at the fact that this was the first time you had seen each other the entire day. Your scent wrapped the Ape into the most intoxicating state so that he knew what your interests were as your waft was sent briskly at him, wistfully it was lost to everyone but Caesar. With a hard swallow, the King could see you out of his peripheral. Careful as to not impose on his status, as if there was really care that was needed.
Your fingertips brushing against his fur lined shoulder ghosting and giving a tease of more to come if he wanted it later, causing the bristled hairs to stand on end as a result. Caesar drew a deep breath in and scooted a wickered bowl with the knuckles of his left hand your way as you sat cross-legged. Silent offering of the meal he saved for you, knowing what you loved to eat. It bounced against your kneecap as he brought his hand upwards, fingers of his left hand trudging themselves into the hair at the back of your head and dragging you willingly to kiss foreheads.
Quiet and languid, in front of the entire Colony it felt like your breath stopped at the look of Caesar’s face getting so close to you in such a public setting, mouth parting to protest but there was nothing that came to fruition. Caesar…  was sure in his choice of mate, all deserved to see that as your eyelids fluttered shut and you accepted the form of greeting and attractive possessiveness by pressing your forehead back against his own.
Around the edges of his calloused touch as he tugged you even further into him was a small apology for leaving you before dawn, for not making the time to spend with you during the day. Lightly, a hand was placed on his thigh, squeezing at the thickened muscles and convoluted a sense of familiar desire that dripped its rampant torture down his muscle encrusted chest, downwards to his pelvic and then to rest heatedly where your hand was resting.
Caesar looked down at it and nodded to himself against your forehead. You accepted his apology and as reluctant as he is to pull away, he does just that as you bless him with a blushed grin, eyes now focusing on the bowl he had saved for you. "Busy day?"
The Ape King was not big into small talk, you knew that. Thick fingertips grasped at a delicately small blueberry and you found it engaging enough to see it placing itself into his mouth with a withdrawn gaze towards his glassy gaze the moment he chomped down on it and you were able to hear the muffled crunch. Caesar would rather dally in convoluted silence or drag you to the seclusion of the nest for more.
But... The draw of your voice urged him as he began to talk about the intricacies of what had happened from the time he rose to the time he was brought back to your side, where he felt he belonged as you still had your hand on his thigh, drawing yourself the few inches that rested between you so you were properly allotted, shoulder to shoulder, to make up for the lost hours of the day.
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Noa can oftentimes smell you before you come into view as so was the case when you arrived at the Eagle Enclosure in the mornings to come fetch him for the morning meal otherwise in his obsessive nature, he'd forget to eat and continue to work, never taking a moment for himself for how could he when there was so much to do? This particular morning, he's able to captivate himself in the drench of your sweet musk coming up the winded walkway, so cornered and catered to Noa's personal preferences that he wanted nothing more than to dig his face into your neck and drink it up. Noa would, given the chance. Over and over again, as long as you would let him.
'Are you ready?' You sign at him with a smile that always rides the dawn into affection and adoration for your mate.
'Anaya, Soona... Waiting. Anaya is very hungry today.' There was a motion towards your stomach that was incredible and affectionately Echo as you rubbed your own stomach in a quip to hunger. Noa raised his shoulder at that and gave you a few huffed hoots, shaking his head ardently at the notion that Anaya refused to eat unless around those most important to him. 
Drilling into a small silence, Noa’s glance scooted towards your shape to admire the way that you laughed so sleepily, still stuck half way between the notion that the nest was more inviting than going to the meal that was cusping with the sun that was rising against the landscape.
Your jugular bounced for him, and only him… Noa stifled himself at that; never in the morning times were his thoughts were so torn. Only in the nest, he reminded himself, privately. Echo’s liked… Privacy…. Not the Eagle Enclosure… Not… Why were you looking at him with those hooded eyes? Your feet drawing themselves into the room slowly to pet Eagle Sun who had been staring at you with his small beady and attention-seeking gaze.
You watched, bated over your shoulder as Noa broad form took off the last of the Eagle sleeping masks with his skilled fingers, drawing your bottom lip in as he lightly rested it down on his work bench, scattered with many items that he was either working to improve, or was analyzing how they worked. "Yes, ready…." He was hushed, the strong movements of his body catapulting your still sleepy mind into a fit of happiness as he trailed from one end of the room towards you near the entryway.
"Having a good morning?" Equally hush, you felt a small gasp hit the back of your throat at his long and well-built arm encasing your waist and tugging you forward without reserve. Your chest crushed against his own as you carded a hand into his shoulder for leverage. There was the concentrations you needed to confirm the attraction as you could see the shift of Noa's eyes under his strong brow line tracing the top of your breasts against the muscular nature of his pectorals and felt a shudder lick down your spine. So that's what he wanted.
Two could play at that game.
"You were out of the nest before I was awake..." Infliction was known, intentions coming to the forefront that had Noa not left so early, there would have been more in store for him. He growled deeply in his chest at that, stupid Noa... Stupid, stupid.... Noa assented his response with a nod, green gaze falling shut as your head was cupped between his two commandeering palms and he drew his primal scruff inwards to let his brow ridge ride against yours teasingly. Barely a grazing of the Apes leathered skin against your eyebrows which brought a tilted grin to your cheeks and then more ardently, Noa possessed your forehead against his own. Mine, the action said and you mimicked the possession by dragging your hand against the grain of his fur to grasp at the base of his thick neck and pulling the fur into a tight ball between your fingers.
"Anaya..." Noa muttered, following the movement as you were pulling at his coat, your irises dilating at the visual of his canines so close to your face; a call back to the position you held yourself in the night before, "Can wait... Need... Morning... encouragement."
The placement of the last word left you tilting your head back in laughter as Noa quite literally picked you up into his arms and swept to place you on his work bench, some of the items cluttering behind you as there was nothing else he wanted to be obsessed with now. The shift of his touch cupping the underside of your thighs before you made contact with the wood tabletop left you tilting your head backwards in a hazed motion, circular to showcase the beating of your heart against the very thin pores of your jugular. "Hm... Don't think he's going to like that." Muttering teasingly, you drew your arms around his neck fully once more and brought Noa's handsome features closer for your own guilty pleasure. Careful, you smirked at him and dragged your forehead against his own once more, this time with an open mouth that teased his very name at the end of your tongue.
"Anaya...is just jealous..." Your smirk turned smug at the broad Chimps choice of phrasing, a tug of a gasp gripped around your tightening throat as Noa pressed his face into your jugular, feeling the beating of the muscle contracting as he bared his teeth playfully for you, one small nip being placed right as your heart began to speed up at the Echo body language he was expressing; taught to him by yours truly, eyes fluttering shut out of reflex and trust.
"Noa," He whispered in a deeply setting baritone, confident in that placement, against the shell of your ear, breath suddenly hot and heady against your sweat-prone skin, "Has Echo... all to himself... For a morning meal."
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Blue Eyes considered himself a very early riser, usually before the day break and used that alone time to sit in introspection of the feelings he cased around inside, all things about you and about how you made his inside feel twisted.
The knowledge was all encompassing to the Ape, that you two were a mated pair and he felt good about that, glancing back at the nest that you were currently tangled in, the drawing of your breath evident in the rising and falling of the animal hide that coated you. The Prince placed that on you when he left your side, knowing you'd wake up and complain that you were cold. He knew that you were naked, bare for him and only him under the pelt and Blue Eyes felt his fur rising at the idea that he… Was allowed to press his hardened form against yours at any moment. Pensively, he peered out the entryway of the home he made with you, admiring the singing of the birds in the distance as they must have sensed the impending sun that was rising across the land. The glow around the trees was another indication, an azure stare looking at the leaves shift with a minor breeze.
A rush of movement that was not the air, Blue Eyes tilted his head at the crackling behind him and figured quickly that you're just shifting into a more comfortable position but then his acute hearing captures the sound of your feet pattering against the wood flooring. Turning his face, Blue Eyes is able to see you stepping carefully, to see the sleepy gait of your shoulders that leaves him huffing in amusement that you dragged the animal hide with you as it scooted behind you.
'Should stay in nest.' He signed at you, suddenly displaced by your wonderful appearance of tousled hair and droopy gaze. Ignorance was only bliss at times, sometimes it was sinful as Blue Eyes looked between the slit of the animal pelt and stiffened at the appearance of your exposing naked form.
Nearly full frontal, he could brisk his glance against your sternum, captivated in part by the breasts he knew were hiding just beyond his line of vision. Down the delicate and soft nature of your stomach, belly button… The tuft of pubic hair, Blue Eyes lingering there at the prospect of just sweeping you up and taking you back in full to the nest with carnal inflictions. You had no shame in showing him what was already so well known to Blue Eyes’ hands and hips, his shuffle indicative of the rising thoughts he tried to keep down as he argued only half-heartedly as you made your approach towards him, 'Warm there.' "Warm here." You muttered, gently placing your body beside his and wrapping half of the animal pelt around his shoulder even though you knew his fur was more than enough to substantiate during the chill of the morning. Blue Eyes swallowed hard at the waft of your scent, driving his senses into overdrive as he shifted his body to accommodate yours as you jilted against his side, breasts pushing themselves together, he was catapulted into a fluttering state of morning-filled ecstasy. "Hmmm..."
"Falling... back asleep?" Blue Eyes uttered in his deep baritone having noted that your eyes were slipping up and down, lulling at the tone of his voice that always left you dripping into what felt like a lake made of slackened honey. So yummy around the edges to indulge in that you were willing to drown yourself to see what was at the bottom.
"Nooo..." You flash him a sleepy grin and nuzzled further into his side, taking in the musky scent that clung to his fur with a desperation to coat your bare flesh with the same scent. Ash from the bonfire the night before, the redwoods that towered happily outside the Colony and the brisked nature of moisture against the pillars of a cliffside.
Blue Eyes just stared down at you curiously, your hair pressing to the young Apes face as he drew his mouth to close. Lightly, he tucked his muzzle into the crown of your head, letting his chin rest against your skull as he felt your breathing shift to shallow.
You were falling back asleep, he knew that as the Prince tucked an arm around you to keep you close to his side, relishing in how your curved body felt under the rough oval pads of his fingertips, yearning always for that bit of contact but at times too shy to ask in fear of rejection that always cusped at the back of his mind like a smothering hand despite being sturdy in his knowledge that despite Blue Eyes having chose you, the action was mutual and you... Choose him.
Blue Eyes would carry you back to the nest in a few minutes though... When he finally got himself calmed down enough from garnering your nude and sleepy attention.
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Anaya can feel your body shifting next to his own as your teetering in and out of the deeply embedded throes of sleep. A disgruntled groan hits the outside of your eardrums which you respond back to with your own; the digression coming from the lack of desire to wake up fully and face the day.
Anaya… Would rather stay in bed, as evident from the way that his proportionally shorter legs tangle themselves into knots around your kneecaps and his dexterous feet and toes were tickling around your calves to beg you to stop moving, pining to keep you as close to him as possible as his thinned waist drifted upwards a bit before falling back down, more deliciously angled towards your heated body to cater to the desire to have you near to him, solidifying with body language alone that you were not allowed to be torn away from Anaya’s side at this time. The action itself was the Chimps safety measure to keep you near to him during the night for the Ape found security in that, but now? 
It was being used against you to stop the prospect that you needed to wake up and leave him alone in the nest. Come closer, his warmth told you as it radiated from the very tips of his darkened fur that would only seep into highlighted colors once the sun was falling against him, drenching in the day that was not yet being accepted by either of you. Your eyes, flushed with the first morning light that seeped into the nested area you made together, you groaned softly once more and moved towards him as a reaction to his own muscles tearing against yours, burrowing your face into his neck and dripping into the fur coat without a seconds worth of hesitation.
Anaya gratefully accepted the movement and grind you gifted against him, stifling himself a low sitting groan from deep in the back of his throat out of incredible comfort and you can feel the pull of his long arms around your entire form, informing around your smoothed shoulder blades, tugging at the skin that the pads of his fingers are pressing ovals into, drudging you flushed against the taut outer muscles of his body without reserve and without much strength needed as it was apparent from the rise and fall of his chest that he was still half asleep and it was lulling you back into the slumbers of dreams as well.
Every breath, your eyelids falling shut slowly, the attempt to fight off rest being too great when the Chimp was so delectably smooshed against you with the warmth of his coat tickling at the outer edges of your hazed mind and you felt yourself drifting as Anaya’s hold on you loosened. He trudged back to a full sleep without hesitation, the small drifting air from his mouth tickling at the top of your head as he rested his chin against the crown of your skull. Like a childhood toy was how you were being held and you wanted it no other way. “Need… to get up soon…” You grumbled lazily and yawned against his muscular neck, getting yourself a tasteful mouthful of his fur which in your crazed sleep-driven mind, felt good against your tongue as you lapped at it slowly before drawing it into a pinched kiss that coated the outside of his fur in your saliva. If he were allowed to mark you with his scent, you were allowed to do the same.
Anaya twitched in response to action and the softened nature of your voice in the air, dreamlike in infliction and his mouth tugged into a minor grin as Anaya imagined you whispering more than just that for his laden mind. “Noa and Soona… Fishing… hm….” “Can go on without us.” Anaya offered, rolling his body weight onto yours which you gratefully accepted and wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders, carding into the fur that enclosed the ripple of muscles that lay beneath; never quite as noticeable with him as with Noa, but they were hard to ignore when you were able to ardently touch them with selfish intent. “Anaya is… not ready… to wake… Echo needs to go back… to sleep too…” Fluttering your eyes shut, you can feel his hot breath casing against the skin of your neck as that’s where the Ape chose to press his face into, his muscular form crunching at you in all the best ways as the hands you hand on him tenderly stroked his shoulder blades and then upwards towards his neck. “But---”
The smile that spread across your face was nothing short of drowsy, trying to yawn but getting your chest crushed by Anaya’s was a better option as you hear him mutter fluttering into your hair. “Back… to sleep.”
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Koba never takes in the solace of actually greeting you face to face in the mornings. It’s surely something you’ve come to terms with, given your precarious position in the Colony regardless as your eyes swept across the communal aspect of the morning meal. The blaze of the fire in front of you was always enough to scatter heat against your skin, especially your face that was exposed to the air that drifted inland from the ocean. Bitter and salty it was on your tongue as your gaze was determined.
Never searching for anyone in particular, you thought to yourself and tried to convince your mind of its pull towards the other direction, never wanting to see the Bonobo who struck an odd chord in your mind that was as relentless as gravity at times. Fingers twitched against the wicker bowl in your lap, taking in the way that one of the small twitches of a branch had been cut off roughly and you played it against the delicate nature of your finger print. Koba… would tear them right off with his teeth, you knew and found some sickening curiosity at what it must have felt like as you grazed your finger a bit harder. 
Koba would eat your fingerprints off happily, grinning with blood between his canines,just to take away what little semblance of Humanity you had left and it was hard to dismiss the rolling cascade that you had to admitted seek for him first thing in the mornings now because it became alluring to captivate the dance of aggravated assault on his part and mutually exclusive attraction without cause from your side. Guilty as sin, was the Human phrase and if you ever uttered that to the shattering nature of the Bonobo, you were sure that you’d be scalped for it. 
Giving up always seemed the better option as you looked down at your bowl rather than really coming to terms that you wanted more with him, nothing but a few plucked berries and a sliver of elk meat, enough to sustain until the afternoon rolled around and you felt the craving for something more substantial. Tugging at your jacket zipper anxiously, the feeling in the pit of your stomach felt odd, you tilted your head and tried to ignore the feeling but it kept rearing its head to the forefront. You were unable to detect the unmistakable gait; the tearing of muscles that seemed to appear to eat themselves alive, the slanted jaw, the fixed hatred in his gaze whenever he looked at you. 
There was no way that what you were feeling was… Worry, right? Why would you feel that, scanning the area once more. The Bonobo was able to care for himself, he didn't need the pity from you that you were worried something might have happened to him and that’s why he was so late to the morning meal.Nah, you shook your head to yourself and picked at the blueberry in your bowl, dragging it around with your pointer finger. Around and around it went, making you feel a semblance of dizziness before there was chatter high above. 
The perch of the council, you recognized in your brief time of staying with the Colony. Caesar, Rocket, Cornelia, Maurice, Blue Eyes… All chattered a greeting to each other, the casing of their voices all familiar to you now.
Peering over your shoulder, your felt your mouth tickle at the polyester fibers from your jacket and you lightly kissed the fabric at the last Ape to finally join the congregation above. Koba himself; his thigh muscles even from this distance distinctive enough to see the tendons from the thinned fur that coated parts of his body. Strong, your mind weakened itself in its state of minored empathy you had towards him as he flickered his eyes aggressively towards you.
Stiffening, you felt the tickling at the back of your throat that threatened to release into a strangled gasp of sorts at the intensity of how his one good iris dilated upon meeting your own, the other milky; fingers twitched against the berry you had been teasing as you wanted nothing more in the moment than to feel your touch against the light pink and white scar that supplemented the darkened skin on striking and disgust torn features.
Contact was always brief, you needed to remind yourself once disappointment trickled in and felt the breath at the back of your throat explode into a gasp of the smallest degree, subdued as your conscious mind told you to do just that. There was now condensation against the shoulder of your jacket, against the fibers that were torn to shreds with age but fitted you well enough to keep using. 
From the worn boots on your feet, all the way to the frizzled nature of your hair from the moisture clinging in the air Koba stared, his face contorted into the aggressive wrinkles around his nose and between the bridge of the nose you wanted to trace instead of the berry in your bowl. A snarl was sent your way as per usual; something only reserved for your human nature amongst the Apes and in return? 
Maybe Koba could see the smile from behind the puff of your jacket as you longed to see more of him, maybe he was unable but it was hard to ignore the sensation that now rested more prominently in your navel rather than higher up in your stomach. Fondness for the routine you had every morning became so regular now it was beginning to become harder and harder to ignore for both parties that were unwilling to relent to something greater.
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arleniansdoodles · 4 months
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Guess who watched Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes?? Yep, I saw it, and now I can't get these two out of my head lmaoo
As much as I love Caesar and his story, I always imagined a dynamic like Noa and Mae's in the back of my mind. Not necessarily an enemies-to-friends or whatever their endgame is in this new trilogy, but now that I've seen them on the big screen, I'm super excited to see how their relationship plays out!
Before anybody asks, I personally don't ship them; I'm more of a "deeply platonic relationship" kind of gal loll But I can definitely see the vibes! XD Tbh, I really wanted to see them hug in the movie - it's the one thing I imagined after seeing the trailers ... But I don't mind the slow burn either, so I've settled for drawing it instead hahaa
Also, this is my first time attempting to draw apes. It was very hard, but I'll get better at it eventually! T_T
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dichenlachmandaily · 2 months
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Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes (2024) dir. Wes Ball
["It sounds like there’s a future for your human characters such as Mae."]  Wes Ball: "Yeah, that’s the goal, and that’s also why you see Dichen Lachman from Severance at the end. I begged her. I was like, “Hey, I know it’s only three shots, but I’m trying to set up a character that [the audience] is going to want to see more of in the future.” I suppose you can call it a cliffhanger, but the end of our movie is more like a door opening to the next movie in a weird way. So there’s a lot more to come, and there’s going to be a lot more drama and conflict. These characters [Noa and Mae] have now saved each other, and they have a complicated connection. There is now a history and real feelings between the two, and that’s going to be important moving forward. So, as you can imagine, that’s going to be really fun to explore as it gets messier."
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inkmonster21 · 7 days
Hearts Across the Divide
20.) The Ceremony
Noa x Fem!Human!Reader
Series Masterlist
Warning: SMUT
The bright morning sun streamed through the curtains, its warm light slowly invading the small space of your hut. As you slowly open your eyes, the brightness makes you squint, adjusting to the sudden brightness.
The knowledge that today was the day sent a mixture of excitement and nerves coursing through your veins. The day you and Noa would finally and fully be together, bound in a union that would solidify your love and partnership.
Your mother burst into the space with an air of excitement, holding in her hands the short garb for the ceremony and a crown of fresh, vibrant flowers. She is filled with anticipation, the significance of the day not lost on her.
Your mother approaches you with a warm, radiant smile, her voice filled with pride and affection. "It is your day," she says, leaning closer to press her head against yours in a gesture of love and support.
As you rise to your feet, you feel an inner strength and confidence. You are ready for what is to come, the mixture of excitement and nerves replaced by a sense of determination and acceptance. You stand tall, feeling the energy and anticipation of the day wash over you.
You swiftly remove your regular attire, slipping on the short, airy garment over your form, still modest. Unlike the other. Your mother carefully places the crown of flowers on your head, its brilliant colors adding a touch of beauty and elegance to your appearance.
Your mother takes your hands in hers, her grip gentle but tight. She gazes at you with fondness and appreciation, her eyes welling up slightly as she repeats, "You are beautiful." The words are spoken with such sincerity and awe that it sends a warm feeling through your chest.
“Are you ready?” As your mother asks the question, you take a deep breath, steadying yourself before responding. "I'm ready," you reply, your voice firm and determined. There are still nerves and anticipation fluttering in your stomach, but you feel more certain than ever that this is what you want.
With each step toward the large hall, you notice a subtle shift in the air around you. The once bustling village now stands still and silent, the villagers having moved inside to await the ceremony. As you approach the closed doors, a mixture of excitement and anticipation fills your being. Beyond these doors lies Noa, your future, and a lifetime of companionship.
You inhale deeply, steadying your nerves and quelling the flutter of butterflies in your stomach. Slowly, you step through the entrance, the doors swinging open to reveal the spacious hall where the ceremony is to take place.
As you enter the hall, all eyes turn to you, the colorful, flowing garment and the vibrant flowers on your head capturing their attention. But the only gaze that truly matters is that of Noa, who stands waiting for you at the end of the long aisle, his face a mixture of awe and excitement.
You feel your mother's firm yet gentle grip on your arm as she walks beside you, her pride and love are evident in her every movement. Step by step, you make your way down the aisle towards Noa, each stride bringing you closer to the moment you have been eagerly anticipating.
Loui stands beside Noa, his face beaming with pride and happiness. As you approach, he greets you warmly, his voice filled with affection. "Sister," he says, a touch of emotion in his tone. The word holds deep meaning and significance, representing the strong bond that will soon be formed between you and Noa.
Loui's deep, booming voice echoes through the hall, capturing everyone's attention. He stands tall and proud as he addresses the assembled apes. "Today," he begins, his voice filled with ceremony and solemnity, "is a special day."
Loui continues, his words filled with gravitas and importance. "Two clans, once separate, are now joining together as one. We will stand side by side in times of war and peace, forming a bond of unwavering strength and resilience." He gestures to Noa, who stands beside him, the Master of Birds. "Noa, the trusted and dedicated leader, will lead apes into the future with courage and wisdom."
Loui locks his gaze with yours, his eyes filled with pride and confidence. He nods in affirmation before continuing. "And he will do it all," he repeats, emphasizing the significance of the next words, "with our own member, our sister, at his side." The words carry heavy weight, as the apes acknowledge the crucial role you will play beside Noa.
Loui now directs his question to Noa, his gaze steady and searching. "Do you accept the responsibility?" he asks, his tone filled with a hint of command. "To hold to our clan, as you hold our dear sister?" There is an unspoken challenge in Loui's words, a test of Noa's loyalty and intentions towards you.
Noa locks eyes with Loui, giving a firm and determined nod. The response is simple yet resolute, his expression unwavering. There is no doubt in his answer, no hesitation in his determination to uphold this responsibility.
Loui's gaze shifts to you, his eyes flickering with both concern and curiosity. "And you, sister," he asks, his voice softer now, "do you believe he is worthy of your life?" The question hangs heavily in the air, as all eyes in the room turn to you, awaiting your response.
You respond with a firm and confident nod, your smile radiant and full of conviction. The words are unnecessary, and your expression speaking volumes. Your answer is a clear and unwavering affirmation of your certainty in Noa, your trust in him, and your readiness to pledge your life to him.
Loui's smile widens, his eyes filling with a sense of finality. "Very well," he says before turning behind him. He retrieves Wuka's staff, commanding Noa to kneel. Noa obediently follows the instruction, lowering himself to one knee, and awaiting the next step in the ceremony.
Loui gently places Wuka's staff on Noa's shoulders, the smooth wood resting on each side. Then, he blows a gentle puff of Ashe towards Noa, a traditional symbol of blessing and protection. The action holds deep spiritual significance, signaling the sealing of the bond and the commitment made.
As Loui commands, "Rise," Noa rises to his feet, the weight of the staff on his shoulders grounding him. The ceremony is complete.
With the ceremony complete, Loui steps forward, his presence commanding attention. He positions himself in front of both you and Noa, his expression filled with solemnity and respect. The apes in the room watch on, their eyes following Loui's every move, anticipation in the air.
Loui raises his voice, addressing the onlookers as he presents the newly bonded pair. "Presenting our brother," he begins, then turns to Noa, "Master of Birds, Noa," before shifting his gaze to you, "and his mate."
The words resonate throughout the room, officially acknowledging your union and Noa's new title. The apes watch silently, their expressions filled with a mix of respect and admiration.
As you and Noa walk down the aisle, hand in hand, the sounds of cheers and hoots fill the air. The apes in attendance express their approval and joy through their expressions and exclamations. Their celebration of your union adds a touch of festivity to the atmosphere, making the moment even more momentous.
You look to Noa, your eyes meeting his. You see in him a mix of pride and love. His grip on your hand is firm but gentle, a physical sign of the bond that has been formed between you. The cheers and hoots fade into the background, your focus solely on No a and the new chapter of your life together.
While you had officially become mates in the ceremony, you knew there was still another important event looming ahead. The Eagle Clan ceremony. This would be the official moment when you would be fully accepted into Noa's Eagle Clan, solidifying your place in their community and ensuring that you would be recognized as a full member of the clan.
You turn to face your small hut, your heart filled with mixed emotions. As your belongings are packed away and loaded onto a horse, you can't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. The hut has been your home, a space where you've spent many moments and memories. But now, all of it is changing. Your life is about to take a new turn, and though it's bittersweet, you can't deny the excitement and anticipation that comes with it.
You turn to look at Loui, He stands beside you, a sly smile on his face as he gestures towards your small hut. "That's my room now," he says, his tone light-hearted yet tinged with a hint of playfulness.
You let out a laugh, rolling your eyes playfully at Loui's words. "That's fine," you reply, a hint of sarcasm in your tone. "I'm sure that as the Eagle clan's mother, I'll have a... nicer view." Your words are a subtle jab at his decision to take over your small hut, but there's a jestful undertone in your voice, ensuring that he knows you're not truly upset.
You feel the warmth of Loui's embrace as he draws you close, his strong arms wrapping around you. His words, "I am proud of you, sister," resonate deeply within you. The feeling of validation and love from your brother brings a sense of contentment and happiness. You lean into the embrace, cherishing this moment of familial connection amidst the changes taking place in your life.
Noa approaches you and Loui, a warm smile on his face. He nods to both of you before announcing, "We are ready to travel." His words bring a sense of finality to the moment, signaling that it is time to embark on the journey to the Eagle Clan's territory.
You follow Noa towards his horse, the anticipation building within you. He helps you mount the horse with ease, his strong hands guiding you onto its back. Once you are seated, he takes his place behind you, wrapping his arms around you to steady himself. The touch is familiar yet still tinged with excitement, as you can feel the warmth of his chest against your back.
Noa leans closer, his mouth coming dangerously close to your delicate skin. You feel the warmth of his breath upon your neck as he whispers, "Not much longer." The words, barely audible yet filled with anticipation, send a shiver down your spine, igniting a fluttering sensation within you.
Your thoughts are consumed with a burning desire to reach out and touch Noa, to feel his mouth upon yours and explore every inch of his body. But you know you must restrain yourself, that the time for intimacy would come later. Still, the want and need within you are undeniable, a fierce yearning that ignites a fire deep within your core.
As Noa rides into the territory of the Eagle clan, you can feel the excitement in the air, the people gathering around to welcome him home. They cast curious gazes in your direction, their faces filled with both joy and anticipation at seeing Noa's new mate. The sight of you sitting in front of him sparks a mix of emotions in the onlookers, their reactions ranging from excitement to perhaps a touch of jealousy.
The fact of your status as the mate of a leader was indeed a rare and unexpected event. The Elders, conservative and traditional in their ways, made their disapproval clear, voicing their concerns about the unconventional nature of this union. But Noa was resolute, standing firm in his belief that he was making the right decision for himself and the clan. He had brushed aside their rejections, determined to follow his heart and forge a new path forward.
As Noa dismounted the horse, he extended his hand to assist you off as well. With firm yet gentle hands, he helped you safely to the ground, making sure you had steady footing. The strength in his touch was a reassuring presence, a silent promise of his unwavering support and protection.
As the clan members approach in groups to hear about Noa's adventures and tales of bravery, you notice a young ape standing nearby, peering at you curiously. When you turn to face them, a look of fear appears on their face, and they take a step back. The sight of their timid reaction tugs at your heart, and you crouch down to their level, trying to make yourself appear less intimidating.
You slowly extend your hand out, offering a gentle gesture of reassurance. "It's okay." Your voice is soft and soothing, hoping to ease the child's fear. You maintain a steady and calming demeanor, keeping your body language open and non-threatening.
With a warm smile, you take the flower crown off your head and distribute the individual flowers to the young apes. Their eyes light up with wonder and curiosity, their faces filled with excitement as they receive the small but precious gifts. The adults observe you with a newfound respect, their gazes filled with admiration and acceptance. In their eyes, you become a symbol of peace, kindness, and unity, a welcome figure in their community.
Dar and your mother both watch you intently as you engage with the clan members, your grace and poise leaving a lasting impression. "She will make a wonderful mother," Dar says to your mother, a soft smile on her face. "You raised her well," she adds with a hint of pride.
Your mother nods in agreement, the corners of her mouth tugging upwards in a small smile. "I did my best," she replies, her voice filled with a mixture of contentment and nostalgia.
Your mother's unwavering faith and love allowed you to grow into an intelligent and strong woman. Though you were born into such hardships, with the odds stacked against you, your mother had done everything in her power to ensure your survival. Her efforts had not been in vain, and you had emerged as a capable and resourceful individual, ready to embrace your new role as a mate and future mother for the Eagle Clan.
Throughout the day, you found yourself glued to Noa's side as he guided you through the Eagle Clan's territory. He took it upon himself to introduce you to the various members of the clan, explaining their roles and responsibilities within the community. You listened intently, absorbing the information and taking note of the customs and social dynamics within the clan.
Dar approaches you, her voice firm yet gentle as she announces, "It is time." A sense of nervousness washes over you, and you find yourself subconsciously swallowing, your gaze shifting to your mother. You can feel the weight of anticipation hanging in the air, aware that a significant moment lies ahead.
Noa turns to you, his smile filled with pride and love. He leans in, resting his forehead against yours, his expression warm and comforting. "I will see you soon," he speaks softly, his words conveying a mixture of reassurance and anticipation. With a final nod, he withdraws, heading off to prepare for the ceremony.
You stand in the privacy of a hut providing an intimate atmosphere. You wait patiently, your mind and heart filled with anticipation. Soon, you hear soft footsteps approach, and the door opens, revealing your mother, Dar, Keli, and Soona. They enter the room, their faces reflecting a mixture of emotions - excitement and pride.
As your mother steps into the room, she holds the thin, delicate fabric, which you recognize as your intimates. It consists of two pieces—one to cover your chest and another to cover your crotch.
Undressing, you pull on the tiny bits of fabric, covering the essential parts of your body. Then, your mother carefully drapes the large cloth over you, the layers falling gracefully over your form. Despite the coverage, the sheer material leaves little to the imagination, enhancing your feminine silhouette.
As you stand there, draped in the layers of fabric, you can feel the beating of your heart, its rhythm quickening from a mix of nerves and anticipation. Taking deep breaths, you try to maintain your composure, focusing on the calming presence of your mother, Dar, Keli, and Soona.
Dar approaches you, her hands coming up to gently place a braided crown of blue and orange feathers upon your head. As she leans down, her forehead touching yours in a loving gesture, she speaks words of affirmation. "You are perfect," she nods, her voice firm and sincere. "The Eagle Clan is proud." Her words carry a sense of assurance and approval, a testament to your worth and the honor of your union.
Dar assesses you one final time, her gaze taking in the sight of you clad in the layers of fabric adorned with the crown of feathers. Satisfied, she nods her head, a resolute look in her eyes. "We are ready," she states, her voice firm and certain. The other women in the room mirror her nods, their expressions a mix of pride and anticipation.
The women lead you outside, and you find yourself stepping into a very different scene from your previous ceremony. The members of the Eagle Clan are all gathered around, their eyes following your movements intently. Above heads, the magnificent birds of prey soar high in the sky, their presence adding an element of grandeur to the setting. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation, palpable in the air as the clan awaits the ceremony's commencement.
Standing tall and majestic, Noa exudes an aura of authority and respect. His broad shoulders are graced with a cloak made of feathers, their vibrant colors and patterns indicative of his status within the Eagle Clan. His expression is calm and focused, his gaze fixed on you as you approach.
As Noa's gaze falls upon the fabric that drapes over your body, it's evident that the thin material leaves very little to the imagination. Every curve and subtle contour of your form is visible through the sheer cloth. Noa's breath hitches in his throat, and his hands clench into tight fists at his sides, a mixture of primal possessiveness and desire coursing through him. He can feel the growing tension within himself, the overwhelming urge to immediately claim you as his own becoming near unbearable.
You take slow, measured steps towards Noa, your gaze fixed on his face. Your mother and Dar flank either side of you, their presence a comforting reassurance during this nerve-wracking moment. As you come to a stop in front of Noa, your breathing is quick and shallow, your heart hammering within your chest.
Noa gazes at you, a warm smile spreading across his face as he takes in the sight of you adorned with the crown of feathers. His eyes hold the same spark of desire and possessiveness, but there's also a hint of joy and pride. The feathers upon your head seem to symbolically represent this new role you're about to take on as his mate, fitting perfectly to the occasion.
Dar steps forward, her voice booming out over the gathering of the Eagle Clan. Her words are clear and powerful, conveying the significance of the event that is about to take place. "Eagle Clan," she announces, "we are here today to witness the bonding between our leader and his mate." A hush falls over the crowd, and all eyes turn towards Noa and you.
Dar continues speaking, her voice carrying a sense of honor and respect. "Eagle Sun has chosen her as the Clan's mother and as Noa’s mate." As the words leave her lips, a ripple of murmurs runs through the crowd. Some members exchange knowing glances, while others look upon you with curiosity and awe. This statement cements your role as both the leader’s mate and the mother of his future children.
Dar's voice bellows out once more over the gathering, leaving a brief pause afterward. "For anyone here to reject this notion… speak now." The words are said firmly and confidently, giving anyone present the chance to voice their disagreement or objection. However, the stillness of the crowd is deafening, and no protest is heard. Instead, there is a palpable anticipation, everyone awaiting the next steps.
Noa glances at you, a warm smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Then, his hand moves, twirling one of the Eagle Sun's fathers in his fingers, a silent act of reassurance and strength. The motion seems to convey his readiness and determination, a subtle yet powerful gesture that further solidifies the bond between the Eagle Sun and himself, symbolizing his role as the new leader of the clan and as your partner.
As Dar finishes speaking, she turns to Noa, signaling his turn to speak. Noa steps forward, his eyes never leaving yours. He takes the Eagle Sun's feathers in one hand and intertwines them as Dar instructed.
Noa approaches you, his movements filled with an almost reverent gentleness. He takes one of his hands and runs it through your hair, his touch sending shivers down your spine. With a sense of focus and determination, he skillfully braids the feather into your locks. The entire time, Noa’s gaze remains fixed on your form, his eyes tracing every contour of your body, his desire for you evident in the intensity of his stare.
As the braid drops, Noa lowers his head, bringing it closer to yours. His large hands cup your cheeks, cradling your face in his palms. The intensity of his gaze is captivating, his eyes gleaming with an intense mixture of love, desire, and pride. He brings his forehead to yours, and his body presses into yours, closing any space between you.
As Noa and you stand in this intimate position, Dar's voice rings out once more. "Now as one, you are eagle clan." Her words carry a sense of significance and finality. It is a declaration of your union, symbolizing that you are now not only a part of Noa's life but also integrated into the Eagle Clan itself. The significance of this moment hangs in the air, and a sense of collective acknowledgment and acceptance washes over the audience.
As you exhale with a smile, you find yourself instinctively clinging to Noa, wrapping your arms around his muscular frame. There is a sense of comfort and security in his solid presence, and you cling to him without a second thought. His arms wrap around you, holding you close, his embrace possessive but tender.
In this passionate moment, you reach up and grab Noa's chin, bringing his lips to yours in a firm and loving kiss. The clan around you cheers and hoots, their reactions a mix of excitement and astonishment. This public display of affection is new to them, a rare sight to witness between two mates.
In this intimate moment, it feels as though the rest of the world fades away and only the two of you remain. Your lips move against each other's in a deep and passionate kiss, your senses filled only with the sensation of your mate. The sounds of the clan cheering and clapping fade into the background as you lose yourself in the connection you share with Noa.
As Noa and you part from the passionate kiss, you notice Loui standing nearby, his face creased with annoyance. It seems he isn't a fan of the display of affection. However, Soona, standing next to him, promptly smacks his arm, sending him a glare. Under her stern gaze, Loui begrudgingly joins in the cheering and applause alongside the rest of the clan.
As the ceremony comes to an end, the clan continues with the festivities. A large feast is laid out for everyone to enjoy, and an air of joyous celebration fills the area. People chat amongst themselves, sharing stories and laughter, relishing the moment. The atmosphere is one of genuine happiness and community, a testament to the strong bonds within the Eagle Clan.
The night sky is now adorned with the silvery glow of the moon, casting a soft light over the land. Most of the clan members have settled for the night, and you find yourself leaning against Noa, feeling a sense of comfort and security in his presence. You gaze at the crackling fire, its dancing flames casting a warm glow over your immediate surroundings. The flickering lights reflect in your eyes, creating a mesmerizing display as you lean back against Noa. Your family surrounds you, creating a protective circle, further adding to the sense of safety and unity.
Noa's voice breaks the comfortable silence, his words spoken softly but carrying a hint of authority. "It is late," he murmurs, his voice holding a hint of huskiness. As he speaks, you sense the energy coursing through his body, a mix of want and lust that seems to radiate from his very presence. His gaze is intense, his body language speaking to a primal desire that seethes just beneath the surface.
You turn your gaze towards Noa, your eyes roaming over his features. It is undeniable – he doesn't seem tired at all. There's an energy and intensity about him that gives away the reason for his restlessness. Nodding in agreement, you respond, "It is." Your voice carries a hint of understanding and anticipation. You can feel the same tension and desire coursing through your own body, matching the primal need that emanates from Noa.
Noa stands up first, his strong hands gently guiding your hips so that you rise with him. He stands tall, his gaze fixated on you. For a moment, he seems at a loss for words, his eyes flickering with a hint of nervous anticipation. The desire and hunger in his eyes are clear, but there's a hint of uncertainty as if he's not quite sure how to express what he truly wants.
There's a moment of awkward hesitation as both of you speak simultaneously, your words overlapping each other. You start to say, "Should we..." and at the same time, Noa begins, "...do you want to..." The realization dawns on both of you, causing a brief moment of embarrassment, but also a flicker of amusement. For a moment, neither of you speaks, the tension hanging in the air. Then, you both chuckle softly, breaking the tension.
Noa takes your hands in his grasp and gently guides you away from the fire, leading you away from the safety of your family and into a quieter, more secluded place. As you walk away, you sense the gaze of your family following you, but you remain focused on following Noa's lead. Loui's glance is filled with annoyance, but he quickly finds himself corrected by Soona once again, who seems to hold some influence over him. Gemm looks to Soona, perhaps grateful for her ability to rein in Loui's behavior.
Noa leads you to a nearby tower, its tall and sturdy structure standing out in the surroundings. With a hint of pride and ownership, he turns to you and says, "This will be...our home." As he speaks, he starts walking towards the tower, gesturing for you to follow him. The significance of this moment is not lost as you follow him along the path to the top, the anticipation of what awaits you growing with each step.
As you follow Noa into the tower, your gaze takes in your belongings that have been laid out for you. Blankets, clothes, and other human artifacts are arranged carefully, waiting for you to find their place in this new space. The sight fills you with a sense of familiarity and comfort, a hint of home in this unfamiliar setting.
Your attention is drawn to the nest, the bed that has been carefully arranged for you and Noa. It is a clear blend of both his comfort and yours, created to accommodate both of your unique needs. Whether it be the plush blankets and furs or the firm cushions, everything has been strategically placed to ensure both of you can find rest and tranquility within this space.
Noa's hand comes to rest gently on your shoulder, his touch soft and tender. The touch seems to carry a multitude of emotions, a mixture of reassurance, comfort, and a hint of possessiveness. As his hand rests on your shoulder, you can feel the weight of his gaze upon you, his eyes studying your face and body in the dim lighting of the tower.
Your eyes dart to his face, and you feel a mix of excitement and nervousness filling your body. The moment feels significant, and there's an electric tension between you two. Noa's gaze holds a mixture of desire, possessiveness, and care, his intentions clear in his eyes. This is the moment you both have been waiting for, and the anticipation hangs heavily in the air.
Noa speaks, his voice low and gentle, "We do not-" but you quickly interrupt him, shaking your head to indicate your agreement. "I want to," you say firmly, your voice filled with determination and assurance. There's no hesitation in your response, and it's clear that you're not only consenting but also eager to move forward. Noa studies your expression for a moment, his gaze searching your face for any hint of doubt or trepidation.
Noa nods in acknowledgment of your readiness, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. He steps closer to you, his voice low and serious as he speaks. "Then... I have to remove… this," he states, his hand reaching out to gesture towards the thin dress that drapes over your figure. The implication in his words and the look in his eyes leaves no room for misinterpretation. He is signaling his intention to undress you, and there's a mixture of anticipation and possessiveness in his gaze as he awaits your response.
As Noa's callused fingers glide over the thin fabric of the dress, you feel the roughness of his touch against your skin. He takes the edge of the long skirt in his hand, lifting it slowly, revealing more and more of your legs with every inch he moves. There's a sense of reverence in his actions, a hint of admiration and desire in his eyes as he unveils more of your body, inch by inch.
The dress bunches at your hips, leaving your upper thighs exposed. Noa looks up at you, his eyes dark with desire as he slowly runs a hand up your bare calf, causing a shiver of pleasure to travel up your body. The touch is gentle but firm, sending a spark of heat through your skin. His gaze remains focused on you, studying your reaction, taking in the effect his touch has on you.
Noa stays low, his movements slow and deliberate. His finger trails up your body, gently tracing a path over the fabric that covers your flower. With a firm but controlled motion, he pulls the cloth over your head, leaving you bare before him. The air hangs heavy with anticipation, your breath coming in short gasps as you stand there half-naked in front of your mate. You stand before him, your body barely covered in the delicate fabric of your intimates with a heavy heart.
Noa gazes at your body with hunger in his eyes, his gaze intense and unwavering. Every inch of you feels like it's under scrutiny as he takes in the sight of nearly bare skin, the hunger in his eyes only intensifying. His jaw clenches, and he takes a step closer to you, the space between your bodies shrinking as his desire for you becomes palpable.
You place your hands on his broad shoulders as he kneels, feeling the strength and warmth of his body beneath the feathered shawl he wears. Your fingers trace the colored feathers, appreciating the craftsmanship and beauty of the garment, before gently pushing it off his shoulders. The shawl falls to the ground in a whisper of fabric, leaving his upper body bare and exposed to your gaze.
You reach for him, your hand gently cupping his cheek, feeling the rough texture of his skin beneath your fingertips. With a slow and deliberate motion, you lean down to him, bringing your lips to his in a soft and tender kiss. The touch of your lips against his sends a wave of heat through your body, and you relish the taste and feel of him beneath you.
Noa suddenly rises, his strong arms grabbing you with an assertive motion and lifting you effortlessly into the air. Instinctively, you wrap your legs around his waist, holding on to him tightly, the position bringing you even closer to his body. The sudden action takes you by surprise, but you instinctively cling to him, feeling the solid muscular presence of his body against your own.
Noa gently lays you down on the plush bed, the soft pelts and blankets caressing your bare skin. The touch of the textures against your body sends a shiver of pleasure through you, and you find yourself sinking into the softness of the bed. As you lay there, Noa stands above you, his gaze roaming over your body with a mixture of desire and devotion.
His gaze fixated on the last two thin coverings of your body. The intensity of his gaze makes you acutely aware of your vulnerability, the thin fabric hardly concealing anything. His eyes seem to consume you, and you feel a mixture of anticipation and slight nervousness under his intense scrutiny.
You slowly take the thin covering in your hands, your fingers trembling slightly with the mixture of nerves and excitement. Slowly, you begin to remove it, your eyes fixed on Noa as you expose more and more of your bare skin. The thin fabric falls to the floor, your bare breasts hitting the air.
The sight of you causes Noa to heave, the primal need within him growing stronger by the second. He dives towards you, his hands and mouth roaming over your bare body, exploring every inch of you with an almost hungry fervor. There's an urgency in his actions, a need to touch and taste every part of you, as if he can't get enough.
Noa lowers himself. His mouth to your neck, his sharp canines gently biting at your delicate skin, causing a sharp gasp to escape from your lips. The sensation of his teeth against your flesh sends a shiver of pleasure through your body, and you arch up against him instinctively, your body seeking more of his touch.
Noa's hands run down your sides as his mouth travels over your upper body, peppering you with kisses and softly nibbling at your sensitive skin. The dual sensations of his hands caressing your sides and his mouth exploring your body send wave upon wave of pleasure through you. You writhe beneath him, desperate to have more of his touch, to have him further explore your body.
He trails his kisses lower, following the mounds of your breast. He looks at them in awe. Such a beautiful sight. So different and angelic, and all for him. Noa brings his mouth down upon one nipple. His eyes roll back as he laps at the pebble. You gasp, your body rolling against the bed breathing his name in small moans.
Noa's mouth slowly moves down your tummy, his lips pressing against each inch of exposed skin, leaving a trail of kisses in their wake. The sensation of his lips softly brushing against your stomach causes your body to arch involuntarily, the heat of his touch only fueling the growing desire in you.
Noa's lips continue their descent, moving lower and lower down your body until he is millimeters away from your covered flower. You feel the warmth of his breath against your most intimate part, a heady mix of anticipation and nervousness filling you. He's so close, mere millimeters from the very place that aches for his touch.
Noa looks up at you with a mixture of love and desire in his eyes, his voice soft and gentle as he speaks. "Are you sure?" he whispers, seeking one final assurance from you before fully succumbing to his primal urges. The question hangs heavily in the air, the moment charged with anticipation and expectation.
As you look down at Noa, hovering over your most intimate parts, you feel a sense of certainty and conviction within you. "I have never been more sure of anything... ever," you say firmly, your voice filled with determination and raw honesty. Your words are not just a reassurance for him, but also a firm declaration of your desire and readiness to give yourself to him completely.
Noa smiles, his expression filled with love and desire, before lowering himself over you and covering your body with his. He kisses you passionately, his lips moving against yours hungrily and with a sense of desperate need. His body envelops yours, and you can feel the heat of his skin against yours, the evidence of his desire pressed against you.
Noa's hand moves down your body with a possessive touch, his fingers tracing a path that ignites a trail of heat in their wake. With a firm grip, he finds the last intimate fabric that still covers you, and with a swift motion, tears it away. The sound of the fabric ripping fills the air, and you can feel the cool air on your now exposed skin, the absence of that last barrier making you even more vulnerable and open before him.
Noa gazes down at you with a mixture of awe and intensity in his eyes, taking in the sight of your bare body beneath his. The reality is better than anything he could've ever imagined. The way you look, the sounds you make, the way you react to his touch - it all exceeds anything he could've dreamed, sending a jolt of desire through him with every moment.
He kisses down your body, passing your breast with tender lips, down your sternum, down your tummy, over your belly button, and halts at the most intimate section. Noa is completely consumed by lust, his primal instincts taking over as he inhales a deep breath, the smell of you and your heat filling his nostrils. The scent of your arousal only exacerbates his desire, and he lets out a low growl, his body tightening with the need to claim you as his.
Noa carefully brings his hands to your thighs, running his hands up and down the soft skin before sliding them apart slowly. Your center becomes revealed to him and he groans with lidded eyes, his hips bucking into your form.
The primal need within Noa becomes unbearable, and he can no longer resist the urge to taste you. With a mixture of urgency and reverence, he moves his mouth down, meeting your intimate lips for the first time.
You gasp as you feel the flatness of his tongue run over your opening. You toss your head back as he does it again. He looks to you in adoration and lust. His expression is pleased with your response. The taste of you is sweet and heady, and it only ignites the fire within him further. He is losing himself in the sensation of your body, his tongue and lips moving greedily over you, desperate for more of your essence.
He bellows down deeper, wrapping his lengthy arms around your thighs and bringing you against him, digging his tongue into your heat faster, harder. You twitch and roll in the nest, his movements stir your core. A tightness builds below as he dives in. “Noa.” You gasp loudly, grabbing at his head, and tossing your head back with closed eyes. A heated rush springs through your body, a wave crashing against your insides as Noa makes you release for the first time. You cry out arching up against the nest, your fingers tangling his his coarse fur. Noa huffs, and laps at the juices spilling from your core, simply addicted.
Noa looks up at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of lust and awe. He watches in fascination as your body responds to his touch, reacting to every movement of his tongue and lips. He is amazed at the way your body arches and writhes beneath him, the sounds you make only fueling his pleasure and desire.
You can't resist the urge to pull him towards you, your hands gripping his shoulders as you kiss him desperately. The need to feel his body against yours, the taste of yourself on his tongue, is overwhelming. You cling to him, your body seeking more of him, wanting to feel as close to him as possible.
You speak softly, your voice filled with a desperate intensity as you say, "I need you." The words are heavy with vulnerability and need, and you can't help but feel a hint of worry that your voice is too soft for him to hear. But Noa hears you loud and clear. The raw honesty in your voice only fuels the flames of his desire, and he responds by pulling you even closer, his body pressing against yours with a fierce possessiveness.
And who was he to deny you? Noa's response is immediate and resolute. He cannot resist your pleading plea, and he moves above you, positioning himself between your legs. His eyes never leave your face as he takes in the sight of you, the need and desire written all over your expression. He is more than ready to give you what you want, what you need.
Noa takes a moment to look down upon himself, positioning himself perfectly between your legs. The sight of himself, ready and eager for you, only heightens your desire.
Noa lines himself up to your entrance, with a heavy chest. His eyes glued to yours. “You are mine… as I am yours.” Noa pushes the head of his length in. You grip him so tightly, suffocating his girth as he inches inside. You close your eyes, through the burning pain. Though it is a stretch, it is pleasurable. The thought of Noa being the only one to ever enter, to ever claim you was exhilarating. With a slow, deliberate thrust, Noa entered her, filling her, their bodies fitting together perfectly.
You gasped as pleasure rippled through your core, unlike anything you had ever experienced. Noa's cock pulsed within, and he began to move, his strokes long and deep, his hips snapping forward with each thrust. His hands gripped your thighs, holding you in place as he pounded into you, your bodies slapping together in a primal rhythm.
“Oh, Noa!" You cried out, your head thrown back, breasts jiggling with each powerful thrust. Noa's name on your lips was a mantra, a plea for more, and he obliged, his pace increasing as his climax approached.
The grunts and moans filled the night air, mixing with the sounds of their bodies snapping together. Noa's fingers dug into your hips, holding you tightly as he sought your sweet spot, wanting to give you the ultimate pleasure. Your body trembled on the precipice of orgasm, every nerve ending alive with sensation.
Noa dips his head down, his mouth finding your neck once more, his teeth grazing against the tender skin with sharp and intense pressure. The feeling of his teeth, the mixture of pleasure and pain, sends a shiver of sensation through you, and you arch up against him, your body craving more.
Noa's voice is a low growl, filled with a possessive and primal intensity. "You... are mine," he says, before biting down on your neck, his teeth piercing the skin and drawing blood. The sharp pain is tempered by the realization that he is claiming you as his own, marking you in a way that is both intimate and intense.
With a final, powerful thrust, Noa buried himself deep within you, his cock pulsing as he spilled his seed into you, his hot cum filling you. You convulsed around him, your orgasm crashing over you in wave after wave of ecstasy. You cried out, your voice mingling with Noa's as you both rode the crest of your shared pleasure.
As your heart rates slowed and your breathing returned to normal, Noa gently removed himself, the emptiness causing you to moan. Noa joins you in the collection of blankets. You lay entwined, your sweat-slicked bodies glistening in the moonlight. You turned your head to look at Noa, your eyes shining with satisfaction and love.
"You are incredible," you whispered, your fingers tracing the feathers in his armband. Noa nuzzled your neck, his hot breath sending shivers through her. He licks at the mark softly. "You are… incredible, love," he rumbled, his voice thick with emotion. "Tonight was just the beginning…. Our bond will only grow stronger from here."
You smiled, this was just the start of your journey together. As the new leaders of the Eagle Clan, you would both face challenges, but the passion and love you shared would be a guiding light. And in that moment, with Noa's body lying next to your bare one, you knew that your mating had forged a connection that would shape the future of the world. A world where apes and humans can live side by side.
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