jay-arts-t · 2 years
Posting a a little today but really like the whole bit the boys have over calling Vesemir old. They all just collectively agree “old man old man”
It’s even funnier when notw makes vesemir only 70, or really 60 something years older than them since they’re around 4-8 age group. And he only looks like he’s in his 20s-early thirties. I’m sure Lambert started it. One day he just asks “why are you so old?” And Vesemir is left shocked. He’s not that old!!! But then when they get back to Kaer Morhen and the boys are a bit older Geralt finally gets to ask all his questions about Kaer Morhen he couldn’t ask before.
“How old is Kaer Morhen?”
“I don’t know Geralt. Old.”
“Are you older than Kaer Morhen or as old?”
Vesemir throws his boots at him. Then that’s when the whole “*insert item* is almost as old as Vesemir!”
When Ciri finally joins them, Lambert immediately teaches her the bit. She is RUTHLESS with her insults. Vesemir is giving her a history lesson in the courtyard since it’s nice out. The boys are fixing one of the walls in the background. He’s telling her about a war that happened around 600 years ago.
“Do you remember what it was like in that time? Since you were there?” Vesemir wants to crawl into a hole and die in it. The boys are basically toppled over in laughter. Lambert starts choking from laughing too hard. Ciri seems extremely pleased with herself.
It starts evolving further into “oh you wanna know about the conjunction of spheres? Oh I dunno, ask Vesemir he was there since before the conjunction.” And “what was it like when dinosaurs were alive, Vesemir?”
AND IT SOMEHOW SPREADS. He’s in a growing town in southern Redania with Geralt and they run into Jaskier. Now he’s never had the fortune of meeting him, but he’s heard plenty. He’s about to thank the poet for looking after Geralt until Jaskier goes “so I’ve heard you’re quite old! Tell me Master Vesemir, what was it like when kingdoms started to form? How did the royal families come to be in power?”
Vesemir is SEETHING. Geralt just smiles like the little shit he is.
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icpe · 2 years
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Request from Russian subscriber 😂
Witcher 3, doodles #399
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dukeofdogs · 11 months
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Illustrations crafted for the Striga storyline based on Andrzej Sapkowski's tale by Game On Board
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Eastern European Wedding Pictures featuring the Witcher, part 3
(part 1) (part 2)
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fandomwarehouse · 9 months
Saw this post and couldn't help myself
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dangvar-blog · 9 months
King Foltest and Emperor Emhyr var Emreis
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elianzis · 2 years
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"Vernon earned Foltest's favor and trust through his deeds. One word from the King and he would jump headlong into fire, asking only how long he was to stay there and hold his ground."
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marnasid · 1 year
Роше в маске короля Фольтеста. Как вам эта идея?
Мне нравится🙃 (Фольтесту тоже)
Roche wearing the mask of King Foltest.
Do you like the idea?
I like it🙃 (Foltest too)
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aces-to-apples · 1 year
Love how everyone with the inclination looked between Foltest and Roche and just agreed something unsafe and abnormal went on between them. Just yeah those two are unhinged and probably fucked nasty about it. Great job team.
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sassaffrassa · 2 years
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should just shave it off, really
this is just astonishingly self-indulgent, i have so many feelings about this scene
(chapter 6 of Peace-Tied, by @bomberqueen17)
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Ostrit & Foltest: An Analysis on Love
I reread The Witcher Short Story recently and I was thinking about the state of love in the short story and how that affects the relationships in the short story. It will focus on Ostrit, Foltest, and Adda. First we need to establish ages. Sapkowski establishes that Foltest is between 30-35 with his description from Geralt.
Foltest was slim and had a pretty—too pretty—face. He was under forty, the witcher thought. 
In the same paragraph he also establishes the characters we will come to know are Segelin and Ostrit.
Next to him on a chest sat an older, powerfully built man with a beard. Behind the king stood another man, richly dressed and with a proud look on his face. A magnate.
It is interesting to note that Ostrit is not described as young. If he were noticeably younger than Segelin he would've mentioned it like he did Foltest for this would've been out of expectation. More likely he would've been compared in youth to Foltest. Neither is established.
Now we see in Ostrit's discussions of Adda that he has a sense of ownership over her stemming from his relationship with her and "love" for her. I think this is a relationship he had with Foltest and Adda, and that his feelings for Foltest turned to the hatred we see because he did not "behave" and threatened the ownership he had over both of them with his antics as a teenager and the affair with Adda.
“Careful, Velerad,” snarled Ostrit. “Say what you want about the striga but do not insult Adda in front of me, as you would not dare in the king's presence!”
Adda is established to be younger than Foltest through Velerad the Castellan, though he frames this in a very specific light due to his dislike of the King. We have to remember that Ostrit establishes blatantly they want to dethrone Foltest.
“During the reign of old Medell, his father, when our gracious king was still a prince, Foltest showed us what he was capable of, and he was capable of a great deal. We hoped he would grow out of it. But shortly after his coronation Foltest surpassed himself, jaw-droppingly: he got his own sister with child. Adda was younger and they were always together, but nobody suspected anything except, perhaps, the queen…To get to the point: suddenly there is Adda with a huge belly, and Foltest talking about getting wed to his sister. The situation was made even more tense because Vizimir of Novigrad wanted his daughter, Dalka, to marry Foltest and had already sent out his envoys. We had to restrain Foltest from insulting them, and lucky we did, or Vizimir would have torn our insides out. Then, not without Adda's help—for she influenced her brother—we managed to dissuade the boy from a quick wedding...
No one suspected anything, except maybe their mother. Just like no one would suspect Ostrit having an inappropriate relationship with the Prince and Princess. The way he describes Foltest's antics sounds like survivors of abuse who act out for attention.
We see that when Ostrit almost explicitly confirms as much when he talks about his "love" for Adda.
“I loved Adda. The king's sister. The king's mistress. The king's trollop. I loved her—Witcher, are you there?” “I am.” “I know what you're thinking. But it wasn't like that. Believe me, I didn't cast any spells. I don't know anything about magic. Only once in anger did I say…Only once. Witcher? Are you listening?” “I am.” “It's his mother, the old queen. It must be her. She couldn't watch him and Adda—It wasn't me. I only once, you know, tried to persuade them but Adda—Witcher! I was besotted, and said…Witcher? Was it me? Me?”
If Ostrit were a suitable suitor for Adda why would he feel the need to defend himself with "I know what you're thinking. But it wasn't like that." He would have no reason to think Geralt would take such a leap if he were not inappropriately older than her.
Foltest's love for Adda while inappropriate for their relationship as siblings is very much a genuine type of love. And I suspect the reason he wanted such a quick wedding is because he could then as King, with Adda as Queen, get rid of Ostrit. It is both love and a measure to protect her, not about ownership like Ostrit clearly demonstrates.
There is another factor in which we must talk. Foltest's lack of acknowledgement of Ostrit. Both while he was alive and after death.
“I have known that for a long time. How, witcher? Oh, of course, I forgot. Your code of practice. All right. I will make one small comment. Several witchers have been here already. Velerad, you have told him? Good. So I know that your speciality is to kill, rather than to reverse spells. This isn't an option. If one hair falls from my daughter's head, your head will be on the block. That is all. Ostrit, Lord Segelen, stay and give him all the information he requires. Witchers always ask a lot of questions. Feed him and let him stay in the palace. He is not to drift from tavern to tavern.”
This is the only time Foltest acknowledges Ostrit. After which Velerad only mentions to Geralt Foltest's words.
“Yes, yes. Of course, what is most important is your witcher's silver sword. It's here, don't worry. Both the sword and your little trunk. And the three thousand orens. Yes, yes, don't utter a word. It is I who am an old fool and you the wise witcher. Foltest has been repeating it over and over for the last two days.”
For the position Ostrit is in, that of a magnate likely meaning he is a Count, maybe Marquis, there should be some commentary on Geralt using Ostrit as bait for the Striga, and yet there isn't. He cannot escape him, he does not have anything to execute him for anymore, and he is still a powerful member of the council and an advisor, yet he hates Foltest so passionately that he wishes him to die in agony, go mad, and rot alive.
“It's true that I wanted to overthrow Foltest. I’m not the only one. But I am the only one who wanted him dead. I wanted him to die in agony, to go mad, to rot alive. Do you know why?”
He knows Geralt would not be sympathetic if he knew their relationship, which Geralt likely suspects. So instead he makes it how he "wronged" him. A sense of ownership gone wrong.
Foltest's go to coping mechanisms seem to be an air of airheadedness and jokes. We'll see this more in the series but in this story it is already established.
“What made your hair so gray? Magic? I can see that you are not old. That was a joke. Say nothing. You've had a fair amount of experience, I dare presume?” “Yes, your Majesty.”
Foltest would not let this publicly affect him, he's the King after all! But you can see the cracks in it when Foltest shows up disguised as a soldier to have an earnest conversation with Geralt. Foltest cannot trust the men in his company, he cannot even trust the Witcher, and he's far too old to be saved now. But he wants to save his daughter, for himself, for Adda, for her. Because she is suffering, and he knows what that's like.
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
Just finished my Blood of Elves reread. And I’m obsessed with the fact that when all the monarchs ae sitting around figuring out how to use Ciri to take back Cintra, Queen Meve looks at Foltest and is like
Wait a tic.
You’re properly hot.
You’re planning just to like…be nice to her, aren’t you? Because if she’s as horny as her ma and her nan were, you’re gonna have this sewn up before dinner.
She’s like *looks at him suspiciously* you’re gonna use your natural advantage of being a snack AREN’T YOU you devious bastard?? Yeah that’ll work. Those bitches in that family are all thirsty as hell.
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aljordandraws · 7 months
Foltest w the palette Monarch? <333
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More painting practice!!! I like to think his dogs are sitting next to him in this portrait. I wanted to be a little messy with this one and not take too long just kind of get the form without worrying to much about perfecting it. For more colour palettes send an ask with a request!
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poz-patrol · 1 year
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fandomwarehouse · 11 months
Say what you will about Foltest but the man loved unconditionally. Maybe too unconditionally.
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dangvar-blog · 9 months
The reason for the ugly cast of King Foltest in the Netflix series)))
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