#king wart's shy guys
Shy Guys Prove Super Mario Bros. 2 USA Is Not Just A Dream
So in Mario Superstar Baseball in the Exhibition Records you can find information about the Shy Guys you play as in this game. It is revealed these Shy Guys used to work for King Wart but now simply friendly rivals of Mario.
This alongside another tidbit of information I'm going to bring up in another post, alongside my previous post on SMB2USA all prove the events of that game did canonically happen and wasn't just a dream.
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lumsparko · 1 year
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Mario Madness (hold the Mario)
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doweesig · 1 year
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You know what would be cool? If Wart came back and he's the new antagonist of the Yoshi series :o
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askchammy · 24 days
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Some partner/party member refs for a potential Yoshi RPG one day, Yoshi Quest: Sunnyside Subcon! There’s a lot to go but, figured I’d share these fellas here too!
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tngmpersonal · 4 months
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lunareel · 11 months
A Heads Up
Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a great day or night, whatever time it is for y'all.
Making this post to explain and elaborate on some parts of the recent AU (Bowser's Bodyguard AU, which I'm thinking of renaming) I've been working on. This is going to cover the general story idea, overall vibe, and the games I'm covering with this along with questions I think people may have about the general au.
Don't worry I'll always have this AU tagged, so if you don't like it you can block it easily.
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So as stated above this is more of a clarification post and just generally covering my plans for this AU just so people know what to expect.
So I want this AU to be around 6 to 8 main chapters, where I will see if I can combine the Paper and Mario & Luigi universes into one. The first chapter will be on the Mario Movie.
What games will you be covering?
So below are games I definitely want to cover, please note the games are listed in no particular order at the moment.
Super Paper Mario
Paper Mario Thousand Year
Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga
Bowser's Inside Story
Dream Team
All games are going to be rewritten within mind of the character/setup changes. I'm not a huge fan of just writing something that is a paint-by-numbers retelling of the original story; if that's your cup of tea more power too you this is not to throw any shade on that!
For both Superstar Sage and Inside Story I do want to include the side stories the remakes added.
I will say Bowser's Inside Story will be heavily rewritten and I plan on calling it "Fawful's Revenge." The two main reasons are that I'm having Luigi prevent Bowser from eating the vacuum shroom which prevents a lot of the original plot, and I just don't want to draw the inside of Bowser. I don't know what else to say here.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Games that will either be short stories or I'm torn on covering:
Super Mario 2
Mario Galaxy (combining 1 and 2)
Mario RPG
Mario Odyssey
Origami King
Mario Sunshine
Luigi's Mansion 1 & 2
Rabbids Spark of Hope
Paper Mario 64
Super Mario 2 is going to cover Luigi's history with the Shy Guys, particularly with him usurping King Wart. This one might become a full/long chapter.
Mario Galaxy is one that might become a full chapter. It depends on what I end up covering. For instance, at the moment I'm debating on whether to have a semi-character death in it. It's weird because on one hand I don't fully consider this a character death, but it also kind of is because they leave the comic at this point and this does heavily impact the cast. So I'm unsure how to fully label this yet.
Mario RPG is a game I am very intrigued by and I would like to incorporate it into the story, but I do not know the plot of the story so it is on the fence right now. I do have at least a few short comics planned for it.
Mario Odyssey is just going to be a few short comics.
Origami King is where I don't know the full plot, but I'd like to do a comic about Shroom City just for some fun world building.
Mario Sunshine I am so torn on whether it would be a full chapter or just a short. I'm going to have to see where I go with it. Whatever it becomes I do plan on calling the chapter/comic "Obligatory Beach Episode."
Luigi's Mansion I'm going to be combining the first two games. I really want this to be a full chapter, I have just been struggling to plan out a full story for it along with fitting it into the rest of the games. I do want to try, but just in case I can't I'm slapping it into this category.
I need to give Rabbids a Spark of Hope a comic or two as Luigi and Bowser have a mission in there that is solely tied to their characters called "The Brains and the Brawn" which helped me think of their setup in this.
Paper Mario 64 will be another backstory one where Luigi attempts to use the Star Rod to send him home, to mixed results.
Games I am not covering:
Please note the games listed below are NOT because I think they are bad games, it's more because I haven't played them and/or I just don't have good ideas for how to fit them into the story.
Color Splash
Sticker Star
Paper Jam
Partners in Time
For Color Splash and Sticker Star, I just don't know the full plots of these games. Though I might do the train scene that occurs in Color Splash when Mario talks to that one Shy Guy.
Paper Jam is similar to the two listed above where I just don't know the plot and I don't want to deal with the multiverse. As in this I'm trying to combine the Paper universe with the Mario and Luigi universe into one.
Partners in Time could change, but at the moment I'm counting it as not covering as I'm just using the concept and the machine E Gadd builds. It won't deal with time travel, but instead the concept of looking into someone's memories. I don't like covering time travel so I'm just skipping it. Like I said I might cover the Cobalt Star and Princess Shroob, but I don't have a lot of ideas going for this so it might just be skipped entirely with her and her sister as villains.
Will there be shipping?
No, I'm sorry if you were hoping for anything. The most there will be is probably implied Peach x Mario, but that's it for the moment. If any of this changes I'll give a heads up just so no one is caught off guard. But romance isn't really the focus of this comic nor do I want to write romance. Listen just trust me on this you don't want me writing romance, I'm not good at it, this is for the best.
Just in case I am also just going to flat out say this so no one gets mad or feels misled when reading these comics. There will be no Bowser x Luigi in this story. Listen it's a funny and shockingly mostly wholesome ship, but it's not happening here. So I'm sorry if you were hoping for it, but I'm not doing it.
There might be some one-sided Luigi x Daisy (honestly thinking about doing Daisy x Waluigi because their Mario Party team name is Awkward Date and that is hilarious), and/or one-sided Luigi x Peasley, but in this Bowser will be majorly crushing on Peach. Bowser and Luigi are just platonic co-parenting the koopalings (think the Dungeons and Dragon movie with Sofina and Edgin). I just wanted to state this here so everyone is on the same page.
Quick side note: This isn't about shipping, but character-wise Donkey Kong and anything related to his games will only be in the first chapter. I struggle to write him and I don't know how to involve him in the other storylines so I'm just gonna have him chill in his kingdom. He will probably be making a reappearance in Dream Team as that is where I plan to end the comic.
What is the overall story/vibe of the comic?
The main story is going to focus on adventure and learning to love yourself. That's really the main premise. The story itself is going to focus on Luigi learning how to like himself for who he is and reconnecting with Mario and others while going on adventures. The big overall conflict will be the Chaos Heart itself. In this I really want to play around with the concept of the Chaos Heart and what if it didn't just go away after Super Paper Mario. I don't want to say too much about it at the moment as I don't want to spoil that part of the plot.
I feel bad because with the initial comic/sketches of this au, I made it seem a lot more dramatic/angsty than it will be. Sure there's going to be some drama but it really is more focused on the fun of the world, the adventures the characters go on, and the friendships that form out of them. I swear it's not as angsty (or I guess edgy, not sure if it was or not??) as the original comic made it seem so I apologize if that is what you were looking for.
Why I am calling Luigi Mr. L in this?
So in this, I am having Mr. L be more of his 'work mode.' It is designed to be more of a persona he puts on so he can do his job more effectively, but it is also still a part of his personality. I want to include more of his temper which is often portrayed through animations in Mario & Luigi (you know his stomping tantrum animations). Along with a few other notes, like how in the first Luigi's Mansion you kind of find some pretty sassy/sarcastic remarks through the pictures he takes with the Game Boy Horror, along with some of his dialogue in the Paper Mario games. I also want to play into him having a bit of an ego as well (playing more into the Mr. L in Super Paper Mario).
However, at the core, I do want to keep him a more socially awkward, easily frightened, and a very kind person outside of the mask/persona. At the end of the day he really just wants what is best for his friends and family. And that he is always ready to help someone even if he is scared out of his mind (though he might complain about not getting paid, or take a bit of convincing when it comes to dealing with ghosts.) I am also keeping the self-esteem issues, more so dealing with the fact he feels like all he has done is stumble through life making one mistake after another, and never being enough for the people he cares about in his life.
What are the inspirations for this?
Ghibli movies, particularly Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, and Spirited Away. I love their world building and how they handle character stories.
Magical Girl animes, I cannot stress enough how much the masks and his powers/setup are based on the magical girl shows I grew up on.
Majora's Mask, I want to do quite a bit with the masks themselves in this setup. I'm not going to elaborate much on them yet, because I prefer to reveal how they function in the comics than through this ramble.
Funnily enough, the character design that kicked off this au, or at least Mr. L's design was Death from Puss in Boots the Last Wish. I can explain, it was his cloak and his whistle. I've been playing through Super Paper Mario and I kept wondering what if they incorporated references to Luigi's Mansion more like maybe putting in his whistling, or going with a more horror aesthetic for him. Or even goes more into the concept of shadows as well, playing not only his ties with ghosts but also how Luigi feels like he is constantly in Mario's shadow. And when I saw the Mario Movie and that he was captured by the Shy Guys I was like hey wait a minute, I can do something with that.
So this story is just me playing around with those thoughts. Don't get me wrong though, him building robots to fight you along with the absolute banger of a jazz theme, and his cocky/petty attitude I have no notes and I like how he is done in the game.
So yeah this pretty much covers everything, if you read all of this kudos, I know this was long, but I hope I clarified what this comic is going to be like. Though please note that I have a job and I'm going through school, so this is going to take a bit to get going. I'm still writing out the base story, and I like to have one or two chapters fully drawn before I start posting it. I do plan on posting some of the short comics and doodles while working on the main writing.
Thank you for reading my rambles. I hope you all have a good one! : D
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notattumbr20 · 4 years
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WoW this chapter is over 9,000 words!
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I discovered today there is a new official book from Nintendo!
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And then these pages!
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They are so beautiful in this new art style 🥰🥰
Specially our ladies 💕💕
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Hope it will be available at least in english!
Here the source
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bean-n-shroob · 5 years
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Phew! This particular post was a bit tiring to do! But finally! We’re back :3 but worry not, Bleck n crew aren’t gone for good
I had a little too much fun with them =w= Might do something with them in the future. But for now, gotta focus on completing stuff!
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frologeist · 6 years
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foximator-blog · 3 years
Sorry I meant wart not earth
Oh wait, I do have Wart. He's a demon king who forced Birdetta's people, the Pallettesaurs and other creatures like Shy guys into servitude until Mario and Co defeated him ^^
He now tries to stay as relevant as villians like K. Rool or King Boo, but fails miserably
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Super Mario Bros. 2 USA Wasn't Just A Dream
While many people think Super Mario Bros. 2 USA is not canon or the events never happened, because it's a "dream" don't understand the lore of this game.
In the manual it is established that Mario first has a dream which takes him to a dream world called Subcon whose residents need his help defeating King Wart. The next day Mario tells his friends about the dream he had. Later on they eventually find a cave with stairs inside that lead to a door to Subcon. I also recall though I can't confirm this to be the case that the Japanese manual states Mario's friends also had the same dream. Anyways so eventually they all go to bed and the events of the game happen.
There is also a follow up game called BS Super Mario USA where Mario and friends return to subcon to deal with King Wart a 2nd time.
Subcon is the Land of Dreams and these games aren't the only time characters in the Mario world have been to Dream Realms. Mario and Luigi Dream Team and Mario Party 5 are 2 examples of this. So the events of SMB2USA are not merely just a dream with events that never happened. Other references that confirm SMB2USA is canon. Shy Guys Toad
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contrabandhothead · 4 years
Hi! I saw your post about requests! :) could I get some BOB head cannons of what it’s like to date them while also being is easy company? :)
I’m so so SO sorry this took so long, and I hope you like it 🤞🏻also, I couldn’t do all of them because school has been keeping me very busy. If you want to send another request, and i’ll do more for you when I have time 💕 Enjoy!
Dick Winters
generally very private about his relationship
mom and dad™ of easy co. 
 i want to say that he puts you on his team during missions, but i feel like he thinks it’s unprofessional 
so he probably puts you on a team with someone he trusts and that he knows won’t take unnecessary risks *cough cough* Speirs *cough cough* 
doesn’t mean he doesn’t get worried though 
give this man a massage please, he’s stressed af  
you’d never want to jeopardize his position though, so you’re generally okay with it 
however, sometimes you get a little lonely 
Dick notices this and tries to clear out a slot in his schedule in order to spend some quality time with you 
treats you like any of the other men, except when you’re alone
king of stolen kisses behind crumbling walls before a battle
very healthy relationship overall 12/10 would be an amazing father 
secretly wants to get married when the war is over 
i’m not saying he definitely proposed on V-E Day but he definitely did it 
cries at the wedding, especially since it’s been so long since he’s seen you all dolled up because of the war 
also cries because he’s finally getting to marry the love of his life 
drunkenly told Nix at his bachelor party about how amazing you would look at your wedding and then went on and on about the specific shade of your eyes
S I M P 
Nix never lets him forget it 
Lewis Nixon
this man 
let’s be for real here 
he has NO idea how to display affection at all, especially because of his past 
so he does what any rich boy would do 
showers you in gifts that you don’t need 
it’s not that you’re ungrateful for them, you just wish he would understand that you don’t love him for his money 
i feel like everyone forgets that he’s lowkey rich 
can’t relate Nix
he will buy you anything he sees you look at for more than a second
always has them delivered by some random Private 
the men tease you RELENTLESSLY for it 
“hey Y/N, what did that overflowing wallet buy you this week?”
“Shut up Tab”
is always worried about you 
especially since he usually isn’t on the battlefield since he moved to staff
you’re fine 
you can definitely handle yourself after Sobel’s training what a fucking dick
takes you out on small simple dates when you guys actually have weekend passes 
the guys always help you get ready for your dates (they see you as a little sister it’s really cute) 
Ron Speirs 
this man 
oh wow 
the flavor 
never really got to see you until Dog Co. was basically absorbed by Easy Co. 
definitely thinks he’s not good enough for you 
when you first introduced the Easy Co. men to him, they thought the exact same thing (they changed their minds after a while though) 
P L E A S E 
secretly is a cuddle monster
will 100% sneak into your foxhole to cuddle and will slit anyone’s throat that mentions it 
this man has arms and legs like an octopus when it comes to cuddling 
will pull you back into his arms even if you need to use the bathroom and will not be letting go 
steals you pretty things for absolutely no reason (Ron, no) 
the man is like a freakin magpie
the men of Easy Co. grow to like him more when they realize how happy he makes you and how he doesn’t hurt you 
he actually values their opinion on your relationship a lot
he knows Easy is like family and you’re like the younger sister 
doesn’t show it though 
pushes you away when he feels insecure 
surprisingly domestic 
Carwood Lipton 
wholesome but to the max™
you’re both so in love i feel like i’m going to throw up rainbows
signed up for the paratroopers together
i feel like Carwood is the type of person to marry his high school sweetheart 
so yeah, you guys are that™ couple
best aunt and uncle of easy co. 
Lip worries about you just a littleee more than the other men 
he’s just a worry wart in general 
almost threw hands with Sobel once when Sobel insulted you 
he will not stand for anyone insulting his gal 
isn’t as private as Dick is with his relationship, but is known to hide it from superior officers other than Nix and Winters
aka Sobel
was 100% willing to get kicked out of the infantry to defend you from Sobel 
thinks a lot about how good of a mom you’d be, especially when he sees you caring for the men
is also a cuddler, though not nearly as clingy as Ron
just a loose arm to tuck you into his side, especially during Bastogne 
prefers having you on his team, not only because he cares about you, but also because he admires your skill and accuracy 
you’re a damn good shot, and he’d scream it from a mountain for all to hear 
so proud of his gal 
George Luz
you’re either the jokester and the stoic couple, the shy kid and the jokester couple, or the jokester and the jokester couple 
there’s no in between 
cracks terrible jokes just to see you smile 
still tries pick up lines even AFTER you two are dating (even the guys shake their heads)
you two are the entertainment for easy co. let me tell you 
you’re also the only person that can get George to shut up 
you must thank him in kisses he takes no other currency 
clingy baby™
it’s like dating a 12 year old boy sometimes 
he can be so immature but it’s kind of endearing at times
everyone is immediately accepting of your relationship because it just makes sense and you’re both good for each other
wants a hug and a kiss even if you’re just leaving the dining hall to go to the bathroom 
just give the man what he wants or he’ll pout all day until you kiss his cheek 
you guys once had a match of how long you could ignore each other once 
he was surprisingly dedicated 
but he broke 
he snapped like a twig after everyone went to sleep
he dived into your foxhole and begged you to talk to him
he kept snuggling closer to you until you talked to him again
Joe Toye 
rough on the outside, soft on the inside  
brings you flowers when he asks you out (surprisingly very traditional and respectful when he asks you out)
everyone has a good time when Toye is with you, he loosens up a lot more 
loves when you pet his hair and he can just stare up at the stars while laying in your lap 
he’s just as bad as Speirs when it comes to cuddling 
a cuddle bug but won’t admit it 
actually might be worse than Speirs when it comes to cuddling because he can actually sneak into your bunk while you’re sleeping 
also wants to fight Sobel when Sobel insults you and actually almost threw hands 
he almost got court martialed and was 2 steps away from getting up in Sobel’s face before Guarnere and Luz stopped him
hands down the dumbest thing he has ever done 
you were so mad at him for it 
you didn’t talk to him for a week 
you felt bad because he was always giving you those puppy dog eyes from across the dining hall 
Joe gets teased by the guys for being sweet on you  
“at least I got a broad! the rest of ya’ can’t really say that much.”
will not hesitate to let you win during arm wrestling 
he’s not allowed to arm wrestle with you anymore because the guys know he’s just letting you win 
you’re his #1 fan during arm wrestling 
look at those arms tho
Joe  Liebgott   
y’all thought Toye was soft 
the way Joe acts around you is definitely bullying material for the other guys 
Lieb drinks respect women juice 
thinks you’re so cool 
would probably walk up to random people and be like “that’s her. she’s my girlfriend. can you believe how lucky i am?” 
thinks it’s so cute when you show off your brand new jump wings to him
you just looked so excited 
he wasn’t even staring at the wings when you started rambling about how happy you were, he was just making this stupid in love face
definitely grabbed your face and kissed you hard after that 
he wants SO many kids???? 
ya know those lists that lots of girls have on their phones and it’s just a bunch of future baby names??? that’s Joe 
this man has 8 names
4 girls names and 4 boy names 
he plans to use every name 
just wants to live the domestic life with you after the war 
will freeze his ass off and take your watch just so you can get some extra sleep 
another cuddle monster (they’re multiplying)
whispers really cute things in german to you until you fall asleep
has also almost fought Sobel for shit he said to you 
David Webster 
you help him fit in more with the other guys 
please teach him the art of socializing  
yes, the men have stolen his journal to read all his terrible poetry about you
still gets shit for it to this day 
shares his chocolate bar with you 
longing stares but from across the room 
doesn’t actually take you out until the war is over because he wants to do it right dammit 
has little to absolutely no relationship experience
please teach him 
or better yet, struggle with him and get made fun of by all the guys 
they actually accept Web more now that he’s with you 
cuz Easy Co. loves you 
sends letters all the time when he’s sent to the hospital 
everyone teases him that he acts like he’s more likely married to Liebgott than to you
you’re the only reason the men will stop teasing him 
definitely more badass then him 
you radiate boss energy and that’s what easy co. likes about you 
especially Web
everyone’s like “that’s my girl!”  
and he just smiles in the corner with the rest of them 
Bill Guarnere 
S O F T 
weak for his girl 
arm wrestles just to get your attention (flexes all the time for pete’s sake) 
also wants like a gazillion children and talks about it constantly with Liebgott
this man wants an army of little Italian kids 
no one makes fun of you or Guarnere for his actions to get your attention because they don’t want his fist in their face 
people who have almost punched Sobel for making fun of their girl: let’s add Guarnere to the list 
you didn’t ignore him, you just told him off for being an idiot 
if i could describe it, he sulked like a puppy that got told no more treats
so proud of you when you get your jump wings 
probably makes a toast about it at the celebration 
he was so drunk but it was so cute
literally will do anything for your attention 
chugging three bottles of whiskey so Y/N will pay attention to me??? pass the bottle bitch
not a massive cuddle monster but enjoys PDA and the occassional ass slap
probably has slapped your ass in front of company before
this boy has no morals smh 
don’t worry, you get him back though 
Frank Perconte 
worry wart but multiply it by 1000x 
is always bothering you to brush your teeth 
not because he’s scared your breath stinks, but because he cares about you and your oral hygiene 
now gets bullied about oral hygiene and his relationship with you 
ft Skip. “oh Y/N, take me away my princess. did you brush your little pearly teeth??? i would never want your perfect smile to be ruined.” 
Skip has been chased multiple times around Toccoa for this behavior 
will fight anyone that thinks you’re not a good shot 
is amazed how good you are at darts (knows you’re better than Buck) 
does share a foxhole with you 
is NOT part of the monster cuddler club because he knows when to stop 
has not arm wrestled for your attention but will if so needed 
always needs attention
whiny 12 year old boy P.2
sometimes it’s like you’re dating Luz as well 
Luz has purposefully third wheeled before 
yes, you heard me 
likes spontaneous dates 
would fight Sobel for you but isn’t stupid enough to almost do it 
Buck Compton  
realized he had heart eyes for you before his old girl broke it off with him
the other Easy men were like “dude, what the hell are you waiting for. GO GET YOUR GIRL!” 
let’s you win at darts 
is also stupid and needy enough to arm wrestle for your attention
actually wins though 
wants you to kiss his guns (absolutely not sir) 
jealous and protective 
jealous af around Winters 
gets teased a lot about it by the other men
but they can see why he’s insecure about it, Winter’s could sweep any girl he wanted to off her feet
indeed a cuddle monster 
will only share a foxhole with you in Bastogne 
no one else
radiator of heat and thus a good cuddler though 
will only let you make fun of him without repercussions 
wants you to move in as soon as the war is over
always demands to be in your unit during an attack
will keep you safe at all costs (and one of the reasons why he got shot in the ass again) 
Floyd Talbert 
 people use to bully Tab for his condom shipments
now they bully him for the way he acts around you 
tough guy??? no. absolute stick of melted butter when around you 
thinks you’re a saint 
so does the rest of Easy though, so I guess it doesn’t matter
they had everyone from Easy give him a pep talk just to ask you out (Trigger even barked at him) 
he was actually worried you would reject him 
no one will ever reject that man lol it doesn’t make sense
not necessarily a cuddle monster
likes when you sit on his lap 
can’t explain it, it just makes sense
will also arm wrestle for your attention 
will honestly do anything for you 
you need me to bring you Jupiter in a jar??? 
sure babe I’ll be right back 
has specific pet names for you 
his favorites are buttercup, angel, and beautiful
Babe Heffron 
P U R E 
does not get bullied for being in a relationship with you because everyone loves him
not a single person in this company, including you, would hesitate to sacrifice their life for that replacement 
whines a lot to you when you don’t give him attention
will arm wrestle for your attention and loses
has not had the chance to fight Sobel before but I feel like he could if he wanted to 
will tear Dike to shreads if he even mutter one hateful word against you 
cuddle monster #2323293
enjoys being the little spoon and the big spoon while in the foxhole 
shares his food with you during meals 
will not hesitate to get shot in the ass for you 
also will not hesitate to get shot for you in general 
is like an angry 6 year old baby when you don’t pay attention to him
is known to give the silent treatment when you’re too busy to talk to him for days
wants you to meet his Ma in Philly after the war 
has many hopeful dreams that include you after the war 
will only share chocolate with you and Gene
give him a hug, even when he says he doesn’t need it
Eugene Roe 
this man has so many pet names 
he is not afraid to use them on the battlefield, especially if you’re bleeding out because he’ll know you’ll answer to them
“darlin’, mon amour, ma mie, ma belle, ma chérie” 
 please stop Gene, it’s embarassing but also like don’t stop
get us a defibrillator his heart stopped while he was looking at you and we need to do CPR NOW-
thinks you’re the most beautiful girl ever
is not dumb enough to arm wrestle for your attention
he just makes this grumpy or upset face and you catch on quickly 
he’s also not dumb enough to fight Sobel
is always worrying about you
especially in Bastogne 
always jumping into your foxhole to check for any wounds
probably lost his sizzuhs that way
always has extra bandages just for you 
treats you with tender care
Donald Malarkey 
is not dumb enough to fight Sobel for you 
doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to punch him though 
is dumb enough to arm wrestle for your attention 
it lowkey depends on the day though 
i mean 
he doesn’t need to arm wrestle for you to admire his arms 
like, have you seen that gif of him taking of his shirt???
loves cuddles in your foxhole but is not a cuddle monster
he’s a big baby when he gets tired
loves it when you take care of him 
has definitely fallen asleep once on your shoulder during watch 
would run up Currahee with full gear 3 times just to see you smile
he needs a hug. give him one now. 
likes to rest his chin on your head 
also wants you to move in (and maybe get married) after the war
treats you kindly, but he’s still a sarcastic little shit 
kiss his muscles
that was literally so long i can’t believe i finished
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starryparkrr · 4 years
Hi! Can I get a strawberry boba?! I use she/her pronouns and prefer a male matchup! I’m mainly pretty introverted but when I’m with people I’m comfortable with I can be loud and extremely goofy. I love helping people smile whether it’s when they’re going through a hard time or just making jokes. I do struggle with a few mental disorders however, and can become extremely insecure and sensitive. I need lots of reminders and comfort when I feel down. I also struggle to sleep sometimes. I love a person who can always be there for me and in turn I’m always there for them. I also just want to be able to be myself and have fun. Some other things I love to do are play video games, art, read, and I love cats. I’m also pretty intelligent and love science. Just a few other things about me are I’m an INFJ, a gemini, and my hog warts house is raven claw! Thank you!!
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𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘱 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵 ! 𝘪𝘵 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦 ! 𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘧𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘦𝘶 𝘪 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘶𝘱 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩...
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Kirishima just knew you were the one when he first met you. It was just this gut feeling that he got when you guys were introduced to eachother. Even though you guys were in the same class you didn't officially meet until the sports festival. He was in the Bakusquad and you were with the Dekusquad so you never really interacted much before then.
Now after the sports festival he made the effort to get to know you and become friends. You were pretty shy at first but he just gave off these friendly vibes you couldn't ressit. Once the friendship was established dating followed soon after.
He just fell in love with your goofy mannerism and the way you're always trying to make people happy. He can see the effort you put to make people smile and he's amazed at how kindhearted you truly are. And bcs you sometimes need that same energy given back to you he's there to deliver.
When you opened up to him about your mental disorders he was all ears. So, eager to learn about it so he could help you through the hard times. You better believe that when you're feeling insecure and sensitive he's right there beside you helping you out of the darkness as best he can. He just wants to help you because you deserve to be as happy as you make everyone else :'(
He's like the king of comforting his S/O and being there whenever you need him. He'll drop ANYTHING for you. Literally. He's always there to whisper sweet nothings into your ear and reassure you about how amazing you are. And when you can't sleep he'll risk getting caught sneaking out at night just so he can hold you in his arms to help you sleep at night.
You don't have to hide anything from him either when it comes to personality. This boy just wants to see and know all of you so he can love all of you 🥺 he likes to learn new things about you and your interest bcs you guys probably share a few. Like video games ??? Man he's always down to play with you but don't get hurt when he beats you bcs it's out of his hands that he's that good 🤷🏽‍♀️ but when he gets beat ??? Def uses the line "I wasn't even trying" whatever you say Kiri.
As for reading he's always down to accompany you to the library so you can find a new book to read. As for your art he is ALWAYS praising you. Will shower you in compliments, but then he'll give you a few pointers. Not harsh but more along the lines of small little improvements so you can improve as well.
As for a first date I see him actually taking you to a cat cafe ! He doesn't even know if you like coffee but he feels you'll enjoy the company of all the cats. The date goes well, but you guys get caught trying to sneak a cat into the dorms 💀
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𝘪 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘢 𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘶𝘱 ! 𝘪 𝘥𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘧𝘶𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 :) 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪'𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘥𝘰 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯 ! 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘮𝘬 !
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jtp-remart · 3 years
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This is a tribute to a character I believe gets way less appreciation than he truly deserves. And that is King Wart. I do believe that's largely owed to the fact that his canonical status is debatable. As some of us know, Super Mario Bros. 2 wasn't even a Mario game originally, it's a reskin of the game Doki Doki Panic that was released internationally. We do know that Shy Guys, Birdo and Ninjis from the same game became Mario characters since then, but Wart's latest appearance that we know of... isn't even in a Mario game! He has what basically counts as a redemption arc in Link's Awakening, which brings me... As much as I like Wart, it's definitely not for his villainy. I mean, what kind of powerful, self-respecting villain goes down to a bunch of literal vegetables thrown at him? I don't even see him as much of a villain rather than some cranky old frog whose hubris ended up being his downfall. He clearly learned his lesson in the end and supported Link in his journey, so in spite of the short-lived terror he caused in Doki Doki Panic or Super Mario Bros. 2, he can be a well-meaning figure if he really tries.
Also available on Twitter!
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dustedmagazine · 4 years
Tim Clarke’s 2020
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Trying to make sense of 2020 leaves me at a loss for words. Australia began the year with a Black Summer, as terrifying bushfires swept across vast swathes of the country. And then, of course, COVID-19 hit. Melbourne went into lockdown, many of us began working from home, and human connection, fragility, mortality and economic recession were all more important talking points than music. Yes, the music industry took a huge hit as the gig economy was decimated, but focus switched, it seemed, to smaller moments of connection. I transitioned from a headphone commute and attending sporadic gigs to sneaking in listening whenever I could: around home-schooling my daughter, during car rides, on headphones before bed, or while working from home. Music has seemed simultaneously less important and more important than ever. As a result, I couldn’t get a clear sense of how the albums that meant the most to me in 2020 could be arranged in any kind of order, so here they are alphabetically.
Activity — Unmask Whoever (Western Vinyl)
Unmask Whoever by Activity
Arising from the ashes of the criminally underrated Grooms, Activity put out their debut early in the year, latching onto my subconscious with their bewitching blend of noise-rock and synth-pop. Imagine Sonic Youth wandering lost in a haunted forest and you’re on your way to getting a handle on this slippery beast.
Anjimile — Giver Taker (Father Daughter)
Giver Taker by Anjimile
This one caught me by surprise late in the year, mainly thanks to Jennifer Kelly’s review. Giver Taker brings together the sprightly melodic sensibility of Illinoise-era Sufjan Stevens and the rhythmic and vocal qualities of the sorely missed Wild Beasts. Short, sweet and amiably tuneful.
Fake Laugh — Dining Alone (State 51 Conspiracy)
Kam Khan not only has a way with a tune, he also has a subtle sense of humor. On Dining Alone, he’s evolved the power/guitar-pop of his fantastic self-titled debut into a more strident, synthesized sound that’s undercut by self-deprecating wordplay and sly instrumental details. Catchy as all hell.
Yves Jarvis — Sundry Rock Song Stock (Anti- / Flemish Eye)
Sundry Rock Song Stock by Yves Jarvis
I’d never heard any of this guy’s music before this year. Jean-Sébastien Audet creates gorgeously affecting psych-pop that unfolds like a half-remembered fever dream. Woozy, hazy and deeply beautiful.
King Krule — Man Alive! (XL)
Hard to articulate how music that is so gloriously warts-and-all ugly can be so satisfying, but Archy Marshall has done it with his new album. Smoky jazz, belligerent post-punk and stoned lo-fi are all stirred together into a murky and intoxicating soup.
Adrianne Lenker — Songs (4AD)
songs by Adrianne Lenker
Given my adoration of last year’s two Big Thief records, I was really looking forward to Adrianne Lenker’s new solo albums. Instrumentals missed the mark for me, but Songs really shines, Lenker mustering a moving suite of achingly intimate folk.
Loma — Don’t Shy Away (Sub Pop)
Don't Shy Away by LOMA
Loma’s self-titled debut was my favorite album of 2018, so this follow-up was eagerly awaited. It didn’t end up quite what I was hoping for, but Don’t Shy Away is deeply affecting and intricately crafted, nonetheless. Emily Cross’s voice is as bewitching as ever, this time set within a more varied collection of songs, venturing into art-pop as well as their more familiar folk-rock terrain.
Protomartyr — Ultimate Success Today (Domino)
Ultimate Success Today by Protomartyr
A new Protomartyr album is always cause for celebration here at Dusted, and Ultimate Success Today is up there among their best. This time around they’ve incorporated a wider instrumental palette, including woodwind and cello, while also, somehow, getting heavier, befitting a year in desperate need of catharsis.
Shabason, Krgovich & Harris — Philadelphia (Idée Fixe)
Philadelphia by Shabason, Krgovich & Harris
Remember the Neil Young song “Philadelphia” from the Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington movie of the same name? Joseph Shabason, Nicholas Krgovich and Chris Harris do, and their interpretation sets the tone of this lovely album: hushed, introspective, delicately beautiful.
Andrew Wasylyk — Fugitive Light and Themes of Consolation (Athens of the North)
Fugitive Light and Themes of Consolation by Andrew Wasylyk
This is the third album in a trilogy of gorgeous instrumental records from Andrew Mitchell (who also plays bass in rabble-rousers Idlewild). Though all three albums are good, this is probably the best of the three, bringing to mind the suave sci-fi lounge-pop of Air’s Moon Safari, the lush soundtracks of Sven Libaek, or Mogwai at their most restrained and minimal.
Honorable mentions (10 more in alphabetical order):
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Alabaster DePlume — To Cy & Lee: Instrumentals Vol. 1 (International Anthem)
Any Kind — Peacock (self-released)
Autechre — Sign (Warp)
Ian William Craig — Red Sun Through Smoke (130701)
Sarah Davachi — Cantus, Descant (Late Music)
Claire Deak & Tony Dupe — The Old Capital (Lost Tribe Sound)
Lemon Quartet — Crestless (Last Resort)
Owen Pallett — Island (Domino)
Lyra Pramuk — Fountain (Bedroom Community)
Dean Roberts — Not Fire (Erstwhile)
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