#king pāramitā
wuzhiqi-enj0yer · 2 years
Headcanons for Sun Wukong’s children !REWRITE! (Part 1)
King Paramita
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The oldest and was born immortal. This however didn’t stop him from stealing the nectar of immortality.
Enjoys sweets.
Became a general at age 15.
Retired at the age of 25 to take care of his younger siblings.
is currently the caretaker and teacher of Jidu, Louhou, and Yuebei.
Has never met the Bull Demon Family.
Was never told about his birth.
Yuebei Xing
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Currently the youngest
Almost destroyed a section of Flower Fruit Mountain.
Her red bracelets were gifted to her by Guanyin to help control his powers
The skull she carries is the head of Lady Bone Demon.
doesn’t really get along with their siblings very well, especially Jidu.
Usually keeps to herself to prevent conflict which leads her to respond apathetically
((Part 2 in W.I.P))
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
Sorry just realized something funny about the Shadowpeach pregnancies.
First it was one (MK), then two (Eclipse Twins) and now three (Lunar Node Triplets). Maybe it is a good thing they are not interested in having any more magical pregnancies, if this keeps up they will be having quadruplets or quintuplets.
Haha! It was more a happy accident on my part XD
But yeah, Shadowpeach best be careful making more kids in the future. The "Buy 1, get 2 Free" situation with the Lunar Node Triplets have probably made them more wary when planning for future infants.
I wanted Macaque's little toyline shadow clones/Eclipse Twins (LMK) to be their kids, then I wanted the non-canon Yuebei Xing and ofc I had to include her brothers Jidu and Luohou (all three from "Journey to the South") cus they're so cool.
There are other "unofficial" kids of Sun Wukong in extended Journey to the West-inspired media that I wouldn't really count tho.
King Pāramitā (+4 unseen brothers) from "A Supplement to the Journey to the West" - set between an alternate timeline of Chapters 61 and 62 where Tripitaka gets kidnapped by a time traveller (even in 1640 people were pulling that trope) that somehow convinced him to give up the pilgrimage. King Pāramitā and his four brothers were apparently concieved when SWK accidentally got PIF knocked up when he transformed himself into a stomach bug/parasite in order to extort the Fan from her (Chapter 59 of JttW). I find that situation a bit too uncomfy/medically inaccurate so no. If anything I'd give Ironbull the bonus five kids, and that Pāramitā was the result of SWK accidentally lifting a curse from the couple - like when parents joke that their kid's "true parent" was a bottle of alcohol.
And since LMK's MK himself is likely a whole reference to Sun Luzhen from "Later Journey to the West" (17th century), it would be a little redundant to make a Sun Luzhen kid. Does give my Wukongverse idea of each of the SWKs having an "MK" weight tho.
In hindsight; between my au Shadowpeach's bio and adopted kids, I accidentally gave SWK the "five sons" (MK, Rumble, Jidu & Luohou, + the adopted Chenxiang) he's said to have had in A Supplement. XD
I would like to thank @journeytothewestresearch for their endless dedication and research into these sort of topics, since I use their articles as sources. I apologise for using your research as fanfic material. Go check their website out if you got any Jttw questions.
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sketching-shark · 8 months
a question how bad or disrespectful would it be to use the name as king paramita for an oc I really like the way it sounds It sounds like the name of a perfectionist character, someone who always seeks efficiency as a personal goal. I don't know, that's what it transmits to me
Thanks for the question anon! And as far as I'm aware using the name King Paramita for an oc wouldn't be disrespectful at all.
From what little I know the word "Pāramitā" is a Sanskrit term often translated as "perfection," and that it is used in Buddhism to describe the character of enlightened beings, or the paths bodhisattvas must follow to become true buddhas. And you wouldn't be the first to use it for an OC! The author of the unofficial side-journey for Journey to the West called A Supplement to the Journey to the West (published in 1640), after all, involves Sun Wukong meeting his "son" King Pāramitā in an illusion created by a goldfish demon.
So given this, "King Pāramitā" sounds like a pretty good name for an oc who's a perfectionist! That said, if you're still feeling uncertain about it you may want to do more research into Buddhism, and particularly Mahāyāna Buddhism, to get a better sense of how this term is commonly used and why your oc may have that name.
Of course, it again can't be forgotten that "King Pāramitā" is the name of someone's oc from the 1600s who was there to be a "what-if" scenario/mess with Sun Wukong's mind, so take that precedent as you will XD
I'm also linking @journeytothewestresearch's article on the fan children that people have come up with for the Monkey King over the centuries, as it gives more detail into what said oc does in A Supplement to the Journey to the West, as well as gets more into the term "Pāramitā" in Buddhism:
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royaltea000 · 8 hours
Hi, again!!
this is the anon that told you about SWK’s kids a few days ago- so when I saw your newest post I- *Sobbing in the distance*
ALSO Fun Fact: Yuebei Xing is his only daughter, her name also means “Moon Comet Star”
Pāramitā, his oldest son- who is also both a king and a general- means “Perfection”
I would love to think that Wukong constantly has his hands full with his kids. Especially considering the fact that both of his eldest are strong as heck!!
Of course Wukong’s kids would have the most ostentatious royal sounding princess names ever they all inherited his +1000 aura.
Dude probably has like over 300 concubines back home and his kids just crawl all over him and chew his tail whenever he’s there. I also think it would be super funny if he just comes back after a century and they’re fully grown going hi dad! :D but he’s just like who are you people 🗿
Also at one point every cub goes through demon monkey puberty where they accidentally sneeze and blast a hole through the wall lmao. Do you think he gets them fixed or just leaves em there as like a commemorative baby’s first power burst?
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avatarpabu97 · 2 years
Monkie Kid theory
A little disclaimer I have very little knowledge on any form of Chinese literature or mythology. So everything I put down is scratching the surface. Also their is spoilers for S4
Allrighty think I know who MK is or at least who he’s based off. After the original Journey of the West was their was numerous unofficial sequels. Many of which gives Wukong children in various ways. Eight of them between two 17th century novels and one honorable one who is spiritual descendant of Wukong.
Only about four of the unofficial children were mentioned by name, two who had any relevance. All of which have a unique connection to Buddhism and Asian Astrology.
Five sons by Princess Iron Fan but only one is mentioned King Pāramitā. He was conceived somehow when Wukong turned into fly and entered PIFs stomach. From ch.59 of the OG TJTTW.
Pāramitā is from the story A Supplement of Journey to the South.
The other three who’s name we know are from the story Journey to the South.
They are two sons Jidu, Luohou, and his one daughter Yuebei Xing.
But then we have the spiritual descendant Sun Luzhen from the story The Later Journey to the West.Sun Luzhen was born from the same stone that Wukong sprung from. And after hearing the many stories of Wukong after emerging from the stone he gave himself the title Small Sage Equaling Heaven and went down the same path of Wukong.
MK in s3 episode 3 called himself Somewhat equal to heaven.
Luzhen basically speeds runs Wukong’s journey causing a bunch of Mayhem and Havoc. So the Jade emperor tells Wukong to stop him.
Wukong tells him the dangers of Brute Force and begins Luzhen’s enlightenment.
Essentially brute force isn’t the only way like VR king was telling MK in season 2.
MK’s character and his is clearly based off of Luzhen.
Like Wukong Luzhen is a stone monkey.
Luzhen even had two companions Zhu Yijie the son of Zhu Bajie and Sha Zhihe the disciple of Sha Wujing.
Pigsy and Sandy. It’s interesting that Monkie Kid had them being old friend.
Like I said I haven’t read any of these stories but going off of a brief summary of the stories. It’s actually interesting to see how writers of the past made their own stories based off other stories.
But yeah Sun Luzhen might be the inspiration for MK’s character. If not the story of Monkie Kid. Their not exactly one to one for the characters. But it might reveal where we’re going in the story. Maybe MK discovers the secrets to immortality like Luzhen.
But I am curious how the other stone animals and the mysterious goddess will play into things. I’m assuming it’s going to be Guanying given her connection to the original journey story but can easily be another creation goddess. MK clearly knows more then he realizes and Wukong definitely knows what MK is since MK was born from his stone on his mountain.
Whatever season 5 or the special hopefully it goes into what MK is.
Links to the sources I used.
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onemindzen · 3 months
“Explanation-style teaching is not enough, some kind of demonstration is necessary.” - Seung Sahn
As Buddhists in general and Zen practitioners in particular, we try to spread the Dharma wherever possible. Sometimes we do it through words, sometimes through silence, and optimally through our actions. We try to leave greed, hatred, and delusion out, and bring generosity, love, and wisdom in, without proselytizing or preaching. Although it’s not always obvious or straightforward how we do that. 
Not every situation is the same. Likewise, no relationships are identical, and may change constantly. That being the case, can a single response realistically always be considered the correct one? It would be easy to say that generosity is always welcome, always helpful, always appropriate. But if a child were starving, would giving them a rubber ball for breakfast be generous? Would giving a basketball player a sandwich and expecting to see a fast break really be practicing the perfection of generosity? If someone’s wife just died, is pointing out the Buddhist teaching of no birth/no death be correct function? Would offering candy to a child who’s a stranger? None of these examples are necessarily bad actions, but they all reflect a certain tone-deafness regarding the situation and relationship.
We face challenges about what correct response—correct function—should be many times every day. If we aren’t paying attention—being mindful—and sensing the nuances in a given situation, we can very easily just do a shallow “Buddhist” response. Even the Buddha wasn’t all hugs all the time:
“….Ananda said to the Blessed One, "This is half of the holy life, lord: admirable friendship, admirable companionship, admirable camaraderie."
"Don't say that, Ananda. Don't say that. Admirable friendship, admirable companionship, admirable camaraderie is actually the whole of the holy life….” (Upaddha Sutta)
In the Sutra in 42 sections, the Buddha said, “Giving food to a hundred bad people is not as good as giving food to a single good person,” meaning that not all dana is appropriate dana, or correct function. Through our pride, we might think to ourselves, “I’m so great, I just donated all this food to all these people,” but that isn’t as meritorious or wholesome as supporting even one person who helps all beings find their True Nature. Even within the realm of “saving all beings,” there are priorities. Sustaining one who will do the work of the Bodhisattva is more beneficial to all beings in the long run than randomly performing self-congratulatory acts that only help people who only spread greed, hatred, and delusion. Even this, however, is subject to paying attention to situation, relationship, and function. There are the King Ashokas, who start out evil and become good, and conversely Devadatta, who does the opposite. On the surface, generosity to Devadatta would seem more appropriate, but that may turn out to be a grave error. Even the Zen stick, a punch, or a twist of the nose may have skillful function…depending on situation and relationship.
The first of the Perfections (Paramitas) is generosity, or dāna-pāramitā); followed by morality (śīla-pāramitā); perseverance (kṣānti-pāramitā); vigor (vīrya-pāramitā), meditative concentration (dhyāna-pāramitā); and wisdom (prajñā-pāramitā). They are known as the Practice of Perfections, that’s to say that they are ongoing like our Zen practice. (Think of the phrase “Practice makes perfect,” but without ever achieving total perfection). They Practice of the perfections is how we perform correct function, skillfully adapting to situations and relationships from moment to moment, and always returning to the same simple point: “How may I help you?”
Haengdal Citta gave the Dharma talk June 26, 2024
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loyaltykask · 3 years
Okay but I can't stop thinking about these 5 non-canon kids in JTTW "sequel" I just might an AU where he keeps them himself after the JTTW, don't know how the timeline would work but just don't think about it too hard
Like he LITERALLY ACCIDENTALLY KNOCKS UP IRON FAN is like 5 levels of funny to me when it shouldn't be.
Can you imagine that conversation:
Iron Fan at Wukong’s door: Pay your fucking child support Wukong just getting back from promoting to Buddha status: Woah, first all we never did the horizontal tango, and two, I don't even have the equipment  for that to happen Iron Fan: You jumped my stomach so hard that I have quintuplets now Wukong who was born from stone: .... THAT IS NOT HOW THAT WORKS ..... (is it?) ((IS IT?))
I like to think Iron Fan treated it as more of a surrogate mom thing rather than Wukong and her having anything romantic (She's my sister! I would never!) Iron Fan and Bull Demon King get monthly visits to Red Son as long as they stay "good" while he's under GuanYin's teaching and he gets to hear about his new half-siblings... that's a conversation GuanYin had to intervene "Skinning a monkey alive is not 'merciful'"
 And just like.... the quintuplets themselves..... just the havoc I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the only named son is the firstborn (cause it always is) and keep that this Wukong is like JTTW 1996 Wukong so super into Buddhism so, of course, he names the first son Pāramitā after the six transcendent perfections that are generosity, discipline, patience, diligence, meditation, and wisdom
The second born is Upāya for skillful means
Third is Praṇidhāna for determination, this related to the Bodhisattva vows
Fourth is Bala for spiritual power
And youngest is Jñāna for knowledge
And now he's a single father of five children
Bajie gets his revenge for the Birthing-River Situation and harps on Wukong for being "loose." After several well placed hits with a staff Bajie admits the kids are cute and proceeds to spoil his new nephews/nieces
Wujing is a crier in this one and insists on staying around to help protect them. Despite Wukong living in a literal fortress in a Mountain, inhabited by immortal fighting monkeys and escorted by his generals and marshals.
But it's Wujing so of course he's always holding one of the Quintuplets at all times
Wujing crying holding monkeys like the drunk girls from youtube: I can't protect them all
Tripitaka also ascended to Buddha-hood but you cannot convince me that man isn't going to try to hold all five of them but they keep trying to slap his bald head cause that's what babies do
Wukong: Don't hit your grandmaster! Tripitaka: It's fine Wukong, it doesn't hurt Wukong: ...(I wanted to slap the head)... Tripitaka: What was that? Wukong: Nothing, Sifu!
Bai Long Ma insists that they have to have a royal celebration because they are now Royal Monkey Heirs. Wukong takes this as just a huge party but what Bai Long really meant was to have other people come "pay their respects" to the new royalty.
Wukong ain't about that life but he does like free stuff so it becomes a mix of both where he invites everyone in Heaven to come to pay his kids respect (except the Queen Mother as revenge for not being invited to HER peach festival cause he petty like that)
 It turns out to be a full blown rager in the Mountain considering he invented all of Heaven and the local 72 Demon Kings so considering it the first cultural exchange... with lots of drinking
Our five heroes are of course good monks and don't drink and while the party rages the rest of the night Wukong slips away early on (leaving a clone) to put his babies to sleep where it's nice and quiet.
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The Monkey King’s Children
I've written a new article about the Monkey King's children appearing in late-Ming literature. He has a total of eight children shared between two late-Ming novels, but only four are mentioned by name, and only two of these actually have parts in the respective stories. They range from the handsome to the grotesque and have connections to Buddhism and Asian astrology.
His named children include:
King Pāramitā (Boluomi wang, 波羅蜜王) - son
Jidu (奇都, “Ketu”) - son
Luohou (羅猴, “Rahu”) - son
Yuebei Xing (月孛星, “Moon Comet Star”) - daughter.
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wuzhiqi-enj0yer · 2 years
Monkey siblings!
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wuzhiqi-enj0yer · 2 years
Headcanons for Sun wukongs's kids because I'm bored
(Ft. Paramita, Jidu, Luohou, and yuebei xing)
is the oldest and was born immortal
Enjoys sweets especially honey
Became a general at age 15.
He once stole the nectar of immortality. Dude was never caught.
He was "raised" by the demon bull family when I mean raised I mean Redson was the one who take care of him most of the time.
was not pleased when wukong came back for him. Like he never met wukong or never knew he was his son.
Did not like his siblings either he was just annoyed at the fact that he isn't with redson
forgets that he has 3 siblings in his monkey family instead of 2. (This will be explained later)
that being said he mostly spent time with Yuebei because both his sister and him were stronger than Luohou and Jidu.
Is currently Nezha's disciple .
is the older twin of Luohou.
He is very close with his twin follows and trusts what Luohou says.
Has anger issues and is very aggressive.
He feels like he needs to prove himself.
He ran away from home.
Was peacefully living in the mortal world until he met MK.
is the younger twin of Jidu
Always has a smirk on his face
Is definitely hiding something
A real "charmer"
Cares a lot about money
Is the last person you want to be comforted.
Seems to know about a lot of things.
Yuebei Xing
is literally the sweetest person in the family
was born with having lots of power that she almost destroyed flower fruit mountain.
Her red bracelets are what is stopping her from accidentally causing havoc. They're also quite heavy.
The skull she carries is her most prized possession and also happens to be LBD's head.
Has really low self esteem but she doesn't let it show.
Is scared of Jidu despite being stronger than him.
Is currently Nezha's disciple
( I'll probably go back and edit this post because I definitely left out lots of things. I'm definitely going to explain the whole 2 instead of 3 siblings later in a different post where I can actually explain instead of having bullet points.)
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wuzhiqi-enj0yer · 2 years
big honey king, younger brother of red son
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wuzhiqi-enj0yer · 2 years
Another old drawing I made a long time ago.... of the wukong family!
((Oldest to youngest from left to right))
King Pāramitā, Ketu, Rahu, yuebei Xing, sun luzhen
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((Really struggled with ketu's and rahu's designs not really liking it))
((Hoping the tags are correct))
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wuzhiqi-enj0yer · 2 years
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tf when your 4-7 y/o brother starts breakdancing in front of you at 5 am.
((Old drawing I did of the siblings before giving Pārāmitā an actual design))
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wuzhiqi-enj0yer · 2 years
finally drew King Pāramitā (Boluomi wang, 波羅蜜王). Im not good at drawing armor. (( Or character designs))
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( in the LMK universe, he isn't iron fan's biological son, its more like a single parent having absolutely zero experience with taking care of a infant and goes to their friend because their friend has had more experience . The single parent wukong and the friend being iron fan. They're not friends tho. So in a sense he has two families.)
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