#king lucy photography
feratu · 2 years
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It is he!
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Mary Lilian Henriette Lucie Josephine Ghislaine Baels, Princess of Réthy, second wife of King Leopold III of Belgium
Belgian vintage postcard
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aliteraryprincess · 1 year
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July 2023 Wrap Up
July was a great month. We had a wonderful weeklong vacation in Gloucester, MA with my in-laws, celebrated the two year anniversary of adopting our cats, and got to spend plenty of time with friends. I certainly can't complain about my summer so far!
Books Read: 15
Look at me go! My favorite new read was The Travelling Cat Chronicles, which is now my favorite book of the year. I also learned upon rereading Mansfield Park that I actually really like it. And of course I had a great time rereading my ultimate comfort books: the All for the Game series. My least favorite was Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law, which I found completely disappointing. I like Rich's prose works a lot, but her poetry doesn't agree with me. Books marked with ® are rereads.
The Autobiography of Margaret Oliphant by Margaret Oliphant - 3.5 stars
Under Two Flags by Ouida - 3.5
Book of Longing by Leonard Cohen - 4 stars
Blush: Faces of Shame by Elspeth Probyn - 3 stars
Thief Liar Lady by D. L. Soria - 5 stars
Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law: Poems 1954-1962 by Adrienne Rich - 2 stars
Cujo by Stephen King - 5 stars
The Shadow in the Glass by JJA Harwood - 4 stars
Mansfield Park by Jane Austen - 5 stars ®
The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa - 5 stars
A Memoir of Jane Austen and Other Family Recollections by James Edward Austen-Leigh, edited by Kathryn Sutherland - 4 stars
The Guest List by Lucy Foley - 4 stars
The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic - 5 stars ®
The Raven King by Nora Sakavic - 5 stars ®
The King's Men by Nora Sakavic - 5 stars ®
On Tumblr:
Look, I have things here! I've started posting book photos again, and I'm having a lot of fun with it. There are also some lovely pictures of the cats taken at the kennel where they boarded during our vacation. I highly recommend checking them out because my boys are adorable (and clearly I'm not biased at all).
June Wrap Up
Tagged: Mid-Year Book Freak Out
Book Photography: Mansfield Park by Jane Austen
Book Photography: Book of Longing by Leonard Cohen
Book Photography: Vacation Book Haul!
Book Photography: The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa
Book Quotes: The Shadow in the Glass by JJA Harwood
Book Quotes: The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa
Cat Photography: Butters and Pippin at the Kennel
aliteraryprincess' 40 Classics to Read Before 40
On YouTube:
Not as much here as usual because I took a week off from filming during the vacation. But to make up for it I have an almost hour long video ranting about Twilight, so 🤷‍♀️
Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag 2023
June Wrap Up - 13 books!!!
Currently Reading 7/16/23
Rereading the Twilight Saga as an Adult
August TBR
Fairy Tale Friday: The Shadow in the Glass by JJA Harwood
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Happy Birthday Drew Barrymore!
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queerism1969 · 3 months
Notable transgender people from history
Here's the list I put together for when people on non-trans subreddits claim we didn't exist until recently:
Ashurbanipal (669-631BCE) - King of the Neo-Assryian empire, who according to Diodorus Siculus is reported to have dressed, behaved, and socialized as a woman.
Elagabalus (204-222) - Roman Emperor who preferred to be called a lady and not a lord, presented as a woman, called herself her lover's queen and wife, and offered vast sums of money to any doctor able to make her anatomically female.
Kalonymus ben Kalonymus (1286-1328) - French Jewish philosopher who wrote poetry about longing to be a woman.
Eleanor Rykener (14th century) - trans woman in London who was questioned under charges of sex work
[Thomas(ine) Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas(ine)_Hall) - (1603-unknown) - English servant in colonial Virginia who alternated between presenting as a woman and presenting as a man, before a court ruled that they were both a man and a woman simultaneously, and were required to wear both men's and women's clothing simultaneously.
Chevalier d'Eon (1728-1810) - French diplomat, spy, freemason, and soldier who fought in the Seven Years' War, who transitioned at the age of 49 and lived the remaining 33 years of her life as a woman.
Public Universal Friend (1752-1819) - Quaker religious leader in revolutionary era America who identified and lived as androgynous and genderless.
Surgeon James Barry (1789-1865) - Trans man and military surgeon in the British army.
Berel - a Jewish trans man who transitioned in a shtetel in Ukraine in the 1800's, and whose story was shared with the Jewish Daily Forward in a 1930 letter to the editor by Yeshaye Kotofsky, a Jewish immigrant in Brooklyn who knew Berel
Mary Jones (1803-unknown) - trans woman in New York whose 1836 trial for stealing a man's wallet received much public attention
Albert Cashier (1843-1915) - Trans man who served in the US Civil War.
Harry Allen (1882-1922) - Trans man who was the subject of sensationalistic newspaper coverage for his string of petty crimes.
Lucy Hicks Anderson (1886–1954) - socialite, chef and hostess in Oxnard California, whose family and doctors supported her transition at a young age.
Lili Elbe (1882-1931) - Trans woman who underwent surgery in 1930 with Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, who ran one of the first dedicated medical facilities for trans patients.
Karl M. Baer (1885-1956) - Trans man who underwent reconstructive surgery (the details of which are not known) in 1906, and was legally recognized as male in Germany in 1907.
Dr. Alan Hart (1890-1962) - Groundbreaking radiologist who pioneered the use of x-ray photography in tuberculosis detection, and in 1917 he became one of the first trans men to undergo hysterectomy and gonadectomy in the US.
[Louise Lawrence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_Lawrence_(activist)) (1912–1976) - trans activist, artist, writer and lecturer, who transitioned in the early 1940's. She struck up a correspondence with the groundbreaking sexologist Dr. Alfred Kinsey as he worked to understand sex and gender in a more expansive way. She wrote up life histories of her acquaintances for Kinsey, encouraged peers to do interviews with him, and sent him a collection of newspaper clippings, photographs, personal correspondences, etc.
Dr. Michael Dillon (1915-1962) - British physician who updated his birth certificate to Male in the early 1940's, and in 1946 became the first trans man to undergo phalloplasty.
Reed Erickson (1917-1992) - trans man whose philanthropic work contributed millions of dollars to the early LGBTQ rights movement
Willmer "Little Ax" Broadnax (1916-1992) - early 20th century gospel quartet singer.
Peter Alexander (unknown, interview 1937) - trans man from New Zealand, discusses his transition in this interview from 1937
Christine Jorgensen (1926-1989) - The first widely known trans woman in the US in 1952, after her surgery attracted media attention.
Miss Major Griffin-Gracy (1940-present) - Feminist, trans rights and gay rights activist who came out and started transition in the late 1950's. She was at Stonewall, was injured and taken into custody, and had her jaw broken by police while in custody. She was the first Executive Director of the Transgender Gender Variant Intersex Justice Project, which works to end human rights abuses against trans/intersex/GNC people in the prison system.
Sylvia Rivera (1951-2002) - Gay liberation and trans rights pioneer and community worker in NYC; co-founded STAR, a group dedicated to helping homeless young drag queens, gay youth, and trans women
Marsha P. Johnson (1945-1992) - Gay liberation and trans rights pioneer; co-founded STAR with Sylvia Rivera
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palmviolet · 5 months
okay, as promised (thank you @madsmilfelsen for the encouragement lmao) post rewatch thoughts on true detective ep2:
— the landscape becomes more prevalent in this episode, or maybe i'm just more aware of it. it feels like nearly every scene we get a long, sweeping shot of the bayou, of the oil refineries, of the tangled roads like clogged-up arteries connecting to the heartland. these shots are often panning shots, the kind that in this genre we'd expect to be revealing something. standing right there, we think, will be the next clue — we just have to wait for the camera to reach it. this is a microcosm of the detective genre as a whole, the structure of a medium that reveals and solves truth. but TD has a troubled relationship with the camera and the filmed medium (panning away from the camera screen in ep1, the fontenot tape that 'no one should have' and indeed becomes a weapon against geraci, dora's mother saying “i saw it on the television, i prayed for that woman’s family, and it’s me.”) and its own genre in general. it won't be so easy as panning to the culprit — instead, the camera remains stubbornly fixed on the emptiness of a oily, polluted landscape, and gradually we begin to accept that landscape (cancer alley, one of america's most literal expression of the slow violence of capitalism) as a culprit in itself. this is reflected in the title sequence, which uses richard misrach's photography of petrochemical america.
(a great reference for the role of oil in true detective is Byrnes, Delia. “‘I Get a Bad Taste in My Mouth Out Here’: Oil’s Intimate Ecologies in HBO’s True Detective.” The Global South 9, no. 1 (2015): 86–106. https://doi.org/10.2979/globalsouth.9.1.07.)
— this is also connected to the pollution of the body. dora's mom gets headaches like 'storms' from the chemicals she was exposed to working in dry cleaning; dora's ramblings about the yellow king in her diary lead marty to say 'fried her brain, whatever she was on'; the whole episode deals with rust's 'neural damage' and visions from his time working narco. the brain is a permeable membrane that can be polluted just like the landscape — and it is that pollution, rust's 'mainlining the secret truths of the universe', that leads him to the mural on the wall of the church, the classical climactic reveal we expect in the detective genre. but it's not good old fashioned police work or sheer brilliance that gets him there — it's the chemical damage done to him by his trauma, his environment, and his job as police.
— speaking of, this episode is where marty's good-guy persona rapidly falls away and becomes something quite sinister. already, TD is taking aim at the copaganda myths of the troubled cop who needs to come home to unwind, party to horrors beyond imagining. he presents these excuses to maggie and they cut no ice, because they're fiction, because when he's out late he's actually just drinking and cheating on his wife.
— this is made most explicit in the juxtaposition of rust buying pills from a sex worker while marty has sex with lisa. marty brings handcuffs to the encounter; he intends them to be used on lisa, but lisa uses them on him instead, cuffing him as she recites his miranda rights just the way a cop would. meanwhile, rust tells lucy that of course he's dangerous; he's police. 'i can do terrible things to people with impunity.' he doesn't hurt her, but he could. and marty does not contradict this; he lets lisa cuff him and 'arrest' him only because she can't in reality. later on, when he uses his badge against the guy she's sleeping with from the longhorn, this reversal of power is revealed to be not a reversal at all. it's the same as when the bikers dress up as cops and rust becomes a cop pretending to be a biker pretending to be a cop; at a certain point, it all collapses and reveals police authority to be not innate and integral but in fact malleable, corrupt, and invariably performed for sexual and violent gratification.
— there remains a remove, however. as with the shots of the landscape, we mainly experience the louisiana environment as scenery speeding past while rust and marty drive. we experienced this with the glimpse of the girl (sophia's ghost?) in the first episode; we see this again at the start of ep2, when a group of young girls are smoking, scantily clad, on the side of the road and marty shoots them a troubled look through the window as they go past. it encapsulates his control issues as they unfold in this episode and beyond — that he has the desire to rescue, but really control, women's 'purity' and sexuality, but he can't. either he has to drive right on past or he has to give them a 'down payment' which will result in sexual favours later down the line. there is no way of leveraging his masculine cop authority that is not corrupt.
stay tuned for tomorrow night's round of Thoughts on ep3!
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little-bit-obsessed · 7 months
The Chronicles of Narnia: Social Medias
I've recently been writing an AU of The Chronicles of Narnia with @thedivinemischievousspark, based on the idea that the Pevensies live in the modern world rather than during the war! The AU is basically Prince Caspian being sent to their world years after the events of the second movie (ignoring the third one because it doesn't work as well with the plot) when all the Pevensies are adults and have given up on the idea of ever returning to Narnia again. It's Peter x Caspian (and also Susan x Caspian at the beginning), but right now none of it has been posted, not sure whether it'll be posted yet (if it is it'll be on AO3) but I wanted to share their social medias! Here they are below:
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♡ Job: Beauty Specalist ♡
♡ Lives: Alone in a London flat ♡
♡ Doesn't love doing social media, only has it out of social pressure, posts mainly shots of her clothes but occasionally something related to what she's doing. She shares all her Instagram posts to Facebook. Is single, having never properly gotten over Caspian, and doesn’t have many friends. She wishes to move on from her past in Narnia ♡
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♤ Job: Studying Folklore at uni ♤
♤ Lives: With her brothers in a terraced house ♤
♤ Only recently bothered getting Instagram but she enjoys it, although she also uses TikTok an awful lot ajd has Snapchat. She always makes appreciation posts about her siblings, likes posting little quotes, and styling pretty pictures to make her life seem magical, like it was in Narnia ♤
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◇ Job: Works multiple barmen jobs ◇
◇ Lives: In a terraced house with siblings ◇
◇ Loves Instagram, finds it a fun way to commemorate his life. Posts videos/pictures of his family all the time, baking and working out, does photography to post. He glamourises his life using social media, but in reality is struggling trying to support Lucy and Edmund, and misses being king. He’s been fired a few times for being impatient with demanding customers. Has lots of friends but doesn’t get too much time to see them ◇
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♧ Job: Studying International Relations at Uni, is a student ambassador to help make money ♧
♧ Lives: In a terraced house with siblings ♧
♧ Doesn't use Instagram much, but lurks on it a lot. Likes Instagram shorts and YouTube shorts but has never tried TikTok and is never planning to. Sometimes he posts YouTube shorts of his siblings, but only rarely and isn't well-known ♧
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☆ Job: Unemployed (reigning king of Narnia) ☆
☆ Lives: In between Susan’s and the other's ☆
☆ Has been taught how to use Instagram by Lucy, and enjoys it. Is on public and has gained followers due to posting a lot of informative and well-tagged posts about sailing and astronomy. Has a lot of people thirst following him. Also has a TikTok account but he doesn’t understand how it works. Is enjoying learning more about London, but is desperate to one day go back to Narnia. He has also discovered a love for alcoholic cocktails ☆
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lostvalkyrie · 10 months
Real Places I Have Visited That Your OCs Would Probably Like
@thatwritingho - Olive - The Mutter Museum in Philadelphia, PA, a collection of medical oddities. They have an entire wall of skulls behind glass, a fetal skeleton, and other preserved remains. It's strictly educational, no photography allowed, but I'm not sure if there are any ethical concerns about how some of the specimens were obtained. The museum itself is beautiful, all polished wood and perfectly clean glass, and it has the feel of a library. It's just you and the bones and other equally as quiet visitors.
@the-loveliest-lotus - Lucy - The Junkman's Daughter in Atlanta, GA. It's a huge store full of funky and colorful clothing and accessories and stuff. I remember them having plenty of rainbow colors, 70s style platform shoes, and coats with faux fur collars. She would probably dig putting on a fashion show for whoever went with her.
@gointothevvater - St Cecilia - The Cosmopolitan, Las Vegas, NV. This place is just beyond. Every single aspect, even stuff that should just be utilitarian, is somehow beautiful, sleek, luxe, and perfectly maintained, to say nothing of the Chandelier Bar which I think she would like. You go upstairs and sit inside of a huge chandelier, surrounded by glimmering crystals. The entire place smells like the lightest touch of expensive perfume. The kind where you couldn't say exactly what notes are in it, it just feels pricey.
@dolly-macabre - Dolly - Stella's Lounge, Grand Rapids, MI - This is a bar with a fun vintage 80s vibe. They have retro arcade games, all sorts of whiskey, and a cocktail so strong that they'll only let you order two of them in an evening. The interior is painted black with pops of color, much like the aesthetic of a raven haired rocker lady with many tattoos.
@chordsykat - Sparkles - Wherever the sea lions congregate, San Francisco, CA - Why can I imagine her unsuccessfully trying to befriend a pile of sea lions, who would bark in an alarmed fashion and leap off of the docks as she ran at them?
My OC Vilde - John K King Books - Detroit, MI - This is a used bookstore in an old factory, and they say they have a million books here. It's at least three stories from what I remember, so I believe them. Parts are anxiety-inducingly difficult to move through due to all of the stacks of books, but then you'll occasionally find an empty aisle that you can joyfully loiter in, uninterrupted. That old paper smell always reminds Vilde of home, since her mother owned a rare bookshop downstairs from their apartment. Unlike her mother's shop, however, John K King has never stocked the Finnish Book of Necronomic Spells, the Black Book of Helvetesmunn, or any other cursed grimoires.
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final-girl96 · 2 years
Joseph Quinn: "I don't rule out Eddie Munson returning to Stranger Things, but the character arc is beautiful and powerful in itself, and we don't want people to get tired"
He has gone from fighting for small roles to playing a favorite character on one of the biggest shows on television. We dive into the British breakout star's surreal year of 2022.
By Jack King
Photography by Ben Parks
November 16, 2022
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Prada coat, shirt and pants. Church's shoes. Ben Parks
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Boss jacket and shirt. Ben Parks
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Camisa Gucci. Pantalones y mocasines Dolce & Gabbana. Ben Parks
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Abrigo Jil Sander by Lucie and Luke Meier. Camiseta Uniqlo. Sombrero Lock & Co. Hatters. Ben Parks
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Chaqueta y pantalones Etro. Camisa Boss. Botas Dior. Ben Parks
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Jersey y camisa Dior. Ben Parks
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Sixteen-year-old Poppy has everything her unlimited credit cards can buy, and a spoiled attitude to match. After a final thoughtless prank, her exasperated father ships her off to boarding school in England. There, Poppy meets her match in a stern headmistress and a class full of girls who will not tolerate her selfishness. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Poppy Moore: Emma Roberts Freddie Kingsley: Alex Pettyfer Mrs. Kingsley: Natasha Richardson Kate: Kimberley Nixon Jennifer ‘Drippy’ Logan: Juno Temple Roddy: Johnny Pacar Josie: Linzey Cocker Gerry Moore: Aidan Quinn Harriet Bentley: Georgia King Kiki: Sophie Wu Molly Moore: Lexi Ainsworth Ruby: Shelby Young Matron: Shirley Henderson Mr. Kingsley: Nick Frost Mrs. Loughton: Selina Cadell Miss Rees-Withers: Daisy Donovan Jane: Ruby Thomas Mr. Nellist: Jason Watkins Charlotte: Eleanor Turner-Moss ‘Wow’ Girl: Maisie Preston Jake: Tommy Kijas Lola: Sonia Rockwell Skye: Kelsey Sanders Twin #1: Katelyn Pacitto Twin #2: Kara Pacitto Rosemary: Vanessa Branch Ruthie: Hallie Eisenberg Film Crew: Producer: Tim Bevan Producer: Eric Fellner Director: Nick Moore Production Design: Eve Stewart Casting: Fiona Weir Music Producer: Steven Price Director of Photography: Chris Seager Producer: Diana Phillips Production Design: Marc Fisichella Casting: Joanna Colbert Foley Mixer: Peter Gleaves ADR Recordist: Rick Gould Editor: Simon Cozens Line Producer: Alexandra Ferguson Original Music Composer: Michael Price Music Supervisor: Nick Angel Set Decoration: Robert Wischhusen-Hayes ADR Recordist: Philip Rogers Writer: Lucy Dahl Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Doug Cooper Sound Mixer: John Midgley Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Sven Taits Makeup & Hair: Charlotte Hayward Hairstylist: Amy Byrne ADR Recordist: Rachael Tate ADR Mixer: Nick Kray Costume Design: Julia Caston ADR Mixer: Jeff Gomillion Makeup Designer: Fae Hammond Hairstylist: Liz Phillips Foley Editor: Robin Knapp Stunt Double: Karine Mauffrey Music Consultant: Kirsten Lane Foley Recordist: Tim Atkins Makeup Artist: Andrea Whitten Movie Reviews:
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olko71 · 1 year
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on http://yaroreviews.info/2023/05/sainsburys-boss-we-are-not-profiting-from-high-prices
Sainsbury’s boss: We are not profiting from high prices
Andrew Porter Photography
By Emma Simpson & Lucy Hooker
BBC News
Supermarkets have not been using high rates of inflation as a cover for making higher profits, the boss of the UK’s second largest grocery chain has said.
Sainsbury’s had made less money, to keep prices down, Simon Roberts said.
Critics have accused food retailers of “greedflation” – putting prices up to bolster profits.
The competition watchdog has said it will look at how the grocery market is operating.
As well as the new focus on high food prices from the Competition and Markets Authority, some politicians have called for action on food prices.
But Mr Roberts told the BBC that Sainsbury’s and other grocery chains had spent money to “battle inflation” and avoid passing all of the rising costs onto consumers.
“We made less profit year-on-year and that’s because we made really conscious decisions to keep our prices as low as we could,” Mr Roberts said.
Sainsbury’s made £690m in pre-tax profit in the year to March, a fall from £730m the previous year.
There have been growing calls for more clarity over how food prices are set.
General inflation has fallen to 8.7%, and energy prices and some wholesale food prices have started to fall back. But food price inflation remains stubbornly high at 19%.
Ged Futter, a former senior buyer at supermarket Asda and now a retail analyst, said suggestions that supermarkets were “raking in” profits were misplaced, pointing to lower profits across the sector.
“There is no evidence from a single supermarket that this is profiteering,” he said. “What they are doing is absorbing some of the higher costs.”
The large supermarkets all made lower profits or losses in the last year, he said. Tesco, the UK’s largest supermarket chain, earned pre-tax profits of £1bn, half of what they earned the previous year.
Profit margins in the industry were below 5%, Mr Futter said, much lower than in food manufacturing. Costs in the agricultural sector have risen by 30%, he added, suggesting farmers and retailers were absorbing some of the price rises.
Why food bills aren’t shrinking – five things to know
More supermarkets cut bread and butter prices
How a big yellow label influences what we buy
In recent days, several supermarkets have announced lower prices for some basics that are common to most shopping baskets: bread, milk and butter.
“We invested over £560m in the last year, others have done similarly,” Mr Roberts said.
Mr Roberts said pay rises for Sainsbury’s staff of more than 10% last year had contributed to rising prices, but were “locked in”, while he hoped the cost of other inputs such as energy and food commodities would continue to fall.
Tesco, Morrisons and Asda have also raised staff wages in recent months, as have budget retailers Aldi and Lidl.
While the headline rate of food inflation was around 19%, that didn’t mean households were spending 19% more on their food, Mr Roberts added, since most shoppers had decided to buy less, trade down to less expensive choices, or shop more frequently to avoid waste.
Shoppers were increasingly turning to own-label products, Mr Roberts added.
Sainsbury’s has relaunched its own-label range under a new brand name, Stamford Street, to help shoppers find the cheaper options quickly, he said.
The range will include 200 products, and will include new staples such as king prawns and cheese tortelloni pasta.
Rachel Adams
It is named after the spot near Blackfriars in London where Sainsbury’s had its head office for over a century, but which has now been demolished.
Sainsbury’s is not the only grocer hitting back at criticism over profiteering.
On Wednesday, Marks & Spencer chief executive Stuart Machin also denied the sector was guilty of “greedflation” and said his company had also invested to protect customers from the full force of inflation, impacting its profit margin because it was “the right thing to do”
There are structural reasons why prices may not fall rapidly even when energy and wholesale and commodity prices fall, the industry has pointed out.
Many retailers sign long-term contracts for products and so will have baked in some of the higher prices, the British Retail Consortium said.
Unilever boss Alan Jope has also dismissed accusations of greedflation, saying the company was only passing on three-quarters of the higher costs it was facing.
More on this story
Why food bills aren’t shrinking – five things to know
4 days ago
Supermarkets probed over food and fuel prices
16 May
More supermarkets cut bread and butter prices
10 May
How a big yellow label influences what we buy
16 April
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grettavitta · 2 years
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TAMANACO 🦍 IBK’s Rbg’s Cardi Beast x King Liger Clone ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 🖤⛓Welcome to our world⛓🖤 🇺🇸Veteran owned & Operated By @GrettaVitta ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⛓ Iron Bully Kennels ⛓ Home of XL American Bullies 🌴 South Florida ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ For more info 👉📩 DM @IronBullyKennels www.IronBullyKennels.com ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #IronBullyMagazine #IronBullyKennels #IBK #bully #usa #puppy #xlamericanbully #amazonpets #walkernation #newyork #photography #california #americanbully #florida #nyc #bullies #instagood #pitbull #losangeles #ufc #mma #nfl #bullybreed #bullylife #abkc ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Make sure you follow the fam ❕❕❕ @IronBullyMagazine @IronbullyFlorida @IronBullyBlessedKennels @ironbullypalmbeach @royaldiamondbulliesllc @blu_oval_bullies @riddickbeaukennels (at Port Saint Lucie, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoEAaCLu0tp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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crackshotsnapshot · 2 years
Final Fantasy XV
Main Verse:            Prompto Argentum is the best friend of Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum, and one of his Crownsguard, charged with helping him get to Altissia safely for his wedding. He's also made himself the self-appointed photographer for the journey, documenting it all. (Tag: none) World of Darkness:           With his King in the Crystal, and the sun failing to rise, everyone is doing what they can just to survive. While Prompto has faith that Noctis will return, he also knows how much the darkness wears on people. He works to help travelers moving through the dark, fighting daemons and working on bettering himself. So that he'll be ready when his best friend returns. (Tag: ;in the dark) Prince of Niflheim:           Following the death of his wife and young son, the Emperor of Niflheim fell into a deep depression - one that his scientists sought to alleviate by presenting him with a new heir. A clone, created from the Head Researcher's genetics. He was raised as Emperor Aldercapt's son, as the Crown Prince of Niflheim. (Tag: ;prince in white)
Final Fantasy VII             A lab experiment raised in Shinra, Prompto doesn't have a lot of knowledge of the outside world. He was created as a clone by a researcher using his own genes, and then, when he was older he began to get mako infusions. While not officially a part of the SOLDIER program, he's gone through much of the same sort of enhancements as them as part of the experiments he's been subjected to. More than anything else, he wants to get a chance to see the outside world.
Modern          Prompto is a college student studying photography, at university on a scholarship, and without much support from his adopted parents. 
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lesteralfonso · 2 years
One Day in December (2022) from LA Alfonso on Vimeo.
A PARADIGM PICTURES production of a film by LA ALFONSO
Director, Screenwriter, Editor, LA ALFONSO
Music, Musical Director SUSAN NEWMAN
Director of Photography PAWEL DWULIT
Associate Producer ROB VISCARDIS
Props and Set Designer VICTORIA WOOD
Hair and Makeup ROSIE SALCIDO
Sound Recording and Mixing JAMES McKENTY
Chalkboard Artist JENNIFER (OPAL) ELCHUK
Coordinator, Additional Support ANGEL HAMILTON
Clarinet/Guitar/Programming JOE FORTIN
Additional Sound Effects JARED BREMNER
Photographs by FRED ROY courtesy of the City of Peterborough
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mystixdreams · 4 years
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Thought I might share some photos of Noct while I’m still recovering from watching all of Violet Evergarden🙃
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