#kindergarten books
vintonharper · 8 months
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Gotta get them started early. Get you a kindergarten teacher like me.
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nostalgicfun · 4 months
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NOT trying to start an argument here, everyone is allowed to have their own opinion and you are allowed to dislike things just because you dislike them, (I just like having discussions about media, sue me) but I don't think Rhaenyra's visit to kings landing was supposed to be "smart". I think she's a woman who is slowly losing her grip and the only people who are even remotely listening to her are women and she doesn't have a single idea how to stop this war and her last hope is just to go to her former best friend and plead for her to listen. No, it wasn't a "good plan", because it wasn't a plan it was a hail mary. Rhaenyra sees no way to stop this so she goes to the only person on the other side who might even consider listening to her and begs "please, show me a way". Alicent sent her the page, SHE sent the invitation and yes, Rhaenyra is late, and yes, they've both lost so much, but Rhaenyra still came and she wants to find a way to make it right and for the last time, Alicent tells her that some things can't be fixed, and that's why it's important. Because they're just playing out the same story over and over. Rhaenyra will never learn that there are wounds that cannot heal and Alicent will never fight hard enough to see if she could heal from them. They are a rabid wolf and a loyal dog and no matter how hard they fight it they will always fail themselves by giving way to their lesser nature. Anyway this has gotten away from me but... ya know, if you find anything worth chewing on in here go ahead, I love hearing other people's thoughts.
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jack-spooker-paste · 24 days
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Hot take: The people who are STILL insisting that Izzy is homophobic (despite the NUMEROUS instances of the cast/crew/David himself saying that nobody on the show is being targeted for their identity and ‘it’s not “I can’t believe he’s with a guy” but “I can’t believe he’s with THAT guy”‘ ad nauseam) towards Stede, Lucius, or Ed (I don’t believe I’ve seen anyone say anything about Fang or Pete, though I could be wrong, but I’m gonna touch on that in a bit too*)? They’re, unironically, being homophobic by stereotyping the characters and reducing them to just their sexuality.
If you recognize that Stede is a multifaceted character and you recognize the ways in which he is multifaceted - He’s a man born into wealth and raised on classist, colonialist ideals. Yes, he’s also traumatized by how he was treated by his father and peers but trauma doesn’t exempt people from blame when participating in, embracing, enforcing, and benefiting from classist and colonialist ideals - you will understand that Izzy is not being homophobic towards him just because he hates him.
If you only view Stede as a gay man and ignore everything else about his character then the only motivation for Izzy to hate him MUST be because he’s a gay man and therefore Izzy MUST be homophobic.
If you recognize that Lucius is a multifaceted character and you recognize the ways in which he is multifaceted - He’s a man who likely was born into some level of the middle class, given that he can read and write (It’s also possible that he was born into a working class family and he learned to read and write there, but it’s the unlikely option by default. None of the rest of the working class crew know how to read or write save Jim who was raised by a nun and would have been taught by her.), he also avoids doing work which is necessary for the function of the ship that they live on and depend on for their livelihoods and encourages the rest of the crew to do the same with his insubordination. He’s also in an unorthodox relationship that people who have not experienced the concept of consensual non-monogamy would not understand and might interpret as cheating - you will understand that Izzy is not being homophobic towards him just because he hates him.
If you only view Lucius as a gay man and ignore everything else about his character then the only motivation for Izzy to hate him MUST be because he’s a gay man and therefore Izzy MUST be homophobic.
If you recognize that Ed is a multifaceted character and you recognize the ways in which he is multifaceted - He’s a man of color, born into a working class family who worked hard to make a name for himself, to the point where he did not have to endanger himself or his crew to earn their livelihoods. He’s also some level of neurodivergent and understimulated by the environment he’s in (because he excels at his job) which leads him to make irrational and dangerous decisions and puts the lives of himself and his crew in danger. He’s also been making increasingly out of character decisions (corroborated by Fang and Ivan) by the influence of Stede - you will understand that Izzy is not being homophobic towards him just because he’s angry about his relationship with Stede.
If you only view Ed as a gay man and ignore everything else about his character then the only motivation for Izzy to be angry about his relationship with Stede (and only Stede, because he had no qualms about Ed and Calico Jack’s involvement with one another given that he sent Jack to get Ed out of the way of the English, but that’s another post I don’t have the spoons to make) MUST be because he’s a gay man and therefore Izzy MUST be homophobic.
If you IGNORE that Izzy is a multifaceted character and you IGNORE the ways in which he is multifaceted - He’s a gay (we’re not having this argument) working class man who earned his high ranking position on an extremely respectable pirate’s crew. He’s capable and is rightfully angry when he’s looked down on because of his class. He recognizes the importance of ship maintenance and is rightfully angry when those tasks are ignored. He doesn’t understand Lucius’ relationship dynamic and thinks he can use (what he thought was) him cheating on his partner (seriously, how is ‘I’m going to tell the man you were fucking that you were fucking another man’ threatening to out him?) as a motivation to make him do the necessary ship work. He is rightfully angry when his orders are ignored because he’s the highest authority on the ship next to the captains. He is in love with Ed and is jealous because Ed is in love with Stede - you can pretend that Izzy is homophobic because of how he behaves towards the other gay men on the ship.
If you ignore that Izzy has valid reasons for his actions (which does not mean that the actions are all entirely justified) then the only motivation for them MUST be because he’s homophobic.
(* The persistent neglect of Fang and Pete in these discussions is also rooted in homophobia. Fang and Pete are the only explicitly gay men on the ship who don’t, at any point, present ‘femininely’** and therefore don’t fall so easily into the bubble of the stereotypical gay man and so they get ignored in these discussions because they aren’t suitable to push the narrative that Izzy only interacts negatively towards ‘feminine’/’gnc’** gay men.)
(** The insistence that Stede, Lucius, and Ed are in any way, at any point, LEGITIMATELY presenting ‘femininely’ or are ‘gender non-conforming’ is ALSO rooted in homophobia - and I’d argue a touch of racism via Ed’s hair and beard as they relate to his indigenous roots. The assumption/association with those three being considered feminine comes from their identity as gay men. That is homophobia.
Stede wears men’s clothes. He wears RICH men’s clothes. Bright, colorful, patterned fabrics are worn by RICH men in the 1700s - if you want to argue that, say, king George presented femininely or was gnc because of the way he dressed be my guest but you won’t because he doesn’t and he isn’t. Lucius wears men’s clothes. His clothes are perfectly at place amongst the rest of the crew’s clothes. Ed wears men’s clothes. His leather is in direct relation to gay leather-men which is a hyper-masculine aesthetic in the same way drag is - typically - a hyper-feminine aesthetic. His appreciation for Stede’s clothes comes from the wealth and privilege that centers around the easy possession of those types and quantities of fabrics.
None of them behave in ways that are stereotypically feminine. Having and expressing emotions is not a uniquely or inherently feminine trait. Caring for and maintaining your appearance is not a uniquely or inherently feminine trait. Even if they were, Izzy also does those things. Izzy frequently expresses his emotions - yes, anger, a stereotypically ‘masculine’ emotion, but others as well. He also puts a great deal of care into his appearance, aside from the materials, the only difference between his and Stede’s outfits are the type of shoes and the presence of a jacket. If those traits are to be considered inherently feminine then it is disingenuous to not apply that label to Izzy as well.)
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venomouslilith · 3 months
Did a 4h train ride today, Friday, late afternoon, nice weather, relaxed atmosphere and within half an hour of getting on that train half of the people were asleep. Collective napping. It was really cute.
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zeroducks-2 · 9 months
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Right, because antis doxxing people, sending death threats, destroying people's livelihoods and bringing them to self-harm ain't a thing, nuh huh sir surely a teenager getting bullied to the point of attempting suicide is not a real problem! It's just silly fandom things that give you brainrot! How cringe of people to worry about this! Surely the rise in puritanism, the anti-trans wave, the absolute state of dismay LGBT+ rights are in (and the even darker future that awaits) aren't directly linked to the internet version of fascist mace-bearers that make someone's life impossible just because they do something that they deem immoral!
We should all keep paying taxes and mind our own business and shake our heads at these stupid not deep things that have zero impact on real life, cause you know there is nothing more inconsequential than bullying, harassment and policing fandom spaces with puritanical scrutiny. Surely all of this doesn't matter and we need to get real problems am I right. Cause this doesn't affect tangible real life it's just cringe people being cringe on the internet about inconsequential things.
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thebirdandhersong · 4 months
I know I'm approaching the time of life where this is about to accelerate exponentially, but I can't believe I know twelve couples who got together, proposed, got engaged, got married this year. As in since January. Like what is going on what is in the air it's literally May how did this all happen (??????????)
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dianasprnce · 4 months
this is soooo cute
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p1nkshield · 1 year
Peter: Hey Mr Stark! I found a really old book! Look, The hunger games!
Tony: kid, you gotta get a better perspective on what really old is… that came out like only a few years ago. It’s not that old.
Peter: Mr Stark… that book came out a few years after I started kindergarten.
Tony: Stop… you’re lying.
Peter: I’m not lying Mr. Stark I swear!
Tony: alright, patrol is over its bedtime.
Peter: Bedtime? it’s only like seven pm!
Tony: Which is bedtime for infants. Which is what you are.
Peter: Hey, I’m an adult! I don’t have a bedtime!
Tony: nope! a baby, good night baby.
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TINTIN FANDOM (yes its me again)
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- Matthew 27:5
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rascalrat0 · 5 days
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something i drew some time ago. i find it kinda funny with the extremely saturated katy on screen crossed out
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Charlie and Vaggie were dragged by their twin daughters, Lucille and Lillian, to their first day of kindergarten. They were counting down the days since they went to their kindergarten orientation a month prior. The days leading up to the first day were filled with shopping for school supplies, new backpacks, and new outfits for the big day. All Luci and Lilli could talk about was how excited they were about their first day at their new school, and to get to meet their new teacher and their new friends.
“C’mon, Mommy! We don’t wanna be late!” Luci exclaimed while still pulling on Charlie’s arm.
“Okay! Calm down! We still have fifteen more minutes until the bell rings!” Charlie laughed.
The twins ignored their moms and continued pulling on their arms until they made it to the door of their new classroom. Luci and Lilli ran into the classroom to find their names on their desks. The twins hugged each other before separating and finding their names and saying hi to the classmates next to them. But before they could leave, their teacher, Ms. Alvarez, stopped Charlie and Vaggie to talk to them.
“Good morning! I’m Ms. Alvarez, and I’m going to be Luci and Lilli’s teacher this year! I still can’t believe I’m teaching the daughters of the Princess of Hell! You were the one I spoke to on the phone last week, right?”
“Yes, I was just kind of concerned because it seemed like they were going to be the only ones in the class with two moms,” Charlie explained.
“Well, I can guarantee they’re going to be in good hands. I had plenty of children with two moms and two dads in previous years, and we have plenty of books for me to read to them. They’re going to have a great school year!”
“Thank you, Ms. Alvarez; we’re also really excited for the twins,” Vaggie thanked.
Charlie and Vaggie left the school after talking with Ms. Alvarez a little bit more and said goodbye to Luci and Lilli. Once they left, more children began trickling into the classroom and the twins got to know their new friends that were sitting next to them. Before they knew it, it was time for the first day of kindergarten to begin. Ms. Alvarez wrote her name on the board and gave the class their special clap signal to start the day.
“Good morning, class! My name is Ms. Alvarez!”
“Good morning, Ms. Alvarez!” Luci, Lilli, and the rest of the class chorally responded.
“Welcome to your first day of kindergarten! To start, we will get to know each other by drawing pictures of our families on the papers I gave to each of you on your desks. Then, we’re going to show our pictures to the class. Take out your crayons so you can start.”
The class took their crayons out to start drawing their family pictures. Luci and Lilli loved drawing and coloring, so their faces lit up once Ms. Alvarez announced their first activity. Both twins were so engulfed in their family pictures that once they were finished, they wanted to add more details to them. Once Ms. Alvarez did her special clap signal, Luci, Lilli and the rest of the class put their crayons down to look at her.
“Who wants to share their picture first?” Ms. Alvarez asked.
Luci and Lilli shot their hands up as high as they could, with several other hands shot up until Ms. Alvarez called on a child sitting across the room named Liam and he walked up to the front of the classroom with his picture.
“This is my family. That’s me, and this is my mommy, and my daddy, and my big brother, Joseph. He’s eight years old and he’s in the third grade,” Liam explained.
“And who’s that next to you?” Ms. Alvarez asked.
“That’s our dog, Hank. My mommy got him when Joseph was two,” Liam replied.
“That is such a great picture, Liam! I’m sure your mom and dad will love it when you show it to them when you get home. Who wants to go next?”
Luci and Lilli raised their hands as high as they could, along with more children in the classroom. Ms. Alvarez called on both twins, since she figured both of their pictures were going to have the same people in them. The twins excitedly made their way to the front of the classroom and showed off their pictures.
“This is our family. This is me and Lilli,” Luci started.
“And these are our mommies. One of them is the Princess of Hell,” Lilli continued.
“And this is our grandma and grandpa. Grandpa’s the King of Hell and I was named after him.”
“And I was named after our grandma and she’s the Queen of Hell.”
One child raised her hand when the twins finished presenting. Ms. Alvarez called on her to ask a question. “Where’s your daddy?” the child asked.
Luci and Lilli looked at each other before answering. “We don’t have a daddy,” Luci replied.
“You’re missing out; my daddy taught me how to ride a bike.”
“Well, my mommy taught us,” Lilli added.
“Okay, how about someone else can show their picture to the class? Thank you, Luci and Lilli, for presenting. Olivia, I need to talk to you before lunch,” Ms. Alvarez interrupted before Olivia could ask more questions.
Luci and Lilli went back to their seats and watched the rest of their class present their pictures. They all had a mommy and a daddy in their pictures. While Hell was filled with same-sex parents, the fact that there were no other children in their class with them made the twins feel out of place. While they tried their hardest to not think about it for the rest of the school day, that one question still lingered in Luci and Lilli’s heads while they were learning their letter sounds and new math concepts.
Once it was time for dismissal, Luci and Lilli found Charlie and Vaggie near the front of the crowd with the rest of the parents picking up their children. They ran up to their mothers and gave each of them a hug as Charlie and Vaggie picked each twin up in their arms. They put their daughters down and started walking through Hell.
“How was your first day of kindergarten?” Charlie asked.
“It was fun. I like Ms. Alvarez and we met a lot of new friends,” Luci explained, trying to hide what just happened that morning.
“I’m so happy you had a great time today. Your aunt Niffty will be helping us with dinner tonight, so you can play upstairs with KeeKee until it’s ready,” Vaggie said.
The mothers and daughters continued walking until they got back to the hotel. Once they entered the lobby, Luci and Lilli ran upstairs to see KeeKee on the edge of the top step, asleep, and began petting her gently. They wanted to get their mind off of what happened that morning, and playing with the animals in the hotel was one of their favorite things to do when something was upsetting either of them. Once KeeKee woke up, she made her way in Charlie and Vaggie’s room and Luci and Lilli followed her.
Once dinner was ready, Charlie made her way to her room to see Luci and Lilli still on her bed, laying down and twirling around KeeKee’s fur with one finger each. Charlie slowly walked over to her daughters to see them looking at KeeKee upsettingly.
“Luci? Lilli? Is there something wrong? Did something happen at school today that you want to talk about?” Charlie asked as she sat on the edge of her bed.
“Mommy, I wish I had a daddy,” Lilli started.
“Lilli, why would you say that? You still have two mommies that love you very much.”
“Well, we drew pictures of our families in school today, and one girl asked where our daddy was, and that we needed a daddy,” Luci explained.
Charlie opened her arms and the twins made their way around their mother’s arms. They wrapped their arms around their mother’s waist and Charlie hugged her daughters back as tightly as she could before she could answer.
“Luci, Lilli, you know that there are so many different types of families. Families that have a mommy and a daddy are only one type of family. Some families only have a mommy, and some families only have a daddy. There are even families that only have their grandma or grandpa, or their aunt or uncle. There are even families like ours, that have two mommies, or two daddies. Remember that one friend you had in preschool whose mom died the week after graduation and now only has her daddy?”
“I remember; Mia’s mommy died, and we went to her house that one day and made ‘feel better’ cards for her,” Lilli replied.
“Well, I’m sure she understands that she’s not alone, and that she has such great friends that support her, like you two, even though you go to different schools now. And besides, our family is very special. You don’t just have Vaggie and me. You also have your uncle Alastor, your uncle Angel, your uncle Husk, your aunt Niffty, and your aunt Cherri. And you know your grandpa Lucifer comes to visit all the time and your grandma Lilith visits every other weekend. You have so many people in your family that love you very much.”
Luci and Lilli smiled as they hugged Charlie until Vaggie came into the room and noticed the cuddle puddle. Vaggie sat with her wife and daughters and joined in on the hug. Luci and Lilli noticed their mother with them and hugged Vaggie.
“Are you girls okay?” Vaggie asked.
“We are now; the girls were kind of upset because someone at school asked them where their daddy was and it made them wish they had one,” Charlie explained.
“But mommy told us how special our family is, so now we don’t feel sad anymore,” Luci added.
The mothers and daughters hugged each other again before letting go of each other. “How’s this? I can call your teacher to see if I can come into your class on Friday and read a book to the class about different families,” Charlie explained.
“We would love that!” Lilli replied.
“Okay, well let’s go downstairs; dinner’s ready,” Vaggie said.
All four girls got up from the bed and made their way downstairs to have dinner. They continued talking about Luci and Lilli’s school day and what Charlie wanted to do for their class on Friday. The twins could not wait to tell the rest of the hotel crew about their first day of kindergarten and the conversation they just had with Charlie.
Ms. Alvarez agreed to have Charlie come in on Friday afternoon to read a book to Luci and Lilli’s class. She decided to read a special book about a family with two moms, just like their family. That Friday afternoon, near the end of the day, Charlie came by the door of Luci and Lilli’s classroom and was greeted by Ms. Alvarez.
“Thank you so much for coming, Mrs. Morningstar! I’m really sorry again about what happened on the first day of school. But I’m so glad you offered to read a book to the children about different families,” Ms. Alvarez explained.
“It’s okay, Ms. Alvarez; when Luci and Lilli told me about what happened on the first day of school, I thought it would be nice to read this book to the class,” Charlie replied.
Charlie followed Ms. Alvarez in the classroom and they both stood at the front of the class together. “Class, we have a special guest reader with us today. One of Luci and Lilli’s moms, Charlie Morningstar, wanted to read a book to you about their family. Let’s give her a warm welcome!” Ms. Alvarez introduced.
“Good afternoon, Mrs. Morningstar!” the class chorally responded.
Ms. Alvarez gave Charlie the chair that was in the Calm Down Corner to let her sit in it. “Good afternoon, everybody! My name is Charlie Morningstar; I’m the Princess of Hell and one of Luci and Lilli’s moms, and I have a very special book I want to read to you. It’s called ‘Our Family is Special,’ and look at that! It’s written and illustrated by me, Charlie Morningstar!” Charlie opened the book and began reading.
“Our family is special, our family is big. No other family is just like ours. Our mommies, aunts, and uncles are important parts of my family. They are all special in their own way. We have two moms. That means we get double the love everyday. Our mom is Charlie Morningstar. She’s the Princess of Hell and the founder of the Hazbin Hotel. Our other mom is Vaggie Morningstar, she manages the hotel with Charlie. Charlie and Vaggie take care of us, and are sweet and friendly to everyone they meet. 
“Our uncle Alastor is a radio host. He’s the first to take care of us when our moms need help. Our uncle Angel and aunt Cherri are always there when we need to be cheered up. Their jokes and silly voices make us laugh and smile. Our uncle Husk gives the best advice when we need help with something. He helps us with our tough feelings and gives us hugs when we’re upset. Our aunt Niffty tells us silly stories and takes us to the park. She also loves to play with us when we want to play.
“Sometimes our grandma and grandpa come to visit and give us lots of fun gifts. They are Lucifer and Lilith, who are the King and Queen of Hell. They also take us to LuLu World every summer. Our family is special, yes it is. No other family is just like ours. We love our family very much.”
Luci, Lilli, and the rest of the class clapped for Charlie when she closed the book. Ms. Alvarez walked back up to Charlie as she got up from the Calm Down Corner chair. “Thank you for reading for us, Mrs. Morningstar. We loved hearing about your family and how special they are to Luci and Lilli. Can we all say thank you to Mrs. Morningstar?”
“Thank you, Mrs. Morningstar!” the class responded.
“Thank you for letting me come, Ms. Alvarez. I hope I got to teach everyone something today.”
After the school day was over, Luci and Lilli ran over to Charlie and gave her a hug. Their smiles were much brighter than they were the past several days, and they jumped up and down as they held hands. Vaggie was waiting for them at the front of the building to see Charlie and the twins smiling brighter than ever.
“How was today?” Vaggie asked as she held Lilli’s hand and the four of them started walking down the street. 
“It was great! Mommy read her book and everyone loved it!” Luci explained excitedly.
“The class did love it. They especially loved seeing us in the book and pointed to everyone and smiled throughout the whole read aloud,” Charlie added.
“I think we’re gonna love kindergarten!” Lilli said.
Charlie, Vaggie, Luci, and Lilli continued talking about the day and Charlie reading aloud to their class as they walked back to the hotel. The twins did not think they were going to have a good year after what happened on the first day, but now, Charlie felt like the class learned something and Luci and Lilli will be more accepted by her class, even if their family was not traditional. They will always remember how special their family really is.
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intraosseous · 4 months
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retired phone case mementos
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