#kinda wish we had a Now Or Never... because yk they're the Now Or Never Seven???
colorfuldream · 15 days
Grand Fest is super cool and fun and this is not criticism on the concerts but some people need to realize that it didn't take as much work as some say. The choreographies are ripped from the lives, the songs are remixes from them (with minor changes, the biggest change being that it's not live and there's no crowd), the battle music (including win and lose themes) are from the past games.
It's GREAT and I LOVE it but it genuinely didn't take that much work. They could have asked the animators to do something for the Splatcasts during Grand Fest and the announcement. Like out of every team, they were the ones with the least work, it's mostly importing premade assets.
...And I'm a bit sad that Anarchy Rainbow is just a bit changed from the live instead of being a new remix. I wish it kept being the song with the most changes but tbh the music team already had a lot on their plate
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Ranking pjo ships cause why not :
1.Percebeth: 9.5/10
They're so cute, and I loved watching their relationship develop through out the percy jackson series like they have the I don't like you to ig we're friends now to besties who have obvious crushes on each other to lovers like this is the only slow burn that didn't make me wanna pull out hair. I love that these two would do anything for each other and are mostly supportive of each other and the seaweed brain and wise girl nicknames that went from insults to terms of endearment and I also love that they're not afraid to call each other our on their bs like I've seen stuff where percy doesn't say shit to annabeth and like have we Been reading the same books cause in MoA and HoH percy stands up for what he believes and even before that he doesn't bend to annabeths will and wishes like in botl and literally all the time in tlt like bro stands up for himself and expresses his opinions and so does annabeth and I love that ?? It's a balanced relationship in which there are years of getting to know each other and then getting together like they are bffs before lovers
But it has some issues, tho like they're wayyyy too codependent on each other which isn't that healthy but this is my opinion and I could be wrong
2. Solangelo: 8.75/10
I love them ok they're so cute like they're all about balance , acceptance, and understanding which is something nico needs in his life he doesn't need someone who'll worship him or sugarcoat stuff for him he needs someone who will be real with him about stuff like will has always been real towards nico and he has always taken care of nico wether you like it or not. Nico has always had issues that people are creeped out by him and afraid of him and will is someone who has never been afraid of nico and has treated him normally like he jokes with him and isn't walking on eggshells around him and makes him realize that not everyone hates that he can find a home in chb and nico says this tsats and even before that you can tell how nico feels and is extremely supportive of him and reminds nico that he's safe and is extremely understanding of nico . In tsats, we see that they complete each, like nico is the warrior and will is the healer, and both roles are important like nico protects will from physical harm and will patches up nicos wounds and protects him from mental and emotional harm. It also shows that no one is perfect, like Will isn't always able to understand nico so he asks for advice and this shows that trying is the best you can do for someone you love , trying to understand them and support them . They also have alot of potential in general as we've only seen them in their honeymoon stage and their developing stage we haven't gotten the established stage and sure tsats isn't perfect in the adventurous sense but the point of this book was to show healing , moving on and making peace with stuff and it did that pretty well .
The only bad points about it is that one scene in boo which shows that will had good intentions but bad execution in expressing his pov and I want them to talk about it cause what he said wasn't nice and it was quite rude ik he didn't intend it but still it was not OK . Next, I want nico to set up boundaries for himself because Will isn't a mind reader and can not know what to not do unless he's told . I want rick to tell us more about Will as a person like we know more now, but still I want rick to flesh out as a character even further
3. Jasiper: 6.5/10
They weren't well developed, and it was kinda forced by hera even tho I know that at one point they truly loved each other but it wasn't well executed and they were bad as showing it I honestly wish that they had more time to understand themselves and then into a relationship like it would have been much better that way yk
4. Frazel : 8/10
They're cute together, they make each other happy they're comfortable around each other and they trust each other hence they're a good ship
I don't see why the age gap thing is a problem because it's just 3 years and where I'm from, that's a pretty normal age gap between lovers like my grandparents have a 10 year age gap but they're happy and love each other but ill add it since some people see it as problematic. They're underdeveloped and kinda rushed, and whole I get that they knew each other before SoN but still
5. Caleo : 4/10
It came outta nowhere dude like they were together for 2 chapters and then kiss kiss fall in love like wth 🤦‍♀️ but they have potential to be good ship ig I'm being generous with 4 because of that also the age gap thing isn't a problem because mentally and physically calypso is like 15-16 but if you see it chronologically calypso is older than apollo who is 4 thousand five hundred years old and that's 🚔🚨👈😄
6. Valgrace : 7/10
So so much potential they would have been soo cute and the most un problematic 🤧
7. Percico : 3/10
No, just no percy literally strangled nico when he was 12 even though he knew that nico didn't mean to betray him and honestly just wanted to know about his mom which percy should have understood because his mom means the world to him and it was clear that nico didn't expect hades to double cross him and percy had a right to be mad but strangling nico is too far . Bro also implied that nico doesn't belong in chb at the end of botl, and bro was silent during the negotiation of whether to save nico or to let him suffocate inside a jar which un excusable he also kept giving nico responsibilities like dealing with hades's wrath which could result in death during tlo and then the whole doors of death thing when nico was extremely weak. so yeah, no, they'd be toxic asf oh and I forgot mention percy never apologized for anything and never thanked him ( from what I remember, it's been a min since I read tlo ) also nico had a case of hero worship crush on him which would make a power imbalance in that relationship soooo
8. Jasico : 5/10
I see them as bros and so does rick and it's written in a way that people would see them as friends like it's clear that nico doesn't like jason like that and in tsats it's said that he missed the feeling of Jason's protective arms around him because he trusts jason and if he was to say something about Reynas hug it would be the same thing or even hazels hugs because that's how he sees them In a platonic/ familial way ( not saying that jason is his brother here ) and he also said something like a part of him died when jason died and that's because he cared about jason like he was his 1st actual friend and he felt him die so this is understandable he's allowed to grieve his friend and miss him . Also, jason is kinda unfortunately dead 😕 😔 so it's outta the question. And if he ended up with jason the whole I can belong thing wouldn't happen because it was will who made him realize that he can have a place in chb jason tired to tell him that but nico didn't really believe him . But hey, I understand the jasico shippers and respect the ship. I don't ship it, and I never will, but I can see why people like it because jason does care about nico and nico cares about jason .
Wait, I think it's canon that nico heard the sevens debate on whether he should be saved or not in his dreams, and if it is canon, then nico saw jason vote for him to die in a jar sooo
9. Jercy : 6/10
I don't ship it ship it but it's a fun thing to think about. It's my crack ship, but I could not see it happen in Canon at all
10. Pipebeth : 6/10
Annabeth was definitely pipers queer awakening, but same as jercy, it's my crack ship
11. Reyna with anyone is not my thing because rick said she's aro/ace, but if you ship theyna or jayna, you're cool because her sexuality isn't confirmed in the books, so you can interpret it in anyway you want
12 . Nico x any girl is ew because he's gay it's confrimed in the books and multiple times by rick himself and if you ship him with any female gtfo
13. Valdangelo : 2/10
I don't know how leo views nico now, but when we do get his pov, he always has something bad or rude to say about him and as much as I love leo it makes me wanna hit him
I'm sorry for the typos and mistakes. I still don't have my glasses, and if I'm wrong about something, please correct me
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cubixrubington · 2 months
I needed to pull up music for this it goes so hard but I'm so unfocused HASBHSADHA
I love calm characters going off the rails for a few minutes. Like. Iiro and Daneiris? Did not know of that friendship until I woke up yesterday and realized that they've worked together for YEARS and they're a good fit for each other.
Extreme empath man who's like. A little guy. But he's not a little guy that fox mask is the spirit of his dead friend AND hides the truth of what happened to him when he was younger.
Then we have a woman who group up loving creatures that are like. Yk. Illegal to have in Charington. Literally anything other than humans. Like after her father died she was so distraught and upset and was so easy to manipulate and that's how the man got his hands on her, the man she claims to love and cherish and that she claims as her partner when he is literally so. Just. BAD. AAHHHHHH. Like I don't think I could talk about it all it's pretty fucking disturbing but you can assume what kind of boyfriend he is. The worst kind. This is NOT an edgar mike relationship this is worse.
So anyways. I realized that they're pretty good friends. Like I think Iiro trusts her second most out of the ring which is odd considering I never thought about the two of them but now that I am wowee. I think like. I dunno where in the timeline this is mind you, but def before Iiro's death, maybe after Aurum's since he's the first to go, but Daneiris is just so distraught and stressed.
Like Daneiris and Aurum? Great friends. Even considered them a cursed ship in my head but she would never escape and it would just end in anguish. Yk. So his death affects her so much that she begins to shut down a little, especially towards her partner, who like. Sees this. And sees her rejecting him somewhat. And you KNOW that makes it worse.
Iiro being an empath has kinda like. Known. Yk? It's like how when you've been hurt and abused as a kid you can see it when you're older. But he feels so much and knows so much and he's so in tune with people that at this point in the timeline, he feels so helpless.
So when he realizes just how helpless Daneiris is too, it makes him so ungodly angry. He gets so fucking mad and wishes he could change it, change something, anything, make it better in some way he just wants to protect ONE person, one person in this stupid city, because he's surrounded by people who are so fucked up that it toils away at his mental state and outside of them he feels nothing. He literally can't even feel the need to eat, to live, but the goes back and no matter how crushing the feeling is, it's better than nothing.
ALL OF THIS TO SAY. I think one day Daneiris comes into work and has just had enough. She's hurting and tired and literally every small thing is able to set her off, the creatures she works so diligently to care for hurt her so much. The things she does for people mean nothing when it makes no difference. And. And. And. Just.
FUCK I can't even build up to it. The idea of her just angry, sad, in pain, wanting to let everything go, and instead just Breaking Down:tm: in Iiro's arms while he just. Swears. To actually kill a man.
Like the idea of the calmest, kindest people in the ring (except mia hi mia :3) just getting so ungodly mad together. The idea that Iiro might die when he's trying to make a difference for himself because he wants to protect the people around him. The fact that if he EVER got his boney little hands on that man he'd actually fucking kill him. Like. Beating the fuck out of him wouldn't be enough. He needs to beat the fuck out him, scream, scream some more, grab his gun and shoot like 20 bullets into him. He needs his closest companions to take a good look at what he's capable of. Because. He loves them.
It wouldn't haunt him. I think Iiro really needs an arc where he's set off and everyone realizes what kind of person he can be. He needs to be seen as a bomb by most people except for his closest friends. He needs an arc where he starts to grow and get over himself. He needs to do better for himself only to die in the end.
mwah mwah mwah I love them kisses everywhere
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andi-kook · 4 months
I'm glad to know some bits of your story too ❤️ yk this other girl thing happened to me as well :) so within the years we weren't talking, he had dated one of my ex-friends from that friend group. And I had the most problems with that girl cuz previously I was very close to her but she gradually turned out to be very toxic, would lie to me a lot and would demean me at every single thing etc.
I don't blame him for dating that girl cuz he had no idea what had actually happened between us. However they went through a really messy breakup within just a few months because the girl really was a lying backstabbing bitch to not just me the people around her too lol. When we started talking he mentioned her and said how he didn't give a shit about her anymore and brought up her shitty personality and their problems, I shared my own problems with that girl and he said he understood cuz he knows what kind of person she was. I consoled him and helped him to get over that breakup. Oh and in school he would completely ignore her existence.
But guess what, after he ghosted me, he suddenly started to talk to that girl again and hang out with her. Adding her on Instagram then putting up a birthday story for her and what not. I kinda felt betrayed because that's the same girl we shared our dislike upon and helped him get over her and now he's being oh-so-friendly with her while he was ghosting me and ignoring me in classes.
Now what i heard from my friends was apparently they're fooling around. I feel like a complete clown. All the times he'd hang out with me or walk with me around the school now feels like a bait to catch that girl's attention back then.
Anyways I really hope we can get over this soon 🫶 you seem like a very nice person and surely deserve the very best! And thank you so much for your kind words in the previous ask ilyyy 😘😘
oh my god he’s such an asshole!!! i wanna beat him up fr 😡 ugh, men and their fucking audacity. don’t worry – they deserve each other cos they’re both shitty people and you dodged a bullet because i can already tell that if you guys ended up together in a relationship, he would just cheat on you with that other girl. but i understand how this still feels like a betrayal to you and that’s completely valid. i wish you nothing but the best and i hope that you move forward from this and live a happy, healthy, and contented life because you deserve it so much ♡
i’m so happy you shared this with me, 💗. i do have irl friends who i talk about Him with but since they haven’t experienced (and i hope they never will) what i did, sometimes, the disconnect is apparent. it’s comforting to know that there is someone who can relate (i mean this in the best way possible please). i hope you have a great day ahead, okay?? ask is always open ♡
let’s just focus on jeon jungkook and bangtan HAHAHA at least they never hurt us!!!!!!
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Tuesday, January 9th, 2024!
4:49pm Having a nice rainy day! Waiting for it to clear up before I drive to the Straz! Very excited! A good day :)
5:45pm I don't have anyone to talk to about this because nobody really knows it happened buT the last/ first time I went to the Straz I was pretty badly embarrassed by this one (I'm sure they're not all bad) old bitch usher who I would say rudely informed me that I couldn't bring cheese/charcuterie plate into the theatre seating area.... When I just turned around from buying it at the concession stand in their building?? Nobody at the counter informed me that I would have to wolf it down in the lobby with <10 minutes left before showtime. What the fuck? I was like seriously?? Why tf do y'all sell these if you can't eat it while you're watching the play??? Then I noticed other people who were definitely also in my situation wolfing down hot dogs and sandwiches standing*! in the freaking lobby in their best black and white suit and tie like a fat kid harking down an ice cream sandwich. It was clearly ridiculous and I felt so embarrassed at the time, which was supposed to be a very enjoyable time. I probably would have gotten over this gracefully except....... You know who was glaring at me like I was the most retarded person ever in existence and I was embarrassing him!! Which made me even more red/embarrassed/ flustered/ wanting to run away and hide in the bathroom from my anxiety ratcheting UP and UP as it got closer to showtime. Also to note, normal me would've actually gotten a real dinner before going out, except I had no time to because...... I had to spend 1.5 hrs in traffic picking his spoiled ass up from work during rush hour before the play!!! So we were already running later than I like to be. So just not how I like to do my experiences clearly. And yk he just acted like a spoiled brat constantly. Also I bought him his sandwich there which he promptly took two bites out of and threw away!! Jfc like we were in this together except now you're glaring at me probably wishing I would also throw my food away like bitch this is overpriced $15 each meals I was so pissed off like he just has NO BALLS PUSSY ASS SHIT and instead of laughing it off, eating quickly WITH ME, just fucking staring at me like I'm some pig that is so stupid for wanting to eat some food when I hadn't eaten anything all day and didn't really want to sit there for three hours on an empty stomach. He was such a LIL BITCH HOLY SHIT FUCK YOU. A real man would have NOT PULLED THAT SHIT and would've at the bare minimum agreed with me that it was strange and kinda fucked, but no he just thought I was retarded and like bitch did you know and not tell me?? No lmao you just like to act like you're fucking better than everyone you're around, CUNT. NEVER AGAIN. EVERYDAY I'M REMINDED OF WHAT I'M *NOT* MISSING OUT ON 😂 AND that's some shit where he would never admit any wrongdoing and therefore would ABSOLUTELY NEVER CHANGE. Think about that shit. NEVER AGAIN I STG. I really needed to vent this out and get these feelings off my chest.
Ok so here's to going to Straz and having a blast!! Let's fucking GO!! ❤️ Love you girly ❤️
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i-luvsang · 1 year
hihi :D. i'm back to do some crazy rants ig since i can't sleep :,). ig i'll just pick up where we left last time?
which is the hair colours! so i saw they dyed yunhos hair blue... AND THEY DID A MESSY JOB AT IT TOO? like in the idol radio pic you could still see a line of like blond hair?? i just know his hair is fried.. they should've kept it blonde urgh. also my neobong... apparently he told at a fansign his hair isn't finished yet? now, i have my theories! like 2 years ago yeo said he wanted to split dye his hair mint and pink. so that's what a lot of people are thinking, and that could be possible ig? but yk what i would love to see? GREEN AND BLACK!! like yk the billie eilish hairstyle with the green roots? OORRRR like the 'hidden' hairstyle where the top is like black and the 'hidden' part of his hair is green and he has like green bangs/fore pieces. i think they're gonna let the green fade tho. TALKING ABOUT NEO...
I'M PICKING UP WHERE I LEFT TALKING ABT GETTING INTO NCT. i am in love with taeyong!! LIKE OBSESSED!! DELUSIONAL OVER THIS MAN!! he's so so so fine!!! like tyong pls come home the kids miss you :(!!! my faves have not changed from last time ig, but i'll say my biases from each unit just bcs i can ig? nct 127 is obv taeyong!!! my nct dream bias is haechan and for wayv it's xiaojun. i'm not rlly counting in nct u bcs the line up is different each cb yk. and if u wanna count in djj it jaehyun, that man is so fine AHDHS. that's all i had to say abt kpop. i haven't rlly been keeping up with a lot of kpop content these days tbh, i've been watching criminal minds :)!
and since ik you have a blog for criminal minds etc i'll rant a bit abt cm here too? i'm at ssn 13 right now so i'm almost done :,). i just finished the eps where that annoying ass lady split up the bau and tried making changes and they secretly team up to catch this serial killer that kills these women and sells like the pics of it and they end up saving the daughter of this dude with a lot of power and he ends up funding the bau etc. i'm so excited to finish cm soon but also not? but i feel like it's kinda time too since i've been watching it for so long. i had to take breaks watching it bcs school and struggles with paranoia so it took me a long time to get back into it again. but now that i'm watching it again i'm so happy bcs i missed the show so much. i think that was my rant since i have nothing else going on rn, i'm a homebody who does nothing more than to sit in their room and watch kpop content, tv shows and read 😭 thank you for listening <3 — 🎧
hello !! you know i love the rants babe !!
i completely agree that they should have kept the blonde. i was excited when i thought they could have a new color but after concert pics with the blonde and the not so great dye job for the blue i'm wishing we could have kept the blonde too :,) but no for sure, he said something like being on the third bleach round or something like i'm crying for him rn akfhakjf
and YEAH NO BECAUSE I WAS TALKING ABT THIS WITH OTHER MOOTS AND- i really really like the idea of the mint green and pink bc like thats so fairy coded and hes so fairy coded and like i also def prefer a mint green to whats going on right now (tho its growing on me mostly bc yeosang just always looks so freaking good). and like i dont think i'd like the idea of the green and pink if it were the split dye like one side pink one side green but i feel like it was supposed to be the top of his hair being pink and the bottom green which could look so freaking good and adorable. BUT UHHH NOW THAT YOU MENTION THE GREEN AND BLACK, BABES THAT IS TOO GOOD you're a literal genius. they probably will just have it fade but i'm praying they do something like that with it sorry to your hair yeo LOL
I SEE I SEE taeyong is definitely a very easy man to simp over. yeah i never count nct u LOL fahfkjsdf but i see you ! i'm understanding, my sister is a haechan stan HAH i just love making fun of him its in my nature as a renjun lover. honestly i'm barely an nctzen anymore BUT i still enjoy dabbling in their content and convos about them like this from time to time it feels nostalgic and nice. i've always been more of a dreamie so i've been passing through neotown more lately with their comeback approaching.
oH MY GOD CRIMINAL MINDSSS my comfort show fr AHAHAH i'm a little crazy. fun fact emily prentiss is my gay awakening !! i'm actually rewatching it rn i'm still on ssn 10 tho lol. ngl i only vaguely remember that ep rn i will be reminded when i get to it LOL. i get you tho omg like it's so long and it's exciting to get through esp if you've had to take breaks like that so valid !! but also i never want my favorite things to end LOL but i mean here i am rewatching it so it's not a huge deal anymore khfkajsd i'm glad you've felt happy watching it tho !! that's awesome.
but babe you are literally me that is legit also the only thing i do, we are twinsies fr. you're welcome for listening and ty for sending it in !! you know i love to hear from you <333
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emmy321 · 2 years
I really just don't know what to do, yk.
So, ever since I was younger I kinda knew I liked girls (as a girl) and i always thought I was bi bc I'm still attracted to men yk. Like I think some anime characters are hot or whatever.
But at one time, I kinda knew I was a lesbian. I knew I only liked girls romantically, I knew that. Because in the one relationship with a girl that I had, it was easy. I tried SO hard in the relationship, I gave it my all.
And then a guy asked me out, and then I started to overthink it. I started to think that maybe I do like dudes, and I gave it a go. I even had my first kiss with this guy. But neither of us really tried to make it work, so I let it go and broke up with him.
And then there was another guy. And he asked me out, and he's so sweet. Like SO sweet. And so romantic. He should be everything I want, yk.
He sends me things that are so sappy, so loving. And it's cute.
But I can't stand it anymore.
I know I don't love him. Like at all. Because everything he does ticks me off. I've always been cuddly with girls, and I enjoy being more touchy with women, but when he's touchy? It makes my skin crawl. And I just don't like it.
And I just can't get myself to try at all in the relationship. I can't get myself to even send him a text.
And his texts are so sweet.
"I miss you so much"
"Words can't even express my love for you"
"I can't wait to see you"
"You're so beautiful"
And I know I'm cruel, because SO many women want a guy like him. So many women would die to be treated so lovingly. Buy I just don't want a guy. I want a girl to treat me like this.
He doesn't understand me either, I think. I mean my Christmas gift was a bright yellow pencil skirt. I don't even wear skirts?
Maybe it's because I struggle to talk to him about myself.
And I know he's unhappy, I know.
But I'm SO scared to break up with him. He's not crazy, I know that. But I'm scared of his family, and scared of making enemies. His step sister was my teacher, and his dad lives on our property. And I don't want them to be hostile.
I'm also scared of hurting him. Because I know he loves me. I know he loves me so so much. And I just don't feel the same. And I know it'll hurt him. I know he's gonna cry and I know he'll be hurt, and I hate it!
I wish he hated me! I wish he lost feelings when I started to distance myself!
Why does he still love me?
I don't look at him lovingly for ages like he does to me. And I don't think about him all day like he does to me. I don't pretend it's us as the main characters in any romantic movies like he does with me. I just can't! I don't want to.
And it's been a long time.
7 months he said. He remembers the dates we got together and he likes things like anniversaries. But I don't even know his birthday off by heart.
And I'm cruel I know that.
For leading him on.
But I want to like him. I've tried to convince myself that we are perfect for each other. That we'll grow old together and all that. I want to be straight.
Because my parents want grandkids. And it's normal where I live. It's not normal to be gay where I live. And my parents love him.
So do my friends!
I can't even count how many times they've said to me "they're perfect" or "they'll never leave each other" and it makes my throat run dry.
I don't even know how many nights I dream of girls. Of soft nimble hands in mine, and plump lips covered in lip gloss. Long hair that I can play with and curves. I can't help it. It's just what I want, and it's what I'm attracted to.
And when I think of something that turns me on, it's never a man. Maybe his six pack is hot, and his pecs are big, or whatever. But the thought of a dick just repulses me. I don't know why. I can't help it.
When I get turned on I think of boobs and girls in lingeries. I think of vaginas.
And now is the perfect time to break up with him.
Now is when to do it.
Because his step sister isn't my teacher anymore, I'm homeschooled now. And his dad still lives on our property, but his parents got a divorce, and his mom moved away with him. And he's two hours away.
But its just so scary.
Because I really really don't want to hurt him.
And I think my mom will understand if I explain it to her, but I feel like the bad guy.
I feel like I'm so SO cruel.
I'm cruel for taking his first kiss, and I'm cruel for thinking like this. And I feel so bad.
He deserves better. I've told him. And he says I'm the one.
I know I'm not. I know that.
I'm just too scared to change.
Idk how long I'll continue to pretend to love him.
Idk how long it'll take for me to muster up the courage to leave him.
I just hope it's soon.
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jinie · 6 years
#i'm literally so done with my family :)#i don't like feeling like this towards them#but ughhhh#my dad is completely rude sometimes without a good reason#he doesn't try to show the slight interest in my interests so like we never make anything together#aside from watching movies#but like he always says shit about my tastes and criticizes my style#it's something silly but really makes me upset sometimes because we don't have like a real connection or friendship#he doesn't know how i feel neither understands me even tho that's kinda my fault bc i don't really try to tell him stuff#i wish we had that relationship were i could actually talk about anything to him#and there's my grandma who's also very distant#they're always so rude the whole time :/#i spend my days mostly alone at my room and when i come out we either laugh together at my dad's jokes or something bad happens#but i don't feel like we have true good moments yk#i wish we could have a better relationship#they only talk to me about their interests and when it's the other way around they never listen#i feel kinda upset#although i could do something to change by now i already gave up#they're hard to deal with and both are stubborn#they don't really see what they do wrong and they never apologise to each other#neither to me#it's weird#they're the people who know me the best in the whole world and yet i'm never 100% myself with them :/#i just wanted them to understand me and support me a little ig#i'm honestly a bit jealous of people who have friendship with their family members#i feel both my parents and grandma are so distant of me even tho two of them live with me since i was born#anyways just ignore me idek why but i just needed to vent#today my dad was rude to me like twice for such silly things and ig it made me kinda upset but he won't listen when i try to call him out s#madu speaks#delete later
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hematomes · 3 years
remember when i said i had the hottest takes of all? well that's it im gonna say it bc it keeps happening and it just makes me feel so bad im like,,, done
as a poc myself (mixed, african dad nd white mom just so yk), it really, really doesn't sit right with me when people edit light-skinned, existing poc characters' pictures to give them the most stereotypical black features. im talking big lips and nose, poorly-edited curly hair, obviously the dark skin etc.
im gonna have to develop a bit so it's kinda understandable? so here we go ig
i get the point. i get the need for representation, we are DYING to be represented and i fully enjoy seeing black characters in the medias i consume, every goddamn time. but i cannot understand how it's acceptable to erase other cultures AND gratuitously edit someone else's work in the process. im gonna take genshin as a simple example bc this is the only one that's affecting me right now, but im guessing it happens in other fandom as well
seeing characters from inazuma edited with the most stereotypical black features of all times just rubs me the wrong way. it's, in my eyes, like saying you think asians don't matter as much as blacks, because you're erasing one type of poc representation to favor another one, and that's not right. that's the opposite of right, even.
im not talking about blasians. they exist, im aware, they're gorgeous and valid and i do wish they had more representation in the mainstream media. but who's just as valid? light-skinned asians. (small edit: so are dark-skinned asians that aren't blasians, btw) i just came across an edited itto with half-assed curly hair, big-ass lips etc, like... the original picture was just edited. which is why i want to nuance it a bit; redrawing a character and headcanoning (is that even a word) them as blasian can be cool, why not, do your thing, it's nice. but just editing someone else's work to erase one representation and making it about something else entirely? yeah, no, doesn't seem right. the artists work their asses off to create beautiful designs, to represent a culture with details thrown around, every last bit of the character is carefully designed and... it's just so disrespectful to throw that shit away and replace it for clout?
i wish people would, idk, draw ocs, or even real fanart for that matter. but simply editing someone else's art is never ok in my opinion, and it always infuriates me because if someone edited xinyan with light skin (and claiming they headcanon her as a light-skinned asian) they would get crucified. in a heartbeat.
i might get crucified myself but im just sick and tired of seeing these edits so at this point im getting desperate.
and what pisses me off the most with them is that their notion of representation is picking the most stereotypical features, slap them on an already finished design and call it a day. im gonna be honest, this looks just as racist to me. reducing black people to big lips and nose, dark skin and curly hair is.. basically insulting. almost blackface, actually???? like, fr.
now, this is just my opinion, after going through these edits numerous times and thinking about it long and hard. once again, i get the point, but the execution is just so..? they're always, or almost always depicting black culture as the aforementioned features. im tired of seeing asian erasure and feeling fucking guilty over it as if it's my own fault.
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zozophoenixxx · 3 years
Serotonin Booster :D 🐉
How to train your dragon edition
(Basically a friendly reminder series but it's now called Serotonin Booster bc I like it that way hehe)
Anywayssss here are some things I had forgotten or little details I just noticed on my rewatch, maybe even Unpopular Opinions 🤭👀
✨Riders of Berk✨
ok im starting this from ep6 bc I wasn't sure if I wanted to do this but yk what why not
JUST REALIZED that whenever Astrid says to Hiccup "what took you so long" when she was stranded at sea in RTTE she was referring back to this one scene in ROB on ep6 when she saved hiccup from Alvin's arrows [Hiccup said the same thing] 😳😳
By the way, it's not really "dragon conqueror". It's "dragon trainer" 🤩
ALSO loved the way they named the typhoomerang🥺
DUDE JAHDHSJAJ stoick is such a kid lmao he really punched the thunderdrum like it was nothing lmaoo
Thunderdrum: *tries to bite Stoick's hand because he doesn't trust him yet*
Stoick: *punches the thunderdrum*
Hiccup: Hey,hey! Whoa, what happened to trust
Stoick: Talk to him! He's the one who tried to take off my hand!
OK BUT AWWW- the thunderdrum just saved stoick because stoick stood up for him and the purple one and then they did the hand thing 🥺🥺🥺
Stoick showing that he did listen to Hiccup and then Hiccup smiling🥴🥺
Hiccup looked so sad whenever he saw his portrait and realized that he was painted differently and the fact that stoick was like "it's you but bigger and stronger" and the other guy was like "that's the son of a chief" definitely did not make him feel better. The fact that sometimes he probably thinks that's he's not good enough and he has to live up to that kid in the portrait-
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That's him after... Tell me this isn't the saddest thing-💔
I completely forgot that "it's Viking tradition to call the runt of the litter a Hiccup"
Fireworms! 😁
Fun fact: Gronckle farts are strong enough to make people pass out
Stoick's thunderdrum's name is thornado🥴
Scauldrons eat blue Oleanders, these flowers are poisonous to other dragons tho
Snotlout was the one that found Heather's wrecked boat
I love how Astrid's so intuitive, she knew right away that Heather was kinda sus. It really shows the difference between her and Hiccup who always tries to look for the best in people. Both are good qualities to a certain point if you think about it...
Chicken! :D
"Why would you do that?!" JHDHSHA I LOVE HIM
"Ow! Why is it always violence with you?" "It's not violence. It's communication." Astrid after hitting Fishlegs
That one scene where Astrid is going to Outcast island as Heather on her own and Hiccup is all overprotective i-😩🥺
I really wish they had named and kept that monstrous nightmare that saved Astrid
Thawfest: festival to test strength, endurance, and courage
- The fact that Astrid could've won the log roll and axe throwing events if it hadn't been for fishlegs 🤦🏻‍♀️
- I love how Astrid always knows better
Why do I feel like tuff and ruff would definitely be children of Ares
Mildew annoys me sm
I love Mulch and Bucket and also how Stoick was willing to go against his people to protect Toothless. I think it shows the great qualities of a leader who doesn't let everyone do whatever they want.
- *wakes up from being hit with a lightning bolt to check on his leg* "At least I didn't lose another one."
Whispering death - boulder class, razor sharp teeth, incredibly strong and hunts from underground
The way Snotlout makes fun of the fact that Toothless can't fly bc of Hiccup pisses me tf off
Little moments between Hiccup and Astrid are the ones that get me 🥺🥰 like him getting on Stormfly before Astrid and then helping her up or him touching her shoulder and leaving his hand on there for just a sec to indicate the way 🥺🥺🥺
No because the way they're all running away from the Whispering Death in ep14 and Toothless finally appears and Astrid is like "TOOTHLESS!" like I always asked myself why they didnt show Hiccup's immediate reaction to Toothless coming back and defending them. I just love that they showed how Toothless is also important to Astrid.
Toothless looks cute/funny holding a boulder
Barf and Belch go through the worst lmao
Barf is Ruff's
Belch is Tuff's
Also why did I forget that Zippleback gas is kinda druggy
Dagur gives me Vector from Despicable me vibes
I really liked how Stoick was willing to go to war to save Barf And Belch in the Twinsanity ep, it really showed that he wouldn't only do it for Toothless (to protect Hiccup) but he'd do it for any dragon bc he's actually changed
Hiccup's acting was on point ✋🏼👏🏼🤩
Love how Hookfang won't take shii from Snotlout
LITERALLY JAHDHSHZHS Hiccup being hella done w Snotlout in ep16 is my new favorite thing.
Wow Toothless and Snotlout working together, never thought I'd see this duo
Breakneck Bog = Bermuda Triangle = The Sea of Monsters
Astrid hitting Tuff for pranking them is hilarious and Then RUFF ALSO HITTING TUFF TOO WHEN SHE WAS ALSO PART OF THE PRANK LMAO
Smothering Smoke Breaths - hide themselves in a veil of smoke, very territorial and they build their nests out of metallic objects to defend against attacks by bigger dragons
Changewings - able to change color of its skin to blend in with its surroundings.
I love how Astrid is just so direct lmao
The way the chabgewing just ruffled up tuffnut NAHSHDHHSHS
Baby Gustav 🥺🥺🥺🥺
"It's always the quiet ones that snap the loudest"
Granite is Meatlug's favorite 🥴
The way Astrid is so excited to show Hiccup her new achievement and the way she always knows when something is wrong... If this isn't true love i-🥺🥺🥺🥺
Hiccup was entrusted with Bork life's work
The Isle of night - an entire island filled with Night Furies!
Fishlegs lil giggle after he did the thunderdrum call😅🥴
Remember how I said that I thought Stoick would be the only person to get into a fist fight with a dragon? Well I was wrong... Snotlout just punched a Changewing and ig that's abt right
Hiccup just wanted Toothless to not be alone 🥺🥺🥺
The way we had to wait for 2 more shows and 2 movies to finally see another night fury
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swimmingleo · 3 years
just gonna kinda liveblog into your inbox about that wish you were here doc bc i need to
"it's a much more universal expression of my feelings about absence."
the whole 'have a cigar' part and thinking about h and l relating so strongly to pink floyd yk... ugh
"so, in order for it to represent the music, i didn't really want to limit the great palate of art and life to a picture of four geezers" REELING and now i think we should re-imagine the 1d album covers as pink floyd-style concepts
the part where they talk about syd being kinda beyond saving :(
the sea of blood that turns into hands, reaching to the sky???? that's a visual i will never ever forget fuck
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"can you free yourself enough to be able to experience the reality of life as it goes on before you and with you, and as you go on as part of it, or not?" - roger waters
"all the songs were encouraging me - i guess i write them for me (...) - not to accept a lead role in a cage. but to go on demanding of myself that i keep auditioning for the walk on part in the wall. 'cause that's where i wanna be. i wanna be in the trenches" - waters
the story of how syd appeared at the studio and they didn't recognize him :(
in general: ouch and fuck
I love this documentary for the explanation of the visuals, the throwbacks, I think it shows how talented and thoughtful they were of their work, how each part was loaded with intent, with emotion.
The red sea ??? PLEASE. THE BLOOD. REACHING FOR THE UNREACHABLE. They're not just saying "yeah industry's fucked up like it kills your creativity it's hard" nah they're literally saying it KILLS period. wtf. "it's no use crying over spilled blood" omg
Also the quote about being free enough to live? Roger said this is what he had in mind writing ''Breathe'', saying he wished he could've had this mindset before things went wrong with Syd. CAN YOU BELIEVE.
Roger and his metaphors of war... So powerful. This man has been growing up affected by the post war climate, and it never leaves the way he expresses himself, it's always there!!
But the downside of anything "wish you were here" related is... the trauma porn around it, yk ? And I feel like this doc has a bit of it.
The whole story of Syd coming to the studio is sooo upsetting. I have no doubts it was a highly mediatized stunt, for many reasons. Syd coming the exact day they record a song explicitly marketed as being abt him? When they allegedly haven't seen him for years? The way no one in the studio intervened, and just waited for the guys to recognize him? it's so fucked up. I've watched a long interview of Roger where he basically said that he had severe breakdowns during the making of this record, and i suppose it'd be because of the pressure of following up the success of DSOTM and the looming presence of Syd. His feelings being monetized is basically the core of the album and it's so ugly and it reminds me sm of how Louis' own traumas were badly appropriated by medias.
Seeing David being so emotional for the entirety of the doc breaks ME HEART.
ANYWAY love seeing your feedbacks <3 when you get into PF it does become a need to vent about it asdjfrhrt it's so ugh emotional
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thisdreamplace · 3 years
I'm so close to giving up on practicing the law (consciously) overall. It's like yet another habit (of conscious manifesting, living like a king in a kingdom/reality etc) that I've failed to incorporate
However, like a chronic sufferer who actually wants a way out ie who seeks a chance of living differently and not permanently not living I really don't want to give up. But I'm so disheartened of this
Ik yk what it's like, and I'm aware of how u pushed thru despite everything, and yk very well what it's like when u too were on this side
I feel like I'm caught in the claws of a beast that grows larger and larger. Btw this isn't a msg abt 'im the only one for whom manifesting doesn't work'. (Coz I have, by consciously focusing etc, seen evidence of the law and all), so this ain't even about believing in something unseen
Maybe it's an info overload thing. Idk. Ik enough by now, to realise the core of it is to live like it's already happened, deliberate before reacting so u don't perpetuate the old patterns/story/consequences yadda yadda
So what should I do? How do I refocus? How do I stop thinking Idk enough (even tho even now im aware of how the 3d is an illusion etc and I think I've caught up on all the real free deal on manifesting, law of assumption on the 'net). I think I'm tired of reading up on it and implementing it. Ik it's effortless (and sometimes it really is!) Still, I want utter power over my reality (not micro managing like, but there are still major aspects of my life that I wanna change). What do u suggest? ig my question (or monologue, amirite? 😉) relates to how I feel I'm all over the place related to this. I mean, you can't measure a company's performance w/o numbers yeah? And I'm an analyst (tho the messy-desk sort who teeters b/w must-get-the-finest-details to aye-imma-wing-it: and I can't force myself to be either at will 😒) who's gotten a mind blank
So yeah, please, by all means, knock me on the head, give me a wake up call, throw a book or two at me. I've been enrolled in the manifesting course (figure of speech) for so long, yet I'm not focused enough to garner true results (not blaming the 3d, but I mean it's kinda obvi when u ARE working but there aren't much results, how's that different from day dreaming or wishful thinking yeah?)
In conclusion, also, any idea how I can improve? What could I do (or not do) (other than self concept. I oft subject myself to the I Am Love peeps and they're pretty cool and the stuff they say is 💯) How do I pull myself together?
Thanks for reading this far! Thank you overall! 😎
I know you asked about what you can do other than self concept and I'm sorry but my advice is going to be #1: self concept. haha If it wasn't for me deciding to give myself my all, I don't think I'd still be here.
Here's the craziest thing about the law: we come to the law because we desire for something, then find out it was never about our desire. It was always about us. You see, the more you keep your desires at the forefront of your life, without putting yourself first in line, the more complicated you make your journey. The truth is, nothing needs to change except you. So you don't want to hear my self concept advice, you want there to be anything else except self concept, but the truth is your conception of self is your everything. It is the foundation upon which your world is happening automatically. Change your conceptions of self and you change your world. Period.
I mean, even now this is important for you because of everything you are saying. If you truly want to use the law to your advantage and finally live the life you know you deserve, stop running away from yourself. Stop wanting your desires to fix your issues. Stop looking for a technique to make the magic happen. Only you can make this work. That's the thing about it. You've said you read enough, no? So at this point you should have some sort of idea of what you're into, what kind of things make sense to you. Actually start to apply it now. Like seriously. Dedicate the rest of the year to applying the law in the way that makes sense to you. Make sure your #1 goal is yourself. The only progress/change you need be worried about is a change within yourself.
If you want utter power you give it to yourself. And I'll be upfront. For some it's an easy and powerful experience. For me, it's been difficult, painful, and uncomfortable. But that's because I was so engulfed in my victim mentality for so many years. I wanted someone to come by so badly and save me and even after the law, I had a hard time giving that up. The more attached we are to the old story, the more difficult our journey will be. And that's okay. We have to be gentle with ourselves in those tough moments. It's not a race and you're doing everything perfectly. When I finally decided to take responsibility for myself was the moment my life changed for the better. More and more the law clicks and I feel more confident in who I am as God of my reality. But you have to be willing to leave that victim mentality behind you. How can you take on full power of your reality, while living like a victim? You automatically give your power away like that. So, drop it. No matter how scary and uncomfortable it is. You must.
There's a certain amount of mental discipline that must be practiced when it comes to the law. So for that, I recommend meditation. Any way you want to do it. No you don't need to be focused on the law all the time but you need to be aware who's in control of your reality. It's you. You don't get anytime off from being God, it's a full time job. That's why self concept is so important, because it's what is manifesting naturally 24/7. So the least you can do is make sure your foundation is one in which you actually want to be operating from.
Hopefully this helps to pick you up and give you some idea of where to go next on your journey! You absolutely got this! And don't forget to take care of yourself and look out for yourself as you continue on your manifestation journey. 💖
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
When I was in eighth grade (start of high school for me) I met this guy, he's a year older so he was in ninth grade. We talked a bit at the start of my eighth grade year cause we had a spare block together — basically he was like the most popular guy in his grade and everyone always assumed he was a dick, but he was actually really sweet and used to help me with my math homework. At this time I was hella unpopular and awkward (all glasses and braces yk like classic nerd look) and he was the only guy I knew that was nice to me. Now I never really thought him being nice to me was him liking me, but after a couple months I had a major glow up (not to brag but we're talking like Anne Hathaway in the Princess Diaries kinda glowup if ya get me) and although we never really talked, we always had these ✨moments✨ and I had a MASSIVE crush on him for so long and there were times when it was pretty obvious we were mutually checking each other out. Anyways last April I kinda realised nothing was ever gonna happen cause like we hadn't spoken in two years 🥲 so I managed to get over him (by latching onto Harry lmao). Anyways now he's kind of not really in a relationship with a girl in my grade and I thought I was fine and happy for them but idek anymore 😭 they've been on and off bc basically she doesn't wanna commit, and cause I'm really close with one of her friends I know she doesn't actually like him that much. Like a few months ago they "dated" and she had it marked in her calendar when they were gonna break up (they broke up way earlier in the end) but now they're like kind of back together (but not really??). He's also hella sweet, he's always so sweet to her and I know she doesn't appreciate him as much as he deserves (like a few months ago she would ALWAYS make fun of him for being sensitive and wanting a serious relationship). I always see them leaving school together now and they hang out a lot, and I know he really loves her. I thought I was over him but I'm not 😢😢 I mean at the end of the day he seems completely in love with her and I wouldn't be surprised if he's forgotten my name. And he's gonna graduate this year and I'm pretty sure he's going to the other side of the country for uni so these are my last two months of seeing this boy that I was helplessly in love with for so long. But like I totally respect their relationship but I'm still sad about it because as much as I thought I was over it, I still wish I could be the one making him happy 🥺😭 I'm so sad wtf
Babessss🥺🥺🥺🥺im sorry you’re going through all the feels rn!!! I know it’s tough to see the guy you like so much and on top of that you know you can rlly give him what he deserves but he’s not into you and gets treated poorly by the person he loves. I know it’s tough, but don’t let it pull you down. I’m glad that you respect the relationship and all, but I know it’s crazy hard to keep that stance. But don’t worry too much babes bc you’ll find someone you like a lot and it’ll be reciprocated...I know you will🥺❤️ilysm
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mcgregor · 5 years
So... this happened !
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Is it too much if I say I can die happy now ?? (yes it is but bear with me)
Everything you can hear about the man is true. He is the sweetest, kindest person you can meet. He seemed genuinely happy to meet his fans, always smiling and looking right at you, giving you his complete attention. And yeah, I’m gonna say the most heard and cliché thing ever, but he is even more beautiful in person ~~
And he is really tall !! As can be seen above! I mean, I am pretty small but I was wearing shoes with platforms you know? and he’s still a head taller than me ^^”
Everyone I was with only had the nicest thing to say about him ♥
When I was on the train coming back home after that wonderful day, I tried to write down everything I remembered from the day, especially the panel.
So here you go !
The moment you turn the corner and see him seating at that table is completely surreal. I never thought I’d ever met him someday, and then he was added as that last minute guest in that convention in Paris, 1 week before the convention, and I bought that pass on a whim, and then BOOM he’s right in front of you ! Surreal ..
He really took his time talking to people, and he spoke french quite a lot ! Then came my turn, I spoke about the punisher, Billy, and Gold Digger, said I hoped he wouldn’t die in this one ^^ He told me a secret about it, I honestly don’t know if he was bullshitting me (I mean, it was kind of a big thing, so I don’t know if he was messing with me haha), but he asked not to tell anyone and to keep it a secret (I totally failed at that but shush) sooo we’ll see ! I asked for a hug, and that was it !
You’re so close to him during that time, and he’s looking up at you with his huge dark eyes and he’s smiling, and looking perfect, and you wish you could replay that special moment forever~~ Thinking about it later on, it’s hard to realize you were really this close to Ben Barnes !
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Photo op wasn’t planned ! Not gonna lie, it was kinda expensive and I was happy to just see him yk?  But then, the people I did the line for the autographs with, kept telling me I had to do it, it was the opportunity and well, it was hard to resist ! I mean, Ben freaking Barnes !!
Photo ops are more rushed, you do your pose and it’s done, next ! But it’s still amazing ~ He did every pose without complaining (those I saw anyway), he was a good sport about it! I went for the classic hug, because it just is the best ♥ Ben Barnes is hugging you and you have the proof of it ! I said thank you, and kinda grasped his fingers at the same time, I don’t know why but a day after, it’s the thing that keeps coming back to my mind.. :)
PANEL (with Floriana, but I was pleasantly surprised, most questions were for Ben)
What I can remember:
Anecdote about Westworld (the question was about LGBTQ representation I believe). He said that originally in the script, there was a scene when they're in the brothel where Logan chooses who he's gonna sleep with. It was supposed to go like this : "I want her... and her, aaaaaand him !" Apparently he loved that scene but it was never actually shot.
About Narnia. He talked again about how he took his sword home with him, it's on the wall above his fireplace. Someone mentioned how he had  lied about his experience with horses before Narnia and asked how people reacted once they had noticed the truth... He started by saying he didn't really lie and that he did have experience (queue laughter) ... he did ride a horse. Once. When he was 5 😂😂 Afterwards he said that the producer (or maybe the director) told him it looked like it was the horse riding him and not the reverse 🤣🤣
He then briefly mentioned Shadow and Bone and said he was doing lots of riding for that role and that he got way better. Floriana confirmed it was true because he send videos to her/his friends.
He mentioned again how he was wearing his character’s (Benjamin in gold digger) clothes (he was wearing the coat for the panel)
Someone asked him If he knew people love to fancast him as Sirius Black and if he would be interested to play him if it ever was a real project. He said he was aware and that yes, he wouldn't mind playing Sirius. He loves HP, his friends love HP, and he is really impressed by what JK Rowling created. He loves fantasy universes in general.
Someone asked about their favorite stunts. (She wanted details, because she wants to be a stuntwoman, so he kept saying “details” when he talked ^^). And he mentioned the big carousel fight with Jon. How he had this mask on a third of his face. And that Jon had to scrap that against the mirror. And of course The Scream, and how it unsettled Jon, who asked him if he was ok (”bro, are you okay?”) and how was he supposed to know if he really hurt him there. He also said his stunt double (Jefferson yayyyy) only replaced him when Jon had to tackle him over his shoulder at some point. And that overall he was really proud of that fight scene.
When asked about his favorite character, he said Billy Russo.
And favorite moments to shoot (it was a shared question with Floriana, so about S2): the therapy sessions in the earliest episodes. And episode 8.
How they felt about the cancellation: Ben said he was sad, obviously, and that he was pretty surprised/sad when he read the script and found out he was gonna die. He didn’t want Billy to be killed off.
Also he thinks characters who are much closer to him in personality are actually more difficult to play than ‘darker’ characters like Billy or Logan
He kept saying funny little comments, little things in french, and was quite impressed by the woman who translated everything in French (especially her insane memory)
Someone asked about his covers on Instagram, who were his favorite singers/song and if he could sing a little something for us. Everyone kept cheering for him (even Foriana) but he said he was too embarrassed to sing. Favorite singers mentioned: Freddy Mercury (especially his earliest work), Ray Charles, Ottis Redding and Stevie Wonder
I also talked with people who were at the private meeting with him and he showed them a picture of him at 4 wearing a Batman costume (in relation to the InStyle article, major awwwwwws when we heard that).
When asked if he ever thought about doing another job. He said no, but that he still took the negative feedback after Dorian Gray pretty bad.. That it was a difficult time for him and that he thought the critics were "cruel".
And that’s it for that magical day ♥
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velvetyh · 3 years
she is a poodle <33 her name is moon I also have two rabbits a boy and a girl 🫠
I’m sorry to hear that about your shitty boss, thank god you said fuck her and went to her boss!! we love that.
I know very well that I have to be careful with the people I just met. I just… I had been knowing this person for a year and a few months... I also know that you never really finish fully knowing someone... but I thought that a year was at least enough to give me a idea of who he was yk?? but I was wrong (:
I honestly don't feel bad about what he did? it's more like... the fact that he failed me made me remember other things that have happened to me and if we add to that to all the things happening in my house right now… well… a mess lol
but I have been in worse situations and moments so I’ll totally be fine, actually, today I'm muchhhh better because my mom is in a better mood and we're even going out sooooo yeah ^_^
pretty out of topic but I've never taken so long talking to someone anonymously lol it’s kinda funny. Especially since you have no idea who I am even though we talk 😭 I guess you never really got to know me that much... it's not really like we talked much about a lot of things... we always talked about a specific topic </3 also, it's the beginning of a new week for you, I just started on sunday….
omg moon is such an adorable name 🥺🥺 and omg rabbits!! they're so fluffy and cuddly, i wish i could pet one rn!
just because she's my boss doesn't mean she can get in my way every single day and seize each opportunity to belittle me, im tired of her bs 💀 her boss "understood" the situation and legit told me "oh but she has mood swings, sadly you have to deal with them." nice
yeah, sadly you never fully know someone... they can be a perfect sweetheart with you in person / via text but still stab you in the back... im not saying that we should be paranoid of everyone, but still remain careful, okay? <33 people can be reaaaaally disappointing, especially SOME men 😶
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for u :) i know it won't soothe your pain but at least i hope it brought a smile to your face!
omg have fun going out with your mom!! i miss doing that with mine tbh 🥺
idk who you are (i think?) but i really appreciate how you always come back to my account to send me asks! I've had a few anons but most of them left, I'm actually quite moved that some of y'all are willing to talk to me that much, thank you :')
yeah lmao I'm in Germany so I'm almost on Monday ahhhh 😭 have a peaceful Sunday my dear ! :D
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woozi · 3 years
henlo yza <3 ,
hdjdkd i don't really have much knowledge abt different techniques & kind of dances so when the steps match the lyrics i'm like '!!! wow yes i love it' fhdjdjskks also bc i've grown up watching these kind of dances only so my that's what i tend to notice first hdjdjddk it is also one of the reason why i decided to stan svt dwc, oh my, thanks & our dawn is hotter than day's choreo details really impressed me.
maybe vincenzo is your svt club & ur so valid for that <3 hddjdjekek also pls don't say sorry!! you can talk abt it as much as you want i like knowing what you think. i'll let you know how was it for me when i complete it. & no homecha hasn't ended yet (idk if there are 16 or 14 eps i haven't checked) it does come on weekends, counting this sunday's ep, we're at 12th rn.
i get that fjdjdkkd i used to be the same 😭 always waiting for dramas to end so i can binge watch because not knowing what happens next would kill me. but idk when this happened, my will to watch anything died down bc the eps are just there, available for me to watch anytime. im like 'i'll watch it next time' but next time never comes 💀. this year i've watched no-air ones only hdjssj very surprising for me ( also my wack memory & svt content supports me by forgetting abt it after weekend ends dhdjdkkd) anyway i'm very excited to see how you like homecha!
CHURCH BOY JOSH HDHDJDDKKSLSDJ church boy josh, cringe domestic boy, joshua numbers. we've come up with so many nicknames for him in few asks only 😭😭 dbdjksksk deserve actually. BUT SO TRUE I STILL HAVE NO WORDS FOR HIM. THAT WAS- JUST- WOW OKAY WE SEE YOU 😭😭and dino lip piercing and hoshi eyebrow slit..... so sexy of them. cb concept pictures haven't come out yet & they're already shinning!! love to see that. also now we have gyu and hoshi's wedding reception pictures & cottagecore hannie (with that collarbone picture right in middle >:( wth mister but also hbd ig <3) being added in the equation.
IM CRYINGGGGGG THEY LOOK SO CUTE THEY ARE SO CUTE NOO 😭😭💔 HOW HAVE I NEVER SEEN THESE COVERS WTH (being the ex-directioner and all dhdjkdsksk). I SMILED SO WIDE WATCHING THEM <///3 it's been so long since i heard one thing wow lol. but! this means they know who zayn is. thank you for this jdjssk this is going to keep me happy for some time hdjdke. SUNDAY MORNING EHJEJEKE 😭 thank you <3 dndjdj
IKR???? IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS CB I'M ALSO EXCITED TO EXPERIENCE IT WITH YOU. agreee truly bless svt for helping keeping us from losing it over life (by making us lose it over them) tbh sometimes it worries me too with the way contents keep dropping but just now in these unit interviews being released, perf unit shared how they have ppl who encourage them to be okay with their tiredness. things like that put me at ease. hope they rest well from time to time too. honestly just looking at their tour schedules i used to get tired because these dudes used to have more shows and less day offs and some of them being used to just move from one city to another. i hope in coming years pledis changes that lol.
sameee for the poster release hdjdkeek. also even though there was scheduler, i forgot abt the concept trailer 😭 it was raining & bcoz of that power was out as well & i don't use data dhdjdkdk. i think 5 minutes after 12 kst power came back (you can say joshu's sparkler brought it back hdjdjdks) it literally left me speechless. yk that meme ' everyone remembers what they were doing & where they were when it happened ' that's me & you with this cb hfjdkd honestly that's everyone with this cb me thinks.
seventeenies bringing the grass to you w their posts djdjkd ( btw you can always tell me if silly little jokes get out of hand i wouldn't ever like to make you uncomfy) but seriously i hope uni doesn't give you hard time. don't worry much just keep moving forward, at some point whatever is making you feel stuck will move away eventually.
is it that obvious? 😭😭😭😭 no i don't like rain at all dhjddk (i actually didn't dislike it as much during teens) mostly because road drainage system sucks here & we live in lower area so even moderate rain causes water logging. i'd give you some rain but this one's bad so i won't </3 ( as if i could if it were the good one 💀) stay hydrated!!! drink two sips of water everytime you hear dino laugh, i hope it cools a little soon.
that's what being on tumblr since 2012 does to you 😭 ALSO UR SO FUNNY PLS, SO ARE THE MEMES YOU USE FOR ASKS DJDJDKD. *hands you bunny headband dino* it's dangerous outside take this, you too stay safe out there 😭😭😭😭 love you too <3 and thank YOU for hanging out w me hehe :3, also dw tbh these asks have become one of the highlights for me now & i'm only using my free time excluding resting time, i hope you are too, no pressure at all! dw about being late - 🪂
ps - did i tell you i actually followed your svt blog around the time everyone was guessing your biases hddjkddj i sent mingyu & jeonghan dhdjdj that was my first ask :3 - 🪂
henlo, 🪂!! <3 <3 <3
honestly it doesnt matter to me tbh <3 if people enjoy the dance its all that matters!! and omg i can see that!! i love the svteenies always bring something fresh to the table
omg that means you're near the end 😭😭😭 i keep seeing gifs of it on my dash and it makes me feel a lil lovesick ngl HJFHJFHD why is it so TENDER????????????????
ok but that's so valid too bc that's me rn with in the soop.... i literally have not watched the 6th ep yet 😭 and i'm getting the feeling youre mentioning w swf now because i literally always look forward to tuesdays just for the next ep HJDHJDS also i am dumb what are no-airs HJDHJDHHD and ur not alone tbh <3 i have also been super forgetful lately and that is not like me fdhjdfjhdfhjdfhj we're rotting in this hellsite ig
love bullying him i just wanna know how he'd react if he gets upset <3 i dont think we've ever seen angry josh and i wanna make him angry sm HSDHJSDJ im glossing over dino lip piercing to directly go over hOSHI EYEBROW SLIT BC HELLO??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ive never really liked eyebrow slits but he makes them look so- i want him to hurt me HJDSHJDHJDS ALSO THE LATEST SET OF PHOTOS OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD they're giving me what i've been asking for i love being here sm <3 soonyoung's so chummy w everyone have u seen his photos w jihoon last night 😭 he's literally tamed the actual tiger icb this. and no oh my god i do not Know what Collarbone Jeonghan is i have erased him from my memories thank u
HDSHDSJDSHJDS the ex-directioner is so funny to me 😭 i think we have all been there one way or another <3 and ofc omg <3 i'm glad my core svt memories make u happy HSDJHJDFHJHJDSF
they literally said escapism hELP ME 😭😭😭😭😭 i think they're also just workaholics in general. i would be too if i actually enjoyed what i did for a living 😭 and are we even gonna get tours in the near future.... this is so sad i havent even seen them irl </3
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OMG that's terrible, i hope u guys were okay though :/ AND NOT THE JOSH SPARKLER FDDHJFHDFHJFDHFDH now i have to think about him oh my god i think i passed out a little when eyebrow piercing josh came on screen and just full on blacked out when the match scene came on tbh 😭 JKSDJKDSKDS ITS LIKE THE PANDEMIC!!!!!!! WE WILL RMB!!!!!!!!!
ALSOO NOOO OMG i dont feel uncomf at all and u should also tell me if i do make u feel so <3 thank u for even mentioning that!! also love that they're Doing It All for us we dont even have to go out to touch grass anymore HJDSHJSDJ i've actually been v happy w uni omg!! just that i often feel stressed bc they give us sm things to do </3 thank u for ur kind words!!
that's the price of being an adult JDJSJKD now we gotta think of things like.. idk the effects of rain 😭😭😭 i used to even love it when it flooded as a kid HJDSHJSDHJ now i get anxious too!! i love all kinds of rain though so i wont mind JKKSDKJSDKJD just that other people might be affected </3 wish i had my own rain cloud on some kind of leash lmao. ALSO IF I DRINK WATER EVERY TIME I HEAR DINO LAUGH FDHFDHJDFHD gonna be bloated but hydrated af ngl
oh my gOD YOU WERE HERE SINCE 2012???? we're literally sick bestie <3 i genuinely think tumblr has changed something fundamental in me and my way of thinking has not been The Same as idk.. regular people ig JDSHJSDHJSD THE OFFLINE PEOPLE!! smth about tumblr is so <3 sick but also i love this hellsite so 😗 AND NOOO NOT THE MEMES FDHDFHJDF its my broken sense of humor and inability to convey emotions properly HHSDHJDSHJ
BUNNY HEADBAND DINO?????????????????????????????????????? honestly he'd bring me more harm than protection i'll say that much 😭
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 that genuinely made me feel so warm & fuzzy, i always look forward to your messages too <3 <3 <3 i hope u always have good days u deserve it for being such a sweetheart
WAIT HELLO???????????????????????? YOU'VE BEEN HERE FOR SO LONG THEN 😭😭😭😭😭 and im so impressed you didnt get weeded out ngl HFDHJFDHJFD icb you've been witnessing me going more ill everyday <3 ur a soldier
and u are partially correct abt mingyu & jh <3 at least during the time JSDJDSJKSDJK i think i've been desensitized to mingyu now but i still love him sm <3 he's just so cute and cutesy boys kinda infuriate me in an affectionate way so HJSDHJDSHJDSH
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