#kinda miss being multifandom
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puppy-steve · 6 months ago
......should i switch back to this blog.......
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ricky-olson · 1 year ago
yeah im gonna make a new animanga sideblog
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youknowwhoiamassbutt · 2 months ago
Whelp, it's the time of year to rewatch the Big Four movies, and with the new How to Train Your Dragon movie coming out (which I will not be watching in theaters as to not encourage the unnecessary live-action adaptations trend) I felt it necessary to dive back into this fandom.
This is the first of a finished hijack series I just wrote. It follows Jack's perspective in the main storyline as he recruits the rest of the legendary Big Four members.
It is loosely based on the legendary system established in the Santa Clause movies with their council of legendary beings.
Here is a snippet from the first installment (the one the link links to):
“Hey.”  Jack shot the man his most welcoming smile as he flew above him.  
“Thanks for the assist.”  The man responded as he serenely drifted in the general direction of land.  His voice was much different now, a much higher pitch with a slightly dorky accent.  
“I’m Jack.”
“Yeah, I kinda picked up on that.”  
Jack’s stomach flipped.  “You’ve heard of me?”  
“You’re a guardian, aren’t you?  We’ve all heard of you.”
“Oh.”  Jack’s skin buzzed with excitement.  It had been years since he had run into anyone other than the guardians.  “What’s your name?  And why were you scaring that ship?”
“I’m Hiccup.”  Hiccup lifted his mask to reveal a soft face with brunette hair peeking out from under his helmet.  He was cute.  It had been forever since Jack had met another humanoid legendary, at least one that was around his age and not…the towering hunk that was North.  “Those guys were dragon hunters.  They were searching for the hidden world.”
“And you protect this…hidden world?”  Jack leaned on his staff to get closer to Hiccup.
“Yep.  That’s my job.  Protect dragons.”  There was something sad in Hiccup’s eyes, something incomplete, something missing.
“You’re lonely, aren’t you?”  Jack shouldn’t have said that.  He didn’t want to scare the guy away, but, his social skills had really suffered over the centuries.  Hiccup opened his mouth to protest but Jack couldn’t end on that note.  “I mean we all are!  Every legendary.”
Hiccup’s defenses deflated.  “Even you?  But you have the Guardians?”  
“We don’t really hang out.  We all have jobs to do that keep us busy.”  Jack shrugged.  “So…what are you doing now?  Why are you floating?  Do you control the water like Moana?  Aren’t you cold?”  His eyes grew as his smile widened.
“No.”  Hiccup frowned, but a slight smirk told Jack he was amused.  “Isn’t Moana just friends with the water in that movie?”  He shook his head, getting back on track.  “I’m not cold.  I can feel temperatures, but I can’t be impacted by them.”  Jack had always assumed the other legendaries were just as sensitive to temperature as he was to heat, but apparently it was the other way around.  Legendaries were as insensitive to temperatures as he was to cold.  “And I’m floating because I have no other way to get back to land and I’m already dead, I can’t drown.”
“Oh…has no one told you?  We can die.”  
“Not by drowning.”
“What!?  How did you figure that out?”  Jack held his hands to shield his face.  “Nevermind!  I don’t wanna know!  Where are you going next?”  
“You’re bored aren’t you?”  Hiccup’s smirk was a full grin at this point.
“Wow, my reputation truly does precede me.”
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destiny-smasher · 6 months ago
Both halves of Chapter 10 are finished. This marks the end of Act 1.
Chapter 10: The Briefing
After getting an emergency call from Geeta, Nemona and Penny are told to meet up with Rika for a briefing on a dire situation...
( “Call from... Chairwoman Geeta...” ) The word ( EMERGENCY ) was plastered on the screen, the very sight of which made Nemona's heart skip. The last time she'd seen that, it had been when those two Titans had emerged into Western Paldea... “I-... I need to take this,” Nemona informed the citizens in front of her, only to realize they were already waving her off as they headed elsewhere. She must have phased out for a sec, there... Clearing her throat by swallowing the sudden lump that seemed to have formed there, Nemona accepted the call, leveling the phone to her ear as her fingers trembled. She balled her left fist at her side, forcing her body to shovel up some willpower for what was to come, then stuffed the fist into her pocket, hoping no one would notice her shaken up state. “H... Hello?” she greeted, attempting to remain as neutral and natural sounding as she could. [ “Nemona?” ] “Yeah... Miss Geeta...? Is... Is something-?” [ “I need you at League Headquarters. Immediately.” ] “Of course.” Nemona's heart, still racing from the rush of her battle, was getting revved right back up. [ “It is a matter of dire importance, so don't delay,” ] Geeta primly cited. [ “However, be prudent – don't let on that anything is wrong. It'd be better to take a little extra time getting here than to incite any kind of panic on your way.” ] Well, that sounded... ominous... But Nemona was still in 'work mode'. “Right. Got it. Umm-... What's-...? Did something happen, orrr-...?” Just the premise of Geeta's request was causing Nemona's throat to tighten. [ “Emergency staff meeting. I'm already attending to other parties necessary, but you must meet Rika in the Elite Four review room. On the double, please, Madame.” ] “Understood.” The call ended. Nemona felt her stiff body relax slightly. Even when she wasn't physically present, Geeta really made Nemona instinctively tighten and take things seriously. 'Madame.' Geeta had started calling Nemona that ever since she'd gotten the recent promotion to Security Chief. She kinda liked it... From Miss Geeta, at least. If Penny started calling her that, woof, she wasn't sure she'd know what to do with that, hah... Swiping her thumb up at the droplet of sweat that had formed on her temple, Nemona gaped at her phone for a minute with some disbelief. She had never been given this kind of treatment, being called in on the spot like this. Even when Titans and Tera 'mons had been a problem, she was at least given some time to prepare... Was this just, like, normal for the Chief of Security? A common thing? The previous person in the position hadn't prepared her for something like this, hadn't set any kind of expectation for this type situation... An emergency staff meeting hadn't occurred since... well, yeah, when the double Titans had been rampaging at the outskirts of Cascarrafa... And Nemona hadn't been invited, she wasn't high enough clearance for that kinda thing. So when the call had been made for her to handle the twin Titans, it had still been a scheduled thing, not something she'd been expected to drop everything on the spot for. That meeting had resulted in hiring Scarlet to help out, but since they would need some time to travel, the old Head of Security had been advised to lure the Titans away from the town, keeping an eye on them while Scarlet was en route. And then Nemona and Letty had done their duty while the Security Chief had understandably taken a much-needed rest. It had worked out in the end. But now Nemona was the Security Chief. And Scarlet was seemingly tied up in something as it was. Which made her very, very nervous... and wondering if Scarlet being wrapped up in whatever they were was related.
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sh1-n0bu · 6 months ago
Hey nobu bae, wsg shaw-tay
Can you give me some tips for how to do an event, I can't come up with any good prompts either 😭 the biggest problem is def with the motivation😭😭
bbygurl renneeeeeeee😚😚oh how i missed u
but i feel u on the motivation one LMAOOOO uhh, make it clear and take some time to write out the guide lines. is it gonna be multifandom? a single fandom? how long will it last? what sort of request rules should the requester follow? will it be the same as ur normal request rules etc. i never tried prompts before bc i personally think they are kinda restricting and writing is all about being creative and free so,,,,,, maybe make the prompts loose ended? like open for interpretation type yknow. for example:
❤️ - romantic prompts
🌸 - fluff
🥀 - angst etc etc. i saw sone writers do it like this or with coded messages as in “cappuccino with extra cream” translating to “tooth rotting fluff” etc etc. also be sure to make it easy on yourself since this is a fanfic, a fan content freely created and therefore, it should also be easy and simple for u as well
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mcytblr-archive · 1 year ago
Early MCYTblr Interviews: nibbleinephym
our interviewee is @nibblelinephym (known in 2020/2021 as severely-nearsighted). here is a copy/pasted transcript of the questions and answers!
(if these posts are too long, please let me know, and i'll incorporate a cutoff in the future!)
Q: What do you remember most fondly about ‘Early MCYTblr’? (2020-2021)
A: i think im most fond of how tight-knit the community felt in the 'early days' honestly? dont get me wrong seeing it grow and new creators bring even more people in has been wonderful but theres just something about a smaller fandom that feels nice. we were never by any means a Small fandom but we're a Lot bigger now than we were just a few years ago!
Q: I understand that you were the face of Silverfish2020 (winner of the first MCYTblr elections). What was your experience in the elections themselves like?
A: first, clarifying; unfortunately silverfish2020 was Not the winner of the first election; that was quotes2020, represented by mcyt-quotes (who i believe has since changed urls? apologies but im not sure what their current one is or if theyre still active at all ^^;) by exactly four votes -- for me the elections were a lot of fun! when they were first starting up i wasn't sure if i wanted to join, since there were a Lot of people involved already and i hadn't really solidified myself as part of the community yet (i think i was still almost exclusively a musical blog back in the first days of it, not multifandom, which is so wild to think about tbh). im really glad i did though, i met some truly amazing people through the event that i still talk with to this day :] everything felt very fast paced at the time, especially since the discord was almost always going at blink-and-youll-miss-it speeds; you had to be Constantly in there if you wanted to participate in conversation. i remember whenever someone joined the server there would be a mob of people from different parties trying to convince them to side with theirs. surprisingly, that tactic worked pretty well for a lot of parties. i vividly remember that there was usually a pause of activity in the general server when results were being posted and a boom when they were all out. it was overall just a generally pretty positive environment from what i remember
Q: You were also a contestant in the MCYTblr ‘Friend or Host’ for Paint (adhddream). What do you remember of it?
A: friend or host was great! i wasnt in the competition long (iirc i was one of the first five out??? i dont actually remember how many contestants there were for the round but i know i was pretty early ^^;) but paint seemed really chill, it was just a nice little thing that we did for fun at love or hosts peak. i remember the discord stream of it didnt exactly go very well -- there was an issue with the visuals i think? so it might have been only audio. but im not entirely sure about that, it didnt really stick in my mind as well as other things from that era.
Q: What was the roleplay for Silverfish2020 like? 
A: the silverfish roleplay was very,, im not sure what the best word for it would be. chaotic maybe. there were a lot of things going on there just because there were a lot of things going on in the elections roleplay as a whole. we really leaned into the cult thing when the jokes started and it just kinda spiraled from there. in the beginning we toyed with the idea of a chestburster type thing living inside of the party members but it never really went anywhere despite how much we talked about it in our private discord,, instead we just focused on the party being a sort of hivemind. they lived in a stronghold under a dead forest and would try to get others to listen to 'the buzz' (like. insect buzzing. except if you listened to it long enough youd start hearing promises of a new family and respect and power and shit like that). one of our party members, shard (@shardofsun) was very thorough with all of her lore, going so far as to make detailed plans in a notebook of hers. the roleplay extended throughout the other elections as well (if you ignore the third and only through past lifetimes in the fourth) and is still partially going on now!
Q: You’ve been consistently keeping a list of all ‘kinnie’ (content creator imposter) blogs. Which ones stood out to you?
A: i think one of the imposter blogs that stood out most to me was definitely iamdreamwastaken (who eventually moved to tmblrdream) just because they were very interactive and took all the shit we sent them in stride. i also really liked the timedeo imposter despite never watching any of timedeos stuff. just thought they were cool. honourable shoutout to the eret and nihachu imposters too they rocked
Q: What are the biggest blogs you can remember? What was your impression of them?
A: the biggest blogs i can remember are probably gnfkitten [braveboyhalo] back when cat was the only one on the blog, adhddream, hearty-an0n(maybe not a Big one?? but very active and in a Lot of peoples inboxes from what i saw) and wooteena. there are definitely more urls i remember like georgeeehd (i think?) and wormweeb but i dont think i followed georgeeehd and i cant remember a whole lot of wormweebs stuff apart from the infertility post so i cant accurately answer for them ^^; wooteena was an acquaintance of mine; we didnt talk a whole lot but we were mutuals for a while. they were always pretty chill, despite the fact there were people out there shipping them with a friend of theirs?? ive always had huge respect for them just because they had the energy to deal with shit like that. i was friends with gnfkitten and hearty-an0n, at the very least in a 'wave at each other on the street' way, and i have really fond memories of the both of them :] hearty is still active, they post about sports these days from what i see on my dash, but im not sure if cat is despite gnfkitten being active as a group blog. adhddream always seemed really cool! my memory of their blog isnt super clear but i know i really liked seeing them on my dash back in the day. since this is tumblr i have no way of knowing if any of these people were actually Big Blogs but it definitely seemed like they were to me at the time haha
Q: What was the most insane piece of fandom drama you can remember from early MCYTblr? Did you participate?
A: i dont actually remember a whole lot of fandom drama from that time honestly. i tended to stay in my bubble of mutuals and other people i followed so it rarely ever crossed my dash. i was like ,, 15-16 at the time so fandom drama stressed me wayyyyy out, i tried my best to avoid it. the only stuff i can really remember at all was people fighting about whether or not it was okay to ship the characters from the dream smp and if shipping the characters was the same as shipping the players, but i never participated in any of the discourse from what i can recall
Q: Is there anything else you want to mention or that you want to be written down and remembered?
A: nope! though im happy to clarify on anything stated here if needed or answer any other questions that may arise :]
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tenebrius-excellium · 6 months ago
Hiya I'm sorry for turning kinda irregular & multifandom on here. There is just nothing new to watch and get into for me at the moment. Less and less media resonate with me, could be aging or overstimulation/ numbing to fiction. Thank you to everyone who is still here, and I really really miss sharing a fandom with you. <3
My new "fandoms" seem to include:
posts by @/fishtrouts and @/renegadeguild
new movie/show recs without ever getting into them more
being unnecessarily nostalgic about good stories that were never told (Queen's Thief show/movie, Shadow & Bone/Six of Crows, Wizards Season 2, my version of Httyd4, the remaining unadapted Narnia books, etc.)
@/nikibogwater's original story
posting updates on Reddie's life that no one wants to hear
Real life (fish tank, writing the second Tumblr paper (there will be a third btw), other hobbies & problems, cleaning up my past)
Like, to that last one specifically... thank you for keeping my secrets, Tumblr. Thank you to everyone who ever said anything nice and encouraging to me about that. I find that the more I'm coming towards a sort of peace, the more I move away from the online space. This was always the goal. Anyway, even if I'm not moving, it will be inevitably changing. Whatever that looks like. Just sayin.
Lots of love
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craftlands · 1 year ago
Hello! Been kinda missing your ask game, probably cuz I’ve never done one before this and I actually rlly like it (ty for the kind words btw). So I thought that maybe I should ask one myself :)
How about 🧠🎶 , with 💕 being optional for Lock, maybe?
:O thankyou! i'm glad to bring askgames to the people :D
🧠: What was their original character concept? Do they have any specific theming?
Oh man, starting off with a banger -- Lock is a mess of original concepts, being a loose adaptation of a multifandom OC. Theming-wise though, the core concept remains simple: Rook Hemlock is normal, and that's what makes him dangerous. He is intentionally, incredibly normal looking -- he's got that four-star unit look, that Super Normal appearance, and it's exactly enough to make people think he's up to nothing whatsoever.
🎶: What's a song you associate with them? (And why?)
forget about choices, just get to it blame it on the voices that told you to do it you've got a revolver and some bullets; reach for the trigger and pull it!
Despite seeming very ordinary, when Lock gets a mission to do, he is going to do it. There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop him, and if you catch him doing whatever he's doing you are either going to die or he is going to lie to your face about how he definitely has to be doing what he's currently doing.
💕: Do you ship them with any characters, canon or otherwise? Who and why?
Lock's mostly aroace but he and Pinion are in a constant Situationship that might as well be a ship. The really frustrating thing for Lock is that, despite the fact that Pinion is a spooky living bioweapon font of body horror who is constantly being weird, he's also a little bit hot. He will, however, take this secret to his fucking grave.
He'd probably be shippable with Eyes as well. The two are pretty chill.
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ghostiegirl56 · 2 years ago
Genshin Multifandom Drabble/Rant
Ok I know I mentioned having twisted x obey me chapter 2 done but I had another idea for a mixed fandom fic.
Blame my amazing persuasive skills to convince my friend to play genshin and then her wanting to talk about lore while co-oping.
Kinda spoilers for genshin. Like not really just for a few voice lines and which twin is Canon. (Khaenria'h gets mentioned twice so eh)
I'll be referring to Canon (aether as protag and lumine as abyss
So like Aether hasn't been able to find Lumine for 500 years (talk about giving it a boy look). But what if it's because different worlds keep summoning him and when he gets put back he just keeps getting disorientated.
Like he's searching dragonspine for Lumine, gets summoned to another game/anime and then he's plopped back into schneznya. Doesn't help that lumine's hiding in the abyss.
This has the opportunity for nearly 500 different fandoms and Aether's stuck with them for maybe a few months or heck even a year.
And even more potential for a prequel of the twins visiting each place before arriving in teyvat.
Anyway back to the how of Aether being yoinked, say when first travelling through the other worlds Aether (being the doormat he is) left maybe an artifact that can temporarily bring (the assigned twin) to the other world for like a year and then saying like
"if you ever need help again don't hesitate to call".
And when you consider that not every world they travelled to probably had magic. Those artifacts would never get used and instead be like a family heirloom because A:
Every family has some sort of crazy heirloom that you have to question if it's cursed.
And B:
If two people with magic descended from the sky that's God and you don't (theoretically) call them lightly.
But also at least Aether canonically has all his power sealed and the way visions work mean their use is limited to teyvat (visions need elemental energy and the specific formula for elemental energy is likely only found in teyvat). If Aether's statue powers work the same...
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He's just some regular dude who got summoned probably because of someone's desperation. Like the world could be ending and this almighty being that has seen the birth and death of stars (which is surprisingly canon) who descended hundreds of years ago is now a magicless, crop top wearing twink (affectionately) who needs his sister to tell the Macca's employee he asked for no pickles.
I imagine in some worlds they've accidentally started a whole religion around them (more reasons for Celestia to be haters).
This could also apply to Lumine and that's why she spends so much time in the abyss, to make up the time she lost on her summons. Since 1 teyvat day is 1 abyss month (if I remember correctly).
Also if I had a twin and they disappeared on me for 500 after I slept for long enough that (twin in question) pissed of a higher being that sent literal gods to destroy the place. The next time I see them it's a fucking tackle hug them for abandoning me and cause I'd miss them.
The fact Aether is so chill and somehow sane about this implies either A:
He has no capacity to be upset (proven wrong by the chasm quest)
Or B:
This has happened before.
Which lead onto a new headcanon of Lumine and Aether travelling worlds and they'll just randomly fight like
"Noooo it's my turn to overthrow the gods"
"Nuh uh you defeated my evil organisation so I didn't get my full turn"
Soooo after all my ranting basically. Aether or Lumine getting dragged to worlds only to be plopped back in teyvat after their summoning artifact runs out of time.
Obey Me The exchange program
So back to the multifandom part. Imagine that a twin (I'll use Aether as my example) is selected for the human world exchange program due to probably being known for magic in ancient human history books. Then one of two things vould happen.
Barbatos succeeds in summoning Aether because its Barbatos.
or 2
new backstory for a brother of choice, having been given a summoning artifact at somepoint and coming in clutch to summon Aether. Which creates a nice little reunion
and part .5 Paimon can come with and be surprised about archons sharing names with the demons.
If its option 1 I can imagine Aether learning about how much of a dick the brothers father is. Then going like
"Where his he? He needs to know that wasn't right"
(Aether is tired alright pretend its exam season)
Lucifer: "We fought him and lost what makes you so sure you can" Aether: "I've done it before. . ?"
Even if it wasn't specifically Obey me's god. Like it could be and this is how the brothers find out Aether is potentially older than them. Also Aether could totally tell them all these stories about gods he's fought and that its a common thing in each world for someone to fight god.
idk I think that could reasure the brothers.
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thegreatimpersonator · 8 months ago
hey sarah! so i was wondering if you (or any of ur followers) would be able to give me some advice or help me brainstorm a little. so i have like 4 main blogs that i use, one of which is a sideblog that i made originally to be a swiftie blog, but ever since i started drifting away from the fandom i've kinda just been using it for general music stuff. or well, i say i'm using it for general music stuff. but it's just kind of become inactive lately, and i really miss my followers there and having that space, but i don't wanna go back to being a swiftie blog and i'm not sure what other music i like that even has a good tumblr fandom. i'm not sure if i'm ready to jump into full stan mode for anyone, either, so i was kind of hoping to make it a multifandom blog rather than dedicating it to one person. so this is my question: what are your favorite online music fandom communities?? (i'm not picky about the actual style of music, my taste is pretty broad and i'm willing to at least give any artist a chance lol)
oooohh this is a really interesting question. tbh ever since i left the taylor fandom i've just dipped my toes into a bunch of fandoms, not really joined any fully and also every fandom feels kinda smaller because of how big taylors is/was. but i think halsey, paramore, hozier, gracie abrams, olivia rodrigo, and chappell roans are all very chill, nice fandoms that are relatively active on here.
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goblinbugthing · 1 year ago
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i have a lot of kirby ocs. like theres yama, hara, auberon, empress, hano, heoka, the other 2 galacta-era heroes of yore that i havent introduced yet, athena, artemis, inifya, mirror inifya, nycto, pura, genesis, nevao, raeyo and the rest of his band, just to name a few
and the ykka, they arent strictly kirby ocs, theyre more multifandom, but theyre most important in soul journey
also theres also a metric fuckton of them
my screams under the cut bc this was way longer than i thought itd be 💀
but the 4 that are most important are the og 4 heroes of yore being ymiiva (ykka of dreams), yemekkum (ykka of emotional darkness/negativity), ylenik (ykka of soul) and yavala (ykka of emotional light/heart/positivity)
they used to be able to form ynufouu (ykka of absolute purity) but after kicking the ass of a Certain Dark God (yzar, ykka of absolute destruction) they stopped being able to Do That because of shared corruption from being in the vicinity of that fucking thing
yzar, with every reincarnation, has gotten less powerful, but its still the god of destruction and its still capable of wiping out entire galaxies in like a few minutes
the ykka themselves though as a species, theyre the goddesses of the common draconic religion known as ykkan. there are elemental ykka as well as ‘matter’ ykka (e.g. the godsisters), ‘concept’ ykka (e.g. yway, ykka of war) and ‘ruler’ ykka (e.g. yacho’o + yemiichi, ykka of demise and ykka of life respectively)
and theres also the higher ykka, those being yk (or nebulis) and vuu’yk (or the ancient mother)
to list all of them. uh.
we got:
Yacho’o (goddess of death)
Yemiichi (goddess of life, she helps nebs w/ species creation stuff)
Yshii (goddess of healing)
Ygi (goddess of oceans, behind all the deep sea fuckshit)
Ymae (goddess of forests, she loves plants)
Yegwa (goddess of thunder/lightning, miss Living Taser)
Ykei (goddess of light, like actual light)
Yememo (goddess of shadow, not the hedgehog)
Yubuu (goddess of fire)
Yybaa (goddess of like. caves. her bday is halloween)
Yebe (goddess of skies/wind)
Yway (goddess of war, and yacho’o’s daughter)
Yaino (goddess of love, not just romantic, also yshii’s daughter)
Ymiiva (goddess of dreams)
Yemekkum (goddess of negativity)
Ylenik (goddess of soul, she helped yacho’o with afterlife stuff before The Incident TM)
Yavala (goddess of positivity)
Ynufouu (goddess of absolute purity, also is dead)
Yjin (literal baby. newborn goddess of music. yavala’s and queen ripple’s future daughter) (like post-sequel future) (yeah soul journey has a planned sequel its abt my girls the absolutes)
Yakii (goddess of chaos, yacho’os other daughter)
Yrivo (goddess of order, yemiichi’s daughter)
Yabika (goddess of galaxies, space nerd)
Yk (goddess of just everything. also is nebulis)
Vuu’yk (goddess of All Of It, nebbie’s mom)
Also TECHNICALLY Yzar (godthing of absolute destruction, the only one that doesn’t go by she/her) but its a piece of shit that was not meant to exist, a fucky wucky on nebs’ part
yeah i do consider 25 to be a metric fuckton. thats a lotta goddesses i gotta design dude
yeah theyre some sillay goddesses for my fake fictional gay ass dragon religion i made up to throw at the blorbos from my video games
sum trivia for sillies:
Yk’s bday is 1st jan, their ma’s is 31st dec
Yabika made some silly little critters called Celestials. They’re kinda the older cousins of Astrals. They’re way too complex to scream about here though, they need a google doc and a few months to ferment
Ylenik made Astrals btw. After her sisters disappeared, she decided she was gonna go looking for them and send a new species she made to take their places for the time being. Protecting the multiverse is kinda hard do do when youre corrupted and your sisters whom you rely on are probably dead
I pulled half of this information out of my ass
i must know about your ocs (no pressure)
which of the 250+ of them would you like to know about
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staysuki · 3 years ago
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when a new guy moves to your country, your empathetic heart forced you to reach out and help him—even when he wants nothing to do with you. (ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS)
pairing: bang chan x y/n (ivy league au)
genre: crack, fluff, angst, college/uni kid au (they're in their 3rd-4th year)
warnings: A LOT A LOT OF extreme cussing and vulgarity, including some corny, distasteful jokes. edgy(?) humor. filo humor(?) extreme suggestiveness!! lot's of mentions of sex/hook-up culture but no smut. still, R-16/17.
a/n: the translated version of When In Manila! because of the smau's plot and concept, i understand that some jokes and references may get lost in translation or it'll be difficult to fully capture the vibes of the whole "new guy in a new country" feelz + how absolutely unhinged the chaos of the group actually is (which makes me sad). but that's the challenge i'm going for!!
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one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen (1) | fourteen (2) | fifteen | sixteen | seventeen | eighteen | nineteen | twenty
twenty-one | twenty-two | twenty-three | twenty-four
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cultural setting notes:
the story will still take place in the 🇵🇭PH, it's simply just the dialogue that'll change (and i'll try to make the references universally understandable). but because there might still be some filo culture references, this'll serve as a glossary for those!! (will be constantly updated). nonetheless, lmk if there's anything confusing still! (in any case, i'll add a glossary to every chapter as well!)
TRANSPORTATION - students having cars are uncommon here in the PH and is mostly seen as a sign of wealth. thus, "commute" is the go-to means of transportation (i.e. trains, buses, "jeeps", or taxis)
UNIVERSITY BELT / U-BELT - in the PH, we have an entire area where a LOT of universities are relatively next to each other (around 20-30 mins drive away). just imagine harvard, yale, and etc. being streets away from each other lolz.
UNIVERSITIES - most, if not all, universities/colleges in the PH require you to take an entrance examination before you could enroll. there are a lot of schools around the U-BELT but the most prominent ones that will be mentioned in the fic are:
ATENEO - probs the most "high-end" one with the expensive tuition and known for very rich (but also smart) students with an acceptance rate of 10-20%
LA SALLE - like ateneo, it's known for its expensive tuition and rich students but has an acceptance rate of 70+%. though the education quality is still good, there's a running joke that "la salle students only go there because they failed the entrance exam in ateneo/U.P."
ADAMSON - still expensive but not as much. kinda has their own world. despite being a catholic university, they're known for being an accepting and supportive school when it comes to their students (recently, they were the first big-name university to offer a "mental health break" so students can cope with the post-election stress)
U.P. - (short for "University of the Philippines"), known for "smart scholars" with a 10-15% acceptance rate which is our country's main university! it's cheaper than the first three and offers the most access to free-ride scholarships unlike the others. most UP students are scholars!!
to be updated...
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date started: 5/16/22
date finished:
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years ago
⸺𝓉𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓀 15: lollipops + pop rock candies
i should be over all the butterflies | a chuuya x gn!reader smau
a/n: okay ngl the written part here has 0 proofreading just like the final essay i'm about to submit for class also damn i love chuuya
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"i can't believe they had crazy dips there. i haven't had these in forever!" chuuya heard you giggle excitedly as you two left the convenience store.
"i can't believe you still actually bought some," he added.
"you act like you weren't the one who actually got a cavity and had a tooth pulled out from eating too many crazy dips," you smirked and playfully bumped your shoulder against his. chuuya didn't even bother to sidestep it.
"whatever. can you open mine? my hands are kinda full."
"got it."
chuuya held both convenience store bags full of water bottles and a hangover cure or two specifically for ranpo, who had been throwing up for a good while, in his hands as the two of you made your way back. a while ago, when he left the bathroom, chuuya was more than a bit shocked to find that you weren't in the garage anymore. after all, he remembered that you normally didn't do well in parties and he was worried that trying to bring you out of your shell would only make you want to crawl back in even further.
good thing oda said you just went out to buy water and chuuya happened to move quick enough to catch you. and right now, he was watching you tear open a package of crazy dips with your teeth and dipping a lollipop into the pop rocks with utmost concentration.
"here's yours," you said, handing chuuya his pack.
"this brings back memories," you sighed as you ate your lollipop. "remember when i accidentally dropped mine and my mom told me to throw it away?"
"and then we tried to wash it off with a nearby water fountain," chuuya laughed. "but then your mom caught us and threw it away for good."
"i was crying so hard," you pouted and chuuya could almost see how you looked back then with tears streaming from your eyes and your hands wiping at the snot on your nose.
"and i gave you mine to shut you up," he said.
"you did? really?" you looked at him in disbelief.
"of course i did! what do you take me for?" chuuya watched as you scrunched your eyebrows while struggling to remember.
"yeah, you did," you laughed softly to yourself and dipped your lollipop back into the packet of pop rocks. "you know, i never thought i'd forget about something you did for me."
"it was literally just a lollipop, y/n," chuuya chuckled.
"we both know it's more than that," you said and there was no way chuuya would possibly miss the shift in your tone. 'i guess we're talking about that now, huh?' chuuya thought.
"was it... my fault that we lost touch?"
"we're both too old to point fingers now, chuuya," you shook your head. "i mean, it was also kind of my fault for ignoring you."
"but it all started at the party, right?" chuuya said. you nodded slowly, biting at your lollipop stick.
"kind of."
chuuya guiltily remembered that night when the two of you were invited to your first party back in high school. it was actually him who who really wanted to go and actually make new friends after being one of the most unpopular people back in middle school. of course, you said yes because you couldn't say no to your best friend.
"i'm really sorry for ditching you," chuuya finally apologized. "and for making you go home by yourself that night. and, for everything else after."
it had been eating him for the longest time and finally saying it out loud was a weight off chuuya's chest. especially hearing you laugh and lightly punch his shoulder.
"sorry again for posting that embarrassing video of you."
"i guess we're even then, huh?" chuuya smirked.
"we're even," you nodded. "we're cool."
the two of you were just a few blocks away from tachihara's garage and chuuya kind of wished you were both farther just so he could have a moment longer outside. right now, you were digging through your packet for more pop rocks with your lollipop.
"they never put enough pop rocks in this," you pouted, coming up empty.
"no, they do put enough pop rocks you just load your entire lollipop at the first go and don't ration it out," chuuya snorted. you pouted and continued digging through your packet.
"here, have the rest of mine," he said, handing you his own packet of pop rocks. you blinked at him, unsure, before smiling and dipping your lollipop in.
"thank you!" you sang.
"yeah, yeah. you owe me more crazy dips next time we go out," chuuya said. 'next time, there's gonna be a next time,' he thought happily to himself.
he missed this: eating crazy dips and always making sure to have some leftover pop rocks in his packet just in case yours ran out. he missed walking home with you beside him and how he'd almost always go out of his way to make you happy. chuuya missed you, and this moment was more than enough.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
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⸺𝒻𝓊𝓃 𝒻𝒶𝒸𝓉𝓈
↠ get yourself a man like chuuya who'd give you his extra pop rock candies also the crazy dips lollipops look like feet i just realized that now
↠ in case you're wondering about more details as to what happened during The Party (the one with high school!y/n and chuuya) the previous chapter does give a hint
↠ nobody told ranpo he had to eat something substantial and that the fruity cocktails are the most alcoholic ones please pray for his stomach
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swanimagines · 3 years ago
Fandom: Pennyworth (I don't write for other characters, put Freddy at fault for this)
Summary: Thomas was trying to persuade Patricia to leave the cult, but he definitely didn’t expect to meet Y/N, his other sister, again after all these years of thinking she’s dead.
Characters: Y/N Wayne (female), Jason Ripper, Thomas Wayne, Martha Kane, Aleister Crowley and Patricia Wayne.
A/N: @thereagles has been my consultant with this so if there's any mistakes, she's at fault ahem, thank you Rowan!! Also thank you for feeding my temptation to write for multifandom + random Freddy's characters from shows and movies I haven't seen completely because I'm unable to. Also since this is written from Thomas's POV, this is written like "Y/N does this and that and Thomas looks at her" instead of "you do this and that and Thomas looks at you".
Also in this oneshot, stuff that happened in S1E2 didn't happen because Jason appears to be a completely different person in E7 and in E2 he's just... brrrh, that version won't get any fics from me, sorry 😅
Also @ilovemarvelanne1 asked to be tagged so here you go Echo!
Warnings: a hint/mention of smut + mentions of reader’s pregnancy (DISCLAIMER: this kinda excused everything I usually am not comfortable writing so if you request another piece with someone else where the reader is pregnant or there's mentions of smut, there are high chances I'm turning it down)
Word count: ahem... 9.2k (some of it being straight from the show though because again, this is told from Thomas's POV)
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(the gif is mine)
“This is the place.” Martha said as they neared a manor.
“Are you sure?” Thomas asked, sighing. He really didn’t feel like going to people’s doors and gamble with people’s patience. Martha seemed upset, and he was fearing that she’d demand to get inside people’s homes in search of the man she held responsible for her amnesia and kidnapping Thomas's sister Patricia.
“It looks different in daylight, but this is the place. I think.”
“You think?”
“God, stop it. Can’t you just believe me?”
Thomas shook his head. “I can’t believe I trusted you. What a mess.”
Martha scoffed. “Then go. I can handle this.”
Thomas sighed. “Three days, Martha. A three day blackout? Forgive me if I doubt your ability to handle this.”
Martha stopped, turning to look at him, before she scoffed again. “I can and I will.”
Thomas sighed deeply and followed her as Martha knocked on the door. “You have no conception for the trouble you made. Every time Patricia pulls a short straw, the Wayne family name gets dragged into the mud.”
Martha scoffed again, making her way to Thomas. “You self-important boob. I woke up half naked at the edge of town, I have no idea what happened to me. Your sister is missing and you’re worried about your name?”
She went to knock on the door again, but it opened before she could. A young man with a cup of tea came out.
“Oh. Hello.” he said, and Martha stormed past him without saying anything. Thomas took in a quiet sigh and followed behind her. “Welcome back, Martha. Who’s your friend?”
Thomas cleared his throat. “Pardon me intrusion. This young lady says my sister might be here. Patricia Wayne.”
The man smiled. “We always got so many guests.”
Martha marched to a lounge area, and looked around. “Where’s Crowley? I want to speak to him. Immediately.”
The man smiled again, turning to Thomas. “Have a drink. Wet your whistle. I’m sure we have anything you’d like.”
“No thank you. As I was saying, my sister?” Thomas replied, and Martha turned around.
“Where’s Crowley?”
“Hold your horses, Martha. It won’t be long.” the man answered, and Martha raised her hand at him.
“Call me Miss Kane, whoever the hell you are.” she paused, looking at him. “Who are you?”
The man frowned slightly, but then smiled again. “Oh. I never introduced myself properly. You saw me dancing at the party… at least you were looking towards us. I’m Jason. Pleasure to meet you.”
Martha raised her eyebrows. “Right. That guy. You were dancing with that woman, and you ran upstairs together shortly after like two lovebirds.”
Jason smiled. “So you do remember something.”
Martha took in a deep sigh. “It's hard to forget. You two were glued to each other and she giggled so much, it caused me a headache. But enough about it. Get Crowley down here. Immediately. Or I’ll call the police.”
Jason raised his hand up slightly, still a smile on his face. Thomas thought that his smile began to be a bit creepy. “Oh, don’t do that. No police.”
Thomas finally popped in, “No, we don’t want the police here either. We just want my sister.”
A man emerged from the doorway. “Miss Kane. How lovely to see you again. And in such an illustrious company. The famous Thomas Wayne. Your sister speaks very highly of you.”
“I doubt that.” Thomas replied. ”Crowley, is it? Where is my sister?”
Crowley sighed. “I’m so sorry you’ve been worried about her. Patricia’s fine. She’s upstairs. Safe and sound.” He took a cup of tea from Jason and took a sip.
Thomas nodded. “Well, good. Bring her here, please.”
“Of course. But since you came all the way here, there’s someone else you should meet. You see, Patricia isn’t your only sister living here.” Crowley smiled at Thomas’s frown and Crowley turned to Jason. “My dear boy, please get the girls.”
Jason nodded, looking at Thomas before walking out of the room.
“Girls?” Martha cocked her head with a frown. Thomas just stared at Crowley, completely oblivious to what the man meant by that. Patricia was his only living sister - Y/N had accidentally been run over with a horse, her body was never found but the rider confessed it, he had paid a generous amount of money to bail himself out and that was it. Unless there was an impostor, there was no way he’d mean her.
“He’s just trying to mess with us, Martha.” Thomas muttered. Crowley chuckled.
“Am I?” he smirked and glanced at the hallway. Patricia emerged from the doorway, smiling brightly at Thomas as Jason sat back next to Crowley.
“Tommy!” Patricia ran to hug him and her eyes shone in excitement when she pulled away. “You’ll never believe who’s here!”
Thomas frowned, looking towards the doorway, seeing a young woman stepping forward from the shadows in a long coat, way too big for her frame, and she had wrapped it tightly around herself. She looked at him shyly, and Thomas felt like his heart stopped when he walked to her with a few quick strides, intending to grab her to make sure she’s real, but the young woman quickly took a step back, clutching her coat even tighter around herself if possible. Thomas paused and stared at her, he would recognize her anywhere. His sister - his dead sister, was alive and in front of him.
But it was impossible. It couldn't be her, it couldn't. His eyes must be lying to him. But the longer he looked at her, the clearer it became. It really was her.
“Y/N?” he finally whispered, still taking her features in. Even when it had been over ten years since they had last met, he knew it, she definitely wasn’t an impostor. “What- how?”
“Wait, is she your-” Martha started, but Y/N cut her off.
“We paid that man so he’d claim that I’ve been killed.” she muttered.
“Why? Do you have any idea how worried we all were? Ten years- mother cried herself to sleep for years and still cries for you every time when I meet her.” Thomas growled, he could feel angry tears starting to form in his eyes. All these years wasted, Y/N had let everyone just think she’s dead. Y/N winced at the mention of their mother.
“I’m sorry. But I fell in love and father didn't approve of him. And then... he suggested that we run away. And I was so angry, I agreed immediately.” Y/N confessed, her voice cracking.
“You're sorry? That should cover it, all these years? And you fell in love? Y/N, you were fourteen years old.” Thomas scoffed, rubbing his face.
Y/N sighed and raised her gaze to look Thomas in the eyes, her voice gaining more confidence. “Exactly, father didn't approve of my relationship with him because I was 'too young'. I tried to talk to father, but he wouldn’t even give him a chance!”
Thomas remembered how Y/N had fought with their father that night she disappeared, it had been hard to ignore. He had loudly declared that he'll never approve Y/N's boyfriend because taking that boy into the family would stain the Wayne family name and that if Y/N wouldn't agree to find someone else, anyone else, he will make sure that she marries someone honorable to continue the Wayne heritage once she turns eighteen, and Y/N had screamed back that she hates him. Then she had taken her coat and ran into the night, and everybody thought she'd go for a walk to cool her head and then come back, like she always did. But this time, they never saw her again. Father had never forgiven himself.
But now there she was. All grown up.
Y/N closed her eyes and swallowed. "I... I know you tried to look for me despite believing I'm dead. I know father used a lot of money for it. It was all around the newspapers, my picture and clothes I was wearing that day and a promise of a cash reward if my body will be delivered back so you'd get a proper burial for me and get to say your goodbyes. And when I saw those... week after week... I wanted to come back, to tell everything and just trust that father would give my boyfriend a chance once he sees how much I love him. But... I was afraid that it would backfire. That he'd think that my boyfriend has manipulated me. His family name has a really bad reputation... a lot of awful stuff. He's not like the rest of his family, but father didn't believe it. The moment he heard his name, he ordered me to break up with him."
Thomas stared at Y/N, who now looked like she's about to cry. He sighed, trying to calm himself. But his words still held a strong tone that came out as accusing and frustration was painted all over. "We tried to find you, Y/N. Father prayed for you to be found every day. He was sorry about everything, he would have given your boyfriend a chance if you had informed us somehow. He always keeps saying that if only you were alive, he'd do everything differently. But instead, you chose to... continue pretending to be dead. You broke our mother's heart and father... he still hasn't forgiven himself for this."
Y/N nodded, looking at the roof briefly, tears falling from her eyes. "I regret running away like that every day. I should have at least left a note, but... I didn't know for sure if father would really give him a chance. I was afraid that he would find me and rip me away from my boyfriend. I really loved him and I was scared that even if I sent a letter and told that I'm alive, father would think that he corrupted me, or has kidnapped me, he'd find me through that letter and I'd lose my boyfriend anyway. And that fear just haunted my mind for all these years and I always told myself that what if, what if. I made a decision to write that letter when I'd turn 18, and I did keep that promise. But just before I was about to send it, when I was at the mailbox, another what if crossed my mind. What if father will arrange me into a marriage with someone 'honorable' so I would be forced to break up with my boyfriend? So I didn't send it and put it to my nightstand's drawer, I still read it sometimes and have wanted to send it every year on my birthday, but I've always chickened out."
For Thomas, Y/N's explanations sounded reasonable. For a fourteen-year old teenage girl. But not a twenty-four year old woman. So he scoffed, letting his full frustration come back.
“You really loved him and for that, you couldn't even give us a single, vague note that you're not really dead and that you're safe. You chose him over your own family. Right." Thomas echoed her words, running his hand through his hair. "Are you still with that boy? Who is it?” Thomas asked, his voice wavering, and Y/N averted her eyes very briefly to glance at something behind Thomas and swallowed. She was silent for a moment, just staring at her brother. Patricia let out a slight giggle.
“Actually, he’s-”
“Dead.” Y/N finished Patricia’s sentence, sending her a glare. “He’s dead. He died a few years ago. Tuberculosis. I lived on the streets for a year after I buried him, until Mr. Crowley took me in.”
Y/N was an excellent liar now, but Thomas still recognized the signs. How her left brow twitched when she lied, and how she played with her pinky. She hadn’t learned to hide those, even when her words flowed believably now. And her lies would go right through with someone who didn’t know her like her family did.
“Tell the truth, Y/N.” Thomas muttered, laying his hands on her shoulders gently.
She looked into his eyes, but then shook her head. “I can’t.”
But Thomas didn’t back up, he had to know. “No, tell me.”
“That’s quite enough, Mr. Wayne. If Y/N doesn’t want to tell you, then she doesn’t have to.” Crowley stepped in between them, and Thomas frowned at him.
“Is it you, then?” he asked, and for a moment Crowley looked like he wanted to laugh.
“Me? Oh dear, I haven’t been fond of teenagers since I was a teenager myself.” he shook his head. “No, I assure you that Y/N has been in good hands ever since she faked her death. I know her boyfriend personally and he’s such a sweet boy.”
Now Thomas understood. "Ah. You're protecting him. He's one of your followers, isn't he?"
"You could say that I'm protecting him. And yes, he works for me, that's why I trust him with treating Y/N well. But you seem to be very upset at the moment, I don't want you to go after him, wherever he is right now."
“Aleister…” Y/N muttered, she sounded nervous.
“Don’t worry my dear, I won’t spill anything more. But your brother must know that you’ve been treated well. Poor man has thought you’re dead for all this time. He deserves to have peace of mind.” Crowley purred. Thomas frowned, glancing around the hall, settling his gaze on Y/N again.
“Can I speak with you and Patricia, alone?” Thomas asked. Y/N shook her head immediately, clearly scared that she'd spill something she shouldn’t spill, and Patricia just raised her eyebrows at him.
“I don't want to.” Patricia said, and Crowley sighed.
“Go, Patricia. He’s just worried about you. As for Y/N, Mr. Wayne... she seems to be upset right now. Give her a little rest and come back to talk to her later.”
Thomas took in a deep breath, holding himself back to retort that he has the right to talk to Y/N too in private, without Crowley influencing her words, but he knew it himself - she indeed was upset and he agreed that she needed a break.
"Fine. Patricia, come." he said, gesturing to Patricia to come along.
Patricia sighed and stood up from the couch, sending Y/N a dazzling smile as she went past her, and Thomas noticed that Y/N’s eyes flashed with a pang of fear.
The garden was beautiful, and Patricia picked flowers as she walked there with her brother. Thomas asked her multiple questions, so sure that Patricia would try to plead for help, but what he saw instead was his sister being genuinely happy.
“Are you really happy here?” he asked after a moment of silence, and Patricia hummed.
“Yes, Tommy. I’m happy. Why wouldn’t I be?” She sent him a smile and handed him a flower. “I’m finally where I belong.”
Thomas’s lips twitched. “Is... is Y/N happy too?”
“Oh, she’s happy. She’s doing more than fine. You might have to buy a new suit soon, a celebration is coming.” she giggled and bit her lip.
“Is she getting married with that... follower?” Thomas asked, and Patricia shook her head.
“No… but I don’t think she wants me to tell.”
Thomas frowned again. A celebration where he needed a suit but which isn’t a wedding? Her birthday was a couple of months ago, so it couldn't be that either.
“Don’t tell her that I told you but… she’s scared of you not approving it. That’s why she hasn’t told you yet. You should be more supportive of us and we’ll be an even bigger happy family again.” she smiled and handed Thomas another flower, before she broke into a wide smile again, causing Thomas being even more puzzled. “I can’t wait for it to happen.”
Thomas took in a deep sigh. He didn't want to believe it, but he had no choice. His both sisters really seemed happy here, he couldn't drag them out. And he knew Patricia, she'd drag Y/N out by force too if she truly felt threatened and Y/N wasn't stupid either, unless she was madly in love. So he just nodded.
“Fine. I’ll believe you.” he said, and Patricia began to smile widely again, throwing herself to Thomas’s arms.
“Oh, Tommy. Y/N will be so happy, I’m going to send you and your girlfriend invitations too.”
“Okay. That’s great. Can’t wait.” Thomas choked out as Patricia was squeezing him too hard.
“It will take a few months, but it will happen soon.” Patricia told him as she pulled away.
They walked back inside, and Thomas sighed when he looked at Crowley. “If any harm comes to my sisters, you’ll pay dearly.” he said, and Martha’s gaze snapped at him instantly. Y/N let out a quiet breath and seemed to smile a bit as she glanced up briefly.
Martha frowned, standing up from the couch. “Thomas-”
“I assure you, I would never harm your sisters. And with Y/N, I wouldn’t have just you to answer to. I would never.” Crowley replied, cutting Martha off, and Thomas nodded.
“C’mon, Martha. We’re leaving.”
“Leaving? You can’t leave them here!” Martha exclaimed, and Y/N looked up at her.
“They are adults. They can decide where they are living.” Thomas told Martha and sighed. Martha glanced at Y/N, Patricia, Crowley and finally Jason, who sent her a smirk again.
She turned back to Thomas. “Thomas, this man-”
Thomas cut her off, “I know what he is, God damn it.”
Crowley stood up. “Oh, please. You shouldn’t leave so soon, not with such a bad temper. You could at least stay for something to eat. I’m sure your sisters would be happy about it too. We have so much to talk about-”
“Good day to you, sir.” Thomas cut Crowley off, and turned to Patricia, then at Y/N. “Patricia, Y/N… if you change your mind, call me.”
Patricia smiled a bit. “Thank you, Tommy.” Thomas looked at Y/N, who just nodded at him with a soft smile before he walked out.
Once outside, Martha took a hold of Thomas’s arm after he had waved himself a taxi. “How could you do that?”
"Do what?" he asked, turning around slightly.
Martha groaned. "Leave them! With such a man! Patricia is just messed up and Y/N and that boy, Jason, have something going on. I saw them at the party, and seeing them now, I'm convinced they have a relationship-"
Thomas lifted his hand, cutting Martha off. “As I have said a hundred times already, they’re adults. And if you’re so worried about my sisters, maybe you should take a look at yourself first. I thought you’re a sensible woman. Apparently I was wrong.” Thomas said and walked to his taxi. “My sisters have the freedom to choose how they’ll live their life. I won’t dictate them.”
And with that, he stepped into the taxi, leaving Martha in front of the manor, before she too began to walk away with a groan.
A knock on Thomas’s hotel room made him sigh. He was in the middle of work and the old housekeeping lady always forgot to clean up some minor thing and was insistent on cleaning it again. At first, he thought the lady wanted to steal something, but apparently she was just obsessed with making everything overly shiny. So he got up, ready to tell her that it’s okay and that she really doesn't need to come in and hope she wouldn't be so insistent this time.
He wasn’t quite sure if he was relieved or disappointed when it wasn’t that lady.
“We have to get your sisters out.” Martha told Thomas as she stormed into his hotel room.
“I remember more of what happened. Your sisters are in danger.”
“Fine. What do you remember, then?” Thomas asked, and Martha sat on his bed, and suddenly her eyes started glistening.
“It was horrible.” she choked out.
Thomas took in a deep sigh, a fear setting in. “Were you… sexually assaulted?”
Martha shook her head. “Worse.”
“Worse how?”
Martha gripped her head. “I don’t know! I just… I just know something evil happened. Your sisters are in danger, we have to get them out.”
“We don’t have proof of what happened. You could have drank too much and lost your memory because of that.” Thomas sighed.
“Why would you leave Patricia and Y/N there? You saw the place. The man is a lunatic.” Martha muttered, her hands folded on her lap. Thomas sighed deeply.
“They’re adults, they’re perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. I saw enough, and as long as they’re happy and safe, it’s alright. They’re free to come and go as they please. They’re not prisoners. And I know my sisters. They seemed genuinely happy there.”
“Exactly! How much sense does that make?” Martha exclaimed, and Thomas rolled his eyes.
“What makes you think they aren’t happy? And what makes you think Y/N would be dating- oh Lord, why am I even trying?” Thomas groaned and rubbed his face with his hand.
Martha sighed. “Crowley himself confessed that the boy works for him. And Y/N seemed very nervous when Crowley talked about him - what if the boy in question was in the room? And she seemed to have fun at the party with Jason when I saw her. And well, she was acting weird when you were out with Patricia.”
Thomas frowned. “How so?”
“Remember when I told Jason about remembering seeing him run upstairs with some woman? That woman was Y/N. And last time she was nervous. Fidgeted with her hands as she sat on the sofa. I tried to talk to her, but she answered with just a few words or a shaky smile. And she seemed to avoid eye contact with Jason. But he kept sneaking glances at her. And one time they got into eye contact by accident when he gave her some food, she looked away immediately, but I saw her smiling slightly. She tried to hide their relationship from me, I'm certain about it.”
Thomas huffed and went to the window. “You know what, Martha? You drank too much. Partied a little too hard, and then fell to sleep and that’s why you don’t remember anything, and most of your memories are hazy. And about Y/N - you saw her for the first time today, and connected her to that woman who danced with Jason because your brains try to understand. End of story. You remember it wrong, and today you were overanalyzing.”
Martha gave him a look. “I remember that perfectly clearly, it was Y/N who was in Jason's arms at the party. I recognized her. And I’m a journalist, Thomas. My job is to analyze situations, and to remember faces. But I’m telling you, that place isn’t good for those two. Whatever it is that’s between Y/N and Jason can’t be healthy, and Patricia just is messed up completely.”
Thomas shook his head and turned to Martha slightly. “Y/N was just embarrassed when her secret came out. She most likely thought she won’t have to see her family ever again. Of course she was nervous, memories pooled back to her mind. Things she has tried to shut out. And Patricia… has been taking something. They both will eventually come to their senses. But for now, they’re safe at that… place. They felt relieved when I told them that I won’t be taking them by force.“
Martha scoffed, standing up from the bed. “If you won’t help me, I’ll go alone.” she said and stormed out of the room. Thomas tried to resist, but she had too strong grip on him, and soon he found himself following after her.
Back at the manor, Martha stormed along the hallways with Thomas in total silence. Eventually, they found Crowley from the dining room.
“You’re back!” Crowley exclaimed, putting his fork down. Thomas sighed, he most definitely didn’t want to come back. Patricia and Y/N were both adults, they could care of themselves and they wanted to stay at the manor, but Martha was stubborn with it. And as much as Thomas hated to admit it, he cared about Martha way too much to leave Patricia and Y/N to the manor. Crowley reached out to Jason, laying his hand on Jason’s arm. “Please fetch the girls, my dear boy.”
“At once, sir.” Jason said, looking at Thomas and Martha for a moment before he walked out of the room.
“Such a lovely boy, isn’t he?” Crowley smiled. “His girlfriend is a lucky woman.”
Martha's gaze snapped at Thomas when Crowley said "girlfriend" and the man sighed, knowing perfectly well what Martha was about to say. “How much?” Thomas asked as he sat down. Crowley raised his eyebrows.
“What do you mean?”
“You know damn well what.” Martha huffed. "You have even tricked Y/N to fall in-"
“Martha, patience. As we agreed?” Thomas told her, and turned back to Crowley. “Pimps and perverts like you always have a price. How much for the freedom of my sisters?”
Crowley sighed. “I’m not a pimp. I don’t want your money.”
Thomas laid his hand in front of him. “So what do you want, then?”
“I’m very fond of your sisters. Even if they wanted to leave - which they don’t - I’d be terribly sorry to lose them.”
“I’m waiting…” Thomas folded his hands on his lap.
Crowley raised his gaze to look at Martha. “Martha knows what I want. Don’t you, darling?”
“A good beating.” she answered in a heartbeat.
“Such spirit.” Crowley replied, almost sounding proud.
“What do you want, Crowley?” Thomas asked, this time his tone was demanding.
Crowley looked at him for a moment. “I want your soul, of course. That is, my Master wants it.”
Thomas broke into a laugh. “That's all? Fine. Consider it yours. Now, get me my sisters.”
Crowley sighed, cutting another piece of his steak. “You’re a businessman, Mr. Wayne. Just saying something doesn’t make it so. I need a contract. Inked in your blood.”
Thomas squeezed his eyes shut, he was beginning to feel frustrated at this point. This man was really making things difficult. “Oh please, spare me from this. I don’t believe in Satan.”
“Oh, you’re modern. Rational. Well educated. Civilized man of peace and moderation. Of course you don’t believe in Satan, but that doesn’t matter - Satan believes in you. He knows there’s a beast inside of you.” Crowley nodded his head.
Thomas scoffed again. “There is no beast in me, just profound irritation.”
“Oh, have a little faith.” Crowley said as he waved his hand, a door slamming shut immediately after it.
Thomas’s eyebrows raised. Was this man thinking he’s stupid? “Cute. Wayne Enterprises has a door just like that, in our Gotham lobby.”
“Ah, yes. Wayne Enterprises. How marvelous it must be to be a billionaire. Such freedom.”
Now Thomas understood. He sighed. “Ah. I see. When you say you want my soul, you mean my company and its assets. Dream on, buster.”
“Heartbreaking. You spend your whole life, never knowing if someone’s interested in you, or just your name. Believe me when I say that it’s you he wants. Your spiritual essence. Not your company.” Crowley muttered, and Thomas sighed. He really wanted to punch this man and drag his sisters out.
“Wow. You’re a good con man. I see how you brainwashed my sisters. But you need more than magic tricks to convince me.” Thomas nodded at Crowley as Patricia entered the dining room.
“Oh, Y/N isn’t taking part in this, she’s living here for other reasons entirely. Unlike popular belief, Satan helps those who need it. Y/N isn’t judgmental towards us, and that’s why Satan lets her stay here.” he turned to Patricia. “Your brother thinks I’ve brainwashed you.”
“That’s ridiculous. Aleister is just a very wise and loving man. A teacher.”
“Patricia, he’s the servant for the fucking Devil.” Martha told Patricia, and Thomas took in a deep sigh.
“Martha… I’m trying to make a deal with this person and you’re making it really difficult.”
Crowley stood up with a wine bottle in hand. “Tell me, how did you two end up working together? What was the League thinking?”
Y/N came to the room, breaking off the conversation. She was wearing a red dress which had a lot of ruffles. Patricia broke out into a laugh upon seeing her.
“What a hideous dress, not your style at all. It looks like you’re trying to hide something.” Patricia snickered and glanced at Thomas. Y/N sent a glare at her sister.
“I wanted to dress up. We rarely have such fancy dinners together, even more rarely with guests, and never with our brother attending.” she calmly told her as she sat down, and Jason came behind her, cutting her a piece of steak and pouring her a glass of water. She smiled and glanced at him briefly. “Thank you, Jason. Looks good.”
Patricia chewed on her own piece slowly, her gaze following Jason as he went back to Crowley before she turned to Y/N again with a smirk. “Well Y/N, tell us about your boyfriend. He’s quite a character.”
Y/N shifted on her seat, glancing up at Patricia, then at Thomas. “What do you want to know?”
“His name is nice, fits perfectly together with your name. I can’t wait to design wedding invitations.” Patricia leaned on her hand. Y/N sighed deeply and didn’t answer anything, cutting her steak into pieces. “Well, what about his appearance? He has gorgeous cheekbones.”
That made Y/N pause for a bit and glance at Thomas worriedly. He frowned. Y/N turned to their sister again. “I haven’t noticed anything out of average with his cheekbones.”
Patricia pouted. “Oh, don’t be boring. Give our brother something. It would be good if Tommy would know about what kind of man it is you ran away with.”
“His appearance is irrelevant.” Y/N huffed. “But fine. He listens to me and is always interested in what I have to say. He gives the best cuddles. He reads a book to me if I have trouble falling to sleep. He’s supportive of me. We take long walks together. And he definitely never interrogates me like you do. Happy?”
Patricia groaned. “But Y/N, we’ll never know if Tommy will meet him someday, I’m sure he’d be happy to meet him.” Y/N was silent again, rolling her eyes slightly at her sister before taking a bite of her steak. Silence engulfed the room, just dining utensils clinking against the plates as they ate.
“Tommy, last time you visited, you asked if Y/N was happy here. A night some months ago sounded like it.” Patricia said after a moment of silence.
"Patricia, please," Y/N whispered. "Not now." But Patricia just wouldn’t stop, she clearly wanted the drama to burst out. She leaned towards Y/N.
“It really sounded like you enjoyed yourself that night, the bed’s creaking and all those moans and you begging him to go faster and harder told me that much, and then it suddenly stopped when he groaned and you both turned to be dead silent. I think he accidentally came inside you and you got spooked because of accidents,” she sent another smile at Thomas, and Y/N's face became more and more pained and Thomas could hear her broken takes of breath, like she was panicking. But why would she be panicking? Sure, Thomas felt embarrassed too because of Patricia's stories about Y/N's passionate nights with her boyfriend, but it seemed like Y/N was terrified of something.
"Patricia, stop it." Y/N hissed, her voice cracking slightly. Thomas could almost hear her pulse rising.
Patricia giggled. "After a few minutes, I heard fast steps coming from your and his room and going to the bathroom and then I heard the shower turn on. You tried to wash his semen out of you."
Now Crowley sighed audibly, lowering his fork and tutting. "Patricia, that's enough."
But Patricia didn't care, and pressed on, “Don't be ridiculous, Y/N. Tell him. Our brother must know." When Y/N didn't reply, just staring at her sister in total disbelief, she groaned and turned to Thomas. "Fine, I'll do it myself. Tommy, it's time for you to know more about that celebration which I mentioned yesterday. Did you know that we’re not the only ones here? The one we'll be celebrating is hidden-”
Now Y/N seemed to get furious, standing up from the table, her glass of water falling over. “I said stop it!” Thomas looked between Y/N and Patricia, utterly confused about what was happening.
“Girls, please.” Crowley sighed. “We have guests. Jason, dear, could you help Y/N clean up?”
Jason made her way to Y/N, pulling out two napkins from his pocket, gave the other one to Y/N and began wiping the water from the table cloth with the other. Thomas caught him glaring at Patricia briefly.
“Oh, Jason is always such a sweetie. Helping Y/N, when she’s in that state.” Patricia smiled.
Thomas’s brains began whirring slowly. “What state? Are you sick?”
Y/N looked like she’s on the verge of tears which made Thomas even more puzzled. Patricia seemed to notice it too, as she fell silent suddenly, her smile faltering slowly as she laid her gaze back to her plate. Y/N threw the napkin on the table, storming out, leaving everyone staring after her.
“Jason, please check on her.” Crowley sighed, which resulted in Jason nodding, folding the napkins so they’d absorb the water from the table and then he went after Y/N. “And Patricia, you went too far. Please be more respectful towards your sister. She’s in a fragile state now.”
“What’s wrong with her?” Thomas asked again, and Crowley sighed.
“Women’s things. We, as men, can’t entirely understand it, but I assure you, Jason knows just what to do.”
Patricia looked at her plate, looking like she lost her appetite. “I didn’t mean to upset her that much. I just wanted to tease her a bit, like sisters do.”
Crowley nodded. “We know that. And Y/N will understand too. Jason will be there calming her down, she’ll be back in no time. Just apologize to her immediately when she does.”
Patricia nodded. “I will.”
Martha sighed and stood up. "I'm going to check on her too."
"Ah, but I wouldn't encourage you to do it, Jason knows how to help Y/N-" Crowley tried to say, but Martha had already disappeared from the doorway. But it didn't take even a minute before she was back, Y/N and Jason coming after her. Thomas noticed that Martha laid wary glances at the two as Y/N kept her gaze down, before Martha sat back down at Thomas's side.
"What?" Thomas asked, but Martha just shook her head.
"I'll tell you later."
Crowley looked at Patricia, who nodded and sent a small, nervous smile at Y/N. “I’m sorry. I went too far.” Y/N just nodded, but didn’t answer anything.
“Y/N? Dear, your sister just apologized.” Crowley sighed, and Y/N rolled her eyes before turning towards Patricia.
“My relationships or sex life aren’t yours to scatter around. If you’ll keep quiet about them and my boyfriend in front of our brother, I’ll forgive you. If there's something to tell, I will tell him myself,” she muttered and looked at Crowley. “Can we return to eating now?”
Crowley nodded. “So glad to see you girls can talk again. And yes, I have a few things to say to your brother, Patricia cut me off last time.”
Thomas sighed deeply. “What?”
“The League. What was it thinking when it put you two working together?”
“What League?” Thomas asked, and Crowley smiled.
“Now now, I’m not a fool. The No Name League.”
“We are not working for the No Name League.” Thomas said quickly. Maybe too quickly.
Crowley raised his eyebrows. “Really? Next you’re telling me you’re not a spy for the CIA.”
Thomas tensed up immediately and raised the wine glass to his nose, but didn’t take a sip, suddenly feeling Martha’s gaze on him. He tried to prevent himself from shaking. All these months, he had successfully been hidden but now some pervert had found out about it. Did CIA have a spy? “A strange idea. Not true.”
Martha frowned at him. “You’re CIA?”
Thomas felt his pulse begin to rise, and now Patricia and Y/N were looking at him too. “I’m not.”
“Holy shit. Of course, I should have guessed.” Martha looked distraught, and Patricia broke into a wide smile again.
“The CIA? Like… the CIA?” she started laughing, and now Thomas felt like he understood a little why Y/N got so upset a moment ago. His sister knew how to be infuriating.
“I’m not. Where did you get such a notion?” Thomas asked Crowley.
“My boss. Where else?” Crowley answered, and Martha looked Thomas up and down, and Thomas felt how his temper was crumpling.
“Okay, it’s extremely dangerous to spread that kind of a lie!” he shouted.
“Tommy,” Thomas heard Y/N’s voice say. He turned to her slightly. “Please don’t yell.”
“This man isn’t respecting me and lies about me, Y/N. I have the right to yell.” he said a bit more calmly. Crowley smirked.
“Your brother has a beast inside him, Y/N. And it’s only waiting to be set free. Don’t blame him, he has tried to hold it in for such a long time.” he said and Thomas took a deep breath.
“I’m so impressed, Tommy. The CIA. Have you killed people?” Patricia asked, and Thomas turned to her.
“I repeat - no.”
Martha smacked the table. “Son of a bitch. CIA. Wow.”
Now Thomas was tired of arguing. “Never mind the CIA! Which I’m not a member of. Let me get this straight - in exchange for the liberty of my sisters, I have to sell…” he couldn’t hold in a laugh. “I have to sell my soul… to the devil?”
Crowley stood unfazed. “Precisely. What do you say?”
“I’ll give you one hundred thousand to hand them over.”
Patricia huffed, and Y/N glared at her brother.
“Excuse me?” Y/N asked, she sounded upset.
“We’re not goddamn packages.” Patricia continued.
“I don’t want your money.” Crowley repeated his earlier statement.
“Don’t you think my actual soul is a bit high price for my sisters? They’re not Snow Whites. Four thousand hundred pounds.”
Y/N blinked at him with her mouth hanging open, as Patricia said, “fuck you” for them both.
Crowley took his wine glass, walking slowly towards Thomas. “You get much more than just your sisters, in return. You get my master’s eternal friendship. You’re a smart businessman, Mr. Wayne. Think about it, think about the power you could have.”
“I have enough power, you fool!” Thomas hissed to him.
“See now, there’s a beast inside of you.” Crowley smiled. “The real Thomas Wayne is a murderer.”
“Okay. Fine. I’ll play along with your little charade. You’re Lucifer’s servant. I don’t negotiate with underlings. Let me speak with your boss.”
Crowley smiled again. “As a rule, he doesn’t ground personal gatherings for audiences, except for Saints and the like. But there’s no harm in asking.”
Thomas nodded, and Crowley nodded to Jason, sending him away from the room. Thomas noticed Y/N glancing after him worriedly, and then glancing at Patricia.
“Girls, you can go to the lounge to wait for us to come back.” Crowley said, and then led Thomas out of the room.
They didn’t get far, before Thomas heard heels on the floor nearing him.
"Thomas, wait." Martha stopped him, and Crowley laid a glance at the two. Thomas cursed quietly, he was getting tired of Martha's overanalyzing and observations. But he still cared about her too much to let it be.
"A moment, please." Thomas sighed after a moment. Crowley looked at Martha.
"Of course." he then said, gesturing to the hallway, indicating they could talk there.
"What?" Thomas sighed. Martha looked around for a moment, and leaned forward.
"I went after Y/N because I had my doubts on why she was on edge, and my doubts were comfirmed. Jason was at the lounge with her calming her down, he muttered something to her, his forehead against hers and he was wiping her tears while holding her hand, and then he moved his other hand on her stomach, Y/N moved her own hand over his and he smiled when he looked down at her stomach and he asked if Y/N 'feels any kicks yet'. And then they noticed me, I must have made a noise, and jumped apart immediately. Thomas, she's pregnant." Martha whispered. "And Jason is the father."
"My sister? Pregnant? With a satanist?" Thomas scoffed with a short laugh. "Don't be silly, Martha. You probably heard wrong and got it all wrong. That boy is Crowley’s servant and does whatever he asks of him, he was just calming Y/N down."
Martha huffed and laid her hand on Thomas's shoulder. "They were being weird yesterday too when you were at the garden with Patricia, remember when I told you? And didn't you notice how Patricia was acting weird at the table, making strange comments about Y/N's dress, and that thing about the bed creaking and 'accidents'? It would make sense, she was hinting about Y/N and Jason in hopes it would set you off."
"Patricia has been brainwashed, she's being delusional. She probably doesn’t know herself what she’s talking about." Thomas waved Martha's hand off.
"Then why did Y/N get upset about her words? And why was Crowley so insistent about sending Jason after her? And when you got angry at Crowley, her hand immediately went to her stomach, as to protect something, and then she was asking you to calm down." Martha shook her head. "Just face it, Thomas. It's silly of you not to see that, the signs are obvious."
"Y/N is brainwashed as well. Her mind has been shaken because of these people. At the very most, she thinks she’s pregnant, but there’s no way she actually is. She doesn't even have a bump." Thomas sighed, but deep down he was feeling a tingle of doubt.
"God, Thomas. You haven't seen her for ten years, you can't know who she is now. And in case you don’t know how women become pregnant, it doesn’t need anything else than one passionate night with a man ejaculating inside the woman, and-" Martha hissed.
"I know how women become pregnant, Martha! But I also know my own sister, she isn't some whore who runs around fucking people and getting pregnant before marriage." Thomas hissed back, cutting Martha off. Martha groaned.
"I didn't say she's a whore, I said that-"
"Everything alright here?" Crowley had appeared beside them and before Martha could say anything, Thomas nodded, turning away from Martha.
"Yes. Everything is fine. Shall we go now?"
Crowley nodded, gesturing to the small door under the stairs, and Thomas stepped through it. They came to a creepy basement with an altar dedicated for their sick rituals, and Thomas rolled his eyes.
“So… you want to meet the Devil.” Crowley said as he made slow steps towards the altar.
“No, I don’t. And I’m confident I won’t.” Thomas replied.
“Supposing you do. Suppose you meet him.” Crowley turned to Thomas. “Will you listen to what he has to say?”
“Can we get on with this, please?” Thomas retorted. “I’m curious to see what kind of hocus pocus you’ve cooked up.”
Crowley nodded. “Good enough.”
He gestured to Jason, who rolled up a projector screen. Thomas chuckled and grimaced. Jason rolled a projector to the middle of the room, and Thomas sighed.
“Okay?” he asked, and Crowley pulled up a chair for him to sit. He obliged, and Jason put the film to roll. The first thing coming to screen was a naked woman, and Thomas huffed. “Really? Nude movies?”
But soon it came clear to Thomas that it wasn’t any porn movie - he saw Patricia having sex with multiple men, and Jason started mocking him.
“Your whole family must be messed up. Look at your filthy sister.” he said, and Thomas just felt a wave of rage washing over him, silencing his rationality. He just saw red.
“Turn it off!” Thomas screamed, and when Jason didn’t make a move to do what he was told, Thomas stood up, marching to the projector. “I said turn it off!” And proceeded to break the projector. Jason looked up to him.
“You missed the best part.” he told him, and Thomas’s fist made contact with his face. The next moments, he didn’t even entirely know what he was doing. He realized he was strangling Jason, wanting to kill him. Jason laughed at first, but after a moment Thomas could see terror setting onto his features. It just gave him more fuel, and he slammed Jason to the ground, wrapping the film tape around his neck. He pressed down on his neck, seeing Jason’s face turning bright red.
“Jason?” Y/N’s voice gasped suddenly from the stairs, and Thomas could hear her hurrying down. But he was too much in rage to stop what he was doing, and only registered Y/N properly when he saw her hurrying towards them.
“Get off him!” Y/N screeched and basically charged at her brother, knocking him backwards before she crawled to Jason, helping him get the film tape off from around his neck and pulled his head to her lap, stroking his hair as he struggled to breathe. “Oh, Jason, honey… you’re okay now.”
“Y/N?” Thomas choked out. She just gave him a glare and cradled Jason closer to her body and the softness in her eyes returned immediately when she looked at him.
“Breathe, my love. You’re alright.”
My love? Thomas blinked a few more times to make sure he wasn’t seeing or hearing things, but he still saw his sister cradling Jason’s body, running her fingers through his hair and shushing him as he coughed after finally being able to breathe properly. Was Jason the man who she ran away with? Was Martha right? After Y/N could help Jason to stand up, she whipped around to face her brother.
“What the fuck Thomas, you could have killed him!” she screamed at him, her eyes full of wrath and fire, and Thomas staggered back.
“Is he that boy who you ran away with?” Thomas asked after Y/N had stared at him for a moment. “Y/N-”
“Shut up.” she said, and Thomas caught Jason’s eyes. The bastard was smirking at him.
“Son of a bitch.” Thomas growled and stepped forward again towards Jason. Both of his sisters were messed up with something sick and unnatural like this, and one reason for it stood right in front of him. But before he could even get past Y/N, she struck him straight into the face with her fist.
“Keep away from him.” she growled as Thomas held his face for a moment in complete shock. “Isn’t it bad enough that you already almost killed him?”
“Y/N, calm down. It’s not good for-” Jason tried to say, but Y/N cut him off.
“He tried to kill you, he could have made- you’re a monster, Tommy! This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you, I knew you wouldn't give him a chance, just like our father didn't!” she screamed and pushed Thomas backwards again. But suddenly, she staggered back herself, clutching her stomach.
“Angel,” Jason took Y/N’s hand and laid his other hand on Y/N’s stomach protectively, while laying another smirk Thomas’s way. Y/N immediately cast a worried glance towards her brother and then nodded, laying her own hand on top of Jason’s, seemingly finally calming down. It took Thomas a moment of him to catch up with what he had just witnessed, and he suddenly realized why Y/N had that dress with so many ruffles - Martha had been right with that too. Thomas had been stupid when he hadn't believed her, too much in belief that he'd know her own sister after she had grown up without any contact to him.
“I… I think that was a kick.” Y/N said after a moment of silence, even a small hint of a smile on her face as she looked at Jason, and Jason rubbed her stomach, a smile appearing on his face too. That was the confirmation, and Thomas’s eyes widened in terror.
“No. No, you aren’t… you’re not having-” he began, but Y/N glared at him again, shutting him up.
“We should go to our room.” Jason said, removing his hand from Y/N’s stomach and moving it to grasp her other hand instead. Y/N turned to Thomas once more, venom dripping from her words, her hand clutching her stomach again, flattening the fabric so Thomas could see the bump more clearly to make a point.
“Do you realize you could have made this child fatherless?” she spat. “You're not my brother anymore. Don’t you dare come near me or my family ever again.”
Then she left the basement, holding Jason’s hand, not sparing another glance at her brother. Thomas had to pull together all his willpower not to charge after them. Y/N was already tied to Jason forever, even if he would try to pull them apart.
“Y/N and Patricia… both messed up with something like this.” Crowley suddenly said from behind him. Thomas turned to look at him, the horror finally setting in with its full force. “I told you, there’s a beast inside of you. You can take your sisters with you if you want because you kept the deal, but I doubt that Y/N will leave with you after what you did. But I’ll talk to Patricia, she’ll be leaving with you today voluntarily.”
“We’re leaving. C’mon, Patricia.” Thomas said immediately when he marched to the lounge and saw her, grabbing her hand and starting to drag her out by force. They had to get out immediately.
“No, no! Aleister!” Patricia screamed, and Aleister raised his hand.
“Peace, peace, be at peace, Patricia. Your brother and I understand each other now. You must do what he wants. I command it.” he told her, and she looked at him, not believing what he was saying.
“What about Y/N? She is part of the deal too.” Martha turned to Crowley, and he raised his tea cup to his lips before he nodded.
“Yes, she is. And you’re free to drag her along if you want. We made a deal, and she’s part of it. But I would advise you to consider it very carefully.”
“No. We won't take Y/N. We have to... we have to leave her.” Thomas stated immediately, running his shaky hand through his hair, and Martha frowned.
“What? Why?”
Thomas looked over at Martha. “It doesn’t matter. Her place is here now. She... we’re leaving, we got Patricia.”
And so they left, Thomas walking in front of the two women as they exited the manor.
“What happened down there? What do you mean we have to leave Y/N?” Martha stalled as they stepped out from the gate, and Thomas stopped, glancing at Patricia before he tilted his head towards Martha. “We have to get Y/N out too. That environment can’t be good for her child either. I know you don't believe me-”
"I do believe you. I saw it myself." Thomas muttered, so quietly that Martha barely heard him.
"What?" She blinked, but composed herself again. "Well, now you know why we have to get her out. That boy has manipulated her, together with Crowley. She isn't safe up there."
Thomas shook his head sharply. "She hasn't been manipulated. She's really in love."
"How do you know that?" she asked, and Thomas swallowed, turning to her. Martha gasped when she saw Thomas's black eye.
"She was protecting her boyfriend," Thomas let out a long breath, before he slowly looked up to the window which faced the street. Martha's gaze followed his, and they saw Y/N standing there, glaring down at him. She had changed her dress to a leaner one, and her bump was clearly visible with this dress. Jason came behind her, resting his hands on her bump and he pressed a kiss on her bare shoulder. He said something to her, causing Y/N to smile and look at Jason over her shoulder before they shared a brief kiss. Then she left from the window, and Jason glanced down at Thomas, sending a smirk at him before he disappeared from the window too. Thomas only now realized that he was indeed going to be an uncle, but he didn't know if he was going to see Y/N ever again, let alone her child.
"I don't think she would come with us even if we forced her, she'd just run away again. Her life is here now, she has grown out from the person she was before." Thomas finally answered, stepping into the taxi. Martha sighed, and Patricia was quiet for once. They sat there in total silence after Thomas had told the driver the hotel's address, with Thomas's head whirring with fear. Did he really meet the Devil? And if Y/N hadn't come to the scene in time, would Thomas have killed Jason? Would he have made Y/N's child fatherless? Even though he wasn't so sure if Jason would be a good father for his niece or nephew, he knew that killing him could have driven Y/N crazy - she really seemed like she's in love. And she most definitely wasn’t that teenage girl who one day had a fight with her father about her new boyfriend and ran away. She had grown up and out of that person. And today sealed it, she had disowned herself from the Wayne family.
But still… Thomas hoped that they would see each other again one day if the storm would pass. Y/N was family to him and always would be, even when she didn’t think so anymore. Maybe someday, he'd be able to apologize. Maybe he'd even be able to accept Jason to the family. Family dinners would be strained, but as long as Y/N would be happy and safe... he'd be willing to endure an unpleasant person.
He couldn't do much more anymore than hope. Hope that it would be alright, in one way or another.
Forever tags: @bookfrog242 @katherinepetrovawife // I don't officially write for Pennyworth, so you can't really ask to be added to the list for the fandom. This idea just happened to inspire me, though I might be open for ideas for Jason x readers in the future too. Freddy does wonders I guess. I should probably open a Freddy's characters taglist of its own for completely random fandoms I haven't watched entirely but where I only write for his character XD
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cescalr · 2 years ago
Love the new header!
Aww, thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tbh she needed an update. When did i do that last one??? four years ago?????
So. From;
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literally just an image with a gradient map
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Honestly, a vested improvement, imo. Nice to hear that's not just my opinion, lol :D. Wanted more rep of stuff other than just teen wolf on my blog, bc it's multifandom and that wasn't... super represented in my graphics, which could be misleading (and i like to be accurate about these things! I put a lot of thought into this stuff.) Also, kinda needed to match me to my writerblr (wip pllsssss tumbles give me javascript ive already asked nicely), graphics , and youtube accounts. Just for my peace of mind, you know?
To break down - it's a combo of my old desktop blog bkg that i missed (nostalgia's funny like that) and an Assassin's Creed Claysmond themed header i used to use for a different blog's navigation page repurposed <3 here's the components:
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(claysmond my beloveds)
It was all further edited to match the colour palette;
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which is still a little wip because some of that just seems kind of ? off? when next to each other, but for now! I like!!!
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plus my old icon (which didn't really match anyway???? why was it so faded lol) got a little glo up <3 I used. my computer's desktop background for it. lol.
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Just slightly colour edited to match the theme <3 Still stalia. They're my beloveds.
Anyway Graphic Design Is My Passion (TM) so, yk :D thank you for the excuse to ramble about it lol. I like to make stuff match. Literally nobody will ever see it, but even my computer lockscreen matches :D.
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The box is where the time of day goes <3 And since i might as well;
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The youtube stuff - icon and header. <3
Also, to note, I'm thinking of changing my whole cescalr blog over to this desktop layout. Thoughts Are Being Had, lol. Current desktop is totally broken in the display of posts (they're nested :|), sighhhhh. But that one has an awkward placement of the Tumblr bar in the top right (literally over the top of the title of the blog, why) so. Hmm. Blog theme searching is a horrid endeavour now JavaScript is disabled (and they Still Haven't Given Me It Despite Asking A Year Ago!!!) on most blogs.
Anyway <3 sorry for rambling lmao. Thanks again!!!
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sugarmaplewings-fics · 4 years ago
Hey not sure what you are looking for for soft but do you headcanon anyone (of the characters you write for) as having good singing voice? Good for singing, good for karaoke, or good for lullabies
Imma do all of them real speedy bc I have thoughts abt these bois backed by ReAsEaRcH. Also I’m going off of sub voices only since I don’t really care for the dub nor do I know it well enough.
Anyway, here’s the majority of my ReAsEaRcH. Pls watch it, it fuels my simpery (most of the other links in here are to memes on YouTube)
Ok honestly, I don’t think he’s all that good
I’m just not sure if he has the voice for it?? Idk, I could easily be proven wrong for all of these but, idk, I just don’t really see him as having a particularly amazing voice. Maybe in the normal-to bad range, but like, in an endearing way, if that makes sense
That isn’t to say he never sings though! I think he’d totally love to dance around your room with you to your favorite songs (y’all def share a playlist)!
All around wholesome boi, I’d love to sing with/to him regardless
Also less than good
Honestly when I hear his seiyuu sing, I just hear Noya n I think Noya would actually be p good at singing if he really tried based off that but this isn’t a multifandom blog just yet so I’ll stop rambling now
His voice is so rough?? Like, maybe in particular genres it would come in handy, being able to get all the way down there, but I’m not so sure? I just kinda feel like he’d struggle to hold a tune
Hshsksjdfhjak I’m not the greatest at judging voices though and I don’t always know what I’m talking about, so again, take all this with a grain of salt
I also kind of find it hard to see him really ever singing at all? I feel like he’d think it’s embarrassing or stupid or beneath him
He might sing for you, though. Maybe
Ok, Shouto might actually be pretty decent-to good at singing
I can’t really see him as ever having really sung all that much before, though, so he might still be meh if he can’t do things by ear
I feel like, if he really wanted to and maybe practiced a bit, he could sing  really well, though
Here we have someone who might be good at lullabies, but I feel like he wouldn’t know many himself
He might sing for/with you, but I guess I also don’t really see him really being into it all that much
Okok so I’m really torn here
He is one of the few who actually does sing in canon (pls pls don’t ask me how many times I’ve watched that clip *cough cough*)
Buuuttt ummmm
Get mmm whatcha say’ed
I still really fuckin love him though, and I’d let him sing for me as much as he wanted
Uhh, sounds like he struggles with tune maybe? He’s kinda tone deaf ngl if he thinks that’s good
Hshkhskh this Kirishima slander is killing me
Ok, so maybe he’s not all that good, but he’d still totally sing for you
Pls pls pls don’t tell him he sucks, let him do it for you
I feel like he’d love karaoke
I also feel like he’d try to sing or maybe even write you a love song, just because he thinks it’s romantic. He probably knows it won’t be very good, but it’s still something he wants to experience at least once just because he’s in love with you and it’s a cute cliche
Is also 1000% down to have dance parties in your room and sing really obnoxiously as loud as he can just because it’s fun
As long as you’re okie with that
So yeah, I’ll put him down as: pls no sing but maybe yes sing
Ok I think Kaminari would actually be kinda good like tf
Probably best at just kinda casual singing, maybe karaoke
Ok but like, Kirishima and Kaminari being bros and just singing at the karaoke machine just 😞
Idk, just thinking about him on the guitar and kinda half-singing along just ugh yes
I’m not really sure what else to say, but like, I think we missed out on not really hearing him sing in the school event arc
Which maybe he didn’t sing there bc he can’t, therefore proving me wrong, but like, HIS VOICE
I think he can sing, put me on the record for that
Another boy that’s mandatory to have a dance party in your room with. He’s like 100% dork over here, it’d be so fun
Ok confession: I don’t really like Shinsou’s Japanese seiyuu’s voice
I can get behind his dub voice. And Cece does him justice
Anyway, I’m not entirely certain what to say? He’s another anomaly who I can’t really picture singing
I feel like he likes music though
This is the kind of thing that I might have to revisit after season five since I don’t actually know him all that well yet
But yeah, I’m not really sure
He does have a really deep voice, so that might be nice in certain songs/genres of music pls whisper in my ear
He’d definitely sing to you if you asked
Whether or not it’d be good? ......Maybe?
Ok I think he’s p good actually hhhhh
His voice is so soft and smooth and sweet?
Pls sing me to sleep 🥺
He’d probably get really nervous about it though, so it would be pretty rare that he sings in front of you
It’s a sign of trust
He’s the kind that you might catch singing to himself and then he’d get all flustered once he notices you’re there
*cough cough*
He might actually be the best one here, just saying 😳
Not that any of these boys are vocal prodigies, but like, I can see it
HJBKJDCBSHKC I want to sing a duet with him now
This was fun, thanks for sending it in! Can you tell I like singing maybe a little too much? Probably not, actually, I still have no idea what I’m talking about half the time I’m trying to explain music mostly bc I do everything by ear. Chorus was hard to get used to when I joined in eighth grade. I hope you liked these!
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