#kinda a domestic vibe goin. as usual
rose-from-ashes · 5 months
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jrueships · 3 years
about your latest kyle/demar/jimmy… i can 100% see kyle and jimmy bullying demar on both daily basis or yk the bedroom 😏😁
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what else is to be expected when demar gets with his two biggest haters !!! Thank you again to clutchpoints serving the gay agenda, unasked
BUT ALSO.........
you're So right op ... i think they're So funny. It's like they take turns being the one bullied like the healthy polycule they are! They remind me of that one stock photo compilation of these women bullying each other but like.. they would take turns being the one bullied?? Like in one pic the girl with the scarf would be the one getting her hair grabbed then the next pic SHES the one doing the hair grabbing ?? And people were captioning 'healthy elaborate polycule foreplay !! ' or 'the switch squad goin CRAAZY!!!' And it's like! Wow! It's very kyle/demar/jimmy
Like okay hmmm... like maybe kyle and jimmy are picking on deebo for idk always wanting to rp old movies LMAO like jimmy points at deebo mouthing the actors lines while he watches New Jack City and kyle does his evil little snort choke laugh and they clown on him in a duo. ' he think he Wesley snipes AAAHaa' 'he from Cali! The actor's dream is in his blood!' And deebos like 🙄 the copious stank yall be wafting through the vibes rn.... but then HE says smthin clever like 'if jimmy were an actor, he'd go every scene with some product placement in his hand' and kyle starts laughing at JIMMY now and jimmy like WOW. WOW! okay well at least i could fit on the screen without the camera needing to pan down everytime the crowd wants to see someone so Short' and kyle is like 🤣🤣🤣😐. That's not funny. So now deebo and JIMMY are laughing at kyle until kyle somehow turns it back onto deebo AND THE CYCLE CONTINUES !!!! like ! Idk!! Those three are just a bunch of little haters in love <3 i think they're just really funny, television worthy dynamic that flips All the time. They're similar but also Not, and it's Great. Also i Do be thinking about them cuddling together in bed <3 taking turns who sleeps in the middle. Jimmy is usually not allowed because he gets up really early and shakes the whole bed, but also he usually gets them all up in the morning with him even though they don't have to because he's insane planet fitness anyways. But yeah the idea of deebo sleeping in the middle of kyle and jimmy, buff arms around him at both sides, kyles leetle arms trying to hold both deebo And jimmy.. jimmy randomly holding kyles hand across demars chest.. demar waking up after a really bad dream that leaves him shaken and worrying about being alone, only to realize the two people he loves the most (besides his kids (and some stinky people too unfortunately bcus deebo is too nice)) are right there beside him and he kinda reaches his arms out behind them and pulls them closer, kisses their foreheads while they sleep <3. kyle doesn't sleep as often in the middle as youd Think he would because he moves alot in his sleep. Jimmy and demar wake up to kyle curled up on their legs like a cat under the covers LMAO. Also he probably hates jimmys coffee breath, even though jimmy smells like a God he Still finds Something to complain about. ALSO ALSO kyle probably still tries humping people LMFAO. Like they just be cuddling and suddenly deebo feels a dump truck repeatedly backing into his pelvis and jimmy feels something keep hitting his butt and deebo is like 'kahl. OK. Kahl- kahl, kahl. enough-' until jimmy goes 'LOWRY.' which gets kyle sent to the couch. Kyle probably sets the house on fire in the middle of the night and leaves lol (IM KIDDING
TO BE MORE SPICY ABOUT IT THO... LESS ON THE DOMESTICS UHHHHH... i think kyle and jimmy when they Bully deebo in the bedroom its kinda like... it basically feels like you're in hell getting 'tortured' by imps or whatever u know ???? like kyle is all 'you deserve a Break deebo, you deserve to Have this, you deserve So much.' And his stroking Demar's thigh getting closer and closer to where deebo wants his hand but won't until he has demar saying Please. Then there's jimmy behind demar muttering about how badly he wants to see him cry. Being more Crude with it. More rough, more demanding. Which is a pretty big accomplishment considering how bossy kyle can be. Which doesn't go away btw. Sometimes they don't always agree on what they wanna Do with deebo or want him to do or Want from him, not out of jealousy but out of 'EXCUSE ME??? im the sex SAVANT here get OUT B U M ' and deebo is just like. In heaven lol
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gretavanfleetlove · 3 years
hello :)
I really enjoy reading your ships, but I was always too shy to ask for one for myself...But I’m really curious tho.
So: I‘m 5‘9 and my whole aesthetic is based around the 70s. Especially my style. I have some American traditional tattoos and piercings. Music means the world to me. Some people often get kinda annoyed bc I do talk a lot about rock music and the blues. I‘m also an Art Student ( photography) and Human rights Activist. I have my own little feminist group (organise protests and events) , so politics is very important to me. I identify as bisexual and Prefer they/them Pronouns. I grew up in the alps which means I love nature and love spending time there. My dream is having a little farm there with my own family and with some animals. But I also enjoy the city and the nightlife (dancing,going to concerts,drinking,smoking). I‘m a very social person.
Ok you sound like a lovely person first of all, and you no need to be shy I don’t mind at all! And I’m happy to tell you who I think you would be best with. For the friend ship it was easy the romantic ship took a lot of thought tho haha! @weightofdreamsgvf
So for your friendship I chose the lovely— Joshua
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Josh loves your passion because he’s the same
He also cares about political issues
And never shuts up about his love for music
So he’s overjoyed he found someone who’s the same
You guys also both seem very extroverted and social
You guys are always each other’s dates at parties as friends of course
But don’t get me started on the parties you guys throw TOGETHER
They’re amazing
But a lot of the time you guys will go just you two and explore
He usually finds the places he wants to take you wether it’s a cute forest scenery or a cute cafe
He loves the nightlife too especially when he has company
So you guys will go late, and meet new people, and take little walks
You both love it
And take your cameras along of course
Photography nerds together
You guys hike all the time
And if you see a puppy in public you both freak out
It just has to be that way-
“No no stop don’t ask to pet it Josh you did that last time that’s creepy!”
“No it’s not.”
But also like girlfriend be ready for making fun of him because he’s shorter
Like it’s a lil hilarious when he hugs you because you’re like a big teddy bear for him
But he loves it
He also loves your idea of having just a domestic little farm and family
He thinks he could never. So he’s so happy for you that you can and that that is what you’re going after
He finds it adorable
For your romantic ship I chose ✨Samuel ✨
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Um power couple right here
Two strong bubbly nature loving souls found each other likeee
You guys would totally have a cute 70s vibe goin on together
He would honestly ask you to pick his outfits because he loves your style!
He also loves how you want something so domestic but you’re also super introverted and into night life
You guys would always have music blasting in your house
Records, Spotify, you name it you have it
And you guys sometimes will sit down to a new song you just discovered, take it all in, then discuss it
Those conversations tend to get extremely long
He honestly loves that you’re a couple inches taller than him
He thinks it’s cute
And honestly I think y’all would hehe the cutest camping trips and nature adventures
You’d go from the desert to the forest
And just spend hours there together
I also think you and Sam are both very willing to stand up for thing you believe in for instance your actions in human rights
He absolutely adores that about you though
That it’s important to you so you take action
And he always asks about how it’s all going
But you know Sammy you guys also go on more city like dates
If you go on tour with him you guys will find a local bar and go sit in, talk to a couple people, and enjoy each other’s company
Definitely wants to see all your pictures
I mean all
Even if the ones you don’t like
He always says he wants to decide for himself
Josh totally pushed you guys together
Since you were in about 8th grade
Joshua knew
And when you guys actually got together he gave you a polite “ I told you so” that was quite hilarious in all honesty
Even though he tried to be serious he was too happy
And you and Sam were too to be honest
When you first started dating you got a little afraid you were annoying Sam
He would assure you that he was just listening and he loves hearing you talk
Any whoozle to say the least you guys are insanely adorable
Ok also side note I am so so sorry that this is so late I’ve been working on it whenever I’ve had free time but that hasn’t been often haha!! But I really hope you enjoy this one as much as the others :)
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kaminobiwan · 4 years
brain freeze
pairing: captain rex x reader (ohoHOHOH)
summary: I ate ice cream and I wanted to write Rex eating ice cream too. that’s literally all this is
a/n: VERY THROWN TOGETHER these were just thoughts in my head I had while eating some good ass choc ice cream man. I left it ambiguous as to whether there’s an established relationship goin on here….up to you to take this as my characteristic yearning™ or dating domesticity heheh
also I’d just like to dedicate this to/publicly blame @highlycommendable​​ for being the biggest reason I fell in love w/ Rex like come ON I dare you to read In the Battlefield and not do the same. do it. DO ITASDFDK
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“I don’t believe you.”
Your arms are crossed across your old tee, and your tone is serious. Rex has never been good at reading a poker face — almost as bad as he is at lying — but doesn’t think he’s seen this look on your face before.
“Why would I lie about this?”
“I don’t know, but I still don’t believe you.”
He doesn’t know how you even got to this topic. One minute you had struck up a chat with him about…actually, Rex doesn’t even know what you’d been talking about. Sometimes, in the tiredness that claimed him at the end of the day, he just liked to listen to your voice as you carried on the conversation, and usually you’d grant him that silence.
But today, somehow, you’ve reached the subject of ice cream, and when Rex had informed you that he’d never had it, not once, you had gawked. Cue the pouty accusation.
“It’s not like it’ll make you seem less manly, Rex. I’ve heard you singing in the shower.” At your words, Rex feels his face redden indignantly. It was one time…
“I’ve just never had the chance! Is that really so hard to accept?” He’s kind of annoyed, now, and confused as to why you’re pressing this. “They weren’t exactly giving us dessert and tucking us in with bedtime stories on Kamino, you know.”
The amused disbelief immediately drops from your face, quickly morphing into remorse. Rex can tell you hadn’t meant to make him feel bad. But what he’d said was true — he’d been bred to be a soldier, not a human being.
“Rex, I’m sorry.” You wring your hands, and he shakes his head in dismissal. “I was just surprised. I realize it was stupid.”
“S’fine. Really, not a big deal.”
“It is!” You insist, and he just wishes you’d drop the whole thing. Who cared what he ate, as long as it got him through the day and kept him alive? Food was just a way of sustaining his strength. “I know exactly how to make it up to you, though. Be ready in five minutes — and lose the armor.”
“A diner? Kinda thought you’d take me to 79’s, buy me a drink or something.”
“Or something,” you snort, leading him through the entrance. “I’ll have you know that this is vital information, Captain. Consider this an informational excursion.” Your eyes glint with purpose, and Rex had learned long ago that it was just wiser to go along with whatever you wanted when you were set on something.
And, that smile of yours could command him to do things almost as well as an order from General Skywalker could. Not that Rex would ever say that out loud.
A throaty call of your name draws his attention to the counter, where a Besalisk is grinning behind stained chef’s attire. “Welcome back!”
“Dexi Jet,” you drawl happily, as you slap one of the chef’s four arms when he reaches the two of you. “It’s good to see you.”
“Never got time to see your old friend anymore, eh? This who’s got all your attention now?” Rex balks when he’s pointed to, and you snicker at his expression.
“You could say that,” you answer, and place your other hand up on Rex’s shoulder. “Rex, meet Dex. Dex, this is Captain Rex of the 501st. Should be easy enough to remember, right?” If you ask Rex, you seem a little too pleased at the similarity between their names, but he holds his tongue.
“Should be. Any friend of my most loyal customer is a friend of mine,” Dex agrees, and stretches his lips into a friendly simper, and Rex gives an awkward attempt at a smile in reply. “Take a seat, you two. You want your usual order?”
“Actually, something else this time, Dex,” you call as he retreats back to the kitchen. “Trying to sweeten up the Captain here.”
Rex can’t help but roll his eyes.
Minutes later, he’s holding an ice cream cone in his hand, delivered promptly by the droid waitress you had referred to as “FLO”. Rex supposed it fit the vibe of the diner, along with her tinny accented voice and the way she called everyone “honey”.
Any droid that wasn’t trying to kill him would always be a shock at first. You had smirked at the way he’d stumbled over a “thank you”.
“The upper levels are weird,” he grunted, angling the cone so that a milky drip of chocolate didn’t fall on his fingers. He’d never felt comfortable amidst all the people in the capital that went about their lives — as if they weren’t in the middle of a war. Ones that had never seen the front lines save for a holo on the news. Here, “shiny” was a compliment.
“Careful,” you chide lightheartedly, already halfway finished with your dessert. “These are my old stomping grounds. I used to eat here all the time during my university days.” You look expectantly at him, then to the cone in his hand.
Rex sighs internally. Best to just get it over with.
He goes to bite the ice cream, but you almost jab him in they eye with the way your hand shoots out to stop him. “Not like that! You’ll regret it, trust me. It makes your teeth hurt if you bite into it. You lick it, like this.” You demonstrate accordingly, and it takes a lot of strength for Rex to keep certain thoughts out of his head. Another time.
He frowns at his cone, then tentatively pokes out his tongue to lick it as you’d done. The cold pricks his senses, but the ice cream is soft, much softer than he’d expected. He licks it again, less reluctant this time.
“It’s—” Rex lets the flavor melt over his taste buds, savoring the sensation. “It’s good.”
You laugh out in delight, and his head shoots over to make sure you’re not recording him to show his brothers later. Thankfully, you’re watching him excitedly, finishing off your own ice cream. “I told you! Isn’t it great?”
“I’ve had chocolate before, but this is…really good.”
“It’s delicious,” you correct him, and he quirks a smile at the way you almost sound offended. “Dex uses Trammistan chocolate, from Trammis III. Total game changer. And less than two credits!”
That jolts him out of his sweet relishing. He hadn’t thought to bring money before the pair of you had left. You notice the way he pauses, though, and nudge him in the arm. “Rex, did you not hear me? It’s not even two credits. Anyways, this is my treat.”
Rex shrugs, albeit stubbornly.
He’s still not used to the way you always want to take care of him, be kind to him. Almost every good thing someone had done for him had been transactional — until he’d met you.
You beam at him, drinking in his enjoyment, and begin to crunch on the Cerean cone. “Don’t eat it too fast, though. It’ll hurt your brain, too.”
“Seems like a lot of ways to hurt yourself by just eating it.”
“Hey, high risk, high reward.” You counter, as if you’d just pointed out a flaw in one of his battle plans. “Now, let’s get the Neuvian sundae! I want you to try the Denta bean flavor.”
Three weeks later, when the 501st is on leave once again, you bring the boys some takeout and relay a message to Rex from the diner: Dex is thrilled at the influx of new customers, but he really has to warn his brothers about brain freeze — the clones seem to be easily incapacitated by ice cream, and it’s starting to worry Dex about the vulnerability of the soldiers fighting the war. The last part is a joke, you reassure him.
Rex can only shake his head to hide his uneven smile.
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