#kind of like the 101 dalmations meet cute
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lillypad-monopoly · 3 months ago
*pushes aside stacks of WIPs* Ok hear me out: Boat Boys AU where Etho and Joel meet at the dog park and Etho's dog Goober and Joel's dog Gerald become best friends and they are forced to keep having dog playdates until they fall in love.
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gremlin-girly · 5 months ago
Flufftober Day 1: Lost Pet Meet-cute
Divider by:  @cafekitsune
Flufftober prompts are from the wonderful @flufftober page!
Title: Alpine’s Adventure
Pairing: Bucky X Reader
Tags: Fluff, Bucky x reader, Meet-cute , Alpine goes exploring,  Alpine is the best wingwoman , cat dad! Bucky, gn!reader, Alpine P.O.V, no beta we die like men, flufftober
warnings: brief mention of a panic attack
Summary: Alpine escapes the apartment and decides to go on an adventure to find Bucky the perfect gift, eventually enlisting the help of a newfound friend to help her plan come to fruition.
Word Count: 3.3k (3365)
As always I do not give permission for my work to be reposted, translated or copied. My warnings are non-exhaustive and I may have missed something (though I try not to) so please read at your own risk.
A/N: Well, hello. This is my first official post of my own on tumblr. I won’t blather too much because there’s a pinned post explaining that this is my first rodeo.
The inspiration for this particular prompt came from the opening scene of 101 Dalmations (clearly). This also inspired another prompt - and maybe even a part three. 👀 (can you tell I loved writing this one?)
I hope you enjoy; comments, likes and reblogs are always welcome! Dividers by: @/saradika-graphics
Part 1 (you're here) | Part 2
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Alpine's day had been pretty exciting, all things considered.
Alpine loved her dad – no doubt between her furry little ears. However, when her dad left for work that morning, curiosity had finally gotten the better of her as she slinked by him and out the door. In his tired state he hadn't noticed her dash for freedom and she hadn’t expected to actually get outside.
But she had.
The street was loud, louder than it was in the apartment and people walked by so briskly they barely noticed her. Alpine dodged multiple shoes and weaved through legs hurriedly. Some humans scorned her but otherwise left her alone.
Alpine's soft paws tittered over the concrete as she took in her surroundings.
Everything smelled the same, just amplified.
She hadn’t been outdoors  - at least, not without her dad– since she was kitten. She couldn’t remember much about her life before she met her dad other than everything was big, it was cold and she had been scared. Bucky had brought a warmth she had only briefly experienced as a kitten. He had taken her in, fed her and comforted her. He had shown a kindness she was unfamiliar with but appreciated all the same. She had attempted to return the favour, on occasion, but apparently dead mice are not appropriate gifts for humans. However, Alpine had found she was better on the nights her dad couldn’t sleep or had a nightmare, sitting on top of his chest and purring gently to help him calm down.
Alpine slipped through an iron fence crunching leaves in her wake and emerged from under a green shrub onto another pathway. This one had strange wooden seats littered along the pathway, looking onto a lake and…
There were plenty of shrubs and trees in this area and the humans around seemed to be feeding strange birds on the lake. Alpine hopped onto one of the strange seats and sat down, curling her white tail around her, studying the birds. Perhaps a bird would be a better gift than a mouse. Alpine’s ears flattened as she considered it but eventually decided that her dad would probably scold her and be ungrateful for her efforts as per usual.
Alpine’s tail flicked in annoyance. There had to be something she could gift her dad, without getting into trouble. She eyed the humans who were walking along the pathway with the utmost scrutiny.
Small humans got excited to see her and she had to swat one who was petting her a little too hard. He was tugged away by his mother pretty quickly after that.
Slowly, a pattern began to emerge. There were all sorts of humans, of all ages, but mainly in pairs.Old, young, mother and son, father and daughter, sisters, brothers… they were all coupled in some way. Alpine’s tail tip curled with excitement. She could find her dad a companion. Steve and Sam were okay but she couldn't imagine their hands intertwined with her dad's or doing that strange thing coupled humans were doing with their mouths.
No. Alpine needed to find a new human to be her father's companion. That would be the best gift she could get him.
Alpine leapt from her seat and began her search. The first human she walked by was pretty, but pulled a sour face when Alpine approached and was snapping at someone down the phone. They only stopped to shoo at Alpine.
Too rude.
Alpine huffed, tail flicking is distaste and moving down the path.
The next was a woman who, Alpine assumed, in her prime would have been beautiful. She has feeding some pigeons with a woollen blanket across her lap, large thick framed glasses almost covering her face entirely. Her wrinkled hands shook crumbs onto the floor for the birds, who barely batted an eye at Alpine’s approach.
“Well, now,” The lady cooed as Alpine sat before her. “Aren’t you just darling.”
She held out a knuckle to Alpine, who graciously butted it with her head and allowed herself to be petted ever so gently by the sweet old woman.
Too old. Unfortunately.
After five minutes of fussing, Alpine moved away giving the old woman a small trill of a goodbye.
Much of the next hour around the open area was the same. Some were too young, or too old, were not a good potential match,  didn’t like Alpine or were already coupled. Alpine growled in frustration. Maybe she would have to go elsewhere but for now she wanted to go home. Today’s mission was a failure.
There was a loud noise that tore through the park. It wasn’t human. It was angry, gravelly and approaching rapidly.
A dog.
Alpine’s eyes widened in fear as the dog made a run for her, teeth snapping ferociously. She scampered, clawing her way more than halfway up a tree, turning back to hiss viciously and scratch at the dog’s muzzle when it tried to jump for her. It’s human was taking an idle time in retrieving it.
However, Alpine didn’t have to wait very long when she heard a human yelling at the dog, and it’s human. Alpine’s blue eyes narrowed  as she spotted the human stomping their way over to the tree.
“Keep your damn dog on a leash!” The human yelled as the dog’s owner tugged the collar of his pet away. The dog’s eyes watched Alpine and continued to snarl.
“Christ, it’s a cat –“
“and you’re an irresponsible dickwad.” The human stood tall, hands on hips as they glowered at the owner. “Dogs at the park should always be on a leash, regardless of how well trained they are. There is a reason for that; protecting the dog and the other people. How inconsiderate do you have to be?”
The owner huffed and muttered under his breath, finally managing to get the dog away. After glowering at the owner until he was out of sight, their features softened and they dropped their hands loosely at their side, turning towards Alpine.
“Hey sweetheart,” they spoke gently, giving Alpine space to jump and vanish if she so wished. “it’s okay. You’re okay now.”
Alpine considered the human for a moment, detaching her claws from the bark and elegantly landing on the ground. She sniffed hesitantly. Alpine could smell so many different things from the human; cinnamon, coffee, another scent she couldn’t quite place and... her cat kibble. This human smelled similar to home. The human offered their knuckle and Alpine bumped her head against it with a happy trill, tail high in the air.
The human laughed and rubbed Alpine’s ears as she weaved around their legs. The human’s smile was warm and gentle; just like Alpine’s dad’s.
You are perfect.
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Your day had been relatively mundane. Until you saw an asshole with his dog off leash chasing some poor cat up a tree.
Now you had said cat bundled into your hoodie purring happily whilst you rode the subway, the cat’s little white head sticking out the neck hole to hiss at anyone who came too close to you. Probably not the strangest thing New Yorkers had ever seen, but you couldn’t help but smile at the little furball.
The cat’s tag had noted its name as Alpine but no address, only a phone number. You had made a mental note to call later in the safety of your apartment, however, you had more  pressing issues at the forefront of your mind. For example, manoeuvring for your subway tickets whilst holding Alpine in your arms.
“Sweetie, I might have to put you in bath jail.” You tell Alpine, looking down at her tucked away in your hoodie. Alpine looks up at you, as if she’s listening intently to what you’re saying, big blue eyes staring back at you. You melt – she’s so beautiful. Her owner, whoever they may be, clearly adores Alpine; a cute collar and beautifully maintained soft, clean white fur.
“I don’t know if my kitty will like you.” You say apologetically, giving Alpine a small smile. You could’ve sworn she huffed as she looked away from you as you climbed the stairs to your apartment.
Unlocking your door awkwardly, leaning back so Alpine doesn’t slip out from your hoodie, you enter your apartment. Once the door shuts into place, before you can even call out that you’re home, Alpine is wriggling from your grip and out of your arms.
“No no no,” you say hurriedly, dropping your keys as Alpine bounds away from you sniffing.
There's a scampering sound, then bolting into the living area, Apollo appears. His green eyes fix onto Alpine, his usually sleek fur prickling like he was charging static. Alpine’s tail fluffs up like a pom-pom and you watch on with baited breath as Alpine growls warningly at Apollo. The last thing you need right now is a literal cat fight.
Apollo’s ears twitch rapidly. Both cats are frozen in mid-step, staring at one another until Apollo chirps, his thin tail twitching as he bounds at Alpine. He bulldozes into her and she flops onto her side with a soft thud. It takes you a moment to realise that your young cat is playing and Alpine doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, shes tolerating it. You sigh with relief watching Alpine pin Apollo’s excitable self under her with ease. Apollo's legs stick comically out from underneath her, his tortoiseshell patterning making Alpine’s elegant self look like she’s wearing crocodile hot pants with white socks.
You chuckle and snap a quick picture before punching the number you’d copied from Alpine’s collar into your dial pad. You hold your phone to your ear, pacing to the kitchen to make yourself a drink. It rings seven times and you almost hang up before a male voice answers.
“Hello?” The voice is gruff and curt, and you're immediately feeling nervous, wondering if you’d typed in the wrong number accidentally. “Look, if you’re selling something I’m in the middle of-“
“I have your cat!” you blurt and at the risk of sounding like a catnapper, hurriedly add, “I found at her at a park near the Central Cafe.”
“Oh thank God,” the voice heaves, sounding a lot less tense now which helps to ease your own nerves. “I’ve been looking for her for the past two hours. I can call off the search party.”
You chuckle, glancing over at Alpine, whose now pinning Apollo by the head with a snowy paw. “She’s got one heck of a personality, I’ll give you that.”
“She sure does,” The voice chuckles. “Uh, when can I come to get her?”
“Oh – whenever. I can text you my address.” You open the fridge with your phone tucked between your ear and shoulder, pulling out a soda.  
“Great. I can come now? If that’s not too short notice?” The person on the other end is clearly desperate to be reunited with Alpine and you don’t blame them one bit. The soda in your hand hisses as you pop open the tab.
“No it’s fine. You want your baby back, I get it.”  
“Thanks. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” You expect to hear the beep of the call disconnecting, but you’re surprised when the voice speaks again. “And thanks... for finding Alpine.”
You feel a little bashful. You hadn’t exactly found her. More like rescued her and then she’d clambered onto you. “It was nothing. I’ll see you soon.”
“See ya.”
You find yourself smiling smugly as the call disconnects and you tap in your address to Alpine’s parents’ number.  When you look up from your phone, both Alpine and Apollo are looking at you.
“What?” You say, raising your arms half heartedly. Strangely, the cat’s are looking like they were plotting something  and you couldn’t put your finger on what. With one last curious glance at them, you shake your head and move to the couch; waiting for Alpine��s owner to arrive.
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Bucky’s day had been awful.
He was still tired from his last mission when he got called in to work again. He couldn't wait to return home to Alpine. He imagined her waiting for him by the door as usual, waiting patiently for him to walk in from work and bombard him with pleas for attention and treats. He smiled to himself as he unlocked his door. Alpine was the best thing to have ever happened to him and he spoiled her rotten to prove it. He never thought he would be what Natasha had called a cat dad, but he was, and loved every moment he spent with his furry companion.
So when he entered his apartment, calling out for Alpine and having no response, his mind immediately frog-leaped to the worst conclusions. Bucky tore his apartment apart frantically, calling Alpine’s name. With each shout and each room and nook searched his voice became more desperate. Bucky checked all of the windows to make sure they were closed. He checked Alpine’s usual spots. The cupboards. The washing machine. Under the couch. He almost ripped up a floorboard before he realised he was hyperventilating and collapsed to the floor.
His breathing was laboured, vision blurring from both the lack of air in his lungs and the overwhelming feelings of fear and guilt thar plagued him. His head was in his hands staring at the floor wondering how and where Alpine had vanished to.
He'd almost missed your phone call because he was so upset.
Bucky stands outside your door awkwardly. He's buzzing with desperation to have Alpine back in his arms but doesn't quite know what to expect beyond the door. He raps the wood gently, hearing the butsle of you shift off your sofa with a muted "Coming!"
The first thing you do when you open the door to Bucky is smile. That catches him off guard. You step aside and welcome him in, apologising for a mess that doesn't exist and explaining that Alpine was playing with your cat somewhere in the apartment.
"What did you say his name was?" Bucky asks, eyeing an enormous cat tree you'd placed in a corner. He made a mental note to buy one for Alpine.
"Apollo." You reply. You frown and pace around your sofa, clearly looking for something. "Sorry I... they were right here a second ago."
"That's a nice name." Bucky stuffs his hands into his pockets. You hum in response this time. This was painfully awkward.
A meow from one of your rooms echoes through the apartment. It sounds like Alpine. Bucky moves before you do, taking two large steps in the direction of the sound before a flash of fur attaches itself to Bucky’s leg. Bucky looks down excitedly expecting to see Alpine, but his face falls when he realises it's a cat he doesn't recognise. It's Apollo.
Apollo's claws poke through the blue fabric of Bucky's jeans and Bucky could have sworn the cat looked damn smug about it too.
“You little asshole,” You gasp, grabbing Apollo. His back half lifts easily but his claws remain latched in Bucky’s jeans. Even as Apollo is stretched further, his body limply following your hands, he doesn’t retract his claws. He mewls softly and looks back at his pet parent with wide green eyes, that were trying desperately to look as innocent and cute as he could muster.
“I am so sorry.” you grovel apologetically to Bucky, not meeting his gaze. Bucky huffs with a smile. Now he really doesn't know what to do. Your cheeks burn with embarassment as you give Apollo a gentle wiggle. “Let go.”
Apollo refuses and meows in defiance. As if on cue, Alpine trots out from your bedroom rounding on you and jumping onto your back. You yelp, startled by Alpine's sneak attack, and straighten your back to try to shake her off. Alpine perches on your shoulder, sinking her own claws into the thin fabric of your shirt. She definitely wouldn't be moving unless she decided it, and meows triumphantly.
"Alpine!" Bucky gasps, reaching for his own cat. She had never done this before with anyone. He flushes with embarassment as well now. He thought your cat was a smug ass and now his cat was misbehaving too. This day was getting worse and worse.
Alpine mewled in protest when Bucky attempted to tug her away from your shoulder.
"Ow, ow, ow," You mutter, half turning to offer more of your shoulder to Bucky.
"Sorry," Bucky mumbles trying to detach Alpine’s claws; but she'd lift a paw to re-attach it to you shoulder again. What had gotten into her?
With Alpine’s distraction, Apollo sinks his pin-needle teeth into Bucky's leg. Bucky curses and looks down, you fluster and are about to ask what happened when Alpine slinks lower and leaps from your chest; her back legs pushing off you hard enough to send your back into Bucky’s chest. You stumble slightly, and thanks to his training, Bucky catches your hips to steady you. He looks down at you with concern and your head tilts back to look up at him wide eyed and flustered.
The cats have disappeared from beside you both. It's just you and Bucky in the middle of your apartment. The silence is palpable but not uncomfortable. You both are taking in the other's features; truly looking at one another. It isn't until a loud meow snaps you both out of your thoughts.
Bucky releases your hips, blushing and mumbling an apology. You stand up straighter, blushing equally red, also mumbling an apology. Bucky's eyes drift to where the meow came from, only to see Alpine and Apollo sat side by side, watching their parents' interaction.
"I think we've been had," Bucky says, pointing at them. His lips twitch into a small smile and you follow his finger to the cats, whose tails are flicking impatiently.
You sigh, setting your hands on your hips. "I knew they were planning something."
Bucky chuckles. "She's never done that before."
"I wish I could say Apollo hasn't," You smile sheepishly over at Bucky and he can feel himself smiling back.
"He is a little bastard." Bucky glances down at his jeans that have a few small holes from Apollo's teeth and claws.
"But he's my little bastard," you chuckle jokingly and hold out a hand. "I'm Y/N."
Bucky pauses for a moment before shaking your hand delicately with his flesh hand, conscious of the serum and worried about accidentally crushing your hand. "Bucky."
There's another moment of silence as you shake hands, looking at eachother. Bucky watches you swallow thickly and he clears his throat, dropping his hand from yours.
"I don't think the cats want to leave just yet," Bucky says, running a hand through his hair. He couldn't remember the last time he felt so.... bashful.
You glance at the cats, who look like they're trying very hard to be nonchalant.
"No, I don't think they want to leave their play date either." You comment, narrowing your eyes at Apollo before turning back to Bucky. "Would... you like to stay for a coffee?"
"Coffee sounds good, if you don't mind." Bucky smiles again and you smile back. Something inside of his chest twists, and heat creeps up his neck. He watches you move towards the kitchenette, your hand meeting with Alpine’s head as you pass by. Alpine’s eyes close as you scratch her head and she purrs loudly. Your saying something about sugar and milk and apologising for Apollo again but Bucky isn't listening.
There's something about the way Alpine is looking at him, the way her eyes blue blink slowly at him and look over to you, sitting proudly on the counter that reminds him of when she brings him mice. He shakes his head of the thought and rejoins the conversation with you.
Alpine and Apollo share a look; a look of smug triumph that's missed by their parents who are too busy chatting and standing close to on another. Apollo gives a short trill and nudges Alpine with his head. Alpine purrs gently in response. Their plan had succeeded.
You were most definitely better than a mouse.
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theoriginalmarke · 1 year ago
I've been taking advantage of the Disney Plus trial offer this past week, trying to catch up on the numerous Marvel offerings. Kitten has been happy about all of the classic Disney movies like 101 Dalmations, That Darn Cat, Mickey Mouse Meets Frankenstein, and Flesh Gordon.
First up for me was Guardians of the Galaxy 3, which was awesome. Better than the first one, even. Then the GotG Holiday Special, with Kevin Bacon as a Christmas present. Lots of fun. I Am Groot is a series of cute six minute vignettes, kind of like Minions with an attitude.
Thor: Love and Thunder. It was enjoyable. So was Dr. Strange and Multiverse of Madness.
Speaking of multiverses, it seems like half of what DC and Marvel are putting out lately involve them. What's up with that?
Anyway. Next I started catching up on the miniseries. WandaVision was really good, but it seemed like her character completely changed in the Dr. Strange movie. Maybe it's just me.
The Falcon and The WInter Soldier was really good, too. I just finished Loki and enjoyed it. Next will probably be either Black Widow or Hawkeye, then Secret Wars.
I think my favorite is still DC's Harley Quinn animated series over on Max. Irreverent and hilarious.
Another favorite? Persian cucumbers with Trader Joe's Gochujang Sauce. Delicious! Try it, you just might like it.
Now if you'll excuse me, Tales of Wells Fargo is on INSP and I have to find out if Jim Hardie is going to catch the bad guys.
I love you, baby. Even more than a good Groot movie. MWAH!
Y'all have a great day.
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deepslowpanicfics · 2 years ago
♡ deepslowpanic Taegi Fics ♡
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You're My Favorite Kind of Night [ E | 31/31 | 238k ] strangers to lovers | mistaken identity | lots of miscommunication | slow burn emotionally | there's so much smut in this | falling in love | porn that suddenly had so much plot
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Peace, Joy, and Chew Toys [ E | 13k ] strangers to lovers | meet cute | missed connections | fluffy first dates | romance | puppy love | christmas fluff
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Sounds Purrfect [ E | 4.5k ] halloween party | strangers to lovers | misunderstandings | costumes | public sex | yoongi is not a cat boy | or is he...
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New Horizons With You [ E | 7k ] enemies to friends to lovers | online relationships | acnh | broken leg | lonely yoongi | sweet idiot taehyung | phone sex
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No Time Like Now [ E | 7/7 | 53k ] strangers to lovers | fake dating | blind dates and hookups | awkward flirting | misunderstanding | denial of feelings | falling in love | rigid yoongi and free spirited tae
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It's 5 O'clock (Shadow) Somewhere [ E | 5.5k ] established relationship | body worship | whipped yoongi | stubble and brush burn everywhere
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Some Kind of Harmony [ E | 2/2 | 25.7k ] strangers to lovers | meet cute | wedding | accidental marriage | fluff and humor | getting together | 20 questions to fall in love leads to... falling in love
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Eyes on the Prize [ E | 5k ] established relationship | 5+1 | fluff and humor | coitus interruptus | kink negotiation (sort of) | voyeurism (also sort of) furbies
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Raw Sugar [ E | 5k ] established relationship | sugar daddy roleplay | emotional comfort | whipped boys in love | sweet and spicy
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As Well As I Do [ T | 3k ] soulmates | meet cute | getting together | pining | getting to know each other | cloud watching dates
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I Excel Between the (spread)Sheets [ E | 10.6k ] coworkers | enemies to lovers | office sex | confessions | getting together | yoongi needs to relax a little | color coding | nerding out about spreadsheets
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When I'm With You, I'm Feline Good [ E | 3/3 | 23.5k ] friends to lovers | magical realism | pining | fluff and light angst | misunderstandings | feeling realization | vmin turn yoongi into a cat
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Cold Air, Warm Hands [ E | 7.8k ] established relationship | anniversary vacation | camping | outdoor sex | fluff and humor | dorks in love
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Here and Where You Are [E | 2k ] established relationship | long distance | phone sex and masturbation | light angst | airport reunions
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Peachy Keen [ E | 6k ] friends to lovers | roommates | getting together | mutual pining | massage | ass worship | yoongi asks taehyung to put a sheet mask on his ass
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Things That Go Bump in the Night [ E | 4.5k ] friends to lovers | roommates | pining | bed sharing | scary movies | getting together | fluff and whipped boys
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Getting by on so little from you [ E | 16/16 | 93k ] strangers to lovers | enemies (sort of) | slow burn | falling in love | getting together | taehyung's constant horny crises | fluff and humor | this was my first bts fic
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A Short Leash [ T | 2.5k ] meet cute | 101 dalmations inspired | missed connections | short and sweet fluff
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westiec · 3 years ago
Over on twitter awhile back, I played a little game and we generated a whole bunch of cute fic prompts that I would like to yeet unto the universe. Mostly MDZS/CQL with a few extras:
Chengyi or Mingcheng: 101 dalmations style meeting, dogs all tangled, coffee flying everywhere, etc.
Songxuexiao: Songxiao orders food, and it gets delivered to their neighbor, Xue Yang, who just straight up eats it. The next time it happens, there's a note with the delivery that says, "We ordered enough for three this time; bring it over if you want dessert too."
Lan Xichen/Wen Qing: Wen Qing backs into Lan Xichen after a long shift at the hospital and *insists* on seeing to his injuries. (One (1) small abrasion on his palm where he caught himself.)
Juniors: Trapped in an elevator! Jingyi and Jin Ling argue right up until they notice Sizhui is quietly having a panic attack. They band together to help him stay calm & distracted, and Ouyang Zizhen declares them all lifelong friends after they get out. (He's right.)
Xicheng: Meeting at a kink event. Yes, they're brother-in-law-in-laws. No, they were NOT expecting to see each other here.
ALTERNATIVELY — Xuanli: kink event meeting w/ bonus arranged marriage & identity porn
Jiang Cheng/Wen Ning: Wen Ning is the ER nurse on duty when Jiang Cheng comes in with a dildo stuck in him. JC attemps a, "Usually I make a guy buy me dinner before I let him finger me," joke, and WN is concentrating too much not to say, "Oh, for you, I'd cook."
Nielan: Grabbing the last [item] at the supermarket at the same time. They commandeer one of the free sample tables to arm wrestle for it, and it's a stalemate until LXC says, "y'know, you could come over and we share it," which startles NMJ enough for him to get the win.
Chengyao: It's not *that* much of a hassle to drop Apt. 625's mail on their doormat on his way back to Apt. 652, but if Jiang Cheng had known how cute Yao-Meng-or-Meng-Yao (damn mailing lists, always reversing the names) was, he definitely would've knocked sooner.
Chengqing: A keeps meeting hot neighbor B looking super disheveled, or: 5 Times Wen Qing is a Hot Mess in Front of Fashion Cheekbones Dude + 1 Time Jiang Cheng Looks Like He Lost a Fight With an Art Store. "The fuck happened to you?" was NOT what she meant to say first. (The answer is "nephew's birthday party.")
Nie Mingjue/Jiang Yanli: sitting next to each other on the plane and “oh no im so sorry i keep grabbing your hand and cutting off the blood circulation its just im so scared of flying” – NMJ is the nervous flyer, and JYL is very kind about it (his hands are... so big 👀)
Jingyi/Sizhui: Jingyi fixing his hair in a window's reflection only to see Sizhui smiling at him through the glass
Jin Zixuan/Nie Mingjue: Jin Zixuan thinks that someone is stalking him every morning, because they leave the apt bldg at the same time, walk the same direction, enter the same office bldg. Confronts them angrily, yelling about "i'm going to call the cops!" but its extremely amused company CEO Nie Mingjue.
Nie Huaisang/Lan Wangji: NHS runs into his ex with their new partner at the bar, turns to Lan Wangji, a complete stranger, and pretends to also be in a happy relationship. I enjoy LWJ's deadpan against NHS's dramatics. Maybe with JC as the ex?
Xiyao: businesses major Meng Yao, who has a very particular study routine, being table-sniped at the library by art student Lan Xichen, who really likes the light here. "We can share, can't we? I'll be quiet." He's not. He hums. A-Yao is *charmed.*
Wangxian: kink masquerade mistaken identity meet-cute! This is a Lan brothers mix-up: Wei Ying is new, and NHS points him towards a good sub for beginner tops. He got the wrong tall hot Lan in the silver mask, but it's okay bc turns out what he /really/ enjoys is being an absolute brat for someone who stays one step ahead of him.
Alternatively, SHL - Cao Weining/Gu Xiang: Cao Weining not realizing that the Amethyst Fiend is that mouthy girl at the martial arts studio he goes to he's been too nervous to talk to.
Wangningxian OR 3zun: "I'm so sorry about the water damage I was overworked and passed out in the shower." It's horrifying how many MDZS characters this could be tbh...
WWX or JGY as the shower sleeper
WN or NMJ as the building super
LWJ or LXC as the downstairs neighbor who calls when his roof starts dripping
NEW TROPE: an "eat cute," aka bonding over food. I would like one each for:
Leverage: the OT3
SHL/WoH: wenzhou after ZZH gets his tastebuds back
MDZS/CQL: someone cooking for Jiang Yanli
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freddiesaysalright · 6 years ago
Dancing With Ben Week 3
A Ben Hardy x Reader Fic Disney Night - Jazz
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Summary: Reader is one of the pro dancers on Dancing With the Stars. It’s her second season on the show, and this time, her partner is none other than Ben Hardy. Will they win the Mirror Ball? Maybe they’ll win something even more meaningful!
Word Count: 3K
Tag List:  @psychosupernatural, @someone-get-a-medic, @twigleektribute23, @ionlyhavepicturesofflowers, @asquiresofftime, @caborhapch, @iwasnothingbutacityboy, @a-kind-of-magik, @anxious-diabetic, @royalblueviper, @toms-irish-girl If you’d like to be added, let me know!
Week 1  Week 2
Week 3 here we go!!!
Disney night was a favorite of yours. It reminded you of childhood and the night was always joyful. Also, you got to take a break from rehearsal one day and go to DisneyLand. You were really looking forward to spending the day at the park with Ben, even if the cameras were following you around for most of the day. 
“Are you ready to have a fun Disney day?” you asked eagerly as you entered the park.
“I am,” he chuckled, looking at you.
You felt like a little kid again. You donned Minnie Mouse ears and everything for the day. You hardly noticed the way Ben gazed at you, like you were positively the sweetest thing he had ever seen. You took his hand and led him over to Cinderella’s castle, where you would shoot some things for the video package.
You stood with him in front of the castle, and faced him. “So, what was your favorite Disney movie as a kid?”
“I always loved The Jungle Book and 101 Dalmations,” he said. “I was into the animals.”
“No princesses, huh?”
He shook his head. “Nah.”
“You do know you look like a Disney prince, right?”
He laughed, throwing his head back. “I guess so.”
“It’s not a guess, Hardy, I’m right,” you insisted with a smirk. 
“Which prince am I going to be this week, then?” he asked.
“Actually, we’re doing something different,” you told him. “You and I are doing a jazz routine to Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious from Mary Poppins.” 
“I can’t believe you said that without messing up,” he said, impressed. “Do it again.”
“Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,” you said.
“One more time.”
“Oh, you’re good.”
You giggled. “Thank you.”
“So, what do I need to know about jazz?” he asked.
“It is very fun and very Disney,” you said. “One step you’ll have to know is the Charleston.”
“Show me, coach,” he said.
You slowly walked him through the basic Charleston step. The camera guys got a shot of you doing it together for the package. Ben already had it down, blowing you away with how easy most of this came to him. Then, you headed out to enjoy the park.
“Do you like roller coasters?” you asked.
“I love them,” he said. “You?”
“I love them!” you agreed. “Oh, we’re gonna have so much fun today.”
You took his hand again and led him to the first ride. The line wasn’t terribly long since it was the middle of the week, but it was still Disney, so tourists were crowding the park. Ben held your hand throughout the ride. Even through the first drop, when your hands were in the air, they were intertwined. You looked quickly at each other before it went down, your stomach turned, and you screamed together. When you clamored off the ride at the end, your legs wobbled, but Ben held you up.
You continued through the park this way - hand in hand. You were heading to get some food, when a tiny hand tapped your knee. You looked down and saw a weepy little girl, looking desperately up at you. She was wearing a Cinderella dress, but her tiara was askew in her hair.
“Excuse me,” she sobbed. “Can you help me?”
“Yeah, honey, what’s wrong?” you asked, kneeling down to her level. 
“I’m lost,” she said with a sniffle. “I can’t find my mommy.”
“Where did you last see her?” Ben asked. 
“By the castle,” she answered.
You were in Toontown, so it wasn’t terribly far. It was still a long way for a girl her age to go alone. 
“Alright, we can walk you back over there and see if we can find her,” you said.
“O-okay,” she stammered with a nod.
“What’s your name, lovie?” Ben questioned gently.
“Laci,” she said.
“I’m Ben, and this is Y/N,” he told her. “It’s nice to meet you, Laci.”
The corners of her mouth  twitched upward as he smiled at her. 
“Can you hold our hands?” you suggested. 
“Hold on, I’ve got a better idea,” Ben said. “How’d you like to sit way up high on my shoulders, Laci? That way you can see your mum from wherever she is.”
Laci nodded enthusiastically. Together, you hoisted her up until she was settled on his shoulders, legs dangling on either side of his head. He held her ankles. At last, she laughed.
“Lean forward, lovie,” he said. “Don’t want you to slip off.”
“Okay!” she agreed brightly.
“That was a quick turnaround,” you said to Ben under your breath. 
“Kids love to be tall,” he replied simply. 
“Mr. Ben, why do you talk funny?” Laci asked from her seat atop him.
You grabbed his arm and snickered. “Mr. Ben!”
He chuckled. “Well, I’m from another country. England.”
“Oh!” she said. “Like Harry Potter!”
“Yes, like Harry Potter,” he said, smiling. 
“Do you know him?” she wondered.
“Not well,” he answered. “We’ve met, but, as you know, he’s a rather busy person.”
They carried on back and forth and you looked on with admiration. A pang of irritation went through you as you overheard the camera guy and producer exchange a few words.
“Are you getting this?” the producer asked.
“Yeah, they’re gonna love it,” said the camera man.
You made your way back to the castle and Ben instructed Laci to be on the lookout for her mother. You kept your eyes peeled as well for a woman who might be distressed. Laci wiggled on Ben and gave an excited cry. He gripped her legs tighter to keep her upright.
“There she is!” she said. “By the statue!”
You squinted and saw a pretty blonde woman up ahead. She looked frantic and was calling out. You jogged ahead, so you could lead her back to her daughter. 
“Hi!” you called. “Are you Laci’s mom?”
“Yes!” she sighed. “Is she with you?”
“Yeah,” you assured her. “And she’s fine, don’t worry.”
At that moment, Ben caught up. He lifted Laci off his shoulders and lowered her to the ground. She hurtled toward her mother and wrapped herself on her legs.
“Thank you!” her mother cried. “I stopped in a shop to grab one thing, and the next thing I knew she was gone.”
“She came right up and asked us for help,” you said.
“Seriously, thank you so much,” she said. 
A beat passed as she looked at you. “Aren’t you two on Dancing With the Stars?”
You smiled. “Yeah! I’m Y/N, and this is Ben Hardy.”
“I thought I recognized you,” she said. “The whole family are big fans.”
“We hope that means you’re voting for us,” Ben joked.
She laughed. “Of course! Especially now, after what you’ve done. Is there...anything else I can do for you guys to thank you?”
You and Ben exchanged a surprised look.
“No, nothing,” he assured her. “Really, she was no trouble.”
“Then can I just ask for a picture?” she said a little sheepishly.
“Of course!” you agreed.
She picked up Laci and put her on her hip. Ben took her phone and you all leaned in for a selfie. He snapped the photo and returned her phone to her and she thanked you again and again. When you parted ways at last, Laci in her mother’s arms, she waved to you over her shoulder, until she was out of sight.
“What a sweetheart,” you cooed. You turned to Ben. “And you! You really were like a Disney prince!”
He looked at the ground. “No, I wasn’t. I was just being a good person.”
“You literally swept her off her feet,” you said.
“I do the same thing to you every week,” he teased, winking at you.
It made you stop in your tracks. You caught your breath and then kept on walking. Shortly after, the cameras were gone and you and Ben were free to enjoy the rest of the afternoon however you liked. You packed as much as you could into the day, since Ben had actually never been before. You had an absolute blast on all the rides, sometimes holding tightly to him as you went. A few other people recognized you and asked for pictures as well, which you happily agreed to.
Finally, you stopped to eat something. You picked a restaurant in the New Orleans Square and sat down to eat. As you waited for your food, you chatted some more.
“So, are you excited for this week’s dance?” you asked.
“I’m always excited to dance with you,” he replied, and you hoped he missed the color that flooded your cheeks. “But I am excited for this dance. I’m actually a bit relieved to not be a prince character.”
“Why?” you wondered.
“Well, I feel like it’s how everyone sees me,” he explained. “The hot guy or whatever. I want to be known for my performance, not the way I look. It’s why - when I have a choice - I always choose to remain clothed.”
You cocked your head to the side with a questioning look. He laughed at how cute you were.
“For example, when I did Woman in White, there was a scene where I could have had my shirt off,” he said. “I chose to keep it on because I wanted people focused on the scene. Not my body.”
“Are you insecure about it or something?” you asked, incredulous at the idea.
“No, not at all,” he answered. “I’m proud of my body and all that but I don’t like being objectified. Ogled.”
“It makes you feel like the reason you get parts is because you’re eye candy,” you summarized.
“Yes, exactly,” he said. “I want to be recognized for my talent.”
“Ben, you are a very handsome man,” you said, holding out your hand, which he took. “But you are so much more than that. You’re really talented. Not just at acting, but dance now too. Even more than both those things, you’re genuinely one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. It’s probably what I like most about you.”
“I appreciate that,” he said. “Really.”
You enjoyed dinner together and you realized your newfound respect for Ben. He took his art really seriously. He had fun, but he was intent on doing things the right way. You admired him greatly for it.
The next day, you began rehearsals. Ben was enthusiastic as usual as you broke down the basics for him. One fun thing about this routine was that you were doing a lift where he had to flip you over a cane. It was whimsical and interesting. Ben was incredibly careful with you. Luckily, he was strong and only dropped you once. You laughed on the floor when he fussed and wondered if you were okay. 
“I’m fine!” you insisted. “Believe me, this happens all the time. Do you need a break?”
“Yeah, maybe a short one,” he said.
You sat down and grabbed some water, allowing him to shake it off. At that moment, Sasha entered, carrying a gossip magazine. You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Look what I found!” Sasha teased. “You two were really cozying up at Disney, eh?”
He handed you the magazine and you opened it to the page he had dog-eared. You groaned when you saw it. It was you and Ben at the restaurant holding hands. The text speculated you were in a relationship, and also implied how it would break James’s heart that you had “moved on.”
“Looks like you two are the couple of the season,” Sasha said.
“I’m happy to take some of the pressure off Sharna, but this is ridiculous,” you said. It usually was Sharna who was rumored to be dating her male partners on the show. 
“Yeah, Y/N was just being nice to me right then,” said Ben. “We were really just having a moment of genuine friendship.”
“You know how it goes,” Sasha said. “The press has to come up with some scandal if they can. Unless of course it’s true.”
You smacked him on the arm. “Don’t you have some rehearsal you need to be at, Mr. Bottom Two?” 
Sasha feigned offense. “Oh, she’s feisty. Good luck, Ben!” 
He left with a laugh and without the magazine. You kicked it into the corner. 
“Let’s get back to work, shall we?” you said. 
Ben smiled and agreed. 
He picked up the routine well. You worked extra hard to get the parts where you tossed his cane and your umbrella down to perfect timing. By the time dress rehearsal rolled around, you were feeling great. You were getting fitted for your dress. It was the white one, similar to what Julie Andrews wore in the movie, but with a little more sex appeal. Your neckline was a deep vee, and the red bit really cinched in your waist. The skirt only went just past your knees and you couldn’t resist doing a twirl and getting the layers floating around your legs.
You heard Ben gasp in the doorway. You beamed at him. 
“Wow,” he sighed. “You look…”
“Practically perfect in every way?” you finished.
He nodded. You naturally made you way to his arms and settled there. 
“You look pretty good yourself, handsome,” you said, straightening his bow tie. 
“Thank you,” he said. 
“Are you ready to kill it?” you asked. 
“It’s only dress rehearsal,” he laughed.
“No excuses, Hardy,” you said, poking his chest. “Give me everything you got, remember?”
“Yes, coach.”
You made it through dress rehearsal without a hitch. You were sure you and Ben would be getting even higher scores this time around. It was going so smoothly. 
The time came for the performance. You and Ben were going right in the middle of everyone else, which was fine with you. You were certain he’d stand out. Tom started to introduce you.
“Next up, take a look at Ben and Y/N’s experience at Disney, where they faced an unexpected visitor,” he said.
The video package showed you and Ben talking and then they included finding Laci. You rolled your eyes. Ben actually watched the video this time, and he smiled at Laci’s face.
“She really was cute, wasn’t she?” he said.
You nodded. “Well, she and her mom are voting so let’s do them proud.”
You got set up as the video faded to black, the music started, and you began your routine. 
You and Ben leapt around that dance floor like Mary Poppins and Bert were right off the screen. He got every step. He nailed the small lift, and you felt like you really brought some fire to that jazz. When you finished, you embraced, before heading over to the judges, very much out of breath. 
“Once again, I’m shocked,” Carrie Ann began. “Seriously, jazz can be so hard, and Y/N pulled no punches with that choreography.” She added a few notes about footwork.
“I won’t lie to you, Ben,” Len began, but then he broke into a smile. “I really, really liked that dance. You went in there, gave it some welly, and you performed a real jazz number. Well done.”
You and Ben laughed and squeezed each other. 
“I loved that dance,” Bruno agreed. “You were bouncing around, and you really captured the essence of Mary Poppins and Dick Van Dyke in that movie. And honestly, you behaved like a real Disney hero for that little girl in the park. Well done, Ben!”
They all clapped for you as you headed to the skybox to talk to Erin and receive your scores. The other pros and contestants high fived you guys as you came through, finally stopping in front of the camera.
“Great job, you guys!” Erin said. “Honestly, Ben, you and that little girl had my heart just melting. What exactly happened there?”
“Y/N and I were walking and the girl - Laci - literally just walked up and asked us to help her find her mum,” he explained. “She was so sweet, so we helped her out, and luckily, her mum wasn’t too far away.”
“Still so, so cute,” she said. “Let’s see what the judges thought.”
You waited while the scores came in. All three of them scored you a nine. You screamed with joy and leapt into Ben’s arms, wrapping your legs around his waist. The three nines placed you at the top of the leaderboard. You felt like you were in the clouds. Between the dance, the scores, and the thrill of being in the lead, nothing could bring you down. Ben was exactly the same. You couldn’t stop hugging each other. 
“You did it!” you cried. “I’m so proud of you!”
“We did it!” he returned. “Together!”
You got warm all over from the sentiment. 
Finally, it was elimination time. You and Ben joined the other couples on the stage as you waited once again for Erin and Tom to go through couple by couple to tell them who was in danger. You gripped Ben’s hand so tight, you were sure his fingers were bruised. 
“Ben and Y/N,” Erin said. “I’m sorry, you guys are in danger tonight.”
Your mouth fell open and you looked at Ben. He swallowed and pulled you under his arm. He kissed your forehead and you closed your eyes. You held tightly to him, fearing you may not get to hold him again. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered.
“It’s not over yet,” he said, sounding more confident than he looked. 
You waited. There were three couples total in danger. You and Ben, Sasha and his partner, and Lindsay and her partner. 
“The couple that is leaving us tonight is…” Tom began.
You gripped handfuls of Ben’s jacket, sending a silent prayer that you wouldn’t have to let him go yet. You weren’t ready. 
“Sasha and…”
You sighed with relief, but did not let go of Ben. He didn’t release you either. You held each other for a long moment. The others were already moving to say goodbye to Sasha and his partner. You and Ben looked at each other and then joined them, noticeably behind. 
“That concludes Disney night,” Tom said to the camera. “Thanks for joining us and come back next week to see what our stars come up with for country night!”
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gray-autumn-sky · 7 years ago
To the Future and Fox Hats
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Set in my You’ve Got Mail Verse - Roland in the hat above (sort of lol)
For Dany’s birthday. Happy 21st!
Regina’s stomach flutters nervously as she shifts herself on the couch, reaching for her wine and curling her feet beneath herself. This is her third official date with Robin, but they’re hardly in a place where most couples would be upon a third date. For months, they’d traded letters--getting to know each other and falling in love. For awhile, it had all been anonymous--something fun and flirty to fill their time, giving them each a sort of pseudo-companionship, filling the void that a real companion might.
She hadn’t been looking for love, at least, not this sort of love, and it took her by surprise--especially when she learned who he was. At that point, she’d been convinced it could never work between them. In their real, everyday lives, he hated her-- and with good reason. She’d been trying to destroy his career for her own professional gain, and rarely did she allow anyone to see beyond her tough exterior. She knew the way others perceived her--a black widow in the publishing world--and she did nothing to change that. In fact, she embraced it. She liked that the men who dominated her field feared her, she liked that they viewed her as icy and cold, and she wore the bitch badge they’d pinned to her proudly.
That was who she was professionally, that was what she presented to the world, and she had no interested in letting down her guard or allowing anyone to see past her the façade she’d worked so hard to build. So that was the woman Robin Locksley knew--and, therefore, could never love.
But she was wrong--and she’d never been so glad for it.
“You like asparagus, right?” he calls out, looking up at her from the stovetop where he stands. “If not I have green beans as a backup.”
Laughing softly, she nods. “Asparagus sounds amazing.”
“Good, because the green beans are of the canned variety,” he admits, offering a sheepish grin. “My son only eats vegetables from a can. He thinks the fresh kind would kill him, I think.”
She laughs, remembering when Henry was Roland’s age and staunch in his belief that oranges and orange juice completely tasted nothing alike, that cake and cupcakes were completely different, and that bologna sandwiches were disgusting, but hot dogs were his go-to meal of choice.
“Are you sure I can’t help?”
“I… just feel sort of useless,” she admits. “And I like to cook.”
“I know you do,” he tells her, grinning as he looks to her. “But I’m giving you a night off.”
She feels her cheeks warm as she sips her wine, grinning over the rim as her gaze falls away from his. Robin Locksley is nothing if not considerate of her, and she’s not sure she’s ever had anyone like him in her life.
That afternoon, after a business meeting that went on for far too long, she’d returned to her office to find a little white envelope sitting on her chair. She’d immediately recognized his hand writing on the front of it, spelling out her name, and she brightened as she opened it, remembering the letters they’d exchanged and how she’d looked forward to them.
Her finger slipped beneath the seal, pulling out a little note card that explained that Robin found himself free for the evening and wondered if she was available for dinner at short notice. Belle was taking Roland on a date, of sorts, to see 101 Dalmations on the big screen at some fancy theatre uptown. Afterwards, she was taking him for a dinner of his choice--which he knew would be fast food--and since they’d be getting in late, she’d offered to keep him for the night, leaving him completely free for the evening.
By the time she’d finished reading the card, Emma was standing in her doorway, wearing a stupidly sly grin as she asked if she needed someone to take Henry for the night--and when she cautiously said that she might, Emma nodded knowingly, admitting she’d already planned a night of pizza and arcade games that she’d probably enjoy more than Henry would.
She’d gone through the rest of the day with butterflies in her stomach--and Emma and Ruby teasing her about what a third date meant, and how convenient it was that they’d be all alone at his apartment. She’d rolled her eyes at the notion, but when it came time to pack Henry’s overnight bag, she found herself packing one for herself… just in case.
“It’s almost ready,” he tells her, grinning. “And I have to say, for a guy who makes mac-n-cheese four nights a week and chicken nuggets the other three, I’m rather impressed with myself.”
“I’m sure I’d agree… if I knew what you were up to in there.”
He grins. “Well, you know about the asparagus.”
“Right,” she laughs, taking another sip of her wine. “That solves it all.”
“I will tell you, though, that if this doesn’t pan out, I’ve got a frozen lasagna ready to go in the freezer.”
“Again,” she says, uncurling her legs and leaning forward, trying to catch a glimpse into the kitchen. “I am a fantastic cook. I would love to hel--”
“No,” he grins, his eyes falling to her nearly empty glass. “You need more.”
“Oh--” Before she can decline, thinking it might be best to wait until dinner is served before she has another glass, Robin is rounding the counter that divides the rooms, a bottle of apple riesling in hand. “Well, if you insist.”
“I do,” he tells her, topping off her glass. “And if you’re bored--”
“No, no, no. I’m not. That’s not why I--”
He chuckles softly as her voice trails off, his blue eyes sparkling in a way that makes her feel giddy and nervous, and a bunch of other things she’s only just getting used to feeling again. “Well, if you’d like something to do to pass the time while I’m finishing up dinner,” he says, “There are some magazines over there, books, too. I’m sure you can find something.”
She nods, as he disappears into the kitchen again and she grins as she watches a little puff of steam rise up when he lifts the lid to stir whatever it is he’s cooking.
Rising up from the couch, she wanders over to the bookshelf that spans the length of the wall. Being in publishing and bookselling, it’s always something she pays attention to when she visits other people’s homes--and she’s not at all surprised to see a lot of Hemingway, biographies of explorers, like Meriwether Lewis, and tales of legendary Native American chiefs. She scans the spines, noting a particularly well-loved copy of the Nick Adams Stories and equally loved copy of Elizabeth Barrett Browning poems that does surprise her. The lowest two shelves are filled with children’s books, things ranging from Clifford the Big Red Dog to Harry Potter to a few Choose Your Own Adventure-type books.
And then, on a little ottoman beside an overstuffed armchair, there’s a cooking magazine. She can see the dog-eared pages and curiosity gets the best of her--and when the first page falls open to prosciutto wrapped asparagus, her grin turns to a full-on smile.
Somehow, the thought of him pouring through old cooking magazines--all of which are addressed to Belle--picking out dishes that are far out of his kid-friendly comfort zone and dishes he thinks she’d like, makes her heart flutter a bit.
Catching her lip between her teeth, she glances up to see Robin very focused on stirring something--and when she flips to the other dog-eared pages, she decides he’s probably working on the risoto. She giggles a little, remembering something about risoto that she’d written in a letter--something about the effort it takes and how it's the sort of dish you serve to show someone they’re worth your time.
The main course, she realizes will be baked salmon, and the apple-cinnamon smell that consumed her as soon as she entered the apartment likely wasn’t a scented candle as he’d claimed, but a cinnamon apple crumble cake.
She smiles and bites down harder on her lip, setting the magazine down as she watches him stirring with a sort of focused determination that’s nothing short of endearing--and then, as she looks away, a framed picture of a toddler-aged Roland catches her eye.
“Oh my god,” she breathes out, reaching for the picture to get a better look at the curly-haired, dimple-cheeked little boy with big brown eyes, grinning a nearly toothless grin as he sits in a mound of leaves, holding onto one rather large maple leaf. He’s wearing a thick brown quilted jacket that’s open over his jean overalls and a little orange and blue flannel shirt, and on top of his head is a little knit fox hat that just might be the cutest thing she’s ever seen.
It has little ears sticking up and tiny button eyes, and black little nose that seems to take up half of Roland’s forehead. Unruly little curls stick out from underneath the hat, and clipped to the pockets of his coat are matching little gloves that look like fox paws--and the sound that escapes her would be embarrassing in anyone else’s company.
“You found the fox hat picture,” Robin says, not looking up from the risoto.
“How did you know?”
“That’s… usually the response it earns.”
She laughs a little. “He’s just so cute.”
“I know,” Robin says, grinning. “He was obsessed with that hat.”
“Was he?” she asks, her brow arching. “Or were you.”
“I think it was a little of both.”
“I’m sure--”
“He didn’t like his ears to be cold, so he’d try to sleep in it.”
“And I’m sure you let him.”
“Of course,” Robin replies easily, chuckling softly. “I’d come into his room and his head would be pressed against the mattress, those little ears poking up, and his butt in the air--”
“That’s adorable--”
“It was,” he agrees. “It was a sad day when I realized it no longer fit him. I still have it, though.”
“I’m sure you do,” she says, finally placing the frame back on the table next to the chair, but keeping her eyes on Roland’s smiling little face. “That’s a keeper.”
“Mm,” he murmurs, “I… always sort of hoped I’d get to use it again.”
She blinks, her shoulders stiffening a bit as she looks back to him. He’s grinning sweetly and he looks a bit unsure--and when a slow grin edges onto her lips, a smile breaks out across his making her heart skip a beat and her stomach flutter.
“Just a thought… for another time.”
She nods, biting on her lip. “Definitely,” she agrees, distracted by what that might mean and finding herself enjoying the prospects. Now, isn’t the time, of course, but it's easy to get caught up in the maybes with him, easy to picture a future with him, and it's reassuring to know that she’s not alone and they both seem to be headed in the same direction.
But for now, she decides as a timer dings, she just wants to enjoy a quiet dinner and see where the evening takes them.
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likeawildthing · 8 years ago
Saving Kittens Thing
Bleeding heart James Potter does his level best to save seven cats from a terrible fate, but Lily Evans, his heartless monster fiancée, tries to thwart him at every turn.
week one.
Lily Evans to James Potter: no
James Potter: i haven’t asked a question.
Lily Potter: and yet
James Potter: but how did u know???
Lily Potter: your 762 cat pictures uploaded to the cloud james
James Potter: right.
James Potter: it’s just, hes been hanging around the office for the last two weeks…
Lily Evans: you don’t even like cats??
James Potter: but he likes me. 
Lily Evans: ...
James Potter: maybe I never liked them bc they were all assholes?
James Potter: chicken or egg, u know?
Lily Evans: amazing
Lily Evans: see u in a few
Lily Evans: no to cat. yes to takeout for stressing me out
James Potter: ur stressed? im marrying an unsupportive woman in 7 weeks??
Lily Evans: *kiss emoji* eggrolls.
James Potter: yes maam
James Potter to Lily Evans: but look at how CUTE he is
Lily Evans: no
James Potter: he likes milk
Lily Evans: impeachment song voice: no. no. no. no. no. nono. nononono.
James Potter: killjoy! 
Lily Evans: remember the squirrel
James Potter: that was one. time.
Lily Evans: and yet, i have veto power
James Potter: will u always have veto power? like for the next sixty five years?
Lily Evans: sixty four. you’re taking a year off my life.
James Potter: it wasn’t /that bad
Lily Evans: we had to call professionals in??? almost got kicked out??? our lease specifically and unequivocally forbids pets of any kind???
James Potter: technicality, yes, but as mum owns the building, pretty sure i could sway her w/ wedding leverage
Lily Evans: we are NOT having swans, geese, ducks, or other fowl at our wedding. so no leverage for u.
James Potter: killjoy!!!!!
week two.
James Potter to Lily Evans: he is a SHE
Lily Evans: …?
James Potter: THE CAT
Lily Evans: how do u
Lily Evans: nvnmd
James Potter: check ur snaps!!!
Lily Evans to James Potter: when u get home we need to talk abt appropriate things to snapchat.
Lily Evans: random example i’m pulling out of my arse: cats giving birth? 
Lily Evans: not appropriate!!
Lily Evans: also, are u under the bushes in front of your work?
James Potter: except cats!
James Potter: and six of them.
James Potter: seven including boots.
Lily Evans: boots?
James Potter: have u seen HER feet? boots.
James Potter: the Miracle of Life. 
James Potter: im transformed.
James Potter: i think i’m rethinking my position on kids                                    
Lily Evans: oh boy
Lily Evans to James Potter: babe. ur going to get fired for sending too many snapchats on work hours.
James Potter: my dad is the boss?
Lily Evans: he asked me to text sense into u. or to bribe u.
James Potter: rude.
James Potter: ...what kind of bribery
Lily Evans: not that kind
James Potter: just checking
week three.
James Potter to Lily Evans: ohmygodacrowtriedtokillmykittens
Lily Evans: 1. not ur kittens
Lily Evans: 2. crows are highly intelligent. i wouldn’t mess w/ it???
Lily Evans: prefer to marry u in one piece if possible
James Potter: whose side are u on??
Lily Evans: common sense
James Potter: do u know me at all???
Lily Evans to James Potter: was it u or my other fiancé who maxed out my library card limit
James Potter: yes. and mine. research for a work thing.
Lily Evans: How To Care For Feral Kittens. Protecting Your Wild Cat From Predators. Three Failsafe Methods for Domesticating A Feral Cat. Chicken Coop Construction. And like sixty kids books about cats??
Lily Evans: ??????????????????
James Potter: this IS technically a work thing, since its at work. 
Lily Evans: stretch, much? 
Lily Evans: cant believe remus let u check out 150 books.
James Potter: he is a Good, Supportive friend. and i have a LOT of free time this month. dad didnt want to stress me out. research is important, which you know! sixty kids books are to Read to the Kittens. good for development.
Lily Evans: ur dad took u off all projects bc he thought you’d be distracted w/ getting married.
James Potter: well im hyper-focused on this instead.
James Potter: and i can be! because we’re mostly done w/ planning, thanks to my gorgeous, intelligent, super efficient, soon-to-be wife. 
James Potter: and i love you.
Lily Evans: nice, but take a book back so i can rent mine. 
James Potter: im going to suggest you buy it on kindle, b/c its 2017??
Lily Evans: it’s the principle. reading is cathartic and an escape from my Many Stresses.
James Potter: gotta go. sirius just walked in w/ a work thing.
Lily Evans: well
week four.
Lily Evans to James Potter: pete told me ur trying to corral the cats into a paper box???
James Potter: traitor! did PETE ALSO TELL U its now crows, plural, and theyre trying to bait Boots out so they can get the kittens?
Lily Evans: he said that’s your story, yes
James Potter: it happened!
James Potter: and so i have to do this, for their safety and well-being.
James Potter: dad wouldn’t let me build a protective structure, so—
James Potter: im just—
Lily Evans: no.
James Potter: listenimgoingtobringthemallhome
James Potter: JUST until we can get them to a shelter 
Lily Evans: NO. james. u cant be the cat savior of the world??
James Potter: true, but i can be the cat savior of potter, inc.??
James Potter: or at least a foster cat dad.
Lily Evans: James. No. We both work 50 hour weeks and we are about to get married and we are about to go on honeymoon?????
James Potter: LILY. they need me. I need to save them.
Lily Evans: oh, babe. ur mom told me about the ducks.
James Potter: the ducks?
Lily Evans: when you were seven.
Lily Evans: is that what this is all about????
James Potter: sure?
James Potter: i mean…must be? i didn’t put two and two together, you know? but yeah. those ducks are, like, weighing really heavily on my…subconscious.
James Potter: i think if could all be resolved if u just give me like, 3 days
Lily Evans: 1
James Potter: 2
Lily Evans: deal
Lily Evans to James Potter: I saw ur ‘home sweet home’ Instagram btw
James Potter: stalker. come downstairs and see them.
Lily Evans: what took u four hours to get home?
James Potter: stopped by the vet to check them out. all looking great!
James Potter: and flea meds
James Potter: and vaccinations for boots
James Potter: aaaand the pet store to get a few necessities
Lily Evans to James Potter: sirius said he’d disown you if you adopted seven cats
James Potter: liar.
Lily Evans: worth a try
Lily Evans to James Potter: six matching kitten sweaters is NOT a necessity
James Potter: disagree
Lily Evans: three hundred pounds???
James Potter: will be much easier to rehome them w/ the proper supplies
Lily Evans: unbelievable.
James Potter: actually got some great deals, believe it or not.
James Potter: she was SO GOOD today. boots. she did not scratch me once and she put flea meds on her and shes all groomed and pretty.
James Potter: and LILY.
James Potter: come down and see them??? they need to meet their grandmum or theyll think you dont love them
Lily Evans: im allergic to cats?? and im not yet 22?
James Potter: u aren’t really allergic. and ur 104 in cat years.
Lily Evans: wow. im going to give u space tonight. the Sofa is yours.
Lily Evans: don’t get too cozy w/ them, potter.
James Potter: I think we know its too late for that, evans.
Lily Evans: veto. power.
James Potter to Lily Evans: ur really not coming down???
Lily Evans: one of us has to stay reasonable.
Lily Evans to James Potter: james. u cant just send me vids of drunk girls w/ a box of kittens
James Potter: can. did. will continue to.
James Potter: left ur fave wine on the stairs. drink some and come meet them??
James Potter: u could be the next youtube sensation.
Lily Evans: pass
Lily Evans: 39 hrs, btw.
James Potter to Lily Evans: did u order takeout just for u??? and are u home?? u didn’t go to work??
Lily Evans: working from home, yes. can u deliver to our room?
James Potter: why don’t u…come down and get it yourself.
Lily Evans: ill starve
James Potter: im coming
Lily Evans: 22 hrs 
James Potter: about that.
Lily Evans: james fleamont potter
James Potter: lil. im sorry. like i am in that we made a deal and I have to break it.
James Potter: but im not in that im not sending them on the streets. i called ALL the shelters and they were all full! except for the no kill, which i wont do and neither will u, because im not marrying a heartless monster.
James Potter: and so were the cat fosters! apparently its peak cat shagging season or something???
James Potter: anyway i didn’t know and i did try and i AM sorry
Lily Evans: its ok.
James Potter: it is???
Lily Evans: well…I AM A REASONABLE PERSON but i am NOT heartless. we still cant keep them forever though!! i mean it!!!
Lily Evans: we can keep them until they’re ready to be rehomed tho. except they MUST be gone b4 the wedding.
James Potter: can we keep any of them???
Lily Evans: did u reread the lease?
James Potter: yes. they were very thorough, unfortunately. covered every loophole.
Lily Evans: two decades of being ur parents have trained them well
James Potter: come downstairs?????
Lily Evans: i have to stay strong
Lily Evans: ill bribe you to come upstairs tho
James Potter: ...what kind of bribery
Lily Evans: ;)
week five.
James Potter to Lily Evans: soooo....we have a responsible foster mum from the agency coming to look at my babies tonight
Lily Evans: Good. im tired of living upstairs and I Miss u
James Potter to Lily Evans: can u come home to work this afternoon???
Lily Evans: to clean? how messy have you been keeping it downstairs?
James Potter: pls. I’m the clean one of this power couple!!!!
Lily Evans: tru
James Potter: its about work. apparently im setting a bad example for taking 9 days for paternity leave when i’m about to go on honeymoon? and they need me for a presentation.
James Potter: point is. I HAVE to go back whether we (the cats, me) are ready or not.
Lily Evans: there’s a lot i could say to that babe, but i’ll refrain because I Love You.
Lily Evans: wont they be fine w/out you? or me? i’ve made it this far w/out meeting them.
James Potter: no! they need constant supervision. they’re actually quite the handful. who knew!
Lily Evans: omg
James Potter: Tabitha is due for her antibiotics dose at 3
Lily Evans: 1. uve named them. b. they’re on drugs???
James Potter: just Tabs. responsible fostering!!!
James Potter: we should really keep them until they’re old enough to be spayed and neutered, but I wont let them to go an irresponsible pet owner.
Lily Evans: god forbid
Lily Evans: OMYGOD u cannot just send me pictures of a baby kitten next to her antibiotics jar/??
James Potter: can and did
Lily Evans: if i fall in love w/ them, im never forgiving u
James Potter: thx babe. ill make it up to u.
Lily Evans: so many sexual favors, potter
James Potter: *wink emoji* *cat emoji*
Lily Evans: ew. bad combo
James Potter: yea
Lily Evans to James Potter: FUCK
Lily Evans: f.u.c.k.
James Potter: what happened?????
James Potter: ARE THEY OKAY????
James Potter: also, are you ok
Lily Evans: they are fine. Just. Fine.
Lily Evans: I am not tho
James Potter: are u really allergic???
Lily Evans: only to common sense
James Potter: u fell in love, didn’t u
Lily Evans: NO
Lily Evans to James Potter: damn it. damn u. damn them, too.
Lily Evans: except not really
James Potter: it’s okay
Lily Evans: sorry for my derision and cynicism
Lily Evans: this wld only be better if i were drunk
James Potter: i guess you’ll never be internet famous babe
Lily Evans to James Potter: did u name the others???
James Potter: i left brown one. striped one. and w/ the heart on the nose for you
Lily Evans: yes i could tell because you MADE THEM COLLARS
James Potter: the one w/ the heart on the nose though
James Potter: can u really bear to part her from her siblings and mum???
Lily Evans: im not a Monster. of course not!
Lily Evans: but we’ll need a nanny???
Lily Evans: and a bigger flat.
James Potter: mum is thrilled actually. about grand-mumming it. not the flat.
James Potter: bad news: meant to tell u btw, she is ABSOLUTELY kicking us out.
James Potter: good news: may have a few house showings scheduled for us for next week, so
Lily Evans: did u knew this was going to happen to me???
James Potter: *kiss emoji*
Lily Evans: did u really even have a meeting at work???
James Potter: you’ll never know. give the babies a kiss me for me. ill grab takeout & be home soon.
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bangtan-spells · 8 years ago
Jimin Scenario: Cats Are Fickle.
Request: Jimin has been 'sharing' your cat. When he's really stressed or pissed or sad somehow your cat finds him and either curls up on his lap or hops a ride on his shoulders (kinda like a fluffy parrot). Your cat is also evil and an excellent matchmaker. (i really want a first meetings like in 101 dalmations were they get tangled together thanks to the cat) I'm sorry this is a mess
Genre: Fluff.
Jimin knew he shouldn’t have opened his mouth about his grade, the moment he lifted the test page and saw the results he shouldn’t have been surprised at all, but there he went, going to the professor to check it because he believed he had a better score, he was wrong of course, so he ended up with an even worse grade than before since the professor noticed he had not seen another of his mistakes. 
Then there was the dance practice issue, he thought he was going to relax there since dancing was his thing, but Jimin the proper dancer had fallen a total of five times attempting a new footwork that shouldn’t have supposed him any trouble, now he was bruised and sore and the teacher had started to look for some other main dancers, “just in case” he had said, like that made him feel any better.
He arrived home almost at night, completely done already for the day, he wanted to take a break from everything, so he just stayed out of his house sitting on the porch, not ready for his mom to ask how his day had gone and him having to say that it had been a complete disappointment.
Jimin threw his backpack to his feet and suddenly an orange furry thing came to his view with a jump. He was already sitting on the steps but he still got startled by it, he didn’t expect seeing a cat on his porch.
-Hello- he said a bit tired as the cat stood there staring at him, maybe wondering if Jimin was going to do something. -It’s ok, you can be here- the cat kept staring at him until it came closer surprising Jimin, he saw the fluffy thing come near him, its fur was ginger with stripes of a deeper orange.
-Hi- he said again extending a hand slowly so to not scare away the little kitten. He was pleased when the cat approached his hand and let Jimin pet him. He noticed the cat had a blue collar, he was pretty friendly so this must be someone’s cat, but he didn’t know whose. 
Jimin retreated his hand and sighed thinking again of the events of the day, the cat on the other hand jumped to his lap and made itself comfortable there.
-So you want company? I can say I’m good at that, I’m alone now though, but just because I had a horrible day- Jimin said to the cat, running his hand through the ginger fur, he wondered what would people think if they heard him talking to a cat that was not even his to begin with. -I don’t really care, I can talk to you buddy- he disregarded his own thoughts and smiled when the cat purred. 
It was a male Jimin noticed after some minutes when the cat rolled in his lap, he wondered what his name was. Jimin then noticed someone walked past his porch, it was his neighbor, he had seen you a couple of times before but he didn’t really know you. Now when you looked his way you stopped and smiled lightly.
-Romeo! There you are- you said with a happy tone of voice. You started walking his way making Jimin look curiously at you. -Oh I’m sorry, Romeo, what are you doing?-
Romeo? Jimin thought, Why were you calling him Romeo? You hadn’t been formally introduced but why did you think that was his name? Romeo like the story? -Sorry I think you are confused- he said smiling a little.
You frowned lightly. -No, not at all, Romeo please- you pushed looking at him a bit sternly.
Jimin frowned too. -But really, Romeo it’s not my…-
You cocked your head to the side looking at him like he was a child. -Romeo, the cat, my cat-
At that moment Jimin looked down to the ginger cat on his lap that now he realized was staring at you. Romeo, the cat’s name was Romeo, you were calling the cat and not him. God, way to make a fool out of himself. 
-Oh, the cat, of course, How can I be Romeo right?- he said trying to make you laugh and maybe fix his stupid moment but you only smiled a little unsure. -Yeah, so, this is your cat-
You nodded. -Yes, Romeo come here-
But the cat refused to move from Jimin’s lap making you glare at him a little as you came closer. -I’m sorry he came here to bother you, Romeo is a bit mischievous, aren’t you Romeo?-
The cat ignored you yet again but Jimin smiled, getting on his feet to give you the kitten. -He didn’t bother at all, it’s ok-
-He likes to wander around, so if he comes by again just let me know, I live next door-
-I know- Jimin answered and then bit his tongue, now you’d think he was a creep. -I mean, I have seen you so…-
-Alright- you giggled, taking Romeo from Jimin’s hands. -I’m Y/N by the way, so you know, if this one right here comes again to bother you just let me know-
-It’s really ok- he said watching you walk away. -Jimin!, my name is Jimin- he said louder making you turn to him with a smile and a nod.
It wasn’t the last time Jimin saw Romeo, it only took three days before the little kitten came back to him, this time Jimin was in his room when he saw the cat by the window so Jimin opened it for him. That day he was stressed by another exam, this time he was studying to have it the next day, he had to nail this test if he wanted to have hope to pass to the next semester. He had been freaking out for the past three hours so seeing the cat there took his mind away from the hectic papers.
-Hi Romeo- Jimin was feeling a little down because he felt tired, he had lost some sleep trying to study everything and seeing Romeo there, chilling on his windowsill was soothing somehow, it brought a smile to his lips.
He sat at the corner of his window and Romeo went to him, directly to his lap like the last time, but now he pressed his front paws on Jimin’s chest and moved until his head was tucked against Jimin’s neck. Weren’t cats supposed to be a little wary of people? Romeo seemed to be completely different than that, so Jimin laughed softly and caressed his fur gingerly, forgetting about his hell of a test for a little while.
This was the fifth time Romeo sneaked out of your house to the neighbor’s, what was he doing there anyway? You suspected he had taken a liking for visiting Jimin, you thought about your neighbor, you hadn’t talked to him that much, but it had been enough to notice he was a nice guy, it was his vibe you supposed, he looked like the kind of guy that would drop you in front of your house and wait for you to enter before leaving, that kind of guy. Thinking about it you didn’t know why you hadn’t talked, maybe because you hadn’t really had a chance to before, but now with Romeo… your cat sure had noticed Jimin and liked him very much.
You were starting to suspect Romeo’s intentions, maybe Jimin gave him delicious food? or maybe your cat had ulterior motives? Sometimes Romeo was too smart for a cat. You decided to go and look for him, surely he was hanging around Jimin’s house.
When you went outside at first you didn’t see anything, but looking up you spotted Jimin sitting by his window, it didn’t surprise you to see Romeo with Jimin, what surprised you was the fact of Romeo being on top of Jimin’s shoulder. You gasped a little and saw Jimin laughing with your cat, he had a cute laugh, his whole face lit up when he smiled.
-Romeo!- you called your cat who kept his place on Jimin’s shoulder. The blond looked at you still with that smile.
-Y/N, you are here, hello-
-Hi!- you greeted, feeling kind of awkward to have him smile at you like that. -I was looking for Romeo, he really likes you-
-I really like your cat too- he answered petting the kitten behind his ears. -Wait a second- 
After a moment Jimin went out of his house, your cat still very much attached to his right shoulder without even sparing a glance your way.
-Would you look at this traitor?- you mused starting at your cat and making Jimin laugh. -Is he being good?-
-He’s great- Jimin said smiling still. -He always lifts my mood- that made you look at him again, he did look better than the other days.
-That’s good then- you smiled too. Jimin gave your cat back so you had to return to your house but you had to admit that if it was up to you you would stay.
Jimin liked your cat, but he also had noticed how you were also quite nice, so he didn’t mind seeing you and talking to you every time he took Romeo to your house or when you came to pick him up.
Right now he was waiting for you to arrive to your house, he was outside and by the looks of it there was no one home, still Romeo had managed to sneak out to go into his house, Jimin didn’t mind but he figured you’d want your cat back.
He saw when a car left you at the sidewalk in front of your house, you had your hands full of grocery bags so he immediately stood up to help you.
-Come Romeo, let’s take you back and help your mom- he put the cat on his shoulder, the little animal taking a hold of him perfectly. -Hey Y//N!- he said approaching you. -Let me help you-
You were struggling to find your keys so you were glad to receive Jimin’s help. -Thank you, I just need a second to find my keys-
Jimin went closer to grab some of the bags but as you were stretching your hands to each other Romeo jumped down of Jimin’s shoulder and went between your feet.
-Romeo, what are you doing?- you asked and then gasped when your own cat bit your ankle making you jump forward to Jimin’s chest and arms. He held you still preventing you from falling, but Romeo was still roaming around your feet making both of you get tangled with all the bags.
Thanks to Jimin holding you, you didn’t fall, you could barely keep grabbing the bags and Jimin’s arms at the same time.
-Are you alright?- he asked softly as he looked into your eyes, it was the first time you saw Jimin this close, he was cute and handsome at the same time, it was impossible to deny he was attractive and a gentleman. 
-Yes- you muttered feeling shy all of the sudden. 
He smiled. -Ok, let me…- he started untangling the bags carefully so none of them fell and you didn’t lose your balance. -Ready-
You were able to take your keys from your purse to open the door as he held the bags and waited for you. -Should I take them inside?-
-Isn’t that too much?-
-Of course not, I’ll be happy to help you-
You smiled. -Thank you, you are so kind Jimin-
He puffed air smiling a little, like he was ashamed. -Not really…-
-I see why Romeo likes you so much…- you almost covered your mouth with your hand, you weren’t supposed to say that, that was supposed to be just a thought but it seemed your brain to mouth filter wasn’t working today.
Jimin was just staring at you smiling, a bit surprised. -Oh, yeah, I guess-
You went inside and he helped you with the bags until you were in the kitchen where he put them on the counter. -Thank you Jimin-
-Well, I’ll take my leave now- he said taking a step back but he felt something stuck on his leg, when he looked down he saw Romeo curled around his ankles, looking like he wasn’t planning on moving from there. -He doesn’t want me to leave- he chuckled.
You giggled at the sight, your cat really liked him. You were a bit angry at him since he had bit you, but Romeo was way too cute. -I guess you can stay if you want, there’s no problem at all-
Jimin smiled feeling a bit fuzzy that you had said that. -I’d like that- he answered, and Romeo purred in agreement by his feet.
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harryisntstraight · 8 years ago
I'm the original "is Lorde gay" anon from last night and I've just watched her mtv performance- she's most definitely is 100% gay. there is no way straight people could pull that shit and a. have it be any good b. enjoy it. She was so happy!! her lil smile as she jumped around and that outfit?? gay. *it is law gif* now, I just need a real life meet cute akdshdfkh I'm thinking we're both walking dogs and our dogs become friends and we become lovers and live in a tumblr flat in nyc. thoughts?
HELL ye... like honestly that outfit was so bad(tm) but she made it look so cute!! how!! i dont think anyone else could pull off not singing at the vmas but instead doing some kind of interpretive awkward dancing like asdfsdkfh she rly did that!! but yes i love and support that last sentence sounds like the beginning of 101 dalmations and thats one of my fav movies ever so Yes
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