#kind of cursed tho ngl
myokk · 20 days
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quidditch champions seb
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minceraftyuri · 7 months
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Day 6 - Cozy - @mcyt-yuri-week
bit messier of a drawing. but the eepers
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duncanor · 18 days
I kinda wanna draw my fantasy/princess and the frog AU for byler again
Like, it's been years, I'm not really in the fandom anymore but it was a fun idea. I might, I might.. 🤔
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jellyshark-jester · 4 months
Take me to hell I’m ready.
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fairysluna · 1 year
what should've been.
Aegon has always been in love with his loyal childhood companion, so when King Viserys proposed a betrothal between them, he's absolutely blissful with the idea, although his happiness wouldn't last long.
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PAIRING — Aegon II Targaryen x Arryn!Reader.
TAGS/TW — friends to lovers, fluff, angst, death by illness, grief, cursing, teenage!aegon at the beginning, mentions of infertility, 'i hate everyone but you' trope.
AUTHOR'S NOTE — (2nd repost) small context, Aegon was named heir and reader is daughter of Lord Arryn who in this story is Maester of Law in the Small Council. this was a request, and ngl i loved this even tho it broke my heart... pls enjoy!!🤍
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Aegon's head was on her lap. 
The girl was leaning back on the Weirwood tree while Aegon was listening to her reading. The book on her hand was about the Andals, and she looked genuinely interested in the lecture while Aegon couldn’t help but to follow the movement her lips did with every word she pronounced. It was hypnotizing, as if they were begging to be kissed by him.
While one of her hands was holding the old book, the other one was on his hair, stroking the strands of it with such delicacy and care that Aegon would have fallen asleep right there, but he forced his eyes to be open only to stare at her, and the flower that he had left in her hair a few minutes ago.
"... The Vale of Arryn is where is located the purest Andals' blood as it was the first place they reach in their arrival to Westeros, and where their invasion started-" 
"So you are a pureblood then?" Aegon asked, teasingly interrupting her lecture. "I'm a pureblood too."
"Pureblood?" She repeated, closing the book and leaving it on the side. "What are you, a wolf?"
"I'm a dragon, love." He sat up and leaned forward, getting closer to her face. “The blood of Old Valyria runs in my veins, and the blood of the Andals runs in yours, perhaps we should mix them and make beautiful pureblood children." He teased her, moving his eyebrows up and down in a suggestive manner.
Lady Arryn laughed loudly at his antics, pushing him away by putting her hand against his chest. Aegon just smiled at her reaction, being mesmerized by the sound of her laughter. Her cheeks soon started blushing thanks to his shameless comment and he enjoyed the view, loving how she would get flustered whenever he said those kinds of things. 
“I thought you did not wish for children.” She remembered him. 
“Oh, I definitely don’t.” He shook his head, “But perhaps the process of making them would allow us to have some fun.”
The girl slapped the Prince’s arm, and he dropped his mouth, offended by the gesture. 
“Aegon!” She scolded him.
“You just slapped the arm of the heir!” He jokingly said, “I can cut your hands for it.”
"Why would you say such a foolish thing?" She spoke between chuckles. 
"It's not a 'foolish thing', it's a proposal." He clarified, "You will be my wife someday, I’m telling you."
"You're too confident." She claimed, "Due to your queer family customs, you will probably get married to Helaena."
His smile vanished almost immediately. His horror face was such a sight; his eyes widened and his eyebrows frowned exaggeratedly while his upper lip curled up. It was a hilarious scene that had the Lady chuckling quietly.
"Don't speak too loud, the Gods might hear you." He warned. "You are giving them ideas to punish me."
"You should stop giving them reasons to punish you." 
"I don't do that!" He said offended. The girl stared at him with a serious semblance. Aegon smirked, "What? Does loving you so deeply be considered a sin?" 
He leaned forward once again, this time he managed to kiss her cheek. The girl looked down, trying to hide her embarrassed face. No matter how many times Aegon would make those comments towards her, no matter how many times he would kiss her not-so-far from her lips; she just could not stop reacting that way. It is as if her body was trying to publicly show her feelings towards the Prince.
“You are a fool, Aegon.” She whispered, feeling his closeness. “Now, step back before someone sees us.”
“Why?” He looked around, and then looked back at her. “There’s no one here and I’m comfortable.”
“My honor would be doubted if they see you this close to me.” She explained with a subtle smile, “Step back, now.”
“But I love admiring your beauty from this angle.” He muttered, getting closer and closer. 
“Aegon…” She pledged, feeling her heart beating faster.
“If you wouldn’t want it, you would stop me.” 
She could feel his breathing crashing against her lips, she could sense the waves of the sound of his sweet voice; she was weak, she was panting as soon as she realized that just one push would be enough to feel his lips against hers for the first time; just a tiny push, but she didn’t have the guts to do it, she was too scared.
His hand fell on her soft cheek, Aegon felt the warmth of it and smirked. Her eyes were glistening and he knew for sure that his were too. He was so close to her that he was able to smell the scent of her hair, so sweet and delicious. 
“I want to kiss you.” He said, brushing his lips against hers. 
“Do it-”
“Prince Aegon.” Said a male voice behind them, interrupting the moment abruptly. Suddenly all the magic was gone.
The Lady pushed him away once more, this time it took him by surprise making him roll over until he laid on his back against the grass. He cleared his throat and composed himself quickly before looking at Ser Criston, who was curiously staring at the both of them. The poor girl was so flustered that she could not even look the guard in the face; she looked at the book in her hands instead.
“Lady Arryn.” He greeted, “The Queen wants to see you both.”
“Both?” She repeated, scandalized. “Why?”
“I’m afraid I’m only a messenger, my Lady.” Ser Criston replied, while offering his hand to her so she could stand up without problem.
“I was going to do that!” Aegon complained, but Ser Criston ignored him. 
The both teens walked behind the guard with the white cloak in silence. Aegon would purposely brush his hand against hers only to make her smile; she would look at him with accomplice eyes in return for his silly action. 
Once they arrived at the Council Room, Queen Alicent, King Viserys and Lord Arryn were waiting for them. Ser Criston bowed swiftly before going to a corner of the room. The three adults were showing serious semblances that put the teens into distress, unsure of what they would say. 
“My King.” Lady Arryn said, bowing. “My Queen.” She repeated the action, and then she went to her father to whom she greeted with a soft kiss on his cheek.
“Why are we here?” Aegon asked.
“We have some important news we would like to share with you both.” King Viserys explained. “Please, be seated.”
They listened obediently, sitting right next to each other. Lady Arryn’s leg was jumping out of nervousness, thinking that someone might have seen all those times when Aegon tried to kiss her and she didn’t push him back, or that some maid could have started a rumor that put her honor in disgrace. She was tormenting herself with her ideas, getting more anxious by the second. Aegon noticed it, and he placed his hand over hers in order to calm her down a little. It worked.
“We all know how close you have been during your entire childhood and even now.” The King explained, “We also know that House Arryn has been loyal to our House since the days of Aegon the Conqueror, which is something I am truly grateful for.”
“We had a conversation during a Small Council meeting about your future as King.” Alicent spoke to his son, “And we have decided that it is time for you to marry with a good and decent Lady that could provide you with an heir.”
“And we have chosen you, Lady Arryn.” Viserys announced. The girl looked over the table to find her father smiling pleasantly, “Your father has just given us his blessing in this union and we are already getting the preparations for the wedding.”
“You’ll be married in a fortnight.” Said the Queen with a kind smile. “I hope this union makes you both equally happy.”
The girl could’t react at first, it felt like a dream. She has been in love with Aegon since she learned what it truly means to love someone; that thin, platinum haired boy has stolen her heart since they first met, and now she was getting married to him. To her Aegon. 
Aegon was also so thrilled about the news that an incredulous smile formed on his face as soon as he heard the news. He looked at his mother and mouthed a subtle ‘thank you’ which made her smile. He was not used to getting what he wanted. He never did, actually. But this, the fact that he would get to spend the rest of his life with the girl he was deeply in love with, was more than enough for him. 
He started to thank the Gods too for listening to his pledges, for giving him a chance to be happy. His heart was beating fast, and he didn’t know if it was because of the excitement or because he felt the eyes of his beloved on his face. He turned around and saw her softened haze and her sweet smile, it was impossible to ignore it.
“I told you.” Aegon said, “You will be my wife.”
Their wedding was beautiful. Lady Arryn wore a beautiful white gown with golden embroidery with the shape of pansies; her favorite flowers. Aegon's eyes were lost with her beauty that day, he could not believe his luck. Seeing her walking down the aisle with her father on her right arm and enormous bright smile on her face was enough for him to realize that he had everything he had ever dreamt of.
They were still too young to understand what marriage and forever truly mean, but they were excited to learn about those things together. 
Aegon could not be separated from his wife during the whole night; he could not stop kissing her in front of everyone, for she was finally his. His sneaky hands were touching her body everytime they would go and dance in the middle of the whole; Alicent would send warning stares at her oldest son,but he would just ignore them, he was way too happy to even care about what she might say about his attitude. Besides, she was already his wife. 
He forbade the bedding ceremony, claiming that the only man who deserves to see Lady Arryn naked is him. When the night arrived, she was too shy and nervous while Aegon was almost jumping with excitement. It was her first time, but not Aegon’s, and yet he felt as if he had never felt pleasure before, for there was no sensation in the world that could’ve been compared with what he felt once he saw her naked for the first time. 
He was soft and caring, touching her with such delicacy that even he surprised himself with it. She was so soft, so beautiful and mesmerizing. Aegon saw himself as the luckiest man in the entire world because he would get to spend the rest of his life contemplating the beautiful woman he has as his wife. 
Four years passed after their wedding night, and both were living through  their twentieth name-day. Their love was still present, as strong as it ever was. Aegon was still smiling as a teenage boy everytime she would enter the room, and she would still blush when he whispered unholy comments in her ear. They were living in a paradise made only for them.
However, they hadn’t been able to conceive an heir yet. 
At first, both of them were not enchanted with the idea of having a child, there was no rush either. King Viserys was still healthy, there was no war, no threats that might put their lives in danger, so they just decided to wait. Lady Arryn would drink her moontea in the mornings after spending the night together and wait until her time of the month would arrive. 
Then, she started to show herself a bit more open about it, after she met her nephews and nieces on a trip to the Eyrie. Aegon and her were married for two and a half years when she started to have desires for motherhood, but she knew that even though she felt ready, Aegon did not feel the same. The pressure of inheriting the crown was too much already, too many responsibilities that would not let him live as freely as he wants; having a child would add another duty in his long list.
“Don’t hate me for it.” Aegon begged after explaining himself to her. “All I’m asking for is a few more years. We’ve been doing fine on our own, we can keep doing it for a couple years more.”
Lady Arryn looked at him with her haze softened, caressing his cheeks with her thumb in sweet movements that would relax his body. His eyes were looking down at her with worry, scared that she might get angry at him for not giving her what she wanted; but she only nodded, accepting his deal with a subtle smile. 
“How could I ever hate you, my love?” She spoke softly. “I will wait, there’s no reason to hurry.” She shrugged, downplaying the matter. “Besides, we are both still young.”
“Are you sure you’re not mad at me?” He asked, insecureness was heard in his voice.
She cupped his chubby cheeks and brought him closer to her so she could kiss his lips in a tender way. Her lips were moving softly and slowly against his, while his hands positioned themselves on the curve of her hips.
“There is no reason to be mad, my love.” She clarified after she leaned back. “This family will also be yours. We both must be ready to start it, not just me.”
And that is what they did.
They were avoiding the constant questions of the Lords and Ladies that would grow curious by the absence of a child after three years of marriage. Aegon would not listen to those comments, but he would realize her reactions towards them; she would put on the fakest smile he had ever seen, and just shrug with a saddened look on her eyes. Even though Aegon did not worry about it, he eventually did. 
In one of their trips to the Eyrie, Aegon saw his lady wife playing with her nephews while her nieces braided her hair. Her smile was so genuine and big that made him whole. He noticed how happy she was whenever she was around those children, and then he realized that his wife has always been so attentive, kind and loving towards him, she never pushed him to do something he did not want to do, not even when she wanted it so bad. 
That is when he decided that it was time. He wanted to make her happy, to make himself worthy of her love, so he told her that he was ready. He wanted to give her a child.
However, the Gods did not seem to be so pleased with the idea, because after months of trying —and they definitely were trying—, she would not get pregnant. 
Lady Arryn was starting to lose hope, feeling guilty about the situation. She married the King’s heir in order to give him an heir, and she was miserably failing in her duty as wife. Aegon consoled her one night when he found her crying beside the bed. Her eyes were closed, she was kneeling and her hands were intertwined; she was praying to the Mother. 
“My love…” Aegon spoke up once he got into the room.
The girl looked up, her teary eyes were enough to break his heart. Her cheeks were glistening with the tears that had previously fallen down her face. Once she saw her beloved husband, she started crying loudly; he immediately kneeled beside her and hugged her tightly, comforting her in her pain.
“I’m so sorry, Aegon.” She whined in his ear. “I’ve tried, I swear it. I’ve been praying to the Mother but she refuses to listen.”
“Sh, sh.” He said while brushing her hair with his fingers. Hearing her voice so broken made him tear up too. He couldn’t handle seeing her in that way. “No need to apologize, my love. This is not your fault.”
“My womb is useless.” She said. “I haven’t been able to give you an heir. It is my duty and I couldn’t fulfill it.”
“Nonsense.” He whispered softly, cleaning the tears on her face and looking at her with a loving haze. “The Maester says we just need to keep trying.”
“He’s been saying it for months, Aegon.” Lady Arryn whined. “Nothing happens yet.”
“We just need to be patient.” Aegon tried to cheer her up. “Besides, it’s not like we are not enjoying the process, is it?”
She tried to smile, but she just couldn’t. The sorrow on her heart was too big, the thought of letting Aegon down was tortuous, heart breaking even. He had been such a loving and good husband, he deserved to be a good father too.
“I’ve failed you.” She whispered. “I’m so sorry, my love.”
“Don’t you ever say that again, y/n.” He warned. “You have never failed me. Never. Not even when I was a foolish boy.” He cupped her face and left a soft kiss on her lips. “You’ve made me the luckiest man alive, and I love you.” 
“I love you too.” She managed to say between sobs and sighs. 
“You were praying now, right?” She nodded. “This is what we are going to do; we, together, are going to pray to the Mother, we are going to pledge a little of her compassion, and we are going to try again.” He held her hands, left soft kisses in them before positioning in a prayer position. “Go on, love.”
Her shaky voice was heard around the room while she started to sing the Mother’s hymn. Aegon closed his eyes and started to pledge. He was not a full believer, he would just pretend to be praying when his mother blesses the table before eating; but now he meant it. He put his whole heart out, offering the Gods thousands of things in exchange for a child for his beloved wife. 
Six full moons later, there was still no positive outcome, and even though the Maester had given her hundreds of teas and infusions to make her more fertile, the results were the same. So Aegon decided to send her to the Vale in order to spend time with the small children of her brothers, thinking that the trip would cheer her up a bit, after so many months of not having good news. Aegon had to stay on King’s Landing in order to attend the Council Meetings, his father was starting to get older. 
Lady Arryn was away for at least a month when she decided to come back in the arms of his beloved, who would escape in Sunfyre’s back to see her at least once a week. He just couldn’t stay away from her for so long. 
When she arrived back in the Capital, Aegon ran into the main entrance with a big smile that soon faded away once he set his eyes on her. He had flown to see her a week ago, and she looked completely different from who he was looking at now. She could barely get out of the carriage by herself, and she fainted when she put her feet on the ground.
Aegon yelled in despair, asking for a Maester while he carried his wife all the way towards the room they shared. He was scared. Her face was paler, there were purple circles around her eyes and her skin was burning. He didn’t know what was going on with her, a few days ago she was just fine.
The Maester was quick enough to wake her up, but the fever was already putting signs of illness on her tired face. Aegon asked the old man a million times about the health of his wife, concerned, desperate and scared. Of course he didn’t have the answers to it yet.
“Is it a babe?” Aegon asked hurryingly. “Is she- is she finally pregnant?”
“My Prince, these are not symptoms of a healthy pregnancy.” The Maester informed, “I’m afraid I should send some letters to the Citadel in order to find out.”
“Well, then fucking do that!” He screamed in his face. “Why are you still waiting?!”
“Aegon…” A soft voice was heard, the man turned around to see his wife waking up and trying to stand up. “Aegon, my love.”
“It’s okay, I’m here.” He rushed to her side and soon grabbed her shaky hand. “What happened? Tell me, what do you feel?”
A maid walked towards her with a wet cloth and a bowl filled with cold water. Aegon grabbed those things and started to clean her face, trying to make the fever go away. 
“We stopped to eat in a canteen on the way here.” She informed him, “The food was delicious.”
“Was it?” Aegon asked with a small smile on his lips, she nodded. “How are you feeling?” He asked. 
“A bit tired.” She said, “And thirsty.”
Aegon hurried to the nightstand and grabbed a cup to fill it with fresh and cold water. He helped her drink it, lifting her chin with two of his fingers and pouring the water inside her mouth. 
“I guess we won’t be able to try for a baby tonight.” She lamented, jokingly. That made him chuckle. 
“We can do that tomorrow night, there’s no hurry.” He leaned to kiss her forehead, feeling how sweaty and hot was her skin. “You must rest now.”
“Will you stay by my side?” She asked, closing her eyes once again. 
“I will always, my love.” 
He did as promised and never left her side. He was there, on a chair by her bed the entire day and the night that followed it. The maids would try to convince him to go and eat something, they promised him that she was in good hands, but he refused. He would not leave her, not like this. 
Her father went to see her, Lord Arryn stroked her hair for a while before saying goodbye as he must travel to Essos in the name of the crown. He thought it wasn’t something serious, he thought that she would be fine within days, but Aegon knew that wasn’t the case. He knew from the beginning that something was wrong.
Alicent went to see her daughter in law, and she brought food for her son. He received it, thanked her for it, but he did not eat it. He was not hungry, he was not tired; he was worried. He had never seen anyone in that state, and something inside of him was telling him it was not normal.
The next day she woke up first. Her head was aching and her body was covered in chills making her shiver with the cold wind. Aegon’s hand was wrapped around hers, and she squeezed it three times to wake him up too. The silver haired man opened his eyes tiredly and soon a groan came out of his throat for the backache that was produced by the uncomfortable and hard chair. He stopped complaining as soon as he saw his wife’s eyes staring at him.
He yawned before giving her a sweet smile, kissing her hand and then her forehead. Her skin was still burning.  
“Good morrow, my sun.” He greeted her, “Did you sleep well?”
“I did.” Her voice sounded weak, but Aegon tried to ignore that. “Did you?”
“I didn’t.” He answered annoyed, “This is a fucking castle, how can it not have comfortable chairs around?”
She laugh weakly.
“You still have a fever, don’t you?” Aegon asked. 
“I do, and I’m cold.” She complained. 
“I know, my love.” He replied, “But the Maester says it’s not good to put so many blankets on you, your fever can go worse.”
“And what about my husband’s arms?” She asked teasingly. Aegon just smiled, “Did the Maester forbid that too?”
Aegon took his shirt out of his body and made his way on top of the thin white bed sheet that was covering the shivering body of his beloved. She quickly cuddled under his arms, and hid her face on his chest, feeling the familiar warmth. Aegon did not care about how sweaty her body was, he just cared about making her feel comfortable and safe. She fell asleep once again; the fever was consuming her body.
The Maester walked in a few minutes before and almost choked when he saw the scene. A scandalized grin took over his wrinkled face and looked at them with horror. 
“Oh, no, my Prince!” He said, pulling Aegon’s arm and forcing him to get out of the bed. 
“What the fuck you think you’re doing?” He raised his voice, Lady Arryn woke up.
“My Prince, you should not be this close to you wife, she-”
“She’s my fucking wife, what did you expect?” He angrily protested. 
“My Prince, whatever illness the Princess has, we are not sure whether it is contagious or not. We cannot put your health at risk.”
Aegon was about to yell again, his face was red with anger because the Maester had woken up his wife. His hands were turned into fists, ready to punch him in the face, but the sweet voice of his beloved spoke first.
“I’m sorry, Maester Orwyle.” She said lightly, “It was my suggestion, not the Prince’s.” 
The Maester walked towards her and she tried to sit up but her arms were too frail to hold her weight, so she fell back onto the mattress. Aegon frowned, but she gave him a smile of reassurance. 
“You still have a fever, Princess.” The Maester pointed out. “How is your body behaving? Have you got any chill sensation? Cold, shivers, or a headache perhaps?”
“All of them.” She answered with one breath. 
The man took a weird looking tool and put it against her chest. He put his ear on it and asked everyone to be quiet. His eyes soon narrowed with worry, but he tried to downplay the situation by hiding his face from the Prince’s intense haze. His attempt failed.
“What?” Aegon asked harshly, “What happened, why would you make that face?” 
“My Prince-”
“What is going on?” He insisted, “Fucking answer me!”
“The heartbeats sound a bit weak.” He explained, “Too slow and too soft for someone for her age.”
“Well, then fucking do something about it!” 
“I’m going to prepare an infusion of herbs for the Princess, that might do well.” He said before leaving the room. 
The two of them stayed alone in the room once again, Lady Arryn looked at her husband and stretched her arm so he could grab her hand. He did, and he kissed it, sitting on the uncomfortable chair beside the bed.
“Don’t be so mean to him, my love.” She said, “He is trying to help.”
“He’s the Grand Maester, if he cannot do his job then we must find another one that can.” She stared at him with a scolding gesture, Aegon sighed, rolling his eyes. “I want the best for you, if I have to travel all over the world to find something to make you feel better, then I will.”
“I’m going to be fine.” She assured him, “In a week I’ll be out of this bed and we can start trying for a child again.”
“Don’t stress your mind thinking about it.” He told her, shaking his head. “We’ve talked about this before; there’s no hurry.”
“No ‘but’, my sun.” He interrupted her, “We need to focus on your health first.”
And she nodded, giving an end to the conversation. 
Aegon wished to say his wife was getting better, but it was not the case at all. Everyday it seemed as if someone was sucking the life out of her body. She lost a lot of weight, Aegon was able to see her ribs marked on her chest; she barely ate anything, she did not have an appetite to satisfy. Everyday she would speak less too, and her voice would get breathy as if she was getting exhausted by just saying some words. Aegon then stopped making her answer, she would just nod, refuse or smile at him. It was better that way.
She didn’t have the strength to sit up either, so Aegon had to give her water with the help of a dropper. She would complain every time she swallowed, which alarmed him even more. 
When Aegon thought he was going through the worst, a terrible thing happened. He was ranting about the Maester and how he hasn’t found a solution to her illness even though it has been days since she was in that state. He was furious, spitting words of rage and nuisance while his wife just looked at him with tired glossy eyes. 
And then she started to cough.
At first, he did not pay too much attention to it, thinking that it was just that; a simple cough. But then, the white bed sheets were stained with small drops of blood. Aegon jumped out of the chair and helped her sit up while desperately calling for Maester Orwyle. She did not stop coughing, it was like she was choking on her own blood. 
Aegon’s eyes widened in terror, and an exasperating sensation took over his body when he saw that no one was coming to help her. Where the fuck was everyone? He thought, while he was on the verge of tears. He almost ripped his throat apart while screaming and demanding the presence of the Maester, who minutes later walked inside the room and quickly approached the Princess who had just stopped coughing. 
She had her eyes closed, and it seemed as if she was in pain with every breath she took. 
The Maester gave her milk of the puppy just so she could stop complaining about the tortuous pain her weakened body was suffering, and once he was ready to leave Aegon grabbed his arm with a firm grip, his eyes were teary and filled with rage. 
“What is going on with her?” He demanded an answer, his voice shaking. “Answer me!”
“We don’t know what is going on with her, my Prince.” He stuttered, “We have never seen a case like this before. The Citadel-”
“I don’t give a fuck about the Citadel.” Aegon spat, “You need to tell me what is wrong with her, why is she not getting better? It’s been days!”
“I’ve tried every method I know.” He confessed, “It seemed as if her body is rejecting everything. I’m not sure if she will make it.”
“What the fuck are you saying?” 
“My Prince, your lady wife state is alarming…” He spoke with care, as if she was walking between dragons. “She could not survive-”
Aegon grabbed him by his collar, making him gasp out of the impression. His nostrils expanded and he was breathing fast and hard, he was fuming.
“If my wife dies, you will die too.” He threatened him, “You must save her, I don’t care what you have to do, but you will save her.” 
The old man left quickly, and again it was just him and his dying wife. Aegon felt tears running down his face. He hated seeing her like this, so weak and sick. He would see her eyes for glimpses of time, he would take the opportunity to see them whenever she would open them, and it was enough for him to notice how they were not as shiny as they usually were; they were drained, with so little life. 
Alicent arrived in her room a few hours later, she saw his son grabbing her hand and the dried tears in his eyes. She walked closer to him and caressed his back in a motherly touch that made him shiver.
“What did the Maester say?” She asked worried.
“He doesn’t know what is going on.” Aegon replied with a shaky voice, proof that he had been crying. “He is an incompetent. How the fuck is he even a Maester if he doesn’t know how to heal people?”
“He’s trying his best.” Alicent consoled him, “He had sent multiple letters to the Citadel already, the answers might take too long to arrive.”
“But I need it now.” He muttered. “She is sick now, look at her!” He scalped, making Alicent flinch. “She is burning! The fever is killing her!”
“It is not, my child.” She said, in a failed attempt to calm him down. “Y/n will be fine… you just have to pray for her health and wellbeing. You won’t even notice and she’ll be healthy again.”
Then, Aegon broke. He stood up from his chair beside the bed and went to hug his mother, hiding his head on the crook of her neck and leaving traces of tears all over her green dress. Alicent hugged him back, stroking his hair and whispering words of consolation. 
“I’m scared.” He confessed, whispering. “I can’t lose her, mother. I cannot live without her.”
“You will not lose her.” She said, “She will be fine.”
“She’s not getting better.” He pulled away and looked at his mother. “The Maester even told me, she is too weak already.”
“I’ve seen people living through worse and surviving.”
“You didn’t see what I saw.” He shook his head, “She was coughing blood, mother. Blood!” His lower lip trembled, making his voice sound unsteady. “She’s dying.”
Alicent held his hands, “We should pray together, wouldn’t you like that? Y/n is devoted to the Seven, perhaps this is what she would want.” 
Aegon nodded and his mother gave a sweet kiss on his forehead before going at the end of the bed and grabbing their hands. He gave a glance to his wife, she was sleeping soundly, covered with the bedsheets and her hair was spreaded on her pillow. Aegon whined once he saw her poor state, and soon he forced himself to close his eyes and pray with his mother. 
He begged them. He asked them to return her health in exchange for everything he had. He offered his title; he never wanted it in the first place, he offered his dragon; he could live without him but not without his wife, he even offered his own life because he knew hers was more worthy than his. She did not deserve to die so young, she was always so full of life, always smiling and laughing, so kind and thoughtful. If someone deserved to die it was him, not her; so he begged the gods to take him instead. 
When the next morning came, he woke up in the same chair as always, covered in the same blanket and holding the same hand, but something was different. He could feel it. 
He squeezed her hand three times as usual to wake her up, but she did not squeeze it back. Aegon frowned and tried again; the outcome was the same. He tried not to panic or have an early reaction, so she stood up and quickly sat on the bed, right beside her.
“My love?” He said softly, “My love, is time to wake up.” Aegon softly shook her body, yet there was no answer. “Please, my love, let me see those beautiful eyes. Wake up.”
Nothing. Not even a sigh. 
Aegon grew desperate by the second and the tears soon started to gather in his eyes, knowing the meaning of this. He never gave up, he was still calling her and moving her body begging for her to react. 
“Y/n, please, wake up.” He pledged once again, sobbing, “I need you to wake up, I need you, please! Please!”
His hand went to her hair to caress it, and he felt the coldness of her forehead. All these past days, her skin was burning, but now it was as cold as ice. Aegon widened his eyes and his hands cupped her face.
“No, no, no.” He muttered, sniffing and whimpering. “Please, don’t. Don’t leave, my love. Please wake up.” His tears fell on her pale face, and he sob loudly. “Y/n, my love, please!” He started to yell, “Don’t do this to me! Wake up!”
His shouting started to concern the guard outside the room, he entered and saw Aegon crying on top of his dead wife’s body, holding her head and stroking her hair while he was uncontrollably sobbing. The guard saw what was happening and he was quick to call the Queen and the Maester, who appeared in the room within minutes. 
Alicent gasped once he saw the heartbreaking scene, and soon she started to cry too. Aegon was now holding her body while his face was buried on her chest. He never stopped crying and begging her to wake up. Soft ‘please’ were heard, he was whimpering pledged to her and the Gods, but neither seemed to listen.
“My Prince-”
“Don’t touch her!” He shouted at the Maester once he tried to put his hands on her. “Don’t you fucking dare!”
“Aegon,” Alicent walked towards him, rubbing his back and trying to not sound as if she was crying. “The Maester needs to do his job, please-”
“He killed her!” He accused him, “I will put your fucking useless head on a spike, you idiot cunt!”
“Aegon, that’s enough.” Alicent warned him, “You must let her go, please, my child.”
A group of Silent Sisters entered the room and Aegon’s whole body froze. The ladies started to walk towards the bed while Alicent was pulling him away from it. He started squirming under his mother’s arms, not wanting to be separated from his beloved.
Soon, two guards entered the room and grabbed his arms, forcing him to leave his wife.
“No! No!” He started to move harshly, trying to be set free. “Please, don’t take her! Please! Mother, please!”
“I’m so sorry, my child.” His mother answered.
Aegon saw how her face was covered with the white sheet, and how the Silent Sisters grabbed her body and took her out of the room, he was still fighting against the strong grips that were holding him back. 
“Let me go! Please!” He begged again.
Once the Silent Sister left and the bed was empty, the guards let him go. He felt onto his knees, seeing the shape of his wife still marked on the mattress they used to share and the tears came back. His mother stood by his side, and he hugged her hips gripping the gown of her dress and moaning out of pain. 
He lost her, the love of his life was gone and there was no one to blame. The Stranger looked back at him with a mocking face and took his wife, leaving him completely alone. 
Hours later he found himself staring at her body being wrapped in bandages in order to realize the funeral. He had one bottle filled with wine in his hand, and a piece of bread in the other. He was stumbling because he was already drunk. The Silent Sisters were working, and Aegon was lost in his own grief, looking at the corpse of his wife. 
He did not care if she was not a Targaryen, her funeral will be under the Old Valyrian traditions. 
“Aegon, you should not be here.” 
Aegon did not answer, he did not even bother to look at his mother who just arrived on his side. 
“It’s bad luck to see the face of the dead, we cannot be here.” She warned.
He scoffed, taking a large sip from his bottle and then taking a bite from the piece of bread in his hand. He shrugged as if he did not care. And in some way, he didn’t.
“I don’t give a shit.” He muttered, “They have already taken everything from me. They may as well take me if they are merciful enough.”
“Don’t say those things.” Alicent said. She turned around to not look at the corpse anymore, facing his child whose eyes seemed to be stuck on her wife’s body. “Y/n would not like you to die.”
“And what do you know?” He asked mockingly, “You knew nothing about her. None of you did!”
“Aegon, please be quiet. The Gods-”
“Fuck the Gods.”
“Aegon!” She scolded him.
“No, no. Fuck them.” He spat furiously, his eyes were a mixture of sadness and anger. “I begged them, mother. Me and y/n begged them for their mercy.” He started crying again, “When we wanted a child, we begged every fucking night to the Mother, to have a little of compassion towards us and give us the child that we deserved- that she deserved!” He sniffed, looking now at his mother. “Then I begged all of them for her life. And none of them heard me, none of them did!”
“My child…” She tried to hug him, but he took a step back. 
“They made me believe that I was safe.” He muttered, “They made me meet her, love her and marry her. They gave me this  happiness just so they can steal it away!” 
He laughed, a bitter laugh that made Alicent sink in her place. Aegon took the last sip from his cup and threw the bottle away, not caring about the uproarious sound it would make once it fell onto the ground. Then, he turned to his mother once again.
“I couldn’t-” He sighed, trying not to cry. “I couldn’t even give her a child.” He scoffed, “It was all she ever wanted and I couldn’t give it to her.”
“It wasn’t your fault, Aegon.” She tried to console him once again. 
“I have nothing left from her.” He said bitterly, “Not even a child that would help me to remember her face. Nothing at all.”
He threw the piece of bread in his hand on the floor, and he left for the gardens; the place where they were always gathered during their youth. 
Aegon saw everything with nostalgic eyes filled with tears. His head was aching, his throat too. He had a watery nose thanks to the tears and his heart was feeling shattered. He looked around, finding the tree where they always used to read, the benches where Aegon used to sit down while Lady Arryn would braid his hair. Although the flowers were his breaking point. 
He walked close to the small mauve pansies that she always loved. He would always steal one and put her on her hair every time they came to the gardens. She would blush and laugh nervously for the gesture, but he always ended up receiving a small kiss on his cheek for it. That’s why he always did it.
He took one and looked at it with attention, remembering the same petals on her white wedding gown during the happiest day in his life. 
He couldn’t help but cry at the memory.
The day of the funeral Aegon did not speak with anyone. Lord Arryn and his other sons —y/n’s brothers— arrived within a week, and then everything was ready for the ceremony. 
Sunfyre was in the hills, waiting for the signal of his rider to set fire on the wrapped body. They were all expecting for Aegon to give a speech, to say something about the wife he claimed to love so deeply, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. He was too broke, too lost in his grief.
He had a small mauve pansy in his hand, Aemond had told him that it represented the lost love which gave a whole different meaning to it. Aegon heard the speech of his father in law, who was devastated for not taking her illness seriously and leaving her without his company on her last days. Aegon could hear the guilt in his voice, and he would be grateful that at least he was with her during her last breath. 
When the time arrived, everyone went silent. Aegon had to pronounce the word, but instead he walked toward the body and stood beside them, letting himself cry in agony for his suffering. Minutes passed and he found himself staring at it for too long. 
He took the flower and left it where her ear was supposed to be. This time, however, he did not feel her soft lips against his cheek.
“I will always love you, my sun.” He whispered before walking back to where the rest of the people were. 
Aegon stood beside his mother, who rubbed his back in the instant he was close. He took a deep breath and saw the body one last time. He tried to imagine a life without her, without her smile and laughter, without her rosy cheeks and nervous muttering. He couldn’t. A life without her seemed almost impossible.
He imagined a future with her instead, and a thousand pictures would come to his mind. Her raising a child that would be as beautiful as her, her dancing with him on their children's name day, her having long conversations at night with him. He thought so easily about those things because that was what should’ve been; a long life by her side.
But now he was standing in front of everybody, crying and sighing with an agonizing pain on his chest. His voice refused to come out in the first two tries, but on the third, he cleared his throat and accepted his miserable future, without the woman he so deeply loved.
He took a deep breath, and finally said,
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dashitsxx · 6 months
i'll wait for your love | gojo satoru x fem!reader | (I)
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summary. If only you had given attention to the emotions your boyfriend felt in your relationship, it would have never reached to this point.
genre. angst. sfw.
word count. 1.4k
warnings. modern au. messy plot. in an established relationship. toxic relationship. toxic!gojo. mean!gojo. toxic!reader. prob workaholic!reader. inconsiderate behaviour. mentions of actions of neglect/abandonment (reader). invalidation of feelings (reader & gojo). fighting. mentions of past arguments. cursing. yelling/shouting. a bit of egoistic behaviour (reader). miscommunication. abrupt toxic break-up. party. light drinking.
disclaimer. Please note that this work is entirely fictional. It is not intended to condone, glorify, or encourage any form of violence, illegal activity, or harmful behaviour. All characters (credits to the manga artists), scenarios, and events are products of the author's imagination and/or used in a fictional manner. Any resemblance to actual persons or real events is purely coincidental. The purpose of this work is to entertain and provoke thought, not to promote harmful behaviour.
notes. ngl, i love ariana's eternal sunshine :(( it's her best album, i fear! her songs are so pretty especially this one--but i might have probably used the painful interpretation in this song, but i kind of didn't like the plot i thought tho... but anw, have fun!! also, there might be a possibility of continuation of this one-shot. not sure about it yet :))
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"You know what? Fuck you," Satoru cursed at you aggressively as he stormed out of the living room. Your jaw dropped, taken back by what your partner said. Did he just curse you? He did. He just told you to go off. You feel your blood boiling, you cocked your jaw as you pursued his steps to the bedroom.
You push the door open forcefully as Gojo sits on the bed with his head in his hands.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" You questioned him firmly with crossed arms. However, he didn't give any response to you while you waited. Annoyance soared through your body as you spoke in the same emotion you were currently feeling, "Do you have a problem with me? Talk to me, Gojo. You are really pissing me off!"
A huge snort left Gojo's lips as he lifted his head, tilting it in the process. " 'What's wrong with me?' That's what you are asking? God, Y/N," he vexes at you. This time, your expression transforms into confusion, which makes your boyfriend feel exasperated. "You really don't know?"
He turns his head away from you while your expression remains unchanged. "It's always like this, isn't it? You don't even know…" A sudden pang shoots through your chest as you hear a trembling tone in his voice. What does he mean? You wonder. What have you done wrong? You walk closer to him but keep a certain distance. "Please, Satoru, talk to me."
Another snort leaves his lips and looks up at you, behind his bright ocean eyes were burning in rage red flames. He was angr—no, furious.
"You are so unbelievable. I can't even imagine why I am still dating you."
Your current emotional state was abruptly replaced by a look of shock, causing your mouth to hang open and your eyes to widen. The corner of your lips twitched as you exclaimed, "Why are you getting so angry at me for no reason? What's wrong with you?" Your voice rose in volume as you spoke.
"For no reason?!" Gojo stood up abruptly, deathly glaring into your eyes. "I am fucking infuriated because of you!"
"Then, what the hell did I do? I have never done anything wrong!"
"Yes, you did!"
"What is it?!"
"You abandoned me!"
Pain flashed through your eyes as the tension brewed more bitter in the atmosphere. Stinging silence surged between the both of you, but a heave of breaths sounded in the room. What did he mean?
"I—w-what?" You stutter, yet your boyfriend sarcastically chuckles. "Remember the time when I booked us for dinner? I waited for 2 hours, but you never came. Why? Work. Oh, how about the other time when I asked you to pick me up? Another 2 hours wasted, again. Why again? Work again! What a world record!" His hands turn into fists as veins pop off underneath his skin.
"Also, the time when I fucking needed you the most because I was going through something—where were you? Over at the club, having fun with you coworkers and just getting fucking wasted, just for me to bring you back home." There was a bitter taste present in his voice.
You shake your head as you approach him carefully. "I-I never mean—" But he cuts you off and dares to continually speak.
"By the way, I love the part where you just went batshit crazy on me for no reason last week! I love the time you stormed out and ignored me for the whole day while in the same house. I love it, really. Now, who is being unreasonable between us?" Gojo gives you a full hand clap as if you have achieved something innovative. A puzzled expression was displayed on your face, you didn't know how to react or what to say. You didn't know Gojo was feeling this way, well, he should have told you sooner then.
You opened your mouth shakily and asked, "Why didn't you tell me before?"
A loud, ridiculing sound escaped Satoru's lips. "It's because you never listened," he gritted through his teeth. This time, you rolled your eyes. "I would have listened if you had told me sooner."
He placed his hands on his waist, making a mocking face and said, "Well, I tried! And you never did! Because you are so focused on your stupid work!" You noticed his voice raising in volume and his words made your blood boil hotter. "Stupid work? I work because I want us to live a life where we do not have to worry about money! I work for us to have food on the table! Are you not proud I do that for you, for us?!"
"I don't even give a shit about the money!"
"But I do! I want to live a comfortable life!"
"But how about me? Have you ever thought about my feelings, Y/N?! My feelings."
You clamp your mouth shut and bite the insides of your cheek, unsure what to say. The once-forgotten silence lingers once again. A sudden urge to escape emerged in you and honestly, you were tired of this arguing with Satoru. With that, you let out a defeated sigh.
"I don't want to talk anymore, Satoru. Come on, let's go to bed. We can talk about it tomorrow morning," you attempt to persuade him, yet your boyfriend widens his enchanting eyes in disbelief. He couldn't believe you.
Satoru gave a sarcastic laugh as he mutters the word, 'unbelievable.' This only made you frown as you walked closer to him. You reach your arm out to touch him, but before you are even an inch closer, he aggressively slaps it away. Your jaw dropped open at his action and this time—something in you snapped.
Shouts after shouts echoed in the room, bursting in anger. Words were thrown against each other. The stress accumulated from the relationship and work got the best of you.
"I'm done with you. I'm fucking leaving you," Gojo walks out of the bedroom and you sit down on the bed, placing your head in your hands. "Go on then, like I care." You utter under your breath. You were so exhausted and your throat was feeling sore because of the yells you voiced out a while ago.
A huge bang reverberated throughout the entire house, which indicated that your boyfriend left the house. You lift your head before a tired sigh escapes your lift. You didn't want to deal with all the stress you are currently feeling instead you brushed it off by settling yourself into bed. You figured that Satoru would be back in the morning.
However, you were wrong.
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A year later...
You take a sip of your wine as you give a huge grin towards the capturing camera, flashing brightly in your direction. You giggled as your friends cracked a laugh. Conversations continued before you informed them to leave for some breeze.
There were some hazy-looking objects as you tipsily walked, the wine glass being supported by the hold of your hand. It took you a while to find a room with a balcony til you encountered an open door. Currently, you were invited to an event hosted by your company in a 5-star hotel. You were definitely enjoying the night you deserved. However, you got a bit carried away with your alcohol intake.
Your heels clack against the floor as you enter the empty room before proceeding to the balcony. You sigh in contentment once the wind brushes your face, your hair dancing with it. You lift your head up to stare at the gleaming light between the vast ocean of darkness and luminary clusters. The moon had a very light shade of blue around its rim as your eyes continuously gazed at it.
You leaned your arms on the railings of the balcony. No matter how you try to push them to the back of your mind, even the celestial body reminds you of him. That darn white and blue shade, you curse.
Nevertheless of your daydreaming of missing him, progressive footsteps vibrate through the ground, which you had not given attention to.
Until they spoke, "Y/N."
Your eyes widened at the familiar voice behind you as you turned your body to find the source of the voice you were now facing upfront. A disbelief expression replaced the tranquillity you felt a while ago. You feel your body nervously shake at the figure in front of you, not in fear but in anxiety. You shakily move your mouth as you utter the name you have never attempted to leave your lips.
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all dividers are from @/cafekitsune, thank you <33
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yandere-daydreams · 1 month
I agree w u Abt the bailey thing ngl 😔. Part of his appeal is that hes so unreachable in a way. I hate his ass (hanging his picture on my wall). He's such a funny character in some regards tho ngl. Like when I first played Alex's route I didn't know he'd make Remy back down initially and show up at the farm every Sunday to collect rent 😭 still. Like bestie no one is making you drive out here every week at the crack of dawn for ur 4k. Just send one of ur goons or smth 💀. He even tries to take ur kid back to the orphanage if u have one w Alex at the farm. Like mister what is ur deal. Ik we're prob his best investment but sir you're going to give me the wrong idea 😳.
That said I need to know stat why he's freaked out by the attic. Amazing we should have a one time event where PC can hide up there to avoid paying rent and we watch him curse us out while struggling to climb up w/o jumping at every creak. Yeah he'll beat our ass for it but it'd be worth it <3
my running headcanon is that the pc is,,, like,,, secretly some kind of eldritch, shapeshifting Creature and only bailey and maybe the monster LIs are aware of it. they keep increasing your rent bc they know making you work ten jobs and go to school full-time while keeping up with your 5+ romantic partners is the only way to make sure you don't have the energy to burn the entire town to the ground, and even them, sometimes you'll just go missing for a week and come back partially transformed into whatever animal you saw most often. they know that baby's gonna be fucking Weird too, so they're just tying up loose ends early. everyone else is living in a (admittedly fucked up) dating sim while bailey is experiencing a full supernatural horror. i wouldn't want to see what's in that attic either buddy.
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radioactivesweet · 1 year
Hello!!~ May I pretty pls, get more headcanons about Nyx!s/o?; Ares, Beelzebub, Loki and Tesla with a Nyx! s/o?~
(Just imagine Loki using his s/o to scare Zeus, I can’t— 💀✨)
Also, feel free to add other characters if you want ^ - ^
Ngl I'm enjoying this Nyx!s/o requests! Nyx is such a cool goddess! And yeah- Loki is definitely using her in his favour hahahah I won't add anymore character tho otherwise I'll end up posting this much much later
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Ares, knowing your name and reputation - alongside the fact that his father himself was scared of you - thought you'd be as scary as you were described. Whenever your name was brought up in a conversation - which happened quite rarely - people who'd grow pale and start shivering, which scared Ares immensly, despite trying not to show it. You became a sort of boogeyman in his mind, the kind of creature you'd talk about to children to have them got to sleep. So when he actually met you and discovered you didn't appear to be that frightnening, he immediately warmed up to you, being the himbo he is. When you get close to each other, whenever he sees you, he lights up - which is kinda ironic if you think about it. Ares has his perks and self-preservation doesn't appear to be one of them. How he has become devoid of any fear towards you and instead showers you with affection is a mystery to you, but it's much appreciated. All the rumours surrounding you weren't enough to scare him away after all and he surely is one funny god to have around. Family dinner are quite funny too for you. Zeus tries to avoid them whenever he can and you can have the time of your life by frightening Zeus himself.
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Beelzebub recognises how similar you two are from the first moment he met you. Both of you feared and isolated deities, whose name alone makes the earth tremble, associated with darkness and ruin, whose presence is dreadful and nightmarish. Frightnening and unpleasant, he knew he'd get along well with you. To each other though, you're both kinda warmer, despite keeping a certain level of detachement between you two. You know about Beelzebub's curse - and have seen many curses during your long life - and try to look for a solution to it, despite his resistance. Being an ancient deity gave you much more experience than his, yet helping someone who doesn't want to be helped is a difficult job. Despite everything, when you two are together, you have the certainty that nobody will ever dare disturbing you. On your own you are both terrying, together you are Heaven's worst nightmare.
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Loki isn't scared of you, what he's scared of is Odin finally punishing him for one of his many pranks. You are actually the one who could save him from his miserable fate! Not even Odin would dare to punish him if it meant crossing your path. You silently checking on him is more than enough for Loki to do whatever he want without having to deal with the consequences - unless he angers you, at that rate he'd probably be annihilated, but he doesn't want to reach that point. He is mischievous, not stupid, and doesn't want to die either. At first, he has to admit it, Loki was a little put off by you. You were intimidating to say the least, but he already had his good share of frightnening deities to deal with. You can be sure he will never and ever pull a prank on you, even though he'd like to try once. It may be his last prank though.
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Nikola is the child of light; you are the goddess of night. The bright scientist and the gloomy deity. Complete opposites, yet he is enchanted by you. Nikola, believing in the power of science instead of gods' doesn't really understand why you seem to be feared by others. He can see how you can appear a little intimidating but aside from that, he finds your presence quite pleasant! Nikola believes that thanks to you he may also progress with his experiments - he is quite interested in your powers too. He doesn't want you to feel like a guinea pig though, because he doesn't absolutely see you that way. You are someone he knows will be of help in his researchs and sees you as a beacon who could make humanity itself evolve. You are his partner and Nikola values a lot your opinions and beliefs. The fact that you are an incredibly powerful deity is a bonus he doesn't dislike though. Thanks to his light and your darkness, he knows you'll be able to achieve great things together.
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7ndipity · 11 months
Hey, bestie :3
How was your day?:3
Can I request à headcanon for the seven of them with a girlfriend with an explosive temper? I'm really patient whatever I do (I'm actually studying law and it's really hard) but sometimes, I just run out of patience and boum! I explode like a volcano🤣 Saying a lot of bad words (not to people but to my belongings like my notebooks. Poor them.) while I'm usually really polite (people say that I speak like a book, some friends call me "Walking Encyclopaedia" so they are kinda surprise when I say some profanities). Sometimes, I just cry out of frustration. But many times, I just blame myself for being stupid.
How would they react?
Thank you and remember: YOU ARE THE BEST!
Their S/o Has an Explosive Temper
Ot7 x Reader
Warnings: none
A/N: Thanks for this request! Honestly, I think they’d all have fairly similar reactions, but I tried to make these all a lil different.
Requests are open
Jin: He kinda does this too sometimes, so he gets it, but he really doesn’t like seeing you upset, so he tends to go into ‘Y/n Defense Mode’, wanting to know who/what irritated you and how he can fix it as soon as possible. “Yah, what’d they do? Give me names!”
Yoongi: Ngl, he’s gonna find it a lil hot sometimes jdgfjskfhdiu. But seriously, he gets that sometimes shit just gets to you and you gotta vent a little. If you start to get really worked up, he’ll try to calm you down, but otherwise he lets you work it out at your own pace
Hobi: He gets soo startled the first few times it happens, like ‘wtf happened to my sweet baby?! Since when do you use those words?!’ He might try to diffuse at least some of your anger if you’re really mad, but I think he mostly just tries to stay out of your way when you’re like this.
Namjoon: Tbh, he’s got a lil bit of a temper too, so he’s not that shocked, moreso just surprised to hear that kind of language from you. He mostly lets you be, trusting you to let him know if something’s really bothering you, and offering to talk if you need to.
Jimin: I think he’d be so genuinely startled at first, he thought he was the one with the temper in your relationship! He’s more concerned about why you're upset than anything else tho, wanting to try and find a solution or way to help out you if he can.
Taehyung: Similar to Jimin, I think he’d more worried than anything, wanting to know why you’re upset and if there’s any way he can help. He really hates seeing you upset, so he’d try to find a way to make you smile, whether that’s a simple kiss or surprising you with your fave food.
Jungkook: The first time he hears you get mad and curse, he’s like 👀, it’s just so different from your normal personality, he doesn’t quite know what to think. For the sake of your books and things, he might ask if you wanna try some boxing or smth with him to vent your frustrations.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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luffyvace · 1 month
what BSD characters are like driving!! 🤗 (😀)
includes PM, ADA & DOA
(these are short + no gifs bc it’s a LOT of characters)
Killing/threatening warning, yk, PM stuff..
Mori Ougai: (I don’t condone his behavior—they ruined what he could’ve been)
actually a decently normal driver?
occasionally pushes the red/yellow light, especially if he’s late for smth important
will you Elise to be like “please my little girl is in the car 🥺😕” if he’s gets pulled over
Only trust him to drive you around if your one of his executives…otherwise if he asks you to get in his car- DONT.
Nakahara Chuuya:
ultimate road rager
really it’s not him it’s all these grannies drivin around!! 🙄
gets a million tickets a month but has the money to pay them off
i mean, he would. If he didn’t just kill/threaten the police officers..
don’t let him see Dazai either 😭😭
will probably be like “HEY DAZAI, ITS A DREAM COME TRUE” and (try to) ram his car into him—using his ability too, as a bonus
Kōyō Ozaki:
swears/mutter under her breath about how “people are idiots” more than she actually curses people out
i feel like she only would if someone were to damage he beautiful car (she has it custom with lots of pink floral patterns, not in a childish way!- it’s very pretty 😊)
she can afford to fix it ofc but it still upsets her
that person definitely doesn’t go home that night…..
she’s very beautiful so she could probably con her way out of getting tickets “I won’t do it again officer~” immediately rolls her eyes and calls them names that will not be stated here as soon as she drives off 😆
Ryunosuke Akutagawa:
I believe he’s a decent driver as well
Only drives recklessly if he’s angry/Dazai forced him to take Atsushi with him 😃😭
definitely drives safe when his sister’s in he car 🥹💗
usually turns the music all the way down
Gin Akutagawa:
would prefer to walk or have Ryuu drive her <3
but she does know how, knows the basics but sometimes forgets what random buttons do
gets pretty shy when she’s pulled over (she was either speeding because she was late for work or just happened to be caught going during a red light) so the officers let her go with out a ticket, just a (non literal) slap on the wrist “don’t let it happen again kid”
doesn’t play any music at all
Ichiyo Higuchi:
uhh she’s either driving wildly because she’s trying to help out Akutagawa or decently but parks on curbs/hits others car often 😃😅
forgets to turn on the radio since half the time she’s in the car she’s rushing
yeah I don’t have much to say since she drives pretty okay 👍
Ryūrō Hirotsu:
prefers to walk 100%
doesn’t even know why he has a car
actually yes he does it’s because it’s an old school model he’s had forever and is proud of
so he also doesn’t drive bc he doesn’t wanna scuff it up
would be a good driver if he did tho
will be the driver for other people’s cars tho
Michirō Tachihara:
very impatient
especially since most the time he’s trying to get to work
im ngl he’s probably made his car fly to work one day since he can control metal
maybe Chuuya has done that too…..definitely.
honks the horn like crazy 😭
tries to tone it down if one of his superiors are with him tho, like Kōyō, Hirotsu or Mori
Sakunosuke Oda: (Odasaku)
only drives crazy during emergencies
Good luck to whoever is in the car with him at that moment, your getting flung all over the place- seatbelt or not 😂😂
Otherwise you can 100% trust him to drive you around :)
very responsible, turns on his turning signal, stops at even yellow lights and never gets tickets 😊💗
Ango Sakaguchi:
another reliable and responsible one!
except he’s not as bad when it comes to emergencies 😭👍
he drives fast inbetween lights when it comes that kind of thing, like if it’s 3 green lights he’s stepping on the gas, but if there’s a red he’ll speed to that very light 😭
or he’ll just keep going since he’s a officer 🤷‍♀️ I forgot abt that..OOPS
Yukichi Fukuzawa:
really good driver
stops for animals, people, red lights, yellow lights
only downside is he sometimes doesn’t notice the green light
he’s one of those where you have to be like “uhhh the light is green”
Akiko Yosano:
uhhhhhh don’t drive with her
Professional road rager
has a quicker temper with men than women but she’s still speeding past you angrily either way….
only difference is she might hope out to curse out the men if she has the time
gets like 4 tickets a month..😭
Atsushi Nakajima:
he’s getting there! 😃
would drive better if Dazai didn’t keep rushing and distracting him 🤦‍♀️
tries to drive extra safe when Kyouka’s in the car /p (I don’t ship them she’s 14)
has to drive Dazai a lot of the time, and is pretty much the go to pick up guy for Ranpo too
or anyone who needs a ride really, he’s too helpful for his own good because he knows they’re gonna drive them crazy- but helps them out anyway 😅
Doppo Kunikida:
vv good driver 🫡
ultimate best driver passed his driving test with flying colors
Dazai be driving him crazy when he’s in the car with him but it’s okay he can drive with his feet/knees 😭🤷‍♀️
plays soft music from underrated bands
Jun’ichiriō Tanizaki:
uhh Naomi bothers him way too much while he’s in the car
wouldn’t accidentally run so many red lights if it weren’t for her
doesn’t even notice it’s red until she points it out and he’s already passed the stop line
They agree to both pay for the ticket
Kenji Miyazawa:
doesn’t drive
lives walking and would rather to say hi to the citizens everyday
likes to take it slow so he gets up early to walk to work
hes used to it since he’s a farmer 😊
Kyōka Izumi:
knows the basics
will start speeding without warning if you tell her an emergency has happened
hold your horses yall 🗿
mostly let’s Atsushi drive/prefers for him to so she can stare out the window
prefers no music
Osamu Dazai:
don’t even get me started
he only drives regularly when something serious happens
Don’t be fooled he’s certainly going over the speed limit
but he’s not being loud and obnoxious for once
will sing along to songs annoyingly loud and encourages whoever’s in the car to join (only Kenji does, but nobody mind him <3)
accidentally runs a few red lights but at least he’s never ran over anyone (it’s came close….)
Ranpo Edogawa:
doesn’t drive
only hitches rides from others and by others I mean Atsushi
I mean he can he’s just too lazy to and also likes to stare out the window
Wants to be the one in control of the radio despite not being the driver “I’m the worlds greatest detective! And I deduce you should let me choose the station!”
Naomi Tanizaki:
only gets rides from Juni
i feel like she doesn’t have a license yet
she walks to school and rides home with Tanizaki after work
always bugging him while he’s driving
she’s learning to drive from him even tho she doesn’t want to do she could keep hitching rides with him
probably thinking about failing the test on purpose but she realizes she wouldn’t be able to drive him to the hospital/agency if something were to happen..
Kirako Haruno: (office clerk lady)
if something happened to Tanizaki she would be the one to drive Naomi around
just make sure she never tries to drive while drunk…
otherwise a decent driver….probably occasionally pushes yellow lights
only gets a ticket once every 6-7 months or so
safest driver in the lands
yk cuz criminals be the safest drivers so they don’t get pulled over
LOL /j but even if he did the officer would immediately recognize him, apologize and back off
so yeah! Not to say he’s recklessly but he can definitely get away with running red lights :P
Bram Stoker:
um…..I actually don’t know why I put him here
would obviously hitch rides untilll…ifykyk 😊
but even then driving a car would be way too complex for him to even WANT to learn to do….
Fyodor Dostoevsky:
Okay now the actually criminally safe driver is him (PUN INTENDED LOL)
could probably use his intellect to get out of getting a ticket anyway
knows all the laws and has the memorized somehow and will probably outsmart the officer
doesn’t drive unless needed tho
Nikolai Gogol:
what does HE need to drive for?! 😭
bro just use your cape!
anyway he’d probably only do so if his goal required it or fun to run people over and set them free 🫡🕊️
another one who doesn’t drive
Sigma: (male alpha giga chad 🙂)
Can I get a moment of silence for sitting here and taking the time out of my day to write all them COMPLICATED AHH NAMES⁉️🗣️
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aelove · 2 years
𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐮𝐩 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝
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PAIRING: niki x gn!reader GENRE: fluff, best friends to lovers au, accidental confession, fake texts but written lol SUMMARY: niki accidentally finds out about your crush on him because of your questionable taste in music WARNINGS: slight cursing, niki and yn having horrible sleep schedules, ap lang hw, jungwon is your brother, niki uses baby as a petname, niki likes to tease yn, kind of weird formatting MASTERLIST | NAVI
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dance machine 🤖
bro u ok ? [12:53 AM] 
niki wtf why are u still up  didn’t you have rehearsals till 11 go to sleep b4 i tell ur mom [12:54 AM] 
dance machine 🤖
u didnt answer ☝️ [12:54 AM] 
yeah im fine why r u asking  [12:55 AM] 
dance machine 🤖
is that what you tell your therapist?ur definitely psycho [12:56 AM] 
ouch that kinda hurt ngl 😔 what brought that on tho? [12:56 AM] 
dance machine 🤖
be fr rn no sane person listens to skechers for 2 hrs straight [12:57 AM] 
wait wtf are u stalking me how'd u know?? [12:57 AM] 
dance machine 🤖
LMAO ur spotify friend activity [12:57 AM] 
what is that ?? [12:57 AM] 
dance machine 🤖
it shows all the songs u listen to [12:58 AM] 
and you kept watching it for 2 hrs ... wow stalker much atp just admit ur obsessed with me [12:58 AM] 
dance machine 🤖
hmm yn 🤔 what do you think jungwon would say if i told him abt ur taste in music [12:58 AM] 
NIKI YOU BETTER NOT he doesn't need any more teasing material ... [12:59 AM] 
dance machine 🤖
i wouldn't blame him u r always embarrassing yourself... [12:59 AM]
anyways why are u still up 😒 isn’t it past ur bedtime u big baby [12:59 AM] 
dance machine 🤖
im doing ap lang hw 🤮 haha u must rlly want me to tell jungwon …  [1:00 AM]
shut up . . . istg if u tell my brother 🙂 🔪 also did u forget that u have practice at 5 am in 4 hrs [1:01 AM]
dance machine 🤖
yeah ik i'm not that dumb 🙄 not sure mr.kim cares abt my sleep schedule … omg yn [1:01 AM]
??? huh what is it niki istg if ur setting me up for a dn joke [1:02 AM]
 dance machine 🤖
yk u love them 😏 just give me a sec … i’ll send u a pic [1:02 AM]
ok lol uhh should i be worried? [1:03 AM]
dance machine 🤖
ur so down bad for me LMAO [1:03 AM]
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[picture sent] so u love me huh? 😏 [1:03 AM]
wow i think apple music just got a new customer lol u weren't supposed to see that ... haha i think it's past my bedtime i'm gonna go to sleep now [1:07 AM]
dance machine 🤖
istg ur so shy sometimes 🙄 [1:07 AM]
why wouldn't i be shy?? u literally just found out that i have a crush on u . . . [1:08 AM]
dance machine 🤖
ur so stupid yn i like you too dummy i've liked you for the longest time even during ur toxic army phase 🤧 [1:08 AM]
never took you for the sappy type [1:09 AM]
dance machine 🤖
bby just shut up and go to sleep let's talk in the morning, ok? [1:10 AM]
bby ... it's technically morning rn when r u gonna go to sleep [1:10 AM]
dance machine 🤖
do u always need to have the last word? 😐 dw ill go to sleep in a few more minutes im almost done with the hw [1:11 AM]
ok, but u better go to sleep soon ☹️ ily gn niki <3 [1:11 AM]
dance machine 🤖
love you too ig ill see u in my dreams bby [1:12 AM]
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★ permanent taglist: @gfksn ; send an ask to be added
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Hii Bee!! (⁠ノ⁠◕ᴗ◕⁠)⁠ノ*✧
May I request the pjsk boys with a reader who has low stamina and is really bad at any kinds of sports; then on one day during PE lesson, the teacher demanded the reader's class(imagine the pjsk boys are in the same class as the reader)to run 5 laps around the school playground non-stop(means that stopping or walking to catch on some air for even 1 second aren't allowed, or else punishments like running 1 more lap are given)as a warm-up, the reader barely made it in the end due to their low stamina, not to mention that the playground is quite huge, it's about 200-300m for only 1 single lap; therefore, how would the pjsk boys help and comfort the reader afterwards(EG: giving the reader some small praises, handing the reader their own water bottle to drink since the reader's throat was burning like hell, being a wall for the reader to lean on since the reader's legs were super sore, etc)?
This is again my own experience at school rn, every PE lessons are litteral very exhausting hell to me, I hate PE lessons ngl. Btw, this idea popped up into my mind when I was running the 5 laps during PE lessons today, it was kinda silly of me to imagine the pjsk boys cheering for me whilst doing so just for comfort, lol. (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)|||
If you decided to write this request, thank you so much for doing so! Have an awesome day/afternoon/night, Bee! ♡⊂⁠(^ω^)⁠つ♡
Hello! And of course! I honestly relate so it was pretty nice to write~ Anyway, I hope you enjoy this as much as I did ^^
Akito, Toya, Tsukasa, Rui with reader who's low stamina
TagList: @bleachtheidiot @yulikesminori @miya-akane @coffeeykhs @alicewinter @indi-has-fallen @vodka-glrl
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⊱ when task was given, Akito probably argued with teacher a bit. Not necessarily with anger in angry tone but he tried to get at least one lap less! If he succeeds then good for you and he'll definitely be proud for a long time! If not, you only heard him mutter few curses while passing you
"That... ugh... well whatever, I tried. Don't worry tho, we'll get it."
⊱ during running, he probably kept you company or ran a little bit beside you to hopefully make it a bit better for you but he won't admit to it
⊱ he also wanted to make sure no oke throws their few cents about your low stamina so he was usually passing everyone that passed by you
⊱ he won't talk with you and will tell you to not talk yourself as to not get tired too quickly, but he may start telling you few stories when he sees you're out of it
⊱ and when it's finally over, he'll pat your shoulder and give you your or if you forgot yours then he'll give you his water bottle
"Hey, good job there. It was one of a hella big step. How about we go for pancakes after school, hm?"
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⊱ Toya immidietly knew you'll struggle theoguh this task and he hated the thought of it... so of course he decided to stay close to you if you won't mind
⊱ he also tells you to run slowly and in your own peace, after all there's no tempo in which you need to run, you just can't stop
"We can run slowly. Task is to run set number of laps, not to run at specific peace."
⊱ during running, he'll drop small compliment every loop or maybe even a bit more often sometimes
⊱ he's not good at talking so he'll just run about next to you and make sure you won't faint on spot next to him
⊱ as soon as you finish 5 laps, he'll just pick you up and carry you to the closest bench where he passes you water bottle
"You did really great job, Y/N. I knew you could do this."
⊱ after school, he probably offers to carry you either way at least for few minutes to make sure your legs won't hurt too bad tomorrow
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⊱ let's be honest, Tsukasa is the type to make whole drama to teacher about it and put on his acting skills for a challange if it means he can make your life a bit better
⊱ but when his plan fails... he thinks of many ways to make it better for you... and that's when he finds the moment when teacher turns around and immidietly takes you ok piggy back ride so you can have at least one lap less!
"Listener quick! We have a second so jump on my back and I'll carry you for at least a lap!"
⊱ but if you're running on your own and there's no way for teacher to turn around, he'll literally give you the best motivating lines he could think of on the spot
⊱ and when you're finally done, you can be sure he'll literally carry you bridal style while absolutely spoiling you with compliments
"My star! That was truly magnificent show! I believe we should celebrate our victory in our favorite spot!"
⊱ and after classes, he's literally ready to carry you for the whole day just to make it a bit easier for you after this big step
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⊱ Rui just knew how much you didn't wanted to go through this so of course he tied convincing you to make up some excuse if you don't want to participate in those classes
⊱ bur if it doesn't work and you have to go through this classes, he'll try to be there and cheee you up!
⊱ he also makes few notes to himself and will definitely try to taking of some inventing that could help you with this problem
"Hmm... if I make something similar to my invention 0084 but adjust- oh don't worry, I was just lost in my thoughts for a second there!"
⊱ after you did it, he'll gently pat your shoulder and compliment how well you did there, just to ask if you want some cold water since he'll go drop by shop really quick
⊱ but overally, he's just there assuring you that you did really good job!
"You did amazing job there, darling. You don't know how proud of you I am~"
⊱ be prepared because on next day you may or may not receive new invention of his~
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fanofthelamb · 4 months
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u know i was gonna make a whole big comic about narinder's first impression of the goat and it going horribly (and ending with him dying) but.... i really aint about to finish that comic ngl idc i cant get it to go how i want """""orz
so let me just type some junk out instead!! (with some doodles and described gore + mentions & depiction of self harm and suicide reader beware)
1) narinder's chains can only be summoned from the floor 2) the floor can be anything (even walls) as long as he can plant his feet on em
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3) he can and will use the chains he summons in his curses to travel around if he has the fervor to
4) the lamb is allowed to treat him like shit bc he feels guilty. he may be kind enough to not kill the other cultists(except pigs), but even that has a limit. the goat is no cultist and he certainly isnt the lamb. narinder will happily fucking maul him.
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5) goat is a bit of an asshole. and NOT in an endearing way. he abuses his powers a lot but he also listens when cultists tell him he's crossed a line. he WILL try to make it up to u if he goes too far, except if ur a bishop. if u are u can honestly go get fucked in his opinion.
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6)lute suit canon. ( @paintpaintpaintman)
7) he makes fun of and talks shit to all of the bishops a lot for falling to the lamb and having their crowns stolen by them. he will happily fight ANY of them,, Except Kallamar. That guy is huge.
8) Narinder does a FULL heart of damage when fighting, not just half. Same goes to the other bishops, the goat, and the lamb.
9) lamb and goat might fight a lot but they consider each other friends. Narinder considers the goat his enemy. narinder WILL maul the goat even at the cost of his own life. the goat a tiny bit scared of him for it. he also finds out the hard way narinder has a thing where he rips people's face off with his teeth.
10) narinder has absolutely NO fear in killing/maiming himself if he feels it necessary to complete a goal. none. zero. zip. absolutely not afraid of dying because he knows the lamb will always brings him back. (may we not forget this man grew up in the valley he is no stranger to agony)
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anyway ya das it. i hope u like the shitty doodles bc i cannot physically complete this comic even tho i really wanted to. i was so into it i literally forgot to sleep LOL (SORRY RUE ILY/p)
so ya the goat is extra mean to the bishops and is a lil soft on the cultists but is an all around prick that absolutely deserves to get his ass kicked sometimes(and nari happily takes care of that responsibility). he at least gets along w/ everyone besides the bishops... it'll be very fun writing these two me thinks.
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hanasnx · 6 months
dick finding you upset in the manor after bruce leaves to go be batman. he talks to you all sweet and kind and you are already in the mood and he’s right there and available and attractive and wants you. as you’ve said basically a game for him but still HOT -🍓
NOTES: ngl i've had this in my drafts since u sent it in and i could never get it to work but you deserved a response, so here you go. i hope it's at the very least entertaining even tho it's an unfinished wip
It's so stupid, all of it. You don't even know why you feel the sting of tears in your eyes when you make haste to the grand double doored exit. Pulling on your fur coat, it hangs off your pathetic frame as you stride, unbothered to fix it. An argument between you and BRUCE WAYNE had ensued, and he's usually such a cheerful man around you however distant. There was a new flame in his eyes, one of determination and impatience. Like you were an inconvenience getting in his way. He left, and a lady like you was expected to find your way out without an escort. The nerve!
At the thought of him, a need for comfort burned within your chest, looking over your shoulder with the hope you'd see him running after you. To fix the mistake he caused, and catch you before you ran out of his life forever, because you're pretty sure the two of you are over for good now.
No such thing, he’s not chasing you, and your lower lip trembles, cursing your stupidity until you run into something hard. Two hands brace on your shoulders to steady you, bare from your fur coat having fallen to the crooks of your elbows.
"Woah, there." a familiar voice says. “What’s the rush?” That dazzling, dimpled smile shines down at you and the kind face of DICK GRAYSON comes into focus.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” you tell him, fixing your fur coat while he drops his hands to his sides. “I was just leaving.”
His smile fades, tilting his head. He can read you. “Something wrong? I don’t mean to pry but…”
“Hm? Oh,” Hastily you sniffle and wipe your falling tears, the rims of your eyes flushed from the creeping despair. "It's nothing, I just want to leave."
He stoops to catch your eye, that shine of concern on his expression causing your dam to crack. "Are you sure? I don't mind hearing about it."
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stormoflina · 9 months
Happy New Year's Eve to everyone! 😁🎉🍷
I saw the tiktok boys doing this trend in the international break, and the idea stayed with me, and it's fitting rn anyway. If it's lame I will just blame my friends for giving me bad experiences 😸
Rating how a night-out with lfc players would go (this is for the girlies, do mind that):
Virg: You would feel the most safe and relaxed on a night-out in your whole entire life. Virg would literally scare all unwanted comments and wandering hands just with his aura. He would buy you whisky, trying to be fancy, but by the end of the night you would be on your 4th beer together, doing karaoke. He would leave by like 1 am tho. 9/10
Tsimi: he drinks one vodka-redbull and it's over. And by that I mean it's not really over, quite the opposite actually. Not leaving the club until they literally close. He would be bouncing up the walls, dancing with everyone, chatting up to strangers while waiting for drinks, running around, making new best friends every bathroom break, falling in love at least 3 times just that night. A nice, eventful night, but by the end, you would probably be exhausted. 7/10
Joey: Ngl, you would probably be kinda worried about partying with him, thinking he's a bit dull or the atmosphere will be awkward... Only to be completely wrong and for you to have the best night of your life? He takes shots like a champ, smooth dance moves,a great wingman and has the best drunk advice to your drunk first world problems. He also knows the best place to get kebab place after the club and walks you home. 10/10
Ibou: Go out with him and you will have the time of your life. Takes the best pictures and tags you, likes and comments, just to get the guy you like all hot and bothered. Pretends he doesn't understand English and starts cursing out people in French, just because. Outfit on point. -1 point for making your stomach hurt from laughing too much. 9/10
Robbo: It's either a heartfelt hug and temple kisses while pouring your heart out kind of night or trying to use the street lamps as a strip pole while laughing like the two of you have lost your minds kind of night. Brings his own alcohol for pre gaming, because "it's much better, trust me." He's never a quiet person, both with each drink he has, the volume of his voice just increases. He tries to guess the dick size of random guys who try to chat you up. You will need 2-3 days to recover from this night, but it's all worth it. 10/10
Darwin: Unlike Kostas, Darwin is NOT allowed to drink redbull-vodkas, not under any circumstances. Instead he drinks literally anything else. He especially likes those colourful cocktails. When they start to hit, he picks up the straws and pretends he is a walrus. Who cares about the language barrier, you can communicate just fine by dancing together. Darwin is a really good dancer, alright, all eyes glued to him. Somehow he gets into a fight and gets thrown out. He claims he is innocent, but who actually knows. There are always other clubs! 8/10
Joel: When you ask him out he just glares at you with raised eyebrows. Still, he shows up, with an unimpressed expression glued to his face all night until they start playing Timberland. Suddenly the coconut man is all arms up and legs moving. He leaves randomly before midnight without telling you tho. 5/10
Trent: The night kinda takes a wrong route before it can even start, when he makes a bet about which one of you can take more shots without stopping. Trent wins, his eyes sparkling and a relaxed, loop-sided smile already plastered on his face. He pays for the taxi and is extremely smug about the girls he claims he will get. Tries to make another bet with you on who can pull the most. Ends up sulking after he gets rejected (nevermind that literally everyone else wants a piece of him). He doesn't dance, just stands like a stick, licking his lips and holding his drink. Starts asking horny questions after 2 am. 8.5/10
Macca: Takes forever to pee, because he starts making friends with everyone in the bathrooms. Brings his own personalized maté cup, but God knows what’s inside. Judging by how red-faced he gets as the night goes on, it must be something strong tho. Good dancer, if only he would stop doing googly eyes at people while he promised it was a friends only night… 6/10 
Domi: The pre-gaming might be more fun than the actual party. Takes forever to get ready, because he keeps talking too much, showing you his favourite songs and offering his grandpa’s pálinka. Puts in way too much hair product. By the time you get to the club, both of you are comfortably drunk. Not the best dancer, but enthusiasm makes up for it.  He starts eyefucking random hot people. It gets annoying by 3 am, when you are ready to go home and sleep and he still has way too much energy. 8/10
Jota: Keeps complaining that he didn’t want to go, then drinks everyone under the table. Like it’s actually annoying how unfazed he seems. Takes good care of you, looking after you, bringing you water, but still, when you are tipsy, dizzy and feels like you are going to throw up, you would rather have him shut up about FIFA for a sec. 6.5/10
Ali: Says he will not drink, because he has stuff to do early in the morning, but still comes and has a great time. Funny, kind and polite, and very good looking, which turns out to be a bit of a problem, after people just won’t stop asking him out. Gives you great advice when you start talking about the guy you like. His dancing is cute, but a bit old fashioned. 8/10
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Thoughts I had during TGCF S2 Ep 2
Also watching this while sketching now here we go!
Previously on TGCF… 
-And starting off at the Gambler’s Den!
-Hey you’ve heard the old saying, “It costs an arm and a leg” I think this fits perfectly for the red demon masked gambler
-Hey! No getting sweat on the gambling table!
-Hua Cheng: No Thanks~ *fans myself with a hand*
-Yeah those are the best house policies San Lang
-Man, the loop braided ghost assistant is literally all of us fawning over Hualian amirite? (that Ghost maiden is going places!)
-This den operates on Hubris Logic
-Stop decreasing your child’s lifespan!
-Now Roll!  That just made think of DND, I dunno why
-Those dice weren’t loaded (Anybody seen Road to El Dorado 10/10 totes recommend)
-Worst dad I’ve ever seen and he’s just a gambling NPC
-Hehehe Just imagine Toph in the Gambler’s Den (For those anticipating The Scrap Immortal and the Avatar, I’m afraid that’s going to be a scene that won’t come to fruition, really sry readers)
-“It’s despicable, and that’s coming from a ghost like me” that was a really great quote ngl
-Kinda hard to accomplish since you were talking to a ghost
-Yep prolly the worst Dad I’ve ever seen in all of TGCF
-Hi Rouye
-Hi Windmaster
-Honestly, the reason they have Qingxuan switch from Male to female in this season is that from a Union Standpoint, they had to allow Anjali Kunapaneni dub other series while Jacob Eiseman took over and vice versa.  That’s just my theory, I’m not sure if it might be true.
-Aw, he’s worried over his complexion
-Man, Xie Lian’s expression shifts as he inspects Qinqxuan’s complexion.  I love that little attention to detail in the animation.
-And then Qingxuan happily exclaims while putting both hands on his cheek was 100% precious!
-“If I were a mirror where would I be” they have the best lines of this Season 2 so far!
-Wind Master laugh is clearing my pores
-Hi Qianqiu, Hi Mengyou
-Not so smart to me
-All the ghosts have really unique and distinct designs (it’s that kind of uniqueness I’m trying so hard to capture in my TOH Oc murder mystery au)
-“Aw man!  What was his number!  Not cool Taihua!” - Literally every ghost in the Gambler’s den, and also me.
-Well, you’re not wrong, Qianqiu
-Hehehe the double facepalm XD
-Not the brightest candle on the altar
-Let’s face it, we all lost it during Hua Cheng soft chuckle!
- He noticed the laugh!
-Man the background ghost voices are on point
-And I’m like at Qingxuan, “You didn’t read the signs?” Does anybody other than the ghosts, read the signs???
-“He might be fine if he doesn’t reveal who he is” Qianqiu: *reveals who he is* Too soon dude
-That blue masked ghost woman sure has sass
-That blue beaked ghost also has a cool design tho
-Don’t mind me just fanning myself whenever Hua Cheng speaks cause it gives me the vapors~!
-The fact that they thought the same thing!
-No not the gambling table!  
-Woah he sent it right back!
-This is infinitely better than the live action martial acts films I’ve seen in my whole life
-It’s like a stake raising tennis match
-That glow in his eyes
-He’s going Super Saiyan
-That animation really did get better
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-“He’s stuck up there!” My comment: “Like a fly on fly paper” My sister’s comment: “Like an idiot on idiot paper” lmao
-Yep just point and laugh ghosts, point and laugh
-You mean from bad to worse
-I told you Ghost City’s the Las Vegas of Ancient China, told ya~
-A new table!
-You’re not wrong on luck
-Snake eyes is even worse
-“Like I said, biggest is so overdone!  Crazy idea, what if smallest wins? Sound fun?”  Qingxuan is spitting bars in the dub people!
-They’re just gonna believe that from two newcomers?
-Xie Lian, internally chanting: “Small…small…small…” His cursed and horrible misfortune: LOL nope :3
-Not your fault for looking like a snack Qianqiu
-Wait till you see the fandom, Taihua
-Alright, hat got Hua Cheng enticed
-Literally everybody witnessing a man in white robes desperately shake a pair of dice: Is…that guy ok?
-His smile widened!
-“I can’t watch!”  I can and it’s gonna be something!
-Oh he sees a lot in that raggedy jerk than you do right now buddy
-“What’s there to teach about shaking dice?  It’s just shakin dice!”  The best random quote of this episode, and the tone when that side character said it!
-“And you’re the expert!” He got sassed back
-*Hears Hong Lian Qian starting up like* Aw yeah, the best song of the new season! *Vibes out with writing and sketching like no tomorrow*
-Dude! Pass me the Aux cord!  You better not be playing mainstream garbage!  *Casually plays Hong Lian Qian like a G!*  WOO!!!
-There he is, just a red transparent curtain keeps them apart, also Hua Cheng’s status but let’s not get ahead of ourselves
-The wind animation!!!, and Wind master’s not even summoning it
-Literally when my older sister first saw this scene she was like: It’s the pottery scene from Ghost
-He rolled an 11!
-If my underaged TGCf OCs witness the infamous dice scene like in season 2, Qing Tao and Chun Xue(both 12) look up to their older friends: “..ssShould we be listening to this?”  And then Lan Hai and Nuan Yu (both 14) frantically respond with covering their younger friends’ ears: “…pProbably best if we played it safe.” (Quotes are from an episode of Close Enough) heck I can imagine the Gaang reacting like this witnessing the dice shaking too, just swap Qing Tao and Chun Xue with Aang and Toph, and Lan Hai and Nuan Yu with Sokka and Katara, (Zuko would also try to cover the Southern Water Tribe Sibs’ ears, but this hypothetical scene also won’t happen in my TGCF x ATLA xover, now back to the reaction!)
-The singing really is timed well with the animation!  10/10 baby!
-“You see, it’s bigger now” …I got the joke
-“It’s starting to feel like San Lang is just teasing me” Oh yes he is~
-They’re chucking their dice at him!
-It’s a 10!
-“Now I’m sure San Lang is just teasing me”  Told ya~
-The chibi scene!
-Welp, looks like those rolls were just practice rolls
-You gotta love Xie Lian’s internal monologue
-Qingxuan chucked his fan at Taihua, and it came back like Sokka’s boomerang (I had to make that reference!)
-That tapir/baku headed Ghost
-It’s a 12, and it timed well with the rising crescendo!
-That one monkey like ghost
-Right on the gambling table!
-Did he cheat?
-The music change!!!  The soundtrack team knew what they were doing!
-“Who cares it’s gorgeous!  He’s so handsome I think I might just die right here!”  “What are you talking about?  You’re already dead!”  That was a really great exchange!
-And he is seeing his real face!
-“Please my lord don’t tease me!”  Oh yes he will~!
-Now the ghosts are suspicious it took em like half an episode!
-Hey guys I think we’re all gonna get a kick outta this, “The stale half eaten bun from Ep 5 was in Xie Lian’s sleeve the whole time!”  I’ve always wanted to quote that, and it was totally worth it!
-Man, I can’t wait to write Aang’s reaction seeing Xie Lian and Hua Cheng interact together!
-“Um, I’m afraid it’s gotten a bit hard” Yep, they slipped that in, and James was a boss at writing the whole english script for the season
-He tosssed the bun up and down like San Lang did with a small piece of a broken sword in S1 Ep 6, the parallels people!  The parallels!!!
-And him biting the stale bun got XL all flustered! AAAHH!!!
-Look at him go!
-Not that random stand, wait it’s still in tact
-Slay that performance Qingxuan!
-Chide him good!
-And Xie Lian’s still does a great job as a strategizer and a mediator
-The introduction that would change the season forever, also Qingxuan’s emotion shift when it came to describing his new friend’s current occupation with collecting scraps as a living
-He knew San Lang was Hua Cheng?!?!?!
-Hua Cheng is messing with them!
-They’re using him as bait!
-Oh yeah, that’s right, they’re friends
-Geez savage, Wind master
-Hey, no dissing Ling Wen she’s doing her best!
-Gone from Season 1 eps 2-3 and Ling Wen still couldn’t find him???
-Welp, there’s the cliffhanger
Does this reaction count for Hua Cheng’s B-Day?  More reactions will be on the way, I’ve got 3 weeks left of my quarter and I’ve got two big projects to finish so hang tight everyone!
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