#kimono tunic
no0dlru · 1 year
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hebi-no-onna · 1 year
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Mun vs Muse Tagged by: @thatsneakymedic Tagging: Everyone who wants
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indiatrendzs · 7 months
Vintage Retro Dresses, Kaftans
VISIT OUR ONLINE STORE AT MOGULINTRIOR WALMART Comfortably stylish and trendy the hand embroidered kaftan dresses are loose and flowy, with slits on the side. Wear with legging and boots for the winter chill or slip on as a housedress. Designer styles inspired by the Egyptian princesses, the silk caftans are so soft and luxurious. Moms-to-be relish the comfort and softness of the fabric, the…
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natalinidesign · 10 months
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theboutiquetextile · 1 year
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purplealmonds · 3 months
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My Mononoke and Sky: CoTL fandom wires getting crossed because I just got back from a Sky art exhibit/panel and the newly revealed Mononoke's worldbuilding lore confirms the existence of multiple medicine sellers.
So I made some Mononoke-inspired Sky kids to get it out of my system. Or would it be considered a Sky-inspired Medicine Seller? 🤔
Some design insights and lore below the cut!
Sky-Kusu's haircut and tunic are modeled after a moth's. For the uninitiated, in Sky we call new players "moths" because they fly awkwardly and are attracted to bright lights.
The gold necklace around Sky-Kusu's neck resembles both anime-Kusu's necklace and Sky's Season of Revival pendant. He probably arrived in this realm while that season was running.
Sky-Kusu's cape is shaped like a butterfly (which he has an affinity for) and emblazoned with Sky mural patterns. I made it blue as a nod to anime-Kusu's kimono and the Beta Cape, a cosmetic gifted to playtesters. Sky-Kusu's existence predates that of Sky so that's thematically appropriate.
Instead of carrying a medicine box, Sky-Kusu has a large butterfly pot. These butterflies are a silvery blue as a nod to kitsunebi- foxfire- which is said to contain the life force of a kitsune which Kusu is often associated with. Butterflies in Sky help rekindle light, which is especially crucial for Sky-Kusu because...
Sky-Kusu only has one "Winged Light" - his "Hyper" form- hence the sun dog halo around Sky-Hyper's head.
Sky-Hyper's haircut is honestly just an aesthetic choice. It's one of my favorite hairstyles in Sky, and allows for some fun patterning in the buzzcut area.
Sky-Hyper's costume design is heavily inspired by his movie counterpart's. However, because Sky doesn't allow cosmetics that reveal too much of the skin, he's also wearing what's essentially a modesty tube top and leggings lol. It has the unintended side effect of making him appear more feminine-presenting, which I'm not entirely bothered about.
The markings on Sky-Hyper's skin are inspired by his original markings and star constellations. They're colored silvery blue for kitsunebi. Coincidentally, a lot of spirits in sky are also tinted blue. Hmmm...
The Winged Light scattered throughout the Sky realms deeply unsettle Hyper. They are so much like him, yet have no personality or minds to speak of. Soulless batteries. Although it is to their detriment, their shared body subconsciously rejects these Winged Lights.
This leaves them quite vulnerable to dark creatures in the more dangerous realms. A solid blow from a dark dragon knocks 5-7 Winged Lights out of an unfortunate sky kid. If Sky-Kusu gets hit with his single winged light...
Because weapons are forbidden in Sky, I swapped Sky-Kusu's exorcism sword out with an exorcism...lantern-on-a-stick? It has a little bell and tassel attached to it too!
Since the exorcism sword is traditionally modeled after a fearsome creature, I made the lantern's color palette match that of a dark dragon. At its full power, it can "exorcise" an entire shard eruption in a single blow.
Normally, the exorcism lantern's light isn't "unleashed" unless specific conditions are met to exorcise entity. However, in the Sky realms where light is freely given and shared, the lantern can be lit by other sky kids but burns a weaker flame akin to a sky kid's candle.
Because of this perpetual fire, Hyper cannot fully fall into dormancy. This is fine. He keeps Sky-Kusu company in this strange new world.
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hunnyy-bunnyyy · 3 months
The dissonance between era inspiration in ACoTaR is one of the more brushed over flaws in the book series. Looking at the Inner Circle's fashion alone, we jump between "literal scraps of fabric" (Under the Mountain, Court of Nightmares) to "orientalist painter's imaginings of the Ottoman Harem" (clothing described during Feyre's first few visits to the Night Court) to "modern 'corset' dress" (Feyre's Starfall dress, majority of Mor's clothing, most of the clothes drawn in fan art) to "modern -- almost sci-fi style -- skin-tight leather armor" to "sweater and leggings combo".
Then, between courts, we have Helion wearing Spirit Halloween's take on the ancient Grecian tunic; Feyre's Spring Court wedding dress looking like an 1830s fashion plate; and Dawn heavily implied to have traditional East Asain clothing (e.g. kimono, hanfu, hanbok).
On top of all of that, some of the Dawn Court's small cities ". . . specialized in tinkering and clockwork and clever things. . ." which -- combined with Lucien's metal eye and Nuan's mechanical hand -- implies a sort of post-industrial revolution time period. However, a decent chunk of the fandom says that ACoTaR is medieval; which, yeah, it's medieval themed in the first book -- sans the "dress" Rhysand forces Feyre to wear UTM.
The wild inconsistencies in ACoTaR's inspiration leads, not to a rich and diverse world, but a world that seems ramshackle and haphazard -- like it's creator simply threw together a board on Pinterest and called it a day. This is a major part of why the world building is so abysmal, it relies on convenience to the plot and whatever pleases the aesthetic whims of the author. Cultures deemed "pretty" or "badass" are thrown together, irregardless of how far apart they actually are. This is not only disrespectful to the narrative, but to the readers and the cultures used as inspiration.
All of this to say: Sarah J Maas is a bad author, not just because of the way she handles serious topics like power dynamics and abuse, but also because she cannot put together a world that is even the slightest bit cohesive.
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cecilioque · 1 year
Adaman the Symbol of Time
 p(An Analysis on the character design of Adaman from Pokemon Legends of Arceus and it’s relation to time and art history.)
A lot of the characters form PLA are similar in terms of design. The characters that do not follow the standard hoodies, tunics, guild jumpsuits ,and kimonos have a lot of interesting art history associated with them.  I love Adaman’s design in particular since he is literally a symbol of time. 
Well...isn’t this obvious since he is the Diamond Clan leader and associated with Dialga? Yes, but there is a lot more subtle aspects to his design that link him with a specific form or Japanese Art.  But let’s first look at the obvious references to Dialga .
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In Adaman’s design they use a lot of blues and and silver that you can see shared with Dialga.  They also use the Diamond clan symbol that is shaped to look like Dialga’s chest gem repeatedly in the coat and accessories.  Adaman’s coat/jacket is most likely a nod to the Japanese Haori.  It is even tied with a fancy beaded Himo chord to keep it closed. If you look at the shoes you can see in the concept art that even the bottom of them are supposed to look like Dialga’s feet in their regular form and on the top of the shoe like the legendary Pokemon’s face.  All this information is very interesting and nice seeing how the character and the Pokemon are related even thematically.  
However, it’s crossed your mind (even briefly) that Adaman’s design is not directly one to one with Dialga. He isn’t a Dialga gijinka. There are elements and colors that Adaman uses that the legendary Pokemon does not.  We can brush it off as Adaman having a flair and his importance as a Diamond Clan leader to set him apart. But this is where it gets interesting. His outfit is generally just fashionable and we can choose to look at it like that on a surface level.  But if you look deeper you see a more symbolic meaning.
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Adaman is Kintsugi . What is that? Kintsugi is a Japanese art technique that repairs pottery using lacquer and gold dust.  Adaman also has similar gold veins running through his clothing.  For someone who is so “put together” looking, why would you intentionally create jagged and uneven elements other than for aesthetic? This is because for my understanding, this is yet another way the character designer chose to express Adaman’s connection to time.
Kintsugi is a beautiful form of art and philosophy.  The idea is not to hide the cracks and flaws, but to turn it into something more beautiful and strong.  It represents the passage of time and a documentation of the harsh conditions in which we pass through. But ultimately it is a celebration of survival and growth.  It is also a metaphor for embracing your flaws and imperfections.
One translation defines the word  kintsugi as golden “golden seams”. So, Adaman is kind of a symbol of kintsugi pottery and philosophy.  The part about this design that confused me the most was his hair since it’s also not standard colored and is quite unique. But I realized that if we are equating him to pottery, the hair might be colored that way to imitate pottery glazes (the stuff they put on ceramics to give it color.)
On another interesting note, Adaman has lots of signs of past injury. We see this with the bandages on his arms and hands, the cut brow which is a remnant of injury and survival, and then the very intentional jagged gold claw marks on his back.  The back gold lines are sharp looking and contrast with the rest of the designs which is fluid and rounded.  It’s bringing attention to the marks.
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Image sources: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
We can interpret a lot from this design. It also raises many questions. The jagged golden marks and Adaman’s bandaged arms implies that he has been “damaged” or “broken” in some sense. This could be taken literally or symbolically. We don’t know what happened to him.  Maybe he was attacked by an alpha Pokemon and survived a severe injury that he now incorporates into this aesthetic as a way to show that he was able to come back from that.  Or maybe it’s referring to his leadership as a young Diamond Clan leader and the mistakes he made and had to learn from. 
So in conclusion. From what I can understand , if we were to wrap up all the motifs, Adaman’s design ultimately seems to just represent a passage of time. Breakage and repair are just proof of time passing and represent history and life. And I think that is really cool.  
These are all my speculations and none of it is canon you can disagree if you want. These are just things I have observed and made note of that I believe makes the character far more interesting and fleshed out.  There is a lot of deep and meaningful things you can pull from this if you want to expound further through fanart and fanfic.  
So a lot of people asked if the arm and hand wraps are for fighting. They aren’t. In every form of fighting and martial arts that involves wrapping(taping) your knuckles, you wrap between each finger and around your knuckles several times to cushion them.  You do their for wrist stability, prevent injury, and joint restriction.  Failing to wrap your hands correctly will result in fractures, broken fingers and knuckles, and metal carpet boss.  Not only are Adaman’s knuckles exposed when he clenches his fists, there is no wrapping supporting his wrists on the left hand.  If he is wrapping them to fight, he is doing a very bad job at it.
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I did research on this before writing the initial post and came to this conclusion, but I guess I’ll add it now for those that had questions.
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Another interesting note is that the Diamond Clan symbol also looks like a stylized version of the characters for gold.  This same character also does appear in the work kintsugi.
Adaman’s name is interesting too since it’s not really a common name.  In fact, it seems to be a play on word “adamant” which usually refers to someone who is not willing to change their mind or opinion.  HOWEVER , Adamant is an archaic diamond found in Greek/Roman mythology.  It is a bit of a legendary diamond of sorts. The name is derived from the Greek word for diamond. “adámas”.
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If you remember, in the Diamond and Pearl games you can use the “Adamant Orb” to increase the dragon/steel type moves of Dialga by 20% if they hold it. In Pokemon Legends Arceus you can get the “Adament Crystal from Adaman.  This can be used to switch Dialga between Origin and normal form.  
Also random interesting thought. The diamond clan settlement is located in the crimson mirelands. Out of the different areas, this one has the most ideal conditions to create pottery clay next to bodies of water (Lake valor) , the scarlet bog, and the mountainous areas surrounding the settlement. Very similar to the Mashiko and Hagi pottery villages in japan.
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otaku553 · 7 months
kk wow you went so much more in depth than i thought but that was awesome. sending another but pls take all the time you need to answer this one.
i don't think i realized you had a colored version of two of them til today because i was going off of the sketches you posted at the start of the month. the one that caught my eye in that and who i have a different perspective of now that i've seen full color is the shortest hero. you mentioned that the clothing didn't come from any one culture, but if you have an answer it would be cool to hear: what's the long cloth hanging off of the waist belt of this hero called? or, if it's part of the belt, what's the name of the full thing?
[ also a more in-universe follow-up: am very curious about the symbols all four have on their clothing and what your thought process was behind each. i'll settle for the shortest hero's butterfly-esque symbol if you just wanna do one (: ]
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Thanks for sending another ask!! This is probably going to get quite long again!
So first, to answer the question, there’s actually not a very easy answer for what that long cloth is called! It shows up quite often in fantasy outfits and armor of knights, and you might sometimes find it being called a tabard or a surcoat online. Really though, it’s closer to something called a monastic scapular, which is a western Christian garment that hangs over the shoulders and goes down to the knees.
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The tabard is usually some form of light tunic or jacket worn over chainmail and underneath armor, and I think in fantasy armor the stylization of it as longer and thinner towards the bottom eventually turned it into a pretty common thing? But the point is that it’s usually attached to something hanging from the shoulders and not just from the belt. But having something hanging in front of the crotch from the belt does have some precedence in the Roman pteruges, so this might be where that kind of belt fabric came from.
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So in the hero of yore designs, the pieces of fabric hanging from the belts aren’t actually very historically accurate, and follow more the trends of fantasy outfit design. But mostly they act as a sort of conisistent point between all the heroes that shows each hero’s insignia. This sort of hanging centerpiece of fabric has been a pretty consistent part of my designs for a really long time, though in my previous Kirby designs this mostly took the form of some part of a double breasted coat, like so:
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But yeah! On another note, while the hero of dark’s outfit isn’t based on any specific culture, the hero of soul’s (the butterfly hero) outfit definitely is based on Japanese clothing! The very long sleeves are based on furisode, but there are some liberties I took with the whole design as a whole, I.e. the pants are based on hakama in construction and shape but don’t actually have all the pleats a hakama should, and have added slits for style. You generally also wouldn’t wear hakama with fancy long kimono I think, nor would you use a tasuki with it. Tasuki are generally used to keep the sleeves out of the way while doing activities, while long sleeves are more ceremonial and decorative. I did intentionally keep the sleeves very long on the design, however, for character reasons that I might go more in depth in if I ever make an individual outfit breakdown post.
I’m sorry I didn’t get around to answering about the symbols! I also have a lot of thoughts about them, so I might also make a separate post about that haha
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chic-a-gigot · 7 months
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Le Petit écho de la mode, no. 8, vol. 36, 22 février 1914, Paris. Toilettes pour jeunes filles. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
(1) Robe en marquisette, pour jeune fille de 16 ans. Jupe unie, recouverte d’une tunique terminée par une bande satinée tissée à même la marquisette et formant ourlet. Corsage drapé en fichu, à manches courtes. Large ceinture en surah nouée derrière. Souliers en satin.
(1) Marquisette dress, for a 16 year old girl. Plain skirt, covered with a tunic finished with a satin band woven into the marquisette and forming the hem. Draped fichu bodice, with short sleeves. Wide surah belt tied behind. Satin shoes.
Matériaux: 3m6o de tissu en 120.
(2) Robe en charmeuse et tulle, pour jeune fille de 18 ans. Jupe unie en charmeuse. Tunique de tulle bordée de roses de mousseline. Corsage kimono décolleté et croisé, à petites manches rentrées sous une haute ceinture en surah. Garniture de petites roses de mousseline.
(2) Charmeuse and tulle dress, for 18 year old girl. Plain charmeuse skirt. Tulle tunic bordered with muslin roses. Low-cut and crossed kimono bodice, with small sleeves tucked under a high surah belt. Trimmed with small muslin roses.
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hestzhyen · 2 months
Hakuri's Layers
Hi internet void... maybe someone out there can commiserate with me on something incredibly stupid? You see, my brain keeps pleasantly short-circuiting when I try to understand Hakuri's design. It's so boyish and adorable. Cute, CUTE, CUTE! But the actual clothes just kind of... don't make sense? (To this fashion-challenged trans guy anyway.)
So hey, the layers. Why so many?
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Spoiler: the answer is "trauma".
My son's got a lot going on despite the plain black-white-black layering. On top looks like it might be a haori of some kind that gets tucked in to the waist? It's hard to tell in most shots due to the inking but it's definitely inspired by traditional Japanese clothing in the way it folds over at the middle of the torso. Underneath is a Western-style collared shirt that buttons close at the wrists and fits loosely elsewhere, likely due to being oversized. Then he's got a black turtleneck underneath it all, presumably short-sleeved but it could easily be another long-sleeved layer with how loose the other two are. The top two layers seem very baggy and oversized, while the bottom one could be a normal fit.
It's very different from how his father, siblings, and the estate staff dress. Kyoura wears a Western three-piece suit and tie at all times. The Tou uniform has a tunic on top of a dress shirt featuring open sleeves, bandages/braces on the arms, and a different collar style. Same with the regular Sazanami uniform, the most noticeable difference being the short sleeves. The children and non-combat staff have only been shown in regular kimonos/servant uniforms (except for the one group flashback to Granpa Sazanami's funeral, where all ages wore suits and ties). Mr. Proceeder, estate staff, and kids:
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The Tou:
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Sazanami Mooks:
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Child Hakuri & Tenri feat. Low-Res Background Abuser:
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Interestingly, there's a shot of kid Tenri wearing a black turtleneck under a white kimono so I wonder if there are different types of dress for a specific age group/level of training? Hakuri had the same clothing as him during the flashback's time period, so that's what I'm going to assume.
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Also, at the start of the Ice Lady chapter Hakuri, is wearing the black haori and a short-sleeved white shirt underneath, no long-sleeved dress shirt or turtleneck in sight. It takes place in August and he wasn't expecting the chill at first, so this makes sense.
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This was consistent for the first four pages of the chapter before abruptly shifting to something closer to his usual getup on the fifth page, showing us that at least a day had passed between scenes. He adds the turtleneck in but actually seems to have two different variations to show the passing of time through the chapter. (Note the white shirt...)
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I'm gonna hit the image cap at this rate so please believe me that he alternates between these two styles throughout.
So here is the origin of his layered appearance: Hakuri was dressing against Ice Lady's chilly aura that overpowered the summer heat. This leaves me with a continuity question...
Final Meal:
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Present Day:
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The white dress shirt is slightly different from the one we meet him in so I wonder what happened when Hakuri was tossed out of the estate. In the panel above, it's identical to the ones his siblings in the Tou and Sazanami defense force wear, just rumpled and unbuttoned at the collar. But he's clearly wearing a different style while Current Events are going down. Did he have to return Sazanami uniform pieces before being escorted out? Did he just grab what was at hand before fleeing? Did the process take a few days, so he just left with what he was wearing at the time? Inquiring minds want to know!
It's also interesting to note that the loose suspender straps hanging from his waist aren't present in the Ice Lady flashback sequence.
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Same chapter (35) - flashback vs. present. Fun fact: Soya deserves to be fucked with rusty screwdrivers. Since that's part of his design when we first meet him in Ch. 19, and they're consistently present outside of the flashback scenes, Hakuri definitely changed his outfit a bit between receiving a latent trauma buff and meeting Chihiro. I wonder if we'll ever get an explanation... It's probably not a detail that will ever be explained but I have to know about the straps. I love them. They make no functional sense and clearly weren't something included as a permanent part of his design like the hair tie pattern, short boots, haori, and baggy cropped khakis were. Is it his own fashion sense? Something his samurai can use to position him at will? Just added by Hokazono-sensei for aesthetic reasons? I choose option 2 until it's disproven. But yeah, after going through all of this panel by panel, I'm really curious about the time Hakuri spent drifting before he fell in with Team Goldfish. I'm fuzzy on the timeline but basically, he met the Ice Lady in August, spent three weeks with her, was kicked out, then found Chihiro about a week before the Rakuzaichi was held on November 3rd. How long was he on his own for, and where was he staying? He was always nearby if Chihiro needed him, but what about when they were done planning for the day? We didn't see him sleeping at the cafe, Hinao's place, Chihiro's apartment, an alley, a park bench- anywhere. I'm so, so curious about that little part of his life but it's not likely to be explored... I think if it's brought up at all, it'll be as a reason for Chihiro to add him to the goldfish bowl with Char. I'll just have to live with making my own headcanon about it I guess.
Anyway. Most likely, Hakuri was designed to counter-balance Chihiro's straight and narrow look- slim and cool vs. loose and boyish. They're opposites that compliment and complete each other at pretty much every level. I really want a character bible just to see the designs in neutral poses side-by-side to go feral over...
I'll have to ramble about that another time though because I just found out that Tumblr has a 4,096 character limit per block, whatever that means! It won't let me post pictures any more so I guess that's it for now. If you made it through to the end, you're my samurai.
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enspey · 1 year
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Let us not speak on how many times I have tried to draw this MC. Many. Many. Many. Many times. Her and I have been fighting since I first read Ouroboros by @louroth. Sage, my precious smol healer. Every bit as much a fighter as a healer apparently. Nor is her arguing and snarkiness limited to Leith and Idren. Not even I am safe from it.
However! I have prevailed! I have come out triumphant. And tired. And I think I pulled a muscle in my hand. Anyways! She is a Vox Psionic healer.
When I first laid out colors, the staff was more blue. Then I went to back read for staff details only to realize that I forgot to add her throwing daggers. So I had to go back in last minute to add them. Along with her medic belt/pouches. I, uh, went overboard detailing, ignoring they were going to get covered. So we get two views. With and without her prized iridescent cape/cloak/robe/tunic/neglige/kimono/poncho/whatever you want to call it (because I do not know the proper name).
IT IS DONE! God pls don’t let me look at it in the morning and see something I forgot. I will cry real tears.
And if you haven’t read Ouroboros, you definitely should. Lou is amazing.♥️
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Hello! I was wondering if you had an insights as to what the idea was behind the Starsending Robes? I've been looking at them quite closely and couldn't understand what kind of style they were going for or what the inspiration behind them was! This isn't to say that I don't like them as I do a lot but would simply like to know more about them!
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The history of the Star Sending harkens back to the story of Pinocchio, as is detailed in the introduction to the event. The customs associated with the holiday itself borrows ideas from Tanabata, a Japanese summer festival in which people write their wishes on slips of paper and tie them to tree branches.
As for the fashion (ie the Star Sending Garments/Robes), I don’t think it’s inspired by one particular trend or style??? It feels more like a combination of many different things.
Yana stated in a March 2023 interview that in terms of costume design, she wants the clothes to be modern yet also wants to remain cognizant of the fact that TWST (or NRC, I guess) is a place where many cultures, countries, and time periods exist at the same time. They have a unique world of their own, and stylish fashion to go with it—so the clothing in TWST isn’t really a reinterpretation of a preexisting costume, but rather something wholly special to Twisted Wonderland. As an example, the richly historical Pomefiore robes were inspired by the traditional Japanese kimono. For events in which characters travel to new places, climate and local culture is also considered for styling. Cold places like Harveston would have thick yer breathable clothing to protect from the weather! A similar approach may have been taken in terms of the Star Sending robes.
I believe the general overall look may have come from the Blue Fairy (from the story of Pinocchio, which the lore of the holiday originates); it’s a sleeveless dress, and if you look at her neckline, it’s a V-line. In the Star Sending robes, the white cloth forms a V-line as well (though it isn’t as obvious because it’s layered with a sleeveless black high collar tunic). When dancing, the Star Sending boys also use sticks topped with stars, which look very similar to the Blue Fairy’s wand. If we really want to go out on a limb, maybe you could say the fabric looks lightweight and is easy to move in to resemble the yukata that are typically worn to Tanabata festivals.
The actual robes and all the extra embellishments are probably there just to add extra modern or high fashion pizzazz? Or maybe the dark blue with the shiny accents are referencing Wizard Mickey’s hat 🤷‍♀️ (Again, basing this guess on the design philosophy shared in the interview.) I can’t think of any immediate comparisons to Pinocchio or Tanabata fashion.
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indiatrendzs · 1 year
Boho Chic Clothing, Youthful and Ethical
Boho chic style is a youthful fashion statement for free spirited people, be it in lockdowns, staying at home or spending time in the outdoors. Handmade bohemian clothing in vibrant prints, free flowing natural fabrics and ethnic vibes are rampant in the maxi dress kaftans. Mix the hippy, vintage 70s style with the extravagant bold prints of the sari tunics and you have quite a boho chic…
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succikko-draws · 1 year
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Forgot to post these as well! Some Ame parents, wanted to draw older Fuso and Ise with the Ame Trio as well as design some parents for Konan and Yahiko. Ise ended up being so fucking pale bc they ended up sprouting the world's palest emo.. Still idk if I'm going to let him be that pale bc he's currently paler than nagato. The bottom drawing is of Karin's parents :3
[Image ID: Image 1: A set of digital sketch of Nagato's parents meeting the trio as well as designs of Konan and Yahiko's parents. Fuso and Ise looks older. Fuso is wearing a dark tank top with green pants and has long red hair, she's holding Nagato's face and lovingly looking at him, saying: "Oh Nagato! My sweet baby you're all grown up I'm so proud of you!" Nagato is wearing a teal kimono with a blue obi and looks very happy. Ise is wearing a purple shirt, holding his son's arm while looking at Konan and Yahiko, a hand on Konan's shoulder: "Thank you for taking good care of him, it's good to meet you!" Konan and Yahiko are standing there happily, Konan having her hand on Ise's arm, Yahiko is behind her hanging to her arm. Konan's wearing her sleeveless turtleneck while Yahiko's wearing a green shirt. Underneath is Konan's parents holding a kid Konan in their arms. Her mom has long dark blue hair with bangs and part of it tied in a bun, and brown eyes. She wears a short sleeve black turtleneck with purple pants and a gold necklace. She has purple eyeshadow and black lipstick. She has a chubby face and arms. She's holding Konan in her arms with a hand under the little girl's face. Her husband has short lighter blue hair with orange eyes. He's wearing red eyeliner and a black choker. He's wearing a dark blue top with a red and yellow obi, the sleeves of his outfit also have yellow and red parts. He has piercings on his ears. Baby Konan is wearing a green shirt with a maroon skirt and black stockings. The captions read "Kohaku" over the mom and "Nanao" over the dad. Next to them is Yahiko's family. His mom has light orange hair in a short mullet, with brown eyes. She is wearing a grey shirt with a green apron over it. Her husband has medium length brown straight hair let loose. He wears a green haori over a lighter shirt. He has slightly darker skin than his wife and son. Yahiko is holding his mom's apron, smiling. He's wearing a pale red shirt. His mom has her arm around his shoulder while his dad has a hand on his head and an arm around his wife's waist. The caption reads "Aiko" over the mom and "Shigeru" over the dad.
Image 2: A digital sketch of Karin's parents. Her mom has light purple eyes, the same shade of red as Karin's hair in a short bob and brown skin. She's wearing a grey tunic with a red belt over green pants and has dark blue shoes going up to her calf. Over her outfit she wears a purple and red cape and has a gas mask around her neck. The caption next to her reads: "Anzu Uzumaki." Karin's dad has short dark brown hair, brown eyes and tan skin. He has a mole under his left eye. He wears Kusagakure's headband and wears a flak jacket over a red tunic. He has green elbow and knee protectiosn and wears dark blue pants and gloves. He has a teal sword on his back. The caption next to him reads: "Shun." /.End ID]
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