#kimetsu no yaiba original character
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faintrustle · 9 months ago
He is young and naive, yet undeniably handsome
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mooechi · 3 months ago
ungatekeeping my greatest creatiom yet//send hlep
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lumitylovepill · 3 months ago
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I changed her outfit a bit and added some facial markings. I loooove her 😋😋
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echantedtoon · 1 month ago
Demonic Angelicy Ch1 Prologue
An Unholy union of purity and sin that will forever be bound to one another.
(Or the story of how they met. Probably isn't gonna be very long but here it is. Warnings for discrimination, almost selling of a person, and regular bad things you'd see in kny.
Got inspired to write it after reading @hantengudelulu 's Deluge story. It's not going to be very long but it's here anyways.
WARNINGS: Discrimination, almost selling of a human, child abuse and neglect, death mentioned, mentions of cheating , etc.)
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Perhaps fate always dealt a cruel hand to one whom didn't need such a difficult life to begin with.
"Bad omen!"
"Ghost girl!"
"Undead walking!"
No one gazed upon her with anything but fear and hatred and suspicion. The dark gazed mocking her very existence until all she has to ask is why.
Why is she here if all her life is to just bring her sorrow? To hear the whispers of what they speak.
"Did you hear? Mrs. Okami's son fell ill with measles after he was caught throwing rocks at her! She's cursed him I tell you."
"She's cursed! Spreading back luck wherever she goes."
"Don't look her in the eyes! You might catch something if you stared into her soul!"
Blame. Shame. Point fingers. All her fault. All her doing. She was to blame to everything bad upon the town that was cursed with her existence and let her know it. No helping hand reached out to help her. No gently touch to guide her to a comforting corner. No family to shield her either from the brewing storm. 
Blame. Shame. Disgraceful sinful child she was!
"Tell me who you laid with when my back was turned you damned weasel!"
"No one! I've been faithful to you since the day I married you!"
"There's no way it's any child of mine!"
"Of course she is!"
Another fight to end the day. Another vase shattered against the wall over her head. The small form huddled in the corner with arms thrown over her head. 
Another hungry night nursing the wounds that bled. Tears never were helped. No hope in sight anywhere to be had. Her curse bearing the weight of the blame. Until dryness came. Food was scarce. Water was dryer than stone. And she knew then it was only a matter of time before the weight of blame was pointed at her too. 
"This is the worst drought in years! If it keeps going this rate all our crops will be killed and we'll starve!"
"What do we do then?"
"...We must cut the problem off at the source."
"You mean drag up water from the river?"
"No. We've been cursed from the beginning since that thing was born, but no one said we had to endure this for the rest of our lives."
"Then are you suggesting we kill her? Extreme..but-"
"No. Better. The Red Light District is always looking for unique beauty. We can sell it there and receive some money for our troubles at least."
"What if her curse follows her there?"
"Who cares!? It'll be their problem then! First thing tomorrow, we'll set out to the nearest buyer. If they don't buy her to work then they'll get a good side attraction."
A cursed object to sell away and never be seen again That was the worth she was given to the world and now she must bare the burden of the crime of living. There was nothing she could do about it but to run. To flee from her window following the beautiful moonlight and run through the soft fields of grasses and flowers at her bare feet and tiny lungs heaving in time with her steps as she quickly ran away from the world. If her fate is to be cursed then she will be cursed as she makes her own life. 
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knyspiritwell · 6 months ago
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CHAPTER I "Spirit Village" PAGE 7
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🤔 seems like their a bit hungry huh real though
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definitelynotgideon · 3 months ago
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Gideon x The Shirt He Bought On Impulse ✨🌭😆
Genya audibly groans whenever he wears this. "You're not going into public with me in that shirt, babe."
But how are people supposed to know he has that dog in him if he doesn't wear the shirt?
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paninidanini · 1 year ago
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bertysbrotbox · 16 days ago
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Please look at my friends Demon Slayer OC! 🥺
His name is Habiki and I love drawing him so much I sometimes forget he's not canon
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crustliker · 16 days ago
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I just found old art of my demon slayer oc, if youre interested you can read about her under the cut :3
Name: Yūrei Harame 幽霊 原目
Name meaning: Ghost, eye, origin/source- Going back to the original source. The beginning or cause of something.
Breathing style: Sound breathing
Age: 21
Height: 5’7 (170 cm)
Voice claim: Blackberry cookie- cookie run: kingdom
She is Tengen's tsugoku and he was the one that gifted the spear to her- due to her blindness its a way for her no not only safely wield a weapon but also use it as a walking stick. It has bells tied to it and her kasugai crow is specially trained to accommodate and aid her.
I have like 3 more demon slayer ocs but all the art is old and fugly as hell 😞
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faintrustle · 9 months ago
How can he be so wrong yet so good?
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0akiki0 · 18 days ago
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New KNY oc art!
Oh Kasumi, the woman that you are
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lumitylovepill · 5 months ago
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Human Miyuri is my experimenting victim
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echantedtoon · 14 days ago
Sequel to that one drawing of Angel and Karaku I drew a while back. Not very long but it's one of the two blurbs in my mind I wanted to write.
(Warnings for a pregnant woman getting beaten, wounds, cannabalism, mentioned blood/corpses, pregnancy, amnesia, and killing etc.)
Where was she?
Why is everything is so dark?
What happened?
Why isn't there anything here?
Was she dead? Did she die? Dying by the hands of cruelty that she always knew?.. Is this what being dead was? Nothing but black abyss where you couldn't feel anything? ...It was ..oddly serene despite being so eerie.
"Her likeliness to survive is good I'd say."
Huh? Who was that? It sounded like a sentence she only just now noticed. Was there other spirits here with her?
"IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL WHOEVER DID THIS!!! Im going to slowly dissect every organ from their body alive and present it to Lord Muzan as a science experiment!!"
"I'm sure everyone will be relieved to hear that." The first voice agreed again speaking.
"Did she wake up at all while she's been here?"
"No but she did move in her sleep."
"Ah. Good. That means she might wake up soon. We should let her rest then, but keep a close eye on her just in case."
There was the sounds of retreating footsteps and maybe a door squeaking shut. Did the afterlife even have doors? She didn't get a chance before the world fell into full unconsciousness again.
The next time she regained consciousness, she opened her eyes only to blink suddenly as a harsh light beamed down on her. Was that the fabled tunnel? Was she going to heaven? A few blinks more had the harsh light evening out into other less harsh colours of browns and beige. She didn't know heaven had a polished oak floor-...
Where was she?
The darkness that surrounded her was great as the weight of her eyelids felt heavy. Not to open they say. Stay in the peaceful darkness for just a little bit longer. You're tired. Come stay. Let me hide you away from the world for just a moment longer if spoke. Invisible hands caressing soft skin worn out and tired. The idea of rest was inticing. So easy to just chase the darkness and let go. Leave the world behind and not have to worry anymore.
But something else was pulling her back.
Stubborness. Determination. Will to live?? No. It was none of those things to be perfectly honestly. It was most likely the sensation of her pain sensory. Nerve endings feeling like they were on fire. Pain was a pretty strong feeling after all. The kind of feeling that made you jolt awake and become alert if something that felt like a hot iron was cutting through your body. The white hot flashing across your vision and dancing with the swirls of red blood. 
"Sekido, her eyes are opening!"
"It's about dam time!! I need faces for corpses!"
"Don't yell. You'll only make her worse."
Visions swirled around and blurred in a blur of colors. Dark yet darker things were. Coming around full circle until something in the brain dug in it's heels and decided the Merry-go-round of swirling vision was to stop it's rude. And then all was still. The amount of darkness despite being awake now was confusing. Was she awake or still unconscious? Why was her view obscured?
Where was she?
Her mouth opened, or she assumed it did as that's what her brain was ordering but nothing was coming out. But a single noise that sounded like a wheeze of a dying animal. The noise attracting the great hearing of predators knowing the noise and immediately coming to seize what had been dying. Or perhaps in this case, just see what exactly was the source of it. 
"It sounds like she tried to say something. If you're awake, try to move your hands."
Could she? Her hands felt far away. Like they were being occupied by someone else. Her brain told her fae away body to move them but if she couldn't feel them partially then could she really move them? 
"That's it. Good girl."
Blue eyes. Just like the ultimate sadness. But the expression on his face was terrifying. An almost manic sadness like the kind a man would experience when he had nothing left to loose before taking many casualties down with him. Somehow her mouth moved within the unfamiliarity and croaked out something. 
"Shh." A hand reached out to touch busted lips to stop the small voice. "Don't strain yourself. Just be still and try to relax."
"Oh. He's..busy. But he shouldn't be long now." A shaking breath was wheezed out as what seemed to feel like a heavy blanket was pulled further up her body. "Does that feel more comfortable?" He questioned blue eyes gazing about the heavy blankets he'd 'acquired' from a nearby house. "It should. It's thick wool. Nice and warm."
"Stop trying to downplay what position she's in." A jingling sound went off and a moment later a pair of feet appeared next to the knelt demon making him turn his blue eyes up towards the second. The sound of a heavy stand slamming into the ground jolting the woman's body and making her vision swim between the darkness and flashes of white pain.  "You always do that and it pisses me off!"
"I am not!" His form rose away from her sight allowing only her limited vision to see blue pants legs turning to face a red yukata. The voices sounded farther away above. "That doctor said the stress was bad for all of them! I'm trying to make her comfortable."
"What good is comfort is she was found on the verge of death!?"
"For one it makes her less afraid of someone like you."
Silence. The silence was palpable. Like a sore growing ever widely after a wasp stung it. Why? What was going on with her? Why were they here? The sounds of a new pair of footsteps joined the first and second. This time the silence was like a pane of glass. Slowly cracking under the pressure. The glass crinkling and sounding off under the pressure not yet broken but little by little cracking with the growing pressure.
The pressure ever building as someone who was so familiar with her squat down to immediately become as level headed with her as possible but despite the familiarity the strange tension did not go away. In fact it seemed to only intensify.
"Hey Big Mama."  His voice sounded..off somehow. The same but an edge to it."How are ya feeling?"
"Everything hurts."
"I know. I know. You've been through a lot. But you're good now. Nothing some rest can't fix." A hand reached out and despite her small flinch, placed itself upon her abdomen. "They're alright too."
The babies!
That hadn't even crossed her mind until now. A guilty pang beat off from her chest as all she could do was lay there due to the pain. But the way he seemed somewhat satisfied with the kick he felt under his palm seemed to suggest that there was no need to put any worry there...At least for now. 
"What happened?"
Green pupils dilated for a split second.  "...You don't remember? Hm. Well maybe that's for the best. Don't worry about it. You only need to worry about gettin' better."
"What happened to me?"
"Doesn't matter. They'll be taken cared of. Are you hungry?" His hand patted the swollen abdomen. "You're eating for multiplies. I'll get you something special." The familiar face pulled away as he stood up. The familiar smile replaced by a frown now out of the line of her sight. 
"Karaku?" Her head turned. Trying her damdest to look up despite the swollen eye and lack of light made it difficult to see the faces staring down at her. "You're all not..going to hurt anyone are you?"
She's dam right they are-
"Us?...Nah. We ate on the way in." He deliberately lied through that smile "Don't worry about it. Just try to relax and get some rest. It's better for the babies if you did."
Why didn't she believe him?
He left her laying there. The clawing of bloodlust pounding from his chest from the inside out demanding vengeance and that sweet copper liquid to quell it's fury for what was done to hi-
Done to hi- 
Done to them-
The fury and tsunami of emotions writhing over them when they found her just laying there. Unmoving. Beaten. Covered in her own blood. On the edge of death since the previous night they found her.
The darkness both swallowed him up and closed off the ways both in front and behind him making each end of the pathay difficult to see with the already limited vision he had. Heightened senses were one thing he had been thankful to have retained from years of harsh training to his body and mind. Closing off all senses to be more enlightened to one's world in a different light. Each echo of his footfalls ringing in his mind as the airways of his body forced himself to absorb more oxygen out of the air and each heart beat thudding against his ribcage. Throbbing sensation reaching from his head to his feet with every passing second he was surrounded by the buzzing swarm of danger. Enlightened by the stings of fear. Danger. Dread. Doom. Like many wasps penetrating his most basic human emotions and swelling them up to the point of combusting dangerously all over the peeping, teasing darkness. The soft silk touch of his yakata met his hand. It was hard to move...Hard to will it to move running along the soft fabric to something more smooth and hard. Both basic instinct wasps forcing him to do something so familiar to combat the combustible feelings. To grab at which to protect him and cut it away like a sickeningly sweet cake of misery and despair. Instincts wailing to protect himself from dangers he had yet to see. Had yet to reveal themselves to him. Hopefully to be chased away by the sounds of the silver blade being unsheathed and held out into the darkness to cut it's tainting self down a notch. That his willpower will always prevail over it. Each burning home slowly passing a tainting gateway. Each with a promise of safety behind it and perhaps even it had occupants inside using it. taking up it's offering of safety from the darkness now dead asleep highly unaware of the sword wielding warrier just roaming outside arm outstretched and staring down the one that dared teased him the most with it's fake promise of protection.
And that promise he would soon come to learn was broken and not even promise to one individual soon enough. As sweat formed on his skin in an attempt to cool it from the harsh tainting from the moment he was face to face with the door that broke it's sacred promise. At first glance to one in the dark it was as taunting as all the others he had just passed, but if one took time to see it's true mockery and failure hidden by the teasing darkness they would've seen it. The remnants of a beast. Looking as though it had clawed and kicked it's way at the door's sacred locks to be allowed entry inside the room beyond it. In it's wake leaving the door in misery and ruins. A slight opening between itself and the wall where one could look into the room beyond it and see nothing but more darkness laughing back at you.
It begged for him to open it further, to peek further into the darkness beyond the door that should have protected the occupant inside. The surprising unburnt home was still, quite, far too quite for his liking. The broken splintered door only left so little to memory, and with cautious pushed aside he shoved the door open to reveal the horror to his eyes. His eyes widened. There where obvious signs of ransacking, evident by the turned over table and the furniture pieces that lay toppled on their side as though someone had carelessly kicked it over in its rampage. The demon treaded carefully inside the ruined home, his foot crunching on the remains of a picture frame that had been knocked over, its broken shiny cover a perfect match of the doorway half hanging from its hinges - the cover to what lay beyond broken to bits
What once was undoubtedly a very nice-to-stay-in room inviting for visitors was now reduced to what might've been a break in sight following the discovery of a murder. Which made the situation even more worse. A small gasp noise left his throat as his foot caught onto something. And the something that dared to trip him up happened to be a piece of fabric. MANY pieces of fabric in the form of clothing strew about in the darkness of the floor he hadn't seen at first among the shattered frame glass. Heart throbbing sensation still hammering his entire body as he turned and twisted his body around the room.
In just one second his body reacted on it's own. twisting his body and holding his arm out to defend against the intruder...Only to let his nerves relax when discovering it was just the poor broken door slowly closing back to it's original poor position he had found it in. Internally cursing to himself at the overreaction it had caused him. At least...That was until he saw what was on the other side of the door he had missed upon initial entry. The gleam of a familiar metallic copper caught his eyes in the limited darkness he was able to make out and the shock at seeing it at first melted his sight and his mind raced. The door being the only thing to answer his shocked mind as it finally creaked back into place.
The demon approaches slowly, one hand still gripped at his uchiwa, fingers strumming against the wooden handle as if his nerves where itching to use it. Yet he remained stoic despite the clouds that where casting gathering to add to the storm inside his head. Upon closer inspection the bloodied handprints on the door was too purposeful for this to be an improvised job, this job - this attack, had been planned from the start. His eyes narrowed, but something else was wrong. The prints were small...not childlike but slim and smaller like a wo-.. man's. A choke caught in his throat as he felt his stomach drop. Multiple pairs of eyes stared at the hands prints. 
They were on the BACK of the door like someone was trying to get OUT. Not a wounded person breaking in. The eyes followed the trail of blood from the door across the floor smeared in certain ways and against some furniture like someone had put up quite the fight. All the way to the second door leading into the bedroom Sekido opened wide open for all to see.
A inhuman scream tore through the night in fury. An already broken door kicked off it's hinges as the demon broke back into the night seeking answers-
He didn't bother looking at Urogi upon leaving the room despite the mess he was making messily chewing on what was left of the doctor they 'borrowed' to take care of her injuries and being covered from mouth to wings in copper smelling blood. The bird demon looked up to them when they excited however. Licking his chops and dropping the foot he was about to bite into. 
"And?," he asked expecting an answer. For once the usual cheerful tone was blunt with little emotion. 
"She'll live."
"What of the children?" His form rose once two more identical figures emerged after him with Aizetsu softly closing the door behind them.
"They'll live too."
"Good. Who's the lucky corpses we kill? It's been smelling of at least three different males in here!" 
The prospect of a hunt was exciting to the little greedy monster itching..but he'd feel bad for going back on his word that they wouldn't hurt anyone..
They wouldn't. 
But he knew someone else who absolutely wanted to. Ah. That's what the wrathful feeling in his chest was. It wasn't just his own fury, but another clone currently buried deep within each of them that was no doubt ENRAGED by the injustice. Well two others really. He could feel the sixth and seventh emotions broiling over around rattling around in their brains and clawing at their skulls to get out. Like a pair of rabid wolves clawing at a sealed door keeping them from their rightful prey.
"...No one. After all we did just eat. It'd be bad if we didn't keep it." A hand came up to rub his chin. A small look of confusion gracing his yellow eyed twin as Karaku just seemed to stare off in thought considering something deeply for a moment. "...She hasn't even met them yet has she? I guess it should happen sooner rather than later. Urami could watch her while he-"
"What are you thinking, Karaku?"
At first the silence was all that was heard. Not even the jingling of Sekido's staff was acknowledged as green eyes silently turned with purpose. Staring at red eyes and knowing who else was exactly harbored in Sekido's mind in particular. After all the anger clone was special for just one tiny trait. A special surprise that had Karaku smiling gleefully with the incoming bloodlust.
"K I l l  T h e m,   Z o h a k u t a n!"
A shriek pierced the blackness.
Dusk having taken over the skies above and shrouded the skies above ...but glowflies from embers and fires lit up the night's darkness.
Chaos was had as women clutched their children screaming as they ran trying to protect their young. Men were slaughtered and lying dead on the ground as the monsters rummaged about and pillaged and plundered what they came to get. A cackling monster held up a woman kicking and screaming hitting the creature with six arms no avail.
An inhuman screech went off into the night as a stronger forced ripped away arms from torso. Eyes turned and stared into the bloodlust abyss of six bloodshot eyes. A mix of shrieks echoed out into the darkened night above. So much blood spilt in that night that it might've even spilt into the moon illuminating red down on everything.
That was the war paint splattered proudly across his body and coating his skin like a devil from the very flames that he walked through. Blood. Vengeance. C A R N A G E.
Throngs of monsters marched towards hell. Rows up on rows. Harbingers of fear and death towards his smaller glimmer of hope. Death would be plentiful surely. But not for his side..Darkness had come back to claim it's rightful place above these bringers of death.
Stakes were high. Hope fleeting. A redness never before felt cursed ran through blood. Bloodlust demanding the taste of flesh and sting of pain. Destruction of lives. Debowlment of their very soul. The hands raking through the coals of fires and carving his deadly signature into this moment in time.
Follow him into destruction 
Deathly smiled directed at him offered nothing but death unknowing that it was they that met their death bringer..Their DEATHS tonight. A fate he was more than happy to give whether it be by bare handed flesh or stinging of weapon. He'll still taste the sweet copper red.
The beasts had taken so much from them already. So much time lost. So many lives taken. The very land they walked up on was sucked dry of nutrients from their dark presence. So much already taken that will never be saved. Preserved. Grown back. They shall learn that there was things darker than their hearts with the abyss he would become. They would take back the innocence lost and stolen by them.
An innocence filled smile came to mind to perfectly represent that innocence. Sparkling turquoise colors dancing his reddened vision.
The color clouded vision beyond reasoning. Inhuman yells of pain and murder carved way by him. One by one. Body by body. Life by life. Flesh torn from bone. Blood cleaved from muscles. Arms from torso. Limb from limb. He was a beast tonight. The thirst for blood was not just a want but a need. For tonight he was not a man. Not a demon. Nor anything else comprehendible by human thought.
F O R   T O N I G H T   H E   W A S   D E A T H   A N D   H E  W A S   B R I N G I N G  H E L L    W I T H      H I M.
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knyspiritwell · 9 months ago
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CHAPTER I "Spirit Village" PAGE 1-3
Cover Page - Next page
Found out it's Tanjiro's bday today so I decided to post this early, happy birthday Tanjiro ❤️🙏🙏
Sorry for all the mistakes here, first 5 pages are just a small jumpstart for me so you may see some differences each page
PS: Next 2 pages will be out in 2 days!
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definitelynotgideon · 4 months ago
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He's here to crush all of your candy!! ✨😲🍬🔨
I did this over the weekend while making holiday goodies lol ✨
Also I'm tired idk what else to say about it. Happy Monday y'all.
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knyinfinity · 1 year ago
Stuff I've Written (so far):
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Muichiro x Amari (OC):
Amari Intro:
Secrets/Taisho Secrets:
Amari Pinterest Board:
Playlists 💙🩶:
Amari Seasons Ratings:
Part 1: (under construction)
Part 2 (Amari's backstory/under construction)
Alternate Timeline:
Gentle Introductions: (OCs Double Date)
ModernAU Amari Pinterest Board
Ultimo Ortu Solis: (Demon Amari)
One Shots:
Motherly Love (Muichiro/Fem!Reader SFW)
Hikaru Drabble (Leon's Birthday 🎂🎉)
A Christmas Drabble
Late? (Drabble)
Kanata Igarashi (OC):
Kanata Intro:
Intro (Updated):
OC Art 🤩:
Kanata Pinterest Board
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