serpenlupus · 2 years
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Priestesses of Kimbul
I haven’t halted this project, it’s just that I got stuck with the design of the 4th xD but I plan to finish the last two before this year ends!
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grifff17 · 2 months
Audiodrama Sunday 8/4/24
How is it august already? This week I listened to a lot of InCo and new episodes of several other shows. Once I finish InCo I need something else to binge. I've got a ton of shows on my list, maybe I'll do a poll or something.
I hyperfixated hard on @itmeblog's InCo this week. I started season 3 last Sunday, and since then I've listened to 60 episodes. This season really hits everything for me, I'm a sucker for the found family and I love the political intrigue/family drama. “Palace politics” is one of my favorite genres of story. All of Hatov's siblings are great characters too. I'm currently right after the reveal of the full extend of the ambassador project conspiracy. I'm so excited to see how this story ends, I'll finish it by next week if I keep up anything close to this pace.
In @lostterminalpod this week the quote “I hope our new gods are the good kind” was so good. This season is almost over, so much has happened in basically no time. I'm still insane about the premise for this season and the way AIs interact with each other and the world so differently from humans.midn
@worldgonewrongpod's new episode was great. Jamie’s dad is insane, I love him. Also, the dual purpose garlic salt was such a good idea. I'm really liking the town council stuff, it has big Unwell energy.
In @midnightburgr's Welcome to the Horizon this week, the gang explore a horrible fungus house. Trinket is growing on me, despite my initial dislike of her, which I think was intentional. It's so nice to be seeing more of Verge outside of Young Leif. I really hope she reunites with Leif before the end of the season.
@spoutlore-blog joined Fable and Folly recently, and are doing a big marketing push, so I hope this great show becomes more well-known. The anticlimactic defeat of the pumpkin king was perfect, all of their stupid plans somehow falling into place was amazing. I genuinely laughed out loud at the line “it really brings my ass together”, which sounds insane without context.
In @worldsbeyondpod there was so much going on. Ame popped the fuck off, let them cook indeed. Brennan is insane for being able to play 4 different sides in a complex game of political intrigue simultaneously. Ame fucking over half the coven while ingratiating herself to the others was amazing. I totally called Mirara being the other target. Also, Tefmet’s loredump was great(if they can be trusted). If they can, holy shit the imprisonment of Naram was part of a larger conspiracy.
In @wanderersjournalpod Marigold finally made it out of the forest! Is Pluto like a criminal or something? What else would explain his actions, and his hesitancy to talk about them?
In Dear Liisphyra this week it was funny to see Kimbul and Bimbul (spelling?) actually asking for advice.
Lots of good stuff this week. As for upcoming stuff, the new Stories from Ylelmore season starts in a few weeks IIRC. Can't wait for that to start.
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thetantiger · 1 year
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Character Insight #10: Regi'staan
Full Name: Regi'staan Gender: Male (he/him) Race: Farraki/Sandfury Troll Class: Hunter Specialization: Beast Mastery Orientation: Bisexual Relatives: Vazi (sister [deceased]), Ka'zir (sister [deceased]) Age: 27 Height: 7 ft. Voice reference: In-game player character male Troll Theme: Square Hammer - Ghost
Regi'staan's life begins in Tanaris, Kalimdor, amongst the tribe of the Sandfury--also known as the Farraki. Growing up, he became fascinated with the loa Kimbul, admiring the art of the hunt and appreciating the idea of surviving off the land. Despite his crumbling tribe, Regi'staan raised himself on the principles of honor, though the Farraki had begun to stray away from it. Not only did they summon Kimbul in an attempt to sacrifice prisoners, but they also raised their dead in order to force them into labor to assist the tribe. Disgusted with these practices, Regi'staan readied himself for departure from the Sandfury. He wasn't exactly sure where he was going to go, but he knew he needed to leave before his doubts were discovered.
Before he left, though, Regi'staan had two people to check up on--Vazi and Ka'zir, his two sisters. Vazi and Ka'zir had helped to raise Regi, as their parents were unknown to them and likely lost to one of the skirmishes the Sandfury held against its many threats. However, upon approaching where they resided within Zul'Farrak, Regi'staan bore witness to an unexpected scene. A few Trolls loyal to Chief Ukorz Sandscalp demanded food and materials from Regi's sisters, which they did not have. Vazi and Ka'zir insisted they did not possess anything they could give them, and that their scavengings through the desert that week had not granted them much to work with. Despite their assurances, however, the Farraki guards were getting angrier and angrier, insisting the sisters were simply hiding the materials from them. Regi'staan, perched on a nearby ledge, could not react. The guards outnumbered his sisters greatly and, with no weapons or combat training, he would not be much help. If anything, he'd only get himself killed alongside them. Terrified, panicked, and already wondering if he'd made the right decision, Regi'staan fled, and tried to tune out the sounds of blades colliding with flesh.
The lonely stretch of the desert was anything but kind to a lone Troll. The harsh winter nights were bitterly frigid and the summer days were equally grueling with the unrelenting heat of the sun. But Regi'staan found a way to survive, skirting around what Farraki territories he could and living off the land. He crafted weapons out of the bones and sinew of animal corpses otherwise left for scavengers. He made up the for crabs or squirrels he missed in pineapples and cactus fruit. He learned to hunt and fish and sneak, but a few companions were going to be essential for his survival. This wasn't a conscious choice he made, but rather, a thing that occurred to him when a stray orange hyena began poking around wherever Regi'staan roamed. He thought the hyena was simply stalking him because it thought he was going to die soon and was mistaken, but upon further inspection, he noticed the hyena was alone, which was strange. They were usually in a pack, and at the very least could take down live things together, but this was a lone one. Curious, Regi'staan offered a bit of crab to the hyena, who crept slowly but inquisitively towards him, sniffed the slice of meat a few times, and then took it gratefully, laying down in the sand in front of him and then looking at Regi'staan expectantly.
Regi'staan learned then that he really, really liked animals. He named the hyena Pup'uhi and, with his help, was able to take down bigger animals like gazelles or large tortoises. Catching an idea, Regi'staan, riskily, snuck closer and closer to Zul'Farrak once more, with Pup'uhi at his side. There, he kept eye on the guards' routines, and plotted. One by one he picked off the very Trolls that had slain his sisters, with daggers made of bones and gnashing hyena teeth. He leapt from the darkness of the desert night and executed his revenge, feeling a sensation of brutal justice course through him. Kimbul seemed to approve. When his sisters' killers were dead, he scavenged their remains and took his leave, not seeing any other reasons to stick around in Tanaris. As final insult to injury, though, he crafted a bow and arrow out of their bones, to carry with him into future kills and to not let their physical resources go to waste in the sand.
Regi had also, in his time scouting, seen rising activity of both the Alliance and the Horde in Tanaris and Uldum. The Alliance was surely not a place for him. It wasn't a place for any Troll. But the Horde, well, they at least had the Darkspear, who seemed to have their heads on straight, so he figured he may as well seek an allegiance with them. The desert could house him no longer, especially if any of his former tribe figured out who killed their guards. It was a major risk, for a Sand Troll to approach any Horde settlement, but he did, making a show of laying his bone-crafted bow in the sand and putting his hands up while on his knees. Pup'uhi made a similar motion and sat obediently, and a Goblin came to speak to him. Upon consulting with them and some Horde recruitment officers, Regi learned of the Horde's philosophy; honor. It was one he had naturally upheld even in such a tumultuous environment as being raised in the Sandfury tribe was, and their sentiment of a bunch of misfit cultures colliding together to survive on Azeroth resonated with him deeply. Thus, he joined the ranks of the Horde, and began to explore its territories, gaining new animal friends along the way such as Vukuba, a red wind serpent, Shera'nee, a brown lynx, and Shuvuu, a red ravasaur. Thus, Regi'staan has since been trying to make his place amongst the Horde, after finally finding justice for Vazi and Ka'zir.
So this is YET ANOTHER minor background character (LOL) that hasn't got a lot of screentime yet but as I was actually writing out his backstory I realize that it's like.. fully fleshed out? just outta nowhere? lmao so a bit lengthy for a character that's only been on screen once but, he's a friendly guy and I absolutely love his character concept, and I hope you did too!
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darkspear-dancers · 11 months
hair: How does your OC wear their hair? Does it have some kind of meaning?
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Ahuatli has always taken great care of her hair, and she's up to the challenge of keeping up with changing fashions in Zandalar. Since becoming a veildancer, her trademark look has always involved the rosette spots of a snow leopard shaved into the side of her head.
It's but one of the many ways in which Ahuatli's faith in Har'koa is evident, in her lifelong pursuit of embodying a living prayer to her loa. But Ahuatli won't claim to have invented the trend; followers of Kimbul and Bethekk often wear their tiger stripes and jaguar spots with just as much pride.
[ Thank you as always @kharrisdawndancer !! ^^ The incredible artwork of Ahuatli is a masterpiece by @aerart !!]
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sekhisadventures · 1 year
The Characters That Never Were
So, a fun little thought I had a bit ago. While there's a good few characters in Adventures in Azeroth, these are FAR from the only ones I've ever come up with for this story! Truth is, I've had a lot of older characters in the past that I've wanted to add into the story but I wound up not doing so because they just didn't fit, or I didn't know what to do with them, or the role they would have filled was already taken by someone else, or something.
Sometimes they'll make cameos in the story as background characters, but more often than not they'll just get put in the pile with the other failed ideas.
So here is my big collection of characters who didn't make the cut!
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Touran Sharpvolt, Mechagnome Survival Hunter
Touran is actually one of my earliest WoW characters, originally seeing existence as a gnomish warrior during the earlier days of WoW. My concept for him as a mechagnome was that he'd been horribly injured during the opening of Legion and left helplessly crippled, but after Erazmin and people of Mechagon joined the Alliance he would have found Touran and others like him and offered to 'repair' them. If an arm is destroyed, he could replace it with cybernetics after all!
Touran was basically the Six Million Gold Gnome. A combination of Robocop and Inspector Gadget... but the thing is character wise he basically was just a less destructive and greedy version of Grimo and, well, yeah... it just wasn't interesting to write about a less bonkers Grimo!
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Semidali Smouldersoul, Dark Iron Fire Mage
Semidali was going to be an antagonist during Dragonflight. A Dark Iron who remembered how powerful they had been under Ragnaros and longed to regain that power. Yes they were slaves, but they were slaves to an Elemental Lord (and that came with a few perks.)
She was going to join the primalists and I even tried to work her in (she was the dark iron woman leading the assault on the Reliquary's landing site in Landfall!) but I had several magic using antagonists at that point and it felt like overkill so I quietly removed her from the story. Sorry Semidali! Maybe next time!
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Acheri Darkspark, Gnomish Frost Death Knight
Imma be honest, I just really wanna put a dang gnome in this story. They're neat.
Sadly, I can't come up with a good concept for one that doesn't wind up being "Grimo but less bonkers!" Acheri had begun life as a member of an Alliance scouting expedition to Northrend before King Varian had authorized full military action against the Scourge who Arthas made an example out of by sending Sindragosa to completely obliterate her camp.
The Necromancers of the Scourge would have found her, flash frozen and stone dead from the frost wyrm's breath, but with that breath now trapped inside her form. They would have seen her as a potential weapon and brought her back as a death knight, using that piece of Sindragosa's icy breath inside her to kill Arthas' enemies.
... but eh... grimdark is a bit bleh to write, and Mola'raum is already a good Death Knight character for me to do... so Acheri felt like a third wheel.
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Michuh of Zandalar, Zandalari Survival Hunter
Michuh is one I wish I would have found a spot for, but I just couldn't make it work, which is a pity because I still really like the backstory I came up with for him.
He started out as an orphan who escaped an attack on his village by the blood trolls of Nazmir, wandering into the territory of the Loa of the Hunt, Kimbul.
Rather than kill him, Kimbul had his followers take him in and raise him to live in the wilds, and he would have become a dino tamer who followed the Loa as his patron.
... but, well, thats as far as the idea got. Interesting character... but what to DO with him?! I just couldn't think of anything... so I sadly had to put him out to pasture.
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Annulus, Night Elf Shadow Priestess
Hold up, I hear you say. Isn't Annulus the void creature that made Sam into a ren'dorei, I hear you say.
Yes indeed, but she was originally going to be her own character! I had an idea for a priestess of Elune who lost her faith when Teldrassil burned and wound up embracing the voice of N'zoth and forsaking the moon goddess... but... well...
As I said with Acheri, grimdark stuff is really bleh to write.
I already have a really good night elf perspective on the War of Thorns with Shalandrae! I don't NEED another one!
Yep, sometimes a character winds up just being redundant, which is what the original Annulus was... but the idea of a void-corrupted elf was too fun to discard entirely, so she wound up becoming the being that bound itself to Samantha and turned her into a Void Elf!
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Odakota, Tauren Protection Paladin
I actually whipped this guy up during the Mists of Pandaria Remix event (hence why the background is in Pandaria) but... well... I just can't make him work.
The concept is that he'd be a total himbo (himbull?) A big loveable beefcake who happened to know Nitika as a kid.
The problem is, thats all he'd be. A joke character. I've got plenty of characters who can be funny AND dramatic, but this one would just be the former and I feel like I'd run out of things to write about him rather fast.
Sorry big guy.
And thats all for now. There may be more in the future, but for now these are the ones who simply didn't make it into the story.
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little-viking-draw · 4 years
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Some Requested I did outfits for male zandalari and here they are 🌺
C and B have already been bought and I am very happy 😭❤️
Edit: All outfits have been bought thank you so much 🌺❤️
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rethar-quips · 3 years
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Kimbul's questline in Vol'dun was all about how he has no followers left and no one remembers him. But he's got a freaking temple right here in the capital city! What the heck!
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isei-silva · 5 years
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Proud to finally show my art for The Lost Codex’s most recent lore video on Kimbul! Check it out!
Lessons of the Loa: Eraka no Kimbul - The King of Cats, the Prey’s Doom | Lost Codex Lore Video
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crisasthewakener · 5 years
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Comfy Pajamas!
Done with my new watercolor pencils (and a bit of digital editing)
From top to bottom, Kimbul, Pa’Ku, Hir’eek, Ragnaros and Ysera
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nevelis · 5 years
This night among the sands was not unlike every other. A beautiful blanket of stars shone above, their light glistening through the palm canopy that shaded her camp. The idle lapping of the nearby oasis waters was enough to lull her asleep, the soothing sound accompanied by the rising din of night-life that sung in the twilight hours.
Nevelis lay inside her tent, atop a linen bedroll that she hadn't quite made it into before passing out. Her armor rest atop the nearby armor stand, the occasional shaft of moonlight glinting against the red leather. Just beneath the pillow that she rest her head, the glint of red metal that was her daggers was visible - ever within reach.
She did not dream often, and when she did it was typically something unpleasant. Her headspace was often tormented by previous failures and ambitions, things that had once been paramount that were no longer a staple of her person. However, tonight, it had been blissful and serene - a simple nothingness that allowed her rest after a hard day of work.
That was until she heard it. Like when you stepped into a mud-puddle - a slop̨pi͡ng sound that grew louder as seconds ticked on. It came and went, stickily squishing in her ears, enough to make her tired eyes open in annoyance. When she looked around the tent, it was spacious and empty, lit only by the occasional shimmer of moon or starlight that glanced through the half parted opening. Then, when she closed her eyes, it arose in a sticky ca͢ćophón͝y, deafening in that regard.
She attempted to tune it out, eyes squeezing shut just a bit tighter. This only made the noises grow louder, a dissona͡nc͝e͘ of noisy whispers joining the chorus of unruly, wet noises that prompted her to clamp her clawed hands over her ears in a vain attempt to quiet them.
To̘̻̘͔͕̯ ͎̫̯̜sļe͢e͏p̯̜̩̩̖ ̸̟͍i̥͝s̰̯͝ ̠̼͚͙͓͙̲to̜͈̦ͅ ̷͇͔̺̤̜̫w̤̙̱̰̭͍a̩̜̻̙͝ke͜.̭͖̮̟͚̫̗ Spoke a growling, baritone voice. A͏̳̤l̢l ̜͡ey͡e҉s ͉̗̥w̩͖̩̝i͝l̷̼͇l̕ ̩̤̩̝͕b̖͟è̞͎̭̦̜̜ op̖͎̤͍e̵ne͈d̰͔.̶
Whatever, whoever, spoke made her stomach turn. She felt bile rise in her throat and threaten to spill over as she rolled onto her stomach and pressed her face into her pillow. Her breathing became labored, abhorrent memories resurfacing from the shaded places of her mind. Once forcefully forgotten thoughts now lingered, inviting grotesque images of t̷ee͜th͢, e͞yes, and gaping m̷o͞uth͜s.
It was as the whispering grew so loud it became almost inaudible that Nevelis curled up in her bed. Darkness grew as spiderwebs around her vision, blotting out the former warmth of her tent. Were she to stare too long into space, a daring shape or shadow would taunt her just at her peripheral, prompting a fearful hiss or snarl.
When she was to close her eyes again, she saw a yellow-green eye fixated upon her. The shadows grew opaque; a large feline shape cut through the field of darkness like a knife through butter. Enormous, clawed paws made a swath through a writhing mound of tentacles as a large, furred head pushed through the shade and roared thunderously in her face.
Nevelis awoke, shooting upright with heaving gasps. It was morning, she was drenched with sweat. In a disoriented upheaval she sprung, daggers in hand, and floundered from her tent and into the sands. Coughing, spluttering, she looked around wide eyed at her surroundings. Nearby her horse grazed at the oasis ferns, and a bird flew up from the waters with a fish in it’s beak. She blinked, confused, and sunk to her knees with shaky breaths.
FIGHT WHAT SEEKS TO ENSLAVE YOU. The words of the tiger rung in her head like the resonance of a bell. Her shoulders slumped, and she exhaled.
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serpenlupus · 2 years
Akunda vs Kimbul
So I’ve had to postpone a bunch of projects  because I just, don’t have enough time. But there is a headcanon explored on the Kaia comic that I really wanted to share and talk about with others, so I’m gonna go ahead and just do that XD
I think that the Temples and cults of Akunda and Kimbul on the desert of Vol’dun are not there despite it being a place for criminals, but actually take a function there because of it. Let me explain!
So, for starters, I always found it curious that Akunda was stated to be the Loa of Storms and new beginings (edited for correction), and took away the painful memories of those who asked for it in his temple. Like, weirldy convenient that people that are sent to this place because of their “mistakes” or wrongdoings can just, forget about them.
Then on the Temple of Kimbul you have his teachings written on a visible spot and being very focused on courage, strength of will, not thinking you’re above nature, and just generally very noble values? And I’m assuming those are the ones the followers held when the Temple was inhabited.
And there is their placement on the map. Here I put my character on the entrance of each temple, in front of each Loa, and then compared.
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It gave to me the impression that they were possitioned opposites of each other both geographically and also “morally”? As in, if we follow the logic of the Temples being there because of the outlaws, in one place they’d be forgetting their past pain and starting anew, while on the other they’d be faced with a specific set of morals that could revolve about facing their wrongdoings and rectifying them. Like, imagine rehabilitation.
Runing away from your mistakes vs facing them, sort of metaphor
(Obviously the out of game, IRL reason as to why the lessons of kimbul are so visible is for the player to have clues to complete the shrine of the ring quest, and Akunda erases memories to have to recover them for an important character, but I’m jsut havig fun here so xD)
Although, I don’t think all of the outlaws that Zuldazar sent to Vol’dun would go to either of the temples, nor all the people living in those temples would have been criminals. There’s always exceptions and variety.  We also don’t exactly know what crimes entail banishment to Vol’dun, and if you know about caste social systems you know some ““crimes”“ can be bullshit, so... I won’t speculate on that end.
There’s also an object called [Chain of Exemption] that implies you can only leave Vol’dun with a special permit, so I’m guessing an exiled couldn’t easily leave Vol’dun, or maybe could never leave, but life on the temples is a better alternative than the desert for sure (this item was added on shadowlands though).
The fall of the temple of Kimbul must have upset the balance at some point, given how he refused to accept new followers until the last ones were avenged. And we don’t know when exactly the Sethrak started to turn hostile (I didn’t consider Sethraliss in this equation because I couldn’t find a Troll follower of her in game), so this is a headcanon I have of the past of Vol’dun, and not of current. It gets a bit more explored in the comic as I say, but this is the gist of it ^^
What do you think, too far fetched? Maybe some of it makes sense? Let me know xD
Also, noticed the modus operandi of the Naga when it comes to Kimbul and Gral? Kill their followers while the Loa is away, leave their temple in ruins? What’s that about, are we gonna get more of Naga vs Trolls in the future? I think I’ll have to make another post regarding that.
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shalandrassil · 5 years
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You feel like summertime You took this heart of mine
- Childish Gambino, Summertime Magic
tried to get back into drawing, especially with my tablet, so i started drawing random-ass lines and shaped, then tried sketching out a face and body, then spent 2 hours rendering a sketch of my zanda paladin
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thetantiger · 4 months
Race: Troll Class: Hunter Specialization: Beast Mastery Pronouns: He/Him
Regi'staan is a red-haired, red-eyed Farraki troll with yellow skin, long, curved tusks and bone piercings. His armor and weaponry consist of hunting trophies he's earned surviving on his own in the Tanaris desert. Regi'staan is an outcast of the Sandfury trolls, having fled after his two sisters, Vazi and Ka'zir, were slain by their own Tribe. Later, he returned to enact his vengeance on their killers with the help of a hyena named Pup'uhi, sneaking into Zul'Farrak and picking them off one by one. An acolyte of the loa Kimbul, Regi'staan values honor and the glory of a hunt, and now lives off of the natural resources of the desert and has since become an official member of the Horde.
Links: Heritage mog screenshots Regi's Character Insight
Related Characters: N/A
<Toyhouse Page>
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A new lore video from the Lost Codex!
I’m good friends with the amazing people who produce these videos and want to give them a little bit of a shout out because they put so much work and love into what they do (they don’t have a tumblr so they’ve given me permission to post their videos). If you haven’t heard of them before, the Lost Codex team produces short machinima style videos where they delve into the lore of World of Warcraft. This video, which is on the loa Kimbul, is the most recent in a series they’ve done covering the backstories of popular loa in Battle for Azeroth like Shadra and Sethraliss. 
I may be in this video at around the 12:51 mark... so go give it a watch!
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troll-bridge · 5 years
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Temple of Kimbul
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kishera · 5 years
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Doodlesketched me a Zandalari druid gal ♥
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