#kimberly infante
mariska · 2 years
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Pamela Anderson for WWD; February, 2023 | Photography by Heather Hazzan • Hair by Clay Nielsen • Makeup by Linda Gradin • Styling by Alex Badia + fashion assistance by Kimberly Infante
(photos via thisisclay + heatherhazzan on instagram)
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sleepynegress · 11 months
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BELOVED - 1998
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leaveharmony · 1 year
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annisassintchaska · 2 months
Neymar Jr x Black!Reader (Zaeli): Like A Hostage
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Zaeli and Neymar were childhood sweethearts who eventually got married, even after his 'accidental' infidelity. Neymar had cheated once with Carolina and got her pregnant when they had Davi. Zaeli forgave Neymar and moved on from it as they got married though there was a catch...Zaeli was forced by Neymar and his dad to sign a prenup stating that they couldn't get divorced unless Neymar was the one who filed for it. That alone should have been the FIRST BIGGEST RED FLAG going into the marriage...Zaeli IGNORED IT!!!!
Neymar was well behaved for the first few months of their marriage until after the honeymoon had ended. he bravely strides into their family home, hand in hand with Bruna Marquezine where he revealed that they were dating- despite her knowing he was married. Their relationship was toxically on and off for six whole years while Neymar ignored the existence of his wife whose only comfort was her stepson that she loved and treated as her own- Davi Luca.
After Neymar's relationship with Bruna ended, he tried to convince Zaeli that they should go back to being husband and wife, but she wasn't having it as she demanded he sponsored her a seven-year vacation. When she left, he was devasted for a while before picking himself back up, but trouble came in the form of another Bruna. Bruna Biancardi also knew that Neymar was married but didn't reject him, resulting in her giving birth to his daughter Mavie. Zaeli doesn't use social media and doesn't read or watch the news, so she found out about Mavie from Neymar's dad through a phone call where he lied saying that Neymar and Bruna were not together and were just coparenting.
A few months later, karma got to Bruna when it was announced that Neymar had welcomed his second daughter- third child Helena with a woman named Amanda Kimberly. Zaeli has no knowledge of the third child or that Bruna was still living with her husband in their matrimonial family house, so how do we think she will react when she returns from her holiday earlier than expected to an extra infant and a woman that she was told (lied to) that was gone?
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augment-techs · 7 months
For the sending lyrics and you’ll make a fake wip summary;
If I could only get back to yesterday,
Today would be a perfect day
If I could only get back to yesterday,
Oh, the different things I'd do and say
I'd be so good to you
If I had a second chance
Yes, I would (Yes, I would)
Yes, I would
Drakkon and Eugene
Title: all that has been, all that will be (has no meaning anymore) Rating: T Warnings: Attempted Infanticide, Violence. Relationships: World of the Coinless Eugene Skullovitch/World of the Coinless Adam Park; World of the Coinless Eugene Skullovitch ^ Lord Drakkon | Tommy Oliver; World of the Coinless Kimberly Hart/World of the Coinless Farkas Bulkmeir; Coinless Trini/Scorpina; Coinless Zack Taylor/Coinless Jason Scott; Ninjor & Dulcea. Characters: Coinless Eugene Skullovitch; Coinless Adam Park; Lord Drakkon | Tommy Oliver; Prime Tommy Oliver; Prime Billy Cranston; The Blue Emissary; The Omega Rangers; Ninjor; Dulcea; The Green Dragon; The Orange Power Coin; The White Tiger. Additional Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Found Family; Families of Choice; Aftermath of Violence; Unresolved Grief; PTSD; Literal Infantilization; Planet Hopping; Good Parent Eugene Skullovitch; Good Parent Adam Park; Eugene Skullovitch is Not Having a Good Time; Redeemed Lord Drakkon; Verbal Abuse; Past/Implied Child Abuse; Hijinks. Summary:
The Emissaries realized their mistake, just before Kiya had slaughtered Blue and set forth the Orange Empyreal on the Prime universe. Drakkon deserved a punishment for all his misdeeds, but perpetual solitary confinement wasn't the way to do it. They could shift the balance of Power throughout the cosmos if the Grid deems it necessary, why not shift other things? So it went like this: The Red Emissary removed the toxic will of the Green Dragon from Drakkon, the Yellow Emissary removed his memories, and the Blue Emissary removed everything that made him a threat by turning back the clock and arranging a meeting with the World of the Coinless; an infant Tommy Oliver in hand, naked and confused and not quite a week old. They gathered the surviving Rangers--including the ones Zordon made a grave error in excluding--in the throne room and set the child on a table with the proclamation that it was them that would decide on what constituted justice. When they vanished, leaving the child behind, there was the mounting horror that came with it; showcasing that there was little left of what one would call mercy, with suggestions such as doing as mankind did centuries ago in leaving the infant in a vase out in the elements, or sending it away to the courts of the united planetary systems that also wanted a crack at Drakkon. Or simply setting the newborn on its stomach to let it stop breathing.
The real horror came from only Skull stepping forward when the child--he was an infant, like so many that he'd pulled out of the rubble and spirited to the others in the Coinless--mewled pitifully with the chill of the air and the man wrapped him up in his sentry's cape. (Skull was always meant to be a parent. And Orange is always benevolent in its choices. Even in enraged and in want of vengeance.)
(Just for fun; a little theoretical excerpt below the cut)
He was thirty-eight, worn down to a thread, and feeling a little disgusted and fed up with just about everyone. Why bother defending choices that were going to be torn to shreds because nobody was willing to look beyond their own feelings of revenge and the unfairness of it all? Why bother looking for help even in the face of a bestfriend that had been so far away for two decades? (It probably wouldn't have hurt as much if he was as heartless and disgusting as everyone seemed to think he was. There was something akin to despairing familiarity in that.) Continuing his tramp along train tracks that had not been used since before The Final Battle, the long stretch of them familiar even after years, Skull tried to ignore how heavy the bag he'd brought along was, how his eyes were starting to become sore from the receding sun--as well as his trying not to embarrass himself with tears--and made sure his grip along wrap sling he'd had to fashion out of curtains was secure. Taking his eyes off of the horizon and tracks, just for a moment, Skull looked down again at the little bundle that had caused such a hubbub and breaking of any sort of civility. The barest traces of brown hair soft to the touch, skin much darker than it had been over the last few years, tiny little hands curling into Skull's shirt as the little hazel eyes twitch under petal soft lids in sleep. Tommy Oliver, reduced to a foundling that couldn't have been more than a week old; not even five pounds and completely helpless at at the mercy of every other being on the planet. For some reason the unfairness that everyone else seemed to feel didn't come to Skull. Not even the feeling of being cheated. He wouldn't pretend he understood it. Like he wouldn't pretend he couldn't hear the slightest steps of someone that had been trailing behind him for a good hours. "You really shouldn't be following me, Adam. What would Rocky and Aisha say?" He turned gently, not swaying and careful not to suggest vertigo in his own exhaustion, and looked over to the trees along the tracks that came part and parcel with the wilderness taking back the earth far faster than anyone would have guessed so long ago. It took a moment, not even three seconds, but exactly where his eyes were trained, grey and piercing as any wild animal, the tree branches in full green parted, the tall grass parting against knees as Adam Park loped out of his carefully hidden place and tried very hard not to look...embarrassed? ...And also like he wasn't obviously carrying a much bigger pack along his shoulders that was at least twice the size of the one his former captain carried.
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flower1622 · 4 months
I was looking at the comic about Tomberly, but I had another thing on my mind about how it could have happened. I have a story on AO3 that is about Tommy and Kimberly moving to another planet to live there, both have a baby that they send to earth during an attack. They still have their morphers, so they morph for the last time and die, but their souls turn into the falcon and the crane and they stay in Phaedos with Dulcea. The same will happen to Billy, Adam, Rocky and Aisha when they die. My story would explain Kimberly and Tommy's absence and Power Rangers could even continue with their child. 🤔
Jason could adopt the baby. It would grow up and get to know about his parents being power rangers and he could even have a team in the future with JJ being the Mentor or he could choose to live a normal life too.
Tommy still had JJ with Kat, but they break up just like what happened to Jason and Kimberly too. So, before taking a ride with the Space Rangers, Tommy asks Kat to take care of their son. So, maybe in the future, JJ and Tomberly's son could be best friends, even though Tomberly's son wouldn't know about JJ being his half brother. Later, he would know the truth, but their bond would continue being deep.
I wrote here Tomberly's son because I still didn't think a name for him 😅. Maybe Jason would want to name him Thomas to remember his best friend Tommy. He would find the infant and recognize something from Kimberly or Tommy and would know that the child belonged to them. Thomas and JJ would be very powerful and hard to defeat. Thomas would have his parents' powers (due to the crane and falcon), but he still would have some part of Maligore inside him (due to his mother) that could also wake Jason's Maligore side too (From Turbo Movie) and JJ would have his father's powers and a part of the dragon inside him. If they ever turned evil, they could be dangerous. So, that's why the two would be the most wanted rangers by their enemies. Thomas would fall in love with Andros and Ashley's daughter and JJ would like Eric and Taylor's daughter.
Thomas would discover about all the bad things Kat did to his mother and would start hating her. This would cause some problems for his bond with JJ. Thomas would get more angry with Jason going out with Kat. Thomas would be in college and would refuse Jason's invitations to have family meetings with Kat. He wouldn't want Kat as his stepmother. He would try to be a football player and would also work as a lifeguard in the beach.
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For the power rangers fans, what do you guys think about this? 🤔😅
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By: Aaron Kimberly
Published: Feb 21, 2023
I’ve been so emersed in everything “trans” the past couple of years, I often forget that most people aren’t, and most people are unaware of what’s happening. Most people have no idea what is meant by “gender ideology” until it impacts them personally and may be confused about what the fuss is all about. Like most people, I wish trans was something everyone would stop talking about so we can get on with our lives but, there’s a BIG problem, which more and more people from a variety of backgrounds and political leanings are waking up to.
Here are some example on ramps by which people are understanding the “fuss”:
Parents & teachers
Parents and teachers may encounter this issue because of the policies and resources being suddenly implemented in the public school system. Children are being taught that boys and girls don’t exist - that sex is a spectrum. Kids who identify as trans are allowed to use opposite sex bathrooms and changerooms, and there have been sexual assault incidents in schools as a result. Schools are socially transitioning children (new names and sex markers) without the parents’ knowledge and consent, and may make referrals to some gender clinics without parents’ knowledge and consent. Highly sexualized books are being placed in school libraries in the name of “diversity and inclusion”. Teachers, parents and administrators who have reasonable questions or concerns about specific policies, lessons and resources are being censored and immediately labelled “bigots”.
Parents have also become alarmed when they take their child to a gender clinic and find their child on puberty blockers or hormones on the first visit without much of any assessment, exploration, or education. Parents are told their kids will commit suicide otherwise (there is no evidence that’s the case) and any parent who questions how quickly their children are medicalized are labelled “bigots”. Families are being torn apart by the system, though there is ample evidence that one of the best predictors of these kids’ wellbeing is family involvement and support. Families in opposition to immediate irreversible medical interventions are still capable of supporting their children.
Women and children
New “Self ID” laws and policies mean anyone can declare they are the opposite sex, without any evaluation, diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria or an intersex condition/DSD, documentation, or any medical interventions. This creates a wide-open door of opportunity for predators to abuse the system. Which is happening. For example, male rapists and murders can “Self ID” into women’s prisons, regardless of how they identified prior to their conviction. In Canada, a male who was convicted of viciously raping a 3 month old baby, who started identifying as a woman once convicted, has been transferred to a woman’s prison that has a mother/infant ward.
Self ID also has grave implications for public washrooms and changing rooms. For example, there was an incident in the Los Angeles Wi Spa in which a male with a known criminal history of sexual indecency, exposed his semi erect penis in a woman’s changing room. More recently, in Nanaimo, Canada, a mother noticed a man peeping at naked underage girls in the rec centre changing room. The mother complained and is being dragged over the coals for her “bigotry”. Police are investigating, but it’s unclear if they’re investigating the man or the mother. Canada is that confused about what constitutes decency and criminality.
The implications for children and women are obviously alarming, but these stories rarely make the news because of activist coercion to control the narrative. Journalists who work for government-controlled media aren’t allowed to report these stories. Many prominent journalists are members of the Transgender Journalist Association and follow their Style Guide which outlines what they can and can’t say.
These overreaches in political activism also have devastating implications for trans people themselves, as we become associated with sadistic, predatory, abusive, coercive, and irrational behaviour and ideas. We are seeing greater hostility and estrangement, though the average trans person is just as unaware of what’s happening as the general public.
What is going on?
Gender Ideology
Gender ideology is a shorthand description of a set of well-meaning postmodern political-philosophical ideas that emerged in academia in the early 1990s, recently repackaged and amplified with government and corporate interests. The theory – originally about literary criticism and cultural philosophy – asserts that “male” and “female” are learned performances which can be learned and performed by either sex equally well, thus making biological sex irrelevant as social categories. This is strategic. It’s rooted in the ideas of French philosopher Michel Foucault who wrote that social categories were invented by an oppressor class in order to oppress groups of people, such as “gay” and “women”. The political strategy developed by academics since 1990s (called Queer Theory) intended to protect the oppressed, is to linguistically dismantle these social categories, confusing our understandings of what gay/straight, male/female means. This is called “Queering” a culture. The left has fully embraced this philosophy as Diversity and Inclusion, often-times not realizing what it is or where it came from. We’re being taught that we are all “assigned” a sex at birth, but we all have a “gender identity” that is somehow both fluid and innate, and may or may not match our assigned sex, thus making our assigned sex incorrect and irrelevant. By presenting a gender spectrum, with GI Joe on one end and Barbie on the other (both extreme stereotypes of maleness and femaleness) anyone who plots themselves along that spectrum is some type of “trans”, not quite male and not quite female.
No wonder we’re seeing a startling 4000% increase in young people showing up to gender clinics wanting to change sex!
This is a marked departure from the science of what Gender Dysphoria is – a rare condition with multiple, well studied pathways to it – which can cause great distress and compel some to medically feminize or masculinize their bodies and are provided the legal fiction of a sex change.
Queer Theory has NOTHING to do with Gender Dysphoria.
In addition to the grotesque societal problems emerging from Queering our culture, disproportionally impacting women, children and marginalized people, trans people are internalizing Queer Theory as a self-defining psychology. Many clinicians themselves are actively Queering patients and not providing patients with any of the evidence about Gender Dysphoria. I believe this is having a destabilizing impact on trans people, because Queer Theory is meant to destabilize. It’s meant to dismantle societal structures which, when internalized, also dismantles psychological structures about biological sex, identity, and sexuality. This is not the fault of the patients who are indoctrinated by the clinicians and institutions. Queer activists have pushed almost all evidence-based clinicians out of the field.
Queer theorists, in their ever-expanding scope of “diversity” keep inventing new categories and identities. There are now hundreds of new “genders” and neopronouns as bizarre as “cloud” and “colour” genders. The international agency that writes the guidelines for providing care (WPATH) now has a chapter for Eunuch gender identities for castration fetishists. The chapter links to a website called the Eunuch Archives that contains pornography about castrating young boys. One of the authors of that chapter, Richard J. Wassersug, urges Islam to stop beheading captives and castrate them instead.
Though many Queer activists deny the reality that Gender Dysphoria is related to sexual orientation, they also champion the inclusion of all atypical sexualities, including pedophilia, which has been rebranded “Minor Attracted Person”.
Since 2022, under Canadian law as elsewhere, it’s now considered illegal for any counsellor to attempt to change a client’s “gender identity”, which would include all of the hundreds of new gender identities thus coding Queer Theory into law and criminalizing any opposition to it.
Take a moment to let that sink in.
If you have a child that identifies as a cat-gender who has taken to meowing instead of talking, your government is telling you to “roll with it or you’re a bigot” and any counsellor who tries to challenge such a self concept could go to prison for 3 years under our poorly worded Conversion Therapy law.
People with the condition Gender Dysphoria are few, and are being used in this activist movement that’s being backed by governments and big business at the federal and international level, driving greater hostility towards the people who have Gender Dysphoria.
And this barely scratches the surface of what’s happening under everyone’s noses.
This is why I’m so passionate about educating about Gender Dysphoria, despite subjecting myself to both real transphobia, personal losses, and hostility from the Queer lobby.
These are not our crimes.
We don't need Queer Theory to achieve an inclusive and safe society.
I will post this again and again and again until people understand it:
Transgender | An umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or expression is different from cultural expectations based on the sex they were assigned at birth.
It has nothing - literally nothing - to do with actual gender dysphoria. It's about tricking people, and particularly kids, who are completely normal (gay, GNC, anxiety about puberty), or who have specific problems (trauma, autism, depression) into thinking they were "born in the wrong body."
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dylan-hayes · 1 year
How Kimberly Clark's Unconventional Testing Strategy is Raising the Bar for Diapers and Training Pants
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News Anchor: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to " " Insight Hour," where we bring you the latest news and insights from around the nation. Tonight, we have a special guest with us from Kimberly Clark, a leading name in personal care products. Please welcome Ms. Jessica Rodriguez.
Jessica Rodriguez: Thank you for having me. It's a pleasure to be here.
News Anchor: Ms. Rodriguez, Kimberly Clark's new line of disposable diapers and training pants has been causing quite a buzz, with an astounding 90% of parents choosing these products over their competitors. Market surveys also found that even current parents that are currently happy with their current brand have even considered making a switch! All reviews from parents, especially new parents love that your diapers hold up all night, are blow out proof, and are great for sensitive skin. Could you tell our viewers a bit more about how the company ensures the quality of these absolutely phenomenal products?
Jessica Rodriguez: Absolutely. At Kimberly Clark, our primary focus is always on the safety and satisfaction of our customers, especially the parents and their little ones. To ensure the highest quality and performance of our diapers and training pants, we have an extensive testing process.
News Anchor: That sounds intriguing. Could you give us some insights into how these tests are conducted?
Jessica Rodriguez: Of course. One unique approach we take is to scale a small batch of new and current products to adult sizes and have adults test them instead of infants or children. This might sound a bit unusual, but it actually makes a lot of sense. Adults can provide valuable feedback on comfort, fit, and overall performance, which helps us identify any potential issues or improvements that need to be made. We also tend to do quality assurance tests quarterly with our current product lines to ensure that the factories producing our product meet our high degree of quality.
News Anchor: That's quite an interesting strategy. So, by using adult testers, you gain more insights into the products' performance?
Jessica Rodriguez: Exactly. Adult testers give us more objective feedback since they can articulate their experience better than young children. It also allows us to avoid any potential risks or discomfort that children might face during testing. We want to be absolutely certain that our products are safe and reliable before they reach our consumers.
News Anchor: That's commendable. I can see how using adult testers can help improve the products even further. Could you tell us more about the feedback you receive from them and how it influences the final design?
Jessica Rodriguez: Absolutely. The feedback from our adult testers is incredibly valuable. They provide insights into the products' fit, absorption, and any potential leakage issues. They also help us identify any areas that may cause discomfort or irritation. This data, combined with feedback from our team of experts, is meticulously analyzed, leading to continuous improvements in our diaper and training pant designs.
News Anchor: It's impressive to see such dedication to product improvement. Finally, Ms. Rodriguez, how do you assure parents that the adult testers' experiences truly reflect what their little ones will experience?
Jessica Rodriguez: It's a great question, and one we take very seriously. While adult testers give us crucial insights, we consider the need for a controlled environment. So naturally we also conduct extensive trials with adults in simulated infant /childhood settings. This approach ensures that the final products are not only safe and effective but also meet the needs and expectations of our young customers and their parents.
News Anchor: Thank you for clarifying that, Ms. Rodriguez. It's evident that Kimberly Clark's commitment to safety and quality drives your product development process. We appreciate you joining us today to share these fascinating insights.
Jessica Rodriguez: Thank you for having me. It was my pleasure to shed light on our testing processes. If there are any other questions, I'd be happy to answer them.
News Anchor: I'm sure our viewers are now well-informed about Kimberly Clark's approach to product testing. Once again, thank you, Ms. Rodriguez, for your time and valuable information.
Jessica Rodriguez: Thank you and have a wonderful evening.
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peonwithcrayons · 2 years
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Some of my favorite screens from Year 1 of my Uberhood playthrough.
Sharon Wirth (Desiderata Valley) + her son Carson (Pic 1 & 2)
Kimberly Cordial (Belladonna Cove) watching over her infant Evanora (Pic 3)
Everyone’s favorites Johnny + Ophelia (Strangetown) (Pic 4)
And Tina Traveller with her lil’ alien son, Galaxy (Pic 5)
Took me about a real life year to complete the one year in the Sims, and I honestly forget to take screenshots a lot so I don’t really have that many to begin with. Need to remember to take more!
(Also please don’t ask me for cc links, I have 18gbs and counting ;.; my load times are atrocious) 
(The only one I know off the top of my head is that I play the Uberhood by MeetMe2TheRiver - https://meetme2theriver.livejournal.com/63030.html )
(I use Pleasantview Main Hood, All Unis, Downtown without Townies, and all other neighborhoods as Shopping Districts)
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msinsights · 17 days
Baby Disposable Diapers Market Size, Share, Top Companies, Regional Outlook, Future Scenario and Forecast by 2031
The Baby Disposable Diapers Market, as analyzed by Metastat Insight, reflects the ever-growing demand for convenient and hygienic solutions in infant care worldwide. With parents increasingly opting for disposable diapers over traditional cloth ones, the market has witnessed significant expansion in recent years. This trend is driven by various factors, including changing lifestyles, urbanization, and a growing awareness of the benefits offered by disposable diapers in terms of convenience and hygiene. 
Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.metastatinsight.com/request-sample/2752
Top Companies
P&G, Chiaus, DaddyBaby, Daio, Fuburg, Kao, Kimberly Clark, MEGA, Nuggles Designs Canada, Ontex.
One of the primary drivers behind the growth of the Global Baby Disposable Diapers market is the rising urban population. As more families migrate to urban areas in search of better opportunities, the demand for convenient baby care products, such as disposable diapers, has surged. Urban lifestyles often entail hectic schedules and limited access to facilities for washing cloth diapers, making disposable options more appealing to time-strapped parents. 
Furthermore, the increasing participation of women in the workforce has contributed to the popularity of disposable diapers. With both parents often juggling professional responsibilities, the need for efficient and hassle-free childcare solutions has become paramount. Disposable diapers offer a convenient alternative, allowing parents to manage their careers without compromising on the comfort and well-being of their infants. 
Browse Complete Report @ https://www.metastatinsight.com/report/baby-disposable-diapers-market
Moreover, heightened awareness about hygiene and sanitation has propelled the adoption of disposable diapers in both developed and developing regions. Parents are increasingly prioritizing the health and safety of their children, leading them to opt for products that offer superior protection against leaks and rashes. Disposable diapers, with their advanced absorbent materials and snug fit, provide a hygienic solution that helps prevent skin irritation and discomfort. 
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intersex-animal · 2 months
(Chicago, July 25, 2017) – Doctors in the United States continue to perform medically unnecessary surgeries that can inflict permanent harm on intersex children, Human Rights Watch and interACT said in a report released today. Despite decades of controversy over the procedures, doctors operate on children’s gonads, internal sex organs, and genitals when they are too young to participate in the decision, even though the surgeries could be safely deferred.
The 160-page report, “‘I Want to Be Like Nature Made Me’: Medically Unnecessary Surgeries on Intersex Children in the US,” examines the physical and psychological damage caused by medically unnecessary surgery on intersex people, who are born with chromosomes, gonads, sex organs, or genitalia that differ from those seen as socially typical for boys and girls. The report examines the controversy over the operations inside the medical community, and the pressure on parents to opt for surgery. Once called “hermaphrodites” (a term now considered pejorative and outdated), intersex people are not rare, but they are widely misunderstood. Based on a medical theory popularized in the 1960s, doctors perform surgery on intersex children – often in infancy – with the stated aim of making it easier for them to grow up “normal.” The results are often catastrophic, the supposed benefits are largely unproven, and there are rarely urgent health considerations requiring immediate, irreversible intervention. “The devastation caused by medically unnecessary surgery on intersex infants is both physical and psychological,” said Kimberly Zieselman, an intersex woman and executive director of interACT. “Despite decades of patient advocates putting the medical community on notice about the harm from these procedures, many doctors continue to present these surgeries to parents as good options.” 
As many as 1.7 percent of babies are different from what is typically called a boy or a girl. The chromosomes, gonads, internal, or external sex organs of these children differ from social expectations. Some intersex traits – such as atypical external genitalia – are apparent at birth. Others – such as gonads or chromosomes that do not match the expectations of the assigned sex – may manifest later in life, in some cases around puberty. A child can be raised as either sex without surgery. On the other hand, genital or gonadal surgeries on intersex children too young to declare their gender identity carry the risk of surgically assigning the wrong sex. Surgery to remove gonads can amount to sterilization without the patient’s consent, and then require lifelong hormone replacement therapy. Operations to alter the size or appearance of children’s genitals risk incontinence, scarring, lack of sensation, and psychological trauma. The procedures are irreversible, nerves that are severed cannot regrow, and scar tissue can limit options for future surgery. Medical protocols have evolved – in particular with an increasingly common use of multi-disciplinary teams that work on cases of “Differences of Sex Development.” Most medical practitioners now acknowledge that parents may prefer to leave their child’s body intact. A doctor who works on such a team told Human Rights Watch: “We’re listening to the adult patients who are telling us that they feel they were mistreated and mutilated and that’s a very powerful thing.”
However, the field remains fraught with uneven, inadequate, and piecemeal standards of care – and broad disagreements among practitioners over how best to respect and protect the rights of their intersex patients. While certain surgical interventions on intersex children are undisputedly medically necessary, some surgeons in the US perform risky and medically unnecessary cosmetic surgeries on intersex children, often before they are even able to talk.
“The medical community has made progress in intersex care in recent decades, but medically unnecessary irreversible surgeries on children and infants remain common,” said Kyle Knight, researcher at Human Rights Watch and author of the report. “The pressure to fit in and live a ‘normal’ life is real, but there is no evidence that surgery delivers on the promise of making that easier, and ample evidence that it risks causing irreversible lifelong harm.”
United Nations human rights bodies have increasingly condemned countries around the world in recent years for failing to ban medically unnecessary surgery on intersex children. In a 2013 report, the United Nations special rapporteur on torture noted that, “Children who are born with atypical sex characteristics are often subject to irreversible sex assignment, involuntary sterilization, involuntary genital normalizing surgery … leaving them with permanent, irreversible infertility and causing severe mental suffering.”
In July 2017, three former US surgeons general wrote that they believed “there is insufficient evidence that growing up with atypical genitalia leads to psychosocial distress,” and “while there is little evidence that cosmetic infant genitoplasty is necessary to reduce psychological damage, evidence does show that the surgery itself can cause severe and irreversible physical harm and emotional distress.”
The report is based on in-depth interviews conducted by Human Rights Watch researcher Kyle Knight and Dr. Suegee Tamar-Mattis, a physician and Human Rights Watch research consultant, with 30 intersex adults, 2 intersex children, 17 parents of intersex children, and 21 healthcare practitioners including gynecologists, endocrinologists, urologists, psychologists, and other mental health providers who work with intersex people. The report also contains an extensive literature review, and features the available data on surgeries.
Several doctors told Human Rights Watch that while they were increasingly uncomfortable advising parents to choose these surgeries, the operations are still taking place in their clinics. Parents said they still feel pressure from doctors to elect these surgeries.
“The pediatricians are in a position of power. And if it’s an issue of parents being scared, that is the problem that has to get solved. It’s not really a matter of if you do surgery – that doesn’t make any sense, that’s not solving anything,” an endocrinologist and medical professor told Human Rights Watch. “When we’re trying to force people into cultural normative, hetero-normative situations, there’s a high chance that we’re going to make some major mistakes and harm people irreparably,” said a gynecologist on a team for “differences in sex development.”
Parents of an 8-year-old born with atypical genitals said: “The doctors told us it was important to have the surgery right away because it would be traumatic for our child to grow up looking different. What’s more traumatic? This sort of operation or growing up a little different?”
These and other parents told Human Rights Watch that the most helpful resource in raising their intersex children was meeting other parents and intersex adults through support groups.
The experience of those who have undergone the surgery, along with principles of medical ethics, suggest that unless and until there is outcome data establishing that the medical benefits of specific surgical procedures on infants and young children outweigh the potential harm, they should not be used, interACT and Human Rights Watch said. At present and despite several decades’ worth of surgeries, that evidence simply doesn’t exist.
The US government and medical bodies should put an end to all surgical procedures that seek to alter the gonads, genitals, or internal sex organs of children with atypical sex characteristics too young to participate in the decision, when those procedures both carry a meaningful risk of harm and can be safely deferred, Human Rights Watch and interACT said.
“Parents of intersex children are often scared and confused about how best to protect their children from stigma,” Zieselman said. “It’s such a relief for them when they meet others who have the same intersex traits as their children and see that they have grown up healthy and happy.”
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downincmi · 4 months
Baby Diapers Market Dynamics: A Comprehensive Overview
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Baby diapers are essential disposable absorbent products designed to absorb and retain baby's urine or stool. Made of thin, porous, flexible material lined with a waterproof backing, diapers reduce the contact of baby's skin with wet or soiled areas. This prevents diaper rash and allows efficient cleaning of the skin. The closure system and acquisition material in the diaper draws moisture away from the skin and keeps the outer fabric dry.
The Global Baby Diapers Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 63.90 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 4.8% over the forecast period from 2024 to 2031. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the Baby Diapers Market are Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Procter and Gamble, Unicharm Corporation, Domtar Corporation, Kao Corporation, Ontex Group, Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc., Nobel Hygiene, Fujian Shuangheng Group Co., Ltd., and Bumkins. Growing awareness about baby hygiene and convenience of use is fueling the demand for baby diapers globally. The increasing working women population and busy lifestyle has made disposable diapers quite popular. Moreover, the rising birth rates in emerging nations of Asia Pacific and Latin America are contributing to the growth of the market substantially. Key players are focusing on expansion plans and new product launches to increase their market share. Procter and Gamble recently invested in expanding its production facility in Singapore. Kimberly-Clark also acquired Softex Indonesia to strengthen its presence in Southeast Asia. Unicharm has launched eco-friendly bio-based diapers made from plant-based materials like bamboo and sugarcane. Additionally, online sales and e-commerce platforms are proving beneficial for the sales of baby diapers and other infant care products. Market key trends
The use of eco-friendly and sustainable materials is a major trend in the baby diapers market. Manufacturers are focusing on reducing plastic waste and incorporating plant-based fibers in diapers. They are also making biodegradable diapers from materials like cornstarch and bamboo that can decompose easily. Innovation in design and introduction of special features is another key trend. Diapers now come with extra absorption panels, waterproof backing, stretchy sides and other improvements for enhanced comfort and fit. Companies are offering different sizes, design and varieties suited for various stages of baby development.
Porter’s Analysis
Threat of new entrants: Baby diapers market requires significant investment in infrastructure and R&D to manufacture unique absorbent materials and meet stringent safety standards. Bargaining power of buyers: Buyers have moderate bargaining power as they can easily switch between various brands and private labels based on price and promotion. Bargaining power of suppliers: Raw material suppliers have low to moderate bargaining power due to availability of substitutes and less switching cost for manufacturers. Threat of new substitutes: No major threat as baby diapers remain most suitable and hygienic option for baby care. Reusable cloth diapers are available but not preferred option for most parents. Competitive rivalry: Intense competition exists among global players to capture market share through product differentiation, innovation, brand promotion and cost leadership. North America accounts for the largest share of over 30% of the global baby diapers market value owing to high birth rate and disposable income of parents in the region. Asia Pacific is the fastest growing market led by China, India and other Southeast Asian countries due to rising birth rate, increasing urbanization and growing middle class population. The baby diapers market in China is estimated to grow at a CAGR of over 8% during the forecast period. This can be attributed to removal of one-child policy, rising birth rate and improving standards of living in the country. Young working parents prefer convenient disposable baby diapers over traditional cloth diapers. Several global brands and local manufacturers are making significant investments in China to satisfy the growing demand.
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augment-techs · 3 months
you distract me (but I'm distracted without you) + BillySkull (for the titles)
Title: you distract me (but I'm distracted without you) Rating: Unrated Relationships: Billy Cranston/Eugene Skullovitch; Eugene Skullovitch/Matthew Cook; Spike Skullovitch & Billy Cranston; Spike Skullovitch & Matthew Cook; Farkas Bulkmeier/Kimberly Hart/Tommy Oliver/Jason Scott. Characters: Billy Cranston; Eugene Skullovitch; Matthew Cook; Spike Skullovitch. Additional Tags: Meet Cute; Single Father Skull; Jealousy; Spike's Birth AU; Another Version of Putty Spike; Crippling Anxiety; Body Horror; Matt Trying His Best. Summary:
It's funny how people come back into others' lives through the weirdest incidents that they never would have imagined.
For Billy, it was having returned to Promethea to help out Terona after a year's sabbatical away from Earth, only to pass by Skull in one of the medical rooms getting blood drawn by Andrea--
But not for him. For the barely-five-month-old squeaking in his arms, tearing up at the tiny prick of a needle as Matt let the gaunt young parent lean back into him; the pain the infant felt almost striking Eugene like a stiletto.
Bonus Excerpt:
"He had no reason not to want to live, and I wasn't going to let him down by dying on him, leaving him alone."
"But your brother--"
"My brother is trying just to get by now that he has a boyfriend who has leukemia and neither one of us can stay at our so-called mother's house now that we're legally of age or emancipated. He stays at the Reserve with David more often than not, and Matt offered me the couch in his apartment. It's a foldout, so I'm comfortable, and Spike doesn't mind the nest I've made out of blankets for him."
Skull took a shaky breath and resettled Spike over to his other arm as he continued to use the breast bump that didn't look at all comfortable for him, trying to head off Spike's need for a meal off at the pass before the little guy woke up again.
Billy couldn't help but avert his eyes as the pump popped off from the Skull's nipple, feeling suddenly like he was intruding.
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chocolatekittysims4 · 4 months
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Cedric's first kiss (with Arnold's childhood crush).
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Let's make out with our brother's childhood crush in his room with him sitting right there. Seems like a great plan.
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And now they're fighting.
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Cedric decided to go break into the Bailey-Moon house and was very successful in his task.
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Meanwhile, Arnold is taking care of their little sister.
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Kimberly Feng
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Arnold moved to a house in Tomarang and adopted a baby boy with his fiance. His name is Hunter and he's a cautious infant.
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So much drama. I didn't realize peanut butter puffs were that awful.
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Hunter is a toddler now and he's so cute!
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But he's also destructive.
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Look at Arnold being a good dad.
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Arnold invited his whole family over for Harvestfest dinner.
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He still hasn't gotten over what happened with Cedric when they were teens. At least now he can kick his brother's ass.
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Hunter absolutely refused to be put in the highchair so I had to give him the leftover tofurkey. I think this child is gonna be a handful.
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fkyumerica · 5 months
jake mcpartline/craig smith/ben nordberg/leonardo dicaprio/tom sollars/tim harris/jeph broughton/anthony skuta/anthony tsckolas he tried to kill me in college with 8 other people
he is angela's son with bill sollars
this is the same person with 18 different girls
his mother gets infant females and female toddlers and female children to lay down and mate with her son everynight in amish areas
"no in windows" angela is beth's daughter and chris's daughter
beth is male
mary sue/angela/chyna doll/cecilia/kimberly sollars/alix merritt
its information he gave
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dispatchdcu · 8 months
Power Rangers Unlimited: The Morphin Masters #1 Review
Power Rangers Unlimited: The Morphin Masters #1 Review #powerrangersunlimited #morphinmasters #powerrangers #mightymorphinpowerrangers #IDW #IDWComics #reviews #previews #NCBD #comics #comicbooks #art #news #comicreviews
Writer: Ryan Parrot & Rachel Wagner Artist: Daniel Bayliss Colorist: Arthur Hesli Letterer: Ed Dukeshire Cover Artists: Toni Infante, Goñi Montes, Miguel Mercado & Justine Florentino Publisher: Boom! Studios Price: $7.99 Release Date: January 31, 2024 After her battle with Lord Drakkon, Ranger Slayer hurtles through an interdimensional vortex. Kimberly Hart arrives in a forest, but where will she…
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