adri ☆
90 posts
she/her ⋆ intp ⋆ 16queen of a very niche section of the universe🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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ingydarwp · 2 hours ago
No matter how much you dislike your own writing, I promise you it’s better than AI
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ingydarwp · 4 hours ago
speaking of eoe and tiger, i am very very curious as to what tiger would think of gracie and what gracie would think of tiger :O
idk if you’ve already answered this. i have a goldfish brain
gracie’s based a little bit off judith grimes — when i write her speaking, i tend to hear it in my head in jude’s voice — so i think perhaps grown-up figer would like little gracie!! not a in an avid, active way, but she’d care for her.
little tiger would not like little gracie, though. she’d find her pathetic, and she’d get angry when she was being weak. she wouldn’t go out of her way to hurt or upset her, but she’d think her to be very frustrating, and might throw small twigs at her.
gracie wouldn’t dislike tiger, though!! she’d be afraid of her, and she’d be upset that tiger didn’t like her, but she’s a very empathetic sort of person so she’d just accept that dislike and watch tiger quietly from afar.
older gracie and older tiger also just would not mesh. gracie’s more angry and tiger is a fraction less so, but they just wouldn’t really get along :( i think their best bet at being friends would be a older tiger and little gracie.
this has just reminded me of twd!gracie, amongst my series of AUs… maybe i should get back to writing that
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ingydarwp · 14 hours ago
what are your thoughts on tony? like as a character/in general, and do you enjoy writing him?
as in stark? i don’t really love him but i don’t loathe him!! i dislike a bunch of the stuff he did — ie. becoming a billionaire from selling branded bombs — but i think he’s a somewhat interesting character. also, the iron man movies were what got me into marvel, so i appreciate him for that.
i do really enjoy writing him, though!! he’s fun to write. the way he talks is pleasing to try and recreate.
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ingydarwp · 14 hours ago
What would each of your ocs favorite jolly rancher flavor be?
they don’t have jolly ranchers in the uk so i’m not entirely sure!! i’ve never had one before ☹️ i did just do some googling, however, so i’m gonna go based off of the named selection rather than any prior knowledge of taste.
gracie’s would be raspberry
isabell’s would be blue raspberry
tiger would be cherry
matty would only like the grape one and would get called weird for it
cat wouldn’t care about flavour. she’d just stuff them all in her mouth at once
sorrow would be a watermelon fan
and indy would be suspicious of them and just not eat them — she’s an apocalypse-born kid and the colours distress her
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ingydarwp · 14 hours ago
i saw on your tt that you had a (i'm assuming scrapped) wip for kitty, do you think you'll ever return to it?
kitty mention!! i jump for joy!!
honestly, i’d like to at some point!! not any time soon, considering all my other projects and my exams, but i would like to bring it back someday!! kitty’s still very important to me and her story should get told!!
karina ‘kitty’ larsen, ily :(
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ingydarwp · 14 hours ago
how do you name your ocs? do you go off of vibes or meanings or a mix of both?
usually it’s vibes!! tiger, gracie and matty, along with most of the others, were named off their vibes!! usually, i scour pinterest baby name things until something catches my eye.
some of them are supposed to mirror their cultural heritage too!! isabell — despite being raised in russia — is german, so her last name is a german last name, and isabell for her is spelt the german way!! according to google, anyway…
annette betzler — my jojo rabbit OC who i’m hoping to revive — has a french first name, because she’s against the nazi society she lives in, so she’s supposed to stand out amongst her heavily nationalist surroundings by not being the perfect german.
the only one who was named with a non-heritage purpose was sorrow!! i tell this to anyone who listens bc i thought it was clever, but sorrow’s named after a nursery rhyme about magpies!! there’s a lot of superstition/folklore surrounding magpies in the uk, and one song starts with “one for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl, four for a boy…” so i thought it would be sneaky to name her sorrow 😋
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ingydarwp · 23 hours ago
Two months no tiger edit :(
i know, i’m sorry :((
my eoe edit ideas folder is just full of jackie ideas, and i can’t make any yet bc they’re all spoilers!! if anyone has some (relatively short/simple) concepts for tiger, i’ll be happy to try and make them!! my own brain’s just run a little dry.
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ingydarwp · 1 day ago
What’s the relationship dynamic that you like writing the most?
idk quite how to describe this, but i really like the ones that aren’t the central focus of the fic?? like bucky and gracie, cat and frank, sorrow and sam, etc. obviously, i LOVE my main focuses, but there’s something extra-special about the side relationships?? like, they’re not quite as important as the main ones, but there’s some sort of secret, deep , soul-wrenching understanding going on between them.
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ingydarwp · 1 day ago
what is a show or movie you love and want to write for that you haven’t yet?
you and the previous person asked nearly identical questions!! in my response to them, i said i’d like to do once upon a time and yellowstone, but i also really want to do yellowjackets, lost, the maze runner, and maybe smth niche like ‘the raven cycle’ at one point
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ingydarwp · 1 day ago
what fandom would you like to write for??
you and my next ask both asked pretty much the same question, which is a spooky coincidence!!
i’d like to write for ouat!! i think it’s interesting and weird and funny and like a less miserable version of spn, so it’s right up my street. i’d also like to do yellowstone someday :0
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ingydarwp · 1 day ago
i bring a question!!
if there was something you could change in your fics, if there is anything, what would it be??
big spooky question :0 i like it a lot tho!! vada you ask fantastic questions 😋
i’ve said this a couple of times before, and i think i’ll actually do it at some point, but i’d get rid of the faceless children from DS and just have kitty. the other ones seem somewhat irrelevant :( and annalise, who was one of them, basically morphed her way into becoming gracie, so there’s still pieces of them left with me!!
in GT, i’d have less blackhill in there. i put it in originally to add to the sadder, darker side of GT!nat, but now that part of her is very much visible and open, it doesn’t feel so necessary anymore?? i still like blackhill, don’t get me wrong!! i just can’t really expand on it as much as i’d like to anymore.
in devil town, less STUFF would happen to cat. this isn’t referencing anything in specific, but i feel like she was involved in insane, dramatic chaos every single chapter, and it’s just a tiny bit too much, yk?? i also wouldn’t have hinted at michael before he was revealed.
that’s it, though!! i think!! i’m pretty pleased with the rest of my fics and hopefully(!!) it stays that way!! 😋
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ingydarwp · 1 day ago
Has writing Graceland too made you dislike Natasha Romanoff in the Mcu
a little bit, yes… not an active dislike!! i’m just not really drawn to her anymore?? i like the versions of her that i see in other people’s fanfictions, but her in the movies has become off-putting to me. i feel like she changes every movie anyway, and not in the good way, so there’s not a lot to get attached to ☹️
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ingydarwp · 1 day ago
very very important question!!
what are each of your ocs favorite ice cream flavors?
very important question indeed!!
gracie’s is raspberry sorbet or mint choc-chip
tiger’s is rocky road
isabell’s is literally all of them, but mixed into a soup
matty doesn’t like ice cream :( bad textures and it’s “too cold”. he’d rather have a smoothie
sorrow would like those ridiculously sugary, child-targeted ice creams called “unicorn rainbow sprinkle delight” or smth
indy’s is just basic chocolate
cat likes the blue bubblegum one!!
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ingydarwp · 2 days ago
how come you chose Nat to be the one who torments Gracie. Btw love ur fics! :)
thank you so much!!
funnily enough, it wasn’t my original intention!! it just sort of came to me as i was going along. i guess it was because, even from the very beginning, nat’s been so protective of gracie. gracie’s always been yelena’s replacement. so, when nat failed to keep gracie “pure” and save her from world, the same way she failed to save herself and yelena, it just kinda flipped something inside of her??
gt!nat is also supposed to resemble comic!nat a lot more than mcu!nat. i feel like mcu!nat is underdeveloped and inconsistent, so having her be more vicious and cruel is fun!! it’s also something that i see get done a lot less in fics too, so it’s an interesting spin to put on it.
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ingydarwp · 2 days ago
Would any of your ocs be theater kids and if so who?
none of them, i feel 😞 they aren’t whimsical and cool enough for such things. gracie might do backstage stuff, tho!! i think she’d like painting sets
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ingydarwp · 2 days ago
sorrow dies, but then i sell my soul to a demon and resurrect her!! it’s gonna be okay cause im also wanda maximoff and i break her silly old curse :)) 😎😎
i love this theory guys!! adri 🦭 of approval confirmed!!
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ingydarwp · 2 days ago
what’s your thoughts on Gracie (ur oc) sharing the same name as Gracie Abrahms
honestly, not overly enthusiastic :(
i’m not a big fan of gracie abram’s music, and i’m even less of a fan of that comment she made about finn wolfhard. no hate to gracie abrams fans, but gracie rogers does not associate with that!!
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