#kim x makayla x adam
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kboo1999 · 6 months ago
Chicago P.D. Season 12, Episode 2: "Blood Bleeds Blue"
yaeah forgot, how still big mad i am at them for this
oh ruz
this is not what to do sir
is this going to be the "new" actual officer
oh wow...if this is her, she's showing her toughness
ahhhh!!! yessss!!! atwater!!!!
i love that kev was the first from intelligence to come to adam's side
i guess i did kinda miss patrol being more involved...it was just different when it was burgess & atwater or even burgess &
yes for telling him to grab it
cook. lol.
oh no. ruzek is going silent deadly mode...
anyone else find it interesting how anytime that they've introduced a new female character, kim has NOT been in that particular episode...
ugh. hate this.
"he's just a tiny little thing"
officer cook is pretty hilarious it seems
boys? plural?? hold up. whatttt??????!??!!??!
oh yeahhhhhh torres!!!!
lol. dante. hank calls him dante now???!!!?!?!!?!!!
i really hope that next epsiode 12x3 brings the same that 11x3 brought with all the. domestic Burzek
i love all this multi team up between units, teams, etc - patrol, all of platt's people, and more - people being concerned about martel
yeahhhhhh, this officer cook is funny as fucking hell. she really said, "dumbass"
oh..no...kevin's face. it says it all.
omfg. i guess martel really had a lot of people that liked her..
ugh. poor ruzek.
really hank???
OCD teams...
these kids trip me fucking out!!!! like immediately taking defense against the cops just because
this kid is very knowledgeable, though
yyeaaahhhh. this dad, daryl. he screams bad news frf
lol. not i didn't want to know. that should tell you all that you ever need to know about someone.
yes officer, yessss!!!
oh no.
i forgot he even had the blood on his hands to begin with
yes. see officer cook. yes. good.
um...so the kid grabbed a gun.
exactly why the hell. ohhhhh. yep. so the kid is going after his dad. at least that's what I'm assuming
bruh. these people and aiming guns at the cops like that ...
ugh. and these damn kids.
really kid?? really?
yes, torres yes!!!!!
lol. not the my dad's crazy.
"until you hear direct word from officer ruzek" agh!!!! ⎯ i love that, adam deserves to be in charge of these things again, he's more than earned it, and been in intelligence the longest.
lol damn - adam was mother fucking ready
and boom. it all goes boom.
aww, hank's little run up to adam and trying to get through to adam is wild.
really dig officer cook.
sooo, maybe it's adam that's going to get his gold shield then?
um interesting. so we're going straight into a atwater centric episode.
oh ruz
god. poor ruz.
and kim is not here to be with him.
this is not what to do sir
ruzek goes crazy when. in vengeance mode, we know that
aww, the way that adam says, "he's just a tiny little thing"
soooooo, is he ever going to at least give kim like a quick call or text to let her know that he's at least alive??
awww, kim is calling!!!!
but seriously, lol wow, it's like i just knew there connection would lead to kim and adam
i am curious as to if makayla stayed with adam, or if she's with kim at her little conference
not adam knowing it's hank before he even pulled into his peripheral
and she calls againnnnn!!!!
awww!!!!! the pic of Kim & Makayla as Kim's contact pic
lol your wife. the fact that she assumed it was his wife. like yes duhhhhh!!! DEFINITELY HIS WIFEY!!!!
soon to be.
you can't!!! you just can't???
oh hell. adam!!!
yes. this reminds me of OG ADAM RUZEK!!! ⎯ the adam that i feel in love withhh
oh no. ruz. he's shaking so bad
so based on the progression and word usage of this episode, I'm going to go out on a limb here, and assume that it's adam that's going to be promoted to detective
the toughness
she really without hesitation dove into partnering up with adam
officer cook is pretty damn hilarious it seems
this chick is funny!!!
she really without hesitation dove into partnering up with adam
"dumbass", lol i cannnnooooottttt, she's funny lol
yes officer cook, yessss!!!
that was a nice little love tap to the side of the car there officer cook
oh hell!!!!!!
he really drove off with her ass on the hood.
and then she still hung in there and got a damn shot off
she's a badass. i like her. i like her a lot!!
love that kev was the first to get there for adam from intelligence
kinda hate that atwater seemed to have been "stuck" (can't really think of any other word for it then that)
i love that they finally showed us some of the rest of the district
it's been a really long time since they've all been keyed in and involved
oh trudyyyyy lol. i missed ma ladyyy, hardcore!!!
yessssss, platt heard intelligence, and was like hell fucking nah.
platt heard the ruzek part and was hell nah bruh
god. seriously. i love a trudy platt.
the way that trudy loves adam is just ahh.
soooooo, is he ever going to at least give kim like a quick call or text to let her know that he's at least alive??
i am curious as to if makayla stayed with adam, or if she's with kim at her little conference
and she calls againnnnn!!!!
lol your wife. the fact that she assumed it was his wife. like yes duhhhhh!!! DEFINITELY HIS WIFEY!!!!
soon to be.
you can't!!! you just can't???
lol wife!!!. the fact that she assumed it was his wife. like yes, YESSSSS DEFINITELY HIS WIFEY!!!! - adam's little "soon to be", i am loving this whole thing
“officer cook you alright?” - the slight desperation in adam’s voice there
the way that adam gave props and recognition. a wonderful man.
the way that hank walks when he's rushing. lol.
aww, dante torres. one of the best additions to the team..
seriously just mmmm. another torres sighting.
torres and this car crack me tf up!!!!
it's a good way to stay undercover though
god. the way he talks. *sigh* i love him.
i love torres and all his tats
i also just love dante torres as a whole. he's an amazing and delicious man
forgot how amazing and quick torres is. such an on your feet thinker….
you can tell he cares soooo much too...
Deputy Reid…yeah. seems like he's going to be a good addition, fr fr. maybe we can actually keep him
well damn paddy. what did you do turning your off break?? cause babbbbyyyyyy, them muscles are yelling 💪🏼
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thestarrynightslover · 1 year ago
Maybe We Could Do It Again
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 4,632
Warnings: bickering and fluff.
Summary: Jay meets the Reader as they’re both babysitting Makayla for Adam and Kim and they end up tangled up on the ground and kissing.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way, or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: Okay, so this is one of the longest fics I’ve written, which might be a little too long but I hope you guys like it and feel free to send feedback! By the way, this is the first time I insert Burzek in one of my fics but I think I got their energy right ;)
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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“Oh my God, Adam! I can’t believe that even when you’re not supposed to do something you get it wrong!” Kim yelled at her boyfriend.
“What the hell-” He even tried to respond but got immediately interrupted for his bad language.
“Adam!” She hissed again, not believing how he could still curse so much now that the two of them had a child in the house.
“Sorry, sorry!” He said, nervously raising his hands, as Kim already peeked through the kitchen doors to see Jay and Makayla pretend like they hadn’t been listening to every word of their conversation in the living room. “It’s just… I remember you specifically telling me to find someone to babysit the kid, so I did it! How is it possible that I’m the one who-”
“Yes! I did ask you two to do that! On Monday! And do you remember what you told me?” He didn’t dare to say anything. “Oh, no? Because I do! I remember you saying, and I quote:” she said, even making finger quotes to emphasize the whole thing, “‘Where the hell am I supposed to find a babysitter for Makayla? None of my friends have any experience with kids!’” Kim shoved it in his face, making a very good point for herself. But, as usual, Adam decided to go against any sign of good judgment and continue to defend himself. He knew he could never let Kim in on it, but Jay himself was one of those who had already heard the officer saying how much he loved bickering with his girlfriend and getting her all fired up against him.
“No, uh! That won’t cut it! You told me, and I quote: ‘Then hire someone! I don’t know! But you’re the one who came up with the date night idea, so don’t come and throw something that should be your responsibility on my shoulders!’, so I knew that I needed to find someone! Kev and Vanessa are visiting his siblings this weekend, so I thought: why not Jay? He’s good with kids, and he offered to help us with Makayla!” Adam concluded, absolutely proud of himself while Kim just rolled her eyes.
“Oh. My. God!!! You do know he didn’t mean that literally, don’t you?” She was already fuming by that point.
“Err-” He had to admit that he’d never stopped to think about that possibility…
“No one means that literally!!” She shouted, this time, making even the neighbors hear their arguing. “No one means that literally, and, now, you’re just making us both look like the cops who can’t take care of their own kid in front of the entire unit.” She stated, in a lower, tone while pinching the bridge of her nose.
“But this is not the entire unit! This is Jay! Our friend Jay, who had offered!” Adam stood by that argument and Kim had already opened her mouth to shoot a remark back when Jay came into the kitchen.
“Makayla’s distracted with the tv.” He started with that so that they wouldn’t be worried. “Uh... Guys, Kim, you don’t have to worry about me telling anyone about this, okay? I won’t. Besides, I did mean what I said before. I’m here to help. Whatever you guys need. Plus, for someone who had plans of watching a game rerun alone at home on a Friday night, babysitting that cute little girl is almost like hitting a jackpot!” Jay assured, giving them a small smile and shiny eyes headed towards Makayla’s direction. Babysitting a kid, when he was probably never gonna have one of his own, was one of the things that he, personally, missed the most about when Will and Natalie were together. Back when Lindsay lived in Chicago, he used to be sure that, someday, he was gonna find someone. Settle down. Build a family. But, now… After everything that had happened, he couldn’t help but feel like his time to do all that had run out. So, instead of mooning over it, he could gladly babysit Makayla.
“Well, um, thank you, Jay,” Kim started, nervously tucking a string of hair behind her ear, “that’s really nice to hear. And we very much appreciate it. But-” She didn’t get a chance to finish as the doorbell rang and Adam rushed towards the apartment’s entrance to prevent his very excited little girl from opening the door by herself. When he got there, followed by the other two adults, Makayla was already standing on her tiptoes, hand-in-handle.
“Hey! Watcha doing, you little adventurous?!” Adam asked while picking her up from the floor and tickling her sides, which made her become a giggling mess. “You can’t just open the door like that, darlin’! You gotta check on the peephole first,” he said, as he lifted her up enough so that she could look through the hole, “like this. See someone?”
“Yes! It’s (y/n/n)!” She squealed out. “Can we open the door now? Please, Adam?” Makayla asked, shooting him pleading eyes, while her body buzzed with happiness.
“Ah, (y/n/n), right,” Adam said simply, opening the door and fearing that Kim would want to restart the whole discussion with him.
“Hey, princess!” And that simple greeting was all it took for Makayla to throw herself from Adam’s arms straight to yours. “Wow,” you laughed at her sudden movement, which had caused you to lose your balance a little, “you excited to see me?”
“Yes!! Did you bring the bakings???” She asked you eagerly, bakings being what she called your cooking utensils.
“No, not today!” Your answer made her face, almost immediately, turn into a sad frown. “But I brought this!” You told her while lifting up a box that read ‘karaoke set’, above a few drawings of a microphone and musical notes. Seeing that, Makayla’s saddened expression shifted in two seconds, eyes lighting up.
“Look, Kim!” The little girl shrieked, more than ready to have what she already knew was about to be the time of her life.
“Yeah, I see that! Seems like you girls are gonna have a blast…” Your friend weirdly trailed off, as her mind tried to find a quick solution to the mess her boyfriend had made.
“Uh…” Was all that a very handsome man you hadn’t met yet managed to let out.
“Jay, um, this is my best friend (y/n). (y/n/n), this is our friend from work Jay. I’m sorry about the mess, guys, it’s Adam’s fault.” Kim spoke again, bluntly accusing her boyfriend.
“My fault??? Are you kidding??? You told me to find someone to watch Makayla 'cause you didn’t want us to keep bothering (y/n)!”
“Guys! It’s no bother at all, really. Hanging out with this little princess is in my best interest, believe me!” You said, quickly defending your case.
“Well, thanks for saying that, (y/n/n). What happened here is that Adam told me he wouldn’t be able to get anyone,” Kim started while shooting daggers into her boyfriend with her bare eyes. “So, since I wasn’t about to just wait for a miracle, I called and asked you to do it. But someone didn’t think about telling me that he had already gotten Jay to come. And now you’re both here, ugh!” She finished, rather dramatically, while pointing a finger at Adam.
That was, seriously, the best couple you knew when it came to bickering.
“Okay, so, um, it’s not gonna be any trouble. I can leave since your colleague got here first and you don’t need to be stressed on your date night, friend.” You tried to bring things to a peaceful ending before Kim turned it into a murder scene.
“Oh, I do need to be stressed! I need to-” She started to debate but got cut off by Makayla’s cute pleading voice:
“But you can’t leave, (y/n/n)! We’re gonna play karaoke!” The little girl clearly had already gotten worked up by your idea for the night.
“Makayla, baby, please don’t be difficult. You hang out with (y/n/n) all the time, and uncle Jay is already here…” You watched as Adam tried to reason with his daughter while she held you really tight.
“No, uh…” Their friend started to say. Was it too weird for you to be thinking about how incredibly cute he looked when scratching the back of his neck like that? “Relax, man, I can go. I bet that you’re gonna have a lot more fun with her than with me, anyways, Mak.” He completed, talking to your little friend with a sweet smile, to which she reacted with a confused frown.
“But- but why does Jay have to leave? Can’t he play karaoke with us, (y/n/n)?” Makayla asked you poutingly.
“Now that’s something I’d like to see!” Adam started to mock but stopped when Kim punched him in the arm. “Ouch! That hurt, you know?”
“I know! That was exactly the result I was hoping for!” She squealed out sarcastically, “Makayla, honey, you can’t just ask both (y/n/n) and Jay to play karaoke, of all things, with you.” It was lovely to watch Kim interacting so patiently with her kid but the young girl still didn’t seem to understand.
“But why???”
“Well, they don’t know each other, Makayla.” Kim tried again but Mak still wasn’t ready to give it up.
“But they know me!” 
“Good luck explaining now, ma.” As soon as the words came out of his mouth, all of you 𑁋 Adam himself included 𑁋 knew what was coming, fortunately, Kim just punched him in the arm again.
“You know, guys, you don’t need to fight over something like this, okay? Uh… Since he’s your coworker, I’m gonna assume that he’s one of the good guys, therefore I wouldn’t really have a problem with hanging out with him…” You said because you were never one to say no to little kids. “I mean if that’s okay with you, too, officer…”
“It’s detective, actually. But you can call me Jay, uh, (y/n), right?”
“Yeah, that’s right.”
“Well, I don’t have any problems with hanging out with you either,” Jay said and, Jesus, was that really his smile? “I mean, Mak should get all the babysitters she wants!” He told her with a wink. It was official. You were so done for the night.
“Ha!” Kim nervously let out a laugh, “let’s go easy there, cowboy! You can’t just come into my house offering the kid everything she wants.”
“Okay, okay,” the detective started to say with a gesture of surrender while the couple started to get out of the house to give you the space to properly go in. “Sorry ‘bout that, ma!” You could have sworn that you saw him tremble 𑁋 just a little 𑁋 under the deadly gaze your friend sent his way. Adam, who seemed to be off the hook for the first time that night, took the moment to laugh and hope that his girl would forget she had been so mad at him.
“C’mon, darling. Let’s get going before we decide it isn’t very safe to leave Mak with those two.”
"Yeah… I'm already deciding that but maybe they'll prove us wrong." Kim said, voice absolutely faithless. "You behave, Makayla!"
"It's more than obvious that she's going to be the best tonight. Get outta here already!" You heard Jay yelling a little in response to her, as you and Makayla started to get the karaoke set up.
But you, being the lucky person you were, obviously couldn't find your way around your friend's old stuff.
"Uh, you need any help there?"
“No! No, not all! Um, I got this!” You quickly responded because you could be pretty skeptical when it came to admitting your weaknesses and, from your point of view, not getting a simple karaoke set to work was a huge one.
“Alright, then…”
“Are you sure you don’t want Jay to help, (y/n/n)?” Mak asked, sounding way more reasonable than you, the actual adult there.
“Um, err, I guess maybe I could use some help… It’s just that this TV setup is quite different from mine…” You said, still unwilling to let how confused you were really show.
“Yeah, I can help!” you heard Jay as he left his spot in the corner of the room. “I was just ordering us pizza but I can totally help out 'cause Adam and I actually shopped for these TVs together, so I have the same one!” He said, this time, already gently getting the device from your hands before you could even react, which was probably him sensing that you wouldn’t give it up so easily, like he could see right through you.
“Okay, well, since you already ordered the pizza, I’ll go make us some juice.” As you said that you got both of your companions making weird faces at you, so you amended: “Or not, because you already ordered soda too… Just keep in mind that if Kim gets mad because of all the junk food that kid is eating, I’m telling on you, detective!” You said, making a point to stare right into his eyes 𑁋 God, they were so beautiful, was there nothing but beauty in this man’s body?
“Okay, so I think we’re all good here with the karaoke! Who wants to go first?” Hearing that you came of your very dangerous thoughts and Makayla jumped up and down, screaming:
“Me! Me! Me!”
“Alright, little lady, then come pick a song!” Jay told her and stood by to help her with her choice.
About three hours later all three of you had already sung your hearts out 𑁋 Jay having had gone for ABBA, which surprised you and Mak, to say the least 𑁋 eaten lots of pizza, drunk lots of soda and had begun watching a movie, cause you told Jay that that always did the trick when it came to Mak falling asleep. But, God, it was hard to pay attention to the movie you were supposed to be watching when sitting next to a guy like that. And he wasn’t just really handsome. He was sweet and kind and funny. Also, he was so good with Makayla. It was like everything you’d always imagined the perfect man being like was right there, reunited in the detective’s goof self. But you couldn't be thinking those thoughts about him. Not when he was so close. And definitely not when your best friend's daughter was lying on both of your laps.
So, in order to calm your thoughts for a minute, you gently put Makayla’s head on a cushion as you got up 𑁋 because she was already asleep 𑁋, and said I’m gonna get started on cleaning over there.” It was indeed necessary since Mak had dropped all of the content of a big ice cream container near the dining table, the ice cream being very sticky and sort of liquid 𑁋 which was obviously beyond your understanding but who were you to judge Kim and her preferences? 
"Oh God, lemme help you!" You heard Jay saying, as he quickly made his way from the corridor over to where you were cleaning the floor, by the dining table.
"Ah, there's no need for it. I'm used to spending time with Mak, and, then, cleaning up before Kim sees it." You told him with a sly smile.
"Ha! Well, I don't doubt it! You're really good with her."
"And she's really good at making giant messes."
"Right." He said, chuckling lightly. "But, this time, I bet you felt like there were two kids, huh?"
"Your words, not mine, detective."
"Anyways, I'll help. Don't tell Kim and Adam, cause they might spread it across the district, but I'm actually pretty good at cleaning. Especially, when compared to someone who's doing such a lousy job." At that, you instantly snapped your head in his direction.
"What did you just say?" You asked, pretending to be mad while standing up and raising your sponge, as if it was a weapon you were threatening him with.
"Uh… Uh, d- did you know that pulling a weapon on a cop is a crime?" He asked, trying to play along, but stuttering a little.
"And what are you gonna do?" Now that Makayla was asleep… "Huh? Arrest me?" Jesus Christ, you definitely weren't thinking straight, you thought as you watched Jay drop his mop, also spilling all the soapy water on the floor. He even motioned to take care of it but stopped when he realized that you were, now, standing closer. Closer than it was safe for him to be near a woman like you. So he decided to take a step backward, not remembering the floor situation and slipping. As a reflex, you grabbed his shirt when you were obviously not gonna be able to prevent him from falling.
So, you ended up falling with him. On top of him. Oh God, was that living room always so hot? Your thoughts were cut off by Jay's laugh, it was an open-mouthed laugh, just like when you two were interacting with Makayla. He didn't seem to be the kind of guy who got to laugh too much, especially given his job. But it definitely suited his features. His smile, that bright, was so beautiful.
"So you're seriously not even gonna try and get up? Just gonna stay there staring?" Hearing that, you blushed instantly, because you hadn't even realized you were staring.
"Ah, uh… Right." Now, that was your turn to stutter, and Jay was loving every second of it. He thought you looked absolutely adorable like that. Even more so than you had looked all night.
But you weren't feeling adorable at all. You were embarrassed. By the situation at hand, sure, but, also, by your entire behavior that had, pretty much, gotten the two of you in that position. What was going through your head? The answer was simple: nothing. Or, better yet, Jay's gorgeous face, body, and behavior. Just, Jay being gorgeous all night. Now, what really made you wanna dig a hole and jump right into it was when you tried to get up but the floor was so slippery that you just fell back on him.
Needless to say, he was having a playfield. Laughing like there was no tomorrow. In fact, he had relaxed completely under you, laying his head on the soaked floor.
"You know what? This is pretty comfortable. I think I'll stay right here." It was official: you had no self-shame.
"Are you serious?" He asked, trying hard to hold back from laughing.
"Look, I don't know what else to do, okay? And my brain is clearly affected by your little charm, because I just keep mortifying myself over and over-"
"So you think I'm charming, huh?" Damn it. A thousand times damn it.
"Uh… That's not exactly what I-" You couldn't finish your sentence, as Jay started pulling you even closer to him. Kissing you. Oh boy, how he kissed you…
"Oh. My. God." Both you and Jay jumped away from each other, as much as you could, the second you heard Kim say that, her being followed suit by Adam:
"What the hell is that?!?" He half-asked, half-barked at the both of you, trying hard to not burst into laughter.
"Uh, it's, um, it's not what you're thinking, guys-"
"It's not what I'm thinking?!?" Yeah… It was safe to say that Kim was pissed. "Are you sure it isn't? Because the image actually seemed pretty self-explanatory to me!" As the both of you just kept working out a way to get up from the floor, she continued: "I come back home thinking that everything was gonna be perfect because my daughter had two adults babysitting her! People that I thought were quite responsible but, then, I come home to find those very adults making out on the floor in my living room! My very dirty living room! And, by the way, where the hell is Makayla?"
"She, um, she's in her bedroom. Asleep." Jay finally spoke. "And, about the mess… We were just, uh…"
"Yeah, man, we saw what you were just doing," Adam said, looking like he was having the time of his life.
"No! That's not what he was gonna say-"
"Ah, so the two of you got along so well that now you even know what he was going to say, (y/n)?" Kim said, while glaring at you.
"All I meant was that, well, the place got a little dirty…" Jay started to explain but not fast enough.
"A little???" Kim was really, really mad, you realized.
"But dinner was great!" At that, both you and Kim just stared at him incredulously while Adam started laughing on his way to the kitchen.
"That's what you were going to say???" You ask him, not believing you'd just tried to defend him for some joke. "Kim, I'm sorry things ended up this unfruitful…" You began to tell your best friend, to try and patch things up, when Adam chipped in from the other room.
"You know, darling, Jay wasn't wrong! This pizza is great!" He barked, mouth full. And that's what got Kim to go over the edge.
"Don't you realize what just happened here, Adam??? And, you two! I still haven't heard an explanation on what the hell I just saw!"
"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry! We were cleaning up and then it just-"
"It just what, (y/n)??? It just happened? That what you were gonna say?"
"As a matter of fact, yes, it is! It just happened because you and your boyfriend made me babysit with this ridiculously hot guy and I'm human! Now, before you have another crisis, Makayla didn't see anything and I'm leaving because I just humiliated myself more than enough for a lifetime!" With that said, and your flight or flee instinct activated — cause you were never much of a fighter —, you did the smartest thing possible and stormed out of there, hoping to be able to get into some sort of protection program for embarrassment victims.
Meanwhile, Adam and Kim simply had to laugh, even more so when they noticed Jay's shocked twinkling expression.
"Jay! What is wrong with you?" Kim asked, taking him out of his daze.
"Go after her! If I hadn't been so upset about the circumstances, I would've been the first one to say that what happened over there?" She asked, pointing to the floor. "What happened there was hot." The officer finished her trail of thought bluntly, as if it was the most obvious thing.
"But… What about your living room?" Jay asked, still unsure of what to do.
"Are you kidding me? Look, Halstead, if you promise not to break her heart… I won't hold it against you." Kim stated, making her stance on the whole matter very clear. She thought it was a good way to start apologizing to you after freaking out like that.
"Uh, uh, alright!" The detective rambled, looking like he had no idea of what to do next.
“Go!” With that last push, he left his friends’ house to go try and get the girl.
“You know, this is quite a mess but they do have the potential to be a great couple!” Adam happily pointed out, as he kept eating all he could find.
“Ha! If she’s as lucky as I am…” Kim ironically muttered, as she watched her boyfriend impolitely shoving food in his mouth.
“Then she’s a very lucky lady!” He confidently stated with a grin while all Kim could do was laugh at his messy childish ways.
Outside burzek's apartment — burzek being the ship name you used to tease Kim and Adam with —, you had been slowly walking towards the subway. You wanted to move faster but your mind was too full at the moment. And, sometimes, when you needed to get your head back on straight, you couldn't really do anything else, having a hard time concentrating on your flow of thoughts.
It was right when you were beginning to think you had stopped the spirals in your mind that you heard him: "(y/n)!" You recognized the detective's voice on the spot. How could you not, after how he had managed to disrupt your thoughts and actions all evening? But you weren't about to turn back around and have your very own movie ending with him. You just knew it wasn't gonna play out like that and decided to keep walking in order to preserve the little dignity you still had. "Oh, c'mon! Just give me a minute! Please!" That pleading made you turn around, to let him down more politely, which ended up with the two of you almost hitting each other. Once again, that same night, he was too close to you. The proximity with his body sending all sorts of heatwaves through yours. He seemed to be feeling it too, given the way he started to look at you, the damn smirk back on his lips.
"Nu-uh. You don't get to look at me like that. Not after what it did to me the first time."
"Huh. Care to elaborate on that? How exactly am I looking at you?" He asked, moving even closer to you altogether. "And, more importantly, what exactly did it do to you?"
"You don't need me to answer any of that." You pointed out, crossing your arms over your chest — clearly going into defensive mode.
"Maybe not," he started, tilting his head slightly — the damn smirks never leaving his face. "But. I'd like to hear it nevertheless."
"Well, you're not going to."
"Ah, okay." Wait, was he really giving up that easily? "Then maybe I can just try and see what it does to you one more time? For the sake of curiosity." All you could think to say was an enthusiastic 'Yes, please!' but, when he started leaning in to kiss you, you seemed to come back to your senses, pushing him away and taking some steps back of your own.
"Oh my God! Don't you get it? We can't be doing this right now. Not after the way I left things with Kim because of our previous, um, actions!" At that, Jay just gave you a confused look. "I stormed out of there but just because I was feeling too ashamed about it all and I honestly don’t think that I want any more embarrassment for a lifetime.
“Okay, okay. I get that but maybe it would feel less embarrassing for you if you knew that I was feeling all of that too: all of that buzzing energy and the goddamn butterflies and everything. You were doing exactly the same I did to you to me. And, as embarrassing as it was to be caught like that by Adam and Kim, I still can’t say I regret any of it. In fact, I was thinking that maybe we could do it again? You know, minus all the mess and the kid 𑁋 I mean, I adore Mak but that would be-” 
You didn’t care to listen to the rest of all he had to say. Instead, you threw yourself into his arms, even making him lose his balance for a second, and started kissing him, except that this time it was a slow, hot, and thought-through kiss. And the second you did kiss him, you heard clapping and whistling from afar, as you turned to find Kim and Adam there, once again witnessing you and Jay kiss. And that had Jay whispering to you:
“Let’s get out of here?” To which you responded simply with a:
“Yes, please!”
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adamruz · 2 years ago
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Adam Ruzek, Kim Burgess & Makayla in CHICAGO P.D. 10.18 "You Only Die Twice"
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renegadesstuff · 6 months ago
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burzekedits · 10 months ago
9x15 spoiler for anyone who hasn’t seen it
the way ruzek takes his gun out is so hot.. like that man was ready to go to war for Makayla
and don’t get me started on burgess.. she had me crying the entire episode.. I need this family to be happy and stay happy for once 😭
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witchygagirlwrites · 2 months ago
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Jay Halstead x Reader
Jay wants you but won't admit it until he sees someone else wanting you
Sex, clothed sex in the precinct?
You sat next to Kim, trying to listen as her and Adam told you about something Makayla was doing at school. You were desperately trying to act like your attention wasn’t on your partner or the way his lips moved around the edge of that beer bottle, the way his hand gripped it. Fuck, you were losing your shit. Hailey bumped you lightly and whispered “Are you good?” 
You shook yourself out of your stupor and nodded “Yeah, I’m um gonna go pay my tab” she nodded and slid back to let you move over her legs out of the booth. “Hey, hold up. I’ll walk with you. Need to pay mine too” Jay called and you tried not to show on your face that you were mentally cursing. You needed a breather away from him. You weren’t sure what the hell was going on lately between you and your partner of the last two years but the dynamic had shifted and it was choking you.
You forced a smile onto your face and cut your eyes at him as you made it over Hailey’s legs “Well come on then Halstead. I don’t go all night” he rolled his eyes “Like you got anywhere to be” you shrugged “Sorry if all of us don’t keep a rotation of beds to hop out of like some people” and grinned when he shook his head. 
You walked off from the table and heard his footsteps right before his hand brushed your lower back “You know I don’t have no damn rotation” you looked over your shoulder at him and shrugged “None of my business if you do, now is it?” then kept walking. 
When you made it to the bar, you leaned on the end and waved for Herrman. He nodded so you waited and felt Jay staring at you. You finally turned to face him “Yes?” he shook his head “You’ve been quiet tonight. Is something wrong?” A small smile slipped onto your face at the concern in his voice “No Jay, I’m good. I think I’m just tired” he studied your face for a moment then finally nodded “You know if you ever need me, whenever that may be all you have to do is call. I’ll come to you” 
You nodded then let a smirk slip onto your face “What if I call and you got a woman in your bed?” He rolled his eyes “Dammit, I’m trying to be a good friend, a good partner and you gotta call me a slut” You gasped lightly, grabbing your chest dramatically “I did not call you a slut! I implied you were!” he took a step closer to you, putting your back against the bar and his chest just a breath away from yours. You cut your eyes up to meet his, swallowing hard as he said “Sweetheart believe it or not I don’t need to be fucking a different woman every night. A real man doesn’t” 
“What does a real man do then Jay?” you asked and he leaned closer, hands caging you in and letting his lips brush the shell of your ear “A real man finds one woman, only needs one woman” he chuckled lightly when you cut your eyes up at him and shoved him, both of you laughing like you hadn’t probably just looked like you were on the verge of making out to the entire bar. “You’re an ass Jay” 
Your heart was pounding in your ears and you were fairly certain your panties were on the verge of being ruined just from that innocent of an interaction. Hell maybe you were the one in need of a random bed to hop into? He grinned “Still being honest”
About that time Herrman came back over and handed Jay a receipt then walked off. “Wait Herrman! My tab!” you called and he looked back with a grin “Your partner paid for ya sweetheart” you looked back at Jay who winked at you “You can get the drinks next time” you shook your head “You’re a pain” he nodded “Been called worse”
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“Can I ask a question?” Adam asked and you groaned “You can ask, don’t mean I’m gonna answer” how the hell you’d managed to get stuck with Ruzek when partners had gotten switched around you weren’t sure but Hailey was with Kevin and Kim was with Jay while you were in the damn surveillance van.
“You and Halstead?” you nodded, eyes never leaving the screen but when he didn’t finish the thought you cut your eyes at him “What about me and Jay?” he shrugged “Are you two?” “Are we what Adam?” you asked and he rolled his eyes “Are you sleeping with him?”
“ADAM!” you gasped and he held up his hands defensively “Hey babe, this is a safe space. I have a daughter with my partner. I’m not judging” you shook your head “Christ, no. Ok? Jay doesn’t look at me like that. I’m just his partner” he nodded slowly, turning back to the screen then looked back at you “How do you look at him?” “RUZEK!” you warned and he nodded “Ok ok, sorry sorry”
Were you that obvious even to Adam? Damn what were you gonna do? You couldn’t very well be walking around looking like a love struck puppy at your partner, one of your best friends if he didn’t feel the same. It was pathetic and could ruin your friendship and partnership. “I think he wants you if it helps any” “Kim and Mack are the only reasons I don’t shoot you” you told him and he grinned “Thank god for my girls then”
All of you stood together after the takedown. You poked at your arm where a bullet had grazed it. It didn’t really hurt, it was just the surface, might need a stitch or two but nothing serious. You heard Voight call your name and turned towards him “Yeah boss?” he nodded towards your arm “You need an ambo?” you shook your head “Hell no. I can drive myself to med” 
“Like hell. I’m driving you to med” Jay spoke from behind you. You turned to see him walking towards you, his eyes glued to your arm. Voight nodded “Ok, Jay take her to med then you two just come back to the precinct. The rest of us will finish up here and meet you two back at the house”
“Yes sir” you replied and Jay nodded towards his truck “Come on” you followed him out. Once the two of you were in his truck, he cut his eyes at you “Are you ok?” you smiled “I’m fine Jay, really” he shook his head “You got grazed sweetheart” you rolled your eyes “Don’t be dramatic Halstead” he reached a hand out to brush against yours “I’m not being dramatic. My partner is bleeding from a bullet” your heart flipped when his hand brushed yours and Adam’s words flashed through your head..nope you were not doing that. “I’ll be ok. Your brother will throw a stitch or two in and boom, I’ll have more scars to explain to any dates that go well”
He shook his head “Any man seeing any part of you and worrying about scars is a fucking idiot” you felt your face warm but played it off by saying “Well you’re lucky men get sexier with scars” he laughed lightly “So do women sweetheart”
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“What do you think about this joint task force?” you asked Jay as the two of you sat in his truck, watching a house that was a place of interest. He shrugged “I don’t know. Sometimes other teams play well, other times they get in our way” 
“Guess we’ll see” you replied, eyes staying on the door of the house. He nodded “What happened to that last guy you were dating?” your head whipped around towards him “Lukas? We split like seven months ago Jay”
He nodded “I know. Why did you two split?” you shrugged “Wasn’t the right fit I guess?” “Oh” he replied and you felt a bit put off “Why do you ask?” he shook his head “No reason” you turned to face him “Jay, I can read your bullshit” he shrugged “Was just wondering”
“Why are you perpetually single since you and Erin split?” you asked and he grinned “Wouldn’t you like to know?” and turned his eyes back to the house. Oh this asshole! “Got your eyes on someone?” you asked and he cut his eyes at you “Do you?” oh this was the game he was playing, ok cool. “Nope, not at all” you replied turning to face out of the window but not missing the way he was still watching you intently.
“Don’t date some other asshole who doesn’t understand who you actually are” he added after a moment and you rolled your head to look at him “Don’t date some other bitch who is only interested in the fact that you’re hot. You’re actually more than a pretty face Jay” he grinned “You think I’m pretty?” you rolled your eyes “Christ, shut up!” and shook your head.
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Voight stepped out of his office and everyone looked up. “The feds are headed up” all of you stood, walking around to sit on the edges of your desks as Trudy led a team of seven people up the stairs. Three women, three men then an older guy around Voight’s age.Guess a team was really picked to match intelligence this time.
Voight went around and introduced everyone one by one. Sara, Nikki, Henri, Paula, Samuel and Logan. Their boss was George. The decision was to combine the teams and make three teams of four. 
You and Jay ended up getting paired with Nikki and Samuel. Nikki was a bit taller than you with braids and dark brown eyes that were a gorgeous shade and a bright smile. Samuel was around Jay’s height, just as broad with light brown hair that was a big longer but suited him and he had hazel eyes that were damn near the shade of honey at the moment. “Look forward to working with you” he told you with a smile when he shook your hand.
You just did catch Jay’s reaction to Samuel introducing himself to you. He was leaning against the wall, arms crossed and damn he looked pissed. You cut your eyes at Adam who gave you a “Told ya so” look and rolled your eyes. That did not mean anything. Jay was not jealous..was he? Samuel was an attractive man…maybe you should flirt a little? Not enough to risk the job but enough to show interest? If Jay rose to the bait it would let you know once and for all he wanted you like you wanted him and well if he didn’t then Samuel would still be an option.
“Samuel, will you check my vest?” Jay normally checked your vest, even over your unit but Hank had encouraged all of you to play nice, right? Jay met your eyes and raised an eyebrow. All of you were gearing up in your blackout gear. This was a big hit and warranted it. Once you were vested you glanced over your shoulder at Samuel and smiled “Thanks honey” and motioned to his hair “Let me help you”
“Oh, ok” he turned and leaned down for you to help him tie his hair back. All the while you could feel Jay’s eyes boring a hole into your skull. Maybe Adam was onto something? Once you had Samuel’s hair fixed you grinned “There ya go” and walked over to Jay who watched you closely “Done flirting?” you cut your eyes at him “Excuse me?” he rolled his eyes “You’ve been flirting with him for hours” you shrugged “And if I want to, no one else wants me” 
He turned to look at you and you met his eyes before shrugging and walking away. You grabbed the rest of your gear along with the mask that slipped down around your neck until it was needed then walked outside. All of you were riding in Nikki’s suv so that was a plus. You headed for it never minding Jay or Samuel.
“Is she single?” Samuel asked Adam, not realizing Jay could overhear or more so not realizing Adam had moved them to the point to make sure Jay could hear. “As far as I know man. Ask her out after the job though, not before”
Like hell was Jay letting that happen. You were his, not this FBI asshole’s. Woah where did that thought come from? Yeah time it hit it rang true. You were his, he was yours. He wasn’t letting you go without a damn fight because the jealousy he felt wasn’t even warranted. You weren’t his and yet you damn sure felt like you were.
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You ran behind Nikki chasing two perps down and both of you hit them hard, rolling them up in the street as Jay and Samuel caught up from cuffing their own perps. “You good?” Jay asked and you nodded, pushing hair back from your face “Fuckin perfect” this damn task force was doing its job. Twenty arrests in the last two days. You were tired and wound up and needed a break from Jay walking around in his damn black out gear looking like well that.
Samuel offered you a hand to your feet so you took it with a smile “Thanks Sam” he nodded “Of course” and you saw Jay’s jaw tighten. “How many more are on Hank and George’s list?” Nikki asked and you grinned “I think we may be done” 
Samuel smirked at you about the time you heard the two men in question calling everyone to circle up. You snatched your perp up while Nikki snatched hers up, both of you passing them off to patrol before heading towards Hank and George.
Hank looked around “Head back to the precinct. We need to do a headcount to make sure but we believe we got all the targets” you let out a breath and grinned “Thank god” then headed for Nikki’s suv.
Jay’s eyes kept flickering towards Samuel. That son of a bitch had every intention to ask you out. He’d heard him talking about it and had caught him checking you out. He’d break his fucking jaw. 
The moment all of you stepped into the precinct he grabbed your arm as soon as you walked into rollup “Hey, we need to talk” you cut your eyes up at him then looked back at Nikki and Samuel “About what?” he shrugged “Five minutes sweetheart” you sighed “Fine”
You let Jay pull you into the tech room and close the door behind himself. “What Halstead?” you asked and he looked at you “Don’t go out with that asshole” you knew you looked as confused as you felt because what the hell was he talking about? “What?” “Sam” he scoffed and you shook your head,  pulling at the collar of your black out gear “I don’t have time for this shit Jay”
You turned to walk out but he grabbed you and the next thing you knew your back was against the wall and Jay was holding you against it, standing over you “I know you want me as bad as I want you” you didn’t say anything so he leaned down, lips just a breath from yours “Say you don’t and I let you go”
“And if I say I do?” you whispered and his lips crashed against yours. You whimpered lightly when his tongue slipped past your lips, tasting every inch of your mouth he could. His hands went to your hips, gripping tightly. He pulled back enough to speak against your lips “I need you please” you nodded “Ok” he smiled against your lips, hands slipping down to work at the belt and zipper of your tach pants. Once they were loose enough he could get his hand in it he wasted no time slipping his fingers down below your panties. He teased your clit with his thumb and when your head fell back against the wall, a gasp leaving you that he had to swallow with a kiss he slipped one thick finger into you, followed by a second.
Your hand went to his wrist, not trying to move it, just needing something to hold onto. “Jay” you moaned lightly and he grinned against your lips “Be quiet baby. Don’t want no one to hear us” you rolled your bottom lip between your teeth, eyes going from watching where his fingers were working their way in you up to his eyes “I need more of you Jay” you whispered and his eyes widened “What do you want baby?” 
You ran a hand over the bulge in his pants and a low groan left him “sweetheart, can you be quiet?” you whimpered when his fingers hit a spot deep inside of you “One way to find out. If I’m yours fucking claim me Jay” his forehead fell against yours, fingers slowing inside of you. “Princess, if you’re mine that makes me yours too”
You raised your eyes to him “Then take what’s yours” he pulled his fingers out of you and licked them clean before leaving a bruising kiss on your lips. He turned you around, bracing your hands against the wall. You could hear him fighting with the belt and zipper of his pants “I’m gonna take you home with me, take my time” you looked over your shoulder and felt your mouth go dry when he pushed his pants down just far enough his hard cock could slip out “Shit” he grinned “Second thoughts?”
You shook your head “I trust you” he smiled and folded himself over your shoulder to press a kiss to your lips as he pushed your pants down far enough he could line himself up with your opening before sliding in with one hard thrust. “It’s gotta be fast, baby. They’ll realize we’re gone”
You bit down hard on your lip to keep the moan in that wanted to escape from the feeling of him stretching you so damn deliciously “Don’t care, just fuck me please” you whispered and he chuckled “Yes ma’am”
He had one hand at your waist, keeping you upright and the other at your collarbone. He found a rhythm that had his hips snapping into yours at a pace that made your eyes roll back into your head with every damn thrust. “Please don’t stop” you whispered and he laughed. One of his hands came down to your clit, rubbing tight circles. A moan tried to escape you but the hand at your collarbone moved up to your throat, squeezing just enough to cut off the sound before it made it out. The mixture of sensations of his cock slamming into you, his fingers working at your clit and the air getting cut off made your orgasm slam into you so damn hard his hands on you were the only thing keeping you up straight. 
 “Where can I cum?” he groaned, releasing his grip on your neck so you could answer “In me, please” you whimpered and his head fell over on your shoulder “Fuck you want me fallling in love already don’t you?”
He gave a few more hard thrusts then buried himself inside of you, you felt when he came, some of it sliding back down your thighs. “Fuck” you breathed as he moved to pull your pants up then fixed his own. 
He helped you to stand and smiled when he saw how wobbly your legs were. “:You ok?” you nodded, holding onto his arms “I think so” he grinned “Good because like I said, you’re mine but I’m yours too. Got it?” you nodded “Got it”
You heard Adam calling both of your names and your eyes got wide. Yeah there was no way he wasn’t gonna figure out what just happened. “What do we do?” you asked and he grinned “Hope Voight or Platt doesn’t realize?” you shook your head “So much help”
The moment you and Jay stepped out of the tech room Adam’s eyes got wide “Kevin owes me fifty bucks man!” you glared at him “Mention this and I’ll kill you. Say we’re together, that’s fine, risk our jobs, you’re a dead man” he shook his head “I’m not saying shit you horny little fucks straighten up it’s time to tell the feds bye. We can go home within the hour"
You cut your eyes at Jay then nodded “Let’s go say bye in that case. I’m suddenly eager to get out of here” “I bet you are” Adam laughed on the way upstairs.
Jay slipped his hand into yours, just in case Samuel got any ideas. You were officially his, he wasn’t letting you go now. Besides he had so many ideas for when he got you back to his place, to an actual bed with a few hours to spare with you spread out for him. That thought alone had him wrapping an arm around your waist to help your tremoring legs up the stairs a little faster.
You glanced over your shoulder at him and smiled "I'm yours Jay. No need to be jealous" he stopped walking to press a kiss to your lips "I'm yours baby" Adam shook his head "and for once I was right" then kept walking.
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fangirlfrom-hell · 1 year ago
How Many Detectives Are Needed To Sleep A Baby? || Jay Halstead x reader!
Cute and fluffy Jay, wife and baby + babysitter detectives
*re-posting this because I'm stupid and accidentaly delated my blog 🫠
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Summary: Intelligence unit takes care of Jay's newborn baby while he and his wife are in court. Turns out it is the most difficult case they have worked on.
-"You can't go in there". Platt muttered in a scolding tone to Adam, who wanted to go into the coffee room.
-"Why not?" He asked strangely.
-"Shhhhhh". Kim gave him a punch on his arm. -"Keep it quiet, you're gonna wake her up".
-"Ok, alright". Ruzek kept his voice low. -"What the hell is going on, girls?"
-"Halstead's baby is sleeping in there. Don't you dare to interrupt her sweet dreams, bro". Kevin said from his desk.
-"Look at her. You can see her smile even from here". Hailey said, peeking through the window.
Trudy and Kim followed her.
-"She's so lucky she didn't get her father's mad face". The Sergeant enquired.
-"What do you think she's dreaming about? She looks so peaceful".
-"What's going on? Where's Jay? Where's her mom? What is she doing here all alone?" Adam was losing it, increasing his voice volume once more.
-"She's not alone. We're taking care of her!". Hailey frowned.
-"Adam, please". Voigh silently got out of his office and rushed towards him whispering. -"Would you keep it down? I can hear your voice even with my door closed. Let the baby rest, she's only weeks old and already has seen too much".
The detective opened his arms in a defeated gesture. He had just arrived and didn't understand anything.
-"Y/N is testifying right now, we couldn't avoid it. She and her colleagues published the investigation under their names, so...I couldn't stop it. Jay is by her side. The baby is here for protection".
-"She really is a hell of a journalist". Upton mentioned with admiration.
-"And a very brave woman. We owe her a lot in this case". Hank stated.
-"You know? You would have known about this if you had arrived in time to work". Burgess teases Adam.
-"Is there any news about the trial?" Platt wanted to know, worried about you.
-"Not yet, but Jay said he'll be in touch". The boss stated. -"You know these trials take time".
They weren't conscious about it, but the whole Intelligence squad looked hilarious talking with whispers and walking in tiptoes as they went back to their workplaces.
Time passed and the girl was still sleeping safe and sound, until Adam decided to stand up to stretch a bit and stumbled with some cables on the floor. Naturally, the clatter woke up the little baby.
-"It had to be you, right?" Kim mocked her husband as she helped him stand up.
Hailey and Kevin ran to the coffee room as if they were running a race. It was him who got there first and held the baby girl.
-"There, there. Uncle Kev is right here". He tried to reassure her. -"I had siblings and took care of them when they were babies. I can manage another one".
But after a few minutes, she was still uncontrollable.
-"Ok, it's my turn". Burgess got into the game and took the baby off his partner's arms. -"I'm the only mom here, the only one who has a real daughter. I know how to do it".
-"What are you talking about?" Trudy Platt laughed. -"Makayla was already a grown up when you adopted her!" And she grabbed the baby to accommodate her in her chest. But the crying did not stop.
-"Oh, no. What are they doing to you, sweetie?" Upton grabbed her and laid her in her arms. -"I am her godmother, she knows me better".
The baby Halstead slowed down her crying, but she was still restless.
-"Well, how many detectives do you need to sleep a baby, hum? You don't know anything". Hank Voight gasped. -"Give her to me, I'll show you all". But as soon as she was in the arms of the boss, her crying increased. -"Oh. I've lost touch!"
Jay and Y/N were already at the bullpen, waiting in the stairs. They got in time to witness the fluffy scene.
-"Hey, guys? She's not a rag doll, you know?" Jay said laughing at the scene and his friends turned around with surprise. -"She just needs her daddy's arms''. He took his daughter to stroke her and almost immediately she calmed down.
-"That's not fair". Platt crossed her arms.
-"We brought you coffee". You smiled, leaving the box you were carrying on one of the desks. -"There's not enough caffeine when you take care of a newborn. There's one for each of you, just as each of you like it. Look for your name in the tags".
-"Geez, thanks!" Adam said gladly and balanced the table. -"I was denied entrance to the coffee room the whole morning".
-"I'm sorry". You turned red.
-"Don't listen to him". A chorus of detectives said.
-"She's really calm, it was no problem". Kevin asserted and everyone else agreed.
You approached your husband and as soon as you were in your daughter's sight, the baby started to smile and giggle, throwing little kicks into the air.
-"What? Why are you laughing so much, baby?" You raised your hands and freed Jay's arms. -"Come with mommy, sweetie".
Everyone stared at the scene with tenderness, especially Kim, whose eyes started watering.
-"You wanna hold her?"
She just nodded and took the opportunity.
-"How was the trial? Are you alright?" Platt inquiered.
-"Yeah, I mean it was really scary, but I think it went fine". Y/N hands started to shake a little bit, but she was fast enough to hide them in her pockets. Nobody noticed, except for Jay.
-"She did a great job". He hugged you by the waist, trying to secretly ease you.
-"I have no doubt about it, she already showed us how much of a badass she is". Hank smirked.
-"I will just be more comfortable if you stay in here at least until the Jury deliberates, or as soon as I can go home with you. It's just a precaution, I'm not being paranoid or something".
-"Yes, I agree". Voight followed the idea.
-"Sure. Whatever you think is better".
The baby yawned and stretched herself so adorably, that she caught everyone's attention again.
-"I should put her down to sleep".
-"Alright. Take my seat, Y/N. We don't know how much we're staying here". Jay pointed out.
-"C'me on, Kim. Give the baby back to her mommy".
-"If you need help with the baby or you get bored of these people around, I'll be downstairs". The desk Sergeant winked at you and you smiled back at her back.
-"She won't be bored. She has me here". Hailey pulled a face.
-"I'll take provisions just in case the little one takes the coffee room again". Ruzek rushed to the kitchen.
Everyone else rolled their eyes in a funny way.
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poppadom0912 · 2 years ago
Love on ice
Characters: Jay Halstead x Reader, Adam Ruzek, Kevin Atwater, Makayla Burgess, Jordan Atwater
Warnings: None
Summary: Jay unveils one of his biggest secrets to help a friend.
A/N: I got some inspiration from one of the chicago pd episodes this season. Thought it would be cute but it didn't turn out as nice as I wanted it to.
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Wrapping up a successful case felt good. Damages were kept to a minimal and Jay was certain this case in particular wouldn't haunt him in his dream which was always a bonus.
Jay was currently messaging you, keeping his smile hidden behind his hand so no one would interrogate him. He had been able to keep you his best kept secret for a year now and no one knew besides Will because of your sudden appearance at his door one night but he'd been sworn to secrecy.
Pressing his lips together, he kept down a chuckle at one of your well thought out jokes and put his phone down, promising to call you on his way home. Just as he was going to sign off all his paperwork before signing off for the night, Jay became aware of the conversation everyone was participating in besides him.
"We can skate but she wants professionalism." Kim stressed, leaning back on her chair as she talked about who Jay guessed was Makayla. "She straight up told us no when I offered to teach her myself."
"You did tell her that Jordan is pretty good, right?" Kevin asked, looking at his best friend questiongly before looking back to his monitor.
"We tried that Kev." Adam answered for Kim, pushing his chair back to his own desk. "She needs to see him on the ice first."
Jay felt like he would regret his actions but deep down, he adored Kim and Adam's daughter. Maybe you wouldn't shout at him if it was for Makayla's sake.
"You said she wants a professional skater?" Jay asked, finally stepping into the conversation. Turning around in his chair, he found it funny how everyone looked at him with the same question hanging on the tips of their tongues.
"Yeah..." Kim trailed, going to ask him something but was cut off.
"We've got the day off tomorrow, I know someone if you're willing." Jay discreetly offered, shrugging his shoulders as though nothing was suspicious about how vague he was being.
Kim and Adam shared a glance, having a silent conversation with their eyes before shrugging. "Sure, why not. Send me the address of the rink?"
"You got it."
When Jay came home yesterday night with that stupid sheepish smile on his face, the first thing you felt was fear. You still felt it now along with a newfound nervousness.
Skating had been your livelihood, your blood ever since you could walk. Skating was more familiar to you than some common knowledge but you would never complain.
It was actually skating that brought you and Jay together in the first place.
You met him after practice and bumped into him on your way to the gym. Hitting it off was easy and it was smooth sailing from there.
You never questioned why Jay's friends and co-workers were still unaware of your existence, especially when he had to deal with your past.
You loved skating more than a lot of things so it confused you as to why you were so nervous.
"Y/N, why are you so nervous?" Jay asked you, leaning forward against the guard rails. He refused to get on the ice and insisted on watching from afar. He could see your tells: fidgeting with the end of your sleeve, spinning in circles and refusing to stay still.
"What if I'm not up to her standards?" You asked, gently pushing yourself towards him, letting him take your hands in his before you wore a hole into your shirt sleeve.
"Are you kidding? She'll love you." Jay huffed with a smile at the thought of someone not being impressed by you. "Ruzeks probably expecting some skater I knew back in the days who owed me a favour."
You rose a brow, looking at him expectantly.
"Yes, I owe you one."
Before you could voice or show him your appreciation for his short words, you were stopped by the doors opening and a small group of four entering. You didn't recognise them but Jay definitely did.
"Yo Jay! What's up?" Kevin waved at his friend, Jordan at his side. You both knew of the Atwater brothers joining you which you had no problem with.
"Hey guys, hey Makayla." Jay greeted, doing a 'man hug' and spudding the young girl who eagerly smiled at him.
"This is my girlfriend Y/N." Jay introduced you to his friends. He reached out to you, pulling you closer even though he was on dry land and you on ice.
As soon as your name left his lips, all four heads snapped in your direction, mouths agape and eyes wide in shock. You secretly hoped they wouldn't know who you were but it made sense if they were into skating.
"Y/N Y/L/N. Jay managed to snag Y/N?" Adam asked himself, astonished as to how you two were even dating and how no one ever knew you guys were dating.
You sheepishly smiled, shaking hands with each of them, even Makayla who was frozen.
It was as if you were a celebrity who worked in Hollywood the way she looked up you; her eyes shining in adoration and the brightest smile spreading, her dimples really popping out.
"Hi Makayla." You knowingly smiled at the girl, holding out your hand to shake hers over the barrier. "It's nice to finally meet you."
Glitter was practically sparkling in her eyes as her mouth remained agape at the face she had only ever seen on the tv screen at home. Her dreams were all of a sudden coming true and she found herself struggling to compute.
Adam gently nudged her with his hand on her shoulder, prompting her to return your handshake which she rapidly did once she was shaken out of her stupor.
"You- you're Y/N Y/L/N." She stated the obvious, hand still shaking yours unknowingly.
"That's me." You nodded, gently releasing her hand and going forth to shake the three mens hands.
"I'm Y/N." You introduced yourself to your boyfriends colleagues. "You guys skating with us or no?"
Adam reluctantly shook his head as if ashamed. "Nah, only Jordan and Makayla are skating."
"That's great." You smiled, pushing yourself away from the barrier. "Get your skates on and we can start straight away. Show me what you got."
And with that, Makayla wasted no time in sitting down and getting her skates on, all the men surrounding her laughing at her hastiness.
Jay's eyes were burning from how long and hard he'd been staring at the investigation board. The words were merging together and he could no longer recognise the faces as they all became one big blur.
He desperately needed sleep after being up all night, being called onto a scene just at the two of you got under the covers. It was now midday on a Saturday and everyone just began pouring in once Jay called them all that this was starting to become something serious.
Deciding to rest his eyes for a mere second to reduce the incessant twitching, he internally groaned when he heard the familiar sound of mixed laughter getting louder as they approached the bullpen.
"Oh, you look like hell Jay." Adam said, deciding to go straight for the jugular as he shrugged off his jacket.
"What's up dude? Looks like you've been through it." Kevin said with a bit more empathy, lightly patting the back of his shoulder as a sort of greeting before going towards his own desk.
Before Jay could respond with the most snarkiest remark anyone has ever heard in their life, he was rudely cut off by Kim whose face suddenly brightened, making him physically wince.
"Jay, why did you never tell us you had an Olympic gold medalist girlfriend?"
The bullpen was filled with pin drop silence.
"You have a girl? No way, since when?" Antonio said jokingly, smirking as he riled up the younger detective. "And an athlete? Never thought you had it in you."
"Hmm, thanks a lot Tonio." Jay rolled his eyes, blinking rapidly as he stood up and stretched his arms. "That actually reminds me..."
The officers and detective watch the green eyed man fumble with his wallet and pull out several bills, accidentally slamming it down with way too much force on Adam's desk.
"Y/N refuses your payment and insists all of the skating lessons are free." Jay said, shrugging his shoulders at the confused faces of Makayla's parents. "She also said something about sponsorship and coaching but I can't remember."
"It's official Jay." Adam said with the most serious face ever, begrudgingly taking and putting the money back into his own wallet.
"I like Y/N more than you."
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taleofharrison · 2 months ago
I don't think I've ever seen one and I'd write them myself but I don't watch PD the only things I know about Adam and Kim are from TikTok edits and clips of them with Makayla.
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fighterkimburgess · 3 years ago
Good At This
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Summary: Adam Ruzek has the girl, and a daughter. His worries about not being enough are mostly in the past. But when he comes out for breakfast and sees his daughter wearing the one piece of his mentor he has left, he and Kim get to share parts of the man who helped them become who they are with her. With thanks to @sylvies-chen because this is so much from Abby.
Words: 1.9k
Warnings: Bob Ruzek’s A+ Parenting, mentions of a not-so-great childhood
Living in his childhood home again was a lot easier than Adam had ever expected. He’d thought that it would be tough to be faced with the memories of his parents marriage breaking down, of his stepmom moving in - and moving out with yelling. Of finding his dad’s blood pooled on the floor there. Seeing that every morning might kill him, but it was worth it to keep their daughter safe and happy.
But instead of all of that it was a home, his old swing set in the back yard getting fixed whenever he had a few spare hours so Mack could attempt to do a loop the loop. He tripped over her toys in the living room, reminding her with a look and soft words to pick them up. There were nights where he sat on the couch with a bowl of popcorn between he and Kim as they watched her put on a new show for them.
Adam was getting to raise his daughter to be happy and healthy, giving her the new, wonderful memories that he’d always wanted. Replacing the ones of shouting parents he had with joy and laughter when they went over old photos from his childhood and she chuckled at how he looked as a baby. When she finally met Sammy, all two years her older and they played soccer in the back yard in the goals he and Kate had played in. His name was going on her new birth certificate, the agreement he and Kim had come to - after Mack had final approval - that she’d be a Burgess but he got to be her legal father. How could he ever complain about that?
And then at night, in the bed they’d brought from Kim’s old apartment, he got to curl up with her in his arms. She was the last face he saw at night and usually the first he saw in the morning. It was work - a lot of hard work - but he got to be a dad and love Kim and be loved by her and Mack so he was delighted to do it.
Thankfully this Saturday was their DO, and he had plans to finish reinforcing the woodwork on the swings, the two by fours waiting in the shed for him. Once that was done it was a couple of coats of wood varnish and the set was ready for Mack to start playing on. She’d already talked to them about asking a girl from her class to come over after school, and he wanted to make sure it was ready for her first official play date. Adam finished dressing in clothes he didn’t mind getting dirty, coming out and down the steps to the scent of pancakes when he stopped dead on the last step to watch Kim and Mack. There were three plates ready on the table, but Makayla was wearing an oh too familiar grey and brown flannel. It swamped her tiny frame, the shoulders reaching down nearly to her elbows, despite her recent growth spurt.
”Hey Kim?” His voice was slightly strangled as his girlfriend - the word never failing to make him smile - turned to him. “Where’d you get that shirt for Mack?”
”Laundry. It looked clean enough, someone spilled syrup on herself. Is it ok?” Kim ran her hands over their daughter’s hair and Adam just smiled, blinking back his emotions.
”Yeah. It was Al’s.”
“I didn’t…” She trailed off and came over to hug him, the pressure firm between the two. His fourth anniversary had come and gone, and it would soon reach the point where he was gone for longer than he’d been in Adam’s life. That he was gone too soon still hurt so much.
”Who’s Al?” It was Mack who interrupted his thoughts, calling over to them as she pulled the two long sleeves up to reveal her hands. The pancakes on her plate were in the middle of a syrup lake, the sticky sauce dripping onto the table. When he was a kid that would have led to yelling from his dad, the kind that made him afraid to say or do anything for the rest of the day. Instead he and Kim wiped up the mess and put some paper towels down before sitting down. It was syrup, it could be cleaned. His daughter’s happiness was more important.
”He…” Kim trailed off and Adam looked at her, his foot hooking around her ankle for comfort. How did he explain who Al had been to them? How did he say it without talking about the danger they’d been in that Al had helped with?
”We used to work with him. He was a good cop, and he helped me get my head out of my ass about Kim. I’ll show you a photo when we finish breakfast, ok?”
It was jokes during the meal, Makayla insisting that she hadn’t poured too much sugar on her breakfast. Even Kim laughed at her antics as the sugar rush set in, giving Adam a syrup sweet kiss. He pulled up a photo of Al on his phone to show Mack, the seven year old nodding seriously as he did before disappearing to her room to read.
The thoughts of Al were in the back of his mind all day, but it was the kind of warm summer day that he could get his chore list done. The final nails went into the swings, a first coat of varnish on so Mack could get on them in a couple of days. While he was out in the sun he got the lawnmower out to trim the grass that had sprouted up high in the last week. Kim had started a veggie patch in the corner of the garden that was flourishing, bright yellow flowers turning to tomatoes, peppers, and beans. Once he finished mowing it got added to the compost pile and he laughed at just how domestic his life had become. And he wouldn’t change a single thing about it.
Their Saturday night routine involved getting either Chinese food or pizza and watching a movie, the three of them eating from the couch. That evening it was deep dish and the AC blew towards them to make the high temperatures a little more bearable. He’d watched Moana more in the last year than he ever thought he’d have watched it in his life, but this was his life and it was pretty much perfect. There was nearly nothing he’d change in it, his daughter and his girl in his arms.
“Adam? Can you tell me about Al?” Mack was quiet between them as the movie ended, looking up at him. She’d changed into pjs after her shower, curled up between the two.
“What do you want to know?” Kim was also quiet beside him, the two waiting to go with what their daughter wanted.
“Just about him. You looked sad earlier. Do you miss him?”
“Yeah, I do. I miss him a lot.” He swallowed, Kim squeezing his arm in comfort before he spoke. “Al’s the guy who helped me start working in Intelligence. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have met Kim, and we wouldn’t have been there that day when we found you. Wanna know one of the first times I hung out with him?”
“Yeah!” The thoughts of another movie were abandoned as a little girl stared up at him with love and wide eyes.
“It was a couple of weeks after I started, and I didn’t know if I was doing a good job. You know when you’re not sure, but you’re afraid to ask in case you’re not doing good?” She nodded, curling in against him more. “It was like that. But I was out with Al and a friend, and my friend asked Al how I was doing in work. He said I was better than he was when he started being a cop. That meant a lot.”
“You made me feel safe when you found me.” She never really talked about that day with them, more giving oblique references to her life before with her Mommy rather than talking about it. “I was scared but you looked after me. You make me safe.”
“That’s what we’re here for, kiddo. Always gonna do that. And now, it’s bedtime. Who do you want a story from?”
“Both of you?”
They knew that soon she’d be too old to get a bedtime story, that at seven and three quarters most kids would have stopped by now. But while Makayla asked them for a story they would gladly give it to get to spend more time with their girl.
She crawled into the middle of the bed, Adam on one side and Kim on the other as Kim pulled out the Ramona Quimby book they were on. Before she could start Makayla took her hand, closing the book.
“Will you tell me one of your stories about Al?”
“Yeah…sure…” It was clear to him that Kim wasn’t sure what to choose, but she swallowed and nodded, the three curled up in their little bubble.
“A couple of years ago my sister was sick, so I had to take time off work to help her out. She’s fine now, but she needed me then. It was my first day back and it was a tough case, and a man came up to ask what we were doing about it. He called me some names, acting like I didn’t know what I was doing—“
“But you’re a good cop!” Mack interjected, making Kim smile and Adam laugh.
“Kim is the best cop, Mack. The best. Trust me.” He waggled his eyebrows to make his girls giggle, Kim shushing him so she could continue.
“Well I know that now. But sometimes when you come back to something after being away for a while you think you’re wrong, that you can’t do the thing. That’s how I was feeling. But Al stuck up for me, he made sure I knew just how good a cop I am and how good I am at helping people. It’s part of why I’m still one.” Their daughter’s smile was luminous, snuggling under the sheet she used in the heat.
“He sounds good. I wish I got to meet him.”
“So do I,” Adam murmured, kissing her forehead and helping tuck her in. Her platypus was tucked under her arm by Kim before she kissed their daughter goodnight, the nightlight going on as they took one last look behind them before closing the door.
“Beer?” Kim asked, Adam nodding immediately. She pulled out a pilsner and passed it over, the two sitting on the couch with the popcorn abandoned, tv automatically switched off.
“I think he’d be proud of us, y’know?” Adam began, taking a long drink before continuing. “Communicating, raising a kid together, in a relationship? He kept telling me we needed to get our shit together, that he knew we were meant for each other.”
“He never said that to me.” Kim was quiet, staring at her bottle. “For so long I thought he didn’t like me. I thought he’d hate us back together.”
“He loved you like his own, Kim. I went to his grave when you told me about the baby, asked him for advice. I asked him to look after them after we lost them.”
It was a comfortable silence, each taking sips for a few moments before Kim broke it.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For not giving up on us.”
Burzek Taglist: @aruzlover @morganupstead @adamruz @fullwattpadmusictree @redpoodlern @everythingaddictxx @write4life13 @jeanjacketjesus @tuxieboy101-blog @thelittlepterophyllum @planecrazylex @sophiatellerrhodes @ossypooh @kimburgess-ruzek @thestarrynightslover @reidskitty13 @etamne @torreshalstead @itsnotpersonalbut @kellykidd @dedlund82 @pinkwhitebrown @mmacke3613 @upsteadlovingheart @ittybitty-tittycommittee @takemetooneverlanddd @oracle23 @thedefinitionofendgame @burzekwater @butterflylies @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @withakindheartx @bebataylor84 @whoiamwhoistrivetobe @multicouple-lover @keenmarvellover
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anotheronechicagobog · 3 years ago
Makayla: I'm eight so I get eight cookies!
Kim: Makayla, that not how it works-
Adam: [hastily grabbing thirty five cookies]
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kboo1999 · 5 months ago
i love adam!!!
the way that adam is there making mak breakfast and her and kim are studying for their respective tests -- justttt ugh **sigh** this man is such a wholesome all loving and caring person
i love my little kimmy kup
adam loves her
he has always believeed in her sooooo much
*sidenote* adam is sooooo lowkey, but as we've seen in previous seasons/episodes, adam actually knows so much about the actual rules and regulations, and i don't know if that's all because he never wanted to be the type of cop that his dad's group of cops were, or pure
kim is such a badass
she asks the right questions
i bet kim's thinking eyes on her? you know she's in voight's unit right?
deep breathe, babygirl has got thissss
right, over $500?? that's wild
kim can be so caring while asserting herself so firmly
come on kim, catch on!
she caught it !!
yes Kimberley yessss!!!!!!
hot damn - of course this happens to her, why couldn't it just be something so simple
i will say though, that officer should have been way more observant and caught that blood trail and her odd behavior quicker
i chased him without it getting it progressed...job is to maintain the crime scene
the demand and control that kim held, she was so much more comfortable with her unit. the fact of the matter is all the stuff kim's been doing in intelligence has been a good portion of being a detective, so she just needs to do her job like usual but allow herself to take make more control, true demand and command
she said adam you're with us, she knows her man will always listen to her with zero argument
oh hell no. that's horrid. the way they are swapping stories is amusing
this wouldn't be the first time someone has turned their eyes to kim, not even the second.
i love that she speaks Spanish. it impresses me more and more everytime she does
she is very creative though, it still amazes me that she's the one who doesn't really do any undercover work
well damn kim knows how to really take the fuck off
the call
awww!!! yes, the reassurance and support that adam gives kim
the way that adam is always hands-on and supportive - he will never allow kim to rag on herself
yes. 13 long fucking years baby! like just because she's not a detective YET doesn't mean a damn thing
i know that kim hated that. and everything about it. kim would get better answers out of her
this bitch is dumb af!! I'm sorry but i will and would NEVER choose a man (regardless of father of my child, husband, boyfriend, or not), my damn child is first, especially if you're out here involved in murder, yeahhhh. hell nah.
!!and this detective lady is not doing them any favors with the way she came for her child instantly...
yes torres!!
i love the fact that she helped train him, too, so he's good because
kim knows she loves kick down damn doors
lol adam really sad come on
i love that kim genuinely thought about it for a second, but they both were like soooo apprehensive
yes kim yes!!! i love that girl. like girl girl girl.
awww that yes ma'am was real. he was ready to give her any and everything that she needed to do this thanggg
the silent communication between adam and dante though. like yes sirsssss
wow. that's a lot of fucking bodies this man is dropping over some small money....it always makes me wonder, like do people not realize they can just get a damn job?!?!?! - like is this such a hard principle?
i know that adam
kim's run i love. her run stride is amazing
i know kim is damn tired of this men attacking her
hell fucking yes kim!!!!
kim doesn't play. she's not going to die, it's not in her nature.
oh hell. voight. voight. voight. he doesn't play about his kimmy - even when she was in uniform, he didn't like this shit
I'm waiting for adam's reaction to her damn face
kim is really, like, really bitch?!?!?!
area central? play the game? i don't think it would make her better at all
adam is not going to be oaky with it, he physically can't. he needs to have eyes on her
hell fucking yessssss!!!! deputy reid isn't playing a politics game
why would he do that? i think he did it because he sees how voight's unit runs, and he might just actually like it and their activeness, he's been hella involved on the scene since the first episode of the season
i also don't think the person evaluating has the actual say where they go. and deputy chief reid did say he does is detective exams differently, and he didn't even realize kim was going to be there
aw. dante is really concerned about her
I'm mad as hell that they didn't have Kevin in this episode. He's always supported torres reaction to this case is really scaring me though - oh hell...this mother fucking bitch is back in the picture. Like she couldn't just take the out that these people cut her?
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julieloveupstead · 3 years ago
"The Sun Always Comes Out After A Storm" - (post 9x15)
Description: Kim and Hailey and Adam and Jay's conversation after Makayla was found and a Little Upstead and Burzek moments. Kevin will also make an appearance. This was supposed to be a short one shot, but it ended up being long, but I hope you like it anyway. Let me know what you think.
To say that this case was hard is a huge understatement. Kidnappings, especially of children, are difficult for most police officers, even more so when it involves the child of one of their own. Intelligence has been through a lot over the past year and just when it seemed like things were finally looking up, another tragedy pops up. It's hard not to think that there isn't some kind of curse hanging over this department. Hailey's only thought was to go home and wallow in her husband's arms and forget the whole case. Yet 30 minutes after Voight let them go home, Hailey sits on the locker room bench against the cold wall and can't stop thinking about her friends and willingly asks herself if the next step she and Jay want to take is a good idea. After, despite the exhaustion she is starting to feel, Hailey can't get the thought out of her head that there could be a child of hers and Jay's in the place of Kim and Adam's daughter. Throughout the case, she hadn't let her thoughts even go in that direction, but now that the adrenaline had worn off, she couldn't stop herself.
- Hailey? - She heard a soft voice and didn't have to open her eyes to know it was her husband's. - Honey, are you okay?- He asked, and after a moment Hailey heard a bench creak, which could mean that he had to sit down next to her.
- Yeah, I'm just... - She sighed heavily, unable to quite find the words to express what was going on in her head, but she knew Jay would know what was left unsaid anyway.
- I know, I know. - Hailey opened her eyes at Jay's sigh as he sat facing her, and she could see that exhaustion was painted on his face as much as hers. - I can't imagine what Kim and Adam felt, and what Makayla went through is something unimaginable. - He said, shaking his head.
- Jay she is only 7 years old, and she has been through hell in her short life. - she whispered, feeling that she was close to tears just thinking about what this little girl has gone through in her few years of life. - It's not fair. - she added now crying.
- Come here. - Jay stretched out his arms and Hailey clung to him without thinking so that one arm was wrapped around her back and the other was wrapped around her stomach, so that when she pressed her face against his chest she could feel and hear his heart beating, which always helped her to calm down and feel completely safe.
- As I looked at the distraught Adam and Kim for a really short moment, it crossed my mind what would happen if something like that happened to us, if someone kidnapped our daughter or son. I don't know what I would do then. - she said quietly into Jay's chest.
- It was hard to watch them despair. - He said, laying his cheek on her head.- I can't even think what I would have done if you or our little princess or our little bud had been taken from me. I wish I could tell you and promise you that nothing like that would happen to us, that our children would be safe, that our work wouldn't affect our family, but you know that wouldn't be true, but I can promise you that I will do everything in my power to try to keep you safe. - He added in a confident voice, hugging Hailey tighter.
- I know, Jay. - She said, smiling slightly. She's known Jay for 5 years now they've been together for a year and married for 4 months and not a day goes by that Jay stops surprising her and that she stops falling in love with him again and again and each time more and more than before. And she knows that their life as police officers requires them to make a lot of sacrifices and that they don't know if the next action won't be their last and that not everything in their life is 100% given, but Hailey has always known that she will be safe with Jay, and she feels safe, so she doesn't doubt that when their children come along it will be no different.
- Do you think they have a chance to put things back together after all this time? - she asked after a moment of silence. Kim didn't say much, but Hailey could see that things weren't very good between her and Adam, and just a few days ago when Kim's custody was finally granted Hailey thought that everything between her friends would work out, but as she watched them through this whole thing she wasn't so sure.
- Between Kim and Adam? - He asked, and when he felt Hailey nod, he spoke again. - I don't know. I think Adam went a little overboard, don't get me wrong, I understand that he was terrified of losing his daughter, but it could have ended a lot worse because of him. - he replied with a sigh.
He had known Kim and Adam for 9 years and had seen all the stages of their relationship and as much as his heart wanted the best for his friends, his sense told him that their relationship wasn't exactly healthy, and he knew from experience that it wasn't worth wasting his health on a toxic relationship. It takes more than love to build a healthy relationship and family. And it wasn't until they started dating that they learned what a healthy and successful relationship was and wished the same for their friends.
- You know, I was thinking, why don't we stop by? - he asked. Hailey raised her head to get a better look at her husband. - I'll call Kevin, and we'll take Adam to the bar, and you could stay with Kim.
- Do you think we should? - She asked skeptically. She didn't think her friends would be happy about their unannounced visit.
- I think they need to know that whatever happens they have someone to count on, and if they ask us out, we'll order pizza and go home. What do you think? - he explained, looking into Hailey's still unconvinced eyes.
Maybe Jay is right, maybe this is what Kim and Adam needed right now? When Hailey thought back to the night two weeks ago when they had celebrated her 10-year anniversary and after knowing that she had people behind her who cared about her, she felt that at the end of the day she wasn't alone because she had a family.
A family made up of a group of related people, but people she had chosen for herself and that she was not alone. And maybe that's what their friends need, to know that they have people in their corner.
- Can we go home and freshen up first? - she said, partly because she wanted to wash the day away, but also to give her friends a few more moments of peace and quiet before they dropped by.
- Of course. - Jay said, smiling gently, which Hailey did as well.
- I love you, Jay. - she said before she got up.
- I love you too, Hails - he replied and bent down to kiss her forehead and pulled his wife into a strong hug for a moment more.
She didn't know the last time she was this exhausted, and all she dreamed of was closing her eyes and erasing the last two days from her mind. When Makayla'i finally managed to sleep for a while, she kept looking at the girl to make sure she was really with her and listened to her breathing to make sure she was breathing.
Kim needed to be sure that her daughter was okay, that she was safe with her in their home. After a good hour she left her daughter's room, closed the door as quietly as she could, against which she leaned and let the air out of her lungs. After a few minutes, she pushed herself away from them and headed for the kitchen to get a drink and clear her mind.
The room was dark, so she turned on the light, walked over to the fridge and grabbed a cold beer from it.
- Had Mak fallen asleep? - Kim had almost let the bottle out of her hands when she heard Adam's quiet whisper coming from the kitchen.
- Yes - she replied, reaching for another bottle, which she handed to the man. - How's your hand? - She asked, looking at her right arm in a sling. How ironic, she thought. Not only are they both injured mentally, but physically as well. He has a dislocated shoulder, and she has an injury on her hand after squeezing a glass stone from the sea too hard. Sometimes, Kim wondered if fate was giving them signs that being with each other was not meant for them. Just 24 hours ago, they were jumping for joy that they had Mak, that she was officially their daughter. When she'd told Adam that the court had awarded her custody of the little one, for those few minutes she'd allowed herself to think that finally, after all they'd been through, they had a chance to make things right, but now she didn't know if that was still realistic. Too many words had fallen between them to glue it together, and she didn't even know if she had the strength to fight one more time for something that may never have had a right to happen.
- Okay, I think. Crockett said, I'll be on desk duty for a few weeks. - He sighed, putting the bottle down on the table where he sat a moment later, and Kim did the same a few seconds later.
- Adam - Kim started after a moment of silence, but paused, not knowing what to say, feeling too many emotions at once.
- Kim, not now. - He said, shaking his head with resignation. He didn't have the strength for this conversation, for hearing once again how badly he had behaved, that everything he and Kim had started to build together was falling apart again. He wanted to live in this bubble where both of the most important girls in his life were by his side, at least for a little while longer. He didn't want to, couldn't face the truth, not yet.
- You know we need to talk about this, putting off conversations has ended badly for us, remember? - she said softly. -
I feel like our talks aren't good for us, either. - said Adam, resigned and tired. - I'm not saying that we shouldn't talk about it at all, but I really don't have the energy for it today, and neither do you. Besides, Mak needs peace now, I don't want to wake her up with our argument. - He added, rubbing his face with his healthy hand.
Kim only now noticed how tired Adam was and suspected that she must look the same, but she knew and felt that they couldn't leave the whole situation between them without talking. If they were to create a family for Makayla, they must learn to communicate.
- Adam... - Kim tried again, this time in a firmer voice. - We are creating a family, and we can't leave things unresolved. - She said, trying to stay calm, but her insides were boiling. When she remembered how quickly this could end badly.
- Now we're making a family? What about the fact that she's your daughter? That I can't decide? That I can't... - poured out all the frustrations he had been trying to suppress throughout the affair.
- I didn't say anything like that. I meant that you should be in control of the situation, that you should be calm. I was scared enough about our daughter, I didn't want to be scared about you too, Adam. - She said, close to tears as she saw the pain on the face of the man she still loved.
- How could I be calm when my child was kidnapped and no one knows what happened to him. And you were calm and still resented me and expected me to turn off my emotions. Makayla is my child too. - He said, and his gaze fixed on Kim, full of pain and disappointment that broke her heart.
How could Adam say something like that? - Adam, I didn't expect something like that from you, ever. - Kim was crying now. She felt as if she had gone back in time. All their problems come down to the same thing over and over again. - I needed you to be strong, to know that I had support in you. I didn't know I was afraid that I wouldn't have enough strength for the two of us. Makayla needs us to be strong for her and her alone, okay? - she said, trying to speak calmly. Adam lowered his head, knowing that Kim was right.
- I can't sit around and do nothing. I'm not like that, if I'm not doing something 100% and no matter what, that's not me. - he replied after a moment. Kim reached across the table and grabbed his good hand to force him to look at her, and when he did, she spoke up.
- I know, and I love you for it, Adam. But the truth is, your behavior today could have led us to tragedy. You can't lose your head. We have a child who needs us. - She didn't know if Adam understood what she meant, but she hoped it would at least give him something to think about.
She didn't know if there would be anything between them and if she would want to be in the same circle again, but she knew one thing, she couldn't imagine raising Makayla with someone other than Adam. This is their family, hers, Adam's and Makayla's. Even if she and Adam aren't together, that will never change.
- We're lost, aren't we? - Adam asked.
- Unfortunately. - Kim nodded, then added. - But we'll put it together somehow. - Adam smiled softly at those words, which Kim reciprocated.
Unexpectedly they heard the doorbell ring, they looked at each other surprised that they weren't expecting visitors. Adam just shrugged his shoulders, but hissed when he felt the pain in his dislocated shoulder.
- I'll go open it. - Kim said, standing up. The last thing she expected was to see their three friends on the other side.
- What are you guys doing here? - She asked, seeing the people standing there smiling gently at her.
- We wanted to see if you were okay. - Hailey spoke up, seeing the surprise on Kim's face.
- Hey man. - spoke up Kevin seeing Adam approaching them.
Jay reached for Adam's jacket hanging on the coat rack and threw it at his friend.
- Get dressed, Kevin and I are taking you to the bar. - He explained to the still surprised man.
- I don't know if that's a good idea. - said Adam, unconvinced.
- You guys need a break. - Hailey looked from Kim to Adam and smiled softly.
- Come on, you could use the talk, brother. - added Kevin. Adam looked at Kim with a confused look, silently asking what they should do.
- It's been a long time since we've had a chance to have a girl talk. - said Kim, looking at Hailey, who smiled.
- Great, we'll take care of the men's ones. - said Kevin, causing everyone to giggle quietly.
- Go ahead - said Hailey as she hurried the men to leave.
- Are you asking your husband out? - asked Jay teasingly to the blonde. It's not that in public they aren't so keen on flirting with each other or being such carefree versions of themselves in front of their friends, but this is the first time they've allowed themselves to take down their walls and show their friends a version of themselves where they're not detectives but married people. This is a big step for them to allow
- Yes, and now we say goodbye to the gentlemen. - She said again trying to push her husband out and when Jay was already at the door he grabbed his wife's hand and leaned in to steal a kiss.
- I love you. - He whispered, pulling away.
- I love you too. - She whispered back.
- Jesus, you are not going to be separated for long. - said Kevin, standing in the hallway behind them, causing the couple to burst out laughing.
- I'll call you later. - added Jay with one last squeeze of Hailey's hand, who said another okay to Jay and closed the door, finally being left alone with Kim and a sleeping Makayla.
- I have to say, love is good on you. - said Kim, looking at her friend with a smile, delighted by her friend's happiness.
- I won't hide that being with Jay makes me happy. - sighed a smiling Hailey, who quickly got serious as she remembered why she was really here. - How are you? How is Makayla? - she asked her friend with a worried look on her face.
- Makayla doesn't really understand what happened yet. - Kim started pulling out a fresh beer from the fridge, one of them handing it to Hailey. She tried not to think back to the moment when she found her daughter unconscious, but it was impossible. Until now, she can still see Makayla lying unconscious, cold and drugged in the back of the car. Those few seconds in which she tried to wake her up were the longest of her life, but she finally opened her eyes and said mom felt a stone drop from her heart. - I think it will take her some time until she realizes what happened. - She sighed. She couldn't imagine what such a little creature could go through. - But yes, overall she is healthy. She was cold, but the drugs she had been drugged with had not left any permanent damage to her body.
- That's good. - said Hailey, smiling gently at the news that the little girl was healthy and in no danger. - The most important thing is that she is home with you now and that she is safe. - She added, and Kim nodded in agreement. - How are you guys holding up? How are you holding up? - She asked, watching her friend carefully.
- Honestly? - Kim asked the question more to herself than to her friend specifically. With this whole thing of first fighting to be recognized as Mak's full guardian and then getting her back from her kidnappers, she hadn't had much time to think about it. She had to be strong for Mak, for herself, and for Adam. She still had to be strong. She knew that if she allowed herself to think about it deeply she would have to face the painful truth, and she didn't want to, to tell the truth she was afraid to face her fear. But as she now sat on the couch with her friend, she felt all the tension fall from her. And only now did she allow herself to feel all that she had kept closed up until now. - I'm so tired, I have to restrain myself from going to her room and making sure she's okay with me. - She began quietly, fearing that she would lose the last bit of control over her emotions. It wasn't that Hailey was here, but it was about herself, she was afraid of falling apart. She didn't want Mak waking up from her nightmare to see her like this. Her daughter needed her fully. Hailey sat quietly, listening intently to her friend and trying to support her. - Just a few days ago I was afraid that the court would take her away from me and give custody to her uncle, and in the last two days I was afraid that she would come back to me. - She laughed sadly at the irony of her recent fate. - Sometimes I wonder how much this little girl is still able to survive and how much I am able to survive. - she whispered, feeling tears welling up in her eyes.
Hailey also had tears in her eyes, she didn't know what to say to support her friend, so she put her hand on her shoulder to let her know that she was not alone.
- On top of that, Adam isn't making things any easier. I understand that I hurt him, that the words I said cannot be taken back even if I wanted to, but the way he acted. He went into a kind of amok that I couldn't pull him out of. He was terrified for Makayla, and I totally understand that, but I was too, and I needed him to tell me that everything was going to be okay, that we were going to find her, that we were going through this together, you know? - Only now did Kim look at Hailey, who silently nodded understanding.
Hailey wasn't a mom, at least for now, and she didn't know what Kim was going through, but she knew that if she were in her shoes she would want to feel that whatever bad things were happening she had the support of a strong man who would not only be strong for her but for her. And that's what Jay was, and he proved it through the whole thing with Roy, or rather the aftermath that is North.
Hailey and Kim were similar on one point, they were both independent and strong women who could handle most adversities on their own, but there are some things, some things where they needed the support of a man, even though it was hard for them to admit it.
- I don't know what to do, Hailey. I feel like whatever we try to build again falls apart and every time we try to fix it, it falls apart again even more, and although I love Adam very much, and I know he loves me and Mak I just I don't know if getting back together again is the right thing for our family. - It was hard for Kim to admit this, but she knew it was the truth. The painful truth.
- I wish I could tell you that there's a golden solution for this - said Hailey, who couldn't bear to look at her friend's despair. - And I don't know if what I'm going to say now is helpful or worth anything, but as coming from a family with complicated family relationships, I'll just tell you that it's not worth risking your child's well-being on a complicated relationship. I love you both Kim and I only say this for the sake of you, Makayla and Adam. - She added quickly, not wanting her friend to misunderstand her. - Mak has been through enough to watch you and Adam jump down each other's throats.
- I know, it's just... - said Kim, who had thought about it more than once since the girl had been with her, whether the relationship between her and Adam would be a good one for a teenager. But she wanted to believe that they would get along and be able to build what she had always dreamed of. Now she sees that this is not possible.
- It's hard to cross out something we've always thought we were destined to have? - Hailey said exactly what Kim couldn't say. - I understand you Kim, but now you are not alone, now you have a daughter who all she needs is to know that stability, security and love is what you can give her.
- Thanks Hailey. - Kim was skeptical about this girl's night out at first, she was tired after everything that had happened over the last few days, and all she wanted tonight was to forget the whole thing. Although talking to Hailey didn't solve anything, it helped a lot.
- You're welcome. You can always count on me, on us. - Hailey smiled gently, and although she didn't really agree with Jay's plan, now she knew that he was right.
For even though each of their team had found their own meaning of family, in the end, the five of them made a family, or rather six if you counted the sleeping seven-year-old.
In between the girls talking, the men sitting at the bar near Kim and Adam's apartment were trying to keep Adam's spirits up, which was proving to be a very difficult task.
- I don't know what to do anymore. I try my best to give Mak and Kim everything I can, but in the end it just doesn't seem to be enough. I feel like I'm not enough for them. - said a heartbroken Adam.
- You're wrong and you know it. - said Jay. - You're a good dad to Makayla, that girl adores you. - he added.
- I could have lost her today, guys. - He said being close to tears. - And Kim gave me the impression that I let her down. I know I do things impulsively, but that's who I am, and I was thinking.... - He paused, feeling a lump in his throat. - I thought she was accepting it. - He finished.
- Well, you didn't have a cool head, I have to admit, but I understand you wanted to find your kid. - Jay said. - But I'm trying to understand Kim, too. It hasn't been easy for her, either, and maybe instead of being so hotheaded, you should be calmer and more importantly give her support when she needs it. - He suggested gently to his friend.
- But I can't do that, when I do something I do it 100%. - said Adam, taking a sip of his whiskey.
- I know, but look, shooting Lonnie down today could have gone very badly if we hadn't been able to locate the other kidnapper in time. - Jay pointed out. - Look what Voight's lack of coolness got him into. You're a good cop, a good man, a good dad. Don't screw up what you have just because you don't think you can. - added the brunet, causing confused yet admiring looks from his friends.
- What? - he asked confused, thinking he said something wrong.
- Nothing, I just didn't think that marrying Hailey would cause you to become such a smartass. - Kevin said, whistling in awe. - Which I still think is mean that you didn't tell us, by the way. - He added in a serious and offended tone.
- You guys will never stop telling us that, will you? - he replied with a question, but smiling gently as he saw both his friends shake their heads in denial. - Seriously, I admit that being married to Hailey and especially Hailey herself showed me that I don't have to take things so impulsively with all my heart, but also looking back on some of my behaviors I know that if I had handled them coldly everything would have turned out completely different. - he said seriously. - Do you remember, for example, the Mendoza case, after my father's death? - He paused waiting for confirmation, and when he got it, he continued. - If I had listened to Hailey and Voight back then, I would not have been shot. Angela's case wouldn't have happened at all if I hadn't lost my head. - He admitted it. - I know, these cases are nothing like the Makayla kidnapping case, I just mean that if we don't keep our cool, we could lose a lot. Too much to be worth losing just because we're cops, and we're in deep water. Do you understand? - he finished his argument, looking intently at Adam, who was beginning to get the whole point.
- You are right. - admitted the blond quietly.
- You know what, Jay? - said Kevin seriously looking at his friend. - You're going to be a phenomenal Sergeant someday. - He said, surprising Jay, who didn't even know how much he needed those words.
He hadn't told anyone that he had thought about becoming a Sergeant, only Hailey knew about it. But the fact that his friends saw him as a good leader meant a lot to him.
- But that doesn't change the fact that we'll never forget that you didn't invite us to your wedding. - Adam said with a look of confrontation, causing Jay to roll his eyes, but a moment later the three of them burst out laughing.
Not everything has been explained, there is still a lot of work ahead of them, they will manage.
With this kind of moral background, with family around, anything is possible.
Because no matter what, the sun always comes up after the biggest storm.
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adamruz · 2 years ago
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our hockey loving Burzek family
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upsteadhq · 3 years ago
butterfly kisses - 3
prompt: upstead and intelligence (+ macie and makayla) visit a pumpkin patch farm. 
happy late halloween everyone! enjoy the oneshot :)
also posted on ff.net and AO3, @/halstexds
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Macie's loud protests echoed through the apartment as Hailey got her strapped up into the car seat. The nine-month-old had hated the seat since the day she was taken home, and would voice her opinions on it every time she was confined to it.
The day she was taken home, hearing her fuss all the way down from the ward to the car wasn't sad - it didn't break Hailey's heart like she'd expected it to - as it was a really loud reminder of how lucky her and Jay were and just how resilient and strong their daughter was. However after a few weeks of bringing the infant to and from the district to show her off, that's when it started getting upsetting to hear her cry, and it only got worse when Mae started shedding real tears.
Hailey rocked the car seat on top of the kitchen counter and shushed, not that it made much of a difference to calm the infant. She peers over her shoulder to see if Jay was there but she couldn't see him, so instead she grabs the keys from her coat pocket, rattling them in front of Macie's face.
Mae's cries cool and her eyes focus on the keys, but there's still quiet whimpers coming from her every once in a while. After a minute though the keys apparently get boring, as she rips her gaze away from it and starts crying again.
"Oh the drama." Hailey comments as Macie throws her head to one side while she starts rocking the seat back and forth again.
She's got her back turned when she just about hears Jay's voice coming out of Macie's nursery.
"Tell me why Adam chose the pumpkin patch that's almost an hour away, rather than the one ten minutes from the district." He sighs, approaching the kitchen.
He's quick to hand her a bottle, which instantly gets eyed by Macie. Her small arms reach out to grab the milk, making both of her parents chuckle slightly. Only then does the apartment fall into a sure silence, apart from the soft sounds of Mae suckling at the bottle.
Hailey lets out a quick breath before shooting Jay a smile. "It's Adam," she replies, earning a knowing nod from him in return. Her eyes then fall back down to Macie. "I just hope she sleeps on the drive there, then maybe she won't be in such a cranky mood."
Jay rests his hand on the kitchen island. "It's those damn teeth poking through, they're frickin sharp."
"I told you not to put your finger near her mouth."
"It wasn't my finger, the kid nearly took off my toe."
She tries to fight off the eye-roll, but she can't. "God, now I know where she gets it from, you're both so dramatic."
"Am not." He argues, his face dropping down with hurt.
"You so are," Hailey says, grabbing the top of the car seat and lifting it up. The movement jerks Macie and she lets out a noise. "See, Mae agrees too."
Jay bends down and fixes the bottle back into the infant's mouth to avoid her screaming out again. "Mace doesn't have a dramatic bone in her body."
Hailey tilts her head to one side. "Ah, but you didn't deny you have."
This time it was Jay's turn to roll his eyes and he did it to hide away the smile creeping up on his lips. He lets it go, deciding it was best not to carry this on because she would only end up beating him anyway. He picks the bag up by the door and throws it over his shoulder as she exits the apartment.
"I'm loving the pink on you, by the way." Hailey adds, then quickly disappears off toward the car before Jay has the chance to reply.
She loads the car seat into the base in the back of the truck before taking the bag when handed it. The blonde grabs a blanket and toy from inside and places them at her daughter's feet for when the infant finishes her bottle, ensuring the seat is secure before shutting the back door with a quiet thud.
She walks around the back of the truck, round to the passenger side, joining Jay in the front. Once she's seated, she peers over her shoulder to check on Macie, who was still sucking away at the bottle.
Jay pulls the truck out of the spot and onto the main road. He drives in silence for a few minutes, seeming to know what he was doing but when he pulls on to the same road he had been on moments earlier, Hailey looks at him.
"Do you know where you're going?" She asks.
He quickly nods, keeping his eyes on the road. "Yes I know where I'm going." He sounds sure but the confused dip in his eyebrows tells Hailey differently, so she reaches into her pocket and pulls her phone out, knowing Kim had texted her the address earlier that day.
She leans forward in her seat, beginning to put it into the GPS, but Jay's voice stops her as she puts in the first letter.
"What are you doing?"
"Jay, you don't know where you're going, so please just save us the problem of getting lost halfway there and let me put it in."
He doesn't argue further, allowing Hailey to put the address into the system, it quickly calculating the route and calling out directions every so often.
The gentle hum and vibration of the truck is enough to pull Macie into a slumber less than ten minutes into the drive, the girl leaving a quarter of the bottle left, but thankfully she sleeps the entire drive, only waking when Jay pulls the car seat out of the car and clips it into the stroller base.
She fusses slightly having been woken up, but Hailey returns the bottle into her mouth and she takes it graciously, finishing it off as they enter the farm.
The three of them barely get through the entrance before a familiar voice can be heard shouting at them from ahead.
"Hailey! Jay! Quickly, we're over here!"
A quick glance around had them looking at a round picnic table, which their friends were sitting around. They start to head over, shooting their friends a smile as they did and when they get within two feet of the table, Kim's daughter Makayla looks up with puppy dog eyes.
"Now they're here, can I please go on the carousel?" She begs.
Kim moves her hand to rest it on Makayla's back. "Just give them a minute to sit down, then you can."
Hailey cuts in, flicking her wrist slightly. "Oh no, please, we've been sitting down for an hour, take us to the carousel."
The girl jumps up with a grin and starts running off toward the attraction, and it brings a laugh out of everyone when Adam starts running off behind Makayla. However when Kim calls out for them, they stop very abruptly in their path, both staying in exactly the same place as they wait for the adults to catch up.
People are just getting off when they arrive there, so Kim takes the very eager Makayla on straight away, a very eager Adam following closely behind them. As more families climb on, Kim persuades Hailey to come on with Macie so as the blonde pulls the nine-month-old out from the car seat, she glances over at her fiancé.
"You coming on too?" She asks.
Jay doesn't waste a beat before shaking his head. "Not a chance, but I'll wave at you both every time you go past."
Hailey's head falls to the side. "You're boring." She says, taking a few steps backwards toward the carousel before turning her back to climb on properly, sitting next to Kim and Makayla.
As the carousel starts up again, Jay gives Hailey a small smile and wave and she sticks her tongue out at him, bringing a chuckle up in his chest.
On the first circle around, Hailey points Macie to Jay and the girl bursts out into a bright smile upon spotting him. On the second circle around, Kevin comes up behind Jay, tapping his shoulder.
"Why didn't you go on?" Kev asks but doesn't give him a chance to respond before he adds, "And don't say it's a kid thing because Adam is also on there right now."
Jay shrugs. "Someone had to stay with the stroller."
Kevin shakes his head. "Hailey's right, you are boring."
Jay stares up at the officer and raises his eyebrows. "Oh yeah, how come you didn't go on then?"
The taller one doesn't look at him as he replies. "I don't have a kid."
"Neither does Adam," The detective says, making Kevin turn his head to face him. They both look at each other in silence for less than a second, the officer giving Jay a look, and Jay's lips form a line. "Who am I kidding, yes he does. It may not be on paper, but he does."
The two cops return to watching the carousel as it goes around, both of them waving to the rest of the group as they go past. Another circle around, Jay pats Kevin on the shoulder.
"Just you left then."
The officer quickly chuckles. "Oh no, I prefer the nieces and nephews, thanks."
"Kids completely off the table?" Jay asks.
"I raised my brother and sister, I've had enough of.. all that for one lifetime," Kevin explains, Jay nodding along with him. The taller one then cracks a wide smile. "But hey, I'm open for babysitting any time."
"We might just take you up on that one."
The carousel comes to a slow stop, and Makayla jumps off with a beam. Without giving Kim a second to climb off herself, the girl looks up at her. "Can we do it again?" She asks.
Kim laughs. "Woah, we just got off of it."
"Please?" Makayla extends the syllable, pulling her hands together. Her bottom lip moves into a pout, making Kim cave.
"Okay, but after lunch."
"Yes!" She cheers, bouncing with excitement.
Hailey approaches Jay, handing Macie over into his arms. The nine-month-old grins up at Jay, then looks around the buzzing farm around them. Hailey ran her hand over the girl's short fuzz, and then down her back, a wide smile on her own face. "She loved it, she was squealing basically the entire way round."
"I could see that." Jay replies,
"You gotta come on next time," Hailey says, earning a shake of his head in return. "Oh come on, Mae would love you on there with her."
Jay's face straightens out. "How dare you use our daughter to manipulate me."
Hailey shrugs her shoulders, shooting him an innocent smile, however Jay doesn't get a chance to reply as Adam behind them cuts him off.
"What are we doing next?" He asks, clasping his hands together.
Kim stares over at her partner. "Will you cool off too? We've only just got here."
Adam nods. "But there's so much to do." He says, earning a few eye rolls from Kim and Kevin.
Over the next few hours, they venture around the farm, making sure to hit as many attractions as possible. They took a very slow walk around the petting zoo and Makayla was an inch away from convincing Adam to buy her a rabbit before Kim returned from the bathroom and shut him down.
Kevin then manages to convince the nervous Makayla that nothing in the Haunted House could get to her, as they would have to go through the cops surrounding and protecting her, and she goes in clutching onto his hand and comes back out again grinning.
Hailey takes (rather drags) Jay onto the Pumpkin Express with the girls while the officers collected lunch and found an empty table to sit at, and as promised Kim takes Makayla on to the carousel once they've eaten.
On their exit, they make sure to go through the straw maze, and the seven of them end up getting lost for fifteen minutes before finding the way out.
They all bid farewell in the car park, Adam helping assist Kevin with the transfer of the half-asleep Makayla into Kim's car, and then they drive off one by one.
Once they arrive back home, Hailey all but flops on to the couch as Jay takes Macie from her car seat.
"That was fun today." Hailey says quietly.
Jay treks into the living room, nodding his head as he sits beside her, putting Macie in his lap. "It really was."
Hailey sits up slightly, feeling the smile already pulling on her lips before she can even speak the words. "Did you see the way the girls' eyes lit up on that train?" She asks, grinning at the memory of it.
"Yeah, that was so cute." Jay says, fixing the back of Macie's shirt.
"We should do it every year." She suggests.
Jay hooks his eyebrow up. "Really?"
Hailey bobs her head. "Yeah. I just - Mae was so happy today, can you just imagine what it'll be like when she can fully understand it and enjoy it all properly?" She wonders, and it brings a smile to her fiancé's lips too. "We should make it like our little family tradition."
And they do, making sure to book at least Saturday off in October to go to the farm, and it quickly becomes something the kids look forward to each year.
(And it only takes a few years of going for Macie to bring out her own puppy eyes, begging Jay to come on to the carousel with them, as to which he quickly caves because Hailey was right, she loved the ride and it was so much better watching her from the seat over rather than from ten feet away. From that day onwards, he always made sure to go on the ride.)
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lazyexceptwhencooking · 3 years ago
The pessimist in me just has to say it: Makayla was probably taken by someone trying to get to Kim (and/or Adam) and they'll find her eventually and all but Kim will be like, "she really isn't safe with us. This happened because of us" and then give custody to the uncle. Try to tell me this doesn't track in the One Chicago world!
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