#kim tea-ri
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coco6420 · 2 months ago
tagged by @tiddiesoutwhenthetisout (who has just made a new nickname, tea, thats NOT tiddies lmao).
would be a shame if i listed my 225 want-to-read books for 2025 😟 its all too convenient
25 books for 2025
1. whd rouse's translation of the iliad
2. frogs by aristophanes. recently started it and i need to finish it, translation by ian johnston
3. iphigenia at aulis by euripedes. translated by someone i cannot name at the moment oops
4. evocation by st gibson, because of of my favourite books is hers. a dowry of blood. probably the rest of it too if book 1 goes well.
5. husbands material by alexis hall. i suspect i may secretly be a romance enjoyer because of the first book but also it might just be really fucking good.
6. ripe by sarah rose etter. honestly, i just want to read about someone's life
7. romeo and juliet by shakespeare. i dont particularly want to read shakespeare, but we're fucking studying it and i want a leg up to keep my grades for later
8. fingersmith. watched a really great video essay on the movie vs the book and im intrigued
9. memorial: an excavation of the iliad by alice oswald
10. the eyes are the best part by monika kim. because i need a dark tale once in a while
11. where sleeping girls lie by faridah àbíké-lyímídé
12. the only good indians by stephen graham jones
13. she who became the sun by shelley parker chen
14. as the earth turns silver by alison wong. im a chinese person living in new zealand, of course i wanna read a book about precisely that.
15. things fall apart by chinua achebe. ive heard praises sung about this book, and people feeling so hard.
16. but always in tandem by youcouldmakealife. it has no cover and 53 ratings in goodreads and the average ratinf is exceptionally high. i am intrigued.
17. the girl from the sea by molly knox osterang. the cover has adorable magic sapphics. what more do you need
18. how long 'til black future month? by n.k jemisin. the concept reminds me of the vogue story on queer people, a dystopian world that makes feeling and commentary. except this time its about race and modern society.
19. garlic and the vampire by bree paulson. this sounds adorable
20. the diomedeia by gregory michael nixon. someone recommended on the diomedes discord and i trust them so fuck yeah
21. cemetery boys by aiden thomas because its recommended EVERYWHERE
22. all that's left to say by emery lord, mostly because i have a copy
23. frankenstein by mary shelly
24. the secret history by donna tart
25. the road by cormac mcarthy
thanks for the tag!!
npt: @ri-dumb-fck @you-know-that-i-bought-it @johaerys-writes @skeelly
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kyzielanzxyri · 9 months ago
Scholarship Boy and the school'sKing
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Kim Jae Won/Kim Rin An x Lee Chae Min/Kang Ha
Warnings: BL, implied nsfw, not good at writing, typo, if it's not your cup of tea, then scroll, totally disregarded revenge and brother being bullied plot, Implied Kim Jae Won/Kim Rin An top,
Kim Ri An was the king of Jooshin high, as the heir of Jooshin group, money was never an issue for him, and he always got what he wanted, But what did he want? Or, rather, who?
Well, it was Kang Ha, the new scholarship boy that always had a smile in his face, happy go lucky, a ray of sunshine and smart.
For Ri An, Kang Ha was adorable, perfect to be his, perfect to be his boyfriend, ready to be in his grasp.
Kang Ha was in the hallway planning to go to the classroom when Ri An stopped him in his tracks, "Hello Kang Ha, the scholarship boy, right?" Ri An said in a playful tone,"Yes?" Kang Ha said in a confused tone, "You do know that I own this school, right? And I always get what I want, " Ri An said, getting closer and closer. "And I want you", "What?" Kang Ha said being confused by this whole conversation, "From this day on, You're gonna be my boyfriend, always by my side, in my arms, eating with me everyday and in my posession, Got it?" Ri An said and kissed him for half a minute until everyone saw, "Why me?" Kang Ha whispered in his instant boyfriend's ear, "because you seem cute and tasty too" Ri An replied, while putting his arms around the boy, "Come, let's go get lunch", they walked together to the cafeteria and everyone was looking at them.
It was his 2nd day in his new school and he already had a boyfriend, a handsome chaebol kid at that, his life was indeed kinda weird he thought
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444namesplus · 6 months ago
Ba Baa Baas Bae Baes Bais Bam Ban Bao Baos Bau Baus Be Bees Bei Beis Bem Ben Beo Beos Beu Beus Bi Bias Bie Bies Bii Biis Bim Bin Bio Bios Biu Bius Bo Boes Bom Bon Boo Boos Bou Bous Bu Bua Bues Bui Buis Bum Bun Buo Buu Buus Chi Chia Chias Chie Chies Chii Chiis Chim Chin Chio Chios Chiu Chius Chu Chua Chuas Chue Chues Chui Chuis Chum Chun Chuo Chuos Chuu Chuus Da Daas Dae Daes Dais Dam Dan Dao Daos Daus De Dea Deas Dee Dei Deis Dem Den Deo Deu Deus Dha Dhaa Dhaas Dhaes Dhai Dhais Dham Dhan Dhaus Dhe Dhea Dheas Dhee Dhees Dheis Dhem Dhen Dheo Dheu Dhi Dhia Dhies Dhiis Dhim Dhin Dhio Dhios Dhiu Dhius Dho Dhoa Dhoas Dhoes Dhois Dhom Dhon Dhoo Dhoos Dhou Dhous Dhu Dhua Dhue Dhues Dhum Dhun Dhuo Dhuu Dhuus Di Die Dies Dii Diis Dim Din Dio Diu Dius Do Doa Doas Doi Dom Don Doo Doos Dous Du Duas Due Dues Dui Duis Dum Dun Duu Fa Faa Faas Fae Faes Fai Fais Fam Fan Fao Faos Fau Faus Fe Fea Feas Fee Fees Fei Feis Fem Fen Feo Feus Fi Fia Fias Fiis Fim Fin Fios Fius Fo Foa Foe Foi Fois Fom Fon Foos Fous Fu Fua Fuas Fue Fues Fui Fuis Fum Fun Fuos Fuus Ga Gaa Gaas Gae Gaes Gam Gan Gaos Gau Ge Gea Geas Gee Gei Geis Gem Gen Geo Geu Geus Gi Gia Gias Gie Gies Gii Giis Gim Gin Gios Giu Gius Go Goe Gom Gon Goo Goos Gous Gu Guas Gue Gui Guis Gum Gun Guo Guos Guu Guus Ha Haa Haas Hae Haes Hai Hais Ham Han Haos Hau He Hea Heas Hee Hees Hei Heis Hem Hen Heo Heu Heus Hi Hie Hies Hii Hiis Him Hin Hio Hios Hius Ho Hoe Hom Hon Hous Hu Huas Hui Huis Hum Hun Huo Huu Huus
Ja Jaa Jae Jaes Jai Jais Jam Jan Jaos Jau Jaus Je Jea Jeas Jee Jem Jen Jeo Jeos Jeu Jeus Ji Jia Jias Jie Jies Jii Jiis Jim Jin Jio Jios Jiu Jo Joa Joas Joe Joes Jois Jom Jon Joos Jou Jous Ju Jua Juas Jue Juis Jum Jun Juo Juos Juu Juus Ka Kaas Kae Kai Kais Kam Kan Kao Kaos Kau Kaus Ke Kea Keas Kee Kei Keis Kem Ken Keo Keos Keu Keus Ki Kia Kie Kies Kim Kin Kio Kios Kiu Kius Ko Koe Koes Koi Kois Kom Kon Koo Koos Kou Kous Ku Kua Kue Kues Kum Kun Kuos Kuu Kuus La Laa Laas Laes Lais Lam Lan Laos Lau Laus Le Lea Leas Lee Lees Lei Lem Len Leo Leos Leu Leus Li Lia Lie Liis Lim Lin Lio Lios Liu Lo Loa Loas Loe Loes Lom Lon Loo Loos Lou Lu Lua Lue Lui Luis Lum Lun Luo Luos Luus Ma Maa Mae Maes Mai Mam Man Mao Maos Mau Maus Me Mea Mee Mei Meis Mem Men Meo Meu Mi Mias Mie Mies Mii Miis Mim Min Mios Miu Mius Mo Moa Moas Moe Mois Mom Mon Moo Mous Mu Mua Muas Mues Mui Mum Mun Muo Muu Muus Na Naa Naas Nae Naes Nai Nais Nam Nan Nao Naos Naus Ne Nea Neas Nee Nees Neis Nem Nen Neo Neos Neu Neus Ni Nii Niis Nim Nin Nio Nios Niu No Noa Noas Noe Noes Noi Nom Non Noo Nou Nous Nu Nua Nuas Nues Nui Nuis Num Nun Nuo Nuos Nuu Pa Paa Pae Paes Pai Pam Pan Pao Pau Paus Pe Pea Peas Pee Pees Pei Peis Pem Pen Peo Peos Peu Pi Pias Pie Pii Piis Pim Pin Pio Pios Piu Po Poas Poe Poes Pois Pom Pon Poo Poos Pou Pous Pu Puas Pue Pues Pui Puis Pum Pun Puo Puu Puus Ra Raa Raas Rae Rai Rais Ram Ran Raos Rau Raus Re Reas Ree Rees Rei Reis Rem Ren Reo Reos Reu Reus Ri Ria Rii Rim Rin Rio Rios Riu Rius Ro Roa Roas Roe Roes Roi Rois Rom Ron Roo Roos Rou Rous Ru Rua Rues Rui Ruis Rum Run Ruo Ruos Ruu Ruus Sa Sae Saes Sais Sam San Sau Se Sea Seas Sees Sei Seis Sem Sen Seos Shi Shia Shias Shie Shies Shii Shiis Shim Shin Shio Shios Shiu Shius Shu Shua Shuas Shue Shues Shui Shuis Shum Shun Shuo Shuos Shuu Shuus Si Sia Sii Siis Sim Sin Sio Sios Sius So Soe Soes Sois Som Son Soos Sous Su Suas Sui Suis Sum Sun Suo Suu Suus Ta Taa Taas Taes Tai Tais Tam Tan Tao Taos Tau Taus Te Tea Teas Tees Tei Tem Ten Teo Teu Thi Thia Thias Thie Thies Thii Thiis Thim Thin Thio Thios Thiu Thius Thu Thua Thuas Thue Thues Thui Thuis Thum Thun Thuo Thuos Thuu Thuus Ti Tias Tie Tiis Tim Tin Tio Tios Tiu Tius To Toas Toe Toes Toi Tom Ton Toos Tou Tous Tu Tua Tuas Tue Tues Tui Tuis Tum Tun Tuo Tuu Tuus Va Vaa Vaas Vae Vaes Vai Vam Van Vaos Vau Vaus Ve Vea Veas Vee Vees Vei Vem Ven Veo Veos Veu Veus Vi Vie Vii Viis Vim Vin Vio Viu Vo Voa Voe Voes Voi Vois Vom Von Voo Voos Vou Vous Vu Vue Vues Vui Vuis Vum Vun Vuo Vuus Wa Waas Wae Wai Wam Wan Wao Waos Wau Waus We Wea Wees Wei Weis Wem Wen Weos Weus Wi Wia Wias Wie Wies Wii Wim Win Wio Wiu Wo Woa Woe Woes Woi Wois Wom Won Woos Wou Wu Wua Wuas Wue Wui Wum Wun Wuo Wuos Wuu Wuus Za Zaa Zaas Zae Zaes Zai Zais Zam Zan Zaos Zau Zaus Ze Zea Zeas Zee Zees Zei Zeis Zem Zen Zeo Zeos Zeu Zeus Zha Zhaa Zhae Zhaes Zhai Zhais Zham Zhan Zhao Zhaos Zhau Zhaus Zhe Zhea Zhee Zhees Zhei Zheis Zhem Zhen Zheo Zheos Zheu Zheus Zhi Zhia Zhie Zhies Zhii Zhim Zhin Zhio Zhios Zhiu Zhius Zho Zhoa Zhoas Zhoe Zhoes Zhoi Zhom Zhon Zhou Zhous Zhu Zhuas Zhuis Zhum Zhun Zhuos Zhuu Zhuus Zi Zia Zias Zim Zin Zio Ziu Zius Zo Zoe Zoes Zois Zom Zon Zoo Zoos Zou Zous Zu Zuas Zue Zues Zuis Zum Zun Zuos Zuu
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duchess-ai · 2 years ago
Are We Still Acting?!?
Actor!Rapper!Han Jisung x Actor!Dancer!Lee Minho
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Au from a world where Homophobia is rare <3
Han Jisung is an amazing actor, and phenomenal all-rounder rapper. And most importantly. Absolutely adorable.
Under the lighting of the studio set he glows like the moon at midnight. And when Jisung smiles he shines like polaris. He may be the 2nd male lead, and I the 1st, but he captivates me more than the female lead ever could. And when he-
"Jisung-ssi, did you need something?"
"Well, not really. I saw you spacing out in my direction and I was wondering what you were thinkin' about."
"I was thinking about you"
Did he finally get what I mean? Well, I have been dropping hints. I give him Darjeeling Milk Tea everyday before shooting? I buy him cheesecake and chocolate cake every other week? Please tell me h-
"Oh yeah! Our next scene right? The one when we have an argument over Chae-Eun? The one where you say..."
His voice eventually flows away from my ears as I process the utter shock of what I just heard. Although it's not really the first time this has happened.
*sigh* Maybe next week...
.......... Extra:
Director/Producer Bang: I wonder when they're gonna get together?
Kim Na-Ri: They're not together yet?????
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Author notes:
Hehehe, I might write this into a full story soon on Wat1pad
I wonder who the Director/Producer Bang is?
Kim Na-Ri: Actress for Chae-Eun (Oc extra)
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dandelionfairywish · 2 years ago
Yum Yum
i'm programmed into your heart.
1 .viki dramas and movies  
2. Netflix original dramas and movies 
3.  viki take of dramas and movie sometimes without warning and you might not see them depending on where you live  so   enjoy while you can and I'm going to keep them on the list if they do get removie because sometimes they put them back on.
1. Old Fashion Cupcake 
2. Dating in the Kitchen 
3. Let's Eat Dinner Together 
4. Tokyo Seimenjo 
5. How Are You Bread 
6. Oh My Ghost 
7. Flower Boy Ramen Shop 
8. Cupid's Kitchen 
9. Go Ahead 
10. Love Actually 
11. Delicious Destiny 
12. King Is Not Easy 
13. Love in the Kitchen 
14. Sweet Sweet 
15. My Sweet Dear 
16. Flavour It's Yours 
17. Dine With Love 
18. Wok of Love 
19. The Law Cafe 
20. Coffee Melody 
21. Cafe Midnight 
22. Cafe Midnight Season 2: Hip Up! Hit Up! 
23. Cafe Midnight Season 3: The Curious Stalker 
24. Café Kilimanjaro 
25. Coffee & Vanilla 
26. My Little Kitchen Season 1 
27. My Little Kitchen Season 2 
28. The Witch's Diner 
29. Ga Doo Ri’s Sushi Restaurant 
30. Immortal Classic 
31. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo 
32. Birth of a Beauty 
33. Himitsu no Ai-chan 
34. Bite Me 
35. Are We In Love? 
36. My Secret Romance 
.37. Best Chicken 
38. I Order You 
39. About Youth 
40. The Perfect Match 
41. Love Cuisine 
42. Ristorante Coreano 
43. Please Take Care of My Refrigerator 
44. Oxygen 
45. To My Star 
46. To My Star Season 2: Our Untold Stories 
47. My Name Is Busaba 
48. Ocean Likes Me 
49. The Tasty Florida 
50. Because of You 
51. Craving You 
52. Pleasantly Surprised 
53. Mr. Queen 
54. Coffee, Do Me a Favor 
55. Her Private Life 
56. First Romance 
57. Bromance 
58. Just You 
59. My Girlfriend Is an Alien 
60. My Girlfriend Is an Alien Season 2 
61. Love Is Phantom 
62. Wakako Zake 
63. Wakako Zake (Animation)
64. Wakako Zake Season 2
 65. Coffee Prince 
66. Playful Kiss 
67. Poong, the Joseon Psychiatrist 
68. Poong, the Joseon Psychiatrist Season 2 
69. Simmer Down 
70. She Is the One 
71. Nishiogikubo Mitsuboshi Youshudou 
72. Isekai Izakaya "Nobu"
73. Isekai Izakaya "Nobu" Season 2 
 74. Rokuhodo Yotsuiro Biyori
75. Smiling Pasta 
76. My Bubble Tea 
77. Until We Meet Again 
78. Delicious Romance 
79. Gourmet in Tang Dynasty 
80. The Girl Who Sees Scents 
81. Temperature of Love 
82. My Tooth Your Love 
83. DNA Says Love You
84. Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life 
85. My Dangerous Wife
86. Mr. Swimmer
87. Count Your Lucky Stars
88. Ase to Sekken
89. Panda and Hedgehog 
90. All the Liquors
91. Maiko-san Chi no Makanai-san
92.The Uncanny Counter
93.The Uncanny Counter
95.Mystic Pop-Up Bar 
96.Itaewon Class 
97.Roppongi Class 
98.The Devil Punisher
99.The Way You Shine 
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keigo-writes · 1 year ago
Act One Part One: Chapter One
Haneul's POV
“I never stood a chance did I?” Haneul said, staring up at his lover's eyes, grasping on his breath.
“You’re not dying. You can’t die yet. You can’t leave me.” Caesar replied heart breaking into a million little pieces, not ready to answer Haneul’s answer, not ready to admit that he loves Haneul.
“You never answered my question, my love. I can’t leave you until you tell me if I stood a chance.”
Four Months Earlier
Haneul's POV
It was a normal day for my father and I. My mother left when I was just a young boy, we didn't have enough money. I think that's why she left. My father and I are farmers, we own a shop downtown that I work at whenever I can. Before the war started (approximately six months ago). We were doing good, business was booming but since the war lots of people have died. Our crops being bombed, half of our soldiers are dying. The war supposedly happened by a failed assanation attempt by the king of England. The king denied everything, but we all knew he did it.
My father is working at the shop, he is extremely old. The King keeps telling us to enlist or we will get drafted. I pray to our gods each day that my father won't get drafted. If they had to draft someone I hope it's me. If it means my father gets to live, and I can see the world like I always wanted to.
I was out getting rid of the weeds in our vegetable and fruit garden, when I saw some of the king's guards walking towards me. I put down my shovel and took off my gloves. I looked around and realized none of them didn't have any guns, I instantly realized but soon got nervous. What about my father did they tell me my father got drafted into the war? I sure hope not.
"Is something wrong sir?" I ask the closest one, nervous to know if they are gonna take away my father.
"Ma'am you mean." The lady corrected me. She walked towards me and patted my shoulder.
"I am terribly sorry Ma'am. Is something wrong? Did my father get drafted? He's too old, please don't take him."
"Oh, don't worry. Your father should be here any minute. Your father was already told, would you like us to wait for him before we tell you or would you like to know right away?" The lady asked in a sweet mother tone.
"I. I Uh. I-I wo-would li-like to kn-know now pl-please." I stuttered out, feeling super embarrassed I normally don't stutter.
The other soldiers didn't react or anything, she probably was a higher ranking officer than them.
"Okay. It's okay if you feel nervous. I understand. Would you like to sit inside and talk about it?" The woman replied and I relaxed knowing I'm not being judged by her.
I nodded, "Can we please sit inside? Follow me please." I walked inside but before I went inside I opened the doors for the soldiers.
"I'm sorry if I seem out of it, I was worrying about my father. He is all I have so I don't want him to go off and fight in the war. Would you like anything to eat at all or drink anything? I can get you some tea or milk." I asked the soldiers.
All the boys shake their heads, but the girl nodded, "Yes please I'll have some tea. My name is Kim Ae-Ri, I'm a five star general." She sat down at the couch whilst I made some tea for her and myself.
Once the tea was done I walked over to the couch and handed her tea. "Careful it's hot, what is it that you needed to tell me?"
She took a deep breath and looked at me and smiled sadly, "Unfortunately we have lost lots of our men and we need more soldiers. The King and the other 5 star general drafted your name out of a random hat. We are here to inform you of that decision and to let you pack your stuff. You won't need a lot of your clothes, just some boxers, everything will be supplied there. You can bring some books or anything you would like to bring for comfort during your training. We ran into your dad at your shop downtown. We already told him." Ae-Ri said, looking up at me with an even sad smile, taking a break from time to time to drink her tea.
I slowly nodded and my father stormed through the door and ran over to me and gave me a bear hug. "I-I, that's okay. I can go pack my stuff right now, and leave you guys with my father," I was startled by my dad, but I gave him a hug back.
I slowly walked towards my room sipping my tea. When I got to my room I started crying. I didn't want to leave my father behind but I wanted to leave no matter what way possible. I started to pack my boxers, cleaning care stuff, some pictures of my dad and I. I also packed some clothes just in case. I grabbed a notebook right before I left my room. My dad was sitting on the couch crying, and Ae-Ri was comforting him.
I told one of the soldiers I was ready to go and that I had my stuff packed. My dad gave me one big hug before he looked at me in my eyes, "Remember to be true to yourself."
I nodded to him, "I always will be, you promise you will be true to yourself too." He just nodded and didn't say anything else.
My dad just walked away, probably to the cellar to get himself drunk. We walked out of the house and towards the carriages. I got into one of the carriage and as we were going towards the military camp, I was watching out the window questioning how my life was going to be now.
It felt like it was two days, when in reality it was probably three to five hours to get there. Ae-Ri showed me to the place I was going to be staying for the next eight weeks. I unpacked my stuff to a bunk, surprisingly I was the only one in the camp. There was only one bed, and one toiletry room.
I looked back and she was smiling sitting on my bed and nodded, as if confirming that it was all mine indeed. "We should go over the schedule. I wrote one just in case you forget. We wake up at six in the morning each day unless it's Sunday, then we wake up at eight in the morning. We have breakfast at six thirty in the morning each day unless its Sunday then we have it at eight thirty in the morning. We have training from seven to three thirty pm. We have lunch at four pm. For Sunday our training is from nine to noon, we have lunch at twelve thirty, and then training from two to six pm. For any other day, that's not Sunday, we have training again from five to eight pm, and then dinner at eight thirty. Sunday we have a chill day from six thirty till dinner which is eight pm. Lights out at nine pm each day." She looked over at me, but when she was saying that she handed me the schedule on the paper. I smiled and nodded.
"Thank you Ae-Ri, I mean General of the Army. It is a bit much but it helps that you have it written down. But since it's Sunday and it's noon, am I going to train today?" I was scared I was going to get into trouble for not calling her military name.
She nodded, "Correct, you're not gonna train, you're just gonna watch how it is done, I'll show you the ropes and everything. But don't worry about not calling me the military name I am. As long as we are in public and you do, please do call me that. But if we are alone you can call me Ae-Ri." Ae-Ri responded with a mom smile and gave me a warm hug.
After the hug she stood up and reached out her arm, "Now let's show you around. First let's head our way to lunch. Nobody should make fun of you in any way, you have an important job to us and to the war. If they do, please do tell me. I will be overseeing your training and I will be the one training you." Ae-Ri walked out of my bunker and headed to the cafeteria.
"What sort of job is that?" I asked, generally curious.
"I mustn't tell you, the King will tell you at Dinner." Ae-Ri responded as I nodded in understanding.
Ae-Ri explained what sort of training I will be getting and what sort of weapons I will be using, and life on the base. We soon made it to the cafeteria and we got our food. Ae-Ri walked me over to where we will be seated. We ate in peace and quiet. When we were done eating, we threw our trash away."Follow me, we will be heading towards one of the training areas first, after that we will be heading to the armory and weapon training area. If we run into the King you can ask him what job you will be assigned. Is that clear?" Ae-Ri commanded and told.
I nodded, "Yes Ma'am." I was a little stiff but soon relaxed. I followed where she was going and I was watching the areas.
When it was dinner time we made our way back to the cafeteria and we started eating again, in the same place. When we were done eating, Ae-Ri made me throw away both of our stuff as she was talking to the King's right hand man.
Ae-Ri made her way towards me, "It's time Haneul, we are going to meet the king and you're going to learn what your job is for the military.
I nod stiffly, and follow her to the room where the King is waiting. We make our way to the room and Ae-Ri knocks on the door three times and then walks in.
"You may enter Ae. I'm assuming you got young Haneul." The king commanded from the other side of the door.
"Yes that I have Haneul." Ae-Ri and I enter the room and I start to fiddle with my hands.
"It's okay that you're nervous young Haneul. I would be nervous if I was in your place. Now you must be wondering what your job is, and why I specifically drafted you." The king smiled
I was shocked, I looked at Ae-Ri, "But I thought it was random, that's what General Ae-Ri said."
The king sighed, “That is what we agreed on to say. I have known Ae-Ri for a very long time, I know that she won't do something I have ordered her to do. Now your job is to get close to prince Ceasar of England, and to kill him. He is the one who must die in order to stop this war, or more innocent people will die. I'm sure you don't want that. I knew how close the last bomb was to your house, I can move your dad and he can be somewhere closer if you give me the go ahead. I am a man of my word." The king smiled wickedly at me.
All I could do was nod, "Yes your majesty. I will get close to it, just protect my father please."
The king nodded, "Of course young Haneul. I will be proud of you for serving this country. I hope you succeed in killing Prince Caesar."
I smiled back at him, "Thank you, your majesty. I will succeed in killing Prince Caesar." I bowed politely at the king.
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maryfoxposts · 4 years ago
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tereishqnachaya · 7 years ago
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“I must say, it kind of makes sense for you to sit there.”
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grunge-art-ravenstags · 7 years ago
If you’re Mr Sunshine TRASH and you know it
Reblog this
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bts-trans · 4 years ago
210622 Weverse Translations
RM's Moment ⭐️ [photo in link]
my hair so gaeturl https://www.weverse.io/bts/moments/6/posts/1663271123126404
my hair looks so much like gaeturl
(T/N: '개털/gae-turl' means 'dog fur'.)
Trans cr; Inseo @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 친하게 지내자!
RM: 끄래 https://www.weverse.io/bts/feed/1663271131830869
💜: Let's become closer!
RM: Okee
Trans cr; Inseo @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 와우 까치스웩
RM: 역시 한국인 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1663271184397083
💜: Wow magpie swag
RM: As expected of a Korean
(T/N: Messy hair is referred to as '까치머리/kka-chi mo-ri', which means 'magpie hair'.)
Trans cr; Inseo @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 김남준 민들레홀씨가 댔다구~~
RM: 봄도 아닌데 말이여 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1663271206476662
💜: Kim Namjoon's become a dandelion puff~~
RM: And it's not even spring
Trans cr; Inseo @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 남준아 넌 너의 머리가 gaeturl 이어도 좋아
RM: what about catturl? https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1663271225361823
💜: Namjoon, even if your hair is gaeturl it's good
RM: What about catturl?
(T/N: RM combined the English word ‘cat’ with the Korean word ‘털/turl’ which means ‘fur’ to make the phrase ‘catturl/cat fur’.)
Trans cr; Inseo & Faith @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️ [photo in link]
💜: 시험 하루 남았어요...
RM: oh.. 애도를 표합니다 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1663271246730365
💜: There's one day left until exams...
RM: oh.. I express my condolences
Trans cr; Inseo @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: Ohhhhh My hair is so bitjaroo
RM: oh 쓸어줘 my 마당 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1663271246789823
💜: Ohhhhh My hair is so bitjaroo*
RM: oh can you sweep my yard
(T/N: *'빗자루/bit-jar-oo' means 'broom'. OP is comparing their hair to a broom to express how messy it is.)
Trans cr; Inseo @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 새 둥지 댔따아
RM: 분양합니다 뱁새 우대 (사유 : 큐트) https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1663271299099340
💜: It's become a bird's nesttt
RM: Up for sale, baepsaes are given priority (Reasoning: Cute)
(T/N: OP is comparing RM's hair to a bird's nest. A '뱁새/Baepsae' is a small bird called a 'Korean crow-tit', known for being cute and fluffy. It is also the title of one of BTS's b-sides, and is used to refer to the underdogs of society.)
Trans cr; Inseo @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️ [photo in link]
💜: 남준오빠 따라 개털 되려고 하는데 동의?
RM: 후.. 밀고 싶은걸 하루에도 몇번씩 참는즁 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1663271341769334
💜: I'm going to try to get gaeturl hair like Namjoon, do you agree to this?
RM: Ah.. I'm holding back the urge to shave it several times a day
Trans cr; Inseo @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 남준쓰 제법 웃긴 사람쓰
RM: 라지벌랄라 타이틀 밀어볼게요 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1663271364293564
💜: Namjoonss you're a pretty funny personss*
RM: I'll push for the title to be named 'Lajibolala'**
(T/N: *OP attached 'ss' to the end of words for a fun effect. **OP's username means 'LajibolalaTitleSongPlease'. 'Lajibolala' is an inside joke from Run BTS! EP. 41.)
Trans cr; Inseo @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 역시 연예계 8살이라 그른가.. 토크 스킬이 아주 장난이 아니군...
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💜: Is it because you have 8 years in the entertainment industry.. Your talking skills are no joke...
RM: Whew now I can go to elementary school
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 후후 불며는..
RM: 슝 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1663271462200397
💜: If you blow on it then..
RM: Swoosh
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 남쥰쓰 whyrano
RM: got no 2you https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1663271544417957
💜: Namjoonss* whyrano**
RM: got no 2you***
(T/N: *OP attached 'ss' to the end of words for a fun effect. **'Whyrano' is a slang/internet meme way of saying 'why are you like this?'. It comes from '와이라노/wa-i-ra-no', which is an expression in Gyeongsang-do dialect. ***2you is a way of writing '이유/i-yoo', which means 'reason'.)
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: ㅋㅋㅋ남쥬나 오늘 하루 쉬엇는데 내일 회사가려니까 힘들다 ㅠㅜㅋㅋㅋ 응원 한마디 부탁해용 ㅋ
RM: 출근.. 그것은 언제나... https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1663271544312558
💜: lololol Namjoon, I was off from work today but I have to go to the office tomorrow, it's tough ㅠㅜlololol please give some words of encouragements lol
RM: Going to work..that's always...
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 한동안 흑발 유지 어때요? 난 단체 흑발 좋아
RM: 저도 제가 흑발이 어울렸다면 아마.. https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1663271593759926
💜: How about keeping your hair black for a while? I like it when the whole group has black hair
RM: If I thought black hair suited me too then maybe...
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️ [photo in link]
💜: 💜👼💜 💜🐨🐰💜
笑いすぎて…舌を噛んだ🤣🤣 アパヨ~😂
RM: NJFAO 😎😎 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1663264580849914
💜: 💜👼💜 💜🐨🐰💜
I laughed too hard and... bit my tongue🤣🤣 It hurts*~😂
RM: NJFAO** 😎😎
(T/N: *They used the Korean expression '아파요/apayo', but wrote it in Japanese syllable characters. **A reference to the EDM duo LMFAO who are known for their big hairstyles.)
Trans cr; mame @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 남준님아 모기와의 전쟁이 시작되었어요! 모기잡는 스킬 알려줘요!!!!
으악... 사랑해요 김남준 💜💜💜 청소기 바로 가동합니다
RM: 청소기 풀가동 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1663271881956665
💜: Namjoon-nim the war with the mosquittos has begun! Please teach me some mosquito-catching skills!!!!
RM: Vacuum cleaner on full blast.
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️ [photo in link]
💜: 유남쌩?
RM: 나빠요 폭력 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1663271950758979
💜: u know what im sayin?
RM: Violence is bad.
Picture Trans: Left: You're mine, you're mine!You're mine, I mean it! Right: Ack!!!
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 남준 오빠,,,공부 진짜 넘 하기 시른데 어트케.....때려칠까...
RM: 알지 나도 그 심정.. 한번 해봐.. https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1663271950748833
💜: Namjoon oppa,,,I rly hate studying sm what do i do.....should I give up...
RM: I know how you feel.. Just give studying a try..
Trans cr; Aditi & Faith @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 남준아, 감기를 어떻게 없앨 수 있을까? 🤧
RM: drink ggulcha ! https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1663271990057634
💜: Namjoon, how do you get rid of a cold?🤧
RM: drink ggulcha !
(T/N: ‘꿀차/ggul-cha’ is honey tea.)
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 남주나 샴푸로 이행시
RM: 샴 : 샴고양이 푸 : 푸들 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1663271990053152
💜: Namjoon, an acrostic poem with 'shampoo'
RM: Sham: Siamese (SHAM) cat Poo: Poodle
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 남준오빠의 큐티클 화이팅…
RM: cutycle https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1663272045388826
💜: Best of luck to Namjoon oppa's cuticle...
RM: cutycle
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 무슨 과목 잘해요?
RM: 인류 8대 미스터리 8. 수학 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1663272071169922
💜: What subject are you good at?
RM: The 8 Mysteries of Humankind 8. Math
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
Suga's Post ❇️
4주..? 정말..?ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ https://weverse.io/bts/artist/1663288001963936
4 weeks..? Really..?ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
J-Hope's Moment ⭐️ [photo in link]
아니이게 머선일이얌 ..? https://weverse.io/bts/moments/9/posts/1663314681158033
Hold on what's happening..?
(T/N: Said in a cute way.)
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
Jin's Post ❇️ [photo in link]
알라뷰 아미 https://weverse.io/bts/artist/1663342263885627
I love you ARMY
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
72 notes · View notes
whats-wild-to-you · 2 years ago
100 Days To Fall In Love
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[day 90]
[Soo-jin POV]
“What do you mean, you imagined it all?”
“Did Jay talk to you these past couple days?”
“We talk all the time!”
“About me?”
Frustrated, I let out a strained breath. I was sure I had invited Ri-Na over for movies when it was decided that Jay would go to his company’s Christmas party by himself. I even checked with her. After she asked me if I had eaten something funny and checked my temperature, she confirmed it too.
Everything after that might very well be the product of my imagination.
“This may sound weird, but did he maybe say something about a marriage license?”
Mr. Kim almost chocked on his coffee, looking at me wide-eyed. Then he slowly shook his head.
“So you drove him home from the Christmas party but didn’t come in? You don’t know what he did after.”
“Soo-Jin, are you alright?”
I dismissed his question, asking more of my own. “What happened to the Christmas decoration then? Most of it has been taken down.”
“I remembered our conversation and figured you wouldn’t feel comfortable-”
“It was you who ordered Heejin to take them down?”
“Why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind?”
“Can’t. You’ll think I’m crazy!”
“Trust me, I’ve heard some pretty crazy stuff over the years. I can handle crazy.”
“Jay, he was in my room. After the party he came to my room. Apparently I was having a bad dream and he must’ve heard. He came in and comforted me and then we ... well … we kinda fell asleep. On top of each other. The next morning he was still there-”
“Impossible! Jay doesn’t sh-”
“He told me he had texted Heejin about the decorations.”
“Maybe he did, I don’t know.”
“Eventually I went to see Ri-Na and only returned home after 10pm. He was waiting for me, he wanted to talk about something, but I wasn’t ready. I went up to my room, he followed me, brought me tea, talked about a marriage license and stepping down as CEO.”
“Were you here yesterday? Do you know what he did all day?”
“No, but I assume he was working.” Mr. Kim replied with a shrug.
“This couldn’t have been my imagination. He talked about his mother’s suicide!”
Suddenly I had Mr. Kim’s undivided attention. “He talked to you about his mother’s…”
“In great detail.”
“What happened then?”
“I must’ve fallen asleep. Next thing I know, I wake up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat.”
“Did you have a nightmare?”
“I don’t think so.”
“And Jay? Haven’t you talked to him since?”
“He’s avoiding me! He-”
I stopped talking when Chamgmin and Seolhyun entered the kitchen. We greeted each other silently, and while Seolhyun was minding her own business, Changmin kept looking at me meaningfully. Then he left through the back door.
“I’ve taken up too much of your time already! I’m sorry if I made you worry. You’re right, I should’ve talked to Jay first.” I left a stunned Mr. Kim behind while I chased after Changmin.
Outside, I spotted him rearranging his pots. “You know something!” It wasn’t a question and I had no time for chitchat either.
“C’mon, don’t play dumb! Did Jay talk to you these past couple days?”
“He did, indeed. The day after the Christmas party, when you were gone all day.”
“And what did he say?”
“That he was stupid.”
“That’s what he said! I found him in the kitchen, talking to himself. Offered to listen and he reluctantly agreed. Said that he rushed things with you and that he should’ve probably talked to you first. But that he’s dreading talking to you because he doesn’t know where you stand.”
“That’s it?”
“Yeah, then I went about my business. When I left, he was still in the kitchen.”
“Did you end up not talking that night? Soo-Jin?”
“Huh? Sorry, I gotta go!”
I drove all the way to Seoul and then back, thinking I shouldn’t just show up at his company. It would be better to confront him at home. So I sneaked into his room and waited for him there. That way I was guaranteed to run into him sooner or later. 
[Jay’s POV]
Exhausted I climbed up the stairs to my room. I hadn’t heard from Soo-Jin all day, she didn’t even call once. I noticed there was light in my room as soon as I pushed the door open. 
“Hi.” Soo-Jin said. She sat on my bed, her phone and a book next to her.
“How long have you been here?”
“Hours. I stopped counting.”
“Is there anything I can do for you?” I asked carefully while loosening my tie and rolling up the sleeves of my button-down shirt.
“You can answer me a few questions, so I know I haven’t gone mad.”
I listened to her rattling off her questions, answering each one truthfully. Eventually she let out a sigh, her features softening.
“Okay, at least now I know I’m not crazy! So why have you been avoiding me? Did you want me to believe I imagined it all?”  
“And what about the marriage license? Mr. Kim doesn’t know anything about that!”
“You did not bring up the marriage license to Mr. Kim!”
“I did. I had to! I was desperate.”
“When you apply for a marriage license you have a limited time window to have the actual wedding and get married. If you don’t, it expires.” I spoke carefully, taking a seat next to her on the bed.
“Won’t people get suspicious if there’s no wedding? And before you say anything, no! I’m not having a fake wedding!”
“I don’t want that either! No, we’ll just go on vacation somewhere and say we got married there! Problem solved.” 
“Problem not solved! It’s not gonna work. It’s too risky. Your stepmother-”
“As soon as she’s out of the picture she won’t have the resources to snoop around and uncover the truth.” I squeezed her shoulders reassuringly.
“I don’t know.”
“it’s the only way we’ll be able to stay together without raising suspicions.”
“And is that what you want?” She suddenly asked, biting her lip.
“Okay, then. Let’s try it your way.”
[Soo-Jin’s POV]
“It’s crazy, right? I mean the whole plan is crazy! So much could go wrong!”
Wanting a second opinion, I texted Ri-Na, asking her to meet me for coffee.  On my way out the door I bumped into Changmin, thinking I wanted to hear his opinion too.
“Ouch, damn foot!” I yelled out loud, seeking his attention.
“What’s wrong?”
“My foot hurts. I’ve sprained it a couple times in the past and now it keeps hurting at random times for no reason.”
“You should probably lay down, rest.”
“I have a coffee date with Ri-Na.”
“Can you even drive?”
“Yes.” For dramatic effect I winced in pain as I took a step forward.
“Forget it! I’ll drive.” He rushed out the door and I followed him, grinning triumphantly. 
When we arrived at the café, I dragged Changmin out the car, pretending to feel uncomfortable knowing he would be waiting there alone.
Ri-Na was initially confused about Changmin, but when I assured her he was a friend who could be trusted, she loosened up. We ordered coffee and I watched both taking a few sips before I described my dilemma. 
“Why didn’t you tell Jay that?” Ri-Na inquired.
“Yeah, you should’ve talked to him!” Changmin added.
“I’m afraid, if I bring it up, he’ll shut me out again.”
“So you agree to everything he says whether you like it or not, just because you don’t want him to get mad?” He concluded, scratching his head.
“That doesn’t sound like an appropriate start to a healthy relationship.” Ri-Na remarked, nodding at him.
“Maybe you could talk to him!” I asked cautiously.
“Who? Me?” Changmin pointed at him incredulous. “We don’t even get along that well.”
“Plus, it’s gonna look suspicious if he talks to Jay about something he shouldn’t know of!” Ri-Na added, pointing out the obvious.
“I don’t mean to corner him, just sit down, grab a drink, talk, let him tell you stuff.” I said pleadingly.
“Who? Jay? Talking? About his feelings? To me? Hell would have to freeze over first.”
“Yeah, Soo-Jinah, that seems very unlikely.” Ri-Na shook her head.
I slumped into my seat, defeated. “Sorry. I was just-”
“I mean, I could try. Can’t guarantee anything though.” Changmin eventually said.
“Really? You’d do that for me?” I looked up at him, beaming.
“What are friends for?” Changmin stated with a shrug, earning a weird look from Ri-Na.
Back at home I sent Changmin off to find Jay, while I texted Ri-Na.
We’re back home.
I kept staring at my phone waiting for a response but all I got was silence.
Just when I put it down, it went off.
I have a weird feeling about Changmin.
What? Why?
I don’t know, it’s a gut feeling. Are you sure he’s not hung up on you anymore?
100%. I’ll talk to you later.
Laughing, I put the phone away. hopefully Changmin was able to track down Jay.
[Jay’s POV]
I entered the gym, raising an eyebrow at the rare sight.
“You, here?”
“Would you rather work out alone?”
“No, it’s fine.”
I stepped on the treadmill next to Changmin, still eyeing him suspiciously.
“I met this woman at a seminar a while ago and we’ve been texting recently.”
“Got it.” I really didn’t need more details of Changmin’s dating life.
“If you ever bring here over ju-”
“I won’t … be making that mistake again.”
“I’m with Soo-jin now! You can relax.”
“Are you?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
I had a feeling Changmin knew something and was coaxing me into a conversation, but because I was curious I played along.
“Soo-jin, Ri-Na and I had coffee earlier. She more or less dragged me along because I offered to driver because of her foot.”
“Her foot? Is she hurt?”
“Unimportant. What’s important is that she felt the need to get far away from here to say what was on her mind. The plan you’ve been carefully constructing? Soo-jin has questions. And doubts. But she feels she can’t address them because she’s concerned about your temper. Basically she’s agreeing to everything you say, regardless of whether she’s ok with it or not. Now I’m not an expert but even I know that that’s not healthy.”
“I just-” Frustrated, I ran my hands through my hair.
“I know. You just want to protect Soo-jin, no matter what it takes. But you’re turning her whole world upside down and she doesn’t strike me as the person who’d just go along with it. She’s not very spontaneous or daring.”
“I guess I never thought about that. I should talk to her.”
“She’s in her room.”
I grabbed my phone, taking deep breaths to calm my nerves.
“Jay? No need to panic. She’s not going to dump you, you have nothing to worry about. Just listen to her concerns.”
Nodding, I turned to Changmin. “You’re a good man!”
Outside Soo-jin’s room, I took another deep breath before knocking on her door.
“Changmin found me.”
“He did?”
I walked up to her, carefully inching closer. “I hate the fact that you couldn’t come to me with your worries.”
“I’m sor-”
“I should be the one apologizing. I was so caught up in this fight with my stepmother and the future of the company that I frantically tried to squeeze you in in this mad plan. Instead I should’ve concentrated on you. I’m sorry!”
“It’s okay, Jay. I understand.”
“So what now?” I asked, watching Soo-jin biting her bottom lip.
[Soo-jin POV]
“Is there maybe a less extreme way to deal with all of this? One that doesn’t necessarily involve us having to get married right now?”
Jay pondered over my question for several seconds before he spoke. “Leaving Korea.”
“That’s it? These are my choices if I want to be with you?” I didn’t mean to but raised my voice automatically. It felt like I was suffocating.
“I think I’ve mentioned excessive plastic surgery before as well.”
“This is not funny! Put yourself in my shoes, I just want to live a normal life with you. Am I asking for too much?”
Unwilling to hold them back, I let my tears fall down my cheeks. Jay’s whole body twitched, but he resisted the urge to take me in his arms.
“There has to be another way!” I urged him, wiping away my tears.
Blinking his own tears away, I watched Jay storming out of my room, mouthing something to himself, but speaking loud enough for me to hear.
“I won’t stop until I’ve found one!”
[day 97]
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koreanfilmjottings · 5 years ago
little forest (2018)
films are so much more enjoyable when you are in the right mood for them. a coronavirus-induced lockdown and some career changes has made me contemplative and yearning for something to anchor on. which is why little forest was especially delightful to watch.
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in little forest, kim tae-ri plays hye-won, who returns to her rural hometown after failing to become a teacher in seoul. although she initially claims to only stay for “four days or so”, she stays through the four seasons while doing farm work, reconnecting with her childhood friends, and reconciling with the bittersweet memories of her mother, who had suddenly left her when she was in high school.
little forest does a brilliant job of advertising simple countryside living. while some parts did come across as unrealistic, i must admit that i was compelled. often city dwellers over-compensate to find some grounding and resonance with countryside living (pottery, homemade kombucha and cold brew teas are only some examples). but in the world where hye-won and her friends live in, this way of life is modestly taken as daily routine. we see hye-won’s home warmly furnished with handmade wheel-thrown wares, well-stocked with muslin cloth and mason jars, and i cannot lie that i felt no jealousy.
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more so than others, food featured strongly in this film. little forest fed us with many recipes that comprised only natural ingredients across the four seasons - potato bread, azuki bean-topped rice flour pancakes, plain-fried cabbage with sujebi. (i am sure there is a compilation of little forest recipes somewhere on the web.) when hye-won winces remembering the convenience store bentos she ate while living in seoul, i winced with her too, knowing just how industrial those could taste. crucially, hye-won’s passion for authentic natural cooking is imparted from her mother; while she reconnects with countryside cooking, she is forced to face the memories of her mother in the kitchen. 
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what resonated the most with me was the farming practice of ‘field planting’. i am not sure of the exact english term, but in essence it refers to the transferring of germinated seeds from a smaller environment to a larger one, so the seeds are given more space to grow. jae-ha (ryu joon-yeol’s character) had quit his job in seoul to return to farming in the countryside, and he explained to hye-won, “i left because i do not want to live a life set up by others. in the workplace i am rarely given the space to act freely. i am just waiting for payday. what was the meaning in that?” while it could sound flippant and romanticised, i resonated especially with that sentiment because of the recent career changes that i made. when jae-ha called hye-won out, that she was just keeping busy to avoid having to think about bigger problems, i even teared because it was as if he was talking about me and the everyday. where is my space to settle and grow?
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little forest felt so japanese in tone (unsurprisingly so, since the source material was a japanese book of the same name), which i enjoyed because i like japanese fiction. in fact, this film reminded me in particular of the travelling cat chronicles, because both the book and this film lusciously depicted the beauty of the seasons in the countryside. regardless of setting, though, i think the strength of little forest lies in that its themes and heart is universal and easily transposable. who doesn’t, even occasionally, yearn for a simpler routine, a meaningful existence, and catharsis? 
little forest is probably the second korean film to move me on a personal level, after house of hummingbird. and  unsurprisingly so too, because they are both helmed by female directors. i am always looking forward to more films by female filmmakers, and while i hadn’t heard of this director before, her other films look very interesting and sensitive, so they will definitely be checked out soon. if you are a fan of korean entertainment in general, you’d be able to recognise certain actor favourites (kim tae-ri, moon so-ri, ryu joon-yeol, jin ki-joo). this film probably also contributed to the rising popularity of camping in korea, as well as variety shows such as little cabin in the woods. 
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i’d encourage people to watch this - lockdown or not, but even more so during lockdown. it may lead you to look harder for the simple comforts that already exist within your homes, or it may lead you to re-examine something more. -- 9/10
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reluming · 4 years ago
Rules: tag 9 people you’d like to know better/catch up with.
Tagged by @nettlekettle 💕
Last Song: idk what it was but half of MUNA’s songs are constantly stuck in my head every day! Anyway I can recommend two albums that came out recently: Arlo Parks’ Collapsed in Sunbeams, and Sammy Copley’s Growing Pains ✨ At this point 90% of the music I listen to is by queer artists tbh. Spotify Knows me
Last Movie: Space Sweepers 💞 We love a found family! Kim Tae-ri is so hot! Also Bubs the trans robot has made my entire month I have not been able to stop thinking about her
Currently Reading: House of Impossible Beauties by Joseph Cassara which I think @marsza probably recommended to me a couple years ago? I just started it but I’m enjoying it a lot!
Currently Watching: Dimension 20 – The Unsleeping City 2, Dickinson, Kipo & The Age of Wonderbeasts! But honestly I am still just like 🥰🥰🥰 over Cherry Magic and I do simply want to rewatch it... I watched all of it in one day it was over too quickly 😭
Currently Craving: When will we get to eat egg and herring sandwiches again, Amy?? Also one of these days I’m going to cave and order some bubble tea online...
Tagging: @marsza @tweetsongs @bazemayonnaise @miiphasgrace @andlightplay @sidewaystime @kristenbeeapples @vowel-in-thug @drivingsideways and anyone else who wants to do it!
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voicesofthepast · 4 years ago
Top 10 dramas of 2020, second half
10. My Dangerous Wife: Korean version of Gone Girl. The first 6 episodes are crazy and it just nice to see some similarities between this one and the US one. Just want the wife to get away with everything and hope her husband suffers or dies, idc 😬❤
9. OCN Train: So a try at a thriller dark mystery with some romance. Now i reallllly liked the leads a lot and was even more invested when they introduced the parallel world. Granted the last 2 episodes kinda went downhill but overall i reallly enjoyed it
8. Still 2gether: A shorter run than its prequel but much more mature and had them as a establish couple. Loved seeing what happens after happily ever after and the problems that arise and how they both deal with them. LGBT romance done and written pretty well.
7. Tale of the Nine Tailed.. Now this was a surprise because i was trashing this show before it aired. The CGI is not so great but the actors and characters make up foe that in their chemistry. Loved the batshit crazy female lead so much (shes always ready to stab a bitch even her own mom). Tbh im not thatttt invested in the romance for the lead but its cute. Also Lee Tae Ri being back for a villain role was so right.. So right.
6. 18Again... Now imma just say it i didn't reallly like this show but the way they had Kim Ha Neul and Lee Do Hyun together was pure genius. I only watched their scenes and my big teeth bf Wi Ha Joon. Sorry to Yoon Sang Hyun but he just isn't my cup of tea, especially after Ms.Perfect where he played the worst husband in tv history
5. SF8: The Prayer.. I still get so heated inside from this episode. Just insane story telling in only just one hour. Lee Yoo Young plays two roles and they also mix god into technology in a very interesting way. The highlight of this was when lee yoo young playing both characters created chemistry with herself, one as a human and one as a robot. Just crazy how she did that.
4. Penthouse: High budget ass dramas. They came to give everything and that includes a star cast. 90% of the characters are all rich and terrible people who do anything somehow to gain even more money and power that they have... miss lee ji ah is the star player here starting from a damaged housewife who gentle to a mastermind checkmate player whos is in charge of giving revenge while still having everyone be clueless that she's gonna destroy them
3. I told Sunset About You: lgbt stand up!!!! The best thai show of 2020 and just soo fucking good. The writing and production is insane. They really went to give us a proper tv show with amazingly realistic gay characters. The way the leads can create such longing and yearning without words is truly one of a kind. They have many scenes where they just smell each other or touch each other. It just so passionate and touches the heart.
2. The School Nurse Files: Say hello to the kdrama of the year. 6 episodes of feeling like you did a line of cocaine. Yumi plays a fucking awesome character who just weird and i love how they don't try to change her or make her more pleasant. Now sir Nam Joo Hyuk just hit his peak in this one. This was such a different character than any other ones he played before. He just had this special spark in this. Like we won't ever get this from him ever again. I am praying for a season 2 cause i feel like they did rush it but the budget is expensive so who knows. But its definitely a show u want to rewatch so many times.
A 12 episode drama about two office workers who slowly fall due to the fact that Adachi becomes a 30 year old virgin and gains the ability to read minds through physical contact. 2 very different characters that fall in love but in such a timed manner. Everything feels natural and so well put together. In ways the character's help each other in dark times that they both didn't know how much they mean to each other. I love how simple it is in terms of how its a gay drama and the issue of being lgbt isn't such or even treated as a problem. It's just two guys falling in love.
Loved how Japan created some very awesome lgbt shows. Really looking forward to some of the movies they had suppose to come this year but was pushed back due to covid. Thailand has gotten better as well for their lgbt( and we are getting a i told sunset about you season 2).
Korea worst year for dramas i gotta say. I watch some many show on 2x speed its ridiculous lol.
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oneillsophieoneill · 5 years ago
The Handmaiden (2016): Korean Gothic Lesbians. What More Could You Want?
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The Handmaiden is an incredible film. Whether we looking at the plot, the cinematography, or any other part of it. Park Chan-wook’s masterpiece tells the story of a young Korean pickpocket involved in an elaborate plot to defraud a Japanese heiress, based on the novel ‘Fingersmith’ by Sarah Waters. While the plot appears to be straight-forward, as it progresses our understanding begins to unravel. What we first saw as a complete jigsaw puzzle completely warps into an unfinished mosaic. Park then fills it in revealing it to be far bigger and more intriguing with every twist and turn.
The film is full of plot twists itself, but Park avoids staleness. The first plot twist shakes everything we know and leaves us questioning who is conning who? The rest provide us with a deeper insight into the mind of the heiress, Hideko, and shows us just how much we didn’t even question about her actions before. The acting in the film as well is phenomenal, Kim Tae-ri and Kim Min-hee’s chemistry together is evident. Both are able to show their character’s innocence, anger, cunning, passion and fierce devotion to each other. Even Kim Hae-sook as the minor character Sasaki is an unnerving presence perfect at setting the gothic atmosphere that permeates through every scene.
The romance at the centre of the film is genuine and passionate. It is one of my favourite lesbian films because of the effort that Park puts into showing the love they have and to see a lesbian relationship that doesn’t end in death is refreshing. The sex scenes, while very graphic which isn’t always my cup of tea, are filed with emotion. It is the same raw emotion that is carried through every scene with Sook-hee and Hideko- true love.
The entire film is an emotional, unique, and thrilling artwork to be savoured again and again. The gothic tone and visuals throughout create a visual wonder and an emotional disgust. I could write an entire thesis on how amazing it is. The beautiful score elevates the tone of every scene perfectly and its storytelling is no less than exquisite. It takes the original source and creates fresh perspective that ups the tension and boosts the effectiveness of its plot twists. If the is one movie that I can recommend you watch, it is The Handmaiden.
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hqprotectionsquad · 5 years ago
tagged by @hqkeiji
nicknames → la or lala (only my family members or my relatives call me this, plus all of the random nicknames my mom calls me)
real name → lara
zodiac sign → gemini
favorite musicians → sleeping at last, niki, rich brian, joji! i’ve been vibing to LANY, lauv, and rex orange county lately as well
favorite sports team → i’m partial to nekoma and fukurodani 🥺👉👈, but irl i’m partial to the knicks because my dad likes them. and i also watch figure skating too :) (i am, of course, partial to nathan chen)
sports i watch → my college doesn’t have a men’s vb team :( so i’ll probably watch some college volleyball online (no colleges near me have men’s vb, like that hits different than women’s)
other blogs → i use @katsukisgirl sometimes! just to rb random posts or to rant sometimes :)
do i get asks → yes! it’s fun to get random asks n stuff
how many blogs do i follow → 140ish
tumblr crushes → @ everyone i speak to (io, bri, ri, mik, imi, raenah, dakota, kira - n more) & big friend crush on asian anon 
lucky numbers → 7, 6, 5
what am i wearing → adidas pants (so comfy) and a t-shirt!
dream vacation → i have always wanted to visit japan and korea! i also want to go to paris (and maybe study abroad but idk yet!)
dream car → a mercedes benz hehe the chedeng be the vibes (my pinoys will understand chedeng)
favorite food → korean food :) like kimchi fried rice, korean fried chicken. and japanese food - ramen, soba, anything matcha. and filipino food - like literally anything (except balut, champorado, and dinuguan LOL)
favorite drink →  coffee ofc, milk tea, water, matcha
instruments → flute and the basic understandings of piano!
languages → english & i know a handful of words in tagalog! i cannot speak though
celebrity crush → I HAVE SO MANY. nathan chen! a few tiktokers! daniel dae kim’s son LOL. sean lew! i can never go into detail abt this bc i can go on for hours.
no tags but if you want to do it, feel free!!
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