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maryfoxposts · 4 years ago
Top 10 Foods That Make You Young Forever.
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maryfoxposts · 4 years ago
The true concept of death.
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maryfoxposts · 4 years ago
22 Surprising facts about the human body you don`t know!
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maryfoxposts · 4 years ago
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maryfoxposts · 4 years ago
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maryfoxposts · 4 years ago
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maryfoxposts · 4 years ago
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maryfoxposts · 4 years ago
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maryfoxposts · 4 years ago
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maryfoxposts · 4 years ago
How do you succeed in life?  25 secret to success in life
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maryfoxposts · 4 years ago
In our daily life, success is often tied to the wealth amassed and assets owned that ensure a comfortable and luxurious life. However, success is not a simple material question, it is a very relative notion which depends on the perception of each one and whose secret would be revealed through the 25 secrets. Recent studies related to happiness argue that the level of satisfaction no longer increases after a certain level of material wealth and income. According to these studies, you won't be twice, three or ten times happier if you have 10 cars. Happiness decreases more than proportionally with the acquisition and possession of goods. In addition, it has been scientifically shown that buying a good gives joy in a very limited time. In contrast, experiences are sources of lasting happiness. By experience, we mean a situation that offers satisfaction such as playing sports, attending a concert, playing a musical instrument, becoming better at one's passion (gardening or chess or other things), progressing in a foreign language, learn to cook, etc. To define success, we can therefore say that it is the feeling of satisfaction linked to various elements relating to social, environmental, economic, cultural, etc. and you have to find the keys to success in order to achieve it.
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maryfoxposts · 4 years ago
Human development is first and foremost the freedoms of human beings: the freedom to realize the full potential of each human life and not just a few, everywhere in the world, now and in the future.
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maryfoxposts · 4 years ago
Glutathione would protect cells from any oxidation. It would help minimize the damage caused by free radicals and limit the build-up of toxins. By binding to some of them (heavy metals, solvents, pesticides, etc.), it transforms them into water-soluble compounds, easily eliminated by emunctories. - Glutathione is believed to help slow down the irreparable aging of cells. - It would help stimulate the body's natural defenses to fight cells that are harmful to its good health. - It would intervene in the regulation of good cholesterol. - It would facilitate blood circulation in the arteries, eyes, brain. - It would limit the damage of oxidative stress. - Glutathione helps detoxify the body, regulate and regenerate its natural defenses.
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maryfoxposts · 4 years ago
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maryfoxposts · 4 years ago
How to protect your body from cancer cells?  The role of glutathione in protecting the body
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