#kim seungmin x gn reader
daengtokki · 1 month
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Kim Seungmin is a mystery to the people around him, because he works very hard to keep it that way. He’ll smile and nod if you happen to cross his path in the hallway or lobby—he’ll hold the door, or the elevator, and he’ll certainly apologize if needed, but that’s all he gives. Most of his neighbors wouldn’t even know he could speak if the sound of his singing didn’t trickle through the thin walls and vents on occasion.
The oddest thing about him? He comes and goes at all hours of the day and night, randomly, quietly, with no real pattern, and it doesn’t always go unnoticed. The neighbors don’t question him, though, because he doesn’t cause any trouble…you could say he’s pretty well liked.
But nobody really knows Kim Seungmin, and he likes it that way. If he decides he wants to know you, though, you caught him at a very bad time.
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【Rating】: MATURE/EXPLICIT/MDNI. This prelude, and it's subsequent chapters, contains: language, sex, manipulation, stalking, choking, blood, and murder. If this makes you uncomfortable, or if Kim Seungmin committing these acts makes you uncomfortable, you can stop here.
【INTRO WC】: ~2k (KSM/gn!reader)
【COMMENTS】: Beyond this intro, the story becomes mainly Kim Seungmin/afab reader. Under the cut is our intro + a piece of part one!
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The park is too crowded today—Seungmin doesn’t like crowded. But it’s such a nice fall day, and he knew it might be like this. He chose to come out today. When he woke up early this morning, he felt good; well-rested, and only a little bit antsy. He brushed his teeth, showered, and after a few too many cups of coffee, checked himself in the mirror to see that his hair had dried and fallen just right.
Yeah, he had to get out today. No question. The unfortunate part is most of the scenery today is couples walking hand in hand, and parents with their children. The food stands are busy with office workers on lunch, and old men with nothing else to do but people watch. He laughs at himself for thinking that, because it’s a little hypocritical. He’s not a creepy old man, though. Seungmin is young, and handsome—today his freshly bleached hair hangs perfectly over his eyes and onto the thick frames of his glasses, and his long, slender legs in his just-tight-enough jeans reach almost to the walking path. He doesn’t spread out too much, because taking up too much space in public is rude, but he takes up just enough so someone might sit next to him—someone he might want to strike up a conversation with.
But, his threshold of time passes without so much as something pretty walking by. A few moments later, two cross his path…absolutely perfect, and just what he looks for. Unfortunately, they were glued to each other, and he doesn’t do couples. It’s just too much work.
“May I sit?”
A soft voice hits him, and it sounds like a dream. He can almost picture the face that goes with it, and he tries to in the few seconds it takes to let himself turn and answer. Seungmin smiles sweetly, but not overly so. Keeping it a little bit shy is important.
“Yes, of course.” He scoots over just a bit, but it’s not necessary because there’s plenty of room. It’s just another one of those normal, friendly gestures he's made into a habit. “Nice to see someone else here solo. There are too many touchy couples today.”
Seungmin’s new friend laughs at that, and he takes the opportunity to study you better. Pretty skin, and perfect hair, soft lips and sharp eyes.
“Yeah, it’s a little rude of them to shove it in our faces”
Good, Seungmin thinks, probably unattached. Sometimes it’s hard to tell for sure. “I’ve never seen you before…are you from around here?”
You look at Seungmin, and your eyes sparkle in the sunlight, “no, I just moved here recently, from Jinhae. Finally got most of my stuff unpacked, and figured I deserved some fresh air.”
“Wow, new to the city…that’s exciting. All by yourself?”
“Yeah, all by myself”
“Any particular reason?”
You laugh and flash a bright, not-too-perfect smile. It makes you look even cuter, Seungmin thinks.
“Acting, mainly. I’ve traveled here for modeling a few times before, just small stuff, but I’m hoping that gives me a good head start.”
Seungmin wonders if you already have jobs or auditions lined up. Only one way to find out.
“Acting, I can see that…you definitely have that drama lead look. Any jobs yet?”
You giggle, and when Seungmin glances over, you're looking at the ground, and very obviously hiding flushed cheeks. Shy for someone trying to break into acting. “Tomorrow morning,” you make eye contact very briefly, but look away again when you see how intensely Seungmin is looking at you. “You do too…I mean, you’re very handsome. You could probably get a role with just a headshot.”
“That’s quite a compliment. Are you sure you’re not just flirting with me?” Seungmin takes his glasses off for a moment to clean them, but keeps watching until you look back.
“Little bit of both”
“Would you like to get something?” You nod your head toward the food stands. “If you’re hungry, or thirsty. If that's not too forward.”
“Yes, I would. How about I take you on a little tour around the park?”
You smile and nod again. Very agreeable, and Seungmin has a feeling you’ll continue to be agreeable all the way to his bed. That’s where he needs you.
Seungmin stands, you follow.
/ / /
You take your time looking at the art on the walls, but you're genuinely taken back by the size of the apartment, the beautiful view, and the tall windows letting the sunlight pour in. Seungmin watches and busies himself in the kitchen making drinks.
“Do you want yours strong? I didn’t even ask your age, that was silly…”
“Oh, I’m twenty-two! I’ll be twenty-three in a few weeks. And not too strong.”
“Got it.” Seungmin pours a shot for you, and two for himself. “Twenty-two?”
“Yeah…sorry, too young?”
“How old do I look?” Seungmin laughs, and it sounds very sincere. It is this time, actually, but it doesn’t always come out that way. He tries to keep a cute grin on until you look at him again.
“If I had to guess…and considering where you live, at least twenty-five. You do have a very handsome, mature look about you.”
“Close enough”
“You’re not gonna tell me?”
“Twenty-five is next.” Seungmin hands you a drink, sits, and puts an unnecessarily large gap between the two of you on the couch. “Are you comfortable?”
Just like Seungmin hopes, you slide yourself closer, and at the same time, take a drink...only you down yours in one swift movement.
“I can make you another”
“One is enough for me”
“Is it?” Seungmin leans closer.
“Usually, yes.” You move closer still, and watch Seungmin’s lips. “Yeah."
Seungmin can feel your nervous heartbeat pulsing as they finally touch, and it feels good. It feels just like he hoped it would, and it lasts for quite some time without going any further. This isn’t a get out of your clothes kiss…this is a kiss kiss. You act as if you're starved for touch and affection, and now you're taking it out on Seungmin. But he lets you continue—you touch softly on his arms and shoulders and neck, exploring what parts of him you can without going too far. It’s innocent, and it’s kind of cute…but it’s mostly annoying for him. There has to be a way to speed things up, and to encourage you to really go for it. So, Seungmin lets out a moan as he licks at your tongue.
You stop, and slowly pull away.
“What’s wrong?” Seungmin asks gently, and his knuckles graze under your chin. “Need a breather?”
You shake your head and grab his thigh, but Seungmin still waits for more; a squeeze, a hand sliding up at a painfully slowly pace, and when it finally lands between Seungmin’s thighs, he makes his first real move. He leans back on the couch and watches himself get touched and massaged, and he feels himself strain against the not-too-tight jeans. Relief comes as he’s unbuttoned, and the zipper comes down carefully over his growing cock. The reveal is slow, just how he likes it. You pull at the jeans and briefs, and Seungmin can hear a whine as his first few inches are let loose.
Another pull and he’s still barely out. Seungmin twitches as cool fingers graze over his hot, sensitive skin, and moans when you swipe your tongue across the thick vein running up his length. One more good pull, and he’s finally free. Seungmin sighs, satisfied...relieved to finally be touched and admired. He knows his cock is pretty, and he loves showing it off. Even more, he loves an eager mouth trying to take it all.
“That’s it…” Seungmin whines, and your eyes meet for a moment before you start to work on him. “Good, take it all.”
The tight squeeze of your throat makes him dizzy, and much louder than usual, but he doesn’t always pick the most experienced. Fortunately for him, you've done this a few times before.
“Mm, look at me”
Tears stream down your blushed cheeks as you force every inch into his mouth.
“Very good. Are you ready for me?”
You nod eagerly as Seungmin’s head pops out of your mouth, and then disappears again just as quickly.
“Are you sure?”
A trail of spit runs down your chin as you catch your breath and whine, “I am...”
“Stand up, turn around for me”
On your feet and back turned to him without question. Seungmin studies you again before pulling his shirt over his head. His jeans follow, and then he finally puts his hands on your body…touches your ass and squeezes, wonders where he wants you. Where is he in the mood for this? What feels right?
“Let’s go to the bedroom, hm?” He stands and grabs your waist to lead the way, “it’s much more comfortable in there.”
/ / /
It’s cool and dark in Seungmin’s bedroom; tidy and spacious. It smells good, a little like vanilla , and slightly floral, and it’s not overly masculine in any way. If you had to guess, you probably couldn’t tell who slept here—someone who enjoyed music, that’s it; there’s a laptop, a synthesizer, and a guitar in the corner, more abstract art on the walls. The bed is covered in a silky, dark blue bedspread, too many pillows, and...a dog plush, tucked in between two of the pillows. It’s a little out of place to a stranger, but Seungmin obviously doesn’t care.
“This is nice,” you turn and comes face to face with him, almost nose to nose. You desperately want to kiss again, so you lean forward, hopeful. He doesn’t give anything back yet. “You’re nice.”
“I’m not”
Seungmin shakes his head, but he does kiss, just once, before gripping the back of your neck, “sit.” It takes no convincing, no matter what it is. He disappears for a moment, opens and closes a drawer. Seungmin wonders, like he sometimes does in these moments, how someone can be so open and trusting of a person they met only hours ago—he doesn’t think about it too much, though, because these are the types of people he needs.
“Still good?” He asks and rips open his condom. The look of hesitation makes Seungmin stop in his tracks. “No?”
You take in a sharp breath, and sigh.
Seungmin can still feel the blood pumping through every vein—he can hear it rush into his head, back down to each limb, to his needy cock. The pounding in his chest won’t stop for a while, he knows...and he’s learned to enjoy that, and the breathlessness he feels alongside it.
You nod, but your unsure face remains the same.
“No…” Seungmin sighs and cups your cheeks in his hands. “Okay. Change of plans.”
“I’m relaxed,” you lean forward and touch him, place your lips on his stomach, and gasp again when his soft hands wrap around your neck. You are relaxed, or you were a moment ago…now your shoulders tighten, and hands jump to Seungmin’s forearms. “I’m sorry, I—”
“It’s alright.” Both hands close around your neck and squeeze, softly at first, "the ending will still be the same.” Little by little his grip tightens, and you begin to squirm.
Something isn't right. Fingernails dig into Seungmin’s wrists; you kick, scratch, squeeze and pull. The breath you try to take comes right back out in a whimper, and as soon as he pushes, and your back hits the bed, it’s over. Nothing you try to do will save you; he’s completely in control.
Time slows down—everything stops, and sweat begins to form on Seungmin’s brow. His eyes move down his own arms as the veins jump, and the muscles of his forearms tense more and more with each passing moment. A minute goes by with little fight, and then another twenty seconds; twenty-four, twenty-five...Seungmin counts slowly as he watches. It’s still so loud in his head. The bedroom is silent, but the beat of Seungmin’s heart would be deafening to anyone else in the room. Your eyes, glassy and bloodshot, gaze upward—the warm pink of your lips start to fade, and turn a pale blue, and finally, Seungmin lets up. This patience took him far too long to master.
And that might be enough—it should be enough, but part of him always hopes for one more gasp for air; one more fight to get back, just so he can do it again. But there is no second chance with you. Still, he sits and watches your lifeless body for a while before finally getting up and slipping back into his clothes. His heartbeat is still jumpy, but it begins to slow as he pulls at the blanket and wraps it around you.
One last, long look before he carefully tosses it over your still, pallid face—you really were beautiful.
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Part One:Winter
The smell of smoke reaches his nose, and the craving comes on so strong...he hates this, not being able to control something so small. But he doesn't have much control at all, if he thinks about it. He hasn't had any real control in years—just the illusion of it. The first chance Seungmin gets, he disappears into a convenience store, and he walks back out with a pack of cigarettes clenched in one hand. He bites down on a fresh book of matches as he bounces it against the heel of his palm, eyes still carefully scanning the streets as he unwraps the plastic and pops one between his lips.
The sound of the match against the striker strip is enough to calm his nerves, but the first slow drag quiets his mind, and numbs the itch in his limbs. The part of his brain that doesn't shut up when it's time likes to smoke lately, it seems, so he listens. More of his illusion.
Just as he pulls in another lungful, you walk past him, head down, eyes glued to your phone. Seungmin can see exactly what you're doing—looking at a map as you walk, probably a little lost, and you’re mumbling quietly. Scolding yourself, maybe. He wonders just how lost you are, but he doesn't move right away…he’s smarter than that. But the itch returns very quickly, despite the cigarette, and his legs shake a little with the anticipation of following behind. Lucky for him, you stop and duck under the awning for some shade, and probably to get your bearings.
He likes the way you look.
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ccawz · 1 year
quiet pt.2
short blurbs with the maknae line loosely based off songs from my ‘quiet’ playlist
maknae line (han, felix, seungmin, jeongin) x gn!reader | 998 words total
warnings: small argument in han’s, felix’s is a bit sad (he’s crying), other than that, there should be nothing else.
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silhouettes 273 words
“Whose idea was it to go for a walk this late?” Jisung asks, shoulders hunched as he curls into his body, shivering from the cold. 
Your hand slips into his naturally. He jolts from the coldness of your fingertips but settles when you pocket your entwined hands. “It was your idea, ji.” You clear your throat, slumping your shoulders with a pout, “As my lover, you are required to take me out for a walk in this romantic atmosphere.” You reenact his words from earlier, shaking your shoulders as you whine just like he had. 
He scoffs, laughs spilling through as he shakes his head. “I did not say it like that.” You nod your head fervently, telling him how dramatic he was being. “He gives up after a minute of pointless arguments, turning his head in every direction, “Where are we anyway?” 
“I was just walking. I didn’t follow where we were going.” 
“You got us lost.”
“You wanted to walk!”
A petty argument— more of a debate than anything else— begins, and through every slew of words he’d thrown at you, a layer of your warmth was peeled off to wrap around him instead. 
“Don’t blame this on me! I just wanted to spend time with you!” Your scarf is now wrapped snugly around his neck. “Seriously, and then you raise your voice at me?” Your gloves are slipped onto his hands. 
“Jisung,” he cuts himself off at your interruption, looking down at himself and then at you. “Let’s just call a taxi.” He hums in agreement, taking your hand while trying to process how you’d managed to bundle him up.
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ur so pretty 235 words 
“Don’t cry,” you whisper, thumbing the corner of his eyes as the tears fall. “Please don’t cry, Felix.” No matter how hard you pleaded, the tears wouldn’t stop coming. “Felix, please.”
Between sobs, a barely coherent “I’m sorry.” Was whispered out. “Please don’t go.” He says. It was odd. He was the one leaving, not you. “Please don’t.”
“I’m not going anywhere, Felix.” It hurt to lie to him because when he went to bed the next night, you wouldn’t be beside him. You’d be miles away. “I’m right here.”
His hands tremble up your back, fingers white knuckling from holding your shirt. “I don’t want this to end.”
“Felix, Felix,” your voice trembled as you pulled him away from you, trying your best to smile for him. “It’s not going to end,” you whispered, laughing quietly at the quiver of his lips. “We’re going to be apart, yeah, but maybe it’ll bring us closer than ever.”
His tears slow, but he hiccups as you say your next words. “Will you smile for me, Lix?” Your head rests against his, and his head tilts up to brush his nose against yours. “Even if it’s fake, will you smile before you leave?”
“I’ll always smile for you,” Felix says, holding your pinky. “I just don’t think I can bring myself to fake one either.” You hum, nodding your head, laughing when he groans about the friction.
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love. 272 words
“I can’t believe you actually fell to your knees and cried when that song came on.” Seungmin says, looking down at his feet as he walks down the hill. 
You laugh beside him, bumping your shoulder against his. “It’s my favorite song.” Your sentence pauses for a while, and you stop in your tracks when you reach a streetlight, looking at him under the orange light. “It makes me think of you when I hear it.” 
Seungmin’s lips stay straight before they split into a wide smile, head turning down to hide his reaction from you, even if you’d already seen it. “You’re a hopeless romantic, you.” He says, lifting his head to look at you. “I hope you know that.” 
“Only for you.” Seungmin rolls his eyes, taking your hand when you offer it. He always wondered how your fingers slotted perfectly between his and how it felt natural to hold you like he was made to do it. “I love you.” 
“How much?” He presses, smiling when you draw him close to your chest. 
You hold his hand above your heart, humming when he bumps his head against yours. “I can’t tell you how much I love you,” you say, nudging your nose against his. “But when I look at you,” there’s a break in your sentence when he pulls back, eyes trailing across your face, taking you in bit by bit while you do the same. “I see eternity.”
“I can’t believe you’re confessing your undying love after shouting you loved the lead singer.” He scoffs, pushing you away and laughing when you pull him back. “That is different!” 
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for you 207 words
“Are you in a bad mood today?” You ask quietly, eyeing Jeongin from your spot on the couch. His chest falls quickly from the sigh he lets out, and you wince at the annoyed look on his face. “Sorry.” 
When you got up from the couch, Jeongin was quick to stop you from leaving the room. “I’m not angry at you,” he tells you, holding onto your hand as you slowly sink back down onto the couch. “It was just… practice was more strict today because of the comeback.” 
Jeongin spills every little detail to you: the slight annoyance that was picked up when he kept making the same mistake, the harmless jokes that broke into his mind, and the squeak of the shoes that slowly deteriorated his patience. 
Sometime during his much-needed ranting, his head had fallen to your lap, and he relished in the way your fingers automatically found purchase in his hair. “The leaves are turning brown.” He whispers, looking out at the tree under the streetlight.
“They are.” You reply, softly brushing the hair in front of his eyes away. 
“I’m happy I got to spend another season with you.” He murmurs, letting his eyes close as sleep slowly takes over him. 
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a/n: seungmin’s fic is a true story. I went to see wave to earth and fell to my knees when love. started playing
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shoverse · 1 year
-> skz maknae line; sending them memes of themselves !
🍥 pairing; skz! maknae line x gn! reader
🍥 cw; swearing, sex joke, bald felix...
🍥 a/n; GUYS PLS UNFLOP ME IM ABT TO SHIT MYSELF 💔💔 I LOVE U PLS ☹️☹️ can u tell it's super rushed i'm so scary posting once a day
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han jisung;
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lee felix;
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kim seungmin;
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yang jeongin;
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writingforstraykids · 2 months
Home - Jinnie Bday fic🖤
Pairing: OT8 x gnReader
Word Count: 1711
Summary: In Stray Kids you found a family in ways you would've never imagined. They were your home, your safe place, your everything.
Warnings/Tags: fluff, found family, 9th member
A/N: The happiest birthday to you my sweet Jinnie @jinnie-ret 🖤 I hope you were able to enjoy your day and I wish you only the best for your next year!! Hope you enjoy this little something🖤
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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Your journey to find a family within Stray Kids wasn't an easy one, but it was undoubtedly one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Each member brought something unique to the table, filling different roles in your life that you didn't even know you needed. From the very first day you met them, it was clear that this group of eight would become your family in ways you'd never imagined.
From the moment you became part of the group, Chan took you under his wing. His warm smile and welcoming demeanor immediately made you feel at ease. He was always there to guide you, whether it was through a tough choreography or just a rough day.
"Y/n, remember, it's not about being perfect. It's about doing your best and growing every day," Chan would often remind you with a reassuring smile.
Chan's presence in your life was akin to that of a protective older brother. He always knew when you were feeling down and needed a pep talk or just someone to listen. His dedication to the group and to you was inspiring, and his belief in your potential pushed you to strive for more.
Minho, with his sharp dance moves and even sharper wit, quickly became someone you could rely on for both comfort and a good laugh. He had a way of teasing you that always made you feel included and part of the group.
"Y/nnie, you call that a dance move? Even my cats can do better," he'd joke, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
Despite his teasing, Minho was incredibly caring. He had a knack for knowing when something was wrong and would often check in on you with his unique brand of tough love. His duality of being both a playful friend and a compassionate confidant was something you cherished deeply.
Hyunjin, with his ethereal visuals and artistic flair, quickly became your creative soulmate. Whether it was painting, dancing, or just discussing life, Hyunjin had a way of making everything seem beautiful and meaningful.
“Let's paint the town red tonight, literally," he'd say, handing you a paintbrush with a grin.
Hyunjin's passion for the arts was contagious, and he often encouraged you to explore your creative side. His ability to find beauty in the mundane and his unwavering support helped you see the world through a different lens.
Changbin, with his fierce rapping skills and even fiercer determination, was the motivational coach you never knew you needed. His relentless work ethic and positive attitude were nothing short of inspiring.
“If you want something, you have to fight for it. We'll always support you, but you have to play your part," he'd often say, his eyes filled with intensity.
Changbin's tough love approach pushed you to your limits and helped you break barriers you didn't think were possible. His constant encouragement and belief in your abilities were a source of strength on your toughest days.
Jisung, with his infectious laughter, quickly became the lighthearted joker of your new family. His ability to make you laugh, even on your worst days, was a gift you cherished dearly.
"Y/nnie, Y/nnie, Y/nnie! Why did the-" he would say, bursting into laughter before he could even finish the joke.
Jisung's lighthearted nature and playful spirit brought joy and laughter into your life. His ability to find humor in any situation was a constant reminder not to take life too seriously and to always find reasons to smile.
Felix, with his deep voice and even deeper compassion, was the gentle heart of the group. His kindness and empathy knew no bounds, and he always seemed to know exactly what to say to make you feel better.
"Sometimes all you need is a little bit of patience and loads of cuddles,” Felix would say, his voice soothing and reassuring.
Felix's gentle nature and warm hugs were a constant source of comfort. His ability to listen without judgment and offer genuine support made him someone you could always turn to in times of need.
Seungmin, with his calm demeanor and wise insights, quickly became the voice of reason in your life. His ability to stay grounded and offer practical advice was something you came to rely on.
"It's okay to take a step back and breathe. Not everything has to be perfect," Seungmin would remind you, his voice steady and calm.
Seungmin's level-headedness and rational perspective were invaluable. His guidance helped you navigate the challenges you faced and made you appreciate the importance of balance and patience.
Jeongin, the youngest member of the group, quickly became the little brother you never had. His youthful energy and innocent charm were a breath of fresh air, and his admiration for you was heartwarming.
"Can you show me that dance move again? You're so cool!" he would say, his eyes wide with admiration.
Innie's enthusiasm and eagerness to learn from you made you feel appreciated and valued. His presence was a constant reminder of the joy of discovery and the importance of nurturing those who look up to you.
As time went on, you found yourself growing closer to each member, forming bonds that felt unbreakable. Each one of them brought something unique to your life, filling different roles that together created a sense of family you had always longed for.
One day, after a particularly grueling practice session, you all decided to unwind at the dorm. Chan suggested watching a movie, and everyone quickly agreed. You all settled into the living room, snacks in hand, ready to relax and enjoy each other's company.
"Y/nnie, you get to pick the movie," Chan said, tossing you the remote.
After much deliberation and playful arguing, you settled on a comedy, knowing it would lift everyone's spirits. As the movie played, you found yourself sandwiched between Minho and Jisung, both of whom provided a running commentary that had you in stitches.
"Why is he doing that? That's such a dumb move," Minho remarked, shaking his head.
"Right? I could've written a better script," Jisung added, making you burst into laughter.
Felix and Innie were engrossed in the movie, sharing a blanket and occasionally throwing popcorn at each other. Seungmin and Hyunjin were seated on the floor, discussing the cinematography and artistic elements, while Changbin and Chan were busy trying to outdo each other in a push-up contest during the commercial breaks.
"Y/nnie, care to join us?" Changbin asked with a challenging grin.
You laughed, shaking your head. "I'll leave the push-ups to you two. I'm quite comfortable here."
As the night went on, you felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for these moments. The laughter, the camaraderie, and the simple joy of being together were things you treasured deeply.
Of course, it wasn't always smooth sailing. There were times when tensions ran high, and disagreements were inevitable. But even in those moments, you found strength in your newfound family. One particularly challenging day stood out in your memory.
You were in the studio, working on a new track. The atmosphere was tense, as everyone was feeling the pressure to deliver something exceptional. Voices were raised, and frustrations were palpable.
"I think we should try a different approach," Chan suggested, his tone calm but firm.
You were feeling overwhelmed, and his suggestion felt like another critique. "I don't think that's the problem, Chan," you snapped, immediately regretting your tone.
The room fell silent, and you could feel the weight of your words. Chan took a deep breath, his expression softening. "Let's take a break."
As everyone dispersed, Felix approached you, his expression concerned. "Hey, it's okay to feel frustrated. We're all in this together."
You nodded, tears threatening to spill. "I just want to get it right."
Felix pulled you into a hug, his warmth comforting. "And we will. But we need to take care of ourselves too."
After a few moments, you rejoined the group, ready to try again. Chan's understanding smile and the supportive nods from the others reminded you that no matter how tough things got, you had a family to rely on.
For every challenge, there were also moments of triumph that you celebrated together. The day you released your first successful track as a group was one of the most memorable.
"Y/nnie, we did it!" Jisung exclaimed, pulling you into a jubilant hug.
The energy in the room was electric, as everyone danced and celebrated the hard-earned success. Min and Hyunjin were already planning a celebratory dinner, while Changbin and Innie were busy taking selfies to capture the moment.
"Group photo, everyone!" Seungmin called, setting up the camera.
As you all huddled together, arms around each other, you felt a profound sense of belonging. The smiles, the laughter, and the sheer joy in that moment were a testament to the bond you shared.
Looking back, you realized that finding your family in Stray Kids was a journey filled with highs and lows, laughter and tears. Each member brought something unique to your life, creating a sense of belonging that was irreplaceable.
Chan's protective nature and unwavering support made you feel safe and valued. Minho's teasing and tough love reminded you of the importance of balance and perspective. Hyunjin's artistic soul and passion for beauty inspired you to see the world through a different lens.
Changbin's motivational drive and fierce determination pushed you to achieve more than you ever thought possible. Jisung's lighthearted jokes and playful spirit brought joy and laughter into your life. Felix's gentle heart and deep compassion provided comfort and understanding.
Seungmin's calm demeanor and wise insights offered guidance and clarity, while Innie's youthful energy and admiration reminded you of the joy of discovery and growth.
In Stray Kids, you found not just friends, but a family that supported and uplifted you in ways you never imagined. The bond you shared with each member was a testament to the power of love, understanding, and unity.
As you looked around at your new family, you realized that you were exactly where you were meant to be. Together, you faced challenges, celebrated successes, and created memories that would last a lifetime. In Stray Kids, you found your home, your family, and your place in the world.
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justwonder113 · 7 months
Showering Seungmin with affection
Bang Chan; Lee Know ; Changbin; Hyunjin; Han; Felix; IN;
Part 2 Here
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Summary: Everything between you and Seungmin was a competition and to win and make him shut up you were even willing to kiss him sensless Warning: Gender neutral reader but if I missed anything please let me know; Bold reader; mentions of consumption of alcohol; Both reader and Seungmin are little bit tipsy; some cursing because I'm cute like that; reader feeling a bit claustrophobic at the beginning. Seungmin being hit on by a drunk girl; unclear feelings; Both reader and Seungmin are brats and really chaotic to put it simply; Bit graphic descriptions of possible scenarios. Making out in the middle of nowhere; Slightly suggestive; Please notify me if I missed something. A/N- I really hope you will like it, It's not really enemies to lovers but It's the first time I've written something inspired by the dynamic. I'm really curious on anything you have to say so please feel free to interact Word count-4.7k
You loved your friends, you really did, but sometimes you just couldn't understand them. It was beyond your imagination why they chose to go to a bar on your first day of vocation, as the first thing to do here. There were so many things to do!
Lately you've been really swarmed with work and it really took it's toll on you, so as a way to unwinde you and your friends alligned your schedules together and decided to go to a winter resort. You arrived just today, and you already fell in love. It was the type of place you see in tvshows and movied. It was a place straight out of fairytail. You were simply mesmerized by this place and you wanted nothing more than to explore every part of it, to get aquitanced with this majestic place, but, unfortunately for you, convincing your friends to go with you was more challenging than you could think it would be. They kept insisting that they were too tired from the road and just wanted to relax and drink today. It kind of bummed you out when no one out of so many people shared the same idea as you. You pondered over the idea to go exploring by yourself, but you also didn't really feel like roaming unknown places in the middle of the night all alone.
Okay, to be fair, Seungmin vouched for you and said it was a good idea to go. But it was Seungmin! Everyone and their mama knew that you two didn't get along with each other. You had conflicated feelings about him, you were by any means no friends but you respected him, but you also really hated how narcissistic, snobbish and so rude! He was like the human boquet of the quialities you disliked in a person. You knew he's an unique character from the start, you were even intrigued by it for a while, you only started hating him when he something Snarky and rude to your best friend. YOUR FUCKING BEST FRIEND! Of course it was eons ago and your best friend was way past over this and now was friends with him, but still. Your friend also explained that he was just like that and didn't mean half of the things he said. That you would just get him if you gave it time and effort but here you were. He failed in your eyes once and there was no going back. Sometimes you pondered of you should let go of the negative feelings, after all he was in your friend group and people were getting tired of your constant bickering. Truth be told, you thought that it was a huge progress from your side that you were now more benevolent and maybe even more friendly towards him. At least you could be in a room with him and parttake in conversations that involved him. By all means you were not friends, you had this weird rivalry between you. You didn't even know when it started but now everything was just competitions between you. And you took great pride whenever you beat him. You just loved rubbing your victories in his face and teasing him about it, but sadly, when you lost he always returned the energy sometimes even ten times more just to piss you off. He was just a huge brat! And to think that only Kim fucking Seungmin was on same wavelength as you.
You took another shot as if on reflex. You wouldn't lie, you enjoyed yourself. Hanging out with your friends was always a pleasure, you had comfortable and had fun with extended friend group it was nice to meet up together after a while ,but you couldn't help but feel restless. Also alcohol didn't hit right today, you were worst kind of drunk, your mind was fully alert while your body felt like it was slowed down and didn't fully listen to you. You tried to engage in conversations but most seemed like they were already out of it, some of them were dancing without a care in the life, you saw few of them chatting up with people. You sighed this wasn't how you imagined your first day of vocation. The main reason you felt overjoyed to go here was that you were tired of being surrounded by four walls constantly and that's what you were doing now, you were stuck in this stuffy place. You didn't want to be a buzzkill but you were getting really restless here. It felt so staffy and full that you felt like you couldn't breathe properly. So after a few you just excused yourself grabbed your coat and went outside.
The cold air caressing your skin immediately soothed your senses, you felt like you could finally breathe again. You looked around the streets were mostly empty, it was way past midnight after all, everyone was probably at home. The streets were lit by vintage looking streetlights which eluminated soft yellowish glow. The streeets were covered with thick layer of fresh snow which crunched with every step you took. What you loved the most other than calmness of this small old city was that how beautiful it looked in the night. The scenery looked like one from the old french drawings you see in antique stores. Also it just simply amazeed you how mesmerizing it was to watch it snow on lampion lights. The snowflakes looked extra beautiful on the light. You were really glad you decided to go here.
The sound of the familliar voice made you groan in distaste. Couldn't let you be at peace for a minute huh? You turned around to scold jim for ruining your perfect picture but the sight had you let's just say rendered speechless. He wasn't alone, he was with some girl who was literally hanging on his arm for dear life? Was she flirting with him? She was really beautiful and stunning, but why did he look so awkward? You scoffed, sure he was really handsome and pretty too but really? Him? Or has he not opened his mouth yet?... You didn't like it.
You prepared yourself to leave this perfect place and go inside when you heard Seungmin say that he wasn't interested and ask to respect his boundaries. You were going to ignore it and just mind your business, you just didn't like how this girl kept pushing despite him declining her offers. Honestly what happened to taking no as an answer? This was just plain disrespectful.
You groaned out and approached them while cursing at yourself. Couldn't you just mind your business? "Baby there you are! I was just going to call you! Do you see how prettily it is snowing? Lets' take some pictures!" You tried to sound as sweet as possible while trying not to die from cringing too hard at yourself. Seungmin's eyes almost went up to his forehead. What a dumbass- you thought as you stood next to him and hugged his armn. "Who's this?" You acted all confused, honestly, you felt like you deserved an oscar. Seungmin atammered for an answer while the girl pouted ar you. She definerly had too much to drink. Where were her friends? Why was she alone?
"You're together?" She looked dishartened, what a poor thing.
"Yes, I tried to explain but you wouldn't listen." Seungmin sighed. The girl pouted, looking offended suddenly she started huffing-" There's no way you're toghether!" Oh she was getting annoying now, you glared at her, how dare she doubt you "I beg your pardon?"
"I've been here with my friends all evening, you two didn't even talk not even once, how would that make you a couple?" So she's been stalking Seungmin all evening, kind of creepy. You were really hating whis whole interaction so damn much!
"Okay I will prove it to you then no problem." You turned to Seungmin who looked confused, unaware of what you were planning to to. You couldn't blame him you also had no idea what the fuck came to you. He looked at you for a second but then gave you a nod, giving you a green light to do whatever you deemed nescessary. You iternally thanked yourself for taking all those shots earlier, there was no way you could do this sober. You grabbed Seungmin by his collar brought him to you and smashed your lips against his. Seungmin immediately leaned into the kiss and kissed you back. Suddenly you were surrounded by him, his soft lips, his warmth, his hands around your waist which felt so hot you felt them through your coat, the intoxicating smell of his perfume. Never woud you have imagined that you would love kissing the Kim Seungmin this much. You mentally counted up till five and then leaned back, already missing the touch. The girl sighed in defeat and left you. This had to be one of the weirdest interactions you've ever had. Well it was another win on your side so you didn't really care.
You quickly let go of Seungmin once you made sure the girl left you two. You had to get out of here so you started walking towards random direction, you had to be anywhere but with him. What the fuck had come onto you? How could you kiss him like that? You don't kiss people you're supposed to hate! It was so embarassing, you wanted the ground to swallow you whole, there's no way you could look him in the eyes after this.
You knew he followed after you by the sound of hurried footsteps and crunching snow, not as satisfying sounding when you're running from your problems, or one big problem called Kim Seungmin.
"Thank you for helping me our there, it was getting really awkward." He said it as if you just casually get him out of the situaation. How was he so calm? Was he even human? Did he even feel even ounce of human emotions, except maybe the need to be annoying all the time. You took a deep breath, there's no way you would show it to him how much this affected you. "Didn't know you had thank you in your vocabulary, the more you know huh?" He scoffed,"don't be a brat." you couldn't help but chuckle, "there you go being your charming old self. seungmin grinned. Oh no. " So you think I'm charming?"He looked at you with "Innocent" smile which made you groan, he sure had a talent for being annoying. "Goodbye." You were not in mood for his teasing. You were somewhere in this city might as well explore it. You thought that Seungmin listened to you for once and left you but no, he had to start yelling in the middle of the night while everyone normal slept "You're the one who kissed me but now you're the one running away?" God sure blessed him to be the most infuriating little creature that ever excisted.
"First of all don't be loud it's middle of the night and people might be sleeping, also I'm not running away, I just don't like to be with you. I'm already starting to regret that I helped you, I should've just minded my business." Seungmin looked unamused.
"But you didn't. You stayed and helped me. You even went as far and kissed me!"
"You're really annoying do you know that?" He smirked and you instantly regretted not ignoring him, so what if he woke half the people here? You didn't know anyone here. Seungmin got closer to you. "While are you backing down and trying to run away from me? Is it that you're flustered baby?" He emphasised the word baby, mimicking the sweet tone you used earlier. The audacity of this fucker! You wanted to just punch him in the nose. You rolled your eyes, dissmissing him entierly. "Please, like you could fluster me." You continiued walking away from him, you wouldn't give him satisfaction to poke fun at you. You didn't hear any steps maybe luck did exist and he left you. You heard a step, a yelp and a loud thud.
Turning around you were greeted with the image of Seungmin laying flat on the ground. You quickly rushed to him, yes the roads were slippery but how did his ass manage to slip this bad to fall flat on the ground? He looked up to the sky with poker face, no sign of pain no nothing, his face completely unreadable? Is it possible to die just from a simple fall? "Seungmin are you okay?" No answer, You shook his shoulders, "Min?" He looked at you for a second, when slowly and dramatically lifted his hands to cover his face. What the hell? " Min? Did you hit your head? Are you hurt? What the fuck are you doing?" Still no answer, it only hit you that he was just embarrased when you noticed how red his neck and ears were. You couldn't help but laugh, and he immediately answered with a groan. "Are you embarassed?" Another groan which made you laugh harder also following by an unimpressed grunt. "Sorry, sorry, it's just ironic, you were the one talking about flustering me and stuff, now you can't even look me in the eyes." He could be cute after all.
"I want to die." Seungmin groaned out after a while, you were hysterical at this point.
You tried to get him get up or at least to remove his hands from his face but to no awail. "Oh stop being difficult, what do you want to get up? You will catch a cold dipshit." What bug did bite you today, why were you kind to him? It really was beyond you.
"I want a kiss on the lips." Oh so he could talk now, you scoffed and got up.
"Nevermind I hope you get pneoumonia! You either get up or I'm leaving you here!" He peaked at you through his fingers, you tried not to crack and not to smile, he looked so silly. He shook his head and covered his eyes again. Wow what a serious adult.
"No you won't you're too kind for your own good." This fucking! You hated how he was right. You really should just leave him here, that's what he's asking for!
After not hearing anything from you, Seungmin took his hands of his faces, to check if you in fact leave him here, he looked baffled when he noticed that instead of leaving him you laid next to him looking at the sky with unreadable face. "What are you doing? The fact about Kim Seungmin was that he was always calm and collected no matter the situation and to think he showed so many emotions today.
"If poeple were to look at you they would think that you're crazy or some drunk asshole, Someome might call cops on you or an ambulance and that's such a headache. If I lay here people most likely will ignore us because we're plain crazy or drunk, I think I am still tipsy." Honestly you were more or less sober now, who wouldn't be after laying on snow? He better pray you don't get sick, or him because you would most certainly beat his ass.
Seungmin looked at you for a second, you could feel his gaze even though you weren't looking at him he turned his head towards the sky after a while though. "Or they might think someone ran us over with a car, someone more creative might even think we were shot, although there's not blood." You couldn't help but huff out a laugh. He seemed more talkative now, even though the subject of conversation was quite unique. You somehow prefered it this way.
"Depends on where we were shot, also we should consider the sound effect. By the way it's snowing the blood might get covered soon. Car theory is also silly, the road is too narrow."
"Hm, you're right." You felt the urge to tease him for finally admitting for once that you were right but you didn't want to disrupt the peaceful moment. The silence was comforting. "It's really pretty, looking up at the snow."
"It is." It really was, in fact it was one of the most majestic sights you've ever witnessed. Streetlights were making it even more beautiful, it was like you could see every snowflake clearly.
You laid for a while enjoying the sight, the sliense, the comfort being with him brought. It felt good to just exist and simply enjoy a simple moment. You didn't even realize when your hands moved towards each other and started holding onto each other so tightly. What baffled you more was why didn't hate the feeling. Mere couple of hours ago you would've simply laughed at the idea of you holding hands with Seungmin. You wondered what shifted inside you.
"I think it's safe to say you do care about me." Of course he had to ruin the moment. Groaning in disdain you straightened up, his hold on your hand immediately tightened, one might even think he was afraid you would let go. He looked at you with the mischevious smile which unforunately tugged quite hard on your heartstrings, you obviously ignored it. "Says the one who literally fell for me." You couldn't help but quip back. He huffed dissaprovingly, his cheeks puffing up so cutely in the meantime you just waned to poke it. "I didn't fall for you!" He protested, you just rolled your eyes, "okay okay, you fell down while chasing after me." He looked uniimpressed. "I only did that because you kept running away god knows where! Do you even know where we are?" It was infuriating how he always pointed out right thing, but you didn't care. Backing down wasn't an option, this was a matter of pride." Do you?" 5 year old kid comeback but hey as long as it worked. Seungmin averted his eyes, he also had no idea. "Damn Seungmin, I didn't know you were so dedicated to me that you would go literally god knows where for me." He scoffed and crossed his hands. "You know what? Nevermind, I hope something finds you and eats you up." Satisfied that you were getting under his skin you grinned. "Oo Kinky."
"I hate you."
"As it turns out my dear Sungsung you don't."
"Okay I don't." You didn't like how his answer made you feel giddy.
"So you do have a heart! I'm impressed." You were not going to lie, you enjoyed this fucked up weird dynamic you two had.
"Yeah, can't seem to get rid of it, it's vital or whatever," he even made a point to dramatically roll his eyes as if he was annoyed at his heart.
"Tell me about it."
It was silent for a second or two but of course Seungmin had to break it. "What about you?" You looked at him expectantly, unsure on what he was getting at, Seungmin sighed as if dissapointed you didn't know what he meant. "Do you hate me?" He really loved asking those tough questions huh.
"Are you curious now?" What were you supposed to say, you knew you didn't hate him but you couldn't also name what you felt towards him.
"I am." He looked at you with wide eyes and you gulped in awe, it was first time you saw so many emotions reflect in his eyes, you had to tell him the truth or it would be ruthless.
"I don't hate you..." You paused hoping he caught the hint that you wouldn't be able to provide him with better answer for now. He smiled at you and shook his head.
"What a sap." Oh this little asshole!
"Oh shut up, you're literally being delusional!" Seungmin was full on grinning now, "why should I shut up? Are you getting shy perhaps?" You made a point to laugh dramatically as possible, "last time you teased me about being all shy and flustered you fell flat on the back, have you even considered to learn your fucking lesson? Or you want Karma to get you back, I knew you were masochistic freak! Be gone evil!" You got up and started walking, again he caought up with you, god this was getting boring.
"It's fun teasing you, I don't care if I might get hurt again because Karma got to me, I like seeing you all flustered up."
"You call this flustered? Oh baby boy how naive you are." It's really a shame you don't have a single oscar, maybe you should've gone into theatrics.
Seungmins face looked almost challenging. "Care to show me then?"
"I don't think you can handle me."
Seungmin did the thing everyone, unfortunately even you, thinks is attractive as fuck, he smiled at you while poking his cheek with his tongue, what a smug asshole. "Try me!"
You just blinked at him, eyebrow raised, -"really now?" You started approaching him while he looked at you with challenging eyes. You got close and close until there was literally no space between you. His face was unreadable once again but you took noticed how heavily he gulped once he felt your body against his. How cute of him to think you wouldn't see right through him. You smirked, "It's kind of funny, really, because I clearly remember how shy you got after I kissed you." He scoffed but didn't say anything, clearly waiting for your next move. He was simply watching you, analyzing you, just stydying you as if you were the most interesting subject. You stared back at him, challenging him back, you slowly started sliding your hands up his arms until they rested on his shoulders. "Can't even deny it, see? Didn't know you could actually be somewhat cute.
Seungmin made a point to just as slowly put his arms around your waist as you did, slowly dragging his hands up your hips and onto your waist. "What are you going to do about it?"
When did you even start whispering to each other? "God, you're so annoying, can you literally shut up for a second?"
Seungmin huffed, clearly amused by the situation, he once again looked dead into your eyes and mused "Make me!"
Oh he was on! You were absolutely set on on ruining him now. "Brat!" You mumbled against his lips before smashing your lips against his. There was literally nothing romantic or slow or emotional about the kiss. It was passionate, hungry, aggressive, hot and full of yearning. You two kissed each other like you two were starved of each other, you kept devouring each other's lips as if you wanted to become whole. You kissed him with as much passion as you could, he almost immediately kissed back, you fought for dominance at first but Seungmin gave in pretty soon, you knew it wasn't because he couldn't keep up, you just knew he could get you weak in the knees if he wanted to. He was thinking of something with his twisted head of this, there was no fucking way you were going to let him win, you were more set on making him flustered mess now. Maybe you were overthinking things but you didn't fucking care.
Seungmin let you do whatever you pleased, it was amazing how pliant he was being. You know he enjoyed just as much as you by the soft sounds he made occasionaly, every gasp of air, every tiniest little whimper did things to your heart you were shamed to admit. You felt excited, greedy, hungry for more! You've never felt more greedy in your life. You wanted to kiss him till your lips fell off. As much as you hated to admit it you just loved how his lips felt against yours, how soft they were even though they were chapped from the cold, how warm they were...You really hated how he made you feel so many emotions at once. What you hated even more was how alive he made you feel.
You slowly slid your hand through his hair, loving the feeling of his soft locks between your fingers, you just couldn't help yourself now. You grabbed the fistful on his nape and pulled on them experimentaly. He groaned against your lips and your heart almost did a backflip at this, you weren't even going to mention other parts of your body. The buttierflies in your stomach were full on raving now. Was he always this hot? You wanted to hear more! You slowly bit his lip and the soft whimper he let out was simply delicious.
Seungmin kissed you with more passion now, his hands migrated from your waist to your neck. His hands were really big and warm, it was something to feel them directly onto your skin, what made you weak in the knees was how he held you, right underneath your jaw, his thumbs caressing your cheeks. He slid his tounge briefly against your lower lip asking for entrance, who were you to deny him? You almost melted into a puddle when his tongue brushed over yours. You would have given in and let him take the lead if you weren't so set on winning this battle you've convinced yourself this was.
Eventually you two had to part because there was this thing called oxygen you needed to live or whatever. Your lungs were burning. Both of you could barely breathe, your lips felt as if they were buzzing, and you were hot all over, but it didn't stop you. You softly held him with one hand on his cheek and the other on his shoulder. You showered his jaw with slow kisses, when you decided to slowly migrate your little attack down his neck, down along his pulseline. You dragged each and every one of them as much as you could to torture him more. His whole body was so tense, so warm. Held onto your hips so tightly, you wondered if it would leave marks on your skin. You kissed your way down his carotid artery feeling perfectly fine how fast and strongly his heat was beating. You wondered for a second if your heart was any better.
You just knew you found just the right spot near his collar when his whole body shruddered and he let out a cutest little noise of both complaint and pleasure, you waited for a second but he did nothing to stop you. He held onto you so tightly you were afraid your back could break in half when you slowly bit him on his sweet spot. He looked deep into your eyes looking unimpressed while you looked at him like you were an angel sent to earth just for him. You felt proud on the reddening spot on his neck. Maybe it would even be visible for days.
"What the fuck?"Both of you got startled by Han's shocked voice. He looked at you all wide eyed clearly waiting for any kind of explanation. You and Seungmin quickly let go of each other.
"We've been searching all over for your asses while you're here eating each other's faces off? What the fuck gyus! Sincw when are you two fucking?" Han kept berating you while you two sat in silence. You looked at Seungmin who looked like he wanted to die, his face all red. You couldn't help but just laugh, . "He wishes I fucked him. Also I win Minnie" You softly patted his butt, honestly even his but was great how was it fair? Seungmin looked like he was about to die from embarassment. You've absolutely won this battle, he coudln't even say a word, he was speechless! Kim fucking Seungmin speechless!
"I'm coming, lead the way Sungie." You ran towards Han completely ignoring Seungmin, smiling like you've never done anything wrong in your life.
"I need details, what the fuck happened here?"Han wasn't giving up. You wondered if you could sneak Seungmin into your room later without anyone noticing.
A/N - Can't believe I finally finished it, you've no idea how many times I have rewritten it. I really hope you enjoyed it. Any type of feedback is always welcomed, or anything really, if you want to send a request, an ask, a thought, headcannon or you simply want to chat. I live for all these interactions. They literally make my whole days! Thanks for reading, love you all and please take care of yourselves^^
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bxckkdoor · 4 months
hiii! can you write bff!skz fake texts?
also can i be 🐕 anon if it’s not already taken? thank you so much:D
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best friend ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
SYNOPSIS  : texts with your bffs!! PLAYLIST : best friend - laufey ; worth it - beabadoobee PAIRING(S) : bff!skz x gender neutral reader WARNING(S) : cursing, bffs to lovers for 2 of the members, i think that's it??
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note : omg our first anon req ( and fake text post ) !! yeah i can do that, i hope you enjoy <33 ( and you can totally be 🐕 anon !! )
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bang chan
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lee minho
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seo changbin
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hwang hyunjin
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han jisung
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lee felix
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kim seungmin
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yang jeongin
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note : thank u for reading !! please send me any feedback or critiques you have, this is my first time doing these so any tips you have for me are very welcome !! my skz masterlist !!
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— @bxckkdoor ᧔o᧓
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190 notes · View notes
jinisnuggets · 5 months
ꜱᴛʀᴀʏ ᴋɪᴅꜱ (ᴏᴛ3) ꜰɪɴᴅꜱ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ꜱ/ᴏ ɪꜱ ɪɴᴊᴜʀᴇᴅ
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ᴾᵃⁱʳⁱⁿᵍˢ: ˡᵉᵉ ᵏⁿᵒʷ, ʰᵃⁿ, ˢᵉᵘⁿᵍᵐⁱⁿ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
ᴳᵉⁿʳᵉ: ᶠˡᵘᶠᶠ, ᵃⁿᵍˢᵗʸ, ᴴᵉᵃᵈᶜᵃⁿⁿᵒⁿˢ, ˢᵐᵃᵘ
ᵂᵃʳⁿⁱⁿᵍˢ: ʰᵒˢᵖⁱᵗᵃˡ ⁱⁿʲᵘʳⁱᵉˢ, ˢʷᵉᵃʳⁱⁿᵍ, ʰᵃʳᵐ,
ˢʸⁿᵒᵖˢⁱˢ: ʸᵒᵘ ᵍᵒᵗ ᵃ ˢᵉʳⁱᵒᵘˢ ⁱⁿʲᵘʳʸ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵐᵉᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵏᵉᵉᵖ ⁱᵗ ˢᵉᶜʳᵉᵗ, ᵇᵘᵗ ᵈⁱᵈⁿ'ᵗ ᵉˣᵖᵉᶜᵗ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵇᵒʸᶠʳⁱᵉⁿᵈ ᵗᵒ ᶠⁱⁿᵈ ᵒᵘᵗ ˢᵒ ᶠᵃˢᵗ
ᴬ/ⁿ: ᵗʰⁱˢ ʷᵃˢ ʳᵉqᵘᵉˢᵗᵉᵈ ᵇᵘᵗ ᴵᵗ ᵖᵒˢᵗᵉᵈ ʷʰᵉⁿ ⁱᵗ ʷᵃˢ ˢᵗⁱˡˡ ⁱⁿ ᵐʸ ᵈʳᵃᶠᵗˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ˢᵒ ᴵ ˢᵉⁿᵗ ⁱᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵉ ᵒʳⁱᵍⁱⁿᵃˡ ᵃˢᵏᵉʳ ᴵ ᵇᵉˡⁱᵉᵛᵉ 😭 , ᴵ ʰᵒᵖᵉ ᴵᵗ'ˢ ᵃˡʳⁱᵍʰᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵖᵒˢᵗ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ʳⁿ.
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When he got a call from the local hospital, he was quick to assume they had the wrong number, however he still picked up in order to inform them of the mistake, and when he heard a voice on the other end start to speak, he waited for them to finish the contact information before talking.
“Hello, I wanted to inform you that you possibly have the wrong number, I don't have any health issues and neither do any of my close relatives, so I believe this is a mistake, but thank you for your hard work, it is very appreciated.”
The other end stayed silent for a moment before verifying, “This is Lee Minho, is that correct?” Minho stayed quiet for a moment before speaking, “Yes, that's me- what happened?”
After the clarification, the doctor introduced themselves and explained the situation that had him very much on edge, and hearing what actually happened didn't make it any better.
“Wait- Y/n got into a car accident..?”
“Unfortunately, but luckily it wasn't a very serious crash so they came out with few injuries, although they aren't minor, they aren't major either so they should recover in a couple of weeks to possibly months.”
By that point, Minho had been pacing around the same spot for a decent amount of time, sweat running down his forehead as he bit his thumb nail, reacting quickly and reaching out for his car keys and wallet.
“I'm on my way, please keep them safe until I get there.”
The person on the other end nodded, but for confirmation muttered a small ‘of course’ in order to assure him that you were in good hands.
He didn't have time to ask about the injuries you had, the only thing he wanted to do by that point was see you and that was really it, he didn't think to ask nor did he really care to ask at the moment of it, the question hadn't come to his head until he started driving and had already hung up, in which he found himself banging his head against the steering wheel in complete disappointment to himself, quickly speeding up the pace in order to get to his loved one faster.
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Jisung had been eating lunch in his car, he was lazy so he just stopped by some fast food restaurant and ordered a meal to go, so that's how he ended up in his car in a random parking lot, looking at all the passing cars as he ate the burrito he had ordered.
He had seen a couple of ambulances drive by but he hadn't thought much of them, it was normal to see an ambulance drive off during regular times of day so there wasn't anything suspicious about it.
He stayed in his car for a while and finished up his burrito, jamming to the music that played from his playlist. Right as he was picking up his trash he noticed his phone ringing, it was off as he wasn't the type to get calls often, so he looked at the contact and recognized the number as the local hospital's, it also had it on the contact name, he automatically assumed that maybe his parents needed to under-go some type of surgery and picked up.
“Hello, are we talking to Han Jisung at the moment?” The voice on the other line said, Jisung was scared so the only thing that came out of his mouth was a simple ‘mhm.’
“Perfect, I'm a doctor at the local Seoul Department Hospital, I have a few things to tell you about L/n Y/n.”
“Y/n!? Why are they at the hospital!?” He couldn't help but raise his voice a little, not because he was mad but because he was terrified. What was his beloved doing in a place like the hospital? From what he last knew you didn't have any mental conditions, which meant one of two things, you got injured or you just went for a check up and found some sort if emergency cause making you need surgery, which made him immediately reject the other option.
“Yes, L/n has twisted their ankle in what we can only assume was a fall, we don't have the full story yet as they've been undergoing treatment for the damaged bone.”
“That happened!?” Jisung was in disbelief, turning on his car and driving off in the way of the hospital.
“I'm on my way, please take care of Y/n for me.”
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He was cooking whenever he noticed a number calling him, being the man he is, he obviously declined the call.
He hadn't seen the number and assumed it was a spam caller, so he chose to ignore it and decline the call. It wasn't until the number called a second time that he realized this wasn't a spam caller, so he picked up and got off to hang up if anything felt off or suspicious.
“Hello, are we speaking with Kim Seungmin?” A female voice asked from the other end, Seungmin felt uneasy and took a look at the contact information, seeing that it had the name of “Local Hospital”
Seungmin’s initial and continued thought was, of course, ‘scammer’ but he let the call proceed. “Yes, this is Kim Seungmin.” he responded.
“Okay, if it's okay for me to take a few minutes of your time, I would like to talk to you about some comments regarding L/n Y/n.”
Now Seungmin's mind went to ‘blackmailer’ and he was about to hang up the call when the same female voice continued.
“So, L/n has sprained their ankle while playing a sport, and it's not serious but it will take quite a bit to recover, so we wanted to know your relationship with the patient because they've got you listed as an emergency contact.”
Seungmin stayed silent, not because he was suspicious of any activity, but because he was genuinely concerned and trying to come up with the best thing to do in this scenario.
“I'm her boyfriend, could I have a few more details on their injuries?” Seungmin questioned, leaning over to pick up his shoes and slide them on, packing a bit of the pasta that he had been preparing and picking up his car keys.
“As mentioned, they sprained their ankle while they were playing some sort of sport, the theory is that they had landed badly on their leg and the pressure caused a bone malfunction causing the result of a sprain.”
“Okay, thank you very much, I'll be on my way.”
Seungmin thanked the nurse and despite his quiet and calm demineer, he was literally screaming and panicking on the inside.
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horanghaeluvsinniehae · 6 months
Hyung line/\Makne line
I have SEVENTEEN units with this concept
Pairing: skz!hyung line x gn!reader
Disclaimer: swearing, mentions of eating, boys being sulky (please tell me if i missed anything!)
As always author’s note at the end
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A/N: hi guys! I hope you liked this one! It’s a bit softer than the hyung line i think!
I hope it was okay, and feedbacks are always welcomed! They motivate me and i always like to know if you liked it or not!<3
Btw guys i really desperately need requests please😭🙇 it can be whatever you want as long as it’s appropriate to the guidelines(!) but honeslty i need your ideas please please😭😭 i sound so stupid but i just wanna make you happy:(<3
Please be safe and take care of yourself🫂❤️‍🩹
Taglist: @justwonder113 @ihrtlix @mon2sunjinsuver (if you want to be added on or removed then comment or dm me!<3)
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wh1mp · 3 months
dating- Seungmin
☁️what would your camera roll look like dating Seungmin?
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106 notes · View notes
heartbinn · 4 months
Skz reacting to gn!reader messing with their skzoo
-a/n stop i was bored..
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Pelapdleoslekje eplease give me reqs..(not js text au)
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getyourdirtyhandsoffme · 11 months
Straykids (Maknae line) x Male reader (or gn probably) [Besties]
Mentions the word "Die" for Seungmin's section. "No homo" mentioned for Felix section 😍!? Grammar probably sucks...anyways- Fluff.
I found a different message app so I'll use it on my text idea if I could think of any.
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266 notes · View notes
orikiys · 1 year
✿ ✿ 〞 voicemails and kisses for eternity
✰ pairings: seungmin x gn!reader
✰ genre: romance, angst, bit of a poetic add and slight fluff
✰ warnings: angst, ex seungmin who is trying to win you back, miscommunications, real life talks, fluff, nostalgia
✰ word count: 1.2k+ words
SEUNGMIN | chan | minho | changbin | hyunjin | han | felix | jeongin
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one 𖨂
where are you love? and why have you lost directions to my dorm? come back, please. it’s getting harder without you here. it’s been four weeks now. not a single text or a single glimpse of you has wrecked my mind. your vanilla body wash- it’s over. and i don’t want to buy another one, because it may smell like you, but i have begun to forget that scent. the little touches, the head pats when i’m asleep, blowing on my food for me, buying me my favourite coffee. . . all of this is beautiful. but it was beautiful, before we ended up ruining it.
two 𖨂
please tell me that i am not the only one who still re-reads our texts. am i the only one who still watches our videos and laughs before it reality hits, that it’s in the past now. we were a thing. the most beautiful one in my opinion. i still remember the way you carved yourself into my heart and refused to budge. the way you treated me like an art piece and added strokes to highlight my beauty, all because you wanted me to see it myself. it’s funny isn’t it? how in a matter of a second, all the memories we created, the hardships we went through together, the times where we would just hold each other all night long– all of it came crashing down in waves. when the ship is first wrecked, you’re drowning and you can feel the water forcing you to shut your eyes and making breathing a lot tougher. everything floating around you reminds you of the beauty and strength that the ship had, that’s no longer there. we may still remember it, but it’s gone now. too broken that it cannot be fixed back anymore. even the molten gold cannot fix these type of vases like us. and all you can do is recklessly cling onto it, fool your mind and tell yourself that it’ll be okay. even though deep down you know, it can never be okay. nor can it go back to the way it was. the way we were. and the other thing you can do is float. you find something to hang on to. maybe a photograph of children on a slide while their parents watch them with a small smile. or maybe it’s a person, for me it was you. so all i am doing is floating. trying to stay alive.
three 𖨂
when i first fell in love, i was soaring high in the sky with magical wings supporting me to go beyond. but when love ended, it feels as if you have been dropped like a rock in mid-air. and before you know it, the rock shatters to a hundred small pieces. and i still remember how we used to write on pizza boxes, but now it write alone. i write on every dying sunset hoping you’ll resurrect from a poem. but neither do i want to force your way back. i never want to change you. never. you’re perfect just the way you are. and if time could turn back, i would have told you how much you mean to me. but time, it wasn’t on my luck. and as time passed further, we drifted further. long night talks turned into small smiles before sleeping. eating together turned into taking out our frustrations on each other, and in the end we grew tired of it. they say love heals everything. then why did it tear us apart? why were we the ones who suffered when we loved each other unconditionally? why couldn’t we just talk out all the time instead of yelling at each other? why couldn’t we just understand each other?
four 𖨂
i still wonder when you stopped loving me? but i do know it happened before our break up. i want to hear from you. hear the exact moment when you fell out of love. the moment when all my quirks became flaws, the moment i stopped being endearing and started appearing annoying. these days i still wonder why you let things go. why you gave up on such a beautiful thing we had. our memories. all the months we spent together. but other days i thank you, for ripping off the bandaid. doing something neither of us wanted to do, but it was for the best. at least that’s what we told each other. i hated goodbyes so much. because i know it was the end of us. i remember that day clearly. i held your hand tighter, kissed you longer, stared at you longer and just held you in arms hoping you would stop. but you didn’t. and when i saw you grab all your things and hand me my hoodies i felt the tears brim but i held them in. it was mutual right? this decision. so i had to look happy. i just had to. and when you gave me the last goodbye hug, i was trying to memorise you. so that no matter how many months pass by i would still know that a piece of you is with me.
five 𖨂
it’s been a few weeks since my last voicemail and they’re about to end too. i still miss you, just not as much as i did before. and it hurts a little less. sometimes i wake up and don’t rush to check my phone like i used to. i heard our song play in the cafe and it made me smile, no tears this time. but it’s 2:06 in the morning and my eyes sting from crying and my head is pounding. why did you show up? why? why now? when i was finally trying to do better. you came in and ruined it. though my heart hurt when you cried into my chest saying you missed me too. and that you read all of my voicemails as well. then let me ask you, what is it that stops you? that stops you from loving me freely? tell me, my love. no secrets, remember?
six 𖨂
no matter how hard i try to fit into society, i feel like i don’t belhere. i feel like there is something missing in me, something that ignites my feelings and makes me feel alive. i may not be the perfect per, but i try my best to be the best for you. and one thing that i’ve learned is that it’s my fault as well. i let you. i gave up. i didn’t stop you either. and i regret that. please forgive me. can we try to make things right? i know you need your space and time to make the decision, but i want you to know i was in the wrong as well and i ask for your forgiveness. and in your kisses i found the flavour of the twinkling stars. bright and small. unreachable but pure. so kiss me again and again. till you fill my empty heart with it. till you leave your imprints and till i remember your every bit again. kiss me, once more. for eternity.
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PERM TAGLIST: @taeriffic 🧣 @hello-2-u-from-me 🧣 @ilychee08 🧣 @sleepyleeji 🧣 @spacegirlstuff
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ccawz · 1 year
Little moments
ot8! x gn!reader. 1.8k words total, but each blurb is >300.
warnings: lip picking, food mentions, Minho’s is a bit sad in the beginning, I hope that’s it. all in established relationships!!
a/n: I could not stop thinking about emo Han so that explains his 😭. and Chan and Jeongin’s are based off my own problems 😭
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“Stop that.”
You stare at Chan, a confused expression on your face as he looks at you with a stern expression. “Stop what?”
He swats at your hand, rolling his eyes when the piece of skin you were picking at comes off. “Stop picking your lips.” He tugs your hand down when you reach for them again, lacing his fingers with yours. “It’s not good.”
“You’re supposed to indulge in my habits with me.” You argue, groaning when he takes your other hand too.
“I do.” he retorts, “The healthy ones.”
“This is healthy.” You mutter. “I can’t stand dry lips or the feeling of my skin peeling off.”
“Then use chapstick.” He deadpans. You toss your head back with a groan that sparks a laugh from him, nearly falling back when he lets go of your hands. “Here,” he says, pulling out the chapstick tube from his pocket and presenting it to your lips. “I’ll be your personal chapstick applier.”
“Is that even a word?” You question, narrowing your eyes at him when he scoffs and tells you it is. “I have a better idea.” He tilts his head, giving you the tube when you ask for it.
He juts his lips out when you start running the balm over them, eyes widening when you tug him to you by the collar of his shirt.
A giggle bubbles up when you kiss him softly, hands reaching up to cradle your face while you grin against his lips.
“If you apply it like that, maybe I’ll consider stopping.” You propose, smiling when he lets out a laugh.
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“You should smile more.”
At your words, Minho whips his head towards you, glare boring into your skull. “Do you have a death wish?” He threatens, feeling hurt by your words. “Why would you say that?”
“I don’t mean it in a bad way. I’m sorry.” His shoulders relax at your apology, but the walls he’d built from before you surface again, keep him closed off when you move to hold his hand. “I just think you have a pretty smile. I don’t get to see it often….”
This time Minho slumps against your body, pushing you down to the bed with a flop and a protest. He climbs on top of you, hiding his face in your shoulder.
“You’re always working,” he murmurs, words muffled. “It’s hard not being sad when you’re not here, and I guess it doesn’t leave when you get here.”
You frown at his words, fingers messing with his hair. “I promise to make more time for you,” you say, pressing a kiss to his head. “I'm sorry I didn’t do it from the start.”
He lifts his head, looking at you with a teasing grin. “Would you quit your job for me?”
“As if. With both of us working we’ll have a fortune in no time and retire early.” You scoff, smiling as you flip him over. “Then we can see each other all the time.”
He laughs loudly as you press kisses to any area you can reach, pushing your shoulders back when you start pressing wet kisses to his cheek. “I’m already sick of you!”
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“Does it hurt?” Changbin shakes his head, slowly easing himself down onto the bed, letting out a pained groan when he moves onto his side. “Are you sure?”
He nods, obvious discomfort written on his face. “Of course.” He looks at you with a pained smile, playfulness seeping through as he moves to pull the blanket over him. “I am so fine right now.”
You frown as he lays uncomfortably in the bed, “I told you to take it easy at the gym.” Changbin huffs at your scolding, scrunching his face in disgust when you run a rag across his forehead. “You just got over your fever. You shouldn’t be pushing yourself so hard so soon.”
“I know.” He mumbled, “I just felt so lazy laying in bed all the time.”
You sigh, nestling under the covers next to him. “And look where that got you.” A grin comes to your lips when he whines again, yelling out an empty threat to kick you off the bed. “You couldn’t even if you wanted to.”
He tosses an arm over you, groaning loudly as he does. “I’ll just keep you here with me, all day and all night. You’ll never leave me.”
“You’re keeping me hostage? Who’s going to make your food then?” You ask, hugging his waist.
He hums, peppering kisses to your face. “I guess we can make an exception for food.” He thinks for a moment, looking down at you with a bright smile. “Do you think the delivery guy would bring it here?”
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“Hey,” hyunjin mumbled sleepily as he shuffled into the dining room, shirt haphazardly put on by the way it’s lopsided and backward. “What are you still doing up?”
You frown at his disheveled appearance but still wonder how he could look good even while half asleep. “Sorry, Hyun,” you apologize, finally shutting your laptop off. “I was finishing a paper.”
“You’re done now?” He asks, leaning his weight against your body when you stand in front of him. His eyes flutter shut repeatedly, sleep slowly taking over his body even when he stands. “Coming to bed?”
“Mhm.” You hum, rubbing his back softly. “Can’t have my love be lonely for so long, someone needs to cuddle him.”
Hyunjin hums sleepily, finding your hand before dragging you in the direction of your shared bedroom. “We’ll sleep in, hm?”
“Of course.” You agree, pressing a kiss to his forehead when he settles onto his side of the bed, wasting no time in dragging you to meet him in the middle. “Maybe, if you let me go at some point, I’ll make you breakfast in bed. How’s that sound?”
A smile creeps up to his face at your words, head tucking down to rest under your chin. “Sounds like I don’t deserve you.” You hum, brushing your hands against his back. “I love you, good night.”
A chaste kiss to his forehead and a quiet, “I love you more.” Was your response.
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“Look up.”
Han silently obliged, wide glossy eyes peering at the ceiling. There’s an evident frown on his lips as you run the eyeliner pencil along his waterline, eyes watering the slightest from his inability to blink.
“Are we almost done?” He asks quietly, lifting his hand to your arm, quietly telling you he needed a break. “I love being this close to you, but I don’t love a pencil close to my eyeball.”
He smiles when you chuckle, cheeks warming when you pinch at his chin, brushing your thumb slightly under his eye to smudge the makeup. “Just finished. Thanks for staying still.”
“Reward me with a kiss.” He says, looking at you with puckered lips, giggling when you take the opportunity to apply lip balm. “Give me a kiss.”
“Sorry, I can’t. I wouldn’t want to ruin your makeup.” He rolls his eyes. “Whoever did it must’ve put so much effort into it.”
“Then, should I give you a kiss?” He asks, placing his hands on your cheeks when you hum in thought. “I think we both deserve a kiss.”
You smile, pecking his lips once before he brings you closer again. “I think so too.”
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“One more!”
You laugh as Felix clings onto you, back pressing against the front door while he continues his attack for kisses. “Any more and I’ll be late for work. Lix.”
“I don’t see a problem with that.” He says, arms hugging your waist as he puckers his lips in your direction. “Then we can kiss all day and night.”
You raise a brow at his words, “And who’s gonna bring in the income while you and the boys are on a long, well-deserved break, hm?”
“I’m still getting money though.” He murmurs under his breath, shouting loudly when you flick his forehead. He shouts again when you twist the doorknob open, hugging you when you step a foot outside. “Don’t go. I still haven’t gotten my kiss.”
“I gave you like twenty kisses, Lix.” You say, frowning when he pouts at you. “I really have to go now or else they’ll make me stay late.”
At your words, Felix’s eyes widened. “What are you still doing here! Go, go to work so you can come home early!”
You roll your eyes at his newfound urgency, nearly tripping when he shoved you further out of the door, glaring at him when he laughs. “I’ll see you after work.”
“Hold on!” You turn to look at him with a dead expression, yelping when he presses his lips against yours. He pulls back with a wide smile, pressing another kiss to your cheek. “Have a good day at work.”
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“Here you go.”
Seungmin stares at the bundle of flowers being presented to him with a confused smile. Conflicted on how he should feel at that moment. “Flowers?”
“I thought it’d be nice… you know, like a little ‘I love you’ without having to say it.” You mumble, silently regretting your decision from his reaction. “You don’t have to take them.”
He backs away when you reach for them, swatting at your hand. “Back off. These are mine.” A laugh bubbles up at his defensive tone, holding your hands up in surrender as he walks around you to the kitchen. “What kind of flowers are these?”
“Cause I’m your sun?” He teases, snipping off the ends before placing them in a vase.
“Yeah.” He stops in his tracks at your agreement, the tips of his ears growing red as you look at him with a smile.
He rolls his eyes, an obvious facade based on his rosy cheeks. “I forgot how cheesy you were.” You follow him into the living room, watching him place the base in the center of the coffee table.
He shakes your shoulders wildly, smiling as your head rocks back and forth, then laughs at the groan you let out. “Thank you.”
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“I can’t do it. You do it for me.”
Jeongin rolls his eyes, grabbing the hair dryer from your hands. “You’re such a coward.” He grumbled, “What kind of irrational fear is one of hair dryers?”
“A valid one.” You snap, “And ever since I saw the barrel spark, I’ve been afraid to use them. Why do you think I go to bed with wet hair sometimes?”
He deadpans, “All those nights where I was being flicked with water every time you turned, that was your reason?” When you nod, he rolls his eyes again, finally turning on the dryer. “Unbelievable.”
He moves the dryer to the front of your face, laughing loudly when you sputter and reach to slap him. “This is payback!” He yells when you stand up, turning off the dryer and running out of the bathroom. “Hey! I was helping you. You can’t hurt me!”
“You were making fun of me.” You correct, tackling him onto your bed. Jeongin screeches when your fingers poke into his side, screaming louder when you lift his shirt up and blow raspberries on his stomach.
“This is bullying!” He shouts, holding your shoulders when your face hovers above his. “You hate me.”
You press a quick kiss to his cheek, smiling when he giggles. “Mhm, so much.”
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daengtokki · 4 days
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Kim Seungmin/gn!reader
wc: 710
rating: fluff
Day 1 of Seungmin's birthday oneshot countdown!
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It’s bitter cold tonight. This is the kind of cold that goes straight through you, right down to your bones, and makes you feel like you might never be warm again. That’s a little dramatic, but you really, truly hate winter. Most of all, you hate waiting for the bus in winter, because the sun has long since set set by the time you’re running for your stop.
Usually, you make it on time, but today you got held up by a classmate. You missed your usual bus, and froze for an extra twenty minutes until the next one came. Not only is this one unfamiliar, but the trip is a little longer, and it’s much, much busier. You always go for one of your two regular spots on your usual bus, but that’s not an option this time—you have no option at all, actually. Every single seat is taken; standing room only…just barely. You grab something to steady yourself as the bus starts to move again, and drop your gaze to the floor. You can start up your podcast, check out for a while, and you’ll be home in no time. It’ll be fine.
Before you get your earbud back in, you hear a soft voice…
You ignore it, pop your earbud in, and unlock your phone.
“Excuse me”
It’s muffled this time, but it gets your attention. You look up and forward, move your eyes left to right before committing to a more dedicated search, but nobody else within eyesight is moving, either. Everyone is very clearly into their music, or their books, or each other.
“I’m sorry, do you speak Korean?”
Finally, you look to your right and make eye contact with the soft voice. He smiles and waves, and it’s a little awkward—he’s a little awkward, but he’s too good-looking to be acting awkward.
“Byeollo johji anhda”
He laughs sweetly, and you see his mouthful of braces before he quickly closes his lips again. You’re not sure if he’s laughing at your awful pronunciation, or if he’s just glad you finally answered him. You wouldn’t blame him for laughing at you, though. Three months into classes, and you sound terrible.
“Would you like to sit? I don’t mind standing.”
“I’m fine, but thank you”
The stranger chews on his lip, obviously thinking of his next line, and you wonder if he’s just being nice, if he’s bored, or if he’s actually attempting to flirt. You’d rather not deal with flirting on a cramped city bus, usually.
He pushes some of his pretty hair away from his eyes and lets out a little sigh, sort of a laugh. Laughing at himself, maybe. “Can I stand with you?”
Suddenly, you’re warm enough to melt right through the floor. He is definitely flirting, and the best part about it…nobody around you is paying any attention. Still, you’re a little embarrassed. “Stand with me?”
He smiles again so you can see his braces, and you wonder how much younger he is. Not that he looks young, because he really doesn’t. But the braces and the carefree smile make him look a young, his big, warm coat makes him look young, and the blonde streaks running through his bangs do, too.
“Mhmm,” he nods. “You can tell me no, and I’ll leave you alone. I promise.”
You’re not sure if you want him to get up and attract attention, but you don’t exactly mind his flirting, either. Two of your younger classmates have already done this, tried to get a date, and it wasn’t nearly as affective. Maybe it is time for a new friend. You look out onto the street and attempt to orient yourself, and you do very easily—this is almost the same route as your other bus, and you know there’s a coffee shop a few blocks away.
He’s watching you very intently, so your nod lights him up…he throws his backpack over his shoulder, and he’s next to you a moment later.
“I’m getting off in two stops”
“Me too”
“Do you like coffee?”
“Yes, very much,” he grabs the pole, brushing his hand against yours as lightly as possible.
“Well, if it’s not too late—“
“No, not at all”
“What’s your name?”
“My name is Seungmin”
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joongbin · 9 months
— happy holidays ! - SKZ
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spending the holidays with your favourite boys
skz x gn!reader (can be read as platonic too)
fluff - no warnings.
a/n: hello happy holidays this is my apology for no fics lately.. also this is short so sorry
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You planned to meet your 8 friends at some random park you chose because it was really nice and cute. They were all apart of the same group, and while you did get the option to debut with them, it got too tiring for you. You were doing well, though.
You had your favourite winter coat on along with your favourite winter gloves that were matching with your coat. You had earmuffs and a beanie on, and last but not least, your winter boots. You checked yourself out at the mirror, satisfied at how you looked.
You checked your phone for messages while on the way towards the park, spotting your friends waving at you with majorly different colours. The older members had darker colours, or even black like Chan and Changbin. The younger members had more brighter colours, you found it adorable.
" Hey, (name)! Long time no see! " Chan hugged you as you approached them, the others joining in as well. You had a bright smile on your face to match with the others. It'd truly been a long time since you've seen them. They've been busy with comebacks lately along with ads and shows so they don't have time to hang out anymore.
" Yeah, glad you guys could come today. " You sighed, it was so nice to see them again, it made you wanna tear up. There was nothing to do at the park so you picked up a ball of snow, smirking over at Minho before throwing it at him, earning a shocked face with a chuckle along with it, preparing another snowball to throw back at you.
The others joined as well, throwing snowballs at each other, occasionally earning the slip from the snow. Everyone was throwing snowballs at each other, a share of laughs filling up of what was once the silence. You were having fun running around like a kid again, it reminded you of the old times, when you were still in school with them. Every winter, you always played snowball fights with them, or made snowmen.
Speaking of snowmen, you, Felix and Han got bored of chasing around the others and decided to make a cute snowman while the others continued to run around. Felix gathered sticks and some rocks from it's eyes, and maybe even grab a carrot for its nose. You and Han built the snowman carefully, making it perfect to take a picture with.
Felix came back with the supplies while you and Han were finished with the base of the snowman, Felix sticking in the accessories while you and Han helped arrange them. After you were done, the three of you stepped back to admire your work, sighing with a smile. You took out your phone to take a selfie with it, letting the others join in with you too.
You looked at the picture, smiling fondly at it as you sent it to the group chat you all share. You then laid down on the snow, putting your phone back into your pocket and making lovely snow angels. Others joined you making snow angels with you too, it was really giving you memories now. You sat up, looking over at your snow angel proudly, giggling. They loved how it was so perfect.
" Oh, right! " Felix ran towards his bag, taking out a container of brownies with a bright smile on his face, showing the brownies to you first.
" I made these because I knew you missed them .. I know how much you loved them. " He giggled, you took one of the brownies happily, biting into it happily. It tasted like every other time you got to taste Felix's brownies; absolutely delicious. You loved it so much you probably almost finished atleast 10. You had brought hot chocolate at 9 cups for the members, sharing your foods with the members as you sat in the snow, reminiscing the past and talking about recent things that had happened.
You wished this moment lasted longer, it was nice. Away from all the stress and with your closest friends, just talking to the day's end.
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justwonder113 · 7 months
Showering Seungmin with affection Part 2
First part right here
Bang Chan; Lee Know ; Changbin; Hyunjin; Han; Felix; IN;
Summary: While wide awake thinking about your poor life choices and even poorer choice in men the least thing you expect is for Seungmin to call you and ask for your help. Warnings: Not really accurate to name, because to be honest I never once considered writing the second part while writing the first one but once I got all these requests about writing continuation I just knew I had to do it; LOADS of cursing, like really, I have no shame; Idiots in love; Reader is whipped but is in denial; Emotionaly reserved reader; Denial is a river in Egypt you are in love! Like really, reader really tries their best to fight it while also not? I hope it makes sense once you read it it's like 3 am I can't think better. Reader is an overthinker. Seungmin has a headache. Shy Seungmin for a moment (Coudln't help myself) I can't think of anything else, If I missed something please let me know. Unedited. Word count-3.5k
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This was fucking ridiculous! To think that two whole months went by since your vocation and here you were at two am wide fucking awake still thinking about kissing Kim Seungmin!
You still had no idea what kind of bug bit you for you to ask so recklessly, but here you were still stressing over it. But, really why were you still thinking about it? It was in the past, you were both drunk, there was chemistry and tension so you made out end of story! Why were you making such a big deal out of it? Why now? Two months went by, both of you, mostly you,(no really, you) made a conscious decision to act like nothing happened. And if were were being honest this meant that you avoided Seungmin like the plague because you knew he wanted to talk.
Okay, you were not ignorant of your feelings, and, as much as you hated the mere idea of it you liked Kim Seungmin. No big deal, it's just a crush, it will surely go away pretty soon, you just need to wait.
Okay, you liked him, quite a lot, it wasn't just a crush and you absolutely hated the fact. Why him? Anyone would be a better choice but him! What the hell was wrong with you?! Here you were all pouty and shit because, despite the fact that you were the one avoiding him, you actually missed him. God, this was so ridiculous!
To be or not to be that is the question, well in your case the question is how to stop liking someone, because you were already sick of this shit. Also, to be real, there's no way things could work out between you two. You were always fighting and at each other's throats, you have said to each other most vile and meanest words ever in the heat of an argument. The point was, that there was no peace when you two were involved, you two always disagreed on everything and if you were to get into a relationship how would that work? You didn't want to fight back and forth with a person you call your boyfriend. It also didn't help that both of you were too fucking stubborn for your own good backing down was not in your dictionary. You didn't want to be in a relationship like that. Okay, relationship sounded too serious, you didn't even know if he liked you back. He was attracted to you to some extent but you didn't know how he actually felt towards you. You hated this the most, you never knew what he was thinking, what his deal was. He was a walking mystery. An open book at first sight but full of secrets once you got to know him. Maybe that's why you were drown to him, but was it a smart move from your side?
You didn't know what his deal was, whether he liked you back an that's why he kissed you back and taunted and flirted with you or whether this was one of his little games he liked to play. Even if his intentions were genuine, it wasn't like he was this villain mastermind bad guy, you didn't feel like you could be at ease with him and security in relationship was something you deeply valued. And If he was actually pulling something you would walk right into his trap and in the fit of rage you would have to murder him, and going into prison wasn't your go to plan in the near future at least.
Why did he have to be so confusing? Literally things would be so much easier if were to fall for someone else, literally anyone, but no, you had to be difficult.
He made you question everything and it really terrified you.
You sighed and turned into your bed. Fucking Kim Seungmin making you stay up this late at night, even while not here he managed and pissed you off. You did wonder what was he up to? Probably sleeping, any sane person would be asleep right now.
Maybe he was up thinking about you too?
Okay you were feeding your delusions now. There's no way he would lose a minute of sleep for you. It would be fun though if you were tormenting him like he was tormenting you right now.
That being said your phone lit up from incoming call, and what shocked you more was to see that the little devil himself was calling you.
Did you manifest this? Should you pick up? No way. What was he thinking calling you at this ungodly hour? You were not even close! You could pretty much be asleep and seeing your seventh dream of the night right now. What a selfish prick!
You still picked up the phone, and tried to sound as groggy as you could, acting as if he woke you up(fuck principles I guess). "Why the fuck are you awake?" His quiet chuckle made you pout even more, you could clearly imagine him smiling at his phone being all cute and shit and it made you even more huffy now.
"I could ask you the same thing sunshine." He purred clearly amused.
"I was asleep thank you very much." You sighed maybe he really needed your help and that's why he was calling. "Someone better be dying."
"First of all I know you're awake Your lights are on, and well about someone dying, would it still matter if the dying person was me?"
You shot out of bed, phone still in your hand and ran towards your window. Seungmin immediately saw you and waved at you small smile adorning his face. You wanted to question him but before you could ask he started talking, "I didn't know where else to go." You didn't know what to say.
"Come inside."
Seungmin agreed and you hung up. You had no clue what was going on. If it was an emergency why did he come to you? You could never understand him! You quickly looked around if there was anything out of place not that you had time to tidy up. Thankfully you cleaned up the house, insomnia sometimes had it's perks.
After hearing a soft knock you rushed to your door and opened it. Seungmin looked a bit pale but other than that nothing was out of ordinary. He had a blank face which was confusing you even more. "I bought you snacks." he showed you a packet full of your favourite goodies. Did he actually know they were your favorite? Was this a coincidene? Did he also happened to have a great taste? Were you overthinking a bag of snacks?-Probably.
"Thank you for the offer, I shall grant you passage." You tried to sound as dramatic as possible, Seungmin smiled at you. Weirdo. After letting him in the house you examined him again, but still nothing was out of normal. You let him sit on the couch while you sat in front of him. The silence was so awkward that you started munching on one of the snacks. You offered him some, but he softly shook his head. "What's wrong?"
"Are you worried about me?" He gasped softly as if he coudln't believe what he was hearing. He was spending way too much time with Hyunjin, all dramatic and for what?" You decided to take the matter into your hands.
"No I just want to know what to tell the police if you really do die in my house." Seungmin gave you a small smile again. You coudln't name what was off but he really didn't look like himself today.
You slowly approached him not breaking the eye contact, quietly asking for consent to touch him. He looked at you with wide eyes, not saying anything, you softly touched his cheeks, then his forehead, you even touched your own forehead to make sure but no he didn't have a fever. His eyes were a bit more red and slightly irritated and, as you said, he looked paler than usual. "What's wrong?" He looked at you but quickly looked away as if he couldn't look you in the eyes. He almost looked bashful.
After a while he muttered out something about a headache and how he couldn't sleep at all.
"God I can't believe you, you should have called not go all the way to come here or you could have called a doctor! You could've bought some painkillers instead of worrying about bringing snacks! God Seungmin!" You kept yapping about how dangerous it was for him to wander around while in pain and everything, but on the inside you kind of hoped he knew that you were not mad, just worried.
"I know, I just"-he paused thinking over his next words, "I knew I had to see you. I didn't know where else to go. At first I went out to clear my head, next thing I knew I was in front of your house." He looked like he really was in pain.
You two sat in silence for a minute or two, you were about to get up to get some painkillers for him and maybe some hot tea but he stopped you, well more likely looked at you with pleading eyes and you just couldn't move.
"Can I hug you?" You must have been visibly stunned because he quickly backed down. "I'm sorry I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. God! I don't even know what I'm doing and..." You didn't let him finish his ramble, as if your body moved on its own, you sat beside him and softly wrapped your hands around him, slowly bringing him against your body as if he was fragile and could break any moment. Seungmin Immediately relaxed once he rested his head on your shoulder and also wrapped his hands around your waist. You let him be. It felt like your heart would jump right out of your ribcage and despite being terrified that he could also hear just what he did to you, you felt weirdly at peace holding him like this. You must have lost your mind. A minute ago you were preaching yourself how you should stay away from him and how you and him had no job being together. How ironic.
You just sat there holding each other, you didn't even know how much time you spent like this, both of you barely moving, just you sometimes patting his shoulder as if to remind him that you were with him and maybe also because you liked touching him. With every little pat he squeezed you a little, which, not going to lie, you found endearing.
Some more moments passed before he decided that it was time to start talking. "I'm sorry."
"What are you sorry for?"
He sighed, his breath his breath hitting your neck made you shiver. He straightened up, it was weird letting him go, it felt like you were missing something.
"You made it clear that you didn't want to deal with me after that night..." -He paused and looked away, it was really dark in the room illuminated by only one lamp so maybe you were just being delusional, but was he blushing? - " and here I am now, disturbing you... I should go." He got up and started heading to the door but you stopped him.
"Where are you going?" He looked at you all baffled and confused, he looked much more awake right now.
"Home?" He sounded so unsure. You quickly shook your head.
"You're staying here, it's late and you're in pain. There's no way I am letting you go!" You stated sternly, he looked really ashamed which made you soften up a little. "Listen I know things got messy between us after that night and I shouldn't have just avoided you like that, but you need to stay here. That or we're going to a nearby clinic! There's no way I am leaving you alone. Better choose wisely." He looked unsure, but once he saw that you were not going to back down he gave in.
"Okay you win." He was clearly unamused to say this words, you, on the other hand were literally thriving.
"Of course I do." He wanted to say something back but you didn't let him. You started leading him back inside "Listen up big guy, I am going to make you a tea, were going to eat some snacks and you're going to take some painkillers and then we're going to sleep sound good?"
"As you wish sunshine." He had his goofy smile on. It totally didn't make your heart do a backflip, not at all.
You got to work, you sat him down on the sofa while you started preparing things. Soon enough you were happily munching on your snacks with some hot tea. Seungmin seemed like he was in a better mood he even teased you for almost burning yourself with hot water. Well of course after fretting over you like a worried mother hen and making sure you were all right. It was like you were seeing a whole new side of him, it was different and you liked it. You felt calm sitting here with him, calm, just existing. It felt kind of domestic. It reminded you when you were laying in snow then just watching snow fall on the ground. It was a miracle you didn't catch a cold. You couldn't imagine you could do mundane things like this with him, without fighting, without the urge to strangle him to shut him up.
Once you were done and Seungmin did admit that he was feeling better it was time to go to bed, which was when things got a little bit awkward.
"I will sleep on the couch, I don't want to disturb you more than I already have." You rolled your eyes why was he still yapping about disturbing you and stuff.
"Sure if you want backpain along with your headache. We're both adults, I think we can sleep in the same bed. It's not a big deal." Yup you were totally fine with this. Absolutely, yes, of course! You were going to sleep in the same bed as him, no biggie. Who were you even kidding? You were absolutely dying inside. How did you manage to find yourself into this situation was beyond you. It was late to back down now. You already blurted this out, so you should stick to it.
You quickly left him to get him some clothes to change into, Yes, you ran away, but you preferred to call it a tactical retreat.
Here you were now tho, nowhere to run, in the same bed as him, with him just laying there in your oversized t-shirt and looking at you with confused eyes. Why did he have to look at you like that? It was enough you felt like the butterflies in your stomach were like breakdancing sumo wrestlers, but this? Was he always this adorable? His cheeks looked wxtra dquishy, his eyes looked extra sparkly, his lips... extra kissable.
This was too much! You felt bipolar from the way you wanted to feel his lips against yours again and kiss him sensless while also wanting to run away from here because you were scared you were actually going to do it.
"I don't get you sometimes." He muttered out and turned fully towards you, his gaze was so intense you thought you felt it burn your skin. For a second you felt afraid he knew what you were thinking just now.
It makes two of us-you thought, while you were complaining not getting what his deal was, you also couldn't fully understand what you were getting at right now. It felt like your every move was contradicting each other, and this push and pull situation you were creating was also starting to bother you.
Based on your lack of reaction Seungmin decided to continue talking his voice low, almost whispering. "You say that laying in the same bed is no big deal and here you are about to fall out of bed trying to stay far from me as possible yet at the same time look at me with this lovint eyes, you said that us kissing wasn't a big deal, but you spend next two months avoiding even breathing near me. Do you hate the idea of us being something this much?" You finally turned and looked into his eyes, full of longing waiting for your answer, pleading with you. You knew you had to say the truth. You couldn't run out of this one.
"I'm confused and scared" you hated how vulnarable you felt, how open, but you felt like you just had to say this. Not for him, not really, but for you. For once you wanted to show to tell just what you were feeling. Just truth without any filters, without altering it.
Seungmin held your hand, the warm touch of his hand made you feel even more vulnerable but at least somewhat grounded. You were grateful for the ounce of courage it gave you. "I'm scared too. I've never felt more confused in my life. I couldn't sleep or eat normally for days, why do you think that night didn't affect me too? All I can think about it you! What are you up to, what are you doing? What are you thinking. Every little thing reminds me of you. I felt like shit today, and the only person I could think of was you, I knew I had to see you. I haven't even realized when I started walking. I was in my house laying awake in my bed. The next thing I knew, I was in front of your house with a bad full of snacks I know you love. I didn't even know I knew these things about you. At least I wasn't aware of it." He sighed as if trying not to stray away from his course and calm himself he looked into your eyes again, his hand tightly holding yours. "Let's start by simple things. We don't have to rush anything. I like you, a lot. I don't regret at all making out with you that night. I like you. Maybe I feel even more, but I won't use that word now. Neither of us is ready." It was like you forgot how to brethe. You never expected Seungmin to open up like to you. Maybe this was all a dream, but since when were dreams so realistic?
Seungmin smiled at you, maybe he noticed something about you that you haven't noticed yet. "I know we've mixed up the order, according to our friends we've bickered like an old married couple, we've made out and well I'm literally in your bed right now," you couldn't help but laugh at his comment, you smacked his arm with your free hand. "What I'm saying is that we've messed up order of things, yes, but I want to make things right between us. What do you say about giving us a chance? Will you go out with me?" God what a dork, you couldn't help but smile.
"Can I hug you?" Seungmin clearly didn't expect to be hit with the same question he asked you when he got here, but despite his surprise, he immediately opened his arms. Feeling a bit brave, you scooted closer and got between his arms. It felt nice, his arms holding you tight, his head on top of yours, your face on his chest feeling the warmth of his skin through soft material of his (your) shirt. The shirt smelled like your laundry detergent but it already started smelling like Seungmin and it soothed you. You had no idea when did you associate his smell with comfort but you were not mad about it. You also felt how hard his heart was beating. You weren't delusional after all huh.
"You better take me to a nice place on our date Seungmin. Don't make me regret giving us a chance." You could've said it better but this was all you mastered to mutter out. Seungmin hugged you tighter, now even enterwinning your legs together. You felt at peace. Like everything was at it's place right now.
"Wouldn't even dream of it sunshine." He kissed your forehead. You looked up at him. He looked really cute with his cheek smushed up on your pillow, with messy hair and with your shirt. You couldn't help but lean in and softly seal your lips together which were as soft and nice as you remembered.
You had a feeling you wouldn't really regret giving you two a chance, you just had to wait and see.
A/N- I can't believe I have finished writing this. It's definitely more different than I usually write and I really hope you'll like it. Feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated ❤️
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