#kim donghan wei smut
chaeinedup · 2 years
Domestic WEi
You begged and begged for Daehyeon to be done with his work;
And it’s not like he wanted to leave you to boredom, he promised after many weeks apart that today was gonna be just the two of you;
But his computer got in the way;
When inspiration strikes you can’t let it runaway;
You of course understand but you really missed him and spending time with him.
So now there you were sitting on his lap while he types his thoughts away.
It didn’t take you long to fall asleep and when he noticed his heart clenched;
He felt so guilty, you only wanted one thing and he failed to give you what you wanted;
His work was finally done but he didnd’t want to wake you up, so he stayed on the couch holding you and caressing your hair making sure to whisper a “I love you” in your ear.
It was his turn to clean the dorm and let’s just say he wasn’t too happy about it;
Usually they clean in twos but they played rock paper scissors and Donghan just so happened to be the only who lost;
But lucky for him you showed up at his door an hour ago, asking if he was busy;
He told you that unfortunately he wouldn’t be available and explained he had to clean the dorms;
You went inside and immeaditely rolled up your sleeves as a sign of help;
Donghan didn’t expect you to join this tedious task but he was very happy he wouldn’t be doing this alone:
At the end of the day it took way less time and it was extremely pleasant for the both of you;
You had your dance breaks, singing duets and your own season of show me the money;
It’s safe to say Donghan wouldn’t mind losing a game again.
Avatar was all people were talking about and you never really cared that much, but your boyfriend certainly did;
He was so sad he couldn’t get tickets for the first screening of the movie, and you were so sad you couldn’t just tell him you got the tickets;
This is the downside of surprises, you have to make him suffer until it’s the right time;
The day finally came and you had asked Yongha to pick you up, you hadn’t specified why and he didn’t ask either which good for you cause you had no excuse prepared;
When he got to your place he called you and you stepped outside;
You got in the car and he asked you if you were okay, you said yes of course but you just wanted to see him;
He of course was extremely happy but when you showed him your phone he couldn’t believe his eyes;
“WAIT??!! YOU GOT TICKETS???!!!” ;
You told him you were sorry for not telling him sooner but you didn’t want to ruin the surprise;
He couldn’t care less if he was sulky for a week straight he was just so happy to have someone like you by his side, so thoughtful and loving;
Let’s just say he was like a kid with candy for the rest of the night.
He finally had some free time in his hands so the only logical thing to do was relax;
But he felt like staying in the same environment as always wouldn’t really give him the sense of free time;
So he called up a hotel and made a reservation for two people, you and him;
After getting off the phone with the receptionist he texted you;
“Tomorrow im picking you up, pack lightly”;
You were more than confused, what do you mean pack?? But you knew that if you made any questions he wouldn’t answer them;
So you packed not sure of the outfit choices but you also didn’t know what you had to pack for;
Tomorrow finally came and he did indeed show up at your door, dressed like an uncle going to hawai;
You were scared you didn’t have your passport with you and you asked him if you’d be needing it and he laughed;
“We’re going on a staycation dont worry”;
When you got there it was like paradise the place was so calm and pretty you couldn’t wait to jump in the pool.
But yohan had different plans, he layed on the bed and dragged you with him,
“Did you just come here to sleep??”;
“No but right now it’s the thing I want the most and I want to cuddle you”;
You were caught off guard with his sincerity but you quickly melted to his side.
Another day another parenting shift for Seokhwa;
And apparentely for you too;
You were both currently pet sitting cookie and dalli;
It’s not like you didn’t like it but it’s definetly not what you had in mind when Seokhwa called you to come over;
It was time for cookie’s walk so you briefly said goodbye to dalli telling her you weren’t going to take long;
And off you were for a little trip to the dog park;
Cookie is a little scared of crowed and loud places so you have to pick him up;
So it’s really just the two of you walking;
You didn’t mind it was kind of peaceful just stroling around with no places to be or anything to do really;
And of course no outing with Seokhwa would end without some silly or cute pictures;
If there’s not a picture, it never happened.
It was Yongha’s birthday and everyone was in charge of doing something for his little surprise bday party;
You and Junseo volunteered to make the cake;
So that led you to go grocery shopping and now you were in the kitchen reading the recipe;
“Are you sure we got everything we needed?”;
“Yeees, not only we double checked we triple checked Junseo you can breath”;
Everything was going well until one of you spelled the flour;
“Why would you do that?!!”;
“I didn’t it was you!!”;
As you were saying that he threw some flour in your face laughing at your now white casted face;
You didn’t let him win this war and you lathered some frosting on his face;
With all this laughing and screaming Daehyeon decided to check on what was going on;
Not only was he shocked at what he saw he had to break up “the fight” or you'd use all the ingredients on one another instead of the cake;
You both promised there was need for supervision and that you wouldn’t screw around anymore;
But stealing glances at Junseo you could tell this was far from over.
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seokka0o · 2 years
I'm sick of smut with the "answer your phone" trope, do you know what I wanna read? I wanna read about a fucking makeout section where you two are on the couch and suddenly you phone starts ringing, and in the moment you part your lips, he just caress your cheek with that fire gazing and just goes "don't answer. " with a sweet voice, returning to kiss you deeply. THATS WHAT I WANT.
You already have noticed I'm on my WEI mood right? Yeah Kim Donghan it's the perfect man to this role
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is my first smut fanfiction for my bias in WEi Donghan and  these days, I am so in love with him that’s why it got longer. But hope you will all like it my beloved readers!  😍 😍 😍
Number of words: 9.5k
It was Y/N’s first day of work being a writer and when she approached the human resource employee who will introduce her to the team…
“Wow! Is he really the one who will guide me where I will be assigned? He’s so handsome,” Y/N thought.
“Good morning! I assume you are the one who will guide me to which department I am assigned, right?” Y/N asked the employee and smiled.
“Yes! Good morning, Ms. Y/N. I am Kim Junseo. You’re kinda early but that’s okay. I think we should go to the pantry first and eat some breakfast since there is free food for every employee. Shall we?” Junseo asked as he smiled back.
“Sure!” Y/N said. Then Junseo and Y/N went to the pantry and there is an employee who is having breakfast alone and…
“Oh! Yongha, you’re here already?” Junseo asked.
“The people here are handsome, huh?” Y/N thought.
“Yup! To be honest, it’s my first time to be this early because just this weekend I visited my parents in the province and just left early from my parent’s house. But when I will go home later, I will go back to my condo unit. By the way, who is she?” Yongha said.
“This is Ms. Y/N. She is a new writer and it’s her first day of work,” Junseo said and Y/N smiled at Yongha.
“Oh! Good morning! I am Yongha. I am the editor-in-chief of the WEi Zone magazine. Nice to meet you, Ms. Y/N,” Yongha said as he smiled back and shook hands with her and Y/N blushed. Then Junseo and Y/N get some food first and had breakfast with Yongha.
“So Junseo, where is Ms. Y/N assigned? Is she will be assigned to me?” Yongha asked as he looked and smiled at her and Y/N blushed and Junseo smirked.
“I am sorry to say this Yongha, but she will be in the novel writers' department not in your department, okay? I can feel right now, you want her to be in your department, right?” Junseo asked and Y/N slightly laughed and Yongha just smiled.
“I guess so. Ms. Y/N good luck in your novel writing journey here and I hope one day I can read one of your novels or if you change your mind to be a writer in a magazine, my department is just on the third floor and don’t be scared to approach me, okay?” Yongha said as he still smiling at her and Y/N nodded and smiled back and Junseo chuckled.
“Yongha, isn’t it early for you to flirt with Ms. Y/N?” Junseo asked.
“Me? Flirting with her? No, I am not. I am just showing that I am approachable and not an intimidating person. Am I right, Ms. Y/N?” Yongha asked and looked at Y/N.
“Yes! I understand Mr. Yongha,” Y/N said as she smiled.
“That’s great. I hope you will have a nice day and I will get going and I will still prepare for work. See you around Ms. Y/N,” Yongha said.
“Okay! Nice to meet you again and have a nice day Mr. Yongha,” Y/N said and both of them smiled at each other and Yongha left them.
“You know Ms. Y/N, don’t trust him he is just playing around with you,” Junseo said jokingly and Y/N laughed. As time goes by, it was time for Junseo to introduce Y/N to the editor-in-chief of the novel writers' department then when Y/N and Junseo went inside the editor-in-chief’s office, Y/N was surprised and…
“Chera?” Y/N said as she stared at her friend named Chera and she smiled back at Y/N.
“Do you know each other?” Junseo asked both of them and…
“Yes, Junseo. Actually, she is my friend. I believe you still have some things to do, right? You can leave us now. Thanks for accompanying Y/N here,” Chera said.
“Okay! No problem. Have a nice day Y/N and see you around. I have to go,” Junseo said and Y/N nodded then when Junseo already left them, Y/N sat in the chair that was in front of Chera’s table and…
“I didn’t expect you will be the editor-in-chief here,” Y/N said as she smiled and Chera chuckled.
“To be honest, I am already working here for 5 years and I am also the one who referred you to this company,” Chera said.
“Oh! Now I know. To be honest, I was kinda confused when I received a call from the human resource team because I really haven’t applied to them at that time. But thank you for referring me,” Y/N said.
No problem, Y/N. By the way, I will introduce you to one of the writers here in the department,” Chera said and at that time, someone entered the office and…
“Wow! There are really many handsome men here!” Y/N thought and the man smiled at her and Y/N blushed.
“Good morning, Ms. Chera,” the man said.
“Good morning! Yohan, this is Y/N, our new writer for our department,” Chera said.
“Good morning and nice to meet you, Y/N,” Yohan said as he smiled at her.
“Nice to meet you too, Yohan,” Y/N said as she shook hands with him and smiled.
“Y/N, Yohan will be your guide for the first few weeks of being a writer here,” Chera said.
“Oh okay!” Y/N said as she smiled at Yohan.
“Yohan, I believe you will still finish your sci-fi novel, right?” Chera asked.
“Yes! I think I should go first and Y/N can approach me after you will talk to her,” Yohan said.
“Okay! You can go back first to your working area,” Chera said and Yohan nodded.
“See you later, Y/N,” Yohan said as he smiled and Y/N nodded then smiled back.
Then when Yohan left them in the office…
“Wait! I just heard that Yohan is working on his sci-fi novel? Does it mean I will also write a novel that same as him?” Y/N asked.
“Nope! Every writer here has an assigned genre of novel to be published,” Chera said.
“Huh? Why does Yohan will be my guide if I will not be doing the same genre of a novel with him? I don’t understand,” Y/N said.
“It means that Yohan will just teach you some of the software that we are using here for editing and also, where you will type your work that can be automatically be submitted if you already finished your novel,” Chera said.
“Oh, I see! Now I understand that’s why you said that he will guide me just for one week, right?” Y/N asked.
“Yup! Exactly. So, aren’t you curious about what genre of novel you will work on for the next few days?” Chera asked.
“I am curious of course, to be honest, I am expecting that I will do a romantic novel,” Y/N said and Chera smirked.
“I am sorry to say this but you are not assigned in the romantic novel genre. You are assigned in the erotic novel genre,” Chera said and Y/N was surprised.
“What? Are you kidding me? I don’t have even experience having sex with someone and haven’t read any erotic novel, yet I am assigned in that kind of genre? Can you just assign me in the romantic novel genre?” Y/N said.
“I am sorry but you are already assigned in the erotic novel genre and the romantic genre writers are already enough. Also, the reason why you were assigned in that genre is that, in the test you have taken it seems you really have somehow knowledge when it comes to those things,” Chera said and Y/N blushed.
“But Chera I am not comfortable writing an erotic novel,” Y/N said.
“Just try it, Y/N, Okay? If you really don’t have the inspiration to write the novel, I will think of a solution to make you write one erotic novel, Okay? You can approach Yohan now and also, you can have lunch with him too,” Chera said as she smiled and Y/N sighed.
“Fine, I will try my best. I will approach Yohan now,” Y/N said and Chera nodded. Then while Y/N is leaving Chera’s office…
“My gosh! I didn’t expect I will end up writing an erotic novel here!” Y/N thought and as she approached Yohan.
“Oh! I am glad you came because I already finished my novel. Let’s go and I will guide you where will be your working area,” Yohan said and Y/N nodded. As they reached her working area, Yohan started to teach the software that she will use for her everyday work in the company and as time goes by, Yohan and Y/N became close friends and when they are having lunch, many women are staring at them and…
“It seems you are a popular guy here, huh?” Y/N said and Yohan laughed.
“Not at all. By the way, I haven’t asked you yet what genre are you going to work on?” Yohan asked and Y/N blushed.
“OMG! How can I tell him that it’s an erotic novel?” Y/N thought, and while Yohan is eating his lunch…
“I really don’t want to say this but I was assigned to work on an erotic novel,” Y/N said as she whispered and Yohan was surprised and he gulped.
“Oh! I see that’s why you are kinda hesitant to answer me. I understand. But do you have any idea how will you work on that kind of novel?” Yohan asked as he looked at her and Y/N looked away.
“Nope,” Y/N said.
“Oh! I am sorry to ask you this, but does it mean you don’t have experience yet?” Yohan asked as he whispered so that no one can hear them and Y/N nodded.
“I see! That will be very hard for you to do an erotic novel if you haven’t experienced it yet. But I suggest you can just read other erotic novels or…” Yohan can’t finish the sentence but…
“Or what? are you going to suggest to me that I should also watch some porn videos?” Y/N said as she whispered and Yohan nearly spits the water he is drinking and blushed.
“Umm… Yes? If you want to. But it’s your decision because it will be difficult if you will have no inspiration to do the erotic novel,” Yohan said and Y/N sighed.
“To be honest, I am really expecting that I will be working on for romantic novel but gosh! I guess this will be a big challenge for me,” Y/N said and Yohan slightly laughed.
“I know you will get through this, Y/N,” Yohan said as he winked at her and Y/N blushed.
“I really hope so,” Y/N said and both of them laughed. Then they went back to work and while Y/N is facing her computer…
“Gosh! I really should read some erotic novels or watch some porn videos. This is making me crazy!” Y/N thought.
Y/N kept watching some porn videos and read some erotic novels and somehow, she wrote a few chapters of her erotic novel but when Chera read her few chapters of it…
“I think there is really something missing in her novel. It seems I really should help her,” Chera thought and she suddenly called Yohan to her office. Then when Yohan was already in her office.
“Good afternoon, Ms. Chera,” Yohan said.
“Good afternoon, Yohan. Please sit first and I want to talk to you,” Chera said and Yohan sat in the chair in front of her desk.
“What is it that you wanted to talk about?” Yohan asked.
“I know you became close friends with my friend Y/N and I think we should help her to make her be a great erotic novel writer,” Chera said.
“I agree with you Ms. Chera because she is struggling to write the novel. But how will we help her?” Yohan asked and Chera smiled.
“Let’s set her up with a porn star,” Chera said and Yohan’s eyes went wide.
“WHAT? Do you mean you wanted Y/N to have sex with a porn star? Isn’t that too much for a solution?” Yohan asked.
“I know. But I think that it will help her more to become a great erotic novel writer because I think it will be different for her if she will experience already and from those experiences, she can write it easily on her novel, right?” Chera asked.
“You have a point, Ms. Chera. But I am sure Y/N will refuse to that solution,” Yohan said.
“I know. But I will try to convince her,” Chera said.
“But how will you set up her to meet a porn star?” Yohan asked.
“Yohan, help me find a handsome and hot porn star,” Chera said and Yohan was surprised.
“Wow! Me? I will help you find a porn star?” Yohan asked.
“Yohan, remember I am still your superior. Just help me with this for once, okay? If you already found a hot and handsome porn star. Just tell me,” Chera said.
“Okay, fine. I’ll help you,” Yohan said.
“That’s great. You can go back to your working area,” Chera said and Yohan nodded. Then while Yohan is leaving the office.
“Gosh! I didn’t expect Chera will have that kind of solution for Y/N,” Yohan thought and when he came back to his working area, Y/N noticed Yohan is quiet and…
“Yohan, did something happen when you talked to Chera?” Y/N asked.
“Huh? Nope! Everything is fine,” Yohan said as he smiled at her.
“Oh okay!” Y/N said as she smiled and went back to work.
“Gosh! Why does it have to be like this! I don’t want Y/N to be set up just to have sex with a random person. Wait! Am I jealous? I guess so. Oh well, I don’t want to think about that anymore,” Yohan thought and just went back to work.
After working a whole day, when Y/N was about to leave the office…
“Y/N I will drive you home,” Yohan said.
“Huh? Are you sure?” Y/N said and Yohan nodded then smiled.
“Okay! Thanks,” Y/N said as she smiled back. Then while Yohan is driving her home…
“How’s working on your novel?” Yohan asked and Y/N sighed.
“I am still struggling but I am trying my best to write those kinds of scenes,” Y/N said and Yohan slightly laughed.
“I see. But what are the things you do for you to make that kind of novel?” Yohan asked.
“I read some erotic novels and the other one you suggested to me, watch some videos,” Y/N said then Yohan gulped and blushed.
“Oh! That’s great! It means you just write in your novel what you just see or what you read and you understand, right?” Yohan said.
“Yup! But I am still kinda uncomfortable and I am just thinking that this is for work,” Y/N said.
“I agree with you and I bet you will become a great erotic novel writer, Y/N,” Yohan said.
“Thanks, Yohan. I think I will somehow get used to it,” Y/N said and both of them laughed, and when they already reached her apartment…
“Thanks for driving me home, Yohan. I hope you will have a nice weekend, drive safely, and see you on Monday,” Y/N said as she smiled.
“Okay, Thanks! Have a nice weekend too and see you!” Yohan said and he left Y/N in her place. Then when Yohan was already in his house, someone called him and it was Chera.
Yohan: Chera, why did you call?
Chera: Don’t forget that you will help me, okay?
Yohan: Seriously! You just called me because of that? Don’t worry I will not forget that I will help you find a handsome and hot porn star.
Chera: *slightly laughed* Okay! Great! I saw that you drive Y/N home.
Yohan: Yup! Why is there a problem?
Chera: There is no problem. I am just happy that Y/N is in good hands with you.
Yohan: Of course! Since I am also friends with Y/N.
Chera: Okay! I am sorry to call you because of my plan. Have a nice weekend.
Yohan: Okay! Have a nice weekend too, Chera.
That time when Yohan hung up the call someone appeared behind him and…
“Did you say that you will help your friend find a handsome and hot porn star?” the man said and Yohan was startled at his appearance and was about to punch him in the face.
“Yah! You startled me Donghan! Are you eavesdropping on me earlier?” Yohan asked.
“Nope. I just happened to hear that part of your conversation with your friend,” Donghan said.
“Oh okay! When did you arrive?” Yohan asked.
“I just arrived one hour ago from work. Wait, you still haven’t answered my question, you will help your friend find a handsome and hot porn star?” Donghan asked.
“Yup! Why?” Yohan asked.
“Just at the right time, I have a day off from work until next week,” Donghan said.
“Huh? What do you mean?” Yohan asked and Donghan smirked.
“Looking for a handsome and hot porn star? I am right here,” Donghan said as he smiled and Yohan laughed.
“You’ve got to be kidding me, Donghan. That is the funniest sentence I heard from you,” Yohan said as he still laughing and Donghan smirked.
“No, I am not! I am dead serious!” Donghan said and Yohan stopped laughing.
“I don’t believe that you are actually a porn star, Donghan. Give me some proof,” Yohan said and Donghan searched one of his videos and he showed it to him and Yohan was surprised.
“Shit! You are really a porn star? Since we became roommates here, I really didn’t know that’s your job,” Yohan said and Donghan slightly laughed.
“I really didn’t disclose my job to anyone because I might be judged,” Donghan said.
“Oh! You have a point. That’s why you kept leaving here in our apartment? because in various places you film the video?” Yohan asked.
“Yup! You’re right! So, since I am already here and don’t have any plans for next week. I will volunteer,” Donghan said.
“Damn! Y/N will be set up for my friend? This is so unexpected!” Yohan thought and sighed.
“Okay! If you say so. But I think you should talk to my friend named Chera who is also my superior in my work because she was the one who wanted me to help her find a porn star,” Yohan said.
“Oh okay! That’s interesting. I suddenly got curious why would she want to meet a porn star,” Donghan said.
“I will send you her number and you can call her anytime,” Yohan said and Donghan nodded. As soon as Yohan sent the number of Chera, Donghan called her.
Chera: Hello? Who is this?
Donghan: Good evening I am Donghan, Yohan’s friend.
Chera: Oh, okay? Why did you call me?
Donghan: Yohan told me that you are looking for a handsome and hot porn star.
As Chera heard his statement, she blushed.
Chera: Yes! Why?
Donghan: To be honest, I volunteered and Yohan agreed to it,
Chera: Oh, I see! I didn’t expect that. But I will not be the one who will meet you.
Donghan: Oh! Let me guess, you will set me up with someone, right?
Chera: Yup! You’re right.
Donghan: Okay, but why?
Chera: Ummm… my friend just wanted to have some fun this week and she told me she wanted to try it with a porn star.
Donghan: Oh! She’s kinda adventurous huh?
Chera: I guess so? Haha! How much should I pay you?
Donghan: because you are Yohan’s friend no need to pay me. Since I don't consider that will be my work too.
Chera: Okay! That’s great. To be honest, I am not still convinced you are a porn star. Can you send me a profile of you after our conversation?
Donghan: Okay! Also, you should send me your friend’s photo since I am curious about her.
Chera: Sure! No problem. Nice to meet you, Donghan and I will do other things now. I have to hung-up the call.
Donghan: Okay! Thanks again, Ms. Chera.
After Donghan hung up the call, he sent his profile to her and when Chera saw it, she blushed more as she saw some videos of him.
“Shit! He is really handsome and hot! I bet Y/N will not refuse to him” Chera thought. Then she decided to send a message to Donghan and it says…
“Donghan, thank you for sending your profile and I am now convinced that you are really a porn star. But I will tell you if there will be changes about her decision- Chera”
After she sent the message, she also sent the picture of Y/N, and when Donghan saw Y/N’s photo, and smirked.
“Oh! She’s beautiful and hot,” Donghan thought and he replied to Chera’s message.
“Okay! By the way, your friend is beautiful. She is completely my type – Donghan”
When Chera saw his message…
“OMG! Good luck to Y/N if she will meet him,” Chera thought. As for Donghan who is still looking at Y/N’s picture, Yohan saw him, and…
“Done staring at her?” Yohan asked and Donghan slightly laughed.
“Why? Do you know her? Do you like her?” Donghan asked.
“Huh? No. I just noticed that you are staring at her photo quite for a long time now,” Yohan said.
“Oh! I see! Are you really sure that you are not jealous?” Donghan said as he smirked.
“Donghan, why would I be jealous if I don’t know her?” Yohan asked and Donghan chuckled.
“Okay! If you say so,” Donghan said.
“Let’s have dinner now and probably Daehyeon is waiting for us to play with him in an online game,” Yohan said and Donghan nodded. As for Chera, she sent a message to Y/N and it says…
“Y/N, I will go to your place tomorrow and I want to hang out with you – Chera”
When Y/N saw her message, she replied…
“Sure! Since I don’t have plans for tomorrow – Y/N”
“Great! See you tomorrow at 1 pm – Chera”
“Sure! See you! I have to sleep now. Good night! -Y/N”
“Okay! Good night! – Chera”
After Y/N and Chera had a conversation with each other, both of them went to sleep.
Y/N cleaned her apartment then someone sent her a message from an unknown number and it says…
“Hi, Y/N! I hope I will meet you someday”
Y/N was slightly surprised and was confused that someone sent her a message.
“That’s weird. I wonder who is this,” Y/N thought and ignored the message. But another message was sent to her.
“I am sorry that I interrupted you. But have a nice day, Y/N”
“Whoever he is. He is kinda polite but I don’t want to communicate with a stranger,” Y/N thought. As time goes by, it was already 12:30pm and Y/N already finished having lunch and at that time, Chera arrived at her place and she went inside Y/N’s place.
“I am glad you came here today,” Y/N said as she smiled.
“Me too! It’s been a while we’ve been hanging out. By the way, how’s your novel?” Chera asked.
“It’s okay. I know it’s still lacking in many ways but I am trying my best to make my novel a good one,” Y/N said as she smiled.
“I understand Y/N. But you know I have a solution,” Chera said,
“What solution do you have in mind for me to get better at writing an erotic novel?” Y/N asked and Chera smirked and she suddenly gave her a paper and Y/N looked at it and she was surprised.
“Wait! He seems to be familiar,” Y/N thought as she kept looking at the man’s profile, she was more surprised because…
“Shit! How did Chera get this man’s profile and I just watched his videos these days!” Y/N thought and blushed.
“Why did you give this to me?’ Y/N asked.
“I just wanted to let you know that I set you up for him this coming Monday,” Chera said and Y/N’s eyes went wide.
“Oh shit! This is not good!” Y/N thought.
“I know you are playing around with me, Chera,” Y/N said.
“No! To be honest, I talked to him just last night and he agreed to it,” Chera said.
“WHAT? That set-up will never happen. Also, you will make me get into trouble,” Y/N said.
“Y/N, Don’t worry I ensure that you will not get pregnant, okay? Also, I will tell him the conditions later. Also, look, Donghan is handsome and hot,” Chera said.
“Wow! I am now really speechless about your plan or your so-called “solution” for me and I will completely refuse about this. I think I should file a resignation next week,” Y/N said.
“No don’t do it! Because we really have few erotic novel writers in our company and come to think of it, you will receive a high salary for being an erotic writer especially when your novel became the best-seller. Please don’t file a resignation and probably Yohan will be sad too,” Chera said.
“My gosh! This is killing me and I will give myself to someone who is a porn star? I don’t know what was Chera thinking while planning this for me,” Y/N thought and sighed.
“Fine! I will accept it but I don’t know if I will really do it with him,” Y/N said and Chera smiled brightly.
“That’s great! I will tell Donghan later,” Chera said.
“Okay! Do whatever you want. But I really don’t know why I accepted this shit,” Y/N said as she sighed and Chera smirked.
“Oh! Someone’s tongue is spicy, huh? Also, girl! He is damn hot and handsome! Why would you refuse to him?” Chera said.
“Seriously! I am not that kind of woman who easily wanted to get into someone’s pants even though they are hot, attractive, or handsome, okay?” Y/N said as she raised one of her eyebrows and Chera chuckled.
“Fine! I will just call him later. But I will send him a message now. Also, you can order food for us and we can watch some random shows and talk about random topics, Sound good?” Chera said and Y/N nodded then sighed.
“Gosh! What did I get myself into? This will be the darkest secret in my whole life,” Y/N thought. As for Chera who sent a message to Donghan and it says…
“Good afternoon, Donghan! Y/N already accepted it and you can meet her on Monday and I will send you the details where you two should meet- Chera”
When Donghan is eating snacks with Yohan, he read the message and Yohan saw that he smiled, he slightly peeked at his phone, and when he saw Chera’s message…
“Shit! How did Chera convince Y/N? I don’t know what should I feel for this!” Yohan thought and sighed.
“It seems you are happy, huh?” Yohan said.
“Of course! Y/N will be mine on Monday,” Donghan said as he smiled.
“Wow! Congrats!” Yohan said as he felt his heart breaking from Donghan’s statement and he only made a fake smile at Donghan.
“I hope he will never hurt her if he has already feelings for her,” Yohan thought and sighed then Donghan noticed it.
“Yohan, why do you keep sighing? Tell me the truth, that you already know, Y/N, right?” Donghan asked.
“Fine! Okay! I know her,” Yohan said.
“Then you like her?” Donghan asked.
“I think so? But tell me even though you haven’t met her and you just kept looking at her photo. Do you already have feelings for her?” Yohan asked.
“What if I say, “Yes”? what are you going to do about it? Because I am the one who will be set-up to her,” Donghan said.
“I don’t know! Just don’t ever hurt her, okay?” Yohan said.
“If you want, you will be the one to meet her on Monday,” Donghan said and Yohan shook his head.
“No. It was already planned and If Chera knew that you aren’t the one who will meet Y/N on Monday, I will be doomed. Just don’t ever hurt her feelings and also, be sure that on Monday it will not be just for fun, are we clear about that? I just care about so much for Y/N,” Yohan said.
“Okay! Don’t worry, I will not hurt her feelings. But I wanted to clear this out, are you sure that you will really let me meet her on Monday with no hard feelings? Because I also value our friendship,” Donghan said.
“Yes! No worries. I already accepted it and also, this was just unexpected for me. But if you hurt her, I will ensure that I will snatch her from you,” Yohan said.
“Okay! I promise I will never hurt her,” Donghan said.
“That’s great that we clear this out already. I hope you will enjoy meeting Y/N on Monday. By the way, she is a shy person but she can talk to you if you can open up to her first,” Yohan said.
“Oh! I see! Thanks for the little information about her,” Donghan said as he smiled at Yohan. Then suddenly he received again a message from Chera and it was the details where they will meet.
“I guess that’s Chera, right?” Yohan asked.
“Yup! She just sent to me the details where I will meet Y/N,” Donghan said.
“Oh, I see! I am kinda bored here let’s go to Seokhwa and Daehyeon’s house and hang out with them,” Yohan said and Donghan nodded. As for Y/N who is still with Chera in her apartment, Y/N can’t stop thinking about what will happen to her on Monday and Chera noticed her.
“Y/N, are you really watching T.V or you are having some thoughts?” Chera asked and Y/N sighed.
“How can I not have some thoughts or should I say “worries” on Monday? because it’s a big risk for me,” Y/N said.
“What are your worries on Monday?” Chera asked.
“Of course, my number one concern is that I will actually have sex to a porn star and my number one worry is that I am getting nervous because he might don’t have a protection and I can get pregnant and also, I know that would be just for like a one- night stand thing only,” Y/N said.
“Y/N, believe me, I already talked to Donghan and he agreed that he will surely bring protection with him, and also, I think that it will not be just for a one-night stand thing only,” Chera said.
“Why? You think it will be just a friends-with-benefits relationship or just a no-strings-attached relationship?” Y/N asked.
“I personally think that it won’t end up like that. There’s a chance Donghan liked you already since I also sent him a picture of you,” Chera said.
“Oh well, I don’t know. I will just don’t expect anything on Monday,” Y/N said.
“Trust me with this, okay? I am sure that you will have a boyfriend on Monday,” Chera said and Y/N chuckled.
“Let’s see,” Y/N said and Chera slightly laughed. As time goes by, Chera will go home and…
“By the way, I will write in your attendance that you will work from home starting this Monday,” Chera said.
“Okay! I will just really try my best on Monday and somehow not get nervous. Take care and drive home safely,” Y/N said.
“Thanks, Y/N! I have to go home. Bye!” Chera said and Y/N waved goodbye to her and Chera left her. Then when Y/N was in her room…
“Gosh! I really can’t imagine that I will actually meet a handsome porn star. I don’t know what to feel about this but it’s kinda thrilling too,” Y/N thought and she just went to sleep. When Chera was in her house already, someone called her and it was Donghan.
Chera: Oh! Donghan why did you call?
Donghan: I just wanted to ask you one question about Y/N.
Chera: Oh okay! What is that one thing you are curious about her?
Donghan: I wanted to know if Y/N is a virgin? To be honest, I don’t want to touch a woman who is still a virgin because she might not be ready for it and I don’t want to take advantage of it.
Chera: No, she is not a virgin.
Donghan: Are you sure that she is not a virgin?
Chera: Yes! I am telling the truth.
While Donghan is talking to Chera over the phone, Yohan listens to their conversation and…
“Wow! Chera is really telling a lie to Donghan! But should I tell him that Y/N actually is a virgin? Or I think I shouldn’t tell him and I will see if Donghan is a man of his words that he won’t take advantage of her on Monday,” Yohan thought.
Donghan: Okay! I will trust you, Chera.
Chera: No worries, okay?
Donghan: Okay! I will meet with her on Monday.
Chera: That’s great! I hope you will have fun with Y/N on Monday.
Donghan: okay! But I wanted to clear also that if she doesn’t want to do it. I will never do it and I won’t force her, okay?
Chera: Okay! I am glad you are a gentleman.
Donghan: Of course, I am! Oh well, that’s all. I should go to sleep now.
Chera: Okay! Good night Donghan.
After Donghan hung up the call…
“Why do I feel that she is telling a lie to me? Oh well, I really should observe Y/N if she will be very comfortable or not. Since I don’t want Y/N to have a bad impression of me,” Donghan thought. When he was about to go to sleep, he noticed Yohan was outside his bedroom and was about to leave…
“Wait! Yohan, come here. I know that you are eavesdropping to me earlier,” Donghan said and Yohan sighed and approached him.
“Fine. I just heard your intentions about Y/N and I think you are really a man of your words, right?” Yohan asked.
“Yes, I am! I will never force her if she doesn’t want to do it and also, on Monday it will not be about having sex because I wanted to know her more and have a date with her,” Donghan said.
“Okay! That’s good hear,” Yohan said as he smiled.
“No worries, okay? By the way, we should sleep now and I am tired for today,” Donghan said.
“Okay! Good night, bro!” Yohan said.
“Good night, Yohan!” Donghan said and then both of them went to sleep.
It was already Monday and it was the day where Y/N and Donghan will meet. That time, Y/N still hesitate to leave her apartment and…
“I have no choice but to meet Donghan today. It seems he will not force me If I don’t want to do it, right? I bet he is a gentleman. Oh well, I should get going,” Y/N thought and left her apartment. As for Yohan who is now in the office…
“I think I shouldn’t be worried too much since I know Donghan will never do bad things to her,” Yohan thought and went back to finish his novel. As for Donghan who is now waiting for Y/N in the restaurant…
“Why am I becoming nervous? Or am I just excited to see her?” Donghan thought and at that time, he saw Y/N enter the restaurant and he stood up and waved to her so, that he can see her. Then when Y/N saw Donghan, she gulped and…
“Wow! He is so tall and very handsome,” Y/N thought and approached him.
“Hi! I am Donghan. Nice to meet you Y/N,” Donghan said as he smiled brightly at her.
“Nice to meet you too, Donghan,” Y/N said as she smiled back and shook hands with him, and sat down.
“I already ordered food for us and also, I will be the one who will pay for it. So, no worries, okay?” Donghan said.
“Okay, thanks!” Y/N said.
“Ummm… By any chance, did your friend named Chera, tell you that I am Yohan’s friend?” Donghan asked and Y/N was surprised then Donghan slightly laughed at her reaction.
“It means Chera didn’t tell you about that. It’s okay,” Donghan said and Y/N slightly laughed.
“I was just surprised because Yohan didn’t tell me that much about you,” Y/N said.
“Oh, I see! But I bet you were also surprised because of my job, right?” Donghan asked and Y/N’s face heated up.
“Umm… Yes. But I won’t judge you since it’s your job and I will respect that,” Y/N said.
“Thanks, Y/N. To be honest, I really haven’t shared it with Yohan at first about my job but yesterday Yohan just knew about it and of course, he didn’t believe me and think that I was joking,” Donghan said and that time, their food arrived and while they are having lunch, they continued to have a conversation.
“To be honest, I will really not think that is also your job. I will think that you are a model because you are tall and handsome,” Y/N said and Donghan smiled.
“Thanks for the compliment. By the way, you are beautiful, Y/N,” Donghan said and Y/N blushed at his comment.
“Donghan knows how to flatter women, huh?” Y/N thought.
“I bet Yohan and Chera didn’t tell you about my job, right?” Y/N asked.
“Yup! I suddenly got curious too,” Donghan said.
“I am a novel writer and that’s why I met Yohan because he is my colleague at work,” Y/N said.
“Oh, I see! But what kind of novel are you writing?” Donghan asked and Y/N gulped.
“Just a romantic novel,” Y/N said as she tried to smile at him.
“Romantic novel is not bad. To be honest, I find the extreme ones are erotic novels but they are not bad too and I bet some writers of that kind of novel is really hard for them to write those scenes,” Donghan said.
“You’re right. Since it’s hard to make those scenes into a word or a sentence,” Y/N said and Donghan laughed.
“I am happy that you are somehow becoming comfortable to me to talk to me. I thought you are really a shy person and Yohan was right If I can open up to you first, you can talk to me comfortably right away,” Donghan said as he smiled at her and Y/N blushed.
“It seems Yohan really told you about me, huh?” Y/N said.
“Not at all. But at least he somehow told me about your personality and also, of course, I don’t want you to have a bad impression about me or become uncomfortable with me,” Donghan said.
“I understand, Donghan. I am glad I met you,” Y/N said.
“Me too,” Donghan said and smiled.
“I think we should get going,” Y/N said and Donghan nodded. Then while Donghan is driving, Y/N can’t stop staring at him.
“Gosh! I can stare at him all day,” Y/N thought but at that time, Donghan noticed it.
“Umm… I think you are looking in the wrong direction because the beautiful view is on your window, not me,” Donghan said as he slightly laughed and Y/N blushed and just stared at the window.
“Damn! I was caught staring at him!” Y/N thought. Then suddenly they arrived at a luxurious hotel and Y/N was surprised.
“Wow! You really made a reservation in this hotel?” Y/N asked.
“Yup! Also, the view is beautiful that’s why I chose this hotel and since it’s our vacation we can stay here for a few days,” Donghan said as he smiled at her and Y/N blushed.
“You’re right. I think It will be also a relaxing vacation,” Y/N said as she smiled back. Then when both of them went to their room, she suddenly remembered that…
“Gosh! I can’t ignore we will be sleeping in one bed this night,” Y/N thought and sat on the sofa first and gulped. When Donghan finished fixing their things, he sat beside her, and Y/N’s face heated up.
“Umm… what are we going to do now?’ Y/N asked and suddenly Donghan stared at her and his eyes became dark and Y/N felt that he is changing to another person. Then that time Donghan, went closer to Y/N and she slightly moved backward to the sofa and when she finally reached the arm rest of the sofa, she was cornered by Donghan but when he was about to touch her neck, he suddenly stopped and Y/N was confused.
“I am sorry, Y/N. I was about not to control myself to you and I think you are uncomfortable. Tell me. Are you a virgin or not?” Donghan asked and Y/N became nervous.
“What if I say, that I am a virgin?” Y/N asked and Donghan was surprised.
“Oh, I see! Don’t worry I will not touch you if you are not ready yet. I will call first your friend because she lied to me,” Donghan said and sighed and Y/N was surprised.
“What do you mean?” Y/N asked.
“She told me that, you are not a virgin. I will call her first, okay?” Donghan said and Y/N nodded.
“Gosh! Chera really told him that I am not a virgin,” Y/N thought and slightly got frustrated by her friend. While Chera is working in her office, someone called her and she saw it’s Donghan.
Chera: Oh! Donghan what a pleasant surprise, why did you call me?
Donghan: Why did you lie to me?
Chera: Huh? I didn’t tell a lie to you.
Donghan: Stop this shit, okay? I already knew Y/N is a virgin and also, you should be thankful that your friend will not be in trouble because if you suddenly set up someone who completely just wanted to have sex, she would have been sexually harassed.
Chera: I don’t have any that kind of intention, Donghan. To be honest, the reason why I set Y/N up with you is that I wanted her to experience having sex because she will be working on an erotic novel.
Donghan: What? An erotic novel? But your solution is just unfair and dangerous for her.
Chera: Just help her and this is also for her work.
Donghan: You are a really bad friend of Y/N. I’ll hung-up now.
As Y/N heard their conversation, she blushed and…
“I am thankful he is a gentleman and he is not a pervert,” Y/N thought. As for Yohan suddenly heard Chera’s conversation with Donghan, he smiled.
“I am happy that Y/N is in good hands with Donghan. He is really a man of his words,” Yohan thought and just went back to work. Then that time, Donghan went back to sit beside Y/N and he sighed.
“I am really sorry that I believe Chera right away. I didn’t expect she will set you up so that you can make an erotic novel,” Donghan said.
“I am also sorry that I lied to you that I really actually working on an erotic novel. To be honest, I know that this is not the right solution and she insisted on this,” Y/N said.
“It’s okay. I understood why didn’t you tell me right away because you are also scared to be judged too,” Donghan said as he smiled.
“You’re right! Also, I wanted to confess to you something,” Y/N said.
“What is it?” Donghan asked as he looked at her eyes directly and Y/N became nervous.
“Ummm… To be honest, I just watched your videos for the past few days,” Y/N said and Donghan was surprised.
“Oh! You’re kidding me, right?” Donghan said as he slightly laughed.
“No, I am serious, Donghan,” Y/N said as she showed her phone to him and Donghan gulped.
“O-okay. I believe you now. So, umm… what are you implying, right now?” Donghan asked her nervously and Y/N’s face heated up again.
“Maybe we can do it,” Y/N said and Donghan looked at her with a serious look.
“Maybe? I will not do it with you if you are hesitant because I also don’t want to take advantage of you just because you are a virgin. Even though I am a porn star, I don’t force people to have sex with me and I still have respect for you, Y/N,” Donghan said as he held her hands and Y/N’s body shivered from Donghan’s touch.
“Why did I suddenly feel like I was electrified by him? I think this is a strong attraction to him and affects me so much!” Y/N thought and also, she remembered the videos of him that she watched and…
“Okay! My decision is final. I will give myself to Donghan today!” Y/N thought.
“I will just go to the bathroom, okay?” Donghan said but when he was about to stand up, she held Donghan’s hand and kissed him then Donghan was surprised at her action and he kissed her back with hunger as he slipped his tongue to her mouth and dominated the kiss and he pulled her close to her. But as they make out continuously, Donghan suddenly stopped.
“Wait! That was so unexpected. Are you sure about this? If you will say “maybe” again I will not do it with you today. But if you will say “yes”, there is no going back and I won’t control myself to you, Y/N,” Donghan said and Y/N’s face heated-up but she looked at him and…
“Yes, I am sure about this, Donghan,” Y/N said and Donghan smirked at her and carried her bridal style and laid her in the bed and he aggressively removed his shirt that made Y/N jaw drop.
“Oh shit! He is so hot and sexy! His upper body is so muscular,” Y/N thought and gulped and Donghan noticed it.
“Enjoying the view, huh?” Donghan said as he smirked and went to her and helped Y/N remove her clothes but while removing her clothes, Donghan kissed her neck and jawline as he sucked it delicately and bit it that made a hickey on Y/N’s neck. As he continued to kiss Y/N’s neck, Donghan’s hand slip onto Y/N’s bra and removed from her and threw it somewhere and then his lips went to her breast and sucked it and Y/N moaned his name. Then Donghan stopped and he pushed her to the bed and suck again her breast, but while he is giving attention to Y/N’s breast, his hand went to her underwear and rubbed his fingers to her that made Y/N gasp at his action and moan. As Donghan was still giving attention to her breast, Y/N pushed his face more and Donghan smirked at her action. But he suddenly stopped and looked at her with lustful eyes that made Y/N blush.
“Fuck! You’re so beautiful and hot, Y/N. I might wreck you this day,” Donghan said as he licked and bit his lips. Then he swiftly removed her underwear and Y/N closed her legs But Donghan spread her legs wide instead.
“No need to be shy, Y/N,” Donghan said and Y/N just nodded. Then Donghan suddenly went to her core and Y/N’s face blushed more as she saw that he will eat her out and when she was about to say something…
“I want you to relax, Y/N. I bet you will like this,” Donghan said and he started to lick her core, and Y/N’s eyes automatically closed because of the sudden feeling of his tongue to her. Donghan saw her facial expression and he decided to pull her core closer to his face and then he licked and sucked her core and Y/N gripped the bed sheet and arched her back.
“Oh shit, Donghan! That felt so good! More, please!” Y/N said and Donghan smirked and while he is eating her out, he also inserted one of his fingers and Y/N screamed at his action.
“Shit! Donghan!!” Y/N said and tried to look at him but she saw that his eyes were full of lust that made Y/N crazy. But as Donghan continuously eats her out…
“Donghan, I will cum!” Y/N said.
“Cum on my tongue, I wanted to taste you,” Donghan said. As soon as Y/N heard his words she cum hard on Donghan’s tongue and he sucked all of her juices that made a slurping sound in the room and Y/N tried to catch her breath because of the overwhelming pleasure she felt. Then Donghan stood up on the edge of the bed and he looked at Y/N as he licked his lips that were still soaked with her juices.
“Oh, fucking shit! That was hot!” Y/N thought and gulped at the sight of him.
“You are so delicious. I think I wanted to taste you every day. Also, I didn’t expect my innocent baby girl to be very vocal and can curse in a sexy way,” Donghan said as he smirked and Y/N blushed. But suddenly Donghan went to his bag and get a condom and when he went back to Y/N, he removed his boxer shorts and Y/N’s eyes went wide.
“Oh, damn! I know that I already saw his cock in his videos but seeing it in person is way too much to handle for me!” Y/N thought and gulped at the sight of him being naked and when Donghan already put the condom to his cock…
“It seems you are still surprised to see me naked even though you actually saw it in my videos already,” Donghan said as he smirked.
“I think it’s just better to see it in person,” Y/N said and Donghan slightly laughed and he pushed her again to the bed and hovered above her.
“Are you ready for me?” Donghan asked.
“Yes, I am ready for you, Donghan,” Y/N said and Donghan smiled at her.
“Before we go further, I wanted to confess to you that when your friend sent your picture to me, I already fell in love with you. Can you accept me as your boyfriend starting today?” Donghan asked and Y/N was surprised at his question.
“Shit! Am I dreaming?” A hot and handsome porn star fell in love with me already?” Y/N thought.
“Yes, I accept you as my boyfriend, Donghan. I love you,” Y/N said.
“I love you too so much Y/N,” Donghan said and he cupped Y/N’s face and kissed her passionately but while they are still kissing, Donghan slowly inserted his cock to her core and Y/N slightly moaned into the kiss. But when Donghan’s cock was already full inside her, they stopped kissing and he let Y/N adjust to his size.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Donghan asked and Y/N nodded. But after a few seconds, Y/N adjusted to his size and she suddenly squeezed Donghan’s biceps.
“You can move now,” Y/N said and Donghan smirked and he started to thrust his cock to her at a slow pace first but…
“Donghan, I want you to go faster, please!!” Y/N said.
“As you wish baby girl!” Donghan said as he started to thrust his cock at a fast pace and he leaned his body close to her and he kissed her neck and made some hickey again.
“Shit! You are so fucking tight, Y/N,” Donghan said as he whispered to her ear and licked her earlobe that made Y/N moan into his actions. But Donghan suddenly thrust his cock to her harder and Y/N gripped his biceps.
“Fuck! Yes, like that Donghan!” Y/N said and Donghan lifted one of her legs on his shoulder and thrust it more to her core and Y/N closed her eyes as she felt the pleasurable feeling washed over her and Donghan saw her facial expressions.
“Shit! You take me so well baby girl! I think I should go for more,” Donghan said and he suddenly placed one of her legs down from his shoulder and he made Y/N sit on his cock and Donghan kissed her again but while they are still kissing, Donghan held Y/N’s waist tightly and tried to thrust his cock to her upwards that made Y/N broke the kiss and she leaned her head onto Donghan’s shoulder and moaned his name continuously. Donghan decided to thrust his cock to her harder and deeper.
“Oh shit! Right there, Donghan!” Y/N said as she nearly screamed.
“Damn! I love being deeper to you,” Donghan said as he still thrusting to her at an incredible pace and Y/N’s nails raked his white broad back. But Donghan felt that Y/N already cum and…
“Fuck, Y/N! You didn’t warn me that you already cum? Because of that I am still not done with you,” Donghan said with his deep voice and Y/N just can’t process what was happening and didn’t pay attention to Donghan’s statement. That time Donghan laid Y/N back on the bed and she was confused because Donghan went again to his bag and when he came back, Y/N saw in his hands that, he have handcuffs and Y/N’s eyes went wide.
“Oh shit! Isn’t he prepared for today?” Y/N thought and gulped. Then Donghan looked at her and smirked.
“Because you didn’t warn me awhile go, this will be your first punishment. Hands-on the headboard baby girl” Donghan said and Y/N gulped and obeyed him then he put the handcuffs on her that were attached to the headboard. But Y/N was surprised when he suddenly lifted her butt up and she blushed at her position.
“Shit! You are so hot as hell. Waiting to be wrecked by me again,” Donghan said in a deep voice.
“Oh damn! No wonder why he is a porn star. He is just so wild!” Y/N thought. Then suddenly her thoughts were cut-off when Donghan went behind her and kissed her neck and Y/N moaned then Donghan’s hands went to her breast as he squeezed it but without a warning, he inserted his cock to her again and…
“Oh shit, Donghan!” Y/N said.
“That’s right baby girl, moan my name like that!” Donghan said and he started to thrust his cock to her at a fast and hard pace that made Y/N grip the headboard and moan his name non-stop.
“Shit! You just feel so good, Y/N, I can’t get enough of you!” Donghan said as he also left some kisses on Y/N’s back and he decided to play her clit while thrusting to her.
“Oh fuck, Donghan! Yes, like that!” Y/N said and Donghan smirked at her statement.
“I will give you more than that, Y/N,” Donghan said and Y/N brace herself. Then Donghan gripped Y/N’s waist and thrust his cock to her deeper. Then Y/N screamed his name again and gripped tightly the headboard and when her legs are about to give up, Donghan held her legs so that she will not fall directly to the bed.
“You also want this as my cock goes deeper to you?” Donghan asked.
“Yes! Oh shit! Hurry up. I am going to cum,” Y/N said.
“Be sure that you will cum with me, okay baby girl?” Donghan asked and Y/N nodded. After a few thrusts of his cock both of them cum and Y/N’s legs gave up and that time, Donghan removed the handcuffs to her and he laid her in the bed. Then Donghan removed the condom from his cock and threw it in the trash bin and laid beside her and looked at her.
“So, how was making love to a porn star?” Donghan asked and Y/N blushed at his question and slightly slapped his bicep and both of them laughed.
“Well, it was amazing, and to be honest, this was unimaginable for me,” Y/N said and Donghan laughed.
“But I didn’t hurt you, right?” Donghan asked.
“Nope! To be honest, It’s pleasurable,” Y/N said as she blushed at what she said and Donghan smirked.
“It means we can do that next time?” Donghan asked.
“Sure! I don’t mind. Also, I bet when I will write another erotic novel. I will be more inspired because I have you already,” Y/N said as she smiled.
“That’s great and I am really happy that I met you and because we are now in a relationship, I decided to give up my job as a porn star since you will not be comfortable seeing me fucking other girls, right?” Donghan said.
“Yes. But are you sure that you will give up on that job?” Y/N asked.
“Yes! Also, no worries because on what I earned from that job I decided to make a business,” Donghan said.
“Oh, that’s great!” Y/N said.
“I bet you are now tired. We should rest for a while and we can wash up ourselves later and walk beside the sea. Sound’s good?” Donghan asked.
“Yup! I love you Donghan!” Y/N said.
“I love you too so much, Y/N,” Donghan said and both of them went to sleep. They made sweet and romantic memories in the hotel and when Y/N came back from work, Chera noticed that her erotic novels are becoming bolder and that became a best-seller erotic novel. As for Donghan and Y/N, they have a very loving, wild, and sexy relationship.
17 notes · View notes
skzxuxi · 4 years
other group recommendations here
• Wet | wei - yohan (m) @seunguwoos
13 notes · View notes
chaeinedup · 2 years
Making out with WEi
Slow and steady;
I feel like he thinks it’s more enjoyable for both of you if it’s in a more laidback environment where you won’t be interrupted;
So most likely happening in the studio;
Very touchy feely, his hands have life of their own;
Obviously accompanied by a very sweet mouth;
You honestly don’t know where to focus because he’s just doing everything he can do drive you crazy;
He also takes a little pride (just a itsy tiny bit) seeing you so pleased because of him;
It’s like a boost for him to keep going.
It’s a great way to keep things light and fun;
Of course he has other sides to him and the feelings and emotions might change midway;
But the probability of it starting cause he was teasing you about something or you were making fun of him, is big;
He not only has a way with his words he has his way with hus hands that’s all I’m gonna say;
And if you’re a donghan biased you know exactly why I’m saying this, just look at them;
Not to be that person but if it’s a more heated makeout session he’s going to manhandle you;
It does not matter id you’re on the kitchen, the living room, he does not care, it’s going down;
I rest my case.
He’s a shy little boy;
You’ll probably have to inniciate it or hint to it;
Or otherwise he’s so scared of messing up he won’t start anything;
He doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable, he’s a gentleman;
But once he gets the green light, he will make it memorable;
Yongha has a certain charm to him, not everyone sees it but that’s what makes it so special;
He’s also extremely cliché so if you’re a true romantic you’ll appreciate the tenderness he gives off;
Will happen on the bed I mean it just feels right to him.
He also is another member that, slow and steady wins the race;
If you’re impacient you’re done for;
He’s gonna caress your sides and just watch you squirm;
He really takes pride on the effect he has on you;
It’s like he’s in a competition, how long does it take to break you;
And each time he tries to break last times record;
Will live you hanging;
If he sees you’re enjoying it a little too much he’s gonna stop everything he’s doing;
The couch is his fav spot :D.
Another one that’s very charming;
Obviously the sass is also included;
But he’s very very fun;
I don’t think these think would happen very often with him but he does not let you down in times of need;
He likes you to say exactly what you want;
If you get a little shy or embarrased he’ll find that cute:
And of course use that to his favour and tease you about it;
He’s big on whispering things to you and get involuntary reactions from your body;
Cause this dude only works 1 of 2 ways;
Extremely sweet and caring, kissing every part of your body;
Or making you earn his time of the day....
This man just gets me going;
You’r enot making out of this sane or stable;
You’ll be thinking about this all day;
He’s either so gentle or very playful yet kinda dominant;
Either mood but he’s always seductive (being a scorpio pays off in things like this);
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