#kim do ki fic
iheartcake123 · 1 year
Kim Do-Ki x Fem!reader: A young 25-year-old deluxe taxi driving rookie who is best friends with benefits with Do-Ki (she is fiery, physically capable, seductive, mischievous and equally sadistic as Do-Ki is, she is basically a Harley Quinn kind). The fic takes place during the 11-14 episode arc of the Rainbow Taxi being attacked by Baek Sung Mi's men and her released prisoners wanting revenge on Do-Ki for ruining their lives. Before the battle unfolds, the reader finds out she is pregnant from that time she seduced a worker at UDATA to help Do-Ki. She is then attacked by and ends up in a brawl with Jeong Eon's boyfriend when she tries to save Go-Eun and Kang Maria from him. He tries to cause a miscarriage in her by stabbing her but she fights back and he only manages to slash her upper abdomen before she and Goeun get saved by Do-Ki. This is when she tells both of them about her pregnancy. After the battle is done, she and her unborn child are checked out by the doctors to see if they are okay and her stomach injury is cauterized and she is checked on by and reunited with Do-Ki and the Rainbow group, who were recovering from the injuries caused by Baek Sung Mi and her men.
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hello!! i had so much fun writing this request <3 here it is!! i hope i did it justice and sorry about the abrupt ending, i always struggle with them😭 but i hope you enjoy it!!
☁️kim do-ki☁️
warnings: cursing, fighting, blood mentioned, mentions of killing and mentions of pregnancy (?)
everything happened so fast. one minute you were helping people get justice, the next it all seemed to come crashing down. it pissed you off at how easy is was for baek sung mi to betray you and your friends.
you hadn’t been at rainbow taxi for as long as some of your other friends but you played a key role along side do-ki. your relationship with him was somewhat complicated. best friends with benefits. you both got along really well and while you had your fun with him, you knew when to get to work to get results. you enjoyed taking down those who needed it and if you had it your way, they wouldn’t have been going to the prison. they would’ve suffered an even worse fate.
you weren’t with go-eun when she received the call from kang maria that she had seen jong-guen who should’ve been in prison. after telling go-eun to wait for you to see maria, she of course didn’t listen and it was now coming becoming dark and she hadn’t yet returned. it made you worried. go-eun was like a sister to you. you needed to head out soon to check if she was alright. but, you had one quick thing to sort out for yourself.
you picked up the envelope that you had been avoiding all day. with a deep breath you slowly opened the envelope and saw the scans that were inside. it was from the ultrasound you had a couple of days ago.
yes, you were pregnant.
you tried to match up the timeline as best as possible and you narrowed it down to your time at UDATA when you were helping do-ki. you remember vividly seducing one of the managers in order to help do-ki with the whole plan. you wished the pregnancy tests were wrong and you wished the ultrasound scan was wrong too but, of course they weren’t.
this changed everything for you.
with a sigh, you stuffed the scans into your back pocket securely before going to get ready to look for go-eun. so, you set off on the journey to the jeotgal factory. you would’ve taken the motorbike but if your friend and maria were to be in trouble, a car would work best.
after a while you reached to the destination. it was dark and looked like no one was around. you wandered around trying to look for any signs of go-eun and maria. you continued looking around until you heard crying and whimpering. it sounded like maria so you picked up your pace and ran in the direction of sound.
that’s when you came across maria on the floor with jong-guen on top of her, holding her hair as she cried.
“you fucking asshole” you muttered as anger filled inside of you.
jong-guen’ facial expression was shocked and he slowly let go of maria to stand up and face you.
“who did you think you are?” he spat and you scoffed before going towards him.
you were going to give this asshole the beating that he deserved.
“leave me and maria alone!” he yelled standing up to try intimidate you.
it of course didn’t work.
you rolled your hand into a ball and threw a punch directly onto his left cheek and he stumbled back in shock, groaning in pain. maria had gotten up and ran behind you to hide.
just as you were about to throw a second punch he suddenly got on his knees and begged for you to not hurt him.
“leave me alone please! i’ll tell you where he’s keeping go-eun, just leave me alone” he begged and you sighed.
you turned your head to look at maria who was shaking in fear. you had to get justice for her as she was terrified of him. when you turned to look at him again his eyes were wide before you threw another punch. this punch was much harder and it knocked him out cold.
you hurriedly went over to maria to check on her.
“are you okay? he didn’t hurt you, right?” you checked her over and she shook her head to indicate she wasn’t hurt.
you breathed a sigh of relief and then helped her get into the passengers side of the car.
“you stay here okay?” you told her and she nodded her head “can you tell me where they’re keeping go-eun so i can help her?”
after maria explained the way to go, you took out some zip ties and tied jong-eun up before throwing him into the back of the car so if he did wake up he couldn’t escape.
once you did a final check to make sure maria was okay. you headed in the direction of where maria told you. as you approached it, you pressed your ear to the big wooden door and listened to what was happening.
go-eun was crying and jeong-eun’ boyfriend was laughing as he spoke.
“don’t cry, i’ll do the same for you. i’ll make you look pretty. a video of ahn jeong-eun’ sister” you could hear the amusement in his voice and it disgusted you “if i upload it, it’ll be a hit!”
that’s when you heard enough and burst through the door, he was sat on top of go-eon trying to take off her clothes.
“leave her alone” you yelled as the door slammed shut behind you.
“oh what do we have here now” he smirked getting up off go-eun “ah i remember you. y/n l/n, how’s it going? i was just showing my dear go-eun a video of her sister, she misses her very dearly”
“you bastard” you spat through grit teeth and went towards him, getting yourself prepared to fight.
he stood up and as you both began to fight. with each punch you threw at him, he countered it. one particular punch you threw knocked the wind out of him and he had to take a second to get himself together.
this gave you the opportunity to use your whole body to tackle him into a nearby table where his head made contact with the corner of it, knocking him out.
as soon as he was down, you rushed over to go-eun. she was still crying and you tried to comfort her. but nothing seemed to work.
“come on, we need to get out of here” you rubbed her back as she was now sat up.
“his phone-i need the phone” she sobbed and you turned to scan the room for the phone.
you noticed it laying in a corner so, you hurriedly went over to grab it. as you bent down to pick it up go-eun let out an ear piercing scream.
“y/n watch out!” she screamed and you flicked your head to look at her.
that’s when you felt something hard hit your head and everything then went black.
when you woke up your vision was blurred as your eyes adjusted to everything again. beside you was go-eun who was watching you with worry.
“go-eun what’s going on?” your voice came out as a croak, you head was pounding and you still weren’t fully aware yet.
“you’re finally awake” the voice of jeong-eun’ boyfriend chimed as you turned to look at him.
he was continuing to set up a camera and when he saw you sit up, he walked over to you with a smirk. he squat down in front of you and rubbed your cheek softly.
it made you sick.
“we are going to have lots of fun because look what i found” he reached into his pocket and pulled out something.
when you focused on what it was, your eyes went wide.
“you’re pregnant” he leaned into your ear and whispered.
he scrunched the scans and put it back into his pocket, with each second you grew angrier.
“do you know how much money i’ll make when they find out you’re pregnant, you know what they say right? being pregnant makes it feel 100x better” he placed a hand on your upper thigh and you shot daggers into him.
if looks could kill he would’ve already been dead.
“i need to finish set up but sit her and wait patiently for me, okay?” he then pat your cheek before going over to continue setting up his camera.
“go-eun don’t worry, we’ll get out of here. just wait for a little longer” you sent your friend a smile and she just nodded her head. her hands were still tied and she was still in shock.
your did you best to wriggle out and undo the rope that was holding your hands behind you. it was difficult but you eventually managed. go-eun watched as you waited for the right opportunity and before you knew it you were stood up ready to fight again.
“you just don’t get it, do you?” jeong-eun’ boyfriend sighed dramatically as he pulled out a blade.
as you got closer to him he swiped the blade in front of you and you skilfully jumped back to avoid.
“bringing a knife to a fist fight isn’t very fair, is it?” you mocked as he scoffed.
“bring it on bitch” he spat moving towards you to try and stab you.
you swiftly moved backwards and raised your leg to kick his side. as he stumbled, you used your strength to grab him by his collar and pushed him towards a wall where you then jabbed his abdomen. he winced and then brought the hand with the knife in it to try and forcefully stab your stomach but you quickly held onto the hand and did your best to hold it back.
he then manoeuvred his body to flip you around so that you were now against the wall.
“if i cant kill you, i’ll kill your baby” he brought his other hand to grip the knife too now and used as much force as possible to try and ram the knife into your lower stomach but, you weren’t going to let him.
your hands clenched his as you brought the knife towards your upper abdomen instead. if he was going to stab you, you’d rather it be there.
“come on y/n, don’t you want to save your unborn child” he taunted bringing the knife back towards your lower abdomen.
you bit your lip and you struggled to move the knife back towards your upper abdomen, your hands were slowly beginning to slip so you needed to think of something fast.
the blade was now touching you, there was pressure but not enough to pierce through the skin.
you lifted your knee up into jeong-eun’ boyfriends crotch and he cursed losing his focus for a moment. you used this opportunity to lift the knife and push it away from your body. you then also used force to push him away from you.
you were breathing hard and took a second to collect yourself.
“you bitch” he screamed and ran towards you with knife in hand again.
he aimed straight for your abdomen and you let out a scream as you went to go tackle him. you felt the blade make contact with your stomach area.
he let out an evil laugh as you kicked him away causing you to stumble backwards. you hands instinctively went to your your stomach area and you prepared for the worse as you felt warmth on your hands and when you looked down you saw red.
you became furious and was just about to fight jeong-eun’ boyfriend again when suddenly, a vehicle drove through into the wooden doors knocking him down. you watched as do-ki got out of the car, he went to check on go-eun and he then noticed you in the corner holding your stomach.
do-ki’ eyes became dark and all of a sudden jeong-eun’ boyfriend tackled him and pinned him against a wall.
“long time no see, seeing you brings back old memories” he had an evil smirk as he said those words.
“what did you do to them?” do-ki asked while glaring at hi’.
“nothing compared to what you did”
do-ki took a deep breath in and soon the two were fighting. you went over to go-eun to check is she was okay and maria came out of the car too. you undid the last parts of the rope around her go-eun’ hands and gave her a hug.
“you’re bleeding” she looked down at your stomach and you shook your head.
“im fine” you sent her a small smile and she nodded before looking over at do-ki who easily overpowered jeong-eun’ boyfriend and was beating the absolute crap out of him.
go-eun slowly stood up and you watched as she stopped do-ki from beating him to death. jeong-eun’ boyfriend was just about passed out on the floor. conscious but barely.
“his phone” go-eun said and do-ki got it from the man on the floor who even after getting beat was trying to do evil by trying to stop them from getting the phone.
after go-eun got the phone she immediately began to smash it letting out all of her emotions. it gave you relief knowing that your friend was getting justice. do-ki hugged her as she cried, attempting to sooth her.
maria helped you up as you walked towards jeong-eun’ boyfriend. you dropped to your knees and began to rummage through his pockets to get back what belonged to you.
he tried stopping you, his hands attempting to push you away but it was no use and you pushed his hands down and got what you needed. you took deep breathes in as you looked at the scrunched up scans before putting it into your own pocket.
“y/n what is that?” do-ki asked as you stood up.
“it’s nothing” you cleared your throat and go-eun placed a hand on your arm.
“you need to tell him” she said to you and you sighed.
you reached into your pocket and pulled out the scrunched up scans.
“i’m pregnant” you finally said and do-ki looked at you confused “i worked it out and it’s from the time i seduced the UDATA manager”
“you’re bleeding” do-ki stepped closer to you and you shook your head.
“it’s just a scratch, i’ll be fine” you told him and he placed a hand on your cheek.
you appreciated his warm touch and closed your eyes to embrace it. he’d always brought you comfort.
“are you sure you’re okay?” do-ki asked looking at the cut on your stomach, his hand reached for the fabric covered in blood and he knelt down to check on the wound. his hand traced the slash would.
“its more on your upper abdomen” his touch was soft as he put the fabric down. you face showing discomfort as it was slightly sore.
“we need go, the police will be here soon” you tried to hide your pain by hastily trying to leave.
“you’re staying here with maria, the police will be able to take you to the hospital to get treated” do-ki told you and you shook your head.
“no way! im helping you fight these assholes, they can’t get away with what they’ve done to us” you fired back, you wanted to fight along side your friends.
“stop being stubborn, you’ve done enough already by helping save go-eun and maria. sit this next part out- think about your baby” do-ki was firm and you wanted to continue arguing but you knew he was right.
“okay” you sighed in defeat “but if for even a second i hear any of you are in trouble, im coming after you”
do-ki let out a smile and nodded.
“i know” he pressed a kiss to your temple before gesturing for go-eun to follow him.
soon after they left, the police arrived with an ambulance. they arrested the prisoners, took maria somewhere safe and got you in an ambulance to the hospital.
they treated the wound and ran some blood tests, the only thing you were waiting for is the results to check if your unborn child was okay.
“let’s have a look, shall we” the doctor said cheerfully with a smile.
he put the cold gel over your lower abdomen and moved the ultrasound machine into the desired position to best have a look at your baby.
you held your breath as you waited for the doctor to let you know all was okay.
“there we go! baby is still breathing, the size is good and heartbeat is good too” the doctor broke the news to you and you let out a sigh of relief with a smile.
“thank you doctor” you told him and he shook his head.
“you got really lucky, if you had been cut any lower it would have been dangerous. make sure to get some rest” the doctor pat your shoulder before leaving the room.
the next morning, go-eun and kyung-goo came to visit you.
“ah i told you to use protection all those times” kyung-goo scolded and you let out a small laugh.
“you sound like my father” you lifted your arm up to hit him gently.
“im glad you’re okay y/n” go-eun then chimed in and she held your hand.
“how are the rest of them? are they okay? do-ki is safe right?” you questioned.
“mr park is still in the icu recovering, he had it the worst. mr jang is getting some rest and do-ki..we’re going to see him straight after” go-eun explained and you nodded your head.
“i’m coming with you” you sat up and pushed the hospital blanket off of you.
“you need to rest” kyung-goo tried stopping you.
“no, im going to see him. i have to” you began to stand up.
they knew not to try and stop you so instead they helped you as they all walked to do-ki’ room. when you all entered the room, you saw him laying on the bed sleeping.
for someone who had taken a hell of a beating, he still somehow managed to look good. he had a couple of cuts and bruises on his face.
your two friends spoke to him first and once they were done they let you speak with him one on one. they knew the relationship you had with do-ki.
go-eun helped pull up a chair next to his bed and you took a seat in it as your other friends left so you could be alone with him.
for the first few minutes neither of you said a word.
“how is it that even after getting beaten up, you still manage to look good” you chuckled and he let out a laugh in response.
“im just too perfect” he smiled looking at your facial expression.
you tried your best to hid the fact you were emotional. you usually weren’t but with the recent events and with everything you and your friends went through, it broke a part of you.
“what’s wrong?” he reached his hand out to place it on your leg.
“it’s nothing, im just happy to see you” you smiled sadly placing one of your hands on top of the one he had on your leg.
“how’s your baby?” he then looked down at your stomach and you nodded.
“baby is fine, they’re tough just like me” you proudly said and do-ki squeezed your leg and you then sighed slightly.
“do-ki, i know i never planned for this to happen and im sorry that it did. i hope this doesn’t change anything between us” you nervously told do-ki.
you never usually got nervous.
“why would it change anything? do you think i care? i accept you no matter what, even if you were an ogre i’d still accept you” he teased you towards the end trying to lighten up the mood.
“you idiot” you couldn’t help but laugh as you shook your head.
he then took a hold of your hand and gently pulled you down. your face hovered over his and you raised an eyebrow.
“kiss me then” do-ki whispered with a smirk looking at your lips.
you brought a hand to hold his cheek as you connected your lips with his.
“enough of that now! this is a public place” kyung-goo suddenly burst into the room and you pulled away “it’s lucky i was looking through the window in the door, or else i don’t know what you two would’ve gotten up to!”
you turned to kyung-goo and rolled your eyes playfully.
“yeah and what would we have done?” you fired at him and his eyes went wide.
“you both know what you would have done!” he retaliated and do-ki let out a laugh as go-eun nudged kyung-goo to tell him to stop.
“you should be on my side go-eun. these two have no shame!” he complained, before leaning against the wall next to the hospital bed.
“you should know by now, go-eun is always on my side kyung-goo” you smiled as you shuffled on the chair to make space off her to sit.
she happily sat next to you.
everyone in the room began to bicker and you sat back admiring them. it felt like home and you couldn’t wait until the rest of the rainbow group were okay so that it could feel complete once again.
it would soon get there. you’d make sure of it.
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onhajoon · 8 months
In which Danwoo's past catches up with him in the form of an attack on the house, and he generally has a Not Good time.
The whole chapter was highkey inspired by the On Ha Joon spotify playlist, which I had on repeat for two weeks :3
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ellaak · 7 months
✉~Smau ✏~Written Series 🃁~Oneshot ☆~Headcanon ♡~Fluff ☔︎︎~Angst ☊~Crack ⌧~MDNI
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Last Updated : July 24th 2024
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LEE HEESEUNG Mistletoe Mayhaps 🃁 ~ ☊ ~ ♡ @bluriki This fic made me giggle sm the mistletoe was the op fr NEW BEGINNINGS 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @ikeuverse Crying. Belong To You 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @jaeyunluvr ANGST TO FLUFF ARE SO GOOD ## Buy One, Take me ✉ ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @heeracha If they didn't have their happy ending I would've molded one with my own BARE hands. Falling In Love With Heeseung 🃁 ~ ♡ @wondipity THIS SHORT FIC OMLLL WIN ONE WIN ME 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @jaylver THIS FIC HAS ME ON A CHOKE HOLD, also FUCK MATTHEW. A Stoner's Guide To Starbucks ✉ ~ ☊ @jayflrt I actually needed CPR from the lack of oxygen due to reading this fic
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PARK JAY What do you mean dad went to get the milk!? 🃁 ~ ☊ @orangflowalober Why do the children know what the milk joke means..... 21st CENTURY GIRL ✉ ~ ☊ @hoonvrs This was acc so funny the way they refused to believe jay You Again? 🃁 ~ ♡ @songbirdseung AIRPORT CRUSH ON ANOTHER LEVEL
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SIM JAKE LIKE HOT SUMMER 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @jaystardust Good thing Sungchan was a hoe, so Jake could come in and save us :p Hello Kitty Meets Batman (Not Clickbait!) 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @star-sim Jake was so downbad, but the way their privacy got invaded made me sad :( WEBS OF HURT 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @jaylver I HAD TO SCREAM INTO MY PILLOW. THIS FIC, OH THIS FIC, I LOVE IT SM
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PARK SUNGHOON Always Forever 🃁 ~ ♡ @kairoot MY BB HOON 12 Days Of Christmas ✉ ~ ☊ @jebi-won SUNGHOON IS SO ME but my wishlist never came Return To Sender ✏ ~ ☔︎︎ @jjunberry I would've never speak to my sibling ever again.... Look At Me Now ✉ ~ ☊ @facechasers SECRET RELATIONSHIP TROUP >>>>> The Perfect Love Scheme 🃁 ~ ♡ @lovepookie I LOVE THE LOSER SUNGHOON AGENDA NOW WE DATE! ✉ ~ ☊ @boyfhee Sunghoon will always be so bbg Back Off! 🃁 ~ ♡ @delcakoo Hand bumping while I'm getting snacks is not romantic so MOVE Mirrorball 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @rosenhypen HOLDING MY TEARS THE WHOLE FIC With Love, Sunghoon 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @dazed-hee I WENT THROUGH SM EMOTIONS HOON WAS AN ASS Take a Chance With Me 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @snghnlvr I FACEPALMED WHEN SUNGHOON SAID THAT Homesick 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @aakomii The line 'take me home' did me IN Introducing You To His Fans On Vlive 🃁 ~ ♡ @nokacchan Sunghoon just being smitten The 24-Hour Dating Challenge 🃁 ~ ♡ @jaeyunverse Someone better confess to me in asters NOONA ✉ ~ ☊ @hoonvrs Play WOW by stray kids HOW TO NOT SURVIVE HIGHSCHOOL 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @srjlvr I too would've ignored his ass after 8th grade, BUT BEAUTIFUL PLOT! Red Light, Green Light 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @restlessmaknae THE GREENEST FLAG EVER IN THIS FIC
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KIM SUNOO Guess who ✉ ~ ☊ @soobnny THE WAY THEY KEPT REFERENCING SUNWOO FROM THEBOYZ Let My Love Run Wild ✉ ~ ♡ @jaeminvore This was so sweet i’ll be putting on a suit, be tip toeing to you if you’re down for it 🃁 ~ ♡ @yenqa GET URSELF A MAN WHO'LL UP ON VALETINES IN A TUEXEDO AND GET IT DIRTY FOR YOU !!
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YANG JUNGWON Did I, A Side Character Became The Male Leads Wife!? ✏ ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @ateliertale JUNGWON COULD NOT LEAVE US ALONE Idol Crush! ✉ ~ ☊ ~ ☔︎︎ @enhas-bestie Wonyoung carried the last few chapters. Best Wingwomen FIRST & SECOND 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @nkplanet I'LL FIGHT HER PARENTS. IT'S ON SIGHT
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NISHIMURA RIKI Love Dive ✉ ~ ☊ ~ ♡ @tzyuki KEEYNKI SOLOS. Shoot! ✉ ~ ☊ ~ ♡ @amakumos GENSHIN DATING APP REAL. CAN I BE YOURS? 🃁 ~ ♡ @mintsvnoo SMALL NIKI AND HIS INNOCENT ACTIONS YOUR HIGHNESS 🃁 ~ ♡ @nkplanet and people ask me why I have high standards Weird Cat Guy 🃁 ~ ♡ @boydepartment He didn't catch a cat..... THAT'S HER!! ✉ ~ ☊ ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @jakesgalxy I prayed for the previous CEO's downfall. His Muse 🃁 ~ ♡ @pnghoon To be someone's muse is just so soft :3 Just Us, And Your Brother... 🃁 ~ ☊ ~ ♡ @tyunni Heeseung was so foul for those last texts LMAO NI-KI Boyfie Hcs ☆ ~ ☊ ~ ♡ @icysab I snorted so hard reading this TuT Behind The Net! 🃁 ~ ☊ ~ ♡ @delcakoo In the end, it was a reward disguised as a punishment
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OT7 She's Taken PT.2 ☆ ~ ☊ @star-sim THE FANS ARE SO SILLY Is Your Girlfriend Single? PT.2 ☆ ~ ☊ @star-sim DYING OF LAUGHTER QUITE LITERALLY Being Asked Out PT.2 ☆ ~ ♡ @wwonwonism Made me giggle Lipgloss & Kisses ☆ ~ ♡ @maeumi-jng WHEN IS IT MY TURN ooo You Want Me So Bad ☆ ~ ♡ ~ ☊ @sharkorok THE NICE TO YOU BUT RUDE TO EVERYONE ELSE TROUP IS GONNA BE THE END OF ME SELLING MY BOYFRIEND ☆ ~ ✉ ~ ☊ @luvyeni Something silly for valentines Enha reaction to their s/o crying after a member scares them ☆ ~ ♡ @yeeunjia This is me and my sensitive heart Enha getting you a snack you're craving at 3am ☆ ~ ☊ @n1k1tty Get urself a s/o who gets you what you're craving at unholy hours When You Can't Sleep Without Them ☆ ~ ♡ @angel1kisses Very Comforting You Get Shipped With Another Idol ☆ ~ ✉ ~ ☊ @leaderwon JAYS WAS SO DIRTY LMAO
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ctrlhope · 7 months
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📂 CTRLHOPE : The best files found while searching through others PC’s! They have all the love in the world to them!
✰ last updated : 3/06/24 ! ™ ☻
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➜ ┊: jung hoseok ᵎ ✰
╭♡ Hot Rod (m) » @kinktae
✰ 1950s au, greaser!hoseok
✰ synopsis: a 1950′s inspired fic where greaser hoseok can’t keep his eyes, or hands, off the cute new waitress at his and his boys’ favorite diner.
Run Little Rabbit (m) » @readyplayerhobi
✰ hybrid au, college au, a/b/o
✰ synopsis: Jung Hoseok - the Alpha wolf of his pack and far out of your league. As a rabbit shifter who still jumps around predators, you fantasise about your dangerous crush from a safe distance, particularly as he doesn’t like you. But what happens when he goes into heat and you’re the only one he’ll accept?
╭♡ Locks and Barriers (m) » @lemonjoonah
✰ post apocalyptic au, language barrier, hoseok is such a sweetheart
✰ synopsis: One of the most amazing experiences in your life soon descends into chaos. Your trip to Seoul becoming overshadowed by a cataclysmic event leaving you alone in a city that is not your own. Your only hope? To find the man who has sent out one last broadcast to the city in search of any survivors, but you’ll have to overcome more than distance if you wish to become closer to him.
➜ ┊: kim namjoon ᵎ ✰
➜ ┊: park jimin ᵎ ✰
╭♡ Otherworldly (m) (tw dc) » @sinning-on-a-sunday
✰ coralline au, yandere!jimin, dc
✰ synopsis: when you discover a tiny door in your home that leads to a much better version of your own life, it seems too good to be true. little do you know, the man posing as your boyfriend may be a lot more dangerous than you care to admit. and he is not intent on letting you leave.
Labour of Love (tw dc) » @yandere-society
✰ yandere!jimin, unhealthy relationships, dc
✰ synopsis: A love so sweet tastes just as sour. Jimin is unable to live without you.
Power Play (m) » @dovechim
✰ pornstar!jimin
✰ synopsis: You know him as the A lister of all porn stars; a man who sits pretty in his place at the top of the food chain. But you also know him as the Park Jimin who single handedly humiliated you and ruined your own career as a rookie just starting out, the epitome of the biggest dick in the entire industry… and you’re not talking about his assets. But when Park Jimin comes to you, saying he’s in a slump that only you can get him out of and begs you to sign an exclusive contract with him; things get messy… in more ways than one.  
➜ ┊: kim taehyung ᵎ ✰
Chism (m) » @kpopfanfictrash
✰ fantasy au, god!taehyung, rings
✰ synopsis: The entirety of your life, you have never fit in. A woman soldier. A passive power, wielded in the land of the bold. Despite this, you have followed your father’s advice and striven to blend into the crowd. You feel you have succeeded, until your Queen calls you before her with an arduous task. Guard the darkest cell in the lowest dungeon. Do not listen to what the prisoner has to say and above all else, keep your head. The old gods may be dead, but the humans are living.
Planning Ahead (m) » @dovechim
✰ established relationship
✰ synopsis: technology has reached its peak when taehyung gets notified of your ovulation dates through his phone. baby making sex is so much easier when all he has to do is convince you to let him put in just the tip, and rely on your hormones to do the rest. you call him a sly fox. taehyung thinks it’s just planning ahead. 
Falling, Falling, Gone » @johobi
✰ college au, soccer player!taehyung
✰ synopsis: Taehyung. Captain of the soccer team. Master of your heart. You'll never tell him for fear of rejection. So why the fuck are you about to do it in front of dozens of his peers?
You Should See Me in a Crown (m) » @sinning-on-a-sunday
✰ royal au, yandere!prince!taehyung, dc
✰ synopsis: you’ve been a servant to the Kim family for years, but when Taehyung becomes king, he starts to show an interest in you, and it doesn’t take long for him to claim you as his. 
╭♡ Isn’t That What Brothers Do? (m) » @aris-ink
✰ step brother au, just the tip, top 5 ffs of all time
✰ synopsis: Taehyung helps you clean up after a party just like brothers should do.
Instinct (m) (tw dc) » @deepdarkdelights
✰ hybrid au, yandere!taehyung, beautiful take on hybrids
✰ synopsis: He was huddled in the middle of the road, his arms wrapped around himself as he remained crouched on the wet pavement. But you knew he was looking at you. His golden eyes were glowing back at you, like a predator glaring at you from the depths of the jungle. There was something inside you that knew that he was dangerous, an echo of intuition from thousands of years before you. But you were a modern human, you were good at ignoring your instincts.
➜ ┊: jeon jungkook ᵎ ✰
Liars and Fire (m) » @kpopfanfictrash
✰ ex husband!jungkook
✰ synopsis: It’s been nearly a year since your divorce was finalized. Why, then, do you still find yourself falling into bed with your ex?
Over the Edge (m) » @kpopfanfictrash
✰ hockey player!jungkook
✰ synopsis: so, you’re dating. everything is dandy, the sex is knocking your socks off, but what happens when you get in the First Real Fight? 
Quarter Quell » @laughing-with-god
✰ hunger games au, yandere!jungkook
✰ synopsis: Every 25 years there is a Quarter Quell edition of the Hunger Games. Quells mark the anniversaries of the districts' defeat by the Capitol, and include special celebrations. The Games involves some sort of twist that makes them even more disastrous or difficult to compete in, or watch.
╭♡ Close (m) (tw dc) » @aft3rhrs
✰ step-brother au, yandere!jungkook, so. so good.
✰ synopsis: You and your step-brother have always been so close.
╭♡ The Crimson Shell (m) (tw dc) » @angelicyoongie
✰ merman au, yandere!jungkook, oviposition
✰ synopsis: you had always found comfort in being at the beach, often spending hours just watching the waves lap against the shore. but unbeknowst to you – something had been watching you back.
➜ ┊: poly ᵎ ✰
Fortuna (m) » @readyplayerhobi
✰ pairing: Yoongi x Reader, Hoseok x Reader, Jimin x Reader
✰ future au, breeding kink
✰ synopsis: 300 years ago, half the world’s population died when the experimental Fortuna virus escaped. The remaining male population has been rendered infertile with one loophole that has meant polyamorous relationships have become the norm.
╭♡ Between Two Sinners (m) (tw dc) » loquaciouslo
✰ pairing: Yoongi x Reader, Jimin x Reader, eventual Taehyung x Reader
✰ church au, priests son!yoongi, very dark content
✰ synopsis: In which you find yourself praying against your growing desires for the pastor's son - and his best friend - only to find it in the most faithless of places. When devils are sweet and their faces come in sets of two, what are you supposed to do? Will you resist? Or succumb to temptation?
Entangled (m) » @caelesjjk
✰ pairing: Taehyung x Reader, Jungkook x Reader
✰ superhero!au, spiderman!jungkook, venom!taehyung
✰ synopsis: is it possible for your heart to belong to two different people with two different secrets that you need to keep?
Sleeping (m) (tw dc) » @aris-ink
✰ pairing: maknae line x reader
✰ somnophilia, sharing is caring <3
✰ synopsis: the maknae line has been using you while you sleep.
╭♡ Animal Farm (m) (tw dc) » @joonberriess
✰ pairing: taehyung x reader, jungkook x reader
✰ post apocalyptic au, dark au, my comfort fic fr <\3
✰ synopsis: the world as you once knew it is in shambles, society is gone and those who remain fight for survival in the remaining days. you end up caught in the fire, targeted by two depraved hunters who believe you’d make a good pet. “is it a farm or is it society?”
➜ ┊: Other ᵎ ✰
Jeju Shore (m) » @here2bbtstrash @gimmethatagustd @sailoryooons
✰ one-shot pairings: Jimin x Reader, Taehyung x Reader, Jungkook x Reader
✰ jersey shore au, 2009 au, smut, a real good time
✰ synopsis: This season on Jeju Shore, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook fist-pump their way through Labor Day Weekend. 2009 is their fucking year and they are ready to tear up the clubs. Hide your vodka redbulls, your baby oil, and your pink Sony digital camera - the maknaes are in town.
Bouquet (m) (tw dc) » @deepdarkdelights
✰ ot7 (not poly) one shot series
✰ yandere au, such a fun world to dive into, hoseoks part is beautiful
✰ synopsis: Seven men are dying to give you love, will you accept their affections? Be warned, it’s quite easy for these affections to develop into a deep, dark, twisted affair.
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© all rights reserved to the original creators of these works ; do not plagiarise, copy, or steal
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chaotic-toasters · 4 months
[Not] a Prank
Party Animal fic
"Kiddo!" your mam called from the living room. "C'mere."
"Yeah?" you ran into the room, almost slipping as your sock-clad feet met hardwood.
"So that... thing you asked me to do," your mam grimaced, clearly regretting caving in to your dumb idea. "It's done. It's of-official."
You giggled. "Thanks, mam."
She sighed, putting her head in her hands. "Just... go put your shoes on and get in the car."
You skipped away, a stupid smirk on your face. Your dear Aunt Kimmy was going to be so happy.
You were on a mission, trying to run to the changing room as fast as you could.
The new signing, Tobin, waved to you as you ran past. "Hey, ki—"
"Don't!" Caitlin panicked, pulling her aside. "You see that cheeky grin?? When that's on her face, you stay away. Far away."
The American looked bewildered. "Well- what if she doesn't have that on her face?"
"She's usually safe to interact with otherwise."
"Wh- and when she has that grin she's not?"
"Pfft, no. There's a reason we call her Dynamite."
"KIMMY!" your yell could be heard from down the hall.
Caitlin gave Tobin a look as they approached. "I told you so."
"Hiiii, Aunt Kimmy," you chirped, trying unsuccessfully to keep a straight face. "How are ye' today?"
The skipper groaned. "What d'ye' want this time?"
"Nothin'," you lied. "I can't talk to my Aunt without wantin' summin'?"
"Last time ye' said 'AuNtIe KiMmY' like that, ye' asked me for a motorbike."
"That was one time!" You waved your hand dismissively as Tobin and Caitlin slipped through the door. "I just wanted to talk to ye'."
Your mam plopped down in front of her cubby with a sigh. "Be ready, Kim. Be ready."
"Why?" your fearless captain suddenly looked very fearful. "What did you do?"
You coughed. "Nothin'!"
Kim exhaled slowly. "Yer' givin' me gray hairs, kid. It's a wonder yer' mam still has a full head of brown hair."
Your mam scoffed. "It's dyed."
"So kid, what's goin' on?" Katie questioned, your partner in crime passing you the ball.
"I- I changed—" you started giggling. "I—"
Katie snickered. "That good, huh? Might wanna tell the skipper though, she thinks you're planning to kill her or something."
You tried to catch your breath. "I'll te-I'll tell her lat-later. After trainin'."
"Just tell me now," Kim mumbled. "I'd rather die now than live in fear."
You grinned mischievously, tapping the ball to the side as Jonas called for a water break. "You're not gonna die, Aunt Kimmy. You should be excited."
She looked skeptical. "Just tell me what ye' did."
"I changed my middle name."
The midfielder groaned. "To what?"
"No ye' didn't!" she choked on her water, drawing the attention of your teammates. "Jen!"
"Yeah?" your mam asked. "What's up?"
"Did yer' daughter change her middle name?"
Your mam shrunk. "Y—yeah."
Your teammates burst out into laughter as you nodded enthusiastically. "Yup!"
"Oh my God," your Aunt's voice was shaky as she gripped Lisa's shoulder. "Wh—why? For wh-"
"It took a whole year of beggin'," you boasted, fist-bumping Jordan. "But I finally convinced Mam."
"But—but—" Kim stuttered. "The media is gonna—"
"They think it's funny," you beamed. "I posted about it already."
"Kim! Baby Beattie!" Jonas shouted. "You're needed for media. Sky Sports want to discuss something about a middle name."
Kim's mouth was agape. "I think I'm gonna be sick."
132 notes · View notes
dollyyun · 6 months
𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 | 06
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SYPNOSIS: wherein Hwang Stella's life is tangled in a predicament involving her clandestine identity as a racer, her seemingly daily life as the official heir to the Hwang Empire, and seven guys with whom she has a complex history with. PAIRING: non!idols enhypen members x fem!oc. GENRE: 18+ (mdni), reverse harem, chaebols, semi-college, racing, eventual adulthood, eventual enha being f1 drivers, multiple povs and written in fic. WARNINGS: slight violence, expletives, trauma(?) WORD COUNT: 5k+ TAGLIST: @aishigrey @kgneptun
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After I revealed the truth to some of the guys, they needed some time to grasp the revelation, and I decided to leave them to it, making my departure. Till now, I haven't received anything from Ni-Ki, Sunoo, or Heeseung. I wonder how they took the truth, as I couldn't decipher what they were thinking yesterday.
I mean, aside from my unfinished feud with Jay, will we finally reconcile and be the way we were before? Truth be told, I miss us. Things were simpler back then.
As for Stella, I guess she didn't have the heart to hear the full truth, given how she quickly took off running. I sigh. Until when will she keep running away? And why the hell do I care?
I brush away the thought, and at the same time, my phone goes off ringing. As I am lying on the couch, I lazily reach out for my phone on the coffee table before looking at the screen. My eyebrows furrow upon seeing an unknown caller.
I decide to answer it anyway. "If this is some scam call, you'd best to hang up before I track you down and make you sorry for even thinking to scam me."
There is a protracted pause before the caller speaks. "It's me, Stella."
I abruptly sit up, my eyes widening, before composing myself. "How did you get my number?"
"Sunoo gave it to me when I asked." Fucking Kim Sunoo.
I rub my temple. "What do you want, Hwang? Need me to tell you how I'm your heroine for saving you that night?"
I can already imagine the scowl on her face. "Now I'm regretting my decision to call you."
"Fine, fine." Curiosity gets the best of me. "What is the purpose of you calling your arch-nemesis?"
I can sense the hesitation. "I need your help."
I don't bother to hold back my chuckle. "My help? I'm honoured, but do pray tell why?"
"If I want to beat Rena, I need to be stronger than her." The fierce determination in her voice sparks something within me. "According to Sunoo, you're great at combat."
A soft smirk unfurls on my lips. "I'm flattered. But why me? I'm not the only one who is great at it. Jake and Jay are great at it too."
The three of us used to head to either mine or Jay's personal gym, and we used to work out and combat against each other.
"You already know why I can't ask them!" She says exasperatedly. "If you don't want to help me, just say so."
"Hold up, Princess. I never said I wouldn't help you."
"So you agree to help me then?"
"With pleasure." My smirk widens. "But you owe me."
She sighs. "What is it that you want?"
"When the time comes, I'll tell you." I glance down at my wrist watch. "It's settled, then. Meet me at my place at eight o'clock sharp. Bring along your swimsuit."
"What? But why─"
"I'm your coach now, aren't I?" I ask mockingly. "As my student, heed my instructions and don't ask any more questions."
It is peculiar yet interesting. Hwang Stella wants to be stronger than Hwang Rena. Even though I'm not one to snoop around, there's a part of me that is itching to find out what dysfunctional relationship Stella has with her family, which lies beneath the picture-perfect facade the Hwangs constantly display to the media.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
I don't want to display my avidity for Hwang, but the thought of me coaching her brings a smirk to my lips. I know for a fact that I can't wait to train her and berate her if she doesn't meet my standard.
Oh, Hwang Stella, you're in for a ride.
"I still don't understand why I need to wear a swimsuit." Stella's annoying voice as she complains brings my attention to her.
I try to view her respectfully, but holy shit, has she been hiding and gatekeeping her curves all this while? I can feel my jaw going unhinging. She is donning a navy blue long-sleeve zippered swimsuit that displays her slender legs and accentuated curves.
"Hey! Sunghoon!" She snaps her fingers in front of my face, bringing me back to reality. "You haven't answered my question."
"As I said," Oh shit, my voice cracks a little. I clear my throat, hoping she won't notice. "Do not ask questions. I'm your coach, so I know better."
"I'm not moving until you tell me why we're here to swim when you know I can't." She ardently says with her arms crossed.
Hwang Stella and her stubbornness will be the death of me.
Nevertheless, I yield and sigh. "The more reason why we should start off by getting rid of your fear of pools first."
"And whose fault was that?" She asks rhetorically, glaring at me with a familiar sentiment.
"Consider this as my repayment." I sigh once more. "But the point is, you have to learn how to swim. What if something similar to the other night happens to you again? What if Hwang Rena succeeds in drowning you the second time and I'm not there to save you?"
She begins to waver at the mention of Rena. But then determination is like fury in her eyes. "I'm not going to let Rena succeed again."
"That's the spirit." I walk towards the pool before descending the stairs, the cool water hitting my skin as I go further down. I turn around to face her. "Let's start off by taking small steps." I extend my hand to her. "Go on."
No matter how much she tries to conceal it, the fear flickers in her eyes, but she eventually descends the stairs, though painfully slowly.
My patience starts to run thin. "We don't have all night, Princess."
She wobbles lightly. "I'm trying!"
I let out a sigh of annoyance before taking steps forward, and before she knows it, I pull her with me as she yells out. "What the hell, Park?!"
"Hwang, we're only like this deep." I show her the current height of the pool, which is like around her waistline.
I can see that Stella is trying her best not to touch me, but her hand always finds itself latching around my bicep. I feel how visibly shaken she is.
Before I can ask, she interrupts me with a firm voice. "Okay, let's go." She slowly removes her grip on my bicep.
"Follow my lead." I don't turn my back on her as I walk backwards, examining her. It feels like I'm teaching a kid instead.
"S-Sunghoon!" She stammers, halting her steps. "It's getting deep!"
I cock my eyebrow at her as I stop. "Of course it is. How are you going to overcome your fear if you're just going to remain in that position?"
The panic in her eyes does something to my heart before I relent and step a little closer to her. "Hold my arm."
She complies, her grip on my bicep tightening with each step I take. Since her head reaches around my neck, the height of the current pool is deeper for her.
"Sunghoon!" The fear in her voice is more than apparent before I am taken aback when she latches her limbs around my figure.
Instead of getting annoyed, I find myself smirking down at her, stopping my movement. "Enjoying ourselves, are we, Princess?"
Stella looks up, the fear in her eyes doesn't fade while her grip on my body tightens. I ignore the fact that I feel her breasts press against my chest. "What do you mean─" It seems that realisation finally hits her as she looks between our bodies. She attempts to let go, but immediately latches her arm around mine, probably realising how deep we're already in.
"What?" I chuckle, slowly moving further. "I quite enjoy this."
"Well, I don't!" She hugs my arm tighter. "I swear I'll kill you in your sleep!"
"You can't kill your coach!" I don't know why the fuck I enjoy this when I should be disgusted by her touch. "Now, slowly let go of me."
I sigh. "Hwang, trust me. I'm here with you."
Stella forces out a chuckle. "Trust you? A bit ironic, isn't it?"
"If you didn't trust me, then you wouldn't have called me earlier and pleaded for my help."
Stella seems to be contemplating, as she remains silent. It isn't long before she lifts her head to look at me. I nod my head at her in encouragement before she slowly lets go of me. The height of the pool now hits above her chin. I can see that she's trying her best to fight off her fear.
"Sunghoon." Her lips quiver, and the tone of her voice is something I've never heard her call me before.
"I'm here. Relax." I assure her as my voice comes out soft. "Now, dip your head into the water and try to hold in your breath for as long as you can."
Shaky breaths leave her pink lips before she does what I instructed her to do. I wait for her, my eyes remain fixated on her figure. I begin to count, and once I stop at seven, she quickly rises up to the surface and gasps for air.
But a frown tugs at my lips when I see how panicked she genuinely looks. "Stella!" I try to hold her, but she seems to be fighting me off. It is as though she is reeling from some nightmare. I firmly hold her by the shoulders. "Stella! Hey!"
She stops, and she heaves heavily while her glistening eyes meet my concerned ones. "You're alright, Princess." I tell her firmly, yet I handle her with care as I slowly back her up against the wall.
"I'm sorry, Park." Disappointment is written across her features.
With ease, I lift her up and place her on the edge of the pool. "It's okay. You did great for a newbie."
"But that wasn't enough." She counters, frustration laces her tone. "How the hell do I get stronger if I can't face my fears?"
I stare at her in a new light, an unfamiliar sentiment squeezing my heart. My great nemesis, in front of me, displaying her vulnerability and even trusting me enough for her to want my help. Who would've thought?
"Baby steps, Princess." I tell her, bringing myself to sit next to her. "You can't expect to be good one night. Things take time, especially when you want a perfect result."
Stella takes a quick glance at me before looking back at the water as it ripples. "You're right. I hate that you're right."
Chuckles escape my lips before I can stop them. "I'm your coach, aren't I? A good coach would want the best for his student."
Stella goes silent for a moment before she looks at me again with a faint smile. "You've never called me 'Stella' before."
"And you've never called me 'Sunghoon' before." I counter. "Do you want to continue or end the session?"
Hesitation resides in her gaze before she gives me a firm nod. "Let's continue."
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I know better than anyone that bottling up pent-up emotions does no good to me. I tried smoking, but it didn't work. I know that I need to unwind at the gym. Alas, my personal gym is currently under maintenance. I'd usually head over to Sunghoon's gym, but given our fallout, I don't know if he'd welcome me there.
I need to punch something, anything. After what happened two nights ago when my parents suddenly invited me to dinner, I knew that they were up to something. Usually, I would keep up with their schemes, but this time, they've gone too far.
"We know that you've been sneaking around with that Hwang girl." My mother expressed her distaste while her sharp eyes looked at me disapprovingly.
I rolled my eyes as I put down my fork with a loud thud. "You're late to the party, mother. We've already parted ways."
My father cleared his throat, intervening in the cold-staring contest my mother and I were having. "That wasn't the point, Mila."
"That was the point, dear." My mother gritted her teeth. "Our son had been involving himself with the Hwang girl! What would've happened if the media decided to publish their scandalous relationship?!"
"For fuck's sake," I utter under my breath as I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Stella and I were not in a relationship. Even if we were, things between us have long since ended."
I swallow the painful lump in my throat while my heart clenches in dejection. It's been weeks, and I still can't bring myself to go about my day without thinking of her. We weren't anything beyond friends, but why the hell does her leaving hurt?
"If this dinner means the two of you berating me about my own dating life, then I'll gladly leave now."
"Sit down, son." My father ordered sternly, to which I had no choice but to comply. "My goal is not aligned with your mother's."
My mother gasped, clearly offended. "Dear!"
My father ignored her as he kept his piercing gaze on mine. "As you are clearly aware of how the Hwangs have many enemies who desire to bring downfall to their empire, including us, we, as in some of my fellow business associates and I, have made a collective decision that in order to do that, we must eliminate their heir."
My eyes went wide as a socket while a scoff of disbelief left my lips. "Are you suggesting that Hwang Stella be killed?"
"Son, listen─"
"You're fucking mental!" I abruptly stood as my chair screeched on the floor.
My father, however, remained collected. "We're not getting Hwang Stella killed. You see, she is known for her intelligence and her capabilities in the field. She is certainly a unique individual, so that's probably why the Hwangs chose Stella instead of their youngest, Rena, as the official heir."
My frown deepened. "I don't get where you're going with this."
My father leaned forward with two hands clasped. "What we want for her is to be distracted and astray from her duties."
I don't want to continue what my father ordered me or the fact that he threatened me, but he is downright mental. How could he? However, if I don't do what he orders, I'll face the consequences.
I ruffle my silvery blond locks. I'm already stressed out with my issue with Jake, and this adds weight to it. Jake Sim, that asshole. I don't know how long he thinks he can avoid me.
You know what? Fuck it. I press on Sunghoon's contact before putting it on speaker mode.
"Jay?" Sunghoon sounds genuinely surprised.
"Can I head over to your gym? Mine is currently under maintenance."
"Sure." Surprisingly, he agrees, but I can sense that he is hesitating. "But─"
"Thanks." I end the call before he can continue. I turn on the ignition of my Ducati Panigale V2 and pull down the visor of my black helmet before speeding off.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Arriving at Sunghoon's garage feels familiar. He used to have a massive corner where there was a couch that would fit five people, a mini television, and a mini fridge. But as my eyes trail over to that corner, my heart clenches as it is now an empty spot.
We used to hang out there after we ended our last lectures. I miss how things were much simpler back then.
Knowing my way around, I head inside, walking to the gym, which is facing the swimming pool. As I reach outside the ajar door, I hear music and some muffled voices, which brings a frown to my face.
Am I interrupting something? Is Sunghoon having a girl over?
I shake my head at the thought. He would never do it in the gym, and he certainly would've told me if he had a girl over. Lord knows that I needed headphones to block out the unnecessary noises. Even Stella and I weren't that loud. I've been traumatised once. Never again.
"I don't want to see you stopping, Hwang."
"Give me a break, Park! We've been at it for half an hour now!"
I freeze in my spot as soon as I open the door. Not only do I hear her voice, but with the mirror on the wall reflecting, I see her in the ring with Sunghoon, seeming to be boxing each other.
Pure confusion clouds in my head. Since when did Stella box? And since when did she and Sunghoon get along with each other?
I know I shouldn't pry and just mind my own business, but my curiosity gets the best of me as I head further inside the massive gym. I don't stop until I'm near the ring, garnering their attention with my presence.
"Jay." Sunghoon greets, donning a white tee that is transparent enough to make out the lines of his abdominal muscles, sweat trickling down his skin.
"Sunghoon." I return the courtesy before my eyes shift to Stella, and my heart instantly beats fast. She looks good in her gym fit, consisting of a tank top and black tights. Her lilac hair is pulled back into a ponytail. She looks as beautiful as the day I met her.
Instead of ignoring me, her eyes meet mine. She doesn't seem surprised or anything. In fact, she's hard to read now. But after maintaining eye contact, she looks away from me and returns her attention to Sunghoon. "Again." She says with fierce resolution.
"Feel free to do whatever you want." Sunghoon brushes me off before he starts to charge towards Stella.
It's great that Sunghoon hasn't shown any hostility towards me, but oddly, I can't stand the sight of them being together.
I heave a sigh before heading to the changing room.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
My muscles are screaming at me for a break, but I don't relent. Instead, I pour the remaining pent-up emotions into this impenetrable punching bag with such vigour. It's been awhile since I had properly worked out, given the amount of duties and responsibilities of an heir, which has kept me occupied.
Delivering one last hard bow, I decide to take a little break as I make my way to my water bottle. I wipe the sweat that is trickling down my chin with the back of my hand before I unscrew the bottle cap and down the content.
"Jay." Sunghoon calls for me from behind, prompting me to turn around.
I raise my eyebrow as I see Stella with him as well. "Is it time for me to get kicked out?"
"What? No." Sunghoon eyes me incredulously. "I was wondering if you could be Stella's opponent. As her coach, I need to evaluate her skills."
More and more surprises. "Coach? Since when are you her coach?"
"Been for awhile." A smirk tugs at his lips. "It's fun. I get to annoy her relentlessly with my observation notes and criticisms."
"Haha." Stella rolls her eyes, though she seems to be avoiding my eyes.
"But why?" The question leaves my mouth before I can even stop it.
"Because Hwang here wanted to become stronger." Sunghoon tells me.
Stella lets out a loud sigh before throwing her hands up. "Are we going to spar or not?"
"Patience, Princess." My eyes unknowingly twitch upon hearing his nickname for her. "You don't want to be too confident. Jay is great at combat."
"I'm kind of rusty at it." I place down my water bottle. "Let's go, then."
Even though the distance between Stella and me is discernible, I can't help but look forward to sparring with her. I'd love to see what she has planned in her sleeves.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Despite the fact that my combat skills are a little rusty, I am tactic enough to block her blows and deliver hits to her, though I am careful enough not to bruise her delicate skin. We circle around each other, my eyes trained on her every movement keenly.
We haven't spoken since we started to spar ten minutes ago, but it seems as though we speak with our eyes instead. Stella looks at me as though I'm just a stranger to her. She doesn't hold back with her attacks and schemes, either.
In fact, she manages to get a good piece of me, landing a hit to my rib. Though my pride is wounded, I can't help but feel proud of her. The Stella I used to know wouldn't dare to hurt a fly.
"You're holding back." Stella takes me by surprise when she decides to break the ice between us.
"I'm not." I deny, appearing nonchalant, but she shoots me a scowl that looks rather adorable.
"He's holding back, isn't he?" She asks Sunghoon without tearing her gaze off my face.
Sunghoon leans against one of the corner poles with his arms crossed and his eyes assessing us. A grin appears on his lips. "Yeah, he is."
"Don't go easy on me, Jay." In a blink of an eye, she delivers a punch, going straight for my face, but I swiftly block her attack, and before she knows it, I lock her arms in my grasps, with her back hitting my chest.
My lips unfurl a smirk as I lean down to whisper in her ear while she struggles valiantly in my grasps. "Are you sure about that, babe?"
"Yes, I am." She grits her teeth and attempts to nudge my stomach with her pointed elbow, but I manage to withstand the pain. "And I'm not your babe."
I release her, and she is quick to turn around before relentlessly attacking me. As I dodge and counter her attacks, I find myself admiring her in this new light. How truly confident and impressive she really is.
"Come on, babe," I can't help but taunt her, finding her being frustrated cute. "Is that all you got?"
Stella charges towards me with the intention of winning, but unfortunately, I've seen this move before. With less effort, after dodging her attack, I quickly grab her with my leg interlocked around hers before I have her pinned to the ground with a thud.
"Give up?" I ask, still smirking as the distance between our faces decreases.
"Never." She grunts, struggling with my strong hold on her body.
"You're playing hard to get." I sigh, enjoying the close proximity between us a little too much.
"Fine! Fine! I yield!" She throws her head to the back and closes her eyes, while her chest heaves up and down from the intensity of our spar.
With reluctance, I release her once more before I offer her a hand, which she accepts as I help her to rise.
"Tsk, I expected more, Hwang." Sunghoon approaches us with a small white towel before he throws it at Stella's face.
Stella shoots him a scowl and uses the towel to wipe the sweat from her face. "But I wasn't bad for a newbie."
"Complimenting yourself, I see."
"She's right." I tell Sunghoon before looking at Stella with a smile. "You did pretty great."
Stella doesn't seem to be expecting my compliment. As if she has transformed into a different person, she looks away from me with a tint of blush on her cheeks. "Thanks."
"Hey, man, thanks for letting me borrow your gym." I pat Sunghoon's shoulder. "I'll get going now."
"Wait." Sunghoon makes me halt my steps. "Do you want to join us for dinner? I ordered for us Chinese takeouts."
"We're having dinner here?" Stella asks Sunghoon with wide eyes.
"Of course. I want my student to have well-balanced nutrition." He gives her a boyish grin before looking back at me. "What do you say?"
"Sure." I find myself agreeing eagerly. Not only do I get to spend time with Stella, though she might ignore me, but also with Sunghoon. I do hope that Sunghoon and I will finally have a talk.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Sunghoon and I exchanged very few words after we stepped out of the gym. All the while I keep to myself and slurp these scrumptious black bean noodles, Sunghoon and Stella often engage in banter. It's a weird sight, because almost everyone knows the two hate each other's guts and can't stand each other.
But I do feel a little jealous of Sunghoon. He doesn't have to be on guard or even worried about being around Stella, whereas I, on the other hand, hesitate to start a conversation with her.
Do I even have the right to speak to her? Will she hate me if I speak to her?
I stand by the balcony on the second floor, taking a smoke break. I inhale the familiar toxic substance, my tongue playing around with the smoke before I blow it out.
"Mind sharing the stick?" Sunghoon appears out of nowhere, startling me. He settles himself next to me.
I raise my eyebrow at him before bringing the stick to my lips. "Get your own."
"I did order for you food as well, so technically you owe me."
Fucking bastard. "Here." I give the stick to him.
I look straight ahead, with nostalgia hitting me. This feels like old times. As much as I hate what happened between us and the cause of it, I miss Sunghoon.
"So, you and Jake?" Sunghoon breaks the ice between us.
"It's been weeks since we last talked or even hung out." I say quietly. "I get that it's my fault for going after his girl, but he's dating his ex's sister, so it's hypocritical of him."
"Were you, though?" Sunghoon gives me a knowing look. "Friends with benefits aside, were you really after his girl?"
Was I? I mean, I always found Stella attractive, but it's her mind and her personality that truly charm me. I didn't want to break the bro code, but I couldn't help with my attraction towards her. I guess I really do like her.
"You don't have to answer me. The look on your face tells me enough." Sunghoon chuckles breathily before stretching out his hand. "First, Jake. Now you? At this point, I could become a fucking therapist."
"What do you mean by 'first, Jake'?"
Sunghoon quickly runs me down about what happened, not missing out on any details. I did envy him a little when he told me that he and Jake had started talking.
"And you know what's funny? It's the fact that everything revolves around Stella now." Sunghoon sighs. "Even the other guys seem to take a liking to her."
"Oh, really?" I ask, clenching a fist. I know I have no right, but I feel fucking territorial right now. The thought of others liking Stella, or worse, getting together with her, feels like a blow to the stomach.
"Yeah." Sunghoon scoffs. "What's so special about Hwang anyway?"
"Stick around her a little longer, and you'll find out." I offer him a smirk. "Careful now, Park. Your feelings towards her might change in weeks or months."
Uncertainty resides in his gaze before he masks it with his usual cockiness. "Trust me, Hwang is not my type."
"I said that too." I shrug my shoulders. "Look where it got me."
Sunghoon shoves me playfully, like he used to. We look at each other before breaking into fits of chuckles.
"I've missed you, man." Sunghoon confesses with a smile after we calm down. "I don't know why the fuck we fought months ago. It's all because of our fathers."
"Agreed." I nod my head. "If they hadn't dragged us into their feuds, we wouldn't have split up."
Sunghoon extends his hand towards me. "Friends again?"
I reciprocate the handshake firmly, warmth fills my tummy. "Friends."
Sunghoon grins at me. "Come here, you." He pulls me into a hug—a hug that I never knew I needed from my best friend.
We hear Stella clearing her throat before we turn to see her approaching us slowly. "I couldn't help but eavesdrop earlier. So, you two are friends now?"
"Sure, it looks like it." I answer her with a grin.
Her eyes flicker at my lips before looking back into my eyes. "I'm happy for both of you."
"As my student should." Sunghoon slings an arm around my shoulder. "It also looks like you have another coach to train you in combat."
"Great. More headaches." Stella rolls her eyes, but a smile tugs at her lips.
"Actually, can I speak to you in private?" I ask, taking a step towards Stella.
Before Stella can reply, Sunghoon interjects. "I'll give you two some privacy instead, but no funny business." He warns us before making his way towards the stairs.
Whereas Stella appears awkward, I don't. I step towards her a little closer, and she remains in her spot.
"I know that we have already cut ties, but I couldn't stop thinking about you." I start off. "I meant it when I said I didn't care that we're no longer friends with benefits, but I still wanted to be your friend. I wanted to be able to talk to you without any complications."
Stella sighs and looks down. "Are you really sure you want to be my friend?"
"Positive." I answer firmly. "I hated how we ended things."
"I'm sorry." She looks up and smiles sadly. "If you knew me, you should've known that I always ran away from my problems or had to face something."
"If you're with me, you won't ever have to run away from anything." I hesitate as my hand stops mid-air, but seeing that Stella doesn't flinch, I brush a fallen lock out of her frame. "I know you're already capable of defending yourself now, but allow me to protect you."
Her eyes flicker down at my lips momentarily. "Jay...."
She sighs softly before wearing a small smile. "Okay. So, friends?"
The word itself feels like a cut to the skin, but I force myself to reciprocate the smile. "Friends."
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i2ycat · 5 months
all works are purely fictional and do not reflect the idols in any way, shape or form. please don’t spam like, plagiarise or translate any of my works onto any other platforms.
i do not write nsfw. while all my works are sfw, some may have suggestive content.
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،،̲ ﹕ yang jungwon ﹗
our first kiss
synopsis the awkward first kiss with ur first love, yang jungwon genre established relationship, fluff
synopsis jungwon as your boyfriend who is overly clingy and just can’t ever get enough of you genre established relationship, tooth-rotting fluff, bulletpoint fic
،،̲ ﹕ lee heeseung ﹗
synopsis college boy heeseung that dedicates his songs to u, plays the guitar for u and never fails to sing u to sleep whenever u want genre college au, established relationship in the second half, fluff, bulletpoint fic
clumsily yours
synopsis when your clumsy ass never fails to embarrass yourself in front of your crush, lee heeseung. but the catch is that lee heeseung is embarrassing himself to get your attention as well. a match made in heaven, if you will. genre college au, fluff, slight angst, friends to lovers
two wrongs don’t make one right
synopsis mistakes always happen, whether you mean to make them or not. but it’s not a question of ‘do you like heeseung?’ anymore, it’s more so: ‘why do you like heeseung?’. or in which, two wrongs just don’t make one right genre college!au, slight fluff, angst, established relationship
،،̲ ﹕ park jongseong ﹗
mr obvious
synopsis jay as ur friend who secretly likes you genre friends to lovers(?), fluff, bulletpoint fic
trouble is a band
synopsis being in a band was all you ever wanted, so when you were able to fly across the globe to join your brother’s high school band, you jumped at the opportunity to show everyone everything that you’ve got. singing in a band? check. performing in front of a crowd? check. falling in love with your brother’s best friend, who’s in a complicated relationship with your fellow bandmate? check? genre high school!au, kind of band!au, fluff, angst, friends to lovers, brothers best friend trope, slow burn-ish?
،،̲ ﹕ sim jaeyun ﹗
way too late
synopsis in which you come to the realisation that you’ve been loving jake all this time way too late genre angst, fluff, friends to ??, hurt w comfort
love is hard to find when you’re looking for it
coming soon!
،،̲ ﹕ park sunghoon ﹗
got me looking for attention
synopsis actor sunghoon who is completely and utterly infatuated with you — his celebrity crush genre actor!au, established relationship, fluff, bulletpoint fic
،،̲ ﹕ kim sunoo ﹗
the ‘us’ theory
synopsis after years of no contact, a sudden rekindling in your relationship with sunoo makes sparks soar higher than they’ve ever gone. it’s hard not to see just how much you missed being around your old best friend again genre slight angst, fluff, childhood best friends to lovers, college au
،،̲ ﹕ nishimura ni-ki ﹗
yet to come
،،̲ ﹕ enhypen ﹗
yet to come
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© i2ycat 2024
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sophlovesjeong · 1 year
enhyphen fic recs
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JUST IN CASE I AM AN ADULT BUT most of these will be sfw however mdni with the nsfw posts! and nsfw,yandere,etc will be marked with (*) and smuts will be under the smut section except for jaycuz i accidentally didnt separate them and no smut or suggestive stuff for Ni-ki
guys incase i miss something feel free to correct me
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survivalistghost · 2 years
top 10 kdrama bromances to feed your empty heart
if you scroll through my page, you can already guess number 1.
#10 - our beloved summer : choi ung and kim ji ung
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beautiful beautiful men choi woo shik and kim sung cheol played ung bros for life in this beautiful beautiful drama. one of the best handled love triangles ive seen. they were there for each other through thick and thin, and helped each other through sm. best. on the tenth spot because they could've expanded on it more :(
#9 - what's wrong with secretary kim? : lee young joon and park yoo sik
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i could never make it through the series. i left it behind on ep9/10 i think, and primarily because i physically cannot digest how emotionless park min young is. BUT, kudos to the hilarious office best bromance by the great park seo joon and kang ki young. ps - why is kang ki young the pankaj tripathi of korean dramas?
#8 - strong girl do bong soon : ahn min hyuk and in gook du
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can we ever forget the legendary wink? or the dream where min hyuk is dressed as a woman? i think not. this was more of a frenemy type bromance, united by their love for bong soon and ironically divided by it, too. i refuse to acknowledge this as a love triangle tho. bong soon was astronomical in not hurting gook du and i will not take any criticism. is it a bromance if one of them is pretending to be gay? (and no, we will not discuss any sort of iTs pRoBLeMaTiC debates here.)
#7 - tale of the nine tailed : lee yeon and koo shin ju
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don't come at me with the lee rang comments. rang was his half brother, related by blood. their relationship was top tier, but the stay at home husband yeon and working husband shin ju was too cute to not be classified as a bromance. in the beginning, i saw their relationship as shin ju serving yeon, a dynamic that they both seemed to embody. but as the show progresses, yeon baby we know you love shin ju just as much :*
#6 - alchemy of souls : jang uk and seo yul
song joon ki seems to have an attachment to bromances. han seo had the best character arc of the ENTIRE kdrama universe fight me. that court scene where vincenzo pats han seo's cheek was max bro cuteness. still not over his death. he deserved better.
#5 - vincenzo : vincenzo cassano and jang han seo
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even though i didn't very much like the show's first couple, bromance delivered well. hospital scene peaked, complete true beauty sameness. it was pretty hard to understand who was the superior officer in this tbh initially, since their comraderie was so cool, shi jin was kid to soldier in a split second. loved how they chose not to unnecessarily exaggerate the love triangle initially bec i was only rooting for the second couple.
#4 - descendants of the sun : yoo shi jin and seo dae young
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business proposal was the first kdrama i saw. i finished it in a three day trip, and i remember thinking more about the bromance than the romance. i was NOT used to the clumsiness of kdramas in general, like wattpad fics incarnated. the bromance delivered well, made me root for the second couple, and was the only initial indicator of kang tae moo being human instead of archaeopteryx. that word was a nightmare to spell.
#3 - business proposal : kang tae moo and cha sung hoon
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the most wolfstar bromance if I ever saw one. and NO, i do not ship wolfstar just like i do not ship these two. they are totally adorable, and specially since their personalities seemed to switch from when they were children. yeong turned all serious face and lee gon got fun. love their years of friendship sm, their wordless communication and yeong in general. the acting was amazing.
#2 - the king - eternal monarch : lee gon and jo yeong
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#1 - guardian - the lonely and great god : kim shin aka goblin and wang yeo aka grim reaper
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yes, i know I'm missing a lot of iconic ones. unfortunately, i haven't seen alot of kdramas and have left alot in bw (like true beauty bec i couldn't see second lead hurt).
spring onion slays ^
told ya, if u follow me u already knew what the first one was gonna be. being the simp i am for the goblin and grim reaper, these two achieved the max points for their bromance. that slow dynamic of goblin calling reaper's hat tacky to fighting with knives to that iconic 'saranghae' to 'HOW DARE YOU' to goblin boiling eggs with his powers while reaper chills the beer. they know each other so well. love love love them and you should too 🔪
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in my heart, the trio of our boys beats nothing (except for the gookdu-minhyuk relationship of the crown prince and uk). but instead of choosing the frenemy thing, i decided to love yul and uk more. yul was such a quiet character, with incredible potential in him for me to hate him, but then...(the guy is literally too sweet and beautiful and nice i can ramble for days). and uk, man, our power baby who loves every version of our beautiful but slow girl, needed so much emotional support. uk and yul were not afraid to show their affection for each other, a trait i admired in all the three boys (jang uk, seo yul and park dang gu).
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raplinesmoon · 2 years
bollywoodtan sonyeondan: bts in 2010s rom-coms
Listen, I’ve had a filmy weekend, okay? First my friends got engaged and threw a party, then my other friend and I had a sleepover and binged The Romantics, and on top of that, I think I’ve watched five other different Bollywood movies this weekend and I need to channel this energy somehow so please enjoy my explanations for casting BTS in these 2010s Bollywood rom-coms which I hope one day me (or anyone else) can turn into fics thank you very much
Ok, let’s begin:
Kim Namjoon - Baar Baar Dekho
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Listen, I know this movie was critically panned? Do I fucking care? No. I love this movie, I would go to war for this movie because Sidharth and Katrina induce massive amounts of bi panic within me. I love Jai and Diya, I love their love, I love the time travel, I love Kala Chashma. So that’s why I’m choosing none other than Bangtan’s resident intellectual Mr. Namjoon to fill those shoes, okay? Namjoon’s expressed his own profound thoughts about marriage, just like Mr. Jai, and him as a genius mathematician who gets caught in a time loop. Drooling
Kim Seokjin - Hasee Toh Phasee
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Again, I would d word for this movie bc it’s just so??!!! My crush on Sidharth Malhotra non-withstanding, this movie is chaotic and beautiful in the best way. It doesn’t try to be flashy or suave, and instead embraces its inner dork. Who does that remind you of, huh? Mr. Kim Seokjin, that’s fuckin who. Nikhil and Meeta just give major OTP vibes, him being a through and through himbo and her being a neurodivergent genius who he can’t help simping over!! Give me Seokjin and OC causing major chaos I beg! And put Zehnaseeb on in the background while you’re at it!
Min Yoongi - Khoobsurat
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Am I biased bc I’m Pakistani? Am I biased bc it’s Fawad? Maybe, maybe not! But to quote Lizzie McGuire, this is what dreams are made of!! An off-beat physiotherapist meets a tsundere prince?? And he gradually warms up to her while they get into their own royal shenanigans? You can’t tell me this role wasn’t written for Yoongi, and long haired Yoongi specifically. The grumpy x sunshine trope is super strong with this one, and I love the brightness that Milli brings to the entire family, not just the prince. The Disney movie of everyone’s dreams <3
Jung Hoseok - Mere Brother Ki Dulhan
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Listen, this movie doesn’t get enough credit for just being fun the entire way through!! The comedy is top-tier and the characters are just so likeable and wholesome!! And just this big, amazing hare-brained matchmaking effort that is so Bollywood!! And Imran Khan’s Kush being in love with Katrina’s Dimple, who is definitely bisexual (Dhunki, anyone?!). It’s giving King Hobi vibes, not only because he would go out of his way to do anything for someone he loved, but also because Choomantar is definitely siblings with Daydream and I need to see him bust it down to Do Dhaari Talwar thank you for coming to my TED Talk
Park Jimin - Aisha
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Let’s all agree that Gal Mitthi Mitthi Bol is a banger, and then let’s all swoon over Jimin in this adaptation which is based on Emma!! I literally can’t decide if I want Jimin in Aisha or Arjun’s role, but it’d be so fun either way!! I kinda like the idea of him trying to set up all his guy friends and them just being such a fun group who all have their own individual love stories sighhhh. And OC being Arjun who’s all no nonsense and the grounding presence in Jimin/Aisha’s life!! Also the style in this movie was inspired by Clueless, and our mans models for Dior so that’s enough for me to want to make it happen
Kim Taehyung - I Hate Luv Storys
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Fun fact - I once watched this movie instead of studying for an exam that was happening at the end of the weekend and had so much fun I passed out on my friend’s couch until 3pm the next day!! This is another one of those nostalgic movies that pays homage to all the fun romantic Bollywood tropes!! And all the DDLJ references made me totally think Taehyung! Except he’s not Jay, he’s Simran, and OC will be Jay, and Taehyung has to convince her to believe in romance!! I think that’s a fitting task for the man I consider to be the most romantic member of Bangtan (he’s SRK’s Korean incarnation imo)
Jeon Jungkook - Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania
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If there’s one himbo I stan, it’s Humpty Sharma. If there’s another himbo I stan, it’s Jungkook. I literally have a severe emotional attachment to this movie and could probably quote most of the lines to you. What I love about this is how Humpty literally shatters all the stereotypes about toxic masculinity - he cries, he’s vulnerable, he believes in love. It just screams bby boi Jungkook vibes. Also pls him doing the most to get Kavya her wedding lehenga - that’s some of the cutest shit Bollywood has pulled in a while and I’m 10000% here for it (pls bring in Jimin and Tae as Shonty and Poplu too)
Anyways, thanks for listening to me ramble!! If anyone is interested, I’d love to do more of these, like maybe 2000s rom-coms or action movies!! I’m here for any discourse you guys have too, let’s be film nerds together 💜
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andthroughthewire · 2 years
Can we talk about the insanity of Kim thinking if she knew everything, with the fucking cartel involved, she could control everything? People don’t talk about that side of her enough (and feeling mean but there’s way too many mcwexler fics where it’s just not a factor), that everything has to be planned out and meticulous and even an elaborate scam has post it notes.
Quite a few characters on this show have issues that can be traced back to control or are control-adjacent (Chuck first of all, Gus, if scamming is a form of addiction that definitely comes into play as well) and like you said, with Kim it 'physically manifests' with all the post-it notes she keeps (I recently hit 301 on my rewatch and in the scene where she wants to distract Jimmy when he says 'Chuck didn't hate me for 10 minutes today' or something like that, you can see post-its all over the cabinets behind her).
This comes into play in Jimmy and Kim's relationship, too. The show never explains what exactly went on in the ten years between his arrival in the mailroom and the start of the story, but from what we're shown we can assume they were on and off and she called the shots every single time (I don't mean it as a positive or a negative, that's just the way it is). Jimmy is the kind of guy to jump into things (he's twice divorced at 32, that has to count for something) and was probably head over heels from day one ('gal, singular'), while with Kim we see the drive and focus she has in her career and how she wants to make something of herself, a serious relationship wasn't something she probably even considered before Jimmy came along.
So anyway, from 'you don't save me, I save me' to 'it happens today', there's a lot of internal struggle within herself to keep things the way she wants them how she wants them. Her professional mid-life crisis as a result of the car crash is part of it, too, as she realizes she had been working herself to death for a bank and her moral compass doesn't know what to do with it. Or, later, what happens with Acker. I have to include Howard, too— while the scam itself was born out of desperation to not have Jimmy break up with her in that hotel room, there's no love lost between Howard and Kim, as she associates him with Kevin and all the 'first bank account at 7 years old' types and feeds into the 'us vs them' thing she has with Jimmy and why she almost breaks up with him before she proposes. They're outsiders in a world of insiders. There's an issue of class, too.
Needless to say it all blows back in her face spectacularly as the Howard scam is technically successful but her lie by omission to keep the scam and the relationship going (this is probably a good moment to mention I don't agree with Kim here, but that month and a half between their marriage and Howard's death was a lot to deal with for both of them) indirectly results in his death and it's not like Jimmy and Kim weren't this close to dying that night, either.
Speaking of her need to keep the scam going at all costs, Kim's apartment during S6a tells everything we need to know, as it's shown in varying degrees of darkness and in a growing state of disarray as the episodes go on. Kim's hair, also. They're on a bender. Their days of wine and roses, if you will.
I wonder how things would've gone differently if she had been able to confess everything right away. What ends up happening, instead, is Kim leaving her whole life behind as punishment and becoming this shell of a person that has banished all choices from her life and can't even pick between Miracle Whip and mayonnaise. Considering what I said earlier, her relationship (if we wanna call it that) with Glenn has to be the result of one of her colleagues setting her up and Kim just going along with it because that's the way her life is now.
Her confession isn't an absolution, but it's a way forward. She's able to make choices again and she can trust herself again to help others as she volunteers at the legal aid. Kim visiting Jimmy at the end is a very conscious decision, too. Florida Kim would've never done that.
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iheartcake123 · 1 year
kim do-ki request for @woodsbrosdoki
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non-yakuzapunk · 1 year
-Heavenly, As I See It.- Archive Warning: Underage Category: F/M Fandom: ENHYPEN (Band) Relationships: Kim Sunoo/Reader, ENHYPEN Ensemble/Everyone Characters: Kim Sunoo, Lee Heeseung, Park Jongseong | Jay, Sim Jaeyun | Jake, Park Sunghoon, Yang Jungwon, Nishimura Riki | Ni-ki, Reader, You Additional Tags: Bullying, Mild Language, Mild Sexual Content, Angst and Romance, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, The tags might change
Fic Teaser - CHAPTER I: The Burning Sun
“I’m Kim Sunoo, your name is Y/N right? Or am I wrong?” his brow lifting in inquisition.
I trembled in my stance, my eyes diluting and sweat leaking down my temples. I shook his hands in a panic to cover my lameness. Compared to my puny hands, his hand engulfed mine, it felt like velvet against my caloused hands. When he shook our hands in formality, it’s as if I was in contagion with livewire, as the rush run over my veins from head to toe. He was easy on the eyes but hard to stare at, like the sun.
And I wasn’t fond of the sun. ______________________ (aaaaAAAAAA Finally an ENHA fic. Click the link below and read it if you're an engene or just interested OR ELSE I WILL CRY. >O&lt;)
______________________ Fic Teaser - CHAPTER II: The Twinkling Stars
“What are you doing there?”
A voice disturbed my melancholic trance.
I looked up to the direction of the voice and was met with a towering figure, face smiling softly and dimmed by the light posts in the background, yet the eyes managed to twinkle with the stray rays of light that it captured. I dropped the small carton on the floor making it spill on the dry ground.
Kim fucking Sunoo.
______________________ Here's the 2nd chapter
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In 𝐖𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬, Mr and Mrs Lee were the real MVPs! They managed to not get fired from their jobs, roasted their son at every opportunity, went on a vacation, gave Ni Ki their coupons and got Baby Kim as a daughter-in law. Actually makes one feel somewhat sad for Mama Kim #FuckMamaKim!!!
Sorry I didn't reply to this before 😂😅. Honestly I loved Mr & Mrs Lee, they were perfect parents in that they raised Heeseung to be the amazing guy he was in Wrecking Her Plans. Did not let themselves get bullied by Mama Kim. Managed to foil Mama Kim's plan and roasted their son for all that he was worth 😂. Probably loved Niki more than they loved Heeseung. And the bonus was they got Baby Kim as their daughter.
Mrs Lee the type to make sure Baby Kim calls her Eomma rather than anything mother in law. Cause Mrs Lee know this girls been deprived of motherly love and Mrs Lee will do everything to make sure she gets all the motherly love Baby Kim's missed out on.
Mr Lee always wanted a daughter and he couldn't be prouder of having Baby Kim marrying his son.
You best believe that both of Heeseungs parents would take Baby Kim's side in any sort of arguement. Neither would care if Baby Kim was in the wrong, she is their daughter and how dare Heeseung do her wrong 😂😂.
#FuckMamaKim is correct, it's actually funny I planned for the fic to be longer and Mama Kim to pull even more outrageous Kdrama and Indian Soap Opera/Bollywood type stunts but I decided that I had been torturing Heeyn more than enough so they should just get their happy ending already.
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riambers · 3 years
⇢ ˗ˏˋ enha fic recs! ࿐ྂ
key: ⦿ oneshot | ✍︎ au series | ☏ smau | ☐ ongoing | ☒ completed
last updated: 05/24/23
yang jungwon
confession cafe [☏, ☐] by @nikihoon
to be or not! [☏, ☒] by @kyyuri
diamond league [☏, ☒] by @jayflrt
all clear! [☏, ☒] by @amakumos
the language of flowers [☏, ☒] by @soobnny
lee heeseung
we're dating! (not really) [⦿] by @jayflrt
triage [⦿] by @maiverie
misconduct [☏, ☐] by @maiverie
reality check! [☏, ☐] by @yunverse
buy one, take me [☏, ☒] by @heeracha
you, me and the moon [☏, ☒] by @heeracha
a christmas carol [☏, ☒] by @bluhr
children of divorce [☏, ☒] by @sankyeom
revelations [☏, ☒] by @seungstarss
sugar daddy [☏, ☒] by @jayflrt
park jongseong (jay)
miss movin' on! [☏, ☐] by @enluv
adore you! [☏, ☒] by @enzenwriting
deuce! [☏, ☒] by @ddeonuism
favors [☏, ☒] by @theebaragi
sim jaeyun (jake)
miss movin' on! [☏, ☐] by @enluv
park sunghoon
blinded by love [☏, ☐] by @iichaeyj
wannabe [☏, ☐] by @wonyoungfans45
cheating on you. [☏, ☐] by @nekkodiaries
romance 101 [☏, ☒] by @theebaragi
sorry, I’m an anti-romantic [☏, ☒] by @sankyeom
my (accidental) demon roommate [☏, ☒] by @ddeonuism
jealousy, jealousy [☏, ☒] by @nikihoon
wrong file [☏, ☒] by @heekissung
kim sunoo
the damsel in distress initiative [⦿] by @ddeonuism
i-stanyou! [☏, ☐] by @vmpnoo
old friend [☏, ☒] by @snvngkwan
xoxo [☏, ☒] by @luvarots
for me. [☏, ☒] by @heeracha
let my love run wild [☏, ☒] by @ddeonuism
operation: code cupid [☏, ☒] by @lovesicknana
nishimura riki (ni-ki)
attention… please? [⦿] by @sunghun
so, do you want to stay? [⦿] by @heeracha
cupid’s corner [☏, ☐] by @amakumos
thanks, twitter [☏, ☒] by @oddeonu
breaking me in two [☏, ☒] by @emeraldenha (self plug)
shoot! [☏, ☒] by @amakumos
ot7 / multiple pairings
bet [☏, ☒] by @seungstarss
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xjoonchildx · 3 years
kanalia | jhs x reader | chapter one: hands and knees
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banner by the amazing @kimtaehyunq 💕
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⚜️summary: secrets and uncertainty plague a young queen in her arranged marriage to a kind but distant king. the farther she drifts from her husband, the closer she gets to one of his most trusted men.
⚜️pairing: queen!reader x royalguard!hoseok
⚜️rating: mature, 18+
⚜️genre: royal AU, historical AU, smut
⚜️warnings: infidelity (it’s complicated, y’all) mentions of pregnancy, fertility issues. OC struggles with depressive thoughts and episodes.
⚜️word count: 8.6K
⚜️notes: this fic is part of @thebtswritersclub fic exchange and is as such dedicated to the lovely @birbdae. i can't thank enough all the amazing peeps who helped me as i plotted and wrote this: @sahmfanficbts @ladyartemesia @btsarmy9593 @hobi-gif 💕 this story is very different from anything i've ever written and i truly hope you like it.
next chapter
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Men could be cruel, your mother had warned. Particularly powerful men.
They could be selfish creatures, single-minded in seeking their pleasure. Slaves to their sexual appetites. Capable of taking what was theirs by right without care or concern for a woman’s comfort. There was nothing to do, she’d explained, but pray that your new husband was not a cruel man.
Nothing to do but your duty.
And so off she’d sent you to your marriage bed, armed with little more than her whispered warnings and your grandmother’s locket.
In the few fleeting moments you’d already shared with Kim Namjoon, he’d struck you as quiet and kind. He was nothing short of polite throughout your extravagant wedding ceremony; courteous -- if a bit stiff -- during the celebrations that followed.
But as you’d awaited him alone in your chambers, washed and perfumed and dressed in nothing but a thin nightgown, your mother’s warnings rang in your ears. What kind of man was Kim Namjoon behind closed doors? Did a cruel man lie behind the well-mannered façade?
There was nothing to do at that point but wait and see.
And wait you did, until the hour grew late and you feared the King would never come. Feared that all your anxiety and preparation had been for a naught. But then he’d slipped into your chamber, quiet as a vapor. Handsome face shrouded in shadows as he’d stood before you in his night clothes.
Kim Namjoon did not come to you that night with an insatiable sexual appetite.
If anything, he’d come to you with a strange kind of reticence, almost sheepish as he’d assured you there’d be no need to undress and that he’d do his best not to hurt you.
You’d been confused by his complete lack of passion, his strangely sedate demeanor. But you’d still been prepared to honor the vows that you’d spoken on behalf of your family that night.
Prepared to do your duty, no matter what was to come.
And so you’d dutifully followed his gentle instruction when Namjoon had asked you to get onto your hands and knees. You’d stayed dutifully still as his fingers brushed against your most private place, leaving behind something slippery and smooth. And you’d remained dutifully quiet when he’d murmured a hushed apology before pushing inside you.
You’d barely had time to adjust to the discomfort, to the foreign feeling of being breached so intimately before Namjoon’s quiet breaths started to go ragged. Only a few moments to acclimate to the dull throb inside of you before the slow cant of his hips stuttered to a stop.
And you’d stayed obediently unmoving, propped up on rubbery arms and legs as Namjoon had carefully pulled away from you. Breath caught in your throat as you felt his seed slowly drip down your thigh.
The King had said something to you then, something kind judging by the soft tone of his voice. But you couldn’t hear it, couldn’t hear anything beyond the confusion and noise in your head. The loud thud of your heartbeat in your ears.
And then he’d left.
Namjoon quit your chambers as quietly as he’d come, leaving you breathless and bewildered in his wake.
With a strange kind of ache between your legs and another deep inside your chest.
In those early days, you wished only for Namjoon to see you. You hadn’t been so naïve as to hope for anything as generous as love.
Love was far too lofty a goal of any marriage agreed upon by a pair of aging rulers and not a pair of young sweethearts. You’d understood from the start that your union was strategy -- an arrangement to strengthen the might of Namjoon’s kingdom and fatten the coffers of yours.
A political ploy, no more and no less.
But you’d still foolishly assumed you would share something with your husband.
You were married to the man and yet knew little more about him than the people who worked his lands and tended to his interests. His visits to your chamber always followed the same strange, removed ritual of your wedding night. You in your nightgown, up on hands and knees. Feeling him inside you without ever being able to see him or touch him.
His ire, his rage, his fury -- in those early days, you would have gladly taken any of it just to have some indication that the King was capable of feeling for you at all. Anything but the polite distance he’d maintained from the first moment you’d stepped foot on his land. This maddening, incessant nonchalance better suited for a stranger than a spouse.
You came to resent the even timbre of his voice and his serene smiles. The quiet composure and genial disposition his people adored him for started to vex you to no end. You could not understand why the King did not care to know you and why he would not allow you to know him.
So just a few months into your marriage, you stop wishing for your husband to see you.
You stop wishing for his attention or his affection or his wrath.
You stop wishing for anything at all.
“You take far too much sun every day, Your Grace.”
Hyeri is fussing at you the moment you return to your chambers, cheeks flushed with afternoon heat. She flits around like a hummingbird, pulling you towards the wash basin as she wrests the basket from your hands. “One day you’re going to swoon out there,” she frets, pressing a cool cloth to your forehead, “And no one will be around to catch you.”
There is Namjoon’s spectacular aviary -- the place you’ve taken to stealing away to each afternoon. There had been no such extravagance back home. You could sit for hours in that quiet haven, shaded by the trees, just watching the birds fly overhead.
It is there in the aviary that you’ve started to hide away every afternoon with your books and sketches, far from your husband’s puzzling behavior and far from Hyeri’s constant nagging about practicing your needlework.
You detest needlework.
“Fresh air is good for me,” you argue, taking your first unencumbered breath in hours when Hyeri looses your corset. “And I much prefer it to being locked away in this castle for all my waking hours.”
Hyeri tuts under her breath as she helps you step out of your dress and into the prepared bath. You sink into the water, glad to find it a bit tepid.
“An afternoon bath,” you sigh happily, inhaling as the handmaid adds peach oil to the water. “You spoil me. To what do I owe this indulgence?”
“The King has called for dinner in the great hall tonight,” she explains, rubbing soap into your hair. She drags her nails across your scalp and you curl into the touch like a contented cat.
“What is the occasion?”
There’s a beat of silence before Hyeri answers, a fleeting moment of hesitation that sends a bolt of awareness up your spine. You open your eyes to find her regarding you with a soft gaze.
“The birth of Lord Min’s new babe, Your Grace,” she says quietly.
“Ah,” you murmur, “Yes, of course. How wonderful.”
The pang of envy that slices through you is so sharp it steals your breath. It’s shameful and petty and beneath any well-bred woman, most of all a queen. Embarrassed, you sink below the water to hide yourself from Hyeri’s knowing eyes.
You long for so many things these days.
You long to ride a horse like you used to back home, before you’d come to this kingdom and learned that was not something women here do. You long for your sister, the horrid brat, because if she were here she would listen and help shoulder the burdens you’ve carried alone since your arrival. You long for your mother’s cream cake and for your brother’s secret fencing lessons and for your favorite reading perch beneath the grand oak.
And you long for none of those things as much as you long for a child.
A child would bring purpose to the seemingly endless string of empty hours and days that stretch before you. A new life would breathe new life into you; give you a place to pour your love and have that love returned. A child would solidify your place in this kingdom, on this throne. It would give the people here a reason to love their foreign-born Queen.
But every month, the King’s nighttime visits to your chambers become more infrequent.
And every month, you bleed.
By the time you come up for air, you’ve managed to erase the stricken look from your face. You manage a weak smile for Hyeri which she matches, reaching one wrinkled hand out to wipe water off your cheek.
Then you rest your head on the edge of the tub and let your eyes fall shut, unwilling to let her see any more than she already has.
“You look very well this evening, Your Grace.”
You barely hear the King’s quiet compliment over the commotion in the great hall. At the long tables below, the men and women are already well into their cups, the sound of their raucous laughter bouncing off the rafters.
You bow to your husband before taking your seat beside him.
Perhaps you had taken a bit more time with your appearance tonight. Hyeri had feigned annoyance as you’d taken your time about carefully selecting a gown and fretting over how best to style your hair. You smooth your hands down the burgundy silk bodice of your dress, ensuring everything is in place once you’ve settled into your chair.
“Thank you, Your Grace,” you return evenly, turning to take him in. “As do you.”
Beside you, the King looks handsome in his tunic embellished with intricate purple and gold beads. His dark eyes sparkle with laughter as he tips his head in the direction of the loudest table.
“I imagine Lord Min will be quite worse for the wear come morning,” he muses. “That’s his sixth tankard of ale, by my count.”
At the long table below Lord Min holds court, accepting kisses of well-wishes from the women and hearty slaps of congratulations from the men. His pale cheeks are red with drink, face split into a wide smile.
“Yes,” you laugh quietly, “I imagine he will be.”
Your gaze passes over each of the men by Lord Min’s side -- the men who are almost always by the King’s side. All of them members of the Royal Guard, trained alongside your husband since childhood. Your eyes move from the tall, broad eldest Lord Kim to the charming, boyish Lord Jeon, to the sleek, proud Lord Park. But they come to rest on the one man you could not describe as neatly as his peers.
Something about Lord Jung makes you nervous, though you’d be hard pressed to name it.
You examine his sculpted profile from a distance, eyes sweeping from his strong brow to his high cheekbones to his delicate mouth. And it is that same mouth that quirks into the ghost of a smile when he suddenly turns, dark eyes meeting yours from across the room.
You flush and immediately avert your gaze.
“It’s a girl.”
You snap your focus back to the King.
“I beg your pardon, Your Grace?”
“The baby,” Namjoon explains, “Lord Min’s child. A little girl.”
“How wonderful,” you breathe, “And is there word of his wife’s condition?”
“Healthy, I’m told. Mother and child both resting.”
You study your husband’s face in the torchlight. His expression gives nothing away, but that does not stop a seed of doubt from taking root inside you. Surely he must have questions about why his young, healthy wife is not yet with child. Surely he must be growing tired of waiting for news that never comes.
You know it is only a matter of time before the King runs out of his seemingly infinite patience. Only a matter of time before he realizes you’re as ornamental and useless as one of his pretty birds.
Suddenly your bodice feels tight. Too tight.
“I understand you’re quite taken with the aviary,” Namjoon says after a long moment. “Hyeri tells me that’s where you’ve been spending your afternoons.”
“Yes, Your Grace,” you respond carefully, whetting your dry throat with a sip of wine. “It’s quite beautiful there. I find the aviary a rather peaceful place to read and sketch.”
“I’m glad of that,” he says. “I wish I could spend more time there myself, but the days have a way of getting away from me.”
“Yes, of course,” you murmur. “These things cannot be helped.”
The King reaches for his ale. As he drinks, you can’t help but wonder how many tankards he’s enjoyed over the course of the evening. Namjoon is in a rare mood tonight, more talkative than you can recall him ever being.
“I think I’d like to have a desk placed there for you,” he says, turning to face you. “Somewhere comfortable for you to sit and sketch. Would you like that?”
“Yes, Your Grace,” you breathe. “Yes, I would like that very much.”
“Good,” he says with a soft smile, “Very good. I’ll arrange for it.”
At the tables below, someone calls out to him above the low roar of cheers and laughter. The King rises to his feet, shaking his head with a smile.
“I suppose I ought to see to my people now,” he says apologetically. “Before they’re all too drunk to conduct a proper conversation.”
“Certainly, Your Grace,” you reply. “Go see to them.”
The King turns on you to leave but abruptly stops and turns back, causing your pulse to jump. You take a deep breath when he clears his throat before speaking, as though summoning the courage to speak the words that come next.
“There is one more thing I want you to know,” he starts quietly, “I wish to see you content here. If you want for something, you need only come to me. I will see to it.”
You stare at Namjoon for a long moment, stunned into silence by his consideration. By his candor. Not once has he ever been unkind to you, but not once has there been a moment when he’s made you feel like this. Like you are something he thinks about beyond the spectre of duty.
“You are very kind, Your Grace,” you exhale, when you finally gather your wits to speak. “And I will.”
The summer heat sweltering just outside the doors to the Great Hall must feel like a cool breeze in comparison to the conditions on the packed floors of the great hall.
All around you, people are drinking and dancing and carrying on.
You weave your way through the crush of bodies, donning your most engaging smile, and do your best to keep up with the calls for your attention. You stop to inquire about the quality of Hak Dohyun’s wheat crops and you make sure to ask after Lee Ara’s twin girls.
Slowly, you make your way past the farmers and stablehands and cooks and wash women, offering each kind words and soft greetings. And before long, you come to the table where Lord Min and the rest of the Royal Guard show no signs of tiring from the celebrations.
Min nearly knocks over his ale in his haste to stand and bow. The other men follow suit, albeit much more smoothly.
“Your Grace,” he exclaims, with the kind of exuberance only a man well into his cups can display, “I have a daughter.”
He beams at you, every inch the proud father, and you smile through the twinge of guilt you feel for your first reaction to his good news.
“Indeed you do, Lord Min,” you answer brightly, pretending not to notice how unsteady he is on his feet. “And we are so glad of it.”
“Don’t get too drunk, Min,” the younger Lord Kim teases, cheeks rosy like he’s matched his elder drink for drink. “You’ll need to work on bringing home a son or you’ll remain outnumbered in your own home.”
“Well I, for one, can think of far worse fates than being surrounded by pretty women,” Lord Park smirks.
The men explode into drunken laughter that you can’t help but join. It’s impossible not to be swept up in their merriment.
“Your Grace.”
The voice that cuts through the noise is calmer, deeper than the others. And you know who it belongs to even before you turn your head. What you do not know is why it makes the fine hairs at the nape of your neck stand on end.
“Lord Jung,” you murmur, bowing your head out of respect for his station. “Good evening.”
Whereas the other men are loud and boisterous after a night of drinking ale, Lord Jung looks the epitome of poise and restraint. He bows deeply before standing tall and fixing you with his dark eyes.
“Good evening. You look very well tonight.”
They’re nearly the same words the King had offered you just a short while ago, and little more than courtesy, to be sure. But something about those quiet words still sends warmth rushing to your cheeks.
The bodice of your dress goes tight. Again.
“Thank you, My Lord,” you manage weakly, covering your embarrassing flush with a laugh. “Forgive me, I think this heat is making me lightheaded.”
“I should think we’re all a bit lightheaded,” he chuckles, eyes raking over the tankards scattered across the long table. “I’d be surprised if we had any ale left in the stores after tonight.”
“And yet, you seem to be holding up well?”
“Well, yes,” he admits with a wry smile. “I do my best to keep my head when the others seem hellbent on losing theirs. Someone has to look out for them, you know.”
As if on cue, Lords Min and Park stumble over one another, falling inelegantly to the floor. The other men whoop and tease, but Lord Jung merely shakes his head.
The commotion draws the attention of the King, who stands surrounded by partygoers at the opposite end of the room. He locks eyes with you briefly, the corner of his mouth turning up in a diminutive smile. It’s strange, the way the simple gesture catches you off guard. Strange the way it makes you feel as though you’ve been caught doing something you shouldn’t.
“I think it best I retire for the evening, Lord Jung,” you say quietly, jerking your gaze from the King back to the striking man in front of you. “I’m afraid I’ll succumb to this heat if I stay much longer.”
“Yes, of course,” he says graciously, stepping aside.
He spots the King in that moment and you watch the men regard one another at a distance, exchanging silent nods of acknowledgement.
“Good evening, Lord Jung,” you murmur. “Best of luck keeping these men in line. You have your work cut out for you.”
The man’s pretty, bow-shaped mouth quirks into a quiet smile.
“Good evening, Your Grace.”
You retreat to your chambers at the end of the long night with aching feet and a light heart.
You’ve tread carefully with Namjoon these past few months on account of the strange state of your marriage. But something about his demeanor tonight felt promising.
Something about it gave you hope.
So it is hope that has you carefully washing up once you’ve peeled out of your dress. Hope that makes you select your most sheer nightgown for the evening; hope that has you let down your hair instead of twisting it into your customary plait.
Hope that has you waiting patiently on the edge of your bed, prepared for the King’s arrival.
But the King never comes.
In three days time, Namjoon makes good on his promise of a new desk.
Voices disrupt your idyllic afternoon read, stealing your attention away from the pages of your book. You look up to see a group of footmen in the distance, sharing the burden of hauling the heavy wooden piece. They move slowly as they make their way along the path from the castle to the aviary.
You study them from a distance. You don’t recognize any of the men tasked with carrying the desk, but you certainly recognize the man directing their steps.
Lord Jung.
You snap your book shut and stand to your feet as the group approaches, watching with mild concern as they struggle to slowly steer the weighty wood through the heavy gate at the entrance to the enclosure.
Lord Jung breaks away from the others, long legs making up the distance between you in just a few strides. You wind your hands into the sides of your dress as you watch him near, silently attributing the sudden warmth that spreads up your back to the summer heat.
“Good afternoon, Your Grace,” he says, bowing before you.
“Good afternoon, Lord Jung,” you return, “Very kind of you to have my desk brought here.”
“The carpenters finished it a few hours ago,” he explains, motioning for the footmen to set the heavy load down. “The King asked me to see to having it installed.”
“Ah,” you breathe, “Might I have a closer look?”
“Of course,” he responds courteously, moving aside to let you lead the way.
You step forward to examine the piece and the footmen step back in deference. You smile kindly at them as you pass your hand over the dark wood, tracing one fingertip over the grooves of the ornate bird carvings that decorate the desk’s corners.
“Is it to your liking?”
You turn back to face Lord Jung, unable to suppress your smile.
“It’s stunning, My Lord,” you say genuinely, “Even more beautiful than I could have hoped.”
“Very good,” he smiles, mouth curving into a distracting heart shape. “Show me where you’d like it placed and I’ll have the men move it there.”
You’d already had some time to consider where to place the desk promised to you by the King. And you’d chosen the most private part of this space, a nook tucked away between the carefully maintained trees and flowered shrubs. Lord Jung walks alongside you to that secret spot, hidden deep inside the enclosure.
Overhead the birds flit from tree to tree, calling loudly to one another. The striking man looks skyward, sunlight streaming down over his face.
“Do you like birds, Lord Jung?” you ask, watching him as he watches them.
“I must confess I’ve not given them much thought, Your Grace,” he admits, eyes following the furious activity in the branches above.
“I suppose I never gave much thought to birds before coming here, either,” you concede, “But now I spend every afternoon in this aviary. I’ve come to learn a great deal about them.”
“Like what?”
Lord Jung lowers his head, one dark lock of hair falling over his eyes when his gaze finds yours. He brushes it back with his long fingers and you clear your throat, feeling the sudden need to look away.
“They’re social creatures,” you explain quietly, addressing your feet instead of the striking man in front of you. “They crave the company of other birds. It makes living in a cage more bearable, I suppose.”
“Strange to think of this lavish garden as a cage,” he muses wryly.
“A cage is a cage, My Lord,” you reply softly. “No matter how gilded.”
Lord Jung says nothing. When you finally straighten your spine and force yourself to look him in the eye, you find him regarding you with a solemn kind of curiosity. A single bead of sweat tickles a path down your back as he studies you, as you search in vain for something acceptable to say next.
Then one of the footmen is calling out to him.
Lord Jung turns his head in the direction of the interruption, raising one hand to wave the men over. At once, they take their positions at the corners of the heavy desk and start the arduous task of moving it again.
Lord Jung turns back to you with a soft smile, the unnerving exchange from just moments ago all but forgotten.
“Forgive us the intrusion for just a few minutes longer, You Grace,” he says, “And we’ll leave you to your pretty birds in peace.”
What should be one loop turns into two and then into three.
You swallow down the sound of annoyance that bubbles up your throat and jam your needle into the midst of the gnarled threads, pinning the unsightly lump in place.
“I saw that,” Hyeri grumbles, eyes never leaving the needlework in her own lap. Childishly, you turn your head to stick your tongue out at her. “That, too.”
“It’s no use,” you complain, tying off the twisted thread and pulling your needle free of the fabric. “I’ve no skill with a needle.”
Hyeri’s hands -- unlike yours -- move in smooth, practiced lines as she works with her quilt, the pretty border pattern taking shape. Every stitch in place, perfect and unmarred.
“These things take time, Your Grace,” she sighs, “You must be patient.”
Patience, you’ve found, is a virtue easier to profess than to practice. You turn the tiny sock over in your hand, frowning at the jagged design produced after an entire morning’s worth of sore fingers. Perhaps Lord Min’s wife will not notice the flaws in the needlework. Perhaps by the time your own child comes, you’ll have perfected the stitch technique.
Hyeri looks up from her quilt to find you staring unseeing at the sock, mind a million miles away.
“Your Grace,” she starts softly, “There is... There is something I want to mention to you. Something I think could help you in your -- ” she pauses to clear her throat, “ -- your situation.”
You put the sock down in your lap and look up at the woman’s kind, aged face. You don’t have to ask Hyeri what situation she’s making mention of. You nod without a word, acknowledging the unspoken understanding between you.
“There is a tea. My mother used to make it when I was a girl and the women in my village would swear by it. It’s been many years since I thought of it, but I’m certain I still know how to make it. And I thought maybe, if you wanted me to, I would make it for you. Maybe it would help.”
Emotion wells in your throat and tears well in your eyes. You stroke the pad of your thumb over the lumpy stitching on that tiny sock, feeling embarrassed by hearing Hyeri speak of your struggle so plainly. Behind that, there’s something else. Relief, perhaps.
But Hyeri mistakes your silence for disapproval.
“Forgive me, Your Grace, I only meant to help. I don’t mean to speak above my station, I just -- ”
“No, Hyeri, please,” you beg, shaking your head. “Please don’t think me angry. I would very much like for you to make me that tea. I’ll do anything you think might help.”
Hyeri nods thoughtfully as she threads her needle.
“I’ll see to it,” she promises. “It should only take me a few days to gather the things I need.”
“Thank you,” you whisper, brushing the unshed tears away with the back of your hand. “Thank you for trying to help me.”
“You’re a good girl, Your Grace,” Hyeri says softly. “Kind. Smart. And I will do anything in my power to see you happy.”
She looks up at you, wrinkled face earnest when she speaks again.
“I want you to remember that.”
You find it far easier to sketch now that you have a place to sit comfortably with your journals and charcoals.
The canopy of trees above provide refuge from the sun and make it easy to lose track of time. Today, the afternoon gets away from you. You’re so focused on your sketch, fingertips stained black from drawing, that you never even see him coming.
This time, there is no warning -- no team of chattering men to alert you to the presence in your secret garden. This time, you look up from your papers and nearly fall out of your chair when you spot Lord Jung standing just a few feet away.
His dark eyes sparkle with mirth.
“I suppose I should have announced myself,” he chuckles, folding over into his customary bow, “But then I would have missed that rather endearing look of fright on your face.”
“That’s very cruel of you,” you grouse playfully, smoothing wayward strands of hair off your face. You have no idea what you look like after an afternoon of sketching in the heat, but you hope the overall effect is not entirely off-putting. “But good afternoon to you, anyway.”
“Good afternoon, Your Grace,” he smiles, revealing his perfect white teeth. “I hope I find you well today.”
“You do. And to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?”
Lord Jung hesitates for a moment, rubbing at the back of his neck.
“I came to make sure all is well with your new desk. That it’s suiting you.”
“The desk?” you repeat, raising one quizzical brow, “The desk is fine, My Lord. I should think the King would have to find new carpenters if they couldn’t make a desk that could withstand a few days’ wear.”
“You’re right,” Lord Jung laughs, shaking his head with amusement. His eyes fall to the open journal in front of you. “Might I ask what you’re drawing?”
You look down at the messy sketch in front of you.
“It’s, um -- well I am not much of an artist, you see,” you say lamely, feeling a bit self-conscious about sharing your work. “It’s really quite amateur.”
Lord Jung steps closer to get a better look, planting his hands on the surface of the desk as he leans over it. “It’s very good, actually,” he commends. “You should give yourself more credit.”
You fight against the urge to shrink back, away from the man’s looming body and scent. His presence has the strangest effect on you. It makes you feel unsettled, never quite sure what to say or do.
“The King keeps cockatiels and finches here,” you explain as he studies the rudimentary likeness you’ve created, “But the canaries are my favorite.”
“Kanalia,” he murmurs, looking up at you with those impossibly dark eyes. “That’s what we call them here.”
“Yes,” you exhale, “Kanalia.”
Your cheeks warm as Lord Jung regards you, quiet scrutiny daunting.
You wonder what he must think of you, this young foreign queen struggling to find her footing in a place so far from home. You wonder if he thinks you worthy of this position you’ve been handed. You wonder what he would think of you if he knew that sometimes you feel like these birds. Perhaps you understand what it’s like to have room to spread your wings but not the freedom to fly away.
Without warning, Lord Jung reaches one hand out to touch you, fingers soft beneath your jaw as his thumb swipes at your temple. You blink dumbly at him as he pulls his hand away.
“Charcoal,” he murmurs, clearing his throat, “But it’s gone now.”
You nod, a bit breathless, “Thank you.”
“I should go,” Lord Jung announces, standing straight and taking a step back. “There is much to be done before we leave on survey and I’m sure Lord Min is cursing me as we speak.”
“Yes, we’ll tour the north end of the kingdom. We ride out in a few days,” he explains. “Has the King not mentioned it?”
“No,” you answer awkwardly, embarrassed by the way the man’s brows crease in confusion. “He has not.”
Lord Jung’s pretty mouth presses into a flat line.
“I’m sure he meant to tell you about it,” he says quietly. “Perhaps it slipped his mind.”
“Yes,” you reply softly, “I’m sure that’s it.”
That night, the King comes to you.
You press your cheek into the plush bedding and screw your eyes shut, silently pleading to any deity that would hear you. Let this be the night, you think desperately. Please, give me a child.
The bedding passes much in its usual fashion, but on this night the King surprises you by lingering after the act is done. You turn over and sit upright when he makes no move to leave, nightgown falling back over your knees. He regards you quietly from where he stands at the end of the bed.
“Is the desk to your liking?” he asks in that low baritone of his, the one that makes you shiver.
“I like it very much, Your Grace,” you whisper. “Thank you again.”
“That’s good,” he murmurs, brushing the hair away from your face with his fingers. He leans close and presses a soft kiss to your brow.
He leaves you then, reeling from his unexpected touch — and without a single word of his plans to leave.
Two days later, you find the courtyard bustling with activity on your walk back from the aviary.
Footmen scurry in and out of the castle’s heavy front doors, carrying neatly-packed bundles of supplies and rations. You squint as you near the fray, trying to make out the faces before you.
Lord Park and the younger Lord Kim work in tandem, sweating in the early sun as they load a cart with the parcels being carried from the castle. Lord Jeon crouches down next to one of the King’s fine horses, turning up each hoof and inspecting the shoes underneath.
And the eldest of the Royal Guard stand in a circle nearby, surrounding the King. All of them appearing quite serious as they discuss, no doubt, their plans to ride out.
It is Lord Jeon who notices you first, standing only so that he may go low again when he bows.
“Your Grace,” he greets politely. “Good morning.”
“Good morning, Lord Jeon,” you return pleasantly. “I see you’re all quite busy today. Might I ask why?”
You know it’s rather poor form to put the young man on his back feet with a question you already know the answer to, but were it not for Lord Jung’s visit to the aviary you would have no inkling of the King’s plans. So you feign ignorance with a smile.
“Survey preparation, Your Grace,” Lord Jeon answers, an adorable kind of confusion crossing his face, “We’re -- ”
“ -- If you’ll excuse us, Jeon,” the King interrupts, “I’ll speak to the Queen about it myself.”
You turn your head to find the King walking away from his circle of advisors. He approaches with a cautious smile, holding out his arm to you.
“Please allow me to walk you inside.”
“Yes, of course,” you agree quietly, accepting him.
You look down at your feet as the King guides you past the other men, feeling a flush creep up your neck at the thought of them watching you walk by. You’re careful not to lift your eyes until Namjoon ushers you through the heavy wrought iron doors.
He immediately pulls you aside, into a quiet corner in the great hall.
All around you is a flurry of activity -- wash women carrying fresh sheets to the servant’s quarters, kitchen staff carrying produce to the pantry, maids sweeping away the dirt being dragged in by the many people coming in and out.
“Forgive me for not bringing this to you sooner,” the King starts apologetically. “I’m afraid my mind has been elsewhere.”
“That’s certainly understandable,” you lie. “You’re a very busy man. I take it you plan to leave, then?”
“Yes,” Namjoon admits awkwardly, “We leave in two morning’s time. It’s rather routine business as far as the kingdom is concerned, but we will be gone for a few days. A week, at the most.”
“I see,” you say tightly, though you absolutely do not see. It is beyond your understanding that any husband would not think to inform his own wife of his intent to leave.
Your cheeks burn at the memory of Lord Jung’s sober expression in the aviary, his confusion upon finding you completely ignorant of the King’s plans. And your complacent façade crumbles like a sandcastle, frustration bubbling to the surface.
“I do thank you for telling me before you took your leave, Your Grace,” you say without thought, “It would have been rather embarrassing for me to resort to asking the maids of your whereabouts.”
The King rubs his fingers over his mouth, looking chastened. “You’ve every right to be angry with me, I know.”
“I’m not angry,” you insist, though your tone and posture say quite the opposite. “I’m overtired from an afternoon in the sun. And as I’m sure you have much to do in preparation for your trip, I’ll take my leave.”
The King stares at you for a moment, lips parting and closing with an unspoken argument. But he relents, stepping aside to allow you room to leave. Your skirts rustle loudly as you brush past him without so much as another word or a look back.
Your heart is pounding as you make for the stairs, ascending as fast as your heavy dress will allow. You stop to catch your breath when you reach the top, right next to the window that looks down over the courtyard.
You turn to peer through it.
Below you the work continues, with men milling about nearly every inch of the manicured grounds. Your eyes move from man to man until they come to rest on him.
Lord Jung’s stark beauty is all the more apparent in the sun. The light streams through the dark strands of his hair, turning them a pretty translucent shade reminiscent of coffee. It warms his already golden skin, casting him in a bronzed glow.
And as you watch him, something odd happens.
Lord Jung stops still, head turning in the direction of your window. His dark eyes zero in on your wide ones, locking directly into your gaze.
You immediately startle, diving away from the window to press your back against the wall. And you stand there for a while, hand clasped to your chest as you wait once again for the furious pounding of your heart to subside.
“You need only rise this morning, Your Grace,” Hyeri announces, throwing back the heavy curtains over the windows in your chamber. You groan as the morning sun washes over you, too strong and bright to ignore. “The shining part is optional.”
You wake feeling as though you’d never rested at all.
It was your strained conversation with the King, playing over and over again in your mind, that made it nearly impossible to fall asleep. You’d tossed and turned all night, thinking back on the exchange with great embarrassment. Were your mother to learn of the way you’d spoken to your husband, it would no doubt send her right into an early grave.
Hyeri nearly drags you through the steps of your morning routine, helping you wash and dress with an efficiency that speaks to years of experience. She gently instructs you to have a seat in front of your favorite chamber window and returns after a brief absence with a breakfast tray.
“Now, I’ll not lie to you, Your Grace,” she starts, handing you a teacup. “This tea serves a purpose and that purpose has nothing to do with taste.” The strong, herbaceous scent emanating from the drink wafts your way and you fight the urge to wrinkle your nose.
“The only way to drink it is fast.”
“Thank you,” you say graciously, lifting the cup to your lips.
The first taste is so bitter and pungent it makes tears spring to your eyes. At once your entire body is awake, revolting against the acrid flavor. But you do exactly as Hyeri instructs, drinking it down as fast as the drink’s heat will allow.
“You’ll soon become accustomed to the flavor,” Hyeri promises. You smile through watery eyes, tongue stinging with the acid aftertaste.
“I certainly hope so.”
Your stomach is still wildly unsettled by the time the two of you start in on the morning’s needlework, but you know the ill feeling cannot be blamed solely on the tea. The dull, gnawing guilt you woke up with lingers.
“I spoke sharply to the King yesterday,” you confess quietly, words cutting through the comfortable silence between you.
Hyeri tuts under her breath, smoothly tying off a stitch with one hand.
“Did he deserve it?”
“Truthfully, I don’t know,” you say, pushing your needle through the thick ribbing of the scarf in your lap. “But I feel rather guilty about it today.”
“Well, these things happen from time to time in a marriage, Your Grace,” Hyeri soothes. “And there’s no undoing what’s already been done. So I think it best that you don’t worry yourself over it. The King has never been the kind of man to hold onto a grudge.”
You stare down at the needle in your hand for a moment, wishing desperately that you could share in Hyeri’s certainty about Namjoon. It’s hard not to envy the way she speaks of his character with such confidence. It’s strange to think your handmaid likely shares a closer bond with the King than you do.
“I don’t know that I have any idea what kind of man the King is,” you admit, backing your needle out of a poorly-laid stitch. “I’m not sure that I know him any more today than I did on our wedding day.”
Hyeri sets her needle and thread down, looking up at you with kind eyes.
“The King is -- ” she pauses to sigh heavily, “ -- well, he’s a very private man. But the two of you will find your way. A half year is only a brief moment in the span of a lifetime.”
A lifetime. A shiver runs up your back.
You force yourself to think of the aviary, of the bright, happy color of the canaries. You think about your beautiful desk and imagine sitting in the sun and feeling its warmth on your face. You try to think of anything but that word that sets off a strong flutter of panic inside your chest.
And then you are thinking of him. Speaking of him before you can think better of it.
“Why has Lord Jung never married?”
“Lord Jung?” Hyeri echoes, tilting her head. “Why do you ask?”
“He came to the aviary with footmen to deliver my desk the other day,” you say with careful nonchalance, “And I find myself curious. He’s well into his marrying years, is he not?”
“Aye, Your Grace,” Hyeri murmurs, “He is. And he was married. Some years back.”
The needle in your hand slips, sharp point stinging the tip of your finger. One bright red bead of blood comes to the surface and you slide the wounded pad into your mouth, wincing.
“Was married?”
“His wife took ill very early into their marriage,” Hyeri explains, threading a new needle with ease. “Consumption. Poor girl couldn’t fight it.”
“Oh, how awful,” you breathe, “He must have been devastated. Was it a love match?”
Hyeri lifts her keen eyes from the ornate canvas in her lap, regarding you curiously.
“I have no idea, Your Grace,” she says after a long moment. “There’s no way to know what exists privately between two people. But I imagine that he cared for her, at the very least. Lord Jung is a good sort.”
“Yes, of course,” you say quietly, dropping your eyes back to the scarf in your hands. Across the room you can feel Hyeri’s gaze, but you refuse to meet it with your own.
Silence falls over the chamber once again, this one a bit less comfortable than the one before. You take care with your sore fingertip as you push your needle back through the thick knit of your scarf, laying down one perfect stitch that pulls through clean and neat.
You thumb over it thoughtfully, contemplating Hyeri’s startling revelation about Lord Jung.
The thought of the man mourning the untimely death of his young wife pains you. But for some strange reason, it doesn’t pain you nearly as much as the thought of him marrying again.
The storm comes out of nowhere, cutting your afternoon in the aviary short.
Thunder cracks across a clear blue sky, the only warning before black clouds block out the sun and the heavens open wide. There’s barely time for you to gather your journals and charcoals before the first drops start to fall.
Your attempt to outrun the rain is futile, the sudden deluge drenching your mad dash back to the castle. Your feet are throbbing and skirts heavy by the time you manage to slog your way through the doors.
Inside, the castle is still, quiet as it always is at midday.
The footmen and maids take to their rooms to rest at this hour, a well-deserved respite ahead of the evening preparations. And so you tiptoe carefully up the stairs, mindful of the extra weight in your dress, mindful of your wet walking boots. It wouldn’t do to slip and fall to your death without anyone here to mourn you.
By the time you slink into your chamber, you are chilled beneath your wet walking dress and drained from the exertion of your run.
You suppose it’s the creaking that attracts your attention first.
In the stillness of your chamber you shut your eyes and allow your ears to isolate the sound, honing in on the repetitive whining of strained wood. It’s far too loud to ignore, far too rhythmic to be some kind of anomaly.
And deep down, some small part of you already knows what it is.
So you carefully slip out of your boots, skirts dragging as you pad quietly across the bare floor. The creaking gets louder, more pronounced, the closer you get to the door connecting your chamber to the King’s.
There’s a moment of lightheadedness before you muster the strength to open it. One dizzying moment in which you stand there with your heart beating violently in your chest, fingers trembling as they circle the heavy knob. A moment in which you recognize that once you open that door, there’s no turning back. No way to unknow what’s taking place on the other side.
But you can’t walk away without knowing.
So you press carefully against the heavy wood, mindful of the low groan that sounds from the hinges. You push the door ajar until there is just a sliver of an opening to see through.
But it’s more than enough room to see the lovers writhing together on the King’s bed.
From a distance, you can make out their intertwined bodies, pressed intimately to one another beneath the luxurious sheets. You can see the golden spanse of the King’s bare back, muscles rippling with effort as he holds himself over his lover. You can see the woman’s arms thrown around his neck, nails scraping at his nape.
He doesn’t have her on hands and knees. And as best you can tell, she wears no gown and the King wears no nightclothes. There is no barrier between them, physical or otherwise.
Just skin against skin.
It’s a wonder you can hear the desperate, airy sounds of their coupling over the pounding of your heartbeat in your own ears. The King’s breathless panting and his lover’s answering cries of pleasure echo across the stone floor in a private symphony. They moan together as he moves faster.
You should walk away -- God, at the very least you should look away -- but in that moment you find that you can do neither. Your legs refuse to move, rooted to the floor. And your eyes remain fixed to the illicit scene before you. So you just stand there, dumbstruck.
And watch your husband bed his mistress.
You wake to the sound of footsteps and voices outside your chamber door.
It’s not yet dawn but the entire castle is awake, buzzing with activity ahead of the King’s sendoff. Hyeri looks pleased to find you already stirring when she arrives to help you dress.
“We’ve less than an hour to get you ready,” she says, morning voice still raspy, “And we need to decide what you’ll wear. Though I’d suggest the purple dress. The King loves purple.”
Hyeri is too busy crisscrossing the room in search of your toiletries to notice the way your eyes narrow. You have half a mind to tell her that you no longer care what the King likes. That His Grace and His Preferences can go right to the Devil.
Instead, you curve your mouth into your most practiced, placid smile.
“I’ll wear the green.”
The castle staff part around you, making way as you cross the courtyard.
Much to Hyeri’s exasperation, you’d insisted on wearing your hair loose -- insisted on just a bit of rouge to go along with the color you’d pressed to the bow of your mouth with your fingertips.
Clearly, she thought it odd that you’d prepared for the King’s sendoff as though it was an elaborate party. But she’d kept any commentary on the matter to herself as she’d laced you into the green and gold dress you’d chosen and smoothed down your flyaway hairs with a perfumed balm.
You suppose your careful preparation is having the desired effect. The maids and footmen murmur as you pass by with your spine straight and head held high. You can feel them watching your every move, curiously studying you as you walk a determined path direct to the King.
And the King, perhaps, is the most curious of your onlookers. His dark eyes widen for just a moment as he takes in your appearance and notes the conviction in your stride. You keep your eyes on him, refusing to release his gaze for even a moment. Not even when the men of the Royal Guard bow as you approach.
“You picked the perfect morning to depart, Your Grace,” you say sweetly, artificially. “The weather looks quite good for a ride.”
The King’s mouth quirks into an inquisitive smile as he strokes one hand down his Arabian’s shiny coat. “That it does. And you look very well this morning. I take it you rested well?”
“Like a baby,” you return, wearing a smile completely devoid of warmth. “I’ve come to wish you and your men a safe journey.”
Around you, the men start to mount their horses. You can feel the weight of Lord Jung’s gaze bearing down on you from where he sits high on his mount, but you don’t dare chance a glance.
Not yet.
“Thank you, Your Grace,” Namjoon says quietly, reaching for your hand. He takes it in his own and surprises you by lifting it to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to your fingers. “We’ll certainly do our best.”
You fall back as he hoists himself up onto his horse in one fluid motion, moving with a grace uncommon for a man his size. Seated on top of his mount, he looks ten feet tall. Regal and poised and powerful.
“Take care of yourself while I’m gone,” he directs kindly, turning his horse.
He trots forward and his men smoothly fall into formation behind him. Then they’re off at once, hooves beating down against the still-damp earth as they leave the courtyard behind with the King leading the way.
But it is not the King you watch as the men ride off.
Not the King you track with your eyes as they gain speed across the lush meadow surrounding the castle. It’s not the King you can’t take your eyes off until the entire group disappears into the thick of the trees.
And it’s not the King you wish desperately to hurry back.
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i'd love to hear from you about this chapter! you can talk to me here. otherwise, i hope you enjoyed it and hope to have the second chapter up soon!
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