#killing jews is wrong i dont get it i dont get it
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gingerswagfreckles · 17 hours ago
I hate that after 16 months talking to these racists can still make me cry.
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xclowniex · 8 months ago
from a realistic point of view, i dont see how zionism doesnt lead to non-jewish palestinian death or at least repression. if you have a state which has it enshrined in its founding documentation that it is For "Jewish People" (israel has been carefree about fucking over people they dont consider to be Jewish in the right way). two state solution doesnt even solve it since the assumption is just to have another israel and shove all the people they dont think count as jews over to palestinian state and pretend like they didnt just make an ethnostate
The reason you do not see how it doesn't lead to palestinian death is because on a fundamental level, you do not understand zionism from a jewish perspective.
Jews can and have, taken DNA tests and proved that we are descdant from cannanites who lived in Southern Levant. There is history too proving our orign from the region. A lot of jews were forced out due to various empires wanting to kill us, however some jews remained in the region.
Zionism is simply about self determination for jews as one of the indigenous peoples to the region. It does not inherently imply that palestinians are not indigenous as you can very much have two indigenous groups in a region, eg Moriori and Maori for example, both are indigenous to land which is part of New Zealand, but are two different groups.
I'm not going to say that no zionist ever wants harm to palestinians as there are, however the majority of zionists want a two state solution or a land for all solution (which is different to a one state solution of israel or palestine).
Indigenous groups do deserve self determination. This applies to all indigenous groups world wide. One indigenous group gaining self determination does not inherently harm another group of people, indigenous or not.
Ideologies can be implemented badly and not mean that the inherent concept is bad. For example, communism. No country has ever sucessfully implemented communism as they never leave the transition phase without something going wrong. Saying that zionism always hurts palestinians is like saying that communism is inherently genocidal because of China and Russia.
There are plenty of zionist solutions which does not harm palestinians which are deemed as ideal solutions by zionists, such as versions of a two state solution and land for all solutions.
Israel is also not an ethnostate. The percentage of israeli jews is almost equal to those who are New Zealand European in NZ, yet no one calls NZ an ethnostate. There are plenty of other countries whose majority population is around a similar percentage of 70% - 75% of a country and that country does not get called an ethnostate. Either, all countries with the majority ethnicity percentage above are ethnostates, or the threshold percentage needs to be higher for a country to be an ethno state, or if its only Israel who is an ethnostate and other countries with similar percentage are not, then you hold an antisemitic belief as the only jewish state should not be an exception for purely being a jewish state.
I would also like to touch on yoru usage of "non-jewish palestinian".
Whilst palestinian jews do exist (and I do know one personally), they are a very small minority of palestinians. It is illegal to be jewish in Gaza and the West Bank, so there are no rabbi's there for palestinians to convert. So I am very confused as to what you mean as there are no palestinian jews in palestine, and those that exist in the diaspora are a minority in both aspects, so whilst they deserve recognising and care, your wording is very strange and dogwhistle like. The reason I say dog whistle like, is because it is a common dog whistle for people to say that palestinians are the real jews and who we refer to as jews today are fake jews, which is obviously antisemitic.
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themeatjester · 6 months ago
Hello jihadi friends 🇵🇸🍉
I'm Osama Bin Laden and i need all of you to enter this link to donate money that will totally not be sent to whoever the fuck receives it https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://es.pornhub.com/&ved=2ahUKEwifxZCfn6GIAxU9qZUCHTmlLssQFnoECAgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1dhA39z_vJqwysXB97rFVs so me and my worthless family don't get killed by the stupid fucking jews from Israel for fucks sake Hitler you we're right on killing all those bastards so we are following your legacy on wanting them all dead❤️❤️
And remember to boycott corporations that have nothing to do with the conflict because capitalism badd and comunism good and we have to kill jews remember that! We have never commited any crimes and we are all just poor victims!
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free 🇵🇸 🍉
Middle east should have never existed.
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lostmymarblesstuff · 10 months ago
I will be tagging things that don’t relate with this post because I feel this needs to be talked about. If you dont want to read it; you dont like it? Dont read. Don’t complain.
The New Testament may be being banned.
Keep calling us crazy, saying we believe in fairy tales, but most of Jesus’s Prophesies are coming true.
Christians will be mocked, hated, killed, this is the sign of the end times coming. Keep your faith, and if you don’t believe in Jesus, I urge you to turn to him. No matter your race, gender, sexuality, etc, you will always be loved by him. You’re never too bad or too sinful to be a Christian , or to be loved by God.
“If the World hates you, know that it hated me first.”
“Watch out that no one deceives you. 6 Many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and will deceive many. 7 When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 8 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains”
“Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child. Children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. 13 Everyone will hate you because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.
10Then He told them, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11There will be great earthquakes, famines, and pestilences in various places, along with fearful sights and great signs from heaven.”
Theres so many things as signs of the end times, i cant put them all.
and finally, one that i feel isnt talked about enough. We talked about this in school, how a few hundred years after this, i think Rome it was invaded Jews and Jerusalem, and they started destroyibg everything but when they got there all the jews were already dead. I don’t quite remember the whole story, so correct me if im wrong.
But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, you will know that her desolation is near. 21Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country stay out of the city. 22For these are the days of vengeance, to fulfill all that is written.
23How miserable those days will be for pregnant and nursing mothers! For there will be great distress upon the land and wrath against this people. 24They will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive into all the nations. And Jerusalem will be trodden down by the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
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gingerswagfreckles · 6 days ago
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How "leftists" react when they hear a 4 year old Jewish toddler and 9 month old Jewish baby were strangled to death by antisemitic terrorists.
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jewishbarbies · 2 months ago
hi, this is the anon who had the scary Luigi fan on the discord server, thank you for answering my ask, it was such a relief to have someone agree that that's a crazy way of thinking 💜
thankfully the others in the server had my back and quickly changed the subject, and also clearly are feeling weird about it now. I'm definitely keeping my distance from that person from now on, it seems most of the server is in general.
but anyway, I wanted to say that was partly what kicked off us (as in me and the original two people i was chatting/debating with) talking about him in the first place, if he wasn't a generically good-looking white guy, he absolutely would not have all this disgusting fandom. And we agreed it's extremely hard to pin down who he is exactly as a person, there's bad info being put out on all sides, and it's difficult to believe he's not a patsy/the wrong guy. I really don't believe we'll ever know the full truth about anything in this case except the fact the CEO is dead.
I'd bet money if he was mentally ill/ND in a societally unacceptable way, and/or a POC, and/or not generically attractive, he wouldn't be getting this treatment even a third as much. he'd probably be treated as a freakshow at best. (and just imagine if he was a jew...)
(also, tbh, while I can see where the "he's attractive" comes from, he just looks like a mouse stuck in a human body to me 🤷‍♀️ not in an "ew he looks like vermin" way, he's kinda cute i guess, just like, if in a fantasy movie a mouse got turned into a guy, they'd come out looking like that, at least from the court photos I've seen. he's fine but i dont get the whole living sex god/adonis thing. at this rate if he gets free by some miracle it's gonna be some Orpheus and the maenads shit lol)
sorry it took me a hot minute to answer, but I agree with all of this.
it really wouldn’t surprise me if he wasn’t the real guy, but we’ll probably never know for sure either way, because there’s no way we’re gonna get the real story through this trial. no one would care about him if he wasn’t considered attractive. maybe there’d be some support if he wasn’t black, but he would’ve gotten conveniently killed during a shootout at the McDonald’s. this whole situation has been blown so far out of proportion, people are going actually insane on both sides of the debate. and I don’t think it’s dying down any time soon.
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spacelazarwolf · 2 years ago
I really kinda lost all respect for Vaspider there with how they responded to you. I was a long time follower, but like, that was totally entirely uncalled for. As a queer person I get that what is happening is a tragedy, its genocide, and queer culture is taking a hit that will take a long time to recover from, but man, at least we can recover.
As someone who isnt a jew, listening to jewish people, hearing you and others talk about it, I'm so upset that other people cant understand there are whole levels of difference between being wiped out forever, no chance of coming back.
And something that is a constantly evolving thing because as much as queer people can be killed now, new queer people will always be born, queer culture is a constantly changing thing *because* we cant be wiped out in the same way.
I really hope Vaspider realizes what they did was wrong and unfair to you and apologizes, I dont think that will happen, but I hope.
yeah it was really jarring for me to wake up to a response like that from someone i had previously respected. idk what’s going to happen from here but i’m just going to keep talking about this because it’s important.
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bigmack2go · 1 year ago
I dont like the headcannon of davey being jewish.
Why? I am glad you asked!
Now listen dont get me wrong here!
Representation is so important especially for religions because in that department even the most popular ones r being bullied these days and then that religion isnt just any but the most hated one in history. The religion that was blamed for practically anything bad that has happened in the last 500-1000 years. In ww|| children didn’t even know this WAS a religion. In Germany they were taught that the word “jew” stood for a monster, like the wird rabbit stands for an animal. Idk if this makes sense but they LITTERALLY didn’t know any better which i personally find makes it worse. The ppl KNEW that they were wrong, and that they couldn’t convince poursouled children of anything unless they made up lies. The thing those children hated was justified. Anyone would hate a monster that only brings evil upon us. But they conected it to a name that describes something else.(the movie jojo rabit brings this accross extremely well and truthfull! It’s available on netflix and i think on prime!) And thats the problem. They knew they were wrong but they needed someone to blame for their own failures and problems. ANd WhO bEtTeR tHaN tHe OnEs ThAt HaVe BeeN aT bLamE fOr ThE pAsT 700 YeaRs???
This began with the germanians spreading Christianity around Europe when jews were still a majority. It was generally a seen as a sin to get along with a Christian, and as we all know in the middle age there have been some babaric events towarts (but also by) religious ppl.
In thirteen-sixty-something the thing got to a whole new level when in (i think it was italy but idk) a fountain was moisted with bacteria and brought back black plague for a lot of people, which obviously got word all around the world quickly. And with that obviously also rumours. The thing is that those rumors were LOADED.
Thats how the hatred toward jews specifically began. People thought they were witches that poisoned their food causing them all to get sick.
(Sry i didnt mean for this to turn into a history lesson hahaha)
So yeah. Representation is so important and I totally stand behind that!
That being said however i genuinely don’t like it with Davey and here’s why:
Im have no problem with the headcannon itself and obv not with people having thah headcannon. What bucks me is how that came to be.
It just feels sooo cliche taking the one character named david jacobs and saying he’s jewish.
I mean
David jacobs
David. Jacobs.
David and jacob (lemme guess his sisters name is sarah hAHa- oh wait-)
Like it might be just me but that’s loaded with stereotype.
This might sound weird and/or mean but i genuinely get the feeling, the only reason ppl hc him as jewish is his name.
On top of that theres the fact that i generally just feel like its forced at this point. Again. I stand for representation with everything in me. but people just decided (rather than felt/knew) they needed to represent jewish folks and picked out ONE (1) (s i n g u l a r) character (LITTERALLY NAMED DAVID JACOBS!! Idk if u can tell but im getting rly worked up abt this)and said his family is jewish.
(Then if course theres the fact that i cant deal with the fact that he would have been killed at least in wa|| if not earlier due to being an non-arian jew but he prolly would be killed in one of the worldwars anyway so thats not much of an argument lol)
THATS IT! TYSM if u read this completely!
I also wanna take the opportunity to compell everyone to support palestina!!!!! I’ll put some links down below!
As a Christian i am lucky enough to not be bothered with shit by people i cant deal with but not everyone has that! So here’s just a gerneral reminder to educate and support people of any minority!!!
I will put some links so u can read up about the history of discrimination towards religion and jews!⬇️⬇️
1 Wikipedia article generally summarising antisemit!sm
2 definition
3 antisemit!sm+ history of rivalry between Christianity & Judaism
4 on discrimination and hate/ harassment towards religions in school and workplaces
5 discrimination WITHIN religion
6 some facts
7 using religion as an excuse to BE descriminating
8 read about judaism as a religion, rules and beliefs
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sugarplum-sapphic · 1 year ago
why do you liberals defend Palestinians, like dont get me wrong jews have done bad to but you know their kind would kill you for being lesbian right? their religion is merciful and barbaric but tell me more about how queers for palestine is going to make a difference when they will kill you and subjugate you for being queer. that does mean those kids would kill you to for their fantasy sky daddy.
Ahhh the good ol' "sky daddy" but for Muslims this time! The hint of pinkwashing Israel! The "Jews have done bad" even though not all Jews are zionists! This really is a perfect shitstorm.
Let's address the Jews part first.
Jewish people have homes all over the world. The label of Jew doesn't come with a handbook for what you have to believe, say, or do (aside from like. Religion, I guess?). Not all Jewish people are zionists, and not all zionists are Jewish. So. There's that.
Second: pinkwashing.
Pinkwashing is when someone uses queerness and queer acceptance as an argument against "this country/place is bad."
While yes, same-sex marriages are recognized in Israel, the marriages are not done in or by Israel.
And I'm sorry but I don't need to be accepted by my fellow human to advocate for their right to be alive and healthy. Love is not transactional. Plus, the Quran (<- or any variant spelling) has many, MANY passages about God's love. You can find some here. Also there are queer Muslims! And in my experience in the US, the average Muslim is not nearly as hateful or hostile as Evangelical Christians. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯.
Finally: I do not care. I do not care if those kids would kill me (though I doubt they would), because their alleged hatred for me and my queerness does not make genocide against them okay.
Listen Anon. I know things are rough out there but we need to be kind and we need to love one another as God loves us. A stone heart does not beat.
J 🫂
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alvie-pines · 1 year ago
listen, I… the red triangle is used by Hamas to identify targets? That they’re going to kill? How is saying that a survivor of the shoah should be murdered by Hamas not Jew hating by your standards? Why are you bending over backwards to defend heritageposts, a guy who recently literally made a huge list of Jews he didn’t like with that fucking ‘Zionist blocklist’ bullshit? Listen, I get it, you’re a goy, so the only form of Jew hatred you think exists is nazism, but I’m a mizrachi Jew, and I don’t take kindly to people claiming that Islamic fundamentalism is not Jew hating. I hope you actually start listening to Jews instead of the people who hate us
hi. the website i was given to read up on the red triangle did not mention hamas anywhere in the main body of the text.
there was a section mentioning how it was used by "palestinian resistance fighters" in videos showing their "daily operations against invading Israeli forces" to highlight what they'd done, but most of the article focused on the idea of non-palestinians looking at and seeing the destruction caused by israel:
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i have since been informed that this site is biased and very pro-hamas, and have re-read it with a more critical eye.
(i will also add the caveat that while this is no excuse, it was around 1 am after a day of errands and preparing to move when i read this and was replying to things last night. i was very tired and not absorbing information as well as i could have been. i should not have been talking about things like this in that condition, but i have to add the context that it probably affected my reasoning. so i should add that i also re-read that article with a more awake eye.)
and i still dont like heritageposts, but the fact remains that my information in the original post was factually wrong. ("i cannot think of any other reason they would use the upside down triangle in this context except to wish the holocaust or similar on this man.") my disclaimer was meant to reflect that. "thus, heritageposts may not have been invoking the holocaust as i assumed." this intentionally leaves room for them to be lying about their intentions, and for audience interpretation. it also specifically is about them invoking the holocaust, not antisemitism in general. that disclaimer doesnt mean they didnt still say something fucked up. that means i may have been wrong about what they were invoking.
i still think its fucked up to wish for someone to get bombed, even if they are a horrible person and a murderer. (i dont believe in capital punishment in the first place, even for types of people i hate.) but i was trying to be factual and keep accidental misinformation from spreading. that was my intention with the edit, just as my intention with the original post was to keep people from uncritically getting their news from a possible antisemite.
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amaryllises · 1 year ago
i just gotta get this out-
i will probably be posting alot about whats going on because i have intimate connections to people living in israel and also i am jewish. if you want to unfollow me i honestly dont care. im very tired and will not be arguing with anyone because again i REALLY dont care what you have to say unless you are 1)palestinan 2)israeli 3)muslim 4)jewish. if you are a white non jewish or non muslim american i do not care what your opinion is and again i will not be arguing with you so dont even try.
there are so many things fellow leftists in this country are getting so blatantly wrong that its making me deeply concerned for the state of our politically active progressives.
i am against the occupation of palestine known as israel
i am pro palestine
i continually mourn the genocide of palestinans at the hands of the IDF and israeli settlers
I also have loved ones who were BORN in israel, one of them syrian, who CANNOT go "home" because they will be murdered for being jewish. They also cannot afford to leave. they also, like MANY AND MOST ISRAELIS have been protesting and actively trying to fight against the genocide of palestinans. BB Netanyahu is a dictator, not even Israelis want him in power, in fact he hasnt been legally voted in in years and even then his obtaining of power was questionable at best. The sadness of the attack by hamas on israelis is not based soley on loss of lives of israelis, but also israelis having the knowledge that they cannot stop BB from what he is about to do. They knew the minute it started any hope of peace or land back to palestinans was gone. BB is a blood thirsty war criminal who has been looking for reasons to completely obliterate what little remains of the palestinan people, everyone knows this. This is part of why israelis and jews are so upset. This is not going to end well for ANYONE. The deaths of ANTIWAR ANTIOCCUPATION israelis is devastating. These are our loved ones, our community members and our PROPALESTINE ACTIVISTS. THESE ARE HUMAN BEINGS. Being devastated at their deaths, rapes, kidnappings and the fear they live in DOES NOT mean we havent been living in deep mourning and active rebellion over what the MONESTER BB AND IDF have been doing to palestinans for decades. STOP SAYING THIS IS WHAT REVOLUTION LOOKS LIKE. Alot of palestinans DO NOT SUPPORT HAMAS. What hamas has done will most likely be the end of many many many palestinans. killing the israelis who want peace is not the answer, palestinans know that and israelis know that. Activists in the Eurocentric nations of the EU, Australia and the US have ZERO way of understanding the complex naunce of living this terror everyday EXCEPT for understanding that the US has done what israeli gov has TEN FOLD. You cannot sit in the US and criticize innocent civilians who are now dead. Do YOu have a choice? can YOU return to ireland or norway or divide yourself 5 ways to different countries you know nothing about while having no family there because 23 and fucking me says youre 15% norwegian and italian ? Can you afford to get up and LEAVE THE COUNTRY? If you are actively against the US genocide of indigenous peoples and are pro land back AND STILL LIVE HERE AND PLAN TO KEEP LIVING HERE then you have NO RIGHT to CELEBRATE or see necessary the deaths of innocent israeli citizens. Stop talking about shit you dont know and seeing it as a dub that innocent civilians ON BOTH SIDES will now continue to die because of a war they have NO SAY IN.
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yourlocalbreadenthusiast · 1 year ago
I want to respond to the video you just reblogged.
It is biased and frankly hurts for me to hear it like that.
To preface this: A)im Israeli myself and B)most of the facts he brings are true.
Yes, Israel is full of racism. Not even just towards arabs mind you, even towards other jews. (For example Ashkenzai jews discriminating against former-USSR jews). A thing that does not help is the constant terrorism.
As a the left winger sight, i think we all know how hard it is to shift the opinions of the right wingers.
Fighting racism is a constant fight. Imagine how hard would getting lgtbq rights would be if queer people went about and stabbed people almost regularly.
Now, im not saying that we are flawless and perfect. Im sickened by some of the acts of our government myself. The fact that Ben-Gvir is a minister of defence- a man that refuses to admit his love for TERORISM, is a scandal in itself, and most of his "supporters" (uneducated young adults who didnt realize this) stopped supporting him.
Also yea there are a lot of racist laws.
But we were not built on racist values. And that is the important bit. You see, palestinians are tought in schools about how "jews are the bad guys". The racism goes both ways. That is why its a "conflict". Both sides use hatred to fuel their gains.
But Israel isnt all evil racists. Almost everyone i know aches for the palestinians. There are around 45% of people who would love to live peacefully in a country of our own. I wont say that what happened in the Nakba is good or correct, neither are. But neither is destruction of Israel for me.
Basiclly what im saying is, no Israelis are not all racists evil people that want to kill all arabs.
I understand criticising how we act and frankly we did some horrible, horrible stuff that im ashamed in.
But im not ashamed to be jewish and neither should jews abroad, so stop spreading hate fueled propaganda please
Idk i dont really have a point this video just made me mad sorry
Anon, I understand. Just because some are bad doesn't mean everyone is, but what has been done is just blatantly wrong. I'm not saying either side is innocent, both have done things wrong. I don't want to say the wrong thing and make a bunch of people mad here, I just reblogged it because there's a lot of biased things who don't show both sides, and I apologize that I offended you.
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wittynameme · 1 year ago
how do I put this
I want to preface this with
NOt every Jewish person is a Zionist. You can be antizionist and hate antisemitism
A lot of horrible people have always used free Palestine as a dogwistle. They never liked either Jews or Palestinians
I do not like the violence, of course I don't
I dont know why I'm sitting here on my bed texting on Tumblr what MY opinion is on this war. Like I know anything or have any authority on the matter.
I am a 21 year old American. I live all the way across the sea on another continent where a country full of colonist war-profiteers pump out tons of pro-isreal propaganda.
Case in point the famous"we would need to make an Israel" speech.
I can only impart what I know from my experiences.
I've been in BLM protests and seen with my own eyes how horrible the police treat the protesters and how the news twists it in their favor, depicting them of being bloodthirsty violent rioters and when they can't in any way rationalize that they at least say there was "wrong on both sides".
I've researched propaganda, particularly blood lible in order to understand how people condemned Jewish people and perpetuated theofacist nationalism.
I've seen the ridiculous double standard we have for violence. Why do we only cry "violence isn't the answer" when someone who doesn't benefit the profit of the state does it but in any other case they were acting alone or defending themselves or "the cycle of violence is complicated and theirs nothing we can do about it"?
When Russia invaded Ukraine , claiming it was there territory actually and that they were freeing it from terrorism, we were record breaking levels of fast to call Putin out on his bullshit. In an unpresidented display of across the table unanimity we agreed to fight Russia. We also still viewed the Russians as victims and not as a monolith.
We associated it with the other times we've faught in Europe. WW1 and WW2 , times we have glorified to high hell and back as the war the USA taught valiantly in single handedly and definitely did nothing wrong. It was the last time we faught a unanimously "good" war. The Nazis were evil and we killed them...we definitely didn't join the war late. Inspire gas chambers and sell them tanks...and uh...what we did to Asia....well uh...we had too, war is messy and we picked the greater good. Now shut up before I send you to the principal and finish up that 5 page report on WHY we did the right thing when we dropped that bomb... And that other bomb.
When Israel invaded Palestine , claiming it was their territory actually and they were freeing it from terrorism ...we sided with them and stood by for 75 years as they became that theofacist ethnonation . They committed a genocide, they nearly erraticated the Palestinians. How many babies do you think died in their holy war?
Then word gets out that some of them killed babies in retaliation. I'm yet to see any evidence of this but it instantly got the whole UA up in arms . They viewed the entire rebellion as the same. All of our anti propaganda training just whent out the window in a second. Where's the "they were acting alone" or the "liberation is messy" or the "wrong on both sides "?
No. I don't condone war. There is no such thing as good war. It's always fucked.
But I find it insanely hypocritical, entitled and audacious to even use the word "condone".
This is an excellent example of people getting angry only when people fight back.
It would be remice of me to tell these people "yes I know they started it, but don't you dare try to end it, just sit there and take it because violence is wrong even when other people do it".
Who the hell am I to say anything?
At least I'm philosopically consistent. Are you? How do you neutralize the contradictions the government makes about violence?
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turtlemagnum · 1 month ago
always breaks my goddamn heart when social minorities give their unequivocal support to figures and causes that'd rather see them dead. i believe i've talked about the german association of national jews on here before, but for those unaware they were an association of assimilationist nazi jews who spent the last years of their lives supporting the man who'd go on to genocide them. more recently, we see this in queer people who defend stalin and trump. not to sound bleak, but stalin would've had us killed as degenerates. he's not "our guy", he's a genocidal monster responsible for the deaths of millions, and you shouldn't support him just because he was the figurehead for a belief system you subscribe to. and that's not even getting into the bullfuckery of trumpist queers. guys, that man wants us dead, or at the very least works with those who want us dead because that's a base he can count on. don't do this pick me bullshit, to fascists the blandest cis white gay is just as worthy of the camps as the least socially normalized amongst us. it's genuinely harrowing to see that there are people in my community that are willingly giving the rope to those who want our people dead.
y'know, we are going to survive this. maybe not all of us, but queer people as a whole are never not going to exist. please, spend the next four years doing your damndest to survive. it's probably gonna get bad. i don't know how bad, i'm hoping this is gonna be one of those things where trump's talking a lot more shit than he's doing. like, don't get me wrong, he's done a lot of bad shit, but he usually says even worse shit than he usually gets around to doing. he is after all, at his core, a lazy bastard who loves talking shit. but god dude, honestly i'm just hoping it doesn't get worse than shit got during his first term on our front. probably just wishful thinking, of course, but goddamn dude am i doing my best to hold out hope for a better future. i'm pretty sure i'm gonna be fine, at least. i'm relatively privileged, being white and able to pass as a straight, masc cis male, not to mention how i've got a housemate who has an incredibly stable and well paying job with an even better one lined up for me once i've got my shit together. i think i'm gonna do my best to support my community to the best of my ability, even if all i can do is be there for my friends and maybe donate to orgs whenever i've got my own income again. i realize how lucky i am, and i understand that i'm gonna have to do everything in my limited power to keep us all afloat. so, if y'all need someone to talk to (or when i've got a job again, somebody to hit up for assistance), lemme know! my dms are always open, even if we're not mutuals or anything. probably dont send me fundraisers now as i'm personally broke as shit, but give me half a year or so and i'm probably gonna be on my feet! i hope. god, i fuckin hope. try your best to stay safe, folks, and above all else stay alive.
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onmymasa22 · 6 months ago
Sometimes being good to ur family means
Brown and blue denim
So I was so excited to do an oil painting, thought of an idea and a color palette, did a sketch, painted half the canvas. Dreamed of a painting from a picture a friend took by the kinneret. And then I stopped. And its been a week since I touched it. And its 22:30 at night and I'm thinking, what's wrong with me, I was so excited about this, what happened. And then I realized, i just need to pint trees. For my final project, I
I think my obsessions this year went from lady diana, to orange juice, to trees. Am i normal?
My soliloquy at 22:30, waking up everyone around me: ive figured out what my issue is and why i cant get myself to finish that kinneret painting! I need to be painting trees. I know its really weird, but i just have this need to paint more trees. More and more trees. And it started months ago, but my need still hasnt been satiated."
Everyone: "that's great dalya, can u paint the trees tomorrow..."
If i would do an exhibit, on escapeism, it would be a room in paris. Thered b a window with a gorgeous view, a balcony maybe where you see the most amazing thing. Maybe sunset. A cup of coffee, flowers, the whole wall would be the view. You would just want to sit there for hours. A place where you could just be. Or lying on the floor. I dont think i want to disgust people, i want to create a space that ppl would want to b there and sit, and think. Maybe jazz music or something french, a scented candle. And to paint the view i want to see. A coffee cup and a cigarette lit. You can have clothes and shoes in the room. Flowers. Maybe amsterdam. Sitting on a bench. I like places ppl can just thing. I want to create a space.
Am I racist? Maybe. If any group of ppl try to kill my friends, and make them deal with things no one should have to go through, im gonna wish that group gone, killed, erased from the world. Not sorry. My mind is so full of trying to keep my friends from jumping off roofs and sleep at night, and checking on them, and to be safe, i have no room to think about anyone other than jews. So am i racist? Probably. Do i care? No, not really, ive got pretty thick skin.
Fun compliment of the day: "we need a photo of someone who looks like shes an eishet sota for haaretz newspaper... i know, lets use that photo of dalya!"
The next ten years of my life:
Ppl: "where have i seen u before? Ur face looks so familiar."
Me: "i was the model for- woman who cheats on her husband, drinks paper, and explodes, thank u for noticing, have a lovely day."
I want to cry. And all i can paint is trees. Trees trees and more trees. What is a tree. They say dalya is a branch from a tree.
I want to live in paris for a bit. I want to learn french and be everywhere loving
Is there a name for hashem that encompasses the feeling of there is a plan. Like, gd has names for attributes, but is there a name for hashem
After spending a few days exclusivity watching emily in paris and mrs harris goes to paris. My dream is to live a bit in paris. I want to paint in paris. And all of france. And sicily, and rome. I want to paint the flowers that monet painted. Follow the footsteps of impressionism. Monets flowers, degas ballerinas, van goghs nights and cafes and nature. I want croissants and wine and to just make it.
I sound high, i know, but im not.
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azlovesem · 6 months ago
Thats stupid. The right person can make you. Its the energy when you find that right someone or hopefully someone at all. Me id be killing in a foreign land. Bliwing dhit and killing mother fuckers left right and centre til they killed me. If otvwasnt for my girls i gotta look put for. If ot wasnt for them one in particular i epuldnt go e a fuck. Id cpme beat whoever wrote thos just for writing. Theres no point in you. Alone you aint shit. They want you home cozy stupid comfy thinking abput you. When in you aint that great from whst ive seen. Me im bas ass and lived by those who matter. Brcause i help them and no one else can. But i hurt them too at the same time. Simplistic sayings are for simpletons. You dont matter much if you dont got those people. Then youll start thinki g too much snd rnd up one which is worse bring wise. Lone thinkers font get much done and if they fo its someone else it with their ideas. Thos ehy im superior yo Religion. Any religion we treat ours like a myseum or Christmas. Just the good. No fote or brimstone we fo not want tomend up like Jews or Muslims. Irs horrible. Theyre oussessed devils really at each others throats. Neither of them are right wtf you t as lkn vnput dont argue eiyh me about it go argue with your mommy. If everybofirs yelling uou your wrong you might be wrong. The Russians better just bsck up yheyre done. Fuck are they dhitry stupud people and fighters. Again snykne says oyherwise ill joll you. This jewish giy was skirting sactions hes deqd now. Im yhe guy on the level to kill snyone from any race or teligion. Mskes me feel wsy bigger thsn uour tiny ehstever. Fuvk eith je im daring you. Ywah crickets. I own los sngeles now your city fell. If not it burns pick kne. Hey tarsntino i hot tie of wei strin or any stein if yhey fuck with me. We re in charge now. Of tue city msake some movies. Go mske better movies for ne to watch om not stupid like most people mske a movie fir me.
“Too many people are trying to find the right person instead of being the right person.”
— Unknown
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