#killer whale therian
citizenoftmrrwlnd · 11 months
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stimboard for : an orca whale with ice and winter themed stim toys and gifs
x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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tarablackfluke · 2 years
Hi! Do you think you can make an orca mood board that’s not in the cold part of the ocean? Idk exactly where my theriotype is from but I know for sure it’s not an Arctic Orca.
Hiii fellow orca
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Moodboard for blueseaelk
This was soo much fun because I’m also an orca! so hope you like it 🌊😄
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sunflowermoodboards · 2 years
Orca | therian
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Requested by a friend!
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paxthepuppycat · 5 months
Hey, could you possibly do an orca stimboard with an icey theme? Love your blog !! :)
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shark-sslime · 10 months
Could you possibly do an orca moodboard?? I’m an orca therian and I would love if you could make one!!
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Orcas are apex predators, meaning they eat other predators. They are the largest species of dolphin and have multiple subspecies or races, and are social animals. Every orca tribe has its own culture, they have even been observed following trends.
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wholphintooth · 1 year
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beastie-bones · 11 months
Hello! I’m sorry if I miss understand anything, but I was wondering if I could request a outfit board for an Orca, with a Visual-Kei theme?
🌊🐚thank you for your time🤙💙
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Hope this is good, anon! 🐋🖤
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chasingcoho · 7 months
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cloufie-c · 3 months
Welcome to @cloufie-c !! This is a roleplay account managed by @stargazingezekiel !
This means im in character.
While this means im out of character!
Information bout' Cloufie!..
Hey down here!!
[Full name] Cloufie Clouferson
Gender : Male | He/Him
Age : 22-26 [unsure]
Jobs : Profesional chef, digital artist, cashier[temporary], Taxidermist[SOON TO BE!!]
Sexuality : Pansexual
Identities(Non-human) : Centipede, Grey wolf, and Snow leopard therian! Orca/Killer whale hearted! He does not see himself as human and calls himself a "Monster"... for some reason? Also, a pet regressor :3
Friends : Caliber(Housemate), Kate(Best friends), Felix, and more since im too lazy
Interested in/LOVES collecting : Dangerous items/weapons such as.. Knives, katanas, daggers, cutters, guns, lighters, and etc! Also interested in dead animals/things such as.. Bones, tails(Taxidermied, also started collecting because of Felix and Nooberton), full body taxidermy, preserved animals in jar(COOLIO!!), mounted bugs! Random bottles
Children(its a pet. But don't tell him, he will be pissed.) : Ranchu! A cute chubby ranchu goldfish that he loves baby talking to and spoiling.
Things that will for sure shock y- : he probably killed someone and buried their body in the woods. But he was proven 'Innocent.' ..Yeah idk what i was thinking when i made this.
So yeah! Ask more questions and I'll answer in the comments or maybe add it here!
@elizabethyoursillygoob @cattogettin @floofsirethe1st
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saturniasxenos · 27 days
Orcagender / Orcakin
Or - Kuh - Jen - Dr / Or - Kuh - Kin
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A gender in which you has a deep connection with Orcas, also known as the Killer Whales. This gender may feel compassionate, strength, healing, and intelligent.
Can be used by therians!
Coined by me. There is no correct way to use this flag and term.
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Etymology: Orca, Gender
Some Pronoun Suggestions: Or / Orc / Orca / Orcas / Orcaself, Ki / Kill / Killerwhale / Killerwhales / Killerwhaleself,
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aquatic-cosmos · 8 months
Hello!! You can call me either Viper or Ares!
I’m a therian and otherkin, and i’ll be using this account thing for that stuff! :3
My theriotypes:
-(American) Alligator🐊
-(Cannonball) Jellyfish🪼
-Orca (killer whale)🐳
(And maybe Bald Eagle🦅)
And my kintypes:
-Space (spacekin)
-Demon (demonkin)
I don’t know how much i will post, I usually forget about this type of stuff LOL, but I will try to post (somewhat) often! (´ε`;)
My DNI is the usual DNI list, especially no NSFW accounts because **i’m a minor**!
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tarablackfluke · 2 years
To all Therians and Otherkins
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Hey everybody, I'm Tara,
Welcome to my blog ^^
My Theriotyps are:
Killer whale
Japanese Dragon
Big cat Cladotherian
My favorite activities are to go out into my territory with my gear, and just spend hours in mother nature. I feel so free like that.
The sea is also one of my homes so I love to be at the beach and go swimming. my favorite human sport is Surfing! the feeling of being in these powerful waves means so much to me!
When I'm feeling dragon-shifty, I create my self a den and just curl up in my blankets! I also love sitting in front of the fireplace and just stare into the flames for hours🔥😂.
My favorite food is meat! I love beef, chicken, lamb, pig just every kind of meat :) I also love fish and spicy Ramen nudels ^^
If you ever want to talk with me about Therian stuff you can always send me an ask! I love questions.
I mainly post things about Therianthropy, so if you can't cope with that or if you are a Therian hater, this blog is not suited for you.
I also create Moodboards! On my sideblog, here is the link:
Have a great day :)
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bordernewfieprince · 5 years
Snowy therian friends
If youre a snow-related therian in any way (Such as a penguin, orca, seal, polar bear, etc) send me a message! I'm a leopard seal looking for some friends!!
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kin-flags · 5 years
could i ask for an orcakin flag? ^^
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Already exists
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wholphintooth · 1 year
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karak9 · 7 years
Tbh I really want to meet other orca therians, or just cetaceans in general. I feel like I'm not as connected to that part of me as I should be and I just,, really wanna meet other orcas and maybe talk about our experiences n stuff. I only knew one cetacean cladotherian but she was more smaller dolphins than orca. Also I rlly love whales, esp humpback they're great and I wanna be friends with them all but I live far from the ocean so uh,,, any cetacean kin out there?
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