#kili cosplay
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A little trip down memory lane, because I LOVE going to see LotR movies in costumes I made with @kwynhild!!!
All photos taken by our dad.
#she was sick for AUJ :(#Also I owe her a costume now there just wasn't time to make the one she wanted (Eowyn's armor) with everything going on#lotr#cosplay#arwen cosplay#fili cosplay#kili cosplay#bilbo baggins cosplay#smaug cosplay#the smaug dress was also my first original design!!!
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Fili, Kili, and Thorin Oakenshield from The Hobbit trilogy (June 18, 2024) Modeling by Z, NJ, & Bee, photography by Z, NJ, & Bee
#thorin oakenshield#fili and kili#kili durin#fili durin#the hobbit#lotr#tolkien#lotr cosplay#tolkien cosplay#hobbit cosplay#southwest of nowhere cosplayers#middle earth
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Well well well, do I need to add a few ones to my cosplay list?
I want to finish all my cosplays. SO desperately! Why do I have to work? This is not fair
#lovewhatyoudo#dowhatyoulove#cosplay#i want to have time#fuck capitalism#thorin oakenshield#kili durin#tauriel
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Me! Me! I enjoy your cosplay! I think you make a lovely Mr. Boggins ( - see what I did there, a la Kili ! ) I hope you had a very nice time at the birthday party! You deserve to have ALL the wonderful times!
not me replying to this months too late, I'm so sorry! but thank you so much, I hope you’ll have a great new year <3
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WIND MEETS THE ROM : Part 7 of 27 :
MLP Fan Fiction
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Part 7 of 27
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
Cover art by @wind-the-mama-cat
54212 words
© 2023 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 06/01/18
All rights reserved. This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights. They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact. They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story? Read from Part 1, here!
Both Tia and Midnight froze when they saw the simple pebble. Midnight called out in an astonishingly loud voice, “Guards! Assemble before your Princesses! Witness the trial under the Royal Wing of Guard Sargent Hemlock!”
Wind recognized the guard as he was getting to his feet. He was one of the two that their leader had stopped from entering the camp earlier.
Tia ordered, “Remove all weapons from Hemlock, no longer a Royal Guard. Strap his wings.”
Two of the Guard stepped forward, secured his wings and removed all weapons from him, even searching his pouches and saddlebags.
He unwisely snapped, “You can't do this! I was minding my own business, just starting a little sling practice and you nab me for trying to improve my preparedness!”
In an utterly calm voice, that betrayed a volcano about to erupt, Midnight called, “Guard Major Hawkwing, do you know Hemlock's testing scores from the Manual of Rom Custom and Belief?”
The leader of the guards rummaged in a saddlebag and produced a ledger. Examining it, he replied, “Hawthorn scored 98 percent on the Rom testing. I assume that this relates to Rom beliefs in an afterlife and burial customs?”
Voice tightly controlled, Midnight stated, “It does.”
“According to the ledger, he missed none of those questions.”
“This question is for the whole formation. Were you briefed on why we came to this particular Wayside?”
In a ragged chorus, the Guards replied, “You are returning to the Lake of Shansa Na Kili, a long time friend, to Lay the Stones for her.”
Tia could see that Midnight was holding back with great difficulty and interposed for her, “What is the penalty for the desecration of any Wayside burial?”
“Twenty years at hard labor on the Royal Roads of Equestria or other labor as assigned by Your Highnesses.”
Hemlock could see where this was going. He demanded, “All this for ONE lousy pebble? I can just go over to the road there and get you another rock! What is so important about this one?”
Holding her composure by less than a hair, ears laid back and lips snarling back from fangs, Midnight, Princess Luna, growled, “When we closed Shansa's Gateway to the Lake of Paradise, I LAID THAT PARTICULAR STONE MYSELF! Your lack of respect for any custom but your own, we accept. Your VANDALISM and DESECRATION of graves whose custom you know, whether you share the belief or not, we will not tolerate!
“Hemlock is VACANT! The Barony shall be filled according to the Law of Succession. The goods, accounts and all other personal things belonging to Wiltin, late Baron of Hemlock, shall be distributed to his heirs according to the Law of Equestia.
“Guard Major Hawkwing, detail two of the Guard to escort the prisoner in chains to the Royal Road Police station at Haymarket Road Section gate to begin serving his twenty years of hard labor.”
As Wiltin was led away to the jingle of chains, Midnight turned to Wind and asked plaintively, “I am so sorry that you had to see that, Wind. What must you think of us?”
Wind did not even pause, but answered back in Gyptian, “I see that you love Shansa very much. I also saw that, what was his name? Wiltin, knew that he was breaking long standing laws when he did that. He was counting on that bit about it being one lousy pebble to make it a minor infraction. I suspect that it would not have mattered which stone he took. I don't blame you. You simply defended a friend who could not defend herself.”
Midnight gathered her into a hug with her magic and wrapped a big dark blue wing around her as well. Wind felt amazingly safe and comfortable in that hug. Slowly, she became aware of the nature of the wing holding her, lifted free of those Rom sashes and harness.
Looking in wonder at Midnight, Wind stammered, “You, you are an alicorn! From what I have heard, that makes you a Princess on this world.”
Midnight chuckled. “Here we were throwing our weight around as Princesses when Wiltin messed up but it took my wing to tip you off that I can be royalty?”
Wind pursed her lips and carefully pulled the large wing close before replying, “Actually, I had already put it together that you are royalty but my startlement had a different cause. I had a dream last night about the house that I was born in and the graves of my parents. The color of your wing tied into the dream. It was part of my very first adventure. And a very good memory.”
Midnight smiled gently. “I am gladdened that you have such a good memory of your first adventure and that it is somehow connected to me.”
Tia put in, “We have heard that you are learning to bake after our fashion. Would you be so good as to roll out the dough so that we can fill the shells?”
For an answer, Wind simply picked up a roller and started rolling out, dusting with flour, folding and rolling again and again the pastry shells to make many fine layers that would rise up and make a puffy pastry around the fillings.
As fast as a shell was ready, it got filled and put to bake by Hanar who was happily chattering away about all the things that the band had been doing for some time past. Wind listened carefully, though she understood that Hanar was not talking to her. She was pausing in her chatter to listen to answers or comments that no other horse or pony heard.
Wind took a moment to whisper to Midnight, who was closest, “Didn't you want to visit with Shansa too?”
Tia overheard and, while kneeding up some more Ka'chek dough, replied, “Hanar is her daughter. Our questions can wait.”
Wind's adventure trained hearing caught the Guard Major Hawkwing saying, “Halt! Sargent Greenforest, you must not enter the Rom camp without invitation.”
There followed something too quiet to make out, followed by, “You just saw what happened to Hemlock! He knew that he was violating the Manual of Rom Custom by that idiot stunt. Going to set them straight about dead is dead could land you in the same boat! What do you mean which boat? The one going over a waterfall with rocks at the bottom! At least as far as your career is concerned.”
There was a pause before he went on, “Let me tell you something, Greenforest. I have been on this duty for more than seven years. Everything will be normal, as much as anything is normal around the Rom. Then, you will see something utterly uncanny. If you are smart, you will figure out that the Rom are way more than Fair going attractions and wanderers.”
Wind quietly filed away the notion that the Rom customs regarding the dead were not universal here. Her revere was cut short by Midnight giving her a new lump of dough.
“Here, Wind, this dough is for your pasties. We added some blood and a shortening from meat to make it tastier for you.”
Wind set to rolling it out with a will! She was surprised when Hanar set about filling her pastries and putting them to bake without any trace of the squeamishness that most of the band exhibited around any sort of meat.
Hanar noticed Wind watching her. She smiled and offered, “See, Mother? Even our new member has noticed. I felt so helpless when you went to the Lake. Not even Marchhare, Hoof Dancer and Black Lotus could keep you here with us. They did try, though. Now I am studying with them to be a healer like they are. It won't stop me from weaving, any more than it stops Hoof Dancer from being the finest dancer among the Rom.”
Hanar continued her happy chatter while she was watching the baking pastries.
Wind, finished with the dough rolling, looked over the work to be done and began washing up. She was surprised to find both Midnight and Tia working along side her.
The quiet slopping of the soapy water and then the rinse made a soothing rhythm.
Midnight said softly, “I do hope that you will forgive my intrusion, but I have been using a Bridge of Dream on you. I wanted to see why your Mama Dragon had you staying here with us for a month, when your wounds will be healed in only another day.”
Not at all alarmed, Wind leaned over and nuzzled her dark blue fur before asking, “Did you find out what you needed?”
“I do believe so, Wind. I think that what you are to get from the Rom is the same precious thing that my Sister and I get. A stable and accepting family.”
Wind slowly nodded. Thinking over all that had happened since she arrived, she had to say, “I hope that you are right. I had not even realized it, but that is what I am feeling. Actually cared about by more than my Mama Dragon. Maybe that is why I dreamed of my kittenhood home.”
“That could be the reason, Wind. Now, these last few pots won't rinse themselves.” They got quietly busy. Soon the last one was set to dry.
Tia raised her voice in a happy trill! “The feast is ready! Let us Lay the Stones and show Shansa those new things and accomplishments that we have done since we last visited her Lake!”
All of the Rom came forward to surround a place just outside of the Wayside. They all waited for Hanar to step forward first. As she did, Wind felt the tug of her magic pulling her gently forward too.
Hanar knelt both of her forelegs and her magic placed a beautiful nearly clear agate with fine mosslike dendrites in it at the center of the grave or Lake, as the Rom called it.
Wind was shaken and shocked by emotions as she saw Shansa's Lake covered with many pretty stones of little value but shining in the sun.
Eyes blinking back tears, she whispered, “Shiva. Donovan. They remember you and care for you, too.” Swallowing hard, she laid her small reddish carnelian alongside Hanar's agate. Hanar's magic softly helped her to make way for old Marchhare.
Wind sat, shivering with tears as the others all Laid their Stones. Tia and Midnight waited to the last. Midnight Laid her Stone and said, “Flowers fade. These Stones will stay bright for so long as there are Rom to remember Shansa Na Kili.”
Wind looked up, eyes swollen by tears, and reached into her bag of holding. She laid out two large, iridescent feathers. One white, almost opaline in appearance, the other of the deepest blue, like a midnight sky.
She shook her head, trying to get her thoughts into order. “I found these in my kittenhood home.” She sniffled, “And somehorse has been Laying the Stones for my parents, Shiva and Donovan. They were killed protecting me. The beast that did it was slow to pursue me, giving me the start that I needed to get away. I fell off a cliff. That is what happened to my arm.”
The others nodded in quiet acceptance. The condemnation that Wind feared for interrupting the ceremony was not to be found in any eye.
Instead, she saw the deepest sympathy. “I hope that I did not spoil your Laying of the Stones,” she ventured.
Hanar nuzzled her and snorted, “A tale like that, backed up by real evidence? What Mom wants to know is how you survived the fall. You didn't finish the story.”
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Welcome to the Dead Guy Death Match Elimination Round!
Due to the broad nature of death as a concept, most of the submitted characters only received a few votes each causing a massive tie. I figured the fairest way to sort out this issue would be to hold an elimination round to let you guys vote on who you want to make it into the bracket.
There will be two elimination rounds the first of which will start on Monday the 3rd of April at 3pm BST and the second will start on Saturday the 8th of April at 3pm BST.
Elimination Round 1 will feature polls of 5 or 6 unrelated characters (all of the matchups were generated randomly) for you to vote on. The lowest voted character will be eliminated and all of the remaining options will progress to the bracket.
Elimination Round 2 will feature polls of differing numbers of characters from the same or similar media and only the highest ranked character among them will progress to the bracket, all of the others will be eliminated.
Both sets of polls will last 24 hours.
I've tried my best to only include official images for all of the characters on the polls but I'm not familiar with every series listed so, when the polls go up, if you notice I've used a fanart or cosplay image without permission or credit please let me know and I'll add credit and correct it for any future appearances of that character.
The matchups are listed under the read more and hyperlinked to the polls
I apologise if I’ve accidentally spelled something wrong or used a wrong name for something, I’m not familiar with every series listed.
There will be spoilers for many series ahead.
Round 1-
Poll 1-
Leif- Bug Fables
Claire Foley- Professor Layton
Magne- My Hero Academia
Koki Kariya- The World Ends With You
Matsuri Kanroji- Demon Slayer
Tiso- Hollow Knight
Poll 2-
Polly Geist- Monster Prom
Beetlejuice- Beetlejuice
Kim Namwoon- Omnicient Reader’s Viewpoint
King Arthur- King Arthur
Chidi Anagonye- The Good Place
Duncan- Dragon Age
Poll 3-
Breakdown- Transformers
Varl- Horizon
Captain Orimar Vale- Skyjacks Podcast
Deep Throat- The X-Files
Connor Murphy- Dear Evan Hansen
Poll 4-
Catherine Earnshaw- Wurthering Heights
Johannes Cabal- Horst Cabal
Mr Boddy- Clue
Galivar Kholin- Stormlight Archive
Seth Gordon- All For The Game
Poll 5-
Jay Gatsby- The Great Gatsby
Billy Loomis- Scream
Esmeralda- The Hunchback of Norte Dame Novel
Kili- The Hobbit
Charles Vane- Black Sails
Poll 6-
Ned Stark- Game of Thrones
Hua Cheng- Heaven’s Official Blessing
Skelly- Hades
Nate- Levarage
Owen Carvour- Spies Are Forever
Poll 7-
Andre Grandier- Rose Of Versailles
Ash Lynx- Banana Fish
Jade Irinka- Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish Granting Engine
Hugo Oak- Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
Evelyn Hooper- Less is Morgue
Poll 8-
Pandora Hearts- Xerxes Break
Bow- Inanimate Insanity
Sam Cortland- Throne of Glass
Matoro- Bionicle
Tigerstar- Warrior Cats
Poll 9-
Deadman- DC Comics
Bunny Corcoran- The Secret History
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight- Saw
Tobias Tattersall Hawthorne- The Inheritance Games
La Signora- Genshin Impact
Poll 10-
Erik- The Phantom of the Opera
Diggory Graves- Hello from the Hallowoods
Max- Sam and Max
Nicholas D Wolfwood- Trigun
Pip Pirrip- South Park
Poll 11-
Pedro Madrigal- Encanto
Midori- Your Turn To Die
Charles Foster Kane- Citizen Kane
Rufus Emeterio- They Both Die at the End
Tuuri- Stand Still Stay Silent
Poll 12-
Manny Calavera- Grim Fandango
Howard Hamlin- Better Call Saul
Tanya McQuoid- White Lotus
Diallos Hoslow- Elden Ring
Sayaka Miki- Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Poll 13-
Meiji “Menma” Honma- Anoha: The Flower We Saw That Day
Chiyoko Fujiwara- Millenium Actress
Mari- Omori
Simon Karin- Pathologic
Lee Everett- The Walking Dead
Poll 14-
Rachel Amber- Life is Strange
Jason Grace- Riordanverse
Violet Harmon- American Horror Story
Vylad Ro’Meave- Minecraft Diaries
Chara- Undertale
Poll 15-
River Song- Doctor Who
Queen Serenity- Sailor Moon
Sliver of Straw- Rain World
Manny- Swiss Army Man
Mr Nobody- Transistor
Poll 16-
Shizu- Slime Tensei
Michael Afton- Five Nights at Freddy’s
Neil Perry- Dead Poet’s Society
Silhouette- Watchmen comics
Garret Jacob Hobbs- Hannibal
Poll 17-
Junpei Yoshino- Jujitsu Kaisen
Okudera- Yakuza 5
Shinichiro Sano- Tokyo Revengers
Yuri Nakamura- Angel Beats
Emily- Corpse Bride
Round 2-
The Owl House-
Caleb Wittebane
Star Wars-
Kanan Jarrus
Obi Wan Kenobi
Owen Harper
Ianto Jones
Ace Attorney-
Mia Fey
Deid Mann
Critical Role-
Mollymauk Tealeaf
Star Trek-
Jennifer Sisko
Tasha Yar
Quincey Morris
Tony Stark
Natasha Romanoff
Final Fantasy-
Aerith Gainsborough
Ysale Dangulain
The Last Of Us-
Joel Miller
Sarah Miller
Riley Abel
The Vampire Diaries-
Nora Hildegard
Stefan Salvatore
Klaus Mikaelson
Avatar: The Last Airbender-
Avatar Kyoshi
Avatar Roku
Hatoful Boyfriend-
Nageki Fujishiro
Ryuuji Kawara
Black Butler-
Grelle Sutcliffe
Angelina Dalles
How To Train Your Dragon-
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock 2
Stoick The Vast
Les Miserables-
Gavroche Thenardier
Eponine Thenardier
John Winchester
Buffy The Vampire Slayer-
Jenny Calender
Tara Maclay
Infinity Train-
Simon Laurant
Sally Face-
Sal Fisher
Larry Johnson
Pat Butcher
Pete Martino
#Elimination Round#Elimination Round 1#Elimination Round 2#Tournament Updates#Tournament Dates#For the sake of my sanity I'm not going to tag every spoiler and series on this post but i will on the polls#dead characters#spoilers
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Tagged by @sigdom
Three ships:
TeuTemp: My babies. My sons (in law). My precious starcrossed childhood lovers. How can I live without them. They're everything I need. Doomed by the narrative but sweet and fluffy like cotton candy. They're lovers, soulmates even. They make each other a better version of themselves. Gabriel brings out Gilbert's kinder and calmer side and Gilbert pushes Gabriel's confidence and courage ❤️❤️❤️✨
They're my ride or die, the day I ever see KT animated will be the day I can happily enter fangirl heaven.
Spamano: They've had a grip on me for years. It's the YEARNING and PASSION and DEEPLY DEVOTED LOVE that makes me weak. Lovi is definitely just as clingy and sappy as Spain but he won't admit it 😔✊
Sunshine x grumpy is my passion, I already get weak when they just hold hands or hug each other. They're just ✨❤️✨❤️✨❤️
AusHun: My OG pair in this fandom. It's just so nice to see them together. They complement each other so well and honestly that Buon San Valentino episode with their subplot was ADORABLE. I always knew Austria was a real sweetie but he's too "Tsundere" to show it openly (😔✊). I also love to see how Hungary feels comfortable around him and I like to think he was the first one who just accepted Hungary and her trying out her feminity without asking or commenting much about her tomboyish past. Either way I think he loves her no matter what 😔✊
They can always count on each other and even if I make more content about SpAus because of tragic yaoi, AusHun is my endgame ship for Austria.
First ship:
Amourshipping/Satosere (Pokémon):
They were my very first OTP ever and I loved them ever since. It's been almost 10 years... There's something so wholesome about them and the way they'd unconditionally support each other and their dreams. Even though Ash isn't into it a lot, he spent the whole day going shopping and looking at clothes with Serena when she felt down and unsure about her future and I think that was my favourite moment of them. But also the way Serena cares for him and is also able to knock some sense into him when Ash was feeling down and drowned himself in self-pity... Ik they're so young but idk whenever I see them I see the childhood wonder of having one's first crush and it's so wholesome <33
(I just love the childhood love/first love trope it makes me feel so happy and without sorrows <3)
Last movie:
Pokémon Volcanion and the mechanical marvel.
I bought myself some Pokémon DVDs lately and watched them the last few days while working on my Ash-Serena cosplay.
Last song
The Plagues - Prince of Egypt Musical
Currently reading
Russian history for my exam, I don't have time for anything else rn😔
Currently watching
Nothing except my old comfort movies
Currently eating:
I just ate some millet with sweet potato and spinach and a small amount of Skyr
Currently craving
Marlenka Honey Nuggets. Please.
I'm tagging:
@artist-kili @chao-mp3 @hummelig
I was tagged by @schmedterlingfreud. Thank you so much!
Let's go!
Three ships:
They are all Hetalia ships.
-Spamano: I fall in love with them the first time I saw them together and I have been writing about them for so long that they're just a part of my daily basis, for saying it somehow.
-FrUK: they love and hate each other, the perfect example of the "with or without you". I love their interaction in the series, they're so funny together.
-PruHun: I have always thought that these two complement each other so well. He is the only one that doesn't mind her behavior or bad habits, he loves her the way she is and she hasn't to restraint herself when he is near.
First Ship: RoyEd (FMA): I never thought of them as a couple until I read a fanfiction about them (the first one I read) . I rewatched the series and I couldn't stop thinking about them being a couple for a long time (they were 15 years of difference!). Fortunatelly, that time passed.
Last movie: Last night I watched "Catch me if you can" for... nth time. It was on TV. Well, it shows a young Leo DiCaprio (in an age in which his girlfriends were his age too XDD).
Last song: "Vengo a fidarmi di te" by Francesco Gabbani.
Currently Reading: "El misterio de la cripta embrujada" by Eduardo Mendoza. Currently Watching: Ao no Exorcist, in fact I have to watch the last and the current season.
Currently Eating: Nothing, I had dinner one hour ago. Currently Craving: a sleeping infusion with some chocolates.
I'm tagging:
@starsmadeinheaven, @irimaru, @smoothie03, @chizooo, @lydia-denise-la-rue
Feel free to do it or no.
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//my two first props for my Kíli cosplay ♡ can’t wait to get my hair cut and dyed~
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My original con to do list was just make a mask to go with Éowyn, so that's done.
I didn't have any blue cotton to match the dress so the inside is green for Rohan, and both fabrics are leftovers from Hobbit cosplays (Bilbo and Kili). No one will know but it's a fun Easter egg for me.
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Happy Pride Month ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 from Fili, Kili, and Thorin Oakenshield from The Hobbit trilogy (June 18, 2024) Modeling by Z, NJ, & Bee, photography by Z & NJ
#I don't think Thorin likes Kili's message#but Tauriel does 😙#the hobbit#lotr#lotr cosplay#fili and kili#fili durin#kili durin#thorin oakenshield#happy pride month#kili x tauriel#tauriel#tolkien cosplay#tolkien#southwest of nowhere cosplayers#kiliel
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Durincrafts' new project
Ok, I'll reveal the secret:
New project in spring was Kíli's sword. And that was the most dusty project I did so far. ;-)
To be continued … in a while
#Kíli#Kili#Kíli's sword#Kíli costume#Kili costume#Kíli cosplay#Kili cosplay#cosplay#dwarf cosplay#dwarf costume#the hobbit#sword
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#kili#kili the dwarf#hobbit#kili cosplay#lotr#hobbit cosplay#lotr cosplay#kili the dwarf cosplay#my cosplay#my face#dwarf#cosplay#kili durin#dwarves#kilithedwarf#kili-of-erebor#son of durin#the hobbit
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Your cosplay is 100000000/10 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼❤️❤️❤️
thank you!! it’s all natural 😉
ask kili anything ✨
#he’s being a thotty y’all sorry snsnsn#kili durin#kili cosplay#the hobbit#the hobbit cosplay#blog takeover
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WIND MEETS THE ROM : Part 15 of 27 :
MLP Fan Fiction
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Part 15 of 27
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
Cover art by @wind-the-mama-cat
54212 words
© 2023 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 06/01/18
All rights reserved. This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights. They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact. They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story? Read from Part 1, here!
Wind overheard him say, “At least he did not open the cases, try to do all the work and present you both with all the business ready to sign!”
Midnight chuckled, “That was only two centuries ago! The Baron Thurwood incident!”
Tia added, “Right. Remember Thurwood's defense? Mere mares obviously could not handle Vital Affairs of State!”
They settled down and began to play again.
With the fair beginning the next morning, they called a stop early.
After a good breakfast, Hanar invited Wind to help her in her booth, selling her fabrics. She entreated, “I know that you promised to help watch over the Sky Dancers, Wind. I set my booth so that you can see their crowds. I could really use the help.”
Wind was able to watch the crowds that came and went as the Sky Dancers did their first two sets. She kept hearing ponies commenting on her unusual appearance and supposed prowess. “I think that they made up that story. I mean, look at it. Only one foreleg and it stands up on its hind legs. How strong or fast could it be?”
She was laying out one of Hanar's satins on the measuring table when she noticed the near transparent glow of a unicorn trying to keep his magic stealthy! Her leap out of the booth passed over one of the ponies disparaging her abilities! She hit at a flat out run for the stallion, dodging or leaping over any pony in her way!
She jumped to his back and grabbed his horn, claws out! She raked down to his forelock and lunged for his muzzle! She grabbed and pulled his head about!
He collapsed under her, landing on his side, kicking feebly! Wind jumped free as he fell and yelled, “Medic!”
Black Lotus came charging out of the dancing pavilion that she shared with her mother! She had her field medical case carried in her magic. To the surprise of the onlookers, she skidded to a stop and took Wind into her magic!
In tones both desperate and worried, she called, “Warrior! Are you safe? Is the Rage under control?”
Wind, actually shaking from fear that she had seriously injured the pony, replied, “I am OK. It is under control for now. See to the pony.”
Black Lotus set her down and let her magic suffuse into the neck of the fallen unicorn. In a relieved tone, she said, “Just a sprain that is putting some pressure on his spinal cord. I have pushed the bones back into position. Could you please pull gently on his head? There, that is just right. The pressure is off entirely now.”
At that point, a blue uniformed Royal Road Police pony came cantering up. He obviously recognized Black Lotus because he asked her, “What has happened here, Mam?”
She gestured at the fallen unicorn. “You heard about the double murder of the Sky Dancers, last fall? This fellow just tried to murder their children on the morning of their first public performance. He was watching them and trying to gather stealth magic.
“Warrior Wind was helping in the fabric booth of Hanar Na Kili when she saw it happening. She ran through the crowd and jumped to his back. She raked his horn badly enough that he will need magical pathway surgery to be able to use magic again. She pulled his head around and he collapsed.
“His neck got a fairly bad sprain that temporarily paralyzed him. Between Warrior Wind's help and my magic the sprain has been fixed. He should regain mobility in about a half hour to an hour.”
The Royal Road Policepony turned to Wind. “You got from over there to here in time to stop him? Impressive. If you had already raked his horn, why did you twist his head?”
Wind shrugged. “I am not from a place where there are any unicorns. I never had to disable one before. I did not know for sure that his magic was disabled, so I turned his head, trying to spoil his aim.”
The RRP cop was adding to his notes. “I see. In the excitement, you pulled hard enough to sprain his neck?”
Wind shrugged diffidently, “I was just trying to shift his aim, so I didn't try to pull hard.”
Black Lotus interjected, “She does not look it, but when Wind was allowed her harness for Pulling, after her physical battle wounds were healed, she proved to be stronger than any horse of our band.”
“I get it. Spraining his neck WAS a gentle pull. Let's get this jerk to the RRP tent and forwarded to the jail.”
As Wind made her way back to Hanar's booth, fair goers parted for her like magic! Many had seen her sprint and take down of a unicorn. The quiet buzz that she overheard was no longer filled with doubts. Especially the bullies among them wanted nothing to do with a creature that could fight like that!
As the day passed towards lunch, Hanar offered, “Wind, I could go to the camp and bring lunch for both of us. If you wanted, we could both eat here.”
Wind looked up from counting coins for a length of lace trim. “That would be good, Hanar. What about our customers, though? How will they react to my eating meats?”
Hanar wrinkled her nose playfully, “Oh, the scent? I will bring you some of those pasties that don't drip. They don't have much odor, either. If I hurry, there will still be some of the blackberry pie to split.”
“Blackberry Pie? What are you waiting for? Sunset? Food! Food! Go get it!”
Snickering, Hanar got.
Lunch, when Hanar returned, was actually excellent. Besides the pastie, which was a lovely trout one, she brought Wind another bread bowl filled with scrambled eggs and cheese. And of course, a big container of the Rom black tea, along with two mugs for it. The blackberry pie was the perfect topper for the meal.
Down the way, far more respectful audiences were watching the Sky Dancers. There was still some quiet buzz about Wind's recent take down of a unicorn.
She and Hanar had several customers who, more than the cloth, wanted to see how a creature like Wind, standing on hind legs and with only one foreleg could handle bolts of cloth and accurately measure them. The dexterity of her hand and how well she managed without any apparent magic was a source of constant curiosity and wonder.
Overall, the fair was going quietly. The music of the Rom was everywhere. There were buskers out. Most of the Rom foals had a blanket spread out and played their favorite instruments, often in groups of four, with three playing one of the several types of lyre, the Rom's cleverly made drums and usually a flute singing over the rhythm and strings. The last one of the group would be doing one of the Rom's many dances to the tune played by the others.
Rose was busy selling her many clever and beautifully made boxes. Her husband, Myest, was selling some beautifully made but extremely functional forged iron work. Besides kitchen knife and tool sets, he had fine harness fittings, blades for scythes, wood carving chisels and many other useful things.
Across the midway from Hanar, was the booth being run by Tia and Midnight. Midnight's Munchies, the banner proclaimed! The long lines told better than any crier that the booth's fine fried and baked treats were worth more than the mere copper and silver charged for them!
In fact, the scent, wafting across the way was making both Wind and Hanar hungry! Again.
Wind observed, as she sheared a length of fabric for a customer, “Aside from that one jerk earlier today, I have not seen any ponies that are even rude.”
Hanar smiled as she made change for the cloth, “Most ponies are actually quite nice. The ones that we mostly have any problem with are the ones who run the towns. Becoming officials seems to select for the ruder and meaner ones. I am not sure why that is.”
Wind grinned back, “They have to stuff their shirts with something! Egos full of hot air sound like just the ticket!”
There came the drumming of small hooves on the run, coming from the foal's play yard. A colt charged by, a filly's bonnet in his jaws! Behind him was a filly calling out, “Give me back my bonnet, Charley!”
Wind leaped past the counting board and had the colt by the neck, pulling him to a stop! She said softly, “Yes, Charley. Give her back her bonnet.”
The filly yelled, “He's my brother! Don't hurt him!”
Wind looked up mildly, “I haven't hurt him, just stopped him.”
She took the bonnet from the shivering colt and handed it back to the filly. The filly looked at her bonnet and cried, “You ruined my nice new bonnet, Charley! It has your big old teeth dents in the brim! How am I going to save up enough to buy another one before Hearthwarming?”
Wind looked at the bonnet and was reminded of how clever Rose was with her hoof magic.
Charlie looked down and scraped the sod with his hoof in an ashamed way. “I didn't mean to ruin your bonnet, Sarie. I was just messing with you. You can have my allowance if it will help. I got eight bits, most of a silver. Won't have nothing left for the fair, but I owes you.”
Wind made up her mind. “You both come with me. Might be able to fix this. Don't know for sure but it never hurts to ask.”
They found Rose, in her booth, but proudly watching the latest Sky Dance. When the Dancers alighted from their last set, Wind showed Rose the damaged bonnet.
“Charley was just playing around and did not think. He grabbed his sister's new bonnet and ran off. When he did, it caused these tooth marks in the rim of it.” Winking and making a sort of pass with her hand, she added, “I thought that you might have a smoothing iron in the back. Don't know if you can, but could you maybe fix Sarie's bonnet?”
Rose nodded thoughtfully. “I am not sure if any of my smoothing irons will work but I will look to see, Wind. Watch my booth while I am in the back, please.”
Wind settled herself behind the sales board, inviting the youngsters to sit in the shade of Rose's awning.
Charley offered, “I hopes that she can fix Sarie's bonnet. I know that my eight coppers ain't enough to buy her a new one but I owes her.”
Wind nodded agreement. “You do, Charley. Glad to see that you know it, too. You are a good credit to the ponies that raised you.”
A quiet voice joined the conversation, “Glad to hear that. Don't really hear it often enough. My son's a good colt, but sometimes impulsive.”
Wind looked up at the butter yellow earth pony with a neatly roached mane of light red. She smiled and offered, “Show me a youngster that isn't and I will show you a colt that's not worth much. Charley has offered all that he has to fix Sarie's new bonnet that he damaged. I hope that Rose has a smoothing iron to fit and that she can do it for free.”
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