#kiibo is my next victim
milesofstars · 1 month
Maybe the knife game from Kokichi's free time events?
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I actually finished this FTE yesterday when i continued playing and it was SO silly i love them sm
funfact shuichi is so hard for me 2 draw... but kokichi is way easier! little octopus looking fella i will defend him till i die
ty for the suggestion! i spent longer on this drawing than i planned cuz i struggled with shuichi and also bc i got way too invested in making it look nice bc this is one of my favourite scenes, but it was worth it!
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dawnxblade · 2 years
Highfive Gonta AU Mastermind
Kokichi was reading files in his lab when Miu busted down the door dragging Gonta with her shouting nonsense about how short people are always the mastermind, looking up from the file he sighed before putting on a big wide goofy grin. "Miu how can I help you this time with your kinky fantasies of getting into Kiibo's metal pants!" Miu blushed before shaking off her thoughts but she'll think about it later. "Oi! Kokichi, I'm right when saying that Gonta would look cool as the mastermind? He's got the built!" Kokichi looks Gonta up and down before shaking his head in shame "But not the brain of one, If he can stop saying his name before every sentence he utters then I'll believe it." Miu gasps before huffing "I bet you that Monokuma can find a way to fix that!" Kokichi snorts and Gonta finally speaks after a while of watching them talk to each other
"Gonta thinks being Mastermind bad, Gonta go back to searching for insects." Gonta tries to leave but Miu pushes him into a chair and points at him her aura spiking to intensity. "Gonta stays there or else I'll squash every insect that crosses paths with me! Kokichi go get Monokuma, They need a better mastermind and Gonta is the one!" Kokichi goes to object but before he can Monokuma appears with a Flashback Light, "Did I hear about a new Motive~ well here you go! oh and before I forget The killing game will have two masterminds which means more killings will happen and boost the ratings! ta-ta" with that Monokuma left Miu, Kokichi and Gonta alone in the Supreme Leader's lab.
Miu looks at the flashback light on the ground and picks it up grinning like a mad person, she goes to flash Gonta but is stopped by Kokichi who was shaking his head in Desperation, "Miu think clearly for once! If you use this what's gonna happen to Gonta and what is gonna happen to everyone if we have a double Mastermind in the roster! WE can't risk that!" Miu pushes Kokichi off and presses the button making the room shine bright with a white light when the light is gone Gonta sits there for a moment before looking up at Miu his stare was serious and made Kokichi nervous.
"Miu tell me why are you causing such a ruckus when you're supposed to be in your Lab making the Ultimate Killing Machine." Gonta's voice held malice and Miu started jumping in Happiness shouting about how it was a success and that she was a genius before stopping in her tracks and picking up on what Gonta said, "G-Gonta I just wanted to test if we can have our own Mastermind for the game and-" before she could say anymore Gonta was in her face his eyes piercing red with rage and he pulled on her hair roughly before dragging her into the hallway and pushing her out shouting, "GET TO WORK MAKING THAT VIRTUAL WORLD OR ELSE YOU'LL BE THE NEXT BODY DISCOVERY ANNOUNCEMENT"
Gonta turns to See Kokichi backing away from him, taking a step forward he smiled at Kokichi before that smile Fell and he brought Kokichi close to him by pulling on his bandana "We're both gonna play this killing game and we're gonna win. Tell anyone that I'm the Mastermind and I swear my Insects are gonna enjoy feasting on your tongue...Oh but that's right no one believes a liar like you. so I'm safe to roam as I please" Pulling away and dropping Kokichi on the ground Gonta heads toward the door before turning back to look at him with a Smile filled with no remorse
"Gonta can't wait to play with everyone! Oh, Kokichi should be careful because Miu is trying to murder him....But Gonta will protect his Friend." The word friend coming from his mouth held no warmth and it made Kokichi gulp before hearing the door shut behind Gonta. Kokichi sat on the floor breathing hard grasping his throat "He could've easily killed me by snapping my neck...Miu head is gonna be sore..." Kokichi looked down at the file he was reading and how Ironic that it was about past victims of Killing games who were turned into the mastermind by just a simple lie.
Now everyone had to be careful around two masterminds in the shadows except Kokichi already knew one...and so did Miu.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
So I got artificial for the word generator and thought of a scenario where Kiyo, Kiibo and Ryoma's s/o gets killed and leaves behind an alter ego they made. Idk if that makes sense sorry if it doesn't.
Oh this makes perfect sense!! Thanks for the angst! (ya’ll better strap in bc these HURT to write)
The anthropologist tried keeping calm during the trial, but all throughout it..he was shaken up, unable to compliment the “beauty” of finding out the killer’s motivations.
Because it was you who became the victim--his beloved who promised to travel the world with him when all of this was over.
He lost his composure as soon as the culprit was identified, screaming why you were taken from this world so quickly. Not even Sister could calm him down; he couldn’t bear listen to her speak of how you were only “getting in the way”.
How dare she speak ill of you?! 
You’ve pulled him out of the darkness, his own madness..and showed him the true beauty of love
And yet..the culprit took that love away from him overnight.
If it was up to him, he would’ve given them a fate worse than death. But he knew he couldn’t interfere, so he watched their execution with a solemn smile behind his mask. And he left the trial room with an aching heart.
Were you watching over him from the afterlife? He could only hope so.
He laid in bed, wide awake for hours, wondering why things had to turn out this way. Maybe..he could speak to your spirit. He had all the books he could ever want in his lab. Surely there’s some way he can hear your sweet voice again..
Though right as he sat up, the Monokubs pad on the table beside him suddenly lit up. "Huh? How strange..” Then he reached over to grab it, and what he saw on the screen made him gasp:
It was you, but..in a small pixelated form. As though you were trapped in some video game.
“Oh! It worked! Thank goodness..it was tricky bypassing the programming on this tablet but-”
He heard your voice, and he felt his heart soar as he smiled. “Oh, [y/n]! Y-You’ve returned to me!”
“Ah, Korekiyo. I’m sorry but..I’m not exactly [y/n].” Your avatar spoke regrettably. “I’m an alter ego they made, a..digital avatar with their personality programmed into me. There’s nothing supernatural about what you’re witnessing.”
“...oh, I see..” The joy he felt was swiftly taken from him as he propped up the tablet, hugging himself. “So the reality is..my d-dearest [y/n] is truly gone forever. I can only hope they’re watching over me, wherever they are-” 
As his voice broke into a sob, tears dripped down his cheeks, soaking into the fabric of his sleeping mask. “It’s just not fair...i-it wasn’t their time yet! Why them?! Why-?!!”
“I’m here, though! So technically..my creator is watching over you.” You remarked, hoping your words could calm him down in some way. “Please don’t cry. When the time comes, I’m sure you’ll be with them again, Kork.”
Korekiyo immediately tensed at the familiar nickname, saving him from yet another breakdown.
To hear this AI say that with your tone of sweetness, even though it wasn’t actually you, made him realize...you’ve created something truly beautiful thanks to your Ultimate.
With a quiet sniffle, he reached over, gently stroking the screen with a bandaged finger. “Oh, [y/n]...I suppose I was wrong about technology corrupting humanity’s beauty.” He laughed softly. “Forgive me for misjudging you.”
Losing Miu was painful enough. But for you to be gone, too?
K1B0 swore he was about to shutdown when he saw your body, cold and lifeless.
In the trial that followed, he spoke the least..still unable to come to terms with the fact somebody killed you--the one person who showed him what “love” was for the first time in his life. 
It was a truly wonderful human emotion...and just like that it was taken from him.
Miu might’ve given him new tools like flashlight eyes, but you’ve upgraded him to feel more emotions, particularly sadness and love. And he experienced true sadness when he cried real tears and demanded the culprit to explain their actions--he didn’t even care for Kokichi’s mocking anymore.
Since then, he just couldn’t stop crying as he left the Shrine of Judgment and went to his lab. 
An hour before you were brutally murdered, you told him you were working on a special project, installing an AI of yourself onto his Monokubs pad. You used some of the technology from his lab, and left it in there for him to find later.
If finding this AI meant he could talk to you again...then he’ll go for it.
With a quiet whimper, K1B0 dragged himself into the lab, spotting the tablet not too far away. As he picked it up, it activated, and before long a small pixelated version of you appeared on it.
“Hello? Can you hear me K1B0?”
“[Y/n]...I-I...” Warm, salty tears streamed down his face once more as he collapsed to his knees, clutching the tablet. “No..y-you aren’t them. They’re gone..you’re their..s-secret project, right?”
“Indeed, I’m Alter Ego [Y/n]!” Your avatar nodded. “I thought you’d be happier to see me, but..now that I’m aware of what has transpired..that no longer seems to be the case.”
“N-No. I’m..I’m happy I found you. I just don’t..understand why I’m crying if I’m happy.” He muttered, looking at the screen. “I suppose..I’m on my own now with these new emotions.”
“Crying doesn’t always have to come from sadness, it can come from any overwhelming feeling, even from the happiness you’re experiencing.”
“...huh? How do you..?”
“I’ve been pre-programmed with vast knowledge of human emotions--in the event my creator isn’t...available to explain them to you.” You seemed sad for a moment, but your avatar perked up. “But as an AI, I’m still learning new things everyday so..we can sort through these feelings together!”
“That’s...true.” K1B0 managed to calm down, a smile on his tearstained face. “I failed to protect [y/n], but..I promise I will do my very best to protect you, Alter Ego [Y/n].”
Seeing your body get devoured by the piranhas until nothing but bones remained was traumatizing enough...
But to later learn that the culprit drowned you and tried to pin the crime on Himiko by putting your body in that piranha tank?! That absolutely destroyed Ryoma.
How cruel and ironic was it that you--someone who had everything to live for--became the next victim while he--someone who had next to nothing to live for--survived this trial?
Everyone was shocked as the ex-tennis pro suddenly broke down when asked about his alibi, trying to convince them all he killed you and dismissing the obvious evidence that he couldn’t have done it.
You died in his lab, right? Therefore he knocked you out. He handcuffed you. He drowned you in the sink-
But..he gave up after failing to explain to Shuichi how he could’ve gotten your body from his lab to the gym. And since his hands showed no evidence of rope burns...he couldn’t have done it at all.
Despite trying to lead everyone to the wrong answer, nobody blamed him for lashing out that way.
Even after Kirumi confessed and was executed....Ryoma could only leave the trial room in utter distraught.
You were gone and never coming back--just like everyone else in his life.
He was inconsolable as he returned to his dorm, crying the moment he shut the door and locked it. “D-Damnit all! Just when I thought..things would be different this time....” Clutching his beanie, he curled up on the bed, not wanting to wake up ever again.
The despair he felt was extreme; the kind that...made him want to d-
However, he noticed his Monokubs pad lighting up, halting his train of thought. In confusion, he grabbed it, wondering why it suddenly started up. But he nearly dropped it as he saw who was on the screen:
“Hey..can you hear me?”
“Ah! It worked!” Sure enough, you were on the screen, though you looked like a digital avatar of some sort. “My creator..are they around?”
“...so it’s not you.” Ryoma sighed, feeling crushed once more. “Y-You were..really killed.”
“...oh, I see.” Your avatar mumbled in sadness. “I’m a digital recreation of them--Alter Ego [Y/n]. They created me in case anything were to happen--n-not that they thought they were gonna die, but because they loved you a lot and didn’t want you to feel alone.”
"This is what they’ve been doing in their lab all this time?” He was surprised, though at the same time..he knew you had remarkable programming skills thanks to your Ultimate.
“Good news is I managed to delete your motive video. They were very concerned about it. So it’s just me on here! And...I’ll do my best to give you a reason to live, Ryoma. That...was my creator’s first and final request. I may not be them, but I’ll try to.....Ryoma?”
Your avatar noticed him crying again, though when he looked at the screen, there was a small smile on his face.
It was true that you were gone forever, and that he’ll never be able to hug you, kiss you, or tell you how many times you’ve saved his life. 
But as long as you lived on within this “alter ego”...perhaps he could live on, too.
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kodzumie-archived · 4 years
Kokichi With A Ultimate Bodyguard S/O
    The second trail has just ended and Kirumi Tojo has been executed. Everyone exited the courtroom, a heavy gloom hanging over all of them. All but one, Kokichi Oma, the only one who enjoys the killing game. Everyone was standing in the area, talking about what to do next. Then, one voice speaks up, just before everyone leaves saying, “Oh, hold on. I have to tell you guys something”
“What now?” Kaito said in response,”Like I said, I’m wiped out”
“Don’t be rude, Kaito. For all we know it could be important” Y/N hushed the astronaut in training
“Thank you Y/N. Now then, what I have to say won’t take that long, so just listen to what I have to say,” Kokichi said, holding the group there for a moment longer.
“Well then? What is it that you have to say?” Korekiyo says, clearly intrigued with the little liar’s statement.
“Everyone seems to be treating me like some kind of compulsive liar,” Kokichi started, “But that’s ridiculous! There’s a way worse liar than me in our group!”
Wanting the boy to tell who it is sooner, Shuichi spoke up saying, “A liar worse than you?”
“I’m talking about Maki,” the boy said, with an evil smile appearing on his face. Kaito and Maki spoke up, not believing any of the liar’s words. Or atleast, one of them didn’t believe him.
“Maki admitted it during the class trial, remember?” Kokichi continued,”Ryoma wanted her to show him his motive video cuz he was looking for a reason to live. But that wasn’t the whole story… Ryoma was blackmailing you, wasn’t he, Maki?”
“Blackmail?” Kiibo spoke up, not willing to trust the boy.
The boy continued to say, “Ryoma just so happened to discover Maki’s true identity. So he used that to blackmail her. I bet he said something like…’if you don’t show me my motive video, I’ll tell everyone what you really are.’ That’s why Maki didn’t want us to know she met with Ryoma. She wanted to keep her true identity a secret! That’s why she kept quiet until the last minute!” (I just want to stop writing the dialogue but there’s just so much!)
“Wh-why you… What crap are you making up now? Maki’s true identity? What-” Kaito stutter out in disbelief
“Nishisi~ I’ve known Maki’s true identity the whole time.” The short boy cooed. Just then, Maki practically disappeared. Nobody knew what happened and where she went until she suddenly reappeared with her hand clasped around Kokichi’s neck. Y/N gasped, as Maki was standing right beside her and was choking Kokichi, the man who she swore to protect as the ultimate bodyguard. Acting on instinct, Y/N rushed up and punched Maki in the gut to make her flinch and drop Kokichi. She then grabbed the girl’s wrists and pinned her to the ground saying,”Unless you intended on being the next victim, you should watch who you’re attacking.” She let Maki go and harsly glared at her as she stood up. Turning to Kokichi, her gaze softened as she said,”Are you ok? Her grip looked pretty strong.”
Kokichi replied, a small smile on his face as he was touched by the girl's kindness,“I’m fine, a bruise might appear around my neck though, but that should be it.”
“Here, let me help you up,” Y/N offered, as she took the boy’s hand. Just then a familiar voice shouted at Y/N, “What the hell, Y/N?! Why did you punch Maki?!”
“She was choking Kokichi! Getting punched can’t kill, unlike choking someone,” Y/N yelled back
“This is... quite the turn of events, though, I should have expected that from the ultimate assassin, Maki Harukawa,” After saying that, Kokichi grabbed Y/N’s hand and walked to his room. After arriving in his room, Y/N immediately asked if he was ok and if she could get anything for him. He denied everything and just asked her to stay for a while saying,”I can trust you, so, stay please. I’m worried they're going to try and kill me.”
“Don’t worry, you can trust me, I’ll stay.” For the next few days, Y/N and Kokichi slept in the same room.
This took like, 2 hours and a half and I really like it for, some reason. I just think it's very soft and the ending is cute so... Well all know i live for some good fluff right? Also, i don't like how much dialogue is in here, like, shush and get to the cuddling and fluff please! Anyways have a good life! -Dragon Anon
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⤷ Kodzumie; Waahh, this is adorable!! I love the end in which he asked to stay with them, it’s very touching how willing to be vulnerable he is! This is truly so cute, and I love the exchange between Kokichi and the reader!! Waahh, Kokichi with a bodyguard s/o is adorable!!
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what are your honest thought about your muse’s canon? [all your dr canons :3 ]
the source!! (accepting!!)
all of my dr canons???? holy shit here we go
starting with our favorite ultimate musician ibuki: first off???? we all know how i feel about ibuki. she’s my absolute favorite sdr2 character, and i’m about 99.9% sure she’s my favorite danganronpa character overall. but of course, i have a few criticisms. not about her specifically, i don’t think, i think she’s fine, but like... how the game handled her??? okay so i’ve seen a lot of criticism online about her (and this is probably my own fault for going to the danganronpa subreddit), saying that she’s annoying, she adds nothing to the story, there’s no reason for her existence, etc. and honestly that isn’t a problem that’s specific to ibuki. it’s made pretty clear if you really look at it that she only exists to end up dead, which i think is a real problem with the writing of the series overall. and since all my muses end up dead in some form here, that’s a common criticism that i’m going to point out right here right now and never again in this post. but ibuki herself suffers from that she’s incredibly surface-level with only a deeper side underneath if you choose to pursue it. and like. obviously i’m not asking for her to be the deepest character in the lore, that’s not what she is, and obviously she’s... not written to be the smartest character at all, but i wish they had done her a little differently, and not hidden all her insightfulness in free time events. because. she’s smart. she doesn’t see herself as smart, but she is. and i wish they’d shown that more. and honestly??? you are telling me that she is the ultimate musician, yet nobody in her class likes her music?! that many people in there and not a single soul actually likes it??? chunsoft you’re fuckin’ playing with me here and i don’t like it. come on. make up your damn minds. ffs.
also why’d she have to die that’s some bullshit. she was cool af and i’m still salt about it. 
this is going to get long and ridiculous bc i have so many of them so i’m hiding the rest under a cut.
next up is sakura!!! i actually think sakura was done quite well, honestly. granted, it was the first game, so i don’t think any of us saw the twist with her coming, but it was done really well! and her eventual death definitely suited her character. i never thought she’d be one to kill anyone, and i was glad that i was proven right, even though i was really upset with her death (just like i was with just about every other one lmao). from a meta standpoint, i really like how they took the tough-girl-who-even-looks-”manly” thing and sorta turned it on its head a bit (like, i’m not going to lie, i legit thought she was a guy at first who just happened to be wearing a girl’s school uniform and i think just about everyone does). her relationship with hina that built over the course of the game was something that was needed for her, imo, as it helps us as players sort of humanize her a bit and not just see her as this massive devastating block of muscle. i like how they managed to portray that even if she’s stoic as fuck on the outside, she really cares about everyone in her class, and that’s just shown by her death itself. they even managed to convey a sort of degree of softness with her, as shown by her relationship with hina and how hina was just about the only one that wasn’t initially scared shitless of her. idk man dr1 really did its characterization really well for danganronpa and they never really got that right again, did they? it’s a shame, really.
next up is our favorite bitch. junko enoshima. dear. god. i love her so much, and i love to hate her so much. the way she acts, the way she uses mukuro for her own gain, the way she switches personalities on the drop of a hat, the way she pretty much thought all this shit up on her own (with mukuro as well i’m assuming but let’s be real here it was honestly all her)... she’s a fucking unapologetic bastard and we love her for it. honestly i always look forward to playing a danganronpa game i haven’t already played because i’m dying to see how they’re shoehorning her in. because. it’s not dr without her. i’m sorry. it’s just not. sometimes villains are villains just because. they don’t have to have a deep backstory as to why they’re the way they are, and junko is a wonderful example of that. i love her. i’m biased. i love her sm.
next is miu. oh, dear, sweet miu. she’s the fanservicey character who makes things sometimes. that’s it. there’s one of these in every game. and you know what? having a fanservicey character is fine. to me, anyway. you do you, guys. but honestly i find miu kind of insulting in a way. no, not because she’s vulgar as fuck; guys, i am vulgar as fuck, especially after having a couple drinks, okay, i can sympathize in a way with her. no, what i’m insulted by is that they had the audacity to make her the ultimate inventor, and then fuckin’ reduce her to swearing, sex jokes, and vulgarity. like. inventors are smart as fuck. ya kinda need to be in order to invent things, right? especially doing it as consistently as she does. i mean, fuck, she provided whole things for the plot, for fuck’s sake. and they still reduce her to a dumb blonde who’s obsessed with kiibo and sexual innuendos. come on. do better. let’s go. she can still keep her vulgar tendencies, just.... god, i don’t even know how to fix her, but i hate her characterization even though overall i still like her quite a lot. learn to write women, you fucks; how did you get it more right in dr1 than in v3. and we’re not gonna even talk about the canonical ending because i see that differently than most people and it has nothing to do with what i’m talking about, which is what we see in 95% of the game. 
next: our favorite bug boy gonta. it should be no secret that i love gonta. i love him. so much. the only character that is second to my love for gonta is korekiyo. i love korekiyo so much too. but this isn’t about him. it’s about gonta. again, we are bending the trope of big-character-is-terrifying and i really appreciate that in gonta’s case. like with sakura. ahaha. what can i say, i’m really weak for that sort of thing, i guess. but he suffers from the same shallowness that miu and even ibuki does. they tried to give him some more depth, but i don’t think it really worked. and like. come on. a guy who was raised by wolves for years and doesn’t really know how to interact with people now being in a killing game with a bunch of them???? shit, there’s so much you can do with that!! but no. we didn’t go there. much like we didn’t go there for everyone who wasn’t shuichi, kaito, maki, or kokichi. (ok shuichi gets a pass but you know.) idk man it’s probably because i didn’t do everyone’s free time events because there’s literally no way to do so, but i’m kind of salty about how v3 just treated its characters. all of them have potential. it just wasn’t reached. at all. unless it was the main four. they all deserve better. 
lastly, we have mikan. and boy. do i have a lot to say about mikan. so, going into this, i want to say that i am an abuse victim. there, it’s out in the open. so, knowing that... some stuff about her makes sense. especially when you consider that she, too, is an abuse victim. and others. just. do not. she deserved better. she deserved so much better. and what made me the most incensed about this is her goddamn anniversary outfit. they only saw and used mikan as fanservice. why would you use an abuse victim as fucking fanservice i’m gonna fuckin’ riot. like. she’s traumatized as fuck. her despair disease shit makes a lot of sense, don’t get me wrong. it’s suitable for her that things happened the way they did with that. but for fuck’s sake. “oh haha look at that mikan fell again, face down ass up that’s the way she likes to--” stop. she deserves better. i’m mad about it. it’s not funny. stop doing mikan so fuckin’ dirty, you assholes. i’m taking her and i’m making her better. so fuck you.
anyway that’s it :3 i’m sorry this turned out to be so long aslkdjfal. i hope i answered the question sufficiently enough :333
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danganronpa-tng · 4 years
Introduction to Aspen ‘Iruma’!
“Oh, hello there! My name is A503N, but I’m known as Aspen! As far as I’m aware, I’m the Ultimate Machine. It’s great to meet you.”
“You too! But woahh, a real life robot?! Cool!”
“Eheheh, robot, machine, all the same really! Glad you think it’s cool, not everybody does.”
“Yeah, it’s awesome! I wonder, though... I heard something about the Ultimate Inventor and Ultimate Robot having a child. Are you..?”
“Ooh, you know mom and dad!”
- - -
Aspen is the enthusiastic, slightly gullible, robotic kid of Miu Iruma and Kiibo! He doesn’t understand all of the participants fully, but he makes his best effort to both be rational and be friendly with the others! Unfortunately this sometimes leads to him being taken advantage of by some people. Not much thought was put into changing his sexuality, so he was programmed as straight.
- - -
“A killing game? Like, one of THE killing games our parents were in?! No, that’s ridiculous! That can’t be what’s happening, right?!”
“...oh no.”
- - -
His best friend in the game is Katelyn. He doesn’t notice anyone else’s distaste towards her, and makes his best effort to befriend her, which he does succeed at. They’re both a bit shy about it, but they seem to be good friends.
He doesn’t like to say he dislikes anyone, but he’s picked up on some negative vibes from Erika.
- - - 
Aspen doesn’t like finding the victims, but he’s good at scanning the crime scene. He takes a quick scan of the scene and evidence seems to almost instantly stand out to him. He can determine a few things they wouldn’t have known otherwise with his scanning.
- - -
Aspen basically became an Ultimate as soon as he was made. When Miu and Kiibo finally decided they were ready to have a kid, they had set about planning Aspen out right away. Kiibo had to plan most of his personality so his only defining trait wasn’t horny.
- - -
Vera is up next! She’s the last introduction before i start putting out actual story stuff :))
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sillyroyalty · 4 years
Common courtesy
This takes places at Danganronpa V3 before the second trial.
You crouched down to get a better look at the skeletal remains of the victim. The tennis player you tried to recall. You never really talked to him since he usually sulked in a corner alone most of the time but nevertheless seeing what remained of him now made you unsteady on your feet.
You turned you attention away from the gruesome outcome of Himiko’s magic show and went to check if the Kiibo was alright. They did hurl him at the fish tank to break the glass, you couldn’t help but feel bad for him.
“Are you alright?” You asked taking out a small handkerchief, that had your initials embroidered on it, out of your pocket and handed it to the robot so he could wipe the water off of him. “Yes, I’m fine !” the robot nodded giving you a smile,”thank you for your concern” to which you waved to dismiss the gratitude with a small smile.
Next you made your way over to Shuichi having a frustrating argument with Himiko about how she did the trick.
“I did with my magic !” Himiko insisted, to which exasperated Shuichi replied that there was no such thing as magic. The argument seemed never ending. Suddenly and idea come to your mind and you interrupted their conversation taking a spot next to the detective.
“Of course Himiko did her trick with magic,” said plastering a fake smile on your face, puzzling Shuichi.
“However Himiko...me and Shuichi aren’t great mages such as yourself,” you continued.
“We can only hope to replicate your spectacular trick, so please teach us a method of the trick so common people like us can perform it”
You bowed slightly to Himiko laying of the flattery quite thick. “A great mage as your self clearly will no problem enlightening us simpletons right ?” You prompted, shooting Shuichi a quick glance.
The detective caught on your act and quickly joins you bowing as well, “Ummmm...yeah right what she said”
Himiko now pink with praise stood smugly,
“ Well...since your practically begging me of course!” She exclaimed delighted, “ I’ll get something to write down the steps for you !” “Be back in a minute!” She said speeding off.
You let out a small sigh satisfyed with the outcome.
“Flattery,” Shuichi smiles at you, “ that was a great idea, thank you”
“No problem,“ you replied
“I wasn’t getting anywhere with her,” Shuichi continued on “but you did such a great job !”
He turned and grasped your hand,” would you like to help me collect alibis?” He asked
Surprised at he the sudden contact you blushed and nodded quickly “I’d love to help”
“Great, I could use the help of a person of your manners, etiquette and smart “ Shuichi chucked.
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himiko-yumehellno · 4 years
Dafaa survey results
So I had a bit of a test survey go out for Dafaa a while ago, and now it's finally time to publish the results! I will be keeping the last question mostly unpublished as I don't feel like showing off a bunch of theories people have will add much to the survey (and not everyone answered that question anyway), but I will touch on some of the popular theories I saw in a handful of reaponses. That means we have about 6.5-7 questions to go through, so without further ado, here are the results!
1. So far, who is best boy?
Kaito Momota came in with an easy win with 14 votes! Tying up 2nd place was Kiibo and Rantaro with 6 votes each, and Gonta came in 3rd with 4 votes! The rest of the boys, in descending order, are: Shuichi with 3 votes, Korekiyo with 1 vote, and Ryoma with sadly no votes at all. Not much of a surprise that our Luminary came in first, but wow, I wasn't expecting so much love for the resident supreme leader!
2. So far, who is best girl?
Much like Kaito, the winner of this question was an easy guess. Tenko Chabashira came in first with an entire 28 votes! Wow! Kaede came in 2nd with 3 votes, and Maki came in 3rd with 2 votes. Angie is the last person to get any votes at all, beating out Tsumugi, Miu, and Himiko with her 1 vote. The other girls, unfortunately, did not receive any votes at all.
3. Who are your suspected victims?
Some people did not adhere to the five person limit for this question, unfortunately. Nevertheless, here are the results:
Gonta Gokuhara came in 1st with 19 votes! In 2nd place was Shuichi, and 3rd place was a triple tie with Kiibo, Korekiyo, and Kaede all receiving 15 votes! Wow, you guys really don't expect the K names to survive, do you?
In 4th place was Angie in 14 votes; 5th place goes to Maki and Tsumugi with a tie of 13 votes each, and 6th place is Kirumi's seat with a total of 12 votes. Kaito comes in 7th with 10 votes, and that's the end of the double digit votes.
Rantaro had 6 votes, putting him in at 8th place, and in 9th place was another tie, with both Tenko and Ryoma receiving 5 votes. It appears none of you suspect me of pulling a protag switch the way Danganronpa did, because coming in at 10th place is our protagonist himself, Kokichi, with absolutely 0 votes!
4. Who are your suspected blackeneds?
Again, not everyone adhered to the 5 maximum votes rule, but it's alright, because not everyone voted up to 5 people. Just don't do it in the future, alright?
In first place we have a tie; Korekiyo and Angie both received 18 votes! Korekiyo was not a surprise, but I wonder what it is that's resulting in so much suspicion thrown Angie's way... Hmm... ;)
2nd place goes to Rantaro with 17 votes (how ironic for the "not suspicious" boi), and 3rd place is – wow! Yet another tie! I never would have expected that! /s Ryoma and Tsumugi both received 16 votes for being suspected blackeneds.
Up next is our second three way tie, as Kirumi, Maki, and Kaito all received 12 points, putting them all in 4th place. 5th place goes to Shuichi with 10 votes, which, wow, I was not expecting as a result! You all really do like the idea of him snapping and killing, huh?
Moving right along to 6th place, we have Kaede with 4 votes! Our main side characters, Kaito and Tenko, received 3 votes each, putting them in 7th, and Gonta brings up 8th place with just 2 votes. Once again, Kokichi has received no votes, but at least this time he's in 9th place instead of 10th!
5. Who do you suspect is the mastermind?
We have quite the surprise for first place, because it seems a lot of people jumped into the idea that... Kaede Akamatsu is the mastermind! Coming in at 1st place with nine votes... I knew at least one person suspected she might be the mastermind, but I didn't expect so many people would suspect her! Who would have thought, you know?
Next up in 2nd place is a much more expected result: Tsumugi received 8 votes! 3rd place went to Shuichi with 7 votes, but I wasn't as surprised by this result as I knew very well just what details may have left to this suspicion. These three took the lead in this question by far, with the other results not coming close to their numbers.
In 4th place we have Kaito and Kirumi with 2 votes, and 5th place was our biggest tie yet, with Maki, Kiibo, Angie, Ryoma, Rantaro, and even Kokichi receiving 1 vote each! The rest of the students did not receive any votes. But hey, good on Kokichi for finally receiving a vote for once!
6. Which character do you think has or will have the most tragic death?
Poor, poor students of mine... Tenko Chabashira came in 1st place with 10 votes, really showing just how much you all expect the death of one of our most beloved characters in this fanfic. I don't blame you, but I can't help but wonder – how soon do you all think she will die...?
2nd place went to our antagonist Kiibo, with 6 votes! I suppose antags do tend to die a lot, don't they? 3rd place brought us Shuichi with 5 votes, and isn't that an interesting comparison with the mastermind suspect numbers?
In 4th place was Kaito and Gonta with 4 votes each; 5th place went to Kokichi with 3 votes (do you guys think I'll kill off my main character or not?!), and in 6th place with 1 vote each was Miu and Rantaro. Miu is the only one out of this list who has actually died yet, so that was interesting to see! Himiko, Maki, Tsumugi, Korekiyo, Angie, Kirumi, Ryoma, and Kaede all received 0 votes (sorry Himiko).
7. Do you have any theories?
A lot of people talked about the theory of the killing game being virtual reality, which was fun to see. VR is a popular theory for canon as well, so I suppose it makes sense! Many people mentioned the possibility of Team Danganronpa being behind the time loop, as well as Kokichi being bigender, both of which are ideas I've enjoyed seeing in my comments. It's just so fun to see people discuss what could happen, and seeing certain theories become popular is especially fun! It makes me sad that I can't explain the answers to some of your questions until the very end of the fic, or at the very least for a very long number of chapters... I hope you all will be patient with me as the fic goes on!
There you have it, everyone! The results of every question in the first ever survey of DAFAA! Thank you to all who participated. Have a great day!
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dreamtofbluebirds · 4 years
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While timid and particularly unobtrusive, Shuichi is a person of integrity. Years spent with a detective uncle had carved a formidable foundation for law-abiding behavior.
In his primary verse, he was thrown into Danganronpa unwillingly and upon waking up from the Virtual Reality, was missing quite a bit of his original memories. Between physical and mental therapy, he’d find that his past would always be elusive but a few things remain solid. His friendships, his family situation, and his nature remained consistent. What became a hurdle was the fact that Danganronpa had not known prior to kidnapping him that he was a trans male, and thus did not alter his in-game avatar. Upon his release, he would find renewed difficulty in the dysphoria but a clearer understanding of himself.
As a note, if I write with anyone WITHIN the game’s timeline, I will change the mishap over his avatar in the VR to accurately reflect his born sex instead. This is because I am fond of this concept, and I’d like to keep that aspect of him consistent as I write.
Standard verse, taking place during his years at Hope’s Peak. He lives on-campus at a dorm and is often gone over any significant breaks, doing cases or visiting his Uncle and Aunt. He’s more often than not away on any and all days off, going to the city to explore, experience events and festivals, or otherwise, work off his physical energy so he can focus on his studies later that night.
{ P4. }
Split into two halves. One centers around Hope’s Peak –> P4′s plot, without DR.
In his secondary verse, Danganronpa existed within the world of Persona, spurred on by severe influences within the Metaverse. Himself and others were dragged in but through the trials they faced, they awakened to their potential, and Chapter Six was a boss battle as the Metaverse seeped into their Virtual Reality simulation. Upon waking, they retained their personas and made a vow to seek the truth, no matter the cost. He is of the Death Arcana, capable of summoning AUGUSTE DUPIN, same as the legendary fictional detective.
Accompanying these two verses, it’s available for Shuichi and Naoto to be brothers. They lived separately and don’t know much about each other–even down to opening up about their gender identity which would only end up being implied, as both would be too awkward to talk about it during family events.
{ P5. }
Split into two halves. One centers around Hope’s Peak –> P5′s plot, without DR.
In his secondary verse, Danganronpa existed within the world of Persona, spurred on by severe influences within the Metaverse. Himself and others were dragged in but through the trials they faced, they awakened to their potential, and Chapter Six was a boss battle as the Metaverse seeped into their Virtual Reality simulation. Upon waking, they retained their personas and made a vow to seek the truth, no matter the cost. He is of the Death Arcana, capable of summoning AUGUSTE DUPIN, same as the legendary fictional detective.
The third verse is a pokemon verse where he’s a P.I. with two pokemon, a Growlithe and an Umbreon named Lee and Bree. After the show ended, he returned to his Uncle’s work as a part-timer and on low-risk cases, and was given an Eevee at the time. Growlithe has been with him since before the show, so both pokemon work together to ensure he keeps a calm head.
This is an apocalypse AU in which the undead arose while he underwent high school life at Hope’s Peak. He’s great for tactical approaches and working hard, but the loss of Kaito and many others weigh on him. His only comfort is that Kaede remains by his side.
This verse is split into two groups; one remains post-game, and the other is Hope’s Peak. Each of these will be tagged with both tags.
The post-game verse is a vampire verse in which he was bitten before the game. It’s my only non-VR AU with the killing game included, but the game doesn’t have to go as it did in canon because I’d love to interact with certain characters regardless. He’s young and without a sire, but I’ll be taking a bit of lore from Vampire: The Masquerade and say that his humanity is extremely high. This grants him the ability to hide what he is extremely well, among other things. He has the power of suggestion, but he’s very untrained with it and would hate to use it unless he morally had to.
The alternate verse is in which he’s at Hope’s Peak and handles the results of being bitten on a case during a break, uprooting his entire lifestyle.
{ AVIAN. }
Sixth verse is one in which he’s winged, mirroring the pattern of a blue raven with their mostly black, glossy-blue wings and his bright eyes. They’re too big to hide and he can fly, but he’s timid about it and prefers to stay grounded out of safety.
A verse where DR2′s plot was V3′s, and the ‘older classmates’ that helped were DR2′s cast. The verse is spliced into three parts. Shuichi acting as an active Remnant of Despair is the first segment, him inside Future Foundation’s custody is the second, and post-NWP is the third. He’s ruthless and hellbent on punishing criminals, turning his personality to mirror a sadism that he’s sickened by. He kidnaps Kaito during the active remnant days as well as attempts to kidnap and punish other classmates/remnants in the name of justice.
He’s very similar to Future Foundation’s leaders at the time but believes them to be corrupt/weak, seeing as Junko still captured him and others.
{ BLIND. }
During a case overseas, Shuichi was a victim of an acid attack. It stole his sight during his final year at Hope’s Peak as a result, bringing him to a long hospital stay and therapy in the coming months to regain some resemblance of autonomy.
Shuichi is one of the top officers in the city not for his experience, but his knack for being in the right place at the right time, and his ability to talk to the villains at least somewhat civilly. He often accompanies Kaito and does his best to do what’s right, regardless of what the police force thinks he should be doing, which puts him in a tough spot.
He does have an ability, which is that all psychological abilities have a significantly decreased effect on him. He essentially has a mental fortitude buff.
Shuichi suffered a car crash that all but ruined his physical body, save for his mind. His Uncle and Idabashi had been good friends, and right as the roboticist entered stages of humanlike development on his own project, Shoma all but pleaded for a chance to give Shuichi a new body.
Codenamed S4U-1C41, he would end up living with the roboticist as he regained mobility while Kibo, the man’s son, was accepted into the Saihara’s household given his own love of detective work.
Regarded as inhumane, Shuichi understands the importance of his secret and hides his true identity.
{ TWINS. }
Fairly straightforward as an AU and can be in conjunction with almost every other AU he has. His birth name would be Shiho still, but the next part depends on who takes the role of Shuichi–if the other twin does, then the name he’d choose for himself is Shouhei Saihara regardless of what last name he inherited. If he takes the role of Shuichi, then he’d have chosen Shuichi Saihara as his new name.
His dynamic with the sibling depends on the personality of said twin, but his own personality remains fairly responsible–even to the point of taking the blame for his brother and proving incredibly loyal. A large detail that changes him is that loneliness is a persevering trait of his and I like the idea that he and his brother were split up a lot as their parents were not prepared for two, resulting in an on-off stay with Uncle Shoma. This means that while he craves closeness with his sibling, he remains awkward about it and uncertain of what is really acceptable or desired of him.
As a result, he’s extremely sensitive to criticism.
After much consideration, this verse was added. Shouhei Saihara is a boy with high expectations placed on him. Although his Uncle is less strict than his parents were, he was forced into attending Spring Field Academy and forced into living with his Uncle and Aunt while his parents continued pursuing their careers.
He’s used to being treated differently due to his status and loathes it, often avoiding saying his name, hiding his face, and otherwise being suspicious of those who talk to him. His social skills are terrible due to moving from school to school and lacking the ability to have too much freedom beyond studying. His world-view is pessimistic and his love for Danganronpa stems from hoping most of the characters die, believing them to be terrible people, aside from the rare favorite.
Shuichi grew up as the world fell apart, heavy-hearted and devastated by the collapse. From the meteors to the sickness, then the Gofer Project and the rise of the opposing cult, he clung to any minuscule stability he had before going on the run, hiding from friend and foe alike. While he feels unworthy of being in the project he understood the necessity of it at the time and still does.
His natural role as a peace-keeper and helper come out full force in this AU as being alone remains the worst thing he could do to himself. His anxiety over being transmale increases due to the heavy promotion of having children, but he comes to the understanding that their new world needs law and not every one of the students were designed to be on board purely for procreating–Kiibo and Kirumi, for example, whose talents center around enrichment of others and coexistence rather than something so base.
Born to the King and Queen of a kingdom, Shuichi was able to escape the confines of sophisticated life to grow up under his Uncle’s care, who was a simple detective within the kingdom. Because so little information about the heir to the throne was ever released, when he was called back, few questioned his identity and the ones that did only assumed he may have been the nephew of the rulers and that the ‘princess’ had died. His head knight is Kaito and the chief of security and intelligence is Maki. Kirumi is both the head maid and cook for him, and he’s tentatively worked out a deal where she lets him help in the kitchen when he can.
The kingdom itself is steeped in arts and literature due to the King’s love of stage play and the Queen’s love of writing for such things. This gives the land an easygoing feel, but it’s ill-equipped to handle threats as a result and Shuichi holds a vastly different view of what should be going on–and he’ll soon be King when they step down to finally abandon their royal duties in favor of the arts. It’s a lot, and he’s pressured to find a spouse before the coronation. Men aren’t excluded from this, though his parents specifically have chosen to avoid mentioning it.
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crazynekochan · 5 years
If you had to change the survivors, killers and victims from each DR game, how would everything turn out? (You can go into as much or as little detail as you’d like- I’m just curious who you would make survive. Thank you very much for your time!)
Make Kiyotaka survive. I would have loved to see him overcome his grief of having Chihro and Mondo die instead of just dying like this, and then work against Junko and later on against despair as part of the FF
Make Sakura survive or die while fighting Junko. While I love her arc and how it played out (even if it made me cry), I wish that she would have had the chance to redeem herself in other ways instead of killing herself to do it
Have Sayaka’s plan succeed and make her kill Leon. While the small twist of her betraying Makoto would be even more obvious (which is okay as the first trial is easy anyway due to tutorial reasons) it would have been interesting seeing Makoto’s inner turmoil of trying to trust Sayaka until the end while it gets more and more obvious that she is trying to frame him. In the end he would have to kill off his one friend, which would probably chance his motivations a tiny bit
Nothing to do with the cases, but fucking take out the whole Sonia, Kazuichi, Gundham lovetriangle bullshit because it’s bullshit and has no reason to be there. I hate lovetriangles with a burning passion!
Make Sonia the blackened instead of Gundham. (No this has nothing to do with me playing favourites, because I love Sonia) From the very beginning I would have loved to see Sonia as a blackened, because it would have been such an awesome and devastating blow to everyone when it is revealed that their second leader actually killed someone for the greater good of her kingdom which she needs to lead as their princess
Make Hiyoko survive longer. I understand why the devs decided to kill her off instead of Fuyuhiko and how it fits with her connection with Mikan and her being her victim (even if it was coincidence). However it was a bit sad that they stopped in the middle of her character growth arc to kill her off
Change Korekiyo’s whole motivation. While I found him seriously interesting from the very beginning, I’m happy with leaving him as a blackened as he is an interesting one. However take out the whole incest backstory, because that is just a big no. I actually have an alternate motivation in my head and here is a short summary of it:
He and his sister were still seriously close and she still decided on how he was supposed to live his whole life and carter it completely to her needs in every aspect. However they never became lovers. He also never began his delusion that his sister is part of him now and instead broke in another way with his grief. During his many travels he found a book explaining a ritual were a spirit can be brought back to life through the sacrifice of 100 virgins (as in never used for rituals). So in his delusional state he decided to bring his sister back with this ritual. The ritual seen in the game is actually the sacrificial ritual he needs to use for bringing his sister back
Make Angie a blackened. Just like with Sonia I would have loved to see her as a blackened. Truth to be told I expected her to be one from the very beginning and found it sad to have her as a victim instead. She had so much potential
Kill Himiko and let Tenko survive. She could actually even end up as Angie’s victim who lured her in to kill her then for Auta or something. I would set this after Himiko’s character growth and in the middle of Tenko’s character growth
Have Maki die at the very end. I have to agree that this is a bit of personal reasons. Don’t misunderstand me, I love Maki but I kinda hated it that she did such an awful thing by going against everyone’s plan and ending up killing two people, and then getting away with it without any consequences. She literally tried to kill Kokichi, which would have ended with either her or everyone else dying as well, but instead she had Kaito the guy she apparently love have to sacrifice himself and die. And then she didn’t even come forward that she “killed” Kaito, thus literally planning to have everyone else die and she escapes. Like have her die while killing Tsumugi like Kiibo did or something that makes her redeem herself
DR3 (I know this isn’t a game, but I want to mention it)
Rewrite the whole thing. The plot itself is nice enough and I like the characters, but actually make the despair story follow the canon of the games! Literally next to nothing has any resemblance to what was said in the games with what happened in the past. (Also what the hell is it with everyone treating Nagito like shit in his class without any reason whatsoever?)
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imaginedanganronpa · 6 years
Can you please do a scenario where Shuichi gets a like some dark magical artifact that gives him dark powers and he slowly gets corrupted as he enjoys his new source of power, dominance and control? The others try to stop him from slowly becoming corrupted, but he almost kills them. He’s only nice to Kaede and Kaito.
Corrupted!Saihara Shuichi Who Almost Kills His Friends With His New Source of Power!
Saihara Shuichi stumbled uponplenty of odd things involved with Cases – high demand Detectives like him seethe epitome of strange. Some were far worse than others, and some should neverbe touched or handled ever again…
When he was tasked with a Case revolving around the occult and dark magic, hewas a bit skeptical at first. Saihara doesn’t really have the platform todiscard a Case that is brought to him, though, especially those that are of utmost importance likethis one. 
That’s where he first stumbled upon the ring attached to the corpse of a burn victim – at first, he originally assumed that it was an accident but foul playwas in the back of his mind. And somehow, the ring that the victim was wearingremained unscathed… generally speaking, even the most valuable materials and accessoriesshould receive some sort of damage when thrown into a fire. Saihara spent hourspouring over the details of this case, only to fall flat.
He did his own research and swiped the ring from the evidence lab, slipping iton his finger out of curiosity. But some things are better left untouched andSaihara definitely should have left this one alone… 
The moment he placed the ring on his finger, a dark energy surrounded him andhe was overcome with the feelings of power and dominance.
Saihara could feel himself slipping into insanity, and before he completely succumbed to this new feeling, he attempted to remove the ring from his finger but it wouldn’t budge.
The next morning, his classmates could tell that something about him wasdifferent. The way he carried himself and his facial expression were much moreconfident and dark than normal. Ouma Kokichi was the first one to snap andpoint out the obvious. 
“Oh, Shuichi~ something about you seems different!” He gleefully cheered as heapproaches the Detective. However, Saihara responds with lightning fastreflexes and wrapped his fingers around the shorter man’s throat, holding himagainst the wall as he struggled and coughed, his slender fingers trying to pry Saihara’s hand off of him.
His other classmates gasped and rushed to Ouma’s aid – when Kaito placed hishand on Saihara’s shoulder to try to relax him, he send theAstronaut flying to the other side of the room with just one glance. The darkstone in the center of the ring glistened as he did this.
Kaede seemed to take note of the ring’s glowing aura but kept her distance from her friend, fearing that the same thing might happen to her.
Meanwhile, Himiko does her own research on the ring itself. She could recognize the stone from one of her spell-books and spent hours pouring over its pages until she found it. The short redhead was alarmed by what she uncovered and immediately called Kaede to her home.
Apparently, the ring is a dark artifact that takes control of whoever wears it. Eventually, it drains its wearer’s energy until they crumble into dust and burst into flames…
The two girls looked at each other with fearful eyes, terrified of what may happen to their friend.
They spent the next few days gathering their classmates together to discuss what they found. Of course, there were skeptics like Miu, Rantaro, and Kiibo who didn’t believe a word they said. To their surprise, Ouma actually did believe them; typically, he would poke fun at them for something like this.
“It’s just that… his eyes looked different, it’s like I can still feel his hand wrapped around my throat. I thought he was going to crush my windpipe or something!” He exclaims as he rubs his neck with one hand, and for once, he seemed dead serious. 
Himiko did her best to find a way to stop the ring from completely corrupting its owner. Everything seemed to have a catch, though. In the meantime, Saihara’s powers only grew more intense.
He became much stronger, faster, more flexible. He also gained some supernatural abilities, like how he threw Kaito into a wall without touching him. Saihara is also able to spark flames from his fingertips, but knows to be careful so he doesn’t end up like the last victim.
He could already sense that the others were trying to take his power away from him, but he fell in love with this sense of control. His peers quaked at his presence and took him seriously for once! Why would he give away that source of dominance?
How could he ever go back to normal after this?
A week has passed since he obtained the ring’s powers and Kaede asked him to meet her after school. Saihara hesitantly complied since he’s always had a soft spot for the blonde pianist. She didn’t tell him that Kaito was tagging along, mainly because he showed up last minute.
Himiko lingered just out of sight so she could overhear their conversation and cast a spell to reverse its powers when he wasn’t paying attention.
Saihara joined the pair with a welcoming smile. These two were the only people he was genuinely kind towards, since they had both been his best friends before he received this dark artifact. He also promptly apologized to Kaito for what he had done the week earlier.
He flinched at Kaede’s touch after she leaned forward and placed her hand on top of his gently. “Please, Shuichi, think about what you’re doing…” she says sweetly. He almost felt swayed by her words, but he didn’t want to, even if he could. All Saihara wanted was to be taken seriously.
“Come on, man,” Kaito continues, “we love you for you, and we’re scared of where this is going…” it was true, none of his classmates wanted him to become corrupted. But what did he care? Most of them never gave a shit about him, anyway!
His ears perk up when he sensed Himiko’s presence and then turned towards the wall she was cowering behind, lifting his hand and projecting flames in its direction. She screams and just barely misses his attack, although a flame lights the wall on fire. The short girl trembled as she fell to the floor and started to back away from the Detective.
“Do you think I don’t know what you’re trying to do?” Saihara sneers angrily, “if you try to stop me, you’ll all regret it.” He hisses at them before exiting, not bothering to put out the fire while he’s at it.
The three students look at one another, completely perplexed and unsure of what to do.
After this incident, the rest of their class finally start believing what they had to say. They tried setting up an intervention, which only ticked him off even further. With each day that went by, Saihara’s powers grew and became even more uncontrollable and pretty soon, no one wanted anything to do with him.
Kaede continued to treat him like she had previously, only because she still firmly believes that there was still the Shuichi she knows somewhere inside of there. 
But the new, twisted version of himself gets fed up with their interventions, their pep-talks, their comforting words. He lets out a loud angry cry which immediately sets the classroom on fire. Thankfully, it was contained only within their class but caused the Ultimates to rush out of the building in a bewildered panic.
Kaede caught up to him as he sprinted away and clings onto his shoulder desperately. “Please, Shuichi! I know you’re still in there, please listen to me!” 
He had just nearly killed his friends, including Kaede, and she was still being kind towards him? Saihara didn’t understand. He just wanted them to leave him be and let him enjoy this new source of power.
Saihara was growing stronger all the time and all it would take to kill them and put a stop to their madness for good would be one false move. Twisted laughter erupts from his throat as he feels his mind slipping out of his grasp.
He could feel himself slowly slipping into an unstable, corrupted mentality. But what did he care? The only people he had any compassion for were his two friends, and everyone else could go to Hell as far as he’s concerned.
The question lingered in his mind: should he listen to the others and try to contain, or even stop, his own power? Or should he bask in it while it lasts, even if it costs him his life?
Damn them for trying to take this opportunity away from him.
- Mod Rantaro
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tempo-takoyaki · 7 years
Pregame Personality AU (NDRV3)
Finally ! Finally I’m going to talk about this au that I love so much ! It’s kinda a fanfiction to itself but since I’ve never finished the fan fiction I wrote I’m going to talk about it here. Let’s go !
The official fanfiction (made by me)
Part 2 of the au here, Part 3
WARNING ! : Contain major spoilers for the whole game !
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Here we go ! So basically, the story is that it’s danganronpa, but each character kept their memories and personality from before the game. The only things erased from their memories is the whole danganronpa existence. So it’s a killing game between normal students that don’t know how to deal with it.
Relationships, victims and culprits, and personality changed. Here is what happen for each character :
Kaede akamatsu : Kaede stay the protagonist until the end this time. She acts almost excactly like Byakuya during most of the game and don’t believe in anyone. She is sarcastic, and has a really dark sense of humor. She plays piano in her free time but she thinks her level is lame and stressed out each time she has to play it. The only person she can tolerate around her until the 6th chapter is Shuichi.
Shuichi Saihara : Shuichi dies executed in the 6th trial. He is the Hagakure/Souda of the group until the 5th trial. He got exagerate reaction to almost everything and is scared really easily. He is the only one with memory loss until Chapter 5 since Danganronpa was an important part of his life. Even so he sometimes get important clues during the trial and is even really useful… Well… Until the last trial.
Rantaro Amami : He stays alive until the end (he deserved it). He fully remember the last killing game he was in but forgot the reason why. He acts like a big brother to most of the characters and as a leader for the others. He is less impuslive than the Rantaro in NDRV3 so he tells the others immediatly about the secret room, even if no one can get in. He is also very close to Kokichi and Tenko as he considers both of them as his gay lil’ bro/sis.
Kokichi Ouma :He kills himself just before getting executed to ruin Monokuma’s fun. If I have to resume his personality : Mikan. He cries a lot and puke each time he saw a dead body (usually with Monophanie next to him). But he is actually not easily scared and is one of the most calm during an investigation. And when he wants he roasts everyone so well and naturally that no one want to defy him. At first everyone thought that he would be one of Kaito’s victim of bully but Kaito don’t want to because : “he’s so pathetic that it wouldn’t be even fun”. Even if everyone know that it’s because of Rantarou and Tenko presence. Kokichi like both of them a lot to even call them big bro abd big sis… Well… Until the 5th trial.
Tenko Chabashihara : She dies while protecting Himiko from an Exisal attack. She is way more calm than in the game, but when she is excited she acts like in NDRV3. She is the one that refute any illogical statement in the trial like Tsumugi. She got a crush on Himiko but flirt with her in a way more subtle way than in the game, even if Himiko is disgust by her. When she made her coming-out Kokichi cheered her and told her that it’s the same for him. They became friends since then and she throw accross the room anyone who dares disrespect him. Since Kokichi was also really close to Rantaro she started getting along with him too.
Kaito Momota : Dies killed in the 4th chapter while trying to commit murder. Kaito… is Leon if he survived. A complete *ssh*le and anti-feminist guy. He gets along with nobody (especially Miu who really hate him) and tries to kill everyone in the 4th chapter, until he gets killed.
Himiko Yumeno : Survives until the end. Because of her past she is really rude and associal. Especially to Tenko. the only person she tolerates is Rantarou (because of the big bro aura) and Ryoma (beacuse he’s shorter than her). She claims multiple time that she is disgust by Tenko and Kokichi and don’t want to be in the same room as them. But in the end, it’s when both of them die that she cries the most. She even start to get feeling for Tenko before she dies. In the end she says : “I was stupid to denied those feelings of me, because the time I spent with Tenko was probably the best time I spent with someone in my whole life”.
Ryoma Hoshi : Dies killed during the 2nd chapter. He is even more suicidal than in NDRV3. The others are forced to watch him all the time so that he don’t do something stupid (because this idiot always wants to kill himself alone when he knows that it could be taken as a murder). He indeed let himself killed in the end.
Kirumi Toujo : Dies executed during the 2nd chapter. She is really composed and lady like. Gonta appreciates her a lot because of that. But during the 2nd trial she breaks down like Nagisa in UDG and almost begs to be executed.
Gonta Gokuhara : Dies killed during the 3rd chapter while trying to commit murder. He is a reformed delinquant and try desperatly to be a good guy. He is actually almost like in the game (except the gentleman thing) and more violent (but he didn’t hurt anybody in the end). He is also way less naive.
K1-B0 : He dies like in the game. Kiibo is cold to almost everybody without being rude, more like Maki in NDRV3. He pretends to be human until the end of 2nd chapter where Shuichi forces him to reveal his true identity. He is really afraid at first by what people will thinks but most of them accept it. He is really close to Miu, close to the point he’s possessive. He is, because of that, the main suspect during the 3rd trial. He broke his antenna by himself after the 3rd trial and swear a lot after that.
Miu Iruma : Dies executed during the 3rd chapter. She is like fake Junko in DR1, but she swear more. She is carefree and hate when people define her by her body : “I’m not defined by my boobs !”. She likes robotics and science a lot, she is not as good as that than in NDRV3 but she is better than anyone else in the cast. She don’t know the difference about Kiibo behavior towards the others and towards her. She killed Gonta to protect Kiibo.
Maki Harukawa : Dies killed during the 1st chapter. She is even more calm and quiet than in NDRV3. She also likes both creepy and cute stuff. She is in couple with Korekiyo (Seiyuu joke).
Korekiyo Shinguuji : Dies killed during the 1st chapter. Less creepy than in the game and way less sociable. He likes creepy stuff, he got a tone of brothers. He is in couple with Maki (Seiyuu joke).
Angie Yonaga : Dies executed during the 1st chapter. She is from California and half japanese. She is cute and nice at first but during the trial she break down and become so angry that she freaks out everyone. She killed both Korekiyo and Maki to make it look like a love suicide. Her father is in a sect.
Tsumugi Shirogane : Dies killed during the 5th chapter. She is the same as in the game except the “I’m banal” thing. She is the mastermind until she gets killed, at that moment the person who killed her became the mastermind. She knows nothings about the scenario even if she was the one who proposed to removed the talent from this season. She gets along with Shuichi really well… until she got killed.
Mastermind : Uses the sprite of the characters in the game to express himself. Is like the fusion between Junko and Nagito. And… hates Tsumugi with all his heart.
The survivors are Rantaro, Kaede and Himiko. Did you guess the mastermind ?
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“Who would thought that the love interest was actually the Mastermind ? Isn’t that amazing, K-A-E-D-E ?”
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A/N: I feel like Kaede would have shared the SHSL Hope title if she was in dr1. Okay but if Kirigiri was in v3 she wouldn’t do a half-ass detective investigation. She’d test out traps and know a rigged game when she sees one. SPOILERS on the mastermind.
Other switch AUs: luckster | togami | naegi | troublemaker | detective | maid | liar | protagonist dr1/sdr2 | protagonist dr1/ndrv3 | protagonist sdr2/ndrv3 | heroine dr1/ndrv3 | heroine sdr2/ndrv3 | fem protag dr:ae/ndrv3 | mastermind
Heroine in the Wrong Game - Kaede and Kyouko
“We’re going to be alright. If we all just work together, I’m sure that we can get through this!”
She says this for the nth time already. She’ll say it as many times as she needs to. Sure it took them a few trials and more dead bodies than one would have liked, but she thinks that maybe she’s finally getting through them.
“Might I remind you that one of us is the killer? I don’t care if you peasants start holding hands but do not include me in your incompetent schemes.” Byakuya brushed her off just like he always did whenever she brought up cooperation.
“Geez, would it kill you to get off your high horse for once!” Kaede huffed at him.
“How dare you t-talk back to Master Byakuya, you… y-you bitch!” Touko yelled the insult with surprising volume especially on the last word.
“Bitch?!” Kaede was offended but she knew better than to engage in a pointless verbal warfare with the writer. She sighed. “I really shouldn’t be the one you’re shouting at. You could at least hear me out first.”
“Don’t worry, Kaede-chin! I’m placing my bets on you! My fortunes say that you’re on the right track. I’ll take the payment in cash later!” Hagakure gave her a thumbs up.
“Are you extorting money from me in exchange for your support?” Kaede asked disbelievingly. She tries not to think about the fact that his fortunes are only correct 30% of the time and how those aren’t exactly great odds.
“I don’t know… Our friends just keep on dying. Worse is that we just keep on finding out a friend who’s betrayed us every time. I don’t think what we do makes any difference.” Asahina admiited hopelessly.
“You’ve got that wrong!” Kaede shouted in protest. But despite her loud yell, her next sentence is soft and comforting. “I know. It’s frustrating and sad and heartbreaking finding corpses of our friends and… finding out that they were murdered by… our friends too. But we can’t just let it end here. If we did then that would mean that we lost. Haven’t we already lost enough? I don’t want us to lose any more.”
“I agree. It’s too early to give up. I know we’ve been fighting for so long now but just because we haven’t won yet doesn’t mean we already lost.” Makoto seconded her speech with one of his own.  "We can’t lose hope. As long as we hold onto the hope that we can still get out of this together, we’ll be fine. I just know it!“
"Wow, you’re really great at this motivational thing. If I didn’t know better, I would’ve said it was your talent.” Kaede stared at him in awe and respect.
“Well, optimism is my one redeeming quality.” Makoto sheepishly scratched his head at the sudden attention. “Your words honestly touched me too. That’s why I want to support you with all I’ve got. I’m sure that if you hold on to those words, to that hope, everyone else will eventually listen to you too!”
Kaede’s still working on getting her classmates together but she thinks she’s getting there. One person at a time.
“Alright, team! We can do this! We have the enemy outnumbered!”
Meanwhile, in another class…
“We’re not voting.”
She says it so suddenly and with so much authority that it has the whole class uncharacteristically quiet.
“Nyeh? What do you mean, we’re not voting?” Himiko although being the slowest among them, was surprisingly quick on the uptake. It must have been the shock.
“Exactly what it means.” Kyouko calmly confirmed.
“Gonta is confused. Don’t we need to vote?” Gonta asked, scratching his head in thought.
“We were TOLD that we need to vote,” Kyouko clarified. “There is however, no real reason for us to vote immediately other than a time limit ill-imposed on us.”
“So what? Are you telling us to just die all because you thought we could get away with not voting? Why the hell should we listen to Kyoucum here?” Miu loudly expressed her concerns with all the unnecessary insults.
“I’m telling you not to vote because this is a trap.” Kyouko narrowed her eyes. “Clearly, not all of the mysteries have been solved yet and we’re already asked to vote. Doesn’t that seem suspicious to you?”
“Does it matter? We already figured out that it was Shuichi who did it.” Maki countered, eager to just get this over with.
“No, we didn’t figure out anything concrete. He’s only the suspect not the culprit.” Kyouko corrected her. “We have yet to confirm if his trap did in fact work.”
“But there’s no other way that Rantaro could have been killed, right?” Kirumi asked in an effort to further the discussion.
“Not necessarily. I have a theory…” Kyouko paused, placing a hand on her chin in thought. “I would like to discuss it with all of you first before we finalized our votes.”
“Listen, I know you two are buddies because you’re both detectives but there’s a limit as to how much you should protect your friends…” Ryoma warned her darkly.
“It’s precisely because I’m a detective that I can’t let this slide so easily.” Kyouko counters vehemently. “Jumping to conclusions without irrefutable evidence is just sloppy work. Whether or not Shuichi is my friend is irrelevant. I am a detective first and foremost, and I am here to solve ALL mysteries.”
“That’s enough, Kyouko.” Shuichi who has been quiet all this time, finally spoke up. His hand was trembling as it clutched his hat. “I’ve… I’ve already accepted my crime. There’s no need to prolong the inevitable. Just vote for me… and all of you can survive.”
“…” Kyouko just stared at him. Disappointed. She let out an audible sigh. “And you call yourself a detective?”
“I… Does it matter anymore?” Shuichi sadly smiled. “You’re clearly a better detective than I am, Kyouko. If it’s you, I’m sure the whole class would be fine even with me gone.”
“…If you have nothing better to contribute then I suggest you just observe. You should know better than to just rely on confessions without any concrete proof.” Kyouko pointed out. “I don’t care which of us is the better detective. As long as you also hold the title, I suggest you stop acting like a victim and start acting like a detective.”
“As expected of Kyouko-san! Between her and the degenerate male, she is clearly the more superior detective!” Tenko squealed.
“While it does not wound me to hear your support, I would like to keep this strictly professional.” Kyouko brushed a few locks behind her ear, hiding her embarrassment. “Any opinions of either of our work ethics should be decided only after we’ve proven ourselves in this trial.”
“Kukuku… How beautiful! Spoken like a true detective! You have truly risen to your role! It fills me to the brim with excitement thinking of just what is the solution to this mystery you so desire to earnestly solve!” Korekiyo laughed.
“…Let’s move along.” Kyouko did not want to humor him.
“Nyahaha! Atua has a question! See, Angie has been thinking this whole time… Isn’t it strange? Isn’t it strange? Angie said it twice for effect haha! How come we get to have two detectives hmmmm?” Angie asked with a coy smile.
“That’s… actually a good question.” Kyouko doesn’t deny it even if it brings the heat to her. “There is no necessity to have a duplicate in terms of talent. This redundancy has been bothering me ever since I learned of what my true talent is.”
“Yeah, usually getting doubles in characters counts as lazy writing but apparently it doesn’t count if one of them is a fan favorite.” Tsumugi casually drops.
“Who cares if there are two detectives? They’re different people anyways so there shouldn’t be a problem.” Kaito innocently reasoned.
“No, that’s wrong.” Kyouko objected. “There’s nothing inherently wrong or suspicious with having two detectives gathered however… given our circumstances, it should have been obvious that we were all selected to have unique talents. And yet, we have two people with the same talent. For what reason?”
“Ah, but wasn’t your title originally SHSL ???, Kyouko? You couldn’t remember your talent like Rantaro but you eventually figured it out during his body’s investigation.” Kiibo brought up.
“That’s another mystery. Two people who can’t remember their talent. We may never know what Rantaro’s talent was but mine has been revealed to be exactly the same as Shuichi’s.” Kyouko bit the inside of her cheek in frustration. “There are so many redundancies to ignore.”
“You’re thinking too hard on this, Miss Detective! There’s obviously a simple solution to this!” Kokichi tutted and then smiled sweetly. “And that is… You’re lyiiiiing!”
“…Would you care to explain your theory?” Kyouko encouraged him, unfazed by the accusation.
“You keep pointing out all these weird character points but if you look at the source, they’re all about you! Who’s to say that you really can’t remember what your talent is? Maybe you just faked that story once you heard our beloved Rantaro introduce himself as not remembering his. Who’s to say that your real talent is at being a detective? Maybe you’re just that good at shadowing what our poor Shuichi does. See, you say it’s weird but really, it’s not. You’ve just been lying to us! And I hate liars!”
“Well that was… certainly less farfetched than most of your lies.” Kyouko admitted that much. “But that just now was a lie too, isn’t it? You don’t really believe I’m lying.”
“Awww, you seriously are better than Shuu-chan.” Kokichi pouted but she could see through his feigned disappointment. “Welp! Guess there’s no use in you pretending anymore either. Now that we’ve cleared up your suspicion, Kyou-chan, I think it’s safe to start pointing fingers at the mastermind!”
“M-Mastermind?” Shuichi looked on with horror. “But the trap failed! It didn’t kill the mastermind, it only killed Rantaro instead!”
“Again, do not let me repeat this more than necessary. While it is unfortunate that Rantaro has been killed, it has yet to be confirmed that it was your shot put ball that did it.” Kyouko stared at Shuichi with an unreadable expression. “You set up the trap to lure the mastermind, right? Your original goal was to kill them after. In a way, the trap had only been fifty percent effective.”
“Fifty percent?” Shuichi’s eyes widened in shock. “The mastermind is obviously not dead since we’re having a trial so… does that mean… you really did figure out who?”
“Yes, I’ve had my list of suspects but after enough evidence has been presented in this trial, I have narrowed it down to one.” Kyouko crossed her arms. “There’s still a possibility that my theory is wrong but that is why this trial exists. That’s all the more reason we should not vote and continue discussing instead.”
“Nishishi! Don’t keep us waiting in suspense, Kyou-chan!” Kokichi cheerfully interjects. “Tell us already who’s the sicko that had us trapped in this stupid killing game!”
“Very well. Given all the evidence at hand, there is a concerning possibility that the mastermind is none other than…” Kyouko scans the trial room until her eyes land on a particular someone. “Tsumugi Shirogane.”
“Tsumugi’s whereabouts during the murder had been the most suspicious. That alone shouldn’t have been sufficient but her actions during the whole trial had led me to believe that she has been steering this trial to serve a goal that’s more than just our survival.” Kyouko narrowed her eyes at the now quiet supposedly plain girl. “Isn’t that right, Tsumugi?”
“Oh, dear… It’s only the first trial and we already have a mastermind reveal…” Tsumugi sighed, resigned to this lazy writing. “This is what we get when we let the fans choose a comeback character.”
Kyouko casually flips her hair.
“It doesn’t matter what kind of mystery you throw. I’ll solve them all.”
The two heroines continued to struggle with trials of their own and unbeknownst to them that they were in the wrong class.
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Shuichi Saihara and Kaede Akamatsu For the mene!
 GIVE ME A CHARACTER, and I’ll break their ass down:
Shichi Saihara
How I feel about this character
Sigh, so much wasted potential. Like the fandom version of Saihara who’s relatable™ and is nice to Ouma is pretty cool, and people like him because he’s pretty much a typical YA novel protag in a way but I don’t think he’s all that good a protagonist or character. There were a lot of things I had problems with and since the game was mainly from his perspective a lot of fans and lets players that I watched fell into the trap of absolving Kaede for her actions, liking Maki (despite her many many many many flaws) and demonizing Ouma instead of looking at and appreciating the characters themselves. I don’t like how he always seems to cling to someone and puts whoever he’s clinging to on a pedestal and I was really bitter even before playing the game about Kaede being fridged for him.
Like Maki I think there’s a lot of the writer telling you to like a character so most people do but he isn’t really all that good as a person or a detective. It’s always pissed me off how much more Ouma did in investigating and trying to end the killing game than Saihara did. They definitely wouldn’t have gotten as far without Ouma but never acknowledge it, all Saihara does is continue the game through solving the trials and moving to end it at the very very end.
I might have liked him if he hadn’t been the protagonist maybe but he was and there is just so much terrible writing. Writing-wise he and Maki might be the worst written characters in the game.
One thing I want in fiction is a character in some way or another facing the consequences for their actions and when Saihara’s whole deal is he doesn’t want to do anything because he doesn’t want to face any form of negative consequence that frustrates me.
Also I don’t like his design the hat was my favorite part.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Kiibo? As you probably noticed I’m not a huge fan of his character so I don’t really ship him a lot, I guess him and Kaede if we’re going canon but even then I prefer Kaede with other people consider how she was reduced to Saihara’s love interest when for so long we had thought of her as the protagonist leading up to the game.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
The survivor trio, I like them all hanging out after the game and all that.
My unpopular opinion about this character
If they had made Saihara a girl I think I would have liked their character a lot more, it’s unpopular because of the whole ‘weak girl stereotype’ but for me Saihara’s character isn’t about weakness it’s about learning that if you can act if you can do something then you should even if you might not like the result. If Saihara had been a girl we would have gotten a better design probably. We’ d have a female protagonist like we had been promised, Kaito would be viewed with less toxic masculinity, I would get to deal with Saiouma a lot less because no yaoi fangirls which would personally make me very happy and Kaede and Saihara would be lesbians so you know no downsides to that.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I actually wish that he had been the second victim instead of Hoshi, 1. because Hoshi is a much more interesting character and I would have enjoyed him living longer 2. it makes more sense for Tojo to kill a detective to give her more of a chance of getting through the trial the actual hard part of escaping the school than going for the person easiest to kill. Also I think it would be interesting to see a character who is dedicated to getting stronger after losing someone close to them only for them to die anyway, it would also be really interesting for Kaito’s development to have the person he just announced he was going to take under his wing die. Also, the fans would keep waiting for whoever was the third protagonist to die only for it not to happen, I personally would have prefered Ouma as the third protagonist because it would have been such a good arc for him because he’s the only one who knows what’s going on so he’d have to try and lead the trials no one else could but to do that he’d have to figure out how to step outside his own comfort zone and his identity as a liar to get them to listen to him which I would have enjoyed watching. We’d also get Ouma insight and actually see someone properly investigating the school which is 10/10 good stuff, I understand that there are some things Kodaka couldn’t show which is why I think the perspective would be good to be switched back and forth between Kaito and Kokichi, it would be funny because the first time this happens everyone would be like ‘oh god they’ve killed off another protag and Kaito’s next’ only for Ouma to show up alive again and the perspective handed back to him again.
Either that or Tsumugi is forced to become the protagonist to keep the game moving but it would be presented as her getting out of her ‘plain girl shell’ only for the reveal that she’s the mastermind which would be a huge trip for the player.
Kaede Akamatsu
How I feel about this character
Really like her, I’m actually really into music so I loved her design and when they announced that she was going to be a protag I was skeptical thinking ‘no way are they going to give us this’ but also really excited. I liked having a more headstrong character as a protagonist and prefer her over Saihara. Super angry about her getting fridged and framed, she deserved better.
I think the fandom is doing her dirty just as much as canon did, not everyone but in a lot of fanfiction she reduced to just the supportive friend type or perky love interest or add on to the training trio, come on give her her own friend group don’t just tag her onto her love interests group. It makes me feel as if Saihara is allowed a life outside Kaede but she’s not allowed a life outside of him.
I love Kaede and her ride or die nature and the fact that she’s straight up willing to kill for her friends 3 days after meeting them and she deserves so much more than being reduced to Saihara’s love interest, Kaede dump Saihara’s bitch ass and date Tenko instead.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Tenko! Rantaro, I think they have a good dynamic and Komaru Naegi my two underappreciated girl protags together. Other than that I’m not a huge fan of shipping her romantically with people since she was reduced to a fridged love interest in canon.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Ouma actually, I wanted them to form a dynamic duo where they just snark at each other. Also, I like them being friends because a lot of their character is being reduced to them liking Saihara by the fandom and they both deserve so much better than Saihara honestly. Canon and Fandom did them both dirty in that regard.
My unpopular opinion about this character
 Kaemaki while beautiful and gay wouldn’t work. Once Kaede learns Maki’s real talent they would have a falling out and Kaede would have as big of a prejudice as Ouma against Maki. In interviews we’re told Kaede has a strong sense of justice which is part of the reason why she tried to kill the mastermind; I see Kaede with her sense of justice and everything having a fall out with Maki when she learns her real talent. A lot of their friendship is based on Maki the SHSL ‘childcaregiver’ not Maki the SHSL assassin and Kaede wouldn’t just accept it she’d need to go through a lot before being ready to be Maki’s friend again.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Have you read “I’d Trade My life For Yours”? Because that I want that! God I wish it was an actual game for me to play, who do I have to pay to make it an actual game!? I’m not joking I’m 100 percent serious! I’d really had loved to see her continue on as the protagonist and watch her lose her optimism and grow more cynical and more like her pregame self, also watching someone start out as the leader of the group and them slowly lose that influence is really good. Also it would be so good to watch a protag go from “let’s all work together!” to “Stop murdering eachother you assholes!” just going from Naegi to Hinata through the course of the game, it would have been glorious, we could have had it all.
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NDRV3 Victims meet Killer
Trial 1
As she felt the cold darkness of death approach her, Kaeda smiled.
Perhaps now she could apologize to Rantaro
When she opened her eyes next she was no longer on the giant piano, she was in the fluffy clouds
She looked around, where was she?
Then gasped and clutched her head in pain as forgotten memories returned
She had... this was all..
“Hey Kaeda are you alright?”
She looked up (when had she closed her eyes?) to see Rantaro looking at her in concern
She felt tears well up as she hug him tightly
“Rantaro! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to kill you.. I... I...”
“Hey.. it's okay. You only wanted to kill the mastermind right? You didn't mean to kill me.” He held her close to him and rubbed her back. “Besides.. you weren't the one to kill me Kaeda, you were wrongfully executed.”
“W-what!” She looked up at him startled. She.. she hadn't killed him?
“I'll tell you everything I know... your past memories are probably going to start to come back soon.. Let's go relax somewhere else. Hopefully no one will come soon.. but since this is Danganronpa...” He shook his head. “Anyways we can greet them when they come but for now you need to sit down for a while.”
Rantaro held out his hand in front front of him
“Let's go Kaeda.”
She looked at his hand for a second before slowly wrapping her hand in his
Trial 2
She couldn't help the scream that escaped her lips as she fell
She failed.. she failed.. she couldn't protect her people she was a failure, a failure
And god was she in so much pain, make it stop!
As the pain started to fade away she gasped
“Hey Kirumi are you okay?”
That voice, it couldn't be..
Yet as she opened her eyes and looked down and behold there he was, Ryoma the one she murdered.
She opened her mouth to speak but a gasp of pain was all that escaped her as her head started to pound.
“It's alright Kirumi the head pain is normal. It's a sign that your memories are starting to return. Anyways we should go to the others.. we were all worried about you especially since how brutal your execution was..”
He held out his hand to her.
“Why?.. Why are you being so nice to me? I killed you! I drowned you in your own lab!” She yelled out in confusion, her normal calm facade gone
To her surprise Ryoma let out a low chuckle
“So what? You had a reason to live while I had none. I understand why you did what you did. I forgive you Kirumi. So let's go back to the others alright?”
He forgave her.. just like that.. what a minute others?
“Do you mean.. Kaeda and Rantaro are here?”
He nodded
“Yup it seems they have been watching out for us. I'd be rude to keep them waiting ya know.”
She stood back up straight and looked down at Ryoma with a small smile
“I suppose you are right, we shouldn't keep them waiting.”
And she grabbed his small but powerful hand in hers and he lead her to where the others were waiting
Trial 3
I'm so sorry I failed you sister
That was the only thought that echoed throughout his mind as the world began to turn black
He couldn't do it, he couldn't send her 100 friends
And then his pain dissapeared and his vision returned
Actually no now the pain has returned as something kicked his chest sending him down to the ground
“Nyahahaha! I think you were a bit harsh on him~”
That voice!
He opened his eyes to see his two victims, Tenko and Angie standing in front of him
Angie had a small smile on her face as she looked down at him while Tenko just huffed
“He did kill us you know!”
“Forgive and forget, that is what Atua is telling me!”
As the two argued he got back up and looked around
Clouds, clouds were everywhere the eye could see bathed in a golden light
“Are we perhaps in the afterlife?”
He questioned the arguing duo
Angie smiled at him and nodded her head
“Yup, yup! Isn't it wonderful!”
Tenko crossed her arms
“Yes it would be wonderful if we weren't dead! At least I can watch Himeko from up here..”
His eyes widen
“So we can watch what happens to the others from up here facsionating.... Urgh!”
He held his head as pain started to form from within it
Tenko looked down at him with a sigh before doing something he would never expect, she helped  him up
“The head pain is normal it seems from what the others tell us it's your lost memories returning to you.”
She drapped his arm around her shoulder as she helped him up
“Ooooh! That's right the others are waiting for you Korekiyo! We should go meet them!”
Angie exclaimed as she grabbed his other arm to help him up
He couldn't understand why they were helping him.. he just murdered them in cold blood and now here they were helping him
Tenko just looked away from him so Angie was the one who answered
“Because we are friends silly! Besides it's not your fault you killed us!”
And with that the two girls helped him walk to where the others were waiting
Trial 4
Gonta was crying
Even as the pray mantis stabbed him
Even as the fire was burning him alive he was crying
He just could not believe..
He.. he killed Miu..
So when the pain stopped and it seemed he was no longer being held up he simply fell to his knees sobbing
“Hey idiot! What are you crying for! If anything I should be the one bawling my eyes out not you!”
He opened his eyes to see Mui standing right in front of him, her hands on her hip as she glared down at him
“Mui! But.. Gonta thought..” He stood up in shock
“Yeah well you did strangle the shit out of me if that's what your thinking. But hey now we're both dead.”
So he did..
Gonta couldn't stop the wail that escaped him as he pulled Mui into a tight hug
Mui was not expecting this one bit as she gave a startled reaction
“Gonta so sorry! Gonta not gentleman at all! Gonta don't know why he did it!”
“A-alirght! I get i-it now put me the fuck down!”
Mui yelled and he complied but as he did a strong pain flowed into his head
His hand clutched his head as the pain continued to throb
“Aaand there's the memory pain huh?
Mui stated to Gonta's confusion
Mui brushed him off and sighed
“Anyways get up you big lump the others are waiting for us.”
“The other bozos who died, you still remember them right? So hurry up and let's go!”
With that she got up and began walking away
“H-hey! Wait for Gonta!”
And with that he followed her
Trial 5
Kaito couldn't help the smile that crossed his lips
He did it, he saw space..
And in some way be managed to beat Monokuma
But as his world faded away he heard something he never expect to hear again
He opened his eyes wide in surprise to see Kokichi standing in front of him
And on instinct he slugged him straight in the kisser
“Owww! You see me again after killing me and you decide to punch me? I guess I kinda deserve it though”
Kokichi rubbed his jaw as Kaito looked around
“Where.. where are we?”
“Welcome to the afterlife Kaito~” Kokichi announced smiling at the confused Kaito
“I mean how else would you get to speak to me. I was squished remember~” Kokichi giggled at his stun face. “Anyways at least you got the last laugh on Monokuma riiiiight.”
“Yeah I guess..”
Kaito rubbed his neck awkwardly as he looked around.
Clouds were everywhere.. were they in the sky?
“Hey Ko-”
“Anyways as much as I would love to answer all of your dumb questions, the others are waiting for you!”
Before Kaito could question him his head began to throb
“Ow.. he-”
“Aaaand there's the headache~”
With that statement Kokichi grabbed the confused Kaito's arm and began to drag him forward despite his protests
Trial 6
Tsumugi didn't expect anything to happened as she was crushed
Kiibo was just happy that he managed to help the other survivors escape 
So when they both woke up to see clouds everywhere they had no idea what happened
Kiibo took a step away from Tsumugi, glaring at her slightly
“What have you done now? Where are we?”
Tsumugi merely sighed
“I don't know... this wasn't a part of the plan but I understand why you don't believe me.”
Kiibo opened his mouth to speak but stopped as he saw a figure approach
“Well well... welcome to the afterlife you two.” Rantaro drawled out as he looked at the two
Tsumugi paled and took a step back while Kiibo's eyes widen
“R-rantaro but you..” Kiibo stopped talking as he realized what happened “Is this a form of afterlife?”
Rantaro nodded
“Everyone's waiting for you two you know... don't know why they decided to send me”
“E-everyone... they want t-to meet me for.. revenge right?” Tsumugi stuttered out
Rantaro sighed and ruffled his hair
“Sure some of us are angry.. which is understandable.. but.. most of us just want to talk..” Rantaro trailed off and looked away
Kiibo moved forward ready to meet the other students but Tsumugi remained where she was
Rantaro smiled and Kiibo and began to walk him towards the others but then he stopped and turn towards Tsumugi
“Take your time.. I understand why you don't want to meet the others right now.. but we'll be waiting for you.”
And with that they both walked away leaving Tsumugi with her thoughts
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mi-ma-mo · 7 years
Sleep, Child
Character(s): Kokichi Ouma and K1-B0
Ratings: T for Teen and up audiences, M/M
Summary: Kiibo doesn’t sleep. He waits. This time shouldn’t have been any different, but Kokichi gives him an unexpected visit in the middle of the night.
Author’s Note: This fic takes place almost immediately after the 3rd trial and will touch on a few spoilers from up until that point. Special thanks go to @morgenglorie and @actualalvin for beta-reading this fic for me!
Read it here or on AO3.
Kiibo hated nighttime. To him, it was the loneliest and most nerve-wracking time of the day. During those hours he didn’t sleep; he waited. Every night he waited for morning to come, hoping that the others were sleeping safe and sound in their own beds.
It was lonely having nothing but his own thoughts to keep him company. Only once a week he had to recharge himself and even then he was conscious during that process. Recently he had noticed that Saihara, Momota and Harukawa would stay up for a little bit longer after the nighttime announcement to train outside together. He wished to join them, but not wanting to intrude, he usually silently observed them for a moment before heading inside.
What bothered Kiibo more than not having company, however, was that he had no way of knowing if everyone was still alive until after he had counted all their heads at breakfast. He had liked it better when the Student Council had put a rule in place that allowed only its members to be active during nighttime, but in the end that hadn’t saved anyone.
With the Student Council gone, things had gone back to the way they once were, which meant Kiibo was back to worrying through every night in solitude- or at least that’s what he had expected this first night without the Student Council to be like.
He had been reading one of the books on the human mind he had gotten from the library when the sudden sound of his doorbell ringing gave him quite the scare. No noise escaped him, but he did get to watch his book drop from his hands and close on the floor without any indication of where he had stopped reading.
Whoever was standing on the other side of the door left him no time to mourn the loss of not being able to use his bookmark because they started ringing his doorbell relentlessly. Fearing something bad might have happened, Kiibo quickly got to his feet and moved to open his door. When he did, he was greeted by the face of the Ultimate Supreme Leader carrying his signature wide smile.
“Why are you here, Ouma-kun?” Kiibo asked, worry in his voice. The harsh things Ouma had said to him were still recent in his memory. He could do without being called emotionless or a piece junk again.
“Why? I came to kill you, of course!”
Those words were enough to make Kiibo stumble back. For every step he took backward, Ouma took one forward. It had been his mistake to not close the door when he still had the chance because now Ouma was in his room and there was no way he was going to be able to push him out with only the strength of a healthy senior citizen.
"Nee-heehee... I'm just kidding," Ouma sang, kicking the door closed behind him with his heel. “The rules say we have to kill a person and then not get caught, so there’s no benefit to getting rid of a useless scrap of metal.”
Usually, Kiibo would call Ouma out on his robophobia, but just this once he would hold his metaphorical tongue. He wasn’t about to give Ouma any reason to believe he would make for a good victim. Kiibo was already nervous having the Ultimate Supreme Leader in his room as it was.
“Again, why are you here, Ouma-kun?”
“Heeehh? Are you still asking that? Put that artificial brain of yours to work and figure it out yourself!”
That was all Kiibo would be getting out of Ouma as an answer. Ouma suddenly sprinted past him and jumped towards his bed, arms outstretched. The bed made a loud “not good” sound as Ouma landed on it face forward. Laughing mischievously, Ouma rolled over on his side and then onto his back. Kiibo could only narrow his eyes at the sight.
“This bed is wasted on you, Kiiboy. You should be thanking me for using it!”
“You’re staying?” Kiibo asked, his face betraying his surprise.
“I don’t know. Am I?” Ouma replied, his voice suddenly monotone.
Kiibo clearly wasn’t meant to reply to that, because Ouma rolled over again and turned his back to him. The robot sighed before moving to pick up the book he had dropped earlier. With book in hand, he sat back down on the desk chair he had been using before he got so thoroughly disturbed. “Suit yourself then.”
There was a moment of peace in which the only sound filling the silence between them was that of Kiibo quickly going through the pages of his book to find the part where he had left off. Kiibo could feel Ouma’s eyes on him. He tried to pay it no mind, but he only managed to pay attention to his book for so long before the intense stare of these purple eyes became too much to bear.
“If you’re staying, you should try to get some sleep,” Kiibo suggested, keeping his eyes on his book in an attempt to make it seem like he was still reading.
“Heeeeeeeeeeeh?” The sound drawled out in a lazy manner, as if out of involuntary protest. “So it’s true, robots really don’t have a brain after all! As if I would sleep in the room of a potential murderer,” Ouma rolled around a bit on the bed again after he had said that, restlessly so, until he finally stopped after a full minute. His body remained motionless after that small tantrum.
Carefully, as if even the smallest movement would spring Ouma back into action, Kiibo looked over to see if he was still breathing. Kiibo was relieved to see the other’s chest go up and down still. To his surprise, Ouma seemed to be sound asleep now- the irony of that would have been hilarious to some, but Kiibo just went back to reading his book.
Reading was the most roundabout and inconvenient way for Kiibo to gain new information. Saving a digital version of the book he was reading would more efficient. However, because he had no internet connection at the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles, this wasn’t an option available to him. Regardless, even if it had been available, he felt as if he would have been spending his nights like this.
There was something comforting in turning page after page as so many humans had before him, just like Ouma’s slow and steady breathing was pleasant to listen to. Although their conversation had been short-lived and not at all desirable, Ouma wasn’t too bad when he was asleep. If anything, Kiibo would say he liked him better in this state.  
Being a quick reader (or as some might say in this case: a quick scanner), Kiibo finished reading chapter after chapter. Occasionally he shot a glance at Ouma’s sleeping face, smiling softly to himself every time before going back to reading. Just as Kiibo was thinking that being able to keep at least one person save through the night like this was nice, reality came in to burst his bubble.
Ouma had been moving in his sleep since the beginning as any human would, but at some point, it had evolved into the restless tossing and turning he was doing now. Another change to Ouma’s sleeping behaviour was the quickening of his breath. All the movement, as well as the ragged breathing, was a reason for concern to Kiibo. He slid his bookmark between the pages of his book before closing it and approached his bed to check on his guest.
Casting a shadow over the other’s trembling frame, he let out an unsure question. “Ouma-kun?” He leaned in, “Your body is signalling signs of distress. I will now attempt to pull you out of this state. I apologise in advance for waking you up.”
Kiibo reached a hand out to Ouma’s shoulder to shake him, but before he was able to, Ouma’s arms suddenly wrapped around his waist. A yelp escaped Kiibo as he was pulled down and onto the bed. In response to his scream, Ouma only held him tighter, like a bear trap setting its teeth deeper into its victim. Kiibo feared something bad was about to happen to him until Ouma’s sobbing registered with him.
“O-Ouma-kun? Hey…” No response. Kiibo was waiting for Ouma to reveal that these were crocodile tears as usual and that he was a stupid, useless robot for falling for such an obvious trick, but no such reveal came. There was a moment of hesitation before Kiibo returned the forceful embrace by taking Ouma in his arms.
Being unsure of what he should do next in a situation like this, Kiibo spoke the first thing to come to mind: “Fear not! You may cry on my chest if you wish. I am waterproof.”
Those words were good for a half-laugh, half-sob from Ouma. They stayed like this for some time; long enough for Kiibo to realize Ouma must have been having nightmares and that they were probably connected to his reason for coming over in the middle of the night to begin with. Kiibo was curious about what Ouma had seen in his nightmares, but even he knew better than to ask him about that now while he was still so shaken.
Ouma’s sobs gradually died down until the hands which had been so desperately holding onto Kiibo started pushing him away. For once Kiibo got the hint and let go of the other. Finally, he was able to have a look at Ouma’s face. The bloodshot eyes staring back at him only gave him more reason to believe those tears had been real.
“Whatever you’re about to say, don’t say it,” Ouma warned him through gritted teeth, his voice cracking mid-sentence, “or Iruma-chan’s next maintenance session on you will take a lot longer!”
Kiibo had never been good at reading Ouma, but even so, he was certain this was the most sincere he had ever seen him. Heeding Ouma’s warning, Kiibo didn’t ask him how he was feeling or what was wrong. Instead, he cupped Ouma’s face in his hands and gently wiped away the last of his tears.
“If you don’t want to hear me talk, then I will listen instead.”
A shaky sigh passed Ouma’s lips as his face relaxed in Kiibo’s hold. The supreme leader looked like he could and would cry more still, but instead, he gradually closed his eyes as he leaned into the robot’s touch. ‘He’s only a child,’ Kiibo caught himself thinking as he silently studied Ouma’s features closely. Somehow Ouma seemed even more boyish like this. He looked soft, vulnerable. ‘He doesn’t deserve this.’
Ouma eventually opened his eyes again but avoided making eye contact as he pushed Kiibo’s hands away. When Ouma finally did look up to meet Kiibo’s gaze, his eyes were fierce and burning with an emotion Kiibo couldn’t place.
“You got some guts to tell me that... It better mean you plan on sticking around,” He paused briefly to take a sharp breath, “I need anything but a broken scrap of junk in my life. I don’t need you to listen, I just need you to live.”
‘………… Huh?’
Kiibo’s blush setting went all the way up as he put his recording of Ouma’s words on repeat. The heat coming off of him was so great that the temperature of the room went up by a few degrees.
“Y-You’re not making any sense!” Kiibo pulled his mask over the bottom half of his face to hide how hard he was blushing. His chest plate felt warm and he wondered if it was anything like having your heart beat fast, “Just a few hours earlier you were telling me that you were going to kill me.”
The seriousness which had surrounded Ouma ever since he had stopped crying disappeared immediately. He tilted his head to one side, his face expressionless as one hand reached for Kiibo. Just as Kiibo had been about to ask him what he was doing Ouma started knocking on his head loudly.
“Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Whoa, there really is nothing in there!”
“Correct. My motherboard and other essential components are stored in my chest.”
“Don’t outsass me.”
Kiibo wouldn’t pretend to understand the situation he had found himself into. Was this the same person who had told him all robots should be destroyed? He couldn’t differentiate the lies from the truth. Thinking that Ouma had to be messing with him as usual, Kiibo pulled his mask down again as his blushing function turned off.
“If you don’t want me to talk or listen, then that doesn’t leave me with a lot of options,” Kiibo mumbled, twiddling his fingers, “I will go back to reading and you should try to get some more sleep.”
“No,” Ouma replied immediately. He shook his head as he looked at Kiibo with tired eyes, “No, I… I don’t want that.”
The fear of going back to sleep wasn’t something Kiibo could relate to. He didn’t know what it was like to dream or to have nightmares. Even so, he realized that the images and sensations Ouma had experienced in his sleep must have been terrifying. What was Kiibo to do to make him feel better?
Needing guidance, Kiibo turned to his inner voice, but strangely enough, no reply came. The silence shook him. This was the first time his inner voice left him in the dark. However, without the help of the inner voice that usually guided him; the decision he made next was no one’s but his own.
“I could sing you a lullaby. Song of the Cradle has never been sung for me, but I know the words and the rhythm.”
What Kiibo failed to mention was that he had been practising singing this song in secret. He had sung for Saihara once before. The detective had hated it and even gone as far as to call his singing terrible. Kiibo had given up on becoming an idol after that, but nevertheless he had wanted to get better at singing by experiencing the hardship of training.
Ouma pulled up an eyebrow at him, but otherwise seemed to be intrigued by Kiibo’s suggestion. The child lay back down without a word, nuzzling his face into Kiibo’s pillow and closing his eyes. Kiibo took that as a sign he was allowed to start. Not needing to take a breath, his signing voice came out immediately:
“A canary sings A cradle song Sleep, sleep, Sleep, child!
Above the cradle, The loquat fruits sway Sleep, sleep, Sleep, child!
A squirrel rocks The cradle by its rope Sleep, sleep, Sleep, child!
Dreams in a cradle, With the yellow moon shining down Sleep, sleep, Sleep, child!”
Kiibo had sung his lullaby uninterrupted. He expected Ouma to be asleep again now, or at the very least for the other to praise him. No such thing happened. Instead, Ouma rolled over onto his stomach and groaned into the pillow, “Hu wah horobel.”
“Y-You don’t mean that!” Kiibo replied, his face heating up again, “I practised a lot! You’re lying.”
A defenceless yelp escaped Kiibo when Ouma threw the pillow at his head. After the impact of the throw, the pillow hit the floor with a soft thud. Although Kiibo couldn’t feel physical pain, he still reached for his forehead and got “teary” eyed.
“I would never lie to save your feelings because that would imply you have any. Your singing made me want to throw up and that is the truth,” Ouma did look like he was about to throw up, but if that was because of Kiibo’s singing or the fact that he was telling the truth was anyone’s best guess.
While still sitting on the edge of the bed, Kiibo turned around and bend over to pick the pillow up from the floor. He hugged the pillow to his chest when he moved to face Ouma again. There was quite a convincing frown on Kiibo’s face as he pouted at Ouma.
“You are mean to me. You insult me and you don't appreciate anything that I do!”
“Well, duh. You’re a piece junk and I'm an evil supreme leader, remember? Those are our roles. You gotta play by the book, Kiiboy! Imagine if you started using your head and thinking for yourself. That certainly would be a tragedy.”
Kiibo’s frown gradually disappeared from his face. His anger subsided despite being openly insulted. Ouma was right, that was the kind of relationship they had now. Still, did it really have to be that way?
“We could start over,” Kiibo suggested, his voice soft, “We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret, but I think we can put our differences behind us. I am K1-B0, the Ultimate Robot! But please, address me as Kiibo!”
“Do robots have dicks?”
“I said start over! Not repeat!”
The serene yet cheeky smile Ouma offered Kiibo was just barely enough to make up for the hurt Kiibo felt at getting his suggestion shot down. He could only assume this meant Ouma liked their relationship the way it was. Kiibo couldn’t say if he agreed with that, but that fact that Ouma seemed to have cheered up a bit did help to lift his spirits as well.
“Riiiggghhht,” Ouma finally replied, rolling his eyes and ruining the mood exceptionally fast, “I’m bored now. This conversation is over. I’m leaving, but I’m taking this with me,” Ouma had already yanked Kiibo’s pillow from his hands before Kiibo could do as much as “blink”.
“What? No, wait–!” Kiibo reached for Ouma to stop him, but the little devil was too fast. By the time Kiibo had gotten to his feet Ouma was already at the door. The Ultimate Supreme Leader sniggered as he opened the door and then put a finger to his lips in one swift motion.
“Don’t fantasise too much about me until morning. If you do have a dick, then keep it in your pants.”
And just like that, Ouma was gone. Baffled, Kiibo stared at his closed door. He took a few steps backward and felt behind him for his desk chair before allowing his legs to buckle under him. The desk chair creaked under his weight as he plopped down on it.
Kiibo’s heart felt heavy as he leaned back and began to slowly spin around on his desk chair. Only once he began to feel dizzy did he grab the edge of his desk to stop himself from spinning further. He pulled himself closer to his desk before placing his elbows on top of it. Leaning forward, he folded his hands and gently bumped his forehead against them.
He understood nothing, except for one thing.
“Don’t go dying on me either.”
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