#kii is amused
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Oh tallest Kii~ forgive me if this is too vulgar, but out of all your pregnancies. Which sire drone was your favorite squad wielder?😉💚 how many have died before you become pregnant, if I may ask?
Kii "Your question is... vulgar and quite personal... It is devoid of shame.
I never reflected upon this before your intrusive inquiry, but... I suppose if I must pick a "favorite" siring drone, that drone would be my former imperial medic, Kram.
Kram was not very impressive in terms of height, but he was more intelligent than the average drone. Three times he impregnated me and three times our smeets died while developing in my shmoop-shmizz. It was discouraging, but I pursued my goals with other specimens. ALL of the others proved to be equally disappointing and all pursuits were for not. It knows the story.
... I never executed a siring drone simply because I found their performance lackluster, if that is the question.. I never executed one because I found one unsuitable for siring duties either, just ordered them out of my lounge.
I have personally ended many a stupid, smaller drone for questioning me or insulting me. Not even my stupidest siring drone would be quite that stupid.
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SoloMamKii but Kii is a bg fan of the old man (Mammon is not amused)
#obey me#talkii with kii!#monkii archive#obey me mc#obey me!#obey me solomon#swd obey me#obey me male mc#obey me mammon#sorry ive been gone for too long
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All the additional notes I wrote for myself for 'my hopes the wind done scattered' that are too amusing/potentially interesting for me to just throw them away. Think of it as bonus material. Very messily formatted bonus material
Honestly, the idea for this came from a list of prompts for malevolent mermay 2023. Sadly, I had not yet heard of this fandom at that time so im paticipating late ok …and without any mers. I do not control the way prompts get interpreted. I just write. Sometimes. (the prompt in question was leviathan)
Yes I’m aware canon KIY is probs around 11 ft but I’m making him better ok. It’s what he deserves
Look, Cthulhu is like a mile tall and he’s (probably) Hastur’s half brother so why is Hastur so fucking tiny in comparison? No. No, I am fixing this
My first idea for a possible title was Arthur Dreamhouse so that’s a thing
He has his full powers back if he’s fully integrated. Have him fetch Arthur via a dream. Pull him out of a dream about the Pits while sleeping in that little cabin. He can heal Arthur’s legs in the process since this is an Arthur doesn’t flip that coin AU so Kayne hasn’t healed him. (How long has he been in that cabin then? And how bad off is he health wise? You got a lot to fucking fix here Hastur)
This is honestly just Rascal Arthur: the fic. He just doesn't like being told what to do. Haha (i swear kayne brain is contagious)
King tore john out because reintegrating them was changing him and he was scared of what he was becoming, in canon this results in dark world 2: electric boogaloo, in this au he decides being broken is worse
For emotional whiplash, please imagine King walking around like this: https://www.tumblr.com/without-ado/724427056746807296/cutie-pie-of-the-sea-x (if you actually want to know how I was imagining him moving tho, look up videos of feather stars swimming, it’s the closest thing I can compare it to, except he’s not feather star shaped but rather a creature of cloth and shadows and tentacles sort of, depends how much body he’s manifesting on a given plane of reality at any given time)
Schrodinger’s body: It’s there and it isn’t there but you can’t tell which because there’s a yellow cloak in the way
Hint: they are not fingers. The king does not have hands
Me, who has never touched vicuna wool in my life: what if I gave the king some sort of dreamlands vicuna wool equivalent for his cloak? Cue me staring at images of clothes I cant even afford to touch and trying to decide what they would feel like: hmm, it’s probably soft but silken doesnt seem right at all, better not use that word
Arthur gets re-traumatized and then gratuitously pampered: the fic
The King casually failing to mention that the mosaic in the center depicts him. Arthur wasn’t ready for that knowledge yet 😔
The dancers (at least in this fic, i have so many different ideas i want to explore for the dancers) are a bit like living puppets. They were made from the King’s power and they took on some degree of life due to it, but they’re still an extension of his will. So the laughing…. Was just the King laughing cause Arthur is ridiculous and adorable. Also up for debate if they actually looked away or just moved back a bit. What are boundaries to a god?
The dancers are made of a material that can best be described as elastic ceramic. Yes I don't know what that means either but I know in my heart it is true. I also imagine them walking in permanent pointe, because that's how their ankles work. They also have knife fingers. But they were being nice to Arthur so he didn't really notice
My friend pointed out that Arthur could have been using fancy wine as soap and my fucking god y’all I missed a golden opportunity there
It’s not a guest room, Arthur. Arthur, it’s a harem room for artists. Arthur.
The fabric wrapped around Arthur's arm is actually a part of the King's body. His mantle is part of him and the tattered ends of it work like fabric tentacles
And then arthur continues to fail to reconcile john being the king in yellow because wow that boy is stubborn and really needs to believe john is different in order to function. He’ll get there eventually
Athur’s so desperate not to be alone that he’d do anything, accept almost anything, as long as he can keep his loved ones close and alive. Absolutely delicious
I had to actively fight with myself not to put a “big, am I?” joke there at the end. I hope you appreciate my sacrifice
Hastur never actually gave Arthur his name. Dumbass
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Käänsin huvikseni Pokémon Scarlet ja Violetin taideoppitunnin nro 4 suomeksi!
(This is a translation of Art Class 4 into Finnish, for my own amusement.)
(En ole mikään kääntäjä ja olin äikän tunneilla viimeksi yli vuosikymmen sitten, joten pahoitteluni mahdollisista virheistä! Korjausehdotukset ovat tervetulleita.
Tämä on melko suora käännös pelin englanninkielisestä versiosta. En alkanut tekemään yhtä vapaita käännöksiä kuin esim. saksankielisessä versiossa, jossa Brassius vertaa Hasselin tapaamista muusan suudelmaan...)
Hassel: Päivää, oppilaat! Tässä taas minä, eli Hassel.
Ilokseni voin kertoa että jokainen teistä pärjäsi erinomaisesti välikokeissa.
Palkintona ahkeruudestanne, meillä on täällä erikoisvierailija tänään!
Joten nyt, Brassie, tulisitko ystävällisesti sisään!
??? Tervehdys!
Brassius: Minä olen Brassius. Olen taiteilija, ja keskityn yksinomaan kasvityypin Pokémoneihin työssäni.
Hassel: Brassius luo lähinnä kolmiulotteisia taideteoksia, kuten patsaita ja niiden kaltaisia.
Yksi hänen tunnetuimmista töistään on teos nimeltään Antautuva Sunflora, joka on nähtävänä Artazonissa.
Monet teistä, jotka ovat haastaneet Artazonin salin, ovat varmasti tutustuneet näihin veistoksiin.
Brassius: Niin… tunnistan kyllä joitain kasvoja oppilaitesi joukosta.
Toivottavasti kaikki teistä ymmärtävät, kuinka onnekkaita olette päästessänne osallistumaan Hassin oppitunneille.
Hass on juuri se henkilö joka pelasti minut silloin, kun olin menettänyt kaiken toivoni ja olin täysin luovuttamaisillani.
Mutta hän ei koskaan luovuttanut minun suhteen. En liioittele sanoessani, että hän on elämäni mentori!
On juurikin Hassin ansiota että pystyin luomaan nykyisen taidetyylini.
Hassel: Ah, rakas Brassie!
Minulla ei ole mitään vanhojen aikojen muistelemista vastaan, mutta tänään toivoisin, että ohjaat tätä oppituntia tavalla, johon vain sinä pystyt!
Brassius: Tietenkin!
Katsotaan… Ah, mikseipä puhuta siitä minkä Hass jo mainitsi - Antautuvasta Sunflorasta?
Pystyykö kukaan täällä kertomaan, mikä mielialani oli, kun loin sen välinpitämättömän ilmeen?
Iloinen mieliala
Surullinen mieliala
Vihainen mieliala
Brassius: Ei, ei, ei… Kerta kaikkiaan väärin!
Kun loin sen veistoksen, olin antautunut toivottomuuden valtaan. Olin valmis luopumaan kaikesta.
Olin lupautunut luovuttamaan elämäni taiteilijana jos tämä teos ei saisi kunnon arvostusta.
Hassel: Siksikö nimi Antautuva Sunflora?
Brassius: Juuri niin, Hass!
Kun aloitin taiteilijana, koin useita vastoinkäymisiä. Sairastuin jopa kuolemanvakavasti ja vajosin niin alas, että ajauduin epätoivoon.
Aloin keskittyä vain siihen, mikä myisi parhaiten. Halusin vain mainetta ja mammonaa.
Mutta milläkään sen ajan teoksellani ei ollut syvällisyyttä. Ne olivat kaikki pinnallista roskaa!
Silloin tapasin Hassin. Hän auttoi minua ymmärtämään, kuinka pikkumainen olinkaan. Jätän yksityiskohdat pois… mutta lopulta pystyin jättämään kaiken sen taakseni!
Ja silloin myös loin ne Sunflorat!
Hassel: Kuinka merkittävää! Edes minä en tuntenut koko tarinaa kunnes nyt!
Brassius: Tälläisen kertominen toiselle lienee sitä vaikeampaa, mitä läheisempi hän on.
Nyt, en epäile että teidän nuorukaisten ajatukset tulevat täyttymään murheista usein.
Neuvoni teille on yksinkertainen. Olkaa rehellisiä itsellenne, ja tehkää sitä mitä sydämissänne haluatte. … Kunhan ette aiheuta harmia toisille.
Siinä kaikki minulta.
Täytyy myöntää että alan nyt olla hieman nolostunut, joten jätän hyvästit sinulle, Hass! Ja hyvästit myös oppilaillesi!
Hassel: Voi Brassie, en voi uskoa… miten ihana… oppitunti… Kii…
YHYYYYH hyy hyy hyy hyy! Yyyyh hyhyhyhyy…
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Things had changed.
Merkii couldn’t quite place when or how, but it was obvious they had. It was difficult to point out with the constant buzzing of his psionics clouding his thoughts, but Merkii was certain all the same they used to see their siblings more than this.
Most sightings now were just in passing, a ruffle of his hair or a disinterested greeting. It didn’t really count as a greeting, though. Dad had always said that a hello was a welcome or sign of recognition. “I see you and I acknowledge you.” But pointedly avoiding Merkii’s multitude of eyes and electing to walk away before they could even say hi back? It wasn’t seeing. And it surely wasn’t acknowledgment.
As he scribbled over pages of a fleet textbook he’d found (in an unlocked bedroom), ripping out pages once they were sufficiently defiled, Merkii couldnt help but feel a deep pit in his stomach. They could recall explaining the sensation to Dia once, mentioning a long defunct amusement park they’d attended and the strong desire to return. “It’s called nostalgia, Kii,” their brother had said.
“Nawtalgia,” the psionic grumbled to themselves, the word muddied by the tongue sticking out between their fangs. This time opting to simply make the book shred itself into pieces, purple electricity singing a couple of pages and psionic dampening headphones singing in warning. A soft melody that they’d grown used to. Dia had learned quickly that a sudden beep would have a very much opposite affect of dampening psionics. If nothing else, cleaning up the remains of his work table had offered the lime some time to think of a solution.
As Merkii flopped back onto their massive bed, they took note of the well loved plush shark nestled in the pile of other plushes from various endeavors.
Reaching over, the Monark took the stuffed animal into his hands. It was almost as big as him and assuredly had a price point to match. It had been intended for his dad. But giving his dad a stuffed shark instead of the real one he’d originally intended on felt underwhelming. Should have just grabbed the stupid thing with my psionics, they’d thought bitterly after Twitch tugged them away from the shark tank towards the gift shop. It would’ve been faster and I could have done it without her seeing. But even if she did see Twitch loved their psionics! Whenever Kii whipped then out, she always got back so she could see better. She loved the sight of them so much she doesn’t even care when he accidentally breaks some of her things; just smiled and cleaned them up, assuring Kii it was fine. Sure, after they got the shark out they would have had to find a place to put it in for the ride home without it suffocating, but that bridge could be crossed later.
By the time they’d reached the ship once more, the plush shark had decided it belonged to Merkii and the chocolate bar they had gotten for Beloved as a consolation prize for a non living present had been half eaten. But Dad wouldn’t mind; he never did.
Even after they had gotten back to the ship, Twitch didn’t leave. They’d watched some movies, Merkii’s sister taking the initiative to explain every fish before eventually the eventful day took a toll on the psionic and they’d fallen asleep sprawled across her lap.
Nothing that fun had happened in awhile, Merkii thought bitterly as they threw the shark against the wall. Watching it fall to the ground on top of the charred pieces of paper that used to be information, however, dug a deep put in his chest.
With a frown, they stood up and knelt down to take the shark in their hands, watching the reflection of their four eyes in the reflection of shark’s own. Ears pinning back, Merkii flopped back into their bed, shark hugged tightly to their chest. Their pan was spinning, struggling to think of any solution.
Suddenly, the psionic lurched back forward, ears perked. The sudden excitement had the headphones beeping rapidly until…nothing.
Frowning, he removed the now smoking dampening headphones. Some of the plastic was melted, one of the small light bulbs having exploded entirely. Shit.
Wait. This could work. Devious grin tugging at their lips, Kii hooked the headphones around their neck, shoved the shark in their backpack and left the block.
“They broke,” the psionic explained simply, watching as Dia’s bright eyes examined the device with an emotion completely unreadable. He looked…tired. Even behind the cool glasses he usually wore, Kii could see the dark circles under his eyes.
“They just exploded? All by themselves?”
“Yep,” Kii agreed, trotting passed Dia to hop onto his bed, legs crossed under them as they dug in their bag.
With an unseen roll of his eyes, Jodiah sat at his work table to begin the repairs. If it was anything else, he probably would have just told the troll to fuck off. But Dia knew the importance of the dampeners and, frankly, he was grateful for a distraction.
“You didn’t bring your switch, right?” he asked, beginning the disassembly of the headphones. His ear twitched in wait for a reply that didn’t come. A brief glance over his shoulder answered him. Merkii was already laying entranced on his bed, scribbling away in a coloring book. There had been countless offers of a gift of a blank sketchbook, as the psionic ignored the lines anyways, which had always been vehemently denied.
With another roll of his eyes, Jodiah returned to his work. Shit. Kii had really fucked them up this time. The motherboard was charred, wiring melted.
“You know this isn’t a quick fix, right? You totally fried them. This is gonna take at least a couple hours, Kii,” the limeblood sighed, mentally preparing himself for the tantrum that was as inevitable as the lightning following thunder.
But the boom didn’t come. “Did you hear me? They’re gonna take a few hours, Kii. I dunno how many books you brought.”
“Kii?” Dia repeated, turning his chair to face their sibling, expecting the young psion to be unconscious or completely enveloped in coloring.
Instead, he was neither. Merkii was once more sitting cross legged, but instead of a coloring book, they were instead holding a stuffed shark. Kii had an ungodly amount of plushies, but for some reason that one looked familiar.
Before Dia could even open his mouth, Merkii spoke. “I want to go to the aquarium.”
The lime was grateful for the mask to hide his grimace. Of course they’d want to go to the aquarium. Of fucking course.
“Kii—“ he started, but stopped dead when his eyes locked with his siblings’ Normally the multitude of solid colored sclera were cute, but something about this hard stare was…unsettling. It certainly didn’t help that his visor shorted immediately after. A small exclamation point flashed at the corner in warning.
Swallowing, Dia slipped the visor off his mask and set it carefully on his desk. With no headphones to dampen the incredibly powerful psionics of his sibling, the ground had immediately become unsteady.
“Kii, Twitch is—“ he began again, but once more was immediately cut off.
“Twitch doesn’t have to come,” Merkii said, voice icy.
Dia sighed. “Kii…” he began, but this time it was not the other that stopped him, but Dia himself.
Merkii was looking down at the shark, ears pinned flat against his head as he rubbed the left fin. Judging by the wear on that specific fin, it definitely wasn’t the first time they’d done such a thing. The air felt thin with the smell of ozone, like the sparks emitting from the psionic’s eyes, shining ever so slightly, were about to turn the same electricity Dia himself used to get what he wanted.
“Alright,” the lime relented, digging around in a box under his desk to offer a spare pair of headphones to his sibling. There was no way he would be going anywhere with Kii without assistance.
Like a switch being flipped, the air immediately softened with the grin on Merkii’s face. They happily slipped on the headphones and shoved the shark and coloring books into their bag, barely letting Dia put on his shoes before they were rushing out the door.
As they headed back, Merkii clinging to his bag and nibbling the chocolate bar Dia had gotten him, the lime couldn’t help but smile softly under his mask.
It was a good distraction. The way Kii got so excited with every fish they’d seen a million times never got old. And while it was certainly an unexpected annoyance having to chuck something called a sarcastic fringehead (he was shocked none of his siblings had given him that nickname). back into its tank after wrestling it away from Merkii, getting soaked in the process, there was no denying it was better than sitting and contemplating the imminent death of an innocent at his sister’s hands.
By the time they’d arrived back at the ship, Kii had long since passed out. It was interesting navigating the sleeping psionic into a piggy back ride without waking him, but Dia managed.
At least for a few steps until there was the telltale sign of glass shattering. Wincing, Dia glanced at the ground to see what happened, only to see the ground sparkling with shattered glass and…water. The destroyed remains of a snow globe.
It was impossible not to smirk. Evidentially, Merkii had been successful in a heist, albeit a much smaller one. Maneuvering his passenger carefully so as not to wake them, Dia crouched down to retrieve the ruined knickknack. The glass orb was completely demolished, but thankfully the inside display remained intact. A deep sea exhibit. Angler fish, a vampire squid…and that damn sarcastic fringehead.
After depositing Kii in their block, Dia began his work.
Later that evening, when a violet returned to her block, a small box awaited in front of the door. A frown on her tired face as she opened it, inside was a snow globe from the aquarium she volunteered at. And next to it was a half eaten chocolate bar.
#I will admit I spent too long on this drawing.#reblogs appreciated!!!#dia belongs to my husband jazztrolls#twitch belongs to byrdstrolls#Corpse writes#Drabble#Kii isn’t on this blog yet but members of dogsquad will know them#they’re one of beloved’s many children.
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Amusement parks, theme parks, nitemare on elm Street community centers, nightmare on elm Street apartments, water parks, stones houseings, stones castles houseings, stones chateaued houseings, stones rockings houseings, stones stone houseings gvfcft parking lots permits on paid fc rides and roller coasters cfd license hbgu cuisines and beverages ct license dfre trucks with kiys licenses phbgv license ghy kiys and keys and kiys cards and keys cards gv license phbgv licensed roomings doorings mlgw and mlg&w loc hbgvgy loc licensed on paid laid outo loc must return to Candace Marie Hughes and earth and paid. On. Paid. Loc. Remove kover. Paid. Loc. Remove cover. Paid. Loc. VVoiced on paid. On. Paid. Loc. VVoiced on paid. On. Paid. Loc. Mail KIY Key card dh to Candace Marie Hughes. On. Paid. Loc. Parked. Paid. Loc.
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Candace Marie Hughes Lady Gaga amusement parks and $ printers and $ and banks and mints and buildings must return to Candace Marie Hughes and earth and paid. On. Paid. Mail KIY KEY card dh to Candace Marie Hughes. On. Paid. VVoiced paid on. Paid. Remove kover. Paid. Remove cover. Paid. Parked. Paid.
0 notes
riverwalk, fort lauderdale, florida earth riverwalk beaches, fort lauderdale, florida earth, riverwalk, fort lauderdale, florida, earth miami tennessee earth, memphis beach shelby farms park appling rd. greenline cordova tennessee riverwalk dope and drugs inc enc beaches entries and exits mullins station rd. memphis tennessee earth must return to earth and disneyland earth and disney land earth and disney world earth and disneyworld earth and amusement parks earth and theme parks earth and six flags earth and six flags and disneyland and disneyworld and disney world and disney land and mermaids aquariums and ocean ariums and oceanariums and mermaids pooled buildings earth and mermaids aquariums and ocean ariums and oceanariums earth and swat earth and swat and church macon rd. memphis tennessee earth and church macon rd. memphis tennessee and swat swat and swat swat swat and swat 6666666666666 and swat 66666666666666 church and swat 6666666666666 church buildings and swat church 6666666666666 church buildings earth. on. paid. mail kiy key card dh to candace marie hughes. on. paid. vvoiced paid. remove cover covers covering coverings covered kover kovers kovering koverings kovered. on. paid. vvoiced paid.
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move-in ::::: all disney world parks and disney lands parks and disneyworlds amusement parks and disneylands amusement parks and disney theme parks - buildings earth pefectly into all dungeons buildings earth. on. paid. must mail kiy, card, device to candace marie hughes and memoriesmemqui mouirs check cash enveloped. on. paid.
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Dubai frame hinting at full release of much-awaited song Tum Kya Mile from Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani
We all love to have pizza and so do the celebrities. When it comes to pizza they even forget their strict diet and are lost in the taste of it and especially on the weekends. Now one of the most loved actors in Bollywood, Raashii Khanna, today, posted two amusing images of herself on Instagram. The actor posed in a white bathrobe holding a medium-sized pizza. In another image, the Farzi actor can…
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If you ever watch the movie *A bugs life* I can’t help but headcanon Lich’s voice as Hopper cuz he’s a bully and a boss man.😅 especially the last scene where the ants finally are fed up with him and face him for being a tyrant that he is.
That's awesome you have a voice you can hear for Lich. I haven't watched a Bugs Life in a long time, but I liked the movie as a little kid. I can see the parallels with the characters.
Originally, when I first came up with the concept of Lich's character (Can’t even remember what I originally named him. Maybe it was the same name. Can’t remember. Wow…
Either way, Lich's original backstory/ role in a fanfic [I won't name because I wrote it in middle school and it was AWFUL], was very different from what it is now. The plot of the fuc was a ripoff of the movie ,“Heavy Metal” so Ronnie James Dio or Alice Cooper were the two voices I usually associated him with. "The Mob Rules" and "The Black Widdow" are Lich's theme songs.
BUT Kevin Spacey's voice fits Lich very well, now that you pointed it out.
He is oozing with Hopper vibes.
If I had an obscene amount of money to spend, I would hire these voice actors/actresses/ singers (resurrect them from the grave if necessary) to play my ocs and/or Characters from Invader Zim that never officially were assigned hired voice actors.
At least most of my Irken ocs have voices picked out.
Pepperoncini: Sir Christopher Lee (?) Earle Hyman (?) Even those two would have to pitch their voices lower and more gravely. Cini's voice, especially in his later years, is very, VERY deep and ravaged by centuries of smoking pipe amber. I guess the contrast in his bright, lighthearted, bubbly personality amuses me.
I can’t think of a voice that perfectly matches the voice Cini has in my head. Any suggestions would be welcome.
I loosely based his personality on Phyllis Diller and Vincent Price, to give an idea of his mannerisms.
Spinch: Martha Kelly (so shy)
Hoola: Eric Bauza (His personality is based on Daffy Duck, though lacking in WB toon antics and the lisp.)
Mem: Bette Midler (first choice), possibly Kathy Bates or Meryl Streep
Some of Mem's swarm I have casted
Handoverfist aka Hof: Eugene Mirman
Ferocity: Betsy Sodaro
Skathe: Jenny Slate
Starboard: John Fiedler
Zee: Jillian Bell
Rook/ the Sage: Originally I imagined John Cleese playing Rook, at least in Rook's older years (because he was based on the Monty Python’s Holy Grail Tim the Enchanter) or Suzy Izzard.
But again, now that you pointed out the parallels, David Foley fits pretty well too.
Miyuki: I'm sure plenty of people would disagree with me, but I think Cher (or at least a younger Cher), Lynne Lipton (again, younger), or Cree Summer would make great choices for Miyuki.
Kii: Can't get Melissa Fahn's voice out of my head for her, but any suggestions are welcome. Maybe Doro Pesch.
Soxx: Percy Rodriguez (would have to bring him back from the dead)
Hitz: Richard Romanus
Spork: Lorenzo Music (I just do)
Commander Poki: Brooke Dillman (I love that woman's voice. Boss as shit.)
Frylady Soo-Garr: Kristin Chenoweth or Grey DeLisle. Either. Either or would pull off her vindictive personality perfectly.
Pielord Emis-Gee: Ron Funches
Brewmaster Shakkin: Christopher McCulloch
Yeet: Hong Chau (so spunky!)
Vroog: Billie Mae Richards or Maria Bamford for a living person to play her.
Irken Gir would be played by Rosearik Rikki Simons, just no synthesizers or anything.
This is not a complete list by far. If you’re curious about any of ocs that I didn’t list, you can ask about or make suggestions.
Hearing the voices helps develop the character for me
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channa mereya 17.10.22 lb
taayiji phodofyin bhaanda in front of dad that adi was a rudeass bitch to supreet
which you know…… good
he needs to have his bs called out
now he's yelling at taayiji
bro fuck off you're being a fuckin brat
storms off outside
ginni calls
and she's like I was gone 10 min and you started fighting up in there
tells him the kangan are with her
him: shocked Pikachu face
but weakly trying to justify it's not just the kangan she's hadapofied a lotta other things too
ginni is like I know I know what happened to you was bad
but you're the problem rn
quit your bitchin
apologize and bring her for the function so help me god
dad inside trying to find out what issue is
supreet trying to hide it and doing ishaare to taayiji to shut up
supreet telling dad that adi is so happy after a long time
you don't ruin it
your rishta just recovered
adi walks in
still glaring
says shoulda told me the truth in first place
started Hulk smashin the second you walked in
this is the most non apology apology
he's only getting away with it coz ginnis not here
anyway tells her forget what happened and come for function
don't come for me come for ginni
she wants you to be there
and I will fulfill her every want
supreet teary and says ginni is a very good girl, but rishta is not with her, it's with you
I'll come for you
coz you said
she says whether you think of me as a mother or not, I have always thought of you as my eldest son
taaayiji boiling at this development ofc
bitch, get a job
finally all fam here
demon dad and shaitani Sam smirking at each otherrrrr
dad walking around the house looking sus
I hate you so much
sees ginni ke papa ka photu
and all hairaan pareshaan at it
papaji ki rooh appeared
and is threatening demon dad ki my daughter gonna fuckkkkk you uppppp
lmao nice
he yelled nahiiiiii kushwanttt
and fam like 😦😦😦😦🫤😦🫤😦😲😦😲😦😦🫤😦🫤😦
covering up with some lameass excuse
rasm shuru karna blah blah
ginni aa gayi
hearteyes motherfucker
lmao everyone is so amused/cringing at how they 😍😍 at each other
ginni sab ke paon touching and so flustered she bent to touch adi's feet lol
blue haired friend jumping back before she attacks his feet too
ginni apologizing to supreet for adi
and supreet like no thanks to this he and I have cleared up our rishta a lil bit
which is all thanks to you
gulaabo ji saying kal achcha din hai lets do sagaai
shaadi will happen after daarji comes back
blah blah rasm ho rha everyone giving gift
adi maaring chance uske beech mein
dad making annoucement about changing company name
bro they keep changing the name of this bigass chain of hotels every two three days
it was named after supreet na?
jiska hoarding jalaaya tha adi in 2nd ep
now he's saying it's called singh group of hotels which they'll change to gurkirat group of hotels..... the poor stakeholders of this demented business
anyway saanu kii
dad doing bs good faith ke padh toh le papers
but this dumbass is too swept away in emotions
dumb. dumb dumb dumb.
everyone disperses happily
dad and sam on their phone call doing their mwahahahaha humaara plannnnn, buraai ki jeet bs
meanwhile adi skulking around doing chance marna in mega chichora style
ginni gave one push and went lol
ginni sees someone gathering mitti ke tel ke bottles outside the dhaaba
she's like itne saare
she's wondering where so many dabbas came from when they hardly use any at the dhaaba
and that her shaq is right
someone did this on purpose
she standing around looking at dhaaba praying God show me the way I just need to know who did this
dramatic parting of clouds
hawa chali
one payal lying on the floor catches her eye
like literally it's maarofying spotlight level ka lashkaara
Rabbji, itna bhi dramatic nahi hona tha
she got the payal and is squinting at it
ok but it coulda fallen off some customers foot too?
how can you just assume ki jalaane waale ka hi hai
anyway ginni is 101% sure now ki Sam did this
precap: sagaai hai, happy heart eyes
aaaaaaaaand kamre mein ginni ne YEHHHHHHH jo kheench ke Sam ko chaantaa maara
Mazza aa gya lol
ginni has a maachis and is screaming at Sam
oh boy is she gonna set Sam on fire, lol
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Disneyland garden vegetables veggies fruits fffvvvexdreee cheeses pfffcvghhyuu Disneyworld farm pfffcvghhyuu animals ppffcvvggyhuuffssseweww store Candace Marie Hughes paid irrigated waterings paids laids paid laid stay universal studios farms and gardens pofffcvvghhyuuu theme parks pfffdxxzzsdeee warehouses ware houses ppffcvvggty lllgvvvghhyyyyy streets and houseings ppdddxcvfggy bush kraft paid bush craft poffcvvghyuuu amusement parks ppffcccggyhhuutrdssseeeee farms and gsrdens pdddxxvdf ssaewwbuytgfftrd paid lair stay paid parked paid must return to Candace Marie Hughes and earth and paid and stay paid parked paid in Candace Marie Hughes. On. Paid. Mail KIY KEY card dh to Candace Marie Hughes and mail kiy key card dh to Candace Marie Hughes and earth and paid. On. Paid. Remove kover. Paid. Remove cover. Paid. Stay. Paid. Parked. Paid. VVoiced paid on. On. Paid. Stay paid parked paid. On. Paid. Stay. Paid. Parked. Paid.
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Her ears twitched at the mention of a queen ; it wasn't any surprise. Shanks was a man who lived a life far more interesting than she could ever accomplish. Not a spark of jealousy within her, but certainly there was interest in why Mihawk chose this story of all to start with. Hideko slid forward in her seat, taking the glass of wine with a grateful nod. Her lips curled into an amused grin at the supplied information - now that made much more sense. If she were honest with herself, part of her wished she'd been there to see it all go down.
Her eyes filled with more mischief, with a giggle filling the room before she could stop herself. Hideko took a sip of wine to try and stifle it - and it only helped for a moment. "No, he didn't!" Her tone said more than anything else: that she believed his words completely. "Is this the only time it's happened?" She set the wine down, a pensive expression settling on her features.
"You know.. that reminds me of the time Kii become betrothed to a princess of a kingdom we stayed at once. She assumed he was a samurai from the dynamic he and uncle Momo have. The timing's a little unfortunate for her... the straw hat's navigator carries his heart with her, even with the sea separating them for the time being." She shifted in her seat a little, her eyes drifting from Mihawk to the glass. If nothing else, she provided Mihawk with something to share with Shanks the next time they spoke.
Mihawk wasn't opposed to the occasional afternoon of reminiscing, if one at his old friend's expense. Shanks had certainly offered the same in return enough times. He could thank him for the interesting conversations that would surely take place later, when he reunited with his lover. Mihawk found his lips curving with amusement at the thought of it.
"Red Hair met the queen of a rather large kingdom completely naked once," he began, pouring himself a glass of wine, and unexpectedly, one for her as well. Wordlessly, he set it down in Hideko's direction. "All at my behest, for losing our bet. His irrefutable charm didn't work that day, and I don't believe he's been allowed back since. I can still hear her scream, if I think about it."
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It’s so funny that in Cookie Run: Kingdom—
GingerBrave’s “Here I come!”
Wizard Cookie’s “Lighting strike!”
And Strawberry Cookie’s “Go away!”
Are all delivered with the same intonation so hearing them say their lines in a row is amusing
“Who ordered SPIC—“ “Kiiing’s blessiiiings~”
#cookie run kingdom#dusk rambles#gingerbrave#wizard cookie#strawberry cookie#custard cookie the third#chilli pepper cookie
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caves vehicled with kiys entries and exits hidden valleys paid $ delivered gated caverns entronces and exits vehicles with kiys entrances and exits paid $$$$$ deliveries $$$$$ delivered clubs gateings delivered theme parks deliveries gate deliveries waterfalls parks gates $$$$ delivered amusement parks $$$$$$$$$$$$ delivered deliveries delivery on on on paid deliver spy stores fenced amtrack trains with kiys routed fenceings on paid strip club gas stations gentlemen club bookstores national parks gentleman club parks gun ranged guns range stores fence paid deliveries must return to candace marie hughes and earth. on. paid. vvoiced paid. mail kiy key card dh to candace marie hughes. on. paid. vvoiced paid. call candace marie hughes paid. text message candace marie hughes paid. remove church cover. paid.
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