thoughtlessarse · 2 months
The Netherlands violates fundamental children’s rights, the international children’s rights organization KidsRights reported based on worldwide research conducted in collaboration with Erasmus University Rotterdam. According to KidsRights, the Netherlands’ protection of vulnerable children has been poor for years, and the country has now fallen 12 places in the world rankings for child healthcare. The Netherlands has been “radically falling through the cracks” for years in protecting vulnerable children, violating that fundamental right, KidsRights chairman Marc Dullaert explained. The Netherlands is unable to provide hundreds of thousands of children who live below the poverty line or were removed from their parental homes with a minimum subsistence or good care and protection. “If a child is doing well, the Netherlands is a paradise with good education, but children on the vulnerable side are not adequately cared for,” said Dullaert. Now, a new vulnerable group of children has been added due to substandard healthcare, the chairman said. According to the children’s rights organization, this is mainly due to the declining vaccination rate but also due to challenges in the field of water quality. The vaccination rate against measles is below 90 percent for the first time in years, which is the World Health Organization’s critical limit to protect the population against the disease, Dullaert explained.
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gemsofgreece · 1 year
Greece at the top ten countries for the kids rights? Emm I don't know if watching the news everyday created a negative image about it but I didn't think we would be that high on the list.
Which is good of course if it's true i am just used to the opposite when it comes to Greece xd
Yeah I saw this too and I was a bit like 👀 Let’s see a positive as it might be the last we see for a while.
But actually if you check them one by one, most of them make sense more or less.
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Kids Rights Index Ranking: 6
I don’t know if I would say as high a place as 6 but I do think the state and civilians alike have a high regard for the rights of the kids.
Health ranking: 16
That’s higher than I thought, however it’s more or less true that child hospitals are better than general hospitals and there is full provision and guidance of the parents for vaccination and child healthcare insurance and all that.
Life ranking: 29
This is about mortality under five years of age, maternal mortality and life expectancy at birth. I believe Greece must have actually lowered its stats of this in this very year, I remember reading about incidents.
Education ranking: 1-11
Lol. I mean the only reason this is so high is because it just examines gender inequality in access and duration of education. And this is indeed great in Greece, if anything, girls low-key receive more education and very very few teens ever drop out (basically unheard of for kids). And this is where the list of positives ends lol
Protection ranking: 21
About child labour, adolescence pregnancy and birth registration. Greece could be easily in the top 10-15 in this category, had it not been for the birth registration, as immigrants have a notorious hard time getting it for their kids. This is what makes it drop to 21 imo.
Environment ranking: 48-60
This is about non-discrimination, enabling legislation, respect of children’s views, state civil society cooperation, best interests, best budget for the child. This kinda counterargues what I said in the beginning but well, I could see this be about that place, give or take. I do think there is relative respect of views and most people, even the poorest, sacrifice a lot from themselves to provide the best for their children but I guess poverty affects this marker anyway so it lowers it. Best interests is also something that could lower the general stat as Greek parents have a tendency to think their best interests coincide with those of the child so yeah. It generally makes sense.
KidsRights is a NGO taking its data from the United Nations and has its base in the Netherlands. This research was done in a sample of 193 countries.
I give you all the link if you wanna check the data about your country of interest.
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Artikel: Nederland daalt zestien plekken op ranglijst kinderrechtenorganisatie
Nederland daalt zestien plekken op ranglijst kinderrechtenorganisatie
Verzonden via @updayNL
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trex57thave · 2 years
Watch "He addressed the TRANS conversation and WENT OFF (respectfully)🤯- #RizzaIslam #IntellectualXtremist" on YouTube
#UrbanIntellectuals Must speak about Protection of #NaturalBornWomen #KidsRights and #ProMasculinity!!! Big Ups to #BigFacts and #RizzaIslam for Attacking these offenses by #CancelCulture... And why has no one I know of requesting from the #Gov the #BIE files for public accountably?!?
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logicpublishers · 2 years
Call for Nominations: International Children’s Peace Prize 2023
Call for Nominations: International Children’s Peace Prize 2023
The International Children’s Peace Prize is awarded annually to a child who fights courageously for children’s rights. All winners have shown a remarkable commitment to combating problems millions of children face worldwide. The motivation behind the prize is to provide a platform for children to express their ideas and personal involvement in children’s rights. KidsRights feels that children…
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nas84-blog · 2 years
Le changement climatique menace un milliard d’enfants selon l’ONG KidsRights
Le changement climatique menace un milliard d’enfants selon l’ONG KidsRights
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actuma · 2 years
Nederland op 4e plek op gebied van kinderrechten, wel zorgen om luchtverontreiniging
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Uit de KidsRights Index die in samenwerking met de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam is gepubliceerd blijkt dat Nederland het slecht doet op het gebied van luchtvervuiling en toegang tot zorg, maar het nog altijd goed doet op het gebied van kinderrechten. Wereldwijd staan ons land zelfs op de 4e plek in de index, achter IJsland, Zweden en Finland. Dit komt vooral door goede scores op het gebied van recht op educatie, recht op leven, recht op gezondheid en recht op bescherming. Luchtverontreiniging De onderzoekers melden echter ook dat Nederland koploper is op het gebied van luchtverontreiniging, waardoor een op de 5 kinderen in Nederland aan astma lijdt, wat het hoogste aantal in Europa is. Doordat kinderen uit gezinnen met een hogere sociaaleconomische status naar scholen gaan met betere luchtkwaliteit en betere luchtfiltering, ontstaat er hierdoor ook een sociaaleconomische scheiding in ons land. KidsRights meldt hierover dat op veel scholen in gebieden met slechte of geen luchtfiltering en een hoge concentratie luchtverontreiniging vaak kinderen zitten met een lagere sociaaleconomische status zitten. Klimaatverandering De onderzoekers laten verder weten dat klimaatverandering het grootste wereldwijde gevaar is voor kinderen, aangezien bijna 90% van alle kinderen in de wereld aan luchtvervuiling blootgesteld wordt. Er zouden hierdoor maar liefst een miljard kinderen een extreem hoog risico lopen om getroffen te worden door de ernstige gevolgen hiervan, zoals overstromingen, hittegolven en waterschaarste. Rechten van het kind Sinds de eerste KidsRights Index is Nederland overigens wel gezakt van de 3e naar de 37e plek, wanneer we kijken naar een ‘gunstig klimaat voor de rechten van het kind’. Dit komt vooral door de matige luchtkwaliteit, maar ook door bijvoorbeeld de lange wachtlijsten in de jeugdzorg en de achteruitgang van de mentale gezondheid van jongeren in Nederland door onder andere de coronapandemie. Read the full article
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orthodoxiaonline · 2 years
1 δις παιδιά απειλούνται από την κλιματική αλλαγή
Οι συνέπειες της κλιματικής αλλαγής απειλούν ένα δισεκατομμύριο παιδιά και γενικά, το επίπεδο ζωής των ανηλίκων σε παγκόσμια κλίμακα δεν κατέγραψε βελτίωση την τελευταία δεκαετία, τονίζει σε έκθεσή της που δίνει στη δημοσιότητα σήμερα η μη κυβερνητική οργάνωση KidsRights. (more…)
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rulinarulina · 2 years
Η κλιματική αλλαγή απειλεί ένα δισεκατομμύριο παιδιά
Η κλιματική αλλαγή απειλεί ένα δισεκατομμύριο παιδιά
Οι συνέπειες της κλιματικής αλλαγής απειλούν ένα δισεκατομμύριο παιδιά και γενικά, το επίπεδο ζωής των ανηλίκων σε παγκόσμια κλίμακα δεν κατέγραψε βελτίωση την τελευταία δεκαετία, τονίζει σε έκθεσή της που δίνει στη δημοσιότητα σήμερα η μη κυβερνητική οργάνωση KidsRights. Η πανδημία του νέου κορονοϊού είχε άλλωστε τρομακτικό αντίκτυπο στα ανήλικα αγόρια και κορίτσια, που σε […] The post Η…
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astratv · 2 years
Ολλανδική έκθεση: Η κλιματική αλλαγή απειλεί ένα δισεκατομμύριο παιδιά
Οι συνέπειες της κλιματικής αλλαγής απειλούν ένα δισεκατομμύριο παιδιά, και γενικά, το επίπεδο ζωής των ανηλίκων σε παγκόσμια κλίμακα δεν κατέγραψε βελτίωση την τελευταία δεκαετία, τονίζει σε έκθεσή της που δίνει στη δημοσιότητα σήμερα η μη κυβερνητική οργάνωση KidsRights. Η πανδημία του νέου κοροναϊού είχε άλλωστε τρομακτικό αντίκτυπο στα ανήλικα αγόρια και κορίτσια, που σε πολλές περιπτώσεις…
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1 Billion Children At "Extremely High Risk" Due To Climate Change: Report
1 Billion Children At “Extremely High Risk” Due To Climate Change: Report
More than one-third of the world’s children were currently exposed to heatwaves, the report said. The Hague, Netherlands: Some one billion children are at “extremely high risk” due to climate change harms, a rights group warned on Wednesday, adding that youths’ living standards failed to improve in the last decade. The KidsRights index, based on figures supplied by UN agencies, also said more…
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noelenpartage · 4 years
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A travers ce post, Nous Venons dire un Sincère Merci à tous ceux et celles qui nous ont témoigné leur Soutien dans l'organisation de @noelenpartage 2020.Nous vous donnons rendez vous dans quelques mois pour le démarrage de la Nouvelle Campagne 2021 avec un Autre Orphelinat (ou Centre Social) qui aura été choisi par l'équipe de L'Association Happiness for Children in Africa (@hca_benin 🇧🇯) devant abriter et bénéficier dudit Projet. Merci encore de nous accompagner à donner plus de joie à tous les Enfants quelque soit leur origine, leur sexe ou leur appartenance réligieuse.A Tous nos différents Partenaires,Collaborateurs, Parents, Amis et Donateurs , Heureuse Année 2021.Que Toutes les Bénédictions et Grâces vous Accompagnent tout au long de cette Nouvelle Année.🙏🙏🙏 #kidsrights #kidsupport #humanrights #hcabenin #noel_en_partage #new_year_2021 (at Cotonou, Benin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJrT-JqBWHS/?igshid=1drg8k6rx9uzd
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trex57thave · 2 years
Watch "He addressed the TRANS conversation and WENT OFF (respectfully)🤯- #RizzaIslam #IntellectualXtremist" on YouTube
#UrbanIntellectuals We must Protect #NaturalBornWomen #KidsRights and #ProMasculinity in Our Communities. Big Ups to #BigFacts and #RizzaIslam for Attacking these offenses by the #CancelCulture!!! And why has no one I know requested the #Gov about the #BIE registry, to open the discussion for public assessment!?! We need to know that!!!
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adorablecuisine · 3 years
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#international #humanrights #humanity #internationalhumanrights #internationalhumanrightsmovement #internationalhumanrightsday #thirst #water #kids #rights #kidsrights #education #educationright https://www.instagram.com/p/CTQy3Heq9-n/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#Repost @noelenpartage • • • • • • A travers ce post, Nous Venons dire un Sincère Merci à tous ceux et celles qui nous ont témoigné leur Soutien dans l'organisation de @noelenpartage 2020.Nous vous donnons rendez vous dans quelques mois pour le démarrage de la Nouvelle Campagne 2021 avec un Autre Orphelinat (ou Centre Social) qui aura été choisi par l'équipe de L'Association Happiness for Children in Africa (@hca_benin 🇧🇯) devant abriter et bénéficier dudit Projet. Merci encore de nous accompagner à donner plus de joie à tous les Enfants quelque soit leur origine, leur sexe ou leur appartenance réligieuse.A Tous nos différents Partenaires,Collaborateurs, Parents, Amis et Donateurs , Heureuse Année 2021.Que Toutes les Bénédictions et Grâces vous Accompagnent tout au long de cette Nouvelle Année.🙏🙏🙏 #kidsrights #kidsupport #humanrights #hcabenin #noel_en_partage #new_year_2021 (at Cotonou, Benin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJrYL2KHHzc/?igshid=dxa39t6g4dfi
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charlestoan-blog · 4 years
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The past three months have been tough and easy🍉. Hard because I didn't see anyone😭, and I was demotivated😥 but easy because I didn't have to socialize😦 and I lived at my own pace. Weird but this is where I understood human nature💡. We take for granted something that isn't, we don't enjoy the simple and usual things, but as soon as they are taken away from us we realize how important these things we think we have acquired are to us❤️. I thought I was going to end this depressed😞, stressed and exhausted year but fate meant that I had time for myself and to do things that I didn't do for lack of time🕐. Do you believe that humans are capable to forget how to maintain a social life👫? I don't believe because we're made to live together and united no matter if we are white, black or all the colors between, no matter if we are rich or poor, no matter if we are small, tall, skinny or big, it doesn't matter our sexuality if we are straight, bi, gay or any other part of the spectrum, it doesn't matter if we are muslim, jew, christians or of any other religion. Let us support and talk about what the mainstream media📱don't talk about, racism, mental health, depression, suicide, anxiety, and so much more, sexism, discrimination, domestic violence, sexual assault. Let's fight for equality because we were born equal, and we are not treated equal, that's why we have to fight for the equality of each sex, religions, origins, sexual orientation and so much more Love will win!❤️💕 📸@mona_gre @enea_bbld #watermelon #summer #friends #equalityforall #equalrights #kidsrights #blm #sharewithpride #share #blacklivesmatter #alllivesmatters #suicideprevention #anxiety #love #equality #lgbt #racism #like4like #likeforlike #likes4likes #likeall #likesforlikes #liketeam #likealways #ilike #liker #likeme #likes #likesforlike #l4l https://www.instagram.com/p/CB5jAW5hr1R/?igshid=10ylxvh368uel
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