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gemsofgreece · 2 years ago
Greece at the top ten countries for the kids rights? Emm I don't know if watching the news everyday created a negative image about it but I didn't think we would be that high on the list.
Which is good of course if it's true i am just used to the opposite when it comes to Greece xd
Yeah I saw this too and I was a bit like 👀 Let’s see a positive as it might be the last we see for a while.
But actually if you check them one by one, most of them make sense more or less.
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Kids Rights Index Ranking: 6
I don’t know if I would say as high a place as 6 but I do think the state and civilians alike have a high regard for the rights of the kids.
Health ranking: 16
That’s higher than I thought, however it’s more or less true that child hospitals are better than general hospitals and there is full provision and guidance of the parents for vaccination and child healthcare insurance and all that.
Life ranking: 29
This is about mortality under five years of age, maternal mortality and life expectancy at birth. I believe Greece must have actually lowered its stats of this in this very year, I remember reading about incidents.
Education ranking: 1-11
Lol. I mean the only reason this is so high is because it just examines gender inequality in access and duration of education. And this is indeed great in Greece, if anything, girls low-key receive more education and very very few teens ever drop out (basically unheard of for kids). And this is where the list of positives ends lol
Protection ranking: 21
About child labour, adolescence pregnancy and birth registration. Greece could be easily in the top 10-15 in this category, had it not been for the birth registration, as immigrants have a notorious hard time getting it for their kids. This is what makes it drop to 21 imo.
Environment ranking: 48-60
This is about non-discrimination, enabling legislation, respect of children’s views, state civil society cooperation, best interests, best budget for the child. This kinda counterargues what I said in the beginning but well, I could see this be about that place, give or take. I do think there is relative respect of views and most people, even the poorest, sacrifice a lot from themselves to provide the best for their children but I guess poverty affects this marker anyway so it lowers it. Best interests is also something that could lower the general stat as Greek parents have a tendency to think their best interests coincide with those of the child so yeah. It generally makes sense.
KidsRights is a NGO taking its data from the United Nations and has its base in the Netherlands. This research was done in a sample of 193 countries.
I give you all the link if you wanna check the data about your country of interest.
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allthenewzworld · 2 months ago
A 17-year-old who is not allowed to speak in public in her own country has won a prestigious international award for advocating for the rights of Afghan girls.
Nila Ibrahimi won the International Children's Peace Prize on Tuesday, an award that has recognized luminaries including climate activist Greta Thunberg and girls' education campaigner Malala Yousafzai.
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Ibrahimi received the honor for her "courageous work to fight for the rights of girls" in Afghanistan, where women are being silenced by oppressive rules set by the Taliban, who seized power in 2021.
Before the takeover, Ibrahimi gained an online following after using her voice to pressure Kabul education authorities to overturn a ban on schoolgirls singing in public.
Read more at the link in our bio.
📸 KidsRights Foundation
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megakarina66things-blog · 2 years ago
Artikel: Nederland daalt zestien plekken op ranglijst kinderrechtenorganisatie
Nederland daalt zestien plekken op ranglijst kinderrechtenorganisatie
Verzonden via @updayNL
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trex57thave · 2 years ago
Watch "He addressed the TRANS conversation and WENT OFF (respectfully)🤯- #RizzaIslam #IntellectualXtremist" on YouTube
#UrbanIntellectuals Must speak about Protection of #NaturalBornWomen #KidsRights and #ProMasculinity!!! Big Ups to #BigFacts and #RizzaIslam for Attacking these offenses by #CancelCulture... And why has no one I know of requesting from the #Gov the #BIE files for public accountably?!?
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noelenpartage · 4 years ago
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A travers ce post, Nous Venons dire un Sincère Merci à tous ceux et celles qui nous ont témoigné leur Soutien dans l'organisation de @noelenpartage 2020.Nous vous donnons rendez vous dans quelques mois pour le démarrage de la Nouvelle Campagne 2021 avec un Autre Orphelinat (ou Centre Social) qui aura été choisi par l'équipe de L'Association Happiness for Children in Africa (@hca_benin 🇧🇯) devant abriter et bénéficier dudit Projet. Merci encore de nous accompagner à donner plus de joie à tous les Enfants quelque soit leur origine, leur sexe ou leur appartenance réligieuse.A Tous nos différents Partenaires,Collaborateurs, Parents, Amis et Donateurs , Heureuse Année 2021.Que Toutes les Bénédictions et Grâces vous Accompagnent tout au long de cette Nouvelle Année.🙏🙏🙏 #kidsrights #kidsupport #humanrights #hcabenin #noel_en_partage #new_year_2021 (at Cotonou, Benin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJrT-JqBWHS/?igshid=1drg8k6rx9uzd
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adorablecuisine · 3 years ago
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#international #humanrights #humanity #internationalhumanrights #internationalhumanrightsmovement #internationalhumanrightsday #thirst #water #kids #rights #kidsrights #education #educationright https://www.instagram.com/p/CTQy3Heq9-n/?utm_medium=tumblr
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happinesschildrenafrica · 4 years ago
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#Repost @noelenpartage • • • • • • A travers ce post, Nous Venons dire un Sincère Merci à tous ceux et celles qui nous ont témoigné leur Soutien dans l'organisation de @noelenpartage 2020.Nous vous donnons rendez vous dans quelques mois pour le démarrage de la Nouvelle Campagne 2021 avec un Autre Orphelinat (ou Centre Social) qui aura été choisi par l'équipe de L'Association Happiness for Children in Africa (@hca_benin 🇧🇯) devant abriter et bénéficier dudit Projet. Merci encore de nous accompagner à donner plus de joie à tous les Enfants quelque soit leur origine, leur sexe ou leur appartenance réligieuse.A Tous nos différents Partenaires,Collaborateurs, Parents, Amis et Donateurs , Heureuse Année 2021.Que Toutes les Bénédictions et Grâces vous Accompagnent tout au long de cette Nouvelle Année.🙏🙏🙏 #kidsrights #kidsupport #humanrights #hcabenin #noel_en_partage #new_year_2021 (at Cotonou, Benin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJrYL2KHHzc/?igshid=dxa39t6g4dfi
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charlestoan-blog · 5 years ago
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The past three months have been tough and easy🍉. Hard because I didn't see anyone😭, and I was demotivated😥 but easy because I didn't have to socialize😦 and I lived at my own pace. Weird but this is where I understood human nature💡. We take for granted something that isn't, we don't enjoy the simple and usual things, but as soon as they are taken away from us we realize how important these things we think we have acquired are to us❤️. I thought I was going to end this depressed😞, stressed and exhausted year but fate meant that I had time for myself and to do things that I didn't do for lack of time🕐. Do you believe that humans are capable to forget how to maintain a social life👫? I don't believe because we're made to live together and united no matter if we are white, black or all the colors between, no matter if we are rich or poor, no matter if we are small, tall, skinny or big, it doesn't matter our sexuality if we are straight, bi, gay or any other part of the spectrum, it doesn't matter if we are muslim, jew, christians or of any other religion. Let us support and talk about what the mainstream media📱don't talk about, racism, mental health, depression, suicide, anxiety, and so much more, sexism, discrimination, domestic violence, sexual assault. Let's fight for equality because we were born equal, and we are not treated equal, that's why we have to fight for the equality of each sex, religions, origins, sexual orientation and so much more Love will win!❤️💕 📸@mona_gre @enea_bbld #watermelon #summer #friends #equalityforall #equalrights #kidsrights #blm #sharewithpride #share #blacklivesmatter #alllivesmatters #suicideprevention #anxiety #love #equality #lgbt #racism #like4like #likeforlike #likes4likes #likeall #likesforlikes #liketeam #likealways #ilike #liker #likeme #likes #likesforlike #l4l https://www.instagram.com/p/CB5jAW5hr1R/?igshid=10ylxvh368uel
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aneddoticamagazinestuff · 5 years ago
New Post has been published on https://www.aneddoticamagazine.com/it/diritti-del-fanciullo-la-classifica-dei-paesi-per-rispetto-della-crc-e-le-sorprese-non-mancano/
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Il 20 Novembre 1989 l’assemblea congiunta delle Nazioni approvò la Convenzione dei Diritti del Fanciullo, ancora oggi il trattato ratificato dal maggior numero di paesi: ben 195 paesi su 196 hanno firmato questo accordo e lo hanno trasformato in legge all’interno dei confini nazionali. In Italia venne ratificata solo il 27 maggio del 1991 con la legge 176. Piano piano, anno dopo anno, tutti gli altri paesi hanno fatto lo stesso. Ultimo in termini di tempo il Sud Sudan, nel 2018. Unico assente (ingiustificato) gli Stati Uniti d’America: pur avendolo siglato l’accordo non lo hanno mai convertito in legge. Tuttavia il fatto che così tanti stati si siano dotati di una legge che prevede il rispetto dei diritti dei minori non vuol dire che questi non siano poi costantemente violati. Sotto questo profilo, l’Italia è una eccezione, in senso positivo: a tutelare e sorvegliare il rispetto dei Diritti dei Minori c’è un organo indipendente costituito da un centinaio di Associazioni che ogni anno presenta al Parlamento un report con il quale segnala eventuali carenze e problemi legati all’applicazione della CRC (come viene comunemente chiamata la Convenzione dei Diritti del Fanciullo). A fare la stessa cosa a livello globale è l’organizzazione internazionale per i diritti dei bambini KidsRights: ogni anno insieme all’Università di Rotterdam analizza il rispetto della CRC sulla base di venti parametri (13 quantitativi e sette qualitativi, suddivisi in cinque macro-aree: vita, salute, educazione, protezione e “abilitazione dell’ambiente dei diritti dei minori”). Il rapporto finale contiene non solo le “performance” dei vari paesi, ma anche una sorta di classifica globale. Una analisi particolarmente importante in un momento, come quello attuale, in cui anche i diritti dei bambini sono gravemente colpiti dall’epidemia di coronavirus. Come ha confermato pochi giorni fa Marc Dullaert, presidente dell’Organizzazione internazionale per i diritti dei bambini KidsRights, durante la presentazione del KidsRights Index 2020. Il rapporto appena pubblicato mostra che molti governi destinano budget insufficienti a garantire che i diritti dei minori siano rispettati, in settori come la protezione, la salute e l’istruzione. “Questa crisi riporta indietro gli anni di progressi compiuti sul benessere dei bambini. Pertanto è più che mai necessaria una forte attenzione per i diritti dei minori. Tuttavia finché i governi stanno lottando per mantenere il loro sistema sanitario e l’economia in funzione, è discutibile fino a che punto sono in grado di fornire questo focus”, avverte Dullaert. Le misure adottate dai governi per frenare la diffusione del Covid-19 hanno avuto un impatto disastroso: la chiusura delle scuole in 188 paesi, ad esempio, ha colpito 1,5 miliardi di bambini e adolescenti, e ha reso molti ragazzi e ragazze vulnerabili allo sfruttamento minorile, a matrimonio precoci ed esposti al rischio di essere vittime di violenze domestiche. In altri paesi la sospensione dei programmi di vaccinazione per malattie come la poliomielite o il morbillo potrebbe causare un aumento del contagio e centinaia di migliaia di nuovi casi di mortalità infantile. Le Nazioni Unite prevedono che saranno da 42 a 66 milioni i bambini che rischiano di cadere in povertà estrema a causa della crisi legata al corona virus. Ciò che sorprende di più sono le variazioni nelle posizioni di alcuni paesi nella classifica finale. Se da un lato alcuni paesi hanno confermato la posizione di vertice, altri hanno avuto un crollo verticale. Non sorprende trovare al primo posto assoluto l’Islanda, seguita dalla Svizzera e da molti paesi scandinavi. Ottima la performance anche di Germania e Olanda (rispettivamente quinta e senta). Sorprendente in positivo il risultato della Thailandia (ottava) e della Repubblica di Corea (tredicesima). Stupisce invece il passaggio dell’Australia dal 19mo al 135mo posto, la causa è da cercare nel modo di gestire i richiedenti asilo, i rifugiati e i migranti e nella discriminazione contro i bambini aborigeni. Effetti ancora peggiori ha avuto la discriminazione e la stigmatizzazione dei bambini rom e zingari nel Regno Unito che hanno fatto precipitare il paese al 169mo posto. Performance negativa anche la Nuova Zelanda: solo 168ma, al di sotto di paesi come la Colombia (33ma), l’Egitto (36mo nonostante gli scontri in atto) o il Botswana (82mo). Ultimi assoluti (ma questo non sorprende) Afganistan e Ciad. Decisamente positiva la situazione in Italia: i ricercatori hanno apprezzato espressamente i progressi significativi in quattro delle cinque macro aree analizzate e hanno assegnato al Bel Paese il 16mo posto assoluto, “nonostante le campagne diffamatorie contro le organizzazioni che cercano e salvano i migranti, compresi i bambini nel Mediterraneo”. Una delle maggiori preoccupazioni in tutti i paesi del mondo rimane la discriminazione delle adolescenti: in 91 dei 182 paesi analizzati le ragazze sono discriminate e non godono degli stessi diritti dei coetanei di sesso maschile. In alcuni paesi poi le ragazze non hanno gli stessi diritti ereditari dei ragazzi e soffrono di un livello inferiore di accesso all’istruzione e spesso le leggi vigenti le pongono in condizione di disparità. Grandi assenti in questa classifica gli Stati Uniti d’America: essere l’unico paese delle Nazioni Unite ad aver firmato ma mai ratificato la Convenzione dei Diritti del Fanciullo non ha permesso ai valutatori di inserirli in graduatoria. Di sicuro però alcune scelte riguardanti i minori adottate dai “paladini dei diritti umani”, basti pensare che in alcune scuole sono state reinserite le pene corporali per gli alunni, non avrebbero evitato agli USA di finire nelle ultime posizioni.
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danielgreg223-blog · 5 years ago
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Sunflower...Hello😶😶#instagram #danielgreg223 #sponsored #kidsrights #cindyoaks (at Sponsored Posts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9upE-cpAmW/?igshid=x22ga1djsdrq
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ilimkent · 5 years ago
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Çocukların gönüllerince yaşayabilecekleri ortamları sağlamak en büyük haklarıdır. İlimkent Yaşam Sokağı etkinlinliklerinde çocuklarımız eğlenerek ve gönüllerince öğreniyorlar. Yaşam Sokağı her çocuğun hakkı. #güvenli #sağlıklı #eğlenceli #samimi #okul #öğrenme #çocuk #çocukhaklarıgünü #kidsrights @unitednations @UNESCO #Kids #school #education https://www.instagram.com/p/B5E_83JhtSs/?igshid=1uyalhm62v3xv
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theresanicassio · 5 years ago
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😃 LIVE THIS THURSDAY! Canadian #YouthActivist #RachelParent @rachels_news talks • #GMOLabelling • #YouthAdvocacy • #KidsRightToKnow • #Glyphosate • #ClimateAction • #MonarchButterflies • #Bees • #ColonyCollapse • & More! LIVE November 14th on @healthyliferadio via: https://www.theresanicassio.com/portfolio/gmo-labeling-rachel-parent/ Or follow link in BIO - TheresaNicassio.com #DrTheresaNicassioShow on @HealthylifeRadio is made possible because of the generous support of our Show Sponsor NEW ROOTS HERBAL INC. @newrootsherbal @newrootsherbal_fr 🌎Theresa @theresanicassio @drtheresaradio #youthvoices #youthleaders #Modified @kitchenvignettes #foodlabelling #foodlabeling #wuvip #GretaThunberg @gretathunberg #kidsrights #climateemergency #organicfarming #groworganic #organicgardening #Monsanto #Roundup #ThisIsZeroHour #Toxins #TheresaNicassio #foodAllergies #DrTheresaNicassio (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xl1jMFaPT/?igshid=cb6rxaypfoyh
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webvacancy · 3 years ago
KidsRights International Children’s Peace Prize 2022 (Funding of €10,000)
KidsRights International Children’s Peace Prize 2022 (Funding of €10,000)
Deadline: March 1, 2022 Nominations are invited for the KidsRights International Children’s Peace Prize 2022. The International Children’s Peace Prize is awarded annually to a child who fights courageously for children’s rights. All winners have shown a remarkable commitment to combating problems millions of children face worldwide. The motivation behind the prize is to provide a platform for…
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trex57thave · 2 years ago
Watch "He addressed the TRANS conversation and WENT OFF (respectfully)🤯- #RizzaIslam #IntellectualXtremist" on YouTube
#UrbanIntellectuals We must Protect #NaturalBornWomen #KidsRights and #ProMasculinity in Our Communities. Big Ups to #BigFacts and #RizzaIslam for Attacking these offenses by the #CancelCulture!!! And why has no one I know requested the #Gov about the #BIE registry, to open the discussion for public assessment!?! We need to know that!!!
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noelenpartage · 4 years ago
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Remise Officielle de Dons à l'orphelinat "La Prunelle de Dieu Vivant" de Gbozounmè (Avrankou) en Présence du Fondateur de l'orphelinat Mr Georges Bonou qui n'a pas manqué de remercier et de bénir les Donateurs pour ces Dons.Merci à Tous ceux qui se sont mobilisés avec nous; Merci à la Vice-Presidente de HCA-BENIN Ms Roivas, à @cathy_s_glam , à l' @onghsc1 , à #Façonner_lAvenir de Mr @regis_ezin_eray , à @ingrid_lalionne , à tous les membres de L'Association et des Structures Partenaires et à toutes ces personnes généreuses qui nous ont soutenu jusqu'au bout.Soyez Infiniment Bénis 🙏🙏🙏 #donation #dons #impactlives #change_lives #kidsrights #humanrights #noelenpartage #hca_benin #hoho_solidaryties_club #façonner_l'Avenir (at Avrankou) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJMt4PxhjR1/?igshid=2y4t30ym45ph
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newsclick01 · 3 years ago
Meet Vihaan and Nav Agarwal The 2 Brothers From
Meet Vihaan and Nav Agarwal The 2 Brothers From
Vihaan and Nav Agarwal receive the 2021 KidsRights International Children’s Peace Prize. The Hague: Two teenage brothers from India urged world leaders to act against climate change after winning a prestigious global children’s award on Saturday for tackling pollution from household waste in New Delhi. Vihaan and Nav Agarwal, aged 17 and 14, received the 2021 KidsRights International Children’s…
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