clocktowerdestiny · 6 years
kidsofthekelvinhero replied to your post: ((i’m still sad over the wayfinder trio but i cant...
I love the friendship the three of them have. I really hate how they were treated in the end… :c I’m hoping Sora will be the one to save them somehow. *fingers crossed*
((Terra deserve to have the final blow on Xehanort imo. i want him to get his revenge omg))
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angelic-din-mortem · 6 years
Intimidation Meme
Sometimes it’s difficult for people to seek contact with each other because they can feel intimidated by others. Using this meme, you can send the symbols to my askbox that represent to you how intimidating I am to you. This way, it could be more clear to both sides how things are based on these feelings.
😗 - YOU ARE THE SOFTEST BEING.😊 - I think you are a really friendly person.😫 - I admire you from the sidelines because you seem cool and I’m just a dork.
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//Awwww, you so sweet. But remember, we are all dorks on the inside.
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firexfled · 6 years
@kidsofthekelvinhero liked for a starter
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“Hey, do you ever wonder what would’ve happened if we actually did set sail on that raft?“
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nightcrowned · 6 years
kidsofthekelvinhero replied to your post: //I don’t know why but I am in such a big mood...
Dont give me ideas bae lol
//Throw your ideas at me bae ;)
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goddessvowed · 6 years
★ (you're an amazing Light)
Send me a ★ if you think I accurately portray my muse
//You know how important it is to me to know how’s the portrayal of my Lightning because I am always insecure. :c Thank you bae ♥
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ofblazefire · 6 years
kidsofthekelvinhero replied to your post: {I got new ships for Lightning and now I want MORE...
what ships?
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{Ardyrai (Ardyn x Lightning) and Raire (Ravus x Lightning). I saw posts about it and was like "Please don't ship it. Please don't ship it. ...... I ship it......"}
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verumlune-blog · 6 years
nudge (
Send "Nudge" on anon if you want to ship with my muse but you're too shy to say it off anon@kidsofthekelvinhero
I love how you didn’t use anon hhaa but YES. I ship my Isa/Saix with your Axel/Lea We’ve been shipping for a while now but haven’t really gotten into the shipping part on tumblr. You know I ship my muses with yours 
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totalxclarity · 6 years
Aranea smiled at Ignis as she leaned towards him before planting her lips against his own before pulling away. ❝ Happy Valentine's day Ignis. ❞ She handed a box of chocolates over as well as a wrapped box that had something inside of it that she hoped that she would like. (hope it's okay I send this since I just added Aranea and I know you ship her with Ignis.
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Ignis smiled softly against her lips as he put his hands on her hips to keep her CLOSE to him. “Happy Valentine’s Day, my love.” He said gently before he removed a hand from her hip to take what she was offering him. “You didn’t have to give me a gift though. You presence is already a true blessing.” He said with a smirk - he truly believed it and was still surprised such an incredible woman like Aranea loved him. “But we will eat these chocolates together, at least.”
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dragoonxdive · 6 years
Ignis walked into the shared apartment they both shared in Lestallum even though at times one of them would be there than the both of them at one time, but this exact moment they were both in Lestallum. He walked over to where he heard her doing something in the kitchen so he wrapped his arms around her. ❝ Hi love. I got a couple of things for you. Happy Valentine's day. ❞ He set a box of chocolate onto the counter in front of her with flowers that also had a card with it. (sorry it's late)
Aranea chuckled softly. Ignis was so cheesy, but she enjoyed it a lot. She knew how it was important for him to show the others how much they meant to him. And he was doing the same for her. Actually, it was the first time someone was this kind to her. It was the first time she felt LOVED. And she felt that way in return. 
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“I love you and you’re terrible.” She teased as she put her hands on his. “I thought my presence would be enough to satisfy you, but I’m still preparing some seafoods. And I bought a great wine. It’s rare that we can eat at the same time, but tonight, we will.”
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dawnblxde · 6 years
Crowe x Noct? (ship meme?)
ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
your blog: ew / nonono / cute / great / flawless / OH EM GEE
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noxtalgie · 6 years
@kidsofthekelvinhero - [ x ]
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“Call it a....a feeling, Axel.” She states with the notes of seriousness to her voice, finding the key on the table and quickly unshackling his arms, then his legs. “A good feeling, given it helped me find you. Now....” She spots a trunk, the keyring jingling in her fingers as she flits over there--or had she simply....teleported? Could she even move that fast? Memory is fickle here, she unlocking the lock and opening it. “....Your things.” 
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clocktowerdestiny · 6 years
kidsofthekelvinhero replied to your post: ((reading the xehanort reports because i aint...
it was confusing on why he wanted to do what he did.
((it was either there was too much darkness, there was too much light, or he was bored
i really don’t know wtf it is))
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fragmenthearted · 6 years
‘Take Me Back’ (Noctis? Maybe before Ardyn's stuck on Angelgard?)
send ‘take me back’ for your muse to witness a pivotal moment in my muse’s past | accepting
“It’s him…” “The Crystal says he isn’t worthy…” “He eats daemons, doesn’t he?” “Didn’t he attack someone?” “I heard he is a daemon now!” “Is he the one making the nights longer then?” “He’s been planning this all along!”
“No… no– wait–!” The man’s pleas were lost as he ducked his head, trying to push his way through the crowd as they shifted - some avoiding looking at him, some moving aside out of fear, others’ anger seemingly winning out over their fear of the daemon. 
“You know me… I helped you, please–!” 
The anger he’d felt at first being rejected was being replaced by a deep, sickening fear and loneliness - every change in his thoughts and emotions magnified by the uneasy restlessness that seemed to crawl under his skin constantly. Ardyn stumbled, and he could feel the hands reaching for him, the way they always did, but now rather than reaching out in return to provide healing, he pulled away, keeping his face lowered and hidden by the thick, red hair that he knew, more than his height and build, was marking him in the crowd.
He caught sight of a young man with dark hair who stood on the outskirts of the crowd - dressed in black, yes, but unlike the others, in boots and short pants that Ardyn didn’t find familiar. He looked like Somnus, but his face seemed younger, softer…
“Help… please…!” 
The desperate whimper escaped him unintentionally, even as he felt the hands that reached for him catching his clothes, pulling him back. He was forced to shield his head with his arms, and lost sight of the young man, only seeing brief glimpses of the dark haired, equally-familiar figure still standing on the steps of the Citadel, looking over the crowd as the man presided over this impromptu judgement. 
There would be no compassion to be found there, he knew with sudden certainty as he was thrown forward, bare skin on his arms and hands tearing as he fell against the dusty cobbles. He kept his head lowered, unable to look up at his brother.
“How could you do this to me? I was… to be king…”
“You began this, brother. I am simply fulfilling my duty to bring it to an end.”
“Somnus, you… would have my crown… so badly… you would turn them all against me…”
“You’ve brought this on yourself.”
Ardyn couldn’t believe what he was hearing; finally, his gaze rose, horrified and hurt, to see the eyes that stared back were cold and impersonal. It felt to Ardyn like he was staring back into the Crystal itself, and something inside him rebelled.
“I have sacrificed myself for our people; I deserve what I was promised! I am worthy!”
In his wild fury, his magic surged, a dark mass of daemonic energy that would have engulfed the other, his crystal scythe forming in his hands - but it all shattered as he felt the other’s crystal sword bury itself in his lower back, then again, and again… The shock was too much for him to even feel the pain for a moment, then he collapsed to the ground, unable to do more than gasp, tears of pain and anger tracing down his face.
“You are not worthy. You have just proven you are a traitor to the Crystal and a danger to the people. I take the name Lucis Caelum from you; you are declared anathema, and damnatio memoriae will be committed on your name.”
Ardyn could only stare up at his brother for a moment longer as it grew harder and harder to breathe - then his vision too went dark and he stopped feeling anything at all.
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firexfled · 6 years
kidsofthekelvinhero replied to your post: (I can not help but have smile on my face...
I love each cutscene with those two <3
(I know, right??? I still want to cry everytime I see that first cutscene with those two. Kairi always being a precious ball of pure light<33 Axel being rather sweet, but also kinda... awkward? You can tell in that first cutscene that he’s very troubled by the whole sort of remembering something, but not really. (AAAAAAAAAAAHH! that moment where he looks at Kairi and sort of sees Xion get’s me everytime!!) They need to get Xion back so people can remember her and the sea-salt trio can be complete again!! 
And then there’s that cutscene I saw just a bit ago, me forever squeeing about Kairi’s new outfit and haircut, her looking so small compared to Axel, like daaamn, he tol, she smol. Kairi talking about Namine, aaaaah, I acn’t wait for when the sweet art dooter shows up!!! Look I’ll squee about this game because I love it, fight me!)
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nightcrowned · 6 years
★ (sends here too
Send me a ★ if you think I accurately portray my muse
//Aww bae, same to you ♥
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goddessvowed · 6 years
kidsofthekelvinhero replied to your post “★ (you're an amazing Light)”
awe *hugs* well just know you're a great Light <3
//Thank you bae *hugs* It means a lot because I love this girl so much and don’t wanna give up on her :c
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