#kiara goes insaneTM
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themicrophoneii · 5 months ago
They disappeared together
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themicrophoneii · 2 months ago
warning autistic bitch talks about taco and mic alert:
Alright lets get this straight.
Mic never hated taco, mic cared for taco more than the world itself and you will watch if you see the series. I think all of this comes a lot from this idea so many of you have and is about how forgiveness is something that must be 'earned' how you don't respect the wishes of a canon character because in your eyes she deserves to be isolated and alone and not even worth of a second chance.
And in a sense I do get where this comic is coming from, I do get the idea it has in mind. But its not right I don't think. I have 2 problems with it and is 1 isolating taco is NOT good for her I don't think, she didn't tried to apologise to mic or pickle because mepad pushed her to. She did because she wanted to try although in a sheepish way to set things right. I have a lot of problems with your portrayals of taco and how you talk about her, mainly ignoring the fact that this is a woman that is very cluster b coded and that is learning to heal through the kindness people like mic and mepad showed her and 2 MIC. IS NOT. UNCOMFORTABLE. WITH TACO. And believe me I have a lot to say about this.
first off. Tacomic started very rocky I will give you that, taco saw mic as nothing but a means to an end, chaos that must be reigned in. Someone in need of guidance, someone in a sense, helpless. But she soon comes to this realization that mic is far from helpless, she has an spine, and she is cappable. And it made her view she had of this girl she met not too long ago completely shift and change, she was no longer just some piece in her game of chess, she began to be her actual partner. Although sheepishly and hesitance, mic slowly begins to get through her, she starts valuing mic's input a bit more, returning test tube's her paralyzer even though she didn't had to, doing some silly attempt at calming her down when she was freaking out at her lab instead of yelling at her how she would have done back then. Its episode 12 but you can see she starts see her more as a partner, perhaps a friend? not sure if a friend yet. But definitely begins to respect her more than she did back then. And in return, mic slowly begins to see some of the cracks taco hides behind this facade of a villain.
Big part of taco's character: she is envoloped in lies and by consequence facades. In this season she tries to make herself look imposing, bigger, more than she actually is. She tries to make herself look confident hiding herself behind brick walls that tremble in unease when shown with the past that she although runs from can't help but cling onto. Reaches to the portal, her voice quiet and low, any resemblance of her usual confidence completely gone from her face, and in a trance she says ''another chance...? perhaps?'' before the portal closes right in front of her, making her lower her arm, and stare at the floor in defeat as mic watches confused. This starts mic's curiosity and fixiation on taco. More in a trying to understand what this girl is, she gets taco is hiding something and she understands its something she tries to avoid and tries to dig into it for the next moments of episode 12 and for most of episode 13.
Mic is curious, she saw this woman who seemed so confident, cocky maybe, smug? who has this grandiose view of herself, going silent when presented something of her past. Past that haunts her. And well, you said it here too. Mic is kind, mic is selfless. And in these moments, mic is curious. She wants to understand this side of taco more than anything, why? because they're partners? because they are...friends? we don't get a concrete answer to this question at least in canon but we DO understand that mic wants to understand taco. See more of what taco doesn't allow her to see, and this fixiation keeps going until the minecart scene.
The minecart scene is my favorite because it says a lot of taco's character and her avoidance of trying to talk about anything that hurts her, the avoidance of vulnerability, vulnerability that mic seeks within her. But vulnerability that she stops seeking as much when she realizes just how upset taco is about it, she looks at knife, annoyed. Mad? she is upset that he even caused taco distress in the first place, and shouts she is changing to him. And well, although not much, I do think she was changing. It was subtle, maybe a little too subtle but taco does change more when she hangs out with mic. She is a woman who has spent 2 years by this point completely alone and isolated from everyone around her, and then this girl comes. Girl who is despite everything so curious to know more about her, girl who despite everything yells that she is changing, something that is confirmed she ends up appreciating maybe a lot more than she expected to. Taco is used to being seen as this monster, a monster and a villain. A wretched creature that people cannot help but whisper her name almost like a curse. But this girl doesn't, even though taco is wretched and horrible, she still holds her, and she still wishes to see her get better and she still even though doesn't bring the portal again, wishes to see her confide in her.
and suddenly, she is gone.
and its because of her.
it was said in a stream everything she did was probably something that was born more out of this desire to be helpful, and show mic that she could be reliable, that her methods although not very ethical worked. And that she too could confide in her. Taco is goal oriented, in an attempt into giving her something she thought mic desired she ended up hurting her. She pushed a boundary, and in the end mic left. But loved her enough to not rat her out to the others. And what do we know of mic after?
well I think here comes what I wanted to say much and is that mic being uncomfortable with taco is not something that feels true to the canon. Not fully at least. I do agree she was disappointed, exhausted, maybe angry. But most importantly she was hurt. Something for some reason you really love to ignore is the fact these two were confirmed by brian as being people who have never been closer than anyone else before.
And in a sense, I do understand why you would be confused. Its understandable in taco's case, she was alone for a long time. And I do think deep down she did yearn for some positive connection in her life. But why mic? and well, although a bit lacking I came up with my own interpretation of why she felt so close to taco like she did.
Something I never in my life see anyone really point out is mic and the perception she has of herself. The thing that made me see her in screen and scream ''she is me.''
copy pasting from discord because I think I could never explain it as well as I did there but:
''I am very sick and very tired that people just don't point out enough the very visible issues mic has with her self-worth self-esteem and perception of herself. All of these attributes are things that very clearly depend on the view other people have of her. Her team disregards her and don't find her useful and she is more often than not being able to actually win challenges, this comes one of my favorite lines and is ''I am trying harder than ANYONE else! so why do I always lose?'' in a way the show its telling you she thinks she is trying harder than anyone else, and how is unfair that despite this she is not able to get anything right at all even after all her efforts, a struggle I personally relate to a lot. But then something happens, a deal is proposed to her, although doubtful at first she caves in because what mic craves the most is not only to prove herself and win something but to show off the people she wants to impress (her team and by consequence taco as well) that she is actually cappable of doing all these things, she is useful. She is not just some 'loose-canon' if shown with an objective she will be able to find a way to accomplish it, and it works! her team starts respecting her and so is taco, and just by this moment it feels as if she is at the top of the world. Her confidence and self-esteem is boosted. She is more bold more smug, not really fearing doing strange comments directed at her teammates, sure she may have accidentally caused the fallout of the armless alliance but like taco says it was something bound to happen, its okay, and it doesn't matter as much now does it?
then episode 14 comes up and her view of self is completely shattered again. You see a lot of things that people don't seem to explore is the reason of why mic seems to be so close to taco, I think it was a myriad of things but what I believe was what made them so close was the fact that despite all her ugly sides despite the fact she is messy taco never truly judged her for it. In fact she didn't seemed to even mind! there is someone aside from soap that finally values her input, maybe people wouldn't like her if she knew her 'true' self but taco does and as long as taco does then its going to be alright.
and then hatching the plan happens, and then the vision she had of her is shattered, and by consequence her own too, this is more headcanon territory but I associate mic with mirrors a lot due to how constant the themes of self-worth and perception of self comes up in her storyline. And the best way I can describe how a mirror would look like reflecting how she felt, then I would say it was fucked, messy. Completely distorted, in episode 14 mic seems small, her body language is awkward, she doesn't seem as confident or smug, or even as sure of herself as she used to the vision that she had of herself completely burnt away and now everything that is left is just right where it started. She could cut taco off but what is the point? as angry as she was, it still hurt. She is leaving everything and the game behind but even then she cannot stop thinking about it, the guilt is eating her away and she feels miserable being apart from one of the people she felt the closest too. And once again, mic is small, and mic is the version of herself that she despises the most, and mic is- far, from being someone she herself can be proud of.''
I think there is more as to why mic feels so close to taco like she does in canon. But I feel the validation she had from someone, the trust they slowly formed as they hung out off camera, the fact that even with everything wrong with her she is still able to show to the world that she is good for something that is cappable that she is useful that is more than this wild-cannon that people called her. And then all of that comes crashing down and it makes the tragedy surrounding tacomic even stronger. I don't really care what people say, I think she loved her. I think that despite everything she DID saw more in taco than anyone else did. She keeps thinking about her even 4 years later, she still yearns for her (7/10, USED to be higher and even right now 7 is a very high number), she still misses her. She looks sad and lost in episode 16, exhausted, it was implied that she heard taco DIED and hey, how are you meant to react to that information? knowing that your ex-friend literally DIED out of the sheer thought that you would see her like that, and then you see her again, and oh my god she is so small. Her voice is low, and you try to be distant. She tries to be distant, but even then, I think you can see that she does end up softening up to her. Because the tacomic scene on episode 17 is a lot, it captures perfectly how they both feel, this tension in the room, that they both try to ease, the fact that there is just SO much they want to say to the other, but so little time to spare. I know mic missed her as much as taco did, and brian's comments confirm it to us. She thought about her, years later, despite everything she still thinks of her. And misses her, and knows that maybe she would be better off without her but...of course she does still miss her. I think what you guys miss so much is the fact that despite everything they were close. They had each other, taco is obvious but mic is a bit more subtle, they playfully bicker with one another, and trusted her enough that despite being SO flinchy about any sudden movements she faces the way of her gun KNOWING she wouldn't hurt her and in split of a second you can see how taco's hands on the gun lowers, and although annoyed complies with mic's wish, and tried to not promise her anything because she didn't know if she would be able to keep that promise, and was visibly annoyed over test tube yelling at her to the point she calls her 'vile vial'. There is a lot of things showing they care for one another even when the stakes are high like this, so I think this is what ticks me off, I DO think they have things to talk about in post-canon, and I do thing there is still a lot they struggle with but I don't think that makes them doomed, I think that's normal. Tacomic's friendship is messy but that doesn't make it wrong at all. I think biggest thing that shows mic's part of care for taco is the episode 17 scene overall, yes she did do it because she knew she could get through her. But like brian said I don't think that means she doesn't care, I think a part of her did it because she did miss her, and was still thinking about her 4 years later their last encounter (like I said 7/10 for yearning meter is still an INSANELY high number after not seeing taco for 4 whole years) there is a lot of things confirmed out of the show like brian's streams yes. But I think there is also a lot to look at in the show itself, how despite everything they look for one another.
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see you never, alligator.
comic about taco leaving ii for good (and respecting mic's and pickle's wishes via leaving their lifes) and actually moving on, and knife helps her realize that she needs to do that.
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themicrophoneii · 5 months ago
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themicrophoneii · 5 months ago
Taco's character is literally the song 'Engeki' from project sekai and THIS is the hill I will die on.
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themicrophoneii · 2 months ago
My thoughts about Taco and Mic on episode 14 copied and pasted from discord:
(Autism warning undercut)
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''this episode is very important for both taco and mic, and especially mic. So, like I have told you already, mic is a complicated one. Knife goes right to her, and in his own words is in a 'generous mood' and so he tells her to well, stop. To in his on words ''have some dignity'' mic simply says that her and taco are equals, she has a voice, no one is shutting her down and she isn't just being dragged along by her. Which, is true. However, knife simply says ''well...I guess you are pretty in synch'' leaving her, confused. Mic is someone that dwells on things I'd like to believe, and so knife's words very clearly get right through her. We have established since the start that mic is at her core really insecure, I didn't told you this but the moment she got the praise, approval and attention she wanted from her team thanks to taco- she was smug about it, had no problem with saying weird stuff about her teammates in order to make herself look better- her confidence skyrocket tremendously and for the first time she seemed to hold herself in a better regard than when she did back then, but in episode 14 there is absolutely none of that, mic's confidence has been completely shattered, test tube is angry at her for stealing her stuff (understandably so) and clearly doesn't trust her for her annoyance, her body language is awkward small, and maybe that's because this is how she feels, I believe test tube's anger and distrust of her was probably some blow to her ego and the way she viewed herself. Overall she is just, pretty exhausted in this episode and this time is easier for knife's words to get through her because of that, she is tired, and worried and even though she wants to believe taco- even though she has learnt to see a new side of taco, people often forget that she still didn't fully know her despite this. She knew now that taco does hide big feelings from her, she supresses them since they are clearly a sour subject for her, and so mic doesn't bring up the portal again. But now that they are here, and knife's words get through she feels above all- insecure. Even despite this her vision is clouded by her exhaustion and doubts she is scared, scared that knife is right, that she truly doesn't mean anything to her that she truly is dragging her along- that despite everything they went through together, she doesn't really see her as her friend.
And so, just like episode 12 she goes to taco, for reassurance, she asks her to please not use violence when they go to get fan, she wants her to promise her not to. She is insecure and scare and doubtful and so she goes to taco and hopes that she does something that proves knife wrong. Taco, gently puts away her hand, tells her that ''teamwork prevailed'' and wished to not promised anything because she wasn't sure if she could. They both smile, and get to the spaceship and it happens. She shoots fan and test tube- mic startled and enraged jumps in the way of taco's guns knowing that she wouldn't hurt her, the latter's gun faltering for just a moment and lowering down. When mic yells at her saying this wasn't part of the plan taco says back to her that aliens rarely are part of the plan and so she sends her to grab fan's body and go back into the competition grounds and she does
everyone is cheering, happy, except test tube of course. Is an scenario that mic dreamed about, dreamed to have, but never through these circumstances. She looks at the crowd with horrified eyes as taco's voice chimes in ''See? this is why you listen to me mic, delectable isn't it? finally...a taste of recognition finally I can finally-'' she cuts her off with a ''is that what you said to pickle?''
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yeah this is not truly what she wanted was she? she yearned for approval? yes, for praise? of course. But she never truly wanted to hurt people- kill people to be more exact. It will surprise you the amount of people who don't truly dissect this scene on mic's part. Mic doesn't view herself in a good light, she never truly did, the perception she has of herself alongside her self-esteem is heavily dictated by what others think of her. And right now mic feels miserable, her confidence had already been shattered but in these moments what she thought of herself what she thought of taco the little good redeeming qualities she thought of herself to have are completely gone they have burnt away to a crisp. Her core belief is, doing things because they are the right thing to do. But in these moments- even though she wasn't the one to shoot test tube, to shoot fan, she still allowed it to happen, she truly didn't do ''the right thing to do'' this time around did she? test tube was right, she is a fraud, she is untrustworthy- and in her eyes she is horrible. Episode 14 hurts a lot from her perspective because not only she felt betrayed by someone she loved the self-esteem she managed to somehow ''fix'' for at least a little while has been dragged through the mud and right now, mic is small, and mic is useless and mic is someone that she herself is unable to be proud of.
I thought the reason she even cut off taco in the first place was mainly because of what knife told her. Again she was doubtful and insecure and was afraid that maybe he was right, her brain tormenting her with all those ''what if's'' of her situation, and so she went to taco looking for reassurance, reassurance that she would actually listen, reassurance that she actually values her. But to her this moment was the last straw, to her this was the confirmation that taco really didn't cared enough, that didn't saw her as a friend, that taco truly was dragging her along, as viewers we come to understanding- or well most people come to the understanding that this is really not true, mic is taco's entire world, I didn't mention it here but it was confirmed in a stream that she did all of these stuff out of fear, she feared microphone was doing all the work in the alliance and she wanted to prove herself to her, she wanted to show her she was useful- and its very coincidental that all of this happened the exact moment when I believe taco began seeing mic as a true actual genuine friend. She didn't only wanted to prove herself to her she wanted to show her that she was reliable, that her ideas worked, and that microphone could rely on her because she was her friend but of course, mic didn't know that, and there wasn't really a way for her to know that. She only scratched the surface with taco, she only truly knew so much of her because taco has a knack for hiding herself behind walls to prevent anyone to truly see her for who she really is, she tries to make herself look as an imposing and mighty villain but the truth is that is not really her, she is acting- that is another facade she truly is small and to an extend, scared- and most importantly, alone. It's understandable that mic didn't know what as an audience we know, and even then a lot of people fell through the misconception that she did so it really shows how hard taco herself can be to read sometimes, if even the people who are meant to dismantle her facade are falling for it. And so I believe that had knife not told her that she probably would have given taco an earful, but mic was tired in this and mic was scared and doubtful and not in a good place and so she weaponizes- her past relationship with people against her to hit a nerve, when she is hurt she hurts the other person twice as hard as shown in the same show with cheesy. Just like taco relapsed and fell back into old habits mic also relapsed and fell back into old habits she tried to leave behind because she was exhausted. My friend told me it really felt almost as if she was splitting on her and yeah I can see it, I feel if her mind was clearer in the moment she wouldn't have cut her off like she did maybe distance herself but not cut her off, but because she was tired and rightfully hurt, she just hurt the person she is cannonically the closest to, and makes the choice to leave the show behind. She looks 'relieved' but, I know that the moment she went through the elimination portal and got to the hotel, she broke down days later. I know because sometimes I say or do things that hurt other people when I perceive they hurt me and I regret it later and I feel she probably felt guilty afterwards. But that is so much about mic, what about taco? well
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Taco has been lonely, for most of her life. She is hurt- and bitter and yet she regrets with all her soul what she has done. Her core trait is her guilt.
what can I say about taco in this scene? I talked to you about her motivations already, why she did what she did, the way she hides herself behind walls the way she avoids vulnerability almost as if it was poisonous venom to her. More than anyone she hates vulnerability, she does not enjoy looking weak, she does not like when people try to pry into her true feelings and its something that shines a lot in the episode next to this one, she answers to any attempt of trying to crack her open with either dismissal or anger. She does not like, being seen as who she is. Someone small, who needs help. This moment is the moment taco begins to be at her absolute lowest, I will remind you taco at her very core is lonely and she has been lonely for a VERY long time, microphone is the first one to truly see her- 'true self' and still want to remain by her side anyways, and defend her and she enjoyed her company she enjoyed being close to her she enjoyed being by her side as well and she truly held her in a high regard compared to other people, for then this same first genuine friend fading away into the distance right in front of her very own eyes, and so she is left destroyed and hurt and lonely and she doesn't know what to do with herself anymore. Taco's determination that is seen multiple times throughout the series was her downfall it backfired on her. Relentlessly sending letters to pickle in attempts to fix things with him for two years? had the complete opposite effect and it just didn't allowed pickle to properly move on from her and it ended up making him more resentful of her than she already was. Trying to meddle with the competition so she could get some of what she felt was stolen from her no matter the cost? completely destroyed her mental health and made her dig herself into a hole far deeper than before- so deep, she doesn't feel she can climb out of it. Trying to get mic immunity to not only prove a point but to show her she could rely on her? well...you already know the answer. There is of course SO much more to her than just that without counting episode 15 that is an episode solely focused on her, but this is as far as I'll talk with them because I'd like to get to episode 15 with you someday
right now, taco is hurt, and grieving and so awfully miserable. She has believed herself to be nothing but a villain a wretched creatured undeserving of redemption, and yet despite everything mic stayed, mic loved her and mic valued her. For then her to disappear because of one mistake that cost her everything. She is now truly alone and she is not coping well with it. Once again she just completely lost everything and she is too tired to fight to get it back this time, and so she disappear into the distance and we didn't know anything of her for like at least 4 years.
of course there is SO much more of her than this but, this is how I am going to leave it by now, they are both so tragic because they have cannonically been closer than anyone else in the series, they were both hurting and lonely and relied in each other to make up what the other lacked, taco deep deep down truly just wanted company, and mic just wanted to feel actually valued by someone, it was truly the right person at the most awful wrong time.''
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themicrophoneii · 2 months ago
I think big part about writing taco is that she is a character that is built around lies and carries a facade of grandeur. She tries to make herself look more imposing than she actually is but the moment she is presented with something from her past that facade slips for a moment. She is complicated but I'd like to think when you get this about her it makes her easier to write, when I write taco I picture a woman that is grieving and tired, someone that deep down only wished to have a genuine connection after isolating herself from everyone for two whole years. She has an history of bad emotional regulation and is seen as someone who feels fiercely, somebody pointed out too she is also quite a yapper! but again when presented to something that upsets her you sure will be able to note the way she quiets down for at last a few seconds. She tries her best to look fancy and proper, but you sure will be able to understand she is quite literally a mess she is a girlfailure that pretends to be a girlboss that hides herself beneath walls that when crashed down cause her to completely shut down (episode 15 is an example of this.)
due to this use of a facade she doesn't enjoy people like mic trying to pry more into what she lets them see. She can allow mic to see. I interpreted with a friend that the reason of why she seemed so confused when mic questioned just how much she knew of taco herself was because it was a bit of a surprise that mic wants to even know more about her aside from what she lets her see. Because why would she even want to know more about taco? doesn't she already know enough? what is this fixiation she has of getting to know her, but before she knew it she got fully attached to her and began to be more soft when mic defended her in the cave against knife who brought up a very sore subject for her. It shows us again that when it comes to things from her past that very visibly pain her, she immediately gets defensive. They are things that made the careful walls she put to protect herself from other people tremble in unease and its something that I adore thinking about especially.
in post-canon I picture her as somebody who is lost, I feel people should explore more the fact that her fixiation with the competition and use of facades probably took a toll on her identity. She is not only grieving the lose of someone dear to her, she is forced to deal with all the trauma and pain she choosed to ignore for allegedly spending 6 years in the woods in complete solititude. Paused or unpaused is up to you but whatever option it is they will fuck her up, learning you were paused as everyone move on without you would probably cause her at least a dissociative episode that the others have to try to pull her out of. But staying unpaused is a possibility even more terrible as she spent 4 years hurt and alone barely taking care of herself. which brings me to my next point: GIRLIE DOES NOT GAF ABOUT HER HEALTH taco is the type to get SHOT and stubbornly insist that she is fine and does not need anybody's help. She will kick and scream if you try to get her into an hospital and lives off of pure spite & anger, taking care of her is a task because she is just so stubborn she probably wouldn't relent until her body forces her to. She lived in the woods she is definitely used to this type of things but hey your body can only take so much abuse after a while!
there is more but as my final point she is very goal oriented and determined as it gets, like shown in episode 14 if she has a goal on her mind she WILL accomplish it. Bonus points if that goal involves somebody she holds dear to her heart. She also sent letters to her ex-bestie for like 2 years, so you can definitely see where I'm coming from. sorry I am very insane about her but I really hope this helps!
hey i’m writing a fanfic that mainly features taco but im struggling to write her character hhsjjskskn
any tips? i feel like im butchering my bbg ughhhhh :(
Honestly y'all are glazing me when it comes to my writing BUT!!! For me personally, when it comes to writing her I think she's very much a character that's simultaneously blunt and 'fake' at the same time. Now this entirely depends on what version of her character you'd like to be writing, cause she was more standoffish than she actually is in later s2. But the way I interpret Taco, I think it's really just writing a dialogue and processing that through like 100 different fliter cause I notice that she tends to dance around topics that inconvenience her, or focus on the wrong thing. She mainly presents herself to look better in front of others but really she's just a pathetic little thing. The few times where she isn't actively trying to look better is when she's vulnerable and her ego is completely shattered
But I also don't know LOLSIES!!! I haven't written anything Taco related in a while but I hope this helps some people
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themicrophoneii · 4 months ago
Taco and Nihilego fusion AU
(contains spoilers from pokemon sun and moon so beware!)
okay so like. I came out with the craziest idea ever, so while I was talking in the tacomic server at some point I said about how could it would be if taco got fused with nihilego just like lusamine in the original pokemon sun and moon releases and before I knew it I had been dropped into an spiral of how messed up taco would be post-fusion. Lusamine, the main villain of original pokemon sun and moon has been obsessed with ultra-beast speficially nihilego. I haven't played the games, the only thing I know of them is the ending and lusamine's character as a whole. Ultra beast are- quoting from pokemon wiki as a:
''group of extradimensional Pokémon who have gone through Ultra Space. Most of them were introduced in Pokémon Sun and Moon, though some were introduced in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
Ultra Beasts infrequently appear from Ultra Wormholes in Alola. These appearances are apparently as unexpected for the Ultra Beasts as it is for Alolans, which tends to make them combative''
Nihilego is one of these ultra-beast. And can be considered as an outright parasite.
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nihilago has also been proven to be able to fuse with its host just like it was shown in the sun and moon games and anime adaptation with lusamine:
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my proposition is that taco- against her own will fuses with nihilago after she pushes mic away to prevent her from being the one absorbed by it. Now taco is protective of those she cares about. So her pushing mic out of the way to save her from becoming nihilego's next host is not something too far-fetched. By consequence however she is the one that becomes nihilego's host. Which leads the rest of the cast to travel to the Ultra Deep Sea (nihilego's dimension) to attempt to save her. However, when they arrive the first thing they see is nihilego and taco's fusion- or how I lovingly call her nihitaco. I don't know how the fuck they would save her but like point is that they do. And now taco has to deal with the psychological and physical consequences that come from fusing with an ultra-dimensional parasite.
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More discord stuff:
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like read above. Nihilego's toxins can take a toll on not only the host's mental health but also their physical health. I think due to taco not being exposed to its toxins for a way too extended period of time like lusamine in the original sun and moon game (allegedly) has- she is able to recover more easily. That doesn't mean however that recovering from such traumatic event will be easy on itself. Both taco's physical and mental health have found themselves affected after her encounter with nihilego leading to test tube having to do regular check ups due to the effects nihilego's neurotoxins would have in not only her physical form but mental health overall.
In general just fusing with an ultra-beast that is quite literally a parasite would just take such a toll on her I feel it would led her to develop ptsd from the encounter. some of ptsd symptons can be:
Being easily startled.
Feeling tense, on guard, or on edge.
Having difficulty concentrating.
Having difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
Feeling irritable and having angry or aggressive outbursts.
Engaging in risky, reckless, or destructive behavior.
vivid flashbacks (feeling like the trauma is happening right now)
intrusive thoughts or images.
intense distress at real or symbolic reminders of the trauma.
physical sensations such as pain, sweating, nausea or trembling.
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anyways thank you for reading my insane ramblings bye bye!
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themicrophoneii · 2 months ago
episode 18 is my favorite example of it.
I know your thoughts about it, and I'll tell you, I don't think its bland. I think its very heartwarming. I think it does a perfect example of showing how much despite of EVERYTHING that was left unsaid they still look out for the other, they still try to set things right. So much is happening, they are death, but even in these moments they choose to support each other. Mic looks at taco before the race starts, a taco that is out of it at first, she looks at pickle and she becomes unfocused and distracted and nervous but then they start running and its mic the one who slowly becomes more distracted and completely stop, let me tell you I absolutely adore the imagery of the mic thing because its so good the way they showcase how she feels. Mic is being shown screaming beside an upset test tube and disapppointed taco trying to make herself be heard, she stops for a moment and then sadly lowers her head. It tells us what we know, and is that ontop of her view of self depending on others she doesn't feel heard- or rather SEEN, and it makes her stop, exhausted and tired, she stops trying, both in the vision, and in the race. And then taco comes by and she holds her hand. Without words I think she is telling her she is there, she hears her, she SEES her, she is telling her: ''I am sorry for not doing this before, but I see you now, I hear you now, its alright, you're alright lets do this together…okay?'' a small act of reassurance, taco is not good with words when it comes to apologies but I think she does show you she is sorry through actions. And this is a good example of it. They didn't had the time to talk and hell mic didn't even said she forgave her or anything but, she still extended her hand at taco. And taco in these moments, is doing the same. Returning the favor, and they run together, run and try to survive and aid the others who are trying to do the same.
and then it comes to the ending, where cobs is death. And taco with a low voice asks for mepad's whereabouts, and is met with the soul crushing truth. He is death. And she cannot help but fall onto her knees in pure and raw pain, another thing that showcases mic cares for taco is her putting a hand on her shell visibly angry not only that mepad is death, but that they killed somebody important for taco. Its meant to parallel the minecart scene, mic who was upset about knife causing her distress, is now upset that this monster caused taco's friend to die, and we get to the part with pickle! I think if you guys wanted taco to not be forgiven or ''face the consequences'' (which she already did but alright) then pickle is there for a reason. Mic and pickle narratively speaking are meant to parallel the way people will react to an apology, some may take more time to forgive you but still show you kindness and others will wish to never see you again and both options are okay. It goes well with the message taco as a character is meant to convey and that I am upset you are taking away here. Yes she can get better, but I think she can get better with people around her. Mic didn't said she forgave her, but she still showed her kindness, which is what taco in a vulnerable situation lost and not knowing what to do grieving over the lost of her ex-best-friend she didn't got to properly apologise to needed. And hear me out I do not think that's a BAD thing. And I don't think it would have been good narratively speaking to let taco have the ending you are portraying here.
taco as a character herself gives off so much hope, is a new start like she says on her song while mic gently holds her hand and leads her away from the spotlight. The game? is gone, she has finally a chance to heal. And I think the ending you are trying to give her is cruel and vile. Mic is not doing much aside from giving this woman who is hurt and grieving a shred of a kindness. I think in this case is all she needs to get better, she hurt her. But that doesn't mean she is broken and horrible forever and has to isolate from everyone around her. The desire to not be her friend again despite everything was PICKLE'S but not mic's. I think what I dislike so much is that you disregard mic's care for her in this and by consequence you also disregard's knife who was said already to be someone tht understood her more personally. I don't think he would have done this, he was the one who told her that she had to face her truths to get better. It was something harsh and blunt but I believe it came from a place of care, knife is blunt, but knife is also caring. Knife cares for taco, frowned when he saw her on the ground clutching onto the grass as she says expresses how she thought she wasn't going to be brought back. He understands her more than anyone and wants her to get better, he doesn't pamper her or is gentle, he had to say what he said in episode 15 in a way it would get through taco. Which did! she is hesitant, and scared, and really just wants to run away but she is facing her truths, and trying her best to apologise because she wants to get better too, and it was said in a stream that although not having much evidence to it brian wants to believe taco cares for knife as well.
I think this ending is just so painfully cruel and from narrative standpoint really BAD.
and it comes to what pisses me off most of all taco, tacomic AND THE POWERFUL MESSAGE THEY CONVEY BEING TAKEN AWAY.
taco and tacomic have us know that sometimes you will do things you regret you will dug yourself so deep into a hellhole that you fear there is no escape from. But the show tells her, and tells these people as well you CAN get better you just gotta try, and some people may not want anything to do with you, and some people may take a while to forgive you, but they still will lend a kind hand to you and both outcomes are okay. Mic may not have forgiven taco fully, but she is still kind to her, because what you seem to want to try to erase is that she CARES. She cares for taco, and wants her to heal. We know what happens when taco isolates herself, she already spent a long time lonely, without nobody to hold onto, she just lost a friend dear to her and she is grieving and so fucking hurt. I think its not bad she wants a place to stay, I think taco and mic still do have things to talk about but they look up and want to stay hopeful and brian himself thinks that they deserve to heal too. That they shouldn't stay in the dark forever and that they should learn to live in this new place they call home.
people find hope in this message, people find comfort in this message, that things can still be fixed. So it makes me, more than angry, sad, that you are taking this away from not only taco but from all these people. I do not think this is a good ending, I think this is a very bad ending. I think taco and her relationship showcase the nuance that all of this has and how complicated and messy it is, its more than an 'abuser' and a 'victim'. Because taco is not an abuser, she is a woman with cluster b disorder who is trying to heal. And I don't think the canon ending is as bad as you make it out to be, I think its a good ending for her, I think its a hopeful ending and I think you guys should learn to respect mic's canon decision, alongside with the writers' decision. Because it was never your decision to go through, it was the writers, and by consequence it was mic's too. I think you guys should respect that. I think you guys should accept that taco being lend kindness is not a bad thing. I think you guys should accept that her situation is not as hopeless and you seem to think it is, also. People don't really hate her, soap gently patted her shell and although looking out for mic and threatening her like every good bestie does she still smiled and welcomed her to her life and respected mic's decision (which I am seeing knife doesn't here but alright). And I don't think mic is uncomfortable with taco at all, again they have issues to sort through but that doesn't make them hopeless or doomed or bad or whatever words you want to use. I think that makes them funnily enough human and realistic, and in my case I feel they are the most realistic semi-canon queer representations I've seen. And it makes me so sad that taco and mic characters who have been so important to me who mean so much to me who I have been obsessed since I was fucking 12 years old are being mischaracterized and just, ignored. And that the amazing hopeful message the writers had for them to be disregarded. I don't want that message to be lost for people like you and I don't know what you think I don't know how you feel but I hope really hope someday maybe someday you'll be able to appreciate them and their friendship more.
until then I don't think we'll cross paths again, but see you.
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see you never, alligator.
comic about taco leaving ii for good (and respecting mic's and pickle's wishes via leaving their lifes) and actually moving on, and knife helps her realize that she needs to do that.
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